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L1[02:40:38] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-91-67-9.compute-1.amazonaws.com)
L2[02:40:39] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1123 (indev-1.12.2 - 590f47f : Cody Brittain): The build passed.
L3[02:40:39] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/400767363
L4[02:40:39] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/65a0621c9bbf...590f47f91e5d
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L13[11:16:27] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1124 (indev-1.12.2 - 9fd4add : Cody Brittain): The build passed.
L14[11:16:27] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/400952752
L15[11:16:27] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/590f47f91e5d...9fd4add3541b
L16[11:16:27] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-81-190-44.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
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L22[15:59:15] <BlackSmeim> and? Hows the progress going with 1.12?
L23[15:59:39] <Natesky9> $faq
L24[15:59:39] <Gearbot> Railcraft for 1.12 is **in progress**. A public build will come eventually!
L25[15:59:39] <Gearbot> You can build Railcraft from source but **cannot** build a jar file. This is intentional.
L26[15:59:40] <Gearbot> There are no builds for 1.8 or 1.9.
L27[16:00:15] <Generalcamo> Check #showcase I recently showed colored concretr
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L55[23:21:44] <Lilithvia> Locos have issues with the new mob collision bullcrap
L56[23:24:27] <Lilithvia> @liach could this be another thing you guys fix? If a mob wants to go one way, I have to use multiple locos to force the train to go in the correct direction
L57[23:24:35] <Lilithvia> sometimes even that doesn't work
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L63[23:30:40] <liach> @Lilithvia https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/issues/316
L64[23:31:13] <liach> The issue has been discovered and I know how to fix it, but I do not know if my fix will be accepted by lexmanos (likely not)
L65[23:32:32] <liach> Oh moreover I had a fix at https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4665 but apparently lexmanos does not care
L66[23:33:16] ⇨ Joins: Synergiance (Synergiance!~syn@lsv1.synerfiles.info)
L67[23:34:25] <dustboy> "lexmanos will not accept liach pull request. r/feedthebeast rages"
L68[23:35:14] <liach> Well, for that issue people will only regard it as an enhancement instead of a bug
L69[23:38:02] <Lilithvia> It causes issues in railcraft though
L70[23:38:12] <Lilithvia> Like with my auto farms
L71[23:38:24] <Lilithvia> And
L72[23:38:27] <Lilithvia> to be frank
L73[23:38:38] <Lilithvia> it breaks my autofarms
L74[23:39:11] <liach> We need to increase the power of locomotives. That's all.
L75[23:39:59] <Lilithvia> "Who would win? Ten locomotives, or one spotted boi?"
L76[23:40:10] <liach> Locos are broke
L77[23:40:53] <liach> Not pulling correct items, cannot kill entities in the way, cannot transfer, eating too much fuel, pulling too inefficiently, and many more issues
L78[23:41:25] <Lilithvia> Can we get actual steam locos next loco rebuild?
L79[23:41:45] <Lilithvia> Like locos that actually resemble steam locomotives?
L80[23:43:55] <liach> @Lilithvia Why doesn't this resemble steam locomotives? http://railcraft.info/wiki/_detail/screenshots:black_loco_screenshot.jpg?id=cart%3Asteam_locomotive
L81[23:44:03] <liach> @Lilithvia Why doesn't this resemble steam locomotives? http://railcraft.info/wiki/_detail/screenshots:black_loco_screenshot.jpg [Edited]
L82[23:44:22] <liach> @Lilithvia Why doesn't this resemble steam locomotives? http://railcraft.info/wiki/_media/screenshots:black_loco_screenshot.jpg?cache= [Edited]
L83[23:44:36] <liach> Finally silly discord is loading the pic after 3 edits!
L84[23:45:05] <Natesky9> I think they're cute little remote control boxes
L85[23:45:20] <dustboy> stability and functionality come before aesthetics i think
L86[23:45:36] <Lilithvia> Liach
L87[23:45:42] <Lilithvia> Where's the tender cart
L88[23:45:44] <Lilithvia> Also
L89[23:45:53] <Lilithvia> Why can't we ride in the locomotive?
L90[23:45:56] <liach> Loco has an inventory
L91[23:46:14] <Lilithvia> I'm aware loco has an inventory...
L92[23:46:29] <liach> Railcraft does not add rideable carts except the bed cart which I wanted to add. @Lilithvia even the bed cart is highly controversial among the developers
L93[23:46:43] <Lilithvia> Why?
L94[23:46:55] <Lilithvia> Isn't it essentially a caboose?
L95[23:47:21] <liach> No
L96[23:47:21] <Kodos> inb4 it's an actual bed on a flat cart
L97[23:47:25] <liach> It is a minecart
L98[23:47:33] <Natesky9> I can imagine movable platforms in minecraft is hell to code
L99[23:47:43] <liach> I now render a carpet because it is easier to draw a carpet than a bed in Minecraft
L100[23:47:48] <Kodos> Immersive Railroading did it pretty well, Nate
L101[23:48:06] <Kodos> So did that one boat mod
L102[23:48:08] <liach> @Natesky9 It's not hell to code, if we can code te will we can code entity well
L103[23:48:26] <liach> The immersive railroading mod I do not suggest a lot unless you play with super realistic railways
L104[23:48:43] <liach> IR mod's basic track blocks are all ticking tile entities
L105[23:48:44] <Natesky9> Of all the elevator mods, I have not yet seen one that works smoothly
L106[23:48:55] <Kodos> Thutmose does a nice lift
L107[23:49:01] <liach> Vanilla elevators do not move smoothly too
L108[23:49:10] <Lilithvia> I mean, I DO build realistic refineries
L109[23:49:14] <liach> Guess they ignored partial ticks in rendering
L110[23:49:37] <Lilithvia> With access to four or five different railcraft cartlines
L111[23:49:39] <liach> However Railcraft is not meant to be surreal; it resembles Minecraft and ic2, etc.
L112[23:50:19] <liach> Btw in real life coke oven and blast furnace actually utilize railway to cool down the newly produced coke and steel
L113[23:50:37] <Lilithvia> Ik
L114[23:50:46] <Lilithvia> IRL refineries also produce oil coke
L115[23:50:52] <Lilithvia> Which burns better then coal coke
L116[23:51:02] <liach> Well we do not have oil
L117[23:51:18] <Lilithvia> Use Buildcraft's oil?
L118[23:51:20] <liach> coke ovens can choose betwen producing better coal gas or better creosote
L119[23:51:29] <liach> Oil? It is in discussion
L120[23:51:45] <liach> But it will not come as early as shacks, dynamites, chemlab, and a ton other stuff
L121[23:51:50] <Natesky9> I really enjoy the Immersive petroleum method
L122[23:51:56] <Lilithvia> Chemlab?
L123[23:52:18] <liach> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/projects/5
L124[23:52:37] <liach> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/milestone/15
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