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L1[00:11:15] <Generalcamo> I joked about the Bed Cart being one step closer to the immersive Hobo Experience
L2[00:11:34] <Generalcamo> I just need to add a harmonica and we are there
L3[00:12:23] <Generalcamo> I'm personally fine with it in the Extras Module
L4[00:12:29] <Generalcamo> With the other dubious carts
L5[00:13:40] <liach> Anyways the bed cart is the first rideable cart railcraft gets
L6[00:14:54] <Generalcamo> Wait
L7[00:15:01] <Generalcamo> So the vanilla cart wasn't ridable?
L8[00:15:05] <liach> It is
L9[00:15:15] <liach> But it is not a custom cart by Railcraft @Generalcamo
L10[00:15:32] <liach> The vanilla cart is just a simple subclassing that removes rider penalty for speed
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L25[09:41:22] <Resuz> @liach why do you need LexManos's acceptation?
L26[09:59:49] <liach> @Resuz because that is a forge bug
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L30[11:01:02] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L31[11:01:02] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/atsSK7Njtgo - RailcraftLP [Episode 102] - Landscaping
L32[11:01:02] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: landscaping,chisel &amp; bits
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L34[11:04:59] <Darkelarious> .faq
L35[11:05:03] <Darkelarious> !faq
L36[11:06:05] <Darkelarious> fine. how's 1.12 coming?
L37[11:06:40] <liach> do $faq
L38[11:06:45] <liach> use dollar sign
L39[11:06:54] <liach> $faq
L40[11:06:55] <Gearbot> Railcraft for 1.12 is **in progress**. A public build will come eventually!
L41[11:06:55] <Gearbot> You can build Railcraft from source but **cannot** build a jar file. This is intentional.
L42[11:06:55] <Gearbot> There are no builds for 1.8 or 1.9.
L43[11:08:39] <liach> we are porting old stuff while adding new features. We expect an alpha for patrons only. The alpha will be probably very buggy and patrons should be enough to spot a ton of bugs
L44[11:37:35] <Darkelarious> ty
L45[11:38:02] <Darkelarious> i never understand that kind of patron concept... you pay to get bugged :P
L46[11:38:14] <Darkelarious> but then again, i guess those people pre-order games too...
L47[11:38:25] <Generalcamo> It's more of a reward for supporting the development
L48[11:38:34] <Darkelarious> early access, true
L49[11:39:13] <Darkelarious> no, let me rephrase that, i perfectly understand it in this context
L50[11:39:27] <Darkelarious> i don't understand why people accept it as well from commercial enterprises
L51[11:39:30] <Darkelarious> (read: EA)
L52[11:39:46] <Darkelarious> community project lives on support from people
L53[11:39:51] <Darkelarious> companies exploit it
L54[11:39:54] <Darkelarious> /rant
L55[11:40:17] <Generalcamo> By law they must exploit it
L56[11:40:30] <Generalcamo> Publically traded companies must exist to make a profit
L57[11:41:04] <Generalcamo> Their shareholders have a right to expect their investment to grow
L58[11:41:34] <liach> I have a testing procedure avaiable. If you cannot understand it google it
L59[11:41:42] <Darkelarious> yeah.. and I am making a pretty accurate guess that if they don't squeeze the maximum amount of money out of something, they'll get sued/penalized for "mismanagement" or something
L60[11:42:12] <Generalcamo> Not necessarily the _maximum_ amount, but they must grow onto new horizons
L61[11:42:21] <Generalcamo> For example, take advantage of the growing mobile market
L62[11:42:23] <Darkelarious> liach, was that directed at me btw? --> i know unit tests and swdev
L63[11:42:46] <Generalcamo> You can build and run the mod from a dev environment
L64[11:42:52] <Generalcamo> You cannot compile it however
L65[11:43:32] <Darkelarious> yeah, i guess so... I'm still from this generation https://i.imgur.com/zb70iyj.jpg
L66[11:44:22] <Darkelarious> as for the 1.12 build, I'm pretty much done playing around with the 1.10 version, i'm mildly irritated by the bugs I still have there
L67[11:44:28] <Darkelarious> also from other modpacks
L68[11:44:32] <Darkelarious> that moved on long ago
L69[11:44:46] <Generalcamo> FTB AFAIK hasn't fully moved on yet
L70[11:45:32] <Darkelarious> lately i'm having the bug a lot that ghost trains stay after a restart
L71[11:45:48] <Darkelarious> if i recall it had to do with a vanilla bug, holding tracks and chunk (re)loading
L72[11:45:59] <Generalcamo> Ghost trains? They shouldn't appear except during halloween
L73[11:46:08] <Darkelarious> the other kind of ghost trains
L74[11:46:15] <Darkelarious> invisible, blocking volumes
L75[11:46:18] <Generalcamo> Oh
L76[11:46:19] <Darkelarious> until you shoot them with bow/arrow
L77[11:46:24] <Generalcamo> Well
L78[11:46:32] <Generalcamo> Now you know we have _actual ghost trains_
L79[11:46:39] <Darkelarious> that's fucking sweet btw
L80[11:48:04] <Darkelarious> how do i properly #showcase a track/server?
L81[11:48:13] <Darkelarious> just dump a load of sshots in there? or?
L82[11:48:46] <Generalcamo> Put it in a gallery and then post it if you want
L83[11:49:24] <Darkelarious> gallery... that was a thing, wasn't it?
L84[11:49:37] <Darkelarious> screw it, i'll write my own gallery script...
L85[11:50:51] <Generalcamo> Imgur has that option
L86[11:53:41] <Darkelarious> i never upload to imgur in general
L87[11:53:48] <Darkelarious> ah well, excuse to quickly code something
L88[12:08:40] <liach> discord allows you to upload files too
L89[12:15:21] <Generalcamo> @liach No, not a gallery
L90[12:15:26] <Generalcamo> Not without spamming the entire channel
L91[12:21:02] <liach> oh gallery
L92[12:30:34] <Darkelarious> my thought exactly
L93[12:31:32] <Darkelarious> anyway, linking my self-written gallery
L94[12:34:47] <Generalcamo> That photo gallery is reminding me of the old pantograph PR...
L95[12:36:28] <Darkelarious> I see nothing wrong with that :)
L96[12:36:52] <Darkelarious> besides, quickly wiriting my own gallery website is a skill on its own
L97[12:37:31] <Darkelarious> though i admit to having the framework around it already
L98[13:02:18] <Darkelarious> I would like to talk about some buggy behaviour of large powered electric track nets
L99[13:03:12] <Darkelarious> i noticed that when i was working on it, the entire track seems to be redistributing the power all over the place
L100[13:03:24] <Darkelarious> since not everything is chunkloaded, some parts remain powered, others don't
L101[13:03:38] <Generalcamo> Are you on 1.10 or 1.7
L102[13:03:41] <Darkelarious> 1.10
L103[13:05:48] <Generalcamo> Batteries are designed to help with that problem
L104[13:05:58] <Darkelarious> so i decided to add a few more power nodes (like http://share.333networks.com/share/minecraft/Railcraft/Screenshot%20from%202018-07-07%2018:53:29.png )
L105[13:06:00] <Generalcamo> Putting them strategically along the line will keep them powered
L106[13:06:23] <Generalcamo> Power nodes are probably excessive, a battery should do the same thing
L107[13:06:42] <Darkelarious> I didn't know of batteries yet at that point, i'll look into it
L108[13:06:55] <Darkelarious> anyway, adding these power nodes instigates another buggy situation;
L109[13:07:04] <Darkelarious> it feels like the power keeps getting redistributed all the time
L110[13:07:08] <Darkelarious> and it never fully powers
L111[13:07:14] <Darkelarious> and lags like hell
L112[13:07:23] <Darkelarious> (causing a lot of skipped ticks)
L113[13:07:31] <Generalcamo> Another reason batteries were added
L114[13:07:52] <Darkelarious> ok
L115[13:08:06] <Darkelarious> my fix, though, was to use section separators instead though
L116[13:08:07] <Darkelarious> http://share.333networks.com/share/minecraft/Railcraft/Screenshot%20from%202018-07-07%2018:53:04.png
L117[13:08:18] <Generalcamo> I mean that works too
L118[13:08:25] <Darkelarious> this way you keep the total sections smaller, each with about 5000 tracks in there or so
L119[13:08:44] <Generalcamo> Is that concrete you are using for the flooring?
L120[13:08:49] <Darkelarious> yup
L121[13:08:57] <Generalcamo> You are going to love 1.12 then
L122[13:09:09] <Generalcamo> You can now color concrete
L123[13:09:23] <Darkelarious> nice
L124[13:09:25] <Generalcamo> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/395524766607605760/464691364484087828/2018-07-06_03.13.47.png
L125[13:09:34] <Darkelarious> autocraftable?
L126[13:09:43] <Generalcamo> I'm sure you can automate it
L127[13:09:56] <Generalcamo> It uses the same recipe as strengthened glass for dying
L128[13:10:02] <Generalcamo> 8 blocks around a dye
L129[13:10:02] <Darkelarious> ok
L130[13:10:08] <Darkelarious> that's automatable, yes
L131[13:10:20] <Darkelarious> what about posts? in my version i couldn't color metal posts yet
L132[13:10:51] <Generalcamo> They can be colored now
L133[13:10:59] <Generalcamo> Along with Force Track emitters
L134[13:11:05] <Darkelarious> force track?
L135[13:11:10] <Darkelarious> oh, those force tracks
L136[13:11:15] <Generalcamo> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/395524766607605760/462824559867985930/2018-06-30_23.38.18.png
L137[13:11:19] <Darkelarious> neat
L138[13:11:32] <Darkelarious> though i actually never use them, since i like the high speed track more :P
L139[13:12:10] <Darkelarious> the ghost/bugged trains were a native vanilla bug that wouldn't get fixed for a while right?
L140[13:12:56] <Darkelarious> has anyone reported crashes with the cosmetic carts btw?
L141[13:13:26] <Darkelarious> a while ago i placed some cosmetic addon carts, and it started crashing once i teleported closeby them
L142[13:13:43] <Darkelarious> had to use MCEdit to reclaim access to the area
L143[13:13:48] <Darkelarious> have't tried to reproduce it though
L144[13:28:58] <liach> @Darkelarious That issue with charge network should not happen
L145[13:29:14] <liach> As long as a world is loaded the whole charge network in that world is loaded
L146[13:36:12] <Generalcamo> ^This is correct. Batteries exist to handle inconsistencies in loading which should iron out issues with it
L147[13:37:39] <Darkelarious> how do these batteries work btw?
L148[13:37:45] <Darkelarious> how do you use them?
L149[13:45:41] <Generalcamo> Attach them to charge wires
L150[13:45:49] <Generalcamo> They will charge and discharge as needed
L151[13:46:01] <Generalcamo> Currently two batteries exist
L152[13:46:12] <Generalcamo> It's a tradeoff between efficiency and capacity right now
L153[13:46:18] <Generalcamo> Later more types will be added
L154[13:50:14] <Resuz> some Traincraft trains can even faster than minecart on H.S. tracks
L155[13:53:23] <Timothey> Hi there
L156[13:53:29] <Darkelarious> wasn't there a config setting for that? :)
L157[13:53:40] <Timothey> How soon the mod will be ported on 1.12.2&
L158[13:53:41] <Timothey> ?
L159[13:53:46] <bball.psd> $faq
L160[13:53:46] <Gearbot> Railcraft for 1.12 is **in progress**. A public build will come eventually!
L161[13:53:46] <Gearbot> You can build Railcraft from source but **cannot** build a jar file. This is intentional.
L162[13:53:47] <Gearbot> There are no builds for 1.8 or 1.9.
L163[13:53:47] <Timothey> ?
L164[13:54:56] <Darkelarious> pushing the usual question a bit, in terms of resolution, is it reasonable to expect the 1.12 before Q4 2018, or are we looking at Q2 2019?
L165[13:55:31] <Timothey> ?
L166[13:56:32] <bball.psd> Based on recent conversations, a Patron alpha should be coming soon, then the full release soon™ after that
L167[13:56:33] <bball.psd> so probably by end of 2018, **NO PROMISES**
L168[13:56:33] <liach> I do not know
L169[13:56:40] <liach> I do not know when covertjaguar will come back
L170[13:56:50] <liach> But what I know is you can build from source and test run
L171[13:56:54] <liach> !?run
L172[13:56:55] <K9> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/issues/1454
L173[13:58:05] <Darkelarious> bball, you may want to bind the text "no promises" to "No rights can be derived from the information provided in this message." or something like that :)
L174[13:58:23] <bball.psd> nah i avoid the legalese
L175[13:58:28] <Darkelarious> heh
L176[13:58:42] <Timothey> ok than
L177[13:58:45] <Darkelarious> but thanks, that means I'll probably first complete another pack in the meanwhile before starting 1.12 RC
L178[13:58:51] <Timothey> if i would play with some other mods
L179[13:58:59] <Timothey> how can i build it in
L180[13:59:01] <Timothey> ?
L181[13:59:19] <Darkelarious> how does that work with the FTB team, do they decide whether RC ends up in a modpack, or do you guys push for it to be included?
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L183[14:05:07] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1125 (indev-1.12.2 - 0e23b39 : Cody Brittain): The build has errored.
L184[14:05:07] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/401280900
L185[14:05:07] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/9fd4add3541b...0e23b39c22e6
L186[14:05:07] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-160-150-250.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L187[14:06:37] <Generalcamo> They decide
L188[14:06:56] <Generalcamo> Though RC is of such a high profile it's likely to be included honestly
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L192[16:05:25] <Darkelarious> nice
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L195[16:56:53] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1126 (indev-1.12.2 - e9e4bdf : liach): The build passed.
L196[16:56:53] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/401311262
L197[16:56:53] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-160-150-250.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L198[16:56:53] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/0e23b39c22e6...e9e4bdfd1939
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L203[17:32:17] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/e9e4bdfd1939...b6a55d9632c9
L204[17:32:17] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1127 (indev-1.12.2 - b6a55d9 : liach): The build passed.
L205[17:32:17] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/401317598
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