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L1[00:18:26] <daniel> Fair point. AE without controllers could also be an option.
L2[00:44:20] <liach> aye
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L42[12:42:47] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#831 (bore-again - c2e373a : liach): The build passed.
L43[12:42:47] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/commit/c2e373a8efab
L44[12:42:47] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/269289429
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L58[15:55:17] ⇨ Joins: feep[w7] (webchat@p579ACF58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L59[15:55:27] <feep[w7]> yo
L60[15:55:58] <feep[w7]> how do I automate a powered rolling machine with opencomputers robots? if I try to suck from the front, it just grabs the materials.
L61[15:56:15] <Forecaster> Bottom
L62[15:56:18] <feep[w7]> thanks
L63[15:56:21] <feep[w7]> can I stick in from the front?
L64[15:56:30] <Forecaster> Yes
L65[15:56:43] <Forecaster> Sides or top is input
L66[15:56:46] <feep[w7]> thanks
L67[15:56:54] <feep[w7]> bit weird since all ic2 machines are top in, front out
L68[15:56:54] <Forecaster> Bottom is output
L69[15:56:55] <feep[w7]> but sure
L70[15:59:45] <Natesky9> Almost every iSided inventory defaults to bottom out, doesn't it?
L71[16:00:08] <Natesky9> since the only vanilla method of extracting is hoppers
L72[16:00:36] <feep[w7]> idk if they also have bottom out, but all the machines I've tried so far are front out
L73[16:00:38] <Forecaster> Most machines now don't care about sides
L74[16:00:52] <feep[w7]> ie. ic2 and techreborn
L75[16:00:53] <Forecaster> They go by input/output instead
L76[16:00:59] <feep[w7]> ah, that would make sense then
L77[16:01:00] <feep[w7]> thanks
L78[16:01:11] <Forecaster> Putting items I'm the right slots based on that
L79[16:01:27] <Forecaster> Putting items in the right slots based on that
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L81[16:19:33] <feep[w7]> it doesn't work.
L82[16:19:53] <feep[w7]> calling robot.suckUp() while underneath the powered rolling machine still sucks out the materials in the crafting grid.
L83[16:22:28] <Natesky9> can't you select the slots to pull from?
L84[16:22:56] <feep[w7]> weirdly it works with a hopper
L85[16:22:56] <feep[w7]> and no
L86[16:23:21] <feep[w7]> I guess I can just dump a hopper underneath it and suck from the hopper..
L87[16:25:10] <Forecaster> If you put an inventory controller in the robot you can use that to take items from specific slots
L88[16:25:22] <feep[w7]> yes but I don't think that ought to be necessary.
L89[16:26:12] <Forecaster> It's not, it's just a thing you could do
L90[16:27:00] <feep[w7]> I mean, it's not ... because I can just use hoppers, which work differently for some reason
L91[16:31:30] <Forecaster> It's not a thing you can do?
L92[16:33:47] <feep[w7]> as I said, if I just call suckUp underneath I suck out the source materials.
L93[16:34:07] <feep[w7]> so apparently that's not a thing I can do, no
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L95[16:36:06] <Forecaster> I think you're confusing "can" and "need to"
L96[16:42:24] <feep[w7]> it is if I don't want to spend an upgrade slot on an inventory controller :P
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L98[17:27:49] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L99[17:49:15] <feep[w7]> Oh no...
L100[17:49:29] <feep[w7]> Powered rolling machines suck items out of my OpenComputers robot inventory as it drives past.
L101[17:49:29] <feep[w7]> :(
L102[17:49:31] <feep[w7]> This is terrible.
L103[17:49:31] <feep[w7]> :(
L104[17:50:11] <feep[w7]> okay, looks like it only happens for straight connections, not diagonals. Guess I'll just have to wall those machines in to AVOID ALL CONTACT AT ALL COSTS.
L105[17:50:17] <feep[w7]> and insert into the top with MORE HOPPERS.
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L118[21:42:05] <iceman11a> In MC 1.10.2 what is used for a holding track
L119[21:42:22] <bball> locking track
L120[21:43:12] <iceman11a> Thanks
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L122[22:21:59] <liach> locking track kit can be changed to different modes when hit by a crowbar with right click
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L124[22:33:59] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#833 (fluids - f052d5e : liach): The build passed.
L125[22:33:59] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/a5d2229d4812...f052d5e15814
L126[22:33:59] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/269436075
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