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L32[16:02:41] <BookerTheGeek> Heyo! Just a quick question. What mods out there for 1.10 do people feel complement Railcraft the best? My son wants to play a pack built around Railcraft without mods that distract from it.
L33[16:03:40] <Ardy> You mean "Derail" from it?
L34[16:03:49] <BookerTheGeek> lol... Yes
L35[16:03:55] <Ardy> Sorry couldnt resist
L36[16:04:04] <Natesky9> Immersive engineering is a good companion mod
L37[16:04:13] <Ardy> Yeah. It fits aesthetically
L38[16:04:24] <Ardy> Actually i have a question in the same vein.
L39[16:04:41] <Ardy> What mods would you say give the best Industrial Revoloution vibe?
L40[16:04:54] <BookerTheGeek> Nice. I think I would also use the Immersive Petroleum Addon then to.
L41[16:04:58] <Natesky9> Forestry gives a nice mechanical, production-based gameplay
L42[16:06:31] <BookerTheGeek> So Forestry, and IE. I think I'm not going to add any magic mods. I want to build it so you have to use the train system to move things, so no magical movement. I wish Factorization was not abandoned.
L43[16:07:48] <BookerTheGeek> Magneticraft looks really good to.
L44[16:07:50] <Natesky9> If you're looking to stick with the industrial feel, ic2 is a very good one to explore, though you have to remember to not get stuck in the rabbit hole of creating
L45[16:07:59] <Natesky9> If you're looking to stick with the industrial feel, ic2 is a very good one to explore, though you have to remember to not get stuck in the rabbit hole of crafting
L46[16:10:28] <BookerTheGeek> IC2 would be nice, I know I love it. Balancing IC2 and IE would take a bit of work I would think.
L47[16:14:32] <Natesky9> You'd be surprised. Both are pretty in-line. In fact, the only bonuses that Ic2 offer over IE is very late game
L48[16:16:41] <BookerTheGeek> Gotcha.
L49[16:16:48] <Natesky9> Both offer high crop outputs, both can create extra resources, and both can process almost equally
L50[16:17:32] <Natesky9> The two of them have different power systems as well, which separates the power demands between them
L51[16:20:13] <BookerTheGeek> I feel that ATG would also work good some epic terrain.
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L53[16:34:42] <BookerTheGeek> Thank you for the ideas. Let me know if you come up with any other mods that would fit. ?
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L56[16:45:37] <liach> @Natesky9 no ie, it sucks!
L57[16:45:44] <liach> use ic2 instead
L58[16:46:21] <liach> @neptunepunk Why did you abandon factorization?
L59[16:49:21] <BookerTheGeek> lol. Why does IE suck @liach ?
L60[16:51:54] <Natesky9> The only downside of IE is that it's outperformed by many mods in several aspects
L61[16:52:37] <Natesky9> However, it still has the coolest fucking multiblocks around
L62[16:52:46] <Natesky9> Sorry, Greg
L63[17:13:21] <liach> It has bad compatibility with railcraft
L64[17:13:30] <liach> And is too realistic
L65[17:22:59] <Natesky9> Too realistic? You mean to say that dumping cows into a grinder and cooking the beef in an arc furnace is too realistic?
L66[17:31:16] <liach> Its textures are, however
L67[17:42:14] <BookerTheGeek> So in your opinion then @liach , what would be the 5 mods you would have to have that complement Railcraft?
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L71[18:30:13] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#823 (fluids - 9a379f3 : liach): The build passed.
L72[18:30:13] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/4c2084a14145^...9a379f3306ae
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L75[18:44:26] <liach> jei, ic2, buildcraft, forestry, dynamic lights
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L77[18:48:25] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#825 (fluids - 63481de : liach): The build passed.
L78[18:48:25] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/9a379f3306ae...63481dee835a
L79[18:48:25] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/269022564
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L81[18:50:49] <liach> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/pull/1321/ fluids will be back soon
L82[18:51:37] <Natesky9> Hardcore darkness, lol
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L84[18:52:29] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#827 (fluids - a5d2229 : liach): The build passed.
L85[18:52:29] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/63481dee835a...a5d2229d4812
L86[18:52:29] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/269023026
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L88[18:54:45] *** Xilandro is now known as Kodos
L89[18:56:03] <liach> ?
L90[18:56:12] <liach> about the fluid stuff?
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L94[19:25:09] <Natesky9> No, I was saying that's one he could try out
L95[19:25:46] <Natesky9> If you want that fresh perspective of feeling like you're playing a new game
L96[19:26:05] <Natesky9> Complete darkness will give that
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L98[20:44:00] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#829 (fix/1318 - 886d6c5 : liach): The build passed.
L99[20:44:00] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/commit/886d6c5d0423
L100[20:44:00] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/269038499
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L103[21:31:43] <Kodos> If you think IE is too realistic, but are okay with mods like Forestry and IC2, you're something special
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L106[21:34:59] <BookerTheGeek> The only issue is that Currently the latest Public Railcraft is 1.10, and BC skipped 1.10, so.... meh.
L107[21:35:00] <BookerTheGeek> Once they are on the same version that will be great though.
L108[21:35:34] <Natesky9> I don't actually like Buildcraft
L109[21:36:39] <BookerTheGeek> I love the pipe system.
L110[21:37:28] <Natesky9> I think it was a novel mod, back in the day, but it's been... stagnant in terms of content. Everything it has to offer has been done better, and more efficiently, while it has refused to evolve along with other mods
L111[21:37:41] <BookerTheGeek> I've not found anything I can't do with BC Pipes that I can do with a different pipe system. The only issue would be speed of item movement.
L112[21:38:23] <BookerTheGeek> And really, I can do stuff with the BC Pipes I can't do with any other system.
L113[21:38:42] <Natesky9> Logistics pipes is the only saving grace for BC item transport. If not for that mod, they would be useless, in my opinion
L114[21:39:54] <Natesky9> Honestly, if I had to choose an item transport method, it's tied between three different mods'
L115[21:39:54] <Natesky9> Thermal expansion for flexibility
L116[21:39:55] <Natesky9> EnderIO for functionality
L117[21:39:55] <Natesky9> Railcraft for distance
L118[21:42:23] <BookerTheGeek> Thermal expansion has not thought behind it though, it is literally just plug and play. There is no thinking behind it. Also, you can't sort with it like you can Buildcraft pipes.
L119[21:42:24] <BookerTheGeek> Ender IO is nice, But as it comes with the rest of the mod and not standalone It will have to be a pass. (Mod is great, just to much duplication of things already in)
L120[21:42:24] <BookerTheGeek> As for Logistics pipes, I only ever used it for water movement or the Autocrafting back in the day.
L121[21:42:40] <BookerTheGeek> Thermal expansion has no thought behind it though, it is literally just plug and play. Also, you can't sort with it like you can Buildcraft pipes.
L122[21:42:40] <BookerTheGeek> Ender IO is nice, But as it comes with the rest of the mod and not standalone It will have to be a pass. (Mod is great, just to much duplication of things already in)
L123[21:42:40] <BookerTheGeek> As for Logistics pipes, I only ever used it for water movement or the Autocrafting back in the day.
L124[21:46:10] <liach> EIO is breaking balance
L125[21:46:37] <Natesky9> I will agree, EnderIO has way too many bonuses to output, for very little effort
L126[21:51:05] <Natesky9> Thermal expansion does have the limit that you can't sort based on mod owner, but you can filter several items, and you can always uses caches for bulk storage anyway. EnderIO has alot of potential, with it's item transport being multi-channeled and immediate. Also, the multiple conduits in a single block seems dumb, but actually lends itself to alot of creative builds. The filters and retreivers have a very useful mechanic where you
L127[21:51:05] <Natesky9> maximum number of items within one single inventory, which comes in handy, trust me
L128[22:11:34] <daniel> In my opinion all piping systems I have seen are just too cheap/easy. Except pneumatic craft maybe.
L129[22:12:51] <Kodos> Logistics Pipes
L130[22:13:15] <Kodos> In addition to actual resource cost, configuration of LP is technical enough to feel rewarding once you set it up
L131[22:13:29] <daniel> Still to cheap. Especially for what it can do
L132[22:14:33] <daniel> To little maintenance cost. Supports too long distance
L133[22:15:30] <daniel> I like a hard limit on distance for pipeing to encourage the use of rails ;)
L134[22:16:32] <daniel> But I guess that's just how I like to play the game
L135[22:21:18] <daniel> If there was a way to limit the maximum size of a LP network - that might work for me.
L136[22:21:56] <daniel> Maybe sth. Like 20 - 25 pipes at most
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L141[23:35:02] <Natesky9> That's extremely small
L142[23:36:04] <Natesky9> If you consider low tech Applied energistics (a cable network with a limit of 8 connections), you will quickly exceed 20 blocks of cable
L143[23:36:57] <Natesky9> I don't think a system should be limited by it's size, rather, by the complexity
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