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L1[00:18:49] ⇦ Quits: neptunepink (~root@2601:640:c300:1620:8cb3:70e5:713c:f411) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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L3[01:24:44] <Natesky9> Hmm
L4[01:25:00] <Natesky9> I'm actually disappointed about the uses for the Arc furnace from IE
L5[01:25:10] <Natesky9> Just built my first one, and I have to say... it's pretty useless
L6[01:27:05] <Natesky9> I... guess I can make steel faster in it?
L7[01:29:24] <Natesky9> for the amount of power it draws, the requirement for HOP graphite, and the size of it... I would expect at least 3x ore production
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L11[03:54:36] <Kodos> Well, keep in mind that most mods will balance around themselves and vanilla, so even with doubling it's not bad
L12[03:54:43] <Kodos> But yes, I agree, it definitely needs more uses
L13[03:55:05] <Kodos> I was actually complaining in Blu's channel the other day about how I wish we had a 'regular' furnace to do things like cook food, smelt stone, glass, etc in
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L15[04:51:45] <Natesky9> Yeah, with the restriction of only being able to smelt ores, it seems almost redundant for such a large machine to effectively do the same as what a vanilla furnace does
L16[04:52:07] <Kodos> Not to mention with IE's external heater, it's super easy to set up lines
L17[04:52:13] <Kodos> As I was taught the other day
L18[04:53:20] <Natesky9> I actually hope that it turns into a processing chain kind of thing, where ore fron the crusher gets a bonus vs smelting straight ore
L19[04:53:38] <Natesky9> Though, the crushed ore would have to be different than the dust
L20[04:53:43] <Natesky9> wait... IC2 does that already
L21[04:53:56] <Natesky9> it has 3 different steps
L22[04:54:15] <Kodos> Yes, I -love- IC2's ore processing. It's easily on par for my favorite, tied with Mekanism
L23[04:54:44] <Kodos> Railcraft's Rock Crusher isn't bad, but without AOBD it doesn't cover everything I don't think
L24[04:55:26] <Natesky9> The only thing not great about IC2's method is that it gives the bonuses in tiny piles of dust, which requires a full line of compressors to process...
L25[04:56:04] <Forecaster> no it doesn't
L26[04:56:06] <Natesky9> That, and the purified versions of ore only look slightly different
L27[04:56:08] <Natesky9> huh?
L28[04:56:11] <Forecaster> it just requires one compressor and a sorting machine
L29[04:56:11] <Kodos> I use LP to make sure that tiny piles only ever go into a compressor if there's 9 available
L30[04:56:19] <Kodos> Sorting machine would work, too
L31[04:56:21] <Kodos> But I like LP
L32[04:56:31] <Natesky9> what's LP?
L33[04:56:39] <Forecaster> Logistics Pipes
L34[04:56:40] <Natesky9> Oh
L35[04:56:42] <Natesky9> Eh
L36[04:56:46] <LizzyTheSiren> I like LP
L37[04:56:52] <Forecaster> there's none of that past 1.7 is there?
L38[04:57:16] <Natesky9> Buildcraft kinda died off, I don't even think they updated to 1.10
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L40[04:57:27] <Forecaster> they skipped 1.10
L41[04:57:45] <Natesky9> Oh yeah
L42[04:57:50] <Natesky9> Covert's in charge of that now
L43[04:57:56] <Forecaster> no he's not
L44[04:58:04] <Kodos> Honestly, it'll take a LOT of mods to be updated for me to move off of 1.7
L45[04:58:08] <Natesky9> https://gyazo.com/de0e62cbabf6e9b93ce206d988b78861
L46[04:58:29] <Forecaster> @cloakable leads the buildcraft development
L47[04:58:33] <Forecaster> dangit
L48[04:58:44] <Forecaster> @AEnterprise leads the buildcraft development
L49[04:58:47] <Forecaster> there
L50[05:01:15] <Natesky9> If you consider the material costs of building the arc furnace, by the way, it's 11 blocks of steel, 27 heavy blast bricks, more steel, and yet more steel for engineering blocks. PLUS, you need to stock it with electrodes, which, for some reason, degrade *very* rapidly
L51[05:01:55] <Natesky9> 3 stacks of steel outta do *something* better than a vanilla furnace... It's certainly not faster
L52[05:02:07] <Natesky9> Can't cook mah steak in it
L53[05:02:14] <Natesky9> so, whaddit do??
L54[05:03:32] <Kodos> but mah ore dublin
L55[05:04:18] <Natesky9> crusher already doubles though
L56[05:04:29] <Forecaster> @Natesky9 why did you post a screenshot of the buildcraft project page?
L57[05:04:38] <Kodos> Also the arc furnace does alloys
L58[05:04:55] <Kodos> But ofc, one ingot one dust
L59[05:04:57] <Kodos> Which seems silly
L60[05:05:21] <Natesky9> all alloys you can make the dust for by combining the dust, then smelting
L61[05:05:22] <Natesky9> https://gyazo.com/a22e6b120b28e1deaecf23a0ded2f270
L62[05:05:25] <Natesky9> because that
L63[05:05:36] <Natesky9> I just posted to show that he's owner on curseforge
L64[05:05:49] <Forecaster> that doesn't mean he's leading the project...
L65[05:07:07] <Forecaster> trust me, he's not
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L67[05:08:48] <LuigiHutch> AlexIIL is in charge of the project now, AEnterprise is the comunity manager sort of thing
L68[05:09:05] <Forecaster> right, that
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L70[06:57:57] <daniel> So, I have heard that there will be a modding API for the win10 version. Any predictions how many mods will move to that? Or if modded Minecraft (java) will stabilize on some version?
L71[06:59:12] <Kodos> I fully expect Microsoft to try, and fail, to kill off the Java edition once Bedrock Edition has at least some of the major mods "ported"
L72[06:59:25] <Kodos> Since they're talking like it will be similar to Forge in function
L73[07:08:49] <daniel> That's kind of what I was thinking. And if they stop making new java MC versions, we will finally have all mods for the same game version.
L74[07:10:03] <daniel> That's what I hope anyways
L75[07:11:00] <Kodos> Indeed. It would be interesting to see whether mods update and start to stabilize, or if it would stagnate and die
L76[07:13:24] <daniel> And since I will most likely not be able to play bedrock edition, I hope that the Java survives and will continue to see more content through mods ;)
L77[07:15:22] <Natesky9> I still hope for the day where there comes an API that.... what's the word? Converts? from methods into functions
L78[07:15:36] <Natesky9> I'm probably not using the right term
L79[07:17:13] <TehStoneMan> What language would this new API be using?
L80[07:17:20] * daniel is confused
L81[07:18:43] <Natesky9> Well, it wouldn't matter what language it would be written in, the purpose for it is to act as a conversion between generic functions and their respective mod language counterpart
L82[07:19:12] <Forecaster> what...
L83[07:20:14] <Natesky9> for example, if Minecraft changes how inventories work, the "code" that is written through the IDE doesn't change, but the language update's it's methods to fit the new standard
L84[07:20:28] <Natesky9> uhh.... what's a better example
L85[07:20:49] <Forecaster> you can only do that with very minor changes
L86[07:21:32] <Natesky9> because the code base is so specific between versions
L87[07:22:20] <TehStoneMan> I mean if they make a modding API for the Win10 version. What language would it be in?
L88[07:23:37] <Natesky9> if they made a modding API for Win10? I would assume C++ or C#
L89[07:24:18] <Natesky9> If they went through that much effort to create a special version (bedrock is it?) then I assume they're trying to lose the dependency on Java
L90[07:26:22] <Natesky9> Oh, bedrock is just the MCPE engine?
L91[07:27:04] <Forecaster> if they stop developing the java version people will just stop at the last version
L92[07:28:01] <Natesky9> but on the flip side
L93[07:28:22] <Natesky9> if they keep updating, mod devs will stop, and that last version is what we get
L94[07:28:55] <Natesky9> Why do you think 1.7.10 is still one of the top downloaded versions, *to this day*
L95[07:29:22] <Forecaster> because people are attached to certain mods and refuse to leave them
L96[07:29:48] <Natesky9> I can name several great mods that have not even updated past 1.8
L97[07:29:58] <Forecaster> good for you
L98[07:31:08] <Kodos> Why so salty?
L99[07:32:30] <Natesky9> It's understandable
L100[07:32:40] <Forecaster> why assume I'm "salty"
L101[07:32:50] <Forecaster> I simply don't care that you can name "several great mods"
L102[07:33:25] <Kodos> Well
L103[07:33:31] <Kodos> I'm not so much attached to certain mods
L104[07:33:37] <Kodos> But more along the lines of I like to have all their features
L105[07:33:40] <Kodos> Railcraft being one example
L106[07:33:53] <Forecaster> ...that's pretty much the same thing
L107[07:33:59] <Forecaster> the mods *are* their features
L108[07:35:03] <Natesky9> Well, it's one thing that a mod isn't updated in a long time, but it's another for a new version of the game to get little pieces of what made it whole, one at a time
L109[07:35:27] <Forecaster> what
L110[07:35:44] <Natesky9> Imagine getting a new car, but you have to install all the parts all over again before it's "new"
L111[07:35:54] <Natesky9> That's what waiting for mods to update feels like
L112[07:36:21] <Kodos> Would you rather play 1.7 with your top 10 mods being 100% feature complete, or $latest with your top 10 mods, each of which have abour 40% of their total features
L113[07:36:27] <Natesky9> 1.7
L114[07:36:30] <Natesky9> hands down
L115[07:36:52] <Natesky9> If you asked me to compare stable mods against new vanilla features
L116[07:36:56] <Kodos> (For the sake of the argument of the question, let's assume those 10 mods are the only ones you will be running)
L117[07:37:07] <Natesky9> fact still stands
L118[07:37:10] <Kodos> Indeed
L119[07:37:15] <Natesky9> even if they're *more stable*
L120[07:37:27] <Natesky9> I'd still choose that over new "vanilla" features
L121[07:37:35] <Forecaster> this has strayed too far from the original topic...
L122[07:37:42] <Kodos> I'm still curious as to your answer though, Fore
L123[07:37:50] <Kodos> 100% features vs 40% on latest MC
L124[07:39:00] <Forecaster> I have no preference in this generic scenario
L125[07:39:19] <Kodos> aka you'd rather play 1.7 in this scenario but don't want to admit it
L126[07:39:28] <Kodos> Like most $latest advocates
L127[07:39:31] <Forecaster> sure, assume that if you want
L128[07:39:37] <Forecaster> I'm not advocating anything
L129[07:39:42] <Kodos> It's logic, not assumption
L130[07:39:43] <Natesky9> the point is, the update process is detrimental to the lifetime of mods. When new versions come out every 3 months, and each requires a hefty rewrite... that just isn't going to work. Mod developers are essentially volunteer workers, and it isn't right to force them into the situation where their job is to "do the paperwork", rather than do what they started modding for in the first place
L131[07:39:53] <Kodos> No one in their right mind would willingly want to play with missing features
L132[07:39:58] <Kodos> if the option for feature completeness is present
L133[07:40:18] <Kodos> That, too Nate
L134[07:40:37] <Kodos> Wow, seriously? You kicked me from the Discord?
L135[07:41:03] <Kodos> I thought I was being quite civil, but apparently not
L136[07:41:17] <Forecaster> You put words in my mouth calling me a "latest advocate" when I haven't said anything to that end
L137[07:41:36] <Forecaster> I don't appreciate that.
L138[07:41:53] <Kodos> I never directly said you said it, I simply had the opinion that you were
L139[07:41:54] <Natesky9> Let's not... let's not get too carried away
L140[07:42:01] <Kodos> But excuse me for having one
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L142[07:45:11] <Forecaster> Yeah, because "it's just like, my opinion man, how dare you get offended"
L143[07:45:46] <Forecaster> good grief
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L150[09:43:05] <AEnterprise> i got pinged?
L151[09:44:45] <AEnterprise> seems luigi awnsered already, a bit confused why i only now got the ping, guess discord did something funky cause it's an edited message?
L152[09:45:50] <Forecaster> yeah, sorry
L153[09:46:25] <AEnterprise> just read through it, was more then fine pinging me, just was a bit confused as i saw a ping pop up but there was no chat for 2h here
L154[09:46:53] <Forecaster> wait really?
L155[09:46:58] <Forecaster> it showed up now?
L156[09:47:31] <AEnterprise> as for the project page on CF for buildcraft, guess i should talk to CJ to maybe make a new account that's named 'buildcraft team' or so to be the owner to make things more clear
L157[09:47:46] <AEnterprise> on my tablet behind me yes, not on the desktop version
L158[09:47:50] <AEnterprise> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L159[09:48:00] <Forecaster> that's weird, I didn't edit that now...
L160[09:49:02] <AEnterprise> well doesn't matter much, weird but not the end of the world
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L179[13:30:54] <NuclearMegalodon> I got a question: I saw in the config from railcraft for 1.10.2 "mines" what exactly are mines? How do I need to imagine them?
L180[13:33:50] <Forecaster> they're custom ore-veins
L181[13:34:13] <Forecaster> there may be an option called "sky-gen" somewhere, I'm not sure if that's in the public version yet
L182[13:34:28] <Forecaster> but if it is it will generate the veins in the air above-ground if you turn it on
L183[13:34:33] <Forecaster> lets you see what they look like
L184[13:36:15] <NuclearMegalodon> ah sounds good, always wanted some realistic ore gen, IE has a cool solution but I like real ore spawn
L185[13:36:58] <Forecaster> basically they're massive mines of one or two ores depending on the configuration, but they're rare
L186[13:37:10] <Forecaster> they contain a mix of poor and some full ore
L187[13:38:08] <NuclearMegalodon> If you know The Settles, I would love a mod that makes the finding of ores like that, some areas with huge ore deposits but you need to find them
L188[13:38:55] <Forecaster> I don't know what that is
L189[13:40:08] <NuclearMegalodon> they had a special unit that finds ores on mountains so there was a chance that there is no ore in a mountain, a system like that would be pretty nice
L190[13:40:43] <Forecaster> do you mean "The Settlers"?
L191[13:40:47] <NuclearMegalodon> yea
L192[13:40:58] <NuclearMegalodon> sorry my mistake
L193[13:41:22] <Forecaster> I've never played that :P
L194[13:42:04] <NuclearMegalodon> Oh you missed a lot! But not the new ones, play the second or the fourth one
L195[13:42:55] <Natesky9> @NuclearMegalodon check out TerraFirmaCraft for some realistic ore veins
L196[13:43:47] <NuclearMegalodon> I know about TerraFirmaCraft, but I'm not sure if its compatible with the 50+ mods I love
L197[13:44:05] <Forecaster> probably not :P
L198[13:44:27] <NuclearMegalodon> And thats why I need a mod ? would make one myself but dont know anything about modding :/
L199[13:49:10] <SkySom> Perhaps it's time to learn!
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L206[15:12:23] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#835 (fluids - 3f33f92 : liach): The build passed.
L207[15:12:23] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/f052d5e15814...3f33f927c123
L208[15:12:23] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/269744441
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