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L1[00:14:09] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-14-167.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit: またね)
L2[01:02:34] <Natesky9> diagonal tracks can use token signals, though it might be something to learn
L3[01:25:41] <Hanakocz> @Erestyl some of thingies you look for are in my list for Railcraft Cosmetic Addon
L4[01:26:52] <Hanakocz> I had some models of tender, but you won't be able to sit in it at all, you have keyboard buttons to operate the loco from any spot in a train xD also my next thing on the list will deal with that anyways (you will see over the tender to get into loco)
L5[01:27:08] <Hanakocz> all it needs is that I will find some time to finish those things ?
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L10[02:13:50] <Forecaster> Most of those things have been suggested before
L11[02:17:26] <Hanakocz> also that
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L14[03:56:26] <cloakable> @Hanakocz does the panzer cart do anything when placed in the world btw? (also, signals are in now!)
L15[03:57:13] <Hanakocz> panzer is fully cosmetic for now. it even does not have recipe (because there are no panzers to craft it with xD )
L16[03:57:34] <Hanakocz> we made it just because we got the idea and we could make it xD
L17[03:57:58] <cloakable> true, but I have IE in my pack so I can use gun barrels and something to craft it using crafttweaker ?
L18[03:58:02] <Hanakocz> I know, need to update my part to get the signals back ?
L19[03:58:24] <cloakable> have a panzer cart on my oil trains
L20[03:58:33] <Hanakocz> ya, if you have parts, and make recipe via such a tool, then it is fitting
L21[03:59:43] <Hanakocz> when we were like "what carts we can do now", it just wasa there....with "cars" transported by train it is kinda iconic
L22[03:59:53] <Hanakocz> when we were like "what carts we can do now", it just wasa there....also with "cars" transported by train it is kinda iconic
L23[04:00:01] <cloakable> maybe some IE integration so it can fire IE bullets at hostile mobs? (with a fallback to CA ammunition if IE is not present)
L24[04:01:26] <Hanakocz> There was rather idea to make fully working turret via open modular turrets mod
L25[04:01:34] <cloakable> (I say IE because IE has some *really good bullets*)
L26[04:01:40] <cloakable> nice
L27[04:02:25] <Hanakocz> I guess i will need to have some pause from GW2 before expansion comes out and work on this thing xD
L28[04:02:56] <cloakable> xD
L29[04:12:53] <Hanakocz> However I have some time yet, as those things are not released publicly yet
L30[04:14:09] <Hanakocz> even though it would be cool to have them in advance (those who have betas), but well...it may raise complications because people cannot read usually, and will be bitching "why you release something that has needs for nonexistant version" xD
L31[04:14:34] <cloakable> heh
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L35[04:58:25] <Erestyl> @Hanakocz I hadn't seen that, but your tank carts are what I was looking for, and that style of cart in general. Would you be willing to help me create some carts, either to add to your addon or to create my own? That sounds like the ideal solution for me.
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L37[05:00:28] <Hanakocz> When I will be home I can show you some model tries for tender (ya, with dynamic coal filling) , there is even ID allocated to that cart already, even though it is not enabled in game. I had some visual problems with that one back then
L38[05:01:33] <Hanakocz> like...when you made the cart smaller, you need to make the cart also "technically" smaller, it had so big space between it and next cart...after all, I am not CJ or others in means of how good they are modders xD
L39[05:03:30] <Hanakocz> creating new carts....we did those via techne, all with same base and style on purpose ? if you have some ideas what to make, it really can be worked at. Also maybe better to talk about it in #add-ons
L40[05:08:25] <Forecaster> @Erestyl A lot of the things suggested are already planned or have already been suggested, you should search the issue tracker before making suggestions, if you don't find it there feel free to create a ticket (one per suggestion) otherwise it will just get lost in the chat history
L41[05:11:02] <Erestyl> @Hanakocz @Forecaster I actually didn't see either of those, I'll work on doing that tomorrow. Thanks for the info.
L42[05:11:36] <Forecaster> either of what?
L43[05:12:28] <Forecaster> some things may have been discussed but nobody made an issue, or they're in the closed issues
L44[05:29:37] <Hanakocz> for things that were more suggested to be added into RCA there was no issue created anyways, that might be a problem. And then a lot of things went into main mod, or sits in its issue-tracker endlessly because it is no priority for main mod (yet), even though it could be done in addon even today...after all, I need to work on it more, finish half-done unreleased content, then we can move forward xD
L45[05:31:27] <Hanakocz> @Erestyl if you want to include it rather into RCA (for example because it fits the art-style there), then make such an issue on RCA tracker, please xD otherwise I can read it in main one, but there is still danger that super-modders like Liach will take it as easy to do and will make it the way how it will fit into main mod xDDDD
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L52[06:41:32] <Now Live> Hi there! I'm Now Live, the stream announcing bot! Type `-nl help` for a list of my commands.
L53[06:41:32] <Now Live> If you prefer that I speak in a different language, you should type `-nl botlang help` for more information on my available languages.
L54[06:41:33] <Now Live> If you need some help setting me up, come join my Discord at https://discord.gg/gKbbrFK and check out the how-to-setup and command-list channels for all the info!
L55[06:41:33] <Now Live> Don't forget to say hey!
L56[06:42:47] <MCenderdragon> I wonder if the bot also accepts commands over IRC
L57[06:42:53] <MCenderdragon> -nl help
L58[06:43:04] <MCenderdragon> Iguesss no ^^
L59[06:43:57] <Forecaster> -nl streams
L60[06:44:10] <Forecaster> well, it wont because the message starts with <username>
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L74[12:16:45] <vigilian> hi guys, i've seen that there is a buildcraft 1.11 version, do we know if railcraft 1.10 works on 1.11? I'm wondering if buildcraft 1.11 can work on 1.10
L75[12:17:12] <bball> RC doesn't work in 1.11
L76[12:17:29] <vigilian> shit, so there is a big structural change between 1.10 et 1.11?
L77[12:17:50] <bball> not big, but even the smallest change breaks everything
L78[12:17:54] <vigilian> true
L79[12:17:57] <vigilian> but so there are
L80[12:18:00] <vigilian> pfff
L81[12:18:04] <vigilian> i'm tired
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