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L11[02:46:06] <AEnterprise> so the #video-and-stream-announcements channel is broken, there are no messages but it keeps showing as having unread messages to me
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L15[03:19:21] <Forecaster> see #bots
L16[03:25:41] <AEnterprise> ah alright, sorry
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L39[12:35:47] <vigilian> Guys, from..the beginning of 1.10 I have difficulties to have electricity in game. And now that a lot of mods are going to be on 1.11 is even more difficult. So does the engine blocks been activated on railcraft and if yes do you have a alternative of buildcraft for the pipes?
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L41[12:50:18] <Hanakocz> well, probably easiest way is to alternate pipes by minecarts, but it takes more space.
L42[13:12:09] <Forecaster> No, there are no engines yet
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L49[17:27:56] <Kodos> Honestly, if you want the full Railcraft experience, stay on 1.7.10, but if you want new stuffs, you'll have to wait it out with the rest of us :3
L50[17:29:44] <Forecaster> Or get on the Patreon train
L51[17:29:49] <Forecaster> ?
L52[17:29:55] <bball> i see what you did
L53[17:35:56] <Natesky9> Yeah, 1.7.10 is where everything just kinda.. Died off..
L54[17:36:22] <Forecaster> My what a positive way to look at it
L55[17:37:39] <Natesky9> I mean, at least there are promising replacements, like immersive engineering
L56[17:38:22] <Natesky9> I hope that thermal expansion makes a comeback
L57[17:38:50] <Natesky9> And I really wish Thaumcraft would make reappearance
L58[17:39:09] <Forecaster> I don't really care about either of those
L59[17:41:49] <Natesky9> Well, I don't really care for CanolaCraft, plant Witchery, or any of the new, half-baked mods that don't quite hit the mark
L60[17:42:19] <Forecaster> Okay...
L61[17:43:43] <Natesky9> I like the 1.7.10 mods. I don't like that I can't play them on an up-to-date version of the game
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L63[17:57:35] <Kodos> Honestly, there hasn't really been an update (To vanilla) since 1.7.10 that's really made me interested in updating. Sure, there are shields and a combat rework, but I can get better stuff from Mine and Blade, and Dynamic Sword Skills
L64[17:57:54] <Kodos> I don't like the additional requirement put on enchanting and potion brewing
L65[17:58:07] <Kodos> And I don't need the new mobs badly enough to warrant updating
L66[18:01:42] <Natesky9> I'm personally disappointed with vanilla enchanting and brewing. I don't mind the changes, funny enough, I hate how it changes almost nothing, adds almost nothing except cheaper lv 30 books and a use for lapis
L67[18:02:55] <Kodos> Speaking of lapis, I need to work on new sprites for my mod and then deal with recipes ugh
L68[18:03:02] <Natesky9> Plus, the "stackable potions" in the form of arrows are hilariously useless, lingering potions are just more useless splash potions
L69[18:04:49] <Kodos> I'd still like to see the ability to right click another player with a potion (good ones only to avoid grief) to apply it at 3/4 the duration
L70[18:05:03] <Kodos> Then you could have a dedicated healer for boss fights
L71[18:05:15] <Kodos> For being a sandbox game, it is still very limiting in some areas
L72[18:06:23] <Natesky9> But is that more because of the implementation, or the limitations
L73[19:10:09] <Natesky9> What I'm curious about, is why forge doesn't act like a code base translator between versions. I mean, wouldn't that make it easier for modders if they didn't have to reformat every version?
L74[19:11:22] <bball> Because Forge hates things that make sense
L75[19:12:29] <Natesky9> That can't be the case, since they made the framework that allowed mods to work together
L76[19:12:39] <Natesky9> I mean, they created the ore dictionary
L77[19:19:46] <Chocohead> Probably performance more than anything
L78[19:20:17] <Chocohead> As the vanilla code base shifted further and further from the original starting point, there would need to be more and more hacks to patch it to work like it used to
L79[19:23:17] <Natesky9> Then... Forge would provide that... I don't see the problem there
L80[19:24:32] <Natesky9> If there's ever a large enough split between old methods and newer ones that it requires an individualized approach, then maybe
L81[19:27:06] <Chocohead> The old way has no guarantee of working along side the new one, thus you could quite quickly end up with dragging forward old vanilla code that then has to run with the new vanilla code too
L82[19:27:35] <liach> @Kodos 1.10 has many new features
L83[19:27:35] <Chocohead> From Forge's point of view it's a colossal maintenance overhead that they would never want
L84[19:27:48] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
L85[19:29:17] <liach> And things will be back soon (trademark)
L86[19:29:42] <bball> ™ <- copypaste that ;)
L87[19:42:02] <liach> How to type it? Alt plus what?
L88[19:42:38] <bball> I dont know about windows, but mac its option 2, or Discord has it as an emoji ™
L89[19:42:49] <bball> ``:tm:``
L90[19:44:56] <Natesky9> For Windows, it's alt + 0153
L91[19:45:20] <MrConductor1> * <bball> votes emoji
L92[19:46:05] <Natesky9> I've memorized a couple of alt codes that always come in handy
L93[19:46:14] <Natesky9> Like the music notes
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L107[21:52:41] <Jackson> I don't understand why forge can't just keep the same API
L108[21:52:53] <Jackson> Or at least allow for deprecated functions to still work
L109[21:53:02] <Jackson> So using old mods would still owkr
L110[21:53:06] <Jackson> So using old mods would still work
L111[21:53:17] <liach> @Jackson Forge is not like that, it is just to allow more than one mod to run together
L112[21:53:25] <liach> Instead of making things cross-version
L113[21:53:31] <liach> That is Sponge API's job
L114[21:53:45] <Jackson> I get that
L115[21:54:02] <Jackson> But still, why couldn't they stick to a certain way of doing things
L116[21:54:16] <Jackson> Or at *least* keeping the old functions, just porting them to the new version.
L117[22:03:17] <liach> Because stupid mojang hurts mods!
L118[22:13:59] <Raga> If you do a lot of technical vanilla contraptions, the new updates change and improve upon pretty much almost everything really. Observer and Slime Blocks changed how to engage the game. The combat rework is simple, but is quite enough ... and the dual wielding is super useful. It's certainly not the main attention for me, but it does work quite well. You have tons of Lapis and tons of Blaze Powder for enchanting and brewing, so I don't r
L119[22:13:59] <Raga> consider it as a real additional requirement, it doesn't even really hinder that much since you don't enchant and brew 24/7. Plus, it makes sense ... tons of mods do it too, even Railcraft here. The new mobs are just for fun I feel, the technical updates are very important. Splash Potions have never been useless; an efficient Guardian XP Farm could do very well with a Splash Potion killing method. The Lingering Potion could kill a whole p
L120[22:13:59] <Raga> mobs, and provide boost for you for a period of time ... a way for your dedicated healer.
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L123[22:19:52] <SkySom> @Jackson sometimes legacy code needs to die.
L124[22:20:01] <SkySom> So a new MC version is the best time for that.
L125[22:20:07] <SkySom> So mods only break once
L126[22:20:15] <Jackson> I guess
L127[22:20:28] <Jackson> But wouldn't it help so much, at least keeping support for old functions...
L128[22:22:25] <SkySom> It wouldn't
L129[22:22:35] <SkySom> Because you'd have half using the old
L130[22:22:37] <SkySom> half using the new
L131[22:22:44] <SkySom> and in a lot of cases the two wouldn't work together
L132[22:22:52] <SkySom> (See IInventory vs IItemStackHandler)
L133[22:22:56] <Jackson> Oh, okay.
L134[22:22:59] <Jackson> I see.
L135[22:26:24] <bball> @Raga I agree, the new features are great, but the problem comes from all the backend changes that make no difference to vanilla but they mean modders have to completely redo everything
L136[22:28:21] <Jackson> That sucks
L137[22:28:33] <Jackson> I wonder why Mojang does that? Optimization?
L138[22:34:47] <SkySom> To fix stuff, make things better for them, able to add new features
L139[22:35:07] <SkySom> Any number of reasons to change code
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