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L31[17:10:53] <Erestyl> Hello everybody
L32[17:12:56] <Erestyl> Is this the correct place to make suggestions?
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L67[17:19:54] <Natesky9> It'll be seen at least
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L104[18:15:45] <liach> @Erestyl Suggestions are welcomed
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L106[19:38:03] <Erestyl> Well, I've been playing with Railcraft in single player survival recently, and there are a few things I've noticed that would really be helpful for some situations I've run into
L107[19:44:48] <liach> Just say them
L108[19:44:54] <liach> And open issues on github
L109[20:10:33] <Erestyl> 1. A tender cart for steam locomotives, which has a small tank, a few slots for item storage, and a place to sit so that you can control the thing.
L110[20:10:33] <Erestyl> 2. Have locomotives be able to be coupled to carts both ahead and behind, so that they can have a tender behind and still be used to pull a cut of carts in front.
L111[20:10:34] <Erestyl> 3. Have a cart with a usable furnace on board.
L112[20:10:34] <Erestyl> 4. (Maybe) have some multi-use carts, maybe double the length of a normal cart, that have larger tanks, multiple seats, or a caboose with a crafting table and a furnace and a seat. Like the old Traincraft, but simpler and more vanilla in appearnance.
L113[20:10:34] <Erestyl> 5. Liquid-fueled steam locomotives. Oil fired locomotives were very common in the West and it doesn't make sense to have to have a charcoal farm when you're sitting on top of an oil well.
L114[20:10:34] <Erestyl> 6. Fireless locomotives. Have a stationary boiler fill the engine with pressure. Good for use as a shop switcher. They were commonly used IRL in places where fires would be dangerous and they'd be great for switching cars around my factory.
L115[20:10:35] <Erestyl> 7. Better connection to switches. This one might be hard to explain without screenshots.
L116[20:10:35] <Erestyl> 8. More blocks for building truss and girder bridges. Carpenter's blocks with abyssal stone work well enough, but they're a little thick.
L117[20:10:35] <Erestyl> I should probably mention that I'm still on 1.7.10, but to my knowledge none of these things have been added in recent updates. I'll also probably think of more, and I'll post them when I think of them.
L118[20:11:18] <Erestyl> I'd also be totally willing to make some of these additions myself, if I knew how. And I'd be willing to learn if someone would teach me.
L119[20:15:45] <Natesky9> One word
L120[20:15:51] <Natesky9> `TrainCraft`
L121[20:16:26] <bball> ``no please``
L122[20:41:18] <Natesky9> I mean, most of what he's describing is some of the core pieces of TrainCraft
L123[21:09:00] <liach> We can add all of them except Number 7
L124[21:09:16] <liach> But they will be exclusive for 1.10+
L125[21:11:09] <liach> We can literally eat tinycart mod
L126[21:51:07] <Alexis Lamontagne> what goes into the steam ovin?
L127[21:51:12] <Alexis Lamontagne> what goes into the steam oven?
L128[21:51:37] <Natesky9> the steam oven is a 9-slot furnace
L129[21:51:56] <Alexis Lamontagne> i just experemented and found out
L130[21:51:59] <Natesky9> lol
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L133[22:37:17] <Erestyl> I downloaded and tried to run traincraft, but honestly, Railcraft's steam engines *feel* like steam engines, and Traincraft doesn't work very well with regular tracks, now that they have their fancy-shmancy 3d models. Besides, their mod is wayyy over the top. We (I) don't need 80 new locomotives and wagons and a whole new system just to craft them all.
L134[22:42:51] <Erestyl> What I'm looking for is just some simple extensions that allow Railcraft to work better on a single-track system with realistic track layouts. I'm a model railroader so I know how to build yards and sidings and find the optimal layouts, but it doesn't work real well at the moment due to some of those issues. If some of my suggestions are implemented, that might be enough to get me to upgrade to 1.10, too.
L135[22:53:45] <Erestyl> To get an idea of what I'm talking about, here's some examples from my current survival world:
L136[22:55:31] <Erestyl> This is my main yard. The station building is just a foundation at this point. To the right is the passenger station (Which I will obviously never use in single player) and to the left is a three track yard with two storage tracks. Engine shed in the lower left. http://tinyurl.com/y92qtzj8
L137[22:56:27] <Erestyl> This warren truss bridge is decent but a little blocky. Would be nice to have angled metal posts for situations like this. http://tinyurl.com/y7y4egen
L138[22:57:25] <Erestyl> A stop at a village http://tinyurl.com/y87tocfg
L139[22:59:44] <Erestyl> And this is the railroad's reason for existing: a very large oil deposit. Here, my locomotive needs to be able to run around its train, feed cars one by one onto the loading track, and then collect them and assemble a train to depart again. This does the job but it's kind of inelegant. It's also the reason I want to run my locomotives on fuel. http://tinyurl.com/yaku6qns
L140[23:00:41] <Erestyl> Also as you can see, I use diagonal tracks instead of perpendicular ones for ladders. I like this a lot better, but it's kind of hard to make with Railcraft's switches. Some minor tweaks would make this a lot easier.
L141[23:01:09] <Erestyl> Or even a new rail that was forced to be a curve or diagonal. That would make crossovers on tight track spacing possible.
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