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L1[00:03:10] <Elourge> above boiling point?
L2[00:06:02] <Xilandro> Derp
L3[00:06:04] <Xilandro> So 100c
L4[00:06:05] <Xilandro> got it
L5[00:07:21] <Elourge> im not sure tbh, im just using what would seem like a good guess from physics
L6[00:07:45] <Elourge> but unless your trying to blow up a boiler below 100 would be safe
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L14[02:15:38] <liach> even i cannot build'
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L16[02:50:43] <Forecaster> Xilandro: it's 300 actually
L17[02:51:08] <Xilandro> Okay
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L24[04:35:33] <travis-ci> CovertJaguar/Railcraft#9 (mc-1.10.2 - c181e4e : CovertJaguar): The build has errored.
L25[04:35:33] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/compare/2c3fcfba67b0...c181e4e2b9ed
L26[04:35:33] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/builds/207646122
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L30[05:48:09] <MalkContent> ooo, there's new builds?
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L39[07:37:25] <ccgfok> How to use the trackman's notepad? I've tried by sneak + right-clicking but it won't copy anything.
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L42[07:44:25] <Forecaster> clicking what?
L43[07:45:44] <ccgfok> Use Trackman's notepad to copy
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L46[07:59:46] <Natesky9> Copy what?
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L48[08:00:39] <Natesky9> I'd assume it would work with phantom item configs, like the redprint
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L54[09:15:33] <GeneralCamo> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/1092
L55[09:15:46] <GeneralCamo> Well this is an interesting request
L56[09:32:08] <GeneralCamo> Anyway, thought of the key differences between the locomotives I mentioned earlier
L57[09:48:56] <Natesky9> Hmm
L58[09:49:52] <Natesky9> The only reason I'm skeptical of this is because Railcraft already has a steep learning curve, which flattens out in the middle but goes right back up
L59[09:50:59] <Natesky9> The "steam locomotive" is the top of the difficulty level for most people
L60[09:51:08] <GeneralCamo> With all the new mechanics coming out, could always make a manual
L61[09:51:14] <GeneralCamo> Like all the other mods are doing these days
L62[09:51:19] <GeneralCamo> Could probably parse it from the existing wiki too
L63[09:52:02] <Natesky9> However, it would be amazing to have different combinations of engines that interact with each other
L64[09:52:52] <GeneralCamo> I'm thinking a pure diesel wouldn't have much use.
L65[09:53:34] <Natesky9> For example, in much the way that the tunnel bore grabs items from the carts connected to it, it would be awesome if we could power an electric locomotive with a diesel generator
L66[09:55:10] <Natesky9> The diesel locomotive could be the tier after the furnace minecart, but before the steam locomotive
L67[09:56:18] <GeneralCamo> Considering the diesel locomotive requires the aspects from the ChemLab, that's not practical
L68[09:57:08] <Natesky9> What do you mean, chem lab? Is there something new in Railcraft I didn't know about?
L69[09:57:46] <Natesky9> Most fluid fuels (besides creosote) come from other mods anyway
L70[10:07:03] <LuigiHutch> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/projects/5
L71[10:21:36] <mharr> Is there a ballpark for how far away multiblock boilers are for 1.10.x ?
L72[10:22:20] <mharr> I've had to remove Mekanism for stability reasons, and Railcraft is my last best hope for steam.
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L74[10:42:57] <Natesky9> Ooh, neat
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L77[11:13:34] <Natesky9> @mharr They should be re-added either next update or the one after
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L79[11:14:39] <mharr> Oh, I thought they were further down the priorities. I'll just hand out a few creative steam drums for now then.
L80[11:15:07] <LuigiHutch> they are scheduled for 10.2.0 iirc
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L82[12:05:02] <GeneralCamo> @mharr What server do you run?
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L84[12:13:58] <mharr> Just a little private pack that evolved out of Yogscraft to become a Doctor Who themed time travel server. Working on a possible move to 1.10.2 as all the core mods are pretty much in place now
L85[12:15:43] <mharr> Looking to counter the loss of Mekanism with a combination of Railcraft and TechReborn
L86[12:18:52] <Natesky9> What's a resource for rails that wouldn't be gotten by conventional means?
L87[12:19:17] <Natesky9> Or any other aspect involving trains, for that matter
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L95[15:04:41] <Kodos> End Stone Bed
L96[15:17:42] <liach> Next time, if you have any idea, open issues on githbu
L97[15:17:44] <liach> github
L98[15:24:38] <Natesky9> I would, if my internet will come back up
L99[15:25:33] <Elourge> ohhhh imagine a near frictionless track or a hover track made with end materials
L100[15:26:30] <Xilandro> Zero drag =D
L101[15:26:43] <Xilandro> Oh geez, imagine a zero drag high speed
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L104[16:45:09] <mharr> superconducting levitation tracks would be really cool, they could run along walls and ceilings but require constant refrigeration
L105[16:45:09] <mharr> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxror-fnOL4
L106[16:45:47] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L107[16:47:39] <mharr> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqmdv5iyIOY&t=43s
L108[16:52:42] <Elourge> omg wall tracks yassss
L109[16:55:49] <mharr> levitating minecart to the face
L110[17:05:36] <liach> @CovertJaguar Why are wye tracks ticking?
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L116[18:25:42] <Natesky9> Internet is back up
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L119[18:34:47] <GeneralCamo> @mharr I would highly recommend adding IC2
L120[18:35:08] <Kodos> Coolant is love coolant is life
L121[18:35:13] <GeneralCamo> Railcraft and IC2 have some compatibility layers. IC2 also has native steam generators
L122[18:35:35] <GeneralCamo> That could also totally counter the loss of Mekanism
L123[18:37:34] <Joshwoo70> oooh this guy.. : https://github.com/BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering/issues/1933
L124[18:37:41] <Joshwoo70> same guy
L125[18:37:45] <Joshwoo70> doing the same thjng
L126[18:37:48] <Joshwoo70> to another repo
L127[18:38:21] <GeneralCamo> Meh, it's trivial to do
L128[18:38:30] <GeneralCamo> What I'm wondering though is what the result of this would be
L129[18:38:44] <Natesky9> Ic2 steam is "special"
L130[18:38:45] <Joshwoo70> also @GeneralCamo i thought your post about locos intresting could you post it to github?
L131[18:38:51] <Natesky9> it doesn't want to play with the other kids
L132[18:38:56] <GeneralCamo> I could
L133[18:39:06] <GeneralCamo> @Natesky9 I think there is a config option for that
L134[18:39:09] <Joshwoo70> else i would do it XD
L135[18:39:23] <GeneralCamo> Superheated steam is definitely not an option, but I think regular steam can be made compatible with each other
L136[18:39:50] <Joshwoo70> rembered there is an oredict for fluids?
L137[18:40:01] <Joshwoo70> AFAIK there is an oredict for fluids?
L138[18:40:10] <GeneralCamo> Yeah, IC2 requires a config option for that though since the two systems are intended to be seperate
L139[18:40:24] <GeneralCamo> (Though I'm thinking we could make the Railcraft Turbine compatible with IC2 steam)
L140[18:41:11] <GeneralCamo> (I don't think that would be very controversial since there is intended to be compatibility between the two mods)
L141[18:41:49] <Joshwoo70> but thing is
L142[18:42:05] <Joshwoo70> superheated steam =/= RCsteam
L143[18:42:10] <Joshwoo70> superheated steam =/= RC steam
L144[18:42:29] <Joshwoo70> well you could cool donw the steam so that it turns into RC steam
L145[18:42:39] <Kodos> Superheated steam is basically a refined version of steam
L146[18:42:55] <Natesky9> Superheated steam is yeah, the advanced steam
L147[18:42:59] <Joshwoo70> but the point i am bringing is that its too hot
L148[18:43:05] <Natesky9> very unlikely will you ever create it "by accident"
L149[18:43:46] <Kodos> What if steam was given a temperature using forges system and we made hp do superheated
L150[18:43:52] <liach> Post every idea onto github, or they will be forgotten!
L151[18:44:01] <Joshwoo70> cheers liach
L152[18:44:02] <Kodos> We discussed this the other day I think
L153[18:44:14] <Joshwoo70> @GeneralCamo you now have to XD
L154[18:44:25] <Joshwoo70> kust copy pasta your post and we are done
L155[18:44:28] <Kodos> I've been medicated for a week or so so I don't remember much
L156[18:45:07] <GeneralCamo> Alright
L157[18:45:11] <GeneralCamo> I'll handle it then
L158[18:50:58] <Natesky9> wait, what is it under, Projects?
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L160[18:54:16] <Natesky9> Wait, do I create an issue and add the idea there?
L161[18:55:18] <liach> I can add issues there
L162[18:55:30] <liach> @Natesky9 I can add issues to projects...
L163[18:55:42] <Natesky9> O
L164[18:56:13] <Natesky9> The only repos I really get into are my own, so I usually just create my own "project" folders
L165[18:56:17] <Natesky9> Gotcha
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L167[18:59:09] <CovertJaguar> @liach i could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain the track scans for Carts approaching the wye
L168[18:59:31] <CovertJaguar> Away from comp atm, but I can check again later
L169[18:59:58] <liach> The methods are different for the junction and wye tracks... You can both use that check
L170[19:00:11] <liach> Like getRailDirection for carts
L171[19:00:17] <CovertJaguar> The junction is stupid simple in comparison
L172[19:00:33] <CovertJaguar> The switch needs to know more information
L173[19:01:26] <CovertJaguar> It needs to prevent switching in the middle of a train and it needs to know which direction the cart is coming from
L174[19:01:54] <CovertJaguar> The junction just figured out the cart rotation and gives it direction that aligns with it
L175[19:02:14] <CovertJaguar> Switches used to work this more or less, but it was super unreliable
L176[19:03:02] <CovertJaguar> Theyve been much better since ssotangkur reworked them to be this way
L177[19:11:23] <Natesky9> Alright, I posted my suggestion
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L180[19:55:31] <Natesky9> What do you think about my suggestion, @liach?
L181[19:55:37] <liach> Cool
L182[19:56:07] <Natesky9> Do you think it's possible?
L183[20:25:42] <Natesky9> Also, was there a new version, or is it only beta?
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L185[21:14:49] <GeneralCamo> And back
L186[21:21:45] <GeneralCamo> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/1094
L187[21:21:46] <GeneralCamo> Happy now?
L188[21:23:22] <Natesky9> Since it's minecraft, I don't think the "technical" names fit too well
L189[21:23:46] <GeneralCamo> Technical names?
L190[21:23:52] <GeneralCamo> What, like High-Pressure Boiler?
L191[21:23:59] <GeneralCamo> Steam Turbine?
L192[21:24:00] <GeneralCamo> MFSU?
L193[21:24:04] <Natesky9> "alternator"
L194[21:24:09] <GeneralCamo> Fair fair
L195[21:24:30] <Natesky9> I mean, I work in a parts store
L196[21:24:32] <GeneralCamo> In-game, it's basically:
L197[21:24:32] <GeneralCamo> Put Fuel in Locomotive
L198[21:24:32] <GeneralCamo> Get power
L199[21:24:32] <GeneralCamo> Power runs engine
L200[21:24:42] <GeneralCamo> Not much technical about that
L201[21:24:44] <Natesky9> and I've had countless people tilt their head at the word "alternator"
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L204[21:25:28] <GeneralCamo> The idea is a near-lossless locomotive that can accept processed liquid fuels
L205[21:25:44] <GeneralCamo> Compared to an oil burner that is lossy if it doesn't use all the steam it produces
L206[21:26:02] <Natesky9> That is true
L207[21:26:05] <GeneralCamo> (But the two are distinct since the oil burner can run on creosote)
L208[21:26:25] <GeneralCamo> (So it's still useful even with diesel tech since you can use it for shunting)
L209[21:27:04] <Natesky9> Anway, yes, the "diesel" locomotive is an efficient powerhouse
L210[21:27:26] <GeneralCamo> But you can't just put lava or creosote in it and expect it to run
L211[21:27:42] <Natesky9> Well of course not
L212[21:27:56] <Natesky9> It doesn't run on heat
L213[21:28:00] <Natesky9> I think we all know thaty
L214[21:28:02] <Natesky9> I think we all know that
L215[21:29:03] <Natesky9> Anyway, did you take a look at my suggestion
L216[21:30:16] <GeneralCamo> There is already a headache for mod pack devs
L217[21:30:22] <GeneralCamo> A lot of them feel the trading posts are OP
L218[21:30:36] <GeneralCamo> Making them generate would probably be a very bad thing
L219[21:30:59] <Natesky9> Well, the different thing about this is that it's configured through Railcraft's end
L220[21:31:23] <Joshwoo70> lava loco.. nuff said XD
L221[21:31:38] <Joshwoo70> #makelavagreatagain
L222[21:32:30] <GeneralCamo> You know I almost thought about adding a Blood Locomotive ?
L223[21:32:36] <GeneralCamo> (Integration with Blood Magic)
L224[21:32:47] <GeneralCamo> I already have a cool model thought for it
L225[21:33:22] <GeneralCamo> Lava + Blood = Fuel for the Infernal Locomotive
L226[21:34:41] <Natesky9> Silly idea, but I love it
L227[21:36:08] <GeneralCamo> The entire concept of Blood Magic is sillly let's be quite fair
L228[21:36:34] <GeneralCamo> More practical (and sensicle) would be Botania integration. A locomotive that can charge from Mana
L229[21:37:06] <Natesky9> Man, you're making me itch to get back into minecraft
L230[21:37:27] <Natesky9> I love setting up crazy systems like that
L231[21:39:33] <GeneralCamo> The only thing I can think of to do (besides getting the Track Pans implemented) is preparing for the changeover to RC from RF
L232[21:40:20] <Natesky9> Honestly, I like the RF structure
L233[21:40:32] <GeneralCamo> Which means:
L234[21:40:33] <GeneralCamo> >Move Engines to RF Module
L235[21:40:33] <GeneralCamo> >Rolling Machine and Rock Crusher should use Railcraft Charge
L236[21:40:33] <GeneralCamo> >Something else
L237[21:40:37] <Natesky9> it has a good, believable lore behind it
L238[21:40:40] <GeneralCamo> Problem wiht RF is that it's unmaintained
L239[21:40:44] <GeneralCamo> Problem with RF is that it's unmaintained
L240[21:40:45] <Natesky9> yeah...
L241[21:41:06] <GeneralCamo> In 1.11 its completely replaced in most mods with Forge Energy (which I would move to now, but this isn't 1.11)
L242[21:41:10] <GeneralCamo> Or Tesla
L243[21:42:00] <GeneralCamo> Actually
L244[21:42:01] <GeneralCamo> Hmm
L245[21:42:11] <GeneralCamo> @CovertJaguar Thoughts on supporting Tesla?
L246[21:42:29] <GeneralCamo> (Just maybe as a block that converts Tesla --> RC?)
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L248[21:57:52] <CovertJaguar> Tesla is worse that Forge Energy
L249[21:58:42] <GeneralCamo> Fair, I would never support it natively
L250[21:58:54] <GeneralCamo> I was thinking just a block, 10 Tesla --> 1 RC or something like that
L251[22:05:05] <Natesky9> Are you a fan of power conversion natively?
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L253[22:06:45] <GeneralCamo> Mainly for mod intercompatibilty. Though to be quite fair I really only care about compatibility with IC2 and Forestry
L254[22:07:01] <GeneralCamo> The latter since it works very well with Railcraft in sync
L255[22:07:25] <GeneralCamo> (I guess Buildcraft can be lumped into that)
L256[22:07:30] <GeneralCamo> Oh wait
L257[22:07:37] <GeneralCamo> Isn't Buildcraft reverting to MJ?
L258[22:08:05] <Natesky9> Buildcraft... I haven't actually seen that mod played in years
L259[22:08:12] <Natesky9> The lasers, sure
L260[22:08:20] <Natesky9> but only in super expert
L261[22:08:43] <GeneralCamo> Last time I played it, Spacetoad was just beginning to add the new Robots
L262[22:08:48] <GeneralCamo> That were planned in... 2012
L263[22:08:52] <GeneralCamo> That were planned in... 2011
L264[22:08:59] <GeneralCamo> Better late than never?
L265[22:09:46] <Natesky9> I don't know. It just doesn't feel like a very thematic mod
L266[22:09:56] <Natesky9> it's like some of the other mods that do some things
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L269[22:10:12] <Natesky9> but not in any particular theme
L270[22:10:35] <GeneralCamo> TBF it did things quite well for its time
L271[22:10:47] <GeneralCamo> Only RedPower 2 could match Buildcraft's Item Management system
L272[22:11:16] <GeneralCamo> MJ was the most widely used power system until 1.5, just simply due to its open source nature
L273[22:11:45] <Natesky9> Yeah, I will give it that
L274[22:11:49] <Natesky9> it had pipes
L275[22:12:01] <Natesky9> but they were also very buggy and could crash your world
L276[22:12:49] <GeneralCamo> Buildcraft circa 1.4.7 I remember being quite stable?!
L277[22:12:54] <CovertJaguar> I fixed all those years ago
L278[22:12:59] <Natesky9> Well, if it dropped items on the ground
L279[22:13:03] <CovertJaguar> People refuse to forget
L280[22:13:26] <CovertJaguar> They disappeared in less than a minute
L281[22:13:36] <Natesky9> Not so much crash your world, more like, make your game run at 1 fpm
L282[22:13:41] <CovertJaguar> And it wasn't an issue after mojang added item stacking
L283[22:13:54] <Natesky9> Yeah
L284[22:14:07] <GeneralCamo> 1.2.5 was probably unstable I remember
L285[22:14:11] <GeneralCamo> But then... most mods were in that era
L286[22:14:39] <GeneralCamo> Forge was still relatively young
L287[22:14:49] <GeneralCamo> Risugami's Mod Loader was still popular
L288[22:15:30] <GeneralCamo> Only Tekkit dared to make a pack that contained a big chunk of mods. A horribly unbalanced but unique experience for the time.
L289[22:15:47] <GeneralCamo> Also they perhaps could have done things a bit better, but that's all in the past
L290[22:16:49] <Natesky9> I remember that
L291[22:17:29] <GeneralCamo> 1.4.7 though was probably the golden age of modding
L292[22:17:38] <GeneralCamo> 1.7.10 a silver age of sorts
L293[22:17:44] <Natesky9> Good ole' EE3
L294[22:17:54] <GeneralCamo> Now, what's next?
L295[22:17:58] <GeneralCamo> Will 1.11 be the next king?
L296[22:18:57] <Natesky9> Like I said before, 1.7.10 was like the XP of versions for mods
L297[22:19:04] <GeneralCamo> Heh, no
L298[22:19:14] <GeneralCamo> 1.7.10 is the windows 7 for mods
L299[22:19:22] <GeneralCamo> 1.4.7 is the Windows XP
L300[22:19:36] <GeneralCamo> Can't beat good old Redpower 2
L301[22:19:58] <Natesky9> Alright, then it's the Windows 7
L302[22:20:05] <GeneralCamo> 1.5 is like Windows Vista
L303[22:20:08] <GeneralCamo> (LOL DARTCRAFT)
L304[22:20:12] <Natesky9> kek
L305[22:20:42] <GeneralCamo> I think nearly all the FTB Modpacks at the time had Dartcraft?
L306[22:20:51] <GeneralCamo> Such a broken mod...
L307[22:23:52] <Natesky9> I mean, it had cool mechanics, just extremely broken
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L310[22:42:45] <Natesky9> This is what I think of everytime you catch a random pufferfish in Minecraft
L311[22:42:46] <Natesky9> https://i.imgur.com/n7tL9KZ.gif
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L318[23:58:37] <AngelOfDeath> im playing a cutom pack of 1.10.2 railcraft opencomputers and Computronics project red i dont have signal boxes ?
L319[23:59:11] <Nirek> most of the more complex things are not implemented yet.
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