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L1[00:09:19] <Kodos> Okay, got that working
L2[00:09:29] <Kodos> Now, I apparently have a conflicting recipe between the chest and cargo carts
L3[00:09:53] <Kodos> OH
L4[00:09:55] <Kodos> Nvm
L5[00:09:59] <Kodos> That's what I get for not mousing over
L6[00:10:04] <Kodos> Derp
L7[00:10:16] <liach> trapped chest huh
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L10[00:12:34] <Kodos> Yep
L11[00:12:36] <Kodos> I'm a moron ?
L12[00:12:56] <Kodos> Now I just need to find the fecking iron
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L16[00:34:38] <Kodos> Anyone familiar with IE in 1.7.10?
L17[00:34:45] <Kodos> Got a potentially silly question
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L28[01:56:53] <CovertJaguar> ugh...the client render code is not calling the rail direction function
L29[01:57:07] <CovertJaguar> missing hooks in forge, yeah
L30[01:58:29] <CovertJaguar> getPos and getPosOffset
L31[02:04:18] <Joshwoo70> dammit forge
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L36[02:16:49] <CovertJaguar> its a bit hacky, but at least I control the entry point to that code, at least for carts using my renderer
L37[02:17:34] <CovertJaguar> @liach can I get you to get the missing hook call into Forge at some point?
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L39[02:24:07] <CovertJaguar> ok junction and the new unified track kit renderer seem to work
L40[02:24:29] <CovertJaguar> that was easier that I thought it would be
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L42[02:51:32] <Forecaster> \o/
L43[03:01:07] <Joshwoo70> looks neato
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L45[04:21:29] <CovertJaguar> Crowbar or Spike Maul to switch between normal track and junctions/switches? Keep in mind that swtiches use the crowbar to swap the mirror state. I'm going to bed and will read your comments in the morning, so rage and rant and argue at will. ;)
L46[04:23:42] <Kodos> I would say Spike Maul, as that gives us an additional tool, which could open options up later on down the line
L47[04:25:14] <Joshwoo70> blowtorch
L48[04:25:17] <Joshwoo70> nuff said XD
L49[04:30:55] <Forecaster> spike maul sounds like a medieval weapon more than a tool :P
L50[04:31:23] <Forecaster> but yeah, I'd go for that
L51[04:38:16] <Kodos> I googled it to make sure lol
L52[04:38:44] <Joshwoo70> blow torch can't melt steel beams
L53[04:41:50] <Kodos> Man, I wish this animania mod was 1.7.10
L54[07:16:24] <vigilian> still no new updates for the moment since 10.0.1?
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L56[07:20:14] <Forecaster> no
L57[07:20:23] <Forecaster> they're in the works though
L58[07:29:53] <Kodos> On the fluid loader, what does it mean to 'keep pristine carts'?
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L79[10:05:25] <RedneckGenius> Is a diesel locomotive still being worked on?
L80[10:06:08] <Forecaster> it's on the backburner right now
L81[10:06:10] <Forecaster> because porting
L82[10:06:17] <Forecaster> kinda needs to be the focus
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L85[10:36:25] <GeneralCamo> I'm of the opinion it should be a bit more complicated than just a Diesel locomotive honestly
L86[10:36:33] <GeneralCamo> Anyone ever hear of Oil Burners?
L87[10:46:43] <GeneralCamo> Hmm actually
L88[10:46:55] <GeneralCamo> @Forecaster What are your thoughts on introducing an Oil Burner?
L89[10:47:06] <GeneralCamo> (Liquid Fueled Steam Locomotive)
L90[10:48:33] <GeneralCamo> Later on I would love to see a Diesel-Hydraulic and then a Diesel-Electric, but that's complicated and takes time
L91[10:48:49] <GeneralCamo> This would basically be a steam locomotive with an extra step to make
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L94[11:23:00] <Forecaster> how does that make it more complicated?
L95[11:25:40] <Forecaster> @GeneralCamo
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L99[12:22:33] <GeneralCamo> They would need new models
L100[12:24:14] <Forecaster> what
L101[12:24:41] <Forecaster> I mean how is an oil locomotive better than a diesel locomotive?
L102[12:25:21] <Forecaster> just being able to burn oil directly sounds *less* complicated
L103[12:32:49] <GeneralCamo> Hmm, I'll have another look at this thing
L104[12:32:51] <GeneralCamo> Hmm, I'll have another look at this then
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L108[13:28:59] <Fleynic> Hmm. I wonder if there has been made underwater rails...
L109[13:29:49] <Fleynic> Or a cart that can tunnel underwater (digging and placing walls around itself?)
L110[13:30:40] <Forecaster> steves carts can probably do that
L111[13:30:41] <Forecaster> maybe
L112[13:30:42] <Forecaster> I dunno
L113[13:31:24] <Fleynic> I see! Is this mod 1.11 compatible? I know a few 1.10.2 works fine in 1.11
L114[13:31:33] <Forecaster> no idea
L115[13:32:00] <MCenderdragon> they can do that but you need alot of modules (3 or more i through) and a galgadorien casing, but maybe I overengineered the one i builded
L116[13:32:14] <Forecaster> built*
L117[13:32:22] <CovertJaguar> lost of support for a new tool I see, guess we'll go with that
L118[13:32:56] <CovertJaguar> @Fleynic I don't believe so
L119[13:33:12] <CovertJaguar> I haven't even looked at 1.11 yet
L120[13:33:27] <Forecaster> I think they meant steves carts
L121[13:33:43] <liach> 1.10 1.11are very different
L122[13:33:47] <CovertJaguar> as far as I know the majority of people are still on 1.7
L123[13:33:48] <Fleynic> I might try to run it, And if I do? Have my word in that if it crashes on startup, I'll provide the log. For science. That will at least tell us what needs updating/changing
L124[13:33:58] <liach> inventory and itemstack changes
L125[13:34:09] <CovertJaguar> yeah, that's what I thought changed
L126[13:34:29] <SkySom> Yeah ItemStacks are no longer null.
L127[13:34:34] <Fleynic> Yep, if I recall no more null itemstacks
L128[13:34:44] <SkySom> So many subtle bugs
L129[13:34:50] <Fleynic> ... You stole my words from my mouth xD
L130[13:35:02] <liach> But forge bugs can only get fixed on 1.11
L131[13:36:17] <Fleynic> Tho I repeat some 1.10.2 mods work in 1.11.2... I recall seeing some
L132[13:36:58] <Fleynic> And I meant railcraft btw
L133[13:37:30] <Forecaster> kay
L134[13:37:42] <Fleynic> Although. Steve's carts and railcraft make a perfect team
L135[13:38:59] <Fleynic> My only wonder is if there's any crossover features if they're installed altogether. Since this question fits in both mods/groups, I assume I can ask either here or there
L136[13:39:16] <Forecaster> there aren't
L137[13:39:34] <Forecaster> except cart linking which should work on most cart things
L138[13:40:59] <Fleynic> Oki. A small suggerence, tho!
L139[13:41:28] <Fleynic> You can always add mossy rails. For mineshaft on jungle biomes...
L140[13:41:30] <Forecaster> what the heck is a suggerence
L141[13:41:36] <Fleynic> You can always add mossy rails. For mineshafts on jungle biomes...
L142[13:42:10] <Fleynic> Excuse my grammar, English is not my native/main language
L143[13:43:36] <Forecaster> ah you just meant suggestion then
L144[13:43:49] <Fleynic> Yep.
L145[13:44:03] <Forecaster> :P
L146[13:44:23] <Forecaster> well, the railcraft cosmetics addon adds grassy rails
L147[13:44:45] <Fleynic> I repeat. Mossy rails. Or overgrown if they get outside and over gra-- oh, really?
L148[13:45:09] <Forecaster> yeah
L149[13:45:23] <Fleynic> I don't mean only for cosmetic reasons. Functionality too, like the damaged ones on mineshafts
L150[13:45:59] <Fleynic> You know what happens if you try to pass over those... Very risky
L151[13:49:10] <Forecaster> uh, no not really
L152[13:49:14] <Forecaster> do elaborate
L153[13:50:52] <Fleynic> Imagine a train passing through an old railway, overgrown by the grass. Which haven't been cleared
L154[13:51:26] <Fleynic> Now imagine 80% of the tracks is like that
L155[13:51:42] <Fleynic> Now that you see what I'm talking about
L156[13:51:50] <Forecaster> uh...
L157[13:51:58] <Forecaster> you still haven't explained what should happen
L158[13:52:00] <Forecaster> :P
L159[13:55:15] <CovertJaguar> OH! I should made abandonded rails have grass when on grass blocks
L160[13:55:55] <Forecaster> I'd love it if rails had a small change to randomly turn into an overgrown variant that slows things down :>
L161[13:56:35] <CovertJaguar> well I don't know if I'd affect the speed, you already have to travel slow on abandoned tracks, or you will derail
L162[13:56:43] <Forecaster> and then you'd need to drive over them with a cleaning cart to clear them again, turn them back to regular tracks
L163[13:56:52] <Forecaster> not abandoned tracks, regular tracks
L164[13:56:54] <Forecaster> :P
L165[13:57:04] <Forecaster> so you need to maintain your railways
L166[13:57:16] <Forecaster> probably more suitable for it's own mod, but still
L167[13:59:24] <MCenderdragon> this is an nice idea
L168[13:59:29] <MCenderdragon> maybe with an timer
L169[13:59:44] <MCenderdragon> so if you use the rail often enough it wont get overgrown
L170[14:00:08] <Forecaster> that'd require a lot of processing though
L171[14:00:18] <Forecaster> some worlds have thousands and thousands of track blocks
L172[14:00:59] <MCenderdragon> have they already use all meta ?
L173[14:01:02] <CovertJaguar> random block ticks aren't too expensive
L174[14:01:13] <CovertJaguar> meta is all used
L175[14:01:31] <CovertJaguar> well there is the power bit that is only sort of used
L176[14:01:48] <Forecaster> you couldn't use random block ticks if you wanted to have a timer that resets when you run over a track block
L177[14:01:53] <MCenderdragon> yeah random ticks, maybe a tile just for a contdown edited by random ticks
L178[14:02:32] <CovertJaguar> well actually one of the big reasons for the track overhaul was to get the basic tracks to stop using tile entities
L179[14:03:42] <liach> @Forecaster I asked sc2 reborn to add cart interact events once
L180[14:04:36] <liach> In fact, wires can be changed to non tiles if you do not record current in each block
L181[14:04:54] <CovertJaguar> @liach I already did that
L182[14:05:49] <MCenderdragon> ok yeah then this idea is bad ^^
L183[14:27:01] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L184[14:29:44] <Fleynic> Good to know you got me, CovertJaguar!
L185[14:32:31] <Fleynic> Will probably see it soon I guess
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L189[15:02:26] <bballboy2002> Soon™
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L203[18:18:09] <RedneckGenius> Looks great
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L206[18:26:23] <Fleynic> nice
L207[18:26:30] <Fleynic> a tip
L208[18:26:57] <Fleynic> try to go for a more mossy look. like what Notch did to stone to make mossy cobblestone
L209[18:42:41] <CovertJaguar> quick, I need recipes for the Spike Maul
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L211[18:58:05] <CovertJaguar> huh, tall grass normally has a random offset, I wonder how they do that
L212[18:58:56] <CovertJaguar> hmm....somehow I doubt I can apply that to tracks easily
L213[19:26:12] <CovertJaguar> huh...apparently the enchantments are broken
L214[19:26:26] <CovertJaguar> or more specifically, missing
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L217[19:40:37] <CovertJaguar> ugh...tool damage and speed attributes are broken too
L218[19:40:51] <CovertJaguar> that's what I get for using a Mojang Tuple class for a key -.-
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L222[20:53:36] <CovertJaguar> still need a recipe
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L224[20:58:18] <liach> So cool!
L225[21:00:51] <liach> @CovertJaguar How about localization tag?
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L228[21:12:29] <liach> And the recipe is weird
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L231[21:49:24] <ccgfok> Same as abandoned track?
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L236[22:29:28] <Natesky9> No switches or signals in 10.0.1?
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L239[22:32:04] <liach> Natesky9 Yes, you need to use the normal track and vanilla levers
L240[22:33:31] <liach> @CovertJaguar Did you add wye tracks?
L241[22:36:02] <Natesky9> Shoot, so no routing yet?
L242[22:38:41] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960BC4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L243[22:39:41] <liach> yea
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L253[23:20:06] <Elourge> If a Locomotive is set to a lower speed, will it be able to take more up hills?
L254[23:20:13] <Elourge> like changing gears
L255[23:29:28] *** mr208 is now known as mallrat208
L256[23:29:44] ⇦ Quits: Everseeking (~Everseeki@dsl-74-83-0-12.fuse.net) (Quit: Big Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later)
L257[23:34:30] <Natesky9> Oh cool, you guys have an irc bot for discord
L258[23:34:39] ⇦ Quits: Natesky9 (webchat@h202.18.89.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L259[23:36:20] <liach> hehe
L260[23:46:37] <Kodos> Any way to quickly cool off a steam engine
L261[23:47:06] <Natesky9> Whack it
L262[23:47:31] <Natesky9> There's really no penalty for breaking a piping hot locomotive or boiler
L263[23:47:37] <Natesky9> Besides lost heat
L264[23:49:28] <Kodos> Trying to find an efficient setup for this
L265[23:50:06] <Kodos> Using 2 1^1 HP Boilers to power 2 commercial steamers, both pumping into an LV capacitor bank, where I'm using kinesis pipe to run 3 lasers
L266[23:50:27] <Kodos> For some reason, the engines aren't outputting nearly as fast as I would like
L267[23:50:34] <Kodos> So they've been heating up
L268[23:50:52] <Kodos> And I can't figure out what the choke point is, unless it's the capacitor
L269[23:51:01] <Kodos> Not a bank, an IE capacitor
L270[23:53:33] <Kodos> Still have a surplus with an MV, too
L271[23:53:34] <Kodos> Wth
L272[23:59:40] <Natesky9> 2 1*1 boilers don't actually put out that much
L273[23:59:47] <Natesky9> what, 40+40 rf/t?
L274[23:59:56] <Kodos> 20 and 20
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