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L1[00:00:15] <CovertJaguar> the Sponge docs spends pages glorifying plugins, but don't ever bother to explain what they are, how you get them, how you use them, or why you'd want one
L2[00:01:01] <CovertJaguar> ForgeEssentials? I don't even understand the question
L3[00:01:21] <liach> Ask and see here https://discord.gg/x2TzK
L4[00:01:33] <liach> Or irc channel #sponge
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L6[00:02:04] <Elourge> @liach Sell it to us like its a product for a general consumer
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L8[00:06:12] <CovertJaguar> I know there is a language barrier issue at play here making it difficult, but that doesn't change the fact that I can't commit to a project I don't understand or see the value of. Even if it a great idea, unless I'm invested in the project I know that I'll never touch it and it will just fall into brokenness.
L9[00:07:49] <Kodos> As a user and a non-dev, I don't see a reason why Railcraft would need sponge compat or whatever you're asking. What sort of plugin would need to affect routing tables that you couldn't already do with just RC?
L10[00:07:50] <CovertJaguar> I just don't see what benefit the end user gets from me spending time on such a project, if you want to spend time on it, that's great. But I have plenty to keep busy without adding more.
L11[00:10:37] <liach> @Kodos traincarts, for example
L12[00:10:51] <Kodos> Is that a plugin?
L13[00:10:57] <Kodos> If so, why aren't you using Railcraft trains anyway
L14[00:11:26] <liach> Why? Like Railcraft using IC2 API instead of being an IC2 addon
L15[00:12:22] <Kodos> Yes, but Railcraft isn't trying to do things that IC2 already does
L16[00:12:37] <Kodos> Whereas it sounds like you're trying to make plugins be able to do interact with RC and do features that RC already does
L17[00:12:40] <Kodos> Or will do Soon™
L18[00:13:02] <Kodos> Just seems like a waste of time overall, especially so for CJ
L19[00:13:10] <liach> I mean to provide some functionalities that RC do not offer
L20[00:13:15] <Kodos> Such as?
L21[00:13:18] <liach> Or to add custom effects
L22[00:13:40] <liach> Use locos in minigames
L23[00:13:47] <liach> to hit people
L24[00:13:58] <Kodos> What sort of effects?
L25[00:14:17] <liach> Jobs plugin can add jobs related to Railcraft
L26[00:14:36] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L27[00:14:40] <liach> If you build and use RC machines, place tracks, use crowbars
L28[00:14:45] <liach> Does that sound good?
L29[00:15:00] <CovertJaguar> makes more sense than anything else you've said
L30[00:15:18] <liach> You can even allow more output if you have a higher level
L31[00:15:50] <CovertJaguar> ok, next, you need to define specifically what you want from me
L32[00:16:58] <liach> Because of the design issues of bukkit, these are not possible in Bukkit
L33[00:17:23] <liach> I will make one of such compat and leave it titled under you or some sort of organization for Railcraft
L34[00:17:57] <Kodos> Annnd back to gibberish he goes
L35[00:17:59] <Kodos> I'm going to bed
L36[00:18:05] <Kodos> Before my brain melts and pours out of my nose
L37[00:18:09] <Elourge> night o/
L38[00:18:56] <CovertJaguar> I can give you a project repo under my github account to do with as you will, is that all you need?
L39[00:20:12] <liach> Actually two... Can I make them and transfer them to you?
L40[00:20:19] <liach> To mean they are supported by you
L41[00:20:38] <CovertJaguar> Define supported by me
L42[00:22:21] <Elourge> does it go beyond a thumbs up @liach ?
L43[00:22:44] <liach> Just a thumbs up, like you like the idea. Specify it in the Readme
L44[00:23:09] <CovertJaguar> I can do that
L45[00:23:43] <CovertJaguar> Go ahead and make whatever repositories you need and transfer them to me
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L47[00:25:58] <liach> Might need to wait a bit, busy right now
L48[00:26:09] <CovertJaguar> No hurry
L49[00:26:39] <CovertJaguar> Take your time, I'm not going anywhere
L50[00:26:56] <Elourge> Quality over speed
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L55[01:08:47] <Joshwoo70> 10/10 Reson not to use 1.10
L56[01:08:47] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/283857604621369344/Screenshot_20170222-150807.jpg
L57[01:12:50] <Joshwoo70> but still
L58[01:12:56] <Joshwoo70> kinda valid
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L68[03:29:47] <mib_cbrhqg> Zabbin Zexts in my Zussy
L69[03:32:44] <mib_cbrhqg> YEAH
L70[03:32:47] <mib_cbrhqg> IM JUST FUCKING SHITTING
L71[03:32:48] <mib_cbrhqg> WOOOO
L72[03:32:50] <mib_cbrhqg> UGH YEAH
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L76[04:02:45] <vedrit> lol
L77[04:03:01] <vedrit> I have had 0 issues with 1.10
L78[04:03:08] <vedrit> I don't know what all the hate is
L79[04:05:15] <[Enrico]> haters are there regardless of the presence of problems
L80[04:05:25] <[Enrico]> you can do a perfect software and there will still be haters
L81[04:14:06] <yepidoodles> I really don't understand what the big deal is with the combat system
L82[04:16:47] <Joshwoo70> haters gonna hate
L83[04:16:52] <Joshwoo70> potatoes gonna potate
L84[05:20:49] <vedrit> I guess...
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L102[11:04:03] <liach> @Joshwoo70 That is not a big problem at all
L103[11:05:08] <SkySom> Speaking of ownership of the github stuff, have you considered just making an org? rather than transfer them all to Covert?
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L113[14:10:19] <liach> An org is a great idea
L114[14:10:38] <liach> But CJ is not likely to accept it
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L141[22:30:41] <liach> @CovertJaguar @SkySom suggested to make an organization for Railcraft. How do you think of it?
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L144[23:16:44] <CovertJaguar> annoying and pointless, you loose several github features
L145[23:17:32] <liach> lose?
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