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L1[00:19:18] ⇦ Quits: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L6[01:57:45] <Aroma1997> lol
L7[01:57:51] <Aroma1997> such bug report, much wow
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L18[06:54:57] <zzarr> hello! Has the ender eye Anchor cart not been implemented in mc 1.10.2?
L19[06:55:31] <zzarr> I meant to write ender eye consuming
L20[06:56:45] <Forecaster> no
L21[06:57:08] <zzarr> will it be? (in that case when?)
L22[06:57:46] <zzarr> or has it been replaced?
L23[06:59:38] <Forecaster> yes, dunno, no
L24[07:00:52] <zzarr> I'm a programmer wondering if I can help?
L25[07:01:03] <Forecaster> code's on github
L26[07:01:26] <zzarr> okey, I'll have a look at it
L27[07:01:59] <zzarr> would it be OK if engines where chunk-loaders?
L28[07:02:47] <Forecaster> no
L29[07:03:29] <daniel> To start, I recommend you take a look at the 'open project' issues. Get's you used to the code, and hopefully frees up time for CJ.
L30[07:04:10] <zzarr> thanks Forecaster and daniel
L31[07:05:29] <daniel> Afaik RC for 1.10 is still quite a bit away from being feature complete and bug free ;) => still a lot of work for CJ
L32[07:06:12] <zzarr> would it be okey if I wrote a companion mod (one that depends on railcraft but are completely external)?
L33[07:07:32] <Forecaster> aka an "addon"
L34[07:07:34] <Forecaster> feel free
L35[07:08:38] <zzarr> yes, addon
L36[07:09:41] <zzarr> I was thinking that I should fix the Anchor cart which I like to use
L37[07:11:25] <Forecaster> but what's the addon for
L38[07:11:33] <zzarr> is it hard to make it possible to make smoother corners? (like 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4)
L39[07:12:06] <Forecaster> there's a ticket about that on the issue tracker
L40[07:12:29] <zzarr> smoother slopes too?
L41[07:12:41] <Forecaster> dunno
L42[07:14:33] <zzarr> I was thinking about making a light rail car which could take one to a destination in a safe way if the signals are setup correct
L43[07:15:52] <daniel> I imagine that smooth cornes will be a pain for signaling. you'd probably not be able to have the corner inside a signal block.
L44[07:16:42] <Forecaster> as long as you can make it see the connection it should be fine
L45[07:16:50] <Forecaster> and if not a token system can handle it
L46[07:17:02] <zzarr> I don't see the problem
L47[07:17:43] <zzarr> a smooth corner is just a track
L48[07:18:21] <Forecaster> that covers multiple blocks
L49[07:18:42] <Forecaster> pretty sure the signal system can't deal with that currently
L50[07:20:45] <zzarr> I have not had a look at the kode, but would not mirroring the two ends be an good way to handle signals?
L51[07:21:01] <Forecaster> no idea
L52[07:21:06] <Forecaster> I don't know how singalling works
L53[07:21:12] <Forecaster> signalling*
L54[07:21:58] <zzarr> off course there have to be a check if there's a cart in the corner itself
L55[07:23:49] <Forecaster> I'd worry about getting a working smooth corner first
L56[07:23:57] <Forecaster> then resolve the signalling
L57[07:24:51] <zzarr> yes, I'm with you on that
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L60[07:34:56] ⇨ Joins: zzarr (webchat@h83-209-217-68.cust.se.alltele.net)
L61[07:36:07] <zzarr> can I connect to this channel using a IRC client?
L62[07:36:59] <Forecaster> of course...
L63[07:37:12] <zzarr> what server is it?
L64[07:37:21] <zzarr> I searched on freenode...
L65[07:37:44] <[Enrico]> esper
L66[07:37:59] <zzarr> esper.org?
L67[07:38:30] <MCenderdragon> irc.esper.net
L68[07:38:45] <zzarr> thanks
L69[07:39:02] <Forecaster> if you're from railcraft.info it says the name of the network in the window...
L70[07:40:08] <zzarr> it flashed the name, no chanse of reading it
L71[07:41:05] <Forecaster> it says "Connect to EsperNet IRC" on the first screen
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L73[07:42:42] <zzarr> brb
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L76[07:44:01] <zzarr> It works, nice, thanks
L77[07:44:19] <Forecaster> there's also Discord if you prefer
L78[07:44:29] ⇦ Quits: Forb (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L79[07:44:49] <zzarr> Discord?
L80[07:46:02] <Forecaster> discordapp.com
L81[07:47:25] <zzarr> Cool, I will have a look at it later
L82[07:56:42] <zzarr> What IDE are you using when developing Railcraft?
L83[08:13:10] <Aroma1997> probably eclipse or idea
L84[08:13:37] <zzarr> Okey, I'll use Eclipse
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L87[08:29:55] <Forecaster> I use Idea
L88[08:30:12] <Forecaster> for everything pretty much
L89[08:32:12] <Player> cj is a netbeans user afaik
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L92[08:42:01] <zzarr> I have only used eclipse for java, but I will test idea
L93[08:44:33] <Vexatos> Player, he switched to intellIJ a year ago
L94[08:44:38] <Vexatos> intelliJ*
L95[08:44:43] <Vexatos> IIRC
L96[08:48:14] <zzarr> Intellij looks nice
L97[08:48:20] <zzarr> I just installed it
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L123[15:37:01] <CovertJaguar> Yep, I switched to Intellij when Forge switched to being a library jar
L124[15:37:15] <CovertJaguar> netbeans is stupid and can do usage searches into library jars
L125[15:37:49] <CovertJaguar> which is pretty much necessary for Minecraft developement
L126[15:38:23] <Forecaster> did you mean "can't"?
L127[15:38:34] <CovertJaguar> bleh, I always do that
L128[15:38:53] <Forecaster> :P
L129[15:39:03] <SkySom> I also do that a lot.
L130[15:39:09] <SkySom> Can vs Can't... Always
L131[15:39:11] <Forecaster> autoreplace "can" to "can't"
L132[15:39:21] <Forecaster> perfect solution
L133[15:39:22] <SkySom> "You can't do it"
L134[15:39:25] <SkySom> I mean can
L135[15:39:29] <SkySom> ?
L136[15:39:29] <CovertJaguar> sounds like chaos
L137[15:39:39] <SkySom> I do love me some chaos
L138[15:40:29] <CovertJaguar> anyway, the biggest reason the Anchor carts are disabled at the moment isn't because they are broken, but because there is no way to craft them as the anchor blocks still need to be pulled into their own block class
L139[15:41:22] <CovertJaguar> I'm working on getting the switch actuator block setup atm
L140[15:41:25] <Forecaster> I don't think anyone's asked if they're broken, just if they've been ported or not
L141[15:41:46] <CovertJaguar> well not ported == broken =P
L142[15:41:49] <SkySom> Switching being back is definitely better than anchor carts ?
L143[15:42:38] <Michiyo> I want both and I want them NOW! </everyenduserever>
L144[15:42:52] <SkySom> Pfft want?
L145[15:42:55] <SkySom> NEEEEEEED you mean
L146[15:42:58] <Michiyo> Fair enough...
L147[15:43:00] <Michiyo> fair enough
L148[15:43:15] <CovertJaguar> I still need to figure out what to do with the switch tracks, there are a few options on how to bring the functionality back, probably a seperate block with a tile entity to determine track type
L149[15:44:08] <CovertJaguar> but then there is also the question of whether I should do junctions in the same block
L150[15:44:15] <SkySom> Yeeaahh 1.8 models blow your system out of the water didn't it...
L151[15:44:23] <SkySom> Th ewhole stack it all in a single block?
L152[15:44:39] <CovertJaguar> the models aren't too bad, its the block state limitations that are the biggest headache
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L154[15:45:16] <CovertJaguar> I have to group functional blocks by their render variables, otherwise the system gets unmanagable
L155[15:45:29] <SkySom> Yeah, hell trying to remember when I was playing with switches in 1.8.9, I think it was 16 different states for just switches...
L156[15:45:37] <CovertJaguar> this means I need to split apart a bunch of stuff into seperate blocks
L157[15:46:23] <CovertJaguar> and then I also completely rewrote the track code to support the new track kit upgrades
L158[15:46:38] <CovertJaguar> which is the main reason for needing to rewrite the switch tracks
L159[15:47:00] <SkySom> Why did the track kits require rewriting?
L160[15:47:07] ⇦ Quits: zzarr (~zzarr@h83-209-217-68.cust.se.alltele.net) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L161[15:47:07] <CovertJaguar> because they didn't exist
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L164[15:47:49] <SkySom> Do they do anything over just switch normal tracks to custom ones? (I've actually yet to look at tracks since you switched to the track kits)
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L167[15:47:59] <CovertJaguar> all the track variants used to be under a single block class
L168[15:48:12] <SkySom> Yeah I recalled that much. You had like sub tiles
L169[15:48:19] <CovertJaguar> but that block class has changed significantly due to the addition of track kits
L170[15:48:50] <CovertJaguar> I could make switch into a track kit, but gameplay wise that seems klunky
L171[15:50:19] <CovertJaguar> actually, I kind of forget the reasoning behind that
L172[15:51:51] <SkySom> Ah nothing like returning to code only to forget why you wrote it.
L173[15:55:47] <CovertJaguar> maybe it had more to do with the recipes
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L176[16:11:18] <CovertJaguar> if I was to make Junction, Switch and Wye Track Kits, what should the recipes look like?
L177[16:11:29] ⇨ Joins: liach (liach@cpe-76-169-232-24.socal.res.rr.com)
L178[16:12:00] <liach> I guess you should add a broken railbed first
L179[16:12:16] <liach> crafted with 3 wooden ties
L180[16:12:54] <CovertJaguar> this needs to apply to all track variants, rails and railbeds
L181[16:12:57] <liach> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/pull/1042 Is this thing ever useful
L182[16:13:13] <neptunepink> Oh. That makes life tricky.
L183[16:13:41] <liach> The only problem is with Abandoned track variant
L184[16:13:48] <liach> It does not have a railbed yet
L185[16:13:52] <CovertJaguar> @liach I haven't even really looked at it, the last time I accepted a PR like that I spent a month tracking down hard to find bugs
L186[16:14:21] <liach> Yes, that is a draft-never merge it, it is just for taking a look
L187[16:14:24] <neptunepink> What about a junction-track-creator toolthing that consumes rails out of the player's inventory when they're placed?
L188[16:14:34] <neptunepink> Also it could internally store fractional rails or w/e
L189[16:14:35] <liach> Another machine? Uh
L190[16:15:51] <CovertJaguar> that just sounds complicated lol
L191[16:16:19] <neptunepink> A machine? No. An item.
L192[16:16:38] ⇨ Joins: zzarr (~zzarr@h83-209-217-68.cust.se.alltele.net)
L193[16:17:51] <CovertJaguar> I could make a tool that switches between normal, turnout, wye, and junction tracks variants
L194[16:18:28] <CovertJaguar> though that might be complicated as the code currently expects a track kit object to exist, though I could probably just not give them recipes
L195[16:18:41] <neptunepink> Yeah
L196[16:19:20] <liach> That switcher item would be extremely useful
L197[16:20:11] <neptunepink> Also it could just *not* consume anything at all. That might be cool too. Or maybe it consumes the base track.
L198[16:20:33] <CovertJaguar> probably nothing
L199[16:20:45] <CovertJaguar> not important enough to add the complication of cost
L200[16:22:20] <neptunepink> The crowbar. The crowbar could be the tool. Sneak right click!
L201[16:22:40] <CovertJaguar> Maybe, or I could add a "Spike Maul"
L202[16:23:05] <liach> Crowbar is not a super good choice I think
L203[16:23:09] <CovertJaguar> the crowbar already reverses the switch orientation
L204[16:23:14] <liach> Agrees
L205[16:23:40] <CovertJaguar> but sneak click might be unused on those varients
L206[16:29:44] <neptunepink> Place the tracks in a T, click w/ crowbar. It turns into a switch track. Then you can use the crowbar to cycle through: [junction left, junction right, wye]
L207[16:29:52] <neptunepink> s/junction/switch
L208[16:33:47] <liach> No... That hurts vanilla behavior
L209[16:43:42] <Forecaster> <:routing_table:283730378621976597>
L210[16:47:59] <CovertJaguar> @Forecaster oh facy
L211[16:48:08] <CovertJaguar> @liach how?
L212[16:48:47] <liach> In vanilla, T shaped tracks are supposed to be powered by redstone to have switch function
L213[16:49:12] <liach> You should tell people requesting adding switch and wye tracks this first
L214[16:50:19] <CovertJaguar> well, yes, it sucks though, but how is that impacted by using a crowbar to switch to a railcraft switch track
L215[16:50:53] <CovertJaguar> and no one is requesting it, it was always next on the todo list
L216[16:53:46] <Forecaster> <:rail_h:283732833187397633> <:rail_h:283732833187397633> <:rail_turn_sw:283732833019625474>
L217[16:53:46] <Forecaster> <:rail_h:283732833187397633> <:rail_h:283732833187397633> <:rail_turn_nw:283732833066024962>
L218[16:53:57] <Forecaster> oh, damn
L219[16:54:07] <Forecaster> that didn't work quite like I expected
L220[16:55:05] <Forecaster> oh well
L221[16:55:59] <CovertJaguar> too many spaces
L222[16:56:33] <CovertJaguar> <:rail_h:283732833187397633><:rail_h:283732833187397633>
L223[16:57:00] <CovertJaguar> or too blury?
L224[16:57:33] <Forecaster> I meant my name offsetting the top row
L225[16:57:59] <CovertJaguar> uh...didn't happen here
L226[16:58:20] <Forecaster> I use the compact mode
L227[16:58:51] <CovertJaguar> ah yep, that breaks it
L228[17:00:01] <Forecaster> also no idea what that looks like on irc :P
L229[17:00:08] <Forecaster> probably nothing good
L230[17:00:28] <CovertJaguar> yeah, not really
L231[17:03:49] <CovertJaguar> <:rail_v:283735471660466176>
L232[17:04:49] <CovertJaguar> <:rail_h:283735743375998987>
L233[17:05:59] <CovertJaguar> why Discord uses a bicubic scaling alorgithm on pixel art...
L234[17:06:33] <Forecaster> it probably doesn't expect it to be pixel art
L235[17:06:41] <CovertJaguar> all emoji are pixel art
L236[17:06:52] <CovertJaguar> the max size is 128x, normally reduced to 32x
L237[17:07:30] <Forecaster> that doesn't mean Discord expects it to be pixel art :P
L238[17:11:26] <Forecaster> doesn't really matter that much though, it's not like they're that useful
L239[17:11:29] <Forecaster> :P
L240[17:12:18] <CovertJaguar> <:rail_h:283735743375998987> <:rail_v:283735471660466176>
L241[17:12:35] <CovertJaguar> needs more minecarts
L242[17:12:49] <Forecaster> I want to make something similar to this http://towerofawesome.org/starbound_wire_planner/
L243[17:13:04] <Forecaster> but for tracks and signals
L244[17:13:20] <CovertJaguar> oh, nice
L245[17:13:53] <Forecaster> although I need to find a way to draw the connections that work in Chrome
L246[17:14:03] <Forecaster> the method I use for that only works in FF
L247[17:14:31] <CovertJaguar> heh
L248[17:15:53] <Forecaster> can probably use Canvas or something
L249[17:22:48] <liach> Emojis and emblems... I am even more confused
L250[17:22:57] <liach> Are you going to add some emblems?
L251[17:25:24] <Forecaster> nobody's mentioned emblems...
L252[17:26:44] <liach> What's wrong? Emblems are great and they should be a high priority... People like them a lot
L253[17:27:05] <liach> And @Forecaster your link to GitHub on your website is wrong
L254[17:28:14] <Forecaster> oh, so it is
L255[17:30:09] <liach> @CovertJaguar You should make an interface for locomotives or high level powered carts
L256[17:33:15] <Forecaster> what¨
L257[17:33:22] <Forecaster> what
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L262[17:55:00] <CovertJaguar> the model for the actuators is a pain -.-
L263[18:01:13] <liach> Agreed
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L265[18:37:13] <Kodos> Actuators?
L266[18:37:43] <CovertJaguar> switch stands, the switch motor, lever, etc...
L267[18:37:51] <CovertJaguar> the thing that goes next to switches
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L269[18:53:30] <Kodos> Ah
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L280[23:35:21] <liach> @CovertJaguar @CovertJaguar If I make another interface for Sponge plugins, would you accept to manage it a bit?
L281[23:36:26] <CovertJaguar> I'm not touching anything sponge related
L282[23:37:26] <liach> ?
L283[23:37:30] <liach> Why
L284[23:41:23] <CovertJaguar> have you looked at the state of Railcraft recently?
L285[23:43:07] <CovertJaguar> I know nothing about sponge and don't even understand the point of whatever you are doing, even after talking to the sponge devs in person I still don't understand. And I am not going to commit to maintaining code for a system I don't even know how to use.
L286[23:45:41] <CovertJaguar> or do you mean you want a hook added to the RC API?
L287[23:45:55] <CovertJaguar> if you just want a hook, I can do that
L288[23:46:27] <CovertJaguar> but I can't commit to maintaining code designed to run solely in the Sponge environment
L289[23:47:22] <Elourge> whats sponge? is it an api? @liach
L290[23:47:52] <liach> SpongeAPI https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeAPI
L291[23:47:58] <CovertJaguar> some kind of replacement for bukkit
L292[23:48:12] <Elourge> thats something I can understand, thanks
L293[23:48:17] <liach> It interfaces out all the instances in minecraft
L294[23:49:36] <liach> @CovertJaguar It allows plugins, loaded as forge mods, to modify minecraft
L295[23:50:19] <liach> @CovertJaguar Ask me questions and I will answer them
L296[23:50:52] <CovertJaguar> would I be required to setup a new developement environment for Sponge?
L297[23:52:46] <liach> I will set it up
L298[23:52:52] <liach> It is a new mod
L299[23:53:14] <CovertJaguar> but you just asked me to maintain it, can't do that with out a dev environment
L300[23:53:23] <liach> Examples are here: https://github.com/gabizou/thaumicsponge
L301[23:54:05] <liach> Two parts, first part for plugin makers to use, second part an addon mod of both spongeforge and railcraft for it to function properly
L302[23:54:55] <CovertJaguar> throwing raw git repos at me isn't helping your case
L303[23:55:36] <liach> Can I make one, transfer it to you, and you add me as a collaborator?
L304[23:56:06] <liach> https://docs.spongepowered.org/stable/en/
L305[23:56:28] <CovertJaguar> so long as I never have to clone it to my computer, that's fine with me
L306[23:56:57] <liach> :shrugs"
L307[23:57:02] <liach> ?
L308[23:58:53] <CovertJaguar> I just don't understand the point of Sponge plugins sufficiently to be invested in such a project
L309[23:58:54] <liach> It's like when you need to access routing system, you add an interface and allow plugins to modify routing tables or motors
L310[23:59:30] <liach> Do you think they should make Forge based server side only mods like ForgeEssentials?
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