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206 seconds)
L4[08:33:54] <MalkContent> the abandoned
tracks have some derailment tooltip. is it dangerous to go fast
over them or something?
L5[08:36:27] <Forecaster> that's for
you to find out :P
L6[08:39:13] <MalkContent> :D very
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L35[12:26:21] <darkelarious> just to recap
shards of yesterday's conversation, there's no way you
can get a high speed track working with electric locomotives and
energy storage carts?
L36[12:28:20] <Kodos> Electric locomotives
only work on electric rails, afaik, but there are HS versions of
elec track
L37[12:28:34] <Kodos> Or do they work on
regular ones too
L38[12:28:43] *
Kodos has no idea, has only ever used elec trains on elec
L39[12:29:46] <darkelarious> i'm still
using the 1.7.10 version
L40[12:29:54] <darkelarious>
L41[12:30:05] <Kodos> Latest on 1.7 is 9.12
I think
L42[12:30:46] <darkelarious> i know,
i'm updating soon
L43[12:31:05] <darkelarious> but you say
there is electrified HS tracks? and is that in 1.7.10 or 1.9?
L44[12:31:13] <darkelarious> or 1.10, dunno
what the latest is
L45[12:32:16] <Mimiru> 1/10
L46[12:32:20] <Mimiru> 1.10*
L47[12:32:30] <darkelarious> shame
L48[12:33:13] <darkelarious> basically what
my experience is, is no matter how many elocs you have, you
can't get the cesu cart to high speed
L49[12:33:44] <darkelarious> unless --would
be nice if CJ or FC could answer this-- there's a config
option to change that, or the weight of the cesu cart
L50[12:33:49] <Mimiru> iirc they have high
drag for balance reasons
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L52[12:35:17] <Mimiru> I've never
found a config option for it
L53[12:35:27] <darkelarious> which makes it
a bit unusable for end-game users :./
L54[12:41:34] <darkelarious> i'm also
a bit surprised that my steamloc-steamloc-tankcart (with water)
does not seem to be fueling/filling the locs with water
L55[12:41:43] <darkelarious> or does that
only happen when the loc's tank is empty?
L56[12:41:51] ⇦
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L57[12:42:27] <MalkContent> wow. on 1.7.10
and not even using the latest there :D
L58[12:43:21] <darkelarious> MalkContent: i
know, and updating
L59[12:43:37] <darkelarious> we're
playing heavily modded FTB infinity in a ~10 player group
L60[12:43:37] <MalkContent> wasn't
meant as condecending or anything, i was just baffled
L61[12:43:43] <MalkContent> i can
understand that
L62[12:44:00] <darkelarious> but the last
time we updated is about a year ago now, so there's that
L63[12:44:54] <darkelarious> ok, it seems
to be drawing water from the loc, but only while driving? is that
L64[12:45:14] <darkelarious> or let me
rephrase that: what are the conditions for drawing water from the
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L67[12:47:29] <darkelarious> hi CJ
L68[12:47:44] <darkelarious> screw it,
copypaste from 2 minutes ago:
L69[12:47:45] <darkelarious> (19:45:15)
darkelarious: or let me rephrase that: what are the conditions for
drawing water from the tank?
L70[12:48:10] <darkelarious> (steamloc,
steamloc, tankcart, carts+, anchor cart)
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L74[13:16:18] <CovertJaguar> the battery
carts are purely for moving power around, not powering fast
L75[13:16:32] <CovertJaguar> for that,
nothing needs to be fast
L76[13:17:17] <darkelarious> true
L77[13:17:39] <darkelarious> so what /is/
the best way of powering fast trains?
L78[13:18:00] <darkelarious> i prefer
electricity because the only high speed steam locomotive is in a
british museum
L79[13:21:43] <CovertJaguar> in 1.7 the
only way is steam or no locomotive
L80[13:33:21] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L81[13:33:46] <darkelarious> shame, but
L82[13:35:20] <darkelarious> but I also
realize I have no right to complain until I start (helping)
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A small question: Is railcraft compatible with Steve's

<Shadows> generally

because someone released a fork for 1.10.2 today on curse

i want a lot to give it a try
L91[14:33:48] <CovertJaguar> probably
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<Joshwoo70> most likely compatible..
the carts shpuld havs harder hitboxes...
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<SkySom> If it isnt somehow. Let me

<SkySom> I'll make sure that is
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@CovertJaguar You have not done anything on GitHub since the
election mess began, and there are so many issues on GitHub
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<Joshwoo70> @liach dude give CJ some