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L3[00:25:22] <Kreshj> Morning! Could someone tell me how to make creosote oil in survival. As described on the Railcraft site none of the machines are working (coke oven seems so too)
L4[00:39:43] <Kreshj> im not able to make stone ties either, hoped that would be a possibility.
L5[00:40:03] <Kreshj> in the end, a.t.m. im trying to create boostertracks
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L12[01:59:03] <Forecaster> Kreshj: charcoal in a regular furnace
L13[01:59:10] <Forecaster> or was it coal
L14[01:59:17] <Forecaster> it's coal
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L19[03:07:52] <Kreshj> thnx Forecaster !
L20[03:09:41] <Forecaster> no problem
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L32[06:01:06] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L33[06:01:06] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/3zrCzDR6ReU - Modded Minedcrafted [Episode 196] - Moar Powerflow
L34[06:01:06] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: industrialcraft2,Crafting
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L75[15:10:30] <liach> @Joshwoo70 There are a lot of bug reports now, and no collaborator go to resolve those issues
L76[15:10:42] <liach> I really want to fix some issues with Railcraft
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L80[16:15:04] <CovertJaguar> @liach sorry, I know, things are starting to stabalize though I think (even though there are still paid rioters in the streats)
L81[16:17:42] <Forecaster> you better be sorry, we all know minecraft modding has priority over riots
L82[16:18:11] <Forecaster> (that is sarcasm)
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L85[16:37:14] <MalkContent> dang. sometimes i forget that people from the internet are all over the place and the situation there can vary drastically from where i am
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L93[17:16:50] <CovertJaguar> I must admit, I have a new found respect for notch, he can shitpost with the best of them
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L96[17:33:55] <MalkContent> hehe
L97[17:36:38] <Forecaster> I haven't been following him for quite some time now
L98[17:44:49] <liach> @CovertJaguar You live in Portland don't you? Indeed I got some pictures that tell the truth
L99[17:45:18] <Forecaster> what
L100[17:45:20] <CovertJaguar> not in portland thankfully, but close enough
L101[17:45:24] <liach> move to mexico
L102[17:45:24] <liach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/247144860530769921/move_to_mexico.jpg
L103[17:45:49] <liach> he moves a black family out of their house
L104[17:45:49] <liach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/247144965174460416/fake_racism.jpg
L105[17:46:02] <liach> racist?
L106[17:46:02] <liach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/247145019025260544/donald_trump_racism.jpg
L107[17:46:24] <liach> Color revolution vs. Trump riots
L108[17:46:25] <liach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/247145113434849280/color_revolution.jpg
L109[17:46:46] <liach> Asking people to riot!
L110[17:46:46] <liach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/247145204665024512/dont_snitch.jpg
L111[17:47:01] <liach> Yes, they are liberals
L112[17:47:01] <liach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/247145265260134403/before_and_after_election.jpg
L113[17:47:07] <liach> Truth of protest
L114[17:47:07] <liach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/247145291969593347/protesting_democracy.jpg
L115[17:47:17] <Forecaster> Please stop spamming images
L116[17:47:44] <liach> Well, I do not know how uploading images work
L117[17:48:07] <liach> So I unfortunately chose a bunch and uploaded all. Sorry
L118[17:51:04] *** Alex_hawks|zzz is now known as Alex_hawks
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L120[18:04:30] <CovertJaguar> lol
L121[18:05:09] <CovertJaguar> I don't mind
L122[18:05:30] <Forecaster> at least do it in the off-topic channel....
L123[18:05:36] <Forecaster> look at irc
L124[18:05:40] <CovertJaguar> that is a fair point
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L126[18:13:51] <liach> curious how pictures look like in irc
L127[18:14:05] <Forecaster> they're just urls to the images
L128[18:16:47] <Forecaster> also I don't see how posting fabricated and "funny" images help anything
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L131[18:21:25] <CovertJaguar> those "funny" images helped us defeat a tyrant
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L133[18:35:52] <liach> @CovertJaguar For the optifine fix, it turned out that calling TextureMap.setTextureEntry(String name, TextureAtlasSprite entry) returns false, indicating duplicate names in the texture map
L134[18:36:24] <CovertJaguar> ah...right, that was why I didn't use it, I remember now
L135[18:37:12] <CovertJaguar> they exist in the texture map because they get loaded by the JSON files, there is no function to replace existing textures
L136[18:40:38] <liach> Seems we need to move them before the blocks get registered
L137[18:44:08] <CovertJaguar> Er...that would be a major redesign I think
L138[18:44:48] <CovertJaguar> atm the texture dimensions are provided by the block/item objects
L139[19:17:33] <liach> @CovertJaguar I think I found a way to "fix" this but I need to test
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L142[20:18:38] <Joshwoo70> source code?
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L149[20:47:59] <liach> what about source @Joshwoo70
L150[20:48:22] <Joshwoo70> `CovertJaguar I think I found a way to "fix" this but I need to test`
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L158[21:47:37] <liach> Well that actually cant really be fixed
L159[21:47:51] <liach> Sending a pull to forge might be the only solution
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