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L1[00:11:26] <CovertJaguar> When I asked about the snow hook, I was more referring to snow that falls from the sky... I want it to replace tracks with a special snow block
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L3[00:22:20] <CovertJaguar> Does anyone know of a mod that makes snow accumulate beyond one layer also?
L4[00:22:37] <CovertJaguar> I know tough as nails has some seasonal stuff
L5[00:25:24] <Kodos> One sec
L6[00:25:25] <Kodos> I know of one
L7[00:25:28] <Kodos> Finding the name
L8[00:26:03] <Kodos> I think one of Gany's mods does it
L9[00:26:09] <Kodos> Checking now
L10[00:26:13] <CovertJaguar> Snowfall?
L11[00:26:20] <Kodos> Yeah, where snow will accumulate
L12[00:26:30] <Kodos> Eventually you get buried in, if you don't dig out the snow
L13[00:26:32] <CovertJaguar> Im looking for something for 1.10
L14[00:27:06] <CovertJaguar> I meant the mod "Snowfall"
L15[00:27:43] <CovertJaguar> https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/chemcraft-snowfall
L16[00:27:53] <CovertJaguar> Sadly on 1.7
L17[00:27:58] <Kodos> Ah,I know Gany's Surface ports of from Pocket Edition, but also 1.7
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L26[01:42:29] <Hanakocz> Oh, I actually HAVE track covered with snow
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L28[01:43:02] <Hanakocz> Except that it has bad texture and thus is commented out for a while
L29[01:43:39] <Hanakocz> Realistic Terrain Gen does make that when snows, the snow accumulates
L30[01:43:51] <Hanakocz> Also Seasons mod or how it is named
L31[01:44:32] <CovertJaguar> Well for what I want it needs to be able to reverse the operation and remove the snow as well, restoring the original track
L32[01:44:52] <Hanakocz> RTG does it when it does not snow
L33[01:45:25] <CovertJaguar> Surely not to Railcraft tracks...
L34[01:46:36] <Hanakocz> Well, I wanted to add it and played with that yesterday.
L35[01:46:47] <Hanakocz> ```
L36[01:46:47] <Hanakocz> public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block)
L37[01:46:47] <Hanakocz> {
L38[01:46:48] <Hanakocz> super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, block);
L39[01:46:48] <Hanakocz> Block[] neighbors = new Block[4];
L40[01:46:48] <Hanakocz> neighbors[0] = world.getBlock(x+1, y, z);
L41[01:46:48] <Hanakocz> neighbors[1] = world.getBlock(x-1, y, z);
L42[01:46:49] <Hanakocz> neighbors[2] = world.getBlock(x, y, z+1);
L43[01:46:49] <Hanakocz> neighbors[3] = world.getBlock(x, y, z-1);
L44[01:46:49] <Hanakocz> boolean flag = false;
L45[01:46:50] <Hanakocz> for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
L46[01:46:50] <Hanakocz> {
L47[01:46:51] <Hanakocz> if (neighbors[i] == Blocks.snow_layer)
L48[01:46:51] <Hanakocz> {
L49[01:46:52] <Hanakocz> flag = true;
L50[01:46:52] <Hanakocz> }
L51[01:46:53] <Hanakocz> }
L52[01:46:53] <Hanakocz> if (flag)
L53[01:46:54] <Hanakocz> {
L54[01:46:54] <Hanakocz> int oldmeta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
L55[01:46:55] <Hanakocz> world.setBlock(x, y, z, BlockRailcraftCos.TrackSnow, oldmeta, 2);
L56[01:46:55] <Hanakocz> }
L57[01:46:56] <Hanakocz> }
L58[01:46:56] <Hanakocz> ```
L59[01:47:17] <Hanakocz> this thing to make track snowed when neighours will get covered bz snow
L60[01:47:24] <Hanakocz> might work also i reverse
L61[01:47:27] <CovertJaguar> Oh thats one way to do it I guess
L62[01:47:28] <Hanakocz> might work also in reverse
L63[01:48:24] <Hanakocz> But this should be in vanilla track or if we replace all vanilla tracks with our own, which is not 1.7.10 case I fear
L64[01:49:54] <Hanakocz> Snow -> normal via train
L65[01:49:54] <Hanakocz> ```
L66[01:49:54] <Hanakocz> @Override
L67[01:49:54] <Hanakocz> public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
L68[01:49:54] <Hanakocz> {
L69[01:49:55] <Hanakocz> if (entity != null && entity instanceof EntityMinecart)
L70[01:49:55] <Hanakocz> {
L71[01:49:55] <Hanakocz> int oldmeta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
L72[01:49:56] <Hanakocz> world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.rail, oldmeta, 2);
L73[01:49:56] <Hanakocz> ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(Items.snowball, 1, 1);
L74[01:49:57] <Hanakocz> dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, itemstack);
L75[01:49:57] <Hanakocz> }
L76[01:49:58] <Hanakocz> }
L77[01:49:58] <Hanakocz> ```
L78[01:50:07] <Lostgeek> pastebin
L79[01:50:30] <CovertJaguar> Eh, just make a new non-track block that has a non-ticking tile entity that stores the original blockstate and the serialized Nbt data of any tile entity it may get have.
L80[01:51:30] <Hanakocz> Uhm, can also be a thing. Then I found another kinda bad thingie. Render
L81[01:51:49] <CovertJaguar> Render is trivial in 1.10
L82[01:51:57] <Hanakocz> I went by "let's render track and snow layer at once"
L83[01:53:04] <CovertJaguar> Ah, that does suck, I was thinking more 3 dimensional
L84[01:54:08] <Hanakocz> easy thing but a) default height snow over covers track b) one pixel lowered snow is same height as track, thus flickering.....
L85[01:54:48] <Hanakocz> so maybe one would need some special texture , or model if he wants to make track visible under more snow
L86[01:54:50] <CovertJaguar> Then when a cart runs into one of these tracks, it pushes the snow back, increasing the number of layers in tracks ahead until there is too much snow to move(full block)
L87[01:55:15] <CovertJaguar> And add a snowplow cart that can cut through the snow
L88[01:55:30] <Hanakocz> oh, right
L89[01:56:15] <Hanakocz> I know how to make dynamic model for that, I use it with my carts
L90[01:56:50] <CovertJaguar> You mean animated? Like the Bore?
L91[01:57:52] <Hanakocz> well, this thing is that it renders some parts only when criteria is fullfilld
L92[01:57:54] <Hanakocz> well, this thing is that it renders some parts only when criteria is fullfilled
L93[01:59:05] <Hanakocz> I count filled slots and change model by that, same can be with "get number representing snow height"
L94[01:59:59] <CovertJaguar> Uh if we are talking about the block, that is again fairly trivial in 1.10
L95[02:00:47] <Hanakocz> 1.10 has those JSON model possibilities, if I remember correctly, right
L96[02:01:00] <CovertJaguar> Yeah
L97[02:03:17] <Hanakocz> Well it is not kinda complicated even now, however did not found better way than loading all model states and then switching them on render layer, because using variables in model calls was really bad
L98[02:03:34] <Hanakocz> I can imagine JSON will simplify it even more.
L99[02:07:45] <CovertJaguar> Entity models aren't the same as JSON models
L100[02:08:24] <Hanakocz> RTG uses meta to calculate snow height
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L121[06:01:47] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L122[06:01:47] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/Ha5SR8nscus - Modded Minecraft [Episode 181] - Running Around and Dying
L123[06:01:47] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: Dying,Fighting,Twilight Forest,Exploring
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L144[10:57:06] <CovertJaguar> Come on people give me something to think about while driving! Does no one else have opinions on snow covering track? Or waterstone/Icestone, something! Must be time for an open beta, no issue reports in days!
L145[10:57:21] <CovertJaguar> /me is suffering coding withdrawals
L146[10:57:41] <SkySom> I've wanted to do snow covering tracks.
L147[10:57:48] <SkySom> But due to well tracks being falt
L148[10:57:52] <SkySom> It seemed an odd idea.
L149[10:58:01] <SkySom> But due to well tracks being flat
L150[10:58:22] <SkySom> And open betas are nice.
L151[10:58:37] <CovertJaguar> Being flat is a superficial thing, have you seen Railcraft-3D?
L152[10:58:48] <Hanakocz> For me snow tracks need model ?
L153[10:59:11] <SkySom> Railcraft-3D?
L154[10:59:20] <Hanakocz> Also hat they are fflat or not --- they will be covered by snow from underneath
L155[10:59:25] <CovertJaguar> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft-3D
L156[10:59:43] <SkySom> ...
L157[10:59:43] <CovertJaguar> The snow model doesn't need to be flat
L158[10:59:44] <MrConductor> * SkySom blinks
L159[10:59:52] <SkySom> Awesome
L160[10:59:58] <SkySom> Also it shouldn't be IMO
L161[11:00:02] <SkySom> Since the snow isn't.
L162[11:00:06] <SkySom> So it'd look weird
L163[11:00:25] <Hanakocz> ya exactly, not flat because you will never know if it is flat or not, it will be snowed over ?
L164[11:01:07] <Hanakocz> My idea was to create holes in snow where tracks are though (when more layers)
L165[11:02:03] <CovertJaguar> https://akronrrclub.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/poles5.jpg
L166[11:02:04] <Hanakocz> like this picture -> http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/11/19/234C7ED400000578-2838919-image-80_1416419472726.jpg
L167[11:02:40] <Hanakocz> okay, that is difference in snow height ?
L168[11:03:11] <MalkContent> CJ: randomly spawning villagers tied to the tracks which you can rescue, else they get squished
L169[11:03:40] <SkySom> Man I wish I had gotten the snow blower model from Haz. But he lost that one.
L170[11:03:40] <CovertJaguar> Yeah, thats why I was asking about snowfalll accumulated in mods
L171[11:03:59] <SkySom> Cause he had a model for one of those huge ones you push
L172[11:04:02] <CovertJaguar> Having different levels of snow behave differently would be nice
L173[11:04:09] <Hanakocz> Or randomly let villagers steal tracks and sell them as old metal
L174[11:04:23] <CovertJaguar> Lol
L175[11:04:34] <MalkContent> :D
L176[11:05:03] <SkySom> It was something like this https://kochontheroad.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/img_3382.jpg
L177[11:05:40] <SkySom> But I realized I'd have to do special shit for snow fall since that just happens and doesn't seem to be easy to tie into.
L178[11:05:42] <CovertJaguar> I've seen miles of abandoned, paved over, buried , discarded old rails this week, it amazes me no one bothers to pull it up and sell it for scrap
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L180[11:06:15] <SkySom> Probably hard to do ? lots of laws
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L182[11:07:06] <CovertJaguar> In places the road crews even just pave over it, you think they would pull it up
L183[11:07:31] <MalkContent> lol wat
L184[11:07:35] <CovertJaguar> That's a nice blower
L185[11:07:36] <Vexatos> I know of a line the rails and foundation of which have to be completely re-done every 6 months
L186[11:07:41] *** Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
L187[11:08:00] <Vexatos> due to the carriages travelling across it weighing 500 tons each
L188[11:08:32] <Hanakocz> here in CZ one guy like 5 years ago disassembled and sold 10t unused rail bridge ?
L189[11:08:34] <Vexatos> It's the railway between the blast furnace and the converter at a local steelworks
L190[11:08:49] <Vexatos> for torpedo cars carrying liquid iron
L191[11:09:25] <Vexatos> Imagine a 20x5x5 carriage that's basically just one massive block of iron...
L192[11:09:27] <Vexatos> Pretty cool
L193[11:10:22] <Vexatos> CovertJaguar: Why don't you have a laptop for coding?
L194[11:10:39] <Hanakocz> I can add it, but for crafting recipe you would need Avaritia
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L197[11:14:59] <Hanakocz> reversing the thing that loco can connect only to one nonloco
L198[11:15:19] <Hanakocz> for tender wagon do same but other way
L199[11:20:32] <CovertJaguar> I have a laptop, buts it's pretty old, never tried running Minecraft on it, and ide is memory hog
L200[11:22:08] <Vexatos> I have a very bad old craptop
L201[11:22:18] <Vexatos> it can barely run minecraft from IDEA
L202[11:22:21] <Vexatos> 15 FPS
L203[11:22:24] <SkySom> I just have my laptop.
L204[11:22:26] <Vexatos> but who cares if you're just testing
L205[11:22:27] <SkySom> Ah 15FPS
L206[11:22:30] <SkySom> I'd take that.
L207[11:22:40] <Vexatos> SkySom: Only one or two mods though
L208[11:22:52] <SkySom> Points stands.
L209[11:22:53] <Vexatos> and minimal graphics settings :P
L210[11:23:03] <Vexatos> it's unplayable
L211[11:23:04] <SkySom> Yep.
L212[11:23:07] <Vexatos> but I'm not playing
L213[11:23:08] <Vexatos> I'm testing
L214[11:23:09] <Vexatos> so eh
L215[11:23:32] <SkySom> Heaven forbid I try and actually start a server instance and a client instance
L216[11:28:44] <superaxander> Yay I just got railcraft 1.10 to run ?
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L219[11:46:58] <Hanakocz> "Just MC" [Bug MC-61997] - squids spawn in lava
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L261[18:38:35] <liach> Well could anyone come to play Almura server with Railcraft http://almuramc.com/
L262[18:39:08] <liach> That server has some protection and it feels like normal servers instead of simple multiplayer
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L264[18:52:21] <vico> hi! is mc-1.10.2 already buildable?
L265[18:52:33] <vico> i tried to build here but no sucess
L266[18:52:51] <vico> and i dont know if i'm doing something wrong or else
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L268[18:55:11] <liach> @vico You can download Railcraft zip from github, extract, and run gradlew setupCiWorkspace build to get the built jar in build folder. Do not distribute it!
L269[18:55:46] <Nirek> and do not expect it to be remotely playable
L270[18:56:14] <Nirek> lots and lots of things not updated/implemented.
L271[18:56:38] <vico> yep, i tried here but i got a lot of errors
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L276[19:43:40] <liach> Well I really want to find someone who would play a Railcraft server with me
L277[19:43:52] <liach> Is anyone interested in this one? http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/almura.392311
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L280[20:59:07] <Hanakocz> I need to finish even my own packs ?
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