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L20[01:56:23] <Forecaster> @Hanakocz maybe look at what the cargo carts do?
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L22[01:57:02] <Forecaster> @liach well, there will be my old base, which I'm going to turn into a terminal with some basic facilities and power
L23[01:57:13] <Forecaster> and it's right next to spawn like I said
L24[01:57:40] <liach> Sounds to be safe
L25[02:05:23] <Kodos> <3 cargo carts
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L59[05:05:06] <Hanakocz> I know what cargo ones do and that I need to a) make own gui with some type of extended filter (because it should accept not one type of wood, but all woods, for example via oredict) b) my own slots with such limitation, containers, gui, and then let it work..... Complicated for just one thing, I did such for my second mod for TileEntity, that is way more straightforward than for Entity, but well...maybe sometimes later, got that code
L60[05:05:06] <Hanakocz> saved....Priority is to release it so people have at least something working (new carts and so)
L61[05:05:53] <Forecaster> you don't really need the gui
L62[05:06:05] <Forecaster> just allow anything that matches wood in the oreDict
L63[05:07:10] <Hanakocz> Ya, but still I need new Slot and then Container using that slot
L64[05:08:55] <Hanakocz> and Container is assigned in GuiHandler that uses IGuiHandler which has to assign both servr and client, thus also Gui. Tried to assign only Container and null Gui but it kinda did not worked , so for a while I gav up and will do it in future ?
L65[05:11:16] <Hanakocz> Need to write rcipes into it and release it, it is endless
L66[05:13:15] <Forecaster> :P
L67[05:15:22] <Hanakocz> I am still kinda begginer heh, so I gave up on complicated stuff more easier
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L71[05:31:56] <Hanakocz> (then I rather add just another cosmetic track and not the recipes -.-' )
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L136[13:30:53] <CovertJaguar> It's not any harder then a tile entity Gui
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L138[13:31:32] <SkySom> Yeah it's all pretty simple.
L139[13:31:54] <CovertJaguar> You just need to send the entity I'd instead of the x value, set y to - 1 so you know when it is an entity not a TE
L140[13:32:09] <CovertJaguar> *entity ID
L141[13:32:48] <SkySom> I still need to swap GUI ID for something useful so I can tell what's calling the method.
L142[13:33:04] <SkySom> Would probably be easier than my current mehtods for figuring whether it's an entity, a block, or an item.
L143[13:33:37] <CovertJaguar> Forestry encodes Gui page into the Gui id
L144[13:33:52] <SkySom> Yeah one big switch case or something iirc
L145[13:33:53] <Hanakocz> Ya i seen that part of code
L146[13:33:58] <SkySom> I don't do that.
L147[13:34:19] <SkySom> I store the gui/container to open in the tile/entity/etc and have interfaces for stuff.
L148[13:35:58] <Player> you can use arbitrary data too if you open the gui yourself btw
L149[13:36:23] <SkySom> Yeah that's what I mean by swap the GUI ID to be more useful.
L150[13:36:43] <Player> no i mean you can use your completely own packet
L151[13:36:48] <Player> there's no need to use fml's helper
L152[13:36:52] <SkySom> Ohhhh.
L153[13:36:56] <SkySom> Hmmm I hadn't considered that.
L154[13:37:22] <Player> i'm actually to blame for the current variables it transports -_-
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L156[13:37:54] <MrConductor> * SkySom applauds
L157[13:38:05] <Player> all you have to do is opening/attaching the container on the server, synchronizing the window id and then attaching the gui on the client
L158[13:38:07] <CovertJaguar> Nbt or a byte array would have been nice ;)
L159[13:38:15] <Player> i agree :P
L160[13:38:38] <Player> but this was in 1.2 or something
L161[13:38:58] <SkySom> So quite some time ago.
L162[13:40:09] <SkySom> But yeah I may eventually look at manually opening the GUI's myself. Extra information wouldn't be bad.
L163[13:40:19] <SkySom> I think someone had tried to do a PR for it.
L164[13:40:23] <SkySom> That had caps or something.
L165[13:41:01] <Player> lol
L166[13:41:08] <Player> way to over.complicate it :D
L167[13:41:09] <SkySom> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3079
L168[13:41:10] <SkySom> Found it.
L169[13:41:52] <SkySom> It got (rightfully) tore to pieces
L170[13:46:38] <neptunepink> You're reminding me of like MC 1.0 w/ ModloaderMP's packet system that was a flaming pile of garbage
L171[13:48:00] <SkySom> Ah I remember those days.
L172[13:50:27] ⇦ Quits: Sketchy (~Sketchy@ (Quit: This is not a Quit Message.)
L173[14:08:18] <liach> @CovertJaguar Where are you now?
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L175[14:20:14] <Forecaster> next to a train!
L176[14:20:48] <liach> fort bragg or willits?
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L179[14:39:56] <liach> When will you be at San Francisco?
L180[14:49:06] <CovertJaguar> SF? Well I'll be in Oakland on the 22nd
L181[14:49:50] <liach> Well Oakland is the worst in Bay Area
L182[14:49:59] <SkySom> Gonna stop into the Sacramento Train Muesem while in the Cali area?
L183[14:50:05] <SkySom> Loved that place
L184[14:50:19] <CovertJaguar> That the plan
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L187[15:02:53] <Empour> ooh, you're coming by sacramento? :D
L188[15:03:31] <neptunepink> #ImpromptuRailcraftMeetup
L189[15:04:50] <SkySom> I want to go again some time
L190[15:04:58] <SkySom> I went last summer and spent a few hours there by my self
L191[15:05:06] <SkySom> Rest of the family was like "Yeah you go have fun"
L192[15:05:09] <SkySom> And god dammit I did
L193[15:27:26] <Fandroid> I suggest avoiding Oakland if you can.
L194[15:27:45] <liach> @Fandroid Agree
L195[15:28:13] <Fandroid> You might get shot or stabbed.
L196[15:28:31] <Fandroid> I wish I was joking.
L197[15:29:56] <liach> Well the hotel there is also not that good either.
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L200[15:32:49] <Hanakocz> I thought that people in US rather fly on such distances
L201[15:34:03] <Empour> trains are the only long distance transportation method im okay with honestly
L202[15:34:10] <Empour> terrified of planes and cars
L203[15:34:11] <liach> Maybe @CovertJaguar does not want to rent car
L204[15:34:13] <Empour> and seasick
L205[15:34:35] <Fandroid> Flying in the US is a gigantic pain.
L206[15:34:49] <Fandroid> Terrorism hysteria and whatnot.
L207[15:34:52] <SkySom> Flying is usually quick than a train though
L208[15:34:59] <SkySom> Like Boston for me is 16 hours by train
L209[15:35:03] <SkySom> It's 1 hour by plane
L210[15:35:15] <SkySom> So even if getting dicked around at an airport for a few hours
L211[15:35:20] <SkySom> I'm still in a better place
L212[15:35:30] <Hanakocz> Well I am across the country by train in like 3-4 hours, so I cannot imagine heh
L213[15:35:38] <liach> train is both expensive and slow
L214[15:35:43] <Fandroid> What country?
L215[15:35:48] <Empour> its also safe though :(
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L217[15:35:56] <Hanakocz> Czech Republic. so small one
L218[15:36:00] <Fandroid> Planes are plenty safe.
L219[15:36:10] <Fandroid> Ah yeah.
L220[15:36:23] <Empour> im not worried about crashing im worried about making a food of myself in fear of hieghts ^^
L221[15:36:27] <Hanakocz> still better train than bus
L222[15:36:30] <Empour> im not worried about crashing im worried about making a fool of myself in fear of hieghts ^^
L223[15:36:42] <Fandroid> Aisle seating.
L224[15:38:53] <Hanakocz> well majority of trains are kida well comfortable here
L225[15:40:01] <liach> @Hanakocz So are you in Czech?
L226[15:41:29] <Hanakocz> yes
L227[15:43:50] <liach> Are trains there high speed trains or normal trains?
L228[15:47:11] <Hanakocz> well top speed of Expresses is 160km/h, and on main corridors they go in that speed normally
L229[15:47:51] <Hanakocz> I think more is not permitted by laws/track construction
L230[15:47:57] <liach> Then it should be high speed
L231[15:48:50] <Hanakocz> There is not kinda space for super fast trains, when you have city every 30-50kms
L232[15:53:28] <Hanakocz> But well, we have really dense railroad system (one of most dense per country), also there is a lot of railroad fans ? That reminds me that it is shame I don't have Czch localization or addon yet ?
L233[15:54:14] <AlpineRooster> https://youtu.be/mbEfzuCLoAQ
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L235[15:59:17] <liach> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_rail_transport_network_size#cite_note-2
L236[16:01:00] <Hanakocz> Ya, we are top24 but our country is super small ? http://en.worldstat.info/World/List_of_countries_by_Density_of_railways
L237[16:04:26] <Fandroid> Why not lift the tracks above the existing ones or put them underground?
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L239[16:04:47] <Empour> for the american railways?
L240[16:05:30] <Fandroid> Yeah.
L241[16:06:19] <Empour> reaaaaally expensive
L242[16:06:23] <Empour> and regulations
L243[16:06:24] <liach> Both cost too much
L244[16:06:26] <Empour> and niwihbdcnjcxs
L245[16:06:30] <Empour> its a mess
L246[16:06:33] <Empour> cities are a mess
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L248[16:07:05] <Fandroid> Expensive but you wouldn't have to interrupt existing freight routes or deal with moving houses out of the way.
L249[16:07:46] <Empour> well no, you still would be interrtupting freight and/or displacing houses
L250[16:08:16] <Empour> just because of how much space you need to either dig a tunnel, or build a suspended railway
L251[16:08:23] <liach> Problem is that it is not under national control
L252[16:08:28] <Empour> that too
L253[16:08:59] <liach> Like in minecraft server it is hard to collect resources for building railroad disregard piston
L254[16:10:05] <Hanakocz> well they want to build high-speed rail connection from the centre to the airoport and the nearest city, and it is also a big problem
L255[16:10:07] <Fandroid> So the solution is to introduce legislation that either forces the railways out of private control or forces them to prioritize passenger trains?
L256[16:10:29] <Hanakocz> that and in US? you must be joking
L257[16:10:34] <Empour> there is absolutely no way the US would revoke railway rights lol
L258[16:10:48] <Fandroid> It wouldn't happen in the US because the US is corporate owned.
L259[16:10:55] <Fandroid> But hypothetically.
L260[16:11:45] <Empour> more along the lines of revoking private property being a really bad thing to do if you are a country that thrives on private ownership >_>
L261[16:11:55] <Empour> such a thing would set a dangerous precedent i think
L262[16:12:20] <Fandroid> We already have that.
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L264[16:12:28] <Fandroid> Eminent Domain.
L265[16:12:34] <Empour> not to that extent
L266[16:12:36] <Hanakocz> well we had thing that whole rail system was controlled by state-owned company, then new companies wanted to introduce their trains, so the split tht company to one controlling the rails and stations, then let everyone with same rights to use the rails
L267[16:12:39] <Fandroid> (Probably misspelled because Discord has no spellcheck.)
L268[16:13:08] <Empour> revoking an entire large-scale private entity is not something people in charge would want to do
L269[16:13:17] <SkySom> Force railways out of private control
L270[16:13:18] <SkySom> LOL
L271[16:13:21] <Empour> it could be seen as trying to seize power for the government
L272[16:13:23] <SkySom> That's a funny one
L273[16:13:24] <Empour> which is like
L274[16:13:29] <Empour> not something people like
L275[16:13:41] <SkySom> People already bitch about what little amtrak is controlled by the governement.
L276[16:13:51] <Fandroid> True but private mismanagement is a common issue here.
L277[16:13:59] <Empour> people dont really care
L278[16:14:27] <Hanakocz> It is ffunny that you would want railroad system being controlled by government but even national bank is not.
L279[16:14:27] <Fandroid> But apathy towards public transport outside of large cities is a big roadblock for this.
L280[16:14:39] <liach> Government should purchase railroad
L281[16:14:50] <SkySom> I mean can you blame us?
L282[16:15:01] <SkySom> Public transport is basically worthless to me living in the middle of nowhere
L283[16:15:07] <Fandroid> Not really. I love my car.
L284[16:15:07] <Empour> pretty much yeah
L285[16:15:17] <Fandroid> Then again, I have a car.
L286[16:15:17] <SkySom> I have a 50 mile commute
L287[16:15:26] <Empour> personal transport means more freedom for where you want to go and where you can live
L288[16:15:28] <SkySom> So I need my car. and I doubt there's any trains that are gonna make that.
L289[16:15:30] <Empour> which is pretty nice to have
L290[16:15:41] <SkySom> Even if we improve public transport
L291[16:15:48] <Empour> because you dont have to rely on potentially incompetent public transport
L292[16:16:01] <Empour> and you arent restricted to their timetable
L293[16:16:27] <Empour> i personally hate cars because i'm terrified of getting in an accident in one
L294[16:16:28] <Fandroid> You'd have to scale up public transport to the extent that, say, Europe or Japan have done to make it viable.
L295[16:16:35] <Empour> but thats just me
L296[16:16:43] <Empour> most people love the freedom they bring
L297[16:16:45] <Fandroid> I've never been in one.
L298[16:16:50] <Empour> a car?
L299[16:16:52] <Fandroid> At least a major one.
L300[16:16:53] <Fandroid> Yeah.
L301[16:16:57] <Empour> uh
L302[16:16:59] <Empour> what
L303[16:16:59] <Fandroid> A car accident, rather.
L304[16:17:01] <Empour> oh
L305[16:17:12] <SkySom> After the fourth accident I stopped worrying lol
L306[16:17:15] <Empour> i havent either but i nearly lost half my family to one
L307[16:17:20] <Empour> which was...
L308[16:17:22] <Empour> not good
L309[16:17:32] <Fandroid> My sister just totalled a car two weeks ago.
L310[16:17:36] <MrConductor> * SkySom has a metal rod in his leg from one of his car accidents
L311[16:17:37] <Hanakocz> Public transport can never be "good" in US because of density of population
L312[16:17:57] <Fandroid> But she's a moron so that's to be expected.
L313[16:18:13] <Hanakocz> we have trains that go every 30 minutes here. And they are normally full.
L314[16:18:45] <Empour> that sounds nice
L315[16:18:53] <Empour> thats better than our busses
L316[16:18:57] <Hanakocz> YOu don't have enough peopl around railroad to fulfill same, then it is no surprise nobody wants to invest into it more
L317[16:18:58] <Fandroid> I took a train up to Sacramento once.
L318[16:19:09] <Fandroid> And another down to LA.
L319[16:19:13] <SkySom> I took a train to Washington DC once
L320[16:19:16] <SkySom> 13 hours
L321[16:19:19] <SkySom> The train was 2 hours late
L322[16:19:32] <Fandroid> It's nice to be able to just mess with your laptop and not worry about not having a place to pee.
L323[16:19:46] <Fandroid> (Multiple restrooms.)
L324[16:20:02] <Fandroid> Also had a little café onboard serving pretty good food.
L325[16:20:17] <Fandroid> Took about 3/4 time of a car.
L326[16:20:24] <Hanakocz> I can go to the city across my little country (2h30m travel) and I will be thee faster than by a car on highway
L327[16:21:34] <Hanakocz> I am 25 and don't even have driving licence, that is unbelievable for most of US people.
L328[16:21:49] <Fandroid> I waited until I was 18.
L329[16:22:01] <Fandroid> Mostly because I knew I'd be asked to do stuff.
L330[16:25:47] <SkySom> TBF that's cause outside the city, if you don't have a license.
L331[16:25:58] <SkySom> Well you're basically out of luck
L332[16:28:02] <Hanakocz> Ya, I can imagine that. Here even small villages have at least 3-4 busses a day so people ca go to and fom work/school...and in city car is more for anger than transport
L333[16:28:50] <SkySom> But it's also how far to the closest city with greater than 25k people?
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L335[16:35:23] <liach> @Hanakocz In China public transportation is actually better in that in Czech IMO
L336[16:35:59] <Hanakocz> I can imagine that
L337[16:36:21] <Hanakocz> More people = more tendency to have public transport
L338[16:36:50] <Hanakocz> But I guess the situation is different on coast and in west part, hm?
L339[16:36:52] <liach> well are most railroad in czech built in austria hungary era?
L340[16:36:59] <liach> for what?
L341[16:37:47] <Hanakocz> in public trasport availability and quality...it is difference to make some in dense areas where is a lot of cities or in countryside
L342[16:39:20] <Hanakocz> Well, of course, in times of idustrial revolution and after, that is accidentally austria-hungary era ? And our country (especially north connected to germany) was like industrial heart of whole Aus-Hun
L343[16:39:50] <liach> when are rails in czech built actually?
L344[16:44:37] <Hanakocz> first was 1827 , that was horse-powered, first steam 1839, then it was kinda boom of them, I guess the majority was built prior to end of 19th centruy
L345[16:44:43] <Hanakocz> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Bahnkarte_Deutschland_1849.jpg
L346[16:45:13] <Hanakocz> so small, better to open in browser to zoom
L347[16:55:56] <liach> Yeah Prague is just between Berlin and Vienna
L348[16:56:50] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L349[16:58:39] <Hanakocz> Well if there were not constant tensions between us and Germany, we would probably have better conection to them ? But Aus-Hun eve fought Germany, then after WWI Germany was enemy of us, then cold war also made border here...
L350[16:59:00] <Hanakocz> Found really cool page with many many railroad maps http://www.bueker.net/trainspotting/maps.php
L351[17:02:29] <liach> Is the west part of Germany richer and better in infrastructure than the east part?
L352[17:04:05] <Hanakocz> Ya, maybe nowadays it is not big difference, but cold war (when germany was divided into US and USSR cotroled parts) made the difference pretty big
L353[17:06:08] <liach> By the way are most young Czechs working in those international companies, or companies owned by Czechs?
L354[17:08:45] <Hanakocz> Well after "anticommunist" revolution a lot of state-owned factories got privatized, a lot bankrupted...those who remained are normally owned by west capital, but there is few that have Czech owners
L355[17:09:53] <Hanakocz> I thik most young people work now in services, normally not big companies
L356[17:10:00] <liach> Sounds sad
L357[17:10:40] <liach> Do the elders born before the 70s like the situation right now?
L358[17:11:22] <Hanakocz> You can know Škoda Auto, it is czech one and I think they actually expanded a lot into China...but well, it is owned by Volkswage, Germany ?
L359[17:11:37] <Hanakocz> You can know Škoda Auto, it is czech one and I think they actually expanded a lot into China...but well, it is owned by Volkswagen, Germany ?
L360[17:12:46] <liach> Volkswagen and Hitler. Haha
L361[17:17:52] <Hanakocz> hm, a lot of them think that old situation was better, but well, it is not easy to say. It was like the government cared more about people, made work for everyone (and everyone HAD to work) , people could get better pesios for hard work, but there were restrictions in free speech and so, also in trade...nowadays there are people that dont want to work (well, mostly some minorities), but normal people have it harder. A lot improved, but
L362[17:17:52] <Hanakocz> shades, mostly of over-byrocracy from EU and more and more restrictions over time...
L363[17:18:46] <liach> I've heard that people are confused of the goods and bads of communist government and the government now
L364[17:18:46] <Hanakocz> (and they were young so they think that it was better, but that is kinda misguided)
L365[17:19:12] <liach> By the way do you like EU
L366[17:21:36] <Hanakocz> We had "Prague spring" in 1968, when we wanted to make "communism with humanity face", but Russia took it wrong that we want to leave them and invaded us ? I think if that way succeeded, it could be really good thing (something between socialism and capitalist democracy), not like "from wall to wall" as we actually were
L367[17:22:12] <Hanakocz> EU is good and wrong thing at once xD
L368[17:25:30] <liach> Prague Spring was sad, it encountered cold current from Moscow
L369[17:28:50] <Hanakocz> Bruselles is like on another planet, they are too away from real problems.
L370[17:29:01] <Hanakocz> I think we are kinda offtopic though ?
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L375[18:03:28] <Fandroid> So you guys are the standard Capitalist/Socialist mix now?
L376[18:04:07] <liach> No I am just wondering
L377[18:04:20] <liach> Btw where is CovertJaguar now
L378[18:10:25] <Hanakocz> well, mix...a lot of "you pay taxes and government cares about you from them" remained, but except that it is pure capitalism
L379[18:10:46] <Fandroid> That's Socialism.
L380[18:11:10] <Hanakocz> But for sure nothing like "wild west" where if you get injured and not rich, you die ?
L381[18:11:14] <Fandroid> Most Western countries use a combination of a Capitalist economy to support social services.
L382[18:11:52] <Hanakocz> Ya, it is really similar to germany and other states, except we have 1/2 of wages ?
L383[18:12:59] <Hanakocz> Trying to make Tender cart now and it is little mess
L384[18:31:31] <liach> @Hanakocz Are there a lot of Syrian refugees in Czech also?
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L386[18:32:14] <Hanakocz> nearly none.
L387[18:35:08] <liach> How? There are so many of them in Germany, but why didn't Czech accept any?
L388[18:42:11] <Hanakocz> everyone tresspassing borders was caught and put into camp until authorities accepted or rejected asylum. However as tresspassing borders is against laws, those people got denied. Also as I said, that we have 1/2 of Germany wages, they won't get as much money from government as in Germany. They all go for money, so why they would stay like 100km from twice payments? ? They knew it and everyone went around us through Austria, only re
L389[18:42:11] <Hanakocz> went through our territory. And got caught and repelled where they originally asked for asylum accordig to EU laws.
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L391[19:04:19] <liach> Never know about this. Sounds great, thanks.
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L396[19:17:12] <Hanakocz> oh, and half of them returned to Syria that they have better life there (in war? lol) than here where government paid them house, education, etc.... People were kinda furious that they go just after money ad not safety. Well, you can find that there is a lot of "xenophobic" people, but it is not kinda true. We have a lot of vietnamese people and everyone is okay with them, even city halls here in Pague have webpage in Czech, English an
L397[19:17:12] <Hanakocz> Vietnamese ? But...they are hard workers, peaceful and respectful to our culture, thus getting respect back. Heh you even cannot imagine how nice is to go by subway, listen to small kids speak fluently czech, then you look and they are all vietnamese. That is itegration and everyone supports those people, but those from mid east are too away from that, they expect us to accept their rules in our house (not mentioing that their "reli
L398[19:17:13] <Hanakocz> often direct threat to democracy)
L399[19:17:51] <Hanakocz> oh, and half of them returned to Syria that they have better life there (in war? lol) than here where government paid them house, education, etc.... People were kinda furious that they go just after money ad not safety. Well, you can find that there is a lot of "xenophobic" people, but it is not kinda true. We have a lot of vietnamese people (also a lot from ukraine)and everyone is okay with them, even city halls here in Pague have web
L400[19:17:52] <Hanakocz> Czech, English and Vietnamese ? But...they are hard workers, peaceful and respectful to our culture, thus getting respect back. Heh you even cannot imagine how nice is to go by subway, listen to small kids speak fluently czech, then you look and they are all vietnamese. That is itegration and everyone supports those people, but those from mid east are too away from that, they expect us to accept their rules in our house (not mentioi
L401[19:17:52] <Hanakocz> their "religion" is often direct threat to democracy)
L402[19:20:11] <liach> I admit that Vietnamese are very agreeable.?
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L404[19:24:37] <Hanakocz> I think most east-asia people are similar in those questions, not only vietnamese.Working hard so their children have better future. Really admirable life goal I think. They got there in cold-war era because of "communist countries friendships", and since then there is a lot of them.
L405[19:26:35] <Hanakocz> I think my artist will have some work with textures again ?
L406[19:26:35] <Hanakocz> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/227948720040181761/Screenshot_2016-09-21_02.25.11.png
L407[19:35:50] <Fandroid> If they integrate with the culture I think immigration is fine.
L408[19:36:17] <Fandroid> It's downright disrespectful to go to someone else's country and demand that they conform to your culture.
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L410[19:43:15] <Hanakocz> Yes, exactly. A lot of people here suspects that EU politicians try new style how to go around elections, by importing new voters. Stupid thing.
L411[19:44:01] <Hanakocz> Hm, there was one function in RC that was checking if item is fuel, need to find it. Don't want Vanilla Furnace messy check
L412[19:44:24] <liach> just use vanilla furnace getItemBurnTime or soso
L413[19:44:24] <Hanakocz> I guess looking into loco or boiler is th right place
L414[19:44:41] <liach> Or gameregistry lookup
L415[19:44:57] <liach> Btw will Railcraft cosmetic addons be ported to mc 1.10.2?
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L417[19:47:11] <Hanakocz> well if it won't mean to rewrite everything, I guess it won't be a problem. However first RC must update, then we can discuss addon updates ?
L418[19:47:53] <Hanakocz> And even then I think that learning changes to 1.10+ and forward is important so I think it will happen for sure
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L421[19:52:03] <Hanakocz> oh. found that RC has OreDict filters functions, maybe I can use them instead of writing own ones
L422[19:59:56] <liach> By the way is steve carts still active?
L423[20:02:35] ⇦ Quits: Hink (~Hink@hink.me) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L424[20:03:14] <Hanakocz> last version march 2015
L425[20:03:30] <liach> So is it actually deserted?
L426[20:03:36] <liach> I hope not
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L429[20:05:03] <Hanakocz> Creator was last active on Curse at end of July 2015
L430[20:05:34] <Hanakocz> so it looks like, but dunno if there isn't another version from someone else
L431[20:05:53] <liach> vswe's last activity on twitter was like last july
L432[20:06:22] <Hanakocz> wiki not paid
L433[20:06:38] <Hanakocz> I am afraid it is not in good condition
L434[20:07:33] <liach> @Hanakocz For that wiki, once Railcraft used wikispaces either, and then the wiki moved
L435[20:07:56] <liach> That is the policy change of wikispaces, they no longer offer free wiki to non-educational wikis
L436[20:08:54] <Hanakocz> oh ya
L437[20:09:22] <Hanakocz> I thought about that this RCC addon should have also some wiki place
L438[20:09:28] <liach> wikia
L439[20:09:31] <liach> or ftbwiki
L440[20:09:37] <liach> I suggest ftb
L441[20:10:08] <Hanakocz> ya though about ftb one, will need to get my forgotten password though ?
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L443[20:11:25] <Hanakocz> one more solution is to have few pages on RC wiki, but that could be complicated I think
L444[20:12:19] <liach> Dokuwiki is pretty complicated and does not support custom recipes well
L445[20:12:22] <Hanakocz> Will probably ask Retep and others on Ic2 orum to get started with ftb one, they did great job about formatting and stuff
L446[20:13:07] <Hanakocz> And if I remember corectly, they have some thing to automatically export from NEI
L447[20:13:20] <Hanakocz> icons or what
L448[20:16:04] <Hanakocz> ordinary day on forums:
L449[20:16:04] <Hanakocz> ```
L450[20:16:05] <Hanakocz> Quoted from PaladinOne
L451[20:16:05] <Hanakocz> Quoted from "GregoriusT"
L452[20:16:05] <Hanakocz> Lol tell Vazkii, that there is no other solution to the problem, since the amount of possible Block IDs is way too limited for my Ores and would take way more than just 4096 IDs + Metadata to work. :P
L453[20:16:47] <liach> Like for those te ores?
L454[20:17:56] <Hanakocz> ya that was tha thing
L455[20:21:17] <Hanakocz> I seen code of GT5, it is like another language compared to other mods
L456[20:23:13] <liach> That code seems not to be very good
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L460[20:49:02] <Hanakocz> I like it, or new minecart I now have to add like 10 lines of code + model + texture, and it is done ? So easy now
L461[20:50:52] *** Fandroid|AFK is now known as Fandroid
L462[20:51:47] <Hanakocz> I like it, for new minecart I now have to add like 10 lines of code + model + texture, and it is done ? So easy now
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L474[22:35:20] <CovertJaguar> @Hanakocz I think you want FuelPlugin in the plugins.forge package
L475[22:36:35] <CovertJaguar> Wikispaces actually first went pay only, was free, then they went educational only
L476[22:37:01] <CovertJaguar> So all us Minecraft people were basically forced off
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