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L1[00:15:02] <Amanda> Izaya: I realize you were probably being at least partially fasticious, but individual app volume sliders is something I genuinely use. Crank down the game I'm playing by 25% while I listen to podcasts, eg. And doing it that way means next time I play the game I'm not cranking up the laptops master volume because the game is too wuiet
L2[00:17:11] <ben_mkiv> what kind of game doesn't allow volume control on its own?
L3[00:18:36] <ben_mkiv> honestly pulse makes it in the top10 of my worst software experiences
L4[00:18:46] <ben_mkiv> probably top5
L5[00:18:51] <Amanda> ben_mkiv: see second part. If I crank down the games master volume in the game, it saves that cranked down value in it's config (as it should!) But that just makes lizard brain Amanda crank up my entire laptops master volume next time I launch the game and I'm not listening to podcasts/music/etc
L6[00:19:10] <ben_mkiv> ok
L7[00:19:43] <ben_mkiv> pretty sure if you sacrifice a day of your life to alsa config, you can archive something similar with pure alsa :P
L8[00:20:01] <ben_mkiv> something like virtual device with own softmixer to dmix
L9[00:20:20] <Amanda> It lets me normalize games master volume for whatever I'm focusing on at the moment, and since pulse doesn't store that volume state anywhere, next time I launch the game it's a clean slate
L10[00:20:42] <ben_mkiv> it's not a bug, it's a feature :D
L11[00:21:43] <Amanda> Yeah yeah, but it means I just need to poke the game's master volume while it's the primary task, and never again
L12[00:21:54] <Amanda> (in-game master volume)
L13[00:23:18] <Amanda> Before pulse my laptop sound settings was an ever going march to 100+%
L14[00:24:18] <Amanda> Every context switch ran the risk of upping the laptop volume further. And with my ADHD, those happen a lot
L15[00:24:34] <ben_mkiv> that pulse volume thing reminds me of https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/workflow_2x.png
L16[00:27:01] <Amanda> I mean. It is kinda the intended usecase of individual app volume sliders, granted it'd be busted slightly if they finally fixed persistence, but then I'd just have to train myself to check the pulse mixer before poking the game audio
L17[00:27:40] <Izaya> Amanda: I use pulse on my machines nowadays, not 100% serious
L18[00:28:17] <Amanda> Also, I have no idea if it's any different with today's audio chips, but an additional benifit of pulse is that I don't have my eardrums ruptured when I plug in my headset because it maintains a seperate percentage for that
L19[00:29:04] <Amanda> something which wasn't possible with vanilla ALSA
L20[00:29:15] <Izaya> pulseaudio has been stable since pipewire became a thing for some reason :^)
L21[00:29:37] <Amanda> It's the inverse apple deprecation curve
L22[00:29:48] <Izaya> on an unrelated note does anyone know of a fan mount for 5.25" bays that isn't part of a HDD cage?
L23[00:30:19] <Elfi> What's your height profile?
L24[00:30:31] <Izaya> I have 5 bays that I don't have any other use for
L25[00:30:42] <Izaya> so the bigger and quieter the fans the better
L26[00:31:27] <Amanda> Elfi: maybe 19 to 32in, why? :P
L27[00:32:01] <lunar_sam> Izaya: i use pipewire on my desktop and pulse on my laptop lmao
L28[00:32:10] <Amanda> oh wait, that's my length profile, height is 10-16in
L29[00:32:11] <Izaya> living on the edge eh
L30[00:32:16] <Amanda> I reaad the google wrong
L31[00:32:40] <Amanda> I went back to pulse from pipewire, I'd rather the broken experience where I can still control the master volume of my laptop
L32[00:33:01] <Izaya> there's plenty of these things around but that's a bunch of metal I don't actually need https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003463851405.html
L33[00:33:12] <Izaya> though having extra HDD slots might be nice i guess
L34[00:33:47] <lunar_sam> pipewire Works On My Machine(tm)
L35[00:34:13] <lunar_sam> ended up having less jank with pipewire, it was kinda just
L36[00:34:15] <lunar_sam> install and go
L37[00:34:23] <Amanda> pipewire-pulse just heccing dies, because it's unable to bind to the socket for whatever reason
L38[00:34:39] <Amanda> which makes my volume control widget in my waybar break, and my terminal hang
L39[00:34:42] <Amanda> ( on BEL )
L40[00:34:52] <Izaya> shout-out to pipewire for killing my pulseaudio when OBS pulled it in
L41[00:35:07] <lunar_sam> no config fuckery to stop the weird issues i've had with SB Audigy cards (fucking sample rate issues, iirc)
L42[00:35:15] <lunar_sam> might have also been a buffer size issue?
L43[00:35:17] <lunar_sam> don't remember tbh
L44[00:36:58] <lunar_sam> i had the problem with my Audigy 2, and then had a similar problem with the Audgy Rx
L45[00:37:14] <lunar_sam> there was also a fun issue i had where it just
L46[00:37:24] <lunar_sam> wouldn't fucking let me use the card
L47[00:37:31] <lunar_sam> and i have no clue how i fixed that
L48[00:37:32] <lunar_sam> lmfao
L49[00:38:28] <lunar_sam> why does IDEA have a fuckton of updates
L50[00:38:31] <lunar_sam> only when i'm on LTE
L51[00:38:56] <lunar_sam> and really need to install packages so i can make a particular tool
L52[00:44:07] <lunar_sam> oh, kicad gets in on the action too
L53[00:44:10] <lunar_sam> fun
L54[00:44:53] <lunar_sam> anyways
L55[00:44:57] <lunar_sam> while i'm waiting on fuckin
L56[00:45:01] <lunar_sam> arch to update
L57[00:45:20] <lunar_sam> how do you feel about my disorganized as fuck plane game rambles
L58[00:48:54] <lunar_sam> FUCK
L59[00:48:56] <lunar_sam> WRONG CHAT
L60[00:49:00] <lunar_sam> lmfao
L61[00:49:37] <lunar_sam> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VowRmqyg7EM have a fox instead
L62[00:55:03] <Ocawes​ome101> for what it's worth, i've had pretty much zero issues with pipewire
L63[00:55:39] <Ocawes​ome101> if i could configure it to automatically switch to my headset microphone that would be nice, but that's a very small nitpick and i don't use said microphone much anyway
L64[00:57:23] <lunar_sam> anyways, i wanna create a tool to like
L65[00:57:39] <lunar_sam> visualize and dissect binary files, i guess is the best way to describe it
L66[00:57:42] <lunar_sam> like wireshark for files
L67[01:03:05] <ink​oate> objdump?
L68[01:03:20] <ink​oate> UI isn't as nice as wireshark, sadly.
L69[01:03:43] <Amanda> isn't objdump for reading ELF files?
L70[01:04:05] <Amanda> - DWARF + Etc
L71[01:04:07] <ink​oate> yeah. lunar_sam didn't say what kind of binary.
L72[01:04:24] <Amanda> Ah, I assumed they meant arbitary binaries
L73[01:04:25] <ink​oate> So, yeah, only a good suggestion if that's what you're looking for. 🙂
L74[01:04:32] <lunar_sam> > Ah, I assumed they meant arbitary binaries
L75[01:04:34] <lunar_sam> that i did!
L76[01:04:50] <lunar_sam> as in
L77[01:04:51] <lunar_sam> just
L78[01:04:55] <Amanda> theres's another GNOME-adjacent tool for that, but I forget what it's called
L79[01:05:03] <Amanda> I remember stumbling upon it on the GNOME github
L80[01:05:04] <lunar_sam> like
L81[01:05:06] <Amanda> s/github/gitlab/
L82[01:05:06] <MichiBot> <Amanda> I remember stumbling upon it on the GNOME gitlab
L83[01:05:54] <lunar_sam> well, non-text files is what i'm trying to say, mostly wanna have it for looking at my file formats and actually more easily understanding what's going on lmao
L84[01:06:00] <lunar_sam> counting bytes is annoying
L85[01:10:05] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e81:f500:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L86[01:30:16] <Izaya> https://shadowkat.net/tmp/3475.jpg
L87[01:30:41] <Ocawes​ome101> izaya: what is that
L88[01:31:33] <Izaya> that is the single gaudiest computer case I've ever had the ... experience of interacting with
L89[01:32:24] <lunar_sam> man
L90[01:32:26] <lunar_sam> sometimes
L91[01:32:32] <lunar_sam> youtube recommendations are on point
L92[01:32:34] <lunar_sam> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgYKNjeUbQg
L93[01:34:16] * Amanda asks Elfi to reveal the Secret That Shall Break The Universe, reads some more
L94[01:34:29] * Elfi hmmms
L95[01:34:42] <Elfi> I don't think I have one of those
L96[01:34:50] <Amanda> probably for the best
L97[01:39:42] <lunar_sam> damn this update do be taking a while
L98[01:39:47] <lunar_sam> with 747 packages updated
L99[01:44:27] <lunar_sam> even better when it fails at the final step before installing
L100[01:44:46] <lunar_sam> because of a GTK theme
L101[01:51:08] <Mr. C​rowbar> Hey, I'm having Trouble turning off power consumption for the computers, Is anybody having the same problem?
L102[01:58:43] <Ariri> %invite
L103[01:58:52] <Ariri> uh
L104[01:58:54] <Ariri> %discord
L105[01:58:54] <MichiBot> https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYm2aoXh
L106[02:02:15] <Klo​nade> pog
L107[02:03:31] <ink​oate> Man, there still isn't a great solution for FE generation on 1.18.
L108[02:06:12] <Mr. C​rowbar> Guys i still have my problem
L109[02:06:18] <Mr. C​rowbar> I still need help
L110[02:06:55] <Mr. C​rowbar> i still need to disable the power usage in Open Computer
L111[02:13:40] <Amanda> Maybe if your described what you tried, and what's not working and how it's failing we could help
L112[02:14:12] <Amanda> I'd this still a command %dontasktoask
L113[02:14:12] <MichiBot> http://sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
L114[02:14:30] <ink​oate> Or even which actual mod you're using, since OC2 is now a thing
L115[02:15:31] <Amanda> That too
L116[02:15:53] <Amanda> Especially since I don't think oc2 has an off switch for power usage
L117[02:16:38] <ink​oate> Yeah, I don't think it does yet? 🙂
L118[02:20:17] <Amanda> %tell Inari look, it's a stroke of genius to install a kill switch in all your released ships that you can activate in PvP, but maybe you should make it less obvious than a bunch of flashing lights leading to a redstone CPU
L119[02:20:17] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L120[02:21:01] <Amanda> %tell Inari also, maybe you shouldn't harvest the copper on the ziplines, it might make it a bit hard to get around
L121[02:21:02] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L122[02:40:21] <ink​oate> What on earth mod are you talking about there?
L123[02:42:20] <Amanda> Amanda dream-craft
L124[02:42:46] <Amanda> ( that is, it was from a dream I had )
L125[02:45:22] * Amanda curls up around Elfi, offers to trade her two Fermi cards for a grandfather card
L126[02:45:31] * Amanda zzzmews
L127[02:45:34] <Amanda> Night nerds
L128[02:55:34] <luna​r_sam> oh yeah
L129[02:55:39] <luna​r_sam> i need to make tsukinet :)
L130[03:05:35] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e81:f500:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
L131[03:09:05] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e81:f500:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L132[03:23:54] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~chead@2607:c000:8278:5400:8e40:904c:d922:6486)
L133[03:30:09] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L134[04:10:30] <Ocawes​ome101> hmm
L135[04:10:41] <Ocawes​ome101> i restarted our internet antenna and suddenly our connection is better again
L136[04:10:55] <Ocawes​ome101> that doesn't happen often
L137[04:11:18] <Ocawes​ome101> but in this case i think we were being routed through a server that was having issues about halfway between here and the rest of the internet; restarting the router fixed that
L138[04:12:24] <lunar_sam> okay
L139[04:12:28] <lunar_sam> finally have wxlua installed
L140[04:49:59] <Izaya> https://shadowkat.net/tmp/ab3f.png
L141[04:51:07] <Izaya> 6700k and 32GB of RAM now \o/
L142[05:10:03] <lunar_sam> nice!
L143[05:10:05] <Ocawes​ome101> nice
L144[05:11:12] <lunar_sam> so let's see
L145[05:11:18] <lunar_sam> what features should i add
L146[05:12:18] <Ocawes​ome101> all of them!
L147[05:12:35] <lunar_sam> lmao
L148[05:12:35] <lunar_sam> i think like
L149[05:12:59] <Va​ur> %tonkout
L150[05:13:00] <MichiBot> Eureka! Va​ur! You beat your own previous record of 4 hours and 58 minutes (By 3 hours, 14 minutes and 45 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L151[05:13:01] <MichiBot> Va​ur has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.008 tonk points! plus 0.014 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.40875432, Position #1
L152[05:13:05] <lunar_sam> letting formats have data you can expand when you click on them
L153[05:13:10] <lunar_sam> for compressed data
L154[05:13:12] <lunar_sam> would be useful
L155[05:13:26] <lunar_sam> also links to jump to other parts of the file
L156[05:41:21] ⇦ Quits: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L157[05:48:54] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@
L158[05:55:05] <Izaya> https://arstechnica.com/cars/2022/02/radio-station-snafu-in-seattle-bricks-some-mazda-infotainment-systems/
L159[05:55:26] <Izaya> a rare case of everyone being at fault
L160[05:56:29] <lunar_sam> i cannot get over that
L161[05:56:33] <lunar_sam> and apparently it's happened before
L162[05:56:38] <lunar_sam> we have gone too far with tech
L163[06:32:27] <sapphicf​ettucine> opencomputers2's projector update is too much power
L164[06:32:40] <lunar_sam> huh?
L165[06:32:54] <sapphicf​ettucine> i am staring in disbelief at my screen as it renders an actual jpeg in minecraft
L166[06:33:56] <sapphicf​ettucine> i was already surprised when rust with the standard library compiled but the fact that i can just. throw some off-the-shelf libraries at it and have a jpeg rendered in-game is. so wild to me
L167[06:35:18] <Ocawes​ome101> nifty
L168[06:35:38] <lunar_sam> neat
L169[06:35:40] <Ocawes​ome101> inb4 full graphical os for oc2
L170[06:35:48] <lunar_sam> don't tempt me
L171[06:35:56] <lunar_sam> i say knowing damn well i won't ever do it
L172[06:36:01] <lunar_sam> "tsuki in OC2 when?"
L173[06:36:38] <sapphicf​ettucine> there's a sedna PR that adds a virtual GPU which supposedly can run xorg
L174[06:37:28] <Forec​aster> %sip
L175[06:37:29] <MichiBot> You drink a goopy boneboo potion (New!). True enlightenment can be achieved by drinking another potion. [Timeout reset]
L176[06:37:39] <Forec​aster> %sip
L177[06:37:43] <sapphicf​ettucine> this one <https://github.com/fnuecke/sedna/pull/2&gt;
L178[06:43:34] <lunar_sam> neat
L179[06:43:43] <lunar_sam> i'm working on my funny hex editor
L180[07:30:43] <lunar_sam> i have to make the actual editor part myself
L181[07:30:43] <lunar_sam> lol
L182[07:30:44] <lunar_sam> lmao
L183[07:30:58] <lunar_sam> time to delve into `pain`
L184[07:39:58] ⇦ Quits: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@sigsegv.ru) (Quit: WeeChat 3.3)
L185[07:40:31] ⇨ Joins: LeshaInc (~LeshaInc@sigsegv.ru)
L186[08:05:21] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~chead@2607:c000:8278:5400:8e40:904c:d922:6486) (Quit: Leaving.)
L187[08:06:57] <B​ob> >sapphicfettucine: i was already surprised when rust with the standard library compiled b…
L188[08:06:57] <B​ob> yeah, the odd thing is that i can get std and stuff to compile, but the second i go `no_std` it breaks completly
L189[08:07:26] <B​ob> i yet have to finish my HLAPI adapter and start the MMIO adapter
L190[08:23:26] <sapphicf​ettucine> >Bob: yeah, the odd thing is that i can get std and stuff to compile, but the second i go…
L191[08:23:26] <sapphicf​ettucine> are you getting a not_found error?
L192[08:23:30] <sapphicf​ettucine> are you getting a not found error? [Edited]
L193[08:44:57] <B​ob> >sapphicfettucine: are you getting a not found error?
L194[08:44:57] <B​ob> a lot of nonsense
L195[09:06:40] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-6-121.dynamic.as20676.net)
L196[09:06:40] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L197[09:16:27] <B​ob> anyways, ill use `std`, i got a hello world down to 26kb
L198[09:16:38] <B​ob> even if a little absurdly fat, it'll do for me
L199[09:16:52] <B​ob> now i wonder if i can have each dependency be a dynamic library
L200[09:17:08] <B​ob> so i can have multiple executables link dynamically against serde to save space
L201[10:12:02] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e81:f500:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
L202[10:58:29] <dequbed> Rust doesn't define a dynamic linking ABI so no, not currently. At least not with reasonable efford.
L203[11:20:26] <B​ob> yeah i know that it lacks an ABI
L204[11:20:44] <B​ob> but there sure must be some conistency if you use the same toolchain for all the builds ? 🤔
L205[11:28:52] <dequbed> That's not how this works.
L206[11:29:26] <B​ob> ill figure something out 🦀
L207[11:30:20] <dequbed> The fact that you do not know how Rusts build process works or how dynamic linking has to be designed makes me severely doubt that.
L208[11:36:55] <B​ob> it ran in OC2, thats all thats needed
L209[11:47:56] <ThePi​Guy24> just pass random arguments to the compiler until it does what you want
L210[11:55:53] <B​ob> this
L211[11:55:56] <B​ob> wise words
L212[12:04:01] ⇦ Quits: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@host-92-17-120-50.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L214[12:49:41] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@
L215[12:54:36] <Forec​aster> %sip
L216[12:54:37] <MichiBot> You drink a shining emerald potion (New!). Forecaster gains a negligible amount of luck.
L217[12:54:58] <Forec​aster> Enlightenment is luck
L218[12:57:50] <Amanda> Izaya: I'd say Mazda is mostly at fault,, for not bothering to validate the input and running random things sent over FM radio
L219[12:58:06] <Amanda> (yes, it's an RCE)
L220[12:58:53] <Amanda> It thought a jpeg sent with no extension was something it was meant to run locally, with root.
L221[13:03:01] <dequbed> Amanda: This story is getting worse every minute. I should make popcorn already
L222[13:03:48] <Amanda> dequbed: imagine, for a one-time FCC fine during a popular sportsball podcast, you could generate whole dollars in bitcoin with infotainment systems!
L223[13:03:56] <Amanda> er, broadcast even
L224[13:05:05] <dequbed> Well I mean I don't care about the exploiters side. The engineers side is always the more interesting one
L225[13:05:08] <B​ob> https://docs.rs/filedescriptor/latest/filedescriptor/fn.poll.html that looks useful for interacting with the `/dev` HLAPI, its even async
L226[13:06:22] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L227[13:08:43] <dequbed> @Bob On linux you want epoll instead of poll. Rust has the `mio` crate which is a very good implementation making use of mechanisms like epoll.
L228[13:09:25] <dequbed> If you're on a Linux currently, `man 7 epoll` gives a good overview over what epoll is and how it works.
L229[13:11:51] <B​ob> damn it https://tinyurl.com/ydhnuv6u
L230[13:12:16] <dequbed> Pretty sure the OC2 Linux has no man pages at all
L231[13:13:08] <B​ob> i wish that was OC2 lol
L232[13:13:17] <B​ob> its Termux, i'm not home yet
L233[13:13:27] <dequbed> You can also just do `man epoll`, but that selects the first match without considering the section so e.g. `man printf` gives you the man page for the shell command/builtin printf (in section 1) and you need to do `man 3 printf` to get to the C function (libc is section 3)
L234[13:14:16] <Amanda> There's also websites which host man pages, but they may not be up to daate, or relevent for your OS/OC2's version of linux
L235[13:14:48] <dequbed> epoll didn't change much since 2.6 so whatever man page you find will be relevant still
L236[13:15:14] <dequbed> But for things like io_uring (which you need for async *file* I/O) what Amanda said is important.
L237[13:19:03] <B​ob> it would be interesting to have `async`
L238[13:19:29] <dequbed> Async file I/O is rarely relevant and on a platform like OC2 not worth any additional efford.
L239[13:21:02] <dequbed> Async socket I/O e.g. for serial ports or network is pretty useful but again, best done with epoll because io_uring isn't trivial to do, not easy to get right and (comparatively) very badly documented since its still in it's infant shoes in comparison and a completely different aproach than epoll which itself is just a evolution of poll and thus covered in many tutorials and guides for any leve.
L240[13:24:36] <Z0id​berg> Those walmartians are so good at math
L241[13:24:38] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/ydy9puw8
L242[13:29:34] <ink​oate> I'm still not sure what the hell kind of thing `/dev/mvc0` IS in OC2.
L243[13:29:45] <ink​oate> It is a file? A socket? A serial port? Who knows? 😄
L244[13:29:48] <M​GR> >Z0idberg:
L245[13:29:49] <M​GR> One possibility is that the deal only applies if you buy groups 4, but they've changed it so it applies to groups of 2. It's still not great phrasing, but it doesn't make them look like total morons if it's written from a template
L246[13:31:38] <Amanda> @inkoate aiui it's a virtual serial port, the kind not meant to be emulating real hardware, but meant tof communication to a supervisor for eg, agents sending stats
L247[13:32:17] <Amanda> So you can just open it and send to/from it and it'll behave like a magic file
L248[13:33:41] <Amanda> s/tof/for/
L249[13:33:41] <MichiBot> <Amanda> @inkoate aiui it's a virtual serial port, the kind not meant to be emulating real hardware, but meant for communication to a supervisor for eg, agents sending stats
L250[13:34:00] <Amanda> So you don't need to care about stuff like baud rate
L251[13:36:11] <Z0id​berg> >inkoate: I'm still not sure what the hell kind of thing `/dev/mvc0` IS in OC2.
L252[13:36:11] <Z0id​berg> try running `file` on it.
L253[13:36:17] <Z0id​berg> it should tell you
L254[13:36:17] <dequbed> @inkoate if you cat /proc/devices the kernel will tell you if it's a block or a character device. Much more differentiation isn't done at the system level beyond which kernel module to load
L255[13:36:46] <dequbed> Or just run file that's potentially even easier
L256[13:36:58] <Z0id​berg> This is why I like BSD's dev nodes better because they are based on the name of the driver not what device it is 😛
L257[13:37:33] <dequbed> OTOH that means that if you have several devices you break your userspace code by switching which one you use ;)
L258[13:38:05] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e81:f500:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L259[13:38:27] <Z0id​berg> I love how when I type in /dev/mvc linux device driver in google I get 5 billion results in model view controller
L260[13:39:32] <dequbed> @inkoate here, that's the file I was looking for: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/admin-guide/devices.txt The number in /proc/devices tells you the classification Linux uses in more detail
L261[13:39:55] <Z0id​berg> I don't even seen mvc in there
L262[13:40:25] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L263[13:40:25] <MichiBot> Kapow! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of <0 (By 8 hours, 27 minutes and 25 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L264[13:40:26] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 8 hours, 27 minutes and 25 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00846 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #2. Need 0.07570864 more points to pass Va​ur!
L265[13:40:31] <dequbed> It's done using virtio I wouldn't expect it to
L266[13:40:39] <dequbed> But it should still have a sub-classificatoin
L267[13:40:54] <Z0id​berg> That is my new favorite word
L268[13:40:58] <Z0id​berg> classificatoin
L269[13:43:27] <Z0id​berg> also sometimes you can use fuser on the /dev/mvc0 file to see if anything in userspace is using it
L270[13:43:42] <Z0id​berg> it shoudl list any PIDs that are actively using that device file
L271[13:44:08] <dequbed> @Z0idberg the word "classification" or my missspelling of it? :P
L272[13:44:17] <Z0id​berg> Your misspelling of it
L273[13:44:26] <Z0id​berg> It looks sexy for some reason.
L274[13:44:27] <dequbed> … why though? :D
L275[13:44:33] <dequbed> Ooookay ^^'
L276[13:44:36] <Z0id​berg> LOL
L277[13:44:39] * dequbed backs away slowly
L278[13:44:54] <Z0id​berg> ha
L279[13:45:16] * Amanda quietly dials the police
L280[13:45:27] <Z0id​berg> My crowd control stat is like over 9000
L281[13:46:43] <Z0id​berg> I wonder if I should start working two hours early
L282[13:47:01] <Z0id​berg> Actually, an hour early may be better
L283[13:48:17] <Z0id​berg> We have daily meetings at the end of the day but I always have 1-2 hours afterwards of work. If I started working like 1-1.5 hours early then I could just start work and do my thing and be done when the meeting ends about.
L284[13:48:48] <Forec​aster> I'd be worried if you had daily meetings at the end of the week
L285[13:49:06] <Z0id​berg> heh
L286[13:49:22] <Z0id​berg> I just find that after the meeting is over I'm pretty much done in terms of focus
L287[13:49:52] <Z0id​berg> I am allowed to create my own schedule which is nice so why not
L288[13:52:00] <Forec​aster> as long as you're also allowed to follow that schedule that's great
L289[13:52:56] <Z0id​berg> being constrained to work into the evening because of time difference kind of sucks
L290[13:53:21] <Z0id​berg> One of the concerns with working long distance remote
L291[14:10:49] <ink​oate> @dequbed: Where in game is your home?
L292[14:14:26] <dequbed> @inkoate Uh server is having network issues I'd be surprised if you can join at all. But North-North-East of Spawn, just behind a glacial mountain in a spruce forrest valley
L293[14:14:41] <Amanda> Don't do what I did and try and scale over the mountian
L294[14:14:47] <Amanda> It didn't work
L295[14:15:00] <ink​oate> I'm in the server at the moment.
L296[14:15:02] <ink​oate> Seems fine.
L297[14:15:04] <dequbed> ... wat
L298[14:15:30] <ink​oate> Yep
L299[14:15:31] <dequbed> Oh is it only legacy IP that's borken? .-.
L300[14:17:39] <ink​oate> Could be? I have IPv6 at home.
L301[14:20:41] <dequbed> @inkoate why anyway, do you need stuff or just wanna visit?
L302[14:32:00] <ink​oate> Oh, I was just thinking about relocating from my starter base and wanted to move in your general direction for network cable purposes.
L303[14:32:28] <Amanda> dequbed: uh. unless it's not something that appears immedidtaely, it seems ipv4 works fine too?
L304[14:33:21] <dequbed> Network is a fuck I guess. Have a multiocular o while you wait. ꙮ
L305[14:47:38] <dequbed> @inkoate ah okay yeah no worries cables are cheap, set up whereever you want
L306[14:47:55] <dequbed> Amanda: Could you do me a favour and try connecting? It may be fucked routing
L307[14:48:11] <Amanda> dequbed: I'm currently on the server
L308[14:48:16] <dequbed> .-.
L309[14:48:18] <Amanda> or do you mean reconnecting
L310[14:48:24] <dequbed> nah
L311[14:48:34] <dequbed> if you aren't being kicked off for ping timeout then it's routing
L312[14:48:41] * dequbed goes yell at BGP a bit
L313[14:48:52] <dequbed> Not that it'll help. But it'll make me *feel* better :P
L314[14:49:56] <Amanda> Are we holding on to 1.25 stacks of raw iron for any particular reason? Inoticed what I assume is meant to be semi-automation of the occultism crusher spirit so I wasn't sure
L315[14:50:09] <dequbed> Nope, no reason other than I'm lazy
L316[14:50:44] <dequbed> We should set up a Crusher Wheel setup at some point and I wanted to get a Villager breeder up for Silk Touch books on the cheap so we finally get true ore doubling.
L317[14:51:25] <Amanda> Create also adds a lot of blocks that can be crushed for chunks of iron/gold/etc or nuggets, fwiw
L318[14:53:19] <Amanda> and they spawn in stupid-huge veins
L319[14:53:29] <Amanda> unless that was a change that E8 did
L320[15:04:28] ⇦ Quits: Ariri (uid378594@id-378594.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L321[15:10:31] <Amanda> interesting. Never considered using a windmill bearing like this
L322[15:13:15] <B​ob> you guys have an OC2 server 🤔
L323[15:17:37] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eeb:4700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2)
L324[15:20:11] <dequbed> Yes, in both senses of the word :P
L325[15:21:41] <Z0id​berg> Holy shit the levenshtein distance algorithm is slow as shit.
L326[15:29:16] <B​ob> yeah, you need to set limits within
L327[15:40:18] <Amanda> dequbed: also: This may be relevent to your interests: https://fly.io/blog/our-user-mode-wireguard-year/
L328[15:40:20] <ink​oate> @dequbed : Ok, now I was disconnected. 🙂
L329[16:13:02] <dequbed> @inkoate there's some flapping going on with our transit provider, sadly nothing we can fix :/
L330[16:13:53] <dequbed> Amanda: Okay either fly.io went down between you looking at it and now or this network problem of ours is a bit bigger than assumed.
L331[16:14:36] <Amanda> loads fine here still
L332[16:15:06] <Amanda> Though I just pinged out on the server, it seems
L333[16:16:02] <dequbed> Apparently it's just me. Yay for stable internet I guess
L334[16:21:35] <Amanda> Apparently sangar added a /dev/fb0 in recent commits.
L335[16:24:41] <Ocawes​ome101> yep, with the projector
L336[16:28:43] <Amanda> dequbed: we need this in the plabs server, I want to make shitty fb0 guis!
L337[16:30:20] <Amanda> also either the networking got worse, or the server isn't running anymore, as it's just pinging out on the mc server screen since the pingout earlier
L338[16:41:07] <dequbed> Amanda: yeah we need to port our patchset, don't have the time right now though
L339[16:46:51] ⇦ Quits: Amanda (~m-yt727s@c-73-165-62-84.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L340[17:19:17] ⇨ Joins: NotAmanda (webchat@61.sub-174-252-131.myvzw.com)
L341[17:19:25] <NotAmanda> Wheee, power's out!
L342[17:21:11] <NotAmanda> %oclogs
L343[17:21:11] <MichiBot> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/?dir=logs/%23oc
L344[17:22:18] <ink​oate> @NotAmanda: Bad weather or something else?
L345[17:22:37] <NotAmanda> guessing as such, it's been pretty windy today
L346[17:23:16] <NotAmanda> "An equipment problem has interrupted service" according to the outage thingy on the app
L347[17:23:59] <NotAmanda> Estimated to be restored in ~1.5h
L348[17:35:11] <ink​oate> Sigh... ok, why is rust producing a riscv binary that sedna thinks has an illegal instruction in it?
L349[17:39:14] <Ocawes​ome101> wrong risc-v extensions?
L350[17:47:12] <sapphicf​ettucine> >inkoate: Sigh... ok, why is rust producing a riscv binary that sedna thinks has an illegal i…
L351[17:47:13] <sapphicf​ettucine> what toolchain / target are you using?
L352[17:48:51] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@
L353[17:57:19] <ink​oate> >sapphicfettucine: what toolchain / target are you using?
L354[17:57:19] <ink​oate> riscv64-unknown-linuc-musl
L355[17:58:42] <sapphicf​ettucine> do you have a riscv linker and ar set too?
L356[17:59:08] ⇦ Quits: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: DBotThePony)
L357[18:05:28] <sapphicf​ettucine> also on the earlier convo about rust and dynamic linking, there are ways to use dynamic libraries and rust - just honestly they're likely more trouble than it's worth
L358[18:10:55] <Z0id​berg> You compared the instruction set document sedna comes with with the problematic instruction, right?
L359[18:11:27] <Z0id​berg> dynamic linking itself is not nontrivial in terms of an idea by any means, it's just terrifying as hell
L360[18:11:55] <Z0id​berg> It's like running a human being with external organs
L361[18:12:11] <Z0id​berg> Though that is nontrivial
L362[18:14:05] <sapphicf​ettucine> i mean dynamic linking is fine because the lil' parts the organs plug into are stable if you use the same C version
L363[18:14:05] ⇦ Quits: NotAmanda (webchat@61.sub-174-252-131.myvzw.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L364[18:14:10] <sapphicf​ettucine> rust just chose chaos
L365[18:14:26] <Z0id​berg> It's still terrifying even in the land of C with sane toolchains
L366[18:14:45] <Z0id​berg> But
L367[18:14:47] <sapphicf​ettucine> you say as if C had a single sane toolchain
L368[18:14:58] <Z0id​berg> 🙂
L369[18:15:11] <Z0id​berg> I've been thinking about making a C compiler
L370[18:15:27] <Z0id​berg> But not for a general purpose
L371[18:38:22] <ink​oate> >sapphicfettucine: do you have a riscv linker and ar set too?
L372[18:38:22] <ink​oate> Yep. Hello world compiles and runs. I'm using `cross` to do the compiling and linking.
L373[18:38:51] <ink​oate> The problematic instruction, as far as I can tell from a core dump, is the riscv equivalent of NOP.
L374[18:40:24] <sapphicf​ettucine> oh, cross?
L375[18:40:43] <sapphicf​ettucine> i didn:t think that supported riscv/musl?
L376[18:44:09] <ink​oate> It didn't have a default Dockerfile for it, but I made one.
L377[18:47:07] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L378[18:53:49] ⇨ Joins: Amanda (~m-yt727s@c-73-165-62-84.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L379[19:00:10] <B​ob> i got it to work without cross with a buildroot toolchain, i should probably upload a template
L380[19:00:40] ⇦ Quits: Amanda (~m-yt727s@c-73-165-62-84.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L381[19:00:50] <Z0id​berg> I like the idea of docker but damn I wish it was better and not a flipping mess.
L382[19:00:56] ⇨ Joins: Amanda (~m-yt727s@c-73-165-62-84.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L383[19:01:16] <B​ob> i'm still docker free, never interacted with it so far
L384[19:01:17] <Z0id​berg> It's annoying enough that I just find it easier to have a dedicated build machine, or even set up a VM
L385[19:01:25] <Z0id​berg> And that's sad
L386[19:05:21] <B​ob> i wonder now if everything really works, as inkoate seems to get segfaults
L387[19:05:33] <B​ob> is there some neat set of tests somewhere for various components form std ?
L388[19:05:38] <B​ob> probably the stdlib has some
L389[19:07:12] <sapphicf​ettucine> i've gotten at least basic io and mmap to work
L390[19:07:29] <Amanda> %oclogs
L391[19:07:29] <MichiBot> https://irclogs.pc-logix.com/?dir=logs/%23oc
L392[19:07:46] <dequbed> @sapphicfettucine No see that's the problem, that's just not how dynamic linking (at runtime!) works in this case. Dynamic linking is fucky in C but it's reasonable. In C++ it's a major headache thanks to C++ templates and code generation around those is already fucked, but at least C++ templates are pretty restricted. But it's a positive nightmare in a language that has generics as deeply embedded as Rust has. It's possible, several languages have
L393[19:07:46] <dequbed> done it already, C++, D, Swift, Haskell can all do it but each and every one of those makes *hard* tradeoffs or just gives up a ships a compiler at runtime.
L394[19:07:55] <B​ob> well i just literally have no time and have a 1 line per day ratio
L395[19:09:10] <Amanda> dequbed: I don't know how, but I blame you for my server not connecting to the LAN on boot
L396[19:09:23] <sapphicf​ettucine> >dequbed: <@722196443514798181> No see that's the problem, that's just not how dynamic linkin…
L397[19:09:24] <sapphicf​ettucine> oh, absolutely
L398[19:09:24] <Amanda> Clearly your servers infected mine with the networking bug
L399[19:09:32] <dequbed> And dynamic linking gives you more problems than *just* monomorphization, but all the other ones you can solve by "just" using the same toolchain version.
L400[19:10:23] <sapphicf​ettucine> the ways you can do dynamic loading in rust are hacks not good use
L401[19:10:25] <Amanda> Not sure what changed in nixos between 2022-01-29 and 2022-02-03 but I couldn't boot my server on anything newer because the network would not connect, just sit there spinning
L402[19:10:33] <sapphicf​ettucine> technically possible, not a good idea
L403[19:10:59] <dequbed> @sapphicfettucine no, you can't do dynamic linking in that sense in Rust because the *rustc does not provide you the informations you would need for that*.
L404[19:11:12] <sapphicf​ettucine> oh, yeah, i'm being more general, sorry
L405[19:11:21] <sapphicf​ettucine> in the sense of dynamic loading in general
L406[19:11:22] <dequbed> You can load code at runtime using dlopen, yes. But that's not dynamic linking.
L407[19:11:26] <sapphicf​ettucine> yea
L408[19:11:48] <dequbed> That's not even dynamic loading to be exact but that's being a pedantic ass now :P
L409[19:11:55] <sapphicf​ettucine> it is :p
L410[19:12:16] <B​ob> time to use Lua again
L411[19:13:57] <sapphicf​ettucine> >dequbed: That's not even dynamic loading to be exact but that's being a pedantic ass now :P
L412[19:13:57] <sapphicf​ettucine> the dl in dlopen stands for "don't lplease
L413[19:14:00] <sapphicf​ettucine> ")
L414[19:14:17] <Z0id​berg> At least it doesn'
L415[19:14:24] <Z0id​berg> At least it doesn't stand for "soni please"
L416[19:14:55] <Z0id​berg> How long do you think until Soni finds OC2's github?
L417[19:15:41] <dequbed> @sapphicfettucine dlopen is fine and safe. There's really no problem with it by itself. But dynamic loading (in the sense of "making an executable process image") is much more than just dlopen().
L418[19:17:18] <dequbed> And dynamic loading is *hard*. It's a problem that everybody just wants to ignore really hard because nobody wants to touch that code.
L419[19:17:30] <sapphicf​ettucine> yeah!
L420[19:17:37] <sapphicf​ettucine> also ABI stability is hard to get to
L421[19:17:47] <sapphicf​ettucine> specially with a language that goes as brr as rust
L422[19:17:53] <dequbed> And not necessary
L423[19:18:20] <sapphicf​ettucine> yea, there's just Better Ways to do what you could with dlopen / the broader world of dynloading in rust
L424[19:18:53] <sapphicf​ettucine> >dequbed: And not necessary
L425[19:18:54] <sapphicf​ettucine> i think ferrous systems the company is working on a fully specified rust
L426[19:19:49] <Z0id​berg> Mmmm gimme some a dose mutable raw pointers to functions in Rust
L427[19:20:00] <dequbed> And I somehow doubt they're specifying a full ABI for that because it really doesn't get you much.
L428[19:20:08] <dequbed> full *stable* ABI, sorry.
L429[19:20:19] <dequbed> I mean Haskell doesn't have that. And C++ doesn't either :P
L430[19:21:01] <ink​oate> @decubed: Your network still broken?
L431[19:21:29] <dequbed> Intermittent. 83% packet loss
L432[19:21:30] <Z0id​berg> Of course it is, they are using telepathy to connect to the Internet
L433[19:21:58] <dequbed> @Z0idberg would you believe me if I told you that my servers are *not* located with me in my flat? :P
L434[19:22:12] <Z0id​berg> Sure
L435[19:22:34] <Z0id​berg> Better have some of those RFC 2889 stats to give to your trunk so they can fix your shit then.
L436[19:22:36] <sapphicf​ettucine> i think at least some parts of it are stable? the security standards they're targeting require object code verification, so
L437[19:22:37] <ink​oate> 83%? That's wierd. Is your uplink Wifi in a storm?
L438[19:23:33] <dequbed> @sapphicfettucine reproducable builds != stable ABI.
L439[19:23:40] <Z0id​berg> I actually don't have as many servers as I used to, just an R610 in here
L440[19:24:08] <sapphicf​ettucine> i know lmao
L441[19:24:21] <Z0id​berg> Even with my 50/50 mbit bridged fiber I haven't bothered to set much up yet
L442[19:24:22] <sapphicf​ettucine> i'm just talking about what they're doing in general
L443[19:24:24] <dequbed> @inkoate lol WiFi. And no, I can read the output of mtr thank you :P nessus had a flapping link
L444[19:24:49] <sapphicf​ettucine> it's quite an interesting project in general, actually
L445[19:25:01] <dequbed> @sapphicfettucine then why did you write that as an *answer* to my abi's aren't necessary message? <.<
L446[19:25:11] <sapphicf​ettucine> they seem to be planning to specify an IR, and then get a verified compiler for that IR
L447[19:25:35] <sapphicf​ettucine> >dequbed: <@722196443514798181> then why did you write that as an *answer* to my abi's aren't…
L448[19:25:35] <sapphicf​ettucine> because i slept for 4 hours and my brain is just a haze of "general binary stability huh"
L449[19:25:49] <luna​r_sam> compilers spook me because i haven't touched them yet
L450[19:25:51] <dequbed> Then you should go to bed, not discuss Rust internals :P
L451[19:26:03] <luna​r_sam> like
L452[19:26:08] <luna​r_sam> i haven't tried making one
L453[19:26:09] <sapphicf​ettucine> rust internals are so much more fun when you're sleep deprived though!
L454[19:26:18] <dequbed> No they're not
L455[19:26:46] <dequbed> At least not for everybody else who has to clean up the code your hazy brain consideres sensible :P
L456[19:26:48] <luna​r_sam> well i haven't tried making one yet
L457[19:26:48] <sapphicf​ettucine> what are you doing if you're not thinking about the stabilization of packed_simd in the early hours of the morning
L458[19:27:08] <luna​r_sam> also wait, does soni even exist anymore?
L459[19:27:08] <sapphicf​ettucine> >lunar_sam: compilers spook me because i haven't touched them yet
L460[19:27:09] <sapphicf​ettucine> https://twitter.com/porglezomp/status/1383854208047149068
L461[19:27:09] <dequbed> Easy: Writing SIMD code without packed_simd
L462[19:27:13] <luna​r_sam> lmfao
L463[19:27:38] <sapphicf​ettucine> >dequbed: Easy: Writing SIMD code without packed_simd
L464[19:27:38] <sapphicf​ettucine> i think you mean mm256writing
L465[19:27:38] <luna​r_sam> i am beat known as "sam the archive man"
L466[19:27:48] <luna​r_sam> *best
L467[19:27:55] <luna​r_sam> because that's all i do
L468[19:28:16] <luna​r_sam> i also sometimes touch networking and make people cry
L469[19:28:23] <dequbed> @sapphicf​ettucine I think you don't understand that I can write SIMD for x86, ARM and POWER ;)
L470[19:28:41] <sapphicf​ettucine> this is starting to sound like the navy seal copypasta
L471[19:28:57] <Z0id​berg> fucking Hulu TV. Hulu TV is using GeoIP to serve region locked TV programs instead of the billing address on their bill or some shit. Hulu has even gone to the extreme where if your IP changes from one state to another due to an ISP sharing address pools to reduce IPv4 depletion, then they will literally stop serving you and continuing to charge you until you cancel your service.
L472[19:28:58] <dequbed> Need to con Snagar into making Sedna implement the RISC-V SIMD instructions so I have a reason to work with those too :P
L473[19:29:03] <luna​r_sam> oh, SIMD by hand is fun
L474[19:29:04] <sapphicf​ettucine> yess
L475[19:29:06] <luna​r_sam> i say
L476[19:29:09] <sapphicf​ettucine> oh i love simd by hand
L477[19:29:12] <luna​r_sam> only doing it a few tines
L478[19:29:16] <luna​r_sam> *times
L479[19:29:18] <luna​r_sam> and poorly
L480[19:29:32] <sapphicf​ettucine> i should complete my "try to slot every advent of code problem from last year into simd" thing someday
L481[19:29:33] <luna​r_sam> with mmxintrins or whatever the header was
L482[19:30:08] <luna​r_sam> been forever since i touched it because
L483[19:30:12] <luna​r_sam> i am not good at it
L484[19:30:15] <luna​r_sam> :p
L485[19:30:18] <sapphicf​ettucine> no one is
L486[19:31:19] <dequbed> At SIMD?
L487[19:31:21] <sapphicf​ettucine> (x86 specifically) intel designs the computing equivalent of cursed tomes
L488[19:31:32] <dequbed> I know a few people that are
L489[19:31:36] <luna​r_sam> oh wait, speaking of intel and cursed
L490[19:31:50] <luna​r_sam> something something 3 cycle left shift
L491[19:33:23] <lunar_sam> anyways
L492[19:33:29] <lunar_sam> i like archives
L493[19:33:31] <lunar_sam> or just
L494[19:33:37] <lunar_sam> data structures in general
L495[19:33:42] <lunar_sam> they make me feel smart
L496[19:33:44] <lunar_sam> :p
L497[19:33:52] <lunar_sam> that was supposed to be :)
L498[19:33:54] <lunar_sam> whatever
L499[19:33:55] <dequbed> Did you do *another* archive format?
L500[19:34:11] <sapphicf​ettucine> i love all archive formats
L501[19:34:13] <sapphicf​ettucine> except WARC
L502[19:34:24] <lunar_sam> yes! i am working on another!
L503[19:34:32] <sapphicf​ettucine> o?
L504[19:34:36] <lunar_sam> one made for random access
L505[19:34:38] <lunar_sam> also
L506[19:34:43] <sapphicf​ettucine> o?
L507[19:34:46] <lunar_sam> ZIP and TAR hurt me
L508[19:34:54] <sapphicf​ettucine> fair!]
L509[19:35:02] <lunar_sam> 7z and rar don't need to be mentioned as being awful
L510[19:35:04] <sapphicf​ettucine> cpio?
L511[19:35:13] <dequbed> *sigh* oh no. Kay, I'ma head out
L512[19:35:18] <lunar_sam> yes, i am sam the cpio man
L513[19:35:22] <lunar_sam> except
L514[19:35:26] <sapphicf​ettucine> [evil laughter]
L515[19:35:26] <lunar_sam> believe it or not
L516[19:35:33] <lunar_sam> i decided
L517[19:35:57] <lunar_sam> "huh, maybe i shouldn't have a 250+gb tape archive on my hard drive which is dogshit slow to access"
L518[19:36:30] <lunar_sam> sam needs one file in like
L519[19:36:38] <lunar_sam> the middle of the archive
L520[19:38:00] <B​ob> i think instead of using `serde` this time i will use `nom`
L521[19:38:53] <lunar_sam> https://github.com/lunaboards-dev/lcpio
L522[19:38:59] <lunar_sam> is great(tm)
L523[19:39:21] <lunar_sam> also https://github.com/lunaboards-dev/cpio64 (my first attempt)
L524[19:39:39] <luna​r_sam> @sapphicfettucine
L525[19:42:34] <Amanda> dequbed: do you happen to remember if the buildroot image for OC2 was poked to not generate g++ anymore, or did I do more cursed stuff than I thought to get ocvm to compile for it?
L526[19:42:57] <Amanda> like, as a host toolchain
L527[20:04:22] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (~Michiyo@
L528[20:04:22] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L529[20:23:54] ⇨ Joins: regakakobigman (~regakakob@c-73-174-187-176.hsd1.pa.comcast.net)
L530[20:26:00] <Mic​hiyo> Hmm
L531[20:26:01] <Mic​hiyo> Test
L532[20:26:08] <Michiyo> Test2
L533[20:26:12] <Michiyo> Oh!
L534[20:26:14] <Michiyo> I'm an idiot
L535[20:26:16] <Michiyo> yep
L536[20:31:56] ⇦ Quits: regakakobigman (~regakakob@c-73-174-187-176.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) (Quit: regakakobigman)
L537[20:43:26] <Forec​aster> Aren't we all
L538[21:42:34] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.in)
L539[21:43:58] <dequbed> Amanda: Don't know but you should be able to get yourself a cross-compilation g++ rather easily.
L540[21:45:46] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L541[22:10:27] <sapphicf​ettucine> i can say crosstool-ng builds a perfectly fine cross g++
L542[22:29:34] <CompanionCube> Izaya: 'Asked about its treatment of workers, a Labour spokesperson said the party was now "under new management"' lol
L543[22:41:03] <Forec​aster> Woo, back in the swing of things, finished a hydrogen engine control script
L544[22:41:20] <Forec​aster> Tomorrow I can recreate the drone HUD script
L545[22:42:05] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eeb:4700:fe34:97ff:fea9:75f2) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L546[22:45:37] <B​ob> hell yeah https://tinyurl.com/yad6n5r2
L547[22:46:41] <Izaya> > intel dont set a default vcore for this new family and MB manufactures are "overvolting" all processor to make sure they can run without problem.
L548[22:47:07] <Michiyo> o_O
L549[22:47:44] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (~Michiyo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L550[22:47:50] <lunar_sam> wtf
L551[22:58:35] <Izaya> as I was saying before I was so RUDELY INTERRUPTED, 100° on the CPU and there's not even a recommended voltage; best I can do is guess 1.2V (rather than the stock 1.35?!) and hope it's stable
L552[22:58:58] <lunar_sam> prescott
L553[22:59:31] <lunar_sam> "it's made of heat!"
L554[23:11:01] <Va​ur> %tonkout
L555[23:11:02] <MichiBot> Yikes! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 8 hours, 27 minutes and 25 seconds (By 1 hour, 3 minutes and 10 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L556[23:11:03] <MichiBot> Va​ur has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.009 tonk points! plus 0.008 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.42975432. Position #1
L557[23:18:57] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L558[23:19:17] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L559[23:24:39] ⇨ Joins: DBotThePony (~Thunderbi@
L560[23:29:50] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (~Michiyo@
L561[23:29:50] zsh sets mode: +o on Michiyo
L562[23:35:02] <Mic​hiyo> https://tinyurl.com/y9bdkf4e
L563[23:35:08] <Mic​hiyo> Needs more RGB
L564[23:35:57] <Ocawes​ome101> needs all the RGB
L565[23:37:50] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-6-121.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L566[23:40:59] <lunar_sam> awoo
L567[23:50:51] <Izaya> my eyes x-x
L568[23:52:15] <Amanda> %choose continue staring at crops or rain box
L569[23:52:15] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: "continue staring at crops", now with 30% fewer deaths caused by negligence!
L570[23:52:26] <Amanda> Hrm, still too many deaths, better play it safe
L571[23:52:40] <Michiyo> the case has RGB, as well as a pair of RGB fans in the front that you can't see
L572[23:53:18] <Izaya> new motherboard doesn't have enough fan headers >.>
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