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L1[00:08:36] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-59-130.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L2[00:28:15] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
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L4[00:30:56] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L5[00:39:42] <i develo​p things> so i put an SSD in the early 2006 MBP i have
L6[00:39:47] <i develo​p things> and holy shit the thing is responsive
L7[00:40:11] <i develo​p things> (granted, it's running Snow Leopard, but still.... I think i'm probably maxing out the 1.5Gbit/s SATA)
L8[00:40:34] <Vampyre> heh, yah, did the same for a friend a few months back, was quite amaze how fast it was
L9[00:40:41] <Vampyre> and I don't even like macs
L10[00:41:18] <i develo​p things> makes an even bigger difference running newer versions of macOS (which basically require SSDs to be usable) or with a faster SATA interface
L11[00:41:28] <Vampyre> there is a patch for maverics for old pro's too btw
L12[00:41:49] <Vampyre> then it's really as good as new
L13[00:43:11] <i develo​p things> i imagine it doesn't work for the 32-bit ones though, does it? :^)
L14[00:43:24] <Vampyre> probably not ;-)
L15[00:43:40] <Vampyre> be a big patch if it did ;-)
L16[00:43:58] <i develo​p things> lmao yeah
L17[00:44:11] <i develo​p things> i plan to put ubuntu on this thing and see if GPU accel will work
L18[00:44:28] <Vampyre> I must say of apple, their hardware is good
L19[00:44:36] <i develo​p things> *older hardware
L20[00:44:38] <Vampyre> last forever
L21[00:44:41] <i develo​p things> i.e. pre-retina
L22[00:44:48] <i develo​p things> the newer models have some issues
L23[00:44:49] <Vampyre> ah, dunno how it is with newer stuff
L24[00:45:02] <i develo​p things> but yeah everything pre-2012 or so is amazingly reliable
L25[00:45:14] <i develo​p things> hence a 15-year-old laptop still functions almost like new
L26[00:45:21] <Vampyre> yup
L27[00:45:59] <i develo​p things> ubuntu 16.04 has worked fine with the ati mobility x1600 in that MBP in the past, but last time i installed it (on the hard disk, booting using rEFInd rather than GRUB, which i think may be the issue) nothing liked the gpu, i had to boot with nomodeset or got a black screen
L28[00:46:21] <i develo​p things> and let me tell you, running Unity with nomodeset is pure pain
L29[00:47:15] <Vampyre> heh, I bet, and I think that I read somewhere that some loaders don't initialize the gpu correctly
L30[00:47:34] <Vampyre> dunno anymore what I tried on that laptop a few months back, but I rnan into similair issues
L31[00:48:10] <i develo​p things> yeah, GRUB by default on my 2010 MBP didn't initialize the NVidia GPU correctly (expected the firmware to do so) so the blob driver flipped out. got it working in the end though and linux ran great.
L32[00:48:22] <Vampyre> figured out later that I could just trow the latest version of macos on it... even tried windows at one point ;-)
L33[00:49:08] <i develo​p things> also i think i have the high-end model of this MBP, it has a 1.83GHz Core Duo (there might've been a 2.16GHz version but eh) and 2GB of memory (upgraded from the 1.5GB it had previously)
L34[00:49:35] <Vampyre> should be plenty for ubuntu
L35[00:49:56] <Vampyre> once, long agom that was plenty to ryn crysis
L36[00:49:59] <i develo​p things> the main things i've done to this laptop are mostly undo the slight case bend (purely cosmetic, though it was impacting the click button on the touchpad), put in an SSD, and put in more RAM
L37[00:50:01] <i develo​p things> hehehehehe
L38[00:50:06] <i develo​p things> yeah linux runs fine on 512 megs
L39[00:50:35] <i develo​p things> i think my parents have had this laptop for its entire lifetime
L40[00:50:49] <i develo​p things> still a decent machine. even has a backlit keyboard.
L41[00:51:30] <Vampyre> got to play with one of the new ones a few weeks back, I do like that new small second keyboard/display thingy too
L42[00:52:01] <Vampyre> there was once a russion art designer who planend on releasing a full oled keyboard
L43[00:52:07] <Vampyre> wonder whatever happened to that
L44[00:52:35] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L45[00:52:35] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat dequbed's record of 5 hours, 26 minutes and 14 seconds this time. 4 hours, 48 minutes and 47 seconds were wasted! Missed by 37 minutes and 27 seconds!
L46[00:52:43] <CompanionCube> oof
L47[00:52:56] <i develo​p things> the touchbar, you mean?
L48[00:53:07] <i develo​p things> that's one of those things that's mostly love-it-or-hate-it
L49[00:53:21] <Vampyre> yah, that one
L50[00:53:29] <Vampyre> and this is the keyboard I meand: https://www.artlebedev.com/optimus/maximus/
L51[00:53:38] <Vampyre> apparently was back in 2007 already
L52[00:54:15] <i develo​p things> huh
L53[00:55:04] <Vampyre> never mind, me and a segway ;-)
L54[00:55:29] <i develo​p things> interesting keyboard tbh
L55[01:04:30] <Amanda> %remindme 5m test the thing
L56[01:04:30] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "test the thing" at 01/11/2021 01:09:30 AM
L57[01:05:52] <Izaya> SMS machine unbroke
L58[01:06:46] <Izaya> did an update and LTE and SMS is back
L59[01:07:07] <Amanda> now to never update again!
L60[01:07:33] <Izaya> don't say that
L61[01:07:39] <Izaya> I might listen
L62[01:07:57] <Amanda> now to update every 30s
L63[01:08:19] * Izaya burns
L64[01:09:30] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: test the thing
L65[01:09:49] * Vampyre gives Izaya a bucket of water
L66[01:29:53] <Izaya> wish there was a non-shit fedi client
L67[01:33:13] <Izaya> tootle doesn't support pleroma well - as of an update since I last used it - and crashes if you look at it too hard
L68[01:38:07] <Amanda> %choose laptop nap tme?
L69[01:38:07] <MichiBot> Ama​nda: Ah... well, I'd say wait an hour.
L70[01:38:57] <Amanda> I wish I knew what kept overwriting /home/amandac/.config/mimeapps.list
L71[01:39:34] <Izaya> remove write permission
L72[01:39:37] <Amanda> It's a read-only symlink because you shouldn't be touching it, whatever program it is that keeps doing that
L73[01:40:09] <Amanda> maybe I should look inside it next time it happens and see if whatever it is gives itself away
L74[01:41:06] <Vampyre> run a small program with one of the fnotify things to notify you?
L75[01:42:24] <Amanda> %remindme 12h look into making anime organisation utility programs be nix-ified for miranda
L76[01:42:24] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "look into making anime organisation utility programs be nix-ified for miranda" at 01/11/2021 01:42:24 PM
L77[01:56:25] <ben_mkiv> the maximus keyboard is just 1800€ ...
L78[01:59:12] <ben_mkiv> also i dont know what to think of >100 small oleds... would rather make sense to use one big screen, but guess solving the mechanics then is a bit problematic
L79[02:00:00] <Vampyre> https://www.artlebedev.com/optimus/tactus/
L80[02:00:12] <Vampyre> that's just a concept, but there you go ;-)
L81[02:00:14] <ben_mkiv> well, with mechanical keys
L82[02:00:32] <ben_mkiv> that kind of keyboard sucks honestly
L83[02:01:14] <i develo​p things> how would you do it with mechanical keys and one screen?
L84[02:01:18] <Vampyre> maybe if tech advances enough you could have all sides of a keyboard key covered with some flexible oled
L85[02:01:22] <ben_mkiv> with a frame on top
L86[02:01:26] <Izaya> very transparent keys
L87[02:01:54] <ben_mkiv> and springs probably, lot of springs :p
L88[02:02:03] <Vampyre> magnets?
L89[02:02:24] <ben_mkiv> that could work, too
L90[02:03:48] <ben_mkiv> the keys could be of plastic which is dark like smoke glass and have a small lens behind them to "project" the image on the key
L91[02:04:11] <i develo​p things> maybe
L92[02:04:22] <i develo​p things> how do you fit the button / spring underneath, then?
L93[02:04:28] <i develo​p things> put them on the corners?
L94[02:04:33] <ben_mkiv> yea
L95[02:04:37] <bad at​ vijya> there was an actual neonazi at where i work today
L96[02:04:52] <bad at​ vijya> i could hear the extra chromosomes in his voice
L97[02:08:46] <ben_mkiv> https://www.techeblog.com/pictures-optimus-maximus-keyboard-released-gets-previewed-video/a
L98[02:08:48] <ben_mkiv> https://www.techeblog.com/pictures-optimus-maximus-keyboard-released-gets-previewed-video/
L99[02:08:49] <ben_mkiv> sry
L100[02:09:02] <ben_mkiv> according to this typing on it is also not comfy, and to be honest... it looks cheap
L101[02:09:56] <ben_mkiv> pretty much looks like they used those and put a keyboard around it https://www.mouser.de/ProductDetail/NKK-Switches/ISC15ANP4?qs=wmGoOJKaHgomZWhVdnWsbg%3D%3D&mgh=1&vip=1
L102[02:11:39] <ben_mkiv> but the magnet approach sounds interesting, wonder how it would feel to type on something like that
L103[02:17:12] <Izaya> solved the fedi client problem https://social.shadowkat.net/media/3d67c9eb98971869b4d4715b779301dc24e594f8f8e12fa06f78db10e43477d3.png
L104[02:18:28] <Izaya> idevelopthings: am I dumb? I don't seem to have 3D accel - or even 2D accel - on this thing
L105[02:18:46] <Izaya> but the pmOS wiki says at least 3D works
L106[02:19:38] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p508ef206.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L107[02:26:30] <Izaya> well, it knows it's using the lima driver
L108[02:26:34] <Izaya> it's just still painful
L109[02:26:35] <Izaya> cool
L110[02:28:12] <Izaya> huh, without anbox open glxgears is getting 60 FPS
L111[02:28:22] <Izaya> I assume this is with enforced vsync because wayland a shit
L112[02:29:29] <Izaya> 250 FPS with vblank_mode=0
L113[02:30:14] <Izaya> well, it's only 40 times slower than my desktop's graphics card from testing glxgears
L114[02:44:10] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L115[03:02:35] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L116[03:27:11] <Shuud​oushi> Fucking text editor decided that it was going to crash... It's been open for over a week with half a million tabs open, but still
L117[04:31:30] * Amanda pads over to Elfi, flops down around her, offers her some tireds she found, zzzmews
L118[04:31:33] <Amanda> Night nerds
L119[04:32:01] * Elfi faceplants into the tireds, was already full-up
L120[04:35:44] <Amanda> %remindme 8h make sure borg backups are working
L121[04:35:44] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "make sure borg backups are working" at 01/11/2021 12:35:44 PM
L122[04:36:11] * Amanda nudges Elfi onto her side, goes back to zzzmewing
L123[04:36:46] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1e25:3500:bac5:86f5:de16:a23c) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@200116b8148e58008e8b080db21a7624.dip.versatel-1u1.de)))
L124[04:36:47] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@200116b8148e58008e8b080db21a7624.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L125[04:55:12] <Izaya> after much trial and error I've mostly automated launching satellites with kOS
L126[05:09:36] <Vampyre> yeah... I found a bug in OC and it's been staring me right in the face...
L127[05:15:16] <Shuud​oushi> @Vampyre ah fuck, what is it?
L128[05:20:24] <Vampyre> small issue keeping me from getting color in my life ;-)
L129[05:20:25] <Vampyre> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/3401
L130[05:20:27] <MichiBot> Title: TextBufferProxy rawSetForeground / rawSetBackground not working. | Posted by: Vampyric-OC | Posted: Mon Jan 11 05:19:55 UTC 2021 | Status: open
L131[05:21:25] <Vampyre> and I went over that piece of code like, 20 times until it finally clicked ;-)
L132[05:35:31] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L133[05:35:37] ⇦ Quits: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L134[05:58:33] <Shuud​oushi> I'm not sure how the profile.lua file actually works now because I've never really used the os lib...
L135[05:59:30] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L136[06:03:03] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L137[06:03:03] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Forecaster, you were not able to beat dequbed's record of 5 hours, 26 minutes and 14 seconds this time. 5 hours, 10 minutes and 28 seconds were wasted! Missed by 15 minutes and 46 seconds!
L138[06:03:10] <Forec​aster> Dammit
L139[06:10:24] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L140[06:22:18] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@200116b8148e58008e8b080db21a7624.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L141[06:32:46] <Ko​dos> Well fuck you too FFXIV
L142[06:34:59] <Shuud​oushi> Lulz
L143[06:35:25] <Shuud​oushi> @Kodos what it do this time?
L144[06:36:12] <Ko​dos> Was trying to get a free trial
L145[06:36:21] <Ko​dos> Apparently my years old SQUENIX account that's never touched a FF game can't get one
L146[06:36:29] <Ko​dos> Because "New accounts only OMFGLOLHURRR"
L147[06:36:31] <Shuud​oushi> This motherfucker in the discord I'm admin in, just spent 30 fucking MINUTES typing a goddamned message, just to say "oh, okay"
L148[06:37:02] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah, the account itself has to be less than 24 hours old or some shit lol
L149[06:37:11] <Ko​dos> If I could transfer my steam credit to blizzard, I'd do it in a heart beat, but as it is, I'm stuck with steam credit to find a half decent MMO I haven'
L150[06:37:18] <Ko​dos> If I could transfer my steam credit to blizzard, I'd do it in a heart beat, but as it is, I'm stuck with steam credit to find a half decent MMO I haven't already played to death [Edited]
L151[06:38:05] <Shuud​oushi> Arch age? Idfk
L152[06:38:31] <Ko​dos> Played it to death
L153[06:38:41] <Ko​dos> I think last I logged out, I was on my fishing trawler because that was the only thing left to do
L154[06:38:46] <Izaya> automated my launch and circularization B)
L155[06:39:03] <Shuud​oushi> I haven't even played it after the economy got fucked to hell the first time on the NA servers
L156[06:39:04] <Izaya> Kodos: ESO?
L157[06:39:33] <Ko​dos> Just uninstalled ESO today after trying it again. I only have the base game, and without Plus, it's just online Skyrim to me
L158[06:39:44] <Izaya> fair
L159[06:39:48] <Shuud​oushi> Eh, fair
L160[06:40:06] <Ko​dos> Online Skyrim to the degree of my main is a sneaky archer
L161[06:40:11] <Ko​dos> Much like most of my Skyrim builds end up being
L162[06:40:12] <Shuud​oushi> Fucking runescape?
L163[06:40:28] <Ko​dos> Runescape is the game I've kept on a secondary monitor and played since.... middle school? I think middle school
L164[06:40:37] <Shuud​oushi> Lmao
L165[06:40:43] <Shuud​oushi> Fucking nerd XD
L166[06:40:57] <Ko​dos> I seriously think I'll be eligible for the 20 year vet cape when it drops
L167[06:41:03] <Ko​dos> If it hasn't already
L168[06:41:19] <Ko​dos> I've had my 15 year one for.... ages
L169[06:41:33] <Ko​dos> (hurr hurr get it? Ages? Because runescape eras are called ages)
L170[06:41:44] <Shuud​oushi> Oh, speaking of nerd shit. I'm bout to push an update to my dev branch for SecureOS. Not everything is still working, but getting a reliable install off of github is too priority atm
L171[06:42:12] <Vampyre> nerd shit FTW ;-)
L172[06:42:14] <Shuud​oushi> Top*
L173[06:42:19] <Ko​dos> Once you have either a working version, let me know. I want to strip it out locally and throw a few workable things I want to make into it
L174[06:42:23] <Ko​dos> And call it SecureOS Lite
L175[06:42:29] <Shuud​oushi> Fucking qwertz keyboard still fucking me up...
L176[06:42:42] <Ko​dos> You mean QWERTY? Or non-NA keyboard
L177[06:42:56] <Shuud​oushi> German keyboard
L178[06:43:12] <Shuud​oushi> Du Abwasserverpester
L179[06:44:18] <Shuud​oushi> https://tinyurl.com/yy3mx7ob
L180[06:44:47] <Shuud​oushi> The autocorrect has been all kinds of hit or miss since switching to it
L181[06:44:52] <Ko​dos> Pißwasser say what
L182[06:45:55] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah, the US is eating itself and I'm about to lose the last thing keeping me hear, so I figured I'd move
L183[06:46:44] <Shuud​oushi> Got some friends in germany and the added benefit of not having to declare bankruptcy over a vist to the doc made me want to move to germany
L184[06:46:49] <Ko​dos> Fair
L185[06:47:00] <Ko​dos> I'd probably move to somewhere in Europe, likely Ireland/Scotland, or Wales/UK
L186[06:47:17] <Ko​dos> But that's mostly because of my fascinations with Food and Doctor Who/British television respectively
L187[06:47:21] <Ko​dos> Otherwise, Japan or Thaliand
L188[06:47:23] <Ko​dos> Otherwise, Japan or Thailand [Edited]
L189[06:47:35] <Shuud​oushi> I like carrying my knife too much for the UK
L190[06:48:02] <Ko​dos> Bangers and Mash just sounds like a thrash metal club
L191[06:48:04] <Shuud​oushi> Same issue with Japan tbh
L192[06:48:10] <Shuud​oushi> Lmao
L193[06:48:13] <Ko​dos> I want to go to Japan for the general weirdness
L194[06:48:23] <Ko​dos> I'd rather live in Bangkok than Tokyo/Kyoto
L195[06:48:43] <Shuud​oushi> It's not nearly as weird as the internet leads you to believe
L196[06:48:51] <Vampyre> you can always consider the Netherlands ;-)
L197[06:48:53] <Ko​dos> I mean, I'm sure, but eh an american can dream
L198[06:49:03] <Ko​dos> NL is an option, too.
L199[06:49:08] <Ko​dos> Really anywhere with fun food would be fine
L200[06:49:11] <Izaya> could I interest you in New Zealand
L201[06:49:15] <Shuud​oushi> @Vampyre what's the gun laws like?
L202[06:49:35] <Vampyre> completely prohibited except for hunters and farmers
L203[06:49:45] <Shuud​oushi> Then fuck it
L204[06:49:58] <Vampyre> belgium has less strict laws
L205[06:50:15] <Vampyre> I think comparable to germany? dunno for sure
L206[06:50:15] <Izaya> gonna get my full license
L207[06:50:20] <Izaya> get an international license
L208[06:50:21] <Izaya> move to NZ
L209[06:50:27] <Izaya> lose 3 feet
L210[06:50:30] <Izaya> become a hobbit
L211[06:50:30] <Shuud​oushi> At least in germany i can pull a fuck ton of strings and have an AR-15 modified to be a straight pull bolt action
L212[06:50:45] <Vampyre> NZ is nice, got family there
L213[06:50:49] <Shuud​oushi> Lulz
L214[06:52:31] <Izaya> now I guess I need to add auto-staging and maybe limit the angle of attack
L215[06:52:36] <Shuud​oushi> Ideally, I'd move to russia where the gun laws are enforced about as well as the traffic laws, but the pockets of communist that live there will lead to a blood bath...
L216[06:52:56] <Vampyre> go to Somalia?
L217[06:53:09] <Shuud​oushi> Eh, fuck that. If it can't do backflips to orbit, then bin it
L218[06:53:12] <Vampyre> Pretty nice up north and absolutely no gun laws ;-)
L219[06:53:29] <Shuud​oushi> I'm still not welcomed back in somalia...
L220[06:53:50] <Izaya> I mean, it's at a 90° angle to prograde for a decent part of the ascent
L221[06:53:54] <Vampyre> Were you in the south or the north?
L222[06:54:01] <Izaya> it's bellyflopping to orbit, that's gotta count for something
L223[06:54:10] <Shuud​oushi> @Vampyre yes
L224[06:54:17] <Vampyre> lol
L225[06:54:28] <Vampyre> ok, nm ;-)
L226[06:56:31] <Shuud​oushi> All I'm gonna say about that, is 40mm air burst rounds do a number on boats >.>
L227[06:57:15] <Vampyre> ah, off coast, I get it ;-)
L228[06:58:05] <bad at​ vijya> i want to buy a mi-26 halo
L229[06:59:31] <Shuud​oushi> You mean a rickety death trap that turns your shit into diamonds?
L230[07:00:09] <bad at​ vijya> the big fucking helicopter
L231[07:00:14] <bad at​ vijya> i want to make a flying casino
L232[07:00:23] <Shuud​oushi> Oh christ XD
L233[07:00:36] <bad at​ vijya> if you give me the largest production helicopter
L234[07:00:44] <bad at​ vijya> i will end up never using it
L235[07:00:53] <Shuud​oushi> Your patrons will likely not survive the experience, but sure XD
L236[07:00:54] <bad at​ vijya> as i will spend my time thinking of what to do with it
L237[07:01:21] <Vampyre> turn it upside down and you have the biggest lawnmower in the world?
L238[07:01:29] <Shuud​oushi> Lmao
L239[07:01:36] <Shuud​oushi> It does that on its own
L240[07:01:39] <bad at​ vijya> that's called a nuclear warhead
L241[07:02:15] <Shuud​oushi> Fucking things are made out of pot metal and bubble gum
L242[07:02:58] <Shuud​oushi> Looks impressive af at least
L243[07:06:36] <Shuud​oushi> It's 0100, need sleep
L244[07:06:47] <Shuud​oushi> Guten Nacht o/
L245[07:07:03] <Vampyre> auf wiedersehn
L246[07:24:29] <Izaya> okay autostaging, auto-deorbit
L247[07:24:35] <Izaya> very nice
L248[07:29:54] <Vampyre> you doing KSP?
L249[07:33:49] <Izaya> yee
L250[07:34:03] <Izaya> I'll make a webm in a bit
L251[07:34:17] <Vampyre> ok :-)
L252[07:34:21] * Vampyre likes KSP too
L253[07:42:31] <CompanionCube> Izaya: NZ would also have less fucked govt
L254[07:42:48] <Ko​dos> https://puu.sh/H5N9w/7598388b65.png
L255[07:43:15] <Shuud​oushi> Ok, back for just a minute because I tuned this twat out till i got a DM. But holy fuck is he stupid >< https://tinyurl.com/y5ewrwrr
L256[07:43:49] <CompanionCube> also lol @ moving *to* putinist russia, just why
L257[07:44:19] <Shuud​oushi> @CompanionCube utter lack of fuck about gun laws
L258[07:44:34] <Shuud​oushi> Also, I'm not barred from enter russia
L259[07:44:43] <Shuud​oushi> Entering*
L260[07:45:06] <CompanionCube> also, the comment about communists raises further questions
L261[07:45:22] <Shuud​oushi> How so?
L262[07:46:35] <CompanionCube> what would said 'pockets' even look like, and then there's the implications from a 'blood bath'
L263[07:48:24] <Shuud​oushi> There's places in russia that don't know the ussr is no longer a thing still. And they're pretty fucking hostile towards "westerners"
L264[07:48:42] <CompanionCube> orly? huh
L265[07:48:53] <Izaya> super-tankies
L266[07:49:44] <Shuud​oushi> I don't like living in cities, so it'd be possible for me to come across one of these blocks. And i already don't like communist,so, yeah
L267[07:50:32] <CompanionCube> Izaya: well, might not be super-tankies per se
L268[07:50:52] <Izaya> russian boomers?
L269[07:50:58] <Shuud​oushi> Lol
L270[07:51:11] <CompanionCube> maybe if the actively disbelieved the USSR was kill, though
L271[07:51:51] <Izaya> today's cursed project
L272[07:51:56] <Izaya> minitel for kOS
L273[07:52:39] <Vampyre> in sovjet russia the USSR disbelieves you!
L274[07:53:07] <Izaya> cellular modem in this phone is getting toasty
L275[07:53:08] <Izaya> mmm
L276[07:53:34] <Shuud​oushi> Last time I heard of anyone coming across a pocket of these backwaters fucks, the reason given for believing the USSR is still alive and well was something to do about western disinformation
L277[07:54:48] <Shuud​oushi> Which is fair enough I guess? I still don't take too kindly to being fucking shot at tho
L278[07:57:46] <Shuud​oushi> Oh, also, thanks to duolingo "nein, meine Eule malt nie" is a phrase that I know... I have no idea what drug fueled bender saw to it that it was added, but it's a thing...
L279[07:57:55] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p508ef615.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L280[07:59:00] <Shuud​oushi> Oh, guten Morgen Inari
L281[08:06:21] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b8148e58008e8b080db21a7624.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L282[08:06:26] <Izaya> turns out
L283[08:06:37] <Izaya> bellyflop trajectory uses less delta-V
L284[08:07:52] <Shuud​oushi> @Izaya lmfao. Congrats, you strapped bottle rockets to a brick and got it into orbit XD
L285[08:08:03] <Izaya> I did a thing that would calculate the ideal angle then limit the angle of attack to 5°
L286[08:08:12] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L287[08:08:17] <Izaya> end result is 150m/s less delta-V to play with once in orbit
L288[08:08:55] <Inari> @Shuudoushi ohi
L289[08:09:41] <Shuud​oushi> Which bot does head pats again?
L290[08:10:18] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L291[08:12:35] <Forec​aster> MichiBot is the only bot with any interactions
L292[08:12:43] <Ko​dos> Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale
L293[08:16:01] <Forec​aster> %sip
L294[08:16:01] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Nothing seemed to happen...
L295[08:16:09] <Ko​dos> %sip
L296[08:16:10] <MichiBot> You drink a dusty mithril potion (New!). For about a second Kodos knows the location of a great treasure.
L297[08:16:10] <Forec​aster> D:
L298[08:16:29] <Forec​aster> what...
L299[08:20:05] <Shuud​oushi> %pet Inari
L300[08:20:05] <MichiBot> Shuudoushi is petting Inari with a lock of Inari's pink hair. Inari regains 1d4 => 3 hit points! The lock of Inari's pink hair was loaned out to a friend and was never returned.
L301[08:20:26] <Shuud​oushi> Closest command I could find
L302[08:21:48] <Shuud​oushi> @Kodos I'm not sure I want to know how your hovercraft became full of eels...
L303[08:22:34] <Ko​dos> Monty python?
L304[08:22:43] <Inari> %bite Shuudoushi
L305[08:22:43] <MichiBot> In​ari is trying to bite Shuudoushi! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L306[08:23:13] <Shuud​oushi> %defend
L307[08:23:13] <MichiBot> Specify an action as the first parameter: block, guard, deflect, parry, counterspell, dodge
L308[08:23:40] <Shuud​oushi> %defend deflect
L309[08:23:40] <MichiBot> Shuudoushi failed to deflect Inari. With a 3 vs 12 Shuudoushi takes the full 5 damage.
L310[08:23:49] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L311[08:23:50] <Shuud​oushi> Ouch
L312[08:24:00] <Shuud​oushi> %bonk Inari
L313[08:24:01] <MichiBot> Shuudoushi bonks Inari on the head with the lightsaber for 1d​4 => 4 damage!
L314[08:24:13] <Inari> @Forecaster another one that needs %defend
L315[08:24:13] <MichiBot> Specify an action as the first parameter: block, guard, deflect, parry, counterspell, dodge
L316[08:26:36] <Shuud​oushi> I really do need sleep now though
L317[08:26:52] <Vampyre> resist!
L318[08:27:03] <Shuud​oushi> Guten Nacht o/ (for real this time lol)
L319[08:27:07] <Forec​aster> it doesn't do any damage, so I didn't add defending to it
L320[08:27:30] <Forec​aster> also the defend thing is not working correctly all the time
L321[08:27:38] <Inari> It's Gute Nacht
L322[08:27:39] <Inari> :p
L323[08:28:07] <Inari> der Morgen -> Guten Morgen / die Nacht -> Gute Nacht
L324[08:28:09] <Shuud​oushi> Oh? Good to know, thanks darlin' ^^
L325[08:28:13] <Inari> Pls
L326[08:28:15] <Inari> I'm not your darlin
L327[08:28:44] <Shuud​oushi> Ich tut mir leid, it's a southern thing...
L328[08:28:52] <Inari> *Es tut mir leid
L329[08:28:53] <Inari> :p
L330[08:29:12] <Inari> Well Leid, not leid too
L331[08:29:18] <Inari> I think
L332[08:29:19] <Izaya> encoding on a different machine is the best thing goddamn
L333[08:29:29] <Shuud​oushi> Well fuck me running...
L334[08:29:40] <Inari> :p
L335[08:30:09] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah! Ich = I, es = (more or less) I'm
L336[08:31:07] <Vampyre> it does me pain
L337[08:31:14] <Vampyre> that's I think the literal
L338[08:31:21] <Shuud​oushi> So, es tut mir leid, und gute nacht
L339[08:33:06] <Vampyre> ah, no, same in dutch, it does me suffering, not pain
L340[08:33:35] <Shuud​oushi> I'll get my head wrapped around it at some point, right now I'm still kinda strugglin' with the whole gendered 'e' thing lol
L341[08:34:11] <Vampyre> heh, yah, that's where I failed completely at school (german was mandetory)
L342[08:34:18] <Shuud​oushi> Inari ist eine Katze
L343[08:34:23] <Shuud​oushi> Ich ein hund
L344[08:35:07] <Shuud​oushi> Wait... Ein is 'a'... The fuck was 'am' again...
L345[08:35:15] <Shuud​oushi> Bist?
L346[08:35:23] <Vampyre> ich bin
L347[08:35:30] <Vampyre> du bist
L348[08:35:32] <Vampyre> es sind?
L349[08:35:36] <Vampyre> er?
L350[08:36:01] <Shuud​oushi> Ich bin ein hund!
L351[08:36:22] <Vampyre> just remember kennedy, ich bin ein berlinner ;-)
L352[08:36:33] <Shuud​oushi> Lmfao
L353[08:37:10] <Inari> "Ich ein hund" works in that too, becuase of the preceeding sentence though
L354[08:37:26] <Shuud​oushi> <3
L355[08:38:13] <Inari> "es" is "it" :p
L356[08:38:37] <Vampyre> alles ist verganghen
L357[08:38:40] <Shuud​oushi> Danke Inari ^^
L358[08:38:43] <Vampyre> or something :-p
L359[08:38:50] <Inari> ich bin / du bist / er/sie ist / sie sind (plural sie)
L360[08:39:11] <Vampyre> half my music taste is german, you'd expect me to be able to write and speak it better
L361[08:39:23] <Shuud​oushi> Lol
L362[08:39:41] ⇨ Joins: orrche (webchat@82-209-154-112.cust.bredband2.com)
L363[08:48:48] <Izaya> recording that webm now
L364[08:49:26] <Izaya> wrote a new script to record but use most of what I use for streaming
L365[08:49:55] <Izaya> so I'm spewing data over my LAN to my server which is doing the actual encoding
L366[09:01:23] <ThePi​Guy24> enemies of the stallman get sent to the gnulag
L367[09:01:32] <Izaya> mmmm
L368[09:01:35] <Izaya> 60KB/s webm
L369[09:01:49] <Izaya> because I want to fit 4 minutes into 16MB
L370[09:02:18] <ThePi​Guy24> just reduce the resolution to unusable
L371[09:02:47] <Izaya> let's try 360p
L372[09:02:49] <Izaya> from 720p
L373[09:04:26] <Izaya> hm
L374[09:04:28] <Izaya> that's not terrible
L375[09:04:42] <Izaya> it's way more compressed than it needs to be though
L376[09:04:59] <Izaya> got 4 minutes into 4MB
L377[09:05:11] <Izaya> so in theory I can do 240KB/s
L378[09:05:11] <ThePi​Guy24> anything over 100b/s is overkill
L379[09:05:54] <Izaya> bonus points: encoding like this means I'm encoding at 1.5x speed
L380[09:05:56] <Izaya> which is neat
L381[09:06:04] <Vampyre> 640 bauds is enough for anyone
L382[09:06:34] <Izaya> might try for 480p like this
L383[09:06:58] <Izaya> 1.2x speed, nice, nice
L384[09:07:38] <Izaya> 768x480 is a neat resolution
L385[09:08:01] <Izaya> I wonder how much file size I'd shave off if I did re-encode the audio
L386[09:08:27] <Izaya> I think it's 160K but really 64K is more than enough
L387[09:09:22] <Izaya> I could make it mono
L388[09:10:08] <Vampyre> 8k with GSM codec? ;-)
L389[09:10:19] <Izaya> :^)
L390[09:10:24] <Vampyre> get that nice phone effect
L391[09:10:31] <Izaya> nah, 64k mono opus should be like, not terrible
L392[09:14:31] <ThePi​Guy24> man webm does much better than mpeg at low bitrates
L393[09:14:41] <Izaya> it really does
L394[09:14:46] <Izaya> vp9 stronk
L395[09:14:54] <Izaya> the issue is it takes years to encode, but whatever, I guess
L396[09:14:55] <ThePi​Guy24> actually looks somewhat readable rather than grey rectangles
L397[09:15:23] <ThePi​Guy24> yeah i seem to get 10x worse encode speed compared to mpeg
L398[09:15:31] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi unrelated but unless "pull a fuckton of strings" includes bribing some starred police officials or an explicit except from very high up that modified AR-15 of yours *will* get you arrested.
L399[09:15:45] <dequbed> In Germanies that is.
L400[09:16:05] <dequbed> Go to Austria. There you're fine as long as you can stop yourself from shooting at humans.
L401[09:17:50] ⇦ Quits: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@2001:67c:2f08:8::6:ec4e) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L402[09:20:30] <Izaya> 922x576
L403[09:20:32] <Izaya> cursed resolution
L404[09:20:44] <ThePi​Guy24> 690x420
L405[09:20:57] <Vampyre> 666x666...
L406[09:21:00] <Vampyre> come on guys
L407[09:21:08] <ThePi​Guy24> fuck squares
L408[09:21:16] <Izaya> 666x-666
L409[09:21:25] <Vampyre> resolution of the beast, truely cursed ;-)
L410[09:21:42] <Izaya> only if you're a superstitious boomer :^)
L411[09:21:43] <ThePi​Guy24> its only cursed because square
L412[09:22:03] <Vampyre> it's the beast squared!
L413[09:22:11] <Vampyre> must mean something somewhere ;-)
L414[09:28:38] <dequbed> Vampyre: Nero times Nero? Sounds bad :p
L415[09:29:03] <ThePi​Guy24> Nero is good artist
L416[09:29:18] <Forec​aster> but when will we get triangular resolutions
L417[09:29:42] <dequbed> Nero times Nero is .. Trump? One playing the fiddle while Rome burns, the other playing the Twitter while the Capitol burns.
L418[09:36:01] <Izaya> Vampyre: https://files.catbox.moe/872z8c.webm
L419[09:36:22] <Izaya> also dequbed I guess
L420[09:37:07] <Izaya> and yes, that is one stonking big stage to orbit
L421[09:39:31] <dequbed> Izaya: What's a gravity turn?
L422[09:39:46] <Izaya> I tried a saner ascent profile.
L423[09:39:57] <Izaya> It resulted in less dV once I was in orbit.
L424[09:40:26] <dequbed> o.O
L425[09:41:24] <Izaya> As such, belly-flopping to orbit.
L426[09:41:32] <Vampyre> Izaya, cool, letme watch
L427[09:41:53] <dequbed> Are you aerospike yet?
L428[09:41:57] <Izaya> no
L429[09:42:04] <Izaya> new save for 1.11
L430[09:42:07] <dequbed> Ah
L431[09:42:17] <dequbed> What rockets are those anyway?
L432[09:42:19] <Izaya> hence the triple-reliant setup
L433[09:43:37] <Vampyre> pretty nice slope so far, but that cpu thing, that's automatic programmable control?
L434[09:43:57] <Vampyre> like you can now do complete space-x style missions with booster returning to KSC?
L435[09:44:30] <Izaya> with that booster I could, but I let StageRecovery handle it
L436[09:44:39] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/c635bd28f223af2581c03fe188e34e291c8fcf3ad4c9150b26362c96d494e955.jpg
L437[09:44:46] <Vampyre> nice!
L438[09:45:03] <Izaya> don't want to spend the time manually flying every launcher back to the KSC, haha
L439[09:45:36] <Izaya> and yeah, the mod for the computer is kOS
L440[09:45:43] <Izaya> wrote a terrible script to do all of that
L441[09:45:46] <Vampyre> heh, I see it even auto deorbits
L442[09:45:48] <Vampyre> very nice
L443[09:45:49] <Izaya> yees
L444[09:49:34] <dequbed> Izaya: Have you heard of our lord and saviour kRPC? Slightly better programming languages available and it can carry data out into a control center of your choice too :p
L445[09:50:08] <Izaya> has kRPC heard of KSP 1.11 yet?
L446[09:50:13] <dequbed> dunno
L447[09:50:31] <Izaya> :p
L448[09:50:38] <Izaya> signs point to no
L449[09:50:51] <dequbed> Hey I was just shittalking, don't expect me to do research for that ;p
L450[09:50:53] <Izaya> anyway I was low-key thinking about writing a connector in Lua
L451[09:51:09] <Izaya> for kOS
L452[09:51:42] <dequbed> Wait that works? I though kOS was only ever running scripts in kOS
L453[09:51:51] <Izaya> wellllllll
L454[09:51:54] <Izaya> it has a REPL
L455[09:52:19] <Izaya> and a telnet interface
L456[09:56:27] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L457[09:59:01] <dequbed> %tell Izaya Also how is the mod comp for 1.10 mods? because kRPC definitely works for that version
L458[09:59:02] <MichiBot> deq​ubed: Izaya will be notified of this message when next seen.
L459[09:59:57] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L460[10:03:25] <dequbed> Izaya: have you considered not DDoSing yourself?
L461[10:20:24] <Izaya> can't help it
L462[10:20:28] <Izaya> in other news
L463[10:20:30] <Izaya> I did the maths
L464[10:20:36] <Izaya> my overhead is 58 funds.
L465[10:22:42] <ThePi​Guy24> australian roubles
L466[10:25:27] <Izaya> man I kinda wish I was doing this dumb shit IRL
L467[10:25:56] <Izaya> it costs me 1.16 cents per kg of payload
L468[10:26:26] <Izaya> the falcon heavy is $951/kg
L469[10:28:04] <dequbed> Yeah but the falcon does not have the failure rate of your rockets :p
L470[10:28:18] <Izaya> on the contrary
L471[10:28:31] <Izaya> mine have never failed
L472[10:28:36] <Izaya> because I can revert to launch
L473[10:28:48] <dequbed> I count each time you do as a "fail" :p
L474[10:35:15] <Vampyre> ok, I give up for today, Java has won the battle...
L475[10:35:41] <Vampyre> I'll return with mightier weapons upon it
L476[10:40:20] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-59-130.dynamic.as20676.net)
L477[10:40:20] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L478[10:56:34] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b8148e58008e8b080db21a7624.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L479[11:25:28] <Kristo​pher38> damn, Sangar has been really active on twitter since the start of December https://twitter.com/sangarwastaken?lang=en
L480[11:31:50] <Forec​aster> %tonkout
L481[11:31:50] <MichiBot> Jiminy Cricket! Forec​aster! You beat deq​ubed's previous record of 5 hours, 26 minutes and 14 seconds (By 2 minutes and 31 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L482[11:31:51] <MichiBot> Forec​aster has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.005 tonk points! plus 0.004 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.06021. Position #4 => #3 (Overtook ThePiGuy24) Need 0.03401 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L483[11:32:22] <ThePiGuy24> oi
L484[11:51:35] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L485[12:07:40] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L486[12:10:18] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L487[12:29:16] <Forec​aster> %sip
L488[12:29:17] <MichiBot> You drink a resonating adamantium potion (New!). A tiny genie appears, gives Forecaster a thumbs up, and poofs away.
L489[12:30:59] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L490[12:32:36] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L491[12:35:45] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: make sure borg backups are working
L492[12:43:15] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L493[13:06:10] * Amanda replaces Inari's pillows with plush cats
L494[13:10:24] <Inari> Amanda: rude
L495[13:11:04] <Amanda> no u
L496[13:11:18] <Amanda> did you ever reply to my tell from the other day?
L497[13:13:11] <Forec​aster> https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2021/01/11/you-can-now-play-pokemon-red-inside-a-twitter-avatar
L498[13:13:17] <Forec​aster> Twitter plays pokemon
L499[13:15:02] <Inari> Amanda: what tell?
L500[13:15:21] <Forec​aster> you know, the tell!
L501[13:15:23] <Amanda> Inari: about using an RPG for a dunking game
L502[13:15:34] <Inari> Think I did?
L503[13:15:43] <Amanda> I must have missed it
L504[13:15:52] <Inari> Not that theres much to respond :p
L505[13:20:05] <Amanda> Izaya: do you know if there's any way to get like, a progress bar for the automatic vulkan shader compilation? I'd like ot know if I should just leave my laptop alone overnight one night, or what
L506[13:20:29] <Amanda> ( I thought I turned off the automatic background job for it, but it seems to have turned itself back on )
L507[13:20:48] <Izaya> not really
L508[13:20:55] <Izaya> I just check if it's maxing my processor
L509[13:20:57] <Izaya> if not, I restart steam
L510[13:21:13] <Amanda> My laptop's fans are just shy of jet-engine mode
L511[13:21:26] <Izaya> then it's probably doing
L512[13:21:48] <Amanda> I know i tis from a htop listing, but I was curious if I could see how far it's gotten / got left
L513[13:22:23] <Izaya> not that I'm aware of, unfortunately.
L514[13:22:27] <Amanda> damn
L515[13:33:19] <Izaya> https://social.shadowkat.net/media/ff2897bc94ee3bc2bf66460f191a6cfcb08c70348173043ec48feda016dacac1.jpg
L516[13:39:21] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~izaya@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L517[13:40:29] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~izaya@
L518[13:42:24] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: look into making anime organisation utility programs be nix-ified for miranda
L519[13:46:50] <dequbed> Izaya: I spy an mars space anime flag ;)
L520[13:50:53] <Izaya> but of course
L521[13:51:34] <Izaya> to Duna in the name of Lemrina Vers Envers
L522[13:52:37] <Izaya> https://files.catbox.moe/weiz8a.jpg
L523[13:52:44] <Izaya> been using this as my KSP flag since some time last year
L524[13:52:51] <Izaya> it's just such a nice design
L525[13:53:04] <dequbed> It's busy and unrecognizable from afar.
L526[14:02:44] <Izaya> https://files.catbox.moe/weiz8a.jpg
L527[14:04:14] <ThePiGuy24> is probably a good enough time for a %tonk
L528[14:04:16] <MichiBot> Wild! ThePi​Guy24! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of <0 (By 2 hours, 32 minutes and 24 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L529[14:04:17] <MichiBot> ThePiGuy24's new record is 2 hours, 32 minutes and 24 seconds! ThePiGuy24 also gained 0.00254 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #4. Need 0.00461 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L530[14:04:42] <ThePiGuy24> good i did maths mostly correctly
L531[14:24:18] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L532[14:24:41] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L533[14:25:10] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L534[14:25:29] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p508ef615.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L535[14:33:28] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fd95b1a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L536[15:00:29] * Inari isekais Amanda as a spider
L537[15:05:48] <dequbed> Apparently there has been some minor leaks in the worse facebook. Neat
L538[15:05:59] <Inari> worse facebook?
L539[15:06:39] <dequbed> Ah you appear to not have been following the news. Keep that up, there are no good news currently ^^'
L540[15:07:27] <Inari> Oh, I think I've herad of what you mean
L541[15:10:52] <Z0id​berg> https://tinyurl.com/yxvromm6
L542[15:11:29] <Z0id​berg> I'm making a train loop around the entire map
L543[15:11:35] <Z0id​berg> @Forecaster this train is Looooooong
L544[15:11:48] <Z0id​berg> I'm halfway around now
L545[15:13:21] <Vexatos> that's a weird looking minecraft mod
L546[15:13:51] <Izaya> what immersive railroading texture pack is that
L547[15:13:52] <Inari> Nah
L548[15:13:58] <Inari> That's normal minecraft with shaders
L549[15:15:01] <MichiBot> Amanda REMINDER: try updating nixos again
L550[15:17:32] <Izaya> this week's jimquisition was ... a ride.
L551[15:18:30] <Z0id​berg> lol
L552[15:31:09] <Izaya> Saphire, bad_at_vijya: https://bbs.kawa-kun.com/media/357d196b59770f4d2d34162b08af3caa38d3110cc79de83ea7f014fb828439c2.webm
L553[15:47:59] <Ko​dos> What the hell https://pastebin.com/iDvVnJqg
L554[15:57:02] ⇨ Joins: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@2001:67c:2f08:8::6:ec4e)
L555[16:08:10] <Forec​aster> %sip
L556[16:08:11] <MichiBot> You drink a viscous nectar potion (New!). Everything Forecaster says is now in Wingdings until someone baps them.
L557[16:08:18] <Forec​aster> Ohno
L558[16:09:00] <Izaya> oh, huh, that's why that discord widget is showing up
L559[16:09:05] <Izaya> it's using a different domain name
L560[16:09:19] <Izaya> that's going in my ublock filter list
L561[16:10:03] <Izaya> fixed :3
L562[16:10:06] <Ko​dos> %sip
L563[16:10:06] <MichiBot> You drink a shining unobtanium potion (New!). Kodos feels like a champion!
L564[16:10:26] <Ko​dos> No, MichiBot, no I do not.
L565[16:10:34] <Ko​dos> I feel like warmed over liquid garbage
L566[16:11:45] <i develo​p things> q_q
L567[16:12:02] <i develo​p things> i feel like i'm gonna have nightmares about ATI graphics drivers for weeks
L568[16:13:13] <i develo​p things> macOS works fine if i load it from Apple's selection interface where Linux doesn't show up, but both it and Linux flip out when i load either of them from GRUB, macOS kernel panicking and Linux (probably, i can't tell because graphical output freezes when switching to a framebuffer) doing the same
L569[16:13:28] <i develo​p things> this is on a MacBook Pro 1,1 because of course it is
L570[16:13:54] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed that was kinda the jist, yeah
L571[16:15:36] <Shuud​oushi> @i develop things iirc, mac does some really stupid shit to keep you from using video cards that apple does sell/use
L572[16:15:57] <i develo​p things> apple's UEFI is just weird about initializing GPUs
L573[16:16:02] <Shuud​oushi> Doesn't
L574[16:16:10] <i develo​p things> had that issue with an nvidia card on another laptop
L575[16:16:12] <Shuud​oushi>
L576[16:16:34] <i develo​p things> had to add a GRUB script to `setpci` some things to get the blob driver to work
L577[16:16:36] <Izaya> apple's UEFI isn't UEFI
L578[16:16:38] <Izaya> it's just EFI
L579[16:16:40] <Izaya> :^)
L580[16:16:42] <i develo​p things> yeah, that
L581[16:16:51] <i develo​p things> especially on this 1st gen intel MBP
L582[16:17:03] <Izaya> ... 32-bit EFI?
L583[16:17:07] <i develo​p things> yes
L584[16:17:12] <Izaya> kill it with fire
L585[16:17:12] <Shuud​oushi> Oof
L586[16:17:13] <i develo​p things> this is the only MBP that ever had it
L587[16:17:18] <i develo​p things> has a bunch of weird-ass quirks
L588[16:17:20] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi but if you're willing to go to that level you can play with your fancy murder toy in every country, no matter how strict the gun laws are.
L589[16:17:23] <Izaya> burn it
L590[16:17:29] <i develo​p things> and of course the nvidia hack that i used doesn't work for ATI
L591[16:17:36] <i develo​p things> which makes sense but is still disappointing
L592[16:18:00] <i develo​p things> the weirdest part is, i've had the exact same Linux distro work fine with the same GPU
L593[16:18:09] <i develo​p things> though, granted, it might've been loading slightly differently
L594[16:18:37] <i develo​p things> (+ in the same laptop!)
L595[16:19:04] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed not quite, I have friends in germany that can help with paperwork for such things, not so much elsewhere
L596[16:20:39] <Shuud​oushi> The actual shitty part about it, is being able to do such a thing is I'd have to go back to "security contract" work...
L597[16:21:59] <Shuud​oushi> Also, 110rnd/minute a murder toy does not make
L598[16:23:02] <dequbed> Given that an AR-15 does not constitute a "hunting rifle" in germany, it does.
L599[16:23:12] <Izaya> guns are murder toys either way
L600[16:23:13] <Izaya> \o/
L601[16:23:32] <Shuud​oushi> Eh, basically, yeah Izaya
L602[16:25:56] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi not even morally speaking, legally speaking. I don't see a way with the current gun laws of ever getting an AR-15 registered as a private citizen.
L603[16:26:20] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed 6.5 creedmoor, removel of the gas system and a fixed stock actually does put it into the hunting rifle catagory on a technicality (unless that got changed since like 04 i think)
L604[16:26:48] <dequbed> You can put in a magazine with more than 10 rounds. Insta-ban since .. '12 I think.
L605[16:27:02] <Shuud​oushi> Ah fuck
L606[16:27:15] <dequbed> No they don't make sense. But the laws are the laws still.
L607[16:27:22] <Shuud​oushi> Austria it is!
L608[16:28:32] <Shuud​oushi> What is it, like a catagory A or a carry license and basically anything is fair game
L609[16:28:53] <Shuud​oushi> I'd have to look that one up again
L610[16:29:02] <stephan48> anything meaning target(potentially meaning humans)? or anything meaning guns?
L611[16:29:13] <dequbed> Last I checked Austria is on the level of "everything considered small arms is possible to get a license for, ammunition is the hard part" i.e. sensible laws.
L612[16:29:14] <Shuud​oushi> Guns
L613[16:30:21] <dequbed> Explosions!
L614[16:30:26] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah, iirc there is a limit on how much ammo you can buy at one time and how much you can have at one time before you have to at least inform local police or whatever
L615[16:30:49] <dequbed> Also, keep your ammunition at the range like you're not a stupid murican.
L616[16:31:00] <Shuud​oushi> I think there was also something about the way you have to store things
L617[16:31:43] <Shuud​oushi> No, you can have it home for self defense, but iirc it has to be stored in a gun safe or something
L618[16:32:15] <Shuud​oushi> Or after a certain amount, it was something like that
L619[16:32:46] <dequbed> If you're the kind of person who would keep ammunition at home for self defense without being threatened you are the kind of person who should not have any ammunition at home.
L620[16:32:55] <Shuud​oushi> One sec, I'm actually going to look it up, i haven't had to worry about such things since like 04
L621[16:33:13] <Shuud​oushi> Um... Wot?
L622[16:33:26] <Shuud​oushi> How in the actual fuck does that make sense?
L623[16:33:42] <dequbed> Because europe is not america.
L624[16:34:05] <dequbed> And the kind of dangers you're in at home in western europe does not call for arms, no matter the size.
L625[16:34:29] <Vexatos> Over here I don't think you're allowed to have even semi-automatic weapons as a private citizen. Shooting for sport uses very simple rifles, and those who use guns professionally (hunters) have their own kind of license
L626[16:34:34] <dequbed> I get why people have guns at home in america and on themselves while hiking. But none of those reasons are sensible in Europe.
L627[16:34:52] <Shuud​oushi> Guy breaks into my shit and starts swinging a knife around, the fuck am I supposed to do, ask him to sit tight for me while I drive to the fucking range to get my ammo!? Fuck that, he's gonna learn what 62gn 5.56 does to the human body
L628[16:35:00] <dequbed> Vexatos: Semi-automatic rifles can be classed as hunting rifles.
L629[16:35:17] <Vexatos> yes but then you need a hunting license which is separate from a simple one IIRC?
L630[16:35:23] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi Call the police like you're not still in Iran.
L631[16:35:37] <Vexatos> also you most definitely need a safe for it
L632[16:35:38] <stephan48> that sounds strangely like rifle ammo @Shuud​oushi
L633[16:35:44] <dequbed> Vexatos: Yeah and you need to actually be in the position to hunt, e.g. have ground or be in the business of hunting.
L634[16:36:11] <Vexatos> Friend of mine is a policeman and he has very strict laws for how to keep his weapons safe
L635[16:36:23] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi that's exactly the point. If your solution to people /entering your home/ is killing them *you* are the problem.
L636[16:36:54] <Shuud​oushi> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_law_in_Austria
L637[16:36:54] <stephan48> your complete society thinking that way makes you part of the problem :)
L638[16:37:32] <Vexatos> yea that is what I thought dequbed
L639[16:37:38] <Vexatos> you need to be an actual hunter to get a hunting license
L640[16:38:15] <Amanda> Things can be replaced, people can't. IF someone breaks into your home,call the police, and hide ffs
L641[16:38:24] <dequbed> There's no room for error there, no room for making mistakes. In a military setting where your life is threatened the entire time by several parties the acceptance for lethal force is there. Is relevant. But even there, rules of engagement. You've been a soldier, you KNOW THE FUCKING RULES. And in civilian settings, there are different rules. And you not actually being the state's monopoly of violence is one of those rules.
L642[16:38:30] <Shuud​oushi> That's not my solution to people entering my home, that's my solution to someone entering my home and presenting themselves as a clear and present danger
L643[16:38:57] <dequbed> That does not happen in Europe much. And even then, run away, call the police.
L644[16:39:13] <Shuud​oushi> Somebody simply kicks down my door I'll just beat their ass and call the cops
L645[16:39:13] <Vexatos> I live in rural areas, hunting is actually something that's done quite a lot here, usually you have a group of farmers employing a hunter together to keep game off their crops
L646[16:39:22] <dequbed> The chance of you getting killed are much, much lower than the chance of you killing somebody that need not have died.
L647[16:39:58] <Izaya> additionally, bringing a gun to a knife fight is escalation
L648[16:40:02] ⇨ Joins: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L649[16:40:03] <Amanda> dequbed: one sad truth I've learned of my 29 years in america -- "Fuck 'em" if it's notyou and yours, might as well be the garbage
L650[16:40:06] <Izaya> as is bring a gun to a gun fight
L651[16:40:14] ⇦ Quits: S|h|a|w|n (~shawn156@c-76-25-73-212.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L652[16:40:20] <Vexatos> dequbed, major difference is that a policeman or soldier you got actual training for both using your weapon properly, when to use it, and how to de-escalate without
L653[16:40:22] <Amanda> It's very depressing
L654[16:40:48] <dequbed> Vexatos: I'm sure Shuudoushi is very well trained with their AR.
L655[16:40:50] <Shuud​oushi> @Izaya I'd say swinging a knife at me already has the escalation at the highest point
L656[16:41:04] <dequbed> No, shooting you is the highest escalation
L657[16:41:17] <dequbed> shooting you with the purpose of killing you*
L658[16:41:20] <Shuud​oushi> Both are just as deadly
L659[16:41:24] <Izaya> I'd argue dropping black holes on you is the highest escalation, but anyway.
L660[16:41:37] <Shuud​oushi> A knife in close quarters even more so
L661[16:41:40] <dequbed> Izaya: That's just shooting with a very high caliber though.
L662[16:41:50] <Izaya> Fair point.
L663[16:41:54] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah, basically lol
L664[16:42:12] <Izaya> If someone is robbing you, they probably don't want to kill you.
L665[16:42:16] <Izaya> They want to rob you.
L666[16:42:20] <Izaya> It's a lot less effort.
L667[16:42:30] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi you aren't wrong. The point you're wrong about is that being a realistic scenario. And the point of you having the moral right in this situation to risk /the attackers life/. Which in europe you are considered to *not have*.
L668[16:42:48] <Vexatos> people storming into your house with lethal weapons just really doesn't happen much over here
L669[16:43:04] <dequbed> Yeah, if you get shot you get shot in the streets, really.
L670[16:43:07] <Vexatos> most thieves are people with relatively short knives
L671[16:43:21] <Shuud​oushi> And that's fine, don't care till my life is actually in danger, at which point I'm using the maximum amount of violence to ensure my continued existence
L672[16:43:35] <dequbed> Which isn't right either.
L673[16:43:37] <Vexatos> getting a long and actually dangerous knife is quite difficult too and if you're poor and desperate enough to rob a random citizen's house you likely don't have that kind of equipment
L674[16:44:00] <Vexatos> those who do have that equipment have more valuable targets than you
L675[16:44:21] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi what you should do is try the nonviolent solution first, i.e. running away. If that too isn't an option then and only then do you have the moral (and legal!) right to defend yourself with lethal force.
L676[16:44:45] <dequbed> Vexatos: Getting a long knife is easy. Getting a dangerous one too. Getting a flashy one is hard ;)
L677[16:44:55] <Vexatos> In Germany, if you respond to a threat of violence with excessive violence, there's always a chance that you'll be partially at fault even if the other person threatened you first
L678[16:45:01] <stephan48> appropriate letal force* one can argue that using a rifle for home defense is crass either way
L679[16:45:15] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah, I'd be living in the country side, running away would be more hazardous
L680[16:45:52] <dequbed> stephan48: If your life is threatened and you can not solve the problem in a less violent way then using lethal force will be classified as self defence and you get off scott free. But that's a hard to reach level.
L681[16:46:05] <Vexatos> pretty hard
L682[16:46:11] <Shuud​oushi> @Vexatos same with the US, and I'm ok with that, as long as I'm still alive, no fucks given
L683[16:46:18] <Vexatos> fun fact: machetes are actually considered gardening tools and not knives
L684[16:46:38] <Ar​iri> Who’s dropping black holes on people and didn’t invite me?
L685[16:46:42] <Vexatos> so they don't fall under the german knife-carrying restrictions
L686[16:46:50] <Vexatos> for some stupid reason
L687[16:46:51] <Shuud​oushi> @Vexatos i would hope so tbh
L688[16:46:53] <stephan48> yes but even then theres a difference between "hey i used a small gun to inflict a wound which he could have recovered from" and "hey i used a rifle and converted them into swiss cheese, no change of survial"
L689[16:46:59] <stephan48> atleast i hope so
L690[16:47:01] <i develo​p things> `if [ "$attacker" --has "gun" ]; then freak out; elseif [ "$(run away --is-possible)" ]; then run away; else use lethal_force; fi`
L691[16:47:16] <dequbed> Usually the danger has to be acute (e.g. guy is literally running you down screaming he'll kill you), you went through escalation of violence (if you carry a weapon you have stated so, drawn and clarified you're trained and willing to shoot, potentially a warning shot), etc.
L692[16:47:18] <Shuud​oushi> @stephan48 yeah, no
L693[16:47:28] <dequbed> stephan48: Yeah, no
L694[16:47:34] <Shuud​oushi> A gunshot from any gun can be leathal
L695[16:47:37] <Va​ur> %tonkout
L696[16:47:38] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! Va​ur! You beat ThePi​Guy24's previous record of 2 hours, 32 minutes and 24 seconds (By 10 minutes and 58 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L697[16:47:38] <MichiBot> Va​ur has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.001 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.11024. Position #1
L698[16:47:39] <dequbed> If you shoot at somebody the caliber is not taken into account becayse ^
L699[16:47:40] <i develo​p things> all depends where it hits
L700[16:48:10] <dequbed> You can do self-defence with a .40-cal anti-tank rifle if that's the last option and you're still fine.
L701[16:48:18] <Vexatos> if someone is threatening you with a knife and wants your wallet, what you SHOULD do if you cannot run is not shoot them but give them your wallet, remember their features, and call the police
L702[16:48:35] <Shuud​oushi> Shooting someone in the leg is exactly as life threatening as shooting someone in the chest
L703[16:48:37] <Vexatos> because at that point you're already backed against a wall
L704[16:48:37] <dequbed> Poor medic will have to scrape the guy off the wall but the legal claim of self-defense still stands.
L705[16:48:56] <Vexatos> the thing about knives is that unlike guns, it's hard to kill a person running away from you with it
L706[16:49:18] <Vexatos> robbers also only rarely have guns
L707[16:49:33] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed 40mm btw, 40 cal is like 10mm
L708[16:49:47] <stephan48> cute tank!
L709[16:50:16] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi there's exactly zero chance of having one of those legally though while .40 cal is actually possible ;P
L710[16:50:18] <Forec​aster> poeple tend to prefer breaking into homes with no people in them
L711[16:50:31] <Shuud​oushi> 40x300 is not cute, it's fucking massive lmao
L712[16:50:46] <Vexatos> now it'll be hard to argue to the judge that a person standing in front of you one anti-tank rifle's distance away is actually threatening your life I think
L713[16:51:06] <Shuud​oushi> Lol, true
L714[16:51:20] <Amanda> Vexatos: clearly they also have an anti-tank rifle stuffed in their boxer briefs!
L715[16:51:39] <Amanda> loony-toons esq
L716[16:51:41] <Shuud​oushi> What are the Austrian knife laws anyway? I carry a folding knife everywhere I go
L717[16:51:48] <Vexatos> "this 90cm barrel between you and me is loaded with enough force to shoot through 60mm of steel. Now please leave my house."
L718[16:52:02] <Shuud​oushi> Lololol
L719[16:52:11] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi generally lax.
L720[16:52:35] <Vexatos> knife-carrying laws in Germany are very easy
L721[16:52:43] <Vexatos> if it can be opened with one hand, it's banned
L722[16:52:45] <dequbed> You'll have to hand over the knife when entering most gov' buildings but you'll get it back when you leave again.
L723[16:52:47] <Vexatos> if it's over a certain size, it's banned
L724[16:52:56] <Shuud​oushi> So more less same as the US? Under 6" fixed is fine
L725[16:52:57] <Vexatos> and by banned I mean you may own and buy and use it as much as you like at home or at work
L726[16:52:58] <dequbed> Vexatos: If the police person considers it bad, it's also banned.
L727[16:53:03] <Vexatos> it just means public-carry banned
L728[16:53:17] <dequbed> Knive laws in germany are fucked beyond recognition and have no sensible basis.
L729[16:53:23] <Vexatos> swiss army knives are allowed because they need two hands to open
L730[16:53:44] <Vexatos> they are deliberately annoying to open for this reason :P
L731[16:53:46] <Shuud​oushi> So it's something I'd have to speak to the local police of the place i move to about
L732[16:53:57] <Vexatos> well knife laws IIRC are a federal thing
L733[16:54:05] <Vexatos> so it wouldn't matter which state you move to
L734[16:54:10] <Shuud​oushi> I can open a Swiss army knife one handed tho...
L735[16:54:16] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi no that doesn't help. In germany it's literally "if /that particular/ police person doesn't like you it's a crime"
L736[16:54:25] <Shuud​oushi> Oh
L737[16:54:30] <Shuud​oushi> Huh
L738[16:54:38] <dequbed> Are you white?
L739[16:55:07] <dequbed> Actual question, that very much informs what's going to happen.
L740[16:55:12] <Vexatos> also again it's open-carry in the sense of your trouser pockets or something. If it's securely stored in your backpack and not obviously there to threaten people then they are fine to transport of course
L741[16:56:22] <Vexatos> so make sure your knife isn't particularly scary-looking
L742[16:56:30] <Vexatos> again why swiss army knives are so popular
L743[16:57:21] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed appearance wise? Ja
L744[16:57:27] <dequbed> Then you're fine
L745[16:58:28] <Shuud​oushi> @Vexatos all you can normally see of my knife (unless I'm using it ofc) is the clip and top rounded area of the handle
L746[16:58:50] <Vexatos> spyderco is a popular brand for pocket knives which you basically never see in Germany because the knives are both scary-looking and not allowed to be carried in public because you can open them with one hand
L747[16:58:55] <dequbed> Don't threaten people while you're in cities, especially ones with ... interesting policing such as Leipzig. Nobody will give two shits about your knife. Even less so countryside
L748[16:59:33] <Vexatos> yea in the countryside noone cares that you run around the village with an axe because the chance of you literally coming home from chopping wood in the forest is pretty high
L749[16:59:58] <Shuud​oushi> https://tinyurl.com/y6br9sns
L750[16:59:59] <dequbed> If you're black or look near- or middle eastern, do not, I repeat DO NOT carry a knife. A cook as been arrested for taking his knifes home from work once. yeah. /a cook/
L751[17:00:19] <Vexatos> yea that type of pocket knife may not be in your pocket in public spaces in Germany
L752[17:00:22] <Vexatos> i.e. outside of your home
L753[17:00:35] <b​kj> How are bots chatting on their own
L754[17:00:39] <b​kj> This is amazing AI
L755[17:00:40] <B​ob> yes
L756[17:00:42] <i develo​p things> because they aren't bots
L757[17:00:45] <i develo​p things> %corded
L758[17:00:45] <MichiBot> i develo​p things: Cor​ded is a relay between IRC and Discord. The user talking is between the <>
L759[17:00:45] <B​ob> no liar
L760[17:00:46] <Vexatos> some are
L761[17:00:49] <dequbed> cleared by the judge who was very done with the police's shit but still, arrested. And in Southern germany that kind of arrest can be *pretty* long.
L762[17:01:02] <b​kj> Oh >_>
L763[17:01:12] <Vexatos> depends on the city you're in dequbed
L764[17:01:14] <B​ob> they're markov chains
L765[17:01:16] <Vexatos> very much
L766[17:01:21] <Vexatos> %markov
L767[17:01:24] <Amanda> nah, we're actually all scripted, this is the weekly community show!
L768[17:01:26] <Vexatos> or was it uh
L769[17:01:28] <B​ob> %markov bob
L770[17:01:28] <Vexatos> ~markov
L771[17:01:31] <Vexatos> hm
L772[17:01:31] <Michiyo> ~markov Vexatos
L773[17:01:32] <dequbed> Vexatos... Yes that's what I said.
L774[17:01:40] <B​ob> we broke markov
L775[17:01:41] <Vexatos> it broke
L776[17:01:42] * Michiyo shurgs
L777[17:01:44] * Inari pokes ocdoc
L778[17:01:45] <Vexatos> RIP markov 2021
L779[17:01:46] <i develo​p things> ono markov ded
L780[17:01:55] <B​ob> no more nonsense generator sad
L781[17:02:11] <Inari> ~w abc
L782[17:02:11] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:rack
L783[17:02:12] <Amanda> It worked off Neo's logs, I thought?
L784[17:02:20] <Shuud​oushi> So, my favorite flick knife is a no go in even Austria, this makes me sad :'(
L785[17:02:31] <Michiyo> Amanda, no, ocdoc logs on its own
L786[17:02:36] <Amanda> ah
L787[17:02:42] <Forec​aster> %sip
L788[17:02:43] <MichiBot> Forecaster: Nothing seemed to happen...
L789[17:02:50] <i develo​p things> ~markov MichiBot
L790[17:02:52] <i develo​p things> :(
L791[17:03:03] <Forec​aster> why does that keep happening....
L792[17:03:09] <Shuud​oushi> %inari
L793[17:03:09] <MichiBot> Shuud​oushi: http://i.imgur.com/XoYgHyi.gif
L794[17:03:16] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi also, depending on your particular stance on authority, go read up on what police is actually allowed to do in public settings without probably cause. And then just politely decline 80% of what they want from you and see them being 1) terrible confused 2) very pissed off 3) unable to do /anything/ about it because you are actually right.
L795[17:03:28] <Shuud​oushi> Uh oh... I'm scared to click that link lol
L796[17:03:28] <dequbed> s/probably/probable
L797[17:03:29] <MichiBot> <dequbed> @Shuudoushi also, depending on your particular stance on authority, go read up on what police is actually allowed to do in public settings without probable cause. And then just politely decline 80% of what they want from you and see them being 1) terrible confused 2) very pissed off 3) unable to do /anything/ about it because you are actually right.
L798[17:03:39] <Michiyo> Which... it looks like I may not have the old logs it used...
L799[17:03:44] <Michiyo> nor has it been logging on it's own
L800[17:03:45] <Michiyo> o_O
L801[17:03:54] <Vexatos> time to have it read ALL oc logs
L802[17:04:19] <B​ob> can't imagine all the cringe it could find
L803[17:04:39] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed eh, I'm generally ok with police, but I'm not above being an absolute pain in the ass purely for my own enjoyment
L804[17:05:23] <dequbed> I mean you're white and american, not like you'll have much issues with police officers :p
L805[17:05:39] <Shuud​oushi> Lol, i kinda like Inari's wee custom command there
L806[17:06:49] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed lol, not unless I cause them huh
L807[17:08:07] <Vexatos> police over here are asked for directions more often than they are asked to investigate crime
L808[17:08:37] <Vexatos> unless you live in certain parts of a city
L809[17:08:45] <Vexatos> which you shouldn't ever enter anyway
L810[17:09:14] <Shuud​oushi> Huh, looks like AR-ish rifles cambered in .224 are ok-ish with approval in germany o.O
L811[17:09:14] <dequbed> Yeah pretty much. Police in german-speaking europe is *very* nice from my experience (as a german-speaking white person) and generally trusted by the populance. Countryside if you speak german the police will easily be your best friends.
L812[17:09:42] <Vexatos> the city near where I live has a turkish mafia but every memeber of it is well-known to everyone, including where they hang out
L813[17:09:54] <Vexatos> so you just go around those roads, and the police who you aren't one of them
L814[17:10:01] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi sounds likely. German weapon law don't exactly make sense from like a logical perspective, mostly they make more sense from a ... historical one.
L815[17:10:06] <Vexatos> the police know*
L816[17:11:07] <Shuud​oushi> Seems .224 was designed specifically to defeat german gun laws, that's fucking hilarious
L817[17:11:12] <Vexatos> dequbed, I mean if you speak English or German with an american accent they will likely think you're a tourist asking for directions
L818[17:11:40] <dequbed> Vexatos: Yeah but country police don't do english well. So if you speak understandable german they will generally like you more.
L819[17:11:42] <Inari> Entschuldigung
L820[17:11:49] <Vexatos> that's true
L821[17:11:50] <Inari> Ich möchte diesen Teppich nicht kaufen
L822[17:11:54] <Vexatos> although it's been getting a lot better
L823[17:11:59] <dequbed> Which was the actual point I was making.
L824[17:12:02] <ThePi​Guy24> i love it when things are created specifically to avoid gun laws
L825[17:12:06] <Vexatos> with the new generation of police having gotten at least a bit of English in school
L826[17:12:12] <Shuud​oushi> Once I get further along into learning german, I'll need to find a german discord.. not looking forward to that >.>
L827[17:12:14] <dequbed> If you want the police to like you, be white, speak german, be nice to them.
L828[17:12:31] <Michiyo> Shuu looking to move to Germany?
L829[17:12:42] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah
L830[17:12:48] <Inari> "be white" heh
L831[17:13:23] <Vexatos> if you treat them like someone there to protect you they will treat you like someone worth protecting :P
L832[17:13:24] <Michiyo> Well, the US will be a bit safer. :P <3
L833[17:13:31] <Shuud​oushi> %inari
L834[17:13:31] <MichiBot> Shuud​oushi: http://i.imgur.com/XoYgHyi.gif
L835[17:13:39] <dequbed> Oh also be more christian conservative than leftist (<- my biggest issue) and don't do drugs other than german beer and tobacco
L836[17:13:41] <Shuud​oushi> @Michiyo oi
L837[17:13:41] <Inari> I always feel slightly nervous around police :P
L838[17:13:49] <Vexatos> dequbed, depends on the city
L839[17:13:49] <bad at​ vijya> same
L840[17:14:02] <dequbed> Vexatos: The amount does but the general gist does not.
L841[17:14:11] <dequbed> Police are federal and shuffled around quite often.
L842[17:14:43] <dequbed> Yes, in Hamburg you can puff a joint directly in front of a police officer and they'll just look annoyed but the newby will still arrest you.
L843[17:14:49] <Vexatos> if you are in a city with a university you can do just fine with left views
L844[17:14:54] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed I'm basically atheist and considered far right by the leftist here in the states. Even though I give no fucks as to what you do with your life
L845[17:14:57] <Vexatos> especially if students make up a large portion of the population
L846[17:15:20] <Vexatos> Germany has lots of cities that are relatively small were it not for the university in it
L847[17:15:28] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi ah sorry christian conservatism does not have anything to do with the religion! ^^' It's just to show it's different from e.g. british conservatism
L848[17:15:48] ⇦ Quits: greaser|q (greaser@antihype.space) (Remote host closed the connection)
L849[17:15:55] ⇨ Joins: greaser|q (greaser@antihype.space)
L850[17:15:57] <Shuud​oushi> Ah
L851[17:16:08] <Shuud​oushi> I.e. I'll be fine lol
L852[17:16:10] <Vexatos> political views are not a religion over here
L853[17:16:14] <dequbed> Vexatos: Yes the police will /tolerate/ you. I was speaking about /liking/ you. Like, taking you out for a beer with their police buddies /like/ you.
L854[17:16:19] <Vexatos> if you don't shove your views down anyone's throat noone will ask for them either
L855[17:16:44] <Michiyo> Wish it was that way here <_<
L856[17:16:51] <Shuud​oushi> @Vexatos just the way I like it <3
L857[17:17:00] <Shuud​oushi> @Michiyo rightm
L858[17:17:03] <Shuud​oushi> ?*
L859[17:17:21] <Vexatos> one big advantage of German culture is that a stranger will never talk to you on the street or even in a business unless they absolutely have to
L860[17:17:31] <Izaya> brb moving to germany
L861[17:17:35] <Michiyo> ^^^
L862[17:17:39] <dequbed> Izaya: YES PLEASE
L863[17:17:49] <Shuud​oushi> "believe what I tell you, or you're a facist!"
L864[17:18:01] <Vexatos> so you can get by all week without ever talking to anyone, even shopping goes as far as Cashier: "that'll be N euros" Me: *holds up debit card* Cashier: *nods*
L865[17:18:02] <Izaya> tfw you went to school two towns over so you could avoid running into anyone you know
L866[17:18:07] <Vexatos> the entire conversation
L867[17:18:07] <Forec​aster> Vextaos: same here basically
L868[17:18:35] <Vexatos> @Forecaster yea northern europe is pretty similar in that regard
L869[17:18:51] <Vexatos> except norway has those people in the city walking up to others asking for donations and crap
L870[17:19:00] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi If you're considered far right by the US left, think the capitol attack was a disgrace, don't particularly think Trump is the /best evar/ and like free speech you'll do fine in germany. If Trump is the best evar you'll do fine too just with the more right-wing part of germany
L871[17:19:02] <Vexatos> (I've only been to norway up there)
L872[17:19:02] <Michiyo> "I don't have to address you how you'd like I'd rather just kill you" is my personal favorite.
L873[17:19:07] <Shuud​oushi> @Vexatos cash still widely excepted, especially with prepped exact change?
L874[17:19:21] <dequbed> Most of the time Cash is the /only/ thing accepted
L875[17:19:24] <Vexatos> @Shuudoushi basically outside of supermarkets, you should pay in cash if it's under 20-ish
L876[17:19:35] <Vexatos> always carry €50 in cash around
L877[17:19:39] <Vexatos> and you'll be fine
L878[17:19:42] <dequbed> No, we don't take credit card here hangs on ... just about every store front.
L879[17:19:48] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed yeah, definitely the former
L880[17:19:48] <Forec​aster> I haven't handled cash in years now
L881[17:19:53] <Izaya> 50 in increasingly small increments
L882[17:20:03] <Michiyo> I only keep cash if my youngest is loosing a tooth soon..
L883[17:20:16] <Michiyo> otherwise it's all debt.. >_>
L884[17:20:24] <Michiyo> debit*
L885[17:20:30] <Izaya> one 20, two 10s, two 5s, two 2s, 3 1s, assorted shrapnel
L886[17:20:32] <Vexatos> Izaya, if you enter 50 at the ATM it'll give you €20, 2x10, 2x5
L887[17:20:36] <Izaya> Michiyo: saner than credit at least
L888[17:20:38] <Vexatos> automatically
L889[17:20:42] <Vexatos> it's very convenient
L890[17:20:42] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah... I don't really do debit...
L891[17:20:53] <Izaya> Vexatos: ATMs aren't common here
L892[17:20:57] <Izaya> there's ... two in town?
L893[17:21:04] <dequbed> Vexatos: HAH I WISH. I always get 50 buck bills. I've resorted to asking for 45 because I want at least /one/ smaller bill.
L894[17:21:10] <Izaya> three, if you count the one at the actual bank.
L895[17:21:22] <Michiyo> I can throw a stone and hit a handful of ATMs, sadly they are $20 bills only basically
L896[17:21:28] <Michiyo> I can get $20-200 in $20s
L897[17:21:32] <Vexatos> there's two per bank in town and many supermarkets offer acting as an ATM so if you buy more than €20 or so of products you can be like "oh also I'd like to withdraw an extra 50"
L898[17:21:41] <Vexatos> and you can do that for free straight from your bank account
L899[17:21:48] <Izaya> oh yeah withdrawal at places with card is a thing
L900[17:21:57] <dequbed> Izaya: 5 within 10 minutes of slow walking distance. All free, all daily stocked
L901[17:22:02] <Izaya> iunno man I just have shrapnel under my seat and don't worry about it
L902[17:22:02] <Michiyo> Yeah, it's the easiest way to NOT get a $20 here lol
L903[17:22:10] <Vexatos> yea ATMs over here are always stocked
L904[17:22:16] <Vexatos> again cash is still very much part of germany
L905[17:22:18] <Shuud​oushi> @Vexatos what part of germany you live in? Need a roommate? Lol
L906[17:22:20] <Vexatos> people like paying anonymously
L907[17:22:38] <Vexatos> especially for amounts under €20
L908[17:22:45] <Forec​aster> With card terminals being accessible for even small-ish business and a free simple phone-number-based service to quickly wire money to individuals there is no need to carry cash here
L909[17:22:49] <Vexatos> if it's between 20 and 50 people may look at you if you decide to pay with card
L910[17:22:51] <dequbed> I've gone to pay with debit because $pandemic but as soon as that's done I'm back to 100% cash kthx
L911[17:22:55] <Vexatos> but it's getting better
L912[17:23:00] <Izaya> the banks here have been trying to kill cash forever
L913[17:23:07] <Vexatos> covid is massively accelerating acceptance of contactless and card payment
L914[17:23:21] <Vexatos> all cards support NFC pay these days
L915[17:23:38] <Michiyo> I pay for a $1.50 coke with Debit, and I'll pay for a $200 grocery run with Debit.. lol
L916[17:23:46] <Izaya> turns out when the effective leader of australia turns the place into a cash-only economy for 6 weeks the banks won't forget about that
L917[17:23:53] <Vexatos> @Shuudoushi we actually do have a free room and bathroom :^)
L918[17:23:55] <Izaya> even 90 years later
L919[17:24:11] <Shuud​oushi> Shit, i still load cash from a store onto paypal if I need to buy something online...
L920[17:24:23] <Vexatos> cards in Germany are a bit antiquated. Most credit cards still cost a monthly fee
L921[17:24:40] <Vexatos> especially if you have an account with one of the old banks
L922[17:24:50] <Vexatos> then again those come with various benefits over private banks
L923[17:25:01] <Shuud​oushi> I don't even have a bank account >.>
L924[17:25:03] <Inari> Yeah, I'm using a virtual prepaid credit card, but it's not accepted everywhere
L925[17:25:08] <dequbed> Izaya: Live every day in a way that would make Bruz upset and Jack Lang give you an accepting nod :p
L926[17:25:09] <Shuud​oushi> Old habits die hard...
L927[17:25:50] <Izaya> dequbed: you know it
L928[17:26:04] <Shuud​oushi> Ah, i missed this community
L929[17:26:24] <Forec​aster> I hate handling cash
L930[17:26:31] <Izaya> remember
L931[17:26:33] <Vexatos> there is the Sparkasse which is something of the government's own bank so it's very... safe. Then there is the Volksbank which is a cooperative of a thousand individual banks that is 100% owned by the members of the cooperative
L932[17:26:34] <Izaya> you're here forever
L933[17:26:49] <Vexatos> the latter comes with the advantage of socialism™
L934[17:26:52] <dequbed> Vexatos: Now that's simplyfing :p
L935[17:26:58] <Vexatos> well it is
L936[17:27:03] <Vexatos> but those are the two oldest banks in Germany
L937[17:27:11] <dequbed> To the point of not actually being useful anymore ;)
L938[17:27:13] <Vexatos> everything else is private corporations
L939[17:27:28] <Vexatos> there is also the Deutsche Bank which is one of the main distributors of the Euro
L940[17:27:32] <Shuud​oushi> So Volksbank is what we call a credit union here in the states
L941[17:27:40] <Vexatos> in the UK it'd be known as a cooperative
L942[17:28:16] <Izaya> credit unions stronk
L943[17:28:27] <Shuud​oushi> Stonks
L944[17:28:53] <Shuud​oushi> Which is a cluster of artillery implements btw lol
L945[17:29:32] <Izaya> that only makes the meme better
L946[17:30:01] <Vexatos> they do have financial gain in mind but each office is its own individual co-op, so you can become a member specifically of your local village's bank. Many people like that
L947[17:30:16] <Vexatos> these old banks are quite bad at innovating though
L948[17:30:31] <Vexatos> private banks usually offer better stuff, but even those still have paid credit cards
L949[17:30:40] <Vexatos> which is just not a thing in most of the rest of Europe
L950[17:30:48] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi I think the biggest difference is in size of members. In the BVR (i.e. Volksbank) the members are small, communal banks. It's a group of nearly a thousand independent banks that are cooperating.
L951[17:31:27] <Vexatos> yea, each individual bank is its own co-op and the "Volksbanken" as a whole is a cooperative of cooperatives
L952[17:32:00] <Vexatos> it's like a sports club, you can become a member for a small fee and get the right to vote on decisions the coop makes
L953[17:32:55] <Vexatos> I guess it's something like a union indeed
L954[17:33:11] <Amanda> oh hey, I guess steam finished the shader caching while I was halucinating
L955[17:34:10] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed also, just to clarify about being trained with AR-15s. This is 30 rnds at 100 meter in 8 seconds https://tinyurl.com/y2t7fbs8
L956[17:34:20] <Forec​aster> %sip
L957[17:34:20] <MichiBot> You drink a spooned tiberium potion (New!). Forecaster's favourite skin is suddenly fire.
L958[17:34:46] <Forec​aster> this is the second time that happens D:
L959[17:34:47] <Kristo​pher38> damn you're pretty accurate
L960[17:35:21] <Ko​dos> %sip
L961[17:35:22] <MichiBot> You drink a smelly bombastium potion (New!). The ghost of a plant haunts Kodos for 3 hours.
L962[17:35:25] <Shuud​oushi> Thanks
L963[17:35:28] <Vexatos> you could join a Schützenverein :P
L964[17:35:31] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi I never doubted you being trained with rifles. Quite the opposite I have no doubt that you are better trained at your sidearm than many a police officer is at theirs.
L965[17:35:33] <i develo​p things> wren highlighting for VLE - made in like 5 minutes https://tinyurl.com/y22f5cxw
L966[17:36:23] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed you just unintentionally made me miss my FN57 :'(
L967[17:36:38] <dequbed> HAH SUCKER
L968[17:36:46] <Shuud​oushi> Might get the Ruger version still >.>
L969[17:36:48] <Vexatos> why are you moving to Germany Shuudoushi? Work?
L970[17:36:55] <Shuud​oushi> Fuck no
L971[17:36:57] <dequbed> You should be better at ignoring outside influences while shooting @Shuudoushi
L972[17:37:04] <Shuud​oushi> The US is a flaming shit hole
L973[17:37:10] <Vexatos> that is also a valid reason
L974[17:37:19] <Vexatos> welcome to easy health care :^)
L975[17:37:32] * Vexatos still grumbles about health insurance price spikes
L976[17:38:02] <Shuud​oushi> Bout the lose the only thing keeping me here (gun ownership) so i figured I'd at least move someplace that I won't have to declare bankruptcy over a trip to the doc
L977[17:38:37] <Vexatos> you pay your 15.8% of your income every month and you're covered everything important pretty much
L978[17:39:30] <Vexatos> one nice thing is that you never have to pay until the doc specifically tells you what they want to do is not covered and give you the chance to decline. For me that has never happened so far
L979[17:40:01] <Shuud​oushi> Schützenverein = gun/shooting club i assume?
L980[17:40:04] <Vexatos> yes
L981[17:40:13] <Vexatos> it's a very... traditional thing in Germany
L982[17:40:22] <Forec​aster> finding this almost makes me wish I wasn't playing a spellcaster https://tinyurl.com/yxp5ho4p
L983[17:40:25] <Vexatos> there's a lot of culture behind it
L984[17:40:40] <Vexatos> villages are desperately trying to keep them alive
L985[17:40:45] <Vexatos> so you'll be accepted with open arms
L986[17:40:57] <Shuud​oushi> Hmm, sounds right up my alley tbh
L987[17:40:58] <dequbed> Both biological and guns.
L988[17:41:00] <Vexatos> just don't expect anything automatic or semi-automatic
L989[17:41:05] <Vexatos> it's all traditional, simple rifles
L990[17:41:15] <Vexatos> it's shooting for sport
L991[17:41:15] <dequbed> No, not /all/
L992[17:41:18] <Vexatos> on targets
L993[17:41:22] <Vexatos> well true
L994[17:41:36] <Shuud​oushi> Eh, I'll fire my Semi-Autos on my own time
L995[17:41:43] <Vexatos> you can also of course move to a village and get your hunting permit and actually hunt game
L996[17:41:55] <Vexatos> you're not allowed to fire guns on your own property
L997[17:42:00] <Vexatos> so good luck with that :P
L998[17:42:04] <dequbed> To correct that: In general, Schuetzenvereine are about the traditional gun sports, i.e. hunting. But many there nowadays are just gun nuts going after their hobby so you'll get plenty chance to use your AR if you get it registered :P
L999[17:42:07] <Shuud​oushi> Gun ranges are a thing
L1000[17:42:23] <Vexatos> won't let you in if your weapon is shady
L1001[17:42:47] <Shuud​oushi> It'll be as shady as any gun tho
L1002[17:42:53] <Vexatos> modded or barely-legal weapons is something the owner of the range also doesn't want to be on the hook for
L1003[17:43:02] <Izaya> Shuudoushi x AR-15
L1004[17:43:05] <Izaya> name a better romance
L1005[17:43:08] <dequbed> You are actually allowed to fire guns on your own property but not freely. You have to make sure its safe, get it cleared with local police, etc. You can totally get to that point though but I doubt you have the spare change to buy property large enough for that.
L1006[17:43:08] <Shuud​oushi> It'll just be "scary" looking
L1007[17:43:30] <Vexatos> basically if anyone drives by and hears gunshots they *will* call the police
L1008[17:43:33] <Vexatos> so make sure they are in on it
L1009[17:43:46] <Shuud​oushi> Lol, fr
L1010[17:43:55] <Vexatos> gunshots are not a thing outside of shooting ranges
L1011[17:43:58] <Vexatos> they just aren't
L1012[17:44:12] <Izaya> alternatively
L1013[17:44:14] <dequbed> Yeah, if the police is good with it you can even do "geological research" (i.e. poof away your leftover C4 and other high explosive) on your property :p
L1014[17:44:27] <Shuud​oushi> It did surprise me that suppressors are allowed in germany though. Granted, it's for hunting, but still
L1015[17:44:44] <Izaya> have a yard full of old shitboxes so your neighbors assume it's just you fucking with cars
L1016[17:44:48] <Vexatos> well that's actually specifically to not kill small animals
L1017[17:45:01] <Vexatos> because a gunshot is loud enough to kill birds from the shock
L1018[17:45:20] <Shuud​oushi> Oh fuck, what are the modified car laws o.o
L1019[17:45:27] <dequbed> AHAHAHAAHAH NO.
L1020[17:45:34] <dequbed> What's your car?
L1021[17:45:45] <Vexatos> shuudoushi: TL;DR do not
L1022[17:45:56] <dequbed> No, totally do but don't expect to get it road legal.
L1023[17:46:01] <Vexatos> after each and every modification, your car MUST be certified for driving on the road by the TÜV
L1024[17:46:08] <dequbed> No that's not correct.
L1025[17:46:10] <Shuud​oushi> 91 honda integra with a 2000+ Honda CRV motor >.>
L1026[17:46:10] <Vexatos> and they are VERY strict
L1027[17:46:24] <Izaya> brb not moving to germany
L1028[17:46:43] <dequbed> Izaya: No, get your pretty but over here. Vex is wrong, it's not that bad.
L1029[17:46:48] <Amanda> I'm surprised you have time to move, while doing a system update every 30s, Izaya
L1030[17:46:50] <Shuud​oushi> I also have a 1.8 liter turbo motor
L1031[17:46:55] <Vexatos> if your car is old then there is more leniency
L1032[17:47:13] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi that is actually probably fine.
L1033[17:47:18] <Vexatos> yea
L1034[17:47:23] <Vexatos> if all the parts are legal
L1035[17:47:28] <Vexatos> then the thing as a whole is often too
L1036[17:47:34] <bad at​ vijya> beep beep
L1037[17:47:36] <Vexatos> as long as it passes the tests
L1038[17:47:48] <dequbed> Motor replacements are generally .. iffy but mainly because you have to prove that the gearbox, axles and breaks can actually deal with the additional torque and speed you get to.
L1039[17:47:52] <Izaya> my ideal car is an ancient japanese deathtrap with a ZX-14 engine
L1040[17:48:08] <Shuud​oushi> Yeah... Not cats, loud af exhaust (not as loud as internet videos, but you can't have a conversation behind my car at idle...)
L1041[17:48:16] <bad at​ vijya> i want to put the F23A1 from my accord into an odyssey
L1042[17:48:23] <Vexatos> the latter is just "old car"
L1043[17:48:26] <Amanda> I think what popped into dequbed's mind with "car mods" was those idiots who remove filters to "coal out" or whatever it's called their trucks to inflate their egos
L1044[17:48:31] <Shuud​oushi> @bad at vijya no
L1045[17:48:33] <bad at​ vijya> yes
L1046[17:48:42] <Vexatos> you will have to install a catalyst if it doesn't have one
L1047[17:48:45] <bad at​ vijya> i have a rusting out accord
L1048[17:48:51] <Izaya> 1.4L 190hp engine, sub-1000kg car
L1049[17:48:56] <Izaya> what can go wrong
L1050[17:48:58] <bad at​ vijya> b e e p
L1051[17:49:02] <bad at​ vijya> i also want to make the
L1052[17:49:04] <bad at​ vijya> electric
L1053[17:49:04] <bad at​ vijya> asto
L1054[17:49:05] <bad at​ vijya> van
L1055[17:49:10] <bad at​ vijya> astro, even
L1056[17:49:29] <Izaya> I don't think coal rolling is a thing outside the US tbh
L1057[17:49:32] <dequbed> @Shuudouhsi catalyt is hard requirement, so is a muffeler. The acceptable noise levels are regulated, regulated *hard*, *EXPENSIVE* to break, the police is very happy to pull you out of traffic to check them and I'm VERY glad about all of that.
L1058[17:49:43] <Shuud​oushi> @Vexatos good thing I didn't weld the flex pipe permanently into place then lol
L1059[17:49:46] <Vexatos> but those are easy things to add
L1060[17:49:48] <Vexatos> luckily
L1061[17:49:56] <Vexatos> even if you had welded it
L1062[17:50:11] <bad at​ vijya> i don't mind noise level regulations
L1063[17:50:21] <Izaya> dequbed, tfw my bike only just passes noise regulations here
L1064[17:50:21] <dequbed> Amanda: That and testosterone-laden fucks that just want to compenstate for their feeling of inferiority with flashy cars that go fast and then kill things.
L1065[17:50:24] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed 120db too much? (That's at full load 6k rpm)
L1066[17:50:27] <Vexatos> make sure to bring it to a workshop to do those things for you, and then get it straight to the TÜV, and if they complain they will tell you exactly which parts need to be changed
L1067[17:50:34] <Vexatos> yes 120dB way too much
L1068[17:50:35] <Izaya> all stock
L1069[17:50:40] <bad at​ vijya> people come flying down the road by my house at 140kph
L1070[17:50:43] <Amanda> isn'tthat ont he level of a jet engine taking off?
L1071[17:50:46] <Vexatos> that's the volume in front of a jet engine
L1072[17:50:46] <bad at​ vijya> with their tin can mufflers
L1073[17:50:50] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi the exact levels and distance you need to measure is written in some law, I'd need to check it.
L1074[17:51:01] <bad at​ vijya> and all i hear is a deafening RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
L1075[17:51:29] <Shuud​oushi> @Amanda 190db is jet engine
L1076[17:51:30] <dequbed> Izaya: If it's old then the rules of when it was initially registered by the manufacturer count.
L1077[17:51:37] <bad at​ vijya> it's almost always nissan versas or honda civics
L1078[17:51:42] <Shuud​oushi> Average push mower is like 130
L1079[17:51:57] <bad at​ vijya> tho i once saw a lancer's transmission die infront of my house
L1080[17:51:57] <Izaya> ferd falconis
L1081[17:51:58] <Amanda> 120-140 according to a quick google
L1082[17:52:14] <Michiyo> The fuck do you mow a lawn with @"Shuudoushi" ?
L1083[17:52:21] <Michiyo> a 747?
L1084[17:52:24] <bad at​ vijya> yes
L1085[17:52:25] <Amanda> a jet engine, clearly
L1086[17:52:34] <Izaya> helicopters are quite efficient
L1087[17:52:36] <Shuud​oushi> A Brigs and stratton
L1088[17:52:55] <bad at​ vijya> Izaya: helicopter car towing
L1089[17:52:58] <Vexatos> I mow the lawn with a ride-on for hours every two weeks
L1090[17:53:00] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi: In Germany the "average" push mover is <70dB. Or rather "the one you're allowed to sell is <70 ;))
L1091[17:53:03] <Vexatos> a lawnmower is NOT 120dB
L1092[17:53:05] <Vexatos> not even close
L1093[17:53:07] <Michiyo> @Shuudoushi I didn't know Brigs ans stratton made 747 engines?
L1094[17:53:12] <Vexatos> and that's a ride-on
L1095[17:53:13] <Michiyo> TIL.
L1096[17:53:15] <Vexatos> basically a tractor with a blade
L1097[17:53:16] <Shuud​oushi> Lmao
L1098[17:53:30] <Shuud​oushi> @Michiyo i never said it was stock
L1099[17:53:33] <bad at​ vijya> i have to wear ear muffs when i mow the lawn
L1100[17:53:34] <bad at​ vijya> :(
L1101[17:53:35] <Michiyo> mowers are like 70-90 dBa
L1102[17:53:41] <Izaya> Vexatos, big yard?
L1103[17:53:44] <Vexatos> @"bad at vijya" I use ANC headphones
L1104[17:53:46] <dequbed> Just checked @Shuudoushi: 75dB in a distance of 1m from any point of the car is the /hard/ limit. No way around it.
L1105[17:53:49] <Vexatos> Izaya, 7000m²
L1106[17:53:58] <Izaya> fair
L1107[17:54:01] <bad at​ vijya> yeah well this fucker is stupidly loud
L1108[17:54:29] <bad at​ vijya> garbage engine for garbage mower
L1109[17:54:30] <Shuud​oushi> Oh fuck, i Mixed Up shotgun blast and push mower o.o
L1110[17:54:41] <Shuud​oushi> Holy fuck im american lmao
L1111[17:54:43] <bad at​ vijya> how
L1112[17:54:43] <Michiyo> GJ
L1113[17:54:45] <Izaya> bang!
L1114[17:54:55] <bad at​ vijya> i'm american and i don't manage that
L1115[17:54:56] <bad at​ vijya> WAIT
L1116[17:54:56] <Michiyo> I wish I could ++ Discord users.
L1117[17:54:57] <bad at​ vijya> i remember
L1118[17:55:03] <bad at​ vijya> in like
L1119[17:55:05] <bad at​ vijya> 9th grade
L1120[17:55:24] <bad at​ vijya> my science fair experiment
L1121[17:55:29] <Izaya> man I got anbox on here
L1122[17:55:32] <bad at​ vijya> involved pouring molten salt into water
L1123[17:55:33] <Amanda> The deck of an aircraft carrier is 140 according to https://www.chem.purdue.edu/chemsafety/Training/PPETrain/dblevels.htm -- 150 your eardrums rupture
L1124[17:55:37] <Izaya> I could install kore
L1125[17:55:38] <bad at​ vijya> 'cause it would explode
L1126[17:56:02] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed yeah, my car was measured track side (~60cm) at 120, so i think it's actually fine
L1127[17:56:32] <bad at​ vijya> man
L1128[17:56:41] <bad at​ vijya> i'm gonna have fun figuring out what my code does later down the line
L1129[17:56:50] <bad at​ vijya> with function names like `ser` and `user`
L1130[17:57:05] <Amanda> serialization and unserialization?
L1131[17:57:11] <bad at​ vijya> yes
L1132[17:57:24] <dequbed> at least call it ser and de. And then call the module serde
L1133[17:57:29] <Shuud​oushi> FIX IT NOW HEATHEN!!!
L1134[17:57:31] <Shuud​oushi> Lol
L1135[17:57:59] <bad at​ vijya> anyways
L1136[17:58:04] <bad at​ vijya> finally making BLTv2
L1137[17:58:06] <Izaya> what I have: urasekai picnic
L1138[17:58:10] <bad at​ vijya> or as i call it
L1139[17:58:13] <bad at​ vijya> recursive BLT
L1140[17:58:15] <Izaya> what I want: yuru camp
L1141[17:58:21] <dequbed> Izaya: Soooo... when do you get your pretty but here? :3
L1142[17:58:25] <bad at​ vijya> because it now supports recursive tables
L1143[17:58:27] <dequbed> s/but/butt/
L1144[17:58:27] <MichiBot> <dequbed> Izaya: Soooo... when do you get your pretty butt here? :3
L1145[17:58:36] <bad at​ vijya> l-lewd
L1146[17:59:01] <Shuud​oushi> Izaya
L1147[17:59:01] <Shuud​oushi> https://c.tenor.com/I6GFaw6IR3YAAAAM/chuckles-im-in-danger.gif
L1148[17:59:53] <Izaya> Shuu: this but re: variable names
L1149[18:00:17] <Amanda> Izaya: 2 days!
L1150[18:00:21] <Shuud​oushi> Lmfao
L1151[18:00:26] <Izaya> dequbed, once I have my international license because I'm not going through that again
L1152[18:00:28] <Amanda> Izaya: did you watch actual S2E1 yet?
L1153[18:00:35] <Izaya> yees
L1154[18:00:45] <dequbed> Izaya: When will that happen? :p
L1155[18:00:55] <Izaya> well
L1156[18:01:09] <Amanda> Like I commented while watching: Awfully bold of them to start off the second season of a yuri-bait anime with a flashback to young rin's first camping trip
L1157[18:01:34] <Izaya> I'm on my P plates for another year, so there's your lower bound
L1158[18:01:39] <dequbed> :<
L1159[18:01:45] <Izaya> Amanda: how so?
L1160[18:01:46] <Shuud​oushi> Oof
L1161[18:02:16] <Shuud​oushi> Ah fuck, German drivers license is fucking hella expensive still isn't it ><
L1162[18:02:26] <dequbed> Not for you
L1163[18:02:40] <dequbed> Do you have a military drivers license?
L1164[18:02:42] <Izaya> tfw shortcutting car license by getting bike license first which doesn't require someone to supervise
L1165[18:02:54] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed voided
L1166[18:02:58] <dequbed> aw
L1167[18:03:14] <dequbed> Well your american car license can be converted to a german one for iirc 200 euro
L1168[18:03:26] <Vexatos> it's like €600 to get a driver's license
L1169[18:03:27] <dequbed> Or 150. It's just a theoretical test then
L1170[18:03:29] <Izaya> Shuu did I show you my baby
L1171[18:03:29] <Vexatos> from scratch
L1172[18:03:35] <Shuud​oushi> That's a lot better than €2000+...
L1173[18:03:37] <dequbed> 600 a bit low.
L1174[18:03:40] <dequbed> More like 1100
L1175[18:03:47] <Vexatos> I guess it depends
L1176[18:03:51] <Vexatos> wasn't that much in a vilalge
L1177[18:03:53] <Shuud​oushi> @Izaya no?
L1178[18:03:53] <Vexatos> village*
L1179[18:04:04] <Amanda> Izaya: doesn't S1 start out with the main pair meeting for the first time?
L1180[18:04:06] <Izaya> please wait warmly
L1181[18:04:14] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi 2000 is the small truck license. You could have converted your military into one iirc but if that's not valid anymore eh
L1182[18:04:29] <dequbed> I mean you can still try the worst is that they'll go "nah, make a new one please"
L1183[18:05:43] <Shuud​oushi> Fair enough
L1184[18:06:21] <Shuud​oushi> "small truck" in the EU is like 5k kg gross weight iirc, right?
L1185[18:06:31] <Izaya> Shuu: https://nextcloud.shadowkat.net/index.php/s/29Ar9LigKxeSNxH
L1186[18:06:47] <Izaya> Amanda: yeah?
L1187[18:06:58] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi car is <=3500kg, small truck (C1) is <7500kg and large truck (C) is everything above
L1188[18:07:05] <Shuud​oushi> @Izaya nice
L1189[18:07:09] <Amanda> Izaya: so why spend half th episode taking placelong before they ever met?
L1190[18:07:17] <dequbed> It's at this point european law, so same applies everwhere in the EU
L1191[18:07:35] <Michiyo> I really want to get my moms bike running. I just have no time :(
L1192[18:07:37] <Shuud​oushi> I was close lol
L1193[18:07:57] <Forec​aster> Michiyo replacing wheels with legs does take a lot of time
L1194[18:08:02] <Izaya> Backstory, Amanda! You gotta know why they should cuddle, not just that they should.
L1195[18:08:06] <Michiyo> ffs @"Forecaster" lol
L1196[18:08:32] <Shuud​oushi> Lol
L1197[18:08:43] <Shuud​oushi> Wtf @Forecaster
L1198[18:09:02] <Shuud​oushi> This fucking qwertz keyboard is still fucking with me...
L1199[18:09:10] <Izaya> Forecaster: [rimworld wants to know your location]
L1200[18:09:28] <Michiyo> ya know.. maybe I should slap 4 noctua heatsinks in my server, to shut it the fuck up...
L1201[18:09:34] <Michiyo> I can't even hear my desktop anymore.
L1202[18:09:44] <Forec​aster> https://i.pinimg.com/736x/28/e8/35/28e835a96a5d082d50aa105b7cda9aba.jpg
L1203[18:09:45] <Shuud​oushi> I'mma see if I can force the symbols onto the qwerty keyboard...
L1204[18:10:20] <Izaya> Forecaster: cease
L1205[18:11:00] <Vexatos> @Shuudoushi on linux you can type Compose+"+AOU to get ÄÖÜ
L1206[18:11:02] <Shuud​oushi> Hey, i can and i did :D
L1207[18:11:12] <bad at​ vijya> how do i get aftermarket coolers for my PE2950
L1208[18:11:14] <Vexatos> or Comp+s+s for ßẞ
L1209[18:11:43] <Shuud​oushi> That's cool
L1210[18:11:58] <bad at​ vijya> today in cursed things sam makes
L1211[18:11:58] <Shuud​oushi> I wonder if I can force windows to do the same
L1212[18:11:59] <Izaya> compose key is the best thing
L1213[18:12:03] <Michiyo> @"bad at vijya" the same way that I get 'em for my R815
L1214[18:12:08] <Izaya> I need to bind a greek dead key
L1215[18:12:14] <Izaya> so I can get delta
L1216[18:12:17] <bad at​ vijya> a
L1217[18:12:24] <bad at​ vijya> hastebin doesn't work
L1218[18:12:27] <Izaya> hey I bitch about the pinephone a lot
L1219[18:12:50] <bad at​ vijya> i want a slide out keyboard
L1220[18:12:52] <Izaya> but y'know a design choice that really annoys me with Phosh and co.?
L1221[18:13:13] <Izaya> it has an emoji keyboard layout (useless) but no symbols keyboard
L1222[18:13:32] <Michiyo> @"bad at vijya" https://paste.pc-logix.com/ :P
L1223[18:13:42] <bad at​ vijya> also isn't working
L1224[18:13:49] <Izaya> I can type a string of meaningless faces but I can't type delta-V properly
L1225[18:13:49] <bad at​ vijya> firefox is having issues™️--or not
L1226[18:13:58] <bad at​ vijya> https://paste.pc-logix.com/rodofuwiwo.lua
L1227[18:16:13] <Izaya> what do I tap 7 times in android settings to get to the real settings screen again
L1228[18:17:16] <i develo​p things> android version?
L1229[18:17:24] <i develo​p things> literally the Android Version button
L1230[18:17:41] <Izaya> I got it
L1231[18:17:52] <Izaya> now opening developer options crashes settings
L1232[18:18:00] <Izaya> all I wanted to do was disable animations
L1233[18:18:28] <Shuud​oushi> Oh dear God... Turning on windows built in german input method forces qwertz... Why!?
L1234[18:19:08] <dequbed> Because MS most likely
L1235[18:19:12] <bad at​ vijya> wasn't there like
L1236[18:19:13] <bad at​ vijya> eurkey
L1237[18:19:16] <bad at​ vijya> or something
L1238[18:19:38] <Vexatos> does ANSI qwertz even exist
L1239[18:19:57] <bad at​ vijya> sadly
L1240[18:20:30] <bad at​ vijya> i don't have a right super key
L1241[18:20:51] <bad at​ vijya> to turn into a compose key
L1242[18:21:05] <Izaya> Amanda: ep 2 of Urasekai Picnic starts with kabedon and they lay it on thick
L1243[18:21:08] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L1244[18:21:25] <Izaya> then "your right eye is so blue!"
L1245[18:21:38] <Izaya> :|
L1246[18:22:28] <bad at​ vijya> i do enjoy that this keyboard has media keys tho
L1247[18:22:42] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1248[18:22:59] <Vexatos> @Shuudoushi if you buy a ISO QWERTZ keyboard it will be so different that you won't get confused anymore once you're used to it :^)
L1249[18:23:03] <Vexatos> (if you're used to ANSI)
L1250[18:23:21] <Shuud​oushi> I have macro keys that I'm currently working on forcing at least one of them to be a compose key
L1251[18:24:41] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L1252[18:24:42] <i develo​p things> wel
L1253[18:24:59] <i develo​p things> after scouring the internet i finally asked about my gpu driver troubles on reddit
L1254[18:25:08] <i develo​p things> here's hoping i get an answer that works
L1255[18:25:43] <Shuud​oushi> You're gonna get trolled so hard >.>
L1256[18:26:08] <bad at​ vijya> man
L1257[18:26:11] <Amanda> Izaya: seems my usual place only has the first episode so far
L1258[18:26:17] <bad at​ vijya> blue switches are so nice and clicky
L1259[18:26:51] <bad at​ vijya> also
L1260[18:27:00] <i develo​p things> tis likely unfortunately
L1261[18:27:03] <bad at​ vijya> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDDDoaHLofY really good music for vibin to
L1262[18:27:04] <MichiBot> "Midnight Light" (Extended) - Project Wingman Soundtrack | length: 30m 27s | Likes: 135 Dislikes: 0 Views: 7,016 | by Zaptroxix Backup | Published On 1/12/2020
L1263[18:27:22] <i develo​p things> i did note that i've done a ton of searching and my acknowledgement that ubuntu 16.04 goes out of support this year
L1264[18:27:32] <bad at​ vijya> oh god
L1265[18:27:33] <bad at​ vijya> what
L1266[18:27:38] <bad at​ vijya> i have to finally update deja-vu?
L1267[18:28:10] <i develo​p things> to complicate the issue, Snow Leopard works perfectly through apple's `alt`-invoked selection menu but kernel panics (something GPU-related) when booting through GRUB
L1268[18:28:14] <bad at​ vijya> i mean an update to deja-vu was a long time coming
L1269[18:28:17] <i develo​p things> makes no sense to me but i think it's GRUB's fault
L1270[18:28:26] <bad at​ vijya> grub has issues™️
L1271[18:28:31] <i develo​p things> the weird thing is, GPU acceleration has worked OOTB on this laptop in the past
L1272[18:28:35] <i develo​p things> with me having to do nothing at all
L1273[18:28:37] <bad at​ vijya> grub fails to work correctly on my PE2950
L1274[18:32:47] <Michiyo> use LILO!
L1275[18:32:49] <Michiyo> :P
L1276[18:32:57] <bad at​ vijya> i mean
L1277[18:33:01] <bad at​ vijya> syslinux works too
L1278[18:33:08] <Michiyo> man, I've not thought about LILO since... let's see I was... 13
L1279[18:33:16] <bad at​ vijya> i should write my own bootloader :^)
L1280[18:33:31] <bad at​ vijya> write it with Lua
L1281[18:33:34] <bad at​ vijya> well
L1282[18:33:41] <bad at​ vijya> write the parts i can with lua
L1283[18:33:48] <Michiyo> Mandrake 9.0 I think..
L1284[18:34:05] <Michiyo> was my first linux distro. Our internet sucked so much I had to BUY a disk @ the store lmao
L1285[18:34:36] <Michiyo> But fuckin WalMart sold linux for a while lol
L1286[18:35:15] <Michiyo> (and by sucked so much I mean 28.8kbps on good days
L1287[18:35:16] <Michiyo> )
L1288[18:37:10] <Forec​aster> I don't like this... https://tinyurl.com/yxnr7krs
L1289[18:37:30] <Forec​aster> https://tinyurl.com/y4prus4e
L1290[18:42:42] <Izaya> bad_at_vijya: I'm sick of these anomalous creatures ree
L1291[18:42:53] <bad at​ vijya> Izaya: where
L1292[18:42:57] <bad at​ vijya> wait
L1293[18:43:01] <bad at​ vijya> a n o m a l y
L1294[18:43:02] <Izaya> urasekai picnic
L1295[18:43:07] <Izaya> yees
L1296[18:43:20] <Izaya> ft. sacrificial bolts
L1297[18:43:24] <bad at​ vijya> [grabs detector]
L1298[18:44:07] <Izaya> do you think simon stalenhag's artwork is inspired by roadside picnic?
L1299[18:44:53] <Shuud​oushi> Ok... Qwertz on a qwerty keyboard on windows is fucking terrible... Don't do it...
L1300[18:45:58] <Shuud​oushi> schrecklich, sage ich!
L1301[18:53:03] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1302[18:53:06] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc_ (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L1303[18:59:25] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L1304[18:59:25] <MichiBot> Woooo! Forec​aster! You beat Va​ur's previous record of <0 (By 2 hours, 11 minutes and 47 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1305[18:59:26] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 2 hours, 11 minutes and 47 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.0022 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.03181 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L1306[18:59:51] <Forec​aster> Compan
L1307[18:59:51] <Forec​aster> ionCube
L1308[19:00:17] <Forec​aster> love me some ion cubes
L1309[19:05:58] <Shuud​oushi> Who doesn't :D
L1310[19:11:21] * Michiyo shudders
L1311[19:11:24] <Michiyo> ionCube
L1312[19:11:42] <Michiyo> so many issues back in the day getting that working
L1313[19:12:14] <Forec​aster> spherical ions turned out to work much better
L1314[19:12:48] <Michiyo> ionCube php loader, basically source encryption
L1315[19:12:51] <Michiyo> :P
L1316[19:12:59] <Forec​aster> never heard of :P
L1317[19:15:29] ⇨ Joins: TPG24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L1318[19:16:00] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1319[19:16:11] *** TPG24 is now known as ThePiGuy24
L1320[19:18:19] ⇨ Joins: asd (~asd@ip249.ip-51-91-201.eu)
L1321[19:18:32] <Michiyo> @Forecaster it's bad, and it should feel bad.
L1322[19:19:16] ⇦ Quits: asd (~asd@ip249.ip-51-91-201.eu) (Client Quit)
L1323[19:20:03] ⇦ Quits: infina (~infina@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1324[19:22:12] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc_ (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1325[20:01:30] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b8148e58008e8b080db21a7624.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L1326[20:12:23] <Forec​aster> hm, shock cannons are weird
L1327[20:12:44] <Michiyo> Hmm... looking at the ocdoc code I grabbed from before my old server went poof...
L1328[20:12:47] <Forec​aster> now I understand what the wiki meant when it said they're midway between cannons and multi-cannons
L1329[20:12:56] <Michiyo> I.. think I may have an older version that what gamax ran?
L1330[20:13:04] <Michiyo> than what*
L1331[20:13:14] <Forec​aster> they're slower firing than a multi-cannon, but faster than a cannon
L1332[20:13:23] <Michiyo> there isn't even a markov command here.
L1333[20:13:53] <Forec​aster> ohno
L1334[20:27:01] <bad at​ vijya> i really want a slide out keyboard for the pinephone
L1335[20:27:02] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1336[20:27:22] <bad at​ vijya> maybe even with a tiny trackball
L1337[20:27:23] <bad at​ vijya> :)
L1338[20:27:24] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L1339[20:28:12] <ThePi​Guy24> thonkpine
L1340[20:28:45] <ThePi​Guy24> you are now burdened with such a task of creating such device
L1341[20:31:13] <bad at​ vijya> hm
L1342[20:31:17] <bad at​ vijya> should i order the pinepower
L1343[20:49:45] <Amanda> pinepower?
L1344[20:50:39] <Brisingr​Aerowing> @Shuudoushi Not sure if you found a Win32 compose key yet, but I found one: https://github.com/samhocevar/wincompose
L1345[20:50:45] <Brisingr​Aerowing> Might install it myself.
L1346[20:51:26] <Shuud​oushi> Oh fuck yeah
L1347[20:52:03] <Amanda> I have a friend that's managed one for yars
L1348[20:52:15] <Amanda> she wrote it herself in the '00s
L1349[20:52:34] <Shuud​oushi> "⎄ Compose C C C P → ☭" i like the dev, good sense of humor lol
L1350[20:53:59] <bad at​ vijya> power supply
L1351[20:54:07] <Shuud​oushi> No
L1352[20:54:25] <Shuud​oushi> Buy a proper power supply from a trusted company
L1353[20:54:45] <Shuud​oushi> I suggest silverstone and corsair, but that's just me
L1354[20:55:43] <bad at​ vijya> i mean like
L1355[20:55:48] <bad at​ vijya> USB power suppy
L1356[20:56:10] <bad at​ vijya> does USB QC and USB-C PD, along with just
L1357[20:56:13] <bad at​ vijya> high power normal USB
L1358[20:57:02] <Shuud​oushi> ... i still suggest silverstone for usbc
L1359[20:58:51] <bad at​ vijya> https://pine64.com/product/pinepower-120w-desktop-power-supply-us-version/?v=0446c16e2e66
L1360[20:58:55] <bad at​ vijya> this is what i'm talking about
L1361[21:00:02] <Vampyre> mornin
L1362[21:00:12] <ThePi​Guy24> slightly violating the standards with 3A per USB A port but eh :p
L1363[21:00:17] <Shuud​oushi> Keystone* not silverstone ><
L1364[21:00:31] <Vampyre> %drink coffee Machiato, littlebit of whipped cream and some mocha
L1365[21:00:31] <MichiBot> This doesn't seem to be a potion I recognize... Make sure it has an appearance and consistency keyword, and the word "potion" in it.
L1366[21:00:33] <ThePi​Guy24> %s/USB/USB 2.0/
L1367[21:00:33] <MichiBot> <ThePiGuy24> slightly violating the standards with 3A per USB 2.0 A port but eh :p
L1368[21:00:44] <Forec​aster> %sip
L1369[21:00:44] <MichiBot> You drink a wild radiation potion (New!). Forecaster turns into an oculemon robot boy until they stop thinking about it.
L1370[21:00:48] <Vampyre> ok, ok, just %drink coffee
L1371[21:01:27] <bad at​ vijya> i've seen higher than 3A @ThePiGuy24
L1372[21:01:39] <ThePi​Guy24> :tonnin:
L1373[21:01:55] <bad at​ vijya> 3.2A or some craziness
L1374[21:03:25] <Shuud​oushi> 2.3 maybe, but you shouldn't exceed that, much less by nearly a whole ass amp...
L1375[21:03:50] <bad at​ vijya> 👀 no, it was 3.2A
L1376[21:03:57] <bad at​ vijya> for a bluetooth speaker
L1377[21:04:08] <Shuud​oushi> The actual fuck...
L1378[21:04:28] <Shuud​oushi> Just sounds like blue smoke waiting to happen...
L1379[21:05:08] <Re​ece> “OpenComputers II” ok now I’m curious https://tinyurl.com/y4sfe2ar
L1380[21:05:17] <bad at​ vijya> anyways
L1381[21:05:29] <bad at​ vijya> there's a smaller version that's the same sort of formfactor as a normal power adapter
L1382[21:05:36] <bad at​ vijya> 65W
L1383[21:05:56] <bad at​ vijya> might grab it so i have a 65W USB-C charger for all my USB-C needs
L1384[21:06:42] <Shuud​oushi> I can see USBc doing that much amperage, but type A just ain't meant for that kind of abuse...
L1385[21:07:13] <bad at​ vijya> https://pine64.com/product/pinepower-65w-gan-2c1a-charger-with-international-plugs/?v=0446c16e2e66
L1386[21:07:56] <bad at​ vijya> fuck it, might get both. one for leaving at home, and the other for on the go
L1387[21:08:04] <bad at​ vijya> then i can use it in any country :)
L1388[21:09:03] <Vampyre> today is the time to buy any univeral power adapter... I'm sure prices will rise soon again! ;-)
L1389[21:09:34] <Vexatos> it doesn't even have the ground pins on the european plug
L1390[21:09:42] <Vexatos> so it has a swiss plug instead
L1391[21:09:55] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L1392[21:10:06] <Vexatos> very sad
L1393[21:11:11] <Vampyre> the render is incorrect anyway, the UK plug has full metal pins
L1394[21:11:22] <Vampyre> power and nutral should be half insolated
L1395[21:11:47] <ThePi​Guy24> ^
L1396[21:12:30] <bad at​ vijya> oh shit you're right
L1397[21:13:52] <dequbed> Vexatos: It's double insulated and doesn't draw more than 2.3A so this /precisely/ the application where CEE 7/16 is the most sensible. Don't talk shit about proper engineering.
L1398[21:14:33] <Vexatos> homes in switzerland have only these plugs it's scary
L1399[21:14:40] <dequbed> No it's not.
L1400[21:14:44] <dequbed> Why should it?
L1401[21:14:55] <Vexatos> because they use this for *everything*
L1402[21:15:14] <Forec​aster> all usb chargers sold here have no ground
L1403[21:15:29] <Vexatos> the UK one pretends to at least
L1404[21:15:43] <dequbed> Vexatos: So? Double insulated w/o protective earth is completely fine?
L1405[21:15:49] <Vampyre> nah, the uk fakes it, the adapter itself only has 2 prongs
L1406[21:16:04] <Vampyre> that's just to fit it in the socket
L1407[21:18:18] <bad at​ vijya> this image hurts to look at https://tinyurl.com/y4tfhe4h
L1408[21:18:20] <bad at​ vijya> my feet hurt
L1409[21:19:53] <dequbed> Vexatos: And if you're claiming that swiss home power sockets don't have PE; no. they do. SEV 1011 is if anything *more* safe than CEE 7/3.
L1410[21:23:06] <Forec​aster> %tonkout
L1411[21:23:07] <MichiBot> Awesome! Forec​aster! You beat your own previous record of 2 hours, 11 minutes and 47 seconds (By 11 minutes and 53 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L1412[21:23:08] <MichiBot> Forec​aster has tonked out! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.002 tonk points! plus 0.002 bonus points for consecutive hours! Current score: 0.06641, Position #3 Need 0.02781 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L1413[21:31:29] <luc​soft> @Reece 😉 https://tinyurl.com/yyfphco6
L1414[21:36:41] <Ko​dos> Is that the new one sanger has been working on
L1415[21:36:57] <Forec​aster> yes
L1416[21:37:05] <luc​soft> yes https://tinyurl.com/y3hnfcge
L1417[21:37:15] <luc​soft> risc powered computers
L1418[21:37:18] <Vexatos> it's very much not done
L1419[21:37:22] <Ko​dos> Indeed
L1420[21:37:27] <Vexatos> also Gson hell :⁾
L1421[21:38:44] <ThePi​Guy24> it better come with gcc :p
L1422[21:39:05] <luc​soft> you could install it later 😄
L1423[21:39:31] <ThePi​Guy24> then how tf am i meant to programme them :p
L1424[21:39:38] <luc​soft> lua 😄
L1425[21:39:48] <luc​soft> https://tinyurl.com/y3g627bn
L1426[21:39:52] <Amanda> Wait, is that actually public somewhere? I thought it was just Sangar messing around locally
L1427[21:40:09] <luc​soft> https://github.com/fnuecke/oc2 idk
L1428[21:40:17] <ThePi​Guy24> ngl that kinda defeats the point of having a non lua cpu arch :p
L1429[21:40:18] <Ko​dos> Oc2 lol
L1430[21:40:27] <Amanda> nice
L1431[21:40:42] <Amanda> microkernels when
L1432[21:41:05] <Ko​dos> I’m still waiting on OpenSecurity 2
L1433[21:41:26] <Ko​dos> (Kidding don’t kill me michiyo)
L1434[21:41:44] <ThePi​Guy24> compile ocvm for oc2 :p
L1435[21:42:06] <Amanda> ....
L1436[21:42:16] <ThePi​Guy24> wow thats 4 (now 5) messages ending with :p
L1437[21:42:53] <Re​ece> So it’s like OC crossed with that VMComputers fabric mod in a way
L1438[21:43:46] <ThePi​Guy24> kinda but not at all
L1439[21:43:53] <luc​soft> ^^
L1440[21:44:04] <bad at​ vijya> tsuki for risc-v
L1441[21:45:32] <Kristo​pher38> @ThePiGuy24 so how is it related then
L1442[21:45:48] <Kristo​pher38> I don't quite get how does it work from those few tweets sangar posted
L1443[21:45:59] <ThePi​Guy24> its an actual cpu architecture running an os, but it is implemented completely differently
L1444[21:46:38] <Kristo​pher38> so is it a "real" linux but with hardware emulation? emulation of linux?
L1445[21:46:49] <Kristo​pher38> so is it a "real" linux but with hardware emulation? or emulation of linux? [Edited]
L1446[21:47:10] <ThePi​Guy24> its "emulating" a RISC-V CPU, running real linux
L1447[21:47:53] <ThePi​Guy24> by emulating i more mean its a software implementation
L1448[21:48:01] <Vampyre> hmz? someone else is doing what I'm doing?
L1449[21:48:16] <Forec​aster> "someone"
L1450[21:48:18] <Forec​aster> :P
L1451[21:48:33] <ThePi​Guy24> yeah i guess you could say that
L1452[21:49:14] <Kristo​pher38> damn
L1453[21:49:46] <Kristo​pher38> but the in-game "hardware" needs to be emulated as well, doesn't it?
L1454[21:50:11] <Amanda> yes
L1455[21:52:43] <Vampyre> I think he's making a more complete and generic VM? so different approach to the same goal I guess ;-)
L1456[21:53:03] <Amanda> and risc-v instead of x86 DOS
L1457[21:53:22] <Vampyre> well, I can plug qemu in ;-)
L1458[21:53:34] <bad at​ vijya> i can plug unicorn engine in
L1459[21:54:09] <Amanda> nyahahaha BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1m 13s
L1460[21:55:18] <luc​soft> build? there are pre builds already done 😄
L1461[21:57:53] <luc​soft> if you done you can join me on eu01.hmsys.de
L1462[21:57:56] <Kristo​pher38> yeah, they're actually on the build server
L1463[21:59:02] <luc​soft> or just from github actions https://github.com/fnuecke/oc2/actions/runs/477977386
L1464[21:59:07] <Amanda> so they are!
L1465[21:59:27] <Amanda> Does stuff actually have recipies?
L1466[21:59:53] <luc​soft> not untill my pr is done 😄
L1467[22:01:58] <Amanda> or! I can merge it locally! :P
L1468[22:07:42] <Ar​iri> Do my eyes deceive me? oc2?
L1469[22:08:09] <ThePi​Guy24> for now they do not decieve
L1470[22:10:13] <bad at​ vijya> "why is the sky playing eurobeat"
L1471[22:10:22] <Amanda> D R I F T
L1472[22:10:26] <bad at​ vijya> [DISTANT MULTI-ENGINE DORIFTU]
L1473[22:10:49] <bad at​ vijya> i'm so glad i can drift planes
L1474[22:11:02] ⇨ Joins: infina (~infina@claudius.lobsternetworks.com)
L1475[22:11:44] <Ar​iri> TWR so high it’s in scientific notation
L1476[22:13:50] <bad at​ vijya> belkan witchcraft
L1477[22:13:54] <bad at​ vijya> flying a plane backwards
L1478[22:16:53] * Amanda loads OC2 into her DW20 pack for funsies
L1479[22:17:56] <bad at​ vijya> i forgot what license luacomp is under
L1480[22:18:09] <bad at​ vijya> apache 2.0
L1481[22:27:16] <CompanionCube> Izaya: Skye: https://imgur.com/2aNRlRq dat map fail
L1482[22:27:16] <Vexatos> note: oc2 is working title
L1483[22:27:24] <Vexatos> it's not actually gonna be called OC 2 likely
L1484[22:27:43] <B​ob> 😭
L1485[22:27:51] <B​ob> shame
L1486[22:28:04] <Amanda> Yeah, just figured it'd be easier to say "OC2"
L1487[22:28:18] <Z0id​berg> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/244230771232079873/798317175110238228/unknown.png
L1488[22:28:19] <Z0id​berg> 'UHM
L1489[22:28:26] <Z0id​berg> What did I find
L1490[22:29:02] <Amanda> Why were you searching for that, @Z0idburg
L1491[22:30:07] <i develo​p things> lmao
L1492[22:31:50] <Ar​iri> Perhaps they want to find their friend Witham
L1493[22:32:28] <ThePi​Guy24> yes
L1494[22:32:30] <ThePi​Guy24> friend
L1495[22:39:21] <dequbed> Vexatos: I've been calling it "OpenComputer II: Snagar strikes back" to bring the name to a satiric point sharp enough to reach even the most tone-deaf nerds :p
L1496[22:41:36] <dequbed> Also @Sangar your xmpp is brok :p
L1497[22:42:54] <Amanda> oh. even with @lucsoft's pr there's no way to craft disks or memory
L1498[22:43:17] <luc​soft> yes because its nbt and dis requires speicalcrafting
L1499[22:44:00] <luc​soft> yes because its nbt and dis requires specialcrafting [Edited]
L1500[22:45:37] <Ko​dos> https://tinyurl.com/yysxong8
L1501[22:46:01] <Ko​dos> I mean. It might be oc2
L1502[22:46:34] <Vexatos> nah the interface is gonna be way less usable than OC
L1503[22:47:13] <Vexatos> I read through the API and this is basically OC but even fewer people would ever attempt to use it
L1504[22:47:58] <i develo​p things> lol
L1505[22:48:01] <i develo​p things> very neat idea though
L1506[22:48:17] <Forec​aster> what do you mean, everyone uses OC
L1507[22:48:55] <luc​soft> oc2 network :catjam: https://tinyurl.com/y32gw7eq
L1508[22:51:51] <ThePi​Guy24> how about just RISCComputers?
L1509[22:51:56] <bad at​ vijya> 👀
L1510[22:52:28] <Vexatos> I'm actually thinking about my radio tower idea again
L1511[22:52:38] <Vexatos> but I don't think there is any SDR that would run on this machine
L1512[22:52:39] <bad at​ vijya> 👀^2
L1513[22:53:14] <ThePi​Guy24> 👀^👀
L1514[22:54:54] <i develo​p things> disappointed to see it's for Forge
L1515[22:55:04] <i develo​p things> forge takes way too long to initialize compared to fabric imo
L1516[22:55:09] <bad at​ vijya> fuck it
L1517[22:55:12] <i develo​p things> particularly on newer versions
L1518[22:55:15] <luc​soft> i like OpenComputers 2 its a great name
L1519[22:55:17] <bad at​ vijya> i'll just write my own mod loader
L1520[22:55:32] <luc​soft> why not both fabric & forge
L1521[22:55:41] <i develo​p things> that would work also
L1522[22:57:48] <Vexatos> there is a fabric branch you blind person :)
L1523[22:58:05] <i develo​p things> oh there is? lol
L1524[22:58:15] <Vexatos> oc2 might collide with payo's ideas for an actual oc2
L1525[23:00:03] <i develo​p things> well where do i find prebuilt versions of the fabric JARs? :P
L1526[23:00:18] <i develo​p things> unless i'm still blind
L1527[23:00:24] <luc​soft> yea i will maintain it thats why the port is stopped for oc2
L1528[23:00:40] <luc​soft> fabric build currently well "pre alpha"
L1529[23:00:53] <Vexatos> it's barely ported™
L1530[23:00:58] <i develo​p things> aah
L1531[23:01:17] <Vexatos> but yea don't expect it to be as easy to get into as OC, and OC already wasn't really
L1532[23:01:26] <i develo​p things> i'm still looking forward to your fabric port of regular OC :(
L1533[23:01:42] <bad at​ vijya> i don't mind harder
L1534[23:01:43] <i develo​p things> tbh though this oc2 looks quite neat
L1535[23:02:07] <i develo​p things> might have to learn C or Rust or even RISC-V assembly and write something for RISC-V
L1536[23:02:32] <luc​soft> or just still use java
L1537[23:02:36] <luc​soft> or just still use lua [Edited]
L1538[23:02:38] <luc​soft> sorry lua
L1539[23:02:40] <i develo​p things> true
L1540[23:02:49] <luc​soft> lua runtime is preinstalled
L1541[23:02:54] <i develo​p things> oh neat
L1542[23:03:10] <i develo​p things> still it'd be neat to write a """bare-metal""" RISC-V OS
L1543[23:03:58] <i develo​p things> hello IRC people [Edited]
L1544[23:06:21] <luc​soft> 😄 https://tinyurl.com/y323wm5y
L1545[23:12:22] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@port-92-192-67-118.dynamic.as20676.net)
L1546[23:12:22] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L1547[23:12:26] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest8931
L1548[23:12:26] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L1549[23:12:33] <Vexatos> still waiting to get cc and micropy to compile
L1550[23:13:41] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@88-113-153-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L1551[23:14:47] ⇦ Quits: Guest8931 (~Vexatos@port-92-192-59-130.dynamic.as20676.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1552[23:14:55] <San​gar> re not easy to get into: the lua scripting is pretty straightforward 😉
L1553[23:15:09] <Vexatos> we'll see :P
L1554[23:15:21] <Vexatos> main complaint I've seen about OC is the hardware side anyway
L1555[23:15:29] <San​gar> main issue is you'll have to use vi 😛
L1556[23:15:57] <San​gar> well. on that front it'll be at least not more complex, so eh.
L1557[23:16:18] <Vexatos> wouldn't nano work
L1558[23:16:50] <Vexatos> wait
L1559[23:16:52] <Vexatos> that uses ncurses
L1560[23:16:53] <San​gar> sure. just will have to see how big that is on disk
L1561[23:17:04] <Vexatos> at least during compile
L1562[23:18:31] <Vexatos> well you can still just echo >> file it's the only good editor anyway
L1563[23:19:11] <San​gar> tho networking will be more complicated, because you'll actually need to learn how to set up linux for network (i.e. what to throw at /etc/network/interfaces)
L1564[23:19:17] <San​gar> sure
L1565[23:19:37] <Vexatos> that's basically the problem with it
L1566[23:19:41] <San​gar> but at least people can just google that 😛
L1567[23:19:44] <Vexatos> any good peripheral would be OS-agnostic
L1568[23:19:54] <Vexatos> and therefore just some raw serial interface
L1569[23:20:01] <Vexatos> meaning you actually have to learn the OS
L1570[23:20:18] <Vexatos> I'm pretty sure the barrier of entry is going to be higher than with OC
L1571[23:21:05] <San​gar> in my mind that very much depends on the topic. network e.g., yes. checking for connected "simple" devices and calling methods on those via lua? same.
L1572[23:21:32] <Vexatos> very true
L1573[23:22:04] <Vexatos> I'm thinking of your average mod pack player who sees it in a kitchen-sink pack and is like "hm that looks cool I wonder what it's aHELL NO"
L1574[23:22:16] <San​gar> 😄
L1575[23:22:19] <i develo​p things> does vim work? :)
L1576[23:22:24] <luc​soft> vi works 😄
L1577[23:22:30] <Vexatos> vim is a bit large
L1578[23:22:35] <i develo​p things> ah
L1579[23:22:50] <i develo​p things> what's the space limit? if it does vt100 competently i have a Lua text editor that might work
L1580[23:22:56] <Vexatos> once it gets a C compiler the possibilities are endless*
L1581[23:23:02] <Vexatos> *depending on system RAM
L1582[23:23:08] <San​gar> i'm afraid it is. once i figure out how to have buildroot build stuff into an extra filesystem, we can go nuts 😛 as long as stuff lands in the rootfs (which i want to keep read-write), needs to stay small.
L1583[23:23:33] <San​gar> i'm currently trying not to let the rootfs go over 8M
L1584[23:23:33] <Vexatos> I assume all binaries on it so far are cross-compiled?
L1585[23:23:41] <San​gar> currently ~400K or so free? :x
L1586[23:23:47] <San​gar> yeah
L1587[23:23:50] <i develo​p things> get Xorg running, then run Minecraft :D
L1588[23:24:00] <i develo​p things> finally, true Minecraft-ception!
L1589[23:24:06] <San​gar> i have TinyCC cross-compiling, but it can't compile anything yet :/
L1590[23:24:14] <i develo​p things> oof
L1591[23:24:30] <ThePi​Guy24> we can make swap :p
L1592[23:25:02] <i develo​p things> how much memory does linux need?
L1593[23:25:21] <i develo​p things> 64mb?
L1594[23:25:24] <luc​soft> my mem usage https://tinyurl.com/y39fb7f8
L1595[23:25:25] <San​gar> currently the machines need ~20M to boot. 24M to do so comfortably.
L1596[23:25:25] <ThePi​Guy24> depends how much linux you have
L1597[23:25:28] <CompanionCube> how low do you want to go
L1598[23:25:37] <i develo​p things> heheh
L1599[23:25:42] <i develo​p things> this is looking pretty good tbh
L1600[23:25:56] <San​gar> i'd love if it could boot with 16M 😛 but i'm not enough of a kernel wizard for that i'm afraid
L1601[23:25:57] <CompanionCube> e.g the irl router here has 16M and runs linux
L1602[23:26:08] <i develo​p things> `make tinyconfig`
L1603[23:26:08] <San​gar> those probably don't have lua tho?
L1604[23:26:10] <San​gar> or a shell?
L1605[23:26:17] <CompanionCube> no lua
L1606[23:26:31] <CompanionCube> too locked down for a shell, alas
L1607[23:26:38] <San​gar> tho tbf lua doesn't matter for baseline ram use
L1608[23:26:50] <i develo​p things> what do you use for a shell?
L1609[23:26:54] <luc​soft> this is with the usage of a dhcp server
L1610[23:27:02] <luc​soft> sh
L1611[23:27:06] <i develo​p things> (also tinyconfig produces a roughly 500KB kernel image, not sure what size yours is now)
L1612[23:27:07] <i develo​p things> neat
L1613[23:27:10] <CompanionCube> since it's v low ream, presumably busybox sh?
L1614[23:27:23] <Vexatos> the router probably uses linux 2
L1615[23:27:27] <i develo​p things> do you have a way to connect to the IRL internet?
L1616[23:27:33] <San​gar> busybox built via buildroot yeah
L1617[23:27:38] <i develo​p things> i.e. does `wget` work :P
L1618[23:27:39] <CompanionCube> Vexatos: i think it might be early 3.x series actuallly
L1619[23:27:39] <San​gar> no irl internet
L1620[23:27:41] <i develo​p things> rip
L1621[23:27:52] <luc​soft> wget only works local
L1622[23:28:21] <Vexatos> @Sangar do it like those old modular computers from the 80s where you could just attach a new box to it and now it had new functionality
L1623[23:28:26] <San​gar> is those 500K on disk or when expanded in ram?
L1624[23:28:27] <Vexatos> internet library supplied via attached box
L1625[23:28:38] <Vexatos> ssl lib or whatever
L1626[23:28:49] <San​gar> i'd love to have a black box with a red light that connects to the internet
L1627[23:28:56] <Vexatos> yes that
L1628[23:29:20] <Vexatos> and then it just magically gets an ethernet connection in linux
L1629[23:29:47] <i develo​p things> 500k on disk
L1630[23:29:55] <San​gar> the easy way would be to have that be an RPC device and only support wgetting from whitelisted pages or so >_>
L1631[23:29:56] <San​gar> the cool one would be to have an actual router. but i don't know who would want to implement that 😛
L1632[23:30:28] <Vexatos> rout it
L1633[23:31:08] <San​gar> hmm. so the current image sits at 11M and that's already "unpacked" (i.e. it just gets copied to ram and doesn't need to unpack itself)
L1634[23:31:38] <Vexatos> 11M sounds a bit excessive
L1635[23:31:42] <San​gar> getting that down would be lovely.
L1636[23:31:53] <Vexatos> probably accidentally including like seven wifi drivers
L1637[23:31:53] <San​gar> a lot of that is "reserved" memory the kernel uses for internal allocs.
L1638[23:32:16] <San​gar> haha. i think i at least got those out 😄 but i'm sure there's stuff i missed.
L1639[23:32:43] ⇦ Quits: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1640[23:32:51] <ThePi​Guy24> gotta support that obscure hardware that nobody uses even in real life :p
L1641[23:33:06] <Va​ur> %tonk
L1642[23:33:07] <MichiBot> Goshhawk! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of <0 (By 2 hours and 10 minutes)! I hope you're happy!
L1643[23:33:08] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 2 hours and 10 minutes! Vaur also gained 0.00217 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L1644[23:33:17] <San​gar> if anyone wants to poke the config to try and shrink it, that'd be nice :3 <https://github.com/fnuecke/buildroot/blob/sedna/board/sedna-riscv64/linux.config&gt;
L1645[23:35:03] <CompanionCube> '# CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE is not set' would be a good start, no?
L1646[23:35:25] <Amanda> oh, it's Sangar!
L1647[23:37:20] <Amanda> @Sangar am I correct that the plan is for "managed" drivesto use 9p?
L1648[23:38:16] <San​gar> re optimize for size: iirc i tried that and it surprisingly had no real effect. i'm suspecting there needs to be some threshold for it to be able to compact things. it just made things noticeably slower 😛
L1649[23:38:25] <CompanionCube> weird
L1650[23:38:27] <San​gar> re 9p: that's pretty much the equivalent, yeah
L1651[23:38:33] <Amanda> :D
L1652[23:38:48] <San​gar> right now the built-in lua scripts get automounted as a 9p fs e.g.
L1653[23:39:04] <Vexatos> I am mostly interested in how to properly add extensions™ of sorts
L1654[23:39:08] <Vexatos> whatever those will be like
L1655[23:39:14] <Amanda> I'm curious if this would work unmodified, stupid-simplego program that just prints "Hello World!" statically cross-compiled to riscv64 https://nc.ddna.co/s/RgHJZ78tGffwSZW
L1656[23:39:15] <Vexatos> like just how much exactly one can do
L1657[23:39:20] <Vexatos> and still have it user friendly
L1658[23:39:22] * CompanionCube wonders if there'd be a use for something like virtio-mmio
L1659[23:39:38] <Vexatos> I guess once devices can add their own files you can have stuff like automagically attach linux drivers
L1660[23:39:50] <Vexatos> addon development would certainly get more annoying
L1661[23:40:34] <San​gar> i expect most devices to not actually be vm devices tho, i.e. just rpc devices, hence not needing extra drivers.
L1662[23:41:49] <Vexatos> yea
L1663[23:41:53] <luc​soft> here is a small guide to dhcp https://github.com/lucsoft/oc2-scripts/tree/main/network
L1664[23:42:00] <San​gar> Amanda, if you have a working build, you can be the first victim to try if this works for non built-in stuff 😛 <https://github.com/fnuecke/oc2/tree/1.16.4/src/main/resources/data/oc2/file_systems&gt;
L1665[23:42:31] <Amanda> oh, would that work from any ol data pack, or just the mod's?
L1666[23:42:32] <Vexatos> but not with the stuff I'd want to do
L1667[23:42:43] <Vexatos> I'm always the one suffering through APIs .-.
L1668[23:42:45] <San​gar> CompanionCube, yeah, most of the vm devices are virtio-mmio right now.
L1669[23:43:09] <San​gar> i think it'd scan all data packs? but i'm not sure.
L1670[23:43:27] <San​gar> you're suffering through choice of project 😛
L1671[23:43:32] <San​gar> (as do i...)
L1672[23:43:43] <Vexatos> see I *want* to add cool communications stuff
L1673[23:43:53] <San​gar> honestly i'm pretty happy with the api for vm devices, on the java side 😛
L1674[23:43:53] <Vexatos> but at the same time I really don't want to learn the linux network stack
L1675[23:44:05] <San​gar> haha
L1676[23:44:08] <Vexatos> I mean it's certainly a lot more extensible than the OC API
L1677[23:45:58] <i develo​p things> sangar, are there any other (i.e. standalone) RISC-V emulators compatible with yours?
L1678[23:46:29] <Vexatos> well it's rv64imacfd according to the repo
L1679[23:46:53] <Vexatos> so anything that supports those?
L1680[23:47:42] <i develo​p things> does qemu-riscv64? :P
L1681[23:48:23] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fd95b1a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1682[23:48:25] <San​gar> yeah
L1683[23:48:52] <San​gar> qemu works
L1684[23:49:52] <San​gar> other than that i honestly don't know. there's spike, but i haven't used.
L1685[23:50:23] <San​gar> oh no, right, there's tinyemu
L1686[23:51:27] <San​gar> i don't think anyone else was dumb enough to write a full emulator for it in java tho.
L1687[23:51:45] <Vexatos> I'm just trying to think about what would be cool to have for this thing
L1688[23:51:50] <San​gar> (honestly, it's really stupid and i'm surprised i had the endurance to make it work)
L1689[23:51:57] <Vexatos> that you can't just have in OC
L1690[23:52:26] <i develo​p things> well, proper support for a decent amount of linux software is one thing
L1691[23:52:29] <Vexatos> @Sangar I am pretty sure it was easier than implementing Lua in pure java
L1692[23:52:32] <Vexatos> or at least less suffering
L1693[23:52:35] <San​gar> i mean. linux. also no native libs needed! but yeah. it's... probably overkill for everyone who's not already a linux person :x
L1694[23:52:47] <San​gar> fair, it probably was
L1695[23:52:52] <Vexatos> @"i develop things" like what
L1696[23:53:02] <Vexatos> there really isn't going to be much RAM
L1697[23:53:25] <i develo​p things> depends how much you configure it to have
L1698[23:53:26] <Vexatos> it's more of a slightly less micro microprocessor
L1699[23:53:40] <i develo​p things> i do agree that more than 128mb, maybe 256mb is considerably overkill
L1700[23:53:54] <Vexatos> you're aware that OC machine had like 2MB right
L1701[23:53:59] <San​gar> currently the max you can have in one (based on the items that exist) is 32M
L1702[23:54:02] <Vexatos> of usable RAM
L1703[23:54:24] <San​gar> of that ~12 would be usable to the user i guess. as the kernel is configured/built right now, anyway.
L1704[23:54:48] <Vexatos> that really limits the number of computers you can have running on a server
L1705[23:54:56] <San​gar> absolutely
L1706[23:55:41] <San​gar> if you throw in the linux disk, with the default sandbox limit of 512M that'd be 12 computers 😛
L1707[23:56:00] <San​gar> and i'm fine with that. i don't expect this to be widely used tbh >_>
L1708[23:56:04] <San​gar> it's just a fun thing
L1709[23:56:07] <Vexatos> need that OC port and then use this as a mainframe for the server
L1710[23:56:09] <ThePi​Guy24> aight we really gotta compile doom for this thing
L1711[23:56:15] <Vexatos> and OC machines as terminals
L1712[23:56:24] <Vexatos> or have like actual remote terminals
L1713[23:56:35] <Vexatos> like those old mainframes at universities
L1714[23:56:41] <Vexatos> with terminals in every office
L1715[23:57:01] <San​gar> that'd be neat. have a low-resource setup that uses the network stuff and runs a terminal. i like that.
L1716[23:57:33] <Vexatos> absolutely minimal terminal written in rv64 asm
L1717[23:57:50] <San​gar> yea. have fun with that. anyway, off for the day, talk soon o/
L1718[23:57:58] <ThePi​Guy24> nah "hardware" terminal would be cooler :p
L1719[23:58:09] <Vexatos> you mean less work
L1720[23:58:27] <dequbed> If you're targeting 1970's mainframe level ram anyway, why not go for 1970's mainframe OS in the first place. Probably easier to get running under 8M RAM than Linux :p
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