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L1[00:01:08] <Amanda> @Sangar either I'm doing my datapack wrong, or it doesn't work with datapacks, sadly
L2[00:01:53] <luc​soft> Does something show up in the log?
L3[00:03:02] <Amanda> ohwait, I wonder if it'll need a restart of the client
L4[00:06:21] <Amanda> nope, no dice
L5[00:07:17] <Amanda> @lucsoft not that I'm seeing?
L6[00:07:28] <dequbed> @Sangar expanding on that; running a full modern OS on a that low spec machine is most likely a recipe for pain. It may actually be significantly easier to try instead to have a sensible bare metal environment where pheripherals such as serial comm / network?, parallel I/O and/or Redstone is easy to use, either via MMIO or a channel system. Yes, people would have to write their own OS but that is likely to happen regardless and then 8M actually mea
L7[00:07:28] <dequbed> n 8M usable.
L8[00:07:31] <Amanda> No adknologement like there is for recipies or such either
L9[00:08:15] <luc​soft> Do you rebuild it?
L10[00:08:21] <Vexatos> dequbed, on the contrary, look how many OSes OC had gotten in the 7 years of its existence
L11[00:08:54] <luc​soft> I think it’s currently not scanning all datapacks
L12[00:08:58] <dequbed> On the contrary to what exactly? My point is *specifically* that people write their own OS in this mod and will probably do in a RISC-V based mod.
L13[00:09:26] <Vexatos> my point is that very few people have done that
L14[00:11:13] <Amanda> @lucsoft no, I was trying with a datapack first
L15[00:11:27] <dequbed> And I think that OC as it stands now and OC2 [Working Title] as it stands now aren't comparable on that point anyway. OC has a very well made OpenOS and is targeted at highlevel programming in Lua. OC2 [Working Title] is ... not.
L16[00:11:33] <i develo​p things> if you do require people to write their own OS it'd be good to also include something in the mod by default similar to OPneOS
L17[00:11:38] <i develo​p things> OpenOS*
L18[00:11:55] <dequbed> That depends on what your goal is.
L19[00:12:18] <dequbed> Because at that point you also need a build system that can run on the machine to really make that point sensible
L20[00:12:22] <luc​soft> Amanda oh yea try to include it in the built in one
L21[00:12:29] <dequbed> Otherwise you have to upload code regardless.
L22[00:13:03] <dequbed> And 99% of the API surface Linux provides does not make sense in an OC2 [Working Title] context.
L23[00:13:50] <dequbed> If it's something on the level of UNIX V5 or Minix that's different of course, but for most people that'd be about as usable as just not having an OS in the first place.
L24[00:15:51] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L25[00:16:59] <Vampyre> the codebase that uses that API or parts of that API is huge though
L26[00:17:21] <dequbed> Yes and having Gigabytes of code if you have Megabytes of storage doesn't help you.
L27[00:17:25] <Vampyre> bit bigger then the codebase for pretty much any API
L28[00:17:51] <Vampyre> you don't need gigabytes of code, you need only a small portion of that code, and everybode needs a different portion
L29[00:18:31] <Vampyre> it's nice some people can choose db2, some people can choose mysql, some sqllite
L30[00:18:36] <Vampyre> you don't have to have them all 3
L31[00:18:46] <Amanda> So what you're saying is you're voluntiering to write OpenOS2, dequbed? :P
L32[00:18:53] <dequbed> Amanda: Fuck you pay me.
L33[00:18:57] <Amanda> :D
L34[00:20:36] <luc​soft> Or OpenOS for OC2
L35[00:21:00] <luc​soft> Don’t need to be a new version
L36[00:22:03] <Amanda> @lucsoft copying the .fs.json and filesystem tree overdoesn't seem to have worked either
L37[00:22:09] <dequbed> Vampyre: Okay, let me rephrase that: Yes, Linux has a large available codebase. But if your goal is to build late 1970s mainframe or mid 1980s PC (e.g. PC AT) VMs throwing an 2020's OS is insanity. Booting a Linux off 8MB of disk is *hard*. Getting it to run in 2MB or RAM is neigh impossible.
L38[00:22:35] <dequbed> Well actually getting it to run on 2MB of ram is *actually* impossible.
L39[00:22:52] <Vampyre> well, is your assumption that that is actually the goal with this project correct?
L40[00:23:38] <dequbed> No I'm not assuming anything. I'm saying iff that would be the goal then I have this constructive criticism towards how it could be realized in a way that does not inflict undue pain on Snagar as mod author and users and code writers.
L41[00:24:11] <Vampyre> well, let's see and wait that the actual goal is then :-)
L42[00:24:46] <dequbed> Vampyre: Or alternatively one could discuss potential goals so that Snagar could weigh those options that have been elaborated?
L43[00:25:12] <Vampyre> sure, all in the realm of possibilities
L44[00:26:24] <Amanda> @lucsoft ... or maybe I did something wrong entirely, copying it into scrips doesn't semto have worked either. Oh well, problem for future-amanda
L45[00:26:29] <dequbed> But a few corner points I think are still realistic: It's unlikely that OC2 [Working Title] will go down the route of full hd, 32bit color framebuffers. It's much more likely that something closer to a VT will be the UI.
L46[00:26:32] <Amanda> going to unplugnow,
L47[00:28:16] <bad at​ vijya> hey
L48[00:28:38] <bad at​ vijya> i could do neat things with OC2
L49[00:28:59] <bad at​ vijya> with making an OS
L50[00:29:20] <bad at​ vijya> Tsuki :^)
L51[00:29:21] <dequbed> Chances are that OC2 [Working Title] will not have the scope of periphery 2020's Linux is build for. Both in sheer number and diversity. Most sensors can not be applied to MC. Most communication protocols can't either due to sheer speed limitations of the game and the servers it's running on.
L52[00:32:35] <bad at​ vijya> jokes about Tsuki aside
L53[00:39:33] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-67-118.dynamic.as20676.net) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
L54[00:44:44] <i develo​p things> and @bad at vijya was never heard from again
L55[00:44:54] <bad at​ vijya> yep
L56[00:52:41] <ThePi​Guy24> will there be a 1.12.2/1.7.10 version or is this strictly for modern versions of mc?
L57[00:57:33] <Shuud​oushi> As an absolute bastardization of the german language and a terrible joke, how bad is "mein wurst ist nett und klein"?
L58[00:59:36] <Vampyre> Meine, I think, other then that, sounds pretty accurate :-p
L59[01:01:02] <Shuud​oushi> Lol, dunke
L60[01:01:40] <Vampyre> I assume you meen the small german beer saussages eight? they are nice and small ;-)
L61[01:05:29] <Shuud​oushi> Lmao
L62[01:06:54] <bad at​ vijya> https://www.oranges.net.nz/~oranges/The%20Manga%20Guide%20to%20Databases.pdf
L63[01:08:56] <B​ob> https://github.com/SuperTails/langcraft
L64[01:10:09] <Amanda> @bob thanks, I hate it
L65[01:10:35] <B​ob> i despise i too
L66[01:10:41] <B​ob> surreal
L67[02:27:30] <i develo​p things> geez
L68[02:27:36] <i develo​p things> how often does arch invalidate older packages
L69[02:27:47] <i develo​p things> i've had to sync my mirrors twice today because of 404s
L70[02:27:52] <Izaya> ???
L71[02:27:55] <Izaya> oh
L72[02:28:12] <Izaya> well it is a rolling release distro
L73[02:28:18] <i develo​p things> true
L74[02:28:32] <i develo​p things> there have been times where i've gone for like two weeks with no issues
L75[02:28:54] <Izaya> why aren't you syncing mirrors when you download packages?
L76[02:29:40] <i develo​p things> because there's a chance, however small, of incompatibility between the library version the program needs and the library version i have?
L77[02:29:50] <Izaya> fair
L78[02:29:56] <Izaya> but if that concerns you
L79[02:30:03] <Izaya> -Syu to download packages
L80[02:30:18] <i develo​p things> fair i suppose
L81[02:31:06] <i develo​p things> also did i mention how nice this NVME drive is for doing things like burning ISOs
L82[02:31:32] <i develo​p things> i have a stupid fast USB stick and can copy huge things to it extremely quickly (~20s for a 3GB ISO using `dd bs=8M`)
L83[03:29:01] * Amanda collapses into a pile of floof around Elfi, zzzmews
L84[03:29:04] <Amanda> Night nerds
L85[03:31:53] * Elfi is buried in floof, zzz
L86[03:33:48] <CompanionCube> %tonkout
L87[03:33:48] <MichiBot> Bingo! Compan​ionCube! You beat Va​ur's previous record of 2 hours and 10 minutes (By 1 hour, 50 minutes and 41 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L88[03:33:49] <MichiBot> Compan​ionCube has stolen the tonkout! Tonk has been reset! They gained 0.004 tonk points! plus 0.003 bonus points for consecutive hours! (Reduced to 50% because stealing) Current score: 0.10272. Position #2 Need 0.00969 more points to pass Va​ur!
L89[03:34:43] * Amanda shifts in her sleep to make sure Elfi can breathe okay, goes back to dreams
L90[04:23:40] ⇨ Joins: Guest25940 (~yuri@
L91[04:24:51] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L93[04:36:58] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@200116b8148e58008e8b080db21a7624.dip.versatel-1u1.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eb3:c500:8b53:4042:775d:2a86)))
L94[04:37:02] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eb3:c500:8b53:4042:775d:2a86)
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L96[04:50:33] <Shuud​oushi> idk what I broke, but I broke it real good... https://tinyurl.com/yydvlp45
L97[05:02:17] <Vampyre> heh
L98[05:02:30] <Vampyre> that's a nice trace of pcalls and dofiles
L99[05:02:39] <Vampyre> good luck with thatone ;-)
L100[05:29:31] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eb3:c500:8b53:4042:775d:2a86)
L101[05:48:25] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L102[05:54:59] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L103[05:56:48] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L104[06:41:36] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L106[07:15:17] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L107[08:12:42] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eb3:c500:8b53:4042:775d:2a86)
L108[08:28:27] ⇨ Joins: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@
L109[08:28:27] ⇦ Quits: Renari (~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L110[08:29:56] <ThePiGuy24> larg tonke time %tonk
L111[08:29:58] <MichiBot> Potzblitz! ThePi​Guy24! You beat Compan​ionCube's previous record of <0 (By 4 hours, 56 minutes and 8 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L112[08:29:59] <MichiBot> ThePiGuy24's new record is 4 hours, 56 minutes and 8 seconds! ThePiGuy24 also gained 0.00494 tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #4. Need 0.00587 more points to pass Forec​aster!
L113[08:30:30] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p508ef02a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L114[08:42:37] ⇨ Joins: Renari (~Renari@
L115[08:44:54] ⇦ Quits: Ariri (~finch@cpe-104-33-154-8.socal.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L116[08:49:47] ⇨ Joins: finch (~finch@cpe-104-33-154-8.socal.res.rr.com)
L117[09:59:10] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@port-92-192-67-118.dynamic.as20676.net)
L118[09:59:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L119[10:16:35] ⇦ Quits: hnOsmium0001 (uid453710@2001:67c:2f08:8::6:ec4e) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L120[10:27:14] <Forec​aster> %sip
L121[10:27:15] <MichiBot> You drink a bubbly crimson potion (New!). A tiny cloud appears with a ridiculous smile on it. It follows Forecaster until they have some bacon.
L122[10:45:32] ⇨ Joins: cuz (~cuz@ip214.ip-164-132-158.eu)
L123[10:49:37] ⇨ Joins: gurwi (~gurwi@ip214.ip-164-132-158.eu)
L124[10:49:53] <cuz> test
L125[10:50:01] <luc​soft> test
L126[10:50:09] <Forec​aster> test succesfull, you've won a bulldozer
L127[10:50:22] <gurwi> oh shit it worked hahaha
L128[10:52:56] ⇦ Parts: cuz (~cuz@ip214.ip-164-132-158.eu) ())
L129[10:54:31] ⇦ Parts: gurwi (~gurwi@ip214.ip-164-132-158.eu) ())
L130[11:06:20] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425 (sid77899@id-77899.ealing.irccloud.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L131[11:06:41] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425 (~sid77899@2001:67c:2f08:2::1:304b)
L132[11:15:32] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@2001:16b8:1eb3:c500:8b53:4042:775d:2a86) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L133[11:18:16] <Vampyre> well, it aint OC2, but it's something... : https://winaoe.org/oc/OCDB1.mp4
L134[11:32:39] <Izaya> Amanda: https://social.shadowkat.net/media/38681ce79c821fdfe3ec9e3dde5381d00a0114897af2145c3f23dcb5367644a3.jpg
L135[11:41:06] ⇨ Joins: t20kdc (~20kdc@cpc139384-aztw33-2-0-cust220.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L136[12:00:12] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@88-113-153-45.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L137[12:13:42] ⇦ Quits: ThePiGuy24 (~ThePiGuy2@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L139[12:30:54] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@aftr-62-216-207-249.dynamic.mnet-online.de) (Quit: "messing with my irc clien")
L140[12:31:13] ⇨ Joins: bauen1 (~bauen1@aftr-62-216-207-249.dynamic.mnet-online.de)
L141[12:35:15] <Amanda> Izaya: haha
L142[12:36:45] <Izaya> p e r f e c t i o n
L143[12:55:47] <Izaya> https://64.github.io/cmake-raytracer/
L144[12:58:34] <dequbed> Izaya: CMake is wonderful, isn't it?
L145[12:59:02] * Izaya looks at article
L146[12:59:08] <Izaya> "wonderful," yes.
L147[12:59:32] <Vexatos> I've been compiling 5GB of source code for the past two hours :⁾
L148[13:00:06] <dequbed> TBF the problem CMake attempts to solve is hard enough that you quickly need a turing-complete build-system. And CMake isn't the worst one out there.
L149[13:00:35] <Forec​aster> Vexatos by hand right?
L150[13:00:49] <Vexatos> yes
L151[13:00:58] <Vexatos> I am manually writing bytes to a file with bless
L152[13:01:14] <dequbed> Vampyre: How do you get the fb from server to client or is that purely a client-side mod?
L153[13:04:04] <ThePi​Guy24> ohno i didnt quite realise what that cmake raytracer was until i read the title
L154[13:04:25] <ThePi​Guy24> i thought it was just using cmake to compile a raytracer
L155[13:11:08] <Vampyre> dequbed, OC handles that for me, I just stuff the textbuffer
L156[13:11:58] <Vampyre> and you should be able to use it on servers, like have a few mame or dosbox instances running in a minecraft arcade hall or something
L157[13:12:01] <Vampyre> I dunno
L158[13:12:18] <Izaya> would it work with qemu/kvm?
L159[13:12:24] <Vampyre> next stop is posix and my next target is screen
L160[13:12:25] <Izaya> or even just qemu
L161[13:12:34] <Izaya> a 68k machine would be cute
L162[13:12:39] <Izaya> or uh
L163[13:12:43] <Izaya> that emulator collection
L164[13:12:57] <Izaya> with like, the altair and PDP-11
L165[13:13:12] <Vampyre> well, next target is screen, so that's in effect a host side "framebuffer" (I hope, not yet looked into it, hope it will work ;-))
L166[13:13:23] <Izaya> as in GNU screen?
L167[13:13:26] <Vampyre> yah
L168[13:13:36] <Vampyre> I guess I could also do a pty
L169[13:13:37] <Izaya> well, that's one way to look at it I guess
L170[13:14:11] <Izaya> my suggestion would be to implement a VT100 emulator, and create unix sockets
L171[13:14:33] <Vampyre> patches always accepted? ;-)
L172[13:14:45] <Vampyre> but yah, that's a possibility I guess
L173[13:14:52] <Izaya> the 6502 emulator
L174[13:14:54] <Izaya> thistle
L175[13:14:57] <Izaya> does a VT100 emulator
L176[13:14:59] <Izaya> IIRC
L177[13:15:10] <Izaya> it's all running in java but it may be useful for you
L178[13:15:33] <Vampyre> yah, have been inspecting all of the different architectures people made
L179[13:15:40] * Vampyre is heavy on the code reuse ;-)
L180[13:15:51] <Vampyre> thistle helped a lot
L181[13:16:07] <Izaya> no sense reinventing the wheel for early iterations when you don't know the exact requirements
L182[13:27:06] <dequbed> Vampyre: Wait. Is that a /frame/buffer or a /text/buffer?
L183[13:27:32] <Amanda> Text, I assume
L184[13:27:40] <Vampyre> oc only does text atm
L185[13:28:16] <dequbed> Amanda: Well, I didn't want to assume because the VM computer mod does actually allow for pixel-addressed frames :p
L186[13:28:18] <Vampyre> and I was planning to maybe do a VGA card, 3 tier thing, but now OC2 is a thing, I might wait out on that ;-)
L187[13:28:54] <Vampyre> hope that it will support architectures and have a proper framebuffer
L188[13:30:47] <dequbed> Vampyre: Framebuffers are afaik unrealisted solely on the amount of data needing to be transfered and neither MC, the comm protocol MC uses or your servers uplink being actually able to handle that :p
L189[13:31:00] <dequbed> s/unrealisted/unrealistic/
L190[13:31:00] <MichiBot> <dequbed> Vampyre: Framebuffers are afaik unrealistic solely on the amount of data needing to be transfered and neither MC, the comm protocol MC uses or your servers uplink being actually able to handle that :p
L191[13:31:20] <Vampyre> ah, I got plans for that
L192[13:31:46] <Vampyre> keep a few scaled down versions of the frame in memory, send to clients based on distance, that kind of thing
L193[13:31:57] <Vampyre> no idea if it will work, but we'll see ;-)
L194[13:32:14] <dequbed> Go develop that! I'll be curious to see if it works too :D
L195[13:32:35] <Vampyre> the software speed side should all be pretty fine, I do most processing in native
L196[13:32:51] <Vampyre> and it's triple buffered, so sync is no issue too
L197[13:33:52] <Forec​aster> %tonk
L198[13:33:53] <MichiBot> Yeah! Forec​aster! You beat ThePi​Guy24's previous record of 4 hours, 56 minutes and 8 seconds (By 7 minutes and 47 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L199[13:33:54] <MichiBot> Forecaster's new record is 5 hours, 3 minutes and 55 seconds! Forecaster also gained 0.00065 (0.00013 x 5) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #3. Need 0.03566 more points to pass Compan​ionCube!
L200[14:15:16] <Inari> %splash Amanda
L201[14:15:18] <MichiBot> You fling a fluffy green potion (New!) that splashes onto Amanda. A Weather dagger appears next to Amanda.
L202[14:15:30] <Amanda> %stab Inari
L203[14:15:30] <MichiBot> Ama​nda is trying to stab Ina​ri! They have 5 minutes if they want to attempt to %defend against it!
L204[14:15:41] <Inari> %dodge
L205[14:15:41] <MichiBot> Inari managed to partially dodge Amanda wielding the Magic Windows but it’s actually decent! (25%). With a 16 vs 14 (Magic +2) Inari only takes half of the 7 damage.
L206[14:18:01] <Inari> Amanda: rude
L207[14:33:28] <Forec​aster> %sip
L208[14:33:29] <MichiBot> You drink a slimy black potion (New!). A fairy flies past that vaguely resembles someone Forecaster knows.
L209[14:33:36] <Forec​aster> huh
L210[14:33:50] <Amanda> Elfi's doing zoomies
L211[14:33:55] * Amanda nods sagely
L212[15:28:16] <ThePi​Guy24> > As a result of the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union on Jan 1, 2021 we are now unable to deliver the PinePhone KDE CE to you via our transit warehouse in Poland. This is a direct result of changes in how VAT charges are handled between the EU and UK.
L213[15:28:37] <ThePiGuy24> damn you fucking government
L214[15:30:03] <Shuud​oushi> Oof
L215[15:54:49] ⇨ Joins: ZeltronPlayz (~zeltronpl@5ec3c387.skybroadband.com)
L216[15:55:01] <ZeltronPlayz> hi
L217[15:55:05] <ZeltronPlayz> what is this
L218[15:55:06] <ZeltronPlayz> lol
L219[15:55:14] <Forec​aster> the afterlife
L220[15:55:20] <ZeltronPlayz> oh
L221[15:55:21] <ZeltronPlayz> thats sad
L222[15:55:30] <ZeltronPlayz> very
L223[15:55:30] <ZeltronPlayz> very
L224[15:55:31] <ZeltronPlayz> sad
L225[15:55:37] <ZeltronPlayz> what do I do here
L226[15:56:07] ⇨ Joins: aaa (webchat@5ec3c387.skybroadband.com)
L227[15:56:11] <aaa> gaaaaaaay
L228[15:56:16] <Forec​aster> anything your heart desires, unless it's annoying
L229[15:56:21] <ZeltronPlayz> oh
L230[15:56:28] <ZeltronPlayz> are you on minecraft or something else?
L231[15:56:50] <Forec​aster> I'm on discord, some are just on IRC, occasionally people connect from minecraft
L232[15:56:51] ⇦ Quits: ZeltronPlayz (~zeltronpl@5ec3c387.skybroadband.com) (Client Quit)
L233[15:56:57] <Forec​aster> okaybye
L234[15:57:01] ⇦ Quits: aaa (webchat@5ec3c387.skybroadband.com) (Client Quit)
L235[15:58:36] <Amanda> @Sangar well, turns out my datapack was invalid until about half-way thourgh this PR, but on the good side, I managed to nerd-snipe myself into adding `/reload` support to the datapacks! Now the only prolem is the merging doesn't work. https://github.com/fnuecke/oc2/pull/22
L236[16:05:28] <San​gar> oh, cool! thanks for that 🙂 i'll have a look in a bit
L237[16:06:40] <Amanda> I'm very much not familiar with Forge, so a lot of the stuff is cobbled together from lots of googling, but according to some issues on forget the use of IFutureReloadListener is required, otherwise it'll never trigger on servers?
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L239[16:06:58] <Amanda> s/forget/forge issue tracker/
L240[16:06:58] <MichiBot> <Amanda> I'm very much not familiar with Forge, so a lot of the stuff is cobbled together from lots of googling, but according to some issues on forge issue tracker the use of IFutureReloadListener is required, otherwise it'll never trigger on servers?
L241[16:12:46] <dequbed> Izaya: https://www.vaguelyrudeplacesmap.com/
L242[16:14:27] <Amanda> To be specific: The merging doesn't handle directories correctly. The first fileStstem found that the directory exists for will get to dictate what exists according to `ls`
L243[16:21:03] <San​gar> ah, interesting
L244[16:21:13] <San​gar> definitely not what i expected :x
L245[16:23:59] <Amanda> tbh it's kinda amusing, you can see all the files still exist, it's just now shown in `ls` because of 9p using dirlist as another file handle output: https://nc.ddna.co/s/fcDs48RYnrBSaRq
L246[16:24:33] <Amanda> s/now/not/
L247[16:24:33] <MichiBot> <Amanda> tbh it's kinda amusing, you can see all the files still exist, it's just not shown in `ls` because of 9p using dirlist as another file handle output: https://nc.ddna.co/s/fcDs48RYnrBSaRq
L248[16:24:50] <San​gar> ohh, so it's just merged incorrectly in the fs impl, the datapack stuff works? that's great news!
L249[16:24:56] <Amanda> yeah
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L261[17:54:51] <CompanionCube> ThePiGuy24: so no pinephone for you?
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L265[18:03:38] <Shuud​oushi> Tool guy got me again... https://tinyurl.com/y6qytjh2
L266[18:33:31] <dequbed> @Shuudoushi Went into the Fapoff truck going "This is a robbery! Here's all my money!"?
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L270[18:38:56] <ThePi​Guy24> or am i :micheal:
L271[18:39:24] <Michiyo> I'm not sure, are you micheal?
L272[18:41:24] <Shuud​oushi> @dequbed lol, pretty much... It's just a couple hundred for a proper set of probes with a really good warranty
L273[18:42:44] <bad at​ vijya> i found my favorite bug in DXHR
L274[18:42:53] <bad at​ vijya> when you use the taser on bosses
L275[18:43:04] <bad at​ vijya> and they freeze in place so you can pump them full of lead
L276[18:43:14] <bad at​ vijya> and the boss battle is over in 5 minutes
L277[18:43:16] <bad at​ vijya> or less
L278[18:45:04] <Va​ur> %tonk
L279[18:45:05] <MichiBot> Darn it! Va​ur! You beat Forec​aster's previous record of 5 hours, 3 minutes and 55 seconds (By 7 minutes and 15 seconds)! I hope you're happy!
L280[18:45:06] <MichiBot> Vaur's new record is 5 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds! Vaur also gained 0.00072 (0.00012 x 6) tonk points for stealing the tonk. Position #1.
L281[18:46:33] <Forec​aster> :|
L282[19:11:14] <Forec​aster> %sip
L283[19:11:15] <MichiBot> You drink a seeping iron potion (New!). Forecaster hears a scream from nearby.
L284[19:11:26] <Forec​aster> it's probably fine
L285[19:11:31] <Forec​aster> I'm busy building things
L286[19:18:41] <Amanda> @Sangar however, I've discovered another problem. I think that reading (or executing) binary files off the datapack mount is broken? Even a simple hello world compiled with the buildroot's gcc is just hanging
L287[19:25:28] <San​gar> hmm. does it work when copying to some block device, first?
L288[19:25:59] <Forec​aster> `The Watch - Based on the characters from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, A group of misfit cops rise up from decades of helplessness to save their corrupt city from catastrophe.`
L289[19:26:00] <Forec​aster> ooh
L290[19:27:57] <ThePi​Guy24> glxgears but the gears are rotating at 0.1 rpm
L291[19:28:58] <ThePi​Guy24> damn this is a fast monitor :p https://tinyurl.com/y379jlsd
L292[19:30:01] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> I want to use wireless networks to control a computer in my bas to use Redstone i/o to turn on stuff, i tried using the broadcast to send the command, but didn't work, right now im trying to make a call back command, but its giving me errors when i try to run it https://tinyurl.com/y5m9ympg
L293[19:30:19] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> any ideas on how i can do it
L294[19:30:36] <Michiyo> that's not how you use events.
L295[19:30:48] <ThePi​Guy24> if statements need `end`, comparing two values needs `==` not `=`
L296[19:30:58] <i develo​p things> `local , , , , message = event.pull("modem")` (or similar) also
L297[19:31:09] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> oh okai
L298[19:31:15] <i develo​p things> also `os.execute("turnon.lua")`, `run` isn't a keyword
L299[19:31:19] <Forec​aster> helps if you actually define a variable before checking it
L300[19:31:35] <Michiyo> https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:modem?s[]=modem Gives a decent example
L301[19:31:48] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> okai thank you very much
L302[19:32:29] <Amanda> @Sangar are block devices just raw files under the saves dir for oc2? If so I'll give that a try now
L303[19:38:22] <Shuud​oushi> @OSK_JackTheRipper os.execute(path) as well
L304[19:40:52] <Amanda> @Sangar figured it out. It works if it's from a block device, I'm guessing the resource is getting opened in text mode which is causing problems?
L305[19:41:45] <Amanda> ... or not? They've got the same checksum according to `md5sum`
L306[19:44:36] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> the the term for restartign the program if end condition isnt met
L307[19:45:23] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> like i dont want the program to end unless it recieves the command so i need it to comntinue, i tried the c# way but it didnt seem to work
L308[19:47:06] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> https://tinyurl.com/y4ror7pz
L309[19:47:25] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> something like that but obviously this doesnt work, but a while loop doesnt work either
L310[19:47:42] <Michiyo> https://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/index.htm
L311[19:47:49] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> oh thank you
L312[19:47:51] <OSK_Jack​TheRipper> sweet
L313[19:49:04] <Michiyo> %pil as well
L314[19:49:04] <MichiBot> Mic​hiyo: https://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html#P1
L315[19:52:11] <San​gar> Amanda, hmm. strange. good to know separately built binaries work in principle, though!
L316[19:54:00] <Amanda> Is there a way with MC commands to spawn in a >8M disk?
L317[19:54:28] <Forec​aster> pretty sure you can specify metadata in the give command
L318[19:54:44] <Forec​aster> nbt data rather
L319[19:57:41] <Forec​aster> https://i.imgur.com/c5TRQWU.gifv
L320[20:15:50] <San​gar> Amanda, yeah, but you'll have to also bump the max size in the config. the tag is... oc2.size i think
L321[20:17:04] <luc​soft> oc2:computer_running ❤️ https://tinyurl.com/yxk6gqo8
L322[20:17:47] <Amanda> ah
L323[20:32:45] <Amanda> Well, it's a start: https://nc.ddna.co/s/bE6HTSBZafEtAX2
L324[20:32:59] <Amanda> ( ocvm compiled for oc2 :P )
L325[20:33:11] <Amanda> though it seems to be enjoying throwing a bad_alloc alot now
L326[20:33:11] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://tinyurl.com/y42zurt
L327[20:33:28] <Amanda> ... think itmay be OOM'ing
L328[20:33:53] <ThePi​Guy24> what we need is physically based sounds :p
L329[20:34:20] <ThePi​Guy24> as in, it does physics simulations to create the sound
L330[20:55:34] <i develo​p things> Amanda: lmao i love that. it's a backwards-compatibility layer, obviously Payo's plan the whole time!
L331[20:58:32] <Amanda> considering I already have to bump up the memory limit.. yeah, no
L332[21:00:34] <Amanda> Well, it takes making ocvm pretend to have a T2 RAM, and double the default maximum machine memory, but: https://nc.ddna.co/s/M3ENsLziY3HMpNw
L333[21:01:47] <Amanda> ... and it's not accepting keyboard input. :D
L334[21:02:15] <Amanda> I think ocvm may have crashed
L335[21:02:20] <i develo​p things> hmm. missing unicode support much? :P
L336[21:02:27] <i develo​p things> yeah run `stty sane` or something
L337[21:03:05] <Amanda> it's possible the oc2 linux kernel OOM'd again, too
L338[21:04:09] <San​gar> oh wow, hahaha
L339[21:17:05] <CompanionCube> %tonk
L340[21:17:05] <MichiBot> I'm sorry CompanionCube, you were not able to beat Vaur's record of 5 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds this time. 2 hours, 32 minutes and 1 second were wasted! Missed by 2 hours, 39 minutes and 10 seconds!
L341[21:17:11] <CompanionCube> oof
L342[21:22:52] <Amanda> I seem to have angered the lua/ocvm goddesses
L343[21:24:21] <Amanda> Can't seem to get anything other than this now: https://nc.ddna.co/s/cqtCmKqpyaYDtnP
L344[21:24:35] <ThePi​Guy24> sacrifice some metatables to appease them
L345[21:36:22] <Kristo​pher38> @ThePiGuy24 I heard an anecdote that serious sam simulated the speed of sound
L346[21:50:01] <bad at​ vijya> holy fuck
L347[21:50:11] <bad at​ vijya> playing prey
L348[21:50:22] <bad at​ vijya> did a full firing time upgrade on the q-beam
L349[21:50:25] <bad at​ vijya> it's a fuckin BFG now
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L352[22:30:55] <SquidDev> @lucsoft Happy to point you at some repositories using data generators if you've not found any already.
L353[22:31:18] <SquidDev> Sorry for being nitpicky in PRs.
L354[22:31:18] <luc​soft> im using some mod call computercraft
L355[22:31:40] <luc​soft> yeah the forge docs are ... lets say it not good
L356[22:31:54] <luc​soft> its fine 😉
L357[22:33:09] <SquidDev> I apologise for how utterly terrible the CC code is too then :p.
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L359[22:35:03] <luc​soft> @SquidDev data generators are only there to share identifiers/resourcelocations, right?
L360[22:47:17] <SquidDev> @lucsoft Honestly the main selling point to me is if the code compiles it generates valid recipes
L361[22:48:13] <luc​soft> but if its not valid minecraft says it
L362[22:49:13] <SquidDev> Yep, but you then spend time running /reload until it works.
L363[22:49:45] <SquidDev> Obvious automation benefits if you've got lots of similar recipies, but that's less relevant here.
L364[22:51:09] <luc​soft> year some stuff i put in functions like cards and "card blocks"
L365[22:55:08] <luc​soft> @SquidDev do you know a way i can do this with Data Generators because CustomRecipeBuilder doesn't really work https://tinyurl.com/y3b9f2ry
L366[22:55:28] <bad at​ vijya> ah yes
L367[22:55:37] <bad at​ vijya> escaping the reactor room at very high speeds
L368[22:56:01] <bad at​ vijya> i just wish prey had some sort of gauss gun like hl or doom 2016 so i can get a bit more height to escape even faster
L369[22:57:13] <SquidDev> @lucsoft Afraid not - I just left those as is.
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L372[22:57:38] <luc​soft> 😳
L373[22:57:41] <luc​soft> okay
L374[22:58:08] <Izaya> today's arbitrary opinion
L375[22:58:12] <Izaya> hardware return stacks are bloat
L376[22:58:26] <SquidDev> They're meant to be something to make your life easier! Not feel like you need to use them (for everything, or at all).
L377[22:58:59] <SquidDev> I'd say less than half of CC's assets use generators. Though it should probably be more.
L378[22:59:59] * Amanda stacks a bunch of RMA'd laptops ontop of Inari's chair
L379[23:00:18] <CompanionCube> Izaya: all instructions other than SUBLEQ are bloat.
L380[23:00:26] <CompanionCube> jk
L381[23:01:13] <20​kdc> CompanionCube: SUBLEQ is bloat, try copy byte and jump
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L385[23:26:06] <Amanda> Izaya: Oh boy! a new character in the Otherside, I'm sure they-- and they're gone.
L386[23:26:19] <Izaya> :D
L387[23:26:41] <Izaya> pacing is still too fast IMO
L388[23:31:08] <Ko​dos> Microcontrollers can read comparator outputs of an adjacent block with a redstone card, right?
L389[23:32:01] <B​ob> That'd be intresting to do, now i want to know, can redstone cards even read as comparators ? i know they can receive redstone signal
L390[23:32:28] <Ko​dos> I want to make a wee little microcontroller that goes into the center of a + formation with 4 furnaces, that 'dings' whenever all 4 are done
L391[23:44:08] <Vampyre> mornin world
L392[23:44:14] <Vampyre> %drink coffee
L393[23:44:14] <MichiBot> Vam​pyre: Vampyre has some coffee. It's hot and bitter.
L394[23:44:37] <Ko​dos> %sip
L395[23:44:38] <MichiBot> You drink a solid caterium potion (New!). After the first sip the potion poofs away.
L396[23:45:32] <Vampyre> kodos, might an inventory controller and repeatedly check the inventories work?
L397[23:46:00] <Vampyre> saves you 4 comparators
L398[23:48:11] <Ko​dos> Materials aren't an issue
L399[23:48:23] <dequbed> Izaya: Help my computer is cursed q.q
L400[23:48:56] * Izaya offers lighter
L401[23:49:21] <dequbed> Sadly I actually need it since half my digital devices decided that charging is overrated <.<
L402[23:50:13] <dequbed> But after replacement is here I'll take you up on that offer.
L403[23:50:58] <dequbed> Izaya: Related are you up for some good old Thermite thrashfire? I have a few sets of spinning rust that need to be moved into a more chaotic state of existance.
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