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L1[00:39:26] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L2[00:40:39] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L3[02:38:55] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: set up another mumble server for funsies
L4[02:54:15] <Forecaster> %tonk
L5[02:54:17] <MichiBot> You still hold the record Forecaster, for now... 16 hours, 52 minutes and 1 second
L6[03:20:47] ⇨ Joins: Renari (Renari!~Renari@
L7[03:23:19] ⇦ Quits: Arimil (Arimil!~Renari@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L8[04:36:02] <Kodos> %tonk
L9[04:36:04] <MichiBot> Kodos! You beat Forecaster's previous record of 16 hours, 52 minutes and 1 second! I hope you're happy!
L10[04:36:05] <MichiBot> Kodos's new record is 17 hours and 40 minutes
L11[04:36:12] <Kodos> ?
L12[04:36:30] <Forecaster> damn
L13[04:42:17] <Corded> * <Lizzian> makes a monotone sound
L14[04:49:54] <Forecaster> *various glass objects explode nearby*
L15[05:45:34] <ZefTheFox> *screeches*
L16[05:48:24] <Forecaster> *nothing happens*
L17[05:52:24] <AmandaC> Hello, yes, I'd like to file a ticket for a defective body? Why am I unable yo get back to sleep. It's only been like 7h D:
L18[05:53:45] <Forecaster> your warranty probably ran out
L19[05:53:52] <AmandaC> :(
L20[07:46:03] <Lizzian> damn, the forums have a lot of files it needs to load when people visit
L21[07:47:44] <Lizzian> using nghttp2 it took about 5 seconds to get all the page contents, css, js and images
L22[07:49:51] <Lizzian> and that was just getting the resources local to `oc.cil.li`, firefox showed about 13 seconds to get all that plus the extra stuff
L23[07:52:05] <Lizzian> i mean, after the initial visit that'll go down somewhat, but it's still a lot
L24[07:59:31] <ZefTheFox> I just wanted to screech don't deny that from me!
L25[08:08:03] <Forecaster> %calfacts
L26[08:08:03] <MichiBot> Did you know that daylight savings time might not happen this year because of nutation of the prime meridian? Apparently that's why we have leap seconds.
L27[08:14:14] <Wuerfel_21> %calfacts
L28[08:14:14] <MichiBot> Did you know that Shark Week might happen twice this year because of time zone legislation in Arizona? Apparently it causes a predictable increase in car accidents.
L29[08:28:45] <Lizzian> oops http://tinyurl.com/ybxteaah
L30[08:30:34] <Lizzian> on the plus side, i did get all the resources (at least forum ones) at the same time there abouts
L31[08:31:52] <Lizzian> though that's only the resources that are included in the main html file, not any others included by JS later on (which there seems to be a fair few of...)
L32[08:34:46] <Lizzian> meh, gonna just delete the customised theme (was only visible to me). I'll maybe try using the pagespeed stuff at some point, maybe tonight since i'ma be doing other stuff to my webserver anyway
L33[08:41:53] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (Nathan1852!~Nathan185@2a02:8071:8288:6600:898d:7c50:7983:b96e)
L34[09:13:15] <Lizzian> I might build a new webserver and set things up a little differently
L35[09:22:42] <Forecaster> yay for different
L36[09:29:10] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (Nathan1852!~Nathan185@2a02:8071:8288:6600:898d:7c50:7983:b96e) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L37[09:42:12] <Izaya> Wuerfel_21: https://virtuallyfun.com/wordpress/2018/12/04/pc-geos-source-released/
L38[09:44:13] <AmandaC> %choose halucinate or play
L39[09:44:14] <MichiBot> AmandaC: I saw that play is the best choice in a vision
L40[09:48:07] <AmandaC> %choose cubes or planes
L41[09:48:08] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Some planes sounds nice
L42[09:54:20] <AmandaC> %choose cubes while waiting or halucinate while waiting
L43[09:54:20] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Out of these two choices? I'd say cubes while waiting.
L44[09:59:35] <AmandaC> know what... I respectfully disagree, feel like halucinating some instead
L45[10:16:42] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E4CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L46[10:16:54] <ZefTheFox> I made a clock program
L47[10:17:36] <ZefTheFox> http://tinyurl.com/yc4xfgln
L48[10:17:43] <ZefTheFox> It's useless but fun
L49[10:17:45] <Inari> %pet @ZefTheFox
L50[10:17:46] * MichiBot brushes @ZefTheFox with a fierce jellybean. 5 health gained!
L51[10:18:10] <ZefTheFox> owo why'd you use a jellybean?
L52[10:18:30] <ZefTheFox> Also that did tag me
L53[10:22:56] <ZefTheFox> Oh I was gonna suggest that the irc bot uses discord id numbers but they'd be too long and not user-friendly
L54[10:23:10] <ZefTheFox> 282731604479311873
L55[10:23:10] <ZefTheFox> You wouldn't want to call someone that
L56[10:23:36] <ZefTheFox> Oh im also curious how does this show up <!282731604479311873>
L57[10:23:45] <ZefTheFox> Nevermind it didn't work
L58[10:23:55] <Lizzian> you didn't do the `@`
L59[10:24:26] <Lizzian> also the exclamation point is only used if you have a nickname on the server
L60[10:24:32] <ZefTheFox> Ah
L61[10:24:43] <ZefTheFox> @ZefTheFox
L62[10:24:46] <ZefTheFox> There
L63[10:25:34] <Lizzian> but regardless of if you have a nickname or not, both work as far as i know
L64[10:26:26] <Lizzian> and in code you could just use the `<@numbers>` version and it'll still ping
L65[10:26:50] <ZefTheFox> Weird
L66[10:32:33] <ZefTheFox> Isn't it great when you're in a discord and someone breaks the rules
L67[10:32:50] <ZefTheFox> And there's an admin that goes on and off typing in there for like 20 minutes
L68[11:02:26] * AmandaC meows at Inari
L69[11:05:52] <payonel> %lua ponk "payonel"
L70[11:05:52] <MichiBot> [payonel] wins! new ponk [1 day, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 47 seconds] beats [payonel]'s ponk of [1 day, 3 hours, 23 minutes, 40 seconds]
L71[11:23:08] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L72[11:23:09] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with Garlean donuts. 5 health gained!
L73[11:23:18] <Inari> %tonk
L74[11:23:19] <MichiBot> I'm sorry Inari, you were not able to beat Kodos's record of 17 hours and 40 minutes this time.
L75[11:23:20] <MichiBot> 6 hours, 47 minutes and 15 seconds were wasted!
L76[11:26:54] <simon816> ugh
L77[11:29:36] <Forecaster> hm
L78[11:29:46] <Forecaster> the current record holder should be able to reset it
L79[11:31:35] <payonel> @forecaster but then they could lock it for themselves
L80[11:31:52] <Forecaster> what?
L81[11:32:04] <payonel> are we talking about tonk?
L82[11:32:11] <Forecaster> what do you mean "lock it"?
L83[11:32:20] <payonel> keep anyone else from taking it
L84[11:32:36] <Forecaster> how?
L85[11:32:56] <Forecaster> oh, no
L86[11:33:04] <Forecaster> I mean reset it as in clear everything
L87[11:33:20] <Forecaster> like what %resettonk does
L88[11:33:21] <payonel> oh that kind of reset, like a release
L89[11:33:32] <payonel> why though?
L90[11:33:54] <Forecaster> well... it's stopped randomly resetting itself
L91[11:34:40] <Forecaster> and instead of having it automatically do it after some time I think it's better if the current record holder can go "well, I'm satisfied, time to release it"
L92[11:34:58] <Forecaster> or they can keep going and risk being usurped
L93[11:35:14] <Forecaster> upon reset it should record the longest time on a per-user basis
L94[11:39:35] <Michiyo> The random reset was when an exception would get caught, and the code would flow into the set data, and it would set the data even though it shouldn't have
L95[11:39:41] <Michiyo> resolved that by moving the set calls
L96[11:40:08] <Forecaster> yes, but that was the only thing resetting it :P
L97[11:50:45] <Lizzy> hmm, currently debating whether to go with either sticking with my current web server but updating nginx, a newer ubuntu server version (and thus newer nginx), Arch (whilst being careful about what packages I update) or finding some other small server distro that's lightweight
L98[11:50:58] <Lizzy> s/updating/upgrading
L99[11:50:59] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> hmm, currently debating whether to go with either sticking with my current web server but upgrading nginx, a newer ubuntu server version (and thus newer nginx), Arch (whilst being careful about what packages I update) or finding some other small server distro that's lightweight
L100[11:51:19] <ZefTheFox> Why'd it repost what you said?
L101[11:52:10] <Lizzy> look at the message i sent between mine and MichiBot's
L102[12:04:29] <Lizzy> %lookup oc.cil.li AAAA
L103[12:04:30] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'oc.cil.li'
L104[12:04:31] <MichiBot> DNS server failure [response code 2] Resolved: Unresolved: oc.cil.li
L105[12:04:36] <Lizzy> hm
L106[12:08:59] <Lizzy> oh, now it shows me the error
L107[12:09:01] <Lizzy> lol
L108[12:14:45] <Lizzy> %remindme 24h switch up nginx config for oc forums to bind to new addresses
L109[12:14:45] <MichiBot> I'll remind you about "switch up nginx config for oc forums to bind to new addresses" at 12/08/2018 12:14:45 PM
L110[12:20:55] <Lizzy> so yeah, the forums now have a dedicated A/AAAA address and in 24 hours will only respond from those addresses. this also means that there's one less CNAME redirect for stuff to process (i.e. what was oc.cil.li -> ocf.theender.net -> ayiana.theender.net -> addresses is now just oc.cil.li -> ocf.theender.net -> addresses)
L111[12:23:06] <Lizzy> also the reason that the ocf.theender.net record exists, is so that i can move the forums around on my stuff without having to poke sangar to update records on their dns
L112[12:26:35] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E52919B7BC0CE67294F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L113[12:26:35] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L114[12:59:58] <Lizzy> may have broken the forums
L115[13:00:16] <Forecaster> oh dear
L116[13:01:25] <Lizzy> and it's back
L117[13:01:35] <Lizzy> for some reason, it can't communicate on tls 1.3
L118[13:02:03] <Lizzy> yet it's 1.15.6
L119[13:04:51] <Lizzy> oh
L120[13:05:00] <Lizzy> openssl is outdated... or something
L121[13:06:12] <Lizzy> well, looks like i'll be spinning up a new webserver vm at some point
L122[13:06:38] <Lizzy> the forums are up for now, though anything that doesn't support TLSv1.2 wont be able to connect anymore
L123[13:06:46] <Lizzy> I should probably make an announcement about that
L124[13:09:39] <Kleadron> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/320304134685196288/520674218430562304/UNIT.JPG
L125[13:24:27] <Lizzy> there, announcement made
L126[13:24:33] <Lizzy> now i;ma go cook pizza
L127[13:46:19] <Inari> Lizzy: cook? D:
L128[13:46:42] <Lizzy> cook/heatup/whatever
L129[13:47:49] <Inari> bake!
L130[13:51:46] <Forecaster> incinerate!
L131[13:51:48] <Forecaster> wait
L132[15:00:21] <ZefTheFox> Day 2 without internet
L133[15:51:41] * Michiyo sighs
L134[15:51:46] <Michiyo> I see lookup is still broken...
L135[15:51:54] <Michiyo> but only on Eos cause it works fine in dev for me ._.
L136[15:52:20] <Lizzy> it might have been me breaking the dns stuff earlier
L137[15:52:40] <Lizzy> bind doesn't like there being both a CNAME and an A/AAAA record for a host
L138[15:52:47] <Lizzy> %lookup oc.cil.li AAAA
L139[15:52:48] <MichiBot> ERROR: No DNS record for 'oc.cil.li'
L140[15:52:49] <MichiBot> DNS server failure [response code 2] Resolved: Unresolved: oc.cil.li
L141[15:52:53] <Lizzy> or... nvm
L142[15:54:36] <AmandaC> ........
L143[15:54:44] <AmandaC> Gods damn, I need to stop reading these smutty stories
L144[15:55:05] <AmandaC> Even if the character interaction is interesting to read, it taints my mind.
L145[15:55:13] <Lizzy> ?
L146[15:55:25] <AmandaC> Due to a tiny speck on my screen I completely mis-read Inari's second-to-last line.
L147[15:55:50] <Inari> ?
L148[15:56:12] <Lizzy> ah...
L149[15:57:10] <AmandaC> Inari: here, this'll help:
L150[15:57:18] <AmandaC> s/cook/cock/
L151[15:57:18] <MichiBot> <Lizzy> cock/heatup/whatever
L152[15:57:22] <AmandaC> ... or not
L153[15:57:24] <AmandaC> oh well
L154[15:57:30] <Inari> xD
L155[15:57:44] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L156[15:57:46] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with meth. 2 health gained!
L157[15:58:05] <AmandaC> The only thing that made me second guess the mis-reading was that you'd never do a D: face for that word. :P
L158[15:58:22] <Lizzy> hah
L159[15:59:02] <Inari> I mean, I prefer the word penis generally. I don't ilke using "cock" :P
L160[16:47:36] ⇦ Quits: Lymia (Lymia!~lymia@2600:3c00::43:8000) (Quit: Hugs~ <3)
L161[16:48:42] ⇨ Joins: Lymia (Lymia!~lymia@2600:3c00::43:8000)
L162[16:50:24] <ZefTheFox> Well I just got suspended from reddit for 3 days
L163[16:51:09] <Skye> O_O
L164[16:55:14] <ZefTheFox> For "abusing the report button"
L165[17:01:24] <AmandaC> Reddit feels like a forever-ongoing instance of that one stanford prison experiment.
L166[17:02:28] <ZefTheFox> It's not an *awful* site, just they tend to do stuff against the interest of the users
L167[17:02:36] <AmandaC> I've heard almost nothing but bad things about the mods of most subreddits.
L168[17:03:12] <AmandaC> ( No offence to any in here, just what escapes the bubble of reddit into my sphere isn't usually postive )
L169[17:03:53] <ZefTheFox> Mods tend to get power hungry
L170[17:05:07] <AmandaC> ( The experiment I'm referencing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment )
L171[17:07:49] <AmandaC> %choose veg out to halucinations or other
L172[17:07:49] <MichiBot> AmandaC: Once you get a taste of veg out to halucinations you can't stop.
L173[17:08:14] <AmandaC> right, let's hope this doesn't lead to me coming up for air at 0200 again
L174[17:20:59] ⇦ Quits: ety (ety!~ety@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L175[17:23:47] ⇨ Joins: TheGaminAutomyst (TheGaminAutomyst!~thegamina@
L176[17:24:02] <TheGaminAutomyst> how do i make a drone print to the screen
L177[17:26:16] <Skye> I don't think they can do that?
L178[17:26:54] <TheGaminAutomyst> they can't?
L179[17:27:15] <TheGaminAutomyst> it has a small screen
L180[17:28:32] <Skye> oh... uh...
L181[17:28:34] <Skye> er
L182[17:30:15] <Skye> hmm... let me check the docs...
L183[17:37:37] ⇨ Joins: ilogix (ilogix!webchat@p5B07F47E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L184[17:37:40] <ilogix> hey there
L185[17:39:21] <Bob> henoo
L186[17:39:23] <Bob> lo
L187[17:39:51] <ilogix> huh, people reacting here
L188[17:40:21] <ilogix> looking for some cool programs on the forum currently, already using the draconic energy core screening stuff :) very cool
L189[17:40:57] <Skye> TheGaminAutomyst, https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:drone setSatusText("message here")
L190[17:41:29] <ilogix> i wonder, is there any way to display items in opencomputers? i want to build a shop with screens to show items and stuff
L191[17:41:34] <TheGaminAutomyst> yes i saw that
L192[17:41:48] <Skye> that's all you can do with drones
L193[17:42:45] <Bob> You can
L194[17:42:53] <Bob> You just need some lua skill
L195[17:43:11] <ilogix> hmm
L196[17:43:13] <ilogix> im more into c# :>
L197[17:44:33] <Bob> :GWczeHowdy:
L198[17:44:53] <Bob> I think there's a python addon for OC
L199[17:45:02] <Bob> But unsure about C#
L200[17:46:08] <ilogix> well, im playing on an online server, so no addons :D
L201[17:56:14] ⇦ Quits: TheGaminAutomyst (TheGaminAutomyst!~thegamina@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L202[18:37:27] ⇦ Quits: ilogix (ilogix!webchat@p5B07F47E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L206[19:25:45] <Bob> same but i'm an admin and uodate mods so lmao
L207[19:26:10] <Bob> well i dont think lua should be that hard
L208[19:27:57] <Z0idburg> uh
L209[19:28:27] <Z0idburg> I hope C# gets thrown in the trash
L210[19:28:28] <Z0idburg> ?
L211[19:32:35] <Z0idburg> b
L212[19:38:13] ⇦ Quits: erratic (erratic!erratic@shells.yourstruly.sx) (Quit: this computer has gone to sleep...)
L213[19:45:51] <CompanionCube> C# likely isn't a plausible language for OC
L214[19:50:07] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity_ (MajGenRelativity_!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
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L216[19:51:17] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E4CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L217[19:51:47] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (MajGenRelativity!~MajGenRel@c-73-123-203-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L218[19:52:49] <MGR> MGR is Inari alt confirmed
L219[19:58:15] ⇦ Quits: ATMunn (ATMunn!ATMunn@hellomouse.net) (Quit: lol rip)
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L221[20:28:59] ⇦ Quits: Inari|2 (Inari|2!~Pinkishu@p4FC1E4CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
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L223[21:28:47] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L224[21:29:20] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-181.nctv.com)
L225[22:07:06] <AmandaC> Am I weird for being able to fairly easily mentally "transpire" different languages and their respective ways of working? It seems weird to me how often people are like "cc/oc uses Lua? Why not (wildly impractical language)?"
L226[22:07:19] <AmandaC> Transpile*
L227[22:08:49] <CompanionCube> AmandaC: i think it depends on the type of language
L228[22:09:18] <AmandaC> Why though, a lot of concepts are rather interchangable.
L229[22:09:21] <MichiBot> Izaya REMINDER: document IRC, mumble and XMPP
L230[22:09:27] <Izaya> right
L231[22:09:50] <AmandaC> Granted I've never tried anything like Haskell or other heavily functional languages
L232[22:11:20] <AmandaC> Well, other than copy-pasting blobs for an xmonad config a long, long time ago
L233[22:12:07] <AmandaC> Anyway, just popped in before sleep too check in, night nerds
L234[22:33:04] <ZefTheFox> One thing that's a major difference between languages is objects
L235[22:33:10] <ZefTheFox> I honestly don't get then
L236[22:34:13] ⇦ Quits: logan2611 (logan2611!~logan2611@71-218-33-235.hlrn.qwest.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L238[23:30:50] <RobotPigeon> As long as a language is mostly OOP or can be used in a kinda-oop way than Ill understand it
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