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L1[00:02:58] <Izaya> KOS NEO can do multiscreen on one GPU also
L2[00:04:55] <Izaya> M.2 is PCI-e right?
L3[00:05:06] <Izaya> Why not have M.2 GPUs?
L4[00:06:36] <ben_mkiv> beesnees2, any progress on your item flow visualization?
L5[00:13:09] <beesnees2> haven't started it
L6[00:13:23] <beesnees2> but I have all the necessary infrastructure
L7[00:13:30] <beesnees2> to do all sorts of stupid shit
L8[00:14:16] <ben_mkiv> xD
L9[00:14:40] <FLORANA> is a navigation upgrade needed for a drone?
L10[00:15:02] <FLORANA> my friend is making a drone and was asking me and i'm like... idk
L11[00:15:44] <ben_mkiv> not required
L12[00:15:56] <ben_mkiv> if he would need it he would know
L13[00:16:04] <beesnees2> hmm, I think I might need to add more transposers to handle 6 quarries
L14[00:16:16] <beesnees2> I currently have 3 transposers, 3 computers
L15[00:16:42] <beesnees2> and introducing 4 more quarries plugged it up, although it's still going through just fine
L16[00:16:58] <ben_mkiv> get into java :P
L17[00:17:07] <ben_mkiv> make an oc addon which adds one block "itemcounter"
L18[00:17:18] <beesnees2> I think the transposer is good enough
L19[00:17:20] <beesnees2> it's balanced
L20[00:17:21] <ben_mkiv> which works like a hopper but with internal cache what went through
L21[00:17:22] <ben_mkiv> xD
L22[00:17:25] <beesnees2> if you want extreme tracking
L23[00:17:32] <beesnees2> you write the code to do it efficiently
L24[00:17:41] <beesnees2> ...and then copy it to 10 computers
L25[00:18:31] ⇨ Joins: FuriousRedstoner (FuriousRedstoner!~furiousre@mon20.bisecthosting.com)
L26[00:18:56] <FLORANA> yes it works ;p (talking over VC)
L27[00:20:52] <FuriousRedstoner> whats the navigation upgrade used for? ... like how would it be useful?
L28[00:21:40] <beesnees2> FuriousRedstoner: see the docs https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:navigation
L29[00:22:09] <ben_mkiv> to get the offset to waypoint blocks
L30[00:22:09] <FLORANA> why don't links work over OC?
L31[00:22:28] <beesnees2> because then you can have real world phishing attacks, in minecraft
L32[00:22:34] <beesnees2> :P
L33[00:22:41] <FLORANA> what?
L34[00:22:59] <beesnees2> http://www.5z8.info/hot-older-goats.mov_x4l8fw_ip-stealer
L35[00:23:00] <FLORANA> i mean minecraft already does the link system via chat, so why not doing it in OC?
L36[00:23:14] <beesnees2> http://shadyurl.com/
L37[00:23:45] <beesnees2> http://www.5z8.info/backyard-fireworks-disasters_g2s0xh_worm.exe
L38[00:23:55] <FLORANA> ...
L39[00:26:48] <Kodos> %ban beesnees2
L40[00:26:49] <MichiBot> Kodos: https://puu.sh/wcAfp/88d6812d79.gif
L41[00:27:01] <Kodos> wat
L42[00:27:50] ⇦ Quits: FuriousRedstoner (FuriousRedstoner!~furiousre@mon20.bisecthosting.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L43[00:27:53] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (Kodos!~Kodos@
L44[00:27:53] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L45[00:28:58] <beesnees2> protip don't use puu.sh if you want your images to stay on the internet
L46[00:29:21] <Kodos> I use puush, but have mine set to save a local copy
L47[00:33:07] <Mimiru> what was that even supposed to do..?
L48[00:33:24] <Mimiru> Also, shadyurl is funny, the first couple of times..
L49[00:33:31] <Mimiru> then it just gets fucking annoying.
L50[00:39:34] <beesnees2> 23:33 <@Mimiru> what was that even supposed to do..?
L51[00:39:39] <beesnees2> demonstrate a phishing attack
L52[00:39:43] <Mimiru> ....
L53[00:39:52] <Mimiru> No the fucking puush the bot posted but thanks
L54[00:40:16] <beesnees2> I can't view that page
L55[00:40:24] <beesnees2> "That puush could not be found."
L56[00:40:27] * Mimiru facedesks
L57[00:43:44] <Mimiru> %delcommand ban
L58[00:43:45] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Command deleted
L59[00:43:48] * Mimiru sighs
L60[00:45:23] <Kodos> Wonder who added a ban command with a gif link
L61[00:45:40] ⇨ Joins: FuriousRedstoner (FuriousRedstoner!~furiousre@mon20.bisecthosting.com)
L62[00:45:44] <beesnees2> lol
L63[00:45:53] <FuriousRedstoner> how do i pickup my drone?
L64[00:46:00] <beesnees2> FuriousRedstoner: with the scrench
L65[00:46:37] <FLORANA> scrench?
L66[00:46:44] <beesnees2> the scrench.
L67[00:46:45] <FLORANA> never heard of that item
L68[00:46:51] <beesnees2> https://ocdoc.cil.li/item:scrench
L69[01:00:08] <payonel> Izaya: :P openos boots with 130 used, and all libs loaded is probably at about 250k or a bit more
L70[01:00:47] <payonel> Izaya: and i have no known memory leaks. but definitely, if you know or hear of one, tell me
L71[01:00:56] <fingercomp> @Kodos `2017-06-06 21:51:51 @NotMichiyo %addcommand ban https://puu.sh/wcAfp/88d6812d79.gif`
L72[01:01:06] <Izaya> payonel: memory leaks are more likely in user programs
L73[01:01:35] <payonel> that, definitely :)
L74[01:02:04] <payonel> Mimiru: hey
L75[01:02:16] <FLORANA> how big are EEPROMs?
L76[01:02:20] <payonel> 4k?
L77[01:02:22] <Izaya> 4096 bytes
L78[01:02:23] <payonel> wild guess
L79[01:02:27] <payonel> woo!
L80[01:02:28] <FLORANA> huh...
L81[01:02:33] <FuriousRedstoner> how do I program the EEPROM for the drone?
L82[01:03:10] <payonel> i bet programming a drone can be fun with Izaya's minitel
L83[01:03:18] <payonel> at least for testing
L84[01:03:27] <Kodos> Normally, you'd write your EEPROM code to a file, and then just flash it
L85[01:03:39] <Kodos> (Using a computer)
L86[01:03:58] <payonel> FuriousRedstoner: you can remove your computer eeprom while it is running, and swap in the eeprom you intend to flash with your drone program
L87[01:04:39] <Izaya> payonel: I did a thing with that a bit ago
L88[01:04:58] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/dhucnc.webm
L89[01:05:49] <FLORANA> question the drop console screen, can you accualy have it print text?
L90[01:05:50] <Izaya> I wanted a redstone control protocol but just redstone would be dull so I made a protocol for setting/getting arbitrary values and if the value already exists and is a function it runs the function
L91[01:05:51] <Mimiru> NotMichiyo Yeah, so not me.. got it
L92[01:05:52] <Mimiru> :D
L93[01:05:54] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-71-202-22-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L94[01:05:59] <FLORANA> *drone not drop
L95[01:06:05] <Mimiru> Hi payonel
L96[01:06:14] <FuriousRedstoner> it says no bootable medium found
L97[01:06:29] <FLORANA> cuz you used the LUA EEPROM
L98[01:06:29] <MichiBot> It's Lua, not LUA. Name not an acronym.
L99[01:06:45] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-71-202-22-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L100[01:06:50] <FLORANA> who cares if it's in all caps or not?
L101[01:06:54] <FLORANA> it's still lua
L102[01:06:56] <Kodos> We do
L103[01:06:58] <fingercomp> the bot does.
L104[01:07:09] <FLORANA> ya all bots on discord ;p
L105[01:07:22] <FLORANA> cuz embeds
L106[01:07:34] <Izaya> you're all discord plebs
L107[01:07:41] <Izaya> :)
L108[01:08:03] <Izaya> fingercomp: good replies to that guy complaining about OC having limitations
L109[01:08:43] <Kodos> I'm more limited in OC by my lack of imagination than OC lacking any features tbh
L110[01:09:11] <ben_mkiv> im just way to lazy to get stuff done
L111[01:09:13] <ben_mkiv> xD
L112[01:09:38] <FLORANA> um... but can you accualy have the drone print text on the console screen?
L113[01:09:56] <ben_mkiv> so most of my scripts end like 80% done when i decide to do another thing
L114[01:09:56] <Kodos> On the drone's screen? Yes
L115[01:10:00] <Kodos> ~w drone
L116[01:10:00] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:drone
L117[01:10:16] <Kodos> errr right, robots have screens, not drones
L118[01:10:23] <Kodos> What do you mean console screen
L119[01:10:26] <ben_mkiv> drones can display text, too
L120[01:10:33] <Kodos> Oh, so they can
L121[01:10:34] <FLORANA> the black bot on the top left
L122[01:10:38] <FLORANA> *box
L123[01:10:43] <Kodos> set/getStatusText
L124[01:11:00] <Kodos> set will return the new value
L125[01:11:14] <FuriousRedstoner> how do I write the bios to a file
L126[01:11:29] <Kodos> run `flash` in the shell without arguments to get instructions
L127[01:11:34] <Kodos> I believe
L128[01:11:45] <FLORANA> he doesn't know how to make the file
L129[01:12:23] <beesnees2> gonna double my transposing
L130[01:12:30] <FuriousRedstoner> I've written it
L131[01:12:33] <beesnees2> transpose all the items
L132[01:15:08] <payonel> LUA
L133[01:15:08] <MichiBot> Lua*
L134[01:15:11] <Kodos> You flash the file to the eeprom using the flash program
L135[01:15:15] * payonel hugs MichiBot
L136[01:15:25] <payonel> or, cp/write to /dev/eeprom
L137[01:15:29] <Kodos> Oooooh Stationeers added klaxons
L138[01:15:32] <Izaya> michibot second-best bot
L139[01:15:52] <Forecaster> %loot
L140[01:15:53] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a broken .png.
L141[01:16:06] <Izaya> I bought a motorcycle jacket and organised with the CT110 seller today
L142[01:16:12] <Izaya> gonna check it out on wednesday
L143[01:16:23] <Izaya> e x c i t i n g
L144[01:19:22] <FuriousRedstoner> am I flashing the bios onto a normal EEPROM?
L145[01:19:40] <Kodos> Yes
L146[01:19:41] <beesnees2> any eeprom
L147[01:19:42] <beesnees2> it will wipe it
L148[01:19:48] <beesnees2> well, it might not wipe the label
L149[01:19:50] <Kodos> Just don't use your OS BIOS because it'll erase it
L150[01:20:30] <ben_mkiv> and when you put the eeprom + drone in craftingtable it adds the new eeprom and gives you back the old one
L151[01:21:00] <ben_mkiv> so you can assemble the drone with any eeprom
L152[01:21:05] <ben_mkiv> even an empty one
L153[01:21:47] <beesnees2> OC should really just have an EEPROM programmer block to have multiple EEPROMs plugged into one computer
L154[01:21:58] <beesnees2> give it a fancy animation where a small chip gets lowered into a socket
L155[01:22:34] <payonel> or an eeprom reader, it's like a floppy disk :)
L156[01:22:44] <payonel> you put the eeprom into it, then it into a disk drive
L157[01:22:46] <payonel> viola!
L158[01:22:52] * payonel is kidding
L159[01:23:41] <Kodos> OpenSecurity's Card writer block lets you write to EEPROMs
L160[01:23:43] ⇦ Quits: FuriousRedstoner (FuriousRedstoner!~furiousre@mon20.bisecthosting.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L161[01:23:50] <Kodos> Even makes it so that you get 8k instead of 4k
L162[01:23:52] <beesnees2> payonel: do this, but in OC https://i.imgur.com/BpcYEc1.jpg
L163[01:24:07] <FuriousRedstoner> it's still saying no bootable medium found and its component name is computer
L164[01:24:20] <payonel> beesnees2: ... golly
L165[01:24:25] <Kodos> Then you've not written your BIOS properly. Let's see your drone code
L166[01:24:31] <Kodos> Pastebin is preferred
L167[01:24:35] <Kodos> Or Github/Gist
L168[01:25:03] <FLORANA> most likely he's just using the Lua BIOS
L169[01:25:16] <Mimiru> how about gitlab snippet with a broken ssl cert? :P
L170[01:25:23] <payonel> @furiousredstoner "no bootable medium found" is SPECIFICALLY an error message i print from your Lua EEPROM
L171[01:25:23] <Izaya> beesnees2: the scary part is that that worked
L172[01:25:42] <ben_mkiv> xD
L173[01:25:45] <payonel> @furiousredstoner thus -- you are likely using the default Lua EEPROM, and not your custom code
L174[01:25:48] <ben_mkiv> no way that worked
L175[01:25:54] <Mimiru> ^
L176[01:26:23] <FLORANA> ... he's uploading then reading this
L177[01:26:24] <beesnees2> always wondered how tiny adapters like that work
L178[01:26:27] <ben_mkiv> but maybe usb had power? dunno if all those ports have 5v
L179[01:26:31] <beesnees2> too lazy to research it
L180[01:26:45] <beesnees2> surely you can't just rearrange a few wires
L181[01:27:05] <FuriousRedstoner> https://pastebin.com/Edq6vBM9
L182[01:27:27] <payonel> that's just the default Lua EEPROM code
L183[01:27:43] <payonel> not sure what else you'd expect to happen with that on a drone
L184[01:27:45] <FLORANA> i told him
L185[01:27:46] <beesnees2> yeah can't run that on a drone
L186[01:27:50] <FuriousRedstoner> so how do i change it then
L187[01:27:53] <FLORANA> and he didn't want to listen
L188[01:27:58] <beesnees2> using a text editor
L189[01:28:16] * payonel gives FLORANA a patience brownie
L190[01:28:23] <FLORANA> X3
L191[01:28:36] <FuriousRedstoner> so....how do i program it for a drone?
L192[01:28:51] <payonel> FuriousRedstoner, put it in a computer running openos
L193[01:28:55] <payonel> then: edit /dev/eeprom
L194[01:29:17] <FLORANA> thats raw editing X3
L195[01:29:19] <beesnees2> oh I know what OC should do
L196[01:29:22] <beesnees2> in order to wipe eeproms
L197[01:29:29] <beesnees2> you have to expose them to sunlight for a while
L198[01:29:42] <beesnees2> or use ultraviolet oven thingy
L199[01:29:49] <beesnees2> idk
L200[01:29:55] <Izaya> Eh
L201[01:30:04] <Izaya> They're EEPROMs, not EPROMs
L202[01:30:05] <FuriousRedstoner> but what I'm I changing to make it usable for drones?
L203[01:30:17] <Izaya> Everything.
L204[01:30:26] <payonel> FuriousRedstoner: what do you want your drone to do?
L205[01:30:27] <FuriousRedstoner> but what am I changing to make it usable for drones? [Edited]
L206[01:30:53] <FLORANA> most likely what ever dumb think he can think of XD
L207[01:30:59] <Kodos> Oi
L208[01:31:00] <Kodos> Be nice
L209[01:31:04] <payonel> Mimiru: i tried reasonably hard to get hexchat 14 (i'm on 12) on ubuntu 16
L210[01:31:13] <payonel> Mimiru: the universe reaaaallly doesn't want that to happen
L211[01:31:25] <beesnees2> @FuriousRedstoner what are you expecting to be able to do
L212[01:31:33] <payonel> FLORANA: i dont appreciate that
L213[01:31:35] <beesnees2> you need to grab the drone component's api
L214[01:31:37] <FLORANA> A: we know each other
L215[01:31:41] <beesnees2> and start doing drone stuff
L216[01:31:49] <Kodos> B: We still have rules
L217[01:31:51] <FLORANA> B: i belive what ever he wasnts
L218[01:31:55] <FLORANA> where?
L219[01:32:03] <Kodos> On the forums
L220[01:32:07] <FLORANA> oh right
L221[01:32:10] <payonel> basic irc etiquette, for one thing
L222[01:32:12] <Izaya> ^
L223[01:32:12] <Izaya> Under the IRC section
L224[01:32:39] <FLORANA> i forgot about the fourm rules
L225[01:32:49] <FuriousRedstoner> i want the drone to do whatever i want? .... i dont really know what it can do
L226[01:33:03] <Kodos> I believe Sangar did a sorting system using a drone and waypoints
L227[01:33:05] <payonel> anyways, FuriousRedstoner: to be frank, drones are not novice devices at all, in oc
L228[01:33:11] <FLORANA> (see)
L229[01:33:12] <Izaya> I'd love to totally rip apart some people sometimes but it's not allowed... so sad :D
L230[01:33:29] <payonel> perhaps oc should provide some type of basic drone remote controller loot disk :)
L231[01:33:35] <payonel> Izaya: make that ^
L232[01:33:41] <Kodos> Sure, write it and we'll PR it
L233[01:33:53] <FLORANA> whats `PR`?
L234[01:33:59] <payonel> pull request, github
L235[01:34:00] <Izaya> I'll uh
L236[01:34:01] <FuriousRedstoner> so drones has to be manually programmed to do a specific purpose only?
L237[01:34:03] <FLORANA> oh
L238[01:34:05] <Izaya> I'll look into it
L239[01:34:08] <Kodos> I'd like to see an upgrade that lets us see as if we were the drone
L240[01:34:16] <beesnees2> I had bugs with the drones that just made no sense
L241[01:34:21] <Kodos> They have to be programmed for whatever you want them to do
L242[01:34:25] <Izaya> All computers have to be programmed to do a specific thing
L243[01:34:33] <Izaya> See: the computer you're using now
L244[01:34:37] <payonel> furiousredstoner: yes, they have to be programmed for specific tasks
L245[01:34:46] <beesnees2> could not get a drone to use an item, or pick up items from the world
L246[01:34:47] <payonel> furiousredstoner: robots are easier to mess with
L247[01:34:50] <beesnees2> everything else works fine
L248[01:35:00] <beesnees2> robots will work just fine for most tasks
L249[01:35:02] <FLORANA> i'm just going to point this out me and him know every little to nothing about BIOS programming XD
L250[01:35:14] <Kodos> Use a tractor beam for picking up items with a drone. Not sure if they can use items
L251[01:35:21] <ben_mkiv> wait i might have my drone control on github
L252[01:35:43] <Izaya> Also, >needing waypoints for drone navigation
L253[01:36:09] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1534660379847.jpg
L254[01:36:55] <ben_mkiv> https://github.com/ben-mkiv/oc-lua/blob/master/src/networkBios/networkBios.lua
L255[01:37:02] <ben_mkiv> https://github.com/ben-mkiv/oc-lua/tree/master/src/networkBiosClient/usr
L256[01:37:03] <Kodos> I definitely need a haircut this week
L257[01:37:12] <payonel> i got mine today
L258[01:37:28] <FuriousRedstoner> i thought drones could be programmed by commands like
L259[01:37:29] <FuriousRedstoner> `drone.FlyUp()` or `drone.Land()` or something
L260[01:37:36] <Kodos> You want robots, sounds like
L261[01:37:58] <beesnees2> @FuriousRedstoner read the docs
L262[01:38:00] <Mimiru> I go to Arkansas to pickup my family the 1st :D
L263[01:38:03] <beesnees2> https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:drone
L264[01:38:11] <payonel> Mimiru: nice! congrats!
L265[01:38:19] <Mimiru> I'm stupid excited to see my girls :D
L266[01:38:21] <Mimiru> Thanks
L267[01:38:26] <beesnees2> there's a lot of overlap in the drone and robot api https://ocdoc.cil.li/api:robot
L268[01:39:00] <beesnees2> drones are faster but more limited
L269[01:39:27] <payonel> Mimiru: new place now?
L270[01:39:40] <payonel> i suspect i owe you a house warming gift :)
L271[01:40:29] <Mimiru> Sadly our move in date is ALSO the 31st... but we're getting access to the garage the 29th so we can move our stuff in and then leave that afternoon
L272[01:41:01] <Mimiru> basically throw everything in the garage, and hit the road.. lol
L273[01:42:33] <payonel> well, ping me if you need someone to help throw things
L274[01:42:43] <payonel> my family will be out of town, i'll be on my own that weekend
L275[01:43:08] <Kodos> You're on the wrong hemisphere of OR for me to help or I would, too
L276[02:04:15] <Izaya> it occurs to me that there is a large space behind my monitors
L277[02:04:20] <Izaya> I should shove my desktop back there
L278[02:29:25] <Izaya> oh hey
L279[02:29:31] <Izaya> those low profile radeon brackets arrived
L280[02:29:45] <Izaya> now I can stick these 8390s into SFF machines
L281[02:38:42] ⇨ Joins: Luca (Luca!~quassel@net84-253-130-125.mclink.it)
L282[02:57:30] <Kleadron> i revived my windows vista laptop by disabling windows update
L283[02:57:49] <Kleadron> it was eating up all the gigabytes of ram
L284[02:58:08] <Kleadron> in fact im typing from it and now the experience is great
L285[02:58:21] <Izaya> http://www.os2museum.com/wp/three-weeks/
L286[02:58:25] <Izaya> relevant
L287[02:58:50] <Izaya> apparently it would've completed if you left it running for a few months
L288[03:00:37] <Kleadron> lol
L289[03:01:20] <Izaya> in addition
L290[03:02:01] <Izaya> this is the only time I've heard of Windows Update being out of control that isn't related to Windows 10 since 2015 or so
L291[03:02:14] <Izaya> so that's a nice change
L292[03:12:23] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-71-202-22-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L293[03:22:37] <Izaya> I do not understand how people use WYSIWYG programs
L294[03:23:27] <ben_mkiv> i do
L295[03:23:34] <Izaya> they cannot handle images
L296[03:23:36] <Izaya> at all
L297[03:23:37] <ben_mkiv> they dont have any choice
L298[03:23:41] <Izaya> in any way, shape or form
L299[03:23:48] <Izaya> this is impossible
L300[03:24:03] <ben_mkiv> and i think the time where IE has its own way of interpreting stuff are over?!
L301[03:24:17] <Izaya> well of course
L302[03:24:24] <Izaya> it's now Edge's own way of interpreting stuff
L303[03:24:35] <ben_mkiv> isnt that what the quirks mode is for? xD
L304[03:24:45] <Izaya> except it doesn't do it as well as IE
L305[03:24:45] <ben_mkiv> like "fall back to old nasty behaviour" xD
L306[03:24:50] <Izaya> because they removed the old nasty behavior
L307[03:25:10] <Izaya> tfw Edge is worse IE
L308[03:25:23] <Izaya> because it doesn't even have compatibility with legacy sites going for it
L309[03:25:25] <ben_mkiv> but i havent done web stuff for 10 years now, so idk what problems webdevs have nowadays
L310[03:25:40] <Izaya> I am just a simple sysadmin
L311[03:25:51] <Izaya> please keep your webdev stuff at least 100m away from my person
L312[03:26:45] <Izaya> just in case whatever it has is contagious
L313[03:26:46] <ben_mkiv> i dont want to know how much IE affected my nerves
L314[03:26:50] <ben_mkiv> but pretty sure it did a lot of damage
L315[03:27:15] <Izaya> I want a mouse with horizontal scroll again :<
L316[03:27:44] <ben_mkiv> oh my mouse can do that
L317[03:27:47] <ben_mkiv> didnt even know until now
L318[03:27:48] <ben_mkiv> xD
L319[03:28:07] <Izaya> I wonder which $15 chinese mice have horizontal scroll
L320[03:28:32] <ben_mkiv> logitech "made in china"
L321[03:28:37] <ben_mkiv> :>
L322[03:29:09] <Izaya> unfortunately they'll all have RGB LEDs
L323[03:29:14] <ben_mkiv> logitech mx400
L324[03:29:19] <ben_mkiv> shouldnt cost more than $20
L325[03:29:20] <Izaya> but you can't really make much choice for $15
L326[03:29:30] <Izaya> is it a gaymer mouse
L327[03:29:38] <ben_mkiv> no
L328[03:29:58] <ben_mkiv> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/414JW4M5E0L._SY355_.jpg
L329[03:30:07] <Izaya> 87USD
L330[03:30:11] <ben_mkiv> what?
L331[03:30:17] <Izaya> 120AUD
L332[03:30:24] <Izaya> https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-MX400-Performance-Laser-Mouse/dp/B000F1O0X2
L333[03:30:47] <ben_mkiv> what the... im sure i havent paid more than 30� for it
L334[03:31:01] <Izaya> I'm using a very old MX518 atm
L335[03:31:06] <Izaya> no horizontal scroll
L336[03:31:10] <ben_mkiv> but its an old model so the pricing might not be accurate
L337[03:32:02] <ben_mkiv> https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Corded-Mouse-Hyper-Fast-Scroll/dp/B002B3YCQM/ref=pd_sbs_147_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B002B3YCQM&pd_rd_r=24cd51a3-a38a-11e8-8a11-3342f9a62d4f&pd_rd_w=zmdZU&pd_rd_wg=OfHh2&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=ebf3f80b-3878-4fb9-8381-bbec92f92693&pf_rd_r=3H21NKPC057R0BE5GENX&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&psc=1&refRID=3H21NKPC057R0BE5GENX
L338[03:32:30] <ben_mkiv> maybe its this one, not sure
L339[03:32:46] <ben_mkiv> im just allways getting logitech with this shape as i never have any pain in my arms/hands of those
L340[03:33:33] <Izaya> was thinking more like https://www.banggood.com/-p-1150228.html
L341[03:33:36] <Izaya> 10AUD shipped
L342[03:33:44] <Izaya> rather than 25AUD plus shipping
L343[03:33:50] <ben_mkiv> ewww
L344[03:33:57] <Izaya> just an example
L345[03:34:00] <Izaya> it's ugly as fuck
L346[03:34:12] <Izaya> but there's about 900000 different ones for ~$10
L347[03:34:26] <Izaya> of course, I can't afford any right now :D
L348[03:34:52] <Izaya> I blew $150 on a proper protective motorcycle jacket today
L349[03:34:54] <Izaya> (ow)
L350[03:35:20] <ben_mkiv> well, more important if you drive a bike
L351[03:36:12] * Izaya nods
L352[03:36:19] <Izaya> speaking of, that's going to be $1200
L353[03:36:23] <Izaya> (oww)
L354[03:46:20] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FE91A8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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L356[05:10:21] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L358[06:13:24] <Wuerfel_21> oi, i released a more or less finished, working thing. A rare occurence. http://wiibrew.org/wiki/OutRun_(Cannonball_engine)
L359[06:15:00] <Izaya> nice?
L360[06:15:54] <Wuerfel_21> indeed yes.
L361[08:41:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107242F1981D30DAF4AB484FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L362[08:55:13] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L364[09:08:13] <AmandaC> https://imgur.com/gallery/MqjyTdy
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L368[11:11:22] <Luca> Hi, if whoever manages the OpenPrograms organization on github is currently online, I would like to request a repo for Luca0208 Thanks :D
L369[11:13:43] <Forecaster> you want Vexatos
L370[11:14:10] <Forecaster> have you done what the instructions tell you?
L371[11:19:36] <Forecaster> ^ Luca
L372[11:20:33] <Forecaster> %loot
L373[11:20:33] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains a paper crane.
L374[11:21:35] <Luca> Corded: Which instructions? I've seen the forum post it just says to ask :)
L375[11:21:48] <Luca> Forecaster: ^
L376[11:23:25] <Forecaster> you need a github repo with a config in it
L377[11:23:53] <Forecaster> https://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:program:oppm
L378[11:25:52] <Luca> Ok I will do that, gimme a second
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L380[11:39:34] <Luca> Forecaster: https://github.com/Luca0208/Luca0208-Programs.git
L381[12:14:02] <Forecaster> you still wanna poke vex with that though
L382[12:16:49] <Luca> Vexatos: Could you add my repo to OpenPrograms https://github.com/Luca0208/Luca0208-Programs.git. Thanks :)
L383[12:17:50] <Vexatos> biggest problem right now with officially registering repos is that with each repo that I add, the OPPM load times get slower
L384[12:19:29] <Forecaster> unofficially register them, easy
L385[12:19:36] <Vexatos> well that requires a command
L386[12:19:40] <Vexatos> in this case >oppm register Luca0208/Luca0208-Programs
L387[12:29:58] <Kleadron> `@everyone` poke
L388[12:32:22] <Wuerfel_21> maybe have a central index file that lists all the packages and where to find them.
L389[12:32:58] <Wuerfel_21> have it update from a commit webhook that is set on all registered repos
L390[12:36:00] <Wuerfel_21> gitlab's CI/CD stuff seems like it'd do the job
L391[12:50:52] <Inari> Does Github have commit webhooks
L392[12:51:14] <Wuerfel_21> yes, i am pretty sure
L393[12:51:40] ⇦ Quits: raddishjoke (raddishjoke!~raddishjo@c-98-193-32-219.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L394[12:52:03] <AmandaC> They've got several webhooks
L395[12:52:15] <AmandaC> oh wait, github, not gitlab
L396[12:52:37] <AmandaC> We use several webhooks for pushing alerts to our ops channel with our gitlab instance
L397[12:53:39] <AmandaC> eg: https://nc.ddna.co/index.php/s/GTDEjGNKXx3FqSm
L398[13:14:47] <Luca> I just checked, github supports push webhooks
L399[13:18:24] <Luca> It seems like you can even add a push webhook to a whole organisation, which would probably be the best in this case, all OpenPrograms Repo configs could be merged into one big which then gets included in oppm
L400[13:21:54] <Vexatos> how about no
L401[13:23:11] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FE91A8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L402[13:23:35] <Wuerfel_21> why not? reducing oppm load times at basically zero cost?
L403[13:23:40] <fingercomp> repos.cfg also contains repositories outside the OpenPrograms organization
L404[13:23:59] <Vexatos> >zero cost
L405[13:24:02] <Wuerfel_21> those would have to manually setup a webhook
L406[13:24:06] * Vexatos points at https://github.com/julialang/METADATA.jl
L407[13:24:29] <Vexatos> good thing this garbage is being phased out
L408[13:27:08] <Luca> fingercomp: Couldn't you keep the outside ones in there until they set up a webhook and then have a central cfg file for all OpenPrograms repos? After that only allow new repos inside the OpenPrograms org
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L411[13:28:42] <Wuerfel_21> or just tell people to set up a webhook. Or in addition to the webhooks, update the index every 24h
L412[13:29:42] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Client Quit)
L413[13:34:33] <Wuerfel_21> the index would basically amount to a table where the keys are package names and the values repo URLs. oppm would download and deserialize that and could then look up the right repo instead of iterating ovver them until the package is found. Worstcase goes from O(n) to O(2)
L414[14:10:15] <beesnees2> ok yeah the transposer really does deserve an upgrade
L415[14:10:29] <beesnees2> this is an extreme use case but I need more than 6 computers or servers
L416[14:10:38] <beesnees2> with 6 transposers
L417[14:11:51] <beesnees2> all 6 transposer buffer chests are filled to the top, when quarry is running at 300,000 RF/tick
L418[14:12:12] <beesnees2> drop that down to 100,000 and it can keep up
L419[14:19:09] <beesnees2> at 150 kRF/tick it seems to keep up snuggly with 5 diamond chests, sometimes spilling over into the 6th
L420[14:19:58] <Inari> Hrm meh
L421[14:20:07] <Inari> I need to find a nice avatar or commission one one of these days
L422[14:21:41] <Forecaster> I just grab screencaps of random things I see on the internet mostly :P
L423[14:22:12] <Inari> Well I don't want to keep changing it
L424[14:26:15] <beesnees2> change it to blank
L425[14:26:28] <Inari> Nah
L426[14:34:22] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbg7wnBaR7s still good
L427[14:34:22] <MichiBot> Overfeels 2.0 | length: 1m 28s | Likes: 3,941 Dislikes: 56 Views: 127,765 | by Itz_Jawn | Published On 15/7/2016
L428[14:34:26] <beesnees2> use this classic avatar gif https://i.giphy.com/media/g8GfH3i5F0hby/200.gif
L429[14:37:22] <beesnees2> boom, 229313754 stone per hour
L430[14:37:28] <Inari> Nah :P
L431[14:37:43] <Joco223> beesnees2, could i see how you transfer items from your quarry with transposers?
L432[14:37:43] <beesnees2> 612 x 612 x 612 block of pure stone, every hour
L433[14:37:57] <beesnees2> yeah hold on
L434[14:39:00] <Joco223> I am making stuff with transposers and stuff and i'd like to see how you did ir
L435[14:39:02] <Joco223> It*
L436[14:39:44] <beesnees2> @Joco223 https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQZAo7nsvNgiz61ApWKPb3XDC5E9EFJgL8tzQrz9jwtCe/home/input-client.lua
L437[14:40:05] <Joco223> Thanks
L438[14:40:38] <beesnees2> that is the client half
L439[14:40:42] <AmandaC> %choose pizza or no pizza
L440[14:40:42] <MichiBot> AmandaC: no pizza
L441[14:40:51] <beesnees2> which is all you need if you just want to record the results from one transposer
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L443[14:41:52] <beesnees2> lol, my source code contains `if <condition> then true else false`
L444[14:41:55] <beesnees2> fail
L445[14:42:02] <Joco223> What function is getAllStacks?
L446[14:42:09] <beesnees2> must haver been tinkering with that source code and left it like that, lol
L447[14:42:54] <beesnees2> @Joco223 https://ocdoc.cil.li/component:transposer
L448[14:44:05] <Joco223> Oh wow lol
L449[14:44:13] <Joco223> I didn't even see those
L450[14:44:36] <Joco223> All this time i have been using getStackInSlot for each slot to scan what i have in chests
L451[14:44:46] <Joco223> I have some others pretty useful too
L452[14:44:57] <beesnees2> yeah I found out that's not the best option
L453[14:45:07] <beesnees2> it treats blank spots like they don't exist
L454[14:45:14] <beesnees2> and grabs the wrong stack
L455[14:45:23] <beesnees2> if you just record the entire inventory beforehand
L456[14:45:34] <beesnees2> you can grab everything that it saw in that intance
L457[14:49:00] <Joco223> I just need to see what is everthing in there, no need to check for empty slots
L458[14:49:51] <beesnees2> yeah that's a better use for getStackInSlot
L459[14:50:10] <beesnees2> when you need to actually input stuff and manipulate stuff inside of the inv
L460[14:50:20] <beesnees2> better to use getAllStacks
L461[14:50:25] <beesnees2> it seems
L462[14:50:35] <Joco223> What i need is just the slot index, item name, and how much is there
L463[14:51:30] <Joco223> getAllStacks gives you same data as if you would use getStackInSlot, right?
L464[14:51:38] <beesnees2> yeah
L465[14:51:43] <beesnees2> it just gives it to you all at once
L466[14:51:44] <Joco223> Cool
L467[14:51:46] <beesnees2> with no data races
L468[14:52:59] <Joco223> Gives ID too then if enabled in cfg, right?
L469[14:53:05] <beesnees2> yep
L470[14:53:12] <beesnees2> and can give more data if enabled in config
L471[14:53:18] <beesnees2> I think it gives the id by default
L472[14:53:45] <Joco223> Nah, you need to enable it
L473[14:53:55] <Joco223> What other data is available for enabling?
L474[14:54:03] <Joco223> Haven't seen others
L475[14:54:27] <beesnees2> # Whether to allow the item stack converter to push NBT data in compressed format (GZIP'ed). This can be useful for pushing this data back to other callbacks. However, given a sophisticated enough software (Lua script) it is possible to decode this data, and get access to things that should be considered implementation detail / private (mods may keep "secret" data in such NBT tags). The recommended
L476[14:54:28] <AmandaC> %choose snackrafice or proper food
L477[14:54:28] <MichiBot> AmandaC: snackrafice
L478[14:54:29] <beesnees2> method is to use the database component instead.
L479[14:54:31] <beesnees2> allowItemStackNBTTags=true
L480[14:55:50] <Joco223> Interesthing, although i don't use the database
L481[14:56:10] <beesnees2> no need for database when you have this setting enabled :P
L482[14:57:38] <Luca> %choose sleep or staying up a lot longer than healthy
L483[14:57:38] <MichiBot> Luca: staying up a lot longer than healthy
L484[14:57:48] <Joco223> I don't use nbt data anyway :b
L485[14:58:27] <beesnees2> I kinda just want to start quickly placing very large amounts of stone in another dimension
L486[14:58:53] <beesnees2> I am making the equivalant to a 634*634*634 cube of stone every hour
L487[15:00:14] <Joco223> I want to try and paralellize my crafting stuff
L488[15:00:36] <Joco223> Send instructions to slave servers and do it faster
L489[15:00:49] <Joco223> Although i feel like that will be a pain to debug
L490[15:01:07] <beesnees2> recreate AE in OC
L491[15:01:21] <Joco223> I am technicaly doing that
L492[15:01:44] <Joco223> I just still have chests tho to put the items somewhere :b
L493[15:02:09] <Joco223> But you get/put items in is from an interface program i made
L494[15:02:24] <Joco223> No manual stuff with chests
L495[15:02:46] <Joco223> It is working currently but i want to make it better
L496[15:03:09] <Joco223> And add some more features to it
L497[15:03:25] <Joco223> Like non crafting table recepies, like smelting stuff etc
L498[15:03:57] <Joco223> On the spot craft request, aka request it to craft something that is not in the crafting recepies filr
L499[15:03:58] <Joco223> File*
L500[15:04:26] <Joco223> You would have a crafting table visualisation and you could put items in and it would try to craft it
L501[15:04:50] <Joco223> And also incorporate it with the whole base control i want to do
L502[15:06:02] <beesnees2> sounds pretty intense
L503[15:07:52] <Joco223> Fun project to do
L504[15:08:13] <Joco223> Only really decent looking room so far in my base is the server room
L505[15:08:37] <beesnees2> I just did all my decent-looking things at the start of my base building
L506[15:08:41] <beesnees2> well
L507[15:08:50] <beesnees2> I started out in a tiny underground shitshack
L508[15:08:50] <Joco223> Everywhere else it is just stone for everything :b
L509[15:09:02] <Joco223> Actually Red Rock
L510[15:09:07] <Joco223> It is like stone but red
L511[15:09:09] <beesnees2> but then I build a massive structure so I won't have to build much else until later
L512[15:09:30] <Joco223> I dug into side of a massive cliff
L513[15:09:38] <Joco223> So i just dig out more space
L514[15:11:05] <Joco223> Waiting for OC to update and support forge multi part and project red again tho
L515[15:11:15] <Joco223> Will make stuff much nicer and cleaner
L516[15:11:39] <beesnees2> here are some month old screenshots of me building the foundation of my base https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPTpNyyUS3F4a7ycw8Xo4xAbTP3M6yBFh4tdoKUGX58tY/
L517[15:11:47] <beesnees2> and then putting in the AE system
L518[15:12:14] <beesnees2> I usually don't plan builds in minecraft, this time I did
L519[15:12:25] <Joco223> I never do
L520[15:12:28] <Joco223> I just wing it
L521[15:12:44] <Joco223> And i am fully using OC for inventory management
L522[15:12:45] <beesnees2> I haven't yet filled up all the rooms because I've been putting stuff into compact machines to re-use rooms for better stuff
L523[15:12:47] <Joco223> Not the cheapest
L524[15:12:57] <Joco223> Since i am using ender chests
L525[15:13:11] <beesnees2> but I can expand the basic layout easily
L526[15:13:26] <Joco223> I thought about using compact machines but i prefer to have everything outside
L527[15:13:43] <beesnees2> compact machines suck, there's no OC cable integration :(
L528[15:13:49] <Joco223> Aw
L529[15:14:00] <beesnees2> mostly using them to reduce lag
L530[15:14:00] <Joco223> Do the wireless cards work at least?
L531[15:14:03] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@
L532[15:14:04] <beesnees2> could just use another dimension
L533[15:14:20] <beesnees2> anything that can hop dimensions can hop through compactmachines
L534[15:14:30] <beesnees2> but not AE or OC cables
L535[15:14:38] <Joco223> I am currently re doing the main inventory room
L536[15:14:44] <beesnees2> have to use the AE thingamaging
L537[15:14:50] <Joco223> Where all chests and crafting stuff is
L538[15:15:41] <Joco223> I want to make some sort of hologram display where i could see info about my base
L539[15:16:00] <beesnees2> lol, use OC glasses
L540[15:16:02] <beesnees2> right ben_mkiv
L541[15:16:48] <Joco223> I like holograms more
L542[15:16:58] <beesnees2> can you render items with holograms
L543[15:17:07] <Joco223> Yes
L544[15:17:28] <Joco223> I think i figured out how to do 24 colors in single hologram space
L545[15:17:44] <beesnees2> lol sounds like a pain in the ass
L546[15:17:57] <beesnees2> ocglasses is the easy route, it will render any item or block for you
L547[15:18:00] <Joco223> Not really actually
L548[15:18:10] <Kodos> No, holograms do not render items/blocks
L549[15:18:11] <beesnees2> without needing to import textures into oc
L550[15:18:35] <Joco223> @Kodos you technicaly can if you have textures inside OC
L551[15:18:46] <Kodos> It's not that kind of hologram projector
L552[15:18:55] <Kodos> It only supports 3 colors at T2
L553[15:19:01] <Joco223> And for colors, have 9 projectors and have offests stored for each
L554[15:19:18] <Joco223> So they would draw at the same space
L555[15:19:20] <Kodos> Okay, I guess if you want to manually code the drawing of each item, sure
L556[15:19:25] <Joco223> :b
L557[15:19:32] <Kodos> But it can't magically pull the texture of an item/block
L558[15:19:39] <Joco223> I know
L559[15:19:47] <Joco223> Just mentioned you can, wont actually use it
L560[15:19:49] <Kodos> So you'd end up with a (up to) 3 color version
L561[15:20:56] <beesnees2> just use OC glasses alongside holograms
L562[15:20:58] <beesnees2> lol
L563[15:23:00] <Joco223> Id like have 3d view of each floor in my base and color stuff acordingly, do i have doors open, lights turned on, etc
L564[15:24:44] <Forecaster> it'd be neat if you could put a hologram projector in a tablet and project a hologram in front of you
L565[15:25:36] <Joco223> @Forecaster you just gave me an idea
L566[15:26:46] <Joco223> I think i can actually pull that off
L567[15:26:54] <Joco223> Wait nvm
L568[15:27:06] <Joco223> Robots cant interact with outside components
L569[15:29:19] <beesnees2> @Joco223 just have a layer of cables going throughout your entire world
L570[15:29:55] <Forecaster> they can communicate wirelessly with a computer though :P
L571[15:30:10] <Kodos> A server might be more ideal for that scenario
L572[15:32:19] <Joco223> You could pull it off but it wouldnt be exactly fast
L573[15:33:21] <beesnees2> give drones a second tier
L574[15:33:25] <beesnees2> hologram drone
L575[15:33:49] <beesnees2> it follows you and projects a hud at all times
L576[15:33:52] <beesnees2> lol
L577[15:34:04] <beesnees2> not distracting at all
L578[15:34:36] <Joco223> Here is an idea how to pull of that tablet hologram thing
L579[15:34:40] <Joco223> When yoz request it
L580[15:34:56] <Joco223> 5 drones fly in and place cables to the server which controls it
L581[15:35:03] <Joco223> And when you are done they remove it
L582[15:35:05] <Joco223> :b
L583[15:35:14] <beesnees2> yes
L584[15:35:16] <beesnees2> lol
L585[15:40:34] <Joco223> I might actually try using that idea for something else
L586[15:41:17] <beesnees2> make a totally inconspicuous room
L587[15:41:23] <beesnees2> that turns into a huge digital control room
L588[15:41:28] <beesnees2> when a button is pressed
L589[15:41:38] <beesnees2> a bunch of drones pop out and build the holograms and computers
L590[15:43:24] <Kodos> I made a holodeck once with an AE2 Spatial IO setup and a Chatbox program I wrote ?
L591[15:43:56] <Joco223> Ooo
L592[15:44:01] <Joco223> I have an idea
L593[15:44:09] <Joco223> Interactive holograms
L594[15:45:48] <Joco223> I have an idea how you would do that
L595[15:46:07] <Joco223> Like you could actually click on the hologram and drag it around
L596[15:46:49] ⇦ Quits: Luca (Luca!~quassel@net84-253-130-125.mclink.it) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L597[15:47:10] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L598[15:53:07] <Joco223> I want to try that now
L599[16:01:13] <AmandaC> %choose computer or no
L600[16:01:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: no
L601[16:01:22] * AmandaC wanders off into the ether
L602[16:01:28] <Forecaster> %loot
L603[16:01:29] <MichiBot> Forecaster: You get a loot box! It contains the ultimate guide to killing all humans.
L604[16:03:19] * beesnees2 runs
L605[16:03:43] <AmandaC> %choose a or m
L606[16:03:44] <MichiBot> AmandaC: a
L607[16:04:07] <gamax92> %choose aa or patch
L608[16:04:07] <MichiBot> gamax92: patch
L609[16:04:09] <gamax92> k
L610[16:05:19] <gamax92> this dump analysis tool kinda sucks, it replies on IE and ActiveX, but hey it works
L611[16:05:25] *** Away_21 is now known as Wuerfel_21
L612[16:05:44] <Wuerfel_21> Hegg this bouncer still works
L613[16:05:52] <gamax92> oh hey it's outrun person
L614[16:06:48] <Wuerfel_21> That's released now btw: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/OutRun_(Cannonball_engine)
L615[16:10:47] <Kodos> %loot
L616[16:10:48] <MichiBot> Kodos: You get a loot box! It contains a mermaid scale.
L617[16:15:01] <Wuerfel_21> I am still amazed by the fact that this bouncer account still works after all those years...
L618[16:16:01] <Mettaton_Fab> %loot
L619[16:16:01] <MichiBot> Mettaton_Fab: You get a loot box! It contains a weed.
L620[16:16:21] <Mettaton_Fab> which kind of weed tho?
L621[16:16:31] <beesnees2> dank
L622[16:19:32] <Kodos> pipe-weed probably
L623[16:27:30] <Mimiru> Oh for fucks sake...
L624[16:27:32] <Mimiru> DNS is so stupid.
L625[16:46:16] <beesnees2> I have all the resources https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmf9t5oTyJ8CzEPQGUdKSG3c6rZLeALAxJ3u2A64ztDRWc
L626[16:47:11] <beesnees2> why hasn't everything been processed, rip
L627[16:49:18] <beesnees2> now my ore processing is the limiting factor
L628[16:59:46] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC673D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'The wave-particle duality is like a struggle between a tiger and a shark: each is supreme in his own element but helpless in that of the other.')
L629[17:00:32] <Kodos> I've never had a problem with processing speeds, but I use Mekanism, soo
L630[17:02:14] *** Wuerfel_21 is now known as Away_21
L631[17:02:18] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L632[17:03:42] <Kodos> Lol this is fun
L633[17:04:11] <Kodos> Going around to random streams, and telling the streamer their epidermis is showing
L634[17:04:33] <Kodos> Two of them even panicked and shut off their stream
L635[17:06:48] <Forecaster> I would've just turned it inside out :D
L636[17:07:22] <Kodos> Lol
L637[17:09:33] <Joco223> I have installed shaders into minecraft
L638[17:09:35] <Joco223> Holy
L639[17:10:03] <Joco223> They look good http://tinyurl.com/ybo5rfqv
L640[17:10:03] <Joco223> http://tinyurl.com/yacjhwwh
L641[17:10:17] <beesnees2> lol I stacked up a pretty big buffer of ores to pulverize and smelt
L642[17:10:29] <beesnees2> gotta wait for that to clear to get accurate measurement
L643[17:10:54] <Joco223> I always though shaders are meh
L644[17:11:32] <beesnees2> @Joco223 what lights are those
L645[17:11:40] <beesnees2> in what shaders
L646[17:13:40] <Joco223> Sildurs Vibrant Shaders High on FTB revelations
L647[17:13:45] <Joco223> And lights are from project rd
L648[17:13:50] <beesnees2> ah
L649[17:13:54] <beesnees2> same lights in my base
L650[17:14:01] <beesnees2> no shaders though
L651[17:14:56] <Joco223> Now i really need to do my base
L652[17:15:07] <beesnees2> make it big
L653[17:15:07] <Joco223> I don't like how the whole server room is orange-ish
L654[17:15:13] <beesnees2> and have a lot of room for maintenance
L655[17:15:24] <Joco223> Yep
L656[17:16:36] <beesnees2> I started out by leaving a lot of space between the rooms https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPTpNyyUS3F4a7ycw8Xo4xAbTP3M6yBFh4tdoKUGX58tY/04.jpg
L657[17:16:51] <beesnees2> not something I would normally plan in advanced for but it has worked out extremely well
L658[17:17:29] <Joco223> That is why i am building into a mountain
L659[17:17:35] <Joco223> I can just dig out more space
L660[17:17:53] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-71-202-22-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L661[17:18:10] <beesnees2> I just built below the ocean and land
L662[17:18:24] <beesnees2> if I expand rooms upward, they're going to be in the ocean
L663[17:18:30] <beesnees2> which would be neato
L664[17:18:56] <Izaya> Sounds neat
L665[17:20:45] <beesnees2> screenshots from about a month ago https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPTpNyyUS3F4a7ycw8Xo4xAbTP3M6yBFh4tdoKUGX58tY/
L666[17:21:41] <beesnees2> now I'm putting together a bunch of OC stuff so that central room controls everything
L667[17:23:06] <Joco223> Eventually i want to put all the OC controlled inventory stuff behind a glass wall
L668[17:23:20] <Joco223> Since you don't manually interact with it
L669[17:24:05] <beesnees2> maybe that's what I could do for the ceiling of my base
L670[17:24:17] <beesnees2> stuff all of the OC cool looking animated blocks there
L671[17:24:28] <beesnees2> and then put glowing glass in between
L672[17:25:17] <beesnees2> I've used the space in one of my rooms very inefficiently
L673[17:25:29] <beesnees2> happens to be the room with the transposers
L674[17:28:49] <Joco223> Glowing glass?
L675[17:29:03] <beesnees2> flat colored blocks
L676[17:29:21] <beesnees2> forgot the recipe and flat colored blocks has bad jei integration
L677[17:29:28] <Joco223> Ah
L678[17:59:30] <beesnees2> doing the glass roof thing
L679[17:59:48] <beesnees2> bunch of computers and transposers and diamond chests
L680[18:59:10] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107242F55969D075AB117A200.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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L685[22:08:31] <Z0idburg> Finally I bought a proper alarm clock
L686[22:08:32] <Z0idburg> https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/1Q0AAOSw0lVbAcrM/s-l200.jpg
L687[22:16:01] <Kleadron> now you can smash it with your fist when you wake up in the morning
L688[22:18:16] ⇦ Quits: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L689[22:18:39] <Z0idburg> ...
L690[22:18:54] <Z0idburg> you're not supposed to do that..
L691[22:19:01] <Z0idburg> that's just holywood being idiots
L692[22:26:44] ⇨ Joins: dustinm` (dustinm`!~dustinm@68.ip-149-56-14.net)
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L696[22:39:25] <Izaya> CompanionCube, Skye: it's happening https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/waddlesplash/2018-08-19_r1beta1_release_plans_-_at_last/
L697[22:50:06] ⇦ Quits: pwootage (pwootage!~pwootage@new.pwootage.com) (Quit: Cya)
L698[22:50:17] ⇨ Joins: pwootage (pwootage!~pwootage@new.pwootage.com)
L699[22:55:46] <Izaya> ocvm doesn't work, wonder if I could get ocemu to though
L700[23:00:54] ⇦ Quits: pwootage (pwootage!~pwootage@new.pwootage.com) (Quit: Cya)
L701[23:02:04] ⇨ Joins: pwootage (pwootage!~pwootage@new.pwootage.com)
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L703[23:15:52] <gamax92> z
L704[23:18:56] <beesnees2> the year of haikuOS on desktop happening?
L705[23:19:17] <beesnees2> what's the most similar OC os to haikuOS
L706[23:21:01] <Izaya> iunno
L707[23:23:38] <Izaya> KOS NEO is designed for GUI usage and breaks compatibility a lot
L708[23:28:25] <beesnees2> pitch an alternative to openOS to me
L709[23:28:56] <beesnees2> I don't want any guis
L710[23:29:08] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-71-202-22-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L711[23:29:59] <beesnees2> I just want something lightweight that I can boot into and run multiple processes cooperatively
L712[23:34:11] <ben_mkiv> use network eeproms that can execute commands sent by other computers
L713[23:34:20] <ben_mkiv> then do processing of stuff on several servers :>
L714[23:35:09] <ben_mkiv> and have one server for load balancing
L715[23:38:12] <Izaya> beesnees2: PsychOS was pretty much that
L716[23:38:15] <Izaya> it's kinda dead
L717[23:41:12] <beesnees2> it sounds like I should just spin up some git repository and make my own OS
L718[23:41:20] <beesnees2> and then create some script to sync tha packages to all my computers
L719[23:41:26] <beesnees2> the*
L720[23:42:17] <Izaya> decent idea
L721[23:42:19] <beesnees2> or maybe just fork openOS and delete a bunch of binaries I don't need
L722[23:43:07] * Izaya points at miniOS
L723[23:43:53] <Izaya> I do want to do another OS project, but I want it to be a lot more manageable this time
L724[23:44:02] <Izaya> PsychOS didn't even have require()
L725[23:44:33] <ben_mkiv> RIP
L726[23:44:44] <ben_mkiv> killed my server by fetching items in my AE2 network with oc xD
L727[23:44:55] <Izaya> that said, busy with Minitel atm
L728[23:45:18] <ben_mkiv> nvm, just timed out because it was busy...
L729[23:45:42] <beesnees2> miniOS has drive lettering ew
L730[23:45:47] <beesnees2> :P
L731[23:46:34] <Izaya> that's stripped down OpenOS :D
L732[23:46:43] * Izaya is not a huge fan of that approach
L733[23:47:26] <beesnees2> plan9k has a minimal install
L734[23:48:14] <beesnees2> how compatible with openOS is plan9k generally?
L735[23:48:21] <Izaya> mostly
L736[23:48:34] <Izaya> as long as your program doesn't talk to the GPU directly
L737[23:48:45] <Izaya> I need to try Minitel on plan9k at some point
L738[23:49:28] <ben_mkiv> wish i could set database entries by itemnames -.-
L739[23:49:59] <ben_mkiv> or at least configure ae2 interfaces with itemnames instead of requiring a database set with the item
L740[23:50:11] <beesnees2> I should probably be using minitel, right?
L741[23:50:18] <beesnees2> currently I just have OC's configs changed
L742[23:50:23] <beesnees2> to buff the shit out of the relay
L743[23:50:29] <Izaya> depends
L744[23:50:36] <beesnees2> "Layer 5 implements reliable, ordered, bidirectional streams" sounds useful
L745[23:50:40] <beesnees2> with the amount of data I'm sending
L746[23:50:41] <Izaya> do you have a need for mesh networking and/or bidirectional streams?
L747[23:50:49] <Izaya> it does induce a performance hit
L748[23:50:50] <beesnees2> I would like an easy mesh net
L749[23:50:54] <beesnees2> with little configuration
L750[23:51:02] <Izaya> well, that's what it's designed for
L751[23:51:08] <beesnees2> the behavior of relays seems like a black box to me
L752[23:52:00] <Izaya> they just repeat any packet they receive
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