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L1[01:50:05] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
L2[01:58:04] <Forecaster> Have it fall back too hastebin?
L3[01:58:58] <Mimiru> well, there is no jenkins and I can't build it locally
L4[01:58:59] <Mimiru> sooo
L5[01:59:01] <Mimiru> hard right now.
L6[02:03:50] <Mimiru> well, anyway I need to sleep
L7[02:03:52] <Mimiru> so.. fuck it
L8[02:32:41] ⇨ Joins: Github-Kiritow (Github-Kiritow!webchat@
L9[02:34:31] <Github-Kiritow> Hi there. I have a question about hard drives.
L10[02:34:47] <Github-Kiritow> What's the difference between "managed" and "unmanaged" ?
L11[02:37:54] <Forecaster> An unmanaged drive lets you access raw data, instead of handling files for you
L12[02:38:42] <Github-Kiritow> Emm.. the in-game manual says : "Changes between modes will cause data lost"
L13[02:38:54] <Github-Kiritow> But when I switch the mode, my files are still there.
L14[02:39:03] <Forecaster> really?
L15[02:39:06] <Github-Kiritow> Yeah
L16[02:39:10] <Forecaster> swithcing them should clear the drive
L17[02:41:12] <Github-Kiritow> After switching from "managed" to "unmanaged", the drive seems to be empty. But when I switch back, files come back too.
L18[02:41:42] <Forecaster> huh
L19[02:42:08] <Github-Kiritow> Is it designed to be like that?
L20[02:42:26] <Forecaster> I don't know
L21[02:42:37] <Forecaster> I've never used unmanaged drives
L22[02:43:09] <Github-Kiritow> I've never either. just curious about it
L23[02:46:41] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/nqZTi
L24[02:56:41] <Kodos> I kind of want to make a chat operated roulette game for OC
L25[03:06:23] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L26[03:27:45] <Github-Kiritow> Another question: Will directories in 'world/opencomputers' being deleted when a storage component is deleted? (For example, being thrown in lava pool)
L27[03:27:59] <Forecaster> no
L28[03:28:32] <Github-Kiritow> Emmm... So if I have deleted the component, can I delete these directories by myself?
L29[03:28:40] <Forecaster> yes
L30[03:29:06] <Github-Kiritow> okay, thanks for your help~
L31[03:31:05] ⇨ Joins: flagelop (flagelop!webchat@93.red-80-27-60.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
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L36[04:01:51] ⇨ Joins: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@
L37[04:02:00] <Apano_12> Hi
L38[04:05:08] <Github-Kiritow> Hi~
L39[04:05:51] <Apano_12> How is it going?
L40[04:06:51] <Github-Kiritow> Nothing much, just spending hours in MC
L41[04:10:57] <Apano_12> :)
L42[04:11:04] ⇨ Joins: xPucTu4 (xPucTu4!~yahoo@Redstone.Systems)
L43[04:14:49] <Apano_12> Hi xPucTu4
L44[04:21:36] <Apano_12> swww
L45[04:21:40] ⇦ Quits: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@ (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
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L48[04:56:23] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L49[05:00:53] <payonel> Github-Kiritow: i never tested whether switching modes on a drive would clear the data. that's been a warning message from before my time
L50[05:01:12] <payonel> but i can see how the files remain. the uuid of the drive isn't being reset, and the uuid defines where the files reside irl
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L54[05:39:43] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E537872A11515821A05.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L55[05:39:43] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L62[06:06:29] <Forecaster> I've acquired lava!
L63[06:06:38] <Forecaster> problem: I don't remember why I went to get lava...
L64[06:14:31] <Inari> I know that issue
L65[06:41:16] ⇨ Joins: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@
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L68[06:44:13] ⇨ Joins: Another_one (Another_one!~another_o@
L69[06:44:36] <Apano_12> Hi Another_one
L70[06:44:46] <Another_one> Hi
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L72[06:45:34] <Apano_12> oh...
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L78[07:24:01] <Inari> Thinking about it
L79[07:24:05] <Inari> Adulthood is a social construct
L80[07:27:49] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/AnWI4
L81[07:38:56] <AmandaC> Inari: indeed, and it's one that varies betweeen cultures, too
L82[07:47:02] <Github-Kiritow> How to use network debug tool ?
L83[07:47:48] <AmandaC> isn't that the thing that says "Don't use this unless told to by a dev to help debug an issue"?
L84[07:47:53] <Forecaster> use on something that relates to network
L85[07:48:14] <Forecaster> AmandaC: it is
L86[07:48:34] <Forecaster> well, in message, not literally
L87[07:49:02] <Forecaster> literally it says "Only use if so instructed by a dev."
L88[07:49:16] <Github-Kiritow> Yes it really says.
L89[07:49:50] <Forecaster> this is because it's not useful for regular gameplay
L90[07:49:56] <Github-Kiritow> Well that might mean I should not use it...
L91[07:49:58] <Forecaster> it's for debugging the mod to find issues
L92[07:50:24] <Github-Kiritow> All right. Thanks
L93[07:50:29] <Forecaster> it's not for finding issues with your network (unless the issues are caused by a bug)
L94[07:51:04] <Github-Kiritow> :P I am really find a tool to view the message directly
L95[07:51:19] <Forecaster> what message?
L96[07:51:52] <Github-Kiritow> network message flying in the air
L97[07:52:11] <Forecaster> use a computer
L98[07:52:24] <Github-Kiritow> All right.
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L103[08:00:53] <Inari> So whats the preferred, easy to install linux distro for developing?
L104[08:05:26] <AmandaC> Inari: LFS
L105[08:05:31] * AmandaC flees
L106[08:05:34] <SAL9000> Inari: I can recommend Arch.
L107[08:05:42] <Inari> SAL9000: Yeah, no
L108[08:05:46] <SAL9000> (except for the bit where they converted to the cult of systemd ;( )
L109[08:06:02] <Inari> Guess Ubuntu it is
L110[08:06:19] <SAL9000> you might want to use one of the derivatives with a different WM.
L111[08:06:22] <SAL9000> e.g. Xubuntu
L112[08:07:21] <Inari> That then
L113[08:08:24] <AmandaC> What's wrong with GNOME?
L114[08:08:41] <AmandaC> Inari: what're you planning to work on?
L115[08:09:34] <Inari> Dunno, random bug bounties
L116[08:09:40] <AmandaC> ah
L117[08:09:56] <Inari> But a lot of stuff is unix
L118[08:10:09] <AmandaC> Inari: WSL?
L119[08:10:25] <AmandaC> though, that won't easily work for X11 stuff
L120[08:10:52] <Inari> Well I'd rather have a whole unix VM :P
L121[08:10:55] <AmandaC> :P
L122[08:14:30] <Izaya> Inari: openbsd :^)
L123[08:15:40] <Izaya> in all seriousness, it's comfy, but you may prefer debian
L124[08:16:53] ⇨ Joins: unascribed (unascribed!~una@everybody.do.the.net.split.unascribed.com)
L125[08:28:39] <neumond> jokes aside install Gentoo
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L127[08:29:37] <Inari> Isn't Gentoo supposed to be the super hard to install? :P
L128[08:29:43] <neumond> oh.. LFS already mentioned.. I'm late
L129[08:32:58] <neumond> actually it's not, it's somewhat tedious to install/maintain, everything is documented very well. but it's usually lower cost if you need specific versions of some soft, specific abilities, like custom configure flags, etc
L130[08:33:35] ⇦ Quits: Github-Kiritow (Github-Kiritow!webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L131[08:33:37] <neumond> under ubuntu it's usually about searching 3rdparty repos and installing whole layers of packages to just have e.g. python3
L132[08:33:41] <Inari> Well I don't I just need some random linux which runs and doesn't need me to read anything on it
L133[08:34:28] <neumond> ubuntu/mint/debian/fedora - plenty of them
L134[08:34:36] <Inari> Yeah, installing xubuntu
L135[08:43:57] ⇨ Joins: piazzaaddict (piazzaaddict!webchat@
L136[08:44:58] <piazzaaddict> 1: register event listener then execute main program
L137[08:45:30] <piazzaaddict> 2:using Thread api, execute event.pull function and main program
L138[08:45:41] <piazzaaddict> what is difference between?
L139[08:55:23] <Inari> one runs two coroutines, the other just uses the normal event passing system that runs anyway?
L140[08:58:52] <Inari> ???? http://tinyurl.com/y9f5nk7o
L141[09:07:33] <Izaya> oh, you can plot routes only via scoopable stars
L142[09:08:51] ⇨ Joins: brayden (brayden!~brayden@2400:9c00:184:1:216:3cff:febe:e861)
L143[09:09:52] <piazzaaddict> DO YOU KNOW MINEOS?
L144[09:10:05] <AmandaC> NOT MANY PEOPLE USE IT IN HERE.
L145[09:10:08] <AmandaC> WHY ARE WE YELLING?
L146[09:10:13] <piazzaaddict> HOW DOES IT Draw 1 pixel?
L147[09:10:24] <piazzaaddict> caps lock malfunction...sorry
L148[09:10:56] <AmandaC> It uses unicode dot glyphs, probably
L149[09:11:10] <Forecaster> check the code?
L150[09:11:18] <Forecaster> that's a thing one can do
L151[09:13:04] <piazzaaddict> dev team should make API which can handle pixels...
L152[09:13:26] <Izaya> eh
L153[09:13:28] <Izaya> you want it, you do it
L154[09:13:34] <Izaya> :D
L155[09:13:54] <SAL9000> Izaya: new version can do neutron routing in-game too
L156[09:13:55] <Inari> Welp
L157[09:13:58] <Inari> Xubuntu doesn't wanna wrok
L158[09:14:02] <Inari> Guess we'll try debian
L159[09:14:08] <SAL9000> "doesn't wanna work"?
L160[09:14:11] <SAL9000> details please :-)
L161[09:14:32] * Mimiru looks at all of her systems running Xubuntu... yes please, details.
L162[09:14:33] <Izaya> fwiw, I'm pretty sure that pixel access was discussed and decided against for performance reasons
L163[09:14:53] <Inari> SAL9000: Keeps saying it encountered system error :P
L164[09:15:05] <SAL9000> what did it say before that?
L165[09:15:09] <Inari> Nothing
L166[09:15:15] <SAL9000> is this during the boot process?
L167[09:15:28] <Inari> No, during software update, thouhg I believe it once said it after booting too
L168[09:16:03] <SAL9000> weird. no extra details like stack traces, stuff in journal/dmesg?
L169[09:16:14] <SAL9000> and which hypervisor are you using (if any)?
L170[09:17:20] <Inari> No clue, virtualbox? :D
L171[09:18:45] <Inari> No clue where I'd find journal, "start dmesg" doesn'ts eem to do anything
L172[09:18:48] <SAL9000> uh
L173[09:18:55] ⇦ Quits: piazzaaddict (piazzaaddict!webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L174[09:19:00] <SAL9000> for dmesg; start a terminal, type 'dmesg'
L175[09:19:03] * Mimiru yawns
L176[09:19:05] <SAL9000> for journal, journalctl -xe
L177[09:19:17] <Mimiru> Ok... time to start getting jenkins and web servers back up
L178[09:19:18] <Izaya> tfw if I turn on all my modules I'm at 115% power usage
L179[09:19:35] <SAL9000> Inari: unlike the windows support people, we can't mind read; we need messages, stack traces and context :-)
L180[09:19:58] <Inari> If it has context, ti should show me context when it tells me theres an error :D
L181[09:20:26] <Inari> Like, why have an UI about an error without telling what error
L182[09:22:44] <Inari> Well trying this update again
L183[09:29:07] <Inari> SAL9000: Doesn't seem to say anything in dmesg
L184[09:29:29] <SAL9000> Inari: I forgot to ask -- what are you using to do the update?
L185[09:29:41] <Inari> "Software Updater"
L186[09:29:56] <SAL9000> ok...
L187[09:30:18] <Inari> ?
L188[09:30:29] <SAL9000> open up a term. sudo apt-get update
L189[09:30:33] <SAL9000> then sudo apt-get upgrade
L190[09:30:41] <SAL9000> the former gets new package indexes, the latter installs the updates
L191[09:30:50] <Inari> Oh it broke again xD
L192[09:30:54] <SAL9000> ?
L193[09:31:20] <Inari> http://tinyurl.com/ydcrbkaa
L194[09:31:36] <SAL9000> wat
L195[09:31:46] <Inari> Dunno, it does that after a while during the update
L196[09:31:51] <SAL9000> and this is in virtualbox?
L197[09:31:59] <Inari> Yeah
L198[09:32:40] <SAL9000> at this point I have no clue wtf you did to that poor vm, lol
L199[09:32:47] <Inari> nothing :<
L200[09:32:52] <Inari> I just booted it up anbd instaleld xubuntu
L201[09:33:25] <SAL9000> maybe there's something wrong in the vbox vm settings?
L202[09:33:38] <Inari> Possibly
L203[09:43:43] <Temia> I, um
L204[09:43:45] <Temia> Oh dear.
L205[09:44:14] <Temia> Is the character memory even corrupted?
L206[09:44:17] <Temia> That's incredible.
L207[09:46:12] <Mimiru> k, jenkins lives.
L208[10:12:54] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (Abculatter_2!~abculatte@ip68-105-171-77.ga.at.cox.net)
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L210[10:47:37] <Forecaster> @Vexatos http://tinyurl.com/ybremy4o
L211[10:48:28] <Vexatos> D:
L212[10:48:33] <Vexatos> foamy!
L213[10:51:22] <Forecaster> maybe
L214[10:52:07] <Izaya> vifino: today I got to the Sadr nebula
L215[10:52:42] <Forecaster> waiting for foam to try is boring :|
L216[10:54:33] <Izaya> kinda regretting not bringing a fighter-capable ship
L217[10:54:49] <Izaya> there's a station in the rings of a gas giant right next to the nebula
L218[10:55:07] <Forecaster> why?
L219[10:55:36] <Izaya> Flying around in a fighter in rings is fun
L220[10:55:50] <Forecaster> ah
L221[10:58:01] <Izaya> I mean, a Dolphin is nearly as good, but eh
L222[10:58:46] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L223[11:02:59] <Izaya> https://shadowkat.net/img/ed-ringstation-sadr-dolphin.jpg
L224[11:38:20] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L225[11:49:31] <Izaya> Ah nice, another BSOD, and all I was doing was transcoding video.
L226[11:50:44] <Izaya> Gotta love how stable this is.
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L229[12:08:31] <vifino> Izaya: yay!
L230[12:40:33] <neumond> turn off hardware acceleration
L231[12:40:57] <neumond> obviously it tried to use hardware to speed up transcoding
L232[12:41:13] <neumond> and there is trashy driver for that
L233[12:41:33] <Izaya> ffmpeg on windows
L234[12:41:36] <Izaya> was using the CPU only
L235[12:41:51] <Izaya> 'sides, none of my hardware has vp9 encoding support
L236[12:42:15] <Izaya> Does any hardware have vp9 encoding support?
L237[12:43:08] <neumond> BSOD is just error in kernel mode execution
L238[12:43:41] <Izaya> maybe it tried to render an invalid font
L239[12:43:46] <neumond> since both linux and windows are monolithic kernels, they crash on any error in drivers
L240[12:43:47] <Izaya> that's part of the kernel
L241[12:43:55] <Izaya> NT is a hybrid kernel
L242[12:44:00] <Izaya> it was a microkernel
L243[12:44:14] <neumond> well, why you still have BSOD's
L244[12:44:20] <Izaya> but then they added stuff like font rendering to it
L245[12:44:57] <Izaya> fwiw I've seen NT recover from a driver crash, but it's only ever survived Intel HD Graphics drivers crashing IME
L246[12:45:10] <Izaya> actually no that's a lie I've had the NVIDIA ones do it too
L247[12:47:04] <neumond> you'd better clean dust and extensively test your hardware
L248[12:47:37] <Izaya> probably my 690 tbh
L249[12:47:48] <Izaya> 5 year old hot as the sun SLI card
L250[12:48:14] <neumond> that explains
L251[12:48:30] <Izaya> mmm
L252[12:48:50] <neumond> I had old 8900 gt or something, it was hot as fuck too
L253[12:49:05] <Izaya> I've managed to tune it to run a lot cooler
L254[12:49:08] <Izaya> underclocked a little
L255[12:49:10] <neumond> ~90°C was normal
L256[12:49:26] <Izaya> fuckin 8600GT I had was v. warm
L257[12:49:28] <neumond> + passive cooling + hot summer
L258[12:49:30] <Izaya> 80+
L259[12:50:03] <neumond> and it died rendering random color pixel trash above normal pictures and BSODding randomly
L260[12:50:06] <Izaya> then I upgraded to a GT220
L261[12:50:50] <Izaya> I'm starting to get random flickering with my 690, I don't think it'll last more than 3 years
L262[12:52:38] <Izaya> Job soon though, an RX 580 looks like a nice upgrade
L263[12:52:48] <neumond> now I just buy everything with huge radiators and big fans, it's so satistying to touch it and barely feel little warm even under full loads
L264[12:53:21] <Izaya> I saw a video a bit back where someone attached a CPU cooler to their graphics card
L265[12:53:25] <Izaya> one of the big tower coolers
L266[12:53:55] <Izaya> looks like a nice way to do it
L267[12:56:59] <Izaya> gah this upload is taking ages :<
L268[13:02:03] * Temia flinches. the torque...
L269[13:05:35] <Izaya> https://shadowkat.net/img/ed-sadr-logistics.webm
L270[13:11:32] <neumond> orbital radio, relativistic speeds, no doppler effect at all! magic!
L271[13:11:57] <Izaya> I mean, I'm streaming it with VLC from outside the game :P
L272[13:15:07] <Izaya> ... That would be neat though.
L273[13:15:12] <Izaya> Actually, hell, I'd be fine with ingame radio
L274[13:15:28] <Izaya> Even if it was just an internet radio streaming interface
L275[13:15:38] <Izaya> so I could tune into Hutton Orbital Radio or that other one
L276[13:37:55] <Izaya> Lave Radio
L277[13:40:41] <Skye> what could a radio channel be used for IRL?
L278[13:40:47] <Skye> I mean... music is nice but not my thing
L279[13:40:59] <Skye> my thing is informative shows and news but those are expensive
L280[13:41:09] <Izaya> >music isn't your thing
L281[13:41:11] <Izaya> how does that work
L282[13:41:52] <Izaya> fwiw, I've been enjoying varied music with news updates every 3 hours or so
L283[13:41:58] <Izaya> Skye: you could like
L284[13:42:07] <Izaya> assuming it's actual radio
L285[13:42:22] <Izaya> push 300 or 1200 baud modem tones containing something useful
L286[13:42:37] <Izaya> that'd be a fun way to distribute usenet posts
L287[13:42:37] <Skye> lol
L288[13:42:41] <Skye> oooh
L289[13:42:52] <Skye> how about a TTS weather broadcast
L290[13:43:00] <Skye> (see: shipping forecast on BBC R4)
L291[13:43:14] <Izaya> >you have 4 public service radio stations
L292[13:43:26] <Izaya> tfw ABC keeps getting its funding cut
L293[13:43:46] <Izaya> They even got rid of Good Game and Spawn Point
L294[13:43:48] <Skye> Radio 4 is the only one that's actually for news and stuff.
L295[13:43:55] <Izaya> They got rid of Lateline
L296[13:44:00] <Skye> the rest focus on different styles of music
L297[13:44:13] <Izaya> Y'know that like, late news show that has been running for the last 30+ years
L298[13:44:37] <Izaya> when I was in brisbane there was a station that was entirely 70s and 80s music it was excellent
L299[13:45:02] <Skye> listen to the BBC world serivce! :D
L300[14:06:29] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@znc.theender.net) (*.net *.split)
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L303[14:06:38] ⇨ Joins: Lizzy (Lizzy!Lizzy@znc.theender.net)
L304[14:06:41] zsh sets mode: +o on Lizzy
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L308[14:08:28] <Forecaster> huh
L309[14:08:34] <Forecaster> @Lizzian what happened?
L310[14:08:48] <Lizzian> ?
L311[14:09:01] <Lizzian> oh
L312[14:09:03] <Lizzian> idk
L313[14:09:06] <Forecaster> oh it waws a netsplit
L314[14:09:09] <Forecaster> was*
L315[14:09:29] <Lizzian> possibly, but i only see my stuff reconnecting
L316[14:09:47] <Lizzian> it's possible my znc is acting up
L317[14:10:18] <payonel> i dont like how the crafting upgrade works
L318[14:10:26] <payonel> why do not more people complain about this?
L319[14:10:30] <payonel> :/
L320[14:10:58] <Forecaster> payonel: yer gonna have to be more specific
L321[14:11:04] <Forecaster> what do you not like?
L322[14:11:25] <payonel> i dont like how it places crafted results inside the recipe matrix, stopping it from completing potentially more
L323[14:11:36] <payonel> i dont like how it drops crafted results when its inv is full
L324[14:11:45] <Forecaster> ah
L325[14:11:53] <Forecaster> well the first thing I designed my program to fix
L326[14:12:07] <Vexatos> Wasn't it supposed to put them in the selected slot
L327[14:12:10] <Vexatos> (if it isn't empty)
L328[14:12:23] <Forecaster> it does I think
L329[14:12:35] <Vexatos> That sounds exactly like I'd want it to work then >_>
L330[14:13:40] * Izaya squints
L331[14:13:59] <Vexatos> I accidentally a word there
L332[14:14:14] <Izaya> Lave Radio is playing sound clips from Red Dwarf
L333[14:15:16] <payonel> how do you change the selected slot?
L334[14:15:33] <payonel> Vexatos + @Forecaster: I'm dealing with these nuances as i fix 1.12
L335[14:15:36] <Forecaster> robot.select(slot)?
L336[14:15:39] <payonel> i didn't know it was based on the selected slot
L337[14:16:07] <Forecaster> oh right
L338[14:16:11] <payonel> ah ok
L339[14:16:14] <payonel> that's not nearly as bad
L340[14:16:18] <Forecaster> I was thinking about items being input into the robot by something
L341[14:16:25] <Mimiru> Forecaster, feel like coming up with something half decent looking for the IRC Logs site css?
L342[14:16:29] <Forecaster> they end up in the first clear slot, so my program clears the crafting area
L343[14:16:36] <Mimiru> cause it seems the css wasn't being tracked on git
L344[14:16:44] <Mimiru> so it went poof when my home directory became 0s
L345[14:16:52] <payonel> ok good. even my current 1.12 fix is compatible with the selected slot action
L346[14:16:54] <payonel> cool
L347[14:17:02] <Forecaster> Mimiru: that's unfortunate :/
L348[14:17:09] <Forecaster> sure I can look at that sometime
L349[14:17:33] * Mimiru sighs
L350[14:17:38] <Mimiru> thanks Forecaster
L351[14:17:46] <Mimiru> I'm working on bringing stuff back up...
L352[14:17:57] <Forecaster> I kind of liked how it looked >:
L353[14:18:01] <Mimiru> I did too
L354[14:18:09] <Mimiru> but I don't remember where I nabbed the .css
L355[14:18:10] <Forecaster> wait
L356[14:18:15] <Forecaster> I might have a copy of that code
L357[14:18:24] <Mimiru> I dug through my history on FF and nothing.
L358[14:18:45] <Forecaster> or wait, I'm thinking of the search results
L359[14:21:21] <Mimiru> jenkins is alive atleast.. so we canm do the failover to hastebin
L360[14:21:24] <Mimiru> if so inclined
L361[14:21:28] <Mimiru> I don't have time ATM though
L362[14:22:56] <Forecaster> %oclogs
L363[14:22:56] <MichiBot> Forecaster: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L364[14:23:25] <Forecaster> oh
L365[14:23:31] <Mimiru> irclogs.pc-logix.com
L366[14:23:43] <Mimiru> I don't have the redirect setup yet
L367[14:23:55] <Mimiru> and it's slow as hell right now
L368[14:26:42] <Forecaster> huh
L369[14:27:12] <Forecaster> the dirs I have aren't in the github repo
L370[14:27:36] <Forecaster> I have a `fancybox` and `resources` dir in my project
L371[14:27:42] <Mimiru> yeah, gone
L372[14:27:51] <Forecaster> but I have them :P
L373[14:27:52] <Mimiru> those were from the old index script
L374[14:28:01] <Mimiru> yes, and I removed them, cause they're not used.
L375[14:28:02] <Mimiru> :P
L376[14:28:05] <Forecaster> ah
L377[14:28:24] <Mimiru> the only thing missing is the style atm
L378[14:29:11] <Forecaster> I don't remember what the new style looked like
L379[14:29:41] <Mimiru> it had.. orange
L380[14:29:43] <Mimiru> and I liked it.
L381[14:31:42] <payonel> ok 1.12 crafting fix pushed
L382[14:31:57] <Forecaster> what does it do?
L383[14:32:06] <Forecaster> fix the dropping thing?
L384[14:32:31] <payonel> no, if i change from pre-existing behavior, i'll make the change from 1.7.10 and merge all the way
L385[14:32:36] <payonel> this was just issues with 1.12
L386[14:32:49] <payonel> such as, "repair" crafts
L387[14:32:55] <Forecaster> ah
L388[14:33:12] <payonel> but while fixing 1.12 i investigated a few corner cases
L389[14:39:15] <Izaya> %flip ±
L390[14:39:15] <MichiBot> Izaya: (?°?°??±
L391[14:39:18] <Izaya> aw
L392[14:52:24] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L393[14:53:02] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L394[15:22:14] <neumond> %flip _&?
L395[15:22:15] <MichiBot> neumond: (?°?°???&?
L396[15:25:57] <neumond> %flip (?.?.)? <(¡?? ?? ?u?ll?? do?s)
L397[15:25:58] <MichiBot> neumond: (?°?°??(stop yellin? at me!)> ?(????)
L398[15:32:26] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:69cb:85e6:d1e7:cc49)
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L401[16:29:51] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E537872A11515821A05.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ?)
L402[16:31:43] <Forecaster> These video link files confuse me...
L403[16:32:01] <Forecaster> I'm still not sure if they're links or actual files or what
L404[16:32:04] <Forecaster> D:
L405[16:32:26] <Forecaster> I deleted a few source files earlier today, and the "link" still worked
L406[16:33:02] <Izaya> Lave Radio is playing Time Warp :3
L407[16:34:19] <Inari> Ah yes, I love how open source compilation is always a well documented and seamless process
L408[16:34:50] <Forecaster> She said, living in some sort of paradise
L409[16:39:36] <Inari> :p
L410[17:01:13] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot1 (MichiBot1!~lb@
L411[17:01:13] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot1
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L413[17:08:54] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot1 (MichiBot1!~lb@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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L415[17:13:03] zsh sets mode: +o on Sangar
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L417[17:47:35] <Inari> I wish there was an easy way to make a partition bigger
L418[17:49:52] <ben_mkiv> thats why partitions are unnecessary
L419[17:50:30] <Inari> Yeah, I was considering just not making a second partition next time
L420[17:50:41] <Inari> No matter how big I make the windows one, it always manages to get low and bea pain
L421[18:03:19] <vifino> payonel!
L422[18:03:39] <vifino> Make some pixel animations! https://github.com/vifino/sled
L423[18:13:54] ⇦ Quits: jackie (jackie!~XDjackieX@2a01:4f8:a0:8349:1::4) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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L426[18:15:12] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (jazzpi!~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L427[18:18:32] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt-8eaYUQ6o
L428[18:18:33] <MichiBot> Armand Van Helden - Hear My Name | length: 3m 32s | Likes: 4,595 Dislikes: 180 Views: 1,254,033 | by VidZone | Published On 5/12/2008
L429[18:19:12] ⇨ Joins: jackie (jackie!~jackie@2a01:4f8:a0:8349:1::4)
L430[18:19:12] zsh sets mode: +v on jackie
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L440[18:41:48] <neumond> now that's my favourite video after swimming pool
L441[18:47:47] <neumond> in case someone still didn't see it
L442[18:47:47] <neumond> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNMq8XS4LhE
L443[18:47:47] <MichiBot> Thanks, Smokey! | length: 3m 7s | Likes: 115,465 Dislikes: 5,433 Views: 28,612,181 | by ZoochosisCom | Published On 26/7/2011
L444[18:48:33] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L445[19:04:11] ⇦ Quits: Ristelle (Ristelle!~Ristelle@sense.fox.pet) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L446[19:06:11] <iNick> Can't you use the Raid to have all 4 servers in a rack access a common FS? (I'm initially trying a boot and run from all 4 servers)
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L452[19:37:54] <InariWB> High! high! high! high! high! Knee! high! fight!
L453[19:40:31] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv|afk (ben_mkiv|afk!~ben_mkiv@p4FED5509.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L454[19:41:26] <iNick> First line in Lua EEPROM; component.invoke = how can I read up about it?
L455[19:41:39] <InariWB> AmandaC: halp https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343025351154466821/399739371948998657/unknown.png
L456[19:41:55] <SF-MC> ~w component
L457[19:41:59] <SF-MC> bah
L458[19:42:26] <SF-MC> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:component
L459[19:43:37] <iNick> i must have missed that one. been on that page so many times
L460[19:43:51] <iNick> moar coffee obv needed
L461[19:43:56] <SF-MC> obv
L462[19:44:01] <iNick> :P
L463[19:46:14] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p57972D16.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L464[19:53:29] <InariWB> %give MichiBot lewd peace signs
L465[19:53:30] * MichiBot accepts lewd peace signs and adds it to her inventory
L466[19:57:09] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L467[20:01:52] <AmandaC> InariWB: oh dear
L468[20:02:25] <AmandaC> InariWB: here, I help. ~adds 50 more songs~
L469[20:02:44] <InariWB> xD
L470[20:04:12] <InariWB> AmandaC: bye bye yesterday~
L471[20:07:41] <InariWB> Well last 3 songs for the day, getting too sleepy x.x
L472[20:08:03] <AmandaC> aww
L473[20:11:27] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L476[20:28:46] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L477[20:29:13] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0G0besf2Mw still loving that song to, esp. 2:25 ot end
L478[20:29:13] <MichiBot> School Uniform GUMI ~Sweet Magic~?VOCALOID MMD? | length: 3m 38s | Likes: 472 Dislikes: 9 Views: 47,728 | by reddevils500a | Published On 9/10/2011
L479[20:30:08] ⇦ Quits: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p4FC1EF8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'One-Shot Megumin! Two-Punch Aqua!')
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