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L1[00:04:50] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (SoraFirestorm!~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
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L5[00:09:25] ⇨ Joins: andreww (andreww!~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L6[00:09:54] <Sarren Nardieu> you guys play openttd on linux right?
L7[00:10:38] ⇨ Joins: Reika (Reika!~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.com)
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L10[00:12:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
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L13[01:56:19] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn!jackmcbarn@gateway02.insomnia247.nl)
L14[01:59:02] <phroa> yarp
L15[02:23:34] <asie> i have a few times
L16[02:41:23] ⇦ Quits: alFamaRt (alFamaRt!carrs@ipv6.pisces.panicbnc.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L19[03:21:07] <Sarren Nardieu> i was asking because if we were to play multiplayer i would imagine we would need to be on the same platform xD
L20[03:40:11] <Forecaster> no you don't
L21[03:41:01] <Sarren Nardieu> oh....
L22[03:41:04] <Sarren Nardieu> ok then
L23[03:42:46] <Sarren Nardieu> sicne your here ill ask another question
L24[03:43:38] <Sarren Nardieu> i managed to get a kernel and a bootloader compiled for my pi and i've figured out the final piece of the puzzle is a busybox root fs
L25[03:44:04] <Sarren Nardieu> but if the busybox root fs is on another drive then how do i get the bootloader to mount it?
L26[03:44:13] ⇦ Quits: SoraFirestorm (SoraFirestorm!~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L27[03:44:29] <Forecaster> I have no idea
L28[03:44:32] <Sarren Nardieu> ok
L29[03:46:04] <Sarren Nardieu> i just had an idea xD
L30[03:46:17] <Sarren Nardieu> we should have some kind of currency/token system
L31[03:46:28] <Sarren Nardieu> where in roder to ask a quesiotn you need a token
L32[03:46:38] <Sarren Nardieu> but you geta token for answering a question
L33[03:46:43] <Sarren Nardieu> lol
L34[03:47:06] <Sarren Nardieu> idk i just felt like saying that
L35[03:47:36] <Sarren Nardieu> id imagine id run out of tokens rpetty fast at any rate
L36[03:47:49] <Sarren Nardieu> geez i cant type this morning
L37[03:47:53] <Forecaster> yeah that's a pretty terrible idea :P
L38[03:47:56] <Sarren Nardieu> xD
L39[05:03:41] <Izaya> woo, 111% thruster modifier, 28.9Ly max jump
L40[05:23:08] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300556E187E558C2B9E081ACB6D2E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L41[05:23:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L42[05:26:20] <Sarren Nardieu> gotta go fast ?
L43[05:27:41] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (ben_mkiv!~ben_mkiv@p4FED513A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L44[05:27:42] <Izaya> more like gotta turn fast
L45[05:28:30] <Izaya> I'll never manage to outdo an eagle while I'm in an anaconda, but I can have a good go
L46[05:32:29] <Forecaster> http://www.idiotproofwebsite.com/
L47[05:32:58] <Vexatos> @Forecaster I can't read
L48[05:33:01] <Vexatos> what do
L49[05:33:09] <Forecaster> git gud
L50[05:33:18] <Vexatos> >git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
L51[05:33:19] <Izaya> have the computer dictate it to you
L52[05:51:47] <Forecaster> I'm terrible at stealth games, I need to play more stealth games
L53[05:56:16] ⇨ Joins: Inari (Inari!~Pinkishu@p5DEC6F54.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L54[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L55[06:01:08] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@
L56[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: ic2,industrialcraft2,building,crafting,opencomputers
L57[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/E9K6-S9XA1g - RailcraftLP [Episode 70] - Tanky
L58[06:01:09] <MichiBot> RailcraftLP- [Episode 70] - Tanky | length: 33m 30s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 6/1/2018
L59[06:02:09] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L60[06:07:37] <Inari> %pet Temia
L61[06:07:37] * MichiBot brushes Temia with an IBM 5100. Temia recovers 6 health!
L62[06:08:02] <Forecaster> I should probably make that output the item destroyed strings
L63[06:09:31] <Inari> It destryos them? D:
L64[06:09:39] <Forecaster> yes...
L65[06:09:42] <Inari> Rude
L66[06:09:57] <Forecaster> it basically converts the remaining uses into health
L67[06:10:00] <Forecaster> it's always done that
L68[06:10:00] <Inari> Wiat, how was an item used twice the other day then
L69[06:10:20] <Forecaster> what item?
L70[06:10:21] <Inari> Hmm I seem to recall it halving the remaining item uses :P
L71[06:10:28] <Inari> Uhhh let me hceck
L72[06:11:10] <Inari> "a rhubarb"
L73[06:11:33] <Forecaster> or maybe it doesn't
L74[06:11:50] <Forecaster> it just decrements by one apparently
L75[06:12:01] <Forecaster> but the remaining uses after that are used in the roll
L76[06:13:01] <Forecaster> but it still doesn't output the dust string when an item is destroyed, which it should
L77[06:15:15] ⇦ Quits: asie (asie!~asie@asie.pl) (Quit: asie)
L78[06:17:23] <Inari> Ah
L79[06:27:07] <Forecaster> that's a great image for a tutorial
L80[06:27:09] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y7ym762q
L81[06:52:59] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (BearishMushroom!~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L82[07:31:28] <Izaya> https://eddp.co/u/nWZBr5N9
L83[07:38:10] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (Turtle!~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L84[07:58:19] <AmandaC> %give MichiBot the secret to everlasting life
L85[07:58:19] * MichiBot accepts the secret to everlasting life and adds it to her inventory
L86[07:58:38] <Sarren Nardieu> I.... is that a *gasp* docking computer ?
L87[07:59:09] <Izaya> fuck docking an anaconda manually
L88[07:59:14] <Sarren Nardieu> lol
L89[07:59:23] <Izaya> It's like flying a slightly less maneuverable skyscraper
L90[07:59:35] <Sarren Nardieu> you know you can fit 3 of them through the docking collar
L91[07:59:41] <Sarren Nardieu> at once
L92[08:00:05] <Izaya> I struggle to get one through.
L93[08:00:13] <Sarren Nardieu> xD
L94[08:00:55] <Izaya> Pizza through a mail slot, I swear
L95[08:01:12] <Sarren Nardieu> lololol
L96[08:02:42] <Izaya> also been listening to Hutton Orbital Radio, which is excellent
L97[08:03:41] <Sarren Nardieu> is that the british one?
L98[08:03:50] <Sarren Nardieu> oh no Lave radio is the british one
L99[08:04:06] <Izaya> "For those looking for excitement during the trip to Hutton Orbital, channel 16 has a live feed of grass growing in a field. Channel 17 has a live feed of rock withering away."
L100[08:04:28] <Sarren Nardieu> xD
L101[08:09:29] <Saphire> :flaps
L102[08:09:40] <Saphire> https://i.imgur.com/58x3Vnw.png derg loaf on a loaf IN a loaf!
L103[08:10:56] <Izaya> I think one of those is a slice
L104[08:12:17] * Skye hovers at the ceiling
L105[08:12:46] <Skye> ...meanwhile I'm an angel/flugel... meep.
L106[08:13:01] ⇨ Joins: vifino (vifino!~vifino@b2b-78-94-116-114.unitymedia.biz)
L107[08:14:23] <Izaya> wb vifino
L108[08:14:29] <Saphire> Argh
L109[08:14:32] * AmandaC decides Skye is a kupo instead.
L110[08:14:52] <Saphire> I keep trying to remember how exactly that on factorio ambient music sounds.
L111[08:14:59] <Saphire> Which somehow reminds me of Shadowrun
L112[08:15:02] <Saphire> For no reason.
L113[08:21:17] <vifino> Thank you, Izaya.
L114[08:25:58] <Izaya> I bought a dolphin.
L115[08:26:03] <Izaya> For that jump range
L116[08:26:39] <vifino> How are you holdi-- Wrong context.
L117[08:27:18] <vifino> Let me find my steam controller.
L118[08:34:31] <Izaya> fair warning we're planning a trip to Sagittarius A* and Colonia at some point
L119[08:34:46] <Izaya> also it's probably bad that I've got 300mil, an anaconda and a dolphin in less than two weeks
L120[08:36:12] <vifino> Addict.
L121[08:36:51] <Izaya> Big plans tomorrow night though :D
L122[08:39:31] ⇨ Joins: smoke_fumus (smoke_fumus!~smoke_fum@
L123[08:43:49] <vifino> Izaya: I'm on the whitney platform.
L124[08:44:38] <Izaya> just finishing up with my Dolphin
L125[08:50:37] <vifino> how far are you from me, Izaya?
L126[08:51:09] <Izaya> lemme switch to open and I'll check
L127[08:51:21] <vifino> I'm at Ross 911, the Whitney Station.
L128[08:52:41] <Izaya> 166Ly or so
L129[08:53:16] <vifino> how many jumps is that for you? where is the middle, lets meet.
L130[08:55:04] <vifino> I can jump 10Ly per jump, so it wouldn't be many.
L131[09:01:43] * Mimiru pokes @Forecaster
L132[09:45:44] <Izaya> https://my.mixtape.moe/dewfhu.jpg
L133[09:51:37] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L134[10:17:00] ⇨ Joins: DypoX (DypoX!~dypox@xdsl-78-35-85-176.netcologne.de)
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L136[10:38:05] <Inari> Sankaku's redesign really made me stop using it xD Oh well. I'd like to find a better site than it was still
L137[11:00:59] ⇦ Quits: vifino (vifino!~vifino@b2b-78-94-116-114.unitymedia.biz) (Quit: leaving)
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L147[13:10:50] <Inari> %give MichiBot AmandaC's pie
L148[13:10:50] * MichiBot accepts AmandaC's pie and adds it to her inventory
L149[13:11:02] <AmandaC> hey! D:
L150[13:18:34] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (Thutmose!~Patrick@host-69-59-79-123.nctv.com)
L151[13:19:30] ⇨ Joins: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@
L152[13:19:43] <Apano_12> Hi everybody!
L153[13:22:00] <Apano_12> Is somebody here?
L154[13:22:57] <MGR> I am
L155[13:22:59] <MGR> How can I help?
L156[13:23:02] <Apano_12> yeah
L157[13:23:42] <Apano_12> Do you have 4 MB RAM?
L158[13:23:56] <Apano_12> Can I buy?
L159[13:24:11] <payonel> :/
L160[13:24:43] <MGR> Um
L161[13:24:44] ⇦ Quits: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@ (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L162[13:24:49] <MGR> Well, ok
L163[13:56:46] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:64a2:c112:3091:66d)
L164[14:14:56] <Inari> http://78.media.tumblr.com/5222b8c93123c3c3134519dc1cbfb08e/tumblr_p24ey07UqP1sjij2lo1_1280.gif heh
L165[14:21:12] * Temia facepalms
L166[14:28:43] ⇨ Joins: phroa` (phroa`!~phroa@
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L170[15:05:18] ⇨ Joins: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@
L171[15:06:04] <Apano_12> Helo everyone! :) I have new computer
L172[15:06:55] <Inari> https://www.twago.de/project/develope+our+online+shop/123258/ Who''s Paul though?
L173[15:12:55] <CompanionCube> yo
L174[15:13:09] <CompanionCube> why would you want to buy 4M of RAM
L175[15:14:27] <Apano_12> I'm not looking for 4 MB RAM. I was been wrong, I'm looking for 4 MB HDD :)
L176[15:14:56] <Apano_12> My PC have 1 MB hard drive
L177[15:15:31] <CompanionCube> craft onE?
L178[15:15:58] <Apano_12> How?
L179[15:16:08] <Apano_12> What I need?
L180[15:16:35] <CompanionCube> http://ocdoc.cil.li/item:hard_disk_drive
L181[15:18:15] <Apano_12> Thanks bro
L182[15:19:09] <Mimiru> Also, this is IRC, so most of us aren't even in minecraft, let alone on the same server as you..
L183[15:20:58] ⇦ Quits: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@ (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L184[15:21:35] ⇨ Joins: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@
L185[15:22:23] <Inari> "Intel has been hit with at least three class-action lawsuits over the major processor vulnerabilities revealed this week." Eheheh
L186[15:23:06] ⇦ Quits: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@ (Client Quit)
L187[15:23:45] ⇨ Joins: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@
L188[15:34:48] <Apano_12> Bye everyone
L189[15:34:53] <Apano_12> I must go :)
L190[15:35:43] ⇦ Quits: Apano_12 (Apano_12!~apano_12@ (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L191[15:39:50] <Skye> CompanionCube, could one exploit Spectre though OC?
L192[15:40:20] <CompanionCube> Skye: what would you try and leak though?
L193[15:40:29] <AmandaC> OC doesn't use LuaJIT AIUI, so it's not susceptible
L194[15:40:36] <Skye> uhhhhhhhh
L195[15:40:49] <Skye> true
L196[15:41:02] <AmandaC> It's only really dangerous if you can craft some assembly instructions to run
L197[15:41:05] <Skye> I guess... it depends on how the branch predictor works?
L198[15:41:20] <AmandaC> People are only freaking out about javascript and such because every modern browser runs with a JIT
L199[15:41:24] <CompanionCube> it's also kind of pointless since there's no sensitive data in the process's addresspace
L200[15:41:33] <CompanionCube> whereas a browser holds all kinds of secrets
L201[15:41:34] <Skye> true...
L202[15:41:39] <Skye> what about meltdown though?
L203[15:41:41] <Skye> I guess
L204[15:41:49] <Skye> it depends on the branch predictor?
L205[15:42:02] <Skye> like... uh not sure how it works, but hmmm
L206[15:42:10] <CompanionCube> Meltdown's also patchable :p
L207[15:42:58] <Skye> yeah true
L208[15:43:18] <Skye> I guess it depends on how exploitable spectre is
L209[15:43:27] <Skye> how many layers of indirection is too much
L210[15:43:35] <Skye> what about LuaJ?
L211[15:44:02] <Skye> LuaJ -> Java Bytecode -> JITed to machine code
L212[15:44:23] <AmandaC> LuaJ doesn't compile to java bytecode, it's a VM that runs in java bytecode.
L213[15:44:25] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L214[15:44:48] <Skye> so how many layers of indirection is too much? :P
L215[15:45:19] <Inari> Huh, why assembly instructions
L216[15:45:27] <AmandaC> It's possible to massage some JIT stuff to produce the nessary asssembly instructions
L217[15:46:05] <AmandaC> so unless you're producing machine code from something, you're not an attack vector
L218[15:46:22] <Skye> so the JS stuff
L219[15:46:27] <Inari> Can't you use existing machine code? :P I'm not sure how that stuff works
L220[15:46:32] <Skye> was literally just chaining "exploits"?
L221[15:46:37] <AmandaC> yes
L222[15:46:47] <AmandaC> It was an exploit centipede
L223[15:47:48] <Skye> ah
L224[15:48:37] <Inari> An exploit Harem
L225[15:49:08] <Skye> lewd
L226[15:50:17] <Inari> Ugh
L227[15:50:24] <Inari> Why does the taskbar refuse to go udner stuff now
L228[15:50:29] * Inari closes explorer.exe
L229[15:50:49] <AmandaC> Inari: I'm so glad that bug still exists. It's been around since at least XP. :D
L230[15:52:55] <Forecaster> Mimiru: poke for #MichiBot?
L231[16:01:00] <Mimiru> yeah
L232[16:02:26] <Forecaster> I've been off-site for quite a while :P
L233[16:05:33] ⇨ Joins: test (test!webchat@p57AF6BEC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L234[16:05:52] <Forecaster> hi test
L235[16:06:08] <payonel> test hi
L236[16:06:13] <test> ola
L237[16:16:59] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (xarses_!~xarses@
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L239[16:42:45] <Forecaster> woo, reactor online!
L240[16:43:09] <neumond> don't overheat it
L241[16:43:19] <Forecaster> it's run by a computer
L242[16:43:36] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y857dklt
L243[16:43:40] <neumond> why don't they make realistic reactor which can explode?
L244[16:44:16] <Forecaster> it can explode... which is my I programmed the computer to keep it from exploding...
L245[16:44:21] <neumond> destroying everything, say, in 200 block raduis?
L246[16:44:34] <neumond> huh, what mod is that?
L247[16:44:35] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (SF-MC!~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L248[16:44:42] <Forecaster> it can explode... which is why I programmed the computer to keep it from exploding... [Edited]
L249[16:44:47] <Forecaster> IC2
L250[16:44:52] <AmandaC> Real reactors don't explode like bombs, you know.
L251[16:45:29] ⇦ Quits: test (test!webchat@p57AF6BEC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L252[16:45:31] <Forecaster> because of the pressure vessels around the reactor and my relatively low amount of fuel if the reactor was to blow up it would just destroy itself
L253[16:45:51] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (SoraFirestorm!~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L254[16:49:32] <neumond> well, IRL reactors truly can't explode like nuclear bombs, but the mod can leave the possibility to build really dangerous reactor
L255[16:50:31] <neumond> so you can have some blocks of U-235, pistons to join the pieces and some timer
L256[16:50:43] <neumond> engage it and run as fast as you can :3
L257[16:57:45] <payonel> @neumond i revert the "repair" fix for 1.12 to the fix state you had
L258[16:57:57] <AmandaC> So you don't want realistic reactors, you want realistic dirty bombs
L259[16:58:00] <payonel> i'm poking at getting the code better
L260[16:58:05] <payonel> but, it's not clear to me how to fix this
L261[16:58:09] <payonel> i'm messing with it though
L262[16:58:28] <Temia> Honestly, the one mod I've seen which actually does implement a remotely realistic meltdown also kind of sacrifices a lot of gameplay convenience for the sake of realism, so eh.
L263[16:58:33] <Temia> Let them explode.
L264[16:58:49] <payonel> @neumond anyways, this build should work (except for repairs) http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-MC1.12/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/OpenComputers-MC1.12.1-
L265[16:59:41] * AmandaC cuddles up with Temia, as Inari is ignoring her
L266[16:59:48] * Temia petpets Amanda.
L267[16:59:51] <Temia> Forecaster, does the system have a failsafe in case the computer loses power?
L268[17:00:04] <Temia> Or crashes, or...
L269[17:00:15] <Forecaster> hm, not really
L270[17:00:19] <SF-MC> the last few times I had a computer doing power related activities
L271[17:00:30] <SF-MC> I essentially installed a UPS
L272[17:00:31] <Forecaster> since the redstone IO keeps it state if the computer shuts down I tihnk
L273[17:00:44] <SF-MC> but that was just BigReactors, soooo
L274[17:01:18] <Temia> Maybe a watchdog system would be prudent then.
L275[17:01:35] <Temia> Something that'll disable the redstone block if it doesn't hear from the host regularly.
L276[17:01:52] <Forecaster> but that'd require another computer
L277[17:02:01] <Forecaster> unless I use a SCM circuit
L278[17:02:07] <Temia> It would, but it wouldn't need a complex one.
L279[17:02:22] <Temia> Honestly, a tier 1 with a network card would be enough.
L280[17:02:43] <Temia> The code could probably fit on an EEPROM, even
L281[17:02:49] <SF-MC> loop on event
L282[17:02:55] <Forecaster> I could design a simple circuit that keeps the reactor online for a small amount of time when it receives a redstone pulse
L283[17:02:55] <SF-MC> if no event and timeout happens: panic
L284[17:03:23] <Forecaster> if it stops receiving pulses the reactor will just stop
L285[17:03:26] <Temia> I suppose a pulse lengthener would work.
L286[17:03:37] <Forecaster> SCM has timers
L287[17:06:37] <DypoX_> Hi, is it possible to connect my computer with my refined storage network?
L288[17:07:54] <Forecaster> yes
L289[17:08:00] <Forecaster> I think
L290[17:09:06] <DypoX_> Ahh yeah ;=)
L291[17:09:07] <DypoX_> Thanks
L292[17:17:49] <Forecaster> payonel is there an equivalent of a shell script in openos?
L293[17:18:07] <payonel> well you can run /bin/source
L294[17:18:17] <Forecaster> what?
L295[17:18:27] <payonel> or /bin/cat <file> | /bin/sh
L296[17:18:58] <Forecaster> or alias a command with arguments
L297[17:19:11] <payonel> or you could put #!/bin/sh at the top of a file
L298[17:19:48] <payonel> no, that doesn't work
L299[17:19:53] <payonel> :)
L300[17:20:27] <payonel> the cat and source options work
L301[17:20:30] <payonel> #!/bin/sh doesn't
L302[17:20:33] <payonel> i might look into that
L303[17:20:39] <payonel> @forecaster is that what you're asking?
L304[17:21:27] <Forecaster> I want to be able to run `wget -f https://git.theender.net/Forecaster/OC-programs/raw/master/reactor_manager.lua` without having to re-paste the url each time
L305[17:21:29] <payonel> ah, heh, you can use #!/bin/source a tthe top
L306[17:21:35] <payonel> just not /bin/sh
L307[17:22:12] <payonel> besides an alias, you could create a file (i would call it update.sh)
L308[17:22:16] <payonel> first line: #!/bin/source
L309[17:22:20] <payonel> then your wget command
L310[17:22:44] <SF-MC> payonel: that just makes me curious as to why /bin/source works but not /bin/sh
L311[17:23:00] <payonel> because i don't have a qa team
L312[17:23:01] <payonel> :)
L313[17:23:29] <payonel> also probably because /bin/sh has some legacy crap
L314[17:23:38] <payonel> the way it takes an env argument and such
L315[17:23:40] <payonel> ugg
L316[17:24:01] <payonel> there are some old openos baggage i deal with
L317[17:24:55] <neumond> payonel yea, thanks, I'll test the new build
L318[17:25:06] <SF-MC> aheh
L319[17:25:11] <SF-MC> fair enough
L320[17:26:56] <Forecaster> hm
L321[17:26:58] <Forecaster> it works
L322[17:27:02] <Forecaster> but the output is a bit weird
L323[17:27:15] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y94kswqg
L324[17:27:27] <Mimiru> everything in my home directory is now 0 bytes.
L325[17:27:38] <DypoX_> Corded: I think a extra mod is required. :(
L326[17:27:46] <Mimiru> Corded is a bot
L327[17:27:46] <Forecaster> not sure why it outputs an empty line
L328[17:28:00] <Mimiru> The user in the message is the person you want.
L329[17:28:01] <Forecaster> DypoX_: yes hi, what?
L330[17:28:05] <neumond> Forecorded
L331[17:28:54] <Forecaster> and then the empty line after
L332[17:28:57] <Forecaster> @payonel
L333[17:31:29] <neumond> AmandaC: it's not like I just want everything to explode, but rather build atmosphere of danger, hazardous materials, so you have to rethink everything in advance before building
L334[17:31:56] <DypoX_> Corded: I need a extra mod to connect oc + refined storage.
L335[17:32:07] <Mimiru> Corded is a bot...
L336[17:32:10] <Mimiru> you want Forecaster.
L337[17:32:11] <Forecaster> DypoX_: Corded is still a bot
L338[17:32:28] <DypoX_> Ahh lol
L339[17:33:19] <AmandaC> DypoX_: what version of RS? The 1.12 version has the oc API at least. It'll never be backported though, that's not how RS rolls. But it's the same pretty much as the ocrsdriver mood
L340[17:33:39] <DypoX_> Earlier version...
L341[17:33:45] <AmandaC> S/mood/mod/
L342[17:33:53] <DypoX_> The buggy version where importers and exporters won't work after a time. :P
L343[17:34:17] <AmandaC> Then you'll have to use an extra mod, yes
L344[17:34:35] <AmandaC> The API is added by RS, not oc
L345[17:35:11] <DypoX_> Yeah, thanks ;)
L346[17:35:35] <DypoX_> I hate mod packs.. Outdated all the time..
L347[17:35:45] <SF-MC> build your own
L348[17:35:50] <SF-MC> that's what I've done for years now
L349[17:36:05] <SF-MC> everything you want, nothing you don't, can always be up to day if you want it to be
L350[17:36:47] <DypoX_> Yeah, we should create our own pack.
L351[17:37:10] <SF-MC> It's something that takes a lot of effort if you aren't the type like me
L352[17:37:25] <SF-MC> where I basically toss everything together and do minimal configuration or balancing or we
L353[17:37:31] <SF-MC> s/we/whatever/
L354[17:37:31] <MichiBot> <SF-MC> where I basically toss everything together and do minimal configuration or balancing or whatever
L355[17:45:30] <payonel> @forecaster yeah, meh, i'm fine with the output :)
L356[17:45:42] <payonel> the extra spaces in your file are being computed as newline input
L357[17:45:49] <payonel> blank lines*
L358[17:49:40] <Inari> https://twitter.com/Donzanoid/status/949660515952943104 ouch
L359[17:49:41] <MichiBot> Sat Jan 06 09:14:45 CST 2018 @Donzanoid: Epic's experience of the Meltdown patch on their live servers for Fortnite https://t.co/Zfm5lPhrqD https://t.co/XziaejAjyk
L360[17:53:41] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo (Michiyo!~Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L361[17:54:10] <neumond> could they fix spectre as well?
L362[17:54:27] <AmandaC> spectre can't be fixed with software, metely worked around
L363[17:54:38] <Inari> https://gfycat.com/QuaintOrderlyKob interesting
L364[17:55:00] <Izaya> wait, Fortnite is done by Epic Games? Huh.
L365[17:55:03] <neumond> and.. most importantly, when they will make unaffected chips
L366[17:57:17] <AmandaC> for meltdown? Probably the next cycle. for spectre? No idea as it's a systemic problem that affects all chip s designed in the last 30 years.
L367[17:57:42] <Izaya> I imagine that chips without speculative execution and branch prediction will run like absolute shit compared to current ones
L368[17:57:50] <SF-MC> yeah
L369[18:00:44] <Izaya> Like I mean, everything since the Pentium 2 has had it, PowerPC always had it... It's gonna be a pretty major setback.
L370[18:01:23] <payonel> maybe speculative can be done without leaking results
L371[18:01:31] <SF-MC> I also find it really hard to believe that someone else hadn't also found the vuln
L372[18:01:38] <SF-MC> Given that it's been in silicon for nearly 20 years
L373[18:01:46] <Izaya> tinfoil hat mode: governments knew
L374[18:02:52] <Izaya> payonel: that would involve dropping failed branch prediction results from the cache
L375[18:02:53] <AmandaC> Izaya: I doubt that. if governments knew, there'd be a way to disable it for their own machines.
L376[18:03:36] <payonel> dropping, or having multiple cache layers
L377[18:03:37] <Izaya> AmandaC: that's a fair point, still, it's a possibility
L378[18:03:54] <payonel> anyways, i think speculative branching is going to stick around
L379[18:03:56] <Izaya> that said, if you go back a reasonable distance you can disable the cache on some processors
L380[18:04:01] <payonel> that's my ... speculation ...
L381[18:04:24] <Izaya> but said processors use like, 100Mhz memory so it's a pretty big hit
L382[18:04:25] <SF-MC> There's no way they won't have at least some sort of specexec in the future
L383[18:04:43] <SF-MC> The perf hit would be too much
L384[18:14:56] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
L385[18:26:10] <payonel> i MIGHT have repair fixed for 1.12
L386[18:26:18] <payonel> ugg ... what a mess it is to make fixes like 3 times
L387[18:26:38] <payonel> 1.7.10 -> 1.10 -> 1.11/1.12
L388[18:28:19] <Izaya> I wonder how much a decent Sidewinder joystick with USB would cost nowdays...
L389[18:28:26] <Izaya> No yaw control sucks
L390[18:29:57] <Kodos> I recommend a Thrustmaster Hotas X
L391[18:30:22] <Kodos> TFlight Hotas X that is
L392[18:30:33] <Izaya> Not really a fan of HOTAS systems
L393[18:31:03] <Izaya> In an ideal world I could have throttle control ON the stick but I don't see that happening any time soon
L394[18:31:43] <Izaya> (Rather than on the base of the stick, that is)
L395[18:32:58] <Izaya> Maybe I should build my own...
L396[18:33:26] <Izaya> 's only $30 for a 3-axis joystick assembly, then I'd just need to add buttons and stuff
L397[18:33:42] <AmandaC> Izaya will build his own joystick. With blackjack and hookers
L398[18:33:50] <Izaya> :D
L399[18:34:36] <Izaya> https://www.superdroidrobots.com/shop/item.aspx/analog-3-axis-joystick/1263/
L400[18:35:48] <Izaya> I mean, it'll end up as a horrifying kludge if I do so but it'll be perfect all the same
L401[18:38:38] <neumond> oh.. these variable resistors tend to wear out fast
L402[18:42:10] <Izaya> figures x_x
L403[18:42:57] <neumond> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/Gray_code_rotary_encoder_13-track_opened.jpg/800px-Gray_code_rotary_encoder_13-track_opened.jpg
L404[18:43:04] <neumond> use optics
L405[18:44:19] <Izaya> is that binary printed on a plastic disc?
L406[18:44:54] <neumond> yea, and array of sensors on pcb
L407[18:45:33] <neumond> you always get a number representing an angle
L408[18:45:48] <Izaya> that's a clever way to do it
L409[18:51:00] <ben_mkiv> %flip obs
L410[18:51:00] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: (╯°□°)╯sqo
L411[18:51:56] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net)
L412[18:56:34] <AmandaC> That's how the n64 did it, aiui
L413[18:56:55] <AmandaC> Different sized circles, then went off the light level
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