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L1[00:02:58] <Izaya> I was reading scared as sacred and was wondering what was so special about that particular turtle
L2[00:03:26] <KoxFox> kek
L3[00:44:25] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L4[01:14:14] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:83b3:68a3:c8d0:afd3:19a5) (Quit: Cervator)
L5[01:38:35] <Sparky> Hello
L6[01:45:48] <ben_mkiv> %welcome
L7[01:46:27] <Forecaster> %hello
L8[01:46:27] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L9[01:47:10] <Forecaster> I guess I should change that to say channel/server
L10[01:52:01] <Sparky> Oh, you must be on IRC
L11[01:52:02] <Sparky> Any ways
L12[01:52:19] <Sparky> I've been learning Ruby, should I be about to pick up LUA and OC fairly easily?
L13[01:52:19] <MichiBot> Lua*
L14[01:52:39] <dequbed> Thanks MichiBot! :D
L15[01:53:22] <Sparky> LUA
L16[01:53:22] <MichiBot> It's Lua, not LUA. Name not an acronym.
L17[01:53:28] <Sparky> ?
L18[01:54:12] <dequbed> EnderBot used to be the one anal about that. Nice to see MichiBot stepped up to the job :D
L19[01:55:26] * AshIndigo pets Michibot
L20[01:55:58] <AshIndigo> :\ was that removed or did i do it wrong?
L21[01:56:09] <Sparky> Sooo yeah, if I can learn Ruby I should be able to learn Lua?
L22[01:57:04] <AshIndigo> I think so
L23[01:57:20] <Sparky> Is everyone on IRC?
L24[01:57:36] <dequbed> Sparky: Lua is a very simple programming language. Also no, but they *should* be :P
L25[01:58:13] <dequbed> If you have done any programming before you will be able to pick up Lua quickly. The most important thing to know: It starts counting at 1.
L26[01:58:26] <Sparky> Ruby starts counting at 0
L27[01:58:41] <dequbed> That's why I'm telling you. Basically all programming languages start at 0.
L28[02:01:45] <Sparky> ? Right. So in Ruby, I can define hashes by doing something like: values = {value1 = x; value2 = y} - does Lua have similar functionality?
L29[02:02:41] <Izaya> t = {a = "b", c = "d"}
L30[02:02:47] <dequbed> Sparky: I'd suggest reading the Lua manual. That will be less painful than asking about everything Lua can offer: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/
L31[02:03:11] <Izaya> ^
L32[02:04:56] <Sparky> I'm pretty excited about learning programming, but I'm not sure if I should dive into learning 2 seperate languages in parallel
L33[02:06:12] <dequbed> Sparky: I never had too much of a problem with that, a lot of concepts to transfer - the syntax however seldomly does.
L34[02:06:30] <dequbed> s/concepts to/concepts do/
L35[02:06:30] <MichiBot> <dequbed> Sparky: I never had too much of a problem with that, a lot of concepts do transfer - the syntax however seldomly does.
L36[02:07:11] <Sparky> I'm very new with scripting/coding ?
L37[02:08:03] <Saphire> Hi
L38[02:23:54] <Forecaster> AshIndigo those responses are disabled because of some issues
L39[02:24:24] <Forecaster> Also I am on both IRC and Discord
L40[02:24:30] <AshIndigo> Aww
L41[02:24:54] <Forecaster> but I rarely ever connect to IRC these days
L42[02:37:38] <Forecaster> https://imgur.com/gallery/ccdrW
L43[03:33:15] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L44[03:35:15] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L45[04:23:21] <Forecaster> https://twitter.com/giphz/status/929774788637351936
L46[04:23:21] <MichiBot> Sun Nov 12 12:15:58 CST 2017 @giphz: PING:999 https://t.co/12ElJW5Bxi
L47[04:23:30] <Forecaster> inari payonel
L48[05:03:49] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L49[05:12:47] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E297.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L50[05:26:42] <Inari> payonel: Hm
L51[05:26:53] <Inari> So I only have a single top level module now and it has no sub modules xD
L52[05:27:01] <Inari> I guess I do have to import the gradle project once?
L53[05:27:20] <Forecaster> inari: https://twitter.com/giphz/status/929774788637351936
L54[05:27:20] <MichiBot> Sun Nov 12 12:15:58 CST 2017 @giphz: PING:999 https://t.co/12ElJW5Bxi
L55[05:27:23] <Inari> Since the steps on the wiki don't mention that
L56[05:28:02] <Inari> @Forecaster cute :D
L57[05:30:21] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/MB95jU8.jpg kodi is pretty, and for once it uses stupid amounts of empty space in place you should
L58[05:31:37] <Forecaster> like where?
L59[05:31:48] <Izaya> (that is to say, on a big screen you're far away from)
L60[05:31:56] <Forecaster> ah
L61[05:32:05] <Forecaster> I may have to try that
L62[05:33:27] <Izaya> been using it on my HTPC for a while
L63[05:34:05] <Forecaster> I used to use SMBC a long time ago, but it wasn't great unfortunately
L64[05:34:44] <Izaya> saturday morning breakfast cereal?
L65[05:35:14] <Izaya> (XMBC?)
L66[05:35:28] <Forecaster> that, yes :P
L67[05:36:19] <Forecaster> actually, it's XBMC
L68[05:36:27] <Izaya> that, yes :P
L69[05:36:42] <Forecaster> and apparently they also made Kodi...
L70[05:36:43] <Forecaster> huh
L71[05:36:57] <Izaya> XBMC turned into Kodi eventually
L72[05:37:16] <Forecaster> I hope it doesn't suffer from the same issues still
L73[05:37:21] <Forecaster> that I can't remember
L74[05:38:03] <Izaya> I had a bunch of issues with the hardware I was using, but that's just because the BIOS hates GRUB
L75[05:44:57] <Inari> Oh Progress
L76[05:45:15] <Inari> [12:44:28] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Caught exception from MrTJPCoreMod
L77[05:45:15] <Inari> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: codechicken/lib/packet/PacketCustom$ICustomPacketHandler
L78[05:45:15] <Inari> at mrtjp.core.handler.MrTJPCoreMod$.preInit(mod.scala:27) ~[MrTJPCore-1.7.10-]
L79[05:46:13] <Inari> I guess I'll have to set mrtjpcore to "Provided" too
L80[05:46:14] <Forecaster> progress in programming is a different thing breaking :D
L81[05:46:17] <Inari> Despite it not being in the list
L82[05:46:32] <Inari> Well at least its a new error, one that might mare more sense :P
L83[05:48:39] <Inari> It launched!
L84[05:50:38] <Inari> Now to figure out how to get to the source files :P
L85[05:51:26] <Inari> Hmm I see
L86[05:53:35] <Forecaster> an epic quest to the forest of doom?
L87[05:53:54] <Inari> Not sure what that reference is :p
L88[05:56:49] <Forecaster> it's not a reference
L89[06:01:08] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@
L90[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L91[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/qR_DhAtsZHg - RailcraftLP [Episode 58] - Dial 2 for sun
L92[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: javascript,php,tan,seasons,weather,programming,opencomputers
L93[06:01:08] <MichiBot> RailcraftLP- [Episode 58] - Dial 2 for sun | length: 34m 24s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 0 | by Forecaster | Published On 13/11/2017
L94[06:02:09] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L95[06:11:57] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L96[06:28:39] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4C1998E1C91C768EF8410A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L97[06:28:39] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L99[07:01:50] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@
L100[07:10:38] <Inari> ~oc components
L101[07:10:38] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/components
L102[07:11:40] <Inari> Why do I have to modify like 10 different areas of code to add an item
L103[07:11:41] <Inari> ;-;
L104[07:11:55] <Inari> Well, add a card
L105[07:14:09] <Forecaster> barrier of entry? :P
L106[07:14:14] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p5797222B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L107[07:15:10] ⇦ Quits: Xellurat (Elite16692@i.am.not.really.here.elitebnc.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L108[07:15:15] ⇨ Joins: Xellurat (Elite16692@i.am.not.really.here.elitebnc.org)
L109[07:15:43] <Inari> More like being a pain :P
L110[07:15:56] <Inari> Not that there seems to be a good way to find all the spots you need to change either
L111[07:16:16] <Temia> mooooo .o.
L112[07:16:21] * Temia flops over. stupid cough
L113[07:17:11] <Forecaster> Inari look at computronics or something?
L114[07:17:15] <Forecaster> it has cards
L115[07:17:33] <Inari> Yeah but still, theres like 8 things in completely different raeas of code you have to do o.o
L116[07:17:34] ⇦ Quits: Mimiru (~Mimiru@2607:5300:61:8d9::1bad:babe) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L117[07:17:34] <Forecaster> and may be better structured than OC itself
L118[07:17:51] <Forecaster> coughs are never fun
L119[07:18:47] <Inari> Oh well I seem to have got it working now :P
L120[07:18:49] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (~Mimiru@2607:5300:61:8d9::1bad:babe)
L121[07:18:49] zsh sets mode: +o on Mimiru
L122[07:22:37] <Inari> \o/ http://tinyurl.com/y8ck297d
L123[07:25:12] <Forecaster> it does things!
L124[07:25:13] <Forecaster> https://xkcd.com/1915/
L125[07:25:13] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Nightmare Email Feature Posted on: 11/13/2017
L126[07:34:03] <Forecaster> I just found an online store that sells spinning tops made out of pure metal of various types
L127[07:34:06] <Forecaster> there's a gold one
L128[07:34:29] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y7ur3zwz
L129[07:34:58] <Forecaster> it's not the most expensive one
L130[07:35:08] <Inari> Thats pretty cheap
L131[07:35:42] <Forecaster> the most expensive one is one made out of tungsten, at 195 usd
L132[07:37:03] <Forecaster> cheapest is the aluminium one at $34
L133[07:38:28] <Forecaster> ah, the gold ones are only plated it seems
L134[07:39:37] <dequbed> Forecaster: With a price of $41 per gram gold, yes yes they are.
L135[07:41:01] <Inari> Makes sense :P
L136[07:41:06] <Inari> I was wondering why its so cheap haha
L137[07:41:44] <Forecaster> tripple-plated, but still
L138[07:43:42] <dequbed> Inari: Most of the price on any of them will be labour. Tungsten by itself is very cheap but a completely bitch to work with. Aluminium on the other hand is very easy to work with.
L139[07:45:33] <S3> Forecaster: The best top I've ever had that spun longer than any other top I've eer found was hand carved by a shaker (They're like amish kinda)
L140[07:45:45] <S3> It was made of wood
L141[07:58:34] <Izaya> http://moonlight-stream.com/
L142[07:59:49] <Forecaster> I've never really understood game streaming
L143[07:59:59] <Forecaster> why not just install the game on multiple devices
L144[08:00:43] <Izaya> I mean, my HTPC has a GT710, my desktop has a 690. I can run a lot more games on my desktop but enjoy them on the couch.
L145[08:03:49] <Forecaster> I guess there's an advantage of using the desktop for the processing but sending the rendered frames somewhere else
L146[08:04:01] <Forecaster> but can't there be latency between I/O?
L147[08:04:11] <Izaya> over 10/100 I don't notice it
L148[08:04:19] <Izaya> though I'm hardly playing rocket league or CS:GO
L149[08:04:27] <Izaya> it's stuff like FO4 and Skyrim
L150[08:05:11] <Forecaster> I don't have a media center at home, just my desktop :P
L151[08:05:49] <Forecaster> I do have a media pc at my girlfriends apartment, but I don't think streaming games to that over the internet would work out very well
L152[08:05:56] <Izaya> HTPC is built out of what I had laying around
L153[08:06:17] <Izaya> Core 2 Duo something shitty, 2GB of DDR2, a 40GB IDE hard drive and a GT710
L154[08:06:24] <Izaya> all in a low profile case shoved behind the TV
L155[08:06:46] <Forecaster> and it has an i5 so it mostly handles couch-co-op games fine
L156[08:07:13] <Forecaster> I had one with an i3 at first, but it didn't like the physics-based games
L157[08:07:32] <Izaya> I really need something better than an i3 for my desktop :|
L158[08:07:44] <Izaya> tfw haswell refresh is worthless
L159[08:08:03] <Izaya> anyway
L160[08:08:06] <Izaya> moonlight thingy
L161[08:08:11] <Izaya> I can stream games to my phone
L162[08:08:14] <Izaya> so I can be even lazier
L163[08:08:23] <Izaya> even though that'll probably be cancer over wifi even at 900p
L164[08:08:25] <Forecaster> it's an HP ProDesk or something
L165[08:08:30] <Forecaster> very small form-factor
L166[08:08:45] <Forecaster> it's the size of a router
L167[08:08:48] <Izaya> We have these tiny qt HP desktops at work
L168[08:08:59] <Izaya> they're probably mITX but they're so small :3
L169[08:09:10] <Izaya> half-decent 900 series nvidia cards in them too
L170[08:09:25] <Forecaster> I don't know the specs of it beyond the i5
L171[08:09:33] <Forecaster> I expect it'll burn sooner or later though from physics games
L172[08:09:34] <Forecaster> :P
L173[08:09:39] <Izaya> hey, if it works, it works
L174[08:10:26] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y9o5aq6n
L175[08:10:30] <Forecaster> onna those
L176[08:11:08] <Izaya> :D it's so tiny
L177[08:11:13] <Forecaster> I'm not too concerned, since I didn't pay anything for it :P
L178[08:11:23] <Izaya> I want one :3
L179[08:11:31] <Forecaster> once it's run it's course I'll get a new better one probably
L180[08:11:36] <Forecaster> the newer models look sleek
L181[08:11:40] <Izaya> Wonder if they make ones with Atom CPUs and two ethernet ports...
L182[08:14:18] <Forecaster> apparently they've got an intergrated AMD Radeon™ HD
L183[08:14:24] <Forecaster> as the gpu
L184[08:15:01] <Forecaster> also it only has Display Port, so I had to get a DP => HDMI adapter to use it
L185[08:15:49] <Izaya> that's annoying
L186[08:15:53] <Izaya> VGA would be a real pain
L187[08:16:23] ⇦ Quits: superminor2_ (~SuPeR@eve.superminor2.net) (Quit: No Ping reply in 120 seconds.)
L188[08:16:30] <Forecaster> it was a minor hurdle really
L189[08:16:38] <Forecaster> fortunately DP outputs sound as well
L190[08:16:56] <Izaya> [the one place where that's a feature]
L191[08:18:13] <Forecaster> I was afraid I might have to connect sound separately if it didn't
L192[08:18:30] ⇨ Joins: superminor2 (~SuPeR@2607:5300:60:1b63::1)
L193[08:20:42] <Izaya> our TV only has VGA and composite for video and RCA for audio
L194[08:21:25] <Forecaster> :P
L195[08:21:57] <Izaya> it's also reverse projection, refuses to turn on if it's cold and at least as old as me
L196[08:22:35] <Forecaster> that sounds inconvenient :P
L197[08:23:12] <Izaya> Eh, it fits the rest of everything we own
L198[08:23:37] <Izaya> Better than the last one - 16" CRT with built in VHS player/recorder
L199[08:26:13] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4C1998E1C91C768EF8410A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L200[08:34:34] <SquidDev> 33
L201[08:36:28] <Forecaster> that's way too many
L202[08:37:02] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4C1924E1C91C768EF8410A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L203[08:37:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L204[08:42:42] <Temia> I feel dirty using HDMI, but I have to use both onboard and discrete graphics due to my system's configuration and the monitors only take DVI and HDMI .-.
L205[08:44:08] <Forecaster> why's it dirty?
L206[08:44:28] <Inari> https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/ those downvotes on the first reply ;D
L207[08:44:40] * Inari scrubs Temia
L208[08:45:29] <Temia> HDMI just feels so... hodge-podge once I dig into the particulars, is all :x
L209[08:45:39] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L210[08:46:07] <Forecaster> I see
L211[09:01:00] <Michiyo> http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6789806109.png So this happened this morning \o/
L212[09:03:34] <Kodos> https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?context=3
L213[09:04:05] <Kodos> 287000+ downvotes
L214[09:04:21] <Temia> -289k now
L215[09:04:56] <Temia> This shitshow is hilarious, it's like every redditor is coming by to piss on it.
L216[09:05:02] * Temia sips coffee =w=
L217[09:05:43] ⇨ Joins: Arcanitor (webchat@
L218[09:27:09] <Inari> Hrm
L219[09:28:53] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-24-21-196-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L220[09:36:54] <Forecaster> "hrm" is just missing two letters to become "harem"
L221[09:37:02] <Forecaster> can you tell that I'm bored?
L222[09:37:12] <S3> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_uH4LON8WU&feature=youtu.be
L223[09:37:12] <MichiBot> safariLIVE | length: 0 milliseconds | Likes: 209 Dislikes: 9 Views: 2,180 | by safariLIVE | Published On 13/11/2017
L224[09:37:15] <Inari> Haha
L225[09:37:27] <S3> live streaming safari! lol
L226[09:37:29] <Inari> I'm trying to figure out how to handel rightclick on floppies, since FileSystemLIke overrides that...
L227[09:37:38] <S3> a while ago they were watchin cheetahs
L228[09:38:19] <S3> oh cool baby lions
L229[09:41:38] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
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L233[10:12:29] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4001:83b3:2d20:95b5:b495:3e4f)
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L239[10:58:53] <Sparky> Wait a minute....
L240[10:59:08] <Sparky> Could I install linux onto a computer in MC?
L241[11:12:29] <Inari> Depends
L242[11:12:54] ⇦ Parts: Demosthenex (~Demosthen@dhcp-077-248-042-162.chello.nl) ())
L243[11:15:49] <Inari> If you write a linux in Lua. Or you could compile linux to 6502 and use Thistle
L244[11:16:01] <Saphire> Inari: MIPS Linux though
L245[11:16:09] <Inari> Or that
L246[11:16:14] <Inari> If the MIPs arch ever got working
L247[11:16:15] <Inari> :P
L248[11:25:25] <S3> then you could run N64 on it
L249[11:25:35] <S3> :>
L250[11:35:56] <Sparky> Also, is the only GUI OS for OC that russian one?
L251[11:36:15] <AshIndigo> does oc really need a gui os though?
L252[11:36:47] <Sparky> No, but its pretty dang cool
L253[11:37:34] <Inari> Bleeeeeh why you no render like I want to :<
L254[11:37:44] <Vexatos> Inari, we had Linux on BTM 16.1
L255[11:37:52] <Vexatos> no wait, on 16.2
L256[11:37:58] <Inari> How that
L257[11:38:02] <Vexatos> on MIPS
L258[11:38:06] <Inari> Ah
L259[11:38:22] <Inari> MC's UI system si werid
L260[11:38:23] <Inari> :|
L261[11:39:15] <gamax92> Vexatos: it actually worked? I thought it was just at the can't find root and panic stage
L262[11:40:12] <Vexatos> I have no clue :P
L263[11:40:26] <Vexatos> I just remember seeing an ASCII tux
L264[11:45:10] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L265[11:48:08] <gamax92> so probably not then
L266[11:53:38] <payonel> Izaya: o/
L267[11:54:29] <gamax92> Vexatos: I'm like super not hyped for BTM this time
L268[11:55:02] <Vexatos> welp :P
L269[11:55:31] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net)
L270[11:55:48] <dequbed> payonel: Shhhh, you'll wake him up! D:
L271[12:06:13] <payonel> oh i think it's 5AM for Izaya
L272[12:25:27] <Inari> Someone explain to me how MC UI works :P
L273[12:26:03] <AmandaC> Inari: hacks piled onto hacks piled onto hacks
L274[12:26:31] <dequbed> bolted on to a botchjob.
L275[12:26:36] <AmandaC> Inari: what're you doing, anyway?
L276[12:26:42] <Inari> Floppy Disks
L277[12:26:47] <Inari> Or trying to
L278[12:26:52] <AmandaC> What about them?
L279[12:26:53] <AshIndigo> what about them?
L280[12:26:58] <Inari> The labelling UI :P
L281[12:27:33] <AmandaC> What about it?
L282[12:27:38] * AmandaC hides
L283[12:27:46] <AshIndigo> does labelling rename the item like an anvil?
L284[12:27:49] <Inari> Well I can't seem to draw the write-protect button without it being wrongly sized
L285[12:29:13] <AshIndigo> like off a few pixels or off by its super tiny or big?
L286[12:29:39] <Inari> Too big
L287[12:29:55] <Inari> Despite trying to use the smae code as the overall window uses
L288[12:29:58] <Inari> It seems a different scale
L289[12:29:59] <Inari> xD
L290[12:31:28] <AshIndigo> code?
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L292[12:31:43] * AshIndigo wonders if he'll actually be able to notice anything off
L293[12:34:00] <Inari> https://gist.github.com/Inari-Whitebear/352b70591ade44214edff0b28309e55e first file is my drawing code
L294[12:34:09] <Inari> Second file is what window.scala uses - which draws the window
L295[12:38:20] <S3> Inari: Think I should get back to work on my old OC OS?
L296[12:38:31] <Inari> Why ask me D:
L297[12:38:36] <S3> I dunno
L298[12:38:40] <S3> for the reaction
L299[12:39:01] <payonel> S3: i added something last night to ocvm that might help os dev
L300[12:39:08] <AshIndigo> whats your scale set to?
L301[12:39:29] <Inari> I've not set it to anything
L302[12:40:07] <Inari> Neither does Window.scala seem to
L303[12:41:49] <S3> payonel: did you?
L304[12:41:56] <S3> I have only ever used ocemu, what's ocvm like?
L305[12:42:11] <payonel> S3: not a debugger...that i started to build and it got really crazy fast
L306[12:42:26] <payonel> S3: nah, the new feature is just better "kernel panic" output
L307[12:42:31] <S3> is it like what I wanted to do and just run lua wrappers to get the code to work in a terminal?
L308[12:42:50] <AshIndigo> did you breakpoint imgWidth and imgHeight and see what they are?
L309[12:42:59] <payonel> S3: yeah, ocvm is fully a terminal application that
L310[12:43:07] <Inari> 48/88. Window also has the same values
L311[12:43:11] <S3> huh
L312[12:43:13] <payonel> -that
L313[12:43:34] <AshIndigo> hm
L314[12:44:04] <S3> cd ocvm && gmake
L315[12:44:06] <S3> oops
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L317[12:45:24] <S3> whee tons of compile errors
L318[12:45:35] <S3> probably lua library linking related as USUAL..
L319[12:45:36] <payonel> S3: what is your host os?
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L321[12:46:00] <S3> this is on Slackware Linux, I guarantee you I just don't have Lua libraries installed
L322[12:46:07] <CompanionCube> S3: huh, slackware?
L323[12:46:10] <Xal> install gentoo
L324[12:46:11] <gamax92> S3 uses Haiku
L325[12:46:12] <S3> because model/config.cpp:75:30: error: 'LUA_OK' was not declared in this scope
L326[12:46:14] <CompanionCube> weren't you a freebsd person?
L327[12:46:22] <gamax92> S3 was a FreeBSD person
L328[12:46:22] <S3> I do use FreeBSD yes
L329[12:46:30] <gamax92> gave me shit for complex numbers with ocemu
L330[12:46:36] <S3> I use both BSD and Linux, but when I do use Linux, I use Slackware.
L331[12:46:46] <S3> it's one of the most unobtrusive dists
L332[12:46:53] <CompanionCube> gamax92: if you want I can give you more shit by trying to build ocemu on openindiana :p
L333[12:47:03] <S3> CompanionCube: rofl
L334[12:47:08] <S3> isn't that.. the open solaris fork?
L335[12:47:25] <payonel> S3: i need to add a build option to specify lua by path
L336[12:47:26] <AshIndigo> what if you double the size of the main gui?
L337[12:47:27] <CompanionCube> S3: it's an illumos distro yes
L338[12:47:42] <S3> payonel: Lua in general is a pita to set up anyways
L339[12:47:48] <S3> it's nothing to do with your project
L340[12:48:04] <payonel> sure, but my project isn't very cross platform friendly
L341[12:48:12] <payonel> well, most of it is
L342[12:48:13] <S3> what'd you build it on?
L343[12:48:14] <payonel> but the lua part isn't
L344[12:48:21] <payonel> i use gentoo and ubuntu
L345[12:48:26] <S3> itl work
L346[12:48:31] <Xal> payonel: why both
L347[12:48:35] <S3> I heven't set up Lua on this system yet
L348[12:48:42] <payonel> depends if i'm on my laptop, or remote to my server
L349[12:48:46] <payonel> Xal: ^
L350[12:48:50] <gamax92> Lua is a pita to setup?
L351[12:48:56] <payonel> and given that ocvm is a pure terminal application, it works over ssh
L352[12:48:59] <S3> gamax92: particularly pkg config
L353[12:49:13] <gamax92> https://github.com/adriancable/8086tiny
L354[12:49:17] <S3> gamax92: the problem is pkg config packagers make really shitty random pc files
L355[12:49:29] <S3> and lua is in different pkg config files all over the place
L356[12:49:33] <S3> and then you wonder why shit breaks
L357[12:49:44] <S3> of course fortunately payonell isn't using at
L358[12:49:49] <S3> so pc isn't much of a problem
L359[12:49:55] <S3> I just gotta make sure Lua is where it expects it
L360[12:49:56] <gamax92> S3
L361[12:50:20] <Xal> gentoo slotting is a lifesaver when it comes to lua
L362[12:50:40] <S3> I dislike Gentoo for using Python tools :P
L363[12:51:05] <Xal> I'm not a huge fan of python, but writing the package manager in a user-visible language makes sense
L364[12:51:05] <S3> and sabayon made it even worse!
L365[12:51:18] <S3> I agree, but it's slow and inefficient as shit
L366[12:51:23] <Xal> one day I'll make the jump to guix
L367[12:51:46] <Xal> the gnu project is like a fusion between lisp machines and unix
L368[12:51:46] <CompanionCube> Xal: does your hardware work with guix
L369[12:51:51] <Xal> and they complement each other very well
L370[12:52:00] <CompanionCube> lord knows mine doesn't
L371[12:52:02] <Xal> I want to run e m a c s os
L372[12:52:30] <S3> oh that's the problem
L373[12:52:33] <S3> payonel: IS using pc
L374[12:52:35] <S3> but that's ok
L375[12:52:38] <S3> I'ma fix this
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L378[12:53:02] <peaceoops> So.... the recipe for the navigation card in my modpack requires an "Uncraftable Potion"... I... how do I craft the uncraftable!?
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L382[12:53:40] <AshIndigo> press r with it on nei/jei!
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L384[12:53:46] <payonel> S3: i just pushed a tiny make file improvement
L385[12:53:58] <S3> oh?
L386[12:54:08] <payonel> S3: in case your lua pkg isn't 5.2 or 5.3, but something custom named, you can use `make lua=custom_lua_name`
L387[12:54:20] <S3> oh that is nice
L388[12:54:25] <S3> that really helps with pc problems..
L389[12:54:34] <peaceoops> AshIndigo: lmao, I know how to use JEI... there's no recipe for it.
L390[12:54:46] <payonel> S3: it'll invoke `pkg-config lua$(lua)`
L391[12:54:53] <payonel> where $(lua) is the value you give to make
L392[12:54:56] <S3> I really wish that pc was replaced with something better.. but what even would be better? XD
L393[12:54:59] <AshIndigo> aww of course it couldnt have been that easy
L394[12:55:03] <payonel> `make` defaults to 5.2
L395[12:55:09] <S3> Yeah I saw that
L396[12:55:10] <peaceoops> I wish it were...
L397[12:55:20] <AshIndigo> https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Potion#Unused_potions
L398[12:55:27] <peaceoops> I'm wondering if it's some weird in-world interaction
L399[12:55:54] <S3> so it works with 5.3 as well?
L400[12:56:02] <peaceoops> But.... if it's uncraftable, why is it part of the recipe? =/
L401[12:56:07] <peaceoops> Bah!
L402[12:56:14] <payonel> S3: yes
L403[12:56:14] <AshIndigo> check for modified recipes in the modpack folder?
L404[12:56:26] <peaceoops> Ah, probably this: It is also obtained any time a potion has invalid or missing potion effect tags, and thus serves as a placeholder.
L405[12:56:31] <AshIndigo> could be a broken recipe change
L406[12:56:40] <peaceoops> Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
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L408[12:57:00] <peaceoops> I wonder if there's a way to purposefully break a potion in-game.
L409[12:57:28] <AshIndigo> make a mod that gives a broken potion?
L410[12:58:01] <Corded> * <peaceoops> taps his nose
L411[12:58:06] <Forecaster> or just change the recipe :P
L412[12:58:08] <peaceoops> Now you're onto something
L413[12:58:10] * AshIndigo disappears into the aether for now
L414[12:58:47] <payonel> vifino: i also added to ocvm the option to specify the bios.lua, machine.lua, and font.hex
L415[12:59:22] <payonel> `ocvm --bios=path/to/bios.lua --machine=path/to/machine.lua --fonts=path/to/font.hex`
L416[12:59:23] <peaceoops> Forecaster, I'll probably just end up /give-ing it to myself.
L417[12:59:37] <payonel> all are optional, defaults to ${ocvm_dir}/system/*
L418[13:00:11] <payonel> btw, bios only makes sense for new vms, because after that the vm stores its own bios data
L419[13:00:25] <payonel> in ${vm_dir}/data
L420[13:00:46] <payonel> derp, no
L421[13:00:54] <payonel> in ${vm_dir}/bios.lua
L422[13:01:15] <payonel> ${vm_dir}/data is the eeprom data, not its code
L423[13:02:04] <AmandaC> payonel: oh, that's right. What distro do you use?
L424[13:02:12] <payonel> AmandaC: primarily ubuntu
L425[13:02:22] <payonel> with mucho gentoo on the side
L426[13:03:33] <AmandaC> payonel: under opensuse for me the package config packages are lua-$(version) wasn't sure if that's something that could be cleanly compensated for
L427[13:04:07] <payonel> AmandaC: e.g. `make lua=-5.2` would probably work
L428[13:04:20] <AmandaC> True.
L429[13:04:24] <payonel> +now
L430[13:04:32] <payonel> as i just cleaned up that logic slightly
L431[13:04:33] <gamax92> -work
L432[13:04:36] <AmandaC> Ah
L433[13:05:17] <gamax92> the joys of starting up a pack to test something, it taking 10 minutes to boot, only for it to fail, repeat
L434[13:05:57] <AmandaC> That was the other thing, the logic around using 5.3 seemed to be broken for me
L435[13:06:26] <AmandaC> I'll try with the newer make file when I get back in the land of wifi
L436[13:08:24] <S3> WOAH
L437[13:08:29] <S3> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/7qOR3mhy/
L438[13:08:36] <S3> payonel: Never had it break like that before XD
L439[13:09:01] <S3> those are dynamic linking functions! XD
L440[13:09:44] <S3> looks like it's misisng -ldl
L441[13:09:47] <S3> let's see
L442[13:10:30] <S3> that works.
L443[13:10:36] <S3> Once I added -ldl to flags it work3ed.
L444[13:10:44] <S3> and it runs!
L445[13:10:46] <S3> payonel: thanks!
L446[13:11:49] <payonel> S3: perhaps your lua install doesn't have the static libs
L447[13:12:14] <S3> I specified -ldl to get it to compile dynamic.. so that makes sense
L448[13:12:28] <S3> I didn't think about it much
L449[13:12:40] <S3> when I compiled Lua that is
L450[13:12:49] <payonel> S3: so the recent feature is the better kernel panic output
L451[13:13:01] <S3> so now I just need to fix rxvt-unicode to get unicode to work correctly
L452[13:13:07] <S3> oh?
L453[13:13:18] <payonel> S3: so for example, make your bios.lua just have: error("test")
L454[13:14:05] <payonel> S3: note that your vm dir is going to be LOCAL to where you execute ocvm from, default vm dir name is tmp/
L455[13:14:11] <payonel> use `ocvm --help` for more info
L456[13:14:14] <S3> huh
L457[13:16:38] <payonel> S3: some things don't work quite well yet. e.g. control+shift+c will ABORT the vm, same with [ESC]
L458[13:16:55] <payonel> i plan to change that, i need another "abort" key, MAYBE configurable
L459[13:16:58] <payonel> i was thinking F12
L460[13:17:14] <S3> payonel: do you know anything about the unicode aspect of it?
L461[13:17:19] <S3> I noticed it has its own font
L462[13:17:24] <S3> but in urxvt it shows weird systems
L463[13:17:27] <S3> symbols*
L464[13:17:52] <payonel> S3: well there are a few things ocvm won't do (by design) and one is use oc fonts
L465[13:17:57] <payonel> well, it half uses them
L466[13:18:07] <payonel> it uses them to have the same "width" metadata
L467[13:18:17] <payonel> but ocvm will use the font and utf8 support your terminal has
L468[13:19:26] <S3> ok
L469[13:19:32] <S3> I probably just have a non unicode font
L470[13:22:55] <payonel> S3: is the box around the motd messed up?
L471[13:33:55] <S3> payonel: it isn't now! :D
L472[13:34:11] <S3> I installed gnu unifont and changed my default $LANG to en_US.UTF-8
L473[13:35:07] <payonel> S3: there are some things that ocemu will always do better. one is the font
L474[13:35:29] <payonel> when i started ocvm i planned in advance to accept that ocemu would just do some things better
L475[13:35:30] <payonel> :)
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L478[13:37:08] <S3> payonel: it looks really easy and fats to set up
L479[13:37:15] <S3> I haven't looked at how to make my own machines with it just yet but
L480[13:37:21] <S3> fast*
L481[13:42:08] <payonel> S3: key_up (key release) is another feature i'd like to improve. because this is a tui in a medium tty mode .. i don't get release events
L482[13:42:28] <payonel> so i fake those in a couple of ways, and AmandaC had a great idea to use a timeout as well
L483[13:42:35] <payonel> that's something i still plan to add
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L485[13:44:25] <S3> payonel: ohh I see. I had no idea curses had no key relase events
L486[13:44:37] <payonel> S3: yeah. it doesn't
L487[13:44:42] <S3> odd.
L488[13:44:48] <payonel> well, 2 things
L489[13:44:53] <S3> t has ier 9000MB of other things :D
L490[13:44:56] <S3> over*
L491[13:45:05] <payonel> 1. it can't -- those key codes simply are not communicated to a pty
L492[13:45:46] <S3> I wouldn't want to make things complicated, but if SDL could run in text mode..
L493[13:45:49] <S3> like DSL input
L494[13:45:52] <S3> SDL blargh
L495[13:46:01] <gamax92> *cough*
L496[13:46:21] <payonel> 2. i'm not using ncurses, i wrote my own drivers. why? A. because i'm crazy and wanted no dependencies (not even ncurses)
L497[13:46:33] <payonel> and B. ncurses does not respect utf8 correctly
L498[13:46:37] <S3> Ohh, I somehow assumed you were using ncurses for position control
L499[13:46:41] <S3> but I didn'tlook
L500[13:46:45] <payonel> S3: i wrote my own driver for it
L501[13:46:49] <S3> aha
L502[13:47:02] <S3> no dependencies is nice
L503[13:47:05] <AmandaC> ncurses is just a wrapper around the various ansi code varients
L504[13:47:09] <S3> right
L505[13:47:39] <payonel> S3: a pty simply does not get key release codes
L506[13:47:49] <S3> I'm not surprised
L507[13:47:53] <payonel> it is impossible to write a tui that would receive that
L508[13:48:05] <payonel> unless you can get a real tty in raw mode
L509[13:48:10] <payonel> which, btw, ocvm detects and supports
L510[13:48:26] <payonel> it'll use its raw_mode kb driver if you run ocvm in a tty
L511[13:48:41] <gamax92> what about talking to evdev
L512[13:48:41] <S3> huh
L513[13:48:54] <payonel> gamax92: ok, not impossible. without root
L514[13:49:04] <payonel> BUT
L515[13:49:13] <payonel> even then, you'd been getting kb events not unique to your process
L516[13:49:24] <S3> payonel: well you could always expect people who want the featre to add them to the group that gives them evdev permissions
L517[13:49:27] <AmandaC> ocvm, now with keylogger!
L518[13:49:35] <payonel> i wrote such a version of my kb driver in the early days of ocvm, but it was essentially a key logger
L519[13:49:37] <S3> yeah that too
L520[13:49:44] <payonel> AmandaC: yep
L521[13:49:56] <payonel> S3: it can't be done in a process specific way
L522[13:50:13] <payonel> i also wrote a version that would hijack the X window events
L523[13:50:26] <payonel> but that, obviously, wasn't a real tui feature
L524[13:50:28] <S3> payonel: is it possible to replace a pty in a terminal with gettty or some shit?
L525[13:50:33] <S3> for a real tty handle
L526[13:50:43] <payonel> HONESTLY, i spent like 3 months on just the kb driver trying to solve this problem
L527[13:50:45] <payonel> i learned a lot
L528[13:50:49] <S3> lol
L529[13:51:03] <S3> I am not worried about a silly key up
L530[13:51:06] <AmandaC> payonel learned more about the linux tty/pty system than any sane man could ever want to know
L531[13:51:09] <gamax92> but ocvm is
L532[13:51:46] <S3> so far it looks great. gotta look for some information now on how to make a computer
L533[13:52:16] <AmandaC> gamax92: how's that sdl driver going for it? :P
L534[13:53:06] <payonel> S3: when you're running a window manager such as X, X controls the tty (e.g. tty 7), and all terminal emulators there-in are pty for that reason. the real tty behind the curtain belongs to X and there is only one of them. this is why you would get raw-mode key events specific to just your one pty
L535[13:53:21] <gamax92> AmandaC: probably in some forgotten about folder
L536[13:53:34] <S3> I see
L537[13:53:37] <payonel> why you would NOT+* (typo, forgot the not)
L538[13:53:53] <gamax92> I'm trying to get stuff that has broken for some reason working again so that I have something to show for BTM :/
L539[13:53:57] <payonel> "that is why you would not get the raw-mode..."
L540[13:54:12] <payonel> anyways, yeah. it was actually a lot of fun learning about all of this stuff
L541[13:55:03] <S3> payonel: nice panics!
L542[13:55:11] <payonel> S3: wooh! :)
L543[13:55:19] <gamax92> is it a sad face and a qr code?
L544[13:55:30] <payonel> ocvm's kernel panics have been crap up until now. so i'm pretty happy about this new thing
L545[13:55:34] <S3> that would be epic.. gamax92
L546[13:55:37] <S3> an ascii qr code..
L547[13:55:41] <S3> would a phone even read that?!
L548[13:55:45] <AmandaC> yup
L549[13:55:48] <S3> ahahahaha
L550[13:56:03] <S3> Hey, nothing says I can't add it right?
L551[13:56:09] <S3> :D
L552[13:56:32] <AmandaC> And the QR is hard-coded to be a rick-roll
L553[13:56:43] <payonel> S3: components/computer.cpp -> Computer::crash() is called when the kernel crashes
L554[13:56:45] <S3> OK that's it
L555[13:56:50] <S3> S3IX will HAVE QR CODE PANICS
L556[13:56:55] <S3> thanks gamax92 :D
L557[13:57:17] * AmandaC is reminded of one of her times to Google I/O
L558[13:57:19] <payonel> oh you mean add the qr code to the error from the kernel, nice
L559[13:58:14] <AmandaC> They had introduced NFC and were pushing it pretty hard, and so they had a minigame thing where you could go around the venue and "collect" the tags with the schedule app. Someone took one of the stickers they used for the NFC tags and encoded it with a rick-roll.
L560[13:58:37] <Xal> from now on all errors are reported as "/usr/share/Adobe/doc/example/android_vm/root/sbin/ls.jar: Error: Device is not responding"
L561[13:58:49] <S3> payonel: yeah, I can store like address bits, etc in there
L562[13:59:13] <S3> maybe open it on a website or some shit to show all the information with a report button
L563[13:59:18] <S3> or somethin
L564[13:59:23] <S3> (that's a bit much)
L565[13:59:49] <S3> gamax92: should I use unicode block characters or ascii #s?
L566[13:59:59] <gamax92> unicode
L567[14:00:04] <S3> is what I thought
L568[14:00:14] <S3> I mean this looks nice:
L569[14:00:15] <S3> https://i.redd.it/c7n9gpmo9dcy.png
L570[14:00:23] <gamax92> wait, why did you install unifont.
L571[14:00:42] <S3> because it's the only unicode font I know of that has a lot of shit
L572[14:00:45] <S3> I usually use Terminus
L573[14:00:52] <S3> which has very poor unicode
L574[14:01:31] <Xal> unifont has /excellent/ code point coverage but god damn is it ugly
L575[14:03:07] <Vexatos> It's missing quite a bit of cuneiform
L576[14:03:14] <Vexatos> At least it was last time I checked
L577[14:04:17] <S3> Xal: it is pretty ugly
L578[14:04:22] <S3> goong from terminus is like wat
L579[14:04:37] <dequbed> S3: Re ascii QR: http://asciiqr.com is a thing.
L580[14:05:00] <S3> yeah I saw that a few mins ago
L581[14:05:10] <S3> I need to find a place that talks about how QR codes are made now
L582[14:05:10] <Vexatos> Something something ????? ???
L583[14:05:12] <S3> so I can generate them
L584[14:05:20] <S3> Vexatos: I see boxes!
L585[14:05:26] <S3> on chrome :D
L586[14:05:27] <Vexatos> You need a better font :P
L587[14:05:37] <S3> It mightshow in irssi
L588[14:06:05] <Xal> https://i.imgur.com/ldE9mlj.png
L589[14:06:10] <Vexatos> ? is one of my favourites
L590[14:06:14] <Xal> a classic
L591[14:06:36] <Xal> I'll have to pick ﷽
L592[14:06:46] <dequbed> S3: http://www.qrcode.com/en/index.html is a good place to start :P
L593[14:06:51] <Xal> ? is a close second
L594[14:07:02] <Vexatos> It also didn't like other blocks like ??
L595[14:07:04] <Temia> Hey Gamax, did you ever send a PR for your Quassel changes?
L596[14:07:24] <gamax92> hmm?
L597[14:07:35] <Temia> The ones you made to fix unicode rendering issues.
L598[14:07:42] <Vexatos> ??????
L599[14:07:51] <gamax92> oh those, no those are hacks
L600[14:07:55] <Temia> Oh .-.
L601[14:08:03] <gamax92> need a patch though?
L602[14:08:11] <Temia> Yes please.
L603[14:08:28] <Xal> I have a personal vendetta against unicode block fb00 to fb4f
L604[14:08:40] <Xal> screw putting ligatures in unicode
L605[14:08:46] <Vexatos> pfft
L606[14:09:27] <Xal> office first store leſt
L607[14:09:38] <dequbed> Xal: Ew.
L608[14:09:56] <Xal> exactly, ligatures are meant for the font renderer to mess with
L609[14:10:21] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@79-67-166-122.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L610[14:11:06] <dequbed> Xal: agreed. I would like to see the reasoning though, there must be some reason why the unicode consortium did that.
L611[14:12:13] <Xal> the reasoning is "lol why not emojis are in"
L612[14:13:44] <dequbed> Xal: Emojis *do* make sense though given that they were used as communication. A litagured ff and one that is not does not make a conceptual difference to the reader.
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L615[14:16:07] <gamax92> dequbed: ?️
L616[14:16:25] ⇦ Parts: AshIndigo_ (webchat@ ())
L617[14:16:29] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo_ (webchat@
L618[14:16:34] <dequbed> gamax92: Context?
L619[14:16:52] <gamax92> don't really know, people replace random letters with it
L620[14:17:33] <XDjackieXD> "you don't talk about /?️" am I doing it right?
L621[14:17:52] <gamax92> hmm, well that broke my quassel patch
L622[14:18:04] <Temia> I've made a habit of learning to identify raw representations of emoji ligatures since I'm too lazy to install emoji libraries on my system
L623[14:18:32] <Temia> Fortunately, my current font choices at least provide glyphs for the components themselves :'D
L624[14:18:36] <gamax92> the unicode character lined up but the everything else is misaligned.
L625[14:18:46] <Temia> ._.a
L626[14:18:57] <S3> ok. so the idea for the OS is to run everything as a set of coroutine actors that run in their own env
L627[14:19:04] <S3> so that no actor can control information in any other actor
L628[14:19:13] <S3> 100% message passing..
L629[14:19:30] <S3> with some tricks, I think I can hack in some table sharing message system
L630[14:19:51] <AshIndigo_> s/b/?️
L631[14:19:51] <MichiBot> <S3> with some tricks, I think I can hack in some ta?️le sharing message system
L632[14:20:08] <S3> wut
L633[14:20:08] <gamax92> Temia: you might have to play around with the +1 in that patch, I had to change it to -1 after freetype updated
L634[14:20:14] <Temia> Alrighty
L635[14:20:26] <gamax92> it's sorta dependent on the base font
L636[14:21:10] <gamax92> hence the hack part
L637[14:21:52] <Temia> ah.
L638[14:22:37] <S3> I gotta drive home got shit to do
L639[14:24:12] <gamax92> I have an idea as how to better fix that.
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L642[14:32:09] <payonel> Izaya: poke
L643[14:34:30] <Izaya> your timing is terrible
L644[14:34:35] <Izaya> gimme 10 mins
L645[14:39:12] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@host-92-1-167-114.as43234.net)
L646[14:39:45] <Xal> one day someone will (try to) legally change their name to 'ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE' (U+FEFF)
L647[14:41:47] <dequbed> Xal: I want to raise a bobby tables but I do think my partner would lynch me before I had the chance.
L648[14:42:46] <Inari> Hm so it seems the size of the UI window is 1.5x the size of the original image
L649[14:42:55] <Inari> Now to figure out why
L650[14:43:25] <Inari> And why to get that I have to set teh windowHeight and width to half of the original image's size
L651[14:43:27] <Inari> Oh
L652[14:43:34] <Inari> Half, means x3
L653[14:43:42] <Inari> And I have UI set to "Large" which is 3 I believe
L654[14:44:14] <Vexatos> Xal, Luckily, that's not possible in Germany :P
L655[14:44:57] <Inari> But hwy does getScaledWidth not reflect that :|
L656[14:44:57] <vifino> why, Vexatos?
L657[14:45:22] <Xal> "The name has to indicate gender, it cannot be a last name or a product, and it cannot negatively affect the child."
L658[14:45:51] <Inari> Xal: That first thing is a weird rule
L659[14:46:05] <payonel> i thought germany just passed a law that will allow birth certificates to have a gender neutral option or something likethat
L660[14:46:32] <dequbed> payonel: Intersex, not neutral. Also a judge ruled that, the law has to be written now.
L661[14:46:34] <Xal> meanwhile, in the united states of FREEDOM: "Kentucky, [has] no naming laws whatsoever."
L662[14:46:43] <payonel> ah ok
L663[14:47:10] <Xal> Denmark requires first names to be picked from a list of pre-approved names
L664[14:47:37] <dequbed> Inari: It's a very historical thing. Fun fact: If your first name does not definitely indicate gender (e.g. "Alex") you must give the child a second name that does.
L665[14:47:57] <Inari> Silly
L666[14:48:03] <dequbed> Germany(TM)
L667[14:48:11] <vifino> (Don't do it.)
L668[14:48:16] <gamax92> German Engineering
L669[14:48:22] <dequbed> At least intersex gender is coming finally. Took them long enough .-.
L670[14:48:35] <Izaya> payonel: alright what can I do for ya
L671[14:48:51] <payonel> Izaya: i was just excited about a few updates i made to ocvm last night
L672[14:48:59] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo_ (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L673[14:49:02] <Xal> dequbed: even if official a government allows other genders, I'll put money on most government software from the 80s not supporting it ever
L674[14:49:04] <dequbed> payo needs to (humble)brag? :P
L675[14:49:11] <payonel> dequbed: oh definitely
L676[14:49:17] <payonel> that's totally my personality trait
L677[14:49:30] <vifino> mayonel, the bragger.
L678[14:49:31] <payonel> it's not so much bragging (it is) but it is moreso i love recognition
L679[14:49:56] <payonel> if i do the dishes, the first thing i have to tell my wife when she gets home is, "did you notice the kitchen!?"
L680[14:50:06] <vifino> hahaha
L681[14:50:09] <Izaya> payonel: what did you add?
L682[14:50:12] <Izaya> //change
L683[14:50:35] <payonel> Izaya: when there is a kernel panic, ocvm is much less stupid about reporting it
L684[14:50:44] <Izaya> oh yay
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L686[14:50:58] <payonel> 1. there is a stack trace of it, 2. i removed the garbage thread.toString output in the log, just the message and stack
L687[14:51:09] <dequbed> Xal: The problem is really not the software. Its the problem that since the child must have a definite gender on birth there have been cases where doctors had to restructure genitals to actually fit within the legal boundaries. And there have been (very few but still!) cases where they judged wrong. (That story does come out of a new-left bubble though)
L688[14:51:10] <payonel> and 3. ocvm itself will dump to stdout the kernel panic info as well
L689[14:51:20] <Xal> if legal names were like passwords on government websites: "Your name must be 6 characters, and contain at least one capital letter. Iff the name does not contain at least one punctuation character, but no more than three, there must be 2-3 numbers in the name. The sum of the digits in the name must not exceed twelve, and may not be a multiple 3. The number four is not allowed under any circumstances. If the name more vowels than
L690[14:51:20] <Xal> consonants, it must end in an exclamation mark."
L691[14:51:55] <Izaya> yay
L692[14:52:03] <Izaya> I'll pull and try it out later today
L693[14:52:11] <payonel> Izaya: that #3 is after the pty driver has closed, so it remains
L694[14:52:16] <dequbed> payonel: consider yourself recognized :P
L695[14:52:17] <CompanionCube> S3: so you're doing the Haiku thing with QR'd panics?
L696[14:52:20] <payonel> WOO!
L697[14:52:25] <payonel> thanks dequbed
L698[14:52:34] <dequbed> Also, I did not know you had a wife :D
L699[14:52:44] <Izaya> CompanionCube: maybe I should do that...
L700[14:52:45] <payonel> aye
L701[14:52:49] <Izaya> actual qr code panics
L702[14:52:55] <Izaya> just for fun
L703[14:53:23] <CompanionCube> (https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/mmlr/2012-07-01_qr_encode_your_kdl_output/ reference)
L704[14:55:20] <AmandaC> oh, is that what gamax92 was referencing. I thought it was something Win10 added
L705[14:55:28] <gamax92> wahat?
L706[14:55:41] <AmandaC> your comment on "sad face and a QR Code"
L707[14:55:49] <gamax92> that's a reference to windows
L708[14:55:54] <AmandaC> oh
L709[14:57:04] <AmandaC> I should learn how the debian cross-compile dark voodoo goes
L710[14:59:32] <peaceoops> So, about the navigation upgrade, it all works relative to a map. What if I want to change what area my drone works in? Do I have to disassemble it every time?
L711[15:00:57] <Forecaster> yes
L712[15:06:25] <peaceoops> I'm tempted to write my own nav library... can't be too difficult. If the drones always startup on the same origin block, then badabing badaboom, there's your 0,0,0
L713[15:07:31] <peaceoops> I guess that wouldn't take into account "inaccessible" errors though. hmm
L714[15:08:37] <Izaya> https://i.4cdn.org/g/1510569345290.png
L715[15:10:55] * AshIndigo colors it green for technical preview users
L716[15:11:01] <AshIndigo> -_-
L717[15:11:10] <AshIndigo> Wait
L718[15:11:13] <payonel> ea sucks: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?context=3
L719[15:11:29] <dequbed> What's their score at now?
L720[15:11:32] <AshIndigo> Does anyone else my messages as doubles?
L721[15:12:19] <dequbed> -438k nice.
L722[15:12:39] <dequbed> Also 42xgilded?
L723[15:13:42] <payonel> dequbed: because it's so bad it's good. the comment is just gold
L724[15:13:43] <payonel> :)
L725[15:16:35] <dequbed> payonel: The only comment I really like in that thread is https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dpqqbxf/
L726[15:16:47] <Izaya> if people hate EA so much maybe they should stop buying
L727[15:16:57] <payonel> dequbed: i read that one too. it's was good
L728[15:16:58] <payonel> it*
L729[15:17:00] <Izaya> (and optionally start pirating)
L730[15:17:52] <payonel> Izaya: i think it'll take years for enough people to care to make a change
L731[15:18:06] <dequbed> Izaya: That's what that comment is about. And pirating doesn't work too well in a MMO (it is a MMO, isn't it?)
L732[15:18:22] <Izaya> another shitty hero shooter IIRC
L733[15:18:25] <payonel> no pirating in an mmo?
L734[15:18:28] <Izaya> matchmaking and such
L735[15:18:35] <payonel> reminds me of the time i didn't run a wow server
L736[15:19:10] <Xal> just you wait
L737[15:19:38] <Xal> one day there will be a homomorphic coprocessor in every cpu, and it will be literally impossible to reverse engineer programs
L738[15:19:50] <Xal> this sad reality will be true eventually
L739[15:19:59] <Izaya> one day I'll have a risc-v box only I control
L740[15:20:17] <dequbed> payonel: Can you actually? I don't know I never had the energy to crack games.
L741[15:22:02] <dequbed> Xal: With the current amount of people working in the exact opposite direction? I don't think so. Google themselves are pissed and want to kill ME etc. And OpenPOWER is going surprisingly strong, slowly reaching into the consumer market.
L742[15:22:23] <dequbed> Also RISC-V as Izaya said.
L743[15:23:01] <Xal> dequbed: why /wouldn't/ google want in on this? offload their own server's work onto your customers devices for free
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L745[15:23:46] <Xal> google only doesn't like the ME because they can't control it
L746[15:24:19] <dequbed> Xal: Because Google are themselves Victims of Intel's shitty CPUs. ME has bitten them into the butt enough. Same goes for Microsoft. And both realize that really they want an open system.
L747[15:25:40] <dequbed> And Intel is realizing that. They are buying into *everything* because they know x86 won't live forever. (Not entirely to blame on ME and related fuckups but still)
L748[15:26:44] <Izaya> dequbed: some MMOs have custom servers written
L749[15:26:51] <Izaya> runescape and wow come to mind
L750[15:27:07] <dequbed> Izaya: TIL. Again, never had the energy to sink into a game like that.
L751[15:27:50] <Izaya> yeah x_x I don't need more time sinks
L752[15:28:02] <Xal> I wouldn't be surprised if in 25 years or so we'll have processor that exclusive run a homomorphic vm
L753[15:28:17] <Xal> that way companies can remote do anything they want with your hardware without you being able to intervene
L754[15:28:39] <Xal> ultimate drm
L755[15:28:50] <dequbed> Xal: I'm really sorry but that is complete and utter bullshit.
L756[15:29:04] <Xal> don't be sorry! tell me why! I want to learn
L757[15:29:11] <Izaya> if that happens I'll just stop using computers tbh, but it won't happen
L758[15:29:28] <Inari> Pixel perfect stuff and scaling is a combination of annoyance
L759[15:30:33] <dequbed> Xal: For one: It's going in *exactly* the opposite direction. ARM is freeer than x86, and instead of local Microsoft Office you have everything cloud based. Nobody wants to offload work onto your device. It's stupid, it doesn't work, it doesn't help. We already have DRM that good enough, see W3C debacle *just a few months back*.
L760[15:31:36] <Xal> dequbed: like I said, my guess is we'll see some sort of instruction set extension that lets you run homomorphic operations natively
L761[15:31:41] <Xal> and it'd still be an open spec
L762[15:31:50] <dequbed> Xal: In short: *Nobody gives a fuck about you*. Firmware isn't closed source because they want to hide backdoors in plain sight but because the manufacturers think it gives the an advantage. And look at NVidia. It does if your big enough on the market.
L763[15:33:02] <Xal> Look at the neverending battle over DRM vs people cracking it: EME, denuvo, walled-garden devices. fast, fully homomorphic encryption would be a the silver bullet that could end all of it
L764[15:33:11] <dequbed> Every single little dystopic disaster you are painting comes down to one single issue: Near-Monopolies. NVidia benefits from ATi trying open-source simply because they still have the majority share. Intel can do whatever the fuck they want because what exactly do you want to use other than Intel's x86?
L765[15:33:15] <Inari> "it doesn't work"
L766[15:33:19] <Inari> But it does work, very well
L767[15:33:22] <Inari> More so than cloud
L768[15:33:49] <Xal> I'm confused about that too
L769[15:34:01] <Xal> it's not like this is some sort of space age shit I'm talking about, it's already here
L770[15:34:47] <dequbed> Xal: And yet we don't use it. Yet we don't all have super locked-down computers that don't let us do anything. Because maybe - just maybe - people don't care as much about DRM as you say they do.
L771[15:35:57] <payonel> it would probably take additional custom hardware to hack, but nothing is immune
L772[15:35:59] <Xal> dequbed: we don't use it because of technical concerns that will likely be ironed out in the next 10 years. It wouldn't be included for only DRM, because there are plenty of great uses for it. But when a company decides to implement drm and it's already there, why not?
L773[15:36:18] <dequbed> The ITU spends a lot of time and money keeing GSM and similar technologies locked. It works. There are no open, fast and affordable GSM modems out there. But DRM does not have anywhere *near* that power on Computer hardware. Even less so on servers. Which *still* make up the majority of CPU sales. Consumers are irrelevant.
L774[15:37:46] <Xal> we're seeing more and more crypto primitives integrated into computer hardware, and that's a good thing. It seems inevitable to me that we'll eventually see some of this tech in hardware, and /as a byproduct of it/ we'll see it used for DRM
L775[15:37:59] <Xal> I'm not trying to say that companies will push for it to be included because they want to use it for DRM
L776[15:38:05] <dequbed> The current technical concerns are how to make neural networks faster. Microsoft attaches custom FPGA-boards to their entire Azure infrastructure. Google develops their own fucking architecture. Mozilla jumps on the Bandwagon as well. That's more important to people than locking other people's CPU down.
L777[15:38:36] <Xal> homomorphic encryption isn't locking people cpus down
L778[15:38:37] <dequbed> Xal: Honestly, I've only seen - excluding custom build PCBs - AES instructions.
L779[15:38:48] * payonel adds fpga to oc
L780[15:38:58] <dequbed> payonel: I would love you so much.
L781[15:39:22] <Xal> mostly just AES and SHA, yes
L782[15:40:37] <dequbed> Xal: And in both cases the instructions can be used for a lot of other streaming or vector applications. They just happen to be good at doing AES and SHA as well.
L783[15:40:54] <Xal> dequbed: no
L784[15:41:09] <dequbed> Xal: Oh? tell me more.
L785[15:41:12] <Xal> there's literally an instruction that performs a partial aes encryption round
L786[15:41:19] <Xal> AES-NI
L787[15:41:37] <Xal> instruction sets for EC crypto are probably in the pipeline, too
L788[15:41:43] <Xal> see 10.1016/j.sysarc.2006.09.002
L789[15:42:02] <dequbed> Xal: Correct. You know how it's implemented? It doesn't do new shit. Is uses the already available Vector instructions to do AES.
L790[15:42:45] <Xal> there's a huge market for hardware crypto implementations for "smart" devices like nfc tags
L791[15:42:45] <dequbed> But anyway. Implementing the literally most common crypto there is that speeds up basically *all* communication is not at all comparable to integrating more and more crypto primitives.
L792[15:43:03] <vifino> Izaya: I got a new mouse. Feel like playing some xonotic with me?
L793[15:43:30] <dequbed> Xal: You're talking about smart cards? Yes their is. Your point being?
L794[15:43:35] ⇦ Parts: comfix (~comfix@2a02:8071:28b:ad00:d250:99ff:fe10:f755) ())
L795[15:43:46] <Skye> tbh there's a difference between providing acceleration
L796[15:43:49] <Xal> just look at the mifare classic crypto clusterfuck
L797[15:43:50] <Xal> companies are realizing they can't just roll their own crypto and hope for the best, so they have an interest in fast hardware implementations of proven algos
L798[15:43:51] <Skye> and hiding a key
L799[15:44:13] <Skye> like... I think accelerating cryptography is a good idea
L800[15:44:22] <Skye> but hiding a key in a way that the user can't access is stupid
L801[15:44:33] <Inari> Qunatum computeres will kill cyptography anyway, no?
L802[15:44:37] <Xal> no
L803[15:45:13] <Xal> most symmetric crypto is safe, but integer factorization and discrete log based asymmetric crypto isn't
L804[15:45:14] <Inari> "qunatum" heh
L805[15:45:32] <Skye> eh
L806[15:45:40] <Inari> %give MichiBot a qunatum computer
L807[15:45:40] * MichiBot accepts the qunatum computer and adds it to her inventory
L808[15:45:41] <Skye> even with quantum will be
L809[15:45:51] <Skye> like I use 8192 bit keys for my SSH
L810[15:45:54] <Skye> that'll take a while
L811[15:46:00] <Skye> even with quantum
L812[15:46:44] <dequbed> Xal: Companies are realizing that? Holy shit you just went from dystopian death visions to the biggest degree of optimism humanly possible! No, they arent'.
L813[15:46:52] <Forecaster> what is a qunatum computer
L814[15:47:08] <Xal> dystopian death visions
L815[15:47:10] <dequbed> Forecaster: A compooter that qunatums!
L816[15:47:10] <Xal> what the fuck?
L817[15:47:21] <Vexatos> @Forecaster it's a CPU architecture you interface with using Inari, the esolang that sounds like Inari talking
L818[15:47:25] <Xal> homomorphic crypto in hardware = dystopian death visions?
L819[15:47:32] <Xal> because it seems pretty reasonable to me!
L820[15:47:41] <dequbed> Xal: No, the how evil overlords will control everything we do.
L821[15:47:52] <Temia> Ugh, what a time for all of the ops to be idle .-.
L822[15:48:14] <Xal> I don't believe I ever said that
L823[15:48:17] <Forecaster> Lizzy is playing minecraft
L824[15:48:19] <dequbed> Temia: Are we being to aggressive? Sorry, didn't meant to.
L825[15:48:30] <Temia> This conversation's been toeing the line from civility to flamewar for a while. Please calm down, both of you.
L826[15:48:31] * Vexatos kicks Temia
L827[15:48:32] <dequbed> 21:28:17 Xal | that way companies can remote do anything they want with your hardware without you being able to intervene
L828[15:48:41] * Temia ows. Kicks Vex in the shins :T
L829[15:48:43] * Vexatos bans Vexatos
L830[15:48:59] <Xal> do anything they want with your hardware /= evil overlords will control everything we do
L831[15:49:01] <Skye> Xal, is there really a way to be "open" and hide keys from the user? :P
L832[15:49:13] <Skye> I mean
L833[15:49:17] <Skye> worst case
L834[15:49:23] <Skye> if you're protecting something really valuable?
L835[15:49:30] <Skye> someone's gonna dissolve a CPU in acid
L836[15:49:34] <Skye> to see what it does
L837[15:49:39] <Xal> Skye: here's the schematics for a 3inch thick steel box. inside of it is your encryption key
L838[15:49:43] <dequbed> Xal: I'll give you homomorphic crypto. That may come into hardware as soon as an usecase is found that provides the money. But I don't think it will ever reach the universality you
L839[15:49:52] <dequbed> 're talking about. It's just not that useful.
L840[15:49:58] <Xal> dequbed: I'll agree with you there
L841[15:50:19] <Xal> but I think it'll have some pretty interesting implications in the world of software freedom
L842[15:50:48] <AmandaC> \o/ PocketCHIP is now updated to debian stretch again.
L843[15:51:23] <dequbed> I don't. It'll have some implications on the freedom of users to copy content and such but unless you build a machine that's entirly locked down (not reasonable) you can't control that much.
L844[15:51:43] <Skye> Xal, analogue hole
L845[15:51:51] <Skye> also
L846[15:52:01] <Skye> unless you mange to encrypt every pixel in an LCD
L847[15:52:06] <Skye> someone can just rip off of an LCD! :D
L848[15:52:34] <Xal> encrypt it all the way up to the controller, and make it impractical to separate the controller from the screen
L849[15:53:40] <dequbed> Xal: Your example is entirely possible. *Yes* you *can* lock up a computer that much. But nobody will. Because there just isn't enough money behind any of the use cases to ever do any of this.
L850[15:53:43] ⇦ Quits: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L851[15:54:15] <Izaya> vifino: considering I got to work about 10 mins ago, not right now :p
L852[15:54:22] <Izaya> Like 8 hours?
L853[15:54:36] <vifino> Pretty sure I'll be asleep.
L854[15:54:51] <vifino> 7 am is not a usual time I am awake at.
L855[15:55:11] <dequbed> And it's not barely not enough. It's orders and orders of magnitudes not enough. And it's getting less. Big media productions are loosing value. iTunes has put away with the illusion that you have to buy an entire album for one song, Amazon with the entire concept of book publishers. Content production is becoming less centralized and less greedy.
L856[15:56:44] ⇨ Joins: Backslash (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net)
L857[15:57:25] <dequbed> Temia: Again sorry for seeming aggressive. I assure you I hold no grudge against Xal for having a different opinion. I just like to speak in hyperbole.
L858[15:58:01] <Vexatos> dequbed, you are the worst person ever!!!!!
L859[15:58:07] <Vexatos> (am I doing this right)
L860[15:58:09] <dequbed> Vexatos: I know :D
L861[15:58:26] <dequbed> Vexatos: Not enough ad hominem yet, sorry.
L862[15:58:45] <Xal> dequbed: Good discussion! I admire your optimism, and I admit I may have gone a little far with my predictions of an Orwellian future for tech
L863[15:58:50] <dequbed> Also you missed the part about needing to have a different opinion than I do :P
L864[15:58:51] <Vexatos> dequbed, your mum's child is the worst person ever!!!!
L865[15:59:03] <Vexatos> And I disagree with you!!!
L866[15:59:16] <dequbed> Xal: You as well - if nothing else I have a fun paper to read tomorrow ^^
L867[15:59:22] <AmandaC> Vexatos: your mother was a hamster!
L868[15:59:39] <Vexatos> AmandaC, your father smelt of elderberries :I
L869[16:00:31] <Xal> i disagree with you, therefore you're ugly
L870[16:00:32] <dequbed> Xal: Also I have to admit that my optimism may be ill-placed and just not yet dulled enough that comes with the cynism of realism ;)
L871[16:01:23] <Vexatos> Xal, Lacesso ergo sum.
L872[16:01:50] <Xal> I went down the mifare classic crypto-1 rabbit hole a few months ago and had some fun with the room keys
L873[16:03:08] <Vexatos> famous Latin proverb :^)
L874[16:03:26] <Xal> I didn't have enough free time to do anything really cool with 'em but I think I have dumps of the card contents and interactions between the reader and the card around somewhere
L875[16:05:15] <payonel> you can't stop the stream, mal
L876[16:06:57] <AmandaC> I should finish soldering in the lines to my pocket CHIP for the speaker / I2C lines for the NFC board I bought
L877[16:09:33] <Izaya> AmandaC: can you get IRDA boards for that thing
L878[16:09:42] <AmandaC> IRDA?
L879[16:11:04] <AmandaC> also, point of clarification: the NFC thing is just abreakout board with a built-in attenna and relevent communication pins for speaking I2C
L880[16:11:15] <AmandaC> the PocketCHIP just has a buttload of empty space in the case
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L883[16:16:44] <Izaya> AmandaC: Infra-Red Data Association, IIRC
L884[16:19:27] <Temia> IRDA doesn't seem out of the question.
L885[16:19:43] <AmandaC> Izaya: maybe, It's got I2C,UART, some other things
L886[16:20:08] <Izaya> Yeah, considering you can even bit bang the stuff if you want to
L887[16:22:01] <Temia> IrDA would be best suited for UART, so
L888[16:28:50] <AmandaC> You'd have to disable the tty it launches on it, but otherwise it should be usable for that.
L889[16:28:59] <AmandaC> People have used it for GPS at least.
L890[16:32:35] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@pa49-183-147-153.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
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L892[16:32:43] <payonel> brandon3055: o/
L893[16:32:58] * payonel predicts brandon3055 isn't really "here", but just relogging
L894[16:33:25] * AmandaC predicts the fall of the roman empire
L895[16:33:52] <AmandaC> %choose yes computer or no computer
L896[16:33:52] <MichiBot> AmandaC: no computer
L897[16:34:32] <AmandaC> bah, can't. Still running the backup of the pocketchip now that I got it to stretch again
L898[16:34:59] * brandon3055 is definitely not really here
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L901[16:53:36] <gamax92> %choose yes miss or no go away
L902[16:53:36] <MichiBot> gamax92: yes miss
L903[16:58:12] <Inari> gamax92: Lewd
L904[16:58:43] <gamax92> Inari: shush you
L905[17:03:17] <vifino> Izaya: tfw i can't beat robots on easy
L906[17:03:31] <gamax92> vifino: become a robot
L907[17:03:33] <vifino> this mouse is a blessing and a curse
L909[17:03:53] <vifino> they aren't easy
L910[17:03:57] * gamax92 throws tenserflow at vifino :v
L911[17:04:01] <vifino> ew, python
L912[17:04:09] * gamax92 throws pytorch at vifino :v
L913[17:04:13] <Izaya> vifino: not used to it yet?
L914[17:04:14] <vifino> EW, PYTHON
L915[17:04:25] <Izaya> tfw was still beating the shit out of my classmates with just a trackpoint
L916[17:04:27] <vifino> Izaya: seeing as i got it mere hours ago, nope.
L917[17:04:38] * gamax92 throws keras at vifino :v
L918[17:04:45] <gamax92> they're all python
L919[17:04:56] <vifino> get that shit away from me
L920[17:05:06] <gamax92> except for torch but torch was a pain in the ass to setup for me
L921[17:05:14] <vifino> really?
L922[17:05:22] <vifino> huh. always thought it was really easy.
L923[17:05:29] <gamax92> it fucked over my lua installation
L924[17:05:42] <gamax92> like the torch part worked but then my lua was tainted
L925[17:05:45] <vifino> they have a repo that just requires a working compiler setup and invoking a single script
L926[17:05:50] <vifino> :/
L927[17:06:02] <vifino> i just install it to a specific directory
L928[17:06:22] <vifino> something like ~/usr/torch
L929[17:06:45] <gamax92> something I needed required me to build a custom version of caffe
L930[17:07:05] <vifino> no clue what that is.
L931[17:13:04] <vifino> gamax92: do you happen to know how i can use a nvidia gtx 1060 headless for compute purposes?
L932[17:13:12] <vifino> without X and whatever garbage
L933[17:13:19] <gamax92> Windows
L934[17:13:30] <vifino> no no not windows
L935[17:13:34] <vifino> linux
L936[17:13:47] <gamax92> uhhhh
L937[17:13:54] <vifino> unless that is your proposed solution, in which case, just no.
L938[17:14:03] <gamax92> well it's not X
L939[17:14:10] <vifino> >_>
L940[17:14:13] <Izaya> out the window
L941[17:14:24] * vifino slaps Izaya
L942[17:14:54] <gamax92> out the window and into the tire fire
L943[17:15:03] <Inari> Hmm right
L944[17:15:07] <gamax92> hey Inari
L945[17:15:13] <Inari> now to figure out how I store to nbt tags of the item instead of the machine
L946[17:15:23] <gamax92> what are you making?
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L948[17:15:51] <Inari> Analyzer Card :P
L949[17:21:21] *** Guest5415 is now known as fingercomp
L950[17:24:52] <ben_mkiv> how is it supposed to analyze items?
L951[17:25:48] <Inari> It doesn't, it just outputs a custom message with the analzyer stuff
L952[17:26:03] <ben_mkiv> oO
L953[17:26:39] <ben_mkiv> well, anyone knows how i'm supposed to attach components to a computer in java without having them in some inventory
L954[17:26:46] <ben_mkiv> so kinda like drones/microcontrollers
L955[17:26:56] <ben_mkiv> i got "li.cil.oc.api.Machine.create(this);" to create the machine
L956[17:31:56] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L957[17:35:10] <Inari> ben_mkiv: Proably the same things as Robot.scala
L958[17:35:53] <gamax92> robots, drones, and microcontrollers all have inventories
L959[17:36:08] <ben_mkiv> its just not exposed?!
L960[17:37:31] <gamax92> yes, you use the disassembler/assembler for them
L961[17:38:38] <ben_mkiv> well, so they just give "limited" access to the inventory
L962[17:38:41] <ben_mkiv> http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=120346
L963[17:38:47] <ben_mkiv> that cutie wont fit the assembler :P
L964[17:40:22] ⇦ Quits: Backslash_ (~Backslash@ip-94-114-160-58.unity-media.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L965[17:41:02] <gamax92> ben_mkiv: make it inflatable
L966[17:41:35] <ben_mkiv> transform to a rubix cube?
L967[17:41:52] <gamax92> yeah sure
L968[17:58:44] ⇨ Joins: Demosthenex (~Demosthen@dhcp-077-248-042-162.chello.nl)
L969[17:58:55] <Demosthenex> hey, so where are the robot's interactions with water documented?
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L971[18:01:37] <Demosthenex> hrm, or it passed thru water and got locked in because of no adjacent walls.
L972[18:01:49] <Xal> today is the day
L973[18:01:53] <Xal> my unicomp keyboard came
L974[18:02:15] <Xal> nobody will ever sleep while I'm typing again, muahahaha
L975[18:03:01] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1E297.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'From one thing, know tenthousand things.' - Hanzo (Overwatch))
L976[18:07:40] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L977[18:23:08] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p5797222B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
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L980[18:34:17] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4C1924E1C91C768EF8410A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L981[18:43:47] <Demosthenex> i just got a mechanical keyboard, love it1
L982[18:43:52] <Demosthenex> kinesis gaming edge
L983[18:44:40] <Izaya> tfw considering switching to a scissor switch keyboard from a mech one
L984[19:00:52] <CompanionCube> any good reason?
L985[19:06:00] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-154-4.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L986[19:18:01] <S3> so uh payonel
L987[19:18:20] <S3> unmanaged drives, do they work?
L988[19:18:38] <S3> maybe gamax92 knows
L989[19:19:08] <gamax92> do you know how tapes work?
L990[19:20:43] <S3> IRL or in ocemu / ocvm?
L991[19:20:55] <S3> I know that the unmanaged drives are gzip files
L992[19:21:23] <S3> or zlib in general, I think
L993[19:21:34] <gamax92> but what if it's actually deflate :o
L994[19:21:43] <S3> heh
L995[19:22:05] <gamax92> but no I don't know
L996[19:43:42] <Izaya> CompanionCube: well, my T420 feels better than my mech so
L997[20:29:40] ⇨ Joins: MrCykaBlyat (~mrcykably@
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L999[20:50:28] <S3> well it just so happens
L1000[20:50:43] <S3> if I can't have pattern matching
L1001[20:50:55] <S3> I canhave something that at least works well with lua in my actors:
L1002[20:51:09] <S3> local state, x = capture (receive(), {'str:start', 'any'})
L1003[20:51:20] <Kodos> Who was it that was trying to deal with item counts and shit
L1004[20:51:42] <S3> No idea
L1005[20:51:57] <CompanionCube> there was someone asking about refined storage semi-recently
L1006[20:52:15] <Kodos> Yeah, that guy
L1007[20:52:29] <Kodos> Actually nevermind it's 9pm
L1008[20:52:31] <Kodos> Need to break down my PC
L1009[20:52:38] <Kodos> I'm off, back Soon™ when I have internet
L1010[20:52:47] <S3> lol
L1011[20:53:41] <S3> CompanionCube: what do you think?
L1012[20:54:13] <S3> the idea is to have capture allow you to pass a table
L1013[20:54:16] <S3> and it returns a list
L1014[20:54:26] <S3> or it crashes if at any time the parameters don't match
L1015[20:59:27] ⇨ Joins: badcode9 (webchat@c-71-202-127-91.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1016[21:02:16] <gamax92> s/oon/oni/
L1017[21:02:16] <MichiBot> <Kodos> I'm off, back Soni™ when I have internet
L1018[21:02:29] ⇦ Quits: badcode9 (webchat@c-71-202-127-91.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1019[21:06:22] <CompanionCube> ok?
L1020[21:07:21] <gamax92> s/o/u/
L1021[21:07:21] <MichiBot> <CompanionCube> uk?
L1022[21:09:08] <S3> CompanionCube: want to see something evil?
L1023[21:09:11] <S3> https://hastebin.com/otumenalay.lua
L1024[21:10:03] <S3> tail recursive Finite State Machine!
L1025[21:10:19] <S3> this is the power of capture()
L1026[21:17:28] <CompanionCube> oo
L1027[21:29:26] <S3> I would love to keep that format CompanionCube but
L1028[21:29:30] <S3> thisis faster runtime:
L1029[21:29:34] <S3> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/bmIvtSN2/
L1030[21:29:39] <S3> what do you think?
L1031[21:29:59] <S3> do gcd(2,3) and you get 1
L1032[21:30:09] <S3> it's a tad uglier but
L1033[21:30:11] <CompanionCube> both look fine
L1034[21:30:22] <S3> isn't the best gcd function in lua ever
L1035[21:30:23] <S3> XD
L1036[21:30:31] <S3> recursion at its best
L1037[21:37:00] <payonel> S3: what about unmanaged drives?
L1038[21:41:20] <S3> I was wondering if ocvm supported them
L1039[21:41:29] <S3> also payonel don't shit your pants: https://hastebin.com/liyiqafike.lua
L1040[21:41:40] <payonel> S3: i could add them, but no, i haven't yet
L1041[21:41:58] <S3> I'm not worried
L1042[21:42:07] <S3> I'm the only one who uses them, probably
L1043[21:42:18] <S3> and my OSes have fs drivers so it doesn't matter if it's managed or not
L1044[21:42:20] * Izaya would be interested in that
L1045[21:42:30] <S3> Izaya: ?
L1046[21:42:33] <payonel> weird :)
L1047[21:42:50] <S3> what's weird
L1048[21:42:54] <payonel> your code
L1049[21:43:21] <payonel> S3: as for setting up machines, btw, refer to the comments in ocvm/client.cfg
L1050[21:43:31] <S3> I did get it working
L1051[21:43:32] <payonel> there are comments there that explain the config
L1052[21:43:38] <S3> as in getting machines up
L1053[21:43:48] <S3> I haven't tested the modem yet but that's cool stuff
L1054[21:43:49] <payonel> sure, but -- in case you want to tweak a vm's components
L1055[21:44:00] <S3> yeah
L1056[21:44:03] <S3> it's similar to ocemu
L1057[21:44:27] <payonel> one of these days i should make a tool to edit your vm
L1058[21:45:09] <S3> with ansi codes you could just make panels like curses
L1059[21:45:11] <S3> with menus
L1060[21:45:19] <S3> that'd be weid..
L1061[21:45:21] <S3> weird*
L1062[21:45:22] <payonel> yeah - it would be an in-vm tool
L1063[21:45:36] <payonel> an overlay
L1064[21:45:55] <payonel> but, it would just be so much easier instead to just make it a tool you run from inside the vm
L1065[21:46:00] <S3> actually tbh you could just make it a component in the computer and include soome sort of lua code you can execute at any time by hitting some key combo
L1066[21:46:00] <payonel> instead of an overlay
L1067[21:46:10] <gamax92> which is what I did
L1068[21:46:21] <gamax92> I even have unscii floppy disk icons
L1069[21:46:21] <S3> heh
L1070[21:46:23] <payonel> yeah ^ and i was inspired by ocemu obviously
L1071[21:46:30] <gamax92> pay me royalties
L1072[21:46:31] <S3> I can see that
L1073[21:46:33] <payonel> and i already have that component
L1074[21:46:42] <S3> heh
L1075[21:47:02] <payonel> right now all it has is .. a method that lets you inject values into the client config via a lua table access
L1076[21:47:27] <payonel> but i used that to emulate adding and removing screens and keyboards
L1077[21:47:27] <S3> now in the real OC we just need a component called "nopasswordneededrootcommaandexecuter"
L1078[21:48:59] <S3> I know ocemu has some sort of logging capability
L1079[21:49:26] <S3> I think that's a component too
L1080[21:49:41] <S3> I can't remember
L1081[21:50:06] <payonel> yeah, it provides the ocemu component
L1082[21:50:12] <payonel> and it has a log method
L1083[21:50:27] <S3> neat
L1084[21:50:28] <payonel> if you disable debug in the config then the ocemu stdout is quiet
L1085[21:50:48] <payonel> the log calls just print to stdout
L1086[21:51:23] <payonel> ocvm has something almost like that ;)
L1087[21:51:52] <payonel> "real" print logs to the log file, prefixed with [vm] or something like that
L1088[21:51:57] <payonel> but the machine sandbox hides that print
L1089[21:52:02] <payonel> but it's there for when i want to expose it
L1090[21:52:15] <gamax92> S3: in ocemu, every function of every component has a debug logger with what arguments it received
L1091[21:52:29] <gamax92> so, enabling debug globally results in a ton of information
L1092[21:52:36] <Izaya> payonel: can I get actual debug output
L1093[21:52:44] <Izaya> with ocvm
L1094[21:52:49] <Izaya> it doesn't have the ocemu debig component
L1095[21:53:13] <Izaya> that made more sense in my head
L1096[21:53:18] <Izaya> it's the thing that lets me log to the console anyway
L1097[21:53:22] <payonel> Izaya: what do you mean "actual debug output" ? like how gamax92 logs all component calls? or a log method you can call?
L1098[21:53:43] <Izaya> component.ocemu.log("stuff")
L1099[21:53:58] <payonel> well for now, until i add it in a component way
L1100[21:54:09] <payonel> edit the machine.lua, and to the sandbox table, add: log = print
L1101[21:54:45] <payonel> then when you call log("stuff"), you'll see "[--vm--] " prefixed
L1102[21:54:54] <payonel> it works like print, tabbing between args
L1103[21:55:21] * payonel is afk
L1104[22:19:42] <Izaya> huh, almost everything works with my flaky loader script
L1105[22:29:36] <gamax92> damn, Krakatau has some of the worst looking Java output I've seen
L1106[22:31:10] <gamax92> no imports, no sugar, no generics, poor parameter names
L1107[22:34:48] <gamax92> uses static blocks too
L1108[22:40:38] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1109[22:46:51] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960D0F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1110[23:42:53] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@2601:5c2:c580:35de:e569:2005:78a6:2451) (Quit: Leaving.)
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