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L1[00:35:35] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:34c7:7652:1b27:c9d)
L2[01:15:46] <gamax92> weird, if I use the old ld binary stuff displays and with the new one nothing displays
L3[01:18:28] <gamax92> the dol files are different but same sized, hmm ...
L4[01:54:13] ⇨ Joins: SevenRoses (webchat@d51a4a353.access.telenet.be)
L5[02:22:06] <SevenRoses> MajGenRelativity, I updated my hpu scripts, now it has multicolor support :)
L6[02:49:53] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2017242C3D1BBAA7AA3A06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L7[02:49:53] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L8[02:55:36] <gamax92> Vexatos: powerpc D:
L9[02:56:01] <Vexatos> ?
L10[02:56:37] <gamax92> trying to fix some sort of code incompatibility with a newer version of the gcc linker
L11[03:14:51] <gamax92> but I also have no idea what I'm doing.
L12[03:19:37] ⇦ Parts: stephan48 (~stephanj@nemesis.stejau.de) ())
L13[03:23:32] ⇨ Joins: stephan48 (~stephanj@nemesis.stejau.de)
L14[03:38:48] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p579729B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L15[04:08:56] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6453.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L16[04:09:05] <Inari> %tell payonel https://twitter.com/videocats/status/910794727762661376 cute *-*
L17[04:09:05] <MichiBot> Inari: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L18[04:09:06] <MichiBot> Thu Sep 21 04:15:59 CDT 2017 @videocats: Becoming self-aware https://t.co/h53kN2wyex
L19[04:15:09] <Inari> https://twitter.com/JanHenrikH/status/910754596422868992 Oo
L20[04:15:09] <MichiBot> Thu Sep 21 01:36:31 CDT 2017 @JanHenrikH: Wait what? https://t.co/E2BlbH7cO7
L21[04:16:51] <ben_mkiv> i don't get it
L22[04:17:40] <7Roses> cool
L23[04:18:45] <Syrren> ben_mkiv: a GameBoy Advance was encountered as part of a medical device, apparently
L24[04:19:46] <ben_mkiv> ahhh, gotcha xD
L25[04:20:27] <payonel> Inari: ^.^
L26[04:20:29] <payonel> https://slack-files.com/T025QNLGW-F76AKH5JN-4084b639cd
L27[04:20:32] <Izaya> I think it's just the recycled screen, actually
L28[04:20:43] <ben_mkiv> well they probably have SDKs for development
L29[04:20:49] <ben_mkiv> and professional support for that
L30[04:21:27] <ben_mkiv> or what izaya said, just used the same lcd because its cheap af when nintendo uses same
L31[04:21:45] <7Roses> the original cpu for the gameboy(z80) is also found in a texasInstrument 83 ? made it possible to play gamboy games on your calculator
L32[04:21:45] <Izaya> doesn't look like a GBA PCB
L33[04:21:59] <Izaya> screen is upside down compared to an actual GBA too
L34[04:22:07] <Izaya> 6502 > Z80.
L35[04:22:31] <Izaya> If they used the 6502 in the GB you would've been able to play black and white ports of most NES games
L36[04:22:36] <Izaya> maybe
L37[04:22:56] <Izaya> either way it would've been easier to go NES -> GB if they used a 6502 rather than a Z80 and it would've been faster
L38[04:26:59] ⇨ Joins: Bhootrk_ (~Bhootrk_@
L39[04:41:31] <Inari> payonel: hehe ^^
L40[04:46:39] <ben_mkiv> well if the GB had a i7 you could emulate any console
L41[04:46:43] <ben_mkiv> :p
L42[04:54:48] <ben_mkiv> anyone knows if its possible to define own items for the OC Assembler?
L43[04:55:05] <ben_mkiv> like create a custom blank case which can then be assembled with different parts/upgrades
L44[04:55:10] <ben_mkiv> for a mod^
L45[05:05:38] <Inari> ben_mkiv: Yeah apparently GBA screens have been used a lot because LCDs were harder to come buy years ago. Just odd to see it in a medical device :P
L46[05:05:56] <Inari> *come by
L47[05:07:09] <Inari> payonel: https://twitter.com/xMilkychan/status/910809552492384257 :3
L48[05:07:09] <MichiBot> Thu Sep 21 05:14:53 CDT 2017 @xMilkychan: So much fluff ;w; https://t.co/h3kTKVzpdS
L49[05:08:30] <ben_mkiv> yea, can remember good old times where people used nokia 3310 lcds for their atmega stuff
L50[05:08:57] <ben_mkiv> could bet that there are also medical devices using them :D
L51[05:11:32] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/djdava.png \o/
L52[05:12:37] <Vexatos> ben_mkiv, yes assembler templates are just like any other recipe in minecraft
L53[05:12:45] <Vexatos> you specify required inputs, and the produced output
L54[05:13:06] <ben_mkiv> thanks vexatos, going to take a look on the code
L55[05:13:33] <ben_mkiv> haven't seen any addon making use of it, so i've been curious
L56[05:14:11] <ben_mkiv> the updates then are probably just NBT Tags
L57[05:14:15] <ben_mkiv> on the output
L58[05:15:37] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKPYB-YWkAAOerU.jpg:large whats with their eyes
L59[05:17:57] <ben_mkiv> looks like any assembler output is supposted to be an own computer?!
L60[05:17:59] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/bnowtm.png
L61[05:21:36] <Vexatos> yes
L62[05:22:23] <ben_mkiv> hmpf, so i'll have to choose another way to make my item upgradeable
L63[05:22:28] <ben_mkiv> probably just combined crafting
L64[05:22:56] <ben_mkiv> anyone knows of a mod that does something similiar?
L65[05:23:11] <ben_mkiv> item in craftinggrid + some upgrade item => so that output is the item + new nbt tag
L66[05:23:27] <Vexatos> ben_mkiv, http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:modding_imc
L67[05:23:51] <Vexatos> and hostClass is the java side of things
L68[05:23:54] <ben_mkiv> Vexatos, thank you, but i dont want to assemble something that ends up as computer
L69[05:24:00] <ben_mkiv> its just a device
L70[05:25:37] <ben_mkiv> ah got some idea
L71[05:26:03] <ben_mkiv> upgrading on anvil, like enderio combines vanilla spawner with powered spawners
L72[05:39:24] <Inari> I hate Flatsome so much :P
L73[05:58:53] <Saphire> Huh? Inari, what's that?
L74[06:05:39] <Inari> Saphire: a wordpress theme/stuff thingy
L75[06:05:56] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator- (webchat@
L76[06:05:58] <Saphire> Uh, pics
L77[06:06:05] <DaMachinator-> hello
L78[06:06:05] <Inari> ?
L79[06:06:14] <Saphire> Inari: show it to me
L80[06:06:19] <Inari> Google it
L81[06:06:19] <Inari> :P
L82[06:06:27] <Saphire> Lazy!
L83[06:06:59] <Saphire> Don't want someone seeing me googling that, too
L84[06:07:09] <ben_mkiv> xD
L85[06:07:36] <ben_mkiv> yea with the pics inari posts usually i would be careful to google stuff he says :P
L86[06:07:49] <DaMachinator-> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L87[06:07:58] <Inari> The look isn't so important
L88[06:08:01] <Inari> I just hate owrking with it :P
L89[06:08:39] <DaMachinator-> anyways what tier of OC screen can pick up clicks on the screen
L90[06:08:46] <Inari> Their docs suck, and they don't seem to provide any support unless you have some theme code - whichI usually don't if i freelance :P
L91[06:08:53] <Inari> Theres a facebook group,, but surprise, it also wants the theme code
L92[06:08:55] <Inari> ¬_¬
L93[06:09:23] <ben_mkiv> theme code is like some support code you get for $$$?
L94[06:09:46] <Inari> something like that
L95[06:09:47] <MGR> DaMachinator , Tier 3
L96[06:09:52] <MGR> Also, long time no see!
L97[06:09:52] <Inari> I think you get a few months when you buy the theme too
L98[06:10:45] <ben_mkiv> tier2 also
L99[06:10:54] <ben_mkiv> http://ocdoc.cil.li/block:screen
L100[06:10:58] <MGR> Huh
L101[06:11:02] <MGR> Forgot about that, thank you
L102[06:11:24] <Forecaster> ben_mkiv: she says*
L103[06:11:24] <ben_mkiv> had to look it up, too
L104[06:11:36] <ben_mkiv> sorry, wasnt aware of
L105[06:18:46] * Saphire throws a gender swap potion at Ben as a punishment! muahaha
L106[06:18:50] <Saphire> ... Just kidding
L107[06:31:21] <ben_mkiv> make that a mod^^
L108[06:32:01] <ben_mkiv> or better dont
L109[06:32:13] <ben_mkiv> society says we are supposed to be all the same
L110[06:33:46] <Forecaster> it does?
L111[06:33:55] <ben_mkiv> well, media does
L112[06:34:41] <Saphire> Last time I checked, individualism was very very supported
L113[06:35:05] <ben_mkiv> ok, may choosed the wrong term, uhm how to say it
L114[06:35:36] <ben_mkiv> we are supposed to be anything without expectations!?
L115[06:36:34] <DaMachinator-> what is so magical about () that component.list("thing") returns a table with the addresses as the keys and the names as the values
L116[06:36:52] <DaMachinator-> and component.list("thing")() returns the same data but as multiple strings
L117[06:37:30] <MGR> Magic
L118[06:37:43] <ben_mkiv> guess the () works on any table to get the entrys?
L119[06:37:47] <DaMachinator-> most magical magic indeed
L120[06:37:52] <DaMachinator-> ben_mkiv: probably
L121[06:38:03] <ben_mkiv> so more like a lua thing
L122[06:38:17] <Syrren> ben_mkiv: the table might have a __call entry in it's metatable
L123[06:38:23] <payonel> no
L124[06:38:28] <payonel> component.list returns an iterator
L125[06:38:32] <Syrren> ah
L126[06:38:44] * payonel is pinged on "lua"
L127[06:38:52] <FLORANA> hey question... how did they make the sound effects for the mod?
L128[06:38:53] <MGR> Lol
L129[06:39:35] <payonel> ben_mkiv: an iterator in lua is a function that returns an element, and keeps state so that when you call it, it returns the next element
L130[06:40:04] <payonel> OH I WAS WRONG
L131[06:40:06] * payonel runs
L132[06:40:17] <ben_mkiv> sounds kinda like a foreach loop
L133[06:40:22] <payonel> component.list returns a table, and __call is defined
L134[06:40:30] <Corded> * <Forecaster> chases payonel with a pitchfork
L135[06:40:32] <payonel> Syrren: ^
L136[06:40:37] <payonel> i'm so ashamed
L137[06:40:46] <DaMachinator-> that would explain why it works for component.list but not component.methods
L138[06:40:47] * payonel crawls under a rock
L139[06:41:07] <ben_mkiv> so it's a table with a default function?
L140[06:41:18] <payonel> i wouldn't call it a default function
L141[06:41:19] <MGR> payonel, you don't need to hide under a rock!
L142[06:41:23] <payonel> it's a table that has defined the () operator
L143[06:41:24] <ben_mkiv> defined default function
L144[06:41:32] <ben_mkiv> hm, kinda what i meant
L145[06:42:28] ⇨ Joins: temporary_13498 (webchat@
L146[06:43:07] <temporary_13498> Hello? I need help with programming EEPROMs.
L147[06:43:33] <Inari> %hello
L148[06:43:33] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly (dont ask to ask) and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L149[06:43:34] <MGR> Hello temporary_13498, what are you looking to program into an EEPROM?
L150[06:43:48] <temporary_13498> I was trying to create a BIOS-only bootloader, but it can't boot OpenOS
L151[06:43:58] <temporary_13498> It boots OpenLoader, though
L152[06:43:59] <payonel> temporary_13498: o/
L153[06:44:15] <temporary_13498> Says unrecoverable error: no such component
L154[06:44:17] <MGR> Doesn't OpenOS already have a BIOS-only bootloader?
L155[06:44:19] <FLORANA> openloader... i've never used that before
L156[06:44:35] <temporary_13498> My bootloader and openloader work properly together
L157[06:44:42] <MGR> What component are you trying to call, and what is openloader?
L158[06:44:47] <temporary_13498> But OpenOS's init.lua breaks
L159[06:44:52] <temporary_13498> Here's my bootloader
L160[06:44:53] <temporary_13498> https://pastebin.com/dBdWjGjE
L161[06:45:15] <temporary_13498> If you'll try to load OpenOS from it, unrecoverable error will appear
L162[06:45:34] <payonel> temporary_13498: i'll take a look
L163[06:45:46] <temporary_13498> I don't know what I broke, so I need help
L164[06:45:58] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator- (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L165[06:45:59] <payonel> mgr: openloader is a thing in oc
L166[06:46:15] <ben_mkiv> mineos has a custom bootloader, too
L167[06:46:19] <ben_mkiv> maybe worth a look?!
L168[06:46:58] * Izaya also has a custom bootloader
L169[06:47:28] <FLORANA> hey accualy i just now started wondering... is it posible to program enything on the EEPROM if in the correct format...(cuz i know the EEPROM/BIOS system doesn't use plain lua...)
L170[06:47:35] <MGR> Yeah, but what does it do? Load multiple operating systems?
L171[06:47:55] <payonel> florana: the eeprom does use plain lua
L172[06:48:02] <payonel> it is the same lua cpu running the eeprom that run the os
L173[06:48:08] <FLORANA> not the way a usual persion would use it
L174[06:48:20] <Izaya> mine supports booting from stuff other than filesystems and gives you a menu
L175[06:48:35] <MGR> @FLORANA It's not the same as programming in OpenOS, but it is definitely Lua
L176[06:48:59] <payonel> @florana trust me, it is the same. all of the magical extra stuff you have when running in openos is simply loaded from lua code, executed from the same lua cpu
L177[06:48:59] <FLORANA> yes i never said it wasn't lua
L178[06:49:12] <Izaya> writing code for EEPROMs is wonderful
L179[06:49:14] <ben_mkiv> only difference is that you don't have the default libs, but you can usually still use their code if they fit to the eeprom
L180[06:49:18] <Izaya> it's that much less complex than from inside an OS
L181[06:49:43] <payonel> Izaya: that statement is misleading
L182[06:49:56] <payonel> you could write your same thing in an init.lua
L183[06:50:07] <Gavle> I disagree with you Izaya.
L184[06:50:10] <payonel> just because it's on an eeprom doesn't make it less complex
L185[06:50:21] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator- (webchat@
L186[06:50:22] <Izaya> outside of an OS makes it less complex.
L187[06:50:23] <payonel> sure, you don't need a disk/floppy
L188[06:50:36] <payonel> >.< what really is an os :)
L189[06:50:38] <Corded> * <Gavle> continues to disagree with Izaya.
L190[06:50:50] <Izaya> Gavle: Okay. Continue.
L191[06:50:57] <payonel> @florana anyways, what was your question?
L192[06:51:02] * Izaya likes that it's almost just the Lua standard libs, minus most of IO
L193[06:51:04] <DaMachinator-> payonel: "An operating system is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. All computer programs, excluding firmware, require an operating system to function."
L194[06:51:10] <FLORANA> i was running the OCEMU and HOLY **** GOD THAT SCARED ME!!!!!
L195[06:51:20] <payonel> DaMachinator-: ... it was rhetorical, but thanks
L196[06:51:28] <payonel> @florana the beep?
L197[06:51:29] <DaMachinator-> I was trying to be funny
L198[06:51:35] <FLORANA> yes it was LOUD
L199[06:51:38] <payonel> DaMachinator-: it made me smile :)
L200[06:51:45] <temporary_13498> So, I think. The code itself works properly, it gets to the stage where it tries to boot OpenOS or successfully boots OpenLoader.
L201[06:51:46] <Gavle> More libraries make things easier, as you don't have to reproduce that functionality.
L202[06:51:53] <DaMachinator-> yay
L203[06:52:07] <payonel> temporary_13498: sorry, i haven't looked yet, give me a sec
L204[06:52:09] <DaMachinator-> anyways what function do i call on a component that spits outs its methods and how to use them
L205[06:52:19] <Izaya> Definitely.
L206[06:52:46] <FLORANA> um do you mean my question for the mod sounds or the EEPROM?
L207[06:52:52] <Izaya> That said, I like being able to keep the whole system in my head.
L208[06:52:55] <temporary_13498> Of course. I'm just saying
L209[06:53:08] <payonel> temporary_13498: i don't like line 43
L210[06:53:20] <payonel> don't use `string` as a param identifier name
L211[06:53:38] <temporary_13498> ....oh
L212[06:54:03] <temporary_13498> Well, guess that's what I accidentally redefined
L213[06:54:10] <Gavle> Izaya, that's not always possible, nor is it always advantageous.
L214[06:54:24] <Izaya> Okay.
L215[06:54:26] <Izaya> Not arguing.
L216[06:54:32] <Gavle> Good.
L217[06:54:34] <payonel> @florana the eeprom question
L218[06:54:36] <Izaya> I'm just saying I like that.
L219[06:54:47] <Izaya> It's the same way writing machine code/asm is fun
L220[06:55:00] <Gavle> And I disagree with you there too.
L221[06:55:07] <Izaya> Ideal for all situations? Fuck no. Nice in certain situations? Definitely.
L222[06:55:10] <FLORANA> is it posible to program enything on the EEPROM if in the correct "format"...
L223[06:55:14] <DaMachinator-> I don't understand iterators
L224[06:55:25] <Izaya> Florana, as long as it fits :D
L225[06:55:30] <Izaya> ~w custom os
L226[06:55:30] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/tutorial:custom_oses
L227[06:55:33] <payonel> @florana yes, and like Izaya said, if it fits
L228[06:55:34] <Gavle> It's rarely nice, unless you are working with old or embedded systems.
L229[06:55:36] <FLORANA> how big 4KB?
L230[06:55:39] <Izaya> ^ that's what you have available
L231[06:55:42] <MGR> 4KB yes
L232[06:55:43] <Izaya> and 4k, yes
L233[06:55:46] <FLORANA> wow
L234[06:55:50] <MGR> There's compression programs too
L235[06:55:52] <FLORANA> thats small
L236[06:56:02] <payonel> there are lua minifiers online too
L237[06:56:08] <MGR> With compression, I think you can fit in 6KB of non-compressed data
L238[06:56:11] <Izaya> Gavle: x86 is terrible, but I enjoy writing asm for the 6502 and on occasion ARM
L239[06:56:18] <payonel> or just code like Izaya and your code looks minified already
L240[06:56:29] <Izaya> with compression you can fit between 4k and infinite-k on there
L241[06:56:35] <Gavle> I'm not limiting my statement to a particular ISA. I characterized system age and speed.
L242[06:56:36] <Izaya> :D
L243[06:56:50] <Izaya> Okay, well, you don't enjoy asm. Good for you.
L244[06:57:07] <Gavle> It's not an efficient use of my time in most circumstances.
L245[06:57:26] <payonel> gavle you're arguing with no one, just fyi
L246[06:57:29] <FLORANA> and i made a emulator in lua using love2D and thats bigger then 20KB XD
L247[06:57:49] <Gavle> payonel, thank you for your input.
L248[06:58:05] <Izaya> Florana, https://github.com/XeonSquared/MultICE I did an OS designed to mostly fit inside an EEPROM
L249[06:58:54] <FLORANA> hm...
L250[06:59:00] <DaMachinator-> how can one square a noble gas
L251[06:59:06] <DaMachinator-> instruct pls
L252[06:59:07] <payonel> "mostly" fit? i thought it _does_ fit
L253[06:59:12] <Izaya> The code is terrible tbh but it's space and memory efficient, implements simple multitasking and has remote login stuff
L254[06:59:17] <Izaya> payonel: the kernel and stuff does
L255[06:59:25] <Izaya> but you can't have too many extras in a given image
L256[06:59:38] <Izaya> ie you can't have both the network shell client and server on one EEPROM
L257[06:59:47] <payonel> ah
L258[07:00:10] <FLORANA> 500 bytes OS
L259[07:00:11] <FLORANA> nice
L260[07:01:21] <FLORANA> :3 i'm gessing it would be posible to have a bootable "ROM" with startup init on a EEPROM?
L261[07:01:26] <FLORANA> :3 so i'm gessing it would be posible to have a bootable "ROM" with startup init on a EEPROM?
L262[07:01:48] <Izaya> ..?
L263[07:02:07] <DaMachinator-> I have too many tabs open
L264[07:02:26] <Izaya> DaMachinator-: I'm not a noble gas^2
L265[07:02:26] <FLORANA> as in inject a "ROM" into the EEPROM
L266[07:02:38] <Izaya> I'm missing an n to be that
L267[07:04:59] <temporary_13498> So. I fixed line 43 and nothing changed.
L268[07:05:25] <FLORANA> RIP
L269[07:05:46] <LuMistry> Greetings
L270[07:05:52] <FLORANA> hello :3
L271[07:06:10] <LuMistry> How are you? @FLORANA
L272[07:06:16] <FLORANA> good
L273[07:06:19] <FLORANA> you?
L274[07:06:24] <LuMistry> I am well, thank you
L275[07:07:36] <temporary_13498> It still fails to boot OpenOS, and OpenLoader is booting just fine. https://pastebin.com/caPb8amg
L276[07:07:58] <FLORANA> :3 i'm just fooling around with `OC-EMU` and attempt to understand a pubic boadcast of `Tokyo TV` XD (learning japanese and it says to watch conversations and such to get a better understanding or something...)
L277[07:08:10] <FLORANA> *attempting
L278[07:08:48] <FLORANA> OMG thats cute :3 it's a puppy trying to nip at a rythem ticker
L279[07:08:55] <FLORANA> XD
L280[07:14:40] <payonel> temporary_13498: what is the error you get (using analyzer)
L281[07:16:23] <DaMachinator-> How do I get an iterator for an arbitrary list?
L282[07:16:26] <S3> ...
L283[07:16:42] <DaMachinator-> don't kill me i have no idea what i'm doing
L284[07:16:50] <S3> oh no I wasn't responding to you
L285[07:17:10] <S3> you mean like, for i, v in ipairs(table) do ?
L286[07:18:03] <DaMachinator-> i mean I want to feed the output of component.methods to a for loop like that
L287[07:18:04] <payonel> %lua function make_it(t) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 return t[i] end end v = make_it({1,2,4}) return v(), v(), v(), v()
L288[07:18:04] <MichiBot> 1, 2, 4, nil
L289[07:18:16] <S3> ipairs is a stateless iterator
L290[07:18:37] <temporary_13498> payonel: no such component
L291[07:18:56] <S3> oh hey payonel is awake
L292[07:19:02] <temporary_13498> It's the error on both BSoD and analyzer
L293[07:20:05] <DaMachinator-> looks like i want pairs(t) not ipairs(t)
L294[07:20:11] <S3> %lua t = {} print return type(ipairs(t))
L295[07:20:11] <MichiBot> main:1: syntax error near 'return'
L296[07:20:15] <S3> oops
L297[07:20:17] <S3> I'm half awake
L298[07:20:24] <S3> well you said list
L299[07:20:34] <S3> lists are generally non associative
L300[07:20:37] <DaMachinator-> oh
L301[07:20:37] <payonel> temporary_13498: local addr, _ -- and then in your for loop you name it addr again
L302[07:20:48] <DaMachinator-> i did say afterwards what i was doing
L303[07:20:49] <S3> woops I know what I did
L304[07:20:55] <payonel> temporary_13498: line 79 and 80
L305[07:21:03] <S3> %lua t = {} return type(ipairs(t))
L306[07:21:03] <MichiBot> function
L307[07:21:11] <S3> I didn't mean to have print there
L308[07:21:28] <DaMachinator-> trying to iterate over the output of component.methods
L309[07:21:58] <S3> ok, does it give you a hashmap or a list?
L310[07:22:09] <DaMachinator-> says "table" on the wiki
L311[07:22:14] <DaMachinator-> the keys are the function names
L312[07:22:27] <S3> ok
L313[07:22:28] <payonel> DaMachinator-: pairs
L314[07:22:35] <S3> well table could be either but yes you want pairs
L315[07:22:49] <DaMachinator-> the values are bools that " indicate whether the method is called directly or not." whatever that means
L316[07:23:12] <payonel> DaMachinator-: for method_name in pairs(component.methods(addr)) do print(method_name) end
L317[07:23:19] <DaMachinator-> thanks
L318[07:23:23] <S3> ^
L319[07:23:56] <temporary_13498> So, I don't have to initialize iterators? Makes sense, I guess.
L320[07:24:15] <DaMachinator-> also, if i assign values to a table like local myTable = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64}, I can access them with myTable[i] where i is an integer key with the first key being 1?
L321[07:24:31] <payonel> temporary_13498: huh?
L322[07:24:37] <S3> Still haven't 100% figured out what I am going to do for component management in Forth
L323[07:24:43] <payonel> temporary_13498: you're hiding addr
L324[07:24:45] <ben_mkiv> DaMachinator, yes
L325[07:24:56] <S3> temporary_13498: nah, lua iterators are scope abuse
L326[07:24:57] <payonel> temporary_13498: so in the for loop youre using the wrong addr
L327[07:24:59] <S3> that's all they are
L328[07:25:14] <payonel> temporary_13498: then later you assume you still have it, but youre back to using the outer addr, which is still and always was nil
L329[07:25:28] <payonel> so when you call computer.setBootAddress(addr), youre setting it to nil
L330[07:25:43] <S3> tbh I think scope abuse iterator generation is a bit awkward but
L331[07:25:49] <payonel> and openos needs a boot address to know what it is booting from
L332[07:26:07] <payonel> if the eeprom data is not properly set, openos will fail to establish its rootfs
L333[07:27:40] <payonel> and in this case, when you see "no such component", that is when openos is trying to use eeprom data as the address of its rootfs .. and there is "no such component"
L334[07:28:46] <S3> what do you think, for component access in forth, I could pretend that theres a'Component I/O machine' and map it into memory somewhere..
L335[07:29:44] <Inari> Today's wisdom: Being lazy takes a lot of effort
L336[07:29:51] <Izaya> nah
L337[07:30:02] <Izaya> being GOOD at being lazy takes a lot of effort
L338[07:30:54] <DaMachinator-> S3: how would an actual computer running FORTH access its peripherals
L339[07:31:05] <Izaya> payonel: I managed to drop PsychOS memory usage by 20k :3
L340[07:31:30] <S3> DaMachinator-: Forth allows you to reference memory locations on the stack, generally you deal with memory mapped IO
L341[07:31:38] <temporary_13498> Okay, so I fixed it and OpenOS boots properly now. Thanks a lot!
L342[07:31:39] <payonel> Izaya: doing what?
L343[07:31:56] <payonel> temporary_13498: you're welcome :) i'm the openos dev so, feel free to pester me with anything openos related
L344[07:32:01] <Izaya> I made the shlib functions into actual programs
L345[07:32:17] <Izaya> so you can run a minimal kernel and keep that stuff on-disk
L346[07:33:10] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/djdava.png 108k from 128k
L347[07:33:53] <DaMachinator-> this should work right
L348[07:33:54] <DaMachinator-> for k,v in pairs(component.methods(component.list("Extractor")())) do print(k,v) end
L349[07:34:09] <Izaya> I think it's case-sensitive but if Extractor is the right case then yes
L350[07:34:18] <DaMachinator-> yes it is
L351[07:34:30] <payonel> also note that "abc" matches "abcd"
L352[07:34:38] <payonel> component.list("abc", true) is for only "abc"
L353[07:35:18] ⇦ Parts: temporary_13498 (webchat@ ())
L354[07:35:37] <DaMachinator-> well, i happen to have metaknowledge of the names of the components attached to the computer
L355[07:35:52] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKP3n84XkAAlPTE.jpg:large catgirl \o/
L356[07:35:52] <DaMachinator-> and i know that there is only one thing that will match "Extractor"
L357[07:35:53] <Izaya> what about "bc"
L358[07:35:58] <Izaya> will that match "abc" and "abcd"?
L359[07:36:04] <DaMachinator-> but in the actual program I will keep that in mind
L360[07:36:16] <payonel> Inari: why does that cause you to "\o/"
L361[07:36:24] <Inari> Catgirls are cute
L362[07:36:32] <DaMachinator-> also, if i do something stupid like this: https://gist.github.com/DaMachinator/d0fba0a43d3f8e88f41ee0eecedabff8#file-extract-lua-L35 will that cause low TPS on the server
L363[07:36:37] <payonel> inari :)
L364[07:36:49] <DaMachinator-> if there are a lot of components
L365[07:36:59] <FLORANA> heh it errored(plan9k floppy disk's TextEditor) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/196436853065252864/360407439952052234/unknown.png
L366[07:37:19] <Inari> DaMachinator: Huh, sounds like a bug :P
L367[07:37:28] <DaMachinator-> I said will it, not it will
L368[07:37:35] <Inari> Oh
L369[07:37:38] <Inari> I misread xD
L370[07:37:43] <Inari> I don't think it should?
L371[07:37:54] <Inari> Why's that "stupid" anyway
L372[07:37:55] <Izaya> Florana, 10FPS but shaders?
L373[07:38:15] <payonel> Izaya: yep [ "bc" matches "abc" ]
L374[07:38:30] <Inari> Why does bc match abc? bc!
L375[07:38:32] <DaMachinator-> because Reika either can't or won't change his OC compatibility such that every single block is not a part
L376[07:38:40] <FLORANA> this is a full blown mod pack
L377[07:38:59] <Inari> DaMachinator: afaik the OC API doesn't support what Reika wants, so Reika chooses this
L378[07:38:59] <DaMachinator-> although on too large a scale it will probably crash the computer first
L379[07:39:21] <Inari> @FLORANA not sure how you can play like that :P
L380[07:39:34] <DaMachinator-> i'm dealing with it by strategically using non-reika components so that each individual system does not exceed 48 components
L381[07:39:50] <Inari> Haha
L382[07:39:53] <FLORANA> it never lags this bad
L383[07:40:14] <Izaya> oh also payonel I did something useful
L384[07:40:16] <FLORANA> and i can run SEUS on this modpack and not have a probblem at ~30 FPS
L385[07:40:21] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/bnowtm.png
L386[07:40:34] <FLORANA> and minecraft crashed for some reasion...
L387[07:40:38] <FLORANA> and minecraft crashed for some reason...
L388[07:40:55] <payonel> Izaya: i've been asked countless times to make an updater
L389[07:40:56] <payonel> :)
L390[07:41:14] <FLORANA> heh RIP https://paste.pc-logix.com/ubihaliyid
L391[07:41:27] <FLORANA> and crashed
L392[07:41:29] <payonel> Izaya: is that sp or mp?
L393[07:41:34] <FLORANA> sp
L394[07:41:40] <Izaya> payonel: MP
L395[07:41:40] <payonel> :(
L396[07:41:44] <payonel> oh !
L397[07:41:53] <payonel> @florana sorry, wasn't asking Izaya
L398[07:42:19] <FLORANA> ?
L399[07:42:26] * Izaya is really confused now
L400[07:42:33] <payonel> was*
L401[07:42:34] <payonel> wow
L402[07:42:35] <FLORANA> i think you have your syntax backwords there payonel
L403[07:42:36] <payonel> much typo
L404[07:42:41] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator- (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L405[07:42:43] <payonel> such confuse
L406[07:46:49] <Izaya> payonel: why do you ask?
L407[07:52:29] <payonel> because i wanted to know if you had any trees that needed punching
L408[07:53:34] <Izaya> welp, not gonna argue if someone wants to punch trees for me
L409[07:53:39] <Izaya> amusingly enough it's MGR's server
L410[07:53:45] * Temia yawnmoos. curls up on Inari. zzz. =.=
L411[07:53:45] ⇨ Joins: SubThread (~SubThread@185-157-160-84.pool.ovpn.com)
L412[07:53:46] <Izaya> when it's not being super unstable it's paranoid
L413[07:53:49] <Izaya> but on occasion it's nice
L414[07:54:03] <Temia> Chunk-aligned underground bunkers?
L415[07:54:30] <Izaya> yeah
L416[07:54:33] <Izaya> simpler to chunkload
L417[07:54:55] <Temia> Well, that and I imagine they don't want inadvertent exposure due to slow load times
L418[07:55:45] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L419[07:55:50] <Temia> Meanwhile I cared for none of that. The one time I played on his server, I built a bright pink eucalyptus-and-spruce house in the middle of the mountains and managed effective diplomatic immunity.
L420[07:56:21] <Izaya> I mean, I built like 20m from spawn and have a significant aboveground area
L421[07:56:23] <Temia> Nobody wanted to harm something so cute. <v<
L422[07:56:35] <Izaya> I'm here to be friendly.
L423[07:57:11] <MGR> Izaya, how is my server paranoid?
L424[07:57:43] <Izaya> admittedly it's not as bad now
L425[07:57:53] <Izaya> though you do still act like everyone wants to blow up your base
L426[07:58:01] <Izaya> though I guess that's justified considering history
L427[07:58:05] <Izaya> :w
L428[07:58:08] <MGR> Payonel, if you want to be a professional tree puncher on my server, hit me up
L429[07:58:24] <MGR> If you agree to the rules I will whitelist you
L430[07:58:47] <MGR> Izaya, the one time I had a publicly known base, it exploded. I am justified in hiding my base
L431[07:59:28] <Izaya> payonel, if you do end up turning up I'm happy to give you a place in my base
L432[08:00:24] <payonel> what are the rules? :)
L433[08:01:26] <Izaya> Heh, it just occured to me that this is kinda like Gavin's CC server
L434[08:01:52] <MGR> Payonel, do you use Discord?
L435[08:02:16] <Izaya> A fairly popular server run by someone that a fair portion of the community don't like
L436[08:03:17] <MGR> Who is Gavin?
L437[08:03:29] <Izaya> Some asshole that ran a CC server
L438[08:03:45] <Izaya> I remember he was a dick but why that is I forget
L439[08:04:04] <Izaya> Eventually he decided you'd get more money from running a plain Bukkit server and ended up doing that
L440[08:06:44] <Izaya> 50k free on a normal system. Nice.
L441[08:06:50] ⇨ Joins: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:4d36:a37d:18cf:dda5)
L442[08:07:01] <MGR> Ah
L443[08:07:01] <Izaya> 50k free on a normal system booted over the network*
L444[08:14:09] <MGR> Temia, btw, there hasn't been a war on my server for almost a year
L445[08:16:40] <MGR> Nobody dislikes each other enough to blow the other person's base up
L446[08:16:41] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator- (webchat@
L447[08:17:49] <Forecaster> until someone steps on someone else's petunias
L448[08:18:03] <MGR> @Forecaster Good thing there aren't petunias in my modpack ?
L449[08:18:18] <Forecaster> the petunias are a methaphor
L450[08:18:19] <MGR> Also, that hasn't set anyone off, because I eventually figure out where everyone lives
L451[08:18:29] <MGR> Well, almost everyone
L452[08:18:47] <Izaya> [mildly creepy]
L453[08:19:07] <MGR> Nah, when I stop by, I usually end up giving a reward of some sort
L454[08:19:19] <Izaya> [fairly creepy]
L455[08:19:55] <MGR> How so?
L456[08:21:25] <Izaya> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR0nh-TdpVg unrelated
L457[08:21:25] <MichiBot> The Memory Sinkhole - Unleashing An X86 Design Flaw Allowing Universal Privilege Escalation | length: 46m 34s | Likes: 883 Dislikes: 10 Views: 26,744 | by Black Hat | Published On 29/12/2015
L458[08:21:47] <DaMachinator-> if a function returns multiple values, is there a way to stick all of those into an array
L459[08:21:54] <Izaya> {function()}
L460[08:22:01] <DaMachinator-> oh neat
L461[08:22:24] <DaMachinator-> ok, so now i can get an array that represents the inventory of the machine i am working with
L462[08:27:13] <Izaya> laptop docks are 80% the best thing ever
L463[08:29:57] <Izaya> semi-related, when you don't use Windows much you forget how garbage the window manager is
L464[08:30:08] <Izaya> I can't hold alt and drag to move a window around?
L465[08:30:21] <Izaya> barbaric
L466[08:32:03] <7Roses> you can move them with arrow keys I think
L467[08:32:18] <Izaya> yeah but like
L468[08:32:27] <Izaya> I'm used to alt to move stuff then alt-doubleclick to maximise and
L469[08:32:36] <Syrren> Izaya: there are quite a few tools which add that kind of thing to windows
L470[08:32:44] <Izaya> it's a pain to adjust to 'move the mouse to the titlebar and don't hold alt'
L471[08:32:46] <Izaya> Syrren: seriously?
L472[08:32:50] <Syrren> yep
L473[08:32:52] <Izaya> I figured dwm.exe was a monolithic POS
L474[08:32:59] <Syrren> it is a monolithic POS
L475[08:33:02] <Syrren> that hasn't changed
L476[08:33:14] <SubThread> Izaya, bed?
L477[08:33:16] <Syrren> you can, however, intercept alt+mouse events and move the window instead
L478[08:33:26] <Syrren> are you using DPI scaling?
L479[08:33:36] <Syrren> if so, a lot of the simple tools break so you'll probably want one of the commercial ones
L480[08:33:39] <Izaya> Syrren: 1600x900 screen, no need
L481[08:33:52] <Syrren> Izaya: https://stefansundin.github.io/altdrag/
L482[08:34:17] <Syrren> unfortunately there are Fun Interactions with "run as admin", but otherwise it's great and lightweight
L483[08:34:27] <Izaya> excellent
L484[08:34:31] <Izaya> jesus I needed this
L485[08:34:35] <Syrren> i.e. unless you run the thing as admin it can't fuck with admin windows, but if you run as admin I remember weirdness w.r.t non-admin windows
L486[08:34:47] <Syrren> I'm currently using a commercial product for even more features
L487[08:34:50] <Syrren> "Actual Window Manager"
L488[08:34:52] <Izaya> can I run one instance as admin, one as not?
L489[08:34:59] <Syrren> I never tried that
L490[08:35:12] <Syrren> you'll probably need to set different keys for them
L491[08:35:18] <Izaya> (I mean, I'd consider pirating it because windows is already pozzed)
L492[08:35:39] <Syrren> there's a 60-day free trial (of AWM)
L493[08:35:56] <7Roses> apperently alt + space, then M should make it so you can drag your window around
L494[08:36:03] <Syrren> I'd recommend fucking around with a few different ones if you're going for commercial though
L495[08:36:06] <Vexatos> Inari, why do you always post pictures of cats ._.
L496[08:36:14] <Syrren> I didn't have enough time myself, and I later discovered that AWM + Outlook = KABOOM
L497[08:36:18] <Syrren> but that's (probably) outlook's fault
L498[08:36:26] <7Roses> on native w10 that is, don't know what other tools do
L499[08:36:31] <Syrren> heck, it and skype-for-business both break, reliably, whenever I switch user and back
L500[08:36:34] <Izaya> oh my fuck thank you Syrren this makes it usable
L501[08:36:37] <Syrren> :D
L502[08:36:45] * Izaya does not use Outlook nor Skype
L503[08:36:49] <Syrren> Lucky you
L504[08:36:52] <Izaya> (nor any Microsoft product beyond Windows, really)
L505[08:37:02] <Izaya> oh look AWM is on TPB
L506[08:37:21] <Syrren> as I said, there's a 60-day trial
L507[08:37:31] <Syrren> try it first, before you risk trojan horses (or spend money)
L508[08:37:41] <Syrren> you might not like that particular incarnation
L509[08:37:56] <Izaya> it's probably bad that I trust torrent sites more than commercial software places
L510[08:38:14] <Syrren> e.g. I kinda regret my purchase because while it has alternative (more powerful) Win+Arrow functions, it CAN'T FUCKING OVERRIDE THEM PROPERLY </rant>
L511[08:38:15] <Izaya> I'd be more inclined to think Adobe would give me malware than someone that put a torrent up
L512[08:38:33] <Izaya> but Adobe are like two steps from evil incarnate so
L513[08:38:41] <Syrren> s/like two steps from /
L514[08:38:44] <Syrren> s/like two steps from //
L515[08:38:44] <MichiBot> <Syrren> s//
L516[08:38:47] <Syrren> >_<
L517[08:38:54] <Izaya> they're not EA
L518[08:38:59] <Izaya> nor Microsoft
L519[08:39:09] <Syrren> Flash
L520[08:39:09] <Izaya> they could theoretically be worse
L521[08:39:26] ⇦ Quits: SevenRoses (webchat@d51a4a353.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Web client closed)
L522[08:39:31] <Izaya> ...
L523[08:39:32] <Izaya> oh
L524[08:39:34] <Izaya> right
L525[08:39:36] <Izaya> I forgot about that
L526[08:39:38] <Izaya> yeah okay evil incarnate
L527[08:39:41] <Syrren> :-P
L528[08:39:55] <Syrren> also Creative Fucking Cloud
L529[08:40:06] <Izaya> that was what I meant by malware
L530[08:40:17] <Izaya> CS5 was okay enough, CS6 was ehhhh
L531[08:40:27] <Izaya> CC is cancer to cancer
L532[08:40:41] <Izaya> wat
L533[08:40:44] <Syrren> is there a better video editor that doesn't cost ALLTHEMONEY though?
L534[08:40:48] <Izaya> why the fuck is there a 'firefox screenshots' thing
L535[08:40:57] <Izaya> Syrren: I use blender and ffmpeg for video editing tbh
L536[08:41:01] * Syrren promptly kills the new firefox button with fire
L537[08:41:26] <Izaya> though I'm certainly not professional by any means
L538[08:41:28] <Syrren> ...isn't blender kinda painful for video?
L539[08:41:36] <Izaya> IMO it's fine
L540[08:41:42] <Izaya> less painful than everything else I've tried
L541[08:41:47] <Syrren> all I want to make is video tutorial things for work
L542[08:41:50] <Izaya> a little slow but I have machines I can offload it onto
L543[08:42:08] <Syrren> for audio stuff there's Ardour
L544[08:42:14] <Syrren> 100% free and linux-compatible
L545[08:42:21] <Syrren> but there's no comparably-good video program :(
L546[08:42:39] <vifino> ardour is kinda a PITA tho, even for someone using JACK 100% of the time
L547[08:42:48] <Syrren> in what way?
L548[08:42:53] <vifino> usability
L549[08:42:58] <Syrren> which use-case?
L550[08:43:11] <Syrren> creation/editing/?
L551[08:43:16] <vifino> creation
L552[08:43:19] <Syrren> aaah
L553[08:43:21] <Syrren> that explains it
L554[08:43:26] <Syrren> I haven't done any creation, only post
L555[08:43:33] <vifino> lame :P
L556[08:43:35] <Izaya> also why does everyone hate menu bars now
L557[08:43:49] <vifino> Izaya: why do you not hate window borders?
L558[08:43:53] <ben_mkiv> ain't jack totaly useless?
L559[08:43:59] <Syrren> ...?!
L560[08:44:04] <vifino> ????
L561[08:44:11] <ben_mkiv> i think it got developed because people didnt understand alsa
L562[08:44:14] <Syrren> ...
L563[08:44:15] <Syrren> wat.
L564[08:44:16] <vifino> ...
L565[08:44:16] <ben_mkiv> or i dont get jack
L566[08:44:20] <Syrren> ^
L567[08:44:21] <Izaya> vifino: window borders are okay enough
L568[08:44:22] <Syrren> you don't get it
L569[08:44:24] <Izaya> removing menu bars
L570[08:44:24] <vifino> ^^
L571[08:44:33] <Izaya> and not giving any alternative
L572[08:44:35] <Syrren> JACK is much better than the commercial systems
L573[08:44:40] <Izaya> well quite frankly whoever does that can go and fucking die
L574[08:45:00] <Syrren> I know a friend who does audio stuff for a living, and they can't connect arbitrary sources to arbitrary destinations
L575[08:45:20] <Syrren> they only have the hardware-like "fx sends" paradigm
L576[08:46:04] <vifino> alsa is neat, and in theory it can do the same things jack does. but it's inflexible, needs to be configured pre-use for something, you can not do arbitrary routing at runtime with alsa.
L577[08:46:52] <Syrren> afaik, alsa can't do the transport things jack does
L578[08:47:03] <vifino> yup.
L579[08:47:19] <Syrren> oh god my sides
L580[08:47:20] <Syrren> 23:07 <ptx0> where do i meet a gentoo-using lady..
L581[08:47:21] <Syrren> 23:08 <ptx0> i had to divorce the last one because she dove head-first into systemd
L582[08:47:24] <ben_mkiv> like? alsa is pretty powerful, but the config is complex
L583[08:47:50] <ben_mkiv> i can feel his pain
L584[08:48:03] <Syrren> ben_mkiv: also, show me an alsa config which doesn't approach black magic and can talk to a firewire soundcard
L585[08:48:22] <ben_mkiv> Syrren, can't. never used firewire
L586[08:48:22] <vifino> jack also makes guarantees, regarding latency, which i don't think alsa does, at least when having to use dmix because you ran out of channels.
L587[08:49:05] <Syrren> tl;dr: firewire (or PCI/thunderbolt) is the only way to get true timing guarantees for external soundcards
L588[08:49:20] <Syrren> the USB solutions have gotten a lot better, but they're still "99.9%", not "100%"
L589[08:50:32] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/ypxhcp.png everything is much saner now
L590[08:50:59] <Syrren> Izaya: ...is that W7?
L591[08:51:05] <Izaya> 8
L592[08:51:07] <Syrren> ah
L593[08:51:08] <Izaya> .1
L594[08:51:15] <Izaya> embedded industry enterprise
L595[08:51:18] <Syrren> well yeah, it has a start menu :P
L596[08:51:32] <Izaya> I mean, thanks to Classic Shell it does
L597[08:51:36] <Izaya> a real one
L598[08:51:36] <Syrren> oh
L599[08:51:56] <Syrren> btw, did I tell you my Microsoft interview story?
L600[08:52:31] <Syrren> I think I did
L601[08:52:44] <Izaya> you may have
L602[08:52:52] <Izaya> I don't remember
L603[08:52:53] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L604[08:53:13] <Syrren> "Any other questions?" "Uh, yeah, why'd you guys put those... things... into Office 2007?"
L605[08:53:37] <Syrren> "Hoo boy. We did a whole lot of UI research and focus groups and stuff. Result: DON'T DO IT!"
L606[08:53:51] <Syrren> "But then management said LET'S DO IT ANYWAY"
L607[08:54:12] <Izaya> ah yes
L608[08:54:22] <Syrren> ('things' being the evil tabbed menus from hell)
L609[08:54:31] <Izaya> the 'ribbon'
L610[08:54:36] <Izaya> it's in windows explorer now
L611[08:54:38] <Izaya> fuckin obnoxious
L612[08:54:39] <Syrren> yeah, I know
L613[08:54:41] <Syrren> the cancer has spread
L614[08:55:03] <Syrren> at least 90% of my work is in sane emacs with no ribbons in sight :-P
L615[08:55:26] <AmandaC> %choose try and eat or don't
L616[08:55:28] <MichiBot> AmandaC: don't
L617[08:55:32] <Syrren> uuuuggggghhhhh looks like perforce is down
L618[08:55:52] <Syrren> work y u no git
L619[08:56:01] <Izaya> on Windows my most important program is the x2go client
L620[08:56:18] <AmandaC> x2go?
L621[08:56:26] <Skye> The ribbon isn't too bad but it's bad for small screens
L622[08:56:29] <AmandaC> oh, X11 server?
L623[08:56:40] <Izaya> it's kinda like RDP for X11
L624[08:56:44] <AmandaC> ah
L625[08:56:46] <Izaya> rather than just VNC to access X11
L626[08:56:56] <Izaya> (it's smarter than just a framebuffer and as such not as slow)
L627[09:02:49] <Michiyo> <3 x2go
L628[09:03:48] <Izaya> somehow the multimonitor taskbar thing on Windows still sucks
L629[09:03:56] <Izaya> at least it exists unlike on 7
L630[09:04:41] <logan2611> but WIndows 7 is gud
L631[09:04:49] <Izaya> that it is
L632[09:04:57] <Izaya> but it has no multimonitor taskbar support
L633[09:05:15] <logan2611> why does this matter tho
L634[09:05:28] <Izaya> because I miss my XFCE panel stretched across 3 monitors
L635[09:05:39] <Izaya> I could open 100 programs it it wouldn't fill the taskbar
L636[09:05:48] <Temia> Hee
L637[09:06:09] <logan2611> well linux is cooler than Windows
L638[09:06:13] <Temia> Good times.
L639[09:06:51] <Izaya> True enough.
L640[09:08:33] <Izaya> Excellent, os-prober picked up Windows 8
L641[09:08:38] <Izaya> now I can lock the boot order
L642[09:08:59] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator- (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L643[09:09:07] <Izaya> Too bad there's no secure boot on my T420, would be nice to only allow stuff signed by me to boot
L644[09:10:05] <logan2611> BIOS password?
L645[09:10:15] <AmandaC> 1234, ofc
L646[09:10:22] <Izaya> Not effective.
L647[09:10:38] <Izaya> If you take apart the machine and swap out the storage, or write a different bootloader to it you can boot
L648[09:10:49] <Izaya> I want this motherboard to be a proper brick without me.
L649[09:10:59] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator- (webchat@
L650[09:11:06] <Izaya> Add to that the encryption on the SSD and HDD
L651[09:11:08] <AmandaC> Izaya: infuse a piece of your soul with it.
L652[09:11:28] <Izaya> AmandaC: I couldn't find the vudu linux manpage for it
L653[09:11:36] <Izaya> only the one about installing on a dead badger
L654[09:11:59] <AmandaC> Izaya: ofc there's no linux manpage for it, it's a BSD feature that was quietly ported over
L655[09:12:07] <Izaya> OH
L656[09:12:18] <Izaya> so considering it's a security feature, check the OpenBSD manpages?
L657[09:12:26] <AmandaC> yeah
L658[09:12:30] <Izaya> Shiny.
L659[09:12:36] <Izaya> Thanks \o/
L660[09:12:49] <AmandaC> Specifically, in section 666
L661[09:14:26] <vifino> Izaya: voodoo*
L662[09:14:48] <Izaya> vifino: no the distro name was vudu
L663[09:15:09] <AmandaC> vewdew
L664[09:15:17] <Izaya> verder
L665[09:16:11] <Syrren> Izaya: AWM adds multimonitor taskbar
L666[09:16:21] <vifino> Izaya: but but
L667[09:16:24] <vifino> voodoooooo
L668[09:16:25] <Izaya> Syrren: stretched?
L669[09:16:34] <Syrren> no, a separate one
L670[09:16:44] <Izaya> vifino: if they used the name voodoo they would've been sued into oblivion by nvidia
L671[09:16:47] <Syrren> 3 modes - individual, mirror or mixed
L672[09:16:48] <Michiyo> whodo
L673[09:17:00] <Izaya> Syrren: W8 already has that
L674[09:17:04] <Syrren> \o/
L675[09:17:05] <Izaya> I want a proper stretched taskbar
L676[09:17:17] <Izaya> but even KDE can't do that
L677[09:17:24] <Izaya> so I guess it's just an XFCE thing
L678[09:17:25] <Syrren> I guess you have a "proper" multimonitor setup with exactly-the-same monitors?
L679[09:17:33] <Izaya> nope
L680[09:17:38] <Izaya> two 1440x900s and a 1680x1050
L681[09:17:40] <Syrren> why would you want stretched taskbar then?
L682[09:17:47] <Saphire> https://imgur.com/gallery/CNLfi/comment/1127578635 q-q
L683[09:17:48] <Syrren> wouldn't it suck because stuff broken across bezels?
L684[09:17:57] <Izaya> because if I stretch across the bottom it's fine
L685[09:17:58] <Saphire> It started so well..
L686[09:18:02] * DaMachinator- gives Saphire a cake
L688[09:18:41] <Syrren> ^_^
L689[09:18:57] <Saphire> >That's not true at all. The issues that analog has is expense and storage. But digital is always an approximation while analog is exact.
L690[09:19:02] <Saphire> >You are wrong actually. Vinyl contains more information than a CD disk except its stored an analog format and not digital like cd.
L691[09:19:06] <Saphire> HEY HEY GUYS
L692[09:19:09] <Saphire> GUYS
L693[09:19:10] <Saphire> HAVE YOU EVER HEARD
L694[09:19:21] <Izaya> one day I'll get 3 1080p monitors exactly the same
L695[09:19:24] <Izaya> rotate them 90*
L697[09:19:40] <Izaya> stretch games across in landscape and write code in portrait
L698[09:19:43] <Izaya> it'll be wonderful
L699[09:19:43] <Saphire> Izaya: oooh, have you seen that imgur post about garage?
L700[09:19:50] <Izaya> no?
L701[09:19:51] <Syrren> Izaya: semirelevant https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pimax8kvr/pimax-the-worlds-first-8k-vr-headset
L702[09:20:07] <DaMachinator-> thats also only true of an immaculately clean vinyl
L703[09:20:08] <AmandaC> Saphire: but the guy at BestBuy said the gold-plated HDMI cable will produce superior sound!
L704[09:20:18] <Syrren> >gold-plated cables
L705[09:20:20] * Syrren twitches
L706[09:20:26] * Saphire combusts
L707[09:20:42] * AmandaC sticks her head under Inari's shirt to hide
L708[09:20:50] * Syrren toasts marshmallows
L709[09:20:55] <Saphire> Izaya: https://imgur.com/gallery/5Vc7E
L710[09:21:11] <Saphire> behold... and cry that you can't get those awesome, frameless monitors q-q
L711[09:21:32] <ben_mkiv> so i want to use the OC Tank Upgrade as an Upgrade for my Item on a Anvil. But i can't figure out from the Scala code how to implement it to my mod :/
L712[09:21:32] <DaMachinator-> I thought dragons were fireproof
L713[09:21:46] <ben_mkiv> as the updates all have the same itemname
L714[09:22:04] <Saphire> DaMachinator-: fireproof doesn't mean it can't have fire all over
L715[09:22:05] <Izaya> Saphire: I mean, if I bought panels and hooked up converters I could
L716[09:22:10] <Izaya> would be cheaper than actual monitors too
L717[09:22:13] <Saphire> Izaya: /frameless/
L718[09:22:14] <DaMachinator-> you'd need to take an itemstack as the input instead of the item itself
L719[09:22:20] <Saphire> Hnnng
L720[09:22:22] <DaMachinator-> so you can read the metadata or whatever
L721[09:22:27] <Saphire> I want those q-q
L722[09:22:28] <Izaya> Saphire: raw panels have next to no frame
L723[09:22:50] <Syrren> Saphire: http://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/dell-ultrasharp-32-8k-monitor-up3218k/apd/210-alez/monitors-monitor-accessories
L724[09:23:01] <Saphire> Izaya: yuuus
L725[09:23:17] <ben_mkiv> so i have to create a new itemstack just for comparsion? would be something like new ItemStack("opencomputers:upgrade", 1, 42) i guess
L726[09:23:26] <ben_mkiv> for the update with metaindex 42
L727[09:23:31] <DaMachinator-> i dont know
L728[09:23:36] <Saphire> Syrren: fuck those :V
L729[09:23:40] <Syrren> Saphire: why?
L730[09:23:57] <DaMachinator-> cant you ask the itemstack in the anvil what its metadata is
L731[09:24:02] <Izaya> tfw I don't think my GPU could deal with more than 1 4k monitor
L732[09:24:05] <Syrren> btw, anyone here who uses VirtualBox to run Linux on Windows? If so, I'd like some advice on fixing audio glitches in the Linux guest.
L733[09:24:14] * Izaya uses pirated VMWare
L734[09:24:15] <ben_mkiv> right
L735[09:24:15] <Saphire> Too many pixels, overpriced, has compatability issues with tons of stuff, and it's not same as 3x 1080p monitors.
L736[09:24:22] <Syrren> >compatibility issues
L737[09:24:23] <Syrren> go on?
L738[09:24:25] <ben_mkiv> so compare itemname + metadata, thanks
L739[09:24:26] <Saphire> ...DPI
L740[09:24:32] <Syrren> I assume you mean something other than DP--oh
L741[09:24:34] <Syrren> wellyeah.
L742[09:24:40] <Syrren> that's why I think the 40" or 43" 4K's are better
L743[09:24:45] <Izaya> oh god
L744[09:24:47] <Saphire> Duh
L745[09:24:48] <Syrren> I got to use a 40" 4K at work
L746[09:24:49] <Izaya> I turned up my laptop's brightness
L747[09:24:51] <Izaya> MY EYES
L748[09:24:51] ⇨ Joins: badie (webchat@dsl217-132-50-205.bb.netvision.net.il)
L749[09:24:53] <Saphire> Izaya: NO
L750[09:24:53] <DaMachinator-> what does DPI have to do with compatibility
L751[09:24:56] <Saphire> DON'T
L752[09:24:59] <Saphire> BAD IZAYA
L753[09:25:01] <DaMachinator-> I thought it meant dots per inch
L754[09:25:03] * Izaya combusts
L755[09:25:07] <Syrren> DaMachinator-: application scaling sucks
L756[09:25:12] <Izaya> DaMachinator-: lots of stuff doesn't scale well
L757[09:25:14] <Saphire> DaMachinator-: ...uh, like every single thing becomes HORRIBLY SMALL?
L758[09:25:28] <Syrren> not every single thing, lol
L759[09:25:35] <Saphire> ...almost every single thing
L760[09:25:37] <DaMachinator-> I can't afford nice monitors so i haven't noticed
L761[09:25:39] <Syrren> some things scale, some things scale badly (pixelated/blurred), some things stay tiny
L762[09:25:47] <Izaya> some things stay the same but are fine
L763[09:25:48] <Saphire> It's like CC, where nobody cares for sudden screen size change
L764[09:25:59] <ben_mkiv> yea, some buddy has 4k on his laptop, and many programs are totaly borked up
L765[09:26:04] <Izaya> ie gtk3 title bars, they're normal sized on a 16k or higher display
L766[09:26:14] <Izaya> fuckin massive on anything below though
L767[09:26:19] <Syrren> DaMachinator-: 8K with no scaling https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/05/DSC02520-1.jpg
L768[09:26:24] <Syrren> >4k on his laptop
L769[09:26:30] <Syrren> at, what, 15"?
L770[09:26:31] <Saphire> Izaya: Gnome3 fucking sucks with their bars
L771[09:26:35] ⇦ Quits: SubThread (~SubThread@185-157-160-84.pool.ovpn.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L772[09:26:42] <Izaya> s/with their bars//
L773[09:26:43] <MichiBot> <Saphire> Izaya: Gnome3 fucking sucks
L774[09:26:44] <ben_mkiv> yea something like that syrren
L775[09:26:49] <DaMachinator-> I see.
L776[09:26:52] <Syrren> >gnome3 bars
L777[09:26:55] <DaMachinator-> I know Windows has settings to make stuff bigger.
L778[09:27:01] <Syrren> is this the same bars that fucking override WM decorations?
L779[09:27:06] <Izaya> yes
L780[09:27:08] <Izaya> those ones
L781[09:27:16] <Syrren> DaMachinator-: Windows does a better job than Linux, but it still depends on the application doing The Right Thing.
L782[09:27:17] <Izaya> those ones that take up half my screen to say 'Document viewer'
L783[09:27:32] <Saphire> :
L784[09:27:34] <Izaya> in text so huge my grandmother could read it from 10km away
L785[09:27:34] <Saphire> ^
L786[09:27:47] <Syrren> whoa, you have an awesome grandmother :P
L787[09:27:51] <Izaya> fuck GNOME
L788[09:27:52] <Izaya> fuck GTK
L789[09:27:56] <Izaya> fuck GUIs
L790[09:27:58] <Syrren> eeh, GTK2 is good
L791[09:27:59] <Izaya> fuck computers
L792[09:28:11] <Syrren> :<
L793[09:28:12] <Izaya> fuck existing
L794[09:28:15] <Syrren> D:
L795[09:28:19] * Izaya BSODs, reboots
L796[09:28:25] <Syrren> Inari: quick, we need some adorable cat pictures
L797[09:28:37] <AmandaC> Fuck Overflow
L798[09:28:49] <Saphire> http://i.dell.com/das/xa.ashx/global-site-design%20WEB/2a9f39a0-0d5c-0c11-0730-f51153f16311/1/OriginalPng?id=Dell/Product_Images/Peripherals/Output_Devices/Dell/Monitors/UP_Series/UP3218K/pdp/dell-monitor-up3218k-pdp-03.jpg
L799[09:29:00] <Izaya> in all seriousness computers suck
L800[09:29:03] <Saphire> this picture is fishy as hell because HEY I AM ON 1080p and I see that?
L801[09:29:07] <Izaya> we should burn everything to the ground and try again
L802[09:29:41] <Syrren> Saphire: it's scaled up, duh
L803[09:29:45] <DaMachinator-> what is the "retrieve value at this index" operator for a table
L804[09:29:52] <Syrren> table[idx]
L805[09:29:53] <Saphire> Syrren: what stops me from doing same? :V
L806[09:30:03] <Syrren> nothing
L807[09:30:18] <Syrren> it's not as bad as those audio equipment listening tests though
L808[09:30:29] <Saphire> Apple marketing:tm:
L809[09:30:31] <Saphire> Syrren: oh?
L810[09:30:33] <DaMachinator-> ={component.proxy(component.list("turbine)()).getPower()}[1] doesn't work
L811[09:30:36] <Syrren> "hey, listen to this $10,000 speaker recorded with a $1,000 mic... in a YOUTUBE VIDEO"
L812[09:30:44] <Saphire> PFFFFHAHAHA
L813[09:30:56] <Saphire> If it was FLAC it would make some sense
L814[09:31:01] <Saphire> But... youtube is mp4
L815[09:31:24] <Syrren> it still doesn't make sense because most people don't have expensive as fuck soundcards and speakers to reproduce said "awesome sound"
L816[09:31:40] <Saphire> I want a good soundcard...
L817[09:31:46] <Syrren> budget?
L818[09:31:51] <Syrren> desired features?
L819[09:31:51] <logan2611> youtube doesn't even have good audio quality tho
L820[09:31:51] <DaMachinator-> I want a pair of sennheisers.
L821[09:31:53] <logan2611> its only 184
L822[09:32:01] <Syrren> 184 what
L823[09:32:08] <logan2611> kbit I thiknk
L824[09:32:09] <logan2611> kbit I think
L825[09:32:11] <Saphire> Uh, a normal sound card that doesn't has some Patented Audio Enchantement effects
L826[09:32:32] <Saphire> But precise and etc?
L827[09:32:35] <DaMachinator-> I wish Dolby DTS was an open standard
L828[09:32:36] <Syrren> Saphire: FWIW here's what I'm using atm https://www.amazon.com/Steinberg-UR22MKII-2-Channel-USB-Interface/dp/B017MVUAHM?tag=equipboard-posts-6-20
L829[09:33:20] <ben_mkiv> M-Audio used to make good cards
L830[09:33:25] <Izaya> w h a t
L831[09:33:32] <Izaya> so I installed some updates
L832[09:33:37] <Syrren> and windows fucking broke?
L833[09:33:39] <Izaya> and now the scroll direction is reversed
L834[09:33:42] <Saphire> ...
L835[09:33:42] <Syrren> ...
L836[09:33:46] <Izaya> (((natural))) scrolling
L837[09:33:52] <Izaya> ie unnatural scrolling
L838[09:33:55] <Izaya> fucking Microsoft
L839[09:33:56] <Syrren> wait, is this touchpad scroll or mouse scroll?
L840[09:33:57] <Izaya> fucking Apple
L841[09:34:00] <Izaya> fucking Google
L842[09:34:03] <Izaya> Syrren: both
L843[09:34:10] <Syrren> they flipped the mouse scroll direction
L844[09:34:18] <AmandaC> Izaya: oh no, now you have to go into settings and flip a switch, how terrible!
L845[09:34:20] <Syrren> what are they smoking
L846[09:34:20] <Saphire> Finger goin down should mean everything scrolling down
L847[09:34:26] <Saphire> AmandaC: uh...
L848[09:34:30] <Izaya> AmandaC: but WHY
L849[09:34:31] <Saphire> You don't mess with things like that
L850[09:34:34] <Saphire> It's like...
L851[09:34:41] <Izaya> it's just dumb
L852[09:34:48] <Syrren> s/dumb/microsoft/
L853[09:34:48] <MichiBot> <Izaya> it's just microsoft
L854[09:34:50] <Saphire> It's like suddenly every traffic light started using other color scheme JUST BECAUSE
L855[09:34:51] <Izaya> someone expended effort to switch a setting nobody wants changed
L856[09:35:04] <AmandaC> Saphire: if there was no valyue before, doesn't it make sense to use the default value when populating the data storage?
L857[09:35:16] <AmandaC> You can argue the default is wrong, but the market clearly disagrees
L858[09:35:18] <Saphire> AmandaC: ...uh
L859[09:35:20] <Izaya> oh also
L860[09:35:23] <Izaya> there's no setting
L861[09:35:26] <Izaya> wonderful
L862[09:35:30] <Saphire> ...the fuck?
L863[09:35:32] <Syrren> open the old-style mouse control panel
L864[09:35:35] <Syrren> there's probably something there
L865[09:35:41] <Izaya> that's where I am
L866[09:35:43] * Izaya hmms
L867[09:35:50] <Izaya> okay so I can set scroll steps to negative numbers
L869[09:35:53] <Izaya> that's dodgy
L870[09:35:57] <Saphire> Izaya: hah
L871[09:36:11] <Saphire> https://www.windowscentral.com/how-reverse-scrolling-direction-windows-10
L872[09:36:36] <Saphire> >That's it! We told you it was easy. While it seems more logical to flick up on your mouse or touchpad to scroll up, the default scrolling direction (flick up to scroll down) on Windows 10 mimics the way you swipe on touchscreens.
L873[09:36:36] <Izaya> Saphire: I'm on 8
L874[09:36:48] <Saphire> Fucking touchscreens .-.
L876[09:37:03] <Syrren> Saphire: speaking of audio stuff -- have you heard of EqAPO?
L878[09:37:10] <DaMachinator-> ={component.proxy(component.list("turbine)()).getPower()}[1] <- why doesn't this work
L879[09:37:19] <Saphire> Syrren: Linux.
L880[09:37:22] <Syrren> ohright
L881[09:37:31] <Saphire> DaMachinator-: "
L882[09:37:31] <Syrren> I wasn't sure if you were linux-exclusive or dualbooting
L883[09:37:33] <Izaya> windows 8 does not have a setting for scroll direction
L884[09:37:43] <Izaya> in that part of the not-control-panel
L885[09:37:44] <ben_mkiv> because you are missing quotes after turbine
L886[09:37:50] <Saphire> TFW you find a unclosed quote in two seconds
L887[09:37:56] <Syrren> tl;dr: EqAPO is a plugin thing that goes in the same driver slot that those Audio Enchantement Crapshits go, but it's under your control
L888[09:38:02] <DaMachinator-> Saphire: the " isnt missing in the actual computer
L889[09:38:06] ⇦ Quits: badie (webchat@dsl217-132-50-205.bb.netvision.net.il) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L890[09:38:08] <Saphire> ...
L891[09:38:15] <DaMachinator-> ={component.proxy(component.list("turbine")()).getPower()}[1] <- why doesn't this work
L892[09:38:28] <DaMachinator-> gives:
L893[09:38:30] <Saphire> DaMachinator-: bare metal or openos?
L894[09:38:43] <Saphire> because if it's openos, just use "component.turbine.getPower()
L895[09:38:45] <Saphire> ffs
L896[09:38:46] <DaMachinator-> openos lua prompt
L897[09:38:51] <Izaya> also middle click with the trackpoint is broken for an unknown reason
L898[09:39:15] <Syrren> Izaya: I recall something about thinkpad middle click being abused as a virtual scroll wheel
L899[09:39:26] <Syrren> i.e. middle click + trackpoint = trackpoint becomes 2-axis scroll thing
L900[09:39:27] <Izaya> I mean it is
L901[09:39:31] <Izaya> but middle - oh
L902[09:39:32] <Izaya> fuck
L903[09:39:44] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L904[09:39:45] <Syrren> should be switchable if it's still under synaptics control
L905[09:40:00] <AmandaC> middleclick + move mouse used to be scroll on my win XP desktop
L906[09:40:11] <Saphire> AmandaC: ...that's default everywhere?
L907[09:40:11] <Syrren> if it's Prederption Tuuuchpad then god help you
L908[09:40:32] <Syrren> it's default in quite a few applications
L909[09:40:36] <Syrren> not a systemwide default
L910[09:41:01] <Syrren> on thinkpads it was a systemwide thing, as in that it sent actual scroll wheel events
L911[09:41:29] * Izaya grumbles
L912[09:41:43] <Izaya> I wish people would stop trying to make stuff act like Macs
L913[09:41:50] <Izaya> isn't it bad enough that everything looks like them now?
L914[09:41:55] <DaMachinator-> i use that all the time to read articles and stuff
L915[09:41:58] <Izaya> now you want to make the same dumb choices?
L916[09:42:01] <Izaya> >.>
L917[09:42:17] <DaMachinator-> the middle click to scroll
L918[09:42:48] <Izaya> I just want my 'middle click, no mocement' back
L919[09:43:01] <Syrren> Izaya: as I said, see if you can find a synaptics control panel
L920[09:43:09] <Saphire> Izaya: that... has been forever?
L921[09:43:16] <Izaya> gonna have to manually install the synaptics drivers
L922[09:43:19] <Izaya> Saphire: indeed
L923[09:43:22] <Izaya> BUT NOW THEY REMOVED IT
L924[09:43:27] <Saphire> I mean, for at least 5 or more years I remember using s... oh
L925[09:43:53] * AmandaC wanders off, she's not in the mood to get her fur dirty in this convo
L926[09:43:55] <Saphire> Wait, they removed what?
L927[09:44:12] <Izaya> they removed middle click pushing an event
L928[09:44:14] <Izaya> now it ONLY scrolls
L929[09:44:17] <Izaya> >.>
L930[09:44:19] <Izaya> why?
L931[09:44:21] <Izaya> no reason.
L932[09:44:28] <DaMachinator-> wtf
L933[09:44:29] <Saphire> ...WHAT THE FUCK
L934[09:44:35] <DaMachinator-> MMB still works to click links for me
L935[09:44:42] <Izaya> DaMachinator-: it's a driver thing
L936[09:44:59] <DaMachinator-> i'm just using a $10 logitech wireless mouse
L937[09:45:08] <Izaya> I'm using a TrackPoint tm
L938[09:45:13] <Saphire> .-.
L939[09:45:53] <Syrren> I'd be fighting with that myself but my thinkpad is now Linux-only
L940[09:46:03] <Saphire> https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Windows-10/FIXED-Middle-Click-Functionality-Disabled-on-Windows-10-upgrade/td-p/2131854/page/2
L941[09:46:05] <Izaya> I need Windows on here for work >.>
L942[09:46:51] <Saphire> Izaya: hey, up there
L943[09:47:06] <Saphire> ...oh wait
L944[09:47:09] <Saphire> It does reverse .-.
L945[09:48:12] <Syrren> https://i.imgur.com/dQOqczz.jpg
L946[09:57:09] <Saphire> I KNOW
L947[10:02:38] <Temia> This is why I have a Windows VM set up.
L948[10:03:31] <Temia> I can run all my Windows stuff in there without having to interrupt my workflow on the host
L949[10:04:40] * Izaya sighs
L950[10:04:46] <Izaya> So I can either have no scrolling
L951[10:04:50] <Izaya> or broken scrolling
L952[10:05:16] <Temia> Though I should look into a way to block suspend actions while the VM is running since it has passthrough and all .-.
L953[10:06:16] <Izaya> That seems problematic.
L954[10:07:12] <Izaya> okay nevermind I can't even have broken scrolling
L955[10:07:31] <DaMachinator-> ouch
L956[10:08:22] <Izaya> middle mouse works at least
L957[10:11:14] <DaMachinator-> I got a RP3 model B, do any of you recommend a specific kit for case and charger etc.
L958[10:11:32] <DaMachinator-> I am going to use it to host a VPN and maybe a tiny SFTP server
L959[10:14:20] <Lizzy> DaMachinator, get a good quality adapter, you'll want one that can do about 2A without having to drop the voltage (note: don't get an apple charger, they have high amp outputs but the voltage fluctuates way too much)
L960[10:14:59] <DaMachinator-> any particular recommendations
L961[10:15:49] <AmandaC> There's an offical one, I think
L962[10:16:31] <AmandaC> I forget the company, starts with a C I think
L963[10:16:58] <AmandaC> I've got a couple of boxes for the ones I bought around somewhere, but too exausted to look for them
L964[10:19:41] <DaMachinator-> the official website links to a PiShopUS
L965[10:20:07] <DaMachinator-> raspberry pi: one thing you can't buy accessories for on amazon that aren't marked up to an absurd degree
L966[10:20:47] <AmandaC> This is what I got: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MARDJZ4/
L967[10:22:48] <DaMachinator-> that one looks nice
L968[10:23:18] <DaMachinator-> what about a case?
L969[10:24:16] <AmandaC> The only case I have is a case to hold the touch screen + pi
L970[10:24:26] <AmandaC> my other pi is just sitting naked
L971[10:24:49] <Inari> L-lewd
L972[10:25:00] <AmandaC> Case: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HKWAJ6K Touchscreen: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0153R2A9I/
L973[10:25:31] <AmandaC> Inari: I'll not mention what room it's sitting in, then. Can't have you getting too embarrassed
L974[10:26:07] <Inari> You're the one having it sitting around naked so you can fondle it anytime
L975[10:26:23] <AmandaC> Inari: It's too pointy for fondling, silly Inari
L976[10:26:32] ⇨ Joins: Dark (~MrDark@2607:fcc8:d48b:eb00:c89a:76ee:aaf8:bc3e)
L977[10:26:37] <AmandaC> GPIO pins don't make for good fondle targets
L978[10:26:42] <AmandaC> Hi Dark .
L979[10:28:30] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/ljysca.png wat am I doing wrong
L980[10:31:29] <Izaya> and now the server crashed
L981[10:31:35] <Izaya> fuck it I'm going to bed
L982[10:33:04] <DaMachinator-> Izaya: I don't see an energy acceptor anywhere
L983[10:33:26] <Izaya> I can't just hook shit up to my RF network?
L984[10:33:46] <DaMachinator-> only controllers, chargers, energy acceptors, and inscriber presses
L985[10:33:53] <Izaya> fuck.
L986[10:33:58] <DaMachinator-> and maybe one or two other things that noone ever actually uses
L987[10:33:59] <Izaya> welp, I'll do that tomorrow
L988[10:34:01] <Izaya> thanks
L989[10:34:34] <DaMachinator-> yvwm
L990[10:34:46] <AmandaC> You're Very Welcome Mom?
L991[10:35:14] <DaMachinator-> I don't know what the M is for but i've never seen it without it
L992[10:35:37] <Izaya> let's go witn "man"
L993[10:36:08] <DaMachinator-> works for me
L994[10:40:34] <Kodos> Uhhh
L995[10:40:43] <Kodos> Did corded die
L996[10:40:53] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:203e:33ca:b97c:4976)
L997[10:40:56] <Izaya> yes
L998[10:41:43] <Kodos> Last thing I saw was you asking AmandaC why
L999[10:42:08] <Kodos> Oh it's deleting all the messages OK
L1000[10:42:39] <Izaya> I
L1001[10:42:41] <Izaya> what
L1002[10:42:46] <Izaya> GNOME 3 no longer comes with a system tray
L1003[10:42:51] <Izaya> y'know, the one thing you need
L1004[10:43:19] <AmandaC> The API still exists, it's just not wired up by default anymore
L1005[10:43:26] <Izaya> but why
L1006[10:43:29] <DaMachinator-> is it better performant to store the proxy returned by component.redstone to a variable and then call something like rs.setOutput(sides.east,15), or to just call component.redstone.setOutput(sides.east,15)
L1007[10:43:40] <Izaya> it's removing things for no reason, just like changing things for no reason
L1008[10:43:41] <AmandaC> because they've been having a war against it since 3 launched
L1009[10:43:50] <Izaya> but... why?
L1010[10:43:51] <AmandaC> %stab Izaya
L1011[10:43:52] * MichiBot strikes Izaya with a cannon doing [2] damage
L1012[10:43:59] <AmandaC> Stop calling removals / changes "for no reason"
L1013[10:44:01] <Izaya> it's just the system tray
L1014[10:44:17] <Izaya> what did it ever do to them?
L1015[10:44:37] <AmandaC> Nobody wakes up one day and decides to remove some feature / change some feature at a company / org and have it be "for no reason"
L1016[10:45:08] <AmandaC> GNOME's argument since 3 was that most of ths tuff that goes in there isn't nessary to be visible all the time to the user.
L1017[10:45:30] <Michiyo> @Kodos what messages is it deleting..?
L1018[10:46:12] <Izaya> But I mean, why not just disable the widget by default?
L1019[10:46:21] <AmandaC> That's what they did in 3.26
L1020[10:46:31] <Izaya> I was under the impression it's now an extension
L1021[10:46:40] * AmandaC sighs
L1022[10:46:51] <AmandaC> Go to bed, Izaya
L1023[10:46:55] <AmandaC> You
L1024[10:47:00] <Izaya> I probably should.
L1025[10:47:01] <AmandaC> 're being obnoxious
L1026[10:47:07] <Izaya> Aren't I always?
L1027[10:47:54] <Michiyo> Cause I've just compared the last... lots of messages and they all seem to be there
L1028[10:49:14] <AmandaC> %choose should I stay or should I go
L1029[10:49:14] <MichiBot> AmandaC: should I stay
L1030[10:49:18] <AmandaC> hrm
L1031[10:49:21] <AmandaC> fine, I guess.
L1032[10:49:39] * Michiyo fistbumps MichiBot
L1033[10:49:58] <Izaya> %choose chocolate milk or coke
L1034[10:49:59] <MichiBot> Izaya: chocolate milk
L1035[10:50:20] <Izaya> if it makes any difference, I just really really hate GNOME
L1036[10:50:23] <Izaya> good night
L1037[10:50:29] <AmandaC> It shows.
L1038[10:50:33] <Izaya> :D
L1039[10:50:40] <AmandaC> And frankly, it's annoying as fuck
L1040[10:50:52] <Izaya> I was under the impression that applied to everything I do.
L1041[10:50:59] <AmandaC> I don't understand hate for tech, I don't understand people lacking empathy for other view points.
L1042[10:51:12] <Izaya> I'm an exceedingly annoying and hard to get along with person.
L1043[10:51:27] <AmandaC> And frankly, I'm too tired from feeling ill today to give any fucks about censoring myself any more
L1044[10:51:34] <DaMachinator-> Not everyone *can* empathize, at least not without conscious effort.
L1045[10:51:40] <Inari> %choose carbonated milk or hot cola
L1046[10:51:41] <MichiBot> Inari: carbonated milk
L1047[10:52:07] <Izaya> how nice
L1048[10:52:10] <Izaya> welp
L1049[10:52:12] <Izaya> in that vein
L1050[10:52:19] <Izaya> you're a bitch, I'm a dick, and I'm off to bed.
L1051[10:52:27] <AmandaC> vOv
L1052[10:52:31] <Izaya> have a good $(time of day)
L1053[10:52:47] <AmandaC> I'm sorry you feel that way.
L1054[10:53:20] <AmandaC> Because I genuinely try to get along with everyone, even the people who make no sense to me, or who are dicks to me.
L1055[10:53:36] <AmandaC> I might poke fun at people, but I never put malice behind the intent.
L1056[10:53:45] <DaMachinator-> Izaya: I have a mental image of a 20-something-year-old doing fingerguns.gif while saying that
L1057[10:55:11] * Michiyo glances back at the channel
L1058[10:55:13] * Michiyo sighs
L1059[10:55:27] <DaMachinator-> Syntax for a regular for-loop is "for var,increment,max do stuff end" right
L1060[10:55:40] * AmandaC curls up in Inari's lap, contemplates what to watch
L1061[10:55:41] * Inari hands Michiyo a glass of carbonated milk
L1062[10:55:47] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L1063[10:55:47] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with boredom. AmandaC recovers 4 health!, boredom poofs away in a sparkly cloud.
L1064[10:55:54] <AmandaC> %choose tech talks or vidya
L1065[10:55:54] <MichiBot> AmandaC: tech talks
L1066[10:56:08] <Inari> Boredom has been thwarted!
L1067[10:56:13] <AmandaC> %choose snack first or later
L1068[10:56:13] <MichiBot> AmandaC: snack first
L1069[10:56:23] * AmandaC goes on the prowl to find something to snack on
L1070[10:56:37] <Inari> AmandaC: why not snack during!
L1071[10:58:04] <AmandaC> Inari: well, I'd have to fetch the snack first
L1072[10:58:19] * AmandaC keeps limited snacks in her room
L1073[10:59:27] <Inari> Is the rain you get from hurricanes saltwater?
L1074[10:59:37] <AmandaC> I don't think so.
L1075[10:59:41] <Inari> Hrm
L1076[10:59:46] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@c-82-209-154-59.cust.bredband2.com)
L1077[10:59:48] <AmandaC> the salt is too heavy to be sucked up into the clouds, so it's seperated out
L1078[10:59:50] <Inari> But doesn't it suck up water from the sea
L1079[10:59:52] <Inari> Ah
L1080[11:01:41] <DaMachinator-> the water has to evaporate first
L1081[11:02:12] <DaMachinator-> it leaves the salt behind when it evaporates
L1082[11:02:45] <DaMachinator-> ugh
L1083[11:02:56] <DaMachinator-> there's no getMaxPower for rotarycraft engines
L1084[11:03:05] <DaMachinator-> so i guess I need to make a table to translate
L1085[11:03:57] <DaMachinator-> ~w beep card
L1086[11:03:57] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:redstone_card
L1087[11:03:58] <Inari> "Unlike tornadoes which can actually suck water straight up into the storm and, yes, deposit the salty water in another place, hurricanes don’t posses that funnel type forcing on a broad scale. Instead, the moisture that feeds the hurricane’s clouds occurs purely from evaporation. " ah
L1088[11:04:40] <DaMachinator-> I mean, a strong enough hurricane can have a low enough pressure to significantly raise the sea level under it and draw the water away from nearby areas.
L1089[11:04:42] <AmandaC> Inari: water tornadoes can also cause fish to get sucked up and sdeposited
L1090[11:04:50] <DaMachinator-> But it can't suck water up in like a tornado.
L1091[11:05:08] <Inari> AmandaC: sushi!
L1092[11:05:22] <DaMachinator-> ocdoc gib information on computronics pls
L1093[11:05:40] <DaMachinator-> ~w computronics
L1094[11:05:41] <ocdoc> http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics
L1095[11:05:49] <DaMachinator-> did not expect that to work
L1096[11:06:30] <DaMachinator-> wat
L1097[11:06:34] <DaMachinator-> no documentations on beep card
L1098[11:06:37] <DaMachinator-> heresy
L1099[11:07:24] <Inari> Use ingame docs
L1100[11:08:25] <DaMachinator-> hmm
L1101[11:09:44] <DaMachinator-> i wonder if i can use the chat peripheral to make WOPR or something silly like that
L1102[11:13:00] <AmandaC> WOPR?
L1103[11:15:47] <MGR> From the movie WarGames?
L1104[11:16:12] <DaMachinator-> yes
L1105[11:17:04] <DaMachinator-> more to the tune of "let's play dodge the death ray turrets" than "let's play global thermonuclear war"
L1106[11:17:24] <vifino> But where is the fun in that?
L1107[11:17:49] <MGR> ^^^^^^
L1108[11:17:53] <MGR> You need to up the stakes
L1109[11:18:06] <DaMachinator-> i don't know, but global thermonuclear war is hard without a way to arbitrarily teleport IC2 nukes
L1110[11:18:14] <DaMachinator-> hundreds of thousands of blocks
L1111[11:18:42] <AmandaC> debug card
L1112[11:19:06] <DaMachinator-> that doesn't have a survival mode recipe
L1113[11:19:28] <MGR> DefenseTech
L1114[11:20:22] <DaMachinator-> that's not installed on the server...
L1115[11:20:36] <DaMachinator-> I wonder how far Reika's block launcher can shoot
L1116[11:24:04] <ben_mkiv> got draconic evolution? :>
L1117[11:24:22] <ben_mkiv> their portals teleport players/mobs/items so maybe TEs, too?
L1118[11:24:31] <logan2611> DefenseTech
L1119[11:24:39] <logan2611> ?
L1120[11:24:42] <logan2611> Robots
L1121[11:25:01] <MGR> I think Draconic Evolution or Enhanced Portals 3 works
L1122[11:25:12] <logan2611> Just use robots to place nukes and load them
L1123[11:25:26] <DaMachinator-> um
L1124[11:25:28] <DaMachinator-> mystcraft
L1125[11:25:42] <DaMachinator-> the server owner has strange tastes
L1126[11:25:48] <DaMachinator-> anyways my game crashed
L1127[11:26:17] <DaMachinator-> https://gist.github.com/DaMachinator/84f29f31ee2e2f4e17c3217ac712f16b
L1128[11:26:44] <MGR> @logan2611 That's not a bad idea
L1129[11:26:57] <logan2611> its an expensive one tho
L1130[11:26:58] <logan2611> ?
L1131[11:27:11] <MGR> Mehhhhhhhhhhh
L1132[11:27:16] <logan2611> wait can drones place blocks?
L1133[11:27:29] <logan2611> and move inventory
L1134[11:27:40] <Forecaster> yes
L1135[11:27:51] <logan2611> well then its not that expensive
L1136[11:27:59] <logan2611> as I think you can get a drone to outrun the nuke
L1137[11:28:44] <logan2611> and drones are cheap
L1138[11:28:51] <DaMachinator-> my base is at least 10km from my nearest neighbor
L1139[11:28:51] <MGR> A drone probably can outrun the nuke
L1140[11:29:02] <logan2611> IC2 nukes take 13 seconds
L1141[11:29:06] <logan2611> and have a blast radius of about 100 blocks
L1142[11:29:10] <logan2611> in open air
L1143[11:29:39] <DaMachinator-> but a drone cant travel 20km
L1144[11:29:44] <logan2611> debatable
L1145[11:29:45] <logan2611> use solar
L1146[11:29:58] <logan2611> and generator upgrade
L1147[11:30:16] <ben_mkiv> and/or put charger + energycell in the drone inventory
L1148[11:30:19] <MGR> ^^
L1149[11:30:21] <logan2611> ^
L1150[11:31:10] <logan2611> thats more programming tho
L1151[11:31:33] <ben_mkiv> 3 or 4 lines, as you probably have to leave it placed anyways
L1152[11:31:46] <logan2611> its take programming to have it land and recharge tho
L1153[11:32:10] <logan2611> or just place and recharge if you have angel upgrade or whatever its called
L1154[11:32:22] <logan2611> which thats easy
L1155[11:33:02] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator- (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1156[11:33:13] <logan2611> riperoni
L1157[11:34:35] <ben_mkiv> talking about programming drones... https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1438-blockly-for-oc/
L1158[11:35:02] <Vexatos> I blame marcin212 >_>
L1159[11:35:27] <Vexatos> this is for robots though
L1160[11:35:28] <logan2611> eww cancer\
L1161[11:35:30] <logan2611> gross
L1162[11:35:30] <logan2611> die
L1163[11:35:41] <Vexatos> it's better than scratch
L1164[11:35:48] <logan2611> its still cancer
L1165[11:35:49] <Vexatos> ...whatever that says about the quality
L1166[11:35:49] <MGR> https://videocardz.com/72775/intel-preps-dual-core-i3-7360x-for-x299-but-why
L1167[11:35:51] <ben_mkiv> he just released it 3h ago
L1168[11:35:51] <logan2611> just learn Lua
L1169[11:35:57] <MGR> What is this
L1170[11:36:00] <logan2611> Lua is easy as fuck
L1171[11:36:02] <MGR> Why does this exist
L1172[11:36:49] <MGR> Personally, I don't see the issue with marcin's program
L1173[11:36:53] * gamax92 puts a floral hat on AmandaC
L1174[11:36:57] <MGR> I'm unlikely to use it, but I don't see the big deal
L1175[11:37:11] <logan2611> Its block programming
L1176[11:37:14] <logan2611> therefor it is a problem
L1177[11:37:25] <MGR> ???
L1178[11:37:27] <ben_mkiv> nope, its not
L1179[11:37:47] <ben_mkiv> you are the problem then, it'll allow many people to use robots who cant twist their head around code
L1180[11:37:59] <ben_mkiv> or just want to get stuff done quic
L1181[11:38:01] <ben_mkiv> +k
L1182[11:38:15] <AmandaC> but programming should be hard! How else can he feel good about himself for being able to do it!
L1183[11:38:28] <MGR> I agree with ben
L1184[11:38:29] <gamax92> Yeah I don't see an issue with it
L1185[11:39:17] <logan2611> never said it should be hard
L1186[11:39:28] <logan2611> otherwise I would hate Lua way more
L1187[11:39:45] <logan2611> and assembly would be god
L1188[11:40:25] <MGR> "All it takes is a new high-limit credit card with a low interest rate, and your entire Steam library will load at the speed of flash."
L1189[11:40:37] <AmandaC> Then what's the problem with lowering the bar of entry?
L1190[11:40:47] <logan2611> There isn't
L1191[11:40:48] <logan2611> ?
L1192[11:40:55] <AmandaC> Then why is blockly bad?
L1193[11:41:00] <AmandaC> "cancer" as you put it
L1194[11:41:09] <logan2611> because its a block based language
L1195[11:41:14] * AmandaC sighs
L1196[11:41:15] <logan2611> typing is faster, easier and runs better
L1197[11:41:18] <AmandaC> It generates normal lua
L1198[11:41:27] <logan2611> now for lua that might be different but
L1199[11:41:43] <ben_mkiv> i highly doubt that
L1200[11:41:55] <ben_mkiv> when you are used to blockly it'll be way faster
L1201[11:42:03] <logan2611> Keyboard>Mouse
L1202[11:42:34] <MGR> Yes, but you're not taking into account the speed of translating thought to code
L1203[11:42:40] <logan2611> oh but I am
L1204[11:42:51] <MGR> If I can visually put together a program, it could be faster than having to type it all out literally
L1205[11:43:02] <MGR> Because it's easier to think it through
L1206[11:43:16] <ben_mkiv> also you create lines of code within "one click"
L1207[11:43:27] <logan2611> 100 WPM helps a lot
L1208[11:43:29] <ben_mkiv> which usually is just retyping the same shit over and over
L1209[11:43:43] <MGR> @logan2611 Not all of us can do 100 WPM
L1210[11:43:56] <MGR> You're taking an unusual level of typing skill, and applying it to the entire population
L1211[11:44:13] <logan2611> even 60 is faster
L1212[11:44:16] <logan2611> than a mouse
L1213[11:44:17] <MGR> I can manage 70-80, and I'm above average
L1214[11:44:18] <ben_mkiv> +lookup stuff in the docs, because you havent used a function for a while...
L1215[11:44:30] <MGR> @logan2611 You're not taking into account the thinking process
L1216[11:44:36] <logan2611> I think differently
L1217[11:44:43] <MGR> A person isn't going to be typing non-stop the entire time
L1218[11:44:44] <logan2611> The thinking process is different for everyone
L1219[11:44:56] <ben_mkiv> yea, you missed it for your arguments, too
L1220[11:44:56] <ben_mkiv> :P
L1221[11:44:57] <MGR> They're going to take a break and think about how they want to implement something, or what they're going to do next
L1222[11:45:10] <logan2611> guess im weird then
L1223[11:45:16] <AmandaC> https://amandac.keybase.pub/screenshots/Screenshot%20from%202017-09-21%2012-58-53.png
L1224[11:45:35] <AmandaC> Equivilent code is in the black box
L1225[11:46:02] <AmandaC> You're not going to create robot moatzart, but it's a learning tool first and foremost.
L1226[11:46:52] <MGR> I agree with AmandaC
L1227[11:47:07] <MGR> It's a good transition
L1228[11:48:17] <ben_mkiv> @marcin212 now make that for openglasses, too :P
L1229[11:48:18] <AmandaC> Block-based languages weren't invented for "serious programming" it was invented to teach children how logic stuff works and allow them to make their toys move.
L1230[11:48:39] <AmandaC> ( First place I ever saw block-based stuff was late 90
L1231[11:48:51] <AmandaC> ( First place I ever saw block-based stuff was late 90's early 00's, lego's stuff )
L1232[11:49:08] <ben_mkiv> yea, also played with the first mindstorms
L1233[11:49:39] <AmandaC> I couldn't afford the mindstorms, but I downloaded the programmer to toy with, long before I ever startd coding
L1234[11:49:55] <ben_mkiv> me neither, was on some computer camp
L1235[11:50:16] <Forecaster> I still have mine
L1236[11:51:15] <MGR> @Forecaster I still have my Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0
L1237[11:51:19] <MGR> First time I ever programmed
L1238[11:51:24] <Forecaster> I have the original one
L1239[11:51:26] <Forecaster> whatever it's called
L1240[11:51:27] <MGR> Got pretty good at it too
L1241[11:51:33] <logan2611> I still have mine
L1242[11:51:37] <MGR> I think the first one is just "Lego Mindstorms"
L1243[11:51:39] <logan2611> somewhere
L1244[11:51:52] <payonel> DaMachinator: you asked about performance of using component[primary_component] vs using a proxy ref to call methods
L1245[11:53:15] <AmandaC> Man, memories of playing shitty games downloaded off cartoon network's site (an exe ofc!) just flooded back to me
L1246[11:53:47] <AmandaC> I remember one of them didn't work right, and I had just learned that computer viruses were a thing, and panicing that I accidentally broke the computer. (I was <10 probably)
L1247[11:53:54] <ben_mkiv> i had some weired dream last night, using some old amiga and running something like java5 on it
L1248[11:54:00] <ben_mkiv> guess that doesnt even exist for amigas xD
L1249[11:54:20] <MGR> @Forecaster Lego Mindstorms RCX I believe
L1250[11:54:36] <ben_mkiv> oh theres at least a javavm for amigas
L1251[11:54:48] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator- (webchat@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net)
L1252[11:54:49] <AmandaC> openjdk?
L1253[11:54:59] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp140-03-50-100-173-210.dsl.bell.ca) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1254[11:55:10] <ben_mkiv> no idea, quick google came up with this http://www.os4coding.net/project/jamiga2-java-amiga
L1255[11:55:19] <payonel> DaMachinator: did you still have a question about performance using proxy refs vs just using component[primary]
L1256[11:55:26] <DaMachinator-> yes
L1257[11:56:38] <payonel> DaMachinator-: if you're trying to call something hundreds of times per tic, then sure, you should consider refs
L1258[11:56:43] <payonel> otherwise, it is unlikely to cause a delay
L1259[11:57:06] <payonel> i haven't tested this, but i do know it is very fast to just use a.b.c.d vs keeping a ref to d
L1260[11:57:13] <payonel> but it can also be a question of style, up to you
L1261[11:57:36] <payonel> it is definitely faster, though negligibly faster in most work loads, to keeps refs
L1262[11:58:11] <AmandaC> DaMachinator-: you ricing again?
L1263[11:58:34] <AmandaC> That what the weird `={<code>}[1]` syntax shit was earlier about, too?
L1264[11:59:37] <ben_mkiv> xD
L1265[12:00:12] * payonel gives AmandaC some syntax sugar
L1266[12:00:24] * AmandaC nos
L1267[12:00:28] <AmandaC> nomms*
L1268[12:00:50] * ben_mkiv adds some water to flush out the salt
L1269[12:01:11] <payonel> AmandaC: is your m loose :P ?
L1270[12:01:24] <AmandaC> payonel: yeah, I keep eaning to try and look under it
L1271[12:01:25] <AmandaC> :P
L1272[12:01:56] <ben_mkiv> AmandaC, https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/keyboards_are_disgusting.png
L1273[12:02:50] <AmandaC> yup
L1274[12:03:22] <payonel> my issue with keyboards is when they get packed with my kitty's fur
L1275[12:03:29] <Mimiru> %xkcd keyboards are disgusting
L1276[12:03:30] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://xkcd.com/237/ - *xkcd: Keyboards are Disgusting*: "Keyboards are Disgusting. | · >|. Permanent link to this comic: https://xkcd.com/237/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): ..."
L1277[12:03:41] <payonel> %xkcd Mimiru
L1278[12:03:45] <payonel> :(
L1279[12:03:56] <MGR> %xkcd MajGenRelativity
L1280[12:04:01] <MGR> ?
L1281[12:04:15] <ben_mkiv> %xkcd ben
L1282[12:04:17] <MichiBot> ben_mkiv: https://xkcd.com/567/ - *xkcd: Urgent Mission*: "Urgent Mission. | · >|. Permanent link to this comic: https://xkcd.com/567/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): ..."
L1283[12:04:31] <MGR> Lol
L1284[12:04:36] <AmandaC> %xkcd black hat guy
L1285[12:04:37] <MichiBot> AmandaC: https://xkcd.com/611/ - *xkcd: Disaster Voyeurism*: "Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ disaster_voyeurism.png. [[A woman is watching TV. The Black Hat Guy is leaning on the ..."
L1286[12:05:30] <AmandaC> classic BHG
L1287[12:06:38] ⇨ Joins: glasspelican (~quassel@ktnron060ww-lp140-03-50-100-173-210.dsl.bell.ca)
L1288[12:13:16] <DaMachinator-> AmandaC: ricing?
L1289[12:18:12] <AmandaC> DaMachinator-: obsessive pre-mature optimisation, AIUI
L1290[12:19:07] <MGR> https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/6tmkfp/you_can_do_that_yet_you_cant_even_delete_your_own/
L1291[12:22:04] <ben_mkiv> "I write aircraft technical documentation now... I have checklists on how to make checklists."
L1292[12:22:05] <ben_mkiv> xD
L1293[12:22:41] <MGR> Heh
L1294[12:27:09] <20kdc> Spike? Have we finished the item of the checklist where we double-check all the previous items of the checklist?
L1295[12:30:21] <vifino> Spike, the RISC-V emulator?
L1296[12:30:41] <MGR> You shouldn't have said RISC-V......
L1297[12:30:59] <AmandaC> Spike, the baby dragon, I believe
L1298[12:32:43] <vifino> @MGR: Why not?
L1299[12:33:02] <MGR> Because I thought it would someone who likes RISC-V very much
L1300[12:33:16] <MGR> And then he would talk about RISC-V a lot
L1301[12:33:29] <vifino> Can you regrammar that, please?
L1302[12:34:03] <AmandaC> s/d s/d summon s/
L1303[12:34:03] <MichiBot> <MGR> Because I thought it would summon someone who likes RISC-V very much
L1304[12:34:03] <MGR> Because I thought it would summon someone who likes RISC-V very much, and then he would talk about RISC-V a lot.
L1305[12:34:04] <AmandaC> I assume
L1306[12:34:10] <MGR> Yes
L1307[12:34:28] <vifino> Thank you, AmandaC.
L1308[12:35:00] <vifino> I mean, I like RISC-V very, very much, so I guess I summoned myself?
L1309[12:35:08] <MGR> No, I meant someone else
L1310[12:35:19] <MGR> It doesn't matter anymore
L1311[12:39:02] <payonel> AmandaC: don't cry peetree, lots of things can't fly
L1312[12:39:05] <payonel> rocks, sticks,
L1313[12:39:24] <Michiyo> ._. hot
L1314[12:39:53] <Inari> Michiyo: Empty a bucket of water onto yourself :D
L1315[12:39:57] <Michiyo> nah
L1316[12:40:13] <payonel> AmandaC: to finish the quote, "Spike"
L1317[12:41:35] <Forecaster> Michiyo: I think hot is pretty good at flying
L1318[12:41:41] <Inari> Never hear "ricing" in connection to code
L1319[12:42:28] <Inari> Seems its a more general term than I thought
L1320[12:42:31] <20kdc> My guess: Probably something to do with currying.
L1321[12:42:34] <Inari> I recalled it in connection to hardware or so
L1322[12:43:35] <MGR> @20kdc You think differently from me ? I thought it was related to ricin
L1323[12:44:43] ⇦ Quits: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p579729B9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1324[12:45:03] <20kdc> Also, I am unsure how a RISC-V emulator could be talked to... By process of elimination...
L1325[13:03:36] <payonel> Inari: as a gentoo user, i've had people call me a ricer before
L1326[13:05:09] <payonel> vifino is a ricer, too :P
L1327[13:05:37] <Forecaster> you're both in the rice club?
L1328[13:05:40] <vifino> That is factually accurate.
L1329[13:05:44] * Inari throws rice at payonel using a bucket
L1330[13:05:47] <Inari> Am I doing this right?
L1331[13:06:01] <vifino> payonel: so when will you be in frankfurt? :P
L1332[13:06:08] <payonel> d:
L1333[13:06:15] <payonel> %flip p
L1334[13:06:16] <MichiBot> payonel: (╯°□°)╯d
L1335[13:06:19] <payonel> %flip P
L1336[13:06:19] <MichiBot> payonel: (╯°□°)╯Ԁ
L1337[13:06:41] <MGR> %flip payonel
L1338[13:06:42] <MichiBot> MGR: (╯°□°)╯lǝuoʎɐd
L1339[13:06:47] <payonel> Inari: a whole bucket, huh? :)
L1340[13:07:08] <MGR> ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
L1341[13:08:06] <Inari> payonel: gotta go big
L1342[13:14:58] <Forecaster> but size isn't everything
L1343[13:18:10] <vifino> (only if you have nothing to show)
L1344[13:19:08] <Forecaster> I have plenty of bucket to show! D:
L1345[13:19:24] <vifino> Are you sure about that?
L1346[13:19:54] <vifino> Have you compared the size with average bucket sizes?
L1347[13:20:17] <Forecaster> I don't go around measuring my bucket
L1348[13:22:36] <payonel> vifino: i'll be leaving germany in ~36 hours
L1349[13:23:31] <vifino> payonel: but.. but...; _;
L1350[13:23:47] <vifino> * ;_;
L1351[13:56:58] <gamax92> so uhh ...
L1352[13:57:51] <gamax92> %flip lauoyad
L1353[13:57:52] <MichiBot> gamax92: (╯°□°)╯pɐʎonɐl
L1354[13:58:05] <gamax92> wait
L1355[13:58:16] <gamax92> %flip lauoyed
L1356[13:58:16] <MichiBot> gamax92: (╯°□°)╯pǝʎonɐl
L1357[14:19:30] <Mettaton_Fab> %flip lǝuoʎɐd
L1358[14:19:31] <MichiBot> Mettaton_Fab: (╯°□°)╯payonel
L1359[14:44:44] <Michiyo> This lack of AC really sucks...
L1360[14:45:06] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (~ashindigo@79-67-179-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1361[14:48:22] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (~ashindigo@
L1362[14:50:43] <MGR> Michiyo, ow
L1363[14:50:47] <MGR> Sounds pretty bad
L1364[14:50:55] <Michiyo> %w 72396
L1365[14:50:56] <MichiBot> Current weather for Wynne, AR Current Temp: 89.1°F/31.7°C Feels Like: 114°F/45°C Current Humidity: 85% Wind: From the SSE 2.0 Mph/3.2 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L1366[14:51:01] <Michiyo> it's ^ inside.
L1367[14:56:52] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L1368[15:00:12] <MGR> Well, I'll say some nice things at your funeral
L1369[15:03:07] <20kdc> ...I'm not sure if a "MichiBot Inside" sticker would be a good selling point on a computer
L1370[15:03:07] <MichiBot> Corded: You're too kind!
L1371[15:05:21] <Michiyo> https://michi.pc-logix.com/2017-09-21_15-21-29.png https://michi.pc-logix.com/2017-09-21_15-21-52.png https://michi.pc-logix.com/2017-09-21_15-22-11.png
L1372[15:05:57] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-37-209-86-166.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1373[15:05:59] <Michiyo> Hurricane Damage to the RadioShack on Big Pine Key
L1374[15:06:26] <Mettaton_Fab> eh, its still ok
L1375[15:06:34] <Mettaton_Fab> just a few scratches
L1376[15:17:15] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L1377[15:17:17] <Temia> eep.
L1378[15:17:38] <Temia> With Radioshack in its current state, any damage at all probably means the store's death knell.
L1379[15:18:38] ⇨ Joins: PedroBarbosa (webchat@
L1380[15:18:55] <PedroBarbosa> My robot is colored diamond, its because of the xp right?
L1381[15:19:01] <Vexatos> Michiyo, does it look much different than before the storm?
L1382[15:19:04] <Vexatos> Can't tell, no reference
L1383[15:19:34] <Vexatos> at least that €25 logitech sound setup on the right of the third pic is still there
L1384[15:19:46] <Vexatos> (How much is it, Michiyo :U)
L1385[15:19:53] <PedroBarbosa> If i break it will it lose the xp?
L1386[15:20:06] ⇨ Joins: andreww (~xarses@
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L1388[15:29:53] <Michiyo> Vexatos, no idea how much it is, we don't stock it.
L1389[15:30:19] <Vexatos> If I'm not mistaken, that's exactly the same thing I have sitting under my desk :P
L1390[15:38:04] <PedroBarbosa> Is there a way to change the robot name?
L1391[15:39:53] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1392[15:40:06] ⇨ Joins: jazzpi (~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2)
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L1394[15:51:28] ⇨ Joins: jazzpi (~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2)
L1395[15:55:34] <MichiBot> Michiyo REMINDER: 5d10h20m53s >
L1396[15:56:03] <Michiyo> wat
L1397[15:56:36] <Michiyo> %reminders
L1398[15:56:37] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Upcoming reminders
L1399[15:56:38] <MichiBot> Michiyo: > At 09/27/2017 02:16:35 AM
L1400[15:56:45] <Michiyo> ... so why did you send that now?
L1401[15:56:53] <Michiyo> ...
L1402[16:03:28] <gamax92> %reminders
L1403[16:03:28] <MichiBot> gamax92: Upcoming reminders
L1404[16:03:29] <MichiBot> None. You have no reminders. But did you remember to rotate the fridge?
L1405[16:03:41] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator- (webchat@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1406[16:04:22] <Vexatos> %reminders
L1407[16:04:24] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Upcoming reminders
L1408[16:04:25] <MichiBot> None. You have no reminders. But did you remember to rotate the fridge?
L1409[16:04:27] <Vexatos> D:
L1410[16:07:59] ⇦ Quits: jazzpi (~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L1411[16:09:20] ⇨ Joins: jazzpi (~jazzpi@2a03:4000:6:20f::2)
L1412[16:13:43] <MGR> So, say I have 2 computers separated by a T1 relay with no upgrades in it
L1413[16:14:09] <MGR> If I send enough message from one computer to the other at a rate higher than the relay can process and I exceed the queue, what happens?
L1414[16:14:19] <MGR> Do messages get dropped, or does it halt the modem until the queue clears?
L1415[16:15:18] <gamax92> halt and catch fire
L1416[16:15:49] <MGR> I doubt the computers catch on fire
L1417[16:17:43] <Inari> @MGR Why not
L1418[16:18:03] <MGR> Because it would be an unusual and unexpected behavior
L1419[16:20:18] <Inari> How is it unexpected if you instruct the computer to do just that
L1420[16:21:14] <Kodos> I believe once the queue fills, any new messages are dropped until there's a slot in the queue
L1421[16:22:24] <Inari> How TCP
L1422[16:23:16] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1423[16:27:04] <MGR> @Kodos Thank you
L1424[16:29:12] <Temia> ?
L1425[16:29:20] <Izaya> $2 headphones are terrible
L1426[16:29:54] <gamax92> Temia: fairies!
L1427[16:29:59] <Temia> Fairies \o/
L1428[16:40:12] <Inari> Boxes!
L1429[16:41:00] ⇦ Quits: PedroBarbosa (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1430[16:41:16] <gamax92> Inari: do no trap fairies in boxes
L1431[16:41:38] <Inari> ;D
L1432[16:41:57] <Inari> A little snow fairy Sugar
L1433[16:44:51] ⇦ Quits: andreww (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1434[16:45:18] <Temia> '^'
L1435[16:45:24] * Temia hides the fairies from Inari
L1436[16:45:31] <Inari> :p
L1437[16:45:55] <Inari> https://myanimelist.net/anime/831/Chicchana_Yukitsukai_Sugar
L1438[16:47:06] <Inari> Where the fairy fo this channel when you need it
L1439[16:52:50] <Inari> The littlespace discord doesn't allow underage people... that seems a bit, silly
L1440[16:55:52] <gamax92> old anime looks so much different than newer stuff
L1441[17:01:58] <Temia> Yeah, things started homogenizing at the turn of the millennium
L1442[17:05:20] <Inari> Eh, dunno. I feel even back then it was largely the same, just a different style than ebfore
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L1446[17:36:31] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2017242C3D1BBAA7AA3A06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L1451[17:49:41] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L1452[18:07:50] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6453.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'And about shoes: FLAT IS JUSTICE!')
L1453[18:30:49] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E2017652C3D1BBAA7AA3A06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1454[18:36:18] ⇦ Quits: andreww (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L1455[18:44:10] <Mimiru> >_> http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6644558605
L1456[18:50:33] <Mimiru> %p
L1457[18:50:35] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Mimiru 0.3s
L1458[19:10:59] ⇨ Joins: ben_mkiv (~ben_mkiv@p57972987.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1459[19:27:54] ⇦ Quits: Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:4d36:a37d:18cf:dda5) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1460[19:34:06] <logan2611> Hmm
L1461[19:34:10] <logan2611> Drones appear to be nuke proof
L1462[19:39:34] <Saphire> Shouldn't they take damage?
L1463[19:39:47] <Saphire> Maybe nuke doesn't apply it to them
L1464[19:47:37] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (~ashindigo@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1465[19:54:12] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (~ashindigo@79-67-179-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com)
L1466[20:02:05] <Izaya> they don't take damage
L1467[20:06:25] <DaMachinator> How do I assign a value to a non-integer key in a table, if I am defining all members of said table at once?
L1468[20:06:53] <DaMachinator> is it something like {name="blah",type="blah",23,47}
L1469[20:07:28] <DaMachinator> where table[name] == blah == table[type], table[1] == 23, table[2] == 47
L1470[20:10:35] <ben_mkiv> you can't have named indexes afaik
L1471[20:10:54] <DaMachinator> it works
L1472[20:11:01] <DaMachinator> so yes, you can, and yes, that's how you do it
L1473[20:12:27] <ben_mkiv> afaik you got a variable named table[name] and table[type]
L1474[20:12:31] <ben_mkiv> which is not the same
L1475[20:17:12] <Mimiru> %lua w = {x=0, y=0, label="console"}
L1476[20:17:13] <Mimiru> %lua print(w["x"])
L1477[20:17:13] <MichiBot> 0
L1478[20:17:21] <Mimiru> %lua w = {x="merp", y=0, label="console"}
L1479[20:17:23] <Mimiru> %lua print(w["x"])
L1480[20:17:23] <MichiBot> merp
L1481[20:18:11] ⇦ Quits: alFamaRt (carrs@ipv6.pisces.panicbnc.net) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L1482[20:18:50] <ben_mkiv> %lua print(serialization.serialize(w))
L1483[20:18:50] <MichiBot> main:1: attempt to index global 'serialization' (a nil value)
L1484[20:18:53] <ben_mkiv> meh
L1485[20:19:26] <Mimiru> mean MichiBot is pretty much vanilla lua..
L1486[20:19:26] <MichiBot> ;_;
L1487[20:19:34] <ben_mkiv> lol
L1488[20:20:04] <Mimiru> wtf where did mean come from...
L1489[20:20:12] * Mimiru shrugs
L1490[20:29:50] ⇨ Joins: alFamaRt (carrs@ipv6.pisces.panicbnc.net)
L1491[20:30:52] <ben_mkiv> print(w.x)
L1492[20:30:56] <ben_mkiv> %lua print(w.x)
L1493[20:30:56] <MichiBot> merp
L1494[20:38:39] <Saphire> MichiBot: mean!
L1495[20:38:39] <MichiBot> ;_;
L1496[20:38:57] * Saphire hugs MichiBot
L1497[20:43:36] <MineRobber9000> /2/3
L1498[20:43:39] <MineRobber9000> ffs
L1499[21:48:43] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549606F1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1500[21:50:16] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549602A7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1501[22:29:55] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1503[22:38:49] ⇨ Joins: BILLPC2684 (~billpc268@ov8.bisecthosting.com)
L1504[22:39:04] <BILLPC2684> HEY :3 i got wocchat working again :3
L1505[22:39:22] <BILLPC2684> just had to update the OS
L1506[22:40:38] ⇦ Quits: BILLPC2684 (~billpc268@ov8.bisecthosting.com) (Client Quit)
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