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L1[00:09:17] ⇦ Quits: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
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L13[02:22:07] <AshIndigo> ~markov ocdoc
L14[02:22:07] <ocdoc>
L15[02:40:49] <Forecaster> %juggle 5
L16[02:40:50] * MichiBot juggles with a thinkpad, netsplit, an AAA, Metin 2 & cobalt
L17[02:40:51] * MichiBot drops a thinkpad which takes 4 damage
L18[02:40:52] * MichiBot drops an AAA which takes 1 damage, the AAA poofs away in a sparkly cloud.
L19[02:40:53] <MichiBot> #@%&!!
L20[02:46:52] <g> goddamnit
L21[02:46:59] <g> it was a bank holiday yesterday so nobody was here
L22[02:47:02] <g> including me
L23[02:47:20] <g> I get in today and I see that last week the other receptionist changed my days for this week so I'd be here on the cleaning day
L24[02:47:20] <Forecaster> no people no problems
L25[02:47:21] <g> without asking me
L26[02:47:37] <Forecaster> that's dumb
L27[02:47:41] <g> she changed a bunch of days over the following weeks so I'd work more days than her
L28[02:47:41] <g> :v
L29[02:48:04] <g> she doesn't actually have the authority to do that, will need to talk to my supervisor..
L30[02:48:11] <Forecaster> :I
L31[02:48:22] <Forecaster> probably thought nobody would notice somehow...
L32[02:48:34] <g> but then I wouldn't come in and there'd be no receptionist tomorrow
L33[02:49:14] <g> she left the phone off the hook as well
L34[02:49:19] <g> what even has been going on
L35[02:49:41] <Forecaster> your reception has an analog phone?
L36[02:50:56] <g> Huh? yeah
L37[02:51:01] <g> Of course it does
L38[02:53:00] <g> I mean it has a screen and multiple lines but at the end of the day it works like any other phone
L39[02:54:12] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1EB08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L40[02:56:00] <g> man I hate that shit
L41[02:56:04] <g> I can't even do tomorrow
L42[02:57:16] <Inari> ?
L43[02:57:26] <g> oh hi
L44[02:57:33] <Inari> payonel: "Wait, I'm a cat?"
L45[02:57:54] <g> I work a jobshare, it was a bank holiday yesterday, other person in this position put me in for tomorrow instead of themselves without telling me
L46[02:58:05] <g> that must've been done last week
L47[02:59:51] <g> it looks like she's written herself in for holidays in a couple weeks as well
L48[02:59:54] <g> it's nice for some, I guess
L49[03:00:18] <AshIndigo> %stab internet
L50[03:00:20] * MichiBot slaps internet with a nondescript object nearby dragon doing [3] damage
L51[03:00:53] <Inari> g: heh
L52[03:01:06] <Inari> "Bank holiday" is still so odd for me
L53[03:01:34] <Inari> Here our holidays are christian stuff... whitmonday yesterday. and stuff like that
L54[03:01:38] <Inari> not "Bank holiday"
L55[03:03:43] <g> Where's "here"?
L56[03:03:55] <Inari> Germany/Bavaria
L57[03:04:49] <g> Oh, I see
L58[03:04:51] <Inari> payonel: "There is a cat at the resort I'm staying at that just chills on the beach with me" https://i.redd.it/ong4faaauu1z.jpg
L59[03:04:55] <g> Yeah, I'm not sure of the motivation of it
L60[03:05:05] <g> But yeah they're just national holidays under another name
L61[03:05:25] <Inari> Not that I'm a huge fan of christian stuff
L62[03:05:30] <Inari> But it still has more flair to its naming :P
L63[03:05:49] <g> I prefer it this way
L64[03:05:50] <g> :P
L65[03:06:17] <g> http://www.officeholidays.com/countries/ireland/index.php
L66[03:06:19] <g> Here's what we have
L67[03:07:09] <g> so yesterday's one was Pentecost Monday
L68[03:07:13] <g> which is indeed a catholic thing
L69[03:08:05] <Inari> I want more cool holidays xP
L70[03:10:36] <g> christianity isn't exactly what I'd call "cool"
L71[03:10:38] <g> lol
L72[03:10:49] <Inari> Yeah
L73[03:10:56] <Inari> Hence why I want more cool holidays :P
L74[03:11:07] <Inari> Like the fire summer festival in WoW
L75[03:12:50] <g> wut
L76[03:12:57] <g> someone rang the office and hung up right after I answered
L77[03:13:13] <Inari> Called the wrong number
L78[03:13:38] <g> probably, would be nice if someone could say that though
L79[03:13:51] <Inari> Yeah but people often aren't nice
L80[03:13:55] <g> fair point
L81[03:14:00] <g> ok, gonna ring the other receptionist now
L82[03:14:54] <g> nope, rang out
L83[03:15:07] <g> supervisor was confused, he had no idea either
L84[03:15:15] <g> either way I ain't gonna be here
L85[03:15:27] <g> but someone else needs to be
L86[03:21:29] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L89[04:02:44] <Inari> Vic: What happesn when you get a few thousand likes though :o
L90[04:03:03] * Vic wouldn't know
L91[04:40:38] <Inari> "Study suggests women who choose to take maternity leave are seen as inferior employees, while women who choose not to take maternity leave are seen as bad mothers and undesirable partners."
L92[04:40:40] <Inari> Whats the morale?
L93[04:40:42] <Inari> Don't get kids
L94[04:47:26] <g> that stuff really depends on the country I guess
L95[04:47:34] <g> people taking any kind of leave costs the company though
L96[04:47:45] <g> you can at least see why an employer wouldn't like it
L97[04:54:12] <Izaya> Inari: moral* either way it sorta screws you over though
L98[04:54:46] <Inari> Izaya: Nah
L99[04:54:58] <Inari> not getting kids maens you aren't tied down to them, have more money, and aren't seen as bad
L100[04:54:58] <Izaya> in a number of countries men are given maternity leave now though which is interesting, dunno if there's any studies about that yet though
L101[04:54:59] <Inari> \o/
L102[04:55:13] <Izaya> yeah I know, I'm saying that if you do both options are bad
L103[04:55:22] <Inari> Well, yeah
L104[04:55:29] <Inari> Hence why the only winning move is to not play
L105[04:55:37] <Izaya> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq7oauciBdc in other news, new Tom Scott video
L106[04:55:39] <MichiBot> Blocking People in Real Life: Tom Scott at An Evening of Unnecessary Detail | length: 8m 48s | Likes: 12,278 Dislikes: 209 Views: 209,039 | by Tom Scott | Published On 5/6/2017
L107[04:56:04] <g> Izaya, yep, over here in ireland there is paterntiy leave iirc
L108[04:56:19] <g> yep, http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/employment_rights_and_conditions/leave_and_holidays/paternity_leave.html
L109[04:56:26] <Izaya> oh it makes sense that there's an actual name for it
L110[04:56:46] <g> since 2016
L111[04:57:02] <LizzyTheKitty> http://i.imgur.com/q5854Js.jpg
L112[05:05:53] <g> http://i.imgur.com/LlFHGUo.gifv
L113[05:10:44] <Inari> Programming preferences: Whatever your company tells you to use
L114[05:27:25] <Izaya> Programming preferences: There are tools to automatically convert and unconvert from an existing codebase's style
L115[05:33:56] ⇦ Quits: payonel (~payonel@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L123[06:22:20] <Kilobyte> can anyone tell me how i would go about compiling a c# vs project with mono?
L124[06:27:21] <Skye> Kilobyte, does it have any gui more advanced than a message box?
L125[06:27:33] <Skye> If yes, glhf
L126[06:27:51] <Skye> If no, it should work if you open a VS project in monodevelop
L127[06:28:05] <Skye> I know this because I did it once.
L128[06:28:52] <Skye> A few years ago
L129[06:29:08] <Skye> When I didn't know what I was getting myself into by learning programming
L130[06:29:22] <Izaya> Programming: Not Even Once
L131[06:29:38] * Izaya returns to feeling like shit and looking for rum
L132[06:33:41] <MGR> http://dilbert.com/strip/2017-06-04
L133[06:35:13] <Izaya> This channel has one too.
L134[06:35:18] <Izaya> Possibly more.
L135[06:35:40] <MGR> Oh Izaya, did you see my message about Australia being a Death World?
L136[06:35:49] <MGR> Can you confirm that all the wildlife is hostile and deadly?
L137[06:36:00] <Izaya> I did not.
L138[06:36:29] <Kilobyte> Skye: uh. yes.
L139[06:36:39] <Izaya> And quite frankly the Skyrim-size spiders are rather friendly and the climate is okay as long as you don't mind carrying aircon and a heater
L140[06:37:04] <MGR> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathWorld
L141[06:37:21] <MGR> There's a whole section about how Australia has crazy wildlife
L142[06:37:24] <Inari> "skyrim size spiders"
L143[06:37:27] <Inari> As if
L144[06:37:27] <Inari> :P
L145[06:37:29] <Kilobyte> Skye: also, monodevelop crashes when i open the project
L146[06:37:41] <Izaya> Inari: not the big ones
L147[06:37:44] <Izaya> the normal size ones
L148[06:37:58] <Inari> you have spiders the size of a bit dog?
L149[06:38:00] <Inari> *big
L150[06:38:14] <Izaya> Yes?
L151[06:38:17] <Inari> Oo
L152[06:38:19] <Izaya> Significantly wider though.
L153[06:38:24] <Inari> Like what?
L154[06:38:50] <Izaya> Like if you put a dog on its side, attached a pen to its tail and spun it arounda few times
L155[06:38:54] <Inari> I mean
L156[06:38:57] <Inari> Like whats a name of one
L157[06:39:05] <Izaya> oh
L158[06:39:14] <Izaya> most common big ones I've seen are huntsman spiders
L159[06:39:38] * Izaya checks time
L160[06:39:40] <Inari> Hm whenever I've seen picture of those they would qualify more as samll dogs. I.e. more like baby spiders in skyrim
L161[06:39:42] <Izaya> Speaking of spiders...
L162[06:39:43] <Inari> instead of the normal ones
L163[06:39:57] <Izaya> Ah, they haven't pictured the big ones.
L164[06:40:17] <Skye> Kilobyte, then it's glhf territory
L165[06:41:31] <MGR> Honey badgers have two favorite foods. One of them is honey. They rob beehives while bee stings just tickle them. The other is... cobras. Scaly sausage... nomnomnomnom!
L166[06:42:49] <Izaya> oh also
L167[06:42:55] <Izaya> we have snakes that make the dragons look small
L168[06:43:10] <Izaya> there are rivers that were apparently created by them
L169[06:48:01] <MGR> Yessssssssssssssssssss
L170[06:48:08] <MGR> I knew Australia was a Death World
L171[06:48:22] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L172[06:48:59] <Skye> If I see a spider in above my bed in the UK I go "you're not meant to be here" and move it to where the flies are
L173[06:49:38] <Inari> If I see a spider in Germany I throw it out :P
L174[06:51:35] <AshIndigo> i kill any spider i see :|
L175[06:51:43] <AshIndigo> *if its in my house
L176[06:51:56] <Izaya> if there's a spider in my house I go check which doorframe has been bent
L177[06:51:57] <Inari> I try to avoid killing since it leaves icky remains :P
L178[06:51:58] <Izaya> http://dilbert.com/strip/2017-05-02
L179[06:56:23] <MGR> Only then did he realize — he had just landed the plane with only one wing. The designers of the plane, McDonnell Douglas, believed such a feat to be impossible. They sent a team out and concluded that Nedivi managed to fly the plane using lift generated from the exhaust intakes and the fuselage. That's right, the F-15 is such a Cool Plane that it can fly like a rocket.
L180[06:58:15] <Inari> Izaya: Interesting that the last frames has two ways it can be read as :P
L181[06:59:52] <Izaya> I see the literal one?
L182[07:01:22] <Inari> Well either the phone cases are ugly and thats why the person doesn't wanna use them. Or the person is ugly and thus doesn't wannt use phone cases
L183[07:03:45] <AshIndigo> ~markov MajGenRelativity
L184[07:03:47] <ocdoc> one moment :( but what does it literally just want to support me
L185[07:04:11] <Inari> ~markov Inari
L186[07:04:13] <ocdoc> so today eh :P i (and the stirng is ininifely long i play it, this time these twelve thousand year old girls orgasm as plan to use OC " :p
L187[07:04:33] <Inari> Quality content
L188[07:04:41] <Temia> I've seen worse markov chains.
L189[07:04:50] <Temia> See: anything in a touhou-themed channel.
L190[07:04:58] <Inari> Heh
L191[07:05:09] <Izaya> was gonna respond to the other reading
L192[07:05:16] <Izaya> now anything I say will be weird
L193[07:05:24] <Inari> Izaya: ?
L194[07:09:51] <MGR> okay, so I need a Confederate George Patton running a Blitzkrieg through Stalinist China
L195[07:14:06] ⇦ Quits: Cranium (~znc@cpe-97-98-169-24.neb.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L197[07:22:53] <Mettaton_Fab> i just read that markov chain, and now i have many questions
L198[07:25:14] <MGR> Which chain?
L199[07:31:52] <Mettaton_Fab> the most recent one
L200[07:33:36] <MGR> Same
L201[07:33:44] <MGR> But, it's Inari, so my questions were answered
L202[07:36:01] <Skye> ~markov MGR
L203[07:36:02] <ocdoc> Please wait ...
L204[07:36:25] <ocdoc> I just used some different code too MUCH money was most stimulating
L205[07:37:32] <g> hmm
L206[07:37:33] <Skye> Um.
L207[07:37:37] <g> ~markov Skye
L208[07:37:38] <ocdoc> maybe something to do network routing for local busses.
L209[07:38:07] <Inari> ~markov Temia
L210[07:38:08] <ocdoc> I may as well just define multiple logical concept inimical with some support on BSD.
L211[07:38:16] <g> That almost made sense
L212[07:38:27] <Temia> Indeed. o.o
L213[07:38:40] * Inari pets Temia
L214[07:38:45] * Temia tailswishes. =w=
L215[07:38:48] <Inari> :3
L216[07:38:53] <Inari> %pet Temia
L217[07:38:54] * MichiBot brushes Temia with a bunch of Bees. Temia recovers 3 health!
L218[07:38:56] <Inari> D:
L219[07:39:03] <Temia> D:
L220[07:39:06] <Temia> Beeees!
L221[07:39:10] * Temia flees!
L222[07:39:11] <g> Not the beeeeeees
L223[07:39:45] <Skye> %pet Temia
L224[07:39:46] * MichiBot pets Temia with a toothbrush. Temia recovers 2 health!
L225[07:39:51] <Skye> That works
L226[07:39:56] * Temia is brushie'd? '^'
L227[07:39:57] <g> Brushie brushie
L228[07:40:47] <g> %inv add chainsaw
L229[07:40:48] * MichiBot summons 'chainsaw' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L230[07:43:52] <Skye> %pet MichiBot
L231[07:43:52] <MichiBot> Skye: I'm not going to pet myself in public. It'd be rude.
L232[07:44:02] <Skye> %pet ocdoc
L233[07:44:02] * MichiBot pets ocdoc with cobalt. ocdoc recovers 5 health!
L234[07:44:16] <Skye> %stab ocdoc
L235[07:44:16] * MichiBot stabs ocdoc with cookie doing [11] damage
L236[07:45:26] <LuMistry> Greetings
L237[07:47:38] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/xcPP81d.png tablet drawing #1
L238[07:48:21] <Skye> That's better than me alrwady
L239[07:49:05] <Izaya> trying to get used to it
L240[07:49:12] <Izaya> gonna need to do like 3k frames of an animation with it
L241[07:50:24] <Skye> Wait. What.
L242[07:53:21] <Gavle> How is everyone today?
L243[07:54:01] <Inari> Fine, fine
L244[07:54:12] <Gavle> That's good
L245[07:54:19] <Gavle> Anything new with you Inari?
L246[07:56:46] <AshIndigo> internet please just work _-_
L247[07:57:11] <Gavle> No
L248[07:57:28] <AshIndigo> %stab Gavle
L249[07:57:29] * MichiBot stabs Gavle with cobalt doing [7] damage
L250[07:57:50] <Gavle> I believe you meant to stab your internet
L251[07:58:38] <AshIndigo> %stab Internet
L252[07:58:38] * MichiBot slaps Internet with random doing [3] damage
L253[07:58:53] <Gavle> There you go
L254[08:00:23] <Gavle> And I STILL can't remember my question
L255[08:01:24] <Izaya> can't have been important
L256[08:01:30] <AshIndigo> %inv add Gavle's question
L257[08:01:30] * MichiBot summons 'Gavle's question' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L258[08:01:56] <Forecaster> Izaya nice drawing
L259[08:02:11] <Gavle> Izaya, it was not immediately important, but it will be necessary when I commence work on the project related to it
L260[08:02:20] <Gavle> Which is probably when I will remember again
L261[08:02:49] <Gavle> It's just a bit irritating
L262[08:03:59] <AshIndigo> ~markov Gavle
L263[08:03:59] <ocdoc> I'm assuming a program to stop adjacent screens from combining as one?
L264[08:04:25] <Gavle> One of the things I want to do is make an HD display in OC
L265[08:04:30] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
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L267[08:04:39] <Gavle> From a bunch of different screens adjacent to each other
L268[08:04:54] <Gavle> ~w gpu
L269[08:04:54] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L270[08:05:40] <Gavle> It would be a huge screen though...
L271[08:05:59] <Forecaster> Hoooge screen
L272[08:06:58] <Gavle> It would need to be 8 screens wide and 14 screens long with T3 GPUs / screens
L273[08:07:20] <Gavle> Which is caused by the odd aspect ratio of OC GPUs
L274[08:07:47] <Gavle> 16:5 instead of 16:9
L275[08:08:03] <Gavle> Also, it's 8w+14l for 720p, not 1080
L276[08:08:10] * AshIndigo imagines the lag
L277[08:08:10] <Forecaster> You're an odd aspect ratio!
L278[08:08:56] <Gavle> AshIndigo, the application for the display only needs to update about once per second
L279[08:09:09] <Gavle> Otherwise, yes lag
L280[08:09:21] <Gavle> @Forecaster is that so?
L281[08:09:43] <Gavle> 1080p would require 12 wide and 22 long
L282[08:10:03] <Forecaster> Well yeah, humans have terrible aspect ratios
L283[08:10:26] <Forecaster> Have you tried watching a video on one?
L284[08:10:32] <Gavle> Debatable, but not worth debating
L285[08:10:57] <Gavle> 4K would require 24 wide and 44 long
L286[08:11:03] <Gavle> But it would be oh so worth it
L287[08:11:25] <Forecaster> It wasn't meant to be a debate :P
L288[08:11:36] <MGR> We can't fit a 44 long screen in the Lantil, so don't bother
L289[08:11:48] <MGR> Not unless you want to redesign the smart hull
L290[08:12:11] * AshIndigo pets Temia
L291[08:12:13] <AmandaC> %choose NMS or code or other
L292[08:12:14] <MichiBot> AmandaC: other
L293[08:12:15] <Gavle> Unfortunately, the Lantil seems like it will not have state-of-the-art display technology
L294[08:14:02] <MGR> Depending on how I do the design, it may not be 720p either, but we'll see
L295[08:14:36] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/lI4rp6G.png have another
L296[08:14:48] <Gavle> I also haven't worked with GPUs directly at all, so it will be interesting to see what limits the draw calls impose
L297[08:15:11] <Gavle> Has anyone here done much with OC GPUs and image display?
L298[08:15:44] <Skye> Izaya, are you making anime. :P
L299[08:16:05] <Izaya> Skye: I'm trying to copy pictures I've done before to get my coordination better
L300[08:16:38] <Skye> What software are you using?
L301[08:16:48] <AshIndigo> i used a gpu to print a line of text once ;)
L302[08:16:48] <Izaya> Krita
L303[08:17:03] * Izaya implemented a GUI text terminal, it was okay
L304[08:17:03] <Gavle> AshIndigo, great! How? :P
L305[08:17:24] <AshIndigo> i forgot!
L306[08:17:57] <Izaya> Gavle: https://github.com/XeonSquared/multice/blob/dev/modules/drivers/tty.lua
L307[08:17:59] <Gavle> Izaya, would you mind if I contacted you sometime in the future about it?
L308[08:18:32] <Izaya> well I mean poke me whenever, whether I'm here at the time is questionable
L309[08:18:46] <Gavle> Yes of course
L310[08:19:08] * Gavle immediately decides to axe his plans of a 4K display due to it require 1,000 screens
L311[08:19:37] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L312[08:19:47] <Skye> (require'component').gpu.write(1,1,"Hi")
L313[08:20:00] <Gavle> I'm going to aim for 640x480 instead; it only has a 40 screen requirement
L314[08:20:50] * Izaya boredly considers virtual buffers on MultICE for terminal multiplexing
L315[08:22:35] <Forecaster> 6 years ago my drawings looked like this http://tinyurl.com/ybsshx92
L316[08:22:50] <MGR> Yes, please don't have a room with 1,000 screens
L317[08:23:17] <Izaya> 's not bad Forecaster
L318[08:24:51] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L319[08:26:35] <Forecaster> currently: http://tinyurl.com/ya722hcd
L320[08:29:57] <Forecaster> probably could've been better if there wasn't a huge gap after that first one, before I started drawing again
L321[08:32:59] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L322[09:11:50] ⇦ Quits: Bhootrk_ (~Bhootrk_@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L323[09:12:45] ⇨ Joins: Bhootrk_ (~Bhootrk_@
L324[09:14:22] <MGR> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HollywoodSilencer
L325[09:14:33] <MGR> The idea of the Hollywood Silencer is so prevalent that real silencers were commercially rebranded as "suppressors" in the 1970s to cash in on Hand Cannon owners who wanted Rule of Cool but might become litigeous when their "silenced" pistol still made an ear-shattering kaboom.
L326[09:14:34] <MGR> Lol
L327[09:16:58] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:2561:72ce:66c6:3e39)
L328[09:18:13] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com)
L329[09:18:15] ⇦ Quits: ping (v^@me.pxtst.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L330[09:19:28] <Skye> %p
L331[09:19:31] <Skye> Uh
L332[09:20:14] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 45.1s
L333[09:21:14] <NotMichiyo> o_O
L334[09:21:15] <NotMichiyo> %p
L335[09:21:17] <MichiBot> Ping reply from NotMichiyo 0.37s
L336[09:21:21] <NotMichiyo> %p Skye
L337[09:21:22] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Skye 0.26s
L338[09:22:13] ⇨ Joins: ping (v^@me.pxtst.com)
L339[09:34:05] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-149-172-252-166.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L340[09:40:20] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L341[09:40:58] ⇨ Joins: andreww (~xarses@
L342[09:43:50] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L343[09:49:06] <S3> building a computer for a coworker
L344[09:49:15] <S3> he wouldn't settle for the 16GB Nvidia card
L345[09:49:20] <S3> so we had to get him a 24GB one
L346[09:49:41] <S3> this build is just under $10,000 lol
L347[09:50:12] <Syrren> S3: lol, what is this guy doing, deep learning networks or something?
L348[09:50:15] <MGR> Lol
L349[09:50:19] <MGR> Quadro P6000?
L350[09:50:44] <S3> M6000
L351[09:50:54] <MGR> Oh
L352[09:50:54] <MGR> That's old news
L353[09:51:02] <MGR> Why not the P6000?
L354[09:51:10] <S3> Syrren: definately NOT PLAYING CRISIS
L355[09:51:11] <S3> ZD
L356[09:51:14] <S3> XD*
L357[09:51:26] <S3> it's for a grad student for parallel image processing
L358[09:51:42] <MGR> Ok
L359[09:51:53] <MGR> I had someone who wanted me to build them a computer with 15 monitors
L360[09:52:19] <MGR> They didn't have A. A reason to have 15 monitors B. Money to PAY for 15 monitors
L361[09:52:28] <MGR> S3, still, why not the P6000?
L362[09:52:59] <NotMichiyo> %addcommand ban https://puu.sh/wcAfp/88d6812d79.gif
L363[09:53:01] <MichiBot> NotMichiyo: Command Added
L364[09:53:12] <Syrren> S3: relevant https://youtu.be/211Vdi4oC9o?t=11m30s
L365[09:53:12] <MichiBot> Gaming at 8K Resolution?!?!? - HOLY $H!T Ep. 12 | length: 19m 19s | Likes: 83,715 Dislikes: 5,730 Views: 5,644,527 | by Linus Tech Tips | Published On 8/10/2016
L366[09:53:36] <MGR> I didn't see that video, but I saw one with a review of a Dell 8K monitor
L367[09:53:59] *** NotMichiyo is now known as Michiyo
L368[09:54:08] <Syrren> wb
L369[09:54:35] <S3> MGR: Not quite sure what the difference is
L370[09:54:40] <S3> especially since the net is being dumb
L371[09:54:52] <MGR> The P6000 is the Pascal successor to the M6000 and is faster
L372[09:54:58] <Syrren> reminds me of that time that I got remote access to a "GPU workstation" box at uni
L373[09:55:13] <Syrren> it had 4 GPUs, 3 of them being Titans
L374[09:55:21] <MGR> https://videocardz.net/nvidia-quadro-p6000-24gb/
L375[09:55:23] <S3> we have a machine like that
L376[09:55:27] <S3> it runs 12 monitors
L377[09:55:36] <Syrren> had to resist the temptation to ask the admin whether they tried crysis on it yet
L378[09:55:48] <MGR> https://videocardz.net/nvidia-quadro-m6000/
L379[09:55:56] <MGR> S3, those are links to the two cards
L380[09:56:03] <Syrren> (probably not, because the box was running Linux, but still)
L381[09:56:13] <MGR> As you can see, the P6000 is much faster
L382[09:56:29] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L383[09:57:01] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L384[10:09:08] <S3> well I gues they just want the M
L385[10:10:10] <MGR> Did you tell them about the P6000?
L386[10:13:45] <S3> dont need it
L387[10:14:16] <MGR> Why?
L388[10:15:02] <S3> just don't
L389[10:15:21] <S3> besides, those cards will only work as fast as DMA will handle it anyways
L390[10:16:11] <S3> there's a point where the system itself just isn't fast enough, though they have a Xeon E5 in it, I am unsure what they are putting in for memory, I'm just a programmer here, I stay away from the IT half of the room :P
L391[10:17:04] <S3> by the way guys how is TIS-3D?
L392[10:17:11] <S3> I have it downloaded and haven't touched it yet
L393[10:17:20] <MGR> It's true that some tasks are PCIe bandwidth limited
L394[10:17:27] <MGR> Then why does he need an M6000??????
L395[10:20:16] <S3> no idea
L396[10:20:22] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L397[10:20:28] <S3> but it's not just pcie bandwidth
L398[10:20:30] <S3> it's also the DMA clock
L399[10:20:36] <S3> and IRQ cycles on the CPU
L400[10:20:42] <S3> for memory transfers
L401[10:20:55] <S3> though if you have 24 GB you can just transfer massive data and then process it at once..
L402[10:20:59] <S3> it depends on the software I guess
L403[10:21:21] <MGR> Yeah, it's largely dependent on the software
L404[10:21:31] <S3> in terms of gaming the bandwidth of the pcie bus isn't really that huge of a deal since most games just preload everything in gpu ram
L405[10:21:42] <S3> after that it's just OpenGL calls
L406[10:22:08] <S3> and vram ischeap these days
L407[10:22:22] <S3> depending on what sort of resolution your textures are
L408[10:22:50] <MGR> Yeah, I knew that gaming isn't limited by that, but some workloads are
L409[10:22:54] <S3> I'm assuming they're processing images from high powered microscopes or something though
L410[10:23:03] <MGR> As someone who doesn't run those workloads, I avoided assumptions
L411[10:23:22] <S3> they may be using opencv on like 16 megapixel microscope images or something
L412[10:23:26] <S3> I duno
L413[10:24:00] ⇨ Joins: Dustpuppy (~kvirc@
L414[10:24:05] <Dustpuppy> hi
L415[10:24:14] <MGR> I know less than you do about what they're doing \o/
L416[10:24:16] <S3> MGR: Cycles rendering is pretty heavy on the bandwidth
L417[10:24:49] <S3> hey Dustpuppy
L418[10:25:13] <Dustpuppy> i have a question. where can i find in the log files the missing recipes?
L419[10:26:18] <Dustpuppy> got a message: The wehre errors loading one or more recipes. Some Items may be uncraftable. Please check your log file for more information.
L420[10:26:22] <MGR> http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_82_if-hollywood-taught-science-class/
L421[10:26:28] <S3> not showing in console log? also you just asked a question and told us you were going to ask a question..
L422[10:26:36] <Dustpuppy> now i am searching, but can't find
L423[10:26:50] <Michiyo> pastebin it
L424[10:26:55] <MGR> S3, I figured anything involving CPU+GPU is bandwidth intensive
L425[10:27:18] <S3> MGR Can you imagine if DMA had not been invented?
L426[10:27:48] <S3> MGR: I want to design a cpu with built in RDMA
L427[10:28:02] <S3> daisy chainable RDMA
L428[10:28:12] <S3> and I am experimenting with that using a 6502 core in verilog
L429[10:28:23] <MGR> That would be interesting
L430[10:28:34] <MGR> I thought RDMA was more of a function of the network card?
L431[10:28:34] <Vexatos> %sel "test"
L432[10:28:34] <Skye> I want to make a 68k based computer
L433[10:28:34] <MichiBot> test
L434[10:28:39] <Vexatos> %sel "test"
L435[10:28:39] <MichiBot> test
L436[10:28:45] <MGR> I might be wrong, because I know little about RDMA
L437[10:28:45] <Vexatos> oh boy
L438[10:28:45] <S3> Skye: imagine a 68K RDMA farm
L439[10:28:56] <Inari> Skye: Then make one
L440[10:28:57] <Inari> :D
L441[10:29:01] <Skye> What is RDMA?
L442[10:29:08] <S3> MGR: it can be, but if you have a serial connection you can daisy chain with an RDMA protocol..
L443[10:29:09] <Vexatos> I approve, Michiyo
L444[10:29:10] <Syrren> Remote Direct Memory Access, iirc
L445[10:29:16] <Michiyo> @Vexatos ?
L446[10:29:18] <S3> then no network interfaces are required
L447[10:29:25] <S3> Skye: Remote DMA
L448[10:29:33] <Vexatos> Michibot working through discord
L449[10:29:34] <S3> Skye: imagine two computers that have memory somewhere
L450[10:29:39] <Michiyo> Oh, yeah, most commands do
L451[10:29:44] <S3> and when one computer changes memory the other computer can see it
L452[10:29:49] <Vexatos> Very nice
L453[10:29:56] <S3> it's almost like a virtual "memory teleportation"
L454[10:30:04] <Forecaster> except dynamic commands
L455[10:30:04] <Skye> S3, so shared memory?
L456[10:30:07] <Forecaster> like
L457[10:30:10] <Forecaster> %hello
L458[10:30:10] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L459[10:30:11] <S3> pretty much
L460[10:30:15] <Forecaster> oh
L461[10:30:16] * Michiyo coughs...
L462[10:30:19] <Forecaster> it worked :O
L463[10:30:21] <Michiyo> yeaaaaah
L464[10:30:21] <Vexatos> %sel (->'coding on mobile keyboard')()
L465[10:30:21] <MichiBot> coding on mobile keyboard
L466[10:30:25] <Michiyo> I fixed that a while back.
L467[10:31:07] <MGR> Ah, I didn't realize it wasn't limited to network connections
L468[10:31:11] <Vexatos> %sel $"test":reverse
L469[10:31:11] <MichiBot> tset
L470[10:31:18] <Vexatos> :o
L471[10:31:21] <Syrren> %sel $"abcd":reverse
L472[10:31:21] <MichiBot> dcba
L473[10:31:31] <Syrren> # better test
L474[10:31:34] <MGR> http://www.techtales.com/tftechs.php?m=199802#202
L475[10:31:34] <Forecaster> it's Tset, the egyptian god of testing :O
L476[10:31:38] <MGR> Lightning!
L477[10:32:14] <Vexatos> %sel $'heh':reverse:reverse:reverse
L478[10:32:14] <MichiBot> heh
L479[10:32:21] <Forecaster> > _ >
L480[10:32:51] <Vexatos> %sel table.flip({1})
L481[10:32:51] <MichiBot> table: 0x7f8d4c0075f0
L482[10:33:05] <Vexatos> very tabular.
L483[10:33:07] <Inari> %sel meow
L484[10:33:07] <MichiBot> nil
L485[10:33:11] <Syrren> %sel for k,v in ipairs(table.flip({1})) do print(k,v) end
L486[10:33:12] <MichiBot> 1, 1
L487[10:33:15] ⇦ Quits: Dustpuppy (~kvirc@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L488[10:33:32] <Inari> ~markov Inari
L489[10:33:33] <ocdoc> fetish to do that no? :p So you can request / RFC specifies notice even exists you can
L490[10:33:44] <Vexatos> table.flip is best function
L491[10:34:11] <Syrren> ╯°□°╯︵ ┻━┻
L492[10:34:37] <Michiyo> %flip
L493[10:34:38] <MichiBot> Michiyo: (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
L494[10:35:05] <Syrren> %sel table.flip=function (t) print("%flip") end
L495[10:35:14] <Syrren> ...did I break the bot?
L496[10:35:14] <Vexatos> but in selene it is legit!
L497[10:35:26] <Syrren> oh right, that'd be an error. derp!
L498[10:35:27] <Vexatos> Aand off to the bus I go.
L499[10:35:42] <Syrren> %sel "invalid
L500[10:35:42] <MichiBot> main:1: <name> expected near '527'
L501[10:35:51] <Syrren> Hm.
L502[10:35:58] <Syrren> %sel x=4
L503[10:36:04] <Syrren> %sel print(x)
L504[10:36:04] <MichiBot> 4
L505[10:36:10] <Syrren> ...this has potential.
L506[10:37:02] <Michiyo> the lua command works the same way :P
L507[10:37:22] <Skye> Vexatos, can you keep line numbers in your language after lua translation
L508[10:37:48] <Syrren> Michiyo: I say that because most of the language-bots I've seen use throwaway sandboxes for each line of input
L509[10:39:26] <Michiyo> I'm aware :p
L510[10:40:53] <g> system health: must run policykit in a terminal
L511[10:40:58] <g> how do I always fuck these things up lol
L512[10:41:54] <S3> Skye: do you remember the redpower RPC/8e?
L513[10:42:14] <Skye> I know of it
L514[10:42:15] <S3> which was basically a heavily modified 65816 / 02 hybrid?
L515[10:42:17] <S3> yeah
L516[10:42:27] <MGR> One day we had a gentleman call in with a smoking power supply. The service representative was having a bit of trouble convincing this guy that he had a hardware problem.
L517[10:42:31] <S3> it had something called redbus
L518[10:42:37] <S3> and redbus was a form of RDMA sorta
L519[10:42:47] <S3> you'd map memory windows that were exposed
L520[10:43:16] <S3> I was writing up minimal ipv6 implementations using Assembly for it
L521[10:43:18] <S3> and a C api
L522[10:56:05] <Skye> S3, would RDMA basically be a shared memory window then?
L523[10:56:42] <S3> likewise. It's more complicated than that, but that's pretty much a great use for it
L524[10:56:57] <S3> for networking you'd share the transfer buffer
L525[10:57:22] <S3> and you don't have to worry about sending the actual data you just constantly write to the buffer and flag it ready
L526[10:57:43] <S3> which isn't much different than what you do now except it's lower level
L527[10:57:50] <S3> and much faster
L528[10:58:14] <S3> my RDMA idea is to provide 3 bidirectional RDMA channels
L529[10:58:19] <S3> with tunneling support
L530[10:58:48] <S3> 3 channels for this reason:
L531[10:59:01] <Corded> * <LizzyTheKitty> snuggles vifino
L532[10:59:18] <S3> one channel for immediate transfers between neighboring units, two for tunnels
L533[10:59:25] <S3> but they can all be used for whatever
L534[10:59:29] ⇦ Quits: Bhootrk_ (~Bhootrk_@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L535[10:59:50] <S3> Skye: so if you daisy chained a bunch of chips together
L536[11:00:37] <Skye> Interesting
L537[11:14:17] <MGR> In The Sum of All Fears, an American aircraft carrier is shown sailing without active escorts and no air patrols flying, within striking range of Russian airfields during a serious international crisis. If this had happened in real life, they would deserve to get sunk.
L538[11:20:35] <S3> how do you know they weren't just hiding?
L539[11:21:09] <MGR> Aircraft carriers aren't exactly SMALL
L540[11:22:27] <Michiyo> Pffft
L541[11:22:30] <Michiyo> sure they are
L542[11:24:17] <vifino> Depends on your perspective.
L543[11:24:37] <MGR> vifino, yeah, they're no moon, they're a space station, wait
L544[11:24:38] <Mettaton_Fab> try hiding an aircraft carrier under your sofa
L545[11:24:39] <S3> aircraft carriers are tiny
L546[11:25:20] <MGR> To my knowledge, only battleships can compete with them on size, so they're not "tiny"
L547[11:25:22] <S3> the runway on them is only like 300 feet
L548[11:27:06] <S3> they're about 300 meters long
L549[11:27:09] <MGR> "only"
L550[11:27:29] <MGR> If we're going to compare them to a continent, yes, they're tiny
L551[11:27:35] <MGR> But they're big for naval ships
L552[11:29:40] <gamax92> ~markov Inari
L553[11:29:40] <ocdoc> i once had a 80 gb ram xD
L554[11:29:52] <gamax92> that's a lot of ram
L555[11:33:04] <AshIndigo> ~markov gamax92
L556[11:33:06] <ocdoc> I blame Sangar for making it directly into the modem it seems relatively active and compton or Compiz enables Compositing manager?
L557[11:34:36] <gamax92> ~markov AshIndigo
L558[11:34:36] <ocdoc> line 45 of the wild do you mean by wrong?>
L559[11:35:01] <gamax92> The Wild: Do You Mean By Wrong?
L560[11:55:19] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5809002C1C790E2F17C945.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L561[11:55:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L562[12:12:00] * gamax92 pokes Vexatos
L563[12:13:13] * Vexatos has been poked successfully.
L564[12:13:38] <gamax92> wooo!
L565[12:14:40] <Vexatos> %sel "poke"
L566[12:14:40] <MichiBot> poke
L567[12:15:48] <gamax92> %lua "\1ACTION gives gamax92 a box\1"
L568[12:15:48] <MichiBot> ACTION gives gamax92 a box
L569[12:15:56] <gamax92> right
L570[12:16:17] <Syrren> %lua "\0033color test"
L571[12:16:17] <MichiBot> 3color test
L572[12:16:21] <Syrren> %lua "\033color test"
L573[12:16:22] <MichiBot> !color test
L574[12:16:25] <Syrren> aww
L575[12:17:41] <Syrren> %lua "ACTION squeaks!"
L576[12:17:41] <MichiBot> ACTION squeaks!
L577[12:18:17] <Syrren> %lua "ACTION squeaks!"
L578[12:18:17] <MichiBot> ACTION squeaks!
L579[12:18:36] <Syrren> gamax92: seems that inserting literal \001's doesn't work either
L580[12:19:00] <gamax92> I mean I don't know why you would have thought that would do anything different then putting \1's in a string
L581[12:19:12] <Vexatos> %sel "h\8i"
L582[12:19:12] <MichiBot> hi
L583[12:20:37] <Syrren> %sel "\1ACTION hi\1"
L584[12:20:38] <MichiBot> ACTION hi
L585[12:20:53] <AmandaC> gamax92: ZWS at the start, I assume?
L586[12:20:54] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: <quit message here>)
L587[12:21:05] <AmandaC> I think \1 is the CTCP thing
L588[12:21:25] <Syrren> ctcp is \1TYPE arguments\1
L589[12:21:37] <Syrren> /me is a ctcp of type ACTION
L590[12:21:45] <AmandaC> so yeah, it's probably getting messed up by the bot loop protection, a ZWS at the start
L591[12:22:07] <Syrren> I'm not seeing any ZWS in /server raw
L592[12:22:42] <gamax92> I don't mess with the output besides the whole multiple lines being seperated by |'s
L593[12:22:49] <Syrren> \input insert \u200b
L594[12:22:51] <Syrren> derp
L595[12:23:04] <AmandaC> Wait, CTCP is supposed to use NOTICE isn't it?
L596[12:23:16] <Syrren> no
L597[12:23:17] <gamax92> no
L598[12:23:23] <AmandaC> No clue then
L599[12:23:24] <Syrren> it's a normal PRIVMSG
L600[12:23:36] <AmandaC> %blame
L601[12:23:37] * MichiBot blames for the existence of trolls
L602[12:23:43] <gamax92> NOTICE is a thing made by the devil and used by people like Kilobyte
L603[12:23:51] <Mimiru> Lmfao
L604[12:23:56] <Syrren> it's ostensibly meant for bot usage
L605[12:24:05] -Syrren- bleep bloop
L606[12:24:55] * AmandaC compiles the pocket-chip's kernel again.
L607[12:24:56] <Mimiru> Michibot doesn't prefix messages with a zws
L608[12:25:03] <Mimiru> Ocdoc does for markov
L609[12:25:12] <AmandaC> ah
L610[12:25:15] <AmandaC> I thought both bots did
L611[12:25:21] <Mimiru> Nop
L612[12:25:25] <Syrren> ~markov Mimiru
L613[12:25:26] <ocdoc> Vultr? If there are no methods it only has 4 members.
L614[12:25:26] <gamax92> ocdoc also only does it when it thinks it should
L615[12:25:39] <gamax92> like that doesn't have one
L616[12:26:07] <Syrren> ok, so /server raw isn't necessarily lying then
L617[12:26:45] <AmandaC> Might be something with the Java library that MichiBot is built ontop of, then
L618[12:26:50] <Syrren> yeah, probably
L619[12:28:49] <Mimiru> IDK why it wouldn't work, iirc it works fine with raw
L620[12:28:52] <Mimiru> which does the same thing
L621[12:29:13] <Mimiru> %raw privmsg #oc :ACTION squeaks!
L622[12:29:13] <AmandaC> Zombies, then
L623[12:29:14] * MichiBot squeaks!
L624[12:29:17] <AmandaC> %blame zombies
L625[12:29:17] * MichiBot blames zombies for the moon not being made of cheese
L626[12:29:18] <Mimiru> yeah
L627[12:29:55] * Mimiru shrugsd
L628[12:31:45] ⇨ Joins: neptunepink (~root@c-73-15-112-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L629[12:32:32] <Mimiru> lol shrugsd, the shrugs daemon
L630[12:32:40] <AmandaC> vOv
L631[12:33:30] <gamax92> begone you terrible bot!
L632[12:33:31] ⇦ Quits: ocdoc (~ocdoc@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L633[12:33:37] <Forecaster> MichiBot: do the flop
L634[12:33:37] * MichiBot does the flop
L635[12:33:43] <Mimiru> aww
L636[12:33:45] <Mimiru> poor ocdoc
L637[12:34:07] ⇨ Joins: ocdoc (~ocdoc@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L638[12:35:01] <AmandaC> bbl, patenting uber but for asciicinima
L639[12:35:16] <Forecaster> ?
L640[12:36:07] <LuMistry> Michibot: Do a backflip
L641[12:36:27] <LuMistry> Is it case-sensitive?
L642[12:36:32] <LuMistry> MichiBot: Do a backflip
L643[12:36:37] <Forecaster> there's no response to that
L644[12:36:45] <LuMistry> Ah
L645[12:36:50] <LuMistry> What are the responses?
L646[12:36:56] <Forecaster> %source
L647[12:36:56] <MichiBot> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/
L648[12:38:18] <LuMistry> Thank you
L649[12:45:22] <S3> interesting
L650[12:45:46] <S3> some guy jumped through the passenger side window of a moving car on the wrong side of the road
L651[12:45:51] <S3> the driver was having a seizzure
L652[12:57:43] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L653[13:01:25] <AmandaC> and that driver's name? g_cdc
L654[13:06:50] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: Leaving)
L655[13:06:59] * AmandaC blames Inari and gamax92 for her waking up with a massive headcold
L656[13:07:03] <MGR> The United States took advantage of the Rockies to train men for the Alps. This resulted in some Italian soldiers being quite shocked by the sight of these men running uphill in the Alps.
L657[13:16:04] <Inari> AmandaC: D:
L658[13:18:44] <S3> AmandaC: drivers name was kept confidential
L659[13:18:54] <AmandaC> S3: so, Florida Man?
L660[13:19:06] <S3> is florida known for that?
L661[13:19:29] <S3> I stay the heck away from florida
L662[13:19:42] <S3> people from out of state don't know how to drive it's scary so I just stay here
L663[13:19:46] <AmandaC> Florida has laws around the disclosure of identities of people for news articles, thus the Florida Man meme.
L664[13:19:57] <S3> unless I'm driving out of state, then I just avoid the highway XD
L665[13:20:07] <S3> Ic
L666[13:20:40] <AmandaC> "Florida man draws giant dick in the sky with his personal plane"
L667[13:20:44] <AmandaC> etc
L668[13:20:45] <S3> LOL
L669[13:21:16] <S3> I wonder if anyone ever did that
L670[13:21:26] <AmandaC> It's a real news headline.
L671[13:21:38] <AmandaC> maybe less crass language
L672[13:21:59] <AmandaC> and it wasn't with smoke or anything, but they jyst took a path so if you plotted his flight it'd draw a dick
L673[13:22:57] <AmandaC> I believe it was taken down from one of those sites that tracks planes in realtime
L674[13:23:45] <AmandaC> Which ofc kicked the censorship folks into high gear, thus "Florida man..."
L675[13:24:02] <S3> lol
L676[13:24:09] <S3> well
L677[13:24:24] <S3> if somebody runs the news outside of florida then say the name all you want
L678[13:24:25] <S3> :D
L679[13:24:34] <S3> florida wont be able to do shit
L680[13:24:57] <AmandaC> If it's a florida resident, they might have some domain
L681[13:25:25] <AmandaC> Some other states have similar laws, too.
L682[13:25:51] <AmandaC> It's just that a series of florida news aricles caught the hive mind's attention and so it was latched onto
L683[13:26:11] <S3> Not so sure about that. I didn't realize just how apart states are from eachother until a friend of mine got his license revoked here in Maine for going 30 over the speed limit, went to texas, got his license renewed, told them about the suspension, and the woman looked it up and told him "we don't give a fuck about maine"
L684[13:26:26] <S3> and then gave him his renewed license
L685[13:26:58] <AmandaC> Texas doesn't give a fuck (full stop)
L686[13:27:03] <S3> haha
L687[13:27:23] <S3> of course his license was still suspended inside of Maine but
L688[13:48:54] <Guest97065> o/
L689[13:49:00] <Guest97065> muh name!
L690[13:49:06] *** Guest97065 is now known as payonel
L691[13:49:20] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L692[13:49:27] <payonel> o/
L693[13:49:43] <MGR> Hello payonel
L694[13:50:01] <payonel> hello
L695[13:50:21] <payonel> an amazing update to openos is coming, probably tonight (minor version change)
L696[13:50:25] <payonel> but i'm rather excited about it
L697[13:50:46] <MGR> What does it change/add?
L698[13:51:08] <AmandaC> payonel: you finally adding support for automatic killing of greifers?
L699[13:51:37] <payonel> AmandaC: :) ha, no
L700[13:51:53] <MGR> Then what does it add?
L701[13:52:08] <payonel> mgr: a new thread type (technically, still just a coroutine) but what i call "event-boxed threads"
L702[13:52:10] <AmandaC> Ah, must be lird support then
L703[13:52:19] <payonel> really great bash parsing fixes
L704[13:52:20] <AmandaC> aww
L705[13:52:22] <MGR> What does that mean?
L706[13:52:24] <payonel> and, even more memory savings
L707[13:52:32] <AmandaC> Containers!
L708[13:52:40] <AmandaC> ( kinda )
L709[13:52:57] <payonel> event-boxed threads isolate event handlers, and makes computer.pullSignal non-blocking to other threads
L710[13:53:08] <gamax92> parallel
L711[13:53:16] <payonel> yeah, parallel
L712[13:53:38] <payonel> but event-boxed because it does some nifty event stuff, transparently
L713[13:53:50] <MGR> How do they isolate the event handler?
L714[13:53:51] <payonel> event registrations and handlers occur independently on each thread
L715[13:54:05] <MGR> Is that only something that applies for event.pull, or are there benefits for event.listen?
L716[13:54:07] <AmandaC> so, namespaces, basically
L717[13:54:17] <AmandaC> kernel namespaces
L718[13:54:30] * AmandaC nodnods, immediately throws up from the sudden motion
L719[13:54:32] <payonel> mgr: the isolation happens at the computer.pullSignal level
L720[13:54:43] <payonel> so, every type of event registration is isolated
L721[13:55:04] <MGR> I'm not sure what you mean by that, but hold off on the explanation for now, because I'm about to go afk for a while
L722[13:55:10] <payonel> coo
L723[13:55:18] <payonel> when you're back, i'm happy to work out some examples
L724[13:55:47] <MGR> That would be nice
L725[13:55:56] <payonel> and i'm not done testing and verifying all the things are solid -- so i might spend some of the memory savings i've made
L726[13:56:17] <payonel> but at risk of making announcements before i should -- looks like ~48k free ram
L727[13:56:35] <MGR> Is that how much you have saved, or how much one needs to run OpenOS?
L728[13:56:56] <payonel> that's how much is "free" when you've reached the shell after booting openos on 1 stick of Tier 1 ram
L729[13:57:01] <payonel> of 196k
L730[13:57:04] <MGR> Ah ok
L731[13:57:17] <MGR> How much does that save?
L732[13:57:43] <payonel> openos 1.6.0 was about 26k free, 1.6.1 was about 35k, the latest 1.6.3 is about 42k free
L733[13:57:59] <MGR> Not bad
L734[13:58:44] <MGR> All my computers run with at least one T2 stick of RAM, so it doesn't bother me, but it still is an improvement
L735[13:59:41] <payonel> 1x T2 is == 2x T1
L736[13:59:50] <payonel> which you probably know, just pointing that out
L737[14:03:54] <Michiyo> Gods damnit!
L738[14:04:05] <AmandaC> Michiyo: 404 Damns not found
L739[14:04:12] <Michiyo> Why must I find new webcomics that are still being written and so fucking short!?
L740[14:04:22] <AmandaC> heh
L741[14:04:25] <payonel> Michiyo: :) which this time?
L742[14:04:33] <Michiyo> http://well-of-souls.com/outsider/index.html
L743[14:05:12] <payonel> also, anyone ever read that comic about some voluptuous dragon that this silly scrawny little man was in love with or something
L744[14:05:13] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L745[14:05:45] <Michiyo> lol.. yes but be damned if I can remember the name.
L746[14:06:52] * AmandaC remembers a comic about an otaku guy who was really into an anime, but unfortunately for him some god-like beings decided to try and use whoever bought the complete collection for the next valkyre
L747[14:07:35] <AmandaC> Suddenly: Otaku guy is now otaku girl
L748[14:07:44] <AmandaC> maybe this was an anime, actually. My brain's very foggy atm
L749[14:08:00] <Michiyo> heh
L750[14:08:34] * gamax92 remembers a comic about a man who fed a dragon food from his farm to keep his life, but his wife complained so the dragon ate his wife
L751[14:11:17] <payonel> why are AmandaC's /me comments in red, and everyone else's are in yellow
L752[14:12:37] * Michiyo shrugs
L753[14:13:13] <payonel> wait that was red too. is the + that makes it yellow? Inari - talk to yourself for a sec :)
L754[14:14:05] <AmandaC> It's because the Blood Moon rises once again. Please be careful, Link.
L755[14:14:12] <payonel> >.<
L756[14:14:13] <Michiyo> %raw privmsg #oc :ACTION I can make MichiBot do actions :P!
L757[14:14:15] * MichiBot I can make MichiBot do actions :P!
L758[14:14:40] <AshIndigo> %raw privmsg #oc :ACTION I can also do actions!
L759[14:14:41] <payonel> :) nice
L760[14:14:41] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: You do not have sufficient privileges to use this command.
L761[14:14:44] <AshIndigo> aww
L762[14:15:06] <AmandaC> %lua "ACTION I can too!"
L763[14:15:06] <MichiBot> ACTION I can too!
L764[14:15:07] <payonel> whatever, hexchat is just confusing me
L765[14:15:11] <AmandaC> :P
L766[14:15:12] <Michiyo> No, no you can't :P
L767[14:15:21] <payonel> LUA
L768[14:15:29] <Michiyo> and I'm not 100% sure why, it *should* work.
L769[14:15:33] <AmandaC> heh
L770[14:15:57] <Michiyo> %lua "ACTION Test"
L771[14:15:57] <MichiBot> ACTION Test
L772[14:16:02] * Michiyo shrugs
L773[14:16:13] <payonel> you have weird chars in your action strings
L774[14:16:16] <AmandaC> I didn't include the \1 in mine, so it's not liek it'd have worked anyway
L775[14:16:21] <Michiyo> Yes, those are s
L776[14:16:23] <Michiyo> err
L777[14:16:25] <Michiyo> \ 001
L778[14:16:28] <Michiyo> without the space :P
L779[14:16:33] <payonel> \001
L780[14:16:35] <Michiyo> that's what signals that it is an action
L781[14:16:35] <payonel> :
L782[14:16:40] <payonel>
L783[14:16:43] <payonel> i see
L784[14:16:59] <payonel> yay unicode!
L785[14:17:03] <Michiyo> lol
L786[14:17:11] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5809002C1C790E2F17C945.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L787[14:17:29] <Michiyo> Helper.sendMessage does do some processing, but IDK what it'd do to mangle actions.
L788[14:17:30] * ocdoc meow
L789[14:18:12] <Michiyo> ffs I swear, the only time I get customers is if I'm trying to do something else...
L790[14:18:12] <Michiyo> ._.
L791[14:19:20] <vifino> wat r u doin payonel
L792[14:19:32] <vifino> too much ctcps.
L793[14:19:46] <gamax92> oh wtf
L794[14:20:07] <gamax92> it's still outputting groups with shared files.
L795[14:20:13] <payonel> vifino: ?
L796[14:20:19] <AmandaC> gamax92: huh?
L797[14:20:27] <AmandaC> what is?
L798[14:20:28] <Wuerfel_21> How can I reduce OpenOS's boot time, aswell as it's memory and disk usage?
L799[14:20:30] <Forecaster> there's a sendAction helper method :P
L800[14:20:41] <gamax92> each group is supposed to be unique but 14 and 16 have the same files
L801[14:20:51] * AmandaC confused
L802[14:21:05] <vifino> payonel: -- | Unknown CTCP requested by payonel: yay unicode!
L803[14:21:05] <payonel> wuerfel_21: by updating to the latest openos :) also, after tonight i'll have another update that improves it even more
L804[14:21:10] <payonel> vifino: hehe
L805[14:21:19] <payonel> i was throwing junk chars at hexchat
L806[14:21:43] <payonel> wuerfel_21: what version of mc are you running?
L807[14:21:47] <vifino> you should throw ansi escapes at openos :3
L808[14:22:09] <Wuerfel_21> payonel: 1.7.10 , the last one that is any good
L809[14:22:10] * payonel throws ' at vifino
L810[14:22:17] <vifino> oh no, my weakness
L811[14:22:38] <payonel> wuerfel_21: improving openos is my job - i work on it pretty much every single day
L812[14:23:04] <vifino> s/nos/no's/
L813[14:23:04] <MichiBot> <payonel> wuerfel_21: improving openo's is my job - i work on it pretty much every single day
L814[14:23:21] <vifino> There, put your ' to good use, payonel.
L815[14:23:30] <payonel> wuerfel_21: when you boot, does it say OpenOS 1.6.3?
L816[14:24:02] <payonel> vifino: >.<
L817[14:24:10] <Wuerfel_21> its 1.6.1
L818[14:24:12] <vifino> P
L819[14:24:14] <vifino> :P*
L820[14:25:06] <payonel> wuerfel_21: there are more dev builds, and i'm pushing some pretty great improvements even this week so stay tuned. for now, use these: http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-dev-MC1.7.10/
L821[14:25:25] <gamax92> okay there, redid the grouping code to build correct groups the first time instead of trying to merge them afterwards
L822[14:25:27] <Wuerfel_21> gah, too lazy to update my server
L823[14:25:38] <payonel> ...
L824[14:25:47] <AmandaC> RIP
L825[14:25:47] <payonel> you want to reduce memory cost and boot time of openos
L826[14:25:52] <Wuerfel_21> anyways, I was looking to un-improve it, stripping out some stuff
L827[14:25:54] <payonel> and you dont care to take my updates?
L828[14:26:21] <Wuerfel_21> If I take your update, I have to teamviewer into peoples PC's again ?
L829[14:27:49] <gamax92> payonel: oh, boot time is faster again? :D
L830[14:28:05] <payonel> gamax92: yeah, slightly better than 1/5
L831[14:28:11] <payonel> 1/5 the previous time
L832[14:28:13] <gamax92> 1.5?
L833[14:28:15] <gamax92> oh
L834[14:29:15] <Michiyo> Forecaster, yes, yes there is. but lua/sel shouldn't use it.. :P
L835[14:29:32] <Michiyo> and it should be totally possible to send actions with sendMessage, as it's just doing a standard privmsg
L836[14:29:40] <Wuerfel_21> 1/5 is impressive
L837[14:30:33] <AmandaC> Yes, but is it impressive enough for a Klondck bar?
L838[14:30:41] <gamax92> Klondick bar
L839[14:30:42] <Michiyo> You should really use any of the number of launchers with update capability :D
L840[14:30:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5809022C1C790E2F17C945.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L841[14:30:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L842[14:31:46] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: it is possible to extract just openos out of the latest update, and inject that into the server
L843[14:33:22] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: and keep in mind, if you are looking for support with openos ... openos has been my life for the last 2 years. i'm constantly working to fix and optimize the crap out of it
L844[14:33:50] <Wuerfel_21> it shows
L845[14:33:51] <gamax92> has it really been that long :/
L846[14:34:15] <payonel> gamax92: yeah, i first starting fixing | pipes in shell in the summer of 2015
L847[14:34:35] <payonel> and decided to submit fixes a short time after that, and then went for boar from then on
L848[14:34:50] <Vexatos> you need to find a job
L849[14:34:57] <Vexatos> if this has been your life
L850[14:35:05] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: my only point is that..i'm a bit defensive maybe, imo (obviously, my opinion) taking the updates for openos is worth it :
L851[14:35:07] <payonel> :)
L852[14:35:08] <Michiyo> java's .trim() "Some of the characters below U+0020 are control codes that I wouldn’t necessarily always want to regard as whitespace (e.g. U+0007 bell, U+0008 backspace)."
L853[14:35:26] <Michiyo> I trim the input.. so yeah that might be why is lost :P
L854[14:35:29] <payonel> Vexatos: life != job, at least, not for me
L855[14:35:34] <Vexatos> pls
L856[14:35:34] <gamax92> Java's garbage
L857[14:35:38] <Vexatos> My job is my life
L858[14:35:39] <gamax92> why won't it collect itself
L859[14:36:31] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: anyways, extract the jar on the server, replace ${src}/assets/opencomputers/loot with the same dir from our latest dev builds
L860[14:36:44] <Wuerfel_21> gamax92: because it makes itself reachable again in its finalizer o.O
L861[14:36:50] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: then when someone uses the openos loot disk in game, it'll have the latest code
L862[14:36:58] <payonel> no one need update their local copy
L863[14:37:09] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/wcNwS/5648aa0b50.png
L864[14:37:13] <Michiyo> so yeah it was the .trim()s
L865[14:38:23] <payonel> also, weird typo i made i just noticed, "for boar" what the crap does that mean, i meant "full boar"
L866[14:38:25] <payonel> whatevs
L867[14:38:57] <gamax92> I'm not sure if I like these groups but 13's better than 1
L868[14:39:40] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/wcNEu/aaa466bca5.png
L869[14:39:53] <Michiyo> There, switched to apache common's strip() which leaves control chars alone
L870[14:41:05] <Wuerfel_21> so, where would i have to go to replace the boot screen with a shitty logo?
L871[14:41:25] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: so that it doesn't print the boot actions?
L872[14:41:53] <Wuerfel_21> so it shows a shitty logo instead
L873[14:41:57] <AmandaC> How many goats are you willing to sacrafixe, @Wuerfel_21
L874[14:42:03] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L875[14:42:20] <Wuerfel_21> don't have goats, only pigs
L876[14:42:23] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: i haven't separated the boot code into two parts (1. boot actions, and 2. boot status)
L877[14:42:25] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~MichiBot@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L878[14:42:25] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L879[14:42:29] <Michiyo> %lua "ACTION Test"
L880[14:42:54] * MichiBot Test
L881[14:42:58] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: so there isn't going to be an drop-in solution to your question. but the status is drawn to the screen with some low level gpu.set calls in /opt/core/boot.lua
L882[14:43:19] * payonel inb4 Michiyo curses
L883[14:43:34] <Michiyo> payonel, why?
L884[14:43:36] <gamax92> ?
L885[14:43:46] <Michiyo> It did exactly what it should do
L886[14:43:49] <payonel> oh ha
L887[14:43:53] <payonel> i missed the %lua part of that
L888[14:43:58] <Michiyo> lol
L889[14:44:07] <payonel> bravo, then :)
L890[14:44:25] <AmandaC> Michiyo: did you run off with the electronics I ordered from Amazon?
L891[14:44:29] * gamax92 debates doing something bad with MichiBot
L892[14:44:32] <AmandaC> Usually their driver woul dbe here now
L893[14:44:53] <Michiyo> maaaaaaaaaybe
L894[14:44:58] <AmandaC> I need those. :(
L895[14:46:21] * AmandaC checks the porch
L896[14:46:32] <Michiyo> I... I just got a phone call from a very pissed off lady...
L897[14:46:38] <Michiyo> cause I didn't deliver her UPS package today
L898[14:46:57] <AmandaC> LOL
L899[14:46:58] <Michiyo> I didn't know that was a thing I did, as a radioshack employee
L900[14:47:12] <Wuerfel_21> ok, i copy-pasted my logo into the "if gpu and screen then" and it works!
L901[14:47:15] <payonel> Michiyo: did she stay on the line long enough to understand that?
L902[14:47:23] <AmandaC> Michiyo: but she ordered it from radioshack.com!
L903[14:47:27] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: woo!
L904[14:47:36] <Michiyo> I gave her the UPS customer service number, and she hung up.
L905[14:47:52] ⇨ Joins: hrap (webchat@dsl-olubng12-54fa1e-24.dhcp.inet.fi)
L906[14:48:05] <hrap> hello
L907[14:48:10] <payonel> hrap: o/
L908[14:49:12] <Wuerfel_21> also had to comment out the status function
L909[14:49:45] <AmandaC> coming soon: Wuerfel_21OS
L910[14:50:06] <AmandaC> "Open OS Compatible!"
L911[14:50:40] <Wuerfel_21> ?
L912[14:51:03] <Vexatos> Selene is OpenOS-compatible :D
L913[14:51:11] <Michiyo> Square box to you too!
L914[14:51:34] <gamax92> is it possible to disable emoji conversion server wide?
L915[14:52:01] <Michiyo> No :(
L916[14:52:02] <hrap> anyone got any idea of how i could fix my program, im trying to have an input text field always open and rn i am using io.read() but if i have it open my listener for modem activity wont work. what do?
L917[14:52:16] <Wuerfel_21> i wrote ":D"
L918[14:52:35] <Michiyo> gamax92, if I could find a decent emoji to text lib I'd use it..
L919[14:52:40] <payonel> hrap: the modem listener should still work, even if you are waiting on io.read
L920[14:52:59] <Michiyo> but I don't want :D to come out as :smile: or wtfever the lib I was using did
L921[14:53:21] * AmandaC prefers emoji to what we used to have
L922[14:53:27] * gamax92 doesn't.
L923[14:53:32] <Michiyo> https://github.com/kcthota/emoji4j
L924[14:53:52] <AmandaC> :o would be "open faced shock" on one chat service, "kissing face" on another.
L925[14:53:53] <hrap> then does print() work while im waiting on io.read
L926[14:55:02] <payonel> hrap: yeah, the modem listener code calls print? and you don't see any prints?
L927[14:55:08] <Michiyo> Live Action Cowboy Bebop... huh
L928[14:55:09] <hrap> yes
L929[14:55:13] <Wuerfel_21> hmm, next up, where is sh.lua started from? I need to execute something else
L930[14:55:41] <payonel> wuerfel_21: you want a custom shell? or you want your own program run on boot?
L931[14:55:56] <Wuerfel_21> own program
L932[14:56:00] <hrap> i tried disabling the looped io.read and the printing worked
L933[14:56:03] <gamax92> doesn't that ruin OpenOS?
L934[14:56:26] <payonel> wuerfel_21: sounds like you want a startup program, call it from /home/.shrc
L935[14:56:37] <payonel> .shrc is not lua code, but shell commands
L936[14:57:09] <payonel> hrap: i would like to see some of the code, can you hastebin it for me? you can pm me the links
L937[14:57:57] <hrap> ok
L938[14:58:12] <Wuerfel_21> but then the shell is already loaded. I assume it takes a good chunk of ram
L939[14:58:40] <payonel> about 12k i think, it's been a while since i measured just the sh libs
L940[14:58:52] <payonel> maybe a bit more
L941[15:00:01] <Wuerfel_21> hmm, thats actually not too bad
L942[15:00:30] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: the other option is to use a custom SHELL
L943[15:00:48] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: see /etc/profile and change "set SHELL=/bin/sh" to your own program
L944[15:00:51] <Wuerfel_21> oh, deleting /etc/motd does not work anymore (it used to, at some point): It complains about the file being absent
L945[15:01:06] <payonel> it was probably previously a hidden error
L946[15:01:57] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: note that if you change SHELL, your code is called BEFORE there is a terminal
L947[15:02:17] <payonel> you'll want to add event.pull("term_available")
L948[15:02:48] <Wuerfel_21> don't need a terminal
L949[15:03:49] <Wuerfel_21> anyways, i changed SHELL, but the motd error persists and the resolution still gets maxed out
L950[15:04:09] ⇦ Quits: Skye (~skye@nightfall.moe) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L951[15:04:16] <AmandaC> an empty /etc/motd should silence the rror
L952[15:04:29] <payonel> yes, empty vs rm'd
L953[15:05:03] <Wuerfel_21> or just removing it from /etc/profile, apparently
L954[15:05:46] <Wuerfel_21> surprisingly, clear isn't responsible for changing resolution...
L955[15:06:30] <payonel> ....
L956[15:06:51] <payonel> wuerfel_21: ... you justed helped me see a rather embarrassing bug
L957[15:07:08] <AmandaC> So now she must die.
L958[15:07:17] ⇨ Joins: Skye (~skye@nightfall.moe)
L959[15:07:42] *** Skye is now known as Guest35073
L960[15:08:40] *** Guest35073 is now known as Skye
L961[15:08:49] ⇨ Joins: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@
L962[15:09:15] <Wuerfel_21> also, grep loves to go "too long without yielding"
L963[15:10:06] <payonel> wuerfel_21: i have an oversight in the shell code, if you are going to use a custom SHELL, please add os.setenv("SHELL", your_custom_shell) to /boot/94_shell.lua for now
L964[15:10:10] <payonel> i'll fix that tonight
L965[15:10:32] <payonel> also, wuerfel, i can add a sleep to grep for long running searches without results
L966[15:13:30] <payonel> gamax92: hrap is another user that is expecting parallel is some way
L967[15:13:38] <gamax92> payonetta
L968[15:13:41] <payonel> i am getting the feeling that cc parallel was very common
L969[15:13:59] <payonel> hrap: you're not alone, you're not just "a noob" or something
L970[15:14:12] <payonel> i've been getting a lot of questions about how to run code in parallel on openos
L971[15:14:17] <payonel> from people coming from CC
L972[15:14:36] <gamax92> well it is a built in library in CC and has been that way for a long time
L973[15:14:46] <hrap> oh ok
L974[15:14:52] <payonel> hrap: i can point you some openos docs about creating "listeners" can "callbacks" but ....
L975[15:15:01] <payonel> i think my parallel update for openos is going to be better
L976[15:15:17] <payonel> i should have that update and docs for it within the next 36 hours
L977[15:15:19] <gamax92> need food :/ bbl
L978[15:15:33] <hrap> ok
L979[15:15:42] <Wuerfel_21> gah, the resolution still changes and I can't even grep for the call!
L980[15:15:45] <payonel> hrap: how do you get your oc news? here? github? forums?
L981[15:16:05] <payonel> wuerfel: resolution is set to max when term_available occurs
L982[15:16:48] <hrap> i would say here on the forums
L983[15:17:02] <payonel> well this is the #oc irc channel
L984[15:17:08] <MGR> ^
L985[15:17:26] <payonel> hrap: so if you give me a day, come back and ask about parallel and i'll have a wiki doc ready for you
L986[15:17:33] <hrap> ok
L987[15:17:37] <hrap> thx
L988[15:17:41] <payonel> yep
L989[15:18:21] <MGR> I just had an interesting thought experiment on what would be necessary for the USS Iowa's guns to get replaced with railguns
L990[15:18:24] <Michiyo> If only there was some way, you could look at the code outside of the mod, like if maybe it was on github, or something, then you could grep it outside of an OC computer, and have a bit of an easier time?
L991[15:18:26] <Michiyo> Nah.
L992[15:18:44] <Forecaster> Michiyo don't be ridiculous
L993[15:18:49] <Forecaster> what is this, harry potter?
L994[15:18:53] <Forecaster> we don't have magic
L995[15:18:56] <gamax92> Michiyo: pfft, get out of here with that logic crap
L996[15:18:57] <hrap> i found the wiki page for listeners, il try to convert over :)
L997[15:18:59] <Michiyo> Yeah, my bad.
L998[15:19:28] <Michiyo> hrap, just incase you think my snark might have been directed at you, it wasn't..
L999[15:19:28] <Michiyo> lol
L1000[15:19:57] <gamax92> look out it's a shark D:
L1001[15:20:11] <AmandaC> Oh no, not a word shark! Those eat memories!
L1002[15:20:13] <Forecaster> shnark attack
L1003[15:20:47] <Forecaster> ...that made me remember that character from the old Thunder Cats cartoon...
L1004[15:20:50] * AmandaC throws dictionary-grenades around
L1005[15:20:51] * Forecaster shudders
L1006[15:20:51] <hrap> someone get a harpoon!
L1007[15:21:09] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1008[15:21:15] <payonel> xarses: o/
L1009[15:21:55] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1010[15:22:06] <AmandaC> This is the thing I'm referencing, probably not suitable for kiddies, though: https://g.co/kgs/CZBXpi
L1011[15:22:22] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:7009:ed50:7b35:8384) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1012[15:22:28] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1013[15:23:02] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:9d3a:3c7b:4b00:b2ca)
L1014[15:23:12] <AmandaC> That book fucked me up for a bit. Super heavy themes.
L1015[15:23:19] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-67-180-86-164.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1016[15:23:23] <Forecaster> ohmy
L1017[15:23:39] <AmandaC> The epilog just... my heart. :(
L1018[15:23:56] <payonel> Wuerfel_21: i dont call setResolution more than once during boot, but i think gpu.bind might setResolution
L1019[15:24:19] <payonel> yes it does
L1020[15:24:27] <AmandaC> epilogue? Meh, I speel gud.
L1021[15:24:29] <payonel> and i do call gpu.bind later during boot
L1022[15:25:11] <Wuerfel_21> removing the gpu and term /boot files makes it leave the screen alone
L1023[15:25:17] <Forecaster> epicrogue?
L1024[15:25:17] <payonel> i suppose i could add a check during boot to not call bind if it is already bound
L1025[15:25:32] <Wuerfel_21> but now the "shell" doesn't get executed anymore
L1026[15:25:56] <Wuerfel_21> (or it somehow messes up the gpu in between the logo code and the "shell")
L1027[15:26:06] <payonel> wuerfel_21: i told you i have an issue with the SHELL env var, i made a goof :)
L1028[15:26:19] <payonel> wuerfel_21: also, with all due respect, you're modifying the OS at this point
L1029[15:26:36] <payonel> you are into unofficial workflows
L1030[15:26:38] <Forecaster> "here there be monsters"
L1031[15:26:45] <Wuerfel_21> well, i have a deadline
L1032[15:26:57] <Wuerfel_21> so dirty hax are par for the course
L1033[15:27:11] <payonel> yes, but they're not my immediate problem to fix/improve
L1034[15:27:48] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@203-158-54-221.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L1035[15:28:00] <payonel> and like i was saying, draconic evolution is amazing
L1036[15:28:06] <payonel> love that mod
L1037[15:28:22] <gamax92> are you doing that thing I think you're doing, payonel
L1038[15:28:25] <MGR> DE is the best
L1039[15:28:35] <payonel> gamax92: hehe i might be :)
L1040[15:28:49] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@203-158-54-221.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1041[15:29:17] <Forecaster> DE is meh
L1042[15:29:24] <Michiyo> meh is DE.
L1043[15:29:48] <Wuerfel_21> hmm, added the boot files back, commented out the bind call, still nothing
L1044[15:31:33] <AmandaC> woooo
L1045[15:31:36] <AmandaC> I got my electronics
L1046[15:31:48] <payonel> beep boop bop
L1047[15:31:49] <gamax92> AmandaC: I lost my motivation
L1048[15:32:06] * Lizzy is contemplating buying a couple of servos, controller board and building the lego car she wants to
L1049[15:32:19] <gamax92> I just have to type this thing and yet it's not happening
L1050[15:32:47] <AmandaC> gamax92: it can be hard to type those things sometimes
L1051[15:32:58] * AmandaC disassembles her pocket-chip so she can solder the new header pins she got onto it
L1052[15:33:04] <AmandaC> bbl
L1053[15:33:36] <Michiyo> Yeah.. AmandaC I let the driver go so you could get your stuff
L1054[15:33:44] <gamax92> I can do the other stuff I suppose
L1055[15:34:39] <gamax92> this glob patch is not in order and I'd have to write a tool to resort it
L1056[15:34:42] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@203-158-54-221.dyn.iinet.net.au)
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L1058[15:35:56] <gamax92> yeah no these patches fail hard
L1059[15:36:40] <Wuerfel_21> what even... http://tinyurl.com/yatdgdew
L1060[15:39:05] <Wuerfel_21> oh wait, component isn't in the env by default
L1061[15:39:07] <Wuerfel_21> crap
L1062[15:40:14] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@203-158-54-221.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L1063[15:40:20] <Wuerfel_21> aaand it works. sortof.
L1064[15:40:30] <Wuerfel_21> http://tinyurl.com/y7cm89zj
L1065[15:41:08] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@203-158-54-221.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1066[15:41:28] <payonel> wuerfel_21: components is global to eeprom, openos removes it from _G, you have to require it
L1067[15:41:55] <Wuerfel_21> i knew that, but I keep forgetting it
L1068[15:41:59] ⇦ Quits: hrap (webchat@dsl-olubng12-54fa1e-24.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1069[15:42:41] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@203-158-54-221.dyn.iinet.net.au)
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L1071[15:43:26] <Wuerfel_21> oh, my taskbar snuck it's way into my screenshot. herp
L1072[15:45:09] <gamax92> oooh, all but one of these patches apply correctly, hopefully easy fix
L1073[15:45:32] <payonel> gamax92: i have no idea what you're talking about, just fyi
L1074[15:45:56] <gamax92> payonel: I'm taking your openos and converting it into a racecar
L1075[15:45:57] <AmandaC> payonel: I think he's having a fever dream about applying patches to something...?
L1076[15:46:21] <AmandaC> Also, new L-shaped header pins are now wired to my pocket-chip. \o/
L1077[15:46:32] <gamax92> what are you doing to the poor pocket-chip?
L1078[15:46:34] <payonel> /o\
L1079[15:46:42] <payonel> |o| pew pew
L1080[15:46:52] <AmandaC> gamax92: as soon as I'm feeling a bit better, soldering a speaker into it
L1081[15:47:09] <AmandaC> For now: Playing with a i2c NFC chip I bought for it
L1082[15:47:12] <gamax92> and I'm playing with the wine-overwatch patches
L1083[15:47:22] <payonel> ah nice, gamax92
L1084[15:47:23] <gamax92> splitting it up so it's not just one glob of a patch
L1085[15:47:30] <gamax92> I regret doing that
L1086[15:47:36] <AmandaC> Heh
L1087[15:48:09] * Michiyo is very happy discord cdn urls get tiny'd
L1088[15:48:27] <gamax92> so now I get to make the original changes into a glob, diff the patches, split that patch into smaller hunks, and then apply those patches to the individual patches
L1089[15:48:27] <payonel> Michiyo: you rock
L1090[15:48:51] <Michiyo> repatch the patches!
L1091[15:49:22] <gamax92> also has the potential to not work but if that doesn't work then I have a plan B
L1092[15:49:25] <Inari> It's interesting that telling someone they are a rock can be taken so differently depending on the grammar used
L1093[15:49:29] <Inari> "You rock" - positive
L1094[15:49:34] <Inari> "You are a rock" - negative
L1095[15:50:02] <gamax92> It's interesting that telling someone they are a rock can be taken so differently depending on the words before it
L1096[15:50:06] <Wuerfel_21> Hey, that is very insulting to people that identify as rocks
L1097[15:50:29] <AmandaC> poop, I'm not done soldering yet.
L1098[15:51:03] <Mettaton_Fab> someone wants to give me their old PC as a birthday present.
L1099[15:51:21] <gamax92> uhh
L1100[15:51:30] <gamax92> last minute gift?
L1101[15:52:27] <Wuerfel_21> how old?
L1102[15:55:09] <payonel> i need to buy more chips
L1103[15:55:15] <payonel> i didnt realize they finished their chip pro
L1104[15:55:51] <payonel> AmandaC: did gamax92 ever tell us how he figured out the mouse position thing?
L1105[15:57:08] <Michiyo> magical ponies.
L1106[15:57:13] <Michiyo> %magic
L1107[15:57:13] <MichiBot> http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/magic.gif
L1108[15:57:35] <payonel> i love that gif, honestly
L1109[15:58:03] <Michiyo> I need some chips too...
L1110[15:58:13] <Michiyo> Sour Cream and Onion...
L1111[15:58:24] <Michiyo> Sea Salt and Vinegar
L1112[15:59:45] <Forecaster> Spam? with spam spam and spam?
L1113[15:59:56] <Forecaster> Spam chips
L1114[16:14:22] ⇨ Joins: TheFox (webchat@pool-71-115-6-235.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L1115[16:14:43] <TheFox> o7
L1116[16:15:13] <payonel> hello
L1117[16:16:11] <gamax92> D:
L1118[16:16:16] <gamax92> he's alive
L1119[16:16:30] <Inari> So this embedded C coding standard says header files should never use includes. But then how do I use uint8_t wihtout including stdint.h :<
L1120[16:17:13] <gamax92> TheFox: you have no idea how many people have been looking for you
L1121[16:17:27] <Michiyo> holy fuck.. right?
L1122[16:17:37] <TheFox> Soooorry.. I started college and it's been back to back to back
L1123[16:17:56] <TheFox> after that, I tried to start setting up my own server host type deal...
L1124[16:17:56] <Inari> %pet TheFox
L1125[16:17:57] * MichiBot pets TheFox with a renamed person. TheFox recovers 3 health!
L1126[16:18:01] <MGR> He returns!
L1127[16:18:03] * Inari looks at AmandaC
L1128[16:18:03] <Michiyo> you should have a few tells too
L1129[16:18:04] <Inari> ;3
L1130[16:18:04] <Michiyo> lol
L1131[16:18:16] <TheFox> I do not see any tells
L1132[16:18:20] <TheFox> I was really expecting it tbh
L1133[16:18:33] * TheFox wallows around happily from the pets
L1134[16:18:37] <Michiyo> I see atleast 1 in the logs..
L1135[16:18:43] * AmandaC glares at Inari
L1136[16:18:46] <Inari> xD
L1137[16:18:57] <TheFox> %logs
L1138[16:18:59] <Michiyo> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/search?case=1&search=thefox here, have logs
L1139[16:19:02] <TheFox> thank you
L1140[16:19:06] <Michiyo> and it's %oclogs
L1141[16:19:14] <TheFox> been a while, heh
L1142[16:19:36] <gamax92> Inari: you have to do it in the same line and also creepily
L1143[16:19:47] <Michiyo> why wouldn't you have got any tells though
L1144[16:19:58] <Michiyo> %tell Michiyo hi
L1145[16:19:58] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Michiyo will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1146[16:20:00] <Michiyo> .
L1147[16:20:14] <Michiyo> -MichiBot- Michiyo in #oc said: hi on Jun 06 @ 21:19 UTC
L1148[16:20:27] <TheFox> Are you talking about the one from TheCryptek?
L1149[16:20:42] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~xal@S0106f0f2490b0073.vw.shawcable.net)
L1150[16:20:45] <Inari> gamax92: ?
L1151[16:20:46] <Michiyo> yeah, ahh you got that one
L1152[16:20:47] <Michiyo> I see
L1153[16:20:58] <TheFox> Yuuper... been waiting for him to reply, lol.
L1154[16:21:34] <TheFox> to be perfectly honest.. I've been running discord for amonths now, IRC feels weeeeird....
L1155[16:21:48] <Michiyo> Well, great news... we still have a discord server
L1156[16:21:51] <Michiyo> hasn't went anywhere.
L1157[16:21:53] <TheFox> I know, lol.
L1158[16:21:54] <Michiyo> still... right.. there.
L1159[16:22:20] <TheFox> I may join it, may not, I'm feeling like procrastinating rn.
L1160[16:22:28] <Michiyo> %discord
L1161[16:22:28] <MichiBot> https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA
L1162[16:22:32] <Michiyo> cliiiiiiiiiiiick it
L1163[16:22:53] <TheFox> gamax92: Anyone need me for anyhing or just wondering where I went? ("You have no idea how many people have been looking for you")
L1164[16:23:22] <Michiyo> You have the logs.. :P
L1165[16:23:33] <TheFox> >.>
L1166[16:23:59] <TheFox> How dare you use logic on me...
L1167[16:26:27] <TheFox> TheCryptek: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
L1168[16:26:32] <AshIndigo> %inv add a logic gate
L1169[16:26:33] * MichiBot summons 'a logic gate' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L1170[16:26:54] <Michiyo> %seen TheCryptek
L1171[16:26:54] <MichiBot> TheCryptek was last seen 68d 3h 31m 35s ago. Saying: No Record
L1172[16:27:00] <TheFox> how about a logic array, that is even mooore sturdy.
L1173[16:27:01] <TheFox> And wut...
L1174[16:27:16] <TheFox> I saw him ping me in the logs a LOT more recent than that.. I thought
L1175[16:27:29] <TheFox> %seen kimiro
L1176[16:27:29] <MichiBot> kimiro was last seen 190d 1h 56m 16s ago. Saying: No Record
L1177[16:27:34] <Michiyo> 2017-04-12.log
L1178[16:27:34] <TheFox> :(
L1179[16:28:09] <Inari> ~markov TheFox
L1180[16:28:09] <ocdoc> Please wait ...
L1181[16:28:12] <ocdoc> The ones that where thrown at work right?
L1182[16:28:15] <Michiyo> commands don't count as "seen" I think...
L1183[16:28:19] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~xal@S0106f0f2490b0073.vw.shawcable.net) (Quit: Quitting)
L1184[16:28:26] <TheFox> annnyone got any interesting projects going on?
L1185[16:28:41] <Michiyo> I'm burning lots of stuff.
L1186[16:28:43] <Inari> TheFox: Teasing AmandaC
L1187[16:28:53] <gamax92> how cute
L1188[16:29:08] <TheFox> <.<
L1189[16:29:20] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-149-172-252-166.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1190[16:29:21] * AshIndigo poofs away magically
L1191[16:29:37] <payonel> TheFox: openos! :)
L1192[16:29:42] <gamax92> Inari: I meant, doing some while maintaining eye contact and a face expression with someone
L1193[16:29:43] <MajGenRelativity> TheFox, GERT is gaining steam
L1194[16:30:03] <gamax92> s/e /ething /
L1195[16:30:04] <Michiyo> oh nice... Helios is fucked..
L1196[16:30:05] <TheFox> if I can remember what GERT I'll get back to you...
L1197[16:30:07] <MichiBot> <gamax92> Inari: I meant, doing something while maintaining eye contact and a face expression with someone
L1198[16:30:07] <Michiyo> alekso56..
L1199[16:30:15] <Inari> gamax92: It was mostly to tease her, since she's a bit fuzzy since I said foxgirls are cuter than catgirls :D
L1200[16:30:19] <MajGenRelativity> I'd tell you TheFox, but I have to go
L1201[16:30:26] <MajGenRelativity> I'll get in touch with you another time
L1202[16:30:26] <TheFox> payonel: Nice to see you again :) Almost in time for me to DM you "Happy fathers day" again. Been almost a year D:
L1203[16:30:36] <gamax92> well, foxes would be fluffier
L1204[16:30:43] <TheFox> ok, also.. the computer I had MC on that was connected to yoru server went up in smoke
L1205[16:30:50] <Michiyo> %seen alekso56
L1206[16:30:50] <MichiBot> alekso56 was last seen 28d 48m 32s ago. Saying: oh and yes, can confirm what inari is saying
L1207[16:30:52] <Michiyo> ._.
L1208[16:30:57] <gamax92> hah
L1209[16:31:08] <Michiyo> that's great..
L1210[16:31:22] <Wuerfel_21> If you say "Bloody Flippin' Idiotic UI" three times backwards while trying to close all unused windows in GraphicsGale, a pinky demon will kome and kill you. It's a fact
L1211[16:31:38] <payonel> wat
L1212[16:31:51] <TheFox> I think I said that the other day about Windows Server 2008 SP2...
L1213[16:32:12] <Inari> ~markov Inari
L1214[16:32:13] <ocdoc> yeah but i still want to start playing again :P Been a bit slow how quickly electrons flow there, since it doesnt matter what
L1215[16:32:31] <Michiyo> since it doesn't matter what indeed.
L1216[16:32:37] <TheFox> hey, do we still have the quote thingy?
L1217[16:32:49] <Inari> %quote Inari
L1218[16:32:49] <Michiyo> Nope, removed it from MichiBot, sorry
L1219[16:32:50] <MichiBot> Quote #134: <Inari> hail Satan
L1220[16:32:51] <Michiyo> :/
L1221[16:32:54] <TheFox> %quote TheFox
L1222[16:32:56] <MichiBot> Quote #52: <TheFox> its worse in bed than a horse
L1223[16:32:57] <Michiyo> %quotes
L1224[16:32:59] <MichiBot> Michiyo: http://michibot.pc-logix.com/quotes
L1225[16:33:04] <Michiyo> look, all of them..
L1226[16:33:08] <TheFox> GAMAX D: I remember when you made that one
L1227[16:33:09] <Michiyo> so you don't have to spam the channel.
L1228[16:33:17] <payonel> %seen kittykath
L1229[16:33:17] <MichiBot> kittykath was last seen 390d 3h 53m 7s ago. Saying: No Record
L1230[16:33:21] * gamax92 pets Michiyo
L1231[16:35:11] <TheFox> and for the record... not horse... fox. Gotta keep this whole interspicies crap down
L1232[16:35:30] <TheFox> *slaps Enderbot2*
L1233[16:35:34] <TheFox> woops...
L1234[16:35:39] * TheFox slaps Enderbot2
L1235[16:35:50] <TheFox> D: He/she is gone? :(
L1236[16:37:14] <TheFox> %discord
L1237[16:37:14] <MichiBot> https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYifZFCA
L1238[16:38:01] <Inari> ~markov EnderBot2
L1239[16:38:01] <ocdoc> Current OC time: Fri Jan 16 17:59:06 2014
L1240[16:38:18] <Michiyo> yes, no enderbot right now
L1241[16:38:25] <Michiyo> Lizzy, is/was rewriting
L1242[16:38:32] <LizzyTheKitty> slowly
L1243[16:38:42] <BoxFox> aww, okay, Guess I'll have to live without slapping EnderBot2 then
L1244[16:38:43] <LizzyTheKitty> when i can be asked
L1245[16:38:54] * Michiyo pokes MichiBot
L1246[16:38:54] * MichiBot squeaks!
L1247[16:38:58] <gamax92> ~markov Inari
L1248[16:38:58] <ocdoc> I mean when we only trade in lolicoins
L1249[16:38:59] * Michiyo stabs MichiBot
L1250[16:39:01] <Michiyo> no?
L1251[16:39:02] <Michiyo> aww
L1252[16:39:08] <Michiyo> lol...
L1253[16:39:25] <Michiyo> yep, that's Inari :P
L1254[16:40:51] <TheFox> Michiyo, does the corded bridge support discord pining?
L1255[16:40:56] <TheFox> pinging*
L1256[16:40:59] <LizzyTheKitty> yup
L1257[16:41:02] <Michiyo> @BoxFox nope
L1258[16:41:20] <BoxFox> >.>
L1259[16:41:36] <BoxFox> seems to do it's job quite fine. Thanks, now I know I can close my IRC bridge.
L1260[16:41:40] ⇦ Quits: TheFox (webchat@pool-71-115-6-235.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1261[16:44:26] <AmandaC> \o/ I can read NFC tags using my pocket-chip now!
L1262[16:45:25] <AmandaC> using an ugly-ass external connection, but I'll make it all be tucked inside the case some other time
L1263[16:46:09] <Izaya> now the question is, do you have any NFC tags?
L1264[16:46:14] <AmandaC> Yes.
L1265[16:46:23] <Izaya> That's that then.
L1266[16:46:24] <AmandaC> Several. > 100 likely
L1267[16:46:29] <Izaya> o.O
L1268[16:46:36] <Izaya> for what purpose?
L1269[16:46:42] * AmandaC has a metric butt-ton of Animal Crossing Amiibo cards. :P
L1270[16:47:12] <payonel> the tags are subdermally located all over AmandaC
L1271[16:47:27] <AmandaC> Scratch the truth, I like payonel's example better.
L1272[16:47:56] <Michiyo> lol
L1273[16:48:27] <Inari> And they havel ittle vibration motors to be activated
L1274[16:48:48] <Michiyo> And theres Inari.. :P
L1275[16:48:54] <Inari> @BoxFox how's a webchat an IRC bridge
L1276[16:49:04] <BoxFox> Yea yea yeah... long day.. sorry
L1277[16:49:21] <BoxFox> Thinking one thing, say another :/
L1278[16:50:02] <gamax92> Inari: uhh, it bridges your browser with IRC!
L1279[16:50:59] <BoxFox> Gamax92: There ya go!
L1280[16:51:13] <BoxFox> Payonel, did you ever get to implement psh into the os?
L1281[16:53:15] <payonel> boxfox: yes, it's in oppm. but it partially worked by hacking some less-than-public apis which have been refactored
L1282[16:53:20] <payonel> so, i need to update it
L1283[16:54:01] <BoxFox> payonel, just curious. :) If you remember, when you were working on PSH, I sent you some code for a sh like program and asked "why it wasn't working" lol
L1284[16:54:21] <BoxFox> I'll check it out when I find where I left my copy of mc
L1285[16:55:24] <payonel> yeah that does sound familiar
L1286[16:56:01] <payonel> i need to push some updates (hopefully tonight), latest dev builds have a few bugs i'm fixing
L1287[16:56:33] <BoxFox> Sounds like a plan!
L1288[17:01:20] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E5809022C1C790E2F17C945.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1289[17:01:26] ⇦ Quits: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1290[17:03:39] *** Michiyo changes topic to 'Forums: https://oc.cil.li/ | Wiki: http://ocd.cil.li/ | Latest version: 1.6.2 | Dev Builds: http://ci.cil.li/ | Channel Rules: https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/171-oc-channel-rules/ | Stats: https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/stats.html | Discord: https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYm2aoXh'
L1291[17:03:54] <Michiyo> %delcommand discord
L1292[17:03:55] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Command deleted
L1293[17:04:00] <Michiyo> %addcommand discord https://discord.gg/0hVukoQ2KYm2aoXh
L1294[17:04:00] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Command Added
L1295[17:04:27] <Michiyo> This has been the source of my confusion
L1296[17:04:34] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4FC1EB08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'If you live to be 113, you're a teenager again!')
L1297[17:04:36] <Michiyo> the default channel WAS set to the proper channel..
L1298[17:04:47] <Michiyo> but the fucking invite was going to general cause that's the old #oc channel lol
L1299[17:05:59] <BoxFox> lol
L1300[17:09:07] ⇨ Joins: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs)
L1301[17:09:26] <BoxFox> hallo
L1302[17:11:46] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L1303[17:13:10] <Forecaster> Is hallo off-brand Jello
L1304[17:14:02] <gamax92> Made with artificial fruit flavor powder
L1305[17:14:15] <gamax92> ingredients: wax
L1306[17:17:58] <BoxFox> or it could be a way of saying "hello" in indonesian, Forecaster :P
L1307[17:18:23] <Forecaster> Psh, preposterous
L1308[17:18:29] <Michiyo> ^
L1309[17:19:12] <BoxFox> Orang Gila *walks out*
L1310[17:19:59] <Forecaster> That also sounds like a product name!
L1311[17:20:11] <BoxFox> Crazy people are a product of their mother, so maybe.
L1312[17:20:13] <Forecaster> Your just trying to sell is stuff!
L1313[17:20:26] <Forecaster> You're just trying to sell is stuff!
L1314[17:20:41] <Corded> * <Forecaster> gets the pitchforks and torches
L1315[17:20:42] <BoxFox> Last time I checked, human trafficing was illegal/frowned upon in many palces.
L1316[17:20:51] ⇦ Quits: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1317[17:21:02] <BoxFox> >.>
L1318[17:21:02] <BoxFox> animal abuse?
L1319[17:21:16] * Michiyo sells Forecaster a spelling/grammar checker
L1320[17:21:46] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@203-158-54-221.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1321[17:21:53] <Forecaster> It was my phone ):
L1322[17:22:20] <Michiyo> http://imgur.com/gallery/zm3Fkjh
L1323[17:23:15] <BoxFox> ~~Sheee must be looking at forecaster~~
L1324[17:23:33] <Michiyo> time to count down for the day, o/
L1325[17:23:35] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@106-69-192-230.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L1326[17:23:44] <Forecaster> Woo
L1327[17:24:08] <BoxFox> It's the final countdown?
L1328[17:24:26] <Forecaster> I've gone to bed already
L1329[17:24:32] <Forecaster> :D
L1330[17:26:14] ⇨ Joins: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs)
L1331[17:26:20] <Forecaster> I've been productive today
L1332[17:26:54] <BoxFox> oh?
L1333[17:26:57] <Forecaster> Done coding, yard work and drawing
L1334[17:30:08] <BoxFox> drawing?
L1335[17:31:29] <Forecaster> Yes drawing, figure drawing specifically
L1336[17:31:59] <BoxFox> may I see?
L1337[17:32:49] <Forecaster> There's a link on my website
L1338[17:36:34] <Kilobyte> i've fixed some stupidity bugs in my new router
L1339[17:36:42] <Kilobyte> so yeah, also productive :P
L1340[17:37:27] <Forecaster> The coding I did was on my mod pack distribution system :3
L1341[17:37:45] <Kilobyte> heh. nice
L1342[17:38:29] <Kilobyte> i have too many projects... just for my workplace i have 3 currently active
L1343[17:38:36] <Kilobyte> and private... 10?
L1344[17:38:52] <gamax92> I've been writing various patches for wine and and also working on redoing some patches
L1345[17:40:42] <BoxFox> about... 4 projects rn. Attempting to setup a cloud server, working on a website, a discord bot and some fun little lua code that should be easy but tedious.
L1346[17:40:43] <BoxFox> You guys seem faaaar more productive than me XD
L1347[17:41:44] <Forecaster> Did you find the site or was I too vague? :P
L1348[17:41:54] <BoxFox> The latter, lol.
L1349[17:42:25] <Forecaster> towerofawesome.org
L1350[17:43:46] <gamax92> is .lol a tld?
L1351[17:44:00] <BoxFox> ah, I found it now
L1352[17:44:48] <Forecaster> I think it is
L1353[17:44:53] <Mimiru> https://icannwiki.org/.lol
L1354[17:54:48] * AmandaC wonders how hard it'd be to prod libnfc into emulating amiibos
L1355[18:04:07] ⇦ Quits: andreww (~xarses@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1356[18:09:38] ⇨ Joins: jojotastic777_ (~jojotasti@
L1357[18:11:59] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1358[18:12:09] ⇦ Quits: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1359[18:12:56] <Wuerfel_21> gah, just got scared by my own game. And it's not even scary.
L1360[18:14:33] <BoxFox> uh?
L1361[18:16:45] <Wuerfel_21> Some time ago I messed with enemy AI and placed a test enemy (represented by a crappy voxel mandelbulb) into a dark alcove, to see if it would find me across the level
L1362[18:18:12] <Wuerfel_21> Fast-forward to now, where I mess around with something else. I open the door the said room, the thing comes out of the alcove and tries to hump my face
L1363[18:20:49] ⇨ Joins: Fallen0223 (~Fallen@cpe-24-211-147-118.nc.res.rr.com)
L1364[18:20:52] <Wuerfel_21> dramatic re-enactment http://tinyurl.com/yd8esp6y
L1365[18:22:52] <BoxFox> I just saw.. the worst made kia comercial ever...
L1366[18:22:52] <BoxFox> It was a commercial for US vets (for some reason I'm getting these here... why?)
L1367[18:22:52] <BoxFox> but it said.. firstteamkia
L1368[18:22:52] <BoxFox> "You're the first to run towards the action, the first to save lives, the first to put the country first" and then the kia logo passed the screen... "KIA"....
L1369[18:27:53] ⇨ Joins: IzayaXMPP (~858c52067@
L1370[18:29:22] <IzayaXMPP> GH is down for maintenance
L1371[18:29:23] <IzayaXMPP> damn
L1372[18:33:20] ⇦ Quits: Fallen0223 (~Fallen@cpe-24-211-147-118.nc.res.rr.com) (Quit: SHA-1 the Mighty has Fallen)
L1373[18:43:09] ⇨ Joins: Krennic (Krennic@ipv6.8.omega.elitebnc.org)
L1374[18:43:13] ⇦ Parts: Krennic (Krennic@ipv6.8.omega.elitebnc.org) ())
L1375[18:45:04] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (uid202308@id-202308.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1376[18:57:22] <IzayaXMPP> hm
L1377[18:57:33] <IzayaXMPP> now the Office 365 stuff doesn't have an invalid cert
L1378[18:57:35] <IzayaXMPP> it just doesn't load
L1379[18:57:46] <IzayaXMPP> \o/
L1380[18:57:51] ⇦ Parts: IzayaXMPP (~858c52067@ (Disconnected: closed))
L1381[19:12:18] <neptunepink> Does selene have continue? :I
L1382[19:13:42] ⇨ Joins: gg (webchat@cpe-98-10-179-99.rochester.res.rr.com)
L1383[19:13:52] <gg> how do i do this on oc
L1384[19:13:57] <BoxFox> gg everyone.. gg
L1385[19:14:12] <gg> whats the commands?
L1386[19:14:13] <BoxFox> Hi Gg :), Are you asking how to get espernet IRC on opencomputers?
L1387[19:14:22] <gg> i know how to install it
L1388[19:14:46] <BoxFox> it should... autojoin.. unless I'm mistaken
L1389[19:14:47] <gg> but yes
L1390[19:15:03] <gg> it wants me to specify a server and port
L1391[19:15:18] <BoxFox> ahhh... irc.esper.net
L1392[19:15:33] <BoxFox> it should use the default port, so it may not require it
L1393[19:15:58] <BoxFox> once it's up, do /jion #oc
L1394[19:16:36] ⇨ Joins: gg_ (webchat@cpe-98-10-179-99.rochester.res.rr.com)
L1395[19:16:42] <gg_> i forgot the comamnd
L1396[19:16:47] <gg_> and my web browser crahed
L1397[19:17:06] <BoxFox> the command is /join #oc last I checked
L1398[19:17:17] <gg_> can someone tell me the server?
L1399[19:17:17] <BoxFox> once you're on esper's network
L1400[19:17:37] <BoxFox> irc.esper.net... that's the network our IRC is using
L1401[19:17:58] <BoxFox> if that isn't working, then just try #oc
L1402[19:18:29] ⇦ Quits: gg (webchat@cpe-98-10-179-99.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1403[19:18:39] <BoxFox> o/
L1404[19:19:06] <BoxFox> it would seem irc finally found out your broswer crashed
L1405[19:20:29] ⇦ Quits: gg_ (webchat@cpe-98-10-179-99.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1406[19:22:32] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055__ (~Brandon@106-69-192-230.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1407[19:23:53] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ppp121-44-83-166.bras1.syd7.internode.on.net)
L1408[19:24:24] <BoxFox> Hello brandon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1409[19:25:31] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ppp121-44-83-166.bras1.syd7.internode.on.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1410[19:52:37] ⇦ Quits: rikai (~quassel@2607:5300:60:1308::1) (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
L1411[19:52:52] ⇨ Joins: rikai (~quassel@2607:5300:60:1308::1)
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L1416[20:42:12] * Mimiru sighs
L1417[20:44:22] <BoxFox> hi
L1418[21:05:05] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1419[21:28:49] <gamax92> ~markov Mimiru
L1420[21:28:50] <ocdoc> YT's api doesn't show any oddities, so no closing ``` or ` and if kibibyte parts/quits it sends the file exists you
L1421[21:29:14] <Mimiru> he
L1422[21:29:16] <Mimiru> heh*
L1423[21:30:52] <gamax92> ~markov Inari
L1424[21:30:53] <ocdoc> since it cant seem to find internet not sure, it should work, as far as i did for like a more interesting haha
L1425[21:34:13] <gamax92> ~markov gamax92
L1426[21:34:14] <ocdoc> Get 5! glasses of the crops you want to go update real time in lua with lots more sides of the commits to
L1427[21:34:31] <Mimiru> lol
L1428[21:34:34] <Mimiru> Get 5!
L1429[21:34:51] <gamax92> heh
L1430[21:35:23] <gamax92> ~markov gamax92
L1431[21:35:24] <ocdoc> Question, where a function that collects garbage and disconnects every time I run get "X is not being used for Coroutines.
L1432[21:36:01] <Mimiru> That doesn't sound like a question
L1433[21:36:28] <gamax92> ~markov payonel
L1434[21:36:28] <ocdoc> i'm more interested in this result: https://hastebin.com/lumapapujo.swift
L1435[21:36:36] <Mimiru> Me too.
L1436[21:36:44] <gamax92> missing~
L1437[21:36:47] <gamax92> ~markov payonel
L1438[21:36:47] <ocdoc> people will complain about ultra low mem it was very much not in root install dir, inside the lua environment he's using 5.3
L1439[21:37:05] <gamax92> sounds like him
L1440[21:37:09] <Mimiru> heh
L1441[21:37:18] <gamax92> ~markov Inari
L1442[21:37:18] <ocdoc> CompanionCube: i still want your butthole cast into a loli now than I think they eat me?
L1443[21:37:24] <gamax92> aaaand done
L1444[21:37:27] <Mimiru> woaaaaah
L1445[21:38:09] <Mimiru> %tell Inari <+gamax92> ~markov Inari <ocdoc> CompanionCube: i still want your butthole cast into a loli now than I think they eat me?
L1446[21:38:09] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Inari will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1447[21:38:18] <gamax92> :P
L1448[21:38:20] <Mimiru> %quote ocdoc CompanionCube: i still want your butthole cast into a loli now than I think they eat me?
L1449[21:38:21] <MichiBot> Mimiru: No quotes found for name 'ocdoc CompanionCube: i still want your butthole cast into a loli now than I think they eat me?'
L1450[21:38:24] <Mimiru> err
L1451[21:38:28] <Mimiru> %quote add CompanionCube: i still want your butthole cast into a loli now than I think they eat me?
L1452[21:38:28] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Quote added at id: 155
L1453[21:38:31] <Mimiru> shit no
L1454[21:38:32] <Mimiru> damn
L1455[21:38:37] <gamax92> good enough
L1456[21:38:55] <Mimiru> %quote remove 155
L1457[21:38:55] <MichiBot> Mimiru: No quotes found for name 'remove 155'
L1458[21:39:11] <Mimiru> IDK how my own bot works anymore.
L1459[21:39:12] <Mimiru> so fuck it
L1460[21:40:47] <Mimiru> %quote add ocdoc CompanionCube: i still want your butthole cast into a loli now than I think they eat me?
L1461[21:40:47] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Quote added at id: 156
L1462[21:41:00] <Mimiru> %quote del #155
L1463[21:41:00] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Quote removed.
L1464[21:41:07] <Mimiru> %quote ocdoc
L1465[21:41:07] <MichiBot> Quote #144: <ocdoc> Michiyo, i found out last night do /znc clearallchannelbuffers every time a train/cart would have no idea what the fuck connected
L1466[21:41:11] <Mimiru> lol
L1467[21:41:32] <gamax92> ~markov Michiyo
L1468[21:41:33] <ocdoc> ugh.. I need to send to this channel, :p
L1469[21:42:17] <Mimiru> lol...
L1470[21:46:10] <gamax92> Mimiru: it's okay :<
L1471[21:50:57] <BoxFox> *le-gasp* chat has activity
L1472[21:51:59] <gamax92> *le-gasp* hatred increases
L1473[22:00:47] <BoxFox> awwww
L1474[22:00:50] <BoxFox> no hate
L1475[22:00:59] <gamax92> oh ok
L1476[22:05:01] <BoxFox> how are you, buddy?
L1477[22:05:45] <BoxFox> and yes, I am going to repeatidly drop the word "buddy" to create the illusion of an ongoing, but non-existent friendly relationship :P
L1478[22:45:50] <gamax92> agh for fucks sake I just accidentally deleted a bunch of shit in my git repo
L1479[22:46:05] <Mimiru> git reset GIT RESET!
L1480[22:47:00] <gamax92> no, git clean trying to clean up patch rejects and forgetting I had important stuff inside the git repo
L1481[22:47:08] <Mimiru> Oh damn :/
L1482[23:07:54] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:2561:72ce:66c6:3e39) (Quit: Cervator)
L1483[23:08:06] ⇦ Quits: jojotastic777_ (~jojotasti@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1484[23:31:11] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (uid202308@id-202308.charlton.irccloud.com)
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