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L1[00:09:07] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580902D5172C629DCC6157.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L2[00:09:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L3[00:09:46] * AshIndigo boops MichiBot
L4[00:09:46] * MichiBot squeaks!
L5[00:09:54] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L6[00:10:15] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L7[00:20:19] <gamax92> hey AshIndigo
L8[00:24:54] <AshIndigo> Hey gamax92
L9[00:25:51] ⇦ Quits: neptunepink (~root@c-73-15-112-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L10[01:21:28] ⇨ Joins: Bhootrk_ (~Bhootrk_@
L11[01:51:18] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580902D5172C629DCC6157.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L12[02:20:33] ⇨ Joins: hrap (webchat@dsl-olubng12-54fa1d-70.dhcp.inet.fi)
L13[02:27:59] ⇦ Quits: hrap (webchat@dsl-olubng12-54fa1d-70.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L14[02:54:39] <Forecaster> http://cad-comic.com/comic/in-sandals/
L15[02:54:41] <Forecaster> hehe
L16[03:23:58] ⇨ Joins: asdf (webchat@174-134-97-128.res.bhn.net)
L17[03:24:04] <asdf> hi
L18[03:28:16] ⇦ Quits: asdf (webchat@174-134-97-128.res.bhn.net) (Client Quit)
L19[03:45:48] <AshIndigo> Bye
L20[04:00:47] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com)
L21[05:06:40] * AshIndigo stabs a nearby wall
L22[05:27:01] <Forecaster> how could you D:
L23[05:27:03] <Forecaster> poor wall
L24[05:29:43] * Izaya stabs a nearby Forecaster (with a plastic fork)
L25[05:31:36] <Forecaster> >:
L26[05:32:28] <Izaya> the question is
L27[05:32:31] <Izaya> who had the plastic fork?
L28[05:33:15] <LizzyTheKitty> i do!
L29[05:33:20] <Corded> * <LizzyTheKitty> runs off with it
L30[05:33:37] <Izaya> Guess I don't stab anyone with it then.
L31[05:33:51] <Izaya> Anyway Lizzy haven't talked to you in a while how's stuff?
L32[05:36:33] <LizzyTheKitty> stuff is good, I got a skirt yesterday which i love. how is Izaya?
L33[05:36:40] <Izaya> cold :<
L34[05:36:53] <Izaya> I got a graphics tablet and a less crazy girlfriend though which is nice
L35[05:37:38] <LizzyTheKitty> when i'm cold at home i just play a resource intensive game (like gta, arma or VR) and my pc will happily heat my room up for me :P
L36[05:38:27] <Izaya> I run ARK but my desktop isn't in my bedroom
L37[05:46:45] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L38[06:22:23] * AshIndigo looks at the plastic knife
L39[06:32:54] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L40[06:45:11] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl)
L41[06:47:04] <Mettaton_Fab> my PC is in my room
L42[06:47:15] <Mettaton_Fab> no matter what i do, the room gets warm
L43[06:47:30] <Mettaton_Fab> i dont even have to run an intensive game
L44[06:47:38] <Mettaton_Fab> i just let windows idle about
L45[06:49:08] <Izaya> that's pretty intensive
L46[06:52:02] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com)
L47[07:04:22] <Mettaton_Fab> and that laptop i am currently using as a PC is from 2013 i think
L48[07:05:01] <Izaya> mine's from 2011
L49[07:05:03] * Izaya shrugs
L50[07:10:42] <Mettaton_Fab> damn crappy windows 10
L51[07:16:34] <Izaya> I would agree with you
L52[07:16:41] <Izaya> but every time I do I'm attacked from all sides
L53[07:17:46] <Mettaton_Fab> windows 10 makes my laptop super slow
L54[07:17:57] <Mettaton_Fab> explorer does not work properly
L55[07:18:17] <Izaya> messed with it a bit at work
L56[07:18:23] <Izaya> managed to crash explorer by opening the start menu
L57[07:20:01] <Mettaton_Fab> thats what happens when it boots up on my PC
L58[07:20:17] <Saphire> OWO
L59[07:20:28] <Saphire> https://github.com/OpenCubicChunks/CubicChunks
L60[07:21:17] <AshIndigo> :O
L61[07:27:54] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fc1ed21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L62[07:29:20] * Saphire notices inari
L63[07:29:23] <Saphire> OWO
L64[07:29:26] <Saphire> what's that?
L65[07:29:30] <Inari> ?
L66[07:29:43] <Inari> gamax92: :P
L67[07:29:48] <Inari> ~markov Inari
L68[07:29:49] <ocdoc> "here" meaning "you can knock down on busses so that might not like it, never ends~ *dances*~ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
L69[07:29:59] <Inari> Oo
L70[07:36:20] <Inari> Oh interesting
L71[07:38:40] <Inari> Using 1 == x instead of x == 1 means your compiler errors if you use = instead of == by accident
L72[07:45:48] <Mimiru> gods fucking damn ._.
L73[07:47:06] <BoxFox> Hallo
L74[07:47:24] <Inari> Mimiru: ?
L75[07:47:39] <Inari> @BoxFox Ya Hallo
L76[07:47:45] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/issues/79
L77[07:49:27] <BoxFox> Hello inari, long time no see :)
L78[07:50:05] <Inari> ~markov TheFox
L79[07:50:06] <ocdoc> and its my code and slowly dying inside a file?
L80[07:50:18] <BoxFox> Wut
L81[07:50:35] <BoxFox> Is markov random messages ive sent in the past?
L82[07:51:14] <Inari> %wiki markov chain
L83[07:51:18] <Inari> :<
L84[07:51:28] <Inari> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain
L85[07:51:31] <MichiBot> Inari: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain - *Markov chain - Wikipedia*: "In probability theory and related fields, a Markov process, named after the Russian mathematician Andrey Markov, is a stochastic process that satisfies the ..."
L86[07:51:31] <Mimiru> ...
L87[07:51:35] <Mimiru> %g wiki test
L88[07:51:37] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test - *Test - Wikipedia*: "Test, TEST or Tester may refer to: Test (assessment), an assessment intended to measure the respondents' knowledge or other abilities; Medical test, to detect, ..."
L89[07:51:45] <Mimiru> %g wiki markov chain
L90[07:51:46] <MichiBot> Mimiru: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain - *Markov chain - Wikipedia*: "In probability theory and related fields, a Markov process, named after the Russian mathematician Andrey Markov, is a stochastic process that satisfies the ..."
L91[07:51:55] <Mimiru> k, the alias is broken, or not there.
L92[07:52:31] <Inari> @BoxFox tl;dr it uses messages that you've sent in the past and merges them together
L93[07:52:37] <BoxFox> Could you not just say "it rngs your logs and displays the one it gets".....
L94[07:52:40] <BoxFox> Ph
L95[07:52:43] <BoxFox> Oh*
L96[07:52:45] <Inari> :P
L97[07:52:46] <BoxFox> Nvmd then
L98[07:53:24] <Inari> MEh I'm exhausted and want to relax, but no clue what to watch or play
L99[07:53:49] <Mimiru> ~markov Michiyo
L100[07:53:50] <ocdoc> Heh, note why I did it really break?
L101[07:54:11] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_wAvgnYenE
L102[07:54:25] <BoxFox> Open computers, talos principle, oor you could watch mimiru and play gamax
L103[07:54:26] <MichiBot> BRIKS - Arkanoid Meets Anime Tits Meets PS4's Steamification | length: 7m 44s | Likes: 1,756 Dislikes: 27 Views: 44,492 | by Jim Sterling | Published On 6/6/2017
L104[07:54:37] <Mimiru> o_O
L105[08:02:39] <Forecaster> did BoxFox turn into markov?
L106[08:03:05] <Mimiru> seems likely
L107[08:05:48] <Inari> ~markov Forecaster
L108[08:05:49] <ocdoc> so I can fix that too but it just said the reason I need a job so I don't have enough ram to render
L109[08:06:03] <Mimiru> kaaaaay
L110[08:06:22] <BoxFox> Did turn into something smart? Not likely
L111[08:06:57] <Inari> Guess I'll watch some ASMR Barber then
L112[08:07:10] <BoxFox> Well never heard that b4
L113[08:07:42] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwYKR-Sx7tc now you have
L114[08:07:42] <MichiBot> Italian Barber shave massage and hot towel 1/5 - No Talking ASMR | length: 7m 6s | Likes: 321 Dislikes: 24 Views: 65,737 | by ASMR Barber | Published On 22/4/2015
L115[08:07:43] <Inari> xD
L116[08:09:27] <BoxFox> Noooo thanks :) i have never been effected by asmr, sowwy
L117[08:09:44] <Inari> I only rarely get teh supposed tingles or something
L118[08:09:50] <Inari> But it makes me relaxed, warm and sleepy
L119[08:09:51] <Inari> So
L120[08:09:52] <Inari> :P
L121[08:10:13] <Forecaster> stupid caches
L122[08:10:15] * Forecaster grumbles
L123[08:10:32] <BoxFox> Goosebumps??? Just scare the shit out of your self, that works for me
L124[08:10:34] <Inari> Forecaster is geocaching
L125[08:11:08] <Inari> @BoxFox Well goosebumps are different I think :P PLus there are different ways to get goosebumps
L126[08:11:25] <Forecaster> I'm not geocaching :I
L127[08:11:34] <Inari> Arguably goosebumps from being touched by a loved one are better than goosebumps from being touhced by a greepy old guy on the train whos panting heavily
L128[08:11:36] * Mimiru caches Forecaster
L129[08:11:52] <Forecaster> stupid apache
L130[08:11:58] <Forecaster> >:
L131[08:12:05] * Mimiru apaches Forecaster
L132[08:12:10] <Inari> A native american stole the geocache?
L133[08:12:10] <Forecaster> why do you have to be such a pain to configure
L134[08:12:12] <BoxFox> Inari, would you mind not making me laugh that loud?
L135[08:12:13] <BoxFox> XD
L136[08:12:42] <Izaya> apache2 is okay to configure
L137[08:12:43] * Mimiru Forecasters Forecaster
L138[08:12:55] <Izaya> hell, it's not dovecot+postfix
L139[08:13:05] <Forecaster> still
L140[08:13:09] <Forecaster> it's a pain
L141[08:13:12] * Izaya shudders violently
L142[08:13:19] <Mimiru> fuck that shit.
L143[08:13:21] <Mimiru> ugh
L144[08:17:07] <Forecaster> I'm trying to make it not cache files in a specific dir with subdirs
L145[08:17:14] <Forecaster> it's not going well :I
L146[08:17:17] <Inari> I guess I do get those "nice tingles" ASMR describes when I'm the focus of someone's attention. So like when I'm at the hair saloon. Or painting on each other in school or such stuff :P I guess for some ASMR is the same, but I just use it to relax
L147[08:25:46] * AshIndigo yawns and attempts to accomplish something
L148[08:29:26] * AmandaC yawns and doesn't
L149[08:29:34] * AmandaC curls up in Inari's lap
L150[08:30:00] <AshIndigo> ~markov AmandaC
L151[08:30:01] <ocdoc> gamax92: ? here too bad, I assume because it doesn't seem to be iterating and bugfixing rapidly, gamax92 west coast Inari...
L152[08:30:44] <Inari> %pet AmandaC
L153[08:30:45] * MichiBot pets AmandaC with moopants. AmandaC recovers 6 health!
L154[08:30:55] <Inari> Thats something for Temia
L155[08:31:21] <AshIndigo> %give Temia moopants
L156[08:31:22] * MichiBot gives Temia moopants from her inventory
L157[08:33:40] <Inari> %stab test
L158[08:33:40] * MichiBot strikes test with a tasty treat doing [3] damage
L159[08:33:50] <Inari> Forecaster: Stuff takes 1 damage from being used?
L160[08:34:04] <Forecaster> yes
L161[08:34:33] <Inari> What about a prefix system indicating it's status. <nothing>/new -> used -> worn -> ruined -> *poof* or so
L162[08:34:39] <AshIndigo> D: not test!
L163[08:35:25] <Forecaster> what's the point of that? :P
L164[08:35:34] <Inari> Its nicer
L165[08:36:10] <Inari> "MichiBot pets AmandaC with used moopants. AmandaC recovers 6 health! MichiBot puts the now worn moopants back in her inventory."
L166[08:36:26] <AshIndigo> "MichiBot strikes test with a used rag doing [3] damage"
L167[08:36:28] <Forecaster> that just seems more cluttery to me
L168[08:36:37] <AshIndigo> %inv add rag
L169[08:36:37] * MichiBot summons 'rag' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L170[08:36:42] <AshIndigo> :>
L171[08:36:47] <Inari> Eh, it indicates the item's state and is just nice imo xD
L172[08:36:51] <Temia> Moopants? o-o
L173[08:36:59] <AmandaC> pants for a moo!
L174[08:37:25] <Forecaster> I could add a command such as %inv status <item>
L175[08:37:47] <Inari> But then you have to trigger that to see any stauts indication
L176[08:37:50] <Forecaster> could tell you who added it and it's aproximate state
L177[08:38:16] <Forecaster> yes, because I don't want to clutter the other messages
L178[08:39:04] <AmandaC> You could also add it to inv list
L179[08:39:13] <AmandaC> 's page
L180[08:39:22] <Inari> pets <target> with <item>. <target> recovers <num> health! <item> degraded.
L181[08:39:23] <Inari> ?
L182[08:39:38] <Forecaster> I don't know how that works, that's Michiyo's domain
L183[08:40:05] * Izaya just had a horrifying idea
L184[08:40:07] <Forecaster> I mean I could check, but meh
L185[08:40:20] <Izaya> So I write a script that wraps ocemu and filters debug messages
L186[08:40:28] <Forecaster> "<item> degraded" doesn't tell you it's state
L187[08:40:42] <Forecaster> also "pet" immidately consumes an item
L188[08:40:43] <Inari> Well <item> includes its current state
L189[08:40:50] <Inari> So Saying it degrades means its in the next worse one
L190[08:40:56] <Inari> Oh :P
L191[08:41:00] <Inari> Wait
L192[08:41:02] <Inari> How does that work
L193[08:41:11] <Forecaster> how does what work?
L194[08:41:12] <Inari> I pet AmandaC with it, but AshIndigo could %give it still
L195[08:41:22] <Izaya> and I set up unix pipe files so I could less them or something
L196[08:41:24] <Izaya> it's genius
L197[08:41:53] <Forecaster> well, it's supposed to consume the items at any rate
L198[08:42:38] <Forecaster> maybe there were two...
L199[08:42:51] <Forecaster> %pet inari
L200[08:42:53] * MichiBot brushes inari with a backup of the united states, pre November 8th. inari recovers 3 health!, the backup of the united states, pre November 8th is eaten by a Grue.
L201[08:43:22] <Forecaster> that vanished
L202[08:43:40] <Inari> Themoopants did not
L203[08:43:47] <Inari> %pet Forecaster
L204[08:43:48] * MichiBot brushes Forecaster with LUA. Forecaster recovers 3 health!
L205[08:44:36] <Forecaster> maybe I capped the uses consumed per pet
L206[08:44:59] <Forecaster> and the moopants still had uses left afterwards
L207[08:45:19] <Inari> Thats nicer anyways
L208[08:45:59] <AshIndigo> %inv add lUA
L209[08:45:59] * MichiBot summons 'lUA' and adds to her inventory. This seems very sturdy.
L210[08:46:09] <Inari> %inv add UA
L211[08:46:09] <MichiBot> Inari: I cannot execute this command right now. Wait 20 seconds.
L212[08:46:33] <Inari> %inv add UA
L213[08:46:33] * MichiBot summons 'UA' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L214[08:46:55] <LizzyTheKitty> .-.
L215[08:47:01] <Inari> ?
L216[08:47:11] <Inari> This limiting is silly btw
L217[08:47:24] <AshIndigo> ¿
L218[08:47:35] <Inari> It just causes more spam cause people have to send it again. And then sometimes they send it and it goes "WAit 0/1 seconds." because they sent it slightl too soon
L219[08:47:39] <Inari> And thne they send it a third time
L220[08:48:03] <Forecaster> seems I take the uses left / 2
L221[08:48:42] <Forecaster> but the minimum is 1
L222[08:50:22] <Michiyo> Well, Inari if you like I can just make the bot ignore you for an hour if you send the same command multiple times.
L223[08:50:23] <Michiyo> :D
L224[08:51:38] <Inari> That just leads to them trying it again in 59 minutes
L225[08:51:44] <Inari> So, yay, more spam
L226[08:51:44] <Inari> :P
L227[08:52:04] <Forecaster> but it's spam 59 minutes into the future :P
L228[08:52:47] <Inari> Makes it worse because inflation
L229[08:52:55] <Skye> How about sending a notice
L230[08:53:04] <Skye> As in private notice
L231[08:53:21] <Skye> "your command was ignored because of the timeout"
L232[08:55:03] <AmandaC> Inari: that kind of reaction-based chaining of adding stuff is exactly why the timeout was added, when there's a higher percentage of nublets they get excited
L233[08:56:13] <Inari> AmandaC: To people ever call you Amy?
L234[08:56:26] <AmandaC> Nope, you were the only one that did that. :P
L235[08:56:31] <Inari> :P
L236[08:57:22] <Inari> %inv add Amy's fallen out whiskers
L237[08:57:24] * MichiBot summons 'Amy's fallen out whiskers' and adds to her inventory. This seems rather fragile...
L238[08:57:32] <AmandaC> D:
L239[08:57:52] <Inari> ? :P
L240[08:57:58] <AmandaC> Why have you been collecting those!?
L241[08:58:12] <Inari> Trophies?
L242[08:58:45] <Inari> I wanna play Trio of Towns already. It's such a nice season fro it
L243[08:59:35] <Inari> AmandaC: What do peopel shorten Amanda to then :|
L244[08:59:42] <AmandaC> Nothing. :P
L245[08:59:56] <AmandaC> Amanda is pretty short already
L246[09:00:04] <Forecaster> ed to 'map_tiles/level_6/1-4.png'
L247[09:00:09] <Forecaster> oops
L248[09:00:33] <Inari> Forecaster is gamedeving?
L249[09:00:41] <Forecaster> no
L250[09:01:00] <Michiyo> looks like a zoomable map system :P
L251[09:01:07] <AmandaC> Those look like Google Maps-compatable map tiles
L252[09:01:14] <Michiyo> ^
L253[09:01:30] <Inari> %search "ed to 'map_tiles/level_6/1-4.png'"
L254[09:01:30] <MichiBot> Inari: Unknown sub-command '"ed' (Try: google, curseForge, wiki, urban, ann, youtube)
L255[09:01:35] <Inari> %search google "ed to 'map_tiles/level_6/1-4.png'"
L256[09:01:36] <MichiBot> Inari: Search failed
L257[09:01:38] <Inari> :<
L258[09:01:54] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L259[09:02:15] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L260[09:02:24] <Forecaster> I accidentally copypasted part of the output from my tile generator
L261[09:02:36] <Izaya> %search google map_tiles/level_6/1-4.png
L262[09:02:38] <MichiBot> Izaya: https://www.mapbox.com/vector-tiles/mapbox-streets-v7/ - *Mapbox Streets v7 | Mapbox*: "3, Some subnational regions or groupings: regions of Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, Venezuela; governorates of Lebanon; federal .... Values can be 1-4."
L263[09:02:45] <Michiyo> ..
L264[09:02:52] <Inari> Whats in everyone's clipboard?
L265[09:03:09] <AmandaC> buttload of libnfc example code.
L266[09:03:16] <Izaya> just showed mine
L267[09:03:43] <Michiyo> it seems whatever is in mine isn't text.. lol
L268[09:03:54] <Forecaster> http://tinyurl.com/y9gnyx68
L269[09:04:09] <Inari> Michiyo: Maybe its a cute image of you in your maid uniform! :o
L270[09:05:05] <Michiyo> and puush says it's not a supported format
L271[09:05:08] <Michiyo> so the world will never know
L272[09:05:24] <Forecaster> hm, my tile generator seems to break down when there's too many levels...
L273[09:05:31] <Michiyo> You said cute, and image of me..
L274[09:05:32] <Michiyo> hahahaha
L275[09:05:34] <Michiyo> hahaaa..
L276[09:05:36] <Michiyo> ha :/
L277[09:05:39] <Forecaster> the topmost levels are just the same zoom level, but shifted over a few tiles
L278[09:05:57] <Forecaster> I think inari would think anything is cute if it's in a maid outfit
L279[09:06:08] <Izaya> quick
L280[09:06:16] <Izaya> someone make a photo of a brick in a maid outfit
L281[09:06:18] <Izaya> /
L282[09:06:21] <Izaya> >.>
L283[09:07:01] ⇨ Joins: luisa (~luisa@
L284[09:07:01] <Michiyo> I was totally going to..
L285[09:07:03] <Michiyo> but meh
L286[09:07:24] <Michiyo> I have no motivation today
L287[09:08:02] * Forecaster puts motivation in Michiyo's coffee
L288[09:08:14] <Michiyo> I had an espresso, that was a mistake.
L289[09:08:39] <Forecaster> I found a tutorial about drawing grass
L290[09:10:01] * AshIndigo draws a single blade of grass and calls it a day
L291[09:10:40] ⇨ Joins: Fallen0223 (~Fallen@cpe-24-211-147-118.nc.res.rr.com)
L292[09:11:02] <luisa> http://bit.do/images-sex-com-images-pinporn-2017-04-05-300-17586388-gif
L293[09:11:20] <Michiyo> !kickban luisa
L294[09:11:20] *** zsh sets mode: +b *!*@
L295[09:11:20] *** luisa was kicked by zsh ((Michiyo) No reason given))
L296[09:11:27] <AshIndigo> \o/
L297[09:11:40] <Michiyo> It goes without saying...
L298[09:11:46] <Michiyo> don't click that link.
L299[09:12:15] <Forecaster> I clicked it :D
L300[09:12:21] <AshIndigo> the address says enough :\
L301[09:12:21] <Inari> I kinda want to know what it leads to
L302[09:12:22] <Inari> :<
L303[09:12:32] <AshIndigo> click itQSW!DErf3gz6hJh'jk
L304[09:12:43] <Forecaster> it didn't do anything because my ssh client doesn't hyperlink
L305[09:12:45] <AshIndigo> be right back
L306[09:12:48] <AshIndigo> murdering someone
L307[09:13:47] ⇨ Joins: MaDmaxwell_Work (~MaDmaxwel@24-196-199-105.static.hckr.nc.charter.com)
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L309[09:15:36] <Forecaster> %give AshIndigo a flamethrower
L310[09:15:37] * MichiBot gives AshIndigo a flamethrower from her inventory
L311[09:16:04] ⇨ Joins: MaDmaxwell_Work (~MaDmaxwel@24-196-199-105.static.hckr.nc.charter.com)
L312[09:17:17] <Inari> UIt's some "Better than tinder" site apparnetly
L313[09:19:09] <Forecaster> it must be because the scaling is wrong...
L314[09:19:30] <Forecaster> I might need it to magnify that in some way for it to match up
L315[09:20:12] <Inari> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBpS7q0UIAIgaTm.jpg
L316[09:21:03] <Skye> ...
L317[09:22:25] ⇨ Joins: hrap (webchat@dsl-olubng12-54fa1d-70.dhcp.inet.fi)
L318[09:25:09] <AshIndigo> Thanks fore!
L319[09:27:38] <Inari> Skye: ;3
L321[09:29:26] <Michiyo> I GET IT.
L322[09:29:40] * Michiyo blams gitlab
L323[09:35:17] <Michiyo> 13.7GB used before gitlab-ctl restart
L324[09:35:28] <Michiyo> 4.91 after.
L325[09:35:28] <Michiyo> ._.
L326[09:35:43] <Michiyo> wtf gitlab.
L327[09:35:46] <Forecaster> well, if you have a lab full of gits they'll use all of the resources
L328[09:37:12] <Michiyo> but that's damn near 9GB of RAM...
L329[09:37:22] <Michiyo> got a fucking git gui basically.
L330[09:37:24] <Michiyo> err
L331[09:37:25] <Michiyo> for a*
L332[09:39:29] ⇦ Quits: hrap (webchat@dsl-olubng12-54fa1d-70.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L333[09:40:13] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Outside!)
L334[09:45:43] * Michiyo sighs at her Newegg cart
L335[09:45:49] <Michiyo> $890
L336[09:46:11] <MaDmaxwell_Work> That moment when Windows Error Manager says "Microsoft Windows is not responding."
L337[09:46:11] <Michiyo> awww :( my RAM is out of stock..
L338[09:46:17] <Michiyo> not like it REALLY matters..
L339[09:46:19] <Inari> Have you considering used eggs?
L340[09:46:47] <MaDmaxwell_Work> Michiyo, what ram do you need, I might be able to find it for you if you are in the US.
L341[09:47:12] <Michiyo> Well, I don't have the money for it ATM, heh
L342[09:47:17] <Michiyo> but this is what I'd picked https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232091
L343[09:49:17] <Michiyo> but yeah.. this was more of a damn I wish I had that kinda cash thing lol
L344[09:49:43] <MaDmaxwell_Work> So how much RAM do you need for what price?
L345[09:49:44] <Michiyo> hmm.. I wonder
L346[09:49:51] <Michiyo> Test
L347[09:50:13] <Michiyo> nope, I don't translate IRC text formatting to Discord.
L348[09:50:26] <Michiyo> umm, 32GB of DDR4 for $Free.99
L349[09:50:27] <Michiyo> :P
L350[09:50:43] <MaDmaxwell_Work> Does it need to be 2 sticks?
L351[09:51:19] <Michiyo> Need to be? No, but if I ever want to go to 64 it'd be handy heh, anyway like I said, I'm just about broke, so theres *NOT* a whole lot of point in shopping around right now.
L352[09:54:47] <MaDmaxwell_Work> For future reference, try this website if you are searching for computer parts, https://pcpartpicker.com/
L353[09:55:35] <Forecaster> blub
L354[09:55:40] <Forecaster> maps are hard >:
L355[09:55:47] <Michiyo> Yes, I know about pcpartpicker.
L356[09:55:52] <MaDmaxwell_Work> Ah okay.
L357[09:56:05] <gamax92> I have a whole 8GB :D
L358[09:56:16] <gamax92> What year do I live in?
L359[09:56:22] <Michiyo> The CPU and Board on this config is $600.. lol
L360[09:56:32] <Forecaster> the year NaN
L361[09:57:02] <Michiyo> http://puu.sh/wdrNG/7c52a67602.png
L362[09:57:03] <Forecaster> it was the year Redacted was invented
L363[09:59:21] <MaDmaxwell_Work> XD mine was like $800
L364[10:00:04] <MaDmaxwell_Work> I7-3820 with an MSI X79A-GD45 Plus
L365[10:00:15] <gamax92> Seems I'm still about ~2007 era
L366[10:01:11] <gamax92> cpu is late 2008
L367[10:01:34] <MaDmaxwell_Work> Mine is Q1-2012
L368[10:01:44] <Skye> My computer is 2013 mid high end
L369[10:02:06] <Skye> The GPU is 2009 mid range
L370[10:02:19] <Skye> RAM is high end
L371[10:02:29] <Skye> The CPU is mid high
L372[10:02:52] <Skye> It's odd having stuff from different years in your computer
L373[10:02:56] <Michiyo> this is a Ryzen 1800 and a ASUS Prime X370-Pro
L374[10:03:12] <gamax92> D:
L375[10:03:27] <Michiyo> my current system is a FX 8350, and I don't remember the board
L376[10:03:30] <Michiyo> with 32GB of ram
L377[10:03:35] <gamax92> oh
L378[10:03:37] <Michiyo> it's an ASUS something :D
L379[10:03:43] <Skye> Gigabyte Z87-D3HP Intel i5-????K one of the Haswell chips that don't transfer heat properly
L380[10:04:43] <Michiyo> but yeah, the plan is next tax season, finish fixing my car, have it painted, toss a bit of money into upgrading my computer and giving Naomi my 8350 and supporting components.
L381[10:04:52] <Michiyo> then sticking the rest into a plane ticket.
L382[10:05:25] <gamax92> Michiyo: come join me in my C2Q world, atleast we have weird hybrid boards that take both DDR2 and DDR3
L383[10:05:28] <Michiyo> and getting the fuck out of the armpit of arkansas.
L384[10:05:29] <Skye> My plan is just to hope nothing breaks
L385[10:05:48] <Michiyo> lol, I had a board that took DDR1 and 2
L386[10:06:03] <MaDmaxwell_Work> IF you are planning on next tax season, wait before you set your mind on a build
L387[10:06:13] <Michiyo> Oh, nothing is set in stone.
L388[10:06:15] <Michiyo> I assure you
L389[10:06:19] <Michiyo> Threadripper looks very nice.
L390[10:06:20] <Michiyo> lol
L391[10:06:29] <MaDmaxwell_Work> Intel is announcing 8th gen soon and AMD has Threadripper
L392[10:07:31] <MaDmaxwell_Work> Hopefully 8th gen has at least 10-15% improvement at least. I am getting tired of 1-2% improvement each year.
L393[10:07:57] <gamax92> GPU and drives are the only things I can take with me :/
L394[10:08:27] <Izaya> Pentium II 350Mhz. NetBurst BTFO
L395[10:08:33] <gamax92> Need new CPU, board and memory
L396[10:08:43] <gamax92> lol netburst
L397[10:09:17] <Michiyo> I've got a GTX 960.. I don't see myself upgrading it for a while
L398[10:09:23] <Michiyo> the 10XX series looks very nice..
L399[10:09:24] <Michiyo> but meh
L400[10:09:34] <Michiyo> the 960 plays everything I throw at it with no issue.
L401[10:09:42] <Michiyo> I don't have 4k displays so *shrugs*
L402[10:09:44] * Izaya is still of the opinion that neither Intel or AMD are producing products that make him want to upgrade
L403[10:09:51] <MaDmaxwell_Work> ^
L404[10:10:04] <gamax92> Well I could upgrade that too but I know my system itself is a bottleneck
L405[10:10:57] <Skye> I want a new GPU
L406[10:11:07] <MaDmaxwell_Work> I find it funny that Intel is about to announce 8th gen at 10nm and here comes IBM saying they made working transistors at 5nm.
L407[10:11:18] <Skye> My GPU is good but the VRAM is the bottleneck
L408[10:11:25] <Skye> Can't have all my monitors on one GPU
L409[10:11:32] <Skye> I have to use integrated and dedicated
L410[10:11:36] <Skye> Breaks many programs
L411[10:11:46] <Izaya> Intel and AMD are still producing CPUs with either the Intel Management Engine or AMD Platform Security Processor
L412[10:11:53] <Michiyo> I've got all 3 of mine on the 960
L413[10:12:11] <MaDmaxwell_Work> I have no integrated graphics :P
L414[10:12:23] <Izaya> Not sure whether I prefer a completely closed processor or an ARM processor as my CPU backdoor
L415[10:13:17] <Izaya> Can't really mess with either very much
L416[10:13:22] <Syrren> afaik Intel CPUs have two backdoors now
L417[10:13:29] <Izaya> Two?
L418[10:13:31] <Syrren> don't forget the "trusted execution" engine
L419[10:13:31] <Izaya> Oh wonderful.
L420[10:13:54] <Syrren> the TPU has plenty of access too, for that matter, so that makes (theoretically) three.
L421[10:14:12] <Izaya> Oh wonderful.
L422[10:14:19] <Skye> I wonder what it would Take to make the EU outlaw backdoors
L423[10:14:32] <Syrren> I wonder what it would take to make the CPU manufacturers actually remove them
L424[10:14:43] <Skye> The EU outlawing them
L425[10:14:46] <Skye> :P
L426[10:14:49] <gamax92> that
L427[10:14:57] ⇨ Joins: xarses_ (~xarses@
L428[10:14:58] <Syrren> I bet they'd just make crippled EU models
L429[10:15:01] <Izaya> ^
L430[10:15:10] <Skye> The EU is a huge market
L431[10:15:15] <Syrren> which would contain custom backdoors which carefully side-step the law while keeping the Five Eyes happy
L432[10:16:02] <MaDmaxwell_Work> And don't forget the Intel Management Engine having a flaw on the firmware level that can't be patched on some CPU's
L433[10:16:04] <Skye> Well... Who are the five eyes? US UK NZ? Who are the other two?
L434[10:16:08] <MaDmaxwell_Work> CPUs*
L435[10:16:17] <Syrren> Australia's part of Five Eyes, iirc
L436[10:16:21] <MaDmaxwell_Work> US UK NZ CA and AU
L437[10:16:26] <Skye> Yeahhh
L438[10:16:33] <Skye> The UK is leaving the EU
L439[10:16:35] <Skye> So Uh
L440[10:16:46] <Izaya> The UK is a police state anyway
L441[10:16:50] <MaDmaxwell_Work> that is gonna fuck up gameservers
L442[10:17:00] <Skye> Not really
L443[10:17:09] <MaDmaxwell_Work> if they contain personal info
L444[10:17:10] <Skye> Internet will be faster to the EU
L445[10:17:28] ⇨ Joins: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:cc72:b152:9adf:d2ad)
L446[10:17:55] <Skye> The few MMOs I've played allow me to connect to US servers and EU servers.
L447[10:17:57] <Skye> So.
L448[10:18:06] <Skye> Won't make. Much difference
L449[10:18:19] <Turtle> That´s usually safety shield at work
L450[10:18:29] <Syrren> game servers probably fall under "bread and circuses" unstated exemption
L451[10:18:38] <Turtle> Safety shield will implode if May gets her way
L452[10:18:41] <Skye> Except to people who are stupidly patriotic and hate the EU
L453[10:19:05] <Skye> The UK still has the DPA
L454[10:19:19] <MaDmaxwell_Work> They will probably just make a Safe Harbor agreement if anything.
L455[10:19:30] <MaDmaxwell_Work> Now that I think about it
L456[10:19:32] <Skye> It will be one of the many things
L457[10:19:34] <Turtle> DPA, _for now_
L458[10:19:55] <Skye> I don't think they're that stupid to destroy all online-
L459[10:19:59] <Skye> Wait fuck encryption
L460[10:20:22] <Turtle> You mean stupid enough to burn down human rights because ¨spooky terrorists¨
L461[10:20:24] <Skye> Okay yes our government is so stupid they don't even know that banning encryption will cripple our economy
L462[10:20:29] <Turtle> while also defunding police?
L463[10:21:02] <Turtle> You have a golden chance to steer away from total disaster with your election, don´t fuck it up UK.
L464[10:21:30] <MaDmaxwell_Work> I like how governments ban encryption except for themselves because they want to have secrets
L465[10:22:50] <Skye> Turtle, the UK will Fuck up. I'd like to be hopeful but brexit.
L466[10:23:55] <Turtle> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L467[10:24:22] <Turtle> ... GTK, y u gotta be so utterly irredeemably shit at unicode
L468[10:24:29] <Skye> My plan is to escape to another country when I can.
L469[10:24:54] <Skye> If the UK still has free elections in 2022 then I'll stand as an MP because WTF not?
L470[10:26:12] ⇨ Joins: Asior (~Asior@
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L472[10:38:48] <gamax92> ahh crap
L473[10:39:06] <gamax92> forgot to take my cross compiled tests
L474[10:41:28] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com)
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L477[10:50:04] <Skye> You know what would be interesting... A hung parliament.
L478[10:50:14] <Skye> Because no one can negotiate with the EU
L479[10:50:21] <Skye> It'll be unfun but interesting
L480[10:54:51] ⇨ Joins: polyzium (~polyzium@broadband-5-228-74-248.moscow.rt.ru)
L481[10:56:17] <polyzium> hello?
L482[10:56:35] <polyzium> anyone familliar with ocmips?
L483[10:56:50] <AmandaC> Greetings Squirrl
L484[10:57:26] <polyzium> i know this wasn't updated in like a year but i decided to check it out
L485[10:57:40] <polyzium> it looks like it's broken
L486[10:58:41] <polyzium> i got a bunch of boot errors
L487[10:58:55] <polyzium> with that embedded mlua floppy
L488[10:59:57] <Forecaster> what is ocmips?
L489[11:00:25] <polyzium> mips architecture for opencomputers
L490[11:00:33] <Forecaster> ah
L491[11:00:38] ⇦ Quits: polyzium (~polyzium@broadband-5-228-74-248.moscow.rt.ru) (Quit: Proudly using WocChat!)
L492[11:00:44] * Forecaster doesn't know what mips is either
L493[11:00:52] <Michiyo> who was doing mips again...
L494[11:00:55] <Michiyo> I can't remember :/
L495[11:01:04] <Forecaster> they quit anyway :P
L496[11:01:08] <Syrren> Forecaster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIPS_architecture
L497[11:01:22] <Michiyo> iamgreaser
L498[11:01:33] <Forecaster> you are?!
L499[11:01:35] <Forecaster> :O
L500[11:01:40] <Michiyo> ...
L501[11:01:55] <Forecaster> sorry :P
L502[11:02:10] <Michiyo> GreaseMonkey!
L503[11:02:11] <Michiyo> lol
L504[11:02:45] <Michiyo> 8/27/16 "[03:38:54] <GreaseMonkey> i've pretty much given up on OCMIPS, OC is really not a good system for a "real CPU""
L505[11:02:47] <Michiyo> well there ya go.
L506[11:03:14] <Forecaster> but they left
L507[11:03:17] <Forecaster> ._.
L508[11:03:57] <Michiyo> %seen GreaseMonkey
L509[11:03:58] <MichiBot> GreaseMonkey was last seen 10d 12h 15m 47s ago. Saying: also there's no such thing as ztimulation
L510[11:07:20] ⇨ Joins: polyzium (~polyzium@broadband-5-228-74-248.moscow.rt.ru)
L511[11:07:29] <polyzium> sorry had to restart
L512[11:07:49] <Forecaster> 18:02 @Michiyo : 8/27/16 "[03:38:54] <GreaseMonkey> i've pretty much given up on OCMIPS, OC is really not a good system for a "real CPU""
L513[11:11:17] <polyzium> rip
L514[11:12:41] <polyzium> i just saw a reddit post
L515[11:12:50] <polyzium> linux running on oc
L516[11:13:18] <Forecaster> ?
L517[11:13:19] <gamax92> yeah OC is pretty terrible
L518[11:13:32] <gamax92> linux has never once booted on ocmips :P
L519[11:13:40] <gamax92> every time it's kernel panic
L520[11:14:13] <polyzium> Forecaster: haven't you saw it?
L521[11:14:13] ⇦ Quits: MaDmaxwell_Work (~MaDmaxwel@24-196-199-105.static.hckr.nc.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L522[11:14:18] <Forecaster> no
L523[11:14:38] <polyzium> it's tagged april fools but the author told that it's a real deal
L524[11:14:45] <gamax92> polyzium
L525[11:14:54] <gamax92> the screen shot is real, yes
L526[11:15:17] <gamax92> but it doesn't work, you can't use it as if you would normal linux, it fails to mount root and panics
L527[11:17:27] <polyzium> so i guess there aren't ways to run other software on oc written in other langs
L528[11:18:06] <gamax92> well oc-js is being made, there's a couple of 6502 based architectures out there
L529[11:18:46] <polyzium> i have thistle but never got the usability of it
L530[11:19:36] <gamax92> yeah it's pretty useless don't know why I made it
L531[11:20:00] <gamax92> I made it blink a lamp
L532[11:20:45] ⇨ Joins: DeeJayh (~DeeJayh@184-91-145-126.res.bhn.net)
L533[11:22:39] <polyzium> lol
L534[11:28:42] <Michiyo> I made thistle blink, with a lamp.
L535[11:31:58] <polyzium> it's assembler
L536[11:32:13] <polyzium> in most cases it makes my head hurt
L537[11:32:57] <polyzium> i think 6502 is useful for microcontrollers only
L538[11:32:57] <AmandaC> I was using C++ on it. :P
L539[11:33:15] * AmandaC glares angerly at her pocket-chip
L540[11:33:17] <polyzium> i really shud learn c++ some time
L541[11:33:19] <AmandaC> Why do you forsake me.
L542[11:33:49] <AmandaC> I can't find anything about this symbol that isn't random linker errors. https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/kb5ihnxZ/
L543[11:35:28] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-149-172-252-166.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L544[11:35:48] <gamax92> AmandaC: you've tried using -fno-pic while building the kernel?
L545[11:35:56] <gamax92> and modules
L546[11:36:10] <gamax92> maybe only modules ...
L547[11:36:40] <gamax92> I've hit that error before and remember it being PIC related
L548[11:37:09] <AmandaC> gamax92: is that exposed through menuconfig somewhere?
L549[11:37:45] <gamax92> I think when you run make you can just add the extra cflags there
L550[11:39:04] <gamax92> yeah, make CFLAGS_MODULE=-fno-pic modules
L551[11:41:24] * AmandaC hopes this doesn't mean recompiling everything again
L552[11:41:50] <gamax92> uhm well ...
L553[11:42:44] <AmandaC> fuck it, I'm adding more cores to my docker VM
L554[11:43:22] ⇦ Quits: polyzium (~polyzium@broadband-5-228-74-248.moscow.rt.ru) (Remote host closed the connection)
L555[11:44:14] <AshIndigo> %inv add core
L556[11:44:16] * MichiBot summons 'core' and adds to her inventory. I could get some good swings in with this.
L557[11:45:09] <AmandaC> gamax92: CFLAGS_MODULE or CFLAGS_MODULES?
L558[11:45:32] <gamax92> no S
L559[11:45:36] <AmandaC> k
L560[11:47:42] * AmandaC wonders if she can just rebuild the modules, or if that would cause the universe to implod
L561[11:47:44] <AmandaC> e
L562[11:48:16] <AmandaC> let's try! What's the worst that can happen!
L563[11:48:31] <Michiyo> Umm... the universe implodes.
L564[11:48:42] <Michiyo> that's a big deal to the inhabitants
L565[11:48:54] <AmandaC> MichiBot: It's okay, I have backups
L566[11:49:07] <payonel> o/
L567[11:49:19] * Michiyo pokes MichiBot
L568[11:49:20] * MichiBot squeaks!
L569[11:49:23] <Michiyo> \o
L570[11:50:06] <Michiyo> IRCCloud really needs to fix their tab complete.. :P
L571[11:52:47] <gamax92> mmmh that's a good sign
L572[11:52:57] <gamax92> got a package, the package is really smashed up
L573[11:53:09] <gamax92> box is super crumpled and covered in tape
L574[11:53:22] <AmandaC> I should take a picture of how the header pins I ordered arrived
L575[11:53:24] * gamax92 blames Michiyo
L576[11:54:49] <Michiyo> Yeah... I do seem to be fucking with peoples package deliveries a lot recently...
L577[11:54:50] <Michiyo> sorry guys
L578[11:54:55] <AmandaC> :P
L579[11:56:16] <Mettaton_Fab> AmandaC: take a picture of them
L580[11:56:29] <Michiyo> I almost just left it at "packages" but... figured I'd better not do that.
L581[12:01:51] <AmandaC> @Mettaton_Fab Later. Currently laying down trying to will this blasted headache away.
L582[12:02:21] <AmandaC> They're all the way over there --->
L583[12:03:07] <gamax92> don't eat your header pins
L584[12:03:45] <gamax92> incase you had thought of that, that is a thing that should not be done
L585[12:04:24] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L586[12:04:45] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L587[12:06:13] <Mettaton_Fab> never eat header pins
L588[12:06:18] <Mettaton_Fab> not very tasty
L589[12:16:37] ⇦ Quits: Fallen0223 (~Fallen@cpe-24-211-147-118.nc.res.rr.com) (Quit: SHA-1 the Mighty has Fallen)
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L591[12:18:24] <Mimiru> That sounds exactly like something someone would say if they wanted to eat all the header pins themself
L592[12:19:56] <Wuerfel_21> Wow, Apple is flipping high these days
L593[12:21:29] <Wuerfel_21> Executables have to be "certified" to run, apparently. And you need to be admin to override it!
L594[12:22:07] <AmandaC> Unless that
L595[12:22:17] <AmandaC> 's changed in 10.14 or whatever's next, no
L596[12:22:26] <AmandaC> To access specific APIs, yes.
L597[12:22:29] <AmandaC> to run? No.
L598[12:22:46] <AmandaC> "Apps" yes.
L599[12:23:45] <AmandaC> and self-signed certs in the keyring also count as "certification" for a lot of the APIs
L600[12:24:55] <Wuerfel_21> I went to the ~iSanctuary~ Apple store
L601[12:25:12] <Wuerfel_21> Tried to play doom
L602[12:25:51] <AmandaC> The display macs, you mean?
L603[12:25:57] <AmandaC> no shit those are locked down.
L604[12:26:29] <AmandaC> They're not even running normal macOS I bet, like how the display iPhones have custom firmware.
L605[12:26:49] <AmandaC> I'm in no way defending the walled garden, but blind bashing is frustraring
L606[12:27:04] <Mettaton_Fab> i now have a bit more active cooling on my L7805 regulators
L607[12:27:08] <Wuerfel_21> Tried the same on a random display windows-laptop. Worked. => mac sux
L608[12:27:18] <Mimiru> ...
L609[12:27:33] * Mimiru facepalm
L610[12:27:37] <AmandaC> Where was this display windows-laptop? So I know to avoid them and ever using a wifi access near them?
L611[12:27:37] <Mettaton_Fab> display windows laptops are running a normal version of windows
L612[12:27:55] <AmandaC> s/them/that store/g
L613[12:27:55] <MichiBot> <AmandaC> Where was this display windows-laptop? So I know to avoid that store and ever using a wifi access near that store?
L614[12:27:58] <Wuerfel_21> Any PC store ever?
L615[12:28:50] <Mettaton_Fab> i could ask the guys at my local tech store if i could try to play DOOM on one of their display laptops
L616[12:30:53] <Wuerfel_21> Or you just do it :P Usually any portable exe will work on display units.
L617[12:31:19] <AmandaC> Also, you do know that macs don't use .exes right?
L618[12:31:37] <Wuerfel_21> Obiviously i used the dmg on the mac
L619[12:32:13] * AmandaC shrugs
L620[12:32:21] * AmandaC is too ill for this nonsense
L621[12:32:30] <Wuerfel_21> (Although it seems like that is more of a glorified zip than anything)
L622[12:33:06] <Wuerfel_21> /me wonders if it was possible to extract it and run it from the command line
L623[12:33:37] <Wuerfel_21> Also, why is /me borked?
L624[12:34:41] <Mettaton_Fab> maybe i will just play quake 3 arena or half life 1 on a display systtem
L625[12:34:43] <Mettaton_Fab> maybe i will just play quake 3 arena or half life 1 on a display system
L626[12:34:54] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L627[12:35:16] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com)
L628[12:45:06] <Michiyo> @Wuerfel_21 are you on a mobile client? those don't support /me directly, you have to wrap your action in _'s
L629[12:45:18] <Michiyo> Why? IDK.. it's fuckin stupid.
L630[12:46:09] <Corded> * <Wuerfel21> _is very thankful(is that even a word?)
L631[12:50:15] <payonel> Inari: http://imgur.com/a/cZcXh
L632[12:50:36] <AshIndigo> thankful is a word
L633[12:56:52] <AmandaC> but what size word?
L634[12:57:01] <AmandaC> is it 16bit or 32bit?
L635[12:57:02] ⇦ Quits: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L636[12:59:08] <Forecaster> @Wuerfel_21: you have to put one _ in each end :P
L637[12:59:38] <Wuerfel_21> i did, andit looks right to me
L638[12:59:48] <Corded> * <Wuerfel21> _is on a pc agian
L639[12:59:53] <Corded> * <Wuerfel21> _is on a pc again
L640[12:59:55] <Forecaster> hm
L641[13:00:07] <Forecaster> my script gets the initial _ for some reason
L642[13:00:09] <payonel> wuerfel21: irc doesn't do edits
L643[13:00:10] <AmandaC> %blame zah
L644[13:00:12] * MichiBot blames zah for ruptured tires
L645[13:00:12] <Forecaster> but it's still an action
L646[13:00:36] <Forecaster> MichiBot: do the flop
L647[13:00:36] * MichiBot does the flop
L648[13:00:42] <Forecaster> hehe
L649[13:01:34] <AmandaC> Forecaster: it's showing the _ prefix also.
L650[13:01:34] <Wuerfel_21> hmm, how do edits show up in IRC? I assume not at all
L651[13:01:47] <Forecaster> the relay just re-sends the edited message
L652[13:01:48] <AmandaC> clearly zah broke Corded
L653[13:02:35] ⇨ Joins: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs)
L654[13:02:50] <Wuerfel_21> maybe put a * in front of it
L655[13:03:24] <Michiyo> No.
L656[13:03:24] <Michiyo> :D
L657[13:04:14] <Michiyo> soon ™ I'll make it just send corrected words :P
L658[13:04:47] <Forecaster> eh, it's not worse than sed :P
L659[13:05:10] <payonel> it's better than ppl that don't close their regex though
L660[13:05:51] <AmandaC> s/regex/endless firehose of bees/
L661[13:05:51] <MichiBot> <payonel> it's better than ppl that don't close their endless firehose of bees though
L662[13:05:53] <Michiyo> Meh
L663[13:05:57] <Michiyo> s/Meh/ahahahahhaahhaha!
L664[13:05:57] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> ahahahahhaahhaha!
L665[13:05:59] <Michiyo> :P
L666[13:06:05] <AshIndigo> s/aha/meh
L667[13:06:06] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> mehhahahhaahhaha!
L668[13:06:27] <payonel> s/eh/eh\//
L669[13:06:27] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> meh/hahahhaahhaha!
L670[13:06:27] <Michiyo> s/a/meh/g
L671[13:06:28] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> meh/hmehhmehhhmehmehhhmehhmeh!
L672[13:06:31] <Michiyo> lmnao
L673[13:06:35] <Michiyo> s/n//
L674[13:06:35] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> lmao
L675[13:06:53] <payonel> %flip
L676[13:06:55] <MichiBot> payonel: (╯°□°)╯
L677[13:07:02] <AshIndigo> %flip )
L678[13:07:03] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: (╯°□°)╯(
L679[13:07:09] <payonel> haha
L680[13:07:38] <AshIndigo> %flip &
L681[13:07:38] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: (╯°□°)╯&
L682[13:07:52] <Michiyo> if you want to suggest new flip mappings, PR it! :P
L683[13:08:11] <AmandaC> Or, stare intently at the lighting row of your local hardware store!
L684[13:08:16] <AshIndigo> %flip Michi!
L685[13:08:16] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: (╯°□°)╯¡ıɥɔıW
L686[13:08:20] <Michiyo> https://git.io/vH613
L687[13:13:04] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L688[13:16:25] <AmandaC> \o/ I did it! I built the kernel and it's running wifi and such!
L689[13:16:37] <AmandaC> thanks for the -fno-pic tip, gamax92
L690[13:17:07] <AmandaC> Now to find where the mali driver is, and I'll be more on-par with the base image
L691[13:17:57] <AmandaC> I'm guessing mali is another oot driver
L692[13:25:36] ⇦ Quits: Fallen0223 (~Fallen@cpe-24-211-147-118.nc.res.rr.com) (Quit: SHA-1 the Mighty has Fallen)
L693[13:35:04] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580902284DFE2B0F2F726A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L694[13:35:04] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L695[13:42:05] <gamax92> everything that can be used for good can be used for bad
L696[13:42:36] <gamax92> we make things to solve problems but also create new problems
L697[13:47:06] ⇦ Quits: wowowwo (webchat@199.37-191-162.fiber.lynet.no) (Quit: Web client closed)
L698[13:55:22] <Michiyo> %drama
L699[13:55:24] <MichiBot> Michiyo: FlowerChild openly hates ThaumCraft integration in Extra Cells
L700[13:55:51] <Michiyo> FlowerChild hated everything.
L701[14:00:16] <AshIndigo> %drama
L702[14:00:20] <MichiBot> AshIndigo: CovertJaguar complains that CrazyPants replaced MCP by LittleMaidMob in ATLauncher
L703[14:04:55] ⇨ Joins: SuperCoder79 (webchat@
L704[14:05:26] <SuperCoder79> Hello, I need some help with OpenComputers
L705[14:06:08] <Michiyo> %hello
L706[14:06:09] <MichiBot> Hello! Welcome to #oc! The one and only opencomputers channel! Please ask your questions directly and provide error/code examples! (Use pastebin.com if theyre more than one line!) Dont mind the random conversation you might have walked into.
L707[14:07:15] <SuperCoder79> I am trying to use the edit command on OC, but it doesn't do anything
L708[14:07:47] <Michiyo> Yeah.. I replied to your topic on the forums.
L709[14:07:55] <SuperCoder79> oh ok thx
L710[14:08:14] <SuperCoder79> oh
L711[14:08:20] <SuperCoder79> gosh i'm smurt
L712[14:08:46] <Michiyo> payonel, would it be possible to alert users when an app crashes due to low RAM?
L713[14:09:06] <Michiyo> like trying to run edit on a single t1 stick
L714[14:10:37] <SuperCoder79> what is the difference between dir and list?
L715[14:13:32] * Michiyo shrugs
L716[14:13:47] <Michiyo> I can safely say the most I've used OC recently was making sure my addon mods work... lol
L717[14:15:08] ⇦ Quits: SuperCoder79 (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L718[14:15:29] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580902284DFE2B0F2F726A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L719[14:16:01] <Forecaster> "SuperCoder" seems ironic
L720[14:16:22] <Michiyo> Right? :P
L721[14:20:05] <Michiyo> %drama
L722[14:20:09] <MichiBot> Michiyo: Grimoire of Gaia breaks more annoying worldgen
L723[14:20:49] <Michiyo> you know.. I could juse move the drama gen into michibot, and save a web request..
L724[14:21:49] <Forecaster> porbablably
L725[14:21:57] <Michiyo> I don't even know where that code is :D
L726[14:22:27] <Forecaster> wait you mean the internet isn't just seeping out drama on it's own?
L727[14:22:30] <Michiyo> it'd be neat to have a in bot method for adding people/things to be drama
L728[14:22:33] <Michiyo> drama'd?
L729[14:22:36] <Michiyo> dramafied?
L730[14:22:38] * Michiyo shrugs
L731[14:23:01] <Forecaster> drama'd
L732[14:24:23] <gamax92> just make it listen to reddit
L733[14:26:16] <Michiyo> Dramalama'd
L734[14:26:25] <Michiyo> s/l/ll/
L735[14:26:25] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> Dramallama'd
L736[14:28:47] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580922284DFE2B0F2F726A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L737[14:28:47] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L738[14:32:11] <gamax92> Semantic satiation
L739[14:37:48] ⇨ Joins: polyzium (~polyzium@2a02:2168:d09:d100:92ab:4db1:9319:a27e)
L740[14:38:17] <polyzium> guys
L741[14:38:30] <polyzium> i remember someone mentioned oc-js?
L742[14:39:20] <polyzium> it requires forge and oc but i have them installed already
L743[14:39:24] <polyzium> the heck?
L744[14:40:42] <Michiyo> it's likely tell you it requires specific versions of each?
L745[14:40:47] <Michiyo> telling*
L746[14:40:49] <polyzium> no
L747[14:40:53] <polyzium> it said
L748[14:41:01] <polyzium> Forge : any and OpenComputers : any
L749[14:41:19] <polyzium> no joke
L750[14:42:07] <Michiyo> dependencies = "required-after:OpenComputers@[1.5.20,)"
L751[14:42:08] * Michiyo coughs
L752[14:42:44] <polyzium> i changed it to 1.7.0
L753[14:43:26] <AmandaC> oc 1.7 doesnt exist
L754[14:43:44] <AmandaC> oc version != mc version
L755[14:43:47] * Michiyo hides her OC 1.7 jar
L756[14:43:52] <Michiyo> right, what she said!
L757[14:43:56] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com)
L758[14:44:10] * AmandaC stares at MichiBot as she pushes the jar off the shelf
L759[14:44:12] <polyzium> don't play games with mer
L760[14:44:28] <gamax92> s/ m/ h/
L761[14:44:28] <MichiBot> <polyzium> don't play games with her
L762[14:44:37] <Michiyo> s/MichiBot/Michiyo/
L763[14:44:37] <MichiBot> * AmandaC stares at Michiyo as she pushes the jar off the shelf
L764[14:44:39] <Michiyo> ._.
L765[14:44:39] <Michiyo> :p
L766[14:44:56] <polyzium> 1.7 alpha on curseforge damn it
L767[14:45:04] <polyzium> for minecraft 1.11.2
L768[14:45:04] <Vexatos> well yea... for 1.11.2
L769[14:46:28] <Inari> "Celebrate the Server Merge" - why would you celebrate your MMO having too little players and needing to merge servers
L770[14:46:49] <Forecaster> there's a lot of weird celebrations
L771[14:46:53] <Forecaster> that's not the weirdest
L772[14:46:59] <polyzium> however last commit was on may '17 so it shuld be easy to port for 1.11
L773[14:47:19] <Michiyo> lol...
L774[14:47:37] * AmandaC nopes on out of this convo, back to bed to lay down and try and heal
L775[14:47:38] * Michiyo shakes her head and goes back to work
L776[14:48:05] <Forecaster> %pet AmandaC
L777[14:48:06] * MichiBot brushes AmandaC with oscillating clock. AmandaC recovers 1 health!
L778[14:48:13] <Forecaster> aw, just 1
L779[14:51:42] <polyzium> i have only one complain
L780[14:51:50] <polyzium> #blamescala
L781[14:52:09] <Forecaster> I'm all out of complain myself
L782[14:56:12] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-149-172-252-166.hsi13.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L783[14:56:19] <Inari> "Small Project, budget < 800 EUR"
L784[14:56:23] <Inari> "I need an Android app where you scan a plant with the camera of the phone and shows a description of the plant - or redirects to a website with info on the plant. It should be possible to scan plants in nature - in forests, gardens, or fields - and to identify them."
L785[14:56:25] <Inari> Suuuuuuure
L786[14:56:52] <Forecaster> "I want to know what this blade of grass is"
L787[14:57:03] <Michiyo> Why, that's a blade of grass!
L788[14:57:25] <Michiyo> can I have my 800 EUR now?
L789[14:57:35] <Forecaster> are you an app?
L790[14:57:54] <Forecaster> :P
L791[14:58:01] <polyzium> lol
L792[14:58:17] <Michiyo> Well duh.
L793[14:58:33] <Forecaster> then what do you need money for? :P
L794[14:58:48] <Michiyo> Just cause I'm an app doesn't mean I don't need money.
L795[14:59:39] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1s0yts5bgk
L796[14:59:40] <MichiBot> DIY Gallium Fidget Spinner | length: 5m 20s | Likes: 191,594 Dislikes: 27,137 Views: 26,674,583 | by DaveHax | Published On 2/6/2017
L797[15:04:32] ⇨ Joins: SquidDev_ (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com)
L798[15:06:09] <gamax92> Inari no
L799[15:06:56] <Inari> gamax92: xD
L800[15:07:10] <Inari> Gallium seems fun to work with
L801[15:07:35] ⇦ Quits: SquidDev (~SquidDev@host86-151-226-195.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L802[15:09:27] <gamax92> Inari: but bad youtubers
L803[15:13:09] <Michiyo> I got a PM on curse "Any chance at all this will cone to 1.10.2"
L804[15:13:14] <Michiyo> I have no idea what "this" is..
L805[15:14:00] <gamax92> better port everything
L806[15:14:19] <gamax92> it's the only way to be sure
L807[15:14:27] <polyzium> we need 1.11.2 lol
L808[15:14:31] * Michiyo ports 1.11 to 1.10
L809[15:14:33] <Michiyo> fuck 1.11
L810[15:14:34] <Michiyo> :D
L811[15:14:41] <polyzium> lolwhat?
L812[15:14:45] <polyzium> 1.12 is out
L813[15:14:48] <Michiyo> And?
L814[15:15:18] <polyzium> you're still sitting under 1.10
L815[15:15:25] <Michiyo> And?
L816[15:15:30] <AmandaC> Do you have any idea how code works, pol`
L817[15:15:38] <AmandaC> polyzium*
L818[15:15:49] <gamax92> Inari: gallium is apparently non toxic but don't drink it
L819[15:15:58] <Vexatos> gallium is pretty nice
L820[15:16:05] <Inari> gamax92: Why not?
L821[15:16:10] <polyzium> i mean we keep outdating all oevr the time
L822[15:16:10] * payonel updates openos to 1.12
L823[15:16:11] <AmandaC> It's not just "Change some number in the code and BOOM ported mod!"
L824[15:16:23] <polyzium> man it's api changes
L825[15:16:31] <AmandaC> Drastic API changes
L826[15:16:36] <Vexatos> Inari, heavy metals (anything after iron is considered one) have a tendency to accumulate in the liver and bones
L827[15:16:45] <Vexatos> the liver and bones do not like that
L828[15:16:49] <gamax92> ^
L829[15:16:58] <gamax92> body treats it like iron and puts it places where it shouldn't be
L830[15:16:59] <AmandaC> It's also not just a sed s/oldAPI/newAPI/
L831[15:17:36] <AmandaC> The names and meanings of stuff changes wigh every release, stuff goes away, comes back, etc.
L832[15:17:37] * payonel still plays in 1.7.10
L833[15:17:54] * Michiyo still plays 1.4.7
L834[15:17:59] <Inari> polyzium: Well its opensource
L835[15:18:03] <Inari> So if you feel so inclined PR a port
L836[15:19:00] <Vexatos> Inari, this video made me realize what a great German word "Unwucht" is
L837[15:19:12] <Inari> Heh
L838[15:19:20] <Inari> German has a lot of fun words
L839[15:19:34] <Michiyo> "A Florida woman who believed the 2012 massacre at a Connecticut elementary school was a hoax was sentenced to five months in federal prison on Wednesday after pleading guilty to threatening a parent of one of the children killed"
L840[15:19:36] <Michiyo> ffs.
L841[15:19:37] <Vexatos> One of my favourite words in science is probably "Drall"
L842[15:20:51] *** SquidDev_ is now known as SquidDev
L843[15:21:24] <Vexatos> "if you wash your hands, it should all come off" way to tell people to poison the ground water :I
L844[15:21:56] * Michiyo poisons the groundwater anyway
L845[15:22:19] <gamax92> it's okay animals leave their waste in rivers and lakes all the time
L846[15:22:32] <Vexatos> Animals usually don't pour heavy metals around
L847[15:22:41] <AmandaC> yes, like the Brown Bear, famous for eating gallium for breakfast!
L848[15:22:43] <Inari> Animals are cool
L849[15:22:48] <payonel> my cat listens to heavy metal
L850[15:22:49] <gamax92> Humans are animals
L851[15:22:51] <gamax92> humans are cool
L852[15:22:52] <Inari> like apparently one insect employs a gear-like mechanism
L853[15:23:33] <AmandaC> brb, either dinner's being made, or someone's trying to steal my kitchen cabanites
L854[15:23:40] <Michiyo> lol
L855[15:23:40] <Inari> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gear#Gear_mechanism_in_natural_world
L856[15:25:00] <AmandaC> Neither, my dad and sister were emptying the fridge
L857[15:25:11] ⇨ Joins: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@
L858[15:25:35] <payonel> Inari: how can the wiki page image of gears NOT be glx-gears
L859[15:25:38] <payonel> come on ppl
L860[15:25:48] <Inari> glx-gears?
L861[15:26:09] ⇦ Quits: DeeJayh (~DeeJayh@184-91-145-126.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L862[15:27:14] <Vexatos> AmandaC, for the last time, gallic acid does not contain gallium
L863[15:27:15] <gamax92> Inari: btw I don't actually know if markov is a real markov chain, but the idea is there I suppose
L864[15:27:20] <payonel> ftp://www.x.org/pub/X11R6.8.1/doc/glxgears.1.html https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Glxgears.gif
L865[15:27:43] <Inari> gamax92: xD
L866[15:27:45] <Inari> ~markov gamax92
L867[15:27:47] <ocdoc> oh well, that'd be just plain ascii hex formats?
L868[15:28:08] <gamax92> ~markov Inari
L869[15:28:08] <ocdoc> take a wand and if it moe complex, it could mean semen fluid, dimension thats like cute lolis wear, knee socks~ black knee socks~
L870[15:28:21] <Michiyo> ._.
L871[15:28:33] <Inari> Well now
L872[15:28:35] <Inari> that went full Inari
L873[15:28:57] <Michiyo> I liked the one from last night too... lol
L874[15:29:18] <Michiyo> %quote #156
L875[15:29:19] <MichiBot> Quote #156: <ocdoc> CompanionCube: i still want your butthole cast into a loli now than I think they eat me?
L876[15:29:43] <Michiyo> I had to preserve that one.
L877[15:29:43] <gamax92> if it finds something like the same words repeated then it tends to get stuck
L878[15:29:54] <Inari> Heh
L879[15:30:01] <gamax92> so, it probably would have just kept saying knee socks if I didn't limit it
L880[15:30:08] ⇨ Joins: DeeJayh (~DeeJayh@184-91-145-126.res.bhn.net)
L881[15:30:12] <Inari> ~markov Michiyo
L882[15:30:15] <ocdoc> If the connected gate that is my custom commands are "opt-in" you it isn't a guild event...
L883[15:30:26] <gamax92> ~markov ocdoc
L884[15:30:26] <ocdoc> ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥♥
L885[15:30:31] <gamax92> like that
L886[15:31:43] <Michiyo> %quote #150
L887[15:31:43] <MichiBot> Quote #150: <ocdoc> It ain't what it ain't
L888[15:31:43] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachiebre@173-22-110-5.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: Always save before encountering a shiny.)
L889[15:31:50] <Michiyo> deep.
L890[15:32:01] <gamax92> ~markov ocdoc
L891[15:32:01] <ocdoc> ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥
L892[15:32:05] <gamax92> >_>
L893[15:32:17] <Inari> ~markov zsh
L894[15:32:17] <ocdoc> Ir7_o why would i need a Cyborg
L895[15:32:27] <gamax92> you have one last chance.
L896[15:32:30] <gamax92> ~markov ocdoc
L897[15:32:30] <ocdoc> I have 740 entries (323o/645a/19f) in my DB.
L898[15:32:46] <Inari> So
L899[15:32:47] <Michiyo> lol...
L900[15:32:55] <Inari> does ocdoc read its own markov output back for new markov outputs
L901[15:33:04] <gamax92> no
L902[15:33:12] <Inari> ~markov Corded
L903[15:33:13] <ocdoc> well, the address with components how to set a "max size" and then copy the whole contents GERTe picks up the static sound quality.
L904[15:33:24] <Michiyo> So, ocdoc is a 19 year old female.. good to know.
L905[15:33:46] <Inari> Michiyo: Whats a and o though
L906[15:33:50] <MGR> Lol
L907[15:33:52] <Michiyo> no idea :D
L908[15:33:57] <Inari> Michiyo: counts for anal and oral?
L909[15:34:03] <ocdoc> (◕◡◕✿)
L910[15:34:26] <Michiyo> lmao
L911[15:35:03] <gamax92> ocdoc does log everything so it does have your new lines to work with
L912[15:35:43] <gamax92> the more you talk the more it knows
L913[15:35:51] <Inari> Yeah just wondered about it logging itself, since it seemed to not do so
L914[15:36:02] <gamax92> it's database of you expands with every message
L915[15:36:40] <AshIndigo> ~markov Inari
L916[15:36:40] <Forecaster> like this?
L917[15:36:41] <ocdoc> oh look a bondage kit currently :P
L918[15:36:43] <Forecaster> *and* this?
L919[15:36:54] <AshIndigo> %oclogs
L920[15:36:54] <MichiBot> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/
L921[15:37:22] <Inari> And off AshIndigo goes to look up the bondage kit
L922[15:37:29] <Michiyo> lol
L923[15:38:17] <AshIndigo> ;)
L924[15:38:47] <Inari> I wonder why noone sells assured-realiability magnetic timelocks
L925[15:38:59] <gamax92> what for
L926[15:39:12] <Forecaster> there's no such thing as assured reliability :P
L927[15:39:12] <Inari> Take a guess
L928[15:39:30] <gamax92> burying your past
L929[15:39:37] <Inari> Forecaster: I think its possible to assure there is no fault state in which it wont be able to be opened
L930[15:40:06] <Forecaster> isn't the point of a lock not to be able to open things?
L931[15:40:14] <Inari> Kind of
L932[15:40:15] <gamax92> it's a timelock
L933[15:40:17] <Inari> but these are for bondage
L934[15:40:26] <Forecaster> oh
L935[15:40:39] <gamax92> ehm waht
L936[15:40:54] <Forecaster> well if it's supposed to fail then I guess you can always assure that :P
L937[15:41:09] <Inari> gamax92: magnetic lock, strap in your wrist. goes free on either a timer being up or on a safety button or such being pressed
L938[15:41:14] <ocdoc> (◠‿◠✿)
L939[15:41:36] <Inari> ~markov CompanionCube
L940[15:41:36] <ocdoc> Skye: how bad is it that Space engine magics?
L941[15:41:54] <gamax92> is this incase you can't trust your partner to release you?
L942[15:42:04] <gamax92> so you have to have a physical lock/unlock mechanism for it
L943[15:42:09] <Inari> gamax92: Well it would be marketed for selfbondage
L944[15:42:10] <CompanionCube> that makes a surprising amount of sense for markov
L945[15:42:17] <gamax92> ohh makes sense
L946[15:42:20] <Inari> CompanionCube: It has its brilliant moments
L947[15:42:55] <gamax92> ~markov Temia
L948[15:42:55] <ocdoc> W-well there an easy way to define source or target (depending on freecycle.
L949[15:43:12] <Inari> gamax92: Just noon eseems to sell something like that :P Only reason I can think of why is that the market is too limited (i.e. not enough people into self-bondage in that way) vs. too high dev costs to have a device thats (mostly) risklesss
L950[15:45:29] <gamax92> "What's the cause of death?" "Getting trapped while performing self bondage, unable to access any food or water and starving themselves."
L951[15:46:11] <Forecaster> you'd have the worst kind of hermit to not go find someone to get you out before starving :P
L952[15:46:31] <Inari> Well
L953[15:46:41] <Inari> Dependson how its used I guess
L954[15:46:52] <Inari> I was imagining a version mounted to something. Not just handcuffs
L955[15:48:30] <gamax92> I wasn't imagining handcuffs ...
L956[15:48:47] <Inari> But Forecaster seemed to have
L957[16:01:35] ⇦ Quits: polyzium (~polyzium@2a02:2168:d09:d100:92ab:4db1:9319:a27e) (Quit: Leaving)
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L965[16:36:06] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p4fc1ed21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: 'Seven plus two is... lots.' - Vanilla (Galaxy Angel))
L966[16:41:10] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E580922284DFE2B0F2F726A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L967[16:50:55] <Michiyo> ~markov Michiyo
L968[16:50:56] <ocdoc> Yeah Lex.... is special I need it for me to fit my case..
L969[16:51:00] <Michiyo> ...
L970[16:52:23] <Forecaster> xD
L971[16:53:15] <Forecaster> that's that's true :P
L972[16:54:02] <Forecaster> you youdo need it to fit your case!
L973[16:54:07] <Forecaster> Dammit
L974[16:54:48] <Forecaster> swype doesnt work well with JuiceSSH
L975[16:57:22] <Michiyo> lol
L976[16:57:35] <Michiyo> ~markov Forecaster
L977[16:57:35] <ocdoc> Inari: I wish our lives where the root path...
L978[16:57:42] <payonel> threads for openos question: https://gist.github.com/payonel/6582d4f31fc7f03cde899f380ceaec95
L979[16:57:44] <Michiyo> huh...
L980[16:58:07] <gamax92> ~markov payonel
L981[16:58:07] <ocdoc> but l is short it creates the window manager is 160x25
L982[16:58:18] <payonel> if you run this, and the parent script finishes/exits/leaves
L983[16:58:36] <Michiyo> l is pretty short,
L984[16:58:41] <payonel> but how should the child "die" ? option 1. the next time the child yields, it is not resumed, it is essentially killed
L985[16:58:57] <payonel> or 2. the parent process does not "return" until all child threads finish
L986[16:59:07] <payonel> btw, 1. is super super easy, i haven't worked out a solution for option 2 yet
L987[16:59:17] <gamax92> fork to background
L988[16:59:31] <payonel> that's what it already does, it orphans essentially
L989[16:59:42] <payonel> but that's what process.load is more about
L990[16:59:59] <payonel> well.sort of. process isn't parallel, these threads are
L991[17:00:08] <payonel> i dont like the fork option, tbh
L992[17:00:12] <payonel> it's messy
L993[17:00:46] <payonel> i could take an optional param to thread.creat to have it start detached
L994[17:01:38] <payonel> also, gamax92 -- the object returns is a legit coroutine, but should it be a new object type? so the code would be something more like local t = thread.creat(...) t:start()
L995[17:01:44] <payonel> and maybe even provide something like t:join()
L996[17:02:05] <payonel> but i can keep it simple, and just return a plain coroutine, which it currently is
L997[17:02:18] <gamax92> I don't really know, sorry
L998[17:02:19] <payonel> although, i do like the idea of t:start and t:join or what not
L999[17:03:16] <payonel> oh, i could use new type idea and add t:detach
L1000[17:03:24] <payonel> so you can finish the parent thread without blocking
L1001[17:03:26] <payonel> yes.yes
L1002[17:03:28] <payonel> i like this
L1003[17:12:48] <Michiyo> Glad we could help.
L1004[17:17:22] <cat2002> Hello.
L1005[17:18:58] <payonel> hello cat2002
L1006[17:27:07] <Skye> payonel: what about threads blocking exit?
L1007[17:28:31] <Skye> Wait
L1008[17:28:33] <Skye> Hold on.
L1009[17:28:35] <payonel> Skye: that's the default i'm going for
L1010[17:28:44] <Skye> Yep I misread
L1011[17:28:46] <Skye> >_<
L1012[17:28:52] <payonel> no problem :)
L1013[17:28:59] <payonel> i just need to write some really good wiki docs on this
L1014[17:29:11] <Skye> You could consider all programs as running on a main thread?
L1015[17:29:14] <payonel> but i'm planning on: t:start, t:detach(), t:join()
L1016[17:29:23] <Skye> New program -> new thread?
L1017[17:29:24] <payonel> maybe t:handle() if you want the underlying coroutine
L1018[17:29:39] <payonel> Skye: yes but, and that sounds perfect, but the threading library is not cheap
L1019[17:29:47] <payonel> and openos also needs to be super low mem :)
L1020[17:30:58] <Skye> Make main a thread in theory but not in practice? I dunno, like pretend it's a thread or something. I'm rambling.
L1021[17:32:15] <payonel> well that's how it runs, i just don't plan to leverage the thread library for the main thread
L1022[17:32:20] <Skye> How expensive are threads? Why? o.o
L1023[17:32:27] ⇦ Parts: payonel (~payonel@2607:5300:60:9553::bad:c0de) (Leaving))
L1024[17:32:30] ⇨ Joins: payonel (~payonel@2607:5300:60:9553::bad:c0de)
L1025[17:32:30] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L1026[17:32:33] <payonel> SON OF *
L1027[17:32:34] <payonel> ^w
L1028[17:32:39] <Skye> Knew it
L1029[17:32:43] <payonel> i thought i was in a different window
L1030[17:32:48] <Skye> Oh
L1031[17:32:51] <vifino> You okay there, payonel?
L1032[17:32:59] <Skye> I thought you pressed control instead of shift
L1033[17:33:02] <payonel> vifino: :) i'm ok
L1034[17:33:48] <Skye> So um
L1035[17:33:52] <payonel> Skye: as a rough measurement in mem cost
L1036[17:33:57] <payonel> looks like 40k
L1037[17:34:05] <payonel> might be less
L1038[17:34:17] <Skye> O_o
L1039[17:34:25] <payonel> yeah, maybe 35k
L1040[17:34:30] <payonel> i can do some in-game tests later
L1041[17:34:33] <Skye> Are coroutines that expensive?
L1042[17:34:36] <payonel> no no
L1043[17:35:01] <Skye> Where's the overhead?
L1044[17:35:05] <payonel> it is that /lib/thread is based on /lib/pipes
L1045[17:35:19] <payonel> actually, my dev branch refactors /lib/pipes, /lib/thread is the new thing coming
L1046[17:35:43] <payonel> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/openos/lib/pipes.lua
L1047[17:36:22] <payonel> Skye: what all of that work there does is ... it simulates coroutine stacks
L1048[17:36:23] <Skye> O_o
L1049[17:36:33] <payonel> say you have a coroutine, A
L1050[17:36:39] <Skye> Mhm...
L1051[17:36:46] <payonel> A resumes B, which resumes C, ... to E
L1052[17:36:57] <payonel> so your coroutine stack is A->B->C->D->E
L1053[17:37:11] <payonel> this library allows me to yield the entire stack
L1054[17:37:20] <payonel> and then resume it back to E
L1055[17:37:34] <Skye> So it allows jumping through the whole thing?
L1056[17:37:37] <payonel> yes
L1057[17:37:50] <payonel> which any extra code inside the stack
L1058[17:37:54] <payonel> the user code inside has no idea
L1059[17:38:10] <payonel> when you create B, you're just calling `local B = coroutine.create(...)`
L1060[17:38:21] <Skye> I see, why is that needed, I'm totally naïve
L1061[17:38:38] <payonel> part of the reason this was built to support popen
L1062[17:38:45] <payonel> command substitution and what not
L1063[17:39:05] <Skye> So you can grab output
L1064[17:39:07] <payonel> if i did not have full control of the coroutine stack -- then a sub-command could totally break the coroutine yield behavior the parent is expecting
L1065[17:39:22] <Skye> I see why its called pipes
L1066[17:39:27] <Skye> *it's
L1067[17:39:27] <payonel> yeah
L1068[17:39:43] <payonel> though now i'm extending this code a bit, and it makes more sense to call it /lib/thread now
L1069[17:39:47] <Skye> Why is it 35KB though? O_o
L1070[17:39:57] <payonel> it takes memory to load() lua code
L1071[17:40:00] <payonel> and that's a bit of lua code
L1072[17:40:16] <payonel> this code is not loaded as part of boot
L1073[17:41:21] <payonel> this is from my dev branch
L1074[17:41:24] <Skye> So I guess it's loading a lot of Lua code in each thread?
L1075[17:41:30] <payonel> this is the thread lib, and the create call as it now stands: https://github.com/payonel/OpenComputers/blob/threads/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/openos/lib/thread.lua#L28
L1076[17:41:38] <payonel> Skye: no it only loads it all once
L1077[17:41:51] <payonel> this is just how much it takes to hold the compiled lua code chunks
L1078[17:42:22] <payonel> anyways, the thread code i have RIGHT now is just a smart coroutine
L1079[17:42:43] <payonel> but i am now seeing value in adding a new type, with join, detach, etc
L1080[17:44:19] <Skye> It's a shame it needs that much ram if OpenOS only needs like 100KB at a minimum?
L1081[17:44:55] <payonel> my latest openos dev code is allocating ~147k
L1082[17:45:05] <payonel> which is pretty awesome
L1083[17:45:13] <payonel> i'm quite excited about it
L1084[17:45:16] <Skye> Oh... Well... Eheh
L1085[17:45:33] <Skye> miniOS used like 90KB of 192KB
L1086[17:45:37] <Skye> But did nothing useful
L1087[17:45:56] <payonel> is miniOS my new target goal? :P hahaha
L1088[17:46:15] <payonel> what is helping tremendously is my profiler
L1089[17:47:03] <Skye> miniOS was an exercise of the minimum OpenOS configuration in one file.
L1090[17:47:17] <payonel> Skye: so do you have an opinion on me making a new type? i would have preferred coroutine.resume(t) to use the new thread type, then you don't need to learn new api. but then i have workflow that need to define join() and detach()
L1091[17:47:24] <payonel> oh in one file!?
L1092[17:47:39] <Skye> One 8000 line file.
L1093[17:47:43] <payonel> yeah
L1094[17:47:48] <payonel> but that opens some other options
L1095[17:48:08] <Skye> Each module was a function that returned the module table
L1096[17:48:14] <Skye> And it used global a lot
L1097[17:48:24] <payonel> interesting
L1098[17:48:25] <Mimiru> I just smoked a $40 motor controller on my drone
L1099[17:48:26] <Mimiru> q_q
L1100[17:48:52] <Skye> function require(blah) return_G[blah) end
L1101[17:49:23] <Skye> It had interrupts which killed the program and went right to the OS
L1102[17:49:36] <Skye> It was an error
L1103[17:49:39] <Skye> As in
L1104[17:49:57] <Skye> error({"INTERRUPT"})
L1105[17:50:20] <Skye> I used it to run other programs.
L1106[17:50:21] <payonel> Skye: so do you think it is good to add a new type? or should i use the thread api to join/detach
L1107[17:50:41] <payonel> thread.create() -> coroutine handle
L1108[17:50:51] <payonel> and you'd have to call thread.join(c) and thread.detach(c) on it
L1109[17:50:59] <payonel> hmm...that'd be messy though for me on the back end
L1110[17:51:15] <payonel> well, not horrible
L1111[17:51:24] <Skye> Could you override the coroutine API to add suport for your custom type
L1112[17:51:30] <payonel> yes
L1113[17:51:36] <Skye> How much overhead would your custom type add
L1114[17:51:46] <payonel> not much
L1115[17:51:53] <payonel> that's fine
L1116[17:51:57] <payonel> but ---
L1117[17:52:09] <payonel> it's the user experience i'm unsure about
L1118[17:52:31] <payonel> hmm, well, i could try both
L1119[17:52:43] <payonel> like, coroutine.resume(t) could work the same as t:start()
L1120[17:53:30] <Skye> User experience
L1121[17:53:45] <Skye> Hm... Do you want people to see the coroutine API at all?
L1122[17:53:52] <Skye> Or do you want to hide it?
L1123[17:54:02] <payonel> you mean, have them only use thread api?
L1124[17:54:12] <payonel> local t = thread.create() t:start() etc
L1125[17:54:13] <payonel> ?
L1126[17:54:40] <payonel> either way i have to document this
L1127[17:54:49] <payonel> and as a dev, i'd prefer the new type
L1128[17:54:51] <payonel> and its own api
L1129[17:55:08] <Skye> Well... It would depend on if ywant people to poke coroutine
L1130[17:55:12] <payonel> there is of course an underlying coroutine, and i'm fine giving access to that, something like t:handle()
L1131[17:55:28] <payonel> t:start() would just be calling coroutine.resume(t:handle())
L1132[17:55:39] <Skye> As in maybe this would be a gateway API or is it a complete wrapper?
L1133[17:56:01] <payonel> the pipes coroutine emulation is a wrapper
L1134[17:56:14] <payonel> threads uses pipes to get out of the thread so that computer.pullSignal() is non-blocking
L1135[17:56:16] <payonel> that's the magic
L1136[17:56:31] <payonel> so in my opinion of wording here, thread is not a wrapper, but a new type
L1137[17:56:36] <payonel> a parallel, non blocking thread
L1138[17:56:49] <Skye> Well... Would you wsnt people to ever see coroutine?
L1139[17:56:58] <payonel> they don't need to
L1140[17:57:03] <Skye> Or would that scare people away?
L1141[17:57:15] <Skye> I'm thinking a bit psychological here
L1142[17:57:18] <payonel> heh, well, they're already in the murky waters of threading
L1143[17:57:41] <Skye> Do you want to trick programmers into learning coroutine
L1144[17:57:44] <payonel> the only reason i wanted coroutines in the code was because i thought that would give fewer new api to learn
L1145[17:57:58] <payonel> haha, no -- these threads are slightly more complex than primitive coroutines
L1146[17:58:17] <Skye> Yes but people will think they're simpler.
L1147[17:58:17] <payonel> even to the user
L1148[17:58:27] <payonel> well, i think you might be right
L1149[17:58:37] <payonel> particularly users coming from cc that expect non blocking thread behavior
L1150[17:58:43] <payonel> from cc's parallel lib
L1151[17:58:46] <Skye> They will think it's simpler, like me. I thought it was meant to be simpler. :P
L1152[17:58:53] <payonel> haha
L1153[17:58:55] <payonel> i'm biased
L1154[17:59:06] <payonel> the code is anything but simple
L1155[17:59:10] <Skye> Well... Is it easier to use?
L1156[17:59:11] <payonel> but that's the backend bias
L1157[17:59:20] <payonel> actually yes it is
L1158[17:59:26] <payonel> because you don't have to yield and such
L1159[17:59:32] <payonel> you can just write isolated code
L1160[17:59:43] <payonel> that runs on its own, and can ignore the fact it is in a coroutine
L1161[17:59:57] <Skye> Okay... I see
L1162[18:00:15] <payonel> you never have to yield, but (and just like NORMAL openos programs) you do have to yield to the computer, using computer.pullSignal (or event.pull as is typical)
L1163[18:00:22] <payonel> so yeah, in a way, these threads are more simple
L1164[18:00:36] <Skye> So should it be presented as... An API that does magic for threads or an API that does the hard work for you for coroutine
L1165[18:00:45] <payonel> so yes, you're right, the user code and ignore and never use coroutine in their thread code
L1166[18:00:56] <payonel> can* ignore
L1167[18:01:16] <payonel> huh...this thread code actually could be really popular
L1168[18:01:29] <payonel> just make sure you have enough ram :P
L1169[18:01:34] <Skye> Oh it will be
L1170[18:01:52] <Skye> That's why I was surprised it needs a lot of memory
L1171[18:02:13] <payonel> yeah. really because of the emulated coroutine stack
L1172[18:02:28] <Skye> If it's popular then the limitbe might be de facto higher
L1173[18:02:39] <payonel> haha, no
L1174[18:02:42] <payonel> that'll never happen
L1175[18:02:44] <payonel> :)
L1176[18:02:50] <Skye> I mean
L1177[18:02:55] <Skye> If it's popular
L1178[18:03:04] <Skye> Then people will use it for lots of things
L1179[18:03:17] <payonel> right, i thought you meant we'll increase the ram tiers
L1180[18:03:19] <Skye> Thus a computer is more useless with less ram
L1181[18:03:23] <payonel> yeah
L1182[18:03:38] <payonel> it's possible i could optimize /lib/pipes too
L1183[18:04:15] <Skye> Could you make pipes use threads
L1184[18:04:26] <payonel> i dont know what you mean by that
L1185[18:04:30] <payonel> the way i've organized the code
L1186[18:04:49] <payonel> threads is a lib(api) that uses pipes for the coroutine magic
L1187[18:04:58] <Skye> So it's the other way around
L1188[18:05:00] <Skye> Ha
L1189[18:05:01] <payonel> yeah
L1190[18:05:05] <Skye> Threads uses pipes
L1191[18:05:19] <Skye> I wonder how Plan9k does its multitasking
L1192[18:05:23] <payonel> yeah, and thread code adds the computer.pullSignal injection
L1193[18:05:37] <payonel> Skye: actually, magik and i talked about the pipes work, his solution is the very same model
L1194[18:05:52] <payonel> i didn't plan it that way, we came up with this separately
L1195[18:06:37] <Skye> I wonder if there is a way to make it more efficient, it seems so useful
L1196[18:06:53] <payonel> more efficient than 35-40k? oh very likely
L1197[18:06:54] <gamax92> How to solve being late for dinner
L1198[18:07:13] ⇦ Quits: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1199[18:07:22] <payonel> Skye: it is currently at that cost because i've built pipes to be robust, lots of tests i run with every commit
L1200[18:07:37] <payonel> but because pipes is outside of boot, i haven't refactored it for memory optimization
L1201[18:08:13] <Skye> Oh I see. It's the build it well then build it fast
L1202[18:08:20] <Skye> Well build it well then make it fast
L1203[18:08:34] <payonel> also, i've refactored the majority of my openos tests to leverage pipes for the unit testing framework itself
L1204[18:08:41] <payonel> Skye: yeah, agreed
L1205[18:09:45] <Skye> I hope it can be made very efficient because it seems so useful.
L1206[18:09:57] <Skye> Like it's more powerful than computercraft
L1207[18:10:10] <payonel> ^.^ why do you say that?
L1208[18:10:25] <payonel> context: i dont know cc well enough at all to opine on that
L1209[18:10:28] <Skye> Computercraft has two options
L1210[18:10:42] <Skye> parallel.waitforblah
L1211[18:11:00] <payonel> oh right...i need a thread join for multiple threads. i can add that later. carry on
L1212[18:11:07] <Skye> And coroutines (lose hope all who enter)
L1213[18:11:12] <Skye> That's it.
L1214[18:11:17] <Skye> This is... Threads.
L1215[18:11:18] <gamax92> three technically
L1216[18:11:26] <gamax92> waitforany and waitforall
L1217[18:11:45] <Skye> parallel.waitforblah
L1218[18:11:54] <gamax92> makes zero sense to group them
L1219[18:12:12] <payonel> btw, ive heard from MANY that cc parallel would be better if you could modify the waitFor* list
L1220[18:12:20] <Skye> I'm a naïve programmer
L1221[18:12:21] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1222[18:12:40] <payonel> like, if you give waitForAny a list of two, and you later want to add a third?
L1223[18:12:51] <payonel> is that right? i'm not sure i understand the workflow ppl have voiced
L1224[18:13:42] <Skye> I think so?
L1225[18:14:13] <payonel> the thing i dont understand about that is a waitFor* call is blocking, so...you're adding to or removing from that list in one of the waited-on threads?
L1226[18:14:29] ⇨ Joins: Sava (~Sava@cable-178-148-185-58.dynamic.sbb.rs)
L1227[18:14:38] <payonel> by, perhaps, sharing the list as an upvalue with one of the threads
L1228[18:14:40] <Skye> Basically it's like threads, they want the ability to start code that runs in parallel? I think
L1229[18:15:04] <payonel> well, perhaps the workflow is solved by default with my threads, in that they block the parent
L1230[18:15:07] <Skye> I think they want the ability to at any time go "run this code while I execute please"
L1231[18:15:11] <payonel> (unless you detach)
L1232[18:15:23] <payonel> oh, that's all quite possible
L1233[18:15:34] <payonel> in cc parallel, you can't create a thread inside a thread?
L1234[18:15:41] <Skye> You Cazzar
L1235[18:15:43] <Skye> Uh
L1236[18:15:53] <Skye> Sorry cazzar for the ping autocorrect
L1237[18:15:56] <Skye> ...
L1238[18:16:02] <Skye> Oh come on
L1239[18:17:04] <Skye> payonel: you can use parallel in parallel but it'll probably end up too many layers deep in nesting
L1240[18:18:06] <Skye> As in... Imagine a loop starting many threads with only parallel
L1241[18:19:52] <payonel> well, waitForAll will be my default behavior
L1242[18:20:18] ⇦ Quits: AshIndigo (uid202308@id-202308.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1243[18:20:48] <payonel> i can i add api, though, for the waitFor* calls
L1244[18:21:13] <payonel> i can also add a t:attach() method, which will reparent t to the current process
L1245[18:21:23] <payonel> so the current process will not close until t:join()s
L1246[18:21:59] <Skye> Is there a way to let the process execute but not terminate when there are attached threads?
L1247[18:22:45] <payonel> this is why i fear writing docs :)
L1248[18:22:48] <payonel> that's the default behavior
L1249[18:22:59] <payonel> the current process cannot exit until all attached threads exits
L1250[18:23:04] <payonel> threads exit*
L1251[18:23:45] <payonel> if you want to orphan the thread (i.e. let the process exit), you have to call t:detach()
L1252[18:23:53] <Skye> Sorry... I hope I've given you an insight into the mind of a noob.
L1253[18:24:06] <payonel> i'm grateful, no question about that
L1254[18:24:37] <payonel> and you're not really a noob, you raise good questions and concerns
L1255[18:24:52] <payonel> wasn't it you the other day that said something about ... oh something i was fixing
L1256[18:25:05] <payonel> and you changed my mind right away with the commit i was about to make
L1257[18:25:10] * payonel searches git history
L1258[18:25:27] ⇦ Quits: xarses_ (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1259[18:26:10] <payonel> oh it was lua
L1260[18:26:16] <Skye> Oh yeah
L1261[18:26:16] <payonel> /bin/lua that is
L1262[18:26:20] <payonel> and the shebang
L1263[18:26:33] <Skye> Yeah
L1264[18:26:49] <payonel> yes, thank you for that. it really cleaned up my troubles there
L1265[18:27:40] <Skye> I think gamax92 helped too?
L1266[18:28:06] <gamax92> give praise <3
L1267[18:28:27] * Skye praises payonel and gamax92
L1268[18:28:50] <payonel> probably :) ❤ gamax92 ❤
L1269[18:34:20] <Skye> I'm going to sleep now.
L1270[18:35:43] <Skye> It's a shame... My idealistic programming projects rarely even start while my slapping code together and hoping it sticks gets pretty far before becoming too painful to continue programming.
L1271[18:36:22] <payonel> well, then keep the projects smaller :) maybe
L1272[18:36:45] <gamax92> payonel: TAKE ON THE LARGEST PROJECTS WITH NO EXPERIENCE
L1273[18:36:55] <gamax92> fail massively
L1274[18:36:59] <gamax92> cry in bed
L1275[18:37:17] <payonel> hey! openos never made me cry
L1276[18:37:44] <gamax92> yeah but you didn't do that with no experience
L1277[18:37:50] <gamax92> you started with the pipes api or somehting
L1278[18:39:25] <payonel> :)
L1279[18:39:39] <payonel> though i wrote the pipes lib, too
L1280[18:39:52] <payonel> nah, it's been a blast
L1281[18:39:57] <gamax92> http://FagAssTraps.com/
L1282[18:40:05] <payonel> not clicking that
L1283[18:40:27] <gamax92> it's not nsfw, I wouldn't do that :P
L1284[18:40:38] <payonel> not nsfw or not sfw :)
L1285[18:40:50] <gamax92> 100% safe
L1286[18:40:50] <Mimiru> it's sfw
L1287[18:41:05] <Mimiru> wtf is up with that url though...
L1288[18:41:09] <payonel> haha
L1289[18:41:11] <payonel> yeah
L1290[18:41:32] <gamax92> it's actually http://FagasStraps.com/
L1291[18:42:00] <Mimiru> kinda like penisland.com
L1292[18:42:12] <Mimiru> aww
L1293[18:42:16] <Mimiru> that's not legit anymore
L1294[18:42:17] <Mimiru> :(
L1295[18:42:47] <gamax92> .net
L1296[18:43:01] <Mimiru> oh
L1297[18:43:01] <Mimiru> right
L1298[18:43:11] <payonel> hehe, and reminds me of susanalbumparty
L1299[18:43:14] <gamax92> the thing is that's entirely a joke
L1300[18:43:19] <gamax92> but fagas straps is a real company
L1301[18:54:58] * payonel is afk
L1302[19:14:47] * vifino is not afk
L1303[19:16:32] * gamax92 is semi afk
L1304[19:31:34] * Mimiru is no longer afk
L1305[19:34:20] <gamax92> Mimiru: heyo
L1306[19:34:34] <Mimiru> oyeh
L1307[19:40:00] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ip5657cbb2.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1308[20:11:02] * Mimiru sighs
L1309[20:11:51] <Mimiru> bought a pair of high capacity batteries for my drone, smoked a motor controller, had to spend $90 more to replace the controller, the cross arm, and the gear/shaft set
L1310[20:30:49] ⇨ Joins: Crazylemon (~Crazylemo@
L1311[20:45:34] <Saphire> http://h.fc00.org/#fcb2:7505:ac4d:a661:fca0:244b:6a70:5d11
L1312[20:45:38] <Saphire> whut
L1313[20:54:46] <BoxFox> o7 what up
L1314[21:31:57] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1315[21:49:51] <Izaya> pyhoca-gui is nice
L1316[21:50:16] <Izaya> somehow my favorite programs on Windows end up being ones that let me log into unix boxen
L1317[21:50:18] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:9d3a:3c7b:4b00:b2ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L1318[21:53:25] <Izaya> Need to fix up the published applications thing though
L1319[21:58:33] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L1320[22:19:44] <vifino> ohai Izaya
L1321[22:19:54] <Izaya> hai vifino
L1322[22:20:01] <vifino> I exchanged my X230t's tablet with a X220 one. :3
L1323[22:20:07] <vifino> er, keyboard*
L1324[22:20:09] <vifino> not tablet, lol
L1325[22:20:14] <Izaya> Very nice.
L1326[22:20:21] * Izaya is on his T420 right now
L1327[22:20:30] <vifino> Yeah, quite complicated, though.
L1328[22:20:46] <Izaya> mmm, was it like, an X220t or just an X220?
L1329[22:20:56] <vifino> ?
L1330[22:21:09] <vifino> The keyboard is identical to the T420's
L1331[22:21:15] <vifino> They all use the same one.
L1332[22:21:18] <Izaya> oh exactly the same part?
L1333[22:21:22] <vifino> X220, X220t's, etc
L1334[22:21:24] <vifino> Yup.
L1335[22:21:24] <Izaya> huh
L1336[22:21:35] <Izaya> Apparently the T420s has a slightly different one
L1337[22:21:54] <Izaya> not quite mechanically compatible but better electricals for use in a T430
L1338[22:22:40] <vifino> Had to mechanically mod the handrest to fit the keyboard, tape over some pins to prevent shorts, reflash the original bios to apply a thirdparty EC patch, remove my wifi module, reflash coreboot and then reinsert the wifi module.
L1339[22:23:02] <Izaya> yeah sounds complicated
L1340[22:23:24] <Izaya> oh semi-related I'm not running coreboot yet but I have a modded BIOS now so I can use third-party WiFi cards
L1341[22:23:30] <Izaya> are there Atheros cards with ac?
L1342[22:23:35] <vifino> Sure.
L1343[22:23:45] <vifino> qca.... something or other
L1344[22:23:53] <Izaya> Excellent.
L1345[22:23:55] <vifino> the same thing that gets used in the Archer C7 v2's.
L1346[22:23:57] * Izaya laughs manically
L1347[22:24:13] <Izaya> Archer C7... Is that a router, or does "Archer" make routers or?
L1348[22:24:23] <vifino> That is a router by TP-Link.
L1349[22:24:30] * Izaya as looking at some sort of Archer router a while back with VDSL
L1350[22:24:44] <vifino> It does not have VDSL or any sort of modem.
L1351[22:25:01] <vifino> However, it is cheap, readily available, has ac wireless and supports OpenWRT quite well.
L1352[22:25:19] <Izaya> the one I was looking at has 128M RAM, 64M flash, ac, VDSL2, and can run OpenWRT
L1353[22:25:25] <Izaya> also two USB ports and 4 ethernet ports
L1354[22:25:53] <vifino> 128mb sounds a bit meh.
L1355[22:26:04] <Izaya> my current one has 16M
L1356[22:26:07] <Izaya> It's a big upgrade.
L1357[22:26:09] <vifino> But ymmv.
L1358[22:26:31] <Izaya> But uh, NBN will be here soon, and hopefully, when it works, I'll get 75-100Mbps over VDSL
L1359[22:26:41] <vifino> :D
L1360[22:26:55] <Izaya> Because I'm within 500m of an exchange
L1361[22:26:57] <vifino> That's a big step up for you, ain't it?
L1362[22:27:07] <Izaya> That's like 4x the speed in theory
L1363[22:27:08] <vifino> Like, what, 5x?
L1364[22:27:12] <Izaya> worse case it's double
L1365[22:27:22] <vifino> Not too shabby.
L1366[22:27:40] <Izaya> (you can do 12Mbps, 25Mbps, 50Mbps or 100Mbps. You can pay for any of them but the speed is depentant on your line)
L1367[22:27:44] <vifino> Now you(r family) can enjoy netflix. :P
L1368[22:28:02] <Izaya> But if we get 24Mbps on ADSL2+ we should be able to get 90Mbps on VDSL2
L1369[22:28:07] <Izaya> Haha, paying for media
L1370[22:28:13] <vifino> :P
L1371[22:28:25] <Izaya> anyway, soon(TM)
L1372[22:29:20] <Izaya> also
L1373[22:29:32] <Izaya> gonna get a business plan so I can have a static IP and a reverse DNS record
L1374[22:30:50] <vifino> :D
L1375[22:39:56] <BoxFox> static IP would make life a loot easier.
L1376[22:49:56] <Izaya> Mine is semi-static in that it hasn't changed but it isn't explicitly static
L1377[23:08:09] <gamax92> are chocolate 3d printers a thing?
L1378[23:08:16] <gamax92> or otherwise food printers
L1379[23:08:26] ⇦ Quits: Bhootrk_ (~Bhootrk_@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1380[23:09:22] <gamax92> ooh, could do a sugar glass 3d printer!
L1381[23:23:40] <vifino> gamax92: all of the above.
L1382[23:23:55] <gamax92> sweet
L1383[23:24:01] <vifino> I know there is a sugar 3d printer, chocolate too iirc.
L1384[23:45:48] ⇦ Quits: Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:1050:cc72:b152:9adf:d2ad) (Quit: Cervator)
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