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Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:24] ⇨ Joins: Corded (~Corded@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L2[00:00:24] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L3[00:00:38] <Saphire> flop
L4[00:00:52] <Tedster> flip
L5[00:05:26] <Tedster> ...flop
L6[00:06:13] <Tedster> ...tick tock boom
L7[00:06:38] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L8[00:06:56] * Saphire nibbles on booming Tedster
L9[00:07:03] * Tedster doesn't like that very much
L10[00:08:52] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~brandon30@ppp118-210-42-252.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net)
L11[00:13:39] * Antheus shoves Saphire head first into a woodchipper
L12[00:13:46] <Saphire> http://qdb.us/310545
L13[00:13:54] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L14[00:14:11] <Antheus> .p
L15[00:14:18] <Antheus> %p
L16[00:14:19] * Saphire chirps at the eoodchipper
L17[00:14:20] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Antheus 0.52s
L18[00:14:23] <Saphire> #p
L19[00:14:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.22265677699999997 Seconds passed.
L20[00:14:27] <Antheus> #p
L21[00:14:27] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.356933013 Seconds passed.
L22[00:14:34] <Saphire> %p
L23[00:14:37] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Saphire 1.35s
L24[00:14:38] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Saphire 1.24s
L25[00:18:24] <Tedster> %p
L26[00:18:25] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Tedster 0.67s
L27[00:19:08] <Tedster> where's MichiBot hosted?
L28[00:20:20] <Antheus> OVH server in CehNehDeh
L29[00:21:09] <Tedster> CehNehDeh? Canada? BHS?
L30[00:21:16] <Antheus> Canada.
L31[00:21:32] <Tedster> yes, OVH's BHS datacenter, I was asking
L32[00:21:56] <Antheus> it also hosts vexatos.com, imaginescape.tk, caitlynmainer.com, lateacraft.com, pcldns.com, badfrogent.com, and pc-logix.com
L33[00:22:22] <Tedster> heh, a busy server
L34[00:22:24] <Antheus> Montreal is the city iirc
L35[00:22:47] <Antheus> I can't wait to get my first debt card :P
L36[00:23:02] <Tedster> debit*?
L37[00:23:20] <Antheus> fak
L38[00:23:40] <Tedster> my bank gave me a cashcard when I was seven
L39[00:23:43] <Tedster> somebody typo'ed
L40[00:24:21] <Tedster> then I got my debit card when 13
L41[00:24:29] <Tedster> so I've had it for almost 3 years
L42[00:24:43] <Antheus> I'm going on a month long vacation w/o my parents so I need a way to spend money w/o carrying cash around
L43[00:24:54] <Tedster> I see
L44[00:25:30] <Antheus> and since I will be getting my drivers liscense in september, my parents want a way for me to have money access for gas/whatnot
L45[00:25:45] <Tedster> yup, useful
L46[00:28:57] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L47[00:40:56] ⇦ Quits: Xal (~xal@S0106f0f2490b0073.vw.shawcable.net) (Quit: bye)
L48[00:49:55] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L49[00:51:12] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:9d0a:45b0:ae9d:6a17) (Quit: Leaving)
L50[00:53:16] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
L51[01:11:40] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-66-61-77-228.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L52[01:15:48] ⇦ Quits: KDDLB (kevin@losno.co) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L53[01:15:55] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (~icemna11a@cpe-173-90-130-246.neo.res.rr.com)
L54[01:23:27] ⇦ Quits: Gyro_ (~Gyro@2601:184:300:5d60:d131:8243:512a:c8e9) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L55[01:24:47] ⇨ Joins: Gyro_ (~Gyro@2601:184:300:5d60:d131:8243:512a:c8e9)
L56[01:26:41] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA13D5539953F9690009.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L57[01:34:36] ⇨ Joins: KDDLB (kevin@losno.co)
L58[02:21:32] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L59[02:22:29] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
L60[02:34:41] ⇨ Joins: AntheusPhone (~Mutter@
L61[02:39:51] ⇦ Quits: AntheusPhone (~Mutter@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L62[02:52:20] <vifino> /me groans and sprawls across Lizzy
L63[02:52:25] <vifino> FUCKS SAKE SPACE
L64[02:52:34] * vifino flips everything
L65[03:00:06] <Skye> Morning
L66[03:23:00] ⇨ Joins: temp_connect (webchat@host.
L67[03:24:43] ⇦ Quits: temp_connect (webchat@host. (Client Quit)
L68[03:39:52] <Antheus> mornin
L69[03:48:21] <ping> hey guys
L70[03:48:30] <ping> i would like to tell you about this NEW HIP THING
L71[03:48:40] <ping> its ABSOLUTELY the best thing EVER
L72[03:48:43] <ping> its called
L73[03:48:50] <ping> the vifino-hate bandwaggon
L74[03:48:50] <Antheus> drugs?
L75[03:48:54] <Antheus> ...
L76[03:49:01] <Antheus> not this again ._.
L77[03:49:04] <ping> just hop on
L78[03:49:14] <ping> no reasoning and logic
L79[03:49:20] <ping> just hop on to the bandwaggon everyone!
L80[03:49:46] <ping> oh look, whats this
L81[03:49:47] <Saphire> http://www.qdb.us/309667
L82[03:49:48] <Lordmau5> I'd hop on if it were spelled properly
L83[03:49:48] <ping> CHOO CHOO
L84[03:49:49] <Antheus> last time I hopped on a bandwaggon I got banned from #computercraft
L85[03:49:51] <ping> ITS THE HATE TRAIN
L86[03:49:54] <Lordmau5> was spelled properly*
L87[03:50:09] <ping> Antheus, let me guess it was whatshernameiforgot
L88[03:50:19] <Antheus> yep
L89[03:50:22] <ping> ah
L90[03:50:44] <ping> i had to beg my best friend in the world, Cruor to unban me because the reasoning behind my ban was nonexistent
L91[03:50:54] <ping> and it had been over a year
L92[03:50:56] <ping> lol
L93[03:51:07] * ping pings vifino
L94[03:51:12] <ping> you are missing out
L95[03:51:17] <ping> the hate train is departing soon
L97[03:51:33] <ping> you have to be on the tracks before its too late
L98[03:51:38] <ping> Antheus, o_O
L99[03:51:44] <Antheus> Sorry
L100[03:51:47] <ping> anyway
L101[03:51:49] <ping> its like 5 am
L102[03:51:55] <Antheus> s/5/4
L103[03:51:55] <ping> im acting like a 12yo
L104[03:51:55] <MichiBot> <ping> its like 4 am
L105[03:52:01] <Antheus> wait
L106[03:52:04] <ping> Antheus, its totally 5 am
L107[03:52:08] <ping> 4:52
L108[03:52:11] <Antheus> you're implying you aren't 12?
L109[03:52:11] <ping> close enuf
L110[03:52:21] <Antheus> Central time best time
L111[03:52:39] <ping> vifino, by banning me you only ban yourself from me
L112[03:52:43] <ping> so jokes on you
L113[03:52:47] <ping> you banned yourself
L114[03:52:49] <ping> grats
L115[03:53:21] <Antheus> ?
L116[03:53:31] <ping> Antheus, move along child
L117[03:53:41] <ping> unless you want to hop on the hate train
L118[03:54:00] <ping> the tracks are held up by huge fluffy clouds of groupthink
L119[03:54:05] <ping> and circlejerk
L120[03:54:19] <ping> so our arguments are completely based on fact and have solid foundations yakno
L121[03:55:07] <Antheus> And so I walked away, watching as the hate train descended into the darkness know as ping. I sat there wondering, what would life have been like if I hopped on. Would I be wealthy? Would Saphire have been murdered? All I was able to do was wonder...
L122[03:55:42] <Saphire> <TO BE CONTINUED>
L123[03:56:11] <Hyst`> wait, italics work on mIRC?
L124[03:56:13] <Hyst`> woah.
L125[03:56:15] <Hyst`> so they do.
L126[03:56:38] <Saphire> eh, konsole sucks at italics or bold :|
L127[03:56:46] <Saphire> At least with my current fond
L128[03:56:48] <Saphire> *font
L129[03:56:52] <Antheus> I had to dump linux :(
L130[03:57:09] <Antheus> Didn't have enough hard drive space for it + my photos
L131[03:57:20] <Antheus> and I need windows for gameing/school
L132[03:58:02] <Saphire> http://www.qdb.us/296968
L133[03:58:06] <Guest5533> ping: where what when
L134[03:58:09] <Guest5533> what did i do now
L135[03:58:49] <Antheus> Drugs. Lots of drugs.
L136[03:58:55] <ping> oh my god
L137[03:59:01] <ping> Guest5533 is one of /Them/
L138[03:59:08] <Guest5533> o ch't
L139[03:59:45] * ping bows to lordPotatoMaster
L140[04:00:16] <Antheus> Saphire, is qdb like, a new bash
L141[04:00:29] <Saphire> i guess it's a mirror
L142[04:00:37] <Saphire> that is accepting new ones maybe?
L143[04:00:47] <Saphire> nah, just mirror
L144[04:00:57] <Saphire> maybe
L145[04:01:21] <Saphire> Huh, i guess it does acceptsnew ones?
L146[04:02:27] <Antheus> still can't get this stupid thing to work
L147[04:05:11] <Skye> Nyan
L148[04:06:21] <Antheus> .p
L149[04:06:25] <Antheus> #p
L150[04:06:25] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.386581587 Seconds passed.
L151[04:06:33] <Antheus> .ping
L152[04:06:39] <Antheus> .p
L153[04:06:41] <ping> ^v4 isnt online
L154[04:06:43] <Antheus> .j
L155[04:06:43] <ping> use <p
L156[04:06:44] <ping> <p
L157[04:06:45] <^v> Ping reply from ping 0.27s
L158[04:06:54] <ping> .j is such an old command lol
L159[04:07:00] <Antheus> Lizzy, why is EnderBot2 not working .-.
L160[04:07:27] <Antheus> <p
L161[04:07:28] <^v> Ping reply from Antheus 0.4s
L162[04:13:50] *** Guest5533 is now known as Cruor
L163[04:17:57] ⇨ Joins: SixDev (uid64016@id-64016.richmond.irccloud.com)
L164[04:18:12] <gamax92> I take back the comment about GIF being simple @_@;
L165[04:18:34] <ping> kek
L166[04:18:36] <gamax92> ... it's been 6 hours.
L167[04:19:18] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L168[04:22:18] <Skye> ‽ ⁈ ⁉ ?! !?
L169[04:25:21] <Lizzy> Antheus, ?
L170[04:25:45] <Lizzy> .j isn't EnderBot2's
L171[04:25:50] <Lizzy> .jenkins
L172[04:25:50] <Lizzy> is
L173[04:26:44] <EnderBot2> Latest builds: OpenLights1.7: #22 | ZettaIndustries: #120 | OpenSecurity: #91 | OpenPrinter: #79 | OpenPrinter1.7: #132 | OpenComputersDev: #925 | OpenLights: #20 | OpenComputers: #39
L174[04:30:02] ⇨ Joins: infina (~infina@coreos2.lobsternetworks.com)
L175[04:33:04] * vifino throws himself at Lizzy
L176[04:33:21] * Lizzy catches vifino
L177[04:34:39] <vifino> :3
L178[04:35:42] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
L179[04:45:24] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Quit: Time heals all wounds, but what heals time?)
L180[04:47:13] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@
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L183[04:58:38] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L184[05:14:20] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6747.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L185[05:16:27] <Lizzy> \o/ got uefi enabled on my laptop qemu
L186[05:30:42] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L187[05:31:04] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L189[05:34:41] <Antheus> .-.
L190[05:37:03] <Izaya> Lizzy: why would you want it?
L191[05:38:13] <snowden89> so you can run modern OSs
L192[05:38:22] <snowden89> that check for it? in vm
L193[05:38:35] <Lizzy> Izaya, because it's useful?
L194[05:43:58] <Inari> payonel: well at least the response wasnt bad :P about 12 respones, only one of them was somewhat bad haha
L195[05:45:50] <Izaya> but
L196[05:45:53] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L197[05:46:09] <Izaya> nothing requires UEFI
L198[05:58:14] ⇨ Joins: Trangar (~Trangar@2601:cd:302:3700:2c7e:c07f:bdf2:27d3)
L199[06:00:58] <Lizzy> Izaya, but I don't mind UEFI
L200[06:01:16] <Lizzy> you seem to be the only one with issues with it
L201[06:02:58] <CompanionCube> UEFI is good but the API is kinda crap
L202[06:04:05] <Izaya> you don't seem to have ever had to deal with bad UEFI
L203[06:04:33] <Inari> what about bad bios
L204[06:05:02] <Izaya> most people have managed to iron out their stuff by now
L205[06:05:07] <Izaya> and besides
L206[06:05:17] <Izaya> with BIOS you didn't have undisableable 'secure' boot
L207[06:06:24] <CompanionCube> didn't MS mandate that it must be able to be disabled until recently
L208[06:06:46] <Izaya> Windows 8 required it to be able to be disabled
L209[06:06:51] <Izaya> 10 no longer requires it
L210[06:07:02] <Izaya> despite that
L211[06:07:07] <Izaya> there were ones with toggles that didn't work
L212[06:07:31] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L213[06:07:45] <Inari> hm meh
L214[06:07:50] <Skye> hai Inari
L215[06:07:51] <Inari> i wish i could find a 2d sandbox game I actaully like
L216[06:07:55] <Inari> Skye: ohai
L217[06:07:56] <Izaya> that said
L218[06:08:01] <vifino> Izaya: powder toy!
L219[06:08:10] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L220[06:08:16] <Izaya> maybe I'm just not a fan of bullshit on my machines
L221[06:08:47] <CompanionCube> RISC-V desktop when
L222[06:08:55] <Skye> Power8 desktop when
L223[06:09:02] <Inari> vifino: i'd absolutely love that game if it had more to do in it and wasnt as awkward
L224[06:09:11] <Izaya> Skye: soon(TM)
L225[06:09:29] <vifino> CompanionCube: hopefully soon ;(
L226[06:09:36] <Skye> Inari, affordable power8 desktop when
L227[06:09:42] <vifino> never
L228[06:09:48] <Inari> Skye: why are you asking me :f
L229[06:10:01] <vifino> because Skye doesn't know how to use the tab key.
L230[06:10:07] <Skye> Izaya, afforbable power8 desktop when
L231[06:10:08] <vifino> Skye: Tab responsibly, so.
L232[06:10:11] <vifino> yo*
L233[06:10:27] <Inari> but yeah, i liove the basic concept of powder toy, gimme a full game like it bpls
L234[06:10:54] <vifino> Inari: Had more to do in it? You can make reactors, explosions, etc.. Awkward? It isn't?!
L235[06:11:03] <Inari> awkward reactors, yeah
L236[06:11:12] <vifino> shut up q_q
L237[06:11:17] <Inari> with unbreakable diamond, cause thres no other good way
L238[06:11:39] <Inari> pressure stuff that you cant quit einfluence aside with magical thingies
L239[06:11:41] <Inari> etc :f
L240[06:12:36] <vifino> Create issues for it in the bug tracker.
L241[06:12:40] <vifino> ~
L242[06:12:58] <Inari> its more like the basic concept is a bit off. already indicated by it running in the tiniest resolution :P
L243[06:13:20] <vifino> q_q
L244[06:17:29] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L245[06:23:06] ⇦ Quits: bauen1 (~bauen1@2a02:810d:1980:1584:60f5:8591:c4ca:bca7) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L247[06:31:28] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L248[06:32:34] ⇨ Joins: reinei (~reinei@p50807795.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L249[06:38:39] ⇦ Quits: SixDev (uid64016@id-64016.richmond.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L250[06:59:57] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDQ7IPQceNs
L251[06:59:57] <MichiBot> Michel Tela - nossa nossa (+download) | length: 2m 46s | Likes: 3680 Dislikes: 467 Views: 698846 | by jean palouche
L252[07:02:04] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L253[07:02:40] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/4vNqfUh.jpg "oh damn"
L254[07:04:17] <Saphire> um?
L255[07:05:06] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L256[07:06:01] <Saphire> i think TPT pressure is using some kind of "chunks"
L257[07:06:08] <Saphire> instead of per-pixel pressure ._.
L258[07:06:50] * Inari toys with Saphire http://aptekindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/flexy_large2.gif
L259[07:07:14] <Saphire> Wat
L260[07:07:26] * Saphire glares at Inari, being not amused
L261[07:07:39] <Inari> lol
L262[07:12:14] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFCL_yHmSjk
L263[07:12:14] <MichiBot> Welle:Erdball - Lass uns ein Computer sein | length: 4m 17s | Likes: 1717 Dislikes: 55 Views: 517229 | by CyberAvantgarde
L264[07:12:28] * Saphire nibbles on Inari
L265[07:13:35] * Inari bleeds all over Saphire
L266[07:15:01] <Inari> https://i.imgur.com/zEH1zQV.gifv
L267[07:15:38] <Lizzy> aww, Three's Feel At Home stuff isn't available in Germany
L268[07:15:51] <Inari> you're in germany?
L269[07:16:00] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLBokcqj5Co ~
L270[07:16:01] <MichiBot> Welle:Erdball - Wir hören mit | length: 3m 36s | Likes: 263 Dislikes: 4 Views: 103257 | by VampiresTemptation90
L271[07:19:48] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3VIzd-Hbo0 ~
L272[07:19:49] <MichiBot> Airberlin-Song (Songtext) | length: 4m 11s | Likes: 343 Dislikes: 43 Views: 112272 | by Airberlin2010
L273[07:19:58] <Lizzy> Inari, not yet
L274[07:21:15] <Lizzy> Michiyo / Mimiru you about?
L275[07:22:10] <Inari> i read that as "what about you" wondering if they'll also go to germany XD
L276[07:22:39] <Lizzy> lol
L277[07:24:00] <Skye> i'm trying to cook
L278[07:24:16] <Inari> Skye: operative word, trying?
L279[07:24:17] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/hljsro.png to clarify
L280[07:24:18] * Saphire toys with Inari
L281[07:24:37] <Inari> Saphire: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/985/932/5c6.jpg
L282[07:24:54] * Saphire wonders if Izaya will even stop hyping TES Online
L283[07:24:58] <Skye> Izaya, wat
L284[07:25:32] <Izaya> Saphire: I'm not hyping
L285[07:25:36] <Izaya> I'm taking screenshots
L286[07:25:38] <Izaya> problem?
L287[07:26:43] <Inari> hassu problem? mussu amt!
L288[07:27:17] <Skye> I have a copy of TESO
L289[07:29:16] <Skye> boiled butter smells bad
L290[07:30:31] * Saphire wants to play TESO :c
L291[07:31:23] <Skye> im failing so bad at cooking
L292[07:33:53] * Magik6k looks for S3
L293[07:34:37] <Magik6k> ~w internet api
L294[07:34:37] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:internet
L295[07:34:43] <Magik6k> ~w network api
L296[07:34:43] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L297[07:34:48] <Magik6k> ~w network
L298[07:34:49] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:network_card
L299[07:40:17] <Skye> I BURNT MY TONGUE
L300[07:40:18] <Skye> ARGH
L301[07:41:45] <vifino> Ha-ha!
L302[07:44:13] <Saphire> ow
L303[07:44:14] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L304[07:44:23] * Saphire hugs Skye's to.. *hugs Skye
L305[07:45:36] <Skye> haha
L306[07:46:17] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
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L308[07:47:14] <Lizzy> Magik6k, is the network floppy the most up to date or is there a newer version somewhere?
L309[07:47:35] <Lizzy> also are there any docs for plan9k? Not that i need them at the moment, just thinking i might switch to using it for stuff
L310[07:47:51] <Magik6k> Lizzy, there is newer version in plan9k
L311[07:48:08] <Magik6k> but I'm doing better network thinger for BTM
L312[07:48:25] <Magik6k> Lizzy, https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1465517747.png
L313[07:50:05] <Lizzy> Magik6k, oooh, do you think you'll have it ready before BTM? I might intergrate it into my stuff (assuming RC gets to 1.9 in time) for a potential Railnetwork on the BTM server that's automated
L314[07:50:24] <Magik6k> Heh
L315[07:50:49] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator (~Code_Ninj@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net)
L316[07:51:23] <Magik6k> In 7h I managed to implement IPv4+MTU frogmentation and ICMP Ping
L317[07:51:35] <Magik6k> Adding IPv6 is going bo be easy
L318[07:51:59] <Magik6k> Now I need to create new network stack in Plan9k
L319[07:52:16] <Lizzy> do you think the network stack stuff could fit on an MCUG?
L320[07:52:19] <Lizzy> *MCU
L321[07:52:28] <Lizzy> no idea where the fuck that G came from
L322[07:52:29] <Magik6k> hmm
L323[07:52:52] <Magik6k> maybe very simple packet router
L324[07:53:00] <Magik6k> very, very, very simple
L325[07:53:11] <Lizzy> just sending and receiving would be enough for my needs
L326[07:53:20] <Lizzy> the routing would all go through a server anyway
L327[07:54:18] <Magik6k> This stack is going to be fragmented anyways so it should be simple
L328[07:55:02] <Lizzy> cool
L329[07:55:11] <Magik6k> For now sending raw IP frames is ~50 LOC, UDP would be ~40, recieving IP4 is ~100
L330[07:55:31] <Magik6k> IPv6 may require few more lines on UDP
L331[07:55:45] <Magik6k> Hmm
L332[07:56:28] <Magik6k> It /should/ be doable to implement network bootloader on top of that
L333[07:57:01] <Lizzy> awesome
L334[07:59:07] <Inari> http://66.media.tumblr.com/bcb706ca844a00d0a3ab6fcf00f1ae64/tumblr_o5vp86DI811uxvvvzo1_500.gif
L335[08:03:25] <Inari> bored~
L336[08:04:51] <Skye> I am sucha fail
L337[08:04:54] <Skye> I burnt my hand
L338[08:05:18] <Inari> how o.o
L339[08:06:10] <Skye> cooking
L340[08:07:13] <Inari> heh "TIL that in the late 1950s, China's government began a campaign to kill millions of sparrows because they ate crops. As a result, there was a huge increase in crop-eating insects, which led to a severe famine."
L341[08:12:18] <Super-Dusty> everything is comming from china. except babies, they are comming from the VAchina ;-)
L342[08:13:22] <vifino> That was almost a decent joke.
L343[08:13:48] <Inari> nah ,it was pretty indezent
L344[08:15:01] <Izaya> would it be possible to make component.proxy not return for an EEPROM?
L345[08:15:07] <Izaya> like, at the BIOS level?
L346[08:15:15] <Inari> well
L347[08:15:18] <Inari> you can overwrite proxy? :P
L348[08:15:39] <Inari> why woudl yuo thouhg
L349[08:15:58] <Skye> Inari, imagine apple style tablets
L350[08:16:30] <Izaya> I was thinking more making it impossible to overwrite netboot firmware
L351[08:16:33] <Inari> but yeah, overwrite component.rpoxy in the bios :P
L352[08:16:57] <Inari> though, that wont prevent anyone from calling the function :3
L353[08:17:01] <Inari> ~oc component
L354[08:17:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component
L355[08:17:21] <Inari> hm, this thing needs improvements still
L356[08:17:33] <Inari> i'll just supose .invoke is a bios funtion
L357[08:17:37] <Inari> so you have to overwrite that too
L358[08:18:23] <Izaya> if you did those two though
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L360[08:18:35] <Izaya> it'd be possible to disable read and write to the EEPROM
L361[08:19:04] <Inari> well, yeah, you just check if the address is a eeprom and/or the function called is the read/write function name i guess
L362[08:19:46] <Izaya> yeah
L363[08:20:07] <Izaya> I was just going to drop anything involving the EEPROM component
L364[08:20:38] <Inari> works :p
L365[08:20:54] <Inari> guess you just check with component.type if its a eeprom then
L366[08:21:11] <Inari> dont forgert the obligatory backdoor
L367[08:21:32] <Izaya> oh the trick there
L368[08:21:47] <Izaya> is to override computer.pullSignal
L369[08:21:57] <Izaya> and reboot on a specified message
L370[08:22:18] <Izaya> and have BIOS rewrite routines for use over the network
L371[08:29:11] <Skye> Izaya, bad news
L372[08:29:15] <Skye> my thinkpad's keyboard is dying
L373[08:29:24] <Izaya> replace it ;D
L374[08:29:36] <Magik6k> I think I've got initial network API draft -> http://hastebin.com/tahehirepe
L375[08:29:39] <Skye> I just spent my money on a RAM upgrade for my desktop
L376[08:29:45] <Magik6k> Lizzy, you may want to look at it
L377[08:30:05] <Magik6k> Ohwait, forgot network.listen
L378[08:50:10] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L379[08:50:40] <Inari> what if your skin was pork floss?
L380[08:51:39] <Skye> Inari, wut
L381[08:53:06] <Inari> http://kireicake.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Illya.jpg
L382[08:53:28] <Skye> Inari, wut
L383[08:54:02] <Inari> Skye: bonjour? </clannad>
L384[08:54:16] <Skye> Inari, wut
L385[08:54:50] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9UZnxkXCYo
L386[08:54:51] <MichiBot> Kawaii Kotomi vs Kawaii Kyou :3 | length: 30s | Likes: 1131 Dislikes: 16 Views: 179915 | by Kims18
L387[08:55:34] <Skye> Inari, wut
L388[08:55:52] <Inari> ¬_¬
L389[08:55:57] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L390[08:56:17] <Skye> Inari, ^.^
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L397[09:45:59] <Lizzy> Magik6k, what is [IF]? would that be like eth0, wlan0, ptp0, etc?
L398[09:46:46] <Lizzy> nvm
L399[09:47:21] <Lizzy> seen it looks to be like [oc,net,tun][4-char uuid]
L400[09:48:04] <Saphire> this is hell
L401[09:48:11] <Lizzy> ?
L402[09:48:47] <Saphire> tomorrow is going to be 31C
L403[09:48:57] <Lizzy> also Magik6k, will there be any sort of dynamic routing protocols for discovering paths to other hosts?
L404[09:49:12] <Magik6k> Lizzy, probably, will see
L405[09:49:18] <Saphire> sounds like meshnet
L406[09:49:25] <Magik6k> I may look at OSPF or RIP
L407[09:49:29] <Mimiru> Saphire, it's currently 28c here, high is 34
L408[09:49:43] <Lizzy> cool
L409[09:49:45] <Magik6k> Meshnet sounds complex
L410[09:49:46] <Saphire> 24c
L411[09:49:50] <Saphire> well
L412[09:50:04] <Magik6k> Tho some IP mobility would be nice
L413[09:50:09] <Saphire> dynamic routing is already close to meshbet
L414[09:50:13] <Mimiru> %weather 72396
L415[09:50:15] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Current weather for 72396 Current Temp: 79°F/26°C Feels Like: 81°F/27°C Current Humidity: 54 Wind: From the S 4 Mph/7 Km/h Conditions: Sunny
L416[09:50:28] <Skye> Izaya, make a drone meshnet
L417[09:50:31] <Lizzy> Oh! Mimiru there was something i was going to ask you but i forgot
L418[09:50:53] <Mimiru> .. lol
L419[09:50:55] <Saphire> %weater 656000
L420[09:50:55] <Saphire> %weather 656000
L421[09:50:55] <Saphire> %weather Barnaul
L422[09:50:59] <Magik6k> One problem is that OC is quite limited in amount of messages
L423[09:50:59] <MichiBot> Saphire: Current weather for Barnaul, Russia Current Temp: 75°F/24°C Feels Like: 78°F/25°C Current Humidity: 61 Wind: From the SW 7 Mph/11 Km/h Conditions: Partly Cloudy
L424[09:51:09] <Izaya> 34c is nice
L425[09:51:14] <Saphire> ...
L426[09:51:15] <Skye> Izaya, wtf
L427[09:51:16] <Lizzy> Magik6k, how do you mean?
L428[09:51:22] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZd10Hk0maA&list=PLLALQuK1NDrjnjAFAcbvUg4tmT_jxnjTU&index=33 its a rabbit vagina
L429[09:51:23] <MichiBot> How to Take a Rabbit's Temperature | Pet Rabbits | length: 4m 11s | Likes: 164 Dislikes: 14 Views: 34730 | by Howcast
L430[09:51:23] <Magik6k> Packets/s
L431[09:51:23] <Saphire> Izaya: you're inhuman
L432[09:51:28] <Izaya> Skye: not too hot, not too cold
L433[09:51:28] <Saphire> wat
L434[09:51:33] <Skye> or Australian
L435[09:51:39] <Lizzy> Magik6k, Ah
L436[09:51:40] <Saphire> Inari: wtf
L437[09:51:40] <Magik6k> I may try to merge frames together
L438[09:51:47] <Magik6k> And set lower MTU
L439[09:51:57] <Lizzy> also Mimiru, I REMEMBER!!
L440[09:51:58] <Saphire> woah
L441[09:52:06] <Saphire> networking protocol development?
L442[09:52:15] <Inari> NPD?
L443[09:52:17] <Saphire> hey Magik6k
L444[09:52:18] <Inari> not many people like that here
L445[09:52:24] <Magik6k> Saphire, o\
L446[09:52:28] <Magik6k> o/
L447[09:52:29] <Saphire> speaking of meshnet
L448[09:52:30] <Lizzy> Mimiru, what was the latest status with the arch vm i gave you?
L449[09:52:30] <Temia> ...
L450[09:52:37] <Magik6k> Saphire, https://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1465517747.png
L451[09:52:52] * Temia just checked her e-mail and it was a pile of twitter notifications
L452[09:52:54] <Saphire> do you by any chance have my rpi in peers?
L453[09:53:01] <Mimiru> It never goes past loading ramdisk
L454[09:53:12] <Saphire> Temia: subscribe to OC issues tracker!
L455[09:53:15] <Lizzy> hmm
L456[09:53:25] <Lizzy> do i have the .ova file anywhere....
L457[09:53:31] <Saphire> Magik6k: wai
L458[09:53:34] <Magik6k> Umm I have RPi, but which meshnet do we speak of?
L459[09:53:38] <Saphire> you're routing to real life
L460[09:53:42] <Magik6k> Saphire, yup
L461[09:53:46] <Magik6k> :D
L462[09:53:46] <Saphire> Magik6k: cjdns?
L463[09:53:55] <Saphire> hmmm
L464[09:53:57] <Temia> https://twitter.com/prerisoft/status/741004022484590592/photo/1 I guess posting penguins and singing in hymmnos is an easy way to get attention
L465[09:53:58] <Skye> I want to make my own network thing but I'm too lazy
L466[09:54:07] <Mimiru> Lizzy, http://michi.pc-logix.com/VirtualBox_2016-06-10_09-54-02.png
L467[09:54:10] <Saphire> Skye: help existing
L468[09:54:11] <Mimiru> that's all I ever get
L469[09:54:11] <Magik6k> Saphire, I have this -> http://map.hype.ovh/#fc02:2735:e595:bb70:8ffc:5293:8af8:c4b7 + bunch of others
L470[09:54:19] <Magik6k> but none of them on rpi
L471[09:54:28] <Sangar> o/
L472[09:54:28] <Temia> ...
L473[09:54:30] <Temia> Wait a sec.
L474[09:54:32] <Saphire> Magik6k: I mean..
L475[09:54:44] <Saphire> I think I peered with you before
L476[09:54:59] <Saphire> did I gave you pet info of my rpi?
L477[09:55:08] <Mimiru> \o Sangar
L478[09:55:16] <Saphire> ..
L479[09:55:23] <Saphire> peer* info
L480[09:55:35] <Magik6k> Umm, probably nope
L481[09:55:39] <Magik6k> I have a pub
L482[09:55:48] <Saphire> hm
L483[09:55:59] <Magik6k> sort of, But I can peer directly if you want
L484[09:56:15] <Saphire> not at home right now
L485[09:56:40] <Skye> wait...
L486[09:56:41] <Saphire> bleh, 8%
L487[09:56:48] <Saphire> forgot to charge phone
L488[09:56:52] <Saphire> %ping
L489[09:56:53] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Saphire 0.35s
L490[09:56:53] <Skye> so will Magik6k's system and OCRANET compete?
L491[09:56:55] <Saphire> #ping
L492[09:56:55] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.22993791400000002 Seconds passed.
L493[09:56:56] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Saphire 0.87s
L494[09:57:13] <Magik6k> What was that OCRANET thing?
L495[09:57:32] <Saphire> wai, what about that network floppy?
L496[09:57:34] <Temia> okay no I'm just tired and seeing things
L497[09:57:39] * Temia curls up on Saph and zzzmoos
L498[09:57:59] <Magik6k> Saphire, It's waaay to buggy, I have tuned version in current plan9k, but its too meh
L499[09:58:27] <Skye> Magik6k, it's S3's version of ATM for OC
L500[09:58:33] <Magik6k> ah
L501[09:58:49] <Magik6k> ATM+OC doesn't sound fast
L502[09:58:52] <Magik6k> IMO
L503[09:58:59] <Skye> guess why we made his own version
L504[09:59:02] <Izaya> do you think using an old printer as a footrest would be appropriate?
L505[09:59:12] <Skye> Izaya, I do the same
L506[09:59:17] <Magik6k> 53 bytes per frame is very small for OC
L507[09:59:32] <Skye> Magik6k, he appears to have got it working decently
L508[09:59:49] <Izaya> like I mean I have 5 invading the computer room
L509[09:59:52] <Magik6k> Maybe he does merge those frames or something
L510[10:00:05] <Magik6k> I mean it's not a bad idea to bring ATM
L511[10:00:12] <Magik6k> but I want muh IP
L512[10:00:19] <Skye> you want IP?
L513[10:00:20] <Skye> why?
L514[10:00:41] <Mimiru> Lizzy, I'm gonna be gone most of the day so %tell me if you figure anything out
L515[10:00:55] <Izaya> only issue is
L516[10:01:00] <Izaya> it's a Canon
L517[10:01:00] <Lizzy> Mimiru, hmm, okay i dont have the ova file on janus or my laptop so i'll have to stop in at my mum's and get it from my pc
L518[10:01:10] <Izaya> I've had less issues with Canon printers than other printers
L519[10:01:25] <Izaya> I don't really want to invoke the wrath of the printer gods and such
L520[10:01:30] <Magik6k> I can route internet in OC. I can, say give real IPv6 to computers in base and then write some fun apps to communicate with that
L521[10:01:39] <Skye> Magik6k, okay
L522[10:01:41] <Skye> what
L523[10:01:53] <Skye> do you support IPv4?
L524[10:02:30] <Lizzy> i'm guessing it could but it would be pointless
L525[10:02:38] <Skye> also
L526[10:02:38] <Magik6k> For example I've made centralised crypto-currency system, I could integrate little HTTP server and do stuffs using real browsers
L527[10:02:42] <Magik6k> Skye, both
L528[10:02:43] <Lizzy> cause then you might as well just run a proxy server
L529[10:02:48] <Skye> Magik6k, yuck
L530[10:02:57] <Skye> IPv4 is yuck
L531[10:03:10] <Magik6k> It's simple to do when you start doing both
L532[10:04:41] <Inari> i tend to prefer ipv4 currnetly :P
L533[10:04:42] <Inari> its easier
L534[10:04:57] <Skye> IPV4 IS YUCK
L535[10:05:02] <Magik6k> Meh, it's not really, it's just way better implemented
L536[10:05:46] <Magik6k> I implement IPv4 only coz I can debug without typing 100 character long addresses
L537[10:06:04] <Inari> well is to be more readable/memorable than something of the sort of a::::3:de5a:::251beddf21521:::"£515:!3
L538[10:06:08] <Magik6k> Protocols on top are basically the same
L539[10:06:20] <Magik6k> Except UDP requires checksumming
L540[10:06:22] <Skye> Inari, >_>
L541[10:06:31] <Inari> what
L542[10:06:32] <Magik6k> For v6, but that's not a problem
L543[10:06:36] <Inari> thats basically how ipv6 looks
L544[10:06:36] <Inari> :f
L545[10:06:41] <Skye> no
L546[10:06:52] <Skye> there is only one :: in IPv6
L547[10:07:04] <Inari> 2001:db8::ff00:42:8329 there
L548[10:07:07] <Inari> still terrible
L549[10:07:08] <Inari> :P
L550[10:07:56] <Magik6k> Oh, btw if somone is really bored I need function to pack/expand readable IPv6 addresses
L551[10:07:59] <Magik6k> :p
L552[10:08:10] <Inari> "readable"
L553[10:08:11] <Inari> you mean domains
L554[10:08:20] <Magik6k> heh
L555[10:09:55] <Saphire> let's see
L556[10:10:31] <Saphire> Magik6k: what's your pub peer?
L557[10:11:01] <Magik6k> Saphire, https://github.com/hyperboria/peers/blob/master/EU/fr/strasbourg/magik6k.net.k
L558[10:11:26] <Saphire> Magik6k: i have a direct peer apparently
L559[10:12:03] <Lizzy> Inari, that address would expand to 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329
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L561[10:12:19] <Super-Dusty> .oO(i have an idea)
L562[10:12:26] <Saphire> Magik6k: which is not working..
L563[10:12:33] <Magik6k> umm
L564[10:12:42] <Wiiplay123> What is the cheapest way to check if a chest is empty, in terms of time taken
L565[10:12:51] <Super-Dusty> open it
L566[10:12:53] <Magik6k> Define not working
L567[10:12:59] <Magik6k> ~w chest
L568[10:12:59] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:internet ( I tried D: )
L569[10:13:05] <Magik6k> ~w inventory
L570[10:13:06] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:inventory_upgrade
L571[10:13:13] <Magik6k> ~w inventory api
L572[10:13:13] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/item:inventory_upgrade
L573[10:13:15] <Wiiplay123> *opencomputers
L574[10:13:19] <Wiiplay123> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:inventory_controller
L575[10:13:46] <Saphire> Wiiplay123: use multiple workers
L576[10:15:09] <Wiiplay123> We should have SSDs in OC
L577[10:15:15] <Wiiplay123> So we can boot in a couple milliseconds
L578[10:15:56] <Super-Dusty> it would be nice to have glasses, that could be used as upgrade for ender io or power suit helmets
L579[10:16:09] <Lizzy> Magik6k, https://svn.nmap.org/nmap-exp/scriptsuggest/nselib/ipOps.lua scroll down to the expand_ip section
L580[10:16:17] <Wiiplay123> ooooh
L581[10:16:21] <Wiiplay123> that would be interesting
L582[10:16:24] <Wiiplay123> like OpenPeripheral's glasses?
L583[10:16:39] <Wiiplay123> Being able to keep track of my robot's progress would be amazing
L584[10:17:25] <Super-Dusty> yes, but as upgrade for other mods. like the googles of thaumcraft. working alone, or can be used as upgrade in diff helmets
L585[10:17:30] <Magik6k> Zetta had OpenGlasses, but it's not yet ported to 18/19
L586[10:17:49] <Wiiplay123> >the googles of thaumcraft
L587[10:18:02] <Wiiplay123> would be cool to have the glasses on while wearing full gem armor
L588[10:18:25] <Wiiplay123> It's the most OP armor in existence as far as I know
L589[10:18:27] <Super-Dusty> openperiphal will also work, but you have to take the helmet of to wear the glasses
L590[10:18:49] <Wiiplay123> would be nice if robot.suck() would tell WHY it failed
L591[10:19:10] <Wiiplay123> like whether it was the turtle inventory that was full or the chest was empty
L592[10:19:17] <Lizzy> right, homewood bound
L593[10:19:37] <Inari> lewd
L594[10:19:46] <Wiiplay123> Homewood Bound, staring Michelle I. Fawkes as Change
L595[10:22:08] <Forecaster> Super-Dusty: like openglasses?
L596[10:22:31] <Super-Dusty> yes
L597[10:23:22] <Super-Dusty> but, still i am missing the option to take an ender io helmet in an anvil with the glasses and upgrade the helmet
L598[10:27:03] <Wiiplay123> EnderIO helmet seems like a weakness
L599[10:27:36] <Super-Dusty> ok, then as an installable upgrade for a power suits helmed
L600[10:28:00] <Wiiplay123> How good IS power suits compared to gem armor in ProjectE?
L601[10:28:23] <Wiiplay123> I haven't tried power suits so I don't know what it does
L602[10:28:37] <Super-Dusty> don't know. i dont have project e
L603[10:29:25] <Wiiplay123> I like that ender io has a way to send power wirelessly
L604[10:30:19] <Super-Dusty> i love the conduits. 1 block for all cables
L605[10:30:24] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L606[10:31:06] <Wiiplay123> I just wish the item conduits could easily balance items between chests and have a one-way thing
L607[10:31:32] <Super-Dusty> what do you mean a one way thing?
L608[10:33:17] <Wiiplay123> like hoppers
L609[10:33:24] <Wiiplay123> but prioritizing one chest
L610[10:33:28] <Wiiplay123> then all the others before it
L611[10:34:03] <Wiiplay123> http://wiki.enderio.com/Weather_Obelisk oh wow
L612[10:34:13] <Wiiplay123> I would DEFINITELY craft this if I was on a server
L613[10:34:24] <Wiiplay123> just thunderstorms all the time
L614[10:34:33] <Wiiplay123> and nobody would be able to stop me because of the ultimate program
L615[10:34:59] <Forecaster> ultimate program?
L616[10:34:59] <Skye> Wiiplay123, that's evil
L617[10:35:00] <Wiiplay123> just having a turtle spam lava buckets in
L618[10:35:24] <Skye> Wiiplay123, then people would get the server OP to get rid of your stuff
L619[10:36:08] <Wiiplay123> yeah
L620[10:36:09] <Lizzy> Or the server op might disable it
L621[10:36:52] <Wiiplay123> My current plans are to be REALLY subtle with anything I do with the ultimate program, to the point that nobody will even know I'm richer than them until I build a city overnight
L622[10:38:54] <Forecaster> what ultimate program?
L623[10:39:15] <Wiiplay123> the one that autocrafts and places mining turtles
L624[10:39:30] <Wiiplay123> but it's still ok for me to talk about it here because it actually runs on an opencomputers robot
L625[10:39:52] <Skye> turtles?
L626[10:39:53] <Wiiplay123> cheap computercraft turtles for crafting, expensive opencomputers robot for inventory management
L627[10:39:58] <Skye> blasphemy
L628[10:40:02] <Skye> blasphemy!!!
L629[10:40:10] * Lizzy stones Wiiplay123
L630[10:40:17] * Wiiplay123 smokes weed erryday
L631[10:40:20] * Wiiplay123 gets stoned
L632[10:40:33] <Lizzy> Not that kind of stoned
L633[10:41:06] * Wiiplay123 injects the marijuanas
L634[10:41:15] * Wiiplay123 dies
L635[10:41:39] * Lizzy eats some batteries
L636[10:41:50] * Wiiplay123 puts on his robe and wizard hat
L637[10:42:38] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L638[10:44:03] <Temia> So wait, Wiiplay
L639[10:44:08] * vifino takes away Lizzy's batteries and gives her himself instead
L640[10:44:23] <Temia> You're writing some kind of halfassed von neumann machine?
L641[10:44:33] * Lizzy groans
L642[10:44:46] <Lizzy> Meh batteries
L643[10:44:55] <Lizzy> Mah *
L644[10:45:04] <Temia> *muh
L645[10:45:11] <Wiiplay123> basically yes
L646[10:45:17] <Wiiplay123> but not entirely
L647[10:45:31] <Wiiplay123> it's one machine that has tons of drones, rather than all the drones being able to self replicate
L648[10:45:54] * Lizzy sighs and starts nibbling vifino's arm
L649[10:46:22] <Temia> Hence halfassed.
L650[10:46:46] <vifino> :3
L651[10:47:00] * vifino pets Lizzy using the other
L652[10:47:24] <Wiiplay123> So would it be better or worse if I were to whole-ass it
L653[10:47:28] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L654[10:48:15] <Temia> Go the whole hog, turn the world into grey goo
L655[10:49:10] <Wiiplay123> That's the grief version of the idea :P
L656[10:49:45] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/rvtNrXQ.jpg
L657[10:50:14] <Wiiplay123> If I wanted to grief then I could make self-replicating turtles that try to stay underground until they've covered enough space that they can eat everything from bedrock up
L658[10:52:02] <Izaya> exotic but functional DE/WMs go
L659[10:52:24] <vifino> bswpn
L660[10:52:29] <vifino> bspwn*
L661[10:52:31] <Inari> strangelets
L662[10:52:32] <Inari> \o/
L663[10:52:35] <vifino> herbstluft?
L664[10:52:46] <Izaya> eh not very exotic
L665[10:53:00] <Izaya> I'm thinking more WindowLab or AfterStep
L666[10:53:06] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L667[10:53:29] <Temia> twm running Steam
L668[10:53:32] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L669[10:53:33] <Temia> :v
L670[10:53:50] <Izaya> twm isn't quite functional
L671[10:53:55] <Izaya> fvwm is nice though
L672[10:53:55] <Temia> Psssh
L673[10:56:28] <vifino> something something wmtools something something
L674[10:57:04] <Izaya> I don't want ricer crap
L675[10:57:07] <Izaya> I want weird stuff
L676[10:58:09] <vifino> >ricer crap
L677[10:58:12] <vifino> How dare you.
L678[10:58:27] <Izaya> Like this:
L679[10:58:29] <Izaya> I don't want ricer crap
L680[10:59:12] <asie> >ricer crap
L681[10:59:14] <asie> >not weird stuff
L682[10:59:22] <asie> i thought ricing is all about weird stuff
L683[10:59:28] <asie> also, exotic but functional?
L684[10:59:30] <asie> amiwm.
L685[11:00:13] ⇨ Joins: reinei1 (~reinei@p50807DF3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L686[11:01:02] <Inari> "asie's m????? i????? window manager"?
L687[11:01:17] ⇦ Quits: reinei (~reinei@p50807795.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by reinei1!~reinei@p50807DF3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L688[11:01:19] *** reinei1 is now known as reinei
L689[11:01:30] <Inari> reinei: regain is faster
L690[11:01:30] <Inari> :D
L691[11:01:51] <reinei> I have nop idea about NickServ related stuff xD
L692[11:01:52] <asie> Inari: no
L693[11:01:56] <asie> Amiga WM recreation
L694[11:01:59] <reinei> also, what was my disconnect message?
L695[11:02:00] <asie> it's not very good but it's usable
L696[11:02:19] <Inari> [18:00:59] reinei [~reinei@p50807795.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by reinei1!~reinei@p50807DF3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de))
L697[11:02:32] <reinei> oh yeah right, mmh, thanks anyways
L698[11:02:40] <Inari> regain is basically like ghost
L699[11:02:46] <Inari> but changes your nick over too
L700[11:02:47] <Inari> :P
L701[11:02:59] <Forecaster> I didn't know about that
L702[11:03:19] <Inari> i think its also used for when you cant /nick to your nick because services locked it
L703[11:03:37] <Inari> which happens when someone was on your nick but got cahnged to a guest nick or something liek that?
L704[11:03:39] <Inari> or you did
L705[11:03:42] <Inari> dunno, something liek that
L706[11:03:42] <Inari> :P
L707[11:07:08] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L708[11:07:15] <Inari> ?
L709[11:09:43] <Mimiru> fuck life?
L710[11:09:50] <Saphire> fuck life
L711[11:12:06] <Inari> half life
L712[11:12:07] <Inari> \o/
L713[11:18:37] <Inari> sitting in a cold bucket of water on a hot day http://i.imgur.com/4UPbgsZ.gif
L714[11:20:34] <Forecaster> vs sitting in a lava bucket on a cold day
L715[11:20:45] <Inari> :P
L716[11:22:17] <Lizzy> Mimiru, okay, can't remember which vm i used for it and cant find the ova file on my pc. i'll just re-do the vm
L717[11:27:00] <Mimiru> K
L718[11:27:09] <Mimiru> Do you think the issue could be with our totally different hardware?
L719[11:27:44] <Saphire> Рь
L720[11:28:07] <Saphire> Does anyone by any chance knows how to dynamicaly load (and reload/unload) classes from FS?
L721[11:33:44] <Izaya> what are some normie friendly distros that fit on a CD?
L722[11:33:53] <Izaya> because I have about 1000 CDs
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L725[11:42:05] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L726[11:59:28] <Lizzy> Mimiru: it's a very so it shouldn't
L727[11:59:35] ⇨ Joins: Doob (webchat@
L728[11:59:52] <Lizzy> I think it's the ova format that funked up
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L734[12:27:13] <Izaya> I might need to throw Trisquel on one of those S10e laptops
L735[12:27:17] <Izaya> tis nice
L736[12:31:58] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: *hands everyone a cookie as I leave*)
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L738[12:45:03] <gamax92> ahh, gifsicle makes a perfect gif debugger: -DGIF_DEBUGGING
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L748[13:46:06] <payonel> gamax92: found a big area of fixing for /bin/cp last night
L749[13:46:06] <Inari> gamax92: how do you debug a gif
L750[13:46:29] <gamax92> Inari: by outputing the LZW stream
L751[13:46:34] <payonel> added about 12 /bin/ln+/bin/cp related tests, found a whole chunk of code in /bin/cp that needed to be rethought
L752[13:46:59] <payonel> it's all fixed now (all tests passing) cp should be very solid in the next update
L753[13:47:07] <payonel> lots of fun edge cases :)
L754[13:48:41] <payonel> bbl, time for new kernel
L755[13:48:43] ⇦ Quits: payonel (~payonel@static-50-53-68-186.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net) (Quit: WeeChat 1.1.1)
L756[13:48:48] <Forecaster> :O
L757[13:49:15] <gamax92> I've had to patch gifsicle a little bit to be a bit useful
L758[13:49:20] <Izaya> https://a.pomf.cat/smrduy.jpg
L759[13:49:26] <gamax92> mainly not limiting the number of errors listed >_>
L760[13:50:19] <gamax92> github search is still as awful as ever
L761[13:51:40] <gamax92> "We couldn’t find any code matching 'after_image'" mmhm, which is why if I go into gifread.c and Ctrl-F for after_image I found two results
L762[13:52:17] <Forecaster> did you have the right context?
L763[13:52:31] <gamax92> context?
L764[13:52:48] <Forecaster> the thing to the left of the search-box
L765[13:53:01] <Forecaster> usually says "This Repository" or some such
L766[13:53:12] <gamax92> yes
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L772[13:59:30] *** ping is now known as vec[]
L773[13:59:33] *** vec[] is now known as ping
L774[14:05:45] <Saphire> ...
L775[14:05:49] <Saphire> Scala is fucking awesome
L776[14:06:00] <Forecaster> how so?
L777[14:19:25] <Saphire> just so
L778[14:19:39] <Saphire> hmmm
L779[14:20:23] <Saphire> how can I make a blocking method that grabs bunch of other methods and waits until one of them is finished?
L780[14:21:08] <ping> Saphire, coroutines?
L781[14:21:26] <Saphire> ...
L782[14:21:29] <Saphire> not lua
L783[14:21:35] <ping> Saphire, in scala?
L784[14:21:36] <Saphire> Scala/Java
L785[14:21:40] <Saphire> yeah
L786[14:22:20] <Saphire> some thread magic? .-.
L787[14:22:21] <ping> you cannot do that in Scala/Java
L788[14:22:25] <ping> without threads
L789[14:22:30] <Saphire> mmmmhm
L790[14:22:32] <Saphire> nice
L791[14:22:36] <ping> or coroutines
L792[14:22:47] <Saphire> thread magic
L793[14:23:05] <ping> https://github.com/offbynull/coroutines
L794[14:23:20] <ping> is pretty nice, but useless to me because i only do Java for android
L795[14:25:43] ⇦ Quits: KDDLB (kevin@losno.co) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L797[14:28:05] <Saphire> mhm
L798[14:28:07] <Saphire> nice
L799[14:28:22] <CompanionCube> https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/740973710593654784 lol
L800[14:28:23] <MichiBot> Thu Jun 09 13:27:53 CDT 2016 @HillaryClinton: Delete your account. https://t.co/Oa92sncRQY
L801[14:28:24] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L802[14:28:32] <CompanionCube> >hillary
L803[14:28:42] <CompanionCube> >delete your account :p
L804[14:29:19] <asie> >when two presidential candidates argue like redditors
L805[14:30:02] <CompanionCube> inb4 it was just a PR drone
L806[14:30:12] <Vexatos> asie, next level is 4chan
L807[14:30:26] <Vexatos> I'm waiting for the >tfw
L808[14:30:33] <Saphire> those two accounts are both parody, right?
L809[14:30:53] <CompanionCube> aren't they verifie
L810[14:30:55] <CompanionCube> *verified
L811[14:30:58] ⇨ Joins: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098)
L812[14:32:07] <Saphire> oh dear
L813[14:33:24] <Skye> CompanionCube, aren't there british politicians that responds to trolls?
L814[14:36:18] <CompanionCube> Skye, the thing is
L815[14:36:23] <CompanionCube> Hillary deleted lots of emails
L816[14:37:18] <CompanionCube> 'How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up--and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?'
L817[14:37:26] <CompanionCube> iirc that was Trump's response
L818[14:38:19] <asie> Saphire: not parody
L819[14:38:22] <Skye> Imagine Jeremy Corbyn was in the US presedantial election? :P
L820[14:38:44] <asie> John McAfee "is".
L821[14:38:46] <asie> That's enough.
L822[14:41:49] <Vexatos> McAfee?
L823[14:41:50] <Vexatos> D:
L824[14:41:57] * Vexatos kills to death
L825[14:42:15] <asie> Vexatos: He's not involved with the company.
L826[14:42:17] <asie> He founded i
L827[14:42:19] <asie> t
L828[14:42:21] <asie> but sold it relatively early
L829[14:42:40] <Vexatos> I'd get rid of it as fast as I could, too
L830[14:42:57] <asie> Memespouter.
L831[14:43:02] <asie> Even Norton was good at some point!
L832[14:43:37] <Vexatos> The real question remains
L833[14:43:44] <Vexatos> Would you like to install the Ask Toolbar?
L834[14:44:53] <Inari> would you like to install Der Clou
L835[14:46:59] <CompanionCube> doesn't McAfee hate the product even
L836[14:47:17] <asie> yeah
L837[14:47:34] <CompanionCube> Vexatos, the true question actually is
L838[14:47:44] <CompanionCube> Would you like to install Bonzi Buddy
L839[14:48:32] <Vexatos> When a product is so bad that the founder hates it
L840[14:50:51] <Inari> what if its so good the founder hates it?
L841[14:51:53] <Inari> Founder hates it! Local product is shockingly good, learn its secret now
L842[15:12:35] ⇨ Joins: DaMachinator (~Code_Ninj@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net)
L843[15:13:08] <Forecaster> does it cause you to loose weight and gain a ton of friends and get liked by the pope and/or your parents?
L844[15:15:27] ⇦ Quits: DaMachinator (~Code_Ninj@110-2-111-208-in-addr-arpa.omnispring.net) (Client Quit)
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L846[15:40:55] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L847[15:41:10] <SF-MC> o/
L848[15:41:50] <Forecaster> \o
L849[15:47:45] <Skye> o/
L850[15:50:04] ⇨ Joins: SixDev (uid64016@2001:67c:2f08:6::fa10)
L851[15:58:56] <SF-MC> daytime plzzzzz
L852[15:59:01] <SF-MC> finally
L853[15:59:03] <SF-MC> sun is coming up
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L873[16:11:28] <degamus> What is it?
L874[16:11:35] <degamus> Hello, guys
L875[16:11:39] <SF-MC> hai
L876[16:11:55] <Skye> hai~
L877[16:12:09] <degamus> Why pastebin isn't working on Minecraft 1.7.10
L878[16:12:11] *** InariWB is now known as Inari
L879[16:12:23] <Inari> define "isnt working"
L880[16:12:31] <Skye> what version of OC are you using?
L881[16:13:07] <degamus>
L882[16:13:26] <Skye> I see
L883[16:13:30] <SF-MC> and you have a network card and all that, right?
L884[16:13:35] <degamus> Yepp
L885[16:13:43] <Skye> the driver was moved from the network card to a driver disk
L886[16:14:02] <degamus> so, what I need to do?
L887[16:14:12] <Skye> I'm not sure how to craft said driver disks, let me work it out. :P
L888[16:14:19] <degamus> Ok )
L889[16:14:37] ⇨ Joins: tekacs (~tekacs@tekacs.com)
L890[16:14:38] <degamus> Wait, wait. U are in MC right now?
L891[16:14:55] <Skye> that's what I'm going to try
L892[16:15:24] <Skye> if not, then I'll look though the code! :P
L893[16:15:40] <degamus> You are the Developer or Smth like that?
L894[16:15:48] <Inari> well
L895[16:15:50] <Inari> theres the recipes file
L896[16:15:51] <SF-MC> code is available for viewing
L897[16:15:54] <Inari> no need to look trhoguh code, no?
L898[16:16:04] <Inari> afaik you just craft the lootdisks till you get to the right one? xD
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L901[16:16:44] <Skye> Inari, I'm sure it's easiser than that
L902[16:16:50] <Skye> degamus, no I'm not
L903[16:17:01] <Skye> but as the code is open source and I can read it...
L904[16:17:42] <Inari> easier, how?
L905[16:20:20] <Inari> from what i read you just craft the openos disk
L906[16:20:30] <Inari> and then craft that again with something and can keep doing that to cycle them or something like that :P
L907[16:20:32] <Inari> cant recall exactly
L908[16:20:39] <Skye> degamus, you need to get a wrench or a scrench, and craft it with an openOS disk
L909[16:20:45] <Inari> right
L910[16:20:46] <Inari> witht hat
L911[16:20:46] <Inari> :P
L912[16:20:47] <Skye> that's not very intuitive
L913[16:21:05] <Inari> since when has MC crafting ever been intitive
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L915[16:21:24] <Skye> hey, Sangar, you might want to change that to make people be able to craft driver disks from their components!
L916[16:21:58] <Inari> then you need to craft the componetn twice :s
L917[16:22:04] <Skye> nope
L918[16:22:11] <Skye> it shouldn't destory the componenet
L919[16:22:45] <Skye> also, Sangar, you should remove the autorun.lua and replace it with an installer
L920[16:23:55] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L921[16:25:03] <degamus> Ok, i made it, what's next?
L922[16:25:12] <Skye> now's the hard part
L923[16:25:17] <Skye> you need to install the drivers
L924[16:25:23] <Skye> xD
L925[16:25:27] <degamus> but how?
L926[16:26:12] <Skye> put the disk into the computer, and go to it's mountpoint
L927[16:26:21] <Skye> *its
L928[16:26:40] <Skye> so /dev/***, you'll have to check the disks UUID
L929[16:27:03] <Skye> (use the first three characters)
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L931[16:28:27] <Skye> then run the command (replace the ??? with the first three letters of the UUID): cp -r /mnt/??? /tmp/internet
L932[16:28:44] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L933[16:28:45] <Skye> then remove the disk from the drive
L934[16:29:16] <degamus> wait
L935[16:29:21] <Skye> hm?
L936[16:29:23] <degamus> how to go to mountpoint
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L939[16:29:29] <Skye> you don't need to
L940[16:29:35] <degamus> What do you mean under mountpoint
L941[16:29:36] <Skye> you just need to know what it's called
L942[16:29:41] <Skye> okay
L943[16:29:49] <Skye> type: ls /mnt
L944[16:30:09] <degamus> Yes
L945[16:30:26] <degamus> There is a blue text
L946[16:30:29] <Skye> and note down the folder with the letters/numbers closest to the UUID of the disk you can see by hovering over it in the gui
L947[16:30:37] <Skye> (a folder is in blue text)
L948[16:31:06] <degamus> ok, thx
L949[16:31:15] <degamus> so
L950[16:31:32] <degamus> i need to print text like cd 422
L951[16:31:34] <degamus> Yes?
L952[16:31:44] <Skye> so the number is cd 422
L953[16:31:45] <Skye> wait
L954[16:31:46] <Skye> gah
L955[16:31:51] <Skye> the number is 422
L956[16:32:10] <Skye> so run the command: cp -r /mnt/422 /mnt/internet
L957[16:32:14] <Skye> wait
L958[16:32:17] <Skye> so run the command: cp -r /mnt/422 /tmp/internet
L959[16:32:21] <Skye> degamus, ^
L960[16:32:25] <degamus> ok
L961[16:32:26] <Skye> sorry, I'm a bit tired
L962[16:32:31] <degamus> ok, ok
L963[16:32:38] <Skye> that command copies the contents of the disk to a temporary area
L964[16:32:44] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@2001:464b:c2aa:0:745d:45ff:fe3b:a098) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L965[16:33:00] <Skye> hopefully the new installer will come soon that makes it quicker
L966[16:33:19] <degamus> I printed it
L967[16:33:29] <degamus> And when I pressed enter
L968[16:33:37] <degamus> Nothing happens
L969[16:33:40] <degamus> It's ok?
L970[16:33:42] <Skye> yep
L971[16:33:57] <Skye> run the command: ls /mnt
L972[16:34:03] <Skye> run the command: ls /tmp
L973[16:34:05] <Skye> gah
L974[16:34:10] <Skye> ls /tmp
L975[16:34:17] <degamus> and?
L976[16:34:30] <degamus> Whats next?
L977[16:34:49] <degamus> I printed
L978[16:34:54] *** cloakable_ is now known as cloakable
L979[16:34:54] <Skye> should show "internet" in blue text, if so it's been copied correctly
L980[16:34:54] <degamus> and there is nothing
L981[16:35:02] <Skye> oh
L982[16:35:03] <degamus> yes
L983[16:35:04] <Skye> um
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L985[16:35:14] <degamus> there is internet
L986[16:35:27] <degamus> but in ls /mnt
L987[16:35:33] <degamus> no in ls /tmp
L988[16:35:39] <Skye> well, let's roll with that
L989[16:35:45] <degamus> ok
L990[16:35:49] <degamus> what's next?
L991[16:36:01] <Skye> remove the "internet" floppy disk
L992[16:36:34] <Skye> then, run the command: rm /mnt/internet/.autorun.lua
L993[16:37:17] <Skye> (that command shouldn't output anything)
L994[16:37:21] <degamus> yes
L995[16:37:28] <Skye> then, you're ready to acutally install
L996[16:37:45] <degamus> install OpenOs?
L997[16:37:55] <Skye> run the command: cp -r /mnt/internet/* /
L998[16:37:56] <degamus> But I already installed it
L999[16:38:01] <degamus> Oh
L1000[16:38:02] <degamus> Ok
L1001[16:38:06] <degamus> Wait a minute
L1002[16:38:07] <Skye> and press enter when it prompts you
L1003[16:39:06] <degamus> overwrite /bin/base64.lua?
L1004[16:39:14] <Skye> um
L1005[16:39:19] <Skye> you've got the wrong disk there
L1006[16:39:31] <Skye> let's try this again...
L1007[16:39:41] <Skye> run the command: rm -r /mnt/internet
L1008[16:39:42] <degamus> ok)
L1009[16:39:50] <degamus> wait
L1010[16:39:59] <degamus> what i need to put into my pc
L1011[16:40:04] <degamus> what floppy disk?
L1012[16:40:12] <Skye> it's labelled internet
L1013[16:40:23] <degamus> yes
L1014[16:40:32] <degamus> whats next?
L1015[16:40:50] <Skye> is the disk a blue colour?
L1016[16:40:50] <degamus> ok
L1017[16:40:53] <degamus> yes
L1018[16:40:58] <Skye> good
L1019[16:41:00] <degamus> i printed the text
L1020[16:41:07] <degamus> rm -r /mnt/internet
L1021[16:41:10] <Skye> okay
L1022[16:41:17] <Skye> I think I've confused you
L1023[16:41:23] <degamus> No
L1024[16:41:23] <degamus> No
L1025[16:41:27] <degamus> it's ok
L1026[16:41:29] <Skye> can you show a screenshot of the disk that you have copied from?
L1027[16:42:12] <degamus> It's blue
L1028[16:42:17] <degamus> Marked Internet
L1029[16:42:26] <degamus> Internet Card Software
L1030[16:42:30] <Skye> yep
L1031[16:42:32] <Skye> that's the correct one
L1032[16:42:44] <degamus> Ok
L1033[16:42:54] <degamus> i printed rm -r /mnt/internet
L1034[16:42:58] <Skye> good
L1035[16:42:58] <degamus> what's next?
L1036[16:43:14] <Skye> first off, we need the "address" of the internet card software disk
L1037[16:43:19] <degamus> ok
L1038[16:43:32] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1039[16:43:34] <degamus> d62
L1040[16:43:46] <Skye> okay
L1041[16:44:01] <Skye> go into your computer and run: ls /mnt/d62
L1042[16:44:05] <Skye> what does it output?
L1043[16:44:11] <degamus> ok
L1044[16:44:16] <degamus> bin lib usr
L1045[16:44:26] <Skye> good!
L1046[16:44:51] <degamus> What's next?
L1047[16:44:52] <Skye> now make a temporary copy of the files by running: cp -r /mnt/d62 /tmp/internet
L1048[16:45:36] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1049[16:45:37] <degamus> ok
L1050[16:45:42] <degamus> did it
L1051[16:45:51] <degamus> made it*
L1052[16:45:58] <Skye> run the command: ls /tmp
L1053[16:46:09] <degamus> ok...
L1054[16:46:26] <degamus> there is blue internet
L1055[16:46:31] <Skye> so that worked
L1056[16:46:36] <Skye> now to install it
L1057[16:46:47] <Skye> wait
L1058[16:46:48] <Skye> no
L1059[16:46:51] <degamus> ok
L1060[16:46:54] <Skye> wait
L1061[16:47:05] <Skye> run the command: rm /tmp/internet/.autorun.lua
L1062[16:47:42] <degamus> and there is nothing printed
L1063[16:47:44] <degamus> yes?
L1064[16:47:47] <Skye> good
L1065[16:48:12] <degamus> So, what's next?
L1066[16:48:13] <Skye> now, to install... run the command: cp -r /tmp/internet/* /
L1067[16:48:24] <Skye> WAI
L1068[16:48:28] <Skye> degamus, wait
L1069[16:48:37] <Skye> first, remove the "internet" disk from the drive
L1070[16:48:41] <Skye> and THEN run the command
L1071[16:49:09] <degamus> remove is rm?
L1072[16:49:21] <degamus> or how?
L1073[16:49:30] <Forecaster> take the disk out of the drive
L1074[16:49:37] <Skye> ^
L1075[16:49:38] <degamus> sry for noobing, i just started learing the lua and the mod
L1076[16:49:39] <degamus> ok
L1077[16:49:48] <degamus> and then?
L1078[16:49:50] <degamus> install?
L1079[16:50:07] <Skye> now, to install... run the command: cp -r /tmp/internet/* /
L1080[16:50:13] <degamus> ok, thx
L1081[16:50:41] <Skye> now pastebin and wget should work
L1082[16:50:51] <degamus> YEAH
L1083[16:51:00] <Skye> \o/
L1084[16:51:03] <degamus> Thank you very much
L1085[16:51:24] <Skye> degamus, now I'm going to nag people to make it easier to install stuff like this
L1086[16:51:32] <degamus> Ok)
L1087[16:51:36] <degamus> Good luck!
L1088[16:52:11] <Skye> eh, I've successfully nagged for the EEPROM to be added, so heh. :P
L1089[16:54:35] <Forecaster> you must use your power responsibly
L1090[16:54:55] <Skye> Forecaster, degamus: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1866#issue-159730997
L1091[16:56:13] <Skye> degamus, hopefully installing it will be simpler
L1092[16:56:19] <Skye> in the next beta
L1093[16:56:28] <Forecaster> it should be
L1094[16:57:36] <Forecaster> I think payonel already plans to add an installer program
L1095[16:57:39] <Forecaster> for this
L1096[16:59:12] <Skye> he hasn't got a one command installer
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L1102[17:17:49] <degamus> Skye
L1103[17:17:52] <degamus> A u here?
L1104[17:17:56] <Skye> yes
L1105[17:18:09] <degamus> I just started learning Lua
L1106[17:18:13] <g> gawker is filing for bankruptcy, and by the looks of it, IGN are buying them
L1107[17:18:16] <g> https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4nhhtf/megathread_gawker_files_for_bankruptcy/?sort=confidence
L1108[17:18:25] <degamus> What books/docs/guides will you recomend
L1109[17:18:26] <g> ring the bells, folks, the witch is dead
L1110[17:18:30] <Forecaster> not gawker D:
L1111[17:18:43] <g> Forecaster, you don't know what you're defending xD
L1112[17:18:43] <Skye> degamus, http://www.lua.org/pil/
L1113[17:18:44] <Forecaster> the greatest of journalism
L1114[17:18:51] <g> or maybe you are and are trolling
L1115[17:18:52] <g> xD
L1116[17:18:54] <Forecaster> D:
L1117[17:18:59] <Forecaster> /s
L1118[17:19:01] <degamus> its an official docs?
L1119[17:19:07] <Forecaster> :P
L1120[17:19:13] <Skye> degamus, yes
L1121[17:19:20] <g> this is SUCH GOOD NEWS
L1122[17:19:20] <g> anyway
L1123[17:19:29] <Skye> degamus, http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/
L1124[17:19:30] <degamus> oh, i just downloaded the book
L1125[17:19:33] <degamus> This book
L1126[17:19:39] <degamus> On russian
L1127[17:19:41] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-25-105-226.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1128[17:19:47] <Skye> good
L1129[17:19:56] <Forecaster> In russian*
L1130[17:20:10] <degamus> Ok guys
L1131[17:20:12] <degamus> I will go
L1132[17:20:21] <degamus> Good luck everyone
L1133[17:20:26] <Skye> \o/
L1134[17:20:28] <Forecaster> come back if you need more help
L1135[17:20:29] <degamus> Good night (Europe)
L1136[17:20:30] <Forecaster> we'll be here
L1137[17:20:36] <degamus> Ok)
L1138[17:20:40] <Forecaster> well, someone will
L1139[17:20:53] <degamus> Bye Bye!
L1140[17:20:56] <Skye> o/
L1141[17:20:58] <Forecaster> o/
L1142[17:21:15] <degamus> o/
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L1154[18:02:01] * vifino carries the very tired Lizzy to bd
L1155[18:02:04] <vifino> bed*
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L1167[20:58:30] zsh sets mode: +v on payonel
L1168[21:01:33] <payonel> Skye: good points you made in the github issue
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L1173[21:53:07] <Izaya> Zombie pigmen sound like netches
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L1183[22:51:44] <Izaya> while (true); do eject; eject -t; done
L1184[23:05:10] <Saphire> Hm
L1185[23:05:26] * Saphire wonder how to dynamically load a class file from Scala...
L1186[23:05:47] <Wiiplay123> quick question
L1187[23:06:06] * payonel hopes it is openos related
L1188[23:06:09] <Wiiplay123> Is doing inventory_controller.getStackInInternalSlot faster or slower than accessing a value in a table
L1189[23:06:20] <payonel> well it couldn't be faster
L1190[23:06:38] <payonel> that's going to cross the [C] boundary into a scala handler
L1191[23:06:43] <payonel> that's a lot of calls
L1192[23:06:54] <payonel> it might be fast, but there is no way it is faster
L1193[23:07:03] <Wiiplay123> whew
L1194[23:07:05] <Wiiplay123> that's good
L1195[23:07:18] <Wiiplay123> because I'm converting my thing to run mostly on accessing values in an inventory cache table
L1196[23:07:38] <payonel> yep, that'll be faster, certainly
L1197[23:07:56] <Wiiplay123> I was having horribly slow times with tons of calls when scanning inventory
L1198[23:10:12] <Izaya> while(true); do eject; eject -t; done
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L1201[23:21:46] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
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L1203[23:35:20] ⇨ Joins: Xal (~xal@S0106f0f2490b0073.vw.shawcable.net)
L1204[23:39:39] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DragonBoots)))
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L1206[23:47:40] <SF-MC> world you troll
L1207[23:47:45] <SF-MC> yuno give diamonds?
L1208[23:51:41] <SF-MC> there finally
L1209[23:59:58] ⇦ Quits: Corded (~Corded@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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