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L1[00:00:09] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L2[00:00:09] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
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L4[00:43:33] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA722417C391C1EE36C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L5[00:43:33] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L7[01:01:25] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:4436:93ef:397f:ed82) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L8[01:19:30] <Vexatos> In other news, Discord for Linux is working rather well
L9[01:32:55] <Izaya> Discord does not respect your freedoms
L10[01:34:01] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L12[01:43:43] ⇨ Joins: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@
L13[01:45:35] <Vexatos> Izaya, huh?
L14[01:46:03] <Izaya> Discord does not respect your freedoms.
L15[01:46:26] <Vexatos> ...elaborate?
L16[01:46:35] <Izaya> It is no means of open
L17[01:46:47] <Vexatos> At least it's got an API
L18[01:46:53] <Izaya> the clients and servers are very not much open-source
L19[01:47:06] <Vexatos> https://github.com/RX14/discord-curses
L20[01:47:09] <Izaya> and especially not Free
L21[01:47:10] <Vexatos> :P
L22[01:47:29] <Izaya> official clients*
L23[01:48:38] <Izaya> You might as well use Skype
L24[01:48:55] <Vexatos> skype has worse ToS though
L25[01:48:58] <Vexatos> much, much worse
L26[01:49:34] <Izaya> still, both are nonfree proprietary software
L27[01:49:54] <Izaya> even if one applies Wheaton's Law
L28[01:50:53] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L29[02:29:06] ⇨ Joins: The_Stargazer (~The_Starg@
L30[02:29:58] <The_Stargazer> how do i fix the "permgen space" error? i cant load the irc disk, it just says "permgen space"
L31[02:30:48] ⇨ Joins: Krutoy242 (~Krutoy242@
L32[02:31:24] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA722417C391C1EE36C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L33[02:32:15] <Krutoy242> Hello! Where i can find function of generating tier3 monitor colors? I want to know how i can generate palette myself
L34[02:32:27] ⇦ Quits: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L35[02:40:43] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
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L38[02:44:45] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L39[02:48:53] <Izaya> Krutoy242: colours are just numbers
L40[02:49:20] <Izaya> FF0000 for red, 00FF00 for green, 0000FF for blue etc
L41[02:58:09] <Krutoy242> There is different kind of numbers. I want collect them all! I wish there is function, where i can iterate "i" and get all palette values.
L42[03:01:38] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L44[03:29:58] ⇨ Joins: Krutoy242 (Krutoy242@
L45[03:31:31] <Turtle> iirc, T2 just have the 16 minecraft colors, T3 have a hardcoded set of colours too
L46[03:37:21] ⇨ Joins: CB|Away (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L47[03:47:14] <Vexatos> T3 also has a palette for arbitrary colours though
L48[03:47:15] <Vexatos> IIRC
L49[03:47:25] * Vexatos pokes asie
L50[03:55:35] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L51[03:56:06] <Krutoy242> <Vexatos>, whats means "arbitrary colours"? And, how i can clamp colors to pallete's ones by myself? Now i forced to iterate ALL the colors in palette to find closest one.
L52[03:56:42] <Vexatos> ask asie >_>
L53[03:57:04] <greaser|q> it's a 6:8:5 RGB cube
L54[03:57:21] <greaser|q> T2's not hardcoded, it just defaults to MC colours i think
L55[03:58:08] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L56[03:58:50] <Krutoy242> Vexatos, ok, will wait asie...
L57[03:59:07] <Vexatos> Or greaser
L58[03:59:07] <Vexatos> >_>
L59[03:59:18] <Vexatos> they both know this much better than I do
L60[04:00:57] <Krutoy242> greaser, i though so, but then i foud another values, that isnt in 6:8:5 palette. I should check this out again
L61[04:05:21] <greaser|q> ah wat
L62[04:05:25] <greaser|q> what are you asking about
L63[04:05:30] <greaser|q> oh right
L64[04:06:06] <greaser|q> Krutoy242: you can't get the 6:8:5 indices for 8bpp as the indices are not exposed, however you may be able to use getPaletteColor or whatever the hell it was
L65[04:06:11] <greaser|q> for the first 16 colours
L66[04:11:45] <Krutoy242> greaser, there is a problem: http://i.imgur.com/azxwPrd.png
L67[04:12:05] * Izaya summons cthulhu https://a.cocaine.ninja/uuvjta.png
L68[04:12:05] <Krutoy242> OC's 6:8:5 palette is not real
L69[04:14:49] <Vexatos> Izaya, looks like arch to me
L70[04:14:52] <Vexatos> not cthulhu
L71[04:15:24] <Izaya> cthulu is not the thing itself
L72[04:15:32] <Izaya> cthulhu*
L73[04:15:48] <Izaya> cthulhu is the way things are connected
L74[04:16:01] <Krutoy242> greaser, im asking about how to convert random color to nearest color from 256 indexed palette. Now i forced to compare my random color with EACH of colors in this "strange 6:8:5" palette. But if i know formula how colors generated it can be easyer.
L75[04:16:58] <greaser|q> >>> [("%02X" % ((255*i*2+7)/(7*2), )) for i in xrange(8)]
L76[04:16:58] <greaser|q> ['00', '24', '49', '6D', '92', 'B6', 'DB', 'FF']
L77[04:17:07] <greaser|q> ^ that's probably how they're generated
L78[04:20:08] <Krutoy242> Seems like its true... Let me understand how make this on lua and for other channels
L79[04:25:57] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L80[04:33:33] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L81[04:34:31] <asie> Krutoy242: the GPU will do it for you automatically
L82[04:34:44] <asie> the colors are, well
L83[04:35:04] <asie> https://github.com/ChenThread/ctif/blob/master/viewers/ctif-oc.lua#L29-L46
L84[04:35:06] <asie> this
L85[04:37:52] <Krutoy242> Oh, this is what i need! Thank you asie!
L86[04:55:18] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-410-131.w90-22.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L87[05:14:50] ⇦ Quits: Kane_Hart (~Kane_Hart@cped850e64f3743-cmbc4dfbd56480.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) ()
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L89[05:17:27] ⇨ Joins: jojotastic777 (~jojotasti@
L90[05:21:05] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6CDC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L91[05:31:53] <Forecaster> does anyone happen to know how to change your username in your dev env with gradle?
L92[05:34:56] <Vexatos> put --username=Fish in the "program arguments"
L93[05:35:00] <Vexatos> of your run configuration
L94[05:35:31] <Forecaster> if you mean in idea there is no program arguments
L95[05:35:44] <Vexatos> there is
L96[05:36:11] <Forecaster> I see a "script parameters"
L97[05:36:40] <Forecaster> and "VM options"
L98[05:36:57] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-89-76.as13285.net)
L99[05:36:58] <Forecaster> I'm in the "Run/Debug Configurations" menu
L100[05:37:21] <Vexatos> http://i.imgur.com/fmjxKq6.png
L101[05:37:56] <Forecaster> it doesn't look like that in 2016
L102[05:38:11] <Vexatos> I am on the very latest IDEA version .-.
L103[05:38:20] <Vexatos> and it has always looked that way
L104[05:38:42] <Forecaster> I'm on 2016.1.1
L105[05:38:44] <Forecaster> and mine doesn't
L106[05:39:29] <Forecaster> http://i.imgur.com/Bdgf1E8.png
L107[05:39:53] <Forecaster> I assume it's because you have "application" entries?
L108[05:40:00] <Forecaster> and I'm using "gradle" entries
L109[05:45:32] <Vexatos> Yes?
L110[05:45:39] <Vexatos> You aren't supposed to start MC with gradle :P
L111[05:45:50] <Forecaster> why not?
L112[05:45:59] <Vexatos> because you have something better?
L113[05:46:55] <Forecaster> which I don't know how to use :P
L114[05:48:11] <Forecaster> I tried adding an application task, but it says it cant find "GradleStart" in my mod module
L115[05:48:39] <Forecaster> oh, nevermind
L116[05:48:43] <Forecaster> I needed to use _main
L117[05:50:24] <Forecaster> other than the name thing, what's better about this?
L118[05:51:49] <Forecaster> grumble grumble texture still broken grumble
L119[05:53:28] <Vexatos> uuh
L120[05:53:30] <Vexatos> everything?
L121[05:53:34] <Vexatos> faster launch time
L122[05:53:40] <Vexatos> ability to use IDEA debugger magic
L123[05:53:48] <Forecaster> oh, well then
L124[05:53:55] <Forecaster> that does sound better :P
L125[05:55:24] <Vexatos> ability to specify your username
L126[05:55:40] <Forecaster> I said "other than that" so that doesn't count > . >
L127[05:56:14] <Forecaster> sigh, I need to map the class structure with a flowchart...
L128[05:56:22] <Forecaster> having to jump around the video is annoying >:
L129[05:56:55] <Inari> the sad thing is that slither.io would run much better as a desktop game :x
L130[05:58:22] <Vexatos> Forecaster, video?
L131[05:59:45] <Forecaster> MineMaartens tutorial about tileentities
L132[06:00:14] <Vexatos> eww
L133[06:02:43] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L134[06:06:59] <Forecaster> if you've got something better I'm all ears
L135[06:10:47] <Sandra> Inari, yeah... Webapps shouldn't no.
L136[06:11:11] <Inari> "Webapps should not no"
L137[06:11:12] <Inari> what
L138[06:11:43] <g> Inari: "No, webapps shouldn't"
L139[06:11:47] <g> l3english
L140[06:11:49] <g> :P
L141[06:12:06] <Inari> that woudl be "Webapps shouldn't, no.", no?
L142[06:12:23] <g> yeah, but you seemed to have trouble with the phrasing, so I moved the words around
L143[06:12:25] <g> means the same thing
L144[06:12:28] <Inari> and well it woudl run better on desktop so i confsued haha
L145[06:12:38] <Inari> g: but it doesnt make sense without punctuation :x
L146[06:12:47] <g> this is IRC
L147[06:12:51] <g> people tend to just not use it
L148[06:12:55] <Inari> :P
L149[06:12:56] <g> brbafk
L150[06:13:00] <Inari> well it doesnt make sense either way
L151[06:13:03] <Inari> hence why i mocnfuscated
L152[06:15:22] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L153[06:19:09] <Forecaster> Vexatos: ?
L154[06:19:24] <Vexatos> Forecaster: ?
L155[06:19:30] <Forecaster> if you've got something better I'm all ears
L156[06:20:22] <Vexatos> Forecaster: !
L157[06:20:58] <g> Vexatos: He's asking for something better when you said "eww" to the video he's using
L158[06:20:59] <g> :P
L159[06:21:03] <g> from when*
L160[06:21:11] <g> is everyone really distracted today or something?
L161[06:21:29] <Kilobyte> Forecaster: just use the premade minecraft start entries xD
L162[06:21:37] <Inari> g: well still, sandra would be saying webapps wouldnt run betteron desktop, which they would
L163[06:21:40] <Inari> simply because UDP and such
L164[06:21:42] <Kilobyte> gradle ideas generates them for you
L165[06:21:51] <Kilobyte> *gradle idea
L166[06:21:55] <Forecaster> "start entries"?
L167[06:21:55] <Vexatos> Nah, it's actually decent
L168[06:22:01] <Vexatos> I just said "eww" for no reason
L169[06:22:23] <Kilobyte> Forecaster: in the dropdown next to the run and debug buttons
L170[06:22:25] <g> video tutorials are one of my pet peeves, by the way
L171[06:22:39] <g> I'd rather read docs, but I remember a lot of bukkit plugin devs were like HAVE A VIDEO AND NO DOCS AT ALL
L172[06:22:53] <Kilobyte> there should be two options: "Minecraft Client" and "Minecraft Server"
L173[06:23:11] <Forecaster> I haven't found a good text tutorial thouh
L174[06:23:12] <Kilobyte> by default none is selected
L175[06:23:13] <Forecaster> though*
L176[06:23:17] <Sandra> that was me basically saying "webapps are bad and shouldn't exist."
L177[06:23:23] <Sandra> is what I meant.
L178[06:23:31] <Inari> ah :P
L179[06:23:34] <g> webapps have their place
L180[06:23:34] <g> :
L181[06:23:35] <g> :v
L182[06:23:36] <Inari> nah, they are fine for some things
L183[06:23:50] <Inari> im not going to DL even more crapware xD
L184[06:23:53] <Kilobyte> command line applications! :P
L185[06:23:57] <Kilobyte> beats everything
L186[06:24:12] <Lizzy> I am such a nice mayor *burns down an entire district because one person complained*
L187[06:24:16] <Kilobyte> (if done well at least)
L188[06:24:29] * KittyKath cuddles Kilobyte
L189[06:24:30] <Inari> Lizzy: what game xD
L190[06:24:39] * Kilobyte cuddles KittyKath
L191[06:24:40] <Lizzy> Inari, Cities Skylines
L192[06:24:50] <Kilobyte> Lizzy: you are doing well (tm)
L193[06:24:56] <Izaya> Kilobyte: Hai. What'd you use to generate the 9net graph? I need it for research purposes
L194[06:25:17] <Lizzy> though currently there's a constant illness wave which keeps maxing out my healthcare ¬_¬
L195[06:25:17] <Kilobyte> Izaya: tinc has a config option to dump the actual network graph to file
L196[06:25:37] <Kilobyte> in dot format. i do some postprocessing before rendering it using graphviz
L197[06:25:51] <Izaya> :D thanks
L198[06:26:03] <Kilobyte> man tincd.conf for your help :)
L199[06:26:38] <Izaya> Was after the name of the graph thing is all :p
L200[06:26:46] <Kilobyte> ah okay ^^
L201[06:26:53] <Kilobyte> yeah, graphviz is nice :P
L202[06:41:27] <KittyKath> Hmm hmm, bytheby - Batteries that will last a lifetime: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsenergylett.6b00029
L203[06:42:31] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L204[06:42:46] <Izaya> http://graphs.grevian.org/graph/6280762504511488
L205[07:00:13] ⇦ Quits: Krutoy242 (Krutoy242@ (Quit: Leaving)
L206[07:23:48] <Sandra> web /games/ is what I mean.
L207[07:24:04] <Sandra> and other types of multimedia is kinda iffy.
L208[07:24:38] <Sandra> I suppose it's alright, but downloading and watching is a /little/ better than streaming imo.
L209[07:34:44] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L210[07:36:27] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L211[07:37:52] <g> pneumaticraft aphorism tiles are awesome
L212[07:53:47] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L213[07:59:37] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@194-166-4-182.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L214[08:01:48] ⇦ Quits: scj643 (~quassel@2604:a880:800:10::145:3001) (Quit: Bye!!!)
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L216[08:16:51] <Izaya> https://i.imgur.com/E1hqU9Q.png or https://a.cocaine.ninja/uuvjta.png ?
L217[08:29:12] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (~techno156@
L218[08:39:51] <KittyKath> Izaya: Definitely the latter.
L219[08:40:10] <Izaya> mmm
L220[08:40:31] <Izaya> Windows 7 without the transparency looks pretty bad
L221[08:40:53] ⇦ Quits: Dimensional (~kvirc@ (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L222[08:52:36] <Michiyo> dandd
L223[08:52:39] <Michiyo> salodfh
L224[08:52:51] * Michiyo stabs woprk keyboard
L225[08:53:04] * Michiyo sighs
L226[08:53:12] <g> rip
L227[09:03:54] * Lizzy is annoyed that Spintires doesn't do local split screen
L228[09:06:11] <Lizzy> Now i'm going to see if i can run 2 different copies of it on 2 machines
L229[09:07:19] ⇦ Quits: rikai (~quassel@rekd.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L231[09:12:58] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L232[09:18:36] <Lizzy> k, playing on the same account in two places didn't work so now making a 2nd account which can be my little bro's when he gets to the age for it that can play Spintires
L233[09:20:49] <Lizzy> STEAM FFS
L234[09:25:44] <Ajloveslily> pax3
L235[09:25:45] <Ajloveslily> twitch
L236[09:25:50] <Ajloveslily> moding panel
L237[09:46:52] <Inari> https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4g19sk/sharing_cheetos_with_the_underground/d2e1z5e
L238[09:47:55] <Inari> https://twitter.com/HPS_Vanessa/status/722524414986829825
L239[09:47:56] <MichiBot> Tue Apr 19 15:36:59 CDT 2016 @HPS_Vanessa: This... this is a joke by google, right? https://t.co/lT51sHn23G
L240[09:49:38] <Inari> https://twitter.com/rkoutnik/status/722521812450447360
L241[09:49:38] <MichiBot> Tue Apr 19 15:26:38 CDT 2016 @rkoutnik: #infosec protip: Make your password 12 asterisks so even if it leaks, people think it's obfuscated.
L242[09:53:23] <Inari> https://twitter.com/TakeThatDarwin/status/719877105631293440
L243[09:53:24] <MichiBot> Tue Apr 12 08:17:31 CDT 2016 @TakeThatDarwin: In which flat-Earthers discover jpegs. https://t.co/V0g5li0336
L244[09:53:25] <Inari> right screw this
L245[09:53:31] <Inari> i hate humanity
L246[09:57:03] <g> http://techraptor.net/content/mojang
L247[09:57:04] <g> wat
L248[09:57:16] <g> mojang employee released a game under mojang
L249[09:57:31] <g> maybe this is why MC dev is so damn slow
L250[09:59:03] * vifino groans and zombie-walks towards Lizzy
L251[10:06:21] <S3> greaser|q: I see how you did it now
L252[10:06:36] <S3> you made an eeprom do the ELF loading
L253[10:06:56] <S3> also you're doing some heavy black magic and sorcery
L254[10:07:01] <S3> machine code in C? wtf? lol
L255[10:23:28] <Inari> https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4fxi8k/this_is_sparta/
L256[10:24:39] <gamax92> Inari is silly.
L257[10:25:31] <S3> Is that Inari?
L258[10:25:42] <gamax92> I haven't clicked the link yet :P
L259[10:25:57] <S3> rofl
L260[10:32:00] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L261[10:32:57] <gamax92> hmm ... do I use Driver "r600" or Driver "radeon"
L262[10:33:00] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L263[10:33:15] <gamax92> I guess radeon
L264[10:36:21] <ds84182> Lizzy: Make sure you aren't putting poopywater in your water system
L265[10:36:30] <ds84182> I managed to kill ~50% of my population that way
L266[10:36:55] <ds84182> I was trying to place a sewage pipe but I accidentally placed a water thinggy
L267[10:37:52] <gamax92> ds84182: good job.
L268[10:38:17] <ds84182> Thanks
L269[10:38:19] <ds84182> I try my least
L270[10:43:06] *** Kimiro is now known as CB|Away
L271[10:44:01] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L272[10:45:02] ⇦ Quits: techno156 (~techno156@ (Quit: There are those who live without living. Don't be one of those.)
L273[10:52:52] <gamax92> okay, it was "radeon"
L274[10:55:19] <Ajloveslily> for what
L275[10:55:27] <gamax92> the xorg.conf stuff
L276[10:57:38] <vifino> not radeonsi?
L277[10:58:06] <gamax92> vifino: this computer has a r600 based card.
L278[10:59:04] <vifino> rip
L279[11:02:54] * vifino misses Lizzy
L280[11:05:39] * ds84182 misses ping
L281[11:05:45] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-89-76.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L282[11:05:54] <ds84182> I'll probably end up sharing ping with Katt sooner or later :/
L283[11:05:59] * Kimiro Misses Doubtfire
L284[11:06:13] <ds84182> Kimiro: Please don't open those wounds
L285[11:06:24] <ds84182> I don't need any more feels this morning
L286[11:06:43] <Kimiro> Awwwr. :<
L287[11:06:49] * Kimiro hugs ds84182 tight
L288[11:06:58] <ds84182> ~!
L289[11:07:25] <gamax92> -! -~
L290[11:07:31] <ds84182>
L291[11:10:53] <S3> ok
L292[11:11:41] <S3> I can't quite figure out what operands are really doing what in greaser|q's code for the UTLB so I am going to hope I don't even need to touch it
L293[11:19:42] <Inari> soooo
L294[11:19:47] <Inari> how do i like, follow someone on facebook?
L295[11:20:37] <Izaya> well you see first
L296[11:20:43] <payonel> o/
L297[11:20:44] <Izaya> you need to level up your narcicism stat
L298[11:21:07] <Inari> im not sure how narcicism relates
L299[11:23:53] <Izaya> https://lain.shadowkat.net/~izaya/img/mlvwm.png
L300[11:25:52] <gamax92> Inari: tie a rope around yourself and them so that any time they move they drag you along with them, through all of the stuff that happens in their life, all their ups and downs, because you want to be so interested in their life as to follow them.
L301[11:26:37] <Inari> any actual answers? :P
L302[11:29:13] ⇨ Joins: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c)
L303[11:29:41] <Inari> gamax92: actually im just trying to ge tupdates on new stuff being sold,dont think that qualifies as caring about someones life
L304[11:30:50] <gamax92> D: it's even worse than I though
L305[11:32:48] <Inari> ?
L306[11:38:56] <g> Inari: you start following them when you add them as a friend
L307[11:39:04] <g> some people have following turned off, so you can't just follow them without doing that
L308[11:39:36] * gamax92 goes to check out reddit today
L309[11:40:08] <g> Today on reddit: "
L310[11:40:08] <g> My wife just prepared a crumpet using the microwave and didn't see the slightest thing wrong with it."
L311[11:40:14] <g> ..dunno where that newline come from..
L312[11:40:27] <gamax92> g: Windows! where you can't see the new line character D:<
L313[11:40:29] <Inari> well i figured out its a "page" apprently not a "profile"
L314[11:40:31] <Inari> whatever teh diff is
L315[11:40:33] <Inari> so i liekd the page
L316[11:40:37] <Inari> cause thats apprently what you do
L317[11:40:37] <g> ah, yeah, just like it
L318[11:40:39] <Inari> *shrugs*
L319[11:40:54] <g> you won't see all their updates on your feed, though
L320[11:41:04] <g> you need to enable that
L321[11:41:14] <Inari> i turned notifications on All
L322[11:41:16] <Inari> if you mean that?
L323[11:41:36] <g> that's not what I meant, no
L324[11:41:40] <g> that'll give you an actual notification
L325[11:41:58] <g> you want this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/April/vivaldi_2016-04-23_17-42-00.png
L326[11:42:15] <g> don't mind the custom facebook
L327[11:42:16] <g> :P
L328[11:42:29] <Temia> ...I was gonna say.
L329[11:42:30] <Inari> ah
L330[11:42:32] <Inari> thanks :p
L331[11:42:46] <gamax92> r/outside is fun
L332[11:43:34] <Inari> i wish german lolita fashion groups would just use reddit ors omething
L333[11:44:05] <g> that's far too nerdy for most people
L334[11:44:09] <gamax92> Orz
L335[11:45:16] <gamax92> brb in several hours, unpacking like ~2000 archives
L336[11:45:33] <Temia> How many threads are you using?
L337[11:45:59] <gamax92> Temia: how many ever dpkg uses
L338[11:47:27] <gamax92> "My lawn now grows faster than apt-get unpacks packages" ~ Patrick le Roux
L339[11:50:28] <S3> wait what...?
L340[11:50:49] <S3> if I put a weak redstone signal into a WR-CBE transmitter, why doesn't it come out weak on the other side? :(
L341[11:50:56] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Quit: Time heals all wounds, but heals time?)
L342[11:50:58] <S3> that's not cool
L343[11:51:07] <Temia> Lossiness, I guess?
L344[11:51:17] <S3> there goes variable amplitude modulation
L345[11:51:33] <Temia> I wonder if there's a bus transceiver pair you could use instead.
L346[11:51:34] <S3> I was just thinking I can send up to 4 bits per tick with it
L347[11:51:54] <S3> imagine how fast that'd be :)
L348[11:51:58] * vifino pets Temia
L349[11:52:13] <S3> bus transciever? well that's not wireless
L350[11:52:24] <Temia> Yeah, you could totally send maybe one word per second through UART
L351[11:52:42] <S3> Temia: the OC MIPS arch runs between 40 - 70 Mhz about
L352[11:52:43] <Temia> mm. right, there was already a thing called that, huh.
L353[11:52:49] <S3> so I can actually do per tick UART
L354[11:52:59] <S3> that's exactly what I wanted to do
L355[11:53:00] <Temia> That's pretty slow. o.o
L356[11:53:09] <S3> what do you mean that's slow?
L357[11:53:20] <Temia> The OC MIPS arch.
L358[11:53:34] <Temia> But I guess it's only fair. Don't want to overload the server.
L359[11:53:37] <S3> I run an ARM chip IRC at 4Mhz and it's fast enough to do 1 megabaud
L360[11:53:38] <S3> :P
L361[11:53:45] <Temia> Oh, no
L362[11:53:49] <Temia> I don't meant for the UART usage
L363[11:53:50] <g> I just found this
L364[11:53:51] <g> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5kETiLtfEI
L365[11:53:51] <g> wat
L366[11:53:52] <MichiBot> Smash Mouth - All Star (Inverted Cover) | length: 3m 28s | Likes: 3732 Dislikes: 30 Views: 159333 | by Hot Dad
L367[11:54:04] <S3> Temia: for a microcontroller in minecraft? it's fast
L368[11:54:12] <Temia> I gueeeeess.
L369[11:54:16] <S3> I run my arm chip at max at 24Mhz
L370[11:54:17] <S3> lol
L371[11:54:23] <S3> IRL
L372[11:54:36] <Temia> I figured :P
L373[11:54:45] <payonel> [this] machine is a chip
L374[11:55:04] <Temia> I'm an engineering student, I know ARM's near-ubiquitous in embedded hardware and can make the distinction
L375[11:55:09] <S3> Temia: keep in mind the redpower cpu did about 40 Khz
L376[11:55:10] <S3> or so
L377[11:55:17] <Izaya> g: what the shit
L378[11:55:18] <g> Mold the break stars..
L379[11:55:24] <g> Izaya: yeah, xD
L380[11:55:25] <S3> Temia: so am I :)
L381[11:55:26] <S3> I
L382[11:55:30] <S3> I'm EE / CE
L383[11:55:32] <S3> :D
L384[11:55:36] <Temia> Well met then.
L385[11:55:46] <g> I think he reversed the words in each line
L386[11:55:47] <g> pretty great
L387[11:55:52] <gamax92> Temia: what speed would you prefer the MIPS arch to run at?
L388[11:56:10] <gamax92> keep in mind this is also with a dynamic recompiler iirc
L389[11:56:13] <gamax92> without
L390[11:56:16] <Temia> Eh, I'd have to experiment with it to get a better feel.
L391[11:56:22] <Temia> Clockrate isn't everything anyway.
L392[11:56:27] <gamax92> mmhm :>
L393[11:56:32] <Temia> I think I've exhausted my word allotment per cup of coffee. I'll be back when I make another
L394[11:56:48] <S3> I wonder how many cycles per instruction on average a MIPS chip does
L395[11:56:50] <payonel> gamax92: where is the time limit for "without yielding" is that per machine in ocemu.cfg?
L396[11:57:02] <gamax92> it should be in ocemu.cfg yeah
L397[11:57:05] <g> oh man, there's more of them
L398[11:57:06] <g> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEX71GsQiGMqF6ipKV3fiOG_WtENZkKXB
L399[11:57:17] <S3> heh.
L400[11:57:27] <S3> It'd be kind of neat to run a custom arch on ocemu
L401[11:57:29] <Temia> Wasn't one of its advantages managing to keep a good cycle:instruction ratio compared to CISCs like the x86 series?
L402[11:57:30] <payonel> gamax92: ah yep, ocemu.computer.timeout
L403[11:58:01] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-109.eng.wind.ca)
L404[11:59:08] <S3> Temia: not sure. There are several designs of CISCs that don't even benchmark against that, there are some CISC arches out there that are only cisc because they have instructions for doing shit like AES and hashing and a bunch of other crazy stuff, but aren't particularly CISC in general in any other way
L405[11:59:31] <S3> and there are some architectures that are neither
L406[11:59:49] <g> Me saves that one the be gonna you're..
L407[11:59:53] <gamax92> hey.
L408[11:59:56] <g> all after and
L409[11:59:56] <gamax92> S3
L410[11:59:59] <g> wonderwall my you're..
L411[12:00:02] <g> lol.
L412[12:00:07] <Temia> True.
L413[12:00:08] <S3> gamax92: gamax92
L414[12:00:09] <gamax92> g shut the fuck up
L415[12:00:15] <g> gamax92: gamax92 gamax92
L416[12:00:19] <S3> ..
L417[12:00:20] <Temia> But I meant particular focus on 'like the x86 series'
L418[12:00:38] ⇨ Joins: fotoply (~fotoply@2-104-228-18-static.dk.customer.tdc.net)
L419[12:00:45] ⇦ Quits: fotoply (~fotoply@2-104-228-18-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Client Quit)
L420[12:00:56] <S3> I hope x86 dies
L421[12:01:11] <payonel> gamax92: ha! so i looking for a pattern in all files: grep pattern / -r
L422[12:01:21] <payonel> it kept timing out, so i set the timeout to a full minute
L423[12:01:53] <payonel> then i realized i have devfs, /dev/random would take a while to grep
L424[12:02:03] <S3> yeah...
L425[12:02:04] <gamax92> huh.
L426[12:02:08] <S3> a while
L427[12:02:34] <S3> well, /dev/urandom, I thought /dev/random would have just closed quickly
L428[12:02:56] <payonel> in openos i'm not making the distinction
L429[12:02:58] <payonel> it's just random
L430[12:03:05] <S3> ah this is openos
L431[12:03:20] <payonel> and it doesn't close (irl) it just hangs on read until it gets more entropy
L432[12:03:25] <gamax92> payonel: it should be called urandom then
L433[12:03:40] <S3> payonel: oh yeah that's right.
L434[12:04:18] <S3> well urandom is pretty weak
L435[12:04:37] <S3> but fast
L436[12:05:24] <S3> It'd be cool to have an analog random number generator in my cpu arch design
L437[12:05:27] <gamax92> weak?
L438[12:05:34] <S3> gamax92: compared to /dev/random
L439[12:05:49] <gamax92> compared to, sure, in general, not really
L440[12:05:51] <S3> urandom is actually much more predictable. Lemme see if I can find the details
L441[12:06:18] <S3> oh wow I just learned something neat
L442[12:06:39] <S3> on FreeBSD, /dev/urandom is just a symbolic link to /dev/random
L443[12:06:50] <payonel> S3: this is all openos' devfs 'random' will be https://git.io/vwRyy
L444[12:07:08] <S3> I know I was talking about urandom and random on say Linux or so
L445[12:07:49] <S3> This all reminds me I have been here goofing off and not writing MIPS assembly
L446[12:07:51] <S3> for OC
L447[12:08:33] *** Lucca is now known as Flea
L448[12:10:01] <gamax92> "FreeBSD does the right thing: they don't have the distinction between /dev/random and /dev/urandom, both are the same device."
L449[12:10:23] <S3> where did you read that? :)
L450[12:10:32] <gamax92> http://www.2uo.de/myths-about-urandom/
L451[12:10:36] <S3> ha
L452[12:11:38] <S3> huh
L453[12:11:43] <S3> neat article
L454[12:16:10] <S3> if we can just get DMA with the GPU component and hardwareio support for it I can create a DMA framebuffer :D
L455[12:16:59] <S3> It's be really cool if the GPU had framebuffers too, because then I could use DMA to double buffer video memory
L456[12:17:22] <S3> I think Sangar said something about a framebuffer like thing didn't he?
L457[12:17:48] <S3> on the lua side
L458[12:20:49] *** Flea is now known as Daiyousei
L459[12:23:49] <Kimiro> Where did you come from, where did you go?
L460[12:25:13] <payonel> S3: the viewport could be used for buffering. but one would have to have a custom (and reduced) resolution and display manager
L461[12:25:15] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-89-76.as13285.net)
L462[12:25:58] <gamax92> hey payonel
L463[12:30:52] <S3> hmm
L464[12:30:58] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L465[12:31:04] <S3> also, I am working on a component bus idea
L466[12:31:53] <Lizzy> "<ds84182> Lizzy: Make sure you aren't putting poopywater in your water system" My water pumps are way upstream from my sewage treatment plants :/
L467[12:32:14] <S3> The new component bus API would allow components to talk to eachother the same way
L468[12:32:19] <S3> which is kinda neat
L469[12:32:36] <Lizzy> It could be due to the water purifier assets i have (they use power and just convert sewage to water, maybe they add a bit of crap to it)
L470[12:32:47] <ds84182> hehe
L471[12:33:22] <vifino> LIZZY!!!!!!!!!
L472[12:34:03] <Lizzy> though to be fair, I am trying to resurect one of my old cities which was started long before After Dark came out (and it has a fairly terrible road layout
L473[12:34:15] <Lizzy> vifino!!!!!!!!oneeleven11
L474[12:34:56] * vifino throws himself at Lizzy and kisses her all over
L475[12:35:03] <Lizzy> though I have improved the road layout a bit (also not packing it in as dense
L476[12:35:13] * Lizzy was caught unprepared and thus falls over
L477[12:39:18] <S3> Let's see, so the components are 128 bit
L478[12:39:21] <S3> ids
L479[12:41:45] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L480[12:47:28] <surferconor425> When I press backspace in a computer from OC it just does ?
L481[12:47:56] <surferconor425> Have no idea why
L482[12:48:02] <S3> keymap different?
L483[12:48:27] <surferconor425> Like the system keyboard?
L484[12:48:37] <surferconor425> from my computer? or something in OC?
L485[12:50:23] <surferconor425> As for OC I just use standard everything
L486[12:50:47] <surferconor425> My system keyboard is well the British Mac Keyboard layout
L487[12:51:47] *** Ajloveslily is now known as sddsfg
L488[12:51:53] *** sddsfg is now known as Ajloveslily
L489[13:00:38] <CompanionCube> hm
L490[13:02:12] <S3> CompanionCube: you might like this
L491[13:02:51] * CompanionCube waits for a link
L492[13:03:02] <S3> I'm still writing
L493[13:03:07] <S3> i'm coming up with a new component bus
L494[13:03:19] <S3> one that may be useful for the OCRANET
L495[13:06:45] <S3> it will also allow for somebody to network components if they wanted over the real internet
L496[13:06:52] <S3> easily
L497[13:07:02] <CompanionCube> neat
L498[13:10:15] <gamax92> S3: UUID v4 is 122 bit
L499[13:10:22] <S3> yeah
L500[13:10:23] <S3> oh
L501[13:10:26] <S3> wat
L502[13:12:56] <CompanionCube> so I just came up with a good/terrible idea
L503[13:13:11] <S3> ?
L504[13:13:22] <CompanionCube> combine https://github.com/simplyianm/sysadmincraft or https://github.com/docker/dockercraft
L505[13:13:25] <CompanionCube> with OpenComputers
L506[13:13:43] <S3> ........
L507[13:14:08] <S3> heh
L508[13:15:01] <S3> CompanionCube: so the new component API will (behind the scenes) be a packet based one basically
L509[13:15:24] <S3> this is so that it will be usable on non lua arches as well
L510[13:15:31] <S3> for reasons like memory mapped IO
L511[13:16:55] <S3> the art and soul of this idea is that VPI and VCI identifiers are used; The difference between a component and computer is no different- when you attach a component to the wire, it sends a packet with VPI = 0 and VCI = 0 saying, "HI! IM HERE!"
L512[13:17:29] <S3> by using VPI and VCI behind the scenes, you can talk to components seprated by long numbers of relays spaced apart
L513[13:18:05] <CompanionCube> so basically it's a distributed component access mechanism?
L514[13:18:10] <S3> the way this works is that when you speak to a component, you 'open' it by requesting to talk to it
L515[13:18:13] <S3> yeah
L516[13:18:29] <S3> and you will get a VPI and VCI for talking to that component
L517[13:18:37] <cloakable> :o
L518[13:18:41] <S3> (you don't do this in Lua, this is in C / Java)
L519[13:18:58] <S3> the reason I did it this way is because UUIDs are huge
L520[13:19:16] <S3> you can find a component by UUID, or look for a components UUID, etc but the UUIDs are NOT in the packets by default
L521[13:19:26] <vifino> Ah, you just reminded me to make an lv2 effect to script one in lua, S3.
L522[13:19:29] <S3> I thought it was slow and stupid to send / receieve a source and destination UUID every packet
L523[13:19:33] <S3> heh
L524[13:19:46] <S3> vifino: cool
L525[13:20:05] <S3> CompanionCube: so the packets are tiny! you just send a packet with a VPI and VCI field and then a bunch of data
L526[13:20:29] <S3> every component on the bus will have their own VCI and VPI number inside that local network
L527[13:20:57] <S3> CompanionCube: how does this come into play with OCRANET? well.. ATM uses VCI and VPI as well.
L528[13:21:06] <S3> so when it comes to networking, it can also use VPI and VCI channels
L529[13:21:29] <S3> the component network api here is just very minimal and lightweight
L530[13:22:14] <S3> CompanionCube: this also allows you to create "fake components" or pseudo components
L531[13:22:40] <S3> by writing a program to send a greeting on the network and assign a function call to some VPI / VCI you got
L532[13:22:44] <S3> neat eh?
L533[13:22:56] <S3> and all of this would be 100% hidden from the Lua programmer
L534[13:30:19] <S3> so the way this is kind of going to work I think is that (only in the scope of the network, not to be confused with what I said earlier) Every component in the network will have 1 or more VPI (virtual path identifiers).
L535[13:30:44] <S3> and then VCI will be used for the individual services or routing paths
L536[13:31:04] <Vexatos> vifino, halp
L537[13:31:08] <Vexatos> wiki.vex.tty.sh/
L538[13:31:24] <vifino> wot?
L539[13:31:36] <vifino> fucks sake php
L540[13:31:36] <S3> lol?
L541[13:31:40] <Vexatos> your server is the most stabelest of all™
L542[13:31:46] <vifino> Shut up, Vexatos.
L543[13:31:51] <Vexatos> php again?
L544[13:31:54] <Vexatos> what is it this time
L545[13:32:01] <Vexatos> damnit php
L546[13:32:07] <vifino> Fuck if I knew.
L547[13:32:07] <S3> write your site in Lua :)
L548[13:32:35] <Vexatos> ahahahahaha
L549[13:32:36] <Vexatos> hah
L550[13:32:38] <Vexatos> ah
L551[13:32:51] <S3> lolol
L552[13:33:28] <gamax92> s/mn/mm/
L553[13:33:29] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> dammit php
L554[13:33:47] <S3> This webpage is not available
L555[13:33:53] <Vexatos> dammit
L556[13:33:58] <Vexatos> gammax92
L557[13:33:59] <S3> fix it Vexatos
L558[13:34:02] <cloakable> write the website as a selfcontained webserver/website in Lua
L559[13:34:04] <Vexatos> S3, I am right now
L560[13:34:10] <S3> :)
L561[13:34:12] * Vexatos sends motivational help to vifino
L562[13:34:18] <S3> I'm sorry I have to be a troll on this one
L563[13:34:52] <vifino> wait
L564[13:35:01] <cloakable> Write a baremetal Lua interpreter so you can do without the OS
L565[13:35:17] <vifino> q_q
L566[13:35:23] <vifino> its not even on this machine
L567[13:35:36] <vifino> I bet my cousin fucked the webserver up again.
L568[13:35:39] <vifino> Q_Q
L569[13:35:49] <vifino> "hey lets just reboot okay"
L570[13:36:13] <S3> vifino: give him like, a docker
L571[13:36:14] <vifino> YEP
L572[13:36:17] <vifino> HE REBOOTED
L573[13:36:18] <vifino> Q_Q
L574[13:36:18] <S3> that has 5 mb of disk space
L575[13:36:32] <S3> and tell him hey, here's your sand box
L576[13:36:37] <S3> and a shovelk
L577[13:36:43] <S3> won't fit much more
L578[13:36:51] <S3> (and some sand)
L579[13:37:21] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L580[13:37:21] <S3> vifino: why isn't your webserver persistent?
L581[13:37:32] <vifino> S3: Shut it.
L582[13:37:55] <gamax92> vifino: does your webserver run on luajit
L583[13:38:04] <vifino> gamax92: which one?
L584[13:38:08] <vifino> Vexatos: fixed.
L585[13:38:17] <vifino> Sorry. my cousin decided to fuck things up.
L586[13:38:25] <gamax92> the one your cousin fucked up
L587[13:38:30] <vifino> gamax92: no.
L588[13:38:34] *** Daiyousei is now known as Flea
L589[13:38:38] <gamax92> ahh alright
L590[13:39:05] <vifino> However, the webserver I wrote uses luajit extensively.
L591[13:39:32] <vifino> Why?
L592[13:40:12] <Vexatos> thanks
L593[13:40:31] <S3> vifino: it was a good question
L594[13:40:37] <S3> I wasn't trolling when I asked that lol
L595[13:41:54] <vifino> S3: Because of jails and pf.
L596[13:42:28] <vifino> pf doesn't route the traffic to the jails when the jails aren't running yet, which happens in the boot process.
L597[13:42:32] ⇨ Joins: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@HSI-KBW-109-192-133-159.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de)
L598[13:42:34] <vifino> so i have to reload the pf rules.
L599[14:01:44] <Vexatos> ah right
L600[14:02:03] <Vexatos> vifino, could you get me access to the wiki directory so I can update dokuwiki >_>
L601[14:02:20] <Vexatos> because you are mentioned still as the owner
L602[14:02:37] <vifino> oh, right
L603[14:02:39] <vifino> hold on
L604[14:02:57] <Vexatos> I recall group needs to stay http for stuff to work
L605[14:02:58] <vifino> since its on a different server, I have to first make sure they are the same, then i have to let you update it
L606[14:03:02] <Vexatos> but owner should be fine to change, eh?
L607[14:05:23] <vifino> Currently it is transferring, Vexatos.
L608[14:05:30] <Vexatos> k
L609[14:06:13] <vifino> Go ahead, update it.
L610[14:08:29] <gamax92> "remote: Counting objects: 4498368"
L611[14:09:09] <gamax92> oh jeez, and now to receive all of those objects.
L612[14:09:57] <Vexatos> yay thanks
L613[14:11:04] <vifino> Updated it, Vexatos?
L614[14:11:07] <Vexatos> yes
L615[14:11:08] <Vexatos> why?
L616[14:11:16] <vifino> As I said, I need to copy it over.
L617[14:11:26] <Vexatos> Weird
L618[14:11:27] <Vexatos> why?
L619[14:11:37] <vifino> ...
L620[14:11:48] <vifino> vifino | since its on a different server, I have to first make sure they are the same, then i have to let you update it
L621[14:17:53] <Vexatos> "the same"?
L622[14:18:01] <Vexatos> so you have two different servers?
L623[14:18:17] <Vexatos> I am confused
L624[14:18:45] <Lizzy> right, fuck that city
L625[14:18:55] * Lizzy accidentially flooded it
L626[14:19:23] <Vexatos> accidental genocide - "oops"
L627[14:20:56] * g frisbees poppadoms at Lizzy
L628[14:24:34] ⇨ Joins: tim4242 (webchat@p50810E3C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L630[14:26:35] <Kilobyte> Lizzy: how does one accidentially flood a city xD
L631[14:27:04] <Lizzy> Kilobyte, terraforming next to a river (land stuff, not the water bits),
L632[14:27:13] <Kilobyte> i see
L633[14:27:16] <gamax92> what if the city was actually really tiny
L634[14:27:22] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L635[14:27:34] <gamax92> then flooding it would be easy and easily accidental
L636[14:29:39] <Kilobyte> yeah, true
L637[14:32:48] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L638[14:39:33] <vifino> Vexatos: PHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/wiki.vex.tty.sh/inc/init.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/wiki.vex.tty.sh/doku.php on line 34
L639[14:39:36] <vifino> !?!?!
L640[14:40:00] <g> vifino: no such file: /var/www/wiki.vex.tty.sh/inc/init.php
L641[14:40:08] <Vexatos> huh
L642[14:40:12] <vifino> g: Thanks for not being helpful.
L643[14:40:13] <vifino> I can read.
L644[14:40:28] <g> if the file is there, check permissions and ownership
L645[14:40:33] <vifino> It is not.
L646[14:41:17] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L647[14:41:31] <vifino> Vexatos: ... is conf supposed to be empty?
L648[14:41:34] <Vexatos> let me fix this
L649[14:41:55] <vifino> alright, no idea what you did :v
L650[14:42:05] <vifino> you can pass me a zip too
L651[14:42:40] <gamax92> vifino: do pf-kernel again ... what did you do for CPU optimizations?
L652[14:42:52] <vifino> gamax92: native
L653[14:42:53] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L654[14:43:11] <gamax92> I guess I'll try it again, last time I did though ran into issues, however this is not the same version as last time
L655[14:43:28] <vifino> Linux zen.lan 4.5.0-pf1 #1 SMP Wed Apr 20 13:51:41 CEST 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
L656[14:43:39] <Vexatos> the hell
L657[14:43:51] <Vexatos> there is a freaking init file in the archive
L658[14:43:56] <Vexatos> why didn't it extract it
L659[14:44:08] <Vexatos> now it did
L660[14:44:10] <Vexatos> it's there now
L661[14:44:14] <g> What tool did you extract with before?
L662[14:44:15] <gamax92> agh why am I getting all these config options ... >_>
L663[14:44:23] <Vexatos> g: tar?
L664[14:44:32] <Vexatos> vifino, should be there now
L665[14:44:32] <g> oh, it wasn't a zip then?
L666[14:44:39] <Vexatos> of course not
L667[14:44:44] <gamax92> That'd be why, forgot the default config patch
L668[14:44:51] <g> hum, okay
L669[14:45:32] <Vexatos> vifino, is it there now?
L670[14:45:34] <Vexatos> I can see it
L671[14:45:52] <vifino> Vexatos: one sec
L672[14:46:00] <vifino> it is
L673[14:46:05] <vifino> also conf has stuff now
L674[14:46:05] <vifino> so
L675[14:46:06] <vifino> woo
L676[14:46:40] <Vexatos> but uuh http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/wiki:computronics
L677[14:46:43] <Vexatos> still blank
L678[14:47:14] <vifino> no idea
L679[14:47:21] <vifino> lemme check permissions and stuffs
L680[14:47:38] <Vexatos> ah yep
L681[14:47:44] <Vexatos> you didn't only set the owner to vexatos
L682[14:47:49] <Vexatos> you also set the group to vexatos
L683[14:47:54] <Vexatos> IIRC group has to stay http
L684[14:48:09] <g> by the way, it's usually a bad idea to store thing in /var/www
L685[14:48:13] <Vexatos> last time we had this, that helped >_>
L686[14:48:15] <Vexatos> >_>
L687[14:48:20] <g> the package manager is allowed to delete/overwrite it without prompting
L688[14:48:25] <g> on most distros
L689[14:48:50] <g> /srv or /opt is usually a better spot
L690[14:49:18] <Vexatos> wait, vifino, init etc being gone... that was you? Apparently. I just checked and it was there when I updated dokuwiki
L691[14:49:30] <Vexatos> yep
L692[14:49:33] <Vexatos> you completely wiped it
L693[14:49:41] <Vexatos> all wiki pages are gone, too
L694[14:49:45] <Vexatos> they weren't before
L695[14:49:50] <Vexatos> luckily, I have a backup
L696[14:49:51] <g> on ubuntu server that dir can get replaced on reboot as well
L697[14:50:35] <Vexatos> vifino, must be you. I know for sure those weren't gone after the update
L698[14:50:48] <vifino> Vexatos: no idea, i also have a backup
L699[14:50:53] <vifino> bit i know the 500 issue
L700[14:51:03] <vifino> its because the transfer was me zipping it up, forgot -r
L701[14:51:13] <vifino> mesonoop
L702[14:51:28] <Vexatos> >______________>
L703[14:51:33] <vifino> ah, much better
L704[14:52:11] <Vexatos> stuff is still gone
L705[14:52:28] <vifino> which stuff
L706[14:52:29] <vifino> where gone
L707[14:52:35] <Vexatos> data/pages for instance
L708[14:52:40] <Vexatos> see http://wiki.vex.tty.sh
L709[14:52:52] <Vexatos> Also /conf/ is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
L710[14:52:59] <Vexatos> and /data is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
L711[14:53:09] <vifino> ls data/pages/
L712[14:53:09] <vifino> playground wiki
L713[14:53:10] <gamax92> bsdtar
L714[14:53:12] <Vexatos> you still haven't set the group to http
L715[14:53:22] <Vexatos> vifino, exactly, all the wiki pages used to be there
L716[14:53:23] <vifino> Vexatos: you are looking at the wrong machine
L717[14:53:25] <vifino> once again.
L718[14:53:26] <Vexatos> what
L719[14:54:00] <vifino> i can copy over a backup of pages/* over, if you want, Vexatos.
L720[14:54:02] <Vexatos> but the website tells me they are gone, too
L721[14:54:11] <Vexatos> just like filezilla and ssh
L722[14:54:17] <vifino> no idea
L723[14:54:18] <Vexatos> so how could I be looking at the wrong machine
L724[14:54:28] <Vexatos> vifino, really, what have you just done
L725[14:54:38] <Vexatos> why did you even need to copy files across
L726[14:54:41] <Vexatos> I don't understand
L727[14:54:51] <vifino> you are looking at tty.sh, this is hosted by arctic.efero.de
L728[14:55:02] <vifino> i need to transfer the files over to that box
L729[14:55:21] <Vexatos> and uh
L730[14:55:23] <Vexatos> what
L731[14:55:23] <vifino> but okay, data/pages is missing, i can copy it over from a backup, you alright with that, Vexatos=
L732[14:55:29] <Vexatos> that won't help
L733[14:55:36] <Vexatos> dokuwiki is still lacking all the permissions
L734[14:55:39] <Vexatos> to access its own files
L735[14:55:48] <vifino> i am aware
L736[14:55:51] <vifino> but one problem at a time
L737[14:55:58] <Vexatos> so why again do I not have access to the server the wiki is hosted on but a... mirror?
L738[14:56:11] <Vexatos> which you have to copy manually from?+
L739[14:56:17] <Vexatos> doesn't sound quite ideal to me
L740[14:56:25] <Vexatos> so yea, copying over pages/ would fix something
L741[14:57:03] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-109.eng.wind.ca) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L742[14:59:21] <vifino> there we go, Vexatos.
L743[14:59:54] <Vexatos> you also need to copy over /conf from the backup
L744[15:00:00] <Vexatos> not just /data/pages
L745[15:00:04] <vifino> okay.
L746[15:00:25] <vifino> Vexatos: also, you can access the backup yourself, /var/www/wiki
L747[15:00:50] <Vexatos> you know what, copy over the entirety of /data
L748[15:00:55] <Vexatos> and /conf
L749[15:01:00] <Vexatos> those are the parts that need to stay
L750[15:01:05] <vifino> okay
L751[15:01:30] <Vexatos> well nice that I can access it.... ON THE MIRROR AND NOT THE ACTUAL SERVER.
L752[15:01:36] <Vexatos> anyways.
L753[15:02:00] <Vexatos> in the meantime I updated dokuwiki on Mimiru's mirror
L754[15:02:31] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (~Wiiplay12@adsl-72-154-27-37.bna.bellsouth.net)
L755[15:02:35] <gamax92> hello Wiiplay123
L756[15:02:39] <Wiiplay123> hey
L757[15:03:07] <Wiiplay123> I'm trying to make an ultimate minecraft plan
L758[15:03:11] <Wiiplay123> and I'm running into some issues
L759[15:03:19] <vifino> Vexatos: okay. did the thingers.
L760[15:03:40] <gamax92> Wiiplay123: did you turn it off and back on
L761[15:03:46] <Wiiplay123> namely how do I get a Supplied Turtle from ComputerCraft to resupply itself with unstackable Watches of Flowing Time so I can put them on the pedestals and automatically activate the pedestals
L762[15:03:51] <vifino> Sorry that it's being such a mess right now. It's not quite optimal.
L763[15:03:59] <Vexatos> okay, i can access admin stuff again
L764[15:04:10] <vifino> I garantue you that next time, it will go a lot smoother, Vexatos.
L765[15:04:19] <vifino> If not, feel free to slap me.
L766[15:04:27] * gamax92 slaps vifino
L767[15:04:27] * vifino takes an egg, lets gamax92 forcefully eat it.
L768[15:04:31] * gamax92 dies
L769[15:04:35] <Vexatos> On Mimiru's mirror, I ssh'ed into it, made a backup tar, downloaded it, uploaded new tar, decompressed, done :P
L770[15:04:39] <g> Wiiplay123: should note, this is the OpenComputers channel, not the ComputerCraft channel
L771[15:04:44] <Vexatos> That's how I expected it to work >_>
L772[15:04:53] <g> we don't hate CC but I don't think many people use it here
L773[15:04:54] <Wiiplay123> yep, that's why I'm headed over to #computercraft to ask the right channel
L774[15:04:55] <vifino> It should work that way, I agree.
L775[15:05:04] <g> haha
L776[15:05:07] <Wiiplay123> I'm using it because the turtles are cheap and easy to mass produce with automation
L777[15:05:16] <g> You can do that with OC as well
L778[15:05:29] <Vexatos> okay, it's working again, vifino
L779[15:05:30] <Vexatos> thanks
L780[15:05:33] <g> I forget how, but I know it's possible
L781[15:05:34] <g> lol
L782[15:05:34] <gamax92> but robots aren't cheap and I dunno how to automate the assembler
L783[15:05:40] <Wiiplay123> Precisely
L784[15:05:49] <Vexatos> vifino, now FIX YER SERVERS!!!!!!!!!11111111one
L785[15:05:51] * Vexatos slaps vifino
L786[15:05:51] * vifino takes an egg, lets Vexatos forcefully eat it.
L787[15:05:56] <vifino> Sorry that it took so long and so much effort on your side, Vexatos.
L788[15:06:00] * Vexatos likes eggs
L789[15:06:06] <Michiyo> >lets >forcefully
L790[15:06:11] <Vexatos> vifino, at least I learned how to use tar
L791[15:06:11] <g> By the way, does anyone know of any decent non-php wiki software?
L792[15:06:11] <gamax92> Michiyo: heh
L793[15:06:16] <Vexatos> >_>
L794[15:06:17] <Wiiplay123> I can make cheap turtles on any DNS Tech Pack server and make it poop out solar flowers
L795[15:06:18] <gamax92> g: luawiki
L796[15:06:23] <g> wat
L797[15:06:34] <gamax92> I dunno, probably exists somewhere
L798[15:07:04] <g> I use mediawiki right now but it's a bit inflexible, and is PHP
L799[15:07:18] <g> although lack of php isn't a killer thing, would be preferable
L800[15:07:44] <vifino> g: Make your own!
L801[15:07:48] <vifino> :D
L802[15:07:53] <g> I really don't want to
L803[15:07:53] <g> xD
L804[15:08:10] <vifino> Then wait until I got bored enough to make my own.
L805[15:08:28] <vifino> looaaa errythang
L806[15:08:31] <g> well I would like to get this done in the next decade
L807[15:08:31] <g> :P
L808[15:08:51] <vifino> Do you have any idea how bored I get...?
L809[15:09:25] <Flea> DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM
L810[15:09:33] <Flea> BASICALLY, KIND OF A BIG DEAL
L811[15:09:35] <S3> ok vifino where's your paste site
L812[15:09:37] <Flea> </scout>
L813[15:09:41] <Vexatos> vifino's landing page is literally "I am bored."
L814[15:09:46] <gamax92> Flea: oh, I thought it was portal reference
L815[15:09:54] <Flea> no it was tf2
L816[15:09:59] <vifino> S3: pb.i0i0.me
L817[15:10:00] <Flea> any references fro me would be from tf2
L818[15:10:14] <g> I was on a trade server earlier
L819[15:10:17] <g> all-crits
L820[15:10:26] <g> a bunch of kids on the other team were spycrabbing in their spawn
L821[15:10:32] <g> I love when that happens
L822[15:10:41] <S3> IM DONE!
L823[15:10:42] <g> I just go soldier and blast them to bits when someone opens their spawn gate
L824[15:10:44] <gamax92> S3: okay
L825[15:10:54] <S3> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/KNRlnpDs
L826[15:10:55] <S3> holy shit
L827[15:10:56] <S3> I wrote a lot
L828[15:11:00] <Flea> trade servers in a nutshell
L829[15:11:10] <S3> I just started running out of battery life and I was full when I unplugged gamax92 lol
L830[15:11:15] <Flea> tfw wasted $128 on an unusual
L831[15:11:16] <gamax92> tldr
L832[15:11:26] <g> I actually uncrated an unusual
L833[15:11:30] <Flea> what effect, and hat?
L834[15:11:31] <g> vintage tyrolean
L835[15:11:35] <g> steaming
L836[15:11:40] <S3> CompanionCube: ^
L837[15:11:59] <gamax92> S3: it's v4.
L838[15:11:59] <S3> although I wish I could turn syntax highlighting off vifino
L839[15:12:00] <S3> he
L840[15:12:01] <g> it's the only unusual I have
L841[15:12:01] <g> xD
L842[15:12:24] <Flea> not bad
L843[15:12:33] <Flea> i just bought myself a Harvest Moon Professional Panama
L844[15:12:36] <Flea> 60 keys :^(
L845[15:12:37] <Flea> rip wallet
L846[15:12:39] <gamax92> you can tell because of this. 2c305d41-09ad-4(must be 4)be1-9(must be 8,9,a,b)591-a0cf5ec7eb60
L847[15:12:43] <g> I have like no money
L848[15:12:44] <vifino> S3: in the paste ui, select raw
L849[15:12:46] <g> unfortunately
L850[15:12:46] <g> :P
L851[15:13:02] <S3> vifino: ah okay
L852[15:13:02] <g> someone buy me battleborn :v
L853[15:13:27] <gamax92> g: how much
L854[15:13:35] <S3> here we go http://pb.i0i0.me/p/kOlhxV9l
L855[15:13:38] <S3> CompanionCube: there ^
L856[15:13:57] * gamax92 eyes burn
L857[15:14:09] <S3> fixed: http://pb.i0i0.me/p/MkwwjGiL
L858[15:15:00] <S3> Special version for people like gamax92 whos' eyes burn
L859[15:15:01] <S3> http://hastebin.com/onihisakix.dos
L860[15:15:14] * gamax92 purr
L861[15:15:20] <gamax92> much better
L862[15:16:39] <S3> anyways, that's my -idea- for a component API that coule be memory mapped or Lua mapped or object mapped in Java or something all at once or abstracted for noob programmer friendliness
L863[15:22:15] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L864[15:22:59] <Wiiplay123> #computercraft is dead I think
L865[15:23:09] <Temia> Why do you say that?
L866[15:23:18] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L867[15:23:19] <Wiiplay123> nobody has answered my question there
L868[15:23:30] <Wiiplay123> nvm
L869[15:23:50] <Wiiplay123> seems that I'll need to find new sources of info
L870[15:24:09] <Temia> It's not even primetime -- the activity's in line with how it's been at this time of day for a while.
L871[15:27:36] <Wiiplay123> ah
L872[15:27:40] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L873[15:32:13] <KittyKath> Temia: Instant gratification society. What did you expect?
L874[15:32:34] <Temia> Yep.
L875[15:33:08] <S3> I need to think up how the dynamic routing will work and be lightweight and automated at the same time
L876[15:33:20] <S3> gamax92: so if you have any crazy ideas... :D
L877[15:33:43] <gamax92> S3: write CPU microcode
L878[15:34:05] <S3> wut?
L879[15:34:12] <gamax92> you said crazy ideas
L880[15:34:18] <S3> ...
L881[15:37:13] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:d44:de:d897:5d79)
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L883[15:40:52] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E32CA352417C391C1EE36C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L884[15:40:54] <payonel> gamax92: you pinged me
L885[15:41:01] <payonel> did you have something to ask/say?
L886[15:42:51] <gamax92> nah
L887[15:49:18] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
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L889[15:52:21] <Wiiplay123> Would be cool to have a ProjectE turtle that can do transmutations that it leans
L890[15:52:23] <Wiiplay123> *learns
L891[15:52:46] <Wiiplay123> then I would be able to do even cooler things
L892[15:56:47] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L896[16:11:04] <ds84182> Notification to anyone who is trying to take component UUIDs and translate them into 128 bit numbers:
L897[16:11:10] <ds84182> They may not be UUIDs forever
L898[16:11:28] <ds84182> And a component can make a fixed address that isn't a UUID
L899[16:12:09] <S3> ds84182: wat
L900[16:12:19] <S3> I got disconnected so I missed all of your bs lol
L901[16:12:21] <gamax92> yeah, nothing requires them to be UUID's
L902[16:12:47] <S3> ds84182: did you see my document?
L903[16:13:08] <S3> It's 99 miles long, but it is an idea for a new component bus system
L904[16:14:00] <ds84182> S3: Nope, linky?
L905[16:14:05] <gamax92> kinly
L906[16:14:12] <ds84182> klinky~
L907[16:14:21] <S3> http://hastebin.com/onihisakix.txt
L908[16:14:34] <S3> gamax92: you mean kinky?
L909[16:14:37] <ds84182> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=randomUUID&type=Code
L910[16:15:16] <gamax92> I like that the utf8 flag is the checkmark symbol in UTF-8 :P
L911[16:15:34] <S3> It basically just bridges the gap between memory mapped IO architectures, high level lua architectures, and networking
L912[16:15:39] <S3> all in one
L913[16:16:14] <ds84182> Oh sessions seem cool
L914[16:17:10] <S3> it's dead simple and would actually technically allow somebody who is smart to expose a component to the outside world or something for some RPC
L915[16:17:18] <S3> if they really wanted to
L916[16:17:45] <gamax92> S3: now just find Sangar
L917[16:17:55] <S3> He will never implement that
L918[16:18:03] <gamax92> what's the point of writing it then
L919[16:18:21] <S3> I am afraid I will have to make a mod that creates adaptors, amd then create components that will adhere to this spec so that it could be shown in practical use
L920[16:18:40] <S3> gamax92: boredom
L921[16:18:50] <gamax92> S3: support hardbus!
L922[16:18:56] <S3> I looked at it
L923[16:19:04] <gamax92> support it or die!
L924[16:19:12] <S3> but I think a packet based system is more versatile and usable imo
L925[16:19:20] <S3> even if it is slightly slower
L926[16:19:43] <gamax92> S3: What are you doing!
L927[16:20:09] <S3> I am lying down of bordom in a town I didn't really want to come to this weekend
L928[16:20:15] <S3> you?
L929[16:20:38] <gamax92> building a kernel
L930[16:20:49] <gamax92> also freeing up some space to actually do that
L931[16:20:52] <S3> for ocmips?
L932[16:20:59] <gamax92> no
L933[16:21:05] <S3> Oh I see
L934[16:21:10] <S3> finally replacing your DOS system are you
L935[16:21:17] <gamax92> no?
L936[16:21:32] <gamax92> DOS hasn't ever been installed on here
L937[16:21:32] <S3> i was teasing
L938[16:21:51] <S3> I am looking at hardbus right now. i wonder what the chances are hardbus can run on top of this
L939[16:21:56] <S3> on top of my bus idea*
L940[16:22:38] <S3> not quite, though the calling conventions could merge
L941[16:22:42] <ds84182> S3: I actually really like that idea
L942[16:24:07] <S3> ds84182: the only real issue is dynamic routing in a very lightweight way. I have to think about that
L943[16:24:22] <S3> example: how does some relay know which way to go to get to component b ?
L944[16:24:34] <S3> without spamming the network
L945[16:24:48] <ds84182> S3: I feel that routes would be managed locally by each router
L946[16:24:48] <S3> I want it to cause as little lag as possible.
L947[16:24:59] <S3> yes, that part I already have
L948[16:25:27] <ds84182> So if a router loses a way to communicate over a channel that is bridged to another channel it would find another way to get to the channel target
L949[16:25:30] <S3> but if I say, hey, I want to make a connection to component UUUID X, which is somewhere maybe 100 relays away
L950[16:25:40] <ds84182> If it can't find a way to get to the channel target again then the channel is closed
L951[16:27:04] <ds84182> And it wouldn't be laggy if route interactions are managed outside of Minecraft (EG: Not by querying the world)
L952[16:27:08] <S3> on a local network, everything can be super automatic, but on remote connections- would it be a bad idea to allow everyone to set a hostname for their networks and components?
L953[16:27:49] <S3> so that they can connect to far away components by hostname (i.e. net1.net2.net3.net4.myscreen)
L954[16:28:01] <ds84182> Setting a hostname could act as a way to identify components uniquely
L955[16:28:02] <S3> would that be stupid?
L956[16:28:28] <S3> and if a component doesn't have a hostname it is "private"
L957[16:28:34] <ds84182> Like for example I could name my screens "screenTop" and "screenBottom" then I could refer to the screens by name instead of by address
L958[16:28:47] <ds84182> S3: I'd say yes
L959[16:28:51] <ds84182> But
L960[16:28:58] <S3> so maybe that would be better, you could change the hostname by shift clicking it or something
L961[16:29:00] <ds84182> Maybe the router could control access
L962[16:29:19] <ds84182> Like, for instance, by default GPUs in a computer are not exported out
L963[16:29:20] <S3> there is already some implied security, but the easier it is for the user the better I wonder
L964[16:29:38] <S3> right, if you look at that document, I talked about that
L965[16:29:44] <ds84182> But if you tell the router to export the GPU then other computers connected to that computer could access it
L966[16:29:48] <S3> I called them my friends the component pirates
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L968[16:30:50] <ds84182> Also, finding should be accomplished by querying component depth on a router
L969[16:31:15] <ds84182> So then you could find the best path easily without having to have a full view of the network
L970[16:31:20] <S3> Got an example?
L971[16:33:12] <ds84182> Example: A->R1->R2->R3->B. If you ask R1 the depth to B then it would ask R2 for the depth then ask R3 for the depth. R3 would communicate back 1, R2 would select R1 because it's the best and increments the depth by one (2), then R3 would select R2 because it's the best and increments (3)
L972[16:33:23] <ds84182> Wait, I said the things backwards
L973[16:33:57] <ds84182> And depth could possibly be renamed to cost (which would factor in communication speeds)
L974[16:35:12] <gamax92> oh, kernel build's been finished
L975[16:40:54] <S3> oh, are you saying if there was more than one route to the same place?
L976[16:41:27] <ds84182> Yeah (it would also cache those results if it has to reroute)
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L978[16:51:50] <ds84182> Y'all is a contraction for Y'all all
L979[16:51:54] <ds84182> So recursively
L980[16:52:16] <ds84182> #lua "Y'"..("all "):rep(math.huge)
L981[16:52:16] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'rep' (number has no integer representation)
L982[16:52:45] <gamax92> ds84182: get rekt'd
L983[16:52:52] <ds84182> ok
L984[16:53:03] <ds84182> #lua "Y'"..("all "):rep((2^32-1)/3)
L985[16:53:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: resulting string too large
L986[16:53:10] <gamax92> ds84182: get double rekt'd
L987[16:53:13] <ds84182> tiggered
L988[16:53:27] * ds84182 boings
L989[16:57:32] <S3> ds84182: Getting insane lag, I got disconnected. No idea what you've been saying all this time since the last thing I said lol
L990[16:57:59] <S3> I just set up IRCCloud -> My znc bouncer -> Espernet so I get more buffers :D
L991[16:58:25] <ds84182> "Yeah (it would also cache those results if it has to reroute)" was the last relevant thing I said
L992[16:58:49] <gamax92> "I will give you a small loan of a million dollars S3 if you reply within 10 seconds"
L993[16:58:54] <gamax92> "Welp, I guess no money for you"
L994[17:03:49] <S3> gamax92: I got ds84182's message. Whmat's funny is that as soon as I typed my last message the battery fell out of the laptop
L995[17:03:49] <S3> XD
L996[17:06:21] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L997[17:11:27] <gamax92> S3: 755 vs 775 go.
L998[17:14:40] <gamax92> >_>
L999[17:16:28] <S3> back
L1000[17:17:18] <ds84182> #lua ((2*1024*1024)+(512*1024))+((1024*1024)-1)
L1001[17:17:18] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3670015
L1002[17:17:34] <ds84182> #lua 3670015&~((1024*1024)-1)
L1003[17:17:34] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 3145728
L1004[17:17:49] <ds84182> #lua (((2*1024*1024))+((1024*1024)-1))&~((1024*1024)-1)
L1005[17:17:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 2097152
L1006[17:17:54] <ds84182> ...
L1007[17:18:13] <S3> gamax92: wat? it's just a difference of write prmissions or not
L1008[17:18:42] <S3> what you need is chmod 0333
L1009[17:18:43] <S3> :)
L1010[17:18:55] <S3> lololol
L1011[17:19:04] <gamax92> S3: what would you use though?
L1012[17:19:27] <gamax92> should groups be able to write by default or no
L1013[17:20:06] <S3> I'm not sure what you're trying to secure
L1014[17:20:18] <OmegaCenti> Listen here you potassium ferricyanide, it's my time to shine!
L1015[17:20:34] <gamax92> wat why does upgrading libllvm cause wine to die.
L1016[17:20:43] <g> "you C6N6FeK3"?
L1017[17:21:00] <OmegaCenti> mmm. Dat carbon triple bond
L1018[17:21:02] <S3> a common umask is 022, which will make new files by default 644
L1019[17:21:33] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~MobileDra@199-7-159-37.eng.wind.ca) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1020[17:22:14] <S3> at least with 0666 masks
L1021[17:22:59] <S3> gamax92: you could set up the program with 2XXX
L1022[17:23:05] <OmegaCenti> Do you want headaches? cause this is how you get headaches: https://gfycat.com/VillainousFlippantAlleycat
L1023[17:23:07] <S3> and itl run with group permissions
L1024[17:23:18] <S3> it's SGID bit
L1025[17:23:29] <S3> (But I don't know what you're doing)
L1026[17:23:49] <gamax92> S3: reading about default umask's in various distros
L1027[17:25:11] <gamax92> hmm, gotta update my fake dummy package too.
L1028[17:25:21] <S3> my umask is 022
L1029[17:25:26] <S3> in my home dir at least
L1030[17:25:34] <S3> (That's Slackware)
L1031[17:25:42] <S3> you can set a umask for a specific directory
L1032[17:28:30] <S3> but perm calculation is simple, it's just MASK & ~UMASK iirc
L1033[17:29:39] <S3> yeah.
L1034[18:10:38] <gamax92> oh cool, figured out how to use ppa-purge for things not from launchpad
L1035[18:15:04] *** g is now known as gAway2002
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L1037[18:17:37] <ds84182> Well, MMU is partially working now
L1038[18:18:51] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~TimeDrago@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L1039[18:24:00] <Kodos> Can someone get me the link to the Nanomachines youtube video?
L1040[18:24:08] <Kodos> I'd go get it but if I load the video itself, my PC will lock up
L1041[18:24:10] <Kodos> Since I have minecraft open
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L1043[18:30:06] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L1044[18:32:06] * Kimiro picks up vifino and carries both, and the bed, to a secure room
L1045[18:38:26] <ds84182> I just got rid of a lot of legacy code
L1046[18:38:29] <ds84182> Life feels great
L1047[18:38:58] <ds84182> (However there is a huge 1000 line block of legacy code that is still taking up space and it's making me antsy)
L1048[18:39:17] <Kilobyte> ds84182: what codebase are you dealing with?
L1049[18:39:34] <ds84182> Kilobyte: ARM arch for OC
L1050[18:39:40] <Kilobyte> ah okay :D
L1051[18:39:48] <Kilobyte> yeah, that sounds messy
L1052[18:40:05] <ds84182> I realized I was doing everything wrong so I went and rewrote everything
L1053[18:40:16] <Kilobyte> better now than later :P
L1054[18:40:23] * ds84182 shivers just thinking about how things were
L1055[18:40:24] <Kilobyte> question: how do you handle components
L1056[18:40:51] <Kilobyte> map them to pci (or w/e) devices?
L1057[18:40:57] <ds84182> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1730#issuecomment-204590246
L1058[18:43:09] <Kilobyte> that does look pretty nice - but how do you handle tables
L1059[18:43:28] <Kilobyte> i mean, it shouldn't be hard, it's not in that code tho
L1060[18:43:48] <ds84182> Yeah, I don't handle tables right now
L1061[18:43:58] <gamax92> I don't think you really need tables for most components.
L1062[18:43:59] <ds84182> But I could just do it as a list of keys and a list of values
L1063[18:44:13] <Kilobyte> yup
L1064[18:44:14] <ds84182> (Actually I think it might handle those as two arrays, I need to check)
L1065[18:44:41] <ds84182> Nope, its not even implemented
L1066[18:44:42] <Kilobyte> yeah, would work. an array of key/value pairs would work too
L1067[18:44:55] <ds84182> Does OC have a compoenent that uses tables?
L1068[18:45:58] <Kilobyte> not of the top of my head, but it's been a while i have really worked with oc
L1069[18:46:05] <Kilobyte> *since
L1070[18:46:24] <Kilobyte> but then again, this isn't priority at all :P
L1071[18:46:50] <ds84182> That reminds me
L1072[18:46:56] <ds84182> I need to work on how userdata would work
L1073[18:47:19] <ds84182> Since OC switched over to userdata for file handles in some future revision
L1074[18:47:59] <Kilobyte> i'd say represent it as a u32 handle. then do a special call call_userdata that expects the handle the the other args as param
L1075[18:48:04] <Kilobyte> would be easiest i think
L1076[18:48:13] <ds84182> Yeah
L1077[18:48:24] <ds84182> Wouldn't userdata need some sort of close too?
L1078[18:48:35] <Kilobyte> hmmm
L1079[18:48:44] <Kilobyte> it might
L1080[18:48:46] <gamax92> ds84182: huh ... what actually is userdata Java side?
L1081[18:48:53] <ds84182> gamax92: I have no clue
L1082[18:49:18] <Kilobyte> in that case you might also want a destroy_userdata call
L1083[18:50:03] <ds84182> gamax92: I don't know
L1084[18:50:06] <ds84182> I can't find it
L1085[18:50:10] <ds84182> It might be Value
L1086[18:50:21] <ds84182> Yep, its value
L1087[18:51:08] <gamax92> oka
L1088[18:52:31] <gamax92> I feel like atleast for me, I'd just have my component manager have a weak value(?) table of a random int to Value
L1089[18:53:00] <gamax92> so I can just supply this value, mark it as userdata, and then it'll automatically do the call with the respective Value
L1090[18:53:46] <ds84182> Wait, so do method calls on the debug components create a Value for the function that is returned?
L1091[18:53:56] <ds84182> God, that seems rather messy
L1092[18:54:11] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1093[18:54:53] <Kilobyte> ds84182: probably with the __call metafunction
L1094[18:55:04] <Kilobyte> as you can't really pass around functions afaik
L1095[18:55:49] <ds84182> So apparently you can define Callbacks inside of a Value
L1096[18:56:01] <gamax92> ds84182: yeah
L1097[18:56:19] <ds84182> So how the hell do you call those callbacks
L1098[18:56:37] <ds84182> Oh, Machine.invoke
L1099[19:02:10] *** Flea is now known as Lucca
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L1107[19:53:06] <ds84182> [MMU] (20000000) Base@00004000=00009011 -> PageTable@00009000=0000AFF2 -> Small Page -> 0000A000
L1108[20:00:42] ⇦ Quits: alphaxseven (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L1111[20:08:37] <CompanionCube> https://twitter.com/tenderlove/status/722565868719177729 this is evil
L1112[20:08:37] <MichiBot> Tue Apr 19 18:21:42 CDT 2016 @tenderlove: I like to add � and ’ any time I submit online forms because I know that some developer is going to see it and wonder if they have a bug
L1113[20:10:26] <ds84182> Pure evil’!
L1114[20:11:36] *** ds84182 is now known as Achai
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L1120[21:04:21] <gamax92> Achai: does your OpenARM have BLAST PROCESSING
L1121[21:06:13] *** brandon3055 is now known as brandon3055|away
L1122[21:07:50] <Achai> gamax92: Yes, it goes 1% faster than OPENMIPS
L1123[21:07:56] <Achai> Take that
L1124[21:12:16] <Achai> Ugh, I have to fix some potential denial of services in OpenARMs
L1125[21:12:51] <Achai> Does OC have a limit on how many arguments you can pass to component.invoke?
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L1127[21:14:47] <gamax92> Achai: that is a good question.
L1128[21:15:26] <Achai> It doesn't
L1129[21:15:31] <gamax92> Achai: it's an Array, so ... MAX_INT?
L1130[21:15:49] <Achai> It also slices bytes for each Lua string that is put into toSimpleJavaObject
L1131[21:15:56] <gamax92> ehh?
L1132[21:16:02] <Achai> So if the JVM that is running doesn't have that string compression magic...
L1133[21:16:12] <Achai> Or actually
L1134[21:16:13] <gamax92> where do you see
L1135[21:16:36] <Achai> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/641800f79c5c9c0331ce0a7ae5b908daca5090f1/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/util/ScalaClosure.scala#L73
L1136[21:16:59] <gamax92> Achai: oh but that was already a byte array to begin with
L1137[21:17:04] <Achai> Yeah
L1138[21:17:14] <Achai> And byte array slicing will always use more memory
L1139[21:17:20] <Achai> since one slice != another
L1140[21:17:35] <gamax92> Achai: well, suggest better then P
L1141[21:17:42] <Achai> Wait, shared subsequence
L1142[21:17:55] <Achai> Aren't these things then converted into Strings and byte[]
L1143[21:19:21] <gamax92> Achai: I've no idea what you mean :D
L1144[21:19:23] <Achai> gamax92: Whats the type of LuaString.m_bytes
L1145[21:19:32] <gamax92> byte[]
L1146[21:19:43] <Achai> huh
L1147[21:19:52] <Achai> slice must be added by Scala
L1148[21:20:00] <gamax92> yep
L1149[21:20:17] <Achai> and since slice is added by Scala it means that it creates a copy of the byte buffer for every single string passed to component.invoke
L1150[21:20:35] <Achai> So if I make one single long string and put a lot of it in a table and unpack that table right into component.invoke...
L1151[21:20:48] * Achai pulls up Minecraft
L1152[21:22:51] <Izaya> My main issue with reloading the mlvwm config all the time: it takes fucking forever
L1153[21:22:55] <gamax92> Achai: do remember that code is for luaj
L1154[21:23:11] <gamax92> the other conversion stuff is in jnlua iirc
L1155[21:23:50] <CompanionCube> Izaya: mlvwm has a config?
L1156[21:23:55] <Achai> gamax92: It works to some degree
L1157[21:24:09] <Achai> The thread takes a second ro proceess
L1158[21:25:57] <Achai> Yeah, I end up hitting Minecraft's memory ceiling
L1159[21:26:44] <Achai> And Minecraft has lag spikes
L1160[21:27:48] <gamax92> Achai: 10/10 :D
L1161[21:28:04] <Achai> You can efficiently DDOS using OC
L1162[21:28:06] <Achai> Welp
L1163[21:28:14] <Achai> Time for the bug report?
L1164[21:28:37] <Achai> DDOS via Java GC
L1165[21:33:06] <Izaya> CompanionCube: it's not a real Mac, of course it has a config
L1166[21:33:12] <Izaya> pretty powerful, too
L1167[21:33:36] <CompanionCube> what can you configure
L1168[21:34:12] <Izaya> so far I've done a few custom menubars and I'm trying to make Cairo-dock useful
L1169[21:34:26] <Izaya> do you know any simpler docks that only use the space they need to?
L1170[21:34:33] <Izaya> I could use the XFCE4 panel I guess
L1171[21:37:49] <CompanionCube> Izaya: the archwiki has a few
L1172[21:38:22] <Izaya> It'd suck to be that one called Docker
L1173[21:43:06] <CompanionCube> Izaya: what do you think of that evil use of the replacement symbol
L1174[21:45:44] <Achai> Whats funny is I discovered the thing while securing OpenARMs (Since one could theoretically create an MMU mapping so that the entire address space is valid then call DB_Str on an unbounded string and use infinite memory and kill the server)
L1175[21:53:25] <Izaya> what's the ctrl+? combo for return?
L1176[22:01:18] *** CB|Away is now known as Kimiro
L1177[22:04:11] <CompanionCube> Izaya: uh, ctrl-j or something
L1178[22:10:24] <gamax92> "His claim that they are “simple, extremely fast random number generators” is not. They are definitely simple and extremely fast."
L1179[22:10:32] <gamax92> the fuck is this sentence that immediately contradicts itself
L1180[22:12:06] <Izaya> It's saying that they're fast and simple but not random?
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L1187[22:38:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L1188[22:39:04] <Mimiru> _slaps Discord_
L1189[22:39:25] <Achai> "simple, extremely fast random number generators"
L1190[22:39:28] <Achai> return 4;
L1191[22:40:13] <Achai> 2 instructions, no memory overhead or contexts
L1192[22:40:21] <Achai> just pure random number generation
L1193[22:40:32] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1194[22:43:34] <Mimiru> %xkcd 221
L1195[22:43:36] <MichiBot> Mimiru: XKCD Comic Name: Random Number URL: https://xkcd.com/221
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L1201[23:16:11] <gamax92> Setting up build environment again ...
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