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L1[00:00:00] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L8[00:28:55] <asie> thoughts about OCCon
L9[00:29:10] <asie> i'd love to make a proper OC convention/demoparty for once
L10[00:29:18] <asie> also TIS-3D and all other computing/redstone mods willing to join
L11[00:30:00] ⇨ Joins: xPucTu4 (~yahoo@Fenixandar.Pleven-DaGe.Net)
L12[00:32:48] <gamax92> asie: meow https://i.imgur.com/o1p5IMK.png
L13[00:33:36] <asie> gamax92: i prefer my blocky converter
L14[00:33:55] <gamax92> why, because you made it?
L15[00:34:00] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB789B464FC47DEBF6F08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L16[00:34:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L17[00:34:26] <asie> gamax92: i was never fond of character-similarity-based encoding
L18[00:34:28] <asie> i'm afraid
L19[00:34:40] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/esMl
L20[00:34:41] <asie> WIP
L21[00:34:55] <asie> the color picking is a bit off
L22[00:35:09] <Vexatos> ak right, the new font has proper height now, too, right? :P
L23[00:35:18] <asie> Vexatos: ;-)
L24[00:35:28] <gamax92> asie: can I atleast check it in my converter?
L25[00:35:37] <Vexatos> because unifont always was a tiny bit Y U NO 2 BY 1
L26[00:35:39] <asie> gamax92: i'd have to re-create the source image
L27[00:35:54] <gamax92> how did you lose it o.o;
L28[00:36:02] <asie> gamax92: http://safebooru.org//images/684/a3dd34ac5af26fa6fe99d3a76b3e234c1af1461a.jpg
L29[00:36:03] <asie> plonk
L30[00:36:08] <asie> it will probably look better
L31[00:36:16] <asie> you just have to crop it
L32[00:36:21] <asie> also my color picking is not done
L33[00:36:25] <asie> this explains the nasty noise on the hair
L34[00:37:17] <gamax92> I need to fix my color selection
L35[00:37:24] <asie> same here :D
L36[00:37:48] <asie> but can you show the results?
L37[00:37:58] <gamax92> once I crop it :P
L38[00:38:04] <asie> also, one of the important things about my converter
L39[00:38:11] <asie> is that the renderer is somewhat optimized for OC, so it loads a bit faster
L40[00:38:21] <asie> it will be even faster now that i learned the architecture during my helping out with ICE
L41[00:38:28] <asie> aka the OC video codec
L42[00:39:09] <gamax92> oh I have no idea how fast my thing loads, nor does it make any way optimized files.
L43[00:39:16] <asie> yeah
L44[00:39:22] <asie> i had to take that into consideration for BTM
L45[00:40:12] <asie> the converter takes a few seconds at worst
L46[00:40:16] <asie> but it does depend on ImageMagick
L47[00:46:28] <gamax92> asie: https://i.imgur.com/5VNZQs8.png
L48[00:54:38] <Vexatos> yo asie http://git.io/vaqIM
L49[00:54:53] <Vexatos> Meanwhile I got to learn glsls
L50[00:54:55] <Vexatos> glsl*
L51[00:55:04] <asie> what is this
L52[00:55:06] <asie> why is this
L53[00:55:25] <Vexatos> look at the branch I commited to
L54[00:55:29] <gamax92> beeeees
L55[00:55:39] <Vexatos> and #railcraft-dev <_>
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L59[01:43:15] <gamax92> oh, imagemagick commands slightly changed up a bit and this has not been posting accurate colors at all
L60[01:44:08] *** Guest95930 is now known as NotCruor
L61[01:47:48] <gamax92> there we go thats better, now everything looks like garbage again!
L62[01:48:59] <greaser|q> here's where i'm at: https://i.imgur.com/B1LOzYa.png
L63[01:49:35] <gamax92> what's that
L64[01:49:54] <greaser|q> gensokyo, as you can tell by the text at the bottom
L65[01:50:20] <greaser|q> i'm using the same eventual output format as asie, just a different algorithm
L66[01:50:40] <greaser|q> gamax92: also, mind flicking me your crop of the nano pic?
L67[01:50:54] <greaser|q> 320x200 format is what i need
L68[01:50:56] <Temia> you fucking 2hu nerd. `o`
L69[01:51:02] <Temia> ...says the monstergirl.
L70[01:51:11] * gamax92 slaps Temia
L71[01:51:11] * EnderBot2 high-fives gamax92
L72[01:51:19] * Temia owmoo ;w;
L73[01:51:21] <gamax92> greaser|q: https://i.imgur.com/v5tmmlh.png
L74[01:52:00] <Temia> nano is a qt. '3'
L75[01:52:42] <gamax92> greaser|q: anyway for reference, not broken/actually possible version: https://i.imgur.com/uTGPJ3T.png
L76[01:53:04] <greaser|q> i've seen asie's ver, i think i may have topped it
L77[01:53:26] <greaser|q> k-means clustering for the fuck yes: https://i.imgur.com/PcSwd8j.png
L78[01:53:41] <greaser|q> fuck that took, like, one hour
L79[01:55:38] <gamax92> greaser|q: what are those colors
L80[01:55:41] <greaser|q> oh yeah, reminds me i should probably get the SSE rgb-to-ocpal colour converter working, this is just a straight-up slow-as-balls brute-forcer
L81[01:56:41] <greaser|q> gamax92: nearest colour to OC pal, although the palette follows the centre 16 in an 18-step grey ramp
L82[01:56:49] <greaser|q> erm, the customisable palette
L83[01:57:22] <gamax92> greaser|q: can you just like for the time being, hand select 16 colors?
L84[01:57:45] <greaser|q> could give it a go, i need to recall how it's done first
L85[01:59:33] <gamax92> greaser|q: what characters are those though, the teletext ones?
L86[01:59:42] <greaser|q> nah, the braille set
L87[01:59:46] <gamax92> ah okay
L88[02:00:26] <greaser|q> i was about to tell you to upgrade to unscii but then saw the letters in your converted pic and noticed that you had
L89[02:01:14] <gamax92> heh
L90[02:02:03] <gamax92> greaser|q: for some reason though, in OC itself a bunch of the letters show up as question marks
L91[02:02:09] <greaser|q> ...what
L92[02:02:21] ⇦ Quits: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L93[02:04:22] <gamax92> greaser|q: like if I do unicode.char(0xE846), instead of the brick pattern I get a question mark
L94[02:04:53] <greaser|q> ...weird... although i think the stuff from 0xE800 onwards may have been cleared out for possible user expansion
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L96[02:05:37] <gamax92> greaser|q: okay then, E199
L97[02:05:41] <gamax92> still question mark
L98[02:05:45] <greaser|q> now that one's a mystery
L99[02:07:13] ⇨ Joins: spiriteddusty (~spiritedd@hekate.pc-logix.com)
L100[02:07:14] zsh sets mode: +o on spiriteddusty
L101[02:08:10] <greaser|q> either way, i *have* solved the edge problem, i just need to get some dither going
L102[02:09:09] <gamax92> but what is the edge problem
L103[02:10:03] *** Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep is now known as Kimiro
L104[02:15:04] <greaser|q> gamax92: notice how in your images and asie's earlier images (if he's shown them to you) the edges / lines tend to be a bit blocky?
L105[02:15:30] <gamax92> kinda?
L106[02:15:43] <gamax92> also https://i.imgur.com/Bwkhlbc.png , got bored.
L107[02:16:20] <gamax92> I want to say yours is better but they both look like absolute piles of garbage
L108[02:16:38] <greaser|q> wait, did you find the original image
L109[02:16:40] <greaser|q> if not i'll upload it
L110[02:17:22] <greaser|q> i just scaled it in gimp with lanzcos3 scaling to 320x200, but here is the original: https://i.imgur.com/gxILm9l.jpg
L111[02:17:30] <gamax92> I was using this: https://i.imgur.com/wJ1Dkaq.jpg
L112[02:17:59] <gamax92> heh okay
L113[02:18:08] <gamax92> greaser|q: why scaling?
L114[02:18:29] <greaser|q> so my converter doesn't have to be more complicated than it needs to be
L115[02:20:21] <snowden89> hey is that how you built your world
L116[02:22:34] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net)
L117[02:23:47] <snowden89> you should totally reproduce that in minecraft gamax92
L118[02:23:52] <snowden89> except instead of human village
L119[02:23:57] <snowden89> have a drone village
L120[02:24:11] <snowden89> the one on the cliff a robot village
L121[02:24:16] <gamax92> lets not and say we did
L122[02:24:30] <greaser|q> or install the touhou items mod and have a, erm, village full of rinnosukes
L123[02:25:51] <gamax92> greaser|q: meh I give up for now
L124[02:26:02] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L125[02:26:16] <gamax92> all of these images are just awful looking
L126[02:35:27] ⇦ Quits: Techokami (Techokami@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:be:a:7001) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L132[02:38:02] zsh sets mode: +v on Techokami
L133[02:40:25] * Temia earperk.
L134[02:40:41] * Temia takes all the Rinnosukes for herself.
L135[02:40:43] <Temia> +_+
L136[02:41:07] <gamax92> cookies
L137[02:45:55] <greaser|q> got dither working: https://i.imgur.com/nKyXyIN.png
L138[02:46:18] <greaser|q> oh and this too: https://i.imgur.com/7gin3sw.png
L139[02:46:41] ⇦ Parts: lperkins2 (~perkins@ ())
L140[02:47:59] <g> https://youtu.be/4a2tSJZ8NPU
L141[02:48:37] <gamax92> greaser|q: but the gensokyo map still looks like vomit, I think it's too complex
L142[02:49:38] <greaser|q> when working on the ice codec i came up with a rule: if quake 1 looks good in it, you broke the encoder
L143[02:49:56] <greaser|q> and yes it's a very complex image
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L146[02:55:43] <greaser|q> here's a less complex image: https://i.imgur.com/hVq2kPZ.png
L147[03:00:22] <asie> greaser|q: stop ruining my fun :(
L148[03:00:29] <asie> i'm out of stock on cirno avatars
L149[03:00:51] <greaser|q> i have plenty of stock >:D
L150[03:01:52] <asie> yes so use them for good
L151[03:02:08] <asie> still, if i add better color picking i should be able to top yours anyway
L152[03:05:25] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (~jackmcbar@50708323.static.ziggozakelijk.nl)
L153[03:05:28] * Saphire flops and snugs a blanket
L154[03:06:10] <greaser|q> bring it on, sunshine
L155[03:14:12] * vifino groans and snuggles Lizzy before falling asleep once again
L156[03:24:21] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L160[03:42:18] <gamax92> sleep
L161[03:44:32] ⇦ Quits: malcom2073 (~quassel@mikesshop.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L162[03:45:14] <asie> gamax92: you not sleep yet?
L163[03:45:38] ⇨ Joins: malcom2073 (~quassel@mikesshop.net)
L164[03:47:39] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L165[03:48:45] <gamax92> what
L166[03:48:47] <g> Michiyo you should make MichiBot handle youtu.be urls as well
L167[03:48:51] <asie> gamax92: http://img.asie.pl/Zm7B
L168[03:48:58] <asie> doesn't /have/ to look shit
L169[03:49:14] <asie> also, http://img.asie.pl/z5pd
L170[03:49:21] <Vexatos> "study"
L171[03:49:33] <asie> Vexatos: i'm studying k-means clustering
L172[03:49:35] <asie> >:(
L173[03:49:39] <Vexatos> Ah
L174[03:49:41] <Vexatos> fair enough
L175[03:49:41] <Vexatos> :P
L176[03:49:58] <asie> the fact i'm at school does not mean i'm studying what's at school
L177[03:51:18] <Vexatos> but you still don't have time to elaborate on your concerns :|
L178[03:51:20] <gamax92> asie: that does look a bit better oddly
L179[03:53:06] <asie> [i know
L180[03:53:06] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:88ce:bfa3:7608:3faf)
L181[03:53:06] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L182[03:53:30] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/K3HV gamax's crop of same pic
L183[03:53:44] <Kodos> o/
L184[03:54:44] <gamax92> I tried to crop good but then realized the screenshot you gave me was curved slightly
L185[03:56:04] <gamax92> lemme look at how big the pua is
L186[03:57:51] <snowden89> the pua is huge
L187[03:57:58] <snowden89> so big i could climb into it
L188[03:58:05] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/Njkw
L189[03:58:07] <asie> one of my favourite test images
L190[03:58:28] <asie> (source: http://img.asie.pl/Llpt)
L191[03:58:50] <Kodos> Is that on an OC screen?
L192[03:58:54] <asie> no
L193[03:59:03] <asie> but it is the output of what would be shown on an OC screen
L194[03:59:09] <asie> i'm in class and opening up Minecraft would make fans blast loud
L195[03:59:39] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6B03.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L196[04:01:52] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L197[04:04:13] * Lizzy groans
L198[04:06:32] <Lizzy> i don't think my laptop likes going to hibernate
L199[04:09:24] * vifino flops on Lizzy and purrs
L200[04:09:29] <snowden89> hibernate and sleep
L201[04:09:38] <snowden89> are horrible i find on modern laptops
L202[04:10:54] <Lizzy> sleep is okay till the power dies, hibernate seems to write stuff to swap but arch doesn't want to read it on start up
L203[04:11:56] <Lizzy> yay for overcrowded wifi
L204[04:12:38] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L205[04:13:11] <vifino> hehe, i read overclocked wifi
L206[04:13:24] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L207[04:13:39] <vifino> "My wifi now runs at 6ghz!11!11111"
L208[04:16:36] <Kodos> %tell payonel Your test build seems to work. There are some new issues with ServerFS, but I suspect that to be something that the author will have to change, due to something that changed in 1.6 OC. But the client computer is no longer crashing on boot
L209[04:16:37] <MichiBot> Kodos: payonel will be notified of this message when next seen.
L210[04:19:20] <Izaya> Suspend is fine IME
L211[04:19:29] <Izaya> though my laptop is from 2010
L212[04:21:36] <Inari> vifino: i read that as "my wife" at frist and was confused for 10s :<
L213[04:21:50] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/Bnbj
L214[04:22:16] <vifino> Inari: I don't have a wife as far as I know.
L215[04:22:32] <vifino> Would like to overclock her if I had one, though...
L216[04:22:43] <Inari> Lizzy: have fun in the future
L217[04:22:44] <Inari> :P
L218[04:23:00] <vifino> :P
L219[04:24:06] <Kodos> Did the function for filesystem.isDirectory() change in 1.6 OC?
L220[04:28:14] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L221[04:33:19] <Lizzy> oh, i htink my laptop could hibernate properly but my desktop env doesn't use systemd's way and thus it doesn't work
L222[04:34:04] <gamax92> asie: have fun, I have no idea what I'm doing anyway
L223[04:35:35] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/IVSI Tier 2 art
L224[04:35:54] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L225[04:42:44] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L226[04:45:40] <Lizzy> \o/ got hibernate working
L227[04:46:59] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L228[04:47:57] <Kimiro> Random informal survey question: Has anyone been feeling... Angry? Like pushing away everyone? Confrontational?
L229[04:48:45] <vifino> Definitly not me.
L230[04:49:34] <Saphire> Kimiro: i feel that way but at the world in general sometimes :|
L231[04:49:44] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L232[04:49:53] <Kimiro> Saphire: Lately?
L233[04:50:15] <Saphire> Nope
L234[04:50:28] <Kimiro> Hmm.
L235[04:52:07] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB789B464FC47DEBF6F08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L236[04:57:22] *** Kimiro is now known as Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep
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L239[05:05:29] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L240[05:07:59] <Izaya> Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep: no worse than ever
L241[05:14:12] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L242[05:17:14] * Lizzy "k"'s g
L243[05:17:48] ⇨ Joins: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com)
L244[05:19:00] <g> Lizzy: oh, that was you
L245[05:19:00] <g> xD
L246[05:19:02] <g> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/March/mirc_2016-03-10_11-16-11.png
L247[05:19:21] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L248[05:19:55] <Lizzy> yeah, just clicked the link to see where it went and mashed the keybord
L249[05:20:02] <g> ah, lol
L250[05:20:45] * Lizzy is just poking around Ultros' repo
L251[05:21:00] <g> Let me know if you need a hand with anything
L252[05:21:02] <g> also: https://i.imgur.com/P4ZL3ii.gif (thanks Roadcrosser)
L253[05:21:13] <Roadcrosser> rip
L254[05:21:17] <Lizzy> lol
L255[05:21:39] <Roadcrosser> http://i.imgur.com/Iu436XX.png
L256[05:21:58] <Roadcrosser> ... oh that's what that link was
L257[05:22:07] * g sighs loudly
L258[05:22:16] <Roadcrosser> I just pulled one out of the list
L259[05:23:15] <vifino> darn, almost worked
L260[05:23:24] <Roadcrosser> uhhuh
L261[05:23:28] <Roadcrosser> wait what did
L262[05:23:39] <vifino> I'm setting up my new rig.
L263[05:23:42] <Roadcrosser> what about this http://i.imgur.com/tPy9tHW.gif
L264[05:24:27] <g> he's been making these non-stop for the past like 2 weeks
L265[05:24:58] <Roadcrosser> no I haven't
L266[05:25:04] <Roadcrosser> I only started a few days ago
L267[05:25:13] <Roadcrosser> before that I just had one
L268[05:25:20] <Roadcrosser> and before that I just said "rip"
L269[05:25:23] <g> Lizzy are you a lua person or a python person?
L270[05:25:37] <vifino> python.
L271[05:25:37] <Roadcrosser> I needed to make more for my bot anyway
L272[05:25:45] <Lizzy> g, Python mainly
L273[05:25:46] <g> ah, okay
L274[05:25:53] <Roadcrosser> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqQqCMfNfY0
L275[05:25:53] <MichiBot> Roadcrosser: wow | length: 26s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 View: 1 | by roadcrossertwo
L276[05:25:55] <g> I like python too but lua support is coming along nicely
L277[05:26:03] <g> this is what lua plugins are looking like atm: https://gist.github.com/rakiru/14e6da1874f85c9e865c
L278[05:27:31] <Lizzy> i'm just trying to see if i can make a sane way of loading external modules. Importing them and setting them up in my bot will be fairly easy. Getting them to be reloadable or unload them without restarting is gonna be hard
L279[05:27:55] <Roadcrosser> I'm going to try taking a nap now
L280[05:27:57] <Roadcrosser> z
L281[05:28:02] <Lizzy> o/
L282[05:28:13] <g> that's not hard in python
L283[05:28:25] <g> you just need to make sure you're not spamming references everywhere and use reload()
L284[05:28:25] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L285[05:29:01] <g> note that reload() takes a module
L286[05:29:05] <g> so don't import classes directly
L287[05:29:21] <g> you'd use module = importlib.import[_whateveritis]("module.name")
L288[05:29:26] <g> and then later just module = reload(module)
L289[05:30:43] <Lizzy> so something like self.modules['modname'] = importlib.import[filename]("filename.class") ? or am i doing it weirdly
L290[05:31:09] <g> the [filename] was me not remembering what the name of the function wasw
L291[05:31:10] <g> was*
L292[05:31:15] <Lizzy> ah
L293[05:31:21] <g> I think it's import_module but I'm not sure
L294[05:31:36] <Lizzy> oh, i get you
L295[05:31:43] <g> you might do, eg, importlib.import("plugins.urls")
L296[05:31:51] <g> where the plugin class is plugins.urls.URLsPlugin
L297[05:32:09] <g> after that you need to search for the class (or require the class to have a particular name in your api)
L298[05:32:38] <Lizzy> I'm the only one working on it so i can standerdize it :)
L299[05:33:00] <g> We require that all plugins ar- well, that's not entirely true
L300[05:33:06] <g> python plugins have to subclass the base plugin class
L301[05:33:08] <g> and we search for that
L302[05:33:28] <g> but since we're supporting multiple loaders (in a branch atm) for different types of plugins, it's up to the loader
L303[05:34:52] <Roadcrosser> my food's here now I can't sleep rip http://i.imgur.com/nXmydCU.png
L304[05:34:53] <Lizzy> but cool, so i should be able ti import the module into a self-contained dict (for future referencing) using importlib, then call it's class and store that in a similar manner and then just have module initialization stuff in it's __init__ function
L305[05:35:00] <g> yeah
L306[05:35:08] <g> remember to delete the instance of the class as well
L307[05:35:22] <g> nothing will stop the module reloading but the class will be an instance of the old code
L308[05:37:03] <Lizzy> yeah, so on unload/reload, i'll call a .unload() function on the current class which will basically do the reverse of the __init__, then it'll delete the class entry in the class-dict (using del self.someDict['class/modname'] or something), reload the module then do the standard loading phase again
L309[05:37:15] <g> yep
L310[05:37:20] <g> that's pretty much it
L311[05:37:22] <g> python is fun!
L312[05:37:24] <Lizzy> cool
L313[05:37:31] <Lizzy> I might have finally gotten this down
L314[05:37:31] <g> xD
L315[05:37:33] <Roadcrosser> radical!
L316[05:37:41] * Lizzy saves the chat so she can read it whenever
L317[05:37:53] <g> if you're going to do searching
L318[05:37:56] <g> that's actually pretty easy too
L319[05:38:31] <g> https://github.com/UnrealIncident/Ultros/blob/0591a1658e4fcaca4203569ed82d6fd0695c725f/system/plugins/manager.py#L402
L320[05:38:38] <g> that's how UnrealIncident does it in his pre-PR fork
L321[05:38:40] <g> lol
L322[05:39:01] <g> it supports sub-subclasses, mixins, multiple inheritance, etc, too
L323[05:39:02] <g> xD
L324[05:39:38] <g> the function above that is the actual module search
L325[05:41:16] <vifino> sudo emerge --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y @world
L326[05:41:20] <vifino> Let the fun begin!
L327[05:41:27] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L328[05:41:33] <vifino> aw, its only boost
L329[05:41:36] <vifino> :(
L330[05:41:37] <Lizzy> also i htink the previous way i tried doing it (which worked somewhat) was that each plugin/module referenced a template for the parent class (so basically they had all the pre-defined functions just with `pass` in them so my code wouldn't error) and then the bot just iterated over a list of the modules calling the appropiately named function on each class
L331[05:41:40] <g> haha, vifino
L332[05:41:48] <Lizzy> which while it worked, wasn't very practical
L333[05:42:04] <g> Lizzy: you're talking about the class inheritance model basically, but modules xD
L334[05:42:18] <g> pretty much the exact reason we have classes
L335[05:43:27] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/k7qf
L336[05:43:29] <asie> PROGRESS
L337[05:43:50] <Lizzy> the way i'm going to do it now is that the bot will call the module/plugin's __init__() function that will get passed the `self` variable from the main bot and then set up the listeners by itself
L338[05:44:13] <g> asie: is that lucky star? :|
L339[05:44:18] <asie> g: Cirno.
L340[05:44:19] <asie> Touhou.
L341[05:44:21] <g> ah okay
L342[05:44:22] <g> good
L343[05:44:23] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/9Al4
L344[05:44:26] <asie> Here's another example.
L345[05:44:27] <g> your reputation is back
L346[05:44:32] <asie> g: and now it's gone again
L347[05:44:34] <asie> >:D
L348[05:44:44] <g> Lizzy, that sound.. bad
L349[05:44:44] <g> :P
L350[05:44:51] <g> just do plain classes
L351[05:44:55] <g> no need to make it complicated
L352[05:45:02] <g> and then each plugin has its own convenient container
L353[05:45:27] <g> oh, I misread, that's what you're doing
L354[05:45:34] <g> just passing in `self` (aka, the instance of the main bot)
L355[05:46:19] <Lizzy> yep, mainly so it can register it's functions to the callback lists and also access global data (like the nickserv auth dict)
L356[05:46:34] <g> nickserv auth.. dict?
L357[05:46:43] <g> surely it's just one username and pass
L358[05:46:51] <Lizzy> nope, lemme go find the structure
L359[05:46:56] <vifino> g: No, user -> nickserv account
L360[05:47:11] <g> oh, right
L361[05:47:18] <g> that also sounds like an anti-pattern
L362[05:47:27] <g> wouldn't you have a class to represent each user?
L363[05:47:46] <vifino> sounds like useless memory waste.
L364[05:47:55] <g> sounds like OO programming, actually
L365[05:48:02] <g> stringly-typed apis are /awful/
L366[05:48:04] <vifino> *memory waste
L367[05:48:19] <g> you're not a java programmer, I see?
L368[05:48:21] <g> er, python*
L369[05:48:44] <vifino> nope.
L370[05:48:57] <g> python is designed with readability and ease of use in mind
L371[05:49:05] <g> yes, you'll have a few extra strings in memory
L372[05:49:12] <g> you'll also have leagues of spaghetti code
L373[05:49:16] <vifino> Doesn't mean I can't program in python.
L374[05:49:26] <vifino> But anyways. I like my memory.
L375[05:49:38] <Lizzy> https://git.theender.net/Lizzy/Evey/blob/master/Venv/Evey/EIRC/bot.py#L122-131 is how i currently store the data
L376[05:49:39] <g> if you need to micro-optimize your memory, python is the wrong language for you.
L377[05:49:40] <g> :P
L378[05:49:52] <Lizzy> granted i store probably a bit more htan i need to but meh
L379[05:50:05] <g> you whois everyone?
L380[05:50:07] <vifino> g: It is. Because of indentation hell.
L381[05:50:19] <vifino> Plus all the other bad things.
L382[05:50:32] <g> python is a fantastic language, but you subjectively don't like it, which is fine :P
L383[05:50:39] <g> just like most languages
L384[05:50:49] <g> Lizzy, I dunno if I'd recommend doing that
L385[05:51:15] <Lizzy> g, lol
L386[05:51:17] <g> on one hand you get a lot of info, but on large channels, you'll cause your bot to spam out
L387[05:51:24] <g> unless you have some serious throttling
L388[05:52:17] <Lizzy> unless the channel is very active, it will only whois anyone it doesn't already have in it's DB. if the user joins after the bot did it gets it from tje join message and nickserv account changes via account_notify CAP
L389[05:52:47] <g> cached whois is good, but you're keeping it up to date, right?
L390[05:52:59] <g> what if you need that data from someone that hasn't talked or anything?
L391[05:53:13] <Lizzy> if they haven't talked i don't need it
L392[05:53:53] <g> not yet
L393[05:53:53] <g> :P
L394[05:54:00] <g> account_notify is good, though
L395[05:54:11] <Lizzy> and extended_join
L396[05:55:33] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L397[05:56:31] <g> what extension are those from? I don't see them in the spec
L398[05:56:48] <Lizzy> IRCv3
L399[05:57:04] <g> yes, what extension?
L400[05:57:18] <Lizzy> err, not sure. lemme go find it
L401[05:57:22] <g> ah, never mind
L402[05:57:26] <g> they're in 3.1, was looking at 3.2
L403[05:57:43] <Lizzy> http://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/extended-join-3.1.html
L404[05:57:45] <Lizzy> lol
L405[05:58:10] <g> these are good, but I'd like that in the WHO reply as well
L406[05:58:28] <Lizzy> WHOX?
L407[05:58:48] <g> Oh, good thinking
L408[05:59:25] <asie> anyhow, yay, i now have an OC and a CC image converter
L409[05:59:37] <Lizzy> I should probably use WHOX, cause then i can get all the details i need as soon as the bot joins the channel
L410[06:00:50] <g> WHOX doesn't seem to support specifying a channel
L411[06:00:57] <g> (and esper doesn't support whox)
L412[06:01:17] <g> nope, typo
L413[06:01:21] <g> I'm on a roll today
L414[06:01:22] <g> xD
L415[06:01:28] <Lizzy> lol
L416[06:02:40] <g> /who #oc %na
L417[06:02:42] <g> nice, works
L418[06:02:52] <g> hm.. gotta go afk
L419[06:04:15] <Lizzy> hmm
L420[06:04:44] <Lizzy> annoyingly it doesn't matter what order oyu put the flags in after the % it still does them a certain way
L421[06:04:53] <Lizzy> though it does seem to be consistant so thats good
L422[06:08:49] <asie> anyhow
L423[06:08:53] <asie> i added OC tier 2 support to my image format
L424[06:09:08] <asie> which means that now OC tier 2 has the quality of what I started out with in July 2015 for BTM15
L425[06:09:13] <asie> with OC tier 3
L426[06:09:43] <Saphire> And T3 results in...?
L427[06:10:13] <asie> OC tier 2 is now 160x100, 16 colors => http://img.asie.pl/IVSI
L428[06:10:21] <asie> same image, OC tier 3 => http://img.asie.pl/k7qf
L429[06:10:33] <asie> same image, ComputerCraft => http://img.asie.pl/9Al4
L430[06:10:37] <asie> (different crop)
L431[06:11:25] <Saphire> ...
L432[06:11:39] <asie> what?
L433[06:11:49] <asie> OCIF has really gone a long way, though it will be renamed as a Russian library uses that name IIRC
L434[06:12:08] <Saphire> CC kinda looks more hires.. but colors are bright :|
L435[06:12:15] <asie> CC /is/ more hires
L436[06:12:21] <asie> tier 3 is 320x200, 256 colors, 16 modifiable
L437[06:12:22] <Saphire> But colors are meh
L438[06:12:25] <Saphire> on CC
L439[06:12:27] <asie> ComputerCraft is 328x243
L440[06:12:31] <asie> (324x240 on pic)
L441[06:12:34] <asie> 16 hardcoded colors
L442[06:12:37] <asie> so it IS actually more hires
L443[06:12:44] <asie> very slightly
L444[06:12:59] <asie> also
L445[06:13:01] <Saphire> Waiwaiwai
L446[06:13:01] <asie> original image
L447[06:13:15] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/nJXA
L449[06:13:19] <asie> Saphire: no
L450[06:13:22] <asie> that's gamax92's
L451[06:13:37] <Saphire> oh
L452[06:13:47] * Saphire still wants it .-.
L453[06:13:56] <asie> https://i.imgur.com/uTGPJ3T.png
L454[06:13:56] <Saphire> And what was that bit about russian library?
L455[06:14:05] <asie> Saphire: mine will be released this week
L456[06:14:08] <asie> as i finally restored the code
L457[06:14:11] <asie> russian library? not sure
L458[06:14:14] <asie> but i saw a thread on computercraft.ru
L459[06:14:16] <asie> with a format called OCIF
L460[06:14:18] <asie> I think
L461[06:14:31] <Saphire> :|
L462[06:14:32] <Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep> Saphire is here t Tosche station fr those power converters.
L463[06:14:43] * Saphire gaaaaahs and bats Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep
L464[06:14:48] <asie> but yes, we will get a converter
L465[06:14:50] <Saphire> your nick is long >_>
L466[06:14:51] <asie> I just need to write a GUI
L467[06:14:57] <Saphire> pfffft, gui
L468[06:15:00] <asie> yes, GUI
L469[06:15:02] <Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep> Saphire: Good~ :3
L470[06:15:07] *** Kimiro|WhoSlumbersDeep is now known as Kimiro
L471[06:15:12] <asie> we will also have a command line version though
L472[06:15:15] <Saphire> ugh
L473[06:15:22] <Saphire> had to clear the buffer
L474[06:15:42] <asie> but yeah the utf-8 one is https://i.imgur.com/uTGPJ3T.png
L475[06:16:10] <Saphire> ...is it public yet? ._.
L476[06:16:10] <asie> and my answer to that uh
L477[06:16:15] <Saphire> Shiny
L478[06:16:21] <asie> Saphire: the utf-8 one no
L479[06:16:24] <asie> mine? almost
L480[06:16:26] <asie> it will be released by ChenThread
L481[06:17:25] <asie> wait, for my OC tier 2 converter i forgot to limit the palette
L482[06:17:26] <asie> D:
L483[06:17:38] <Saphire> D:
L484[06:17:40] <Saphire> The horror!
L485[06:17:56] <asie> fixed
L486[06:18:33] <asie> Saphire: http://img.asie.pl/G1yS
L487[06:18:38] <asie> this is my take on a similar picture
L488[06:18:46] <asie> it is a bit noisy though
L489[06:18:50] <asie> requires palette tweaks
L490[06:19:03] * Saphire throws antinoise at asie
L491[06:19:11] <Saphire> Still awesome
L492[06:19:44] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L493[06:20:56] <Lizzy> right, food time.
L494[06:21:22] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/iEhI
L495[06:21:24] <asie> YIQ picks colors very well
L496[06:27:35] <g> right, back
L497[06:33:48] ⇨ Joins: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@
L498[06:35:47] <Lizzy> and back
L499[06:36:12] <g> o/
L500[06:36:33] <Lizzy> \o
L501[06:36:43] <Saphire> uh oh
L502[06:36:47] <g> I'm gonna go wash up and then I'll be available for any other help you might want
L503[06:36:48] <Saphire> i can't load github
L504[06:37:01] <g> https://status.github.com/
L505[06:37:11] <Lizzy> %isup https://github.com
L506[06:37:11] <MichiBot> Lizzy: https://github.com Is Up.
L507[06:37:43] <KittyKath> Mimiru: Feature request for MichiBot: %wtfgithub, accessing the GH status API :P
L508[06:37:54] ⇦ Quits: jackmcbarn (~jackmcbar@50708323.static.ziggozakelijk.nl) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L509[06:38:10] <Lizzy> .gss
L510[06:38:14] <Lizzy> .gs
L511[06:38:15] <EnderBot2> GitHub Status: good: Everything operating normally.. Last updated: 2016-03-03T22:03:59Z
L512[06:38:21] <Lizzy> \o/
L513[06:38:33] <OneM_Industries> Hello!
L514[06:38:37] <Lizzy> KittyKath: ^
L515[06:39:17] <KittyKath> Lizzy: Doesn't insult enough.
L516[06:39:50] <Lizzy> meh
L517[06:42:47] ⇨ Joins: jackmcbarn (jackmcbarn@gateway.insomnia247.nl)
L518[06:44:36] <Saphire> OH FUCK
L519[06:44:41] <Saphire> Github is blocked
L520[06:45:02] <Forecaster> :O
L521[06:45:18] <g> wut
L522[06:45:47] <Vexatos> Russia™®© I assume
L523[06:46:01] <Vexatos> or maybe just Saphire's work place :P
L524[06:46:04] <Vexatos> you never know :D
L525[06:46:15] <Saphire> Russia
L526[06:46:16] <Lizzy> dangranos, IIRC you have an account on Athar, feel free to use that as a proxy (assuming that's not blocked)
L527[06:46:17] <Saphire> it's my home
L528[06:46:33] <Saphire> Lizzy: i have a vps too..
L529[06:46:41] <Lizzy> that works
L530[06:46:59] <Saphire> welp, off to gym
L531[06:47:16] <vifino> dafuq, gentoo's rxvt-unicode is weird .-.
L532[06:47:45] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L533[06:56:31] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L534[07:02:07] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L535[07:02:12] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org)
L536[07:03:48] <Lizzy> test
L537[07:04:09] <KittyKath> http://essenmitsosse.de/pixel/?showcase=true&slide=4 :D
L538[07:04:44] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L539[07:04:56] <Lizzy> test
L540[07:05:00] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L541[07:05:14] <KittyKath> Lizzy: test back
L542[07:05:55] <Lizzy> test
L543[07:05:59] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
L544[07:06:04] * Lizzy slaps bot
L545[07:06:04] * EnderBot2 laughs
L546[07:08:54] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L547[07:13:47] ⇨ Joins: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org)
L548[07:14:08] <Lizzy> .trivia
L549[07:14:09] <EnderBot2> Run `help` or `man programname` for ingame help on programs shipped with OpenOS - start with `man man`.
L550[07:14:45] <Lizzy> k, lets hope my new bot doesn't have any random handlers i forgot about that'll make it spam
L551[07:14:45] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L552[07:16:31] <Roadcrosser> spam
L553[07:18:24] <Roadcrosser> what in the world is a timtam slam
L554[07:18:25] <Roadcrosser> :/
L555[07:18:54] <Lizzy> #o/ Techokami
L556[07:21:37] <Lizzy> firefox ¬_¬
L557[07:22:37] <Roadcrosser> ¬_¬
L558[07:22:42] <Roadcrosser> I like that face
L559[07:22:46] <Roadcrosser> I'mma swipe it
L560[07:22:54] <Lizzy> i use it a lot
L561[07:22:55] <Roadcrosser> and then forget I had it
L562[07:23:00] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-290-164.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L563[07:23:11] <Roadcrosser> because I'm too lazy to make an autohotkey script to type it for me
L564[07:26:27] ⇦ Quits: Lumien (Elite13049@ipv6.6.sigma.elitebnc.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L565[07:29:35] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L566[07:30:46] <vifino> So... Gentoo on a 4.5ghz octacore with 32gb ddr4 at 2.677ghz on a 1tb Samsung 850 EVO on btrfs is... fast.
L567[07:31:00] <vifino> Me likes it.
L568[07:31:05] <vifino> Me likes it alots.
L569[07:34:18] <Izaya> I figured out what the prize for the giant quake tournament can be!
L570[07:34:50] <Izaya> We're using write-off laptops so why not give them the machine they're playing on?
L571[07:35:49] <vifino> Wooot
L572[07:35:59] <vifino> Izaya: Does that offer work for me, too?
L573[07:36:07] <vifino> If I win, will you ship me a laptop? :D
L574[07:36:40] <Izaya> If you pay shipping sure
L575[07:37:02] <Izaya> they're shitty 12" lenovos from like 10 years ago
L576[07:37:55] <Izaya> We have 60 of them and they're not supported on the new image
L577[07:38:35] <vifino> Izaya: What specs? Screen?
L578[07:39:32] <Izaya> Specs: bad
L579[07:39:32] ⇦ Quits: Kilobyte (kilobyte@cucumber.kilobyte22.de) (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)
L580[07:39:39] ⇨ Joins: Kilobyte (kilobyte@cucumber.kilobyte22.de)
L581[07:39:41] <Izaya> screen: mediocre at best
L582[07:39:42] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
L583[07:39:52] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L584[07:39:58] <vifino> ... Very detailed, Izaya.
L585[07:40:05] <vifino> Does it have at least a gigabyte of ram?
L586[07:40:15] <Izaya> I think so
L587[07:40:24] <Izaya> they were running Windows 7 so
L588[07:45:44] * Lizzy is learning about NAT/PAT in her CCNA cource
L589[07:45:47] <Lizzy> *course
L590[07:46:33] <vifino> gentoo's rxvt-unicode is looking so fucking ugly, it's fonts are all over the place
L591[07:46:37] <vifino> ugh.
L592[07:47:34] <vifino> there we fucking go
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L604[09:01:20] <Lizzy> oh for fcusks sake
L605[09:01:50] <Lizzy> just realised i've been commiting all my 'dev' work on the main branch
L606[09:01:51] <Lizzy> ¬_¬
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L608[09:06:47] <Lizzy> and why isn't git listening to my gitignore ¬_¬
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L611[09:22:39] <asie> backo
L612[09:42:26] <Lizzy> .-.
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L616[09:53:01] <payonel> vifino: gentoo, evo sdd, 32GB ram, btrfs
L617[09:53:04] <payonel> me too :)
L618[09:53:32] <payonel> ssd*
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L621[10:10:08] <asie> yeah so uh
L622[10:10:18] <asie> i fixed my imagegen more
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L624[10:18:44] <vifino> payonel: Do you know why (-avx) (-avx2) could be a thing on libvpx, even though they are properly set in CPU_FLAGS_X86 and are enabled for stuff like ffmpeg.
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L633[10:51:15] <payonel> vifino: i would grep for avx in your /etc/portage/
L634[10:51:40] <payonel> if you have set CPU_FLAGS_X86 for ffmpeg, and they are not included for libvpx, that sounds like a package-specific flag
L635[10:52:59] <vifino> payonel: i set CPU_FLAGS_X86 in make.conf, like you're supposed to
L636[10:53:23] <payonel> but you could also have -avx for libvpx in /etc/portage/package.use
L637[10:53:36] <payonel> i know sounds weird, but possible. just saying, i'd grep for avx
L638[10:53:41] <payonel> see if there were any odd settings
L639[10:54:40] <payonel> and maybe i don't understand your situation. you're saying that libvpx verbose emerge says -avx and -avx2, right? but they are enabled otherwise for (e.g.) ffmpeg
L640[10:57:33] <vifino> I do not.
L641[10:58:16] <vifino> payonel: emerge says (-avx) -(avx2) in the output of emerge -a libvpx in the CPU_FLAGS_X86 section
L642[11:18:54] <payonel> vifino: :( i don't know. i've never had this issue. my problem has always been some single flag settings in /etc/portage that i forgot about
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L648[11:32:16] <MalkContent> hmm
L649[11:32:33] <MalkContent> do computers/robots shut down when their chunks get unloaded
L650[11:33:03] <payonel> no, their states persist
L651[11:33:13] <asie> unless you're using an FTB modpack*
L652[11:33:19] <payonel> oh?
L653[11:33:28] <asie> they have a policy of disabling OC natives
L654[11:33:36] <payonel> wat?
L655[11:33:40] <asie> yeah
L656[11:33:42] <asie> they do it on all their packs
L657[11:33:43] <payonel> well, til
L658[11:33:56] <vifino> wtf
L659[11:34:00] <payonel> also, hi asie :)
L660[11:34:06] <MalkContent> do they go to sleep if unused, then? i had shutdown digger robots a couple of times
L661[11:34:07] <vifino> Why the hell do they do that?
L662[11:34:13] <MalkContent> and i'm not using any modpack
L663[11:34:29] <Forecaster> only if the program ends or they error
L664[11:34:41] <asie> vifino: they do
L665[11:34:47] <MalkContent> actually those digger robots should still be working, not unused
L666[11:34:55] <MalkContent> hm
L667[11:34:58] <payonel> MalkContent: battery?
L668[11:35:03] <payonel> perhaps they run out of energuy
L669[11:35:06] <MalkContent> playing without power
L670[11:35:18] <MalkContent> 1.8 :/
L671[11:35:25] <payonel> 1.8! \o/
L672[11:35:26] <Forecaster> are they chunkloaded?
L673[11:35:27] <payonel> haha
L674[11:35:34] <MalkContent> nope
L675[11:35:34] <payonel> Forecaster: they shouldn't have to be
L676[11:35:40] <payonel> that's what wer talking about
L677[11:35:47] <payonel> we're*
L678[11:35:49] <Forecaster> if they're working away from a player they would
L679[11:39:56] <MalkContent> sooo they shut down on chunk unload?
L680[11:40:18] <Forecaster> they shouldn't
L681[11:40:19] <payonel> MalkContent: no, they should not
L682[11:40:27] <Forecaster> it may have something to do with the bug I encountered
L683[11:40:32] <payonel> MalkContent: more like they hibernate
L684[11:40:47] <Forecaster> where my microcontrollers error on server start because they can't find their components
L685[11:41:09] <MalkContent> so can i wake them up? atm their screen is still showing the last thing they did
L686[11:41:26] <MalkContent> but the on/off button lets me switch them on
L687[11:41:29] <payonel> sounds like they crashed
L688[11:41:31] <MalkContent> and they boot
L689[11:42:03] <MalkContent> it's a veeery simple program, pretty much crash proof
L690[11:42:20] <Michiyo> Server or SP world?
L691[11:42:23] <MalkContent> server
L692[11:42:33] <Michiyo> Server OS/Distro?
L693[11:42:37] <Forecaster> does it use any non-default components?
L694[11:42:51] <Forecaster> like a geolyzer or a card?
L695[11:43:04] <MalkContent> win10, hosting from my own pc
L696[11:43:12] <Michiyo> I'm wondering if possibly the Natives aren't loading properly... Win10 should be fine..
L697[11:43:22] <MalkContent> it's using an inventory controller
L698[11:43:40] <Michiyo> Forecaster, what OC version are you having that issue on?
L699[11:43:45] <Forecaster> if you reload and use an analyzer on a robot that has stopped what does it say?
L700[11:43:45] <MalkContent> to find and drop cobble every now and then
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L702[11:43:52] <Forecaster> 1.6 for mc1.7
L703[11:44:25] <payonel> Kodos: thanks for testing serverfs. the issues you saw i also saw, and thus i was concerned i hadn't fully fixed it. i haven't dug deeply into its code to understand why it isn't fully functional, but i haven't changed anything about the filesystem lib - so his code should work the same
L704[11:44:37] <MalkContent> didn't try the analyzer yet. I'll do that next time I encounter it
L705[11:44:48] <Michiyo> Hmm, no issues with losing components with 1.6 on my end..
L706[11:45:02] <Kodos> payonel, sounds good. Another thing I noticed is when you Ctrl-C out of the Lua interpreter, it crashes rather than cleanly exiting
L707[11:45:04] <Lizzy> ....
L708[11:45:16] <asie> latest OC image renderer output: http://img.asie.pl/xmrP
L709[11:45:17] <Lizzy> can anyone else access steam via the steam client?
L710[11:45:29] <payonel> Kodos: known bug, fix PR merged already, the patch version i gave you did not have that fix
L711[11:45:38] <Kodos> payonel, \o/
L712[11:45:58] <Forecaster> Lizzy: steam store looks allright to me
L713[11:46:03] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L714[11:46:18] <MalkContent> steam's fine for me
L715[11:46:27] <Lizzy> Forecaster, i specified client but it's working again now
L716[11:46:51] <Forecaster> yes? you can visit the steam store in the client :P
L717[11:47:27] <Lizzy> Forecaster, yes, but i meant the client itself
L718[11:47:54] <Forecaster> you mean the game library?
L719[11:48:09] <Forecaster> that's local though
L720[11:48:17] <Forecaster> regardless, it all works for me
L721[11:48:41] <Lizzy> i mean the actual fucking desktop client that if you're not connected when you start it up it tells you "couldn't connect to the steam network" or something like that
L722[11:49:08] <Forecaster> ah, well mine's connected
L723[11:49:16] <payonel> Kodos: so i think i'll PR our fix then. note that this fix is a coroutine.wrap issue, that is not a regression; it existed in OpenOS 1.5 as well. The difference is that OpenOS 1.6 hits this existing bug more easily due to reasons
L724[11:49:25] <Forecaster> or I wouldn't be visiting the store through it
L725[11:50:37] <payonel> in OpenOS 1.5 you can easily crash a script by calling coroutine.wrap(function()io.write("")end)()
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L729[11:51:53] <Kodos> payonel, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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L733[12:12:57] <vifino> emerge just asked me if I want gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-mad or gst-plugins-faad.
L734[12:13:02] <vifino> Thank you, emerge.
L735[12:13:51] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com)
L736[12:14:00] <Neo> Oh hey...
L737[12:14:04] * Lizzy hides from The One
L738[12:14:17] <Neo> It's been awhile since I used this :P
L739[12:14:59] * Neo pokes Lizzy
L740[12:15:02] <Neo> Not hiding very well.
L741[12:15:03] <Neo> :P
L742[12:15:05] * Lizzy wiggles
L743[12:15:16] * Lizzy hugs Neo
L744[12:15:28] * Neo hugs Lizzy back
L745[12:15:57] <Neo> I'm going to use this nick to log instead of using Mimiru
L746[12:18:23] <vifino> But Mimiru sounds nice D:
L747[12:18:43] <Neo> Yes... and Mimiru will still be here :P
L748[12:18:51] <Neo> Just, Neo is going to be doing the logging
L749[12:18:55] <vifino> o_O
L750[12:19:30] <Neo> So if I get pissed and /part or /znc disconnect, as has been known to happen I don't have to piece together logs..
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L754[12:20:56] <Neo__> k..
L755[12:21:00] ⇦ Quits: Neo__ (Michiyo@mail.pc-logix.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L756[12:21:32] <Michiyo> now I just have to migrate the logs over, and change where oclogs points
L757[12:23:18] <gamax92> asie: why does it tend to be gritty
L758[12:25:28] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L759[12:27:33] <Tiktalik> where do I find the hottest new programs from the OC demoscene or whatever
L760[12:28:24] <payonel> Tiktalik: loot discs, oppm, and the forums are the 3 best places to find programs
L761[12:28:25] <Kodos> Tiktalik, forums. Link in the topic
L762[12:30:33] <Sangar> o/
L763[12:30:49] <payonel> hi !
L764[12:32:43] <Tiktalik> payonel, is a loot disc the only way to get oppm?
L765[12:33:52] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L766[12:34:50] <Michiyo> usually... yes but if you *really* wanted it I think you could just wget the installer from git and run that
L767[12:36:17] <Michiyo> anyway, lunch time \o/
L768[12:36:27] <asie> gamax92: what do you mean
L769[12:38:18] <gamax92> asie: everything is noisy
L770[12:38:38] <asie> gamax92: Floyd-Steinberg.
L771[12:38:40] <asie> I use dithering as I like it
L772[12:39:00] <gamax92> >_> I use dithering too, that's a color selection issue
L773[12:39:17] <gamax92> oh wait
L774[12:39:22] <asie> it's... not
L775[12:39:23] <gamax92> asie: how many colors are in that?
L776[12:39:41] <asie> gamax92: http://img.asie.pl/81DE
L777[12:40:06] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L778[12:40:10] <gamax92> okay?
L779[12:40:29] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/uM0m et voila, no dither
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L781[12:40:57] <gamax92> asie: :|
L782[12:40:59] <gamax92> how many colors.
L783[12:41:14] <asie> gamax92: 256, why?
L784[12:41:17] <gamax92> okay
L785[12:41:43] <asie> gamax92: also, http://img.asie.pl/9Al4
L786[12:42:01] <gamax92> heh
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L788[12:42:51] <gamax92> I got tips for changing up my color selection stuff
L789[12:43:09] <asie> same here
L790[12:43:26] <gamax92> err, palette selection
L791[12:43:43] <gamax92> I do need to fix my tile color selection, it can be generally awful at times
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L799[13:02:05] <gamax92> Saphire: the UTF-8 one will come out eventually, it's just that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing and rely on imagemagick/custom scripts for a lot of things, where it seems like asie/greaser|q know what they're doing.
L800[13:02:23] <asie> i only pretend
L801[13:02:24] <asie> greaser|q does
L802[13:02:27] <gamax92> Also I don't know how to package it
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L804[13:02:37] <asie> mine should be released in the weekend
L805[13:02:43] <asie> does depend on imagemagick though, but should detect it automatically
L806[13:02:45] <asie> on Linux/OS X at least
L807[13:02:57] <gamax92> asie: how fast is yours?
L808[13:03:04] ⇨ Joins: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-75-157.as13285.net)
L809[13:03:34] <asie> gamax92: looks to be 1.5-2 seconds
L810[13:03:36] <asie> why?
L811[13:03:45] <gamax92> mine is a minute to 2 and a half :P
L812[13:03:52] <asie> that's better than what it used to be
L813[13:03:53] <asie> (5)
L814[13:04:02] <gamax92> 5 seconds?
L815[13:04:04] <asie> 5 minutes
L816[13:04:06] <asie> 5-10 anyway
L817[13:04:11] <asie> it might be because the new font has less glyphs
L818[13:04:22] <gamax92> that
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L823[13:20:22] <MajGenRelativity> does anyone know off the top of their heads if OC computers/adapters can read the temperature of various ReactorCraft blocks?
L824[13:21:44] <Temia> Theoretically, yes, but if things are still the same as they were before, all RotaryCraft/ReactorCraft blocks act as components as well as component links, so they'll quickly overwhelm even the heaviest servers.
L825[13:22:38] <vifino> Temiamoo!
L826[13:22:40] * vifino pets
L827[13:22:51] * Temia leans on Vifino. x.x
L828[13:22:57] <Temia> sickmoo.
L829[13:23:00] <vifino> Aww :(
L830[13:23:13] * Kimiro gives Temia Berries
L831[13:23:21] * gamax92 gives Temia tea
L832[13:23:36] <MajGenRelativity> Temia, how would they overwhelm a server?
L833[13:23:53] <gamax92> MajGenRelativity: too many connected components, computer won't even boot
L834[13:24:03] <MajGenRelativity> ahhhhhhhhh
L835[13:24:12] <MajGenRelativity> so If I hooked it up to one core, it would actually connect them all
L836[13:24:15] <Mimiru> *EVERY* ReactorCraft/RotaryCraft block is a component
L837[13:24:24] <MajGenRelativity> I thought you meant the physical server machine in real life XD
L838[13:24:31] <Kimiro> Ugh... I *wish* tablets could have a linked card in them, >w<
L839[13:24:32] <Mimiru> and therefor it extends the component network to every neighbor etc
L840[13:24:46] <MajGenRelativity> ah
L841[13:25:22] <MajGenRelativity> well, I'm only interested in monitoring a small breeder reactor and a spent fuel pool
L842[13:25:49] <MajGenRelativity> mostly to just sound alarms if the spent fuel pool fills up, or if the reactor overheats
L843[13:26:00] <MajGenRelativity> so I don't have to go into my irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel
L844[13:27:11] <Gavle> you mean the one you had a meltdown in yesterday?
L845[13:27:19] <MajGenRelativity> yes, that one
L846[13:27:33] <MajGenRelativity> It's 6 blocks thick of concrete for a reason
L847[13:31:48] <Mimiru> oclogs now pulls from Neo \o/
L848[13:45:42] <gamax92> doing color space tests
L849[13:45:43] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L850[13:46:48] <g> NOT A HERO is 75% off on steam
L851[13:46:53] <g> http://store.steampowered.com/app/274270/
L852[13:46:53] <g> Pretty awesome game
L853[13:47:02] <g> (Hail bunnylord)
L854[13:47:11] <gamax92> but I can't pay for the 25%
L855[13:55:58] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L856[14:00:57] <vifino> g: I maaaay just bought it for Lizzy and me
L857[14:01:37] <vifino> I had no choice after all, Lizzy giggeled so much about the trailer
L858[14:02:55] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L859[14:02:56] <Kodos> I've spent the last 3 hours watching a guy play a game I already own because I can't play it myself
L860[14:04:09] <MalkContent> ?
L861[14:04:40] <MalkContent> did your gpu give out?
L862[14:05:16] <Kodos> Yeah
L863[14:05:17] <Kodos> Back in November
L864[14:05:56] <MalkContent> :/
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L867[14:16:10] <Kodos> When installing a new GPU, do you do the drivers first, or install the physical card first
L868[14:16:32] <Lizzy> physical card then drivers
L869[14:16:37] <gamax92> card then drivers
L870[14:16:57] <gamax92> some drivers will not install without the card being there
L871[14:17:09] <Lizzy> rarely have i had to install the driver for something before plugging the device in
L872[14:17:13] <Kodos> After installing the card, do I need to still use my integrated while I install the drivers, or move to the card immediately
L873[14:17:30] ⇦ Quits: ShrewdSpirit (~shrewdspi@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L874[14:17:39] <Lizzy> Kodos, the gpu will be in a basic video mode but usable
L875[14:17:48] <Kodos> k
L876[14:18:53] <Lizzy> my previous motherboard had no cpu-based iGPU so it was all done through external means
L877[14:20:45] <Kodos> I'm asking because I'm contemplating stealing my wife's nVidia GSO 9800 or wtf ever her card is
L878[14:20:54] <Kodos> Her PC can't boot atm
L879[14:24:27] <Sangar> yey, finished dark souls. now to wait for a sale of part two >_>
L880[14:24:30] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L881[14:25:07] <Vexatos> Snagar: How about some OC
L882[14:25:08] <Vexatos> >_>
L883[14:26:53] <Sangar> yeah, on the weekend. i reached the point where i don't want to do stuff that feels like work after a whole day of work :P and fixing annoying bugs does
L884[14:28:01] <Dashkal> Sangar: I so feel for you. That's what's holding back my pet project.
L885[14:28:55] <Sangar> i imagine it's what's holding back most pet projects :D
L886[14:29:24] <Dashkal> That and the potential conflict of interests. I'm writing a language during the day job >.>
L887[14:29:26] <Michiyo> Same... lol
L888[14:29:35] <Sangar> ah, right
L889[14:29:37] <Michiyo> Poor OpenSecurity, and OpenFM..
L890[14:29:43] <Sangar> heh
L891[14:30:11] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L892[14:30:30] <Kodos> And OpenPrinter
L893[14:30:40] <Sangar> at least yours arent in a magical fairy language most people cba to try and comprehend, so there's at least be the *possibility* to give it to someone else to maintain :X
L894[14:30:42] <Dashkal> Looking forward to getting OS back. Admin says it's in next update :)
L895[14:31:37] <Kodos> I'll be glad for filing cabinets :3
L896[14:32:25] <Skwid> can OC and CC not be installed together?
L897[14:32:30] <Kodos> It can
L898[14:32:37] <Skwid> hmm
L899[14:32:39] <Kodos> Anyone who tells you they can't is trolling
L900[14:32:55] <Skwid> I'm getting super odd crash when trying to use a turtle from cc
L901[14:33:01] <Kodos> Crash log?
L902[14:33:13] <Skwid> one sec
L903[14:33:36] <Skwid> http://pastebin.com/3izsSXRU
L904[14:34:37] <Kodos> Veddy Intadasting
L905[14:34:37] <Vexatos> and where in there is OC being mentioned?
L906[14:34:51] <Skwid> I was told that a core mod is overwriting the computercraft turtle API and that's why its crashing, and there only a few mods that I'm using that interacts with CC
L907[14:35:20] <gamax92> that looks like a mod is shipping an old version of CC's api
L908[14:35:35] <Skwid> hmm
L909[14:35:57] <Vexatos> wat
L910[14:35:58] <Vexatos> Skwid,
L911[14:36:00] <Skwid> I have a sneeking feeling its minechem and its chemical turtle peripheral
L912[14:36:02] <Vexatos> how ancient is that mod pack
L913[14:36:09] <Skwid> very :D
L914[14:36:13] <Vexatos> The versions there
L915[14:36:14] <Vexatos> wat
L916[14:37:08] <Michiyo> Kodos, OpenSecurity doesn't have glaring issues, like crashes if you click the wrong thing in the UI (OpenFM) or OpenSec failing to extract it's own sounds..
L917[14:37:10] <greaser|q> mroing
L918[14:37:18] <Michiyo> err OpenPrinter doesn't*
L919[14:37:28] <Kodos> But... but.... but filing cabinets D=
L920[14:37:55] <Michiyo> Yes, but the lack of those doesn't break the mod. :P
L921[14:38:10] <Vexatos> Skwid, I don't think anyone is ever going to fix your issue due to the age of the versions in it :X
L922[14:38:16] <Vexatos> Pretty much every mod is outdated
L923[14:38:28] <Skwid> Vexatos, I'm sure its already fixed
L924[14:39:08] <Skwid> I'm playing the cracpack on the atlauncher, and rn I can't be bothered to go update all of the mods
L925[14:39:38] <Kodos> Skwid, did you add any mods to that pack, or no
L926[14:39:54] ⇨ Joins: Wiiplay123 (~Wiiplay12@adsl-72-154-30-83.bna.bellsouth.net)
L927[14:40:03] <Skwid> only mod I added was CC, but then removed it cause of crashes
L928[14:40:16] <Vexatos> that means CC is the only mod not outdated
L929[14:40:19] <Skwid> however I just removed minechem and re-added CC so lets hope this works!
L930[14:40:27] <Vexatos> you need a CC version from the time when the pack was made
L931[14:40:28] <Skwid> yep
L932[14:40:45] <Kodos> I'd keep MineChem over CC, tbh
L933[14:41:07] <Skwid> all minechem does for me is fill up a chest with elements and chems
L934[14:41:22] <Kodos> I always have a dedicated AE network for chemicals
L935[14:41:35] <Skwid> I don't have AE installed
L936[14:42:10] <Vexatos> why do you want CC anyway :P
L937[14:42:18] <Vexatos> minechem is way more interesting
L938[14:42:23] <Skwid> I'm too lazy to use OC
L939[14:42:34] <Sangar> > oc 1.4.3
L940[14:42:39] <Sangar> when was that even o.O
L941[14:42:47] <Skwid> 1.7.10
L942[14:42:52] <Vexatos> Sangar, I got curious when it mentioned the asielib class transformer
L943[14:42:54] <Skwid> I have only used minechem to make obsidian early game
L944[14:42:58] <Vexatos> do you remember that?
L945[14:43:00] <Vexatos> Computronics 1.3
L946[14:43:29] <Sangar> 1.4.3 beta 1: Dec 24, 2014 wow
L947[14:43:37] <Skwid> tf does OC use apache?
L948[14:43:46] <Lizzy> Skwid, ?
L949[14:44:18] <Sangar> there may be some uses of apache libs why? (which are provided by forge fyi)
L950[14:44:20] <Skwid> I wonder why apache is there http://i.imgur.com/A918rIw.png
L951[14:44:39] <Sangar> codecs it doesn't use
L952[14:44:44] <Sangar> nor the compression stuff
L953[14:44:50] <Sangar> just what's there by default via curse
L954[14:44:51] <Sangar> err
L955[14:44:52] <Sangar> forge
L956[14:44:54] <Sangar> ffs
L957[14:45:02] <Skwid> huh
L958[14:45:06] * Lizzy reboots Sangar
L959[14:45:06] <Kodos> Congratulations Sangar, you haven't had a failed Jenkins build since Sept
L960[14:45:15] <Skwid> :D
L961[14:45:30] <Vexatos> Kodos, because he hasn't released anything since september >_>
L962[14:45:39] <Sangar> Kodos, well, compared to the history of oc very little happened since then so i guess not much of a surprise, but thanks nonetheless :P
L963[14:46:00] <Vexatos> Sangar, forge... curse? I should make a mod called forgecurse
L964[14:46:07] <Vexatos> It should add bees
L965[14:46:10] <Skwid> between sirsengir and Sangar there are too many s*g* names D:
L966[14:46:18] <Kodos> Rack mounted ra- I mean Databases
L967[14:46:25] * Sangar stabs Kodos
L968[14:46:26] <Vexatos> Skwid, we once had Sangar, Sangu and Sandra in this channel at once
L969[14:46:33] <Skwid> my head
L970[14:46:44] <Kodos> Sangar, in my defense, issue #1594 has been up since Jan 3, at your request
L971[14:46:48] * Skwid s head blows a gasket
L972[14:47:14] <Sangar> Kodos, i just like stabbing people :P
L973[14:47:18] <Kodos> :D
L974[14:49:43] <vifino> payonel: uuh, what do I do if i got a job which doesn't want to finish starting? >_>
L975[14:49:55] <vifino> how2ctrl-c
L976[14:50:02] <vifino> openrc doesn't let me .-.
L977[14:53:36] <Vexatos> In other news, EnderIO compat is back in on MC 1.8.9
L978[14:53:39] <Vexatos> yay? :D
L979[14:55:11] *** tots__ is now known as tots
L980[14:58:56] <Michiyo> Oh right... I forgot about the start of Whatever I was going to call the mod that added SQL interaction...
L981[14:59:28] <Michiyo> Ugh.. I have t o work tomorrow :(
L982[14:59:50] <Vexatos> OpenSQL? :3
L983[14:59:51] <Michiyo> But I at least get sat/sun off.. Next week too
L984[15:00:21] <Michiyo> Vexatos, it was going to do other stuff too, but yes OpenSQL was thrown around a bit
L985[15:01:04] <Vexatos> Snakes, Quail, Lemons
L986[15:01:07] <Vexatos> best mod name
L987[15:02:48] <Kodos> OpenDatabase
L988[15:02:53] <Kimiro> Snakey quail lemons.
L989[15:03:05] <Kimiro> A delicacy on Yardrak.
L990[15:04:49] <Michiyo> I really wanted to add a webserver to it, so you could access your computer via browser/what ever. Still not sure how to make it run files though.. heh
L991[15:05:48] <Michiyo> ffs, high RAM usage on Hekate...
L992[15:05:53] <gamax92> Michiyo: sorry bout that
L993[15:06:09] <Michiyo> cause god damn Ruby for GitLab is using 2GB, and Jenkins is using 4
L994[15:08:12] <g> that sounds about right for each of those
L995[15:08:27] <MalkContent> anyone got a steam controller? just started a game that's good with gamepad controls and that got me thinking about that one again...
L996[15:08:32] <g> malcom2073: yes
L997[15:08:34] <g> er
L998[15:08:36] <g> MalkContent*
L999[15:08:55] * g loves his steam controller
L1000[15:09:02] <Lizzy> MalkContent, it takes a bit to get used to but it's good :)
L1001[15:09:15] <MalkContent> sweet
L1002[15:09:23] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1003[15:09:34] * Michiyo does not love her Steam Controller... because she doesn't have one
L1004[15:09:51] <MalkContent> time to look for one then :)
L1005[15:10:33] <Michiyo> Best way I've found to make sure I get customers... put my headphones in and start listening to music...
L1006[15:10:45] <Michiyo> I swear, as soon as I hit play, there they are
L1007[15:12:41] <g> hah, yep, know that feel
L1008[15:12:49] <g> as soon as I listen to music, or need to go to the bathroom, or get food..
L1009[15:14:14] <Michiyo> Oh man... yes
L1010[15:15:21] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1011[15:16:26] <Skwid> Michiyo, are you wolf michel
L1012[15:16:35] <Michiyo> No..?
L1013[15:17:00] <Michiyo> I'm Michiyo/Mimiru/Katie/Caitlyn.. :P
L1014[15:17:05] <Michiyo> it depends heh
L1015[15:17:36] <Michiyo> "Nicks : Michiyo Mimiru Michi Caitlyn {[]} FedEx UPS Katie" lol UPS and FedEx, I forgot about those
L1016[15:17:49] <Skwid> {[]}
L1017[15:17:52] <Skwid> lol
L1018[15:17:57] <g> Skwid: wolfmitchell is definitely not that prominent :P
L1019[15:17:57] *** Michiyo is now known as {[]}
L1020[15:17:58] <{[]}> Yes
L1021[15:17:58] <Skwid> [{}] looks gross
L1022[15:18:10] <Skwid> g, ah so you know him aswell
L1023[15:18:12] <Kodos> It's amazing how many mod devs don't have their nicks registered
L1024[15:18:13] *** g is now known as ||||||
L1025[15:18:17] <||||||> pipes
L1026[15:18:19] *** |||||| is now known as g
L1027[15:18:23] <{[]}> heh
L1028[15:18:26] *** {[]} is now known as Michiyo
L1029[15:18:33] <g> Kodos, many don't use irc
L1030[15:18:33] <g> :P
L1031[15:18:38] <Kodos> Even still
L1032[15:18:45] <Skwid> I only have 2 nicks
L1033[15:18:51] <Kodos> Wouldn't be hard for someone to register a nick, primary it, and go troll
L1034[15:19:08] <g> mastercoms, one of the lead devs of glowstone++, organised an official channel, but doesn't use irc at all
L1035[15:19:18] <g> also yes it would
L1036[15:19:26] <g> the opers here tend to notice things like that
L1037[15:19:37] * Lizzy is looking for a newer graphics card
L1038[15:19:49] <Skwid> I have the nick Tropicraft grouped to me :3
L1039[15:19:52] *** Skwid is now known as Tropicraft
L1040[15:20:02] <Tropicraft> well I did
L1041[15:20:10] <g> use it or lose it, as they say
L1042[15:20:20] <g> also Tropicraft is hardly a well-known mod
L1043[15:20:20] *** Tropicraft is now known as Skwid
L1044[15:20:20] <g> :P
L1045[15:20:22] <g> it's not that cool.
L1046[15:20:36] <Lucca> u fukn wot
L1047[15:20:38] <Lucca> im telling cojo
L1048[15:20:38] <Michiyo> lol, ajloveslily owns it now..
L1049[15:20:39] <Skwid> I think that nicks expire? even if grouped
L1050[15:20:45] <Michiyo> yes, 30 days
L1051[15:20:47] <Skwid> Michiyo, that's me
L1052[15:21:04] <Michiyo> Oh hey... it's been ages since I talked to you :P
L1053[15:21:09] <g> haha, Lucca
L1054[15:21:13] <g> I only heard about it through rakiru
L1055[15:21:15] <Skwid> its a wonder how ajloveslily hasnt expired, I am never that nick anymore
L1056[15:21:16] <Skwid> o/
L1057[15:21:16] * Lucca is just joking tho
L1058[15:21:17] <Lucca> ah
L1059[15:21:28] <g> Skwid, because it's your main nick
L1060[15:21:32] <Michiyo> ^
L1061[15:21:32] <Lizzy> ^
L1062[15:21:33] <Skwid> ohh
L1063[15:21:39] <Lucca> your main nick never expires
L1064[15:21:40] <Lucca> i think
L1065[15:21:48] <Skwid> Neat
L1066[15:21:48] <Michiyo> Yeah, you used to hang out on my IRC Network heh
L1067[15:21:58] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1068[15:22:03] <Skwid> Michiyo, :ooo the one that neo hanged out on?
L1069[15:22:14] * Michiyo pokes Neo
L1070[15:22:20] <Michiyo> *ahem*... yes :P
L1071[15:22:27] <Skwid> I think I was opper on it for like, 4 days
L1072[15:22:34] <Michiyo> Seems right lol
L1073[15:22:53] <Skwid> oh man I remember hanging out in #neo and finding 'features' in the stargate mod
L1074[15:23:01] <Skwid> Thems were the good days!
L1075[15:23:22] <Michiyo> lol, Yeah I've turned most of the code responsibility over to Lochie... it's got to the point I can't do much in LanteaCraft anymore
L1076[15:23:26] <Lizzy> hmm, how bad would performance be if i SLI'd a 900 series card with a 760
L1077[15:23:32] <g> Lucca, Skwid, wolfmitchell
L1078[15:23:34] <g> er
L1079[15:23:35] <g> no
L1080[15:23:35] <Kasen> probably bad
L1081[15:23:38] <g> bad clipboard
L1082[15:23:44] <g> Lucca, Skwid, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT81kzbHN2Y
L1083[15:23:44] <MichiBot> g: donacdum - Payday 2 | length: 3m 56s | Likes: 422 Dislikes: 5 Views: 12278 | by GiIvaSunner
L1084[15:23:45] <Skwid> :D
L1085[15:23:49] <Lucca> oh god gilva
L1086[15:23:54] <Lucca> memesss
L1087[15:23:57] <g> it's GiIva
L1088[15:23:58] <g> :P
L1089[15:24:04] <Skwid> I think I remember wolfmitchell having a botnet that joined one of the chans and spammed the hell out of everything
L1090[15:24:08] <Kasen> ...i didn't notice that
L1091[15:24:11] <gamax92> wolfmitchell, now that's a name I've not heard in a while
L1092[15:24:20] <g> Kasen, notice what?
L1093[15:24:20] <Michiyo> Yeah, he was stresstesting the network
L1094[15:24:26] <Kasen> I, not l
L1095[15:24:31] <g> ah, yeah, it's an I
L1096[15:24:35] <g> probably also to troll people
L1097[15:24:36] <g> xD
L1098[15:24:37] <Michiyo> he was a irc op too
L1099[15:24:48] <Skwid> oh man LanteaCraft now that is something I have not heard for like 2 years
L1100[15:25:01] * Kimiro leekspins
L1101[15:25:06] <Michiyo> LC is still around, slowly getting updates again
L1102[15:25:07] <Skwid> Such fond memories :D
L1103[15:25:09] <Kasen> my net's has been bot flooded a few times - all but once were the opers testing shit
L1104[15:25:09] * g chomps Kimiro's leek
L1105[15:25:12] <Kodos> >Slowly
L1106[15:25:12] <Lucca> his display name on yt is GilvaSunner tho
L1107[15:25:20] <Kasen> ah
L1108[15:25:28] <Skwid> last I heard neo dropped off the face of the internet, guess that's not right
L1109[15:25:29] <Kasen> that explains why i didn't notice :V
L1110[15:25:30] <g> Lucca, no, it's GiIvaSunner
L1111[15:25:34] <g> it's just the font
L1112[15:25:34] <Lucca> WAIT
L1113[15:25:35] <Lucca> SHIT
L1114[15:25:36] <g> copy-paste it
L1115[15:25:37] <Lucca> xD
L1116[15:25:37] <g> xD
L1117[15:25:40] <Lucca> i see now
L1118[15:25:43] * Lucca blind
L1119[15:25:48] <gamax92> Skwid: squeak squeak
L1120[15:25:49] <Kasen> I BLAME THE FONT
L1121[15:25:59] <Skwid> gamax92, I ofc remember you bb <#
L1122[15:26:02] <g> fleeentstones?
L1123[15:26:03] <Neo> Not dropped off the face of the internet...
L1124[15:26:06] <Lucca> GRAND DAD
L1125[15:26:12] <Lucca> uncle jobel
L1126[15:26:12] <Lizzy> speaking of networks...
L1127[15:26:14] <Kasen> GRAND DAD
L1128[15:26:15] * Kimiro uses leekslap on g. It's not very effective.
L1129[15:26:15] <Kasen> damnit
L1130[15:26:19] <Neo> I'm just not "Neo" anywhere else anymore, this nick is used for logging this channel :P
L1131[15:26:20] <gamax92> Neo: squeeeak
L1132[15:26:24] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-92-28-75-157.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L1133[15:26:26] <Stary2001> >logging
L1134[15:26:27] <Skwid> :o
L1135[15:26:28] <Stary2001> k
L1136[15:26:32] <Lucca> hello NeoSA
L1137[15:26:36] <Stary2001> lmao
L1138[15:26:36] <Kodos> TIL Kidnapping ransoms paid in the US are tax deductible
L1139[15:26:36] * Lizzy goes to check her irc net
L1140[15:26:37] * Skwid forgot neo worked for the NSA
L1141[15:26:44] <Neo> o/ Stary2001 :P
L1142[15:26:48] <g> Kodos: ..lol, not surprised
L1143[15:26:55] <Skwid> !!! I remember Stary2001 too!!
L1144[15:26:56] <gamax92> because logging an irc channel is NSA, yeah okay
L1145[15:27:11] <Neo> I do have LOTS of logs though :P
L1146[15:27:12] <Skwid> jokes friend
L1147[15:27:14] <Kasen> TIL tha majority of this channel is NSA
L1148[15:27:16] <Lucca> gamax92: whoosh
L1149[15:27:17] <Neo> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com
L1150[15:27:18] <g> why not just ask khobbits to log here?
L1151[15:27:24] <Kasen> i have to go rethink my life, brb
L1152[15:27:30] <gamax92> I like oclogs better than khobbit logs
L1153[15:27:31] <g> xD
L1154[15:27:51] <g> Lucca, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZPA3sdY3lo
L1155[15:27:52] <MichiBot> g: His World - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | length: 5m 28s | Likes: 466 Dislikes: 3 Views: 13762 | by GiIvaSunner
L1156[15:27:53] <g> magic missile.
L1157[15:27:53] <Kasen> straight up log files in a directory listing, nice
L1158[15:27:56] <Neo> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/.getlatest.php throws a .tgz of all of history
L1159[15:28:04] <Neo> since 1/30/2014 anyway
L1160[15:28:12] <Skwid> oh man its all coming back to me neo, his wife and kid, pc logix.
L1161[15:28:16] <g> yeah, mimi lost the older logs I think
L1162[15:28:25] <gamax92> Skwid: but the squeaky
L1163[15:28:37] <gamax92> Neo: oh.
L1164[15:28:42] <Skwid> gamax92, I don't remember the squeaky
L1165[15:28:42] <gamax92> I though it was just for today
L1166[15:28:54] <Neo> get latest is errythang
L1167[15:28:58] <gamax92> okay
L1168[15:29:01] <Skwid> though I'm not 15 anymore so I do not have a squeaky voice anymore
L1169[15:29:10] <gamax92> you wern't the squeaky
L1170[15:29:19] <Skwid> I was pretty squeaky
L1171[15:29:21] <Michiyo> my daughter was :P
L1172[15:29:27] <Skwid> :P
L1173[15:29:27] <gamax92> the daughter is the squeaky
L1174[15:29:34] <Skwid> oh it was Michiyo that had the child I remember
L1175[15:29:36] <Skwid> I think
L1176[15:29:38] <Skwid> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1177[15:29:44] <Michiyo> lol I've got him confused I think :P
L1178[15:29:52] <Stary2001> g: :d
L1179[15:29:53] <Stary2001> ..
L1180[15:29:56] <Stary2001> fuckin
L1181[15:29:59] <Stary2001> god damn
L1182[15:30:01] <g> xD
L1183[15:30:05] <Skwid> yeah cause we used to hang out in TS a lot
L1184[15:30:05] <g> Stary2001: Magic missile!
L1185[15:30:06] <Lucca> i hear loud nigra in that sonic song
L1186[15:30:08] <Lucca> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
L1187[15:30:10] <Stary2001> yes
L1188[15:30:13] <Michiyo> <-- Neo
L1189[15:30:17] * Lizzy starts playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGNiXGX2nLU
L1190[15:30:23] <Lucca> my favorite csgo/tf2 micspam sound
L1191[15:30:27] <Skwid> and you called binkeys pacifiers
L1192[15:30:27] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1193[15:30:28] <Michiyo> hmm, ytinfo needs to listen actions :P
L1194[15:30:34] <Lucca> my teammates really loves the sound of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
L1195[15:30:49] <Skwid> why did you dump the name
L1196[15:31:07] <Michiyo> Well, Neo isn't really fitting anymore :P
L1197[15:31:09] <g> well, you probably know this one but it's the best I've seen so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLC49ygpOWA
L1198[15:31:09] <MichiBot> g: Hot Pursuit - Payday 2 | length: 1m 42s | Likes: 494 Dislikes: 9 Views: 11248 | by GiIvaSunner
L1199[15:31:21] <Skwid> was it ever?
L1200[15:31:27] <Kimiro> o-o Wow.
L1201[15:31:29] <Michiyo> Yes, for a long time
L1202[15:31:30] <Kimiro> I am lost now.
L1203[15:31:37] <Skwid> I'm lost too
L1204[15:31:46] * gamax92 adopts Kimiro and Skwid
L1205[15:31:56] <Michiyo> yay
L1206[15:32:02] <Skwid> :D
L1207[15:32:14] <Skwid> gamax92, arn't I older than you though?
L1208[15:32:19] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L1209[15:32:20] <gamax92> dunno
L1210[15:32:22] * Lizzy hands Skwid and Kimiro sat nav devices
L1211[15:32:25] <Kimiro> o-o
L1212[15:32:27] <KittyKath> Did you not know? Michiyo used to be a superhero. Then she got bored and became a goddess.
L1213[15:32:27] <Michiyo> I changed names in 2014, which is why I lost older logs.
L1214[15:32:30] <g> Lucca: Don't leeet gooo
L1215[15:32:35] <Michiyo> KittyKath, exactly!
L1216[15:32:35] * Kimiro eats his sat nav device
L1217[15:32:48] <Skwid> sat nav!
L1218[15:32:54] <gamax92> neighbors are blasting loud music :/
L1219[15:33:04] * Lizzy sighs and uses KittyKath as a hat
L1220[15:33:05] <Michiyo> gamax92, I'm blasting loud music too!
L1221[15:33:11] <Michiyo> in my headphones
L1222[15:33:11] <g> gamax92, you need to out-blast them
L1223[15:33:13] <g> try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f02IGJ8Ps0
L1224[15:33:14] <MichiBot> g: Delfino Plaza - Super Mario Sunshine | length: 3m 4s | Likes: 901 Dislikes: 14 Views: 34344 | by GiIvaSunner
L1225[15:33:17] <Lucca> im blasting giIvasunner
L1226[15:33:22] * Lizzy would be blasting loud music but it's21:33 at night
L1227[15:33:27] <Lucca> OK GILVASUNNER
L1228[15:33:28] <Lucca> OK MEMES
L1229[15:33:35] <g> Lucca: shitpost supreme
L1230[15:33:35] * Skwid is just listening to bruno mars on pandora >_>
L1231[15:33:37] <Michiyo> pffft Lizzy perfect time to jam out
L1232[15:33:40] <Lucca> yes
L1233[15:33:46] <Kimiro> Also, gamax92: You can't adopt me. I'm dead.
L1234[15:33:54] <Kasen> oh, half 9, time for lunch
L1235[15:33:55] <gamax92> so?
L1236[15:33:57] <Skwid> D: rip step
L1237[15:34:09] <Lizzy> Michiyo, I don't have puny speakers, if i crank my sound system up it'll be like a concert
L1238[15:34:13] <Skwid> Kimiro, you forget gamax92 is a necrophiliac
L1239[15:34:20] <Michiyo> Sounds like me Lizzy :P
L1240[15:34:27] <gamax92> no?
L1241[15:34:30] <Kimiro> ... I'm okay with this. I ain't using it.
L1242[15:34:44] <g> Kasen: ..lol
L1243[15:34:49] <Lizzy> also the Hi-Fi i have hooked into my computer sounds way better than the 5.1 surround system
L1244[15:34:52] <Kodos> Any of you lot have build 265 of Mekanism
L1245[15:34:57] <Kodos> 8.1.9
L1246[15:34:57] <Lizzy> nope
L1247[15:35:10] <g> Lucca: here's a good one from earlier today, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDsp27dFBZQ
L1248[15:35:12] <MichiBot> g: smooooch・∀・ - beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS | length: 1m 57s | Likes: 113 Dislikes: 2 Views: 1031 | by GiIvaSunner
L1249[15:35:13] <Kasen> do they not have CI?
L1250[15:35:16] <Kodos> ACB's website just made it to my list of never fucking touching it again
L1251[15:35:16] <Lucca> wew
L1252[15:35:23] <Kodos> Kasen, only adfly links on ACB's website
L1253[15:35:33] <Kasen> <_<
L1254[15:35:40] <gamax92> acb?
L1255[15:35:41] <g> Kodos, http://ci.indiewikis.com:8080/job/mekanism/
L1256[15:35:42] <Lizzy> https://youtu.be/aJGl0FQK9Ew?t=42m50s
L1257[15:35:55] <Skwid> wasn't it the pclogix TS that we use to hang out on
L1258[15:35:58] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1259[15:36:05] <g> Skwid, they have a mumble I think
L1260[15:36:06] <Kasen> does mekanism respect your fucking ingame volume settings yet?
L1261[15:36:09] <Vexatos> Lizzy, wee GEMA™
L1262[15:36:15] <g> Kasen: nope! :D
L1263[15:36:16] <Skwid> ah
L1264[15:36:20] <g> but the sound muter block things work
L1265[15:36:21] <Lizzy> Vexatos, those fuckers
L1266[15:36:22] <Michiyo> Oh he took down his public ci server..
L1267[15:36:22] <Skwid> I swear there was a ts
L1268[15:36:23] <Kodos> Kasen, Sound Filter Upgrade Soon™
L1269[15:36:25] <Michiyo> Skwid, yes
L1270[15:36:27] <Kodos> Or are they in
L1271[15:36:39] <Michiyo> pc-logix is TS
L1272[15:36:42] <g> Kodos, openblocks adds these sound quietener blocks
L1273[15:36:43] <Lizzy> also Skwid, the PCLogix IRC network is still there
L1274[15:36:45] <Skwid> defunct now?
L1275[15:36:48] <Kasen> because their own sound system is so much better than the main mc one apparently <_<
L1276[15:36:52] <Skwid> Lizzy, :o
L1277[15:37:01] <Kasen> which is why it is a bitch to use
L1278[15:37:04] <Michiyo> I DO have a mumble server, but it's never running And no, TS3 is up
L1279[15:37:35] <Skwid> huh
L1280[15:38:02] <Michiyo> vb.pc-logix.com for TS3
L1281[15:38:17] <Michiyo> Though I'm at work, and not on it :P
L1282[15:38:23] <Kasen> mumble master race
L1283[15:38:36] <Kodos> Discord/Slack
L1284[15:38:37] <greaser|q> mumble master race, i ahve one @ magicannon.com
L1285[15:38:52] <Michiyo> Discord is pretty nice, but I still love my TS3 :P
L1286[15:38:56] <Kasen> i forgot you had one
L1287[15:38:57] <g> magi cannon or magic annon
L1288[15:39:03] <Kasen> since we always use fgn anyway
L1289[15:39:03] <g> I like Discord
L1290[15:39:07] <g> I like TS too
L1291[15:39:14] <gamax92> and there we go.
L1292[15:39:16] <g> and today I installed mumble and it finally doesn't idle at 80% cpu
L1293[15:39:18] <greaser|q> g: it's kinda like ZZTAdvancEditor
L1294[15:39:19] <gamax92> they turned their music off
L1295[15:39:23] <greaser|q> it's mashed up
L1296[15:39:32] <gamax92> my heart is now pounding but whatever
L1297[15:39:39] <g> what'd you do?
L1298[15:39:42] <g> where'd you hide the knife?
L1299[15:39:50] <Kasen> where'd you hide the body?
L1300[15:39:52] <Kasen> more importantly
L1301[15:39:56] <Kodos> Oh boy, getting a weird computronics issue again
L1302[15:39:56] <Lucca> gamax92: lmao
L1303[15:39:59] <greaser|q> have you stopped beating your wife
L1304[15:40:03] <gamax92> I put soem music on and then turned the amp up to 5
L1305[15:40:08] <g> ..haha
L1306[15:40:09] <gamax92> base boost
L1307[15:40:14] <g> that's one way to do it
L1308[15:40:15] <g> xD
L1309[15:40:28] <Lizzy> Skwid, yep, it's even grown some and had a slight extension
L1310[15:40:30] <greaser|q> also i think i've got the best undithered image converter... it also does positional dithering in a not too shitty way
L1311[15:40:34] <Kasen> ah, the passive aggressive method, my favourite
L1312[15:40:49] <g> I would do that if my house wasn't detached and I had speakers
L1313[15:41:09] <Kasen> i live in a field and have great speakers
L1314[15:41:19] <Kasen> but then i get paranoid that someone comes in and i can't hear them
L1315[15:41:40] <gamax92> greaser|q: you can do dithering in a not shitty way, but it's just like, why cant you select a face color as one of the palettes so large regions are horribly noisy looking
L1316[15:41:51] <gamax92> aren't*
L1317[15:42:04] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1318[15:42:46] <g> Lucca: oh god, I just realised
L1319[15:42:47] <greaser|q> ok this particular pic is washed out as fuck when doing 4bpp paletted
L1320[15:42:54] <g> GilvaSunner uploads actual OSTs
L1321[15:42:57] <Kodos> Okay, wtf http://puu.sh/nBZ63/db9ca9bbab.txt
L1322[15:42:57] <Lucca> yup
L1323[15:42:58] <g> GiIvaSunner is a parody of it
L1324[15:43:00] <Lucca> :D
L1325[15:43:03] <g> xD
L1326[15:43:07] <Kodos> Oh ffs
L1327[15:43:08] <Kodos> nevermind
L1328[15:43:09] <greaser|q> ahh righty
L1329[15:43:09] <Kodos> I'm a moron
L1330[15:43:15] <Lizzy> Kodos, there are four lights, can't you read?
L1331[15:43:32] <Kodos> Lizzy, I can read, yes, but apparently I can't fucking remember to get CoFHCore
L1332[15:43:41] <Lizzy> ah
L1333[15:43:50] <Lizzy> been a while since i've used CoFH mods myself
L1334[15:44:02] <Kodos> I only need it for Mekanism
L1335[15:44:49] <g> I like ImmersiveEngineering
L1336[15:44:52] <Skwid> Lizzy, hmm?
L1337[15:45:12] <g> it's nice for wires to actually be wires
L1338[15:45:13] <g> and not blocks
L1339[15:45:23] <Michiyo> yes IE is very nice
L1340[15:45:26] <Kasen> immersive engineering looks pretty
L1341[15:45:31] <Michiyo> I've had issues wit hthe wires just going poof though
L1342[15:45:33] <g> it's on our modpack Kasen
L1343[15:45:42] <g> haven't had that problem (yet)
L1344[15:45:42] <greaser|q> still not sure what the fuck is up with wriggle's/yuuko's hair in this particular pic, i'm just doing k-means weighted by how far each pixel's colour is from an OC 240 palette colour
L1345[15:45:45] <Kasen> the excavator or w/e though... fucking hell, that thing seems a wee tiny bit OP
L1346[15:45:53] <g> the digital miner?
L1347[15:45:57] <Kasen> ...no
L1348[15:45:58] <Skwid> hahaha I just say kasens vhost
L1349[15:45:59] <g> oh right, the IE one
L1350[15:46:00] <g> yeah
L1351[15:46:01] <Kasen> we're talking about IE here
L1352[15:46:11] <g> digital miner is also OP though
L1353[15:46:12] <g> :P
L1354[15:46:26] <Kasen> less so
L1355[15:46:27] <g> Skwid, plenty of interesting hostnames here
L1356[15:46:30] <Kasen> that at least only mines the nearby ores
L1357[15:46:47] <Kasen> not generates a fuckton of new ones
L1358[15:46:56] <greaser|q> it's pretty bad how this encoder is called dog but i haven't tested a single sakuya pic in it yet
L1359[15:47:06] <Kasen> you disappoint me
L1360[15:47:56] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L1361[15:48:26] <gamax92> greaser|q: what's k-means btw
L1362[15:49:08] <greaser|q> it's a clustering method
L1363[15:49:10] <Lizzy> .load
L1364[15:49:10] <EnderBot2> CPU: 0.19 0.37 0.44 , RAM: 18.0G/31.3G (~57.6%), SWAP: 599.3M/88.2G (~0.7%)
L1365[15:49:16] <greaser|q> you have a bunch of points and you want to classify them into k categories
L1366[15:49:39] <greaser|q> i think the main reason i haven't really tested any sakuya pics is because most of the ones i have are in fucking portrait
L1367[15:49:43] <greaser|q> fuck phones
L1368[15:49:48] *** asie is now known as BuildCraft
L1369[15:49:49] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1370[15:50:07] *** BuildCraft is now known as asie
L1371[15:50:09] <gamax92> both you and asie are doing k-means stuff
L1372[15:50:13] <asie> Skwid: :-)
L1373[15:50:59] <gamax92> I'm at a loss for ideas for my image converter
L1374[15:51:52] <Kasen> what're you doing?
L1375[15:52:12] <g> OC image viewer from what I've seen
L1376[15:52:29] ⇨ Joins: LuigiHutch (LuigiHutch@Challenge.Accepted.PanicBNC.eu)
L1377[15:52:46] <Skwid> :o shobu is here :D
L1378[15:52:59] <Skwid> wow so is graypup and justastranger and kman :D all the cool peeps
L1379[15:53:02] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-119-76.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1380[15:53:11] <g> well this is the cool kids club
L1381[15:53:15] <g> I mean damn, we even have Kasen
L1382[15:54:06] <Kasen> (⌐■_■)
L1383[15:54:21] <Skwid> is it the cool kids club or the kool kids klub?
L1384[15:54:59] <greaser|q> ok this is probably the best "sakuya" pic i could muster: https://i.imgur.com/wXEHSmw.png
L1385[15:55:26] <Skwid> http://needsmorejpeg.com/i/dytc
L1386[15:55:41] <g> haha, that's not jpeg'd
L1387[15:57:25] <g> KittyKath, http://howivim.com/
L1388[15:57:35] <SF-MC> %calc 16777216/8192
L1389[15:57:37] <MichiBot> SF-MC: 2,048
L1390[15:57:47] <SF-MC> hmmmm
L1391[15:57:52] <gamax92> greaser|q: why does it look good ;-;
L1392[15:57:53] <Kasen> is there a public PNG loader floating around anywhere? i wrote one, but it's not very memory efficient
L1393[15:58:00] <asie> Kasen: ocpng
L1394[15:58:11] <asie> http://github.com/ChenThread/ocpng
L1395[15:58:25] <SF-MC> I'm mildly disappointed g
L1396[15:58:31] <SF-MC> I was hoping it was a joke :P
L1397[15:58:32] <Kasen> lol, damnit grease
L1398[15:59:13] <Kasen> cheers
L1399[15:59:54] <greaser|q> ;D
L1400[16:00:07] <greaser|q> just lemm know if there's any that don't work
L1401[16:00:07] <Kasen> this is pretty much what i wanted it for too
L1402[16:00:24] <Skwid> %calc :1+1
L1403[16:00:36] <Skwid> %calc !30*2
L1404[16:00:39] <Kasen> mine only works for 8bpc anyway
L1405[16:00:47] <Skwid> or was it
L1406[16:00:51] <Skwid> %calc 30!*2
L1407[16:01:14] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1408[16:01:37] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L1409[16:01:58] ⇨ Joins: SoraFirestorm (~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L1410[16:02:15] <Nachtara> C8H10N4O2
L1411[16:02:59] <KittyKath> Saphire: Зто Чискеик с шоколаднои кришки он у вас популярни? Немцы называют его русским. :P
L1412[16:03:17] <KittyKath> Also, чизкейк is my new favourite word :D
L1413[16:03:38] <g> KittyKath, Мое судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей.
L1414[16:03:42] <g> :v
L1415[16:03:45] <SoraFirestorm> who was it that wanted to figure out 30!*2 ?
L1416[16:03:52] <Michiyo> %calc is pretty simple...
L1417[16:03:56] <SoraFirestorm> Here you go
L1418[16:03:57] <SoraFirestorm> 530505719624382117272616960000000
L1419[16:03:59] <Michiyo> if anyone wants to help with that.... :p
L1420[16:04:16] <g> I'd attempt to help but Ultros doesn't have one yet
L1421[16:04:36] <KittyKath> g: Wat
L1422[16:04:40] <g> can't think of a good way
L1423[16:04:47] <g> KittyKath, my hovercraft is full of eels
L1424[16:04:51] <SF-MC> :/
L1425[16:04:55] <greaser|q> kinda forgot i had this pic for a bit: https://i.imgur.com/CMWsVtO.png
L1426[16:04:57] <SF-MC> eels are no good
L1427[16:05:12] <KittyKath> g: I know what you said. What the fuck you're talking about is my question.
L1428[16:05:12] <g> SF-MC: I will not buy this record, it is scratched
L1429[16:05:14] <Kasen> g, .wa is good enough for now :P
L1430[16:05:20] <g> Kasen: yeah, lol
L1431[16:05:25] <g> KittyKath, monty python
L1432[16:05:31] <KittyKath> Ah
L1433[16:05:32] <g> might be too british for you
L1434[16:05:33] <g> :P
L1435[16:05:33] <SF-MC> ah
L1436[16:05:35] <SF-MC> ok
L1437[16:05:39] <Lizzy> Ni!
L1438[16:05:42] <SF-MC> I missed it
L1439[16:05:44] <g> SHRUBBERY
L1440[16:05:45] <SF-MC> NI!
L1441[16:05:52] <KittyKath> Nah, I very actively do not care about monty python :P
L1442[16:05:52] <g> yeah, it's from the dirty hungarian phrasebook sketch
L1443[16:05:56] <SF-MC> "Just a flesh wound..."
L1444[16:06:12] <Kasen> i will not buy this record, it is scratched
L1445[16:06:17] <g> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6D1YI-41ao
L1446[16:06:17] <MichiBot> g: Monty Python - Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook | length: 4m 31s | Likes: 7411 Dislikes: 130 Views: 1606297 | by rylxyc
L1447[16:06:24] <Lizzy> "I'm invicible" "You're a looney"
L1448[16:06:34] <g> Lizzy: It's fun, to charter an accountant
L1449[16:06:35] <Michiyo> MichiBot uses a decent math lib... but I just don't how to use it properly :P
L1450[16:06:41] <g> and sail across the wide acccountan-seeeaa..
L1451[16:06:49] <Skwid> сука блять?
L1452[16:06:50] <Michiyo> I'd use %source... but all of my fucking custom commands are gone
L1453[16:07:11] <g> the problem with math in python is GOOD LUCK SANDOBOXING THAT
L1454[16:07:11] <Kasen> i started writing a calc thing for Ultros
L1455[16:07:19] <Kasen> i ended up doing my usual over-engineering thing
L1456[16:07:20] <SoraFirestorm> g: yeaaaah
L1457[16:07:24] <g> so you can't use any kind of eval
L1458[16:07:34] <Michiyo> https://github.com/PC-Logix/LanteaBot/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/lc/irc/hooks/Calc.java
L1459[16:07:35] <Lizzy> https://imgur.com/gallery/reaSz
L1460[16:07:35] <Michiyo> net.objecthunter.exp4j.ExpressionBuilder;
L1461[16:07:39] <Kasen> i had been playing around with Python ASTs at the time, and decided to compile the maths expression to Python...
L1462[16:07:52] <Skwid> g, did you just say your hovercraft is full of...eels?
L1463[16:07:56] <g> Skwid, yes
L1464[16:08:00] <Kasen> eels
L1465[16:08:01] <Skwid> k then
L1466[16:08:04] <g> eels.
L1467[16:08:10] <g> my nipples explode with pleasure.
L1468[16:08:20] <Skwid> are they electric?
L1469[16:08:31] <g> "Would you like to come back to my place? Bouncy bouncy."
L1470[16:08:54] <g> Kasen, some SO questions do that
L1471[16:08:59] <g> I guess it'd work
L1472[16:09:05] <Kasen> i mean, it worked
L1473[16:09:16] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB719B464FC47DEBF6F08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1474[16:09:18] <Kasen> i just also made it overly generic and need to scale it back into something actually usable
L1475[16:09:31] <KittyKath> TIL you can simply pause Livestreams on YT and they will buffer it for you so you can take a break if you care about the content more than about the interaction :D
L1476[16:09:33] <Kasen> and, you know, my TODO list is like 56439 items long at this point
L1477[16:09:46] <gamax92> KittyKath: yup
L1478[16:09:53] <g> Kasen: yeah, I get you
L1479[16:10:15] ⇦ Quits: asie (~asie@asie.pl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1480[16:10:30] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkConten@p4FDCEF67.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1481[16:10:50] <Kasen> i think i went back to just converting pretty code into nested lambdas
L1482[16:11:29] <SoraFirestorm> nested lambdas? but why?
L1483[16:11:45] <Izaya> http://pb.i0i0.me/p/qTKEdhV0
L1484[16:12:19] <SoraFirestorm> oooh that's pretty
L1485[16:12:21] <SoraFirestorm> what does that?
L1486[16:12:39] <greaser|q> i *may* be winning here: https://i.imgur.com/dAzJ7Ox.png
L1487[16:13:06] <Izaya> the text is inxi -v7 -c0
L1488[16:13:16] <Izaya> the colouring is just the pastebin
L1489[16:13:26] <SoraFirestorm> neat thanks
L1490[16:14:18] <gamax92> ... greaser|q
L1491[16:14:26] <gamax92> it looks so much better than mine
L1492[16:14:34] <greaser|q> brute force is your friend
L1493[16:14:45] <gamax92> ahh :P
L1494[16:15:06] * Izaya pokes vifino
L1495[16:15:31] <gamax92> greaser|q: it's also infinitely better than asie's since the face isn't horribly noisy
L1496[16:16:34] <greaser|q> gamax92: well, that's kinda what happens when you're mostly using off-the-shelf stuff
L1497[16:16:49] <SF-MC> is there a way to pull power back out of OC capacitors?
L1498[16:17:01] <greaser|q> oh yeah here's the dithered version: https://i.imgur.com/jd5UImO.png
L1499[16:17:08] <greaser|q> i use positional, he uses floyd-steinberg
L1500[16:17:51] <gamax92> greaser|q: ordered?
L1501[16:18:19] <greaser|q> something like that
L1502[16:18:55] <gamax92> tbh, ordered dithering can come off easier on the eyes, where floyd at this pixel size looks like a mess
L1503[16:19:33] * g scratches head
L1504[16:19:41] <g> who was it I was talking to about bronies in here again?
L1505[16:20:02] <gamax92> greaser|q: seriously though, that looks good
L1506[16:20:04] <g> I just can't remember..
L1507[16:20:38] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1508[16:22:53] <greaser|q> .tell asie the bar has been raised: dithered = https://i.imgur.com/jd5UImO.png ; flat = https://i.imgur.com/dAzJ7Ox.png
L1509[16:22:53] <^v4> greaser|q, Message queued.
L1510[16:23:34] <Izaya> .tell Izaya test
L1511[16:23:34] <^v4> Izaya, Message queued.
L1512[16:23:37] <Izaya> test
L1513[16:23:41] <Izaya> ...
L1514[16:23:47] <greaser|q> i suspect he's using floyd a bit too strongly
L1515[16:23:51] <Lizzy> vifino, KittyKath https://imgur.com/gallery/edw4W
L1516[16:24:00] <greaser|q> .tell greaser|q does this work
L1517[16:24:01] <^v4> greaser|q, Message queued.
L1518[16:24:05] ⇦ Parts: greaser|q (~quassel@antihype.space) (HYDRA IRC LOL))
L1519[16:24:07] ⇨ Joins: greaser|q (~quassel@antihype.space)
L1520[16:24:10] <greaser|q> derp
L1521[16:24:12] <greaser|q> sweet
L1522[16:24:20] <g> "HYDRA IRC LOL"
L1523[16:24:20] <g> xD
L1524[16:24:22] <gamax92> greaser|q: prefer using %tell
L1525[16:24:28] <Izaya> .tell vifino The laptops in question are Lenovo IdeaPad S10es
L1526[16:24:28] <^v4> Izaya, Message queued.
L1527[16:24:33] <greaser|q> ah righty, what's the diff formatwise
L1528[16:24:50] <g> %tell greaser|q it's the same
L1529[16:24:52] <MichiBot> g: greaser|q will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1530[16:24:55] <greaser|q> honk
L1531[16:24:56] <gamax92> one's by an official channel bot and the other may or may not be here
L1532[16:25:02] <greaser|q> ah righty
L1533[16:25:15] <greaser|q> %tell asie just in case the other bot breaks: the bar has been raised: dithered = https://i.imgur.com/jd5UImO.png ; flat = https://i.imgur.com/dAzJ7Ox.png
L1534[16:25:17] <MichiBot> greaser|q: asie will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1535[16:25:20] <gamax92> :P
L1536[16:26:01] <Skwid> %tell Skwid I love you
L1537[16:26:02] <MichiBot> Skwid: Skwid will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1538[16:26:10] <Skwid> :D I love you too Skwid
L1539[16:26:14] <SF-MC> lol
L1540[16:26:17] <gamax92> greaser|q: anyway though, I think I'll fork my project off into a specialized version since people seem to be sticking with the braille characters
L1541[16:26:40] ⇨ Joins: asie (~asie@asie.pl)
L1542[16:26:55] <KittyKath> %tell Kimiro There's cheesecake in the fridge. Don't eat all though unless you want to die.
L1543[16:26:56] <MichiBot> KittyKath: Kimiro will be notified of this message when next seen.
L1544[16:27:11] <gamax92> can I have some cheesecake?
L1545[16:27:17] * Kimiro returns with cheesecake on his face
L1546[16:27:29] <Kimiro> o-o Don't what now?
L1547[16:27:51] <KittyKath> gamax92: Seems like you have to fight Kimiro for a piece.
L1548[16:28:08] * Kimiro hands gamax92 a generous slice
L1549[16:28:17] <gamax92> thanks :3
L1550[16:28:21] <Kimiro> No prob~
L1551[16:28:21] * gamax92 noms <3
L1552[16:28:40] * SF-MC gets hungry from food talk :(
L1553[16:28:45] <Kimiro> Sorry I kinda face planted in it.
L1554[16:28:55] <Izaya> so uh
L1555[16:29:01] <gamax92> doesn't make it any less cheesecake
L1556[16:29:01] <Izaya> anyone here want a Lenovo S10e?
L1557[16:29:09] <Izaya> I have about 60 government surplus ones
L1558[16:29:24] <KittyKath> Izaya: actuall, yes :P
L1559[16:29:24] <SF-MC> first question -
L1560[16:29:27] <SF-MC> why?
L1561[16:29:43] <Michiyo> Izaya, umm yeah that'd be great since my wife's s10 is ded
L1562[16:29:44] <Michiyo> lol
L1563[16:29:57] <Izaya> if you want to know how I got them, school is getting rid of them
L1564[16:29:57] <gamax92> Izaya: I'd take one
L1565[16:30:03] <SF-MC> aaaaahhh okay
L1566[16:30:07] <g> yeah, sure, why not
L1567[16:30:07] <g> lol
L1568[16:30:08] <Izaya> hey if you guys want to pay shipping I'll happily send you one
L1569[16:30:10] <SF-MC> specs?
L1570[16:30:12] <gamax92> oh
L1571[16:30:27] <Michiyo> Izaya, get me a price to ship from you to US 72396 and I'll think about it :P
L1572[16:30:33] * vifino pokes Izaya back
L1573[16:30:38] <g> ^, Ireland
L1574[16:31:06] <Izaya> how do I get a shipping price?
L1575[16:31:10] <Michiyo> It's gotta be better than the $250 I'm looking at to buy her a new recent model one.. :P
L1576[16:31:30] <gamax92> oh nvm
L1577[16:31:31] <Izaya> vifino: winning the quake tournament will result in the winner getting a Lenovo IdeaPad S10e
L1578[16:31:44] <gamax92> that laptop is about the same as mine, specs wise
L1579[16:31:49] <vifino> you told me that before.
L1580[16:31:49] <SF-MC> We're playing Quake now?
L1581[16:31:50] <Stary2001> Izaya: depends. how much is shipping to uk
L1582[16:31:53] <Stary2001> :D
L1583[16:31:56] <Izaya> idfk
L1584[16:32:05] <vifino> don't think I'll win though with all the lag.
L1585[16:32:05] <Izaya> I'd have to like
L1586[16:32:07] <Izaya> weigh them
L1587[16:32:10] <Stary2001> probably £much
L1588[16:32:40] <Michiyo> Pack and Track International
L1589[16:32:40] <Michiyo> Max weight 2kg $21
L1590[16:32:40] <Izaya> and go to a post office
L1591[16:32:43] <Izaya> and stuff
L1592[16:32:44] <Stary2001> Izaya: on a bs estimate how much would you say
L1593[16:32:45] <Izaya> never shipped anything before
L1594[16:32:54] <Michiyo> that's aus to us
L1595[16:33:05] <Michiyo> https://auspost.com.au/parcels-mail/calculate-postage-delivery-times/#/
L1596[16:33:07] <g> yeah, you'd have to weigh and take to a post office
L1597[16:33:08] <Stary2001> yeah
L1598[16:33:10] <Stary2001> i looked there
L1599[16:33:13] <Stary2001> same for uk, too
L1600[16:33:16] <g> the problem with something like this is customs
L1601[16:33:24] <Stary2001> £11 shipping, jebus
L1602[16:33:26] <Stary2001> thats uh
L1603[16:33:27] <Stary2001> thats cheap
L1604[16:33:31] <Michiyo> Air Mail
L1605[16:33:31] <Michiyo> Max weight 20kg $14.10
L1606[16:33:39] <Stary2001> yeah thats *even cheaper*
L1607[16:33:45] <g> now that I think of it, shipping that to ireland is probably more expensive than just buying one here
L1608[16:33:46] <g> xD
L1609[16:33:51] <Stary2001> lmao
L1610[16:33:52] <Michiyo> Sea Mail $10.50.... 2-3 month delivery time
L1611[16:34:07] <Stary2001> hahaha
L1612[16:34:28] <Michiyo> I'd spring for the extra $4 and get it in like 10 business days :P
L1613[16:34:51] <Stary2001> yes
L1614[16:35:10] <Izaya> well tbh I have nowhere sane to store them
L1615[16:35:18] <Izaya> it'll be a week or two before I actually get them
L1616[16:35:21] <Izaya> paperwork and such
L1617[16:35:29] <Michiyo> Airmail: Max. dimension: 140cm girth
L1618[16:36:00] <Michiyo> 105cm length
L1619[16:36:05] <Dashkal> I am so glad I'm far away from the UI layer: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/49r4db/real_programming_ingenuity/
L1620[16:36:12] <Stary2001> haha yes
L1621[16:36:25] <Stary2001> HAHAHA
L1622[16:36:29] <Stary2001> 10/10
L1623[16:36:46] <Stary2001> ram: 1gb
L1624[16:36:50] <Stary2001> hmmmmmmmmmmm
L1625[16:37:01] <Michiyo> holy fuck.. 2 kg is $59.60 airmail...
L1626[16:37:04] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L1627[16:37:07] <Stary2001> idea potatopad
L1628[16:37:11] <Stary2001> Michiyo: good job.
L1629[16:37:14] <Izaya> 25x19.5cm
L1630[16:37:26] <Skwid> lmao
L1631[16:37:27] <Izaya> can't find any specs on weight
L1632[16:37:41] <Michiyo> I have no idea what an s10e weighs in reasonable measurements... :P
L1633[16:37:49] <KittyKath> Izaya: 2.8 pound (1.27kg?) according to the internet
L1634[16:37:58] <CompanionCube> Izaya: hi
L1635[16:38:03] <Izaya> ohok that works
L1636[16:38:07] <Michiyo> so yeah say 2ish kg with packing and shit
L1637[16:38:27] <SF-MC> TIL that for power density, TE Resonant Cell > EIO Vibrant Cap
L1638[16:38:33] <Michiyo> afk, work
L1639[16:38:39] <Izaya> hai CompanionCube
L1640[16:38:41] <Izaya> want a laptop?
L1641[16:38:45] <KittyKath> Dashkal: Its not about the UI layer, its about MS. Not that UI is any more pleasant than MS :P
L1642[16:38:55] <Stary2001> pay like 60 aud for shipping
L1643[16:38:57] <Stary2001> and you can get one
L1644[16:39:04] <SF-MC> Izaya, where are you, again?
L1645[16:39:04] <Dashkal> We have to deal with MS because people paying us want to use MS.
L1646[16:39:12] <CompanionCube> such shipping
L1647[16:39:13] <Stary2001> SF-MC: aus
L1648[16:39:14] <Dashkal> I sure as hell wouldn't have chosen that...
L1649[16:39:16] <Izaya> SF-MC: hell- uh, AUstralia
L1650[16:39:18] <SF-MC> aaahhh
L1651[16:39:23] <CompanionCube> much money
L1652[16:39:23] <SF-MC> meh
L1653[16:39:26] <Dashkal> But then, browsers suck period.
L1654[16:39:29] <SF-MC> I already have enough laptops around
L1655[16:39:44] <SF-MC> my dad is kinda upset that I have as many as I do lol
L1656[16:39:52] <SF-MC> plus I'm a poor boy and probably can't do shipping
L1657[16:39:55] <Stary2001> gj
L1658[16:40:27] <SF-MC> besides, I don't use the other 2 I have anyways
L1659[16:40:32] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-290-164.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1660[16:40:42] <SF-MC> not like adding a 3rd will have any point
L1661[16:41:12] * CompanionCube wishes he didn't steal Izaya's sleeping patterms of staying up at 4,5,6 in the morning
L1662[16:41:25] <Izaya> :3
L1663[16:41:41] <KittyKath> Hmm. If we send them we should bulk. In-EU packets are horrible cheap and if you pack 5 laptops into one package its only 14€ more than sending one alone
L1664[16:41:51] <CompanionCube> Tonight i'm goojg to try to go at 1:30am
L1665[16:42:09] <gamax92> ... oh oops.
L1666[16:42:14] <Stary2001> KittyKath: ooh, yes..
L1667[16:42:15] <Izaya> KittyKath: then the people in europe can figure out how to distribute them?
L1668[16:42:25] <Stary2001> yep
L1669[16:42:25] <KittyKath> Izaya: Send them to me, I'll distribute them?
L1670[16:42:31] <Stary2001> where are you anyways
L1671[16:42:46] * Lizzy falls asleep on vifino
L1672[16:42:49] <KittyKath> DHL Australia -> Germany is 60 EUR for 10 kg 120 x 60 x 60 cm
L1673[16:42:56] * vifino yawns, picks up Lizzy and goes to sleep with her
L1674[16:42:57] <Stary2001> ah, germany :p
L1675[16:42:58] <KittyKath> And DHL is really fast
L1676[16:43:11] <gamax92> Funny thing, there's a script here that tries to fix the color codes on highlights, but it's checking for highlights based on if the nick color is green
L1677[16:43:18] <SF-MC> already said I didn't want one, but curious,
L1678[16:43:19] <gamax92> I have nick coloring enabled.
L1679[16:43:25] <SF-MC> is there a similar thing for US?
L1680[16:43:30] <gamax92> so everyone with a green nick pings me X3
L1681[16:43:37] <KittyKath> Michiyo: Same for US? Bulk may be really ceap
L1682[16:43:39] <KittyKath> *cheap
L1683[16:43:56] <Stary2001> KittyKath: Notice, eur vs aud.
L1684[16:43:57] <KittyKath> And I guess sending to CA from the US isn't too expensive either
L1685[16:44:10] <KittyKath> Stary2001: I explicitly said 60€.
L1686[16:44:10] <Stary2001> 60 aud = ~40 eur
L1687[16:44:19] <KittyKath> Sending one would be 43€
L1688[16:44:20] <Michiyo> DHL here in the states is turbo shit.. lol
L1689[16:44:21] <Stary2001> o
L1690[16:44:22] <Stary2001> o ic
L1691[16:44:23] <Stary2001> derpderp
L1692[16:44:29] <Stary2001> i was comparing it to the other ones
L1693[16:44:39] <Stary2001> i may be..slightly.. tired
L1694[16:44:47] <Michiyo> gamax92, lol.. sounds fun
L1695[16:44:50] <SF-MC> %calc 80*16
L1696[16:44:53] <MichiBot> SF-MC: 1,280
L1697[16:45:02] <Izaya> well that works then
L1698[16:45:03] <SF-MC> interesting
L1699[16:45:14] ⇦ Quits: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6B03.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1700[16:45:21] <KittyKath> Hmm. If it weren't laptops I could sneakerware them around to more or less everywhere, but laptops are a bit bulky for that. Especially if its 10 at a time.
L1701[16:45:31] <Stary2001> lol..
L1702[16:45:45] <gamax92> why are you hiding things in your sneakers o.o
L1703[16:45:50] <Michiyo> Ahh, you mean how DHL started back in the day.. :P
L1704[16:45:52] <SF-MC> good question...
L1705[16:45:53] <KittyKath> No, srsly. A friend of mine is in Australia in a few weeks.
L1706[16:46:06] <Stary2001> neat
L1707[16:46:56] <Michiyo> DHL started as a bunch of guys who delivered shit on like business trips iirc
L1708[16:47:24] <KittyKath> Sounds about right xD
L1709[16:47:45] <gamax92> meh
L1710[16:47:59] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1711[16:48:01] <Michiyo> Like I said though, here in the states they suck unless you like in a major city
L1712[16:48:12] <Skwid> DHL stands for Damn hard liquor
L1713[16:48:34] <Michiyo> it took them 2 weeks to deliver paper work to my mom for her job... because it was raining, (and not even a hard rain...) and we were only 30 miles from a major city
L1714[16:48:35] <gamax92> Dried Hard Liver
L1715[16:48:35] <Izaya> I'll see if I can get an inxi of one later
L1716[16:49:08] <greaser|q> aaaand i have a pic that breaks horribly by producing a face that really should not be green
L1717[16:49:13] <Michiyo> They only deliver to areas outside of cities if they have a bunch of packages going that way
L1718[16:49:17] <KittyKath> Michiyo: Yeah, they are rather EU-centric. I refer to them because if I want to send something via DHL I just throw it at my dad because he sends stuff via DHL every other day.
L1719[16:49:23] <greaser|q> dither mode masks it though
L1720[16:49:31] <Skwid> Michiyo, oh man I live about 1 1/2 hours from any city and the garbage man doesnt come if its sprinkling guy sucks ass
L1721[16:49:44] <Izaya> the US sounds like a pain
L1722[16:49:44] <Michiyo> shoot him Skwid :P
L1723[16:49:51] <SF-MC> it is sometimes
L1724[16:49:55] <Michiyo> Yeah...
L1725[16:49:57] <Izaya> pretty sure garbage dude would turn up if there was a hurricane
L1726[16:49:58] <KittyKath> Izaya: The US is just incredibly big.
L1727[16:50:02] <SF-MC> Michiyo: where are you?
L1728[16:50:07] <Izaya> and we're in the middle of nowhere
L1729[16:50:07] <Michiyo> Arkansas
L1730[16:50:08] <KittyKath> Well, ok, so is Australai
L1731[16:50:12] <SF-MC> oooh ok
L1732[16:50:12] <Skwid> Michiyo, we canned him(no pun intended) and hired another garbage co
L1733[16:50:16] <Izaya> on a mountain
L1734[16:50:21] <SF-MC> I'm in Washington
L1735[16:50:32] <KittyKath> There are mountains in Australia? :P
L1736[16:50:42] <Izaya> the rest of the world calls them hills
L1737[16:50:42] <Michiyo> I have friends in OR... I really want to move up there
L1738[16:50:49] <KittyKath> Izaya: Yep :P
L1739[16:50:51] <Izaya> but yes there's a line of raised land on the east coast
L1740[16:51:02] <Skwid> what's funny is they guy we fired was from a giant waste co, but the new garbage man is just some guy that comes bye in his pickup and dumps the trash in the back, then goes to the dump after
L1741[16:51:14] <SF-MC> *sigh*
L1742[16:51:19] <SF-MC> US at work amirite?
L1743[16:51:22] <Izaya> wait you fired him?
L1744[16:51:25] <Izaya> huh
L1745[16:51:32] <Izaya> you have to hire a garbage dude?
L1746[16:51:45] <KittyKath> Fuck yeah capitalism \o/
L1747[16:52:01] <Izaya> the council here just employs people to drive garbage trucks around in specific places at specific times and get the garbage
L1748[16:52:31] <Izaya> eg my area gets done on wednesday
L1749[16:52:45] <Izaya> wait no thursday, I put it out wednesday night
L1750[16:53:03] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L1751[16:54:45] <CompanionCube> Tonight i'm goojg to try to go at 1:30am
L1752[16:55:02] <Michiyo> woo, 35 minutes
L1753[16:55:19] <Michiyo> Oh shit.. right
L1754[16:55:21] <Michiyo> I work tomorrow
L1755[16:55:28] <Michiyo> I keep thinking this is my "Friday"
L1756[16:55:28] <Stary2001> welp
L1757[16:55:30] <Stary2001> gj
L1758[16:55:39] <Michiyo> Well, I usually have Fri/Sun off
L1759[16:55:49] <Michiyo> this week and next I have sat/sun
L1760[16:56:45] <Izaya> back in a while
L1761[16:56:49] <KittyKath> Raiben is early today. Oh well
L1762[16:59:12] ⇦ Parts: Kimiro (~Corrupted@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) ())
L1763[17:02:30] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055 (~Brandon@
L1764[17:11:30] <gamax92> Kimiro left
L1765[17:11:42] <gamax92> :<
L1766[17:12:36] <g> Alllrighty, Ultros lua support is.. done!
L1767[17:12:44] <KittyKath> gamax92: That faggot. :<
L1768[17:13:32] <g> beep beep, motherfucker: https://github.com/UltrosBot/Ultros-contrib/tree/master/Lua
L1769[17:20:13] <Skwid> a lua irc bot?
L1770[17:20:41] <KittyKath> A python bot that can Lua if python is not stupid enough for you :P
L1771[17:21:12] <Michiyo> 9 minutes, and if no one comes in and buys anything I'm counted down and ready to go
L1772[17:21:25] <gamax92> Michiyo: thanks purchase
L1773[17:21:27] <Skwid> where do you work>
L1774[17:21:33] <Michiyo> RadioShack
L1775[17:21:37] <g> Yeah, we just added full Lua support because a couple people asked for it
L1776[17:21:49] <Skwid> I thought RadioShack went bankrupt
L1777[17:21:51] <gamax92> "where do you live?" "RadioShack"
L1778[17:21:54] <gamax92> Skwid: nah
L1779[17:21:57] <g> If people are bored enough, would appreciate a few people attempting to use it here
L1780[17:21:59] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1781[17:22:06] <g> to be sure that it's satisfactory to lua people
L1782[17:22:10] <gamax92> I only go to RadioShack because it happens to be near by
L1783[17:22:14] <gamax92> shit's expensive
L1784[17:22:16] <Michiyo> Yes, but Franchise stores had the option to stay open under the new c ompany that bought the RadioShack name
L1785[17:22:34] <gamax92> wait what
L1786[17:22:35] <Michiyo> s/c o/co/
L1787[17:22:35] <MichiBot> <Michiyo> Yes, but Franchise stores had the option to stay open under the new company that bought the RadioShack name
L1788[17:22:38] <Skwid> I like radio shack, they have some neato stuffs
L1789[17:23:03] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Quit: I am a wofl, AMA (when i return~))
L1790[17:23:04] <Skwid> There was this circut board creator thinggy a long time ago that I eanted
L1791[17:23:10] <Michiyo> RadioShack corp stores either closed, or became sprint stores, with some RadioShack merch
L1792[17:23:37] <Skwid> Michiyo, you're manager right
L1793[17:23:39] <Skwid> if not why not
L1794[17:24:02] <Michiyo> I have the responsibility of a manager, without the pay, or power..
L1795[17:24:07] <Skwid> D:
L1796[17:24:09] <Michiyo> and because my boss is a douche.
L1797[17:25:04] <Michiyo> But yeah.. I open and close because my co-worker leaves at 2 for school..
L1798[17:25:47] <Skwid> what is he 12
L1799[17:26:10] <Michiyo> No... she's 27
L1800[17:27:03] <Michiyo> in college for nursing
L1801[17:27:15] <Michiyo> 3 minutes...
L1802[17:27:44] <Skwid> aww
L1803[17:29:35] <SF-MC> 516208RF/t... not bad
L1804[17:29:46] <Skwid> not enough
L1805[17:29:55] <Michiyo> 11+ million RF/t :p
L1806[17:30:10] <SF-MC> I've probably never made more than like... 50krf/t
L1807[17:30:16] <SF-MC> that's probably highballing a lot too
L1808[17:30:56] <Skwid> I don't rest untill I have 2147483647RF/t
L1809[17:31:29] <SF-MC> this is the output of a ElectriCraft Auroral Battery
L1810[17:31:41] <Michiyo> reactors 1 and 2 in Chernobyl do 11mil, 3 and 4 will do 15+
L1811[17:32:05] <SF-MC> converted back into shaft power and distributed between however many rotational dynamos
L1812[17:32:24] <Skwid> Chernobyl is still running?
L1813[17:32:35] <SF-MC> 16 rotational dynamos
L1814[17:32:46] <Skwid> shaft power was my nickname in collage
L1815[17:32:56] <SF-MC> that's nice
L1816[17:32:59] <Michiyo> Skwid, chernobyl on my server "{
L1817[17:33:01] <SF-MC> !/s
L1818[17:33:23] <Michiyo> otw home
L1819[17:33:33] <Skwid> Michiyo, kinda of a bad name for a nuclear plant. that's like naming a cruse ship titanic
L1820[17:33:48] <SF-MC> you're one to talk
L1821[17:33:54] <Skwid> :o
L1822[17:39:09] <SF-MC> besides
L1823[17:39:18] <SF-MC> what the hell do you *do* with 11mrf/t?
L1824[17:42:48] <Skwid> brag about it
L1825[17:42:56] <SF-MC> that's useful
L1826[17:42:58] <SF-MC> I mean, seriously
L1827[17:43:07] <SF-MC> 11mrf
L1828[17:43:13] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L1829[17:43:19] <SF-MC> that's probably more than I use over the course of a whole world
L1830[17:43:28] <SF-MC> *that* much... *per tick*?
L1831[17:44:49] <Mimiru> Skwid, it's "Chernobyl" Because... it's actually Chernobyl, and Pripyat, and the surrounding area
L1832[17:45:00] <Skwid> nice :D
L1833[17:45:12] <Mimiru> I lost my dynmap of it or I'd link it ¬_¬
L1834[17:45:35] <Skwid> ugggh I hate curseforge
L1835[17:45:43] <Skwid> it makes updating mod packs a pain in the arse
L1836[17:45:46] <Mimiru> Was going to move the server, so I nuked the /tiles directory cause it was like 80gb
L1837[17:46:20] <Skwid> wow
L1838[17:47:23] <gamax92> ... why
L1839[17:47:40] <gamax92> that's not a cheesy chip that just burnt cheese you scrapped off of a pan.
L1840[17:47:41] <Mimiru> Why what?
L1841[17:47:47] <Mimiru> o_O
L1842[17:48:00] <SF-MC> that made no sense
L1843[17:48:16] <Skwid> I think gamax92 just stroked out
L1844[17:48:19] <SF-MC> yup
L1845[17:48:30] <gamax92> ?
L1846[17:48:36] <SF-MC> those words
L1847[17:48:38] <SF-MC> together
L1848[17:48:42] <SF-MC> made 0 sense
L1849[17:48:42] <Skwid> amnesia, deffos a stroke
L1850[17:48:49] <gamax92> SF-MC: how does that make sense.
L1851[17:49:02] <SF-MC> that's what you have to explain
L1852[17:49:30] * gamax92 appreciates the attention <3
L1853[17:49:38] <Skwid>
L1854[17:49:41] <SF-MC> TIL, to get attention
L1855[17:49:43] <SF-MC> have a stroke
L1856[17:49:47] <Skwid> ^
L1857[17:49:48] <SF-MC> or something
L1858[17:50:01] <gamax92> I don't entirely understand why you think I had a stroke
L1859[17:50:10] <Mimiru> Oh fuck...
L1860[17:50:17] <SoraFirestorm> "that's not a cheesy chip that just burnt cheese you scrapped off of
L1861[17:50:17] <Mimiru> "Too long without yelding" on my reactor controller...
L1862[17:50:17] <SoraFirestorm> a pan."
L1863[17:50:19] <SoraFirestorm> that
L1864[17:50:29] <SoraFirestorm> Mimiru: oops
L1865[17:50:29] <gamax92> and what part of that is stroke worthy?
L1866[17:50:33] <Achai> "that's not a cheesy chip that just burnt cheese you scrapped off of a pan." -gamax92 2016
L1867[17:50:34] <SoraFirestorm> all of it
L1868[17:50:44] <Achai> A stroke wouldn't make you write that.
L1869[17:50:51] <Skwid> sure it would
L1870[17:50:56] <Achai> .-.
L1871[17:51:01] <Mimiru> %quote add <+gamax92> that's not a cheesy chip that just burnt cheese you scrapped off of a pan.
L1872[17:51:09] <Mimiru> I don't even know how to use my own fucking bot
L1873[17:51:12] <Mimiru> %addquote <+gamax92> that's not a cheesy chip that just burnt cheese you scrapped off of a pan.
L1874[17:51:12] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Quote added at id: 3
L1875[17:51:19] <Achai> %quote
L1876[17:51:19] <MichiBot> Quote #3: <<+gamax92>> that's not a cheesy chip that just burnt cheese you scrapped off of a pan.
L1877[17:51:19] <gamax92> cool, but that doesn't mean only a stroke can make you say that
L1878[17:51:22] <SF-MC> lol
L1879[17:51:25] <Skwid> Mimiru is stroking out too
L1880[17:51:32] <Achai> .
L1881[17:51:33] <SF-MC> them unicode chars
L1882[17:51:34] <Skwid> %quote 1
L1883[17:51:36] <MichiBot> Skwid: No quotes found for 1
L1884[17:51:40] <SF-MC> %quote 2
L1885[17:51:41] <MichiBot> SF-MC: No quotes found for 2
L1886[17:51:43] <Skwid> %quote #1
L1887[17:51:43] <SF-MC> D:
L1888[17:51:43] <MichiBot> Skwid: No quotes found for #1
L1889[17:51:45] <Skwid> D:
L1890[17:51:49] <Skwid> %quote 3
L1891[17:51:49] <MichiBot> Skwid: No quotes found for 3
L1892[17:51:51] <Mimiru> What the actual fucking shit fuck
L1893[17:51:51] <Skwid> (/゚Д゚)/
L1894[17:51:53] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2016-03-10_17-51-40.png
L1895[17:52:01] <Mimiru> ....
L1896[17:52:12] <Mimiru> quote doesn't let you use IDs yet
L1897[17:52:12] <Skwid> MFW BSOD in OC
L1898[17:52:18] <Skwid> %quote
L1899[17:52:19] <MichiBot> Quote #1: <Wobbo> I come online, and I get thrown, now I get eaten! What is wrong with this place! [2014]
L1900[17:52:23] <Skwid> %quote
L1901[17:52:23] <MichiBot> Quote #2: <Soni> bigender[agender,girl] = agender | girl = girl = 0xF0
L1902[17:52:46] <Mimiru> This computer is fine
L1903[17:52:47] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2016-03-10_17-52-40.png
L1904[17:52:48] <Achai> What the fuck even
L1905[17:52:52] <Mimiru> my security controller is fine
L1906[17:52:58] <Mimiru> but the reactor 1 controller is ded
L1907[17:53:00] <Achai> Then again it is sony
L1908[17:53:04] <Achai> *Soni
L1909[17:53:08] <Achai> How did I even
L1910[17:53:15] <Skwid> that TS overlay
L1911[17:53:28] <gamax92> Mimiru: ehh, I'm pretty sure that's just an outdated openos
L1912[17:53:49] <gamax92> I feel like I got that error message myself, was when filesystems switched to userdata instead of numbers as handles
L1913[17:53:50] <Mimiru> gamax92, except all 3 of these computers were setup on the same day
L1914[17:54:07] <Mimiru> And no OC updates have happened since
L1915[17:54:10] <gamax92> oh
L1916[17:54:14] * gamax92 shrugs
L1917[17:54:28] <Skwid> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1918[17:55:01] <Mimiru> whatever I've gotta go again
L1919[17:55:02] <Mimiru> afk
L1920[17:55:28] <Mimiru> Running a fullrender at http://midori.pc-logix.com:8123/?worldname=DIM10&mapname=flat so... have fun watching it :P
L1921[17:56:10] <SoraFirestorm> the whole thing is so big
L1922[17:56:18] <SoraFirestorm> and complicated
L1923[17:56:20] <SoraFirestorm> and whoooaa
L1924[17:57:06] <SoraFirestorm> this is amazing
L1925[17:57:14] <SoraFirestorm> mostly because I really suck at building
L1926[17:57:30] <alekso56> oh god, people actually use the dynmap without nginx?
L1927[17:57:34] <malcom2073> I mainly buildunderground, so nobody can see :P
L1928[17:57:43] <gamax92> "SHUU" :P
L1929[17:57:47] <Skwid> whats nginx
L1930[17:57:49] <SoraFirestorm> I mainly build underground because it is easier
L1931[17:57:54] <SoraFirestorm> Skwid: web server
L1932[17:57:57] <Skwid> ag
L1933[17:58:01] <Skwid> ah*
L1934[17:58:14] <gamax92> acknowledge.
L1935[17:58:33] <SoraFirestorm> what kind of reactors are these, Mimiru ?
L1936[17:59:03] <Skwid> nuclear
L1937[17:59:11] <SoraFirestorm> thanks Skwid
L1938[17:59:38] <Skwid> no prob :D
L1939[17:59:47] <SoraFirestorm> I like all the roads
L1940[17:59:56] <SoraFirestorm> do you have actual vehicles to use on them?
L1941[18:00:09] <Skwid> I like shuu
L1942[18:03:01] <alekso56> SoraFirestorm: probably this type https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBMK
L1943[18:03:16] <SoraFirestorm> I really just meant what mod
L1944[18:03:31] <Skwid> if its not reactorcraft I'm going to be upset
L1945[18:03:55] <SoraFirestorm> is the bar at the bottom chat?
L1946[18:04:03] <Skwid> Yeah
L1947[18:04:24] <alekso56> you can stalk them there :V
L1948[18:04:37] <alekso56> or spam the chat if you so desire.
L1949[18:04:52] <SoraFirestorm> I don't so desire :P
L1950[18:05:41] <gamax92> cheese and turkey grilled sandwich
L1951[18:16:47] <CompanionCube> why is it so quiet
L1952[18:17:27] <gamax92> Dunno
L1953[18:30:15] <Skwid> http://paste.atlauncher.com/view/57b17564 anyone know why this isnt working D:
L1954[18:30:58] <SoraFirestorm> [10/3/2016 18:27:29 PM] Exception in thread "main" [18:27:29] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraftforge/common/config/Configuration
L1955[18:31:16] <Skwid> Yeah but how does one fix that
L1956[18:31:17] <SoraFirestorm> so, something something forge
L1957[18:31:26] <SoraFirestorm> try updating forge? idk...
L1958[18:32:02] <Skwid> its latest for 1.7.10
L1959[18:32:11] <SoraFirestorm> update all the mods?
L1960[18:32:11] <greaser|q> ok i think i've managed to get some nice error-diffusion dithering working now
L1961[18:32:22] <gamax92> pics pics pics :>
L1962[18:33:02] <greaser|q> it does have a nasty Y-bias though, but still
L1963[18:33:34] <greaser|q> are you sick of this pic yet: https://i.imgur.com/Ww5uLMd.png
L1964[18:33:51] <gamax92> No I'm just sick of your shit.
L1965[18:34:06] <gamax92> <3
L1966[18:34:21] <greaser|q> in other words, error-diffusion dithering can be not-shit, just as long as you don't pre-apply it
L1967[18:34:46] <greaser|q> although i do sorta pre-apply it: once the palette is sorted i shove it on
L1968[18:35:46] <gamax92> greaser|q: it's kinda messy compared to the ordered dithered version touh
L1969[18:35:49] <gamax92> though*
L1970[18:36:33] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1971[18:37:54] <greaser|q> eh, i think it's closer to the flat version tbh
L1972[18:38:27] <gamax92> it is
L1973[18:38:30] <gamax92> but then messy like
L1974[18:41:48] <Kodos> https://twitter.com/BluSunrize/status/708075305064386560
L1975[18:43:15] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1976[18:44:39] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L1977[18:44:40] <greaser|q> fun thing is you can use both together in this setup ;)
L1978[18:45:35] * Izaya has a Lua IRC bot
L1979[18:45:44] ⇨ Joins: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com)
L1980[18:46:41] <greaser|q> except it mostly looks like the positional one
L1981[18:48:00] <greaser|q> it does break up the monotony a bit though
L1982[18:48:41] ⇦ Quits: BearishMushroom (~BearishMu@90-231-174-194-no159.tbcn.telia.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1983[18:49:56] <Mimiru> BigReactors :P
L1984[18:50:18] <SoraFirestorm> Mimiru: lol
L1985[18:52:08] <Mimiru> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraftforge/common/config/Configuration you're missing a lib
L1986[18:52:13] <Mimiru> Curse pack?
L1987[18:52:19] <Mimiru> ah no
L1988[18:52:21] <Mimiru> atlauncher
L1989[18:52:28] <Mimiru> but yeah... it's missing the config lib
L1990[18:53:15] <SoraFirestorm> Mimiru: do you have Reika's mods? If so, ever going to do a ReactorCraft reactor?
L1991[18:53:30] <Mimiru> No, and no
L1992[18:53:37] <Mimiru> I refuse to use any of them.
L1993[18:53:44] <SoraFirestorm> ok
L1994[18:53:45] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1995[18:54:16] <Mimiru> the actual fuck is going on with this damn server
L1996[18:54:42] <Mimiru> I can't even boot it from an openos floppy
L1997[18:55:04] <snowden89> wow, you are missing out on so much fun
L1998[18:55:19] <snowden89> regarding reactorcraft and rotarycraft
L1999[18:55:33] <snowden89> but each to there own
L2000[18:55:42] <Mimiru> I've used them, I don't care for them, and his stance on SO many things pisses me off
L2001[18:55:50] * Dashkal refuses to use any mods that require terms of use.
L2002[18:55:53] <Dashkal> "Mah vision"
L2003[18:56:06] <malcom2073> eulas ftl
L2004[18:56:10] <Kodos> snowden89, "Fun" You mean not being able to use OC to control anything, or needing a 10 chunk by 10 chunk base to fit all the machinery?
L2005[18:56:12] <SoraFirestorm> I'll stick up for him and say that he does that because people are dumb
L2006[18:56:46] <SoraFirestorm> in the 'entitled, never ever my fault' type of way
L2007[18:56:49] <Dashkal> Meh, you want yo keep a pristine vision, start from unity and make your own damn game.
L2008[18:57:09] <Mimiru> Yeah... won't even boot from a floppy
L2009[18:57:10] <SoraFirestorm> Kodos: I thought his mods had a CC/OC API available?
L2010[18:57:11] <Mimiru> something is hosed
L2011[18:57:21] <Mimiru> They do, and his use of the OC API is a fucking joke.
L2012[18:57:24] <snowden89> i am sure there was OC compatibility
L2013[18:57:32] <Mimiru> EVERY block is a OC component...
L2014[18:57:41] <Mimiru> so the simplest of things puts you over component limit
L2015[18:58:04] <Kodos> Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't hooking >2 things up to an adapter cause one block to recursively try to add the other to the network
L2016[18:58:14] <Kodos> Because of how badly the API is used
L2017[18:58:21] <Mimiru> And when he was given other options he straight refused to do anything with them, and said this is how it HAS to be.
L2018[18:58:32] <Mimiru> When he was told it fucked everything up, he didn't care.
L2019[18:58:59] <SoraFirestorm> alright
L2020[18:59:05] <SoraFirestorm> I'll give that
L2021[18:59:23] <SoraFirestorm> seems like it's a little overboard to make *everything* a component
L2022[18:59:38] <Kodos> Including the shafts
L2023[19:00:12] <Mimiru> I could see making the shafts CABLES.. but not components... and having that be an upgrade or something would be even better
L2024[19:00:12] <SoraFirestorm> I'd figure out a way to make a line of shafts a single component
L2025[19:00:33] <snowden89> see maybe its just i never tried them together
L2026[19:00:58] <snowden89> one world i play revolution modpack another i use pioneer 1.8.9 with OC
L2027[19:01:13] <SoraFirestorm> Mimiru: how long ago was this?
L2028[19:01:18] <Mimiru> new server... same fucking problem
L2029[19:01:21] <malcom2073> Mimiru: What worldgen is your server running?
L2030[19:01:28] <malcom2073> That looks awesome (the render)
L2031[19:01:41] <Mimiru> Pripyat here was hand made
L2032[19:01:46] <Mimiru> Well
L2033[19:01:47] <Mimiru> Sorta
L2034[19:02:04] <Mimiru> there was some scripting involved using topographical data..
L2035[19:02:15] <malcom2073> Looks good
L2036[19:02:29] <Mimiru> fuck
L2037[19:02:38] <Mimiru> fucked up and broke a server rack... with server in it
L2038[19:02:41] <Mimiru> server went poof
L2039[19:02:46] <malcom2073> 3d not working right, is htat a problem on my side?
L2040[19:02:51] <Shuudoushi> ...
L2041[19:02:54] <Mimiru> 3d hasn't rendered yet
L2042[19:03:09] <Shuudoushi> I get home and find I've been needlessly pinged twice...
L2043[19:03:23] <Mimiru> Oh found them, they got thrown like 15 blocks away
L2044[19:03:49] <Mimiru> ffs wtf
L2045[19:03:59] <Mimiru> I've now changed server, cpu, and rack
L2046[19:04:05] <Mimiru> and it won't boot from a floppy
L2047[19:04:36] <SoraFirestorm> power?
L2048[19:04:53] <Mimiru> it turns on, and displays the error I linked a while back
L2049[19:04:57] <Mimiru> and turns off
L2050[19:04:58] <greaser|q> gamax92: opinion? https://i.imgur.com/3QfnBBO.png
L2051[19:06:46] <gamax92> greaser|q: rings?
L2052[19:06:52] <gamax92> or, split color?
L2053[19:06:59] <greaser|q> ...what?
L2054[19:07:15] <gamax92> here lemme just circle some things
L2055[19:07:26] ⇨ Joins: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L2056[19:07:48] <Mimiru> lol... 2 turbines running at 13k RPM
L2057[19:08:08] <Mimiru> this is what happens when the reactor/turbine controller dies..
L2058[19:08:16] <greaser|q> also a candidate:
L2059[19:08:16] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/E2kZCnv.png
L2060[19:08:40] <greaser|q> although her mouth derps in this formation
L2061[19:09:31] <Mimiru> ffs someone left the power drain switch on
L2062[19:09:45] <greaser|q> i don't have full error propogation, it doesn't calculate a new propogation when calculating the colours within a 2x4 block
L2063[19:10:20] <Mimiru> so both caps are empty... 20mil / 1.6 bil RF in one and 25 mil / 2.3 bil in the other
L2064[19:11:42] <gamax92> greaser|q: https://i.imgur.com/VmvdPXT.png
L2065[19:12:50] <greaser|q> i'm aware of the bottommost one being a bit bad, not sure what the issue with the other two are
L2066[19:14:12] <gamax92> similar issues
L2067[19:14:45] <gamax92> the one on the bottom is only more noticeable since the colors are farther apart
L2068[19:18:42] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L2069[19:19:04] <SoraFirestorm> Mimiru: did you get your issue figured out?
L2070[19:19:26] <Mimiru> ended up having to replace everything
L2071[19:19:34] <SoraFirestorm> :(
L2072[19:19:40] <SoraFirestorm> at least you fixed it
L2073[19:19:43] <Mimiru> server, rack, all components
L2074[19:20:03] <SoraFirestorm> but that is really weird
L2075[19:20:08] <greaser|q> by the time we're done we're not going to agree on who has the better converter but one thing is for sure, they will both be fucking amazing
L2076[19:20:26] <greaser|q> nothing like a bit of competition to liven things up
L2077[19:20:51] <gamax92> greaser|q: you do
L2078[19:21:21] <greaser|q> this still doesn't change the fact that we still won't agree
L2079[19:21:33] <gamax92> XD
L2080[19:22:10] <greaser|q> here's the interesting bit: if only one of us were making a converter, it would still be pretty mediocre in comparison to the two that we have now
L2081[19:24:09] ⇨ Joins: SF-MC_ (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
L2082[19:24:31] <greaser|q> i have an image handy which looks *awful* without dithering
L2083[19:24:49] <gamax92> you're not going to make a one size fits all
L2084[19:25:12] <gamax92> not even jpeg and png are one size fits all, they can somewhat dynamically change to fit what they're storing
L2085[19:26:08] <greaser|q> of course, the next challenge is "who can make their pic display the fastest"
L2086[19:27:25] <greaser|q> oh yeah, and there's this important pic: https://i.imgur.com/3g8tnZ1.png
L2087[19:27:26] <gamax92> greaser|q: oh but the solution to that is simple, reduce your image to black and white and then just set each line (yes, even that can be optimized :P)
L2088[19:27:53] <SF-MC_> that is an... interesting picture, greaser|q
L2089[19:27:53] <Skwid> ugggh this is really pissing me off >_>
L2090[19:27:56] <greaser|q> gamax92: WITHOUT QUALITY LOSS
L2091[19:29:07] <greaser|q> also that pic is pretty close to the 4bpp ver (yes, we both support tier 2)
L2092[19:29:47] <greaser|q> i'm basically using asie's RGB-to-OCPal algorithm
L2093[19:30:03] <greaser|q> (brute-force the colour within the YUV colourspace)
L2094[19:30:11] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L2095[19:30:33] <gamax92> pfft, tier 2
L2096[19:30:35] <greaser|q> and then of course, there's my version, which is... the same thing but SSE-optimised
L2097[19:30:40] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L2098[19:31:15] <gamax92> greaser|q: if you're using the same thing how is yours not horribly noisy
L2099[19:31:22] <Skwid> Mimiru, pls help
L2100[19:31:32] <SF-MC_> yeah though
L2101[19:31:41] <Mimiru> Skwid, I would but... http://michi.pc-logix.com/javaw_2016-03-10_19-30-38.png Too busy messing with this :P
L2102[19:31:41] <greaser|q> gamax92: i was referring to the palette conversion method, not the dithering method
L2103[19:31:45] <greaser|q> it's the same method used in ICE
L2104[19:31:47] <SF-MC_> I'd say that you should just upgrade whatever it is to use OC
L2105[19:31:53] <Skwid> :<
L2106[19:32:02] <gamax92> greaser|q: can I borrow that from ICE? :P
L2107[19:32:04] <SF-MC_> sofar as Reika's mods go
L2108[19:32:07] <Mimiru> Whats up?
L2109[19:32:16] <greaser|q> the SSE-optimised version was one i wrote which give EXACTLY AND I MEAN EXACTLY THE SAME RESULT I TESTED ALL 24 BITS
L2110[19:32:53] <greaser|q> gamax92: i'll chuck you the ver i have in my image encoder... but yeah if you want you can use it
L2111[19:33:24] <gamax92> I doubt I can really use it besides for better palette selection
L2112[19:34:22] <Skwid> http://pastebin.com/1e57Prik
L2113[19:34:23] <greaser|q> https://gist.github.com/iamgreaser/b15e663f25a8d6592306
L2114[19:35:06] <greaser|q> note, the 16-colour-palette-generation code is ultimately up to you
L2115[19:35:15] <SF-MC_> appears that RotaryCraft does not consider mere shafts components
L2116[19:35:28] <SF-MC_> junctions are though
L2117[19:35:29] <gamax92> greaser|q: >:(
L2118[19:35:40] <gamax92> wheres the 16 color generation code then
L2119[19:35:47] <Mimiru> Skwid, Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/World gj
L2120[19:35:55] <Skwid> wat do D:
L2121[19:35:55] <greaser|q> this is just the comparison code wait shit did i forget the mse function
L2122[19:36:02] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@bymarcin.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2123[19:36:03] <greaser|q> oh good i didn't
L2124[19:36:05] ⇦ Quits: Guest94640 (~Magik6k_@ (Quit: Bye!)
L2125[19:36:17] <greaser|q> but yeah, throw in an rgb colour and it'll adjust it to the OC palette
L2126[19:36:34] <Mimiru> Skwid, this a modpack by someone?
L2127[19:36:45] <Skwid> Mimiru, it was the crackpack but I removed stuff I didn't want
L2128[19:36:47] <greaser|q> that 18-step grey ramp is available if you don't want to use a custom palette
L2129[19:37:00] <Mimiru> Did you add anything?
L2130[19:37:03] <greaser|q> experimentation has shown that 64-step works well for stuff that's quite dark
L2131[19:37:13] <Skwid> Mimiru, just CC
L2132[19:37:26] <greaser|q> (use the second step upwards until you have 16 colours, that will form your palette)
L2133[19:38:21] <Mimiru> Skwid, I'd suggest adding everything back and removing it one at a time again...
L2134[19:38:28] <Skwid> k
L2135[19:40:15] <Skwid> nope
L2136[19:40:53] <Skwid> meh fuck it ive been meaning to start a new pack anyways
L2137[19:40:55] <Mimiru> Well, something is fuckedu p, and without seeing the pack and what you've remove... idk
L2138[19:41:04] <Mimiru> wow I no type
L2139[19:41:21] <SF-MC_> wasn't that bad Mimiru
L2140[19:41:31] <Skwid> ^
L2141[19:41:33] <Skwid> not as bad as
L2142[19:41:38] <Skwid> %quote
L2143[19:41:38] <MichiBot> Quote #3: <<+gamax92>> that's not a cheesy chip that just burnt cheese you scrapped off of a pan.
L2144[19:41:45] <SF-MC_> hahahahahaha
L2145[19:41:54] <Mimiru> Oh that was perfect... thank you MichiBot
L2146[19:41:54] <MichiBot> Mimiru: You're welcome!
L2147[19:41:59] <Mimiru> \o/
L2148[19:42:05] <SF-MC_> \o/
L2149[19:42:21] * Mimiru sighs
L2150[19:42:29] <Mimiru> I can't dev MichiBot right now...
L2151[19:42:33] <Mimiru> Eclipse workspace is broken
L2152[19:44:05] <SF-MC_> why is the computer beep a ding now? :(
L2153[19:44:05] <Skwid> MichiBot is a java bot?
L2154[19:44:15] <Kodos> I really liek this NuclearCraft mod
L2155[19:44:18] <Skwid> SF-MC_, what one
L2156[19:44:18] <Mimiru> I really need help with OpenSec, and OpenFM crap and no one knows how, or is interested in helping
L2157[19:44:22] <Mimiru> Skwid, yes
L2158[19:44:32] <SF-MC_> the OC beep
L2159[19:44:35] <Kodos> SF-MC, that's a memory issue iirc
L2160[19:44:37] <SF-MC_> turn on a computer for example
L2161[19:44:39] <Skwid> eww why
L2162[19:44:47] <SF-MC_> a memory issue?
L2163[19:44:54] <Mimiru> Because I was using pirxbotx to learn java...
L2164[19:44:54] <Kodos> I think. I had it happen awhile back
L2165[19:44:56] *** jaquadro is now known as Texelsaur
L2166[19:45:22] <SF-MC_> I'm using about 25% of my memory atm
L2167[19:45:27] <SF-MC_> alloced memory anyways
L2168[19:45:31] <Mimiru> SF-MC_, it's a sound card memory issue
L2169[19:45:38] <SF-MC_> hm
L2170[19:45:40] <Skwid> using java for an irc bot is like using PY to make a video game
L2171[19:45:42] <SF-MC_> puzzling
L2172[19:45:46] <SF-MC_> PY?
L2173[19:45:52] <Mimiru> too many sounds loaded causes OC to not be able to create its
L2174[19:46:01] <SF-MC_> Oh :(
L2175[19:46:04] <Skwid> python
L2176[19:46:10] <Mimiru> Since the beep and stuff aren't sound files, but generated on the fly
L2177[19:46:25] <SF-MC_> idk, people write games in python
L2178[19:46:27] <SF-MC_> I've seen it
L2179[19:46:36] <Mimiru> I have a game that uses Javascript :p
L2180[19:46:43] <Mimiru> https://cohrevival.com/test/index.html
L2181[19:46:44] <greaser|q> i've done it
L2182[19:46:58] <greaser|q> using java for an irc bot is like using python to make a game: it's actually not bad
L2183[19:46:59] <gamax92> I fail to see what's wrong with using java for irc or python for games
L2184[19:47:13] <greaser|q> what's bad is using C++ to write anything
L2185[19:47:17] <SF-MC_> ^
L2186[19:47:19] <gamax92> ^
L2187[19:48:07] <KittyKath> Skwid: Unless you actually want to pour oil in a fire, you shouldn't start a language war in here :P
L2188[19:48:21] <Skwid> KittyKath, :P
L2189[19:48:34] * gamax92 puts KittyKath on lap
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L2192[19:53:06] <SF-MC_> figured out how to go from OC power to RF
L2193[19:53:12] <SF-MC_> use a charger
L2194[19:54:40] <greaser|q> lemme guess, RF exists because scrubs cannot into IC2?
L2195[19:55:42] <SF-MC_> part of it is that RF actually works with damn near everything
L2196[19:55:51] <SF-MC_> and most mods have some sort of conversion in place
L2197[19:56:02] <SF-MC_> if RF isn't already the primary power system
L2198[19:56:28] <Kodos> Lol, I can stick an energy cube into a charger
L2199[19:56:35] <Kodos> I'm not even mad, that's amazing
L2200[19:56:36] <SF-MC_> yup
L2201[19:56:47] <SF-MC_> works with thermex energy cells too
L2202[19:56:59] <SF-MC_> probably RF devices in generic
L2203[19:58:00] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L2204[19:58:16] <clever> Kodos: a related anoying problem ive found, the enderio wireless charger, can fill the energy buffer of mekanism machines your holding in item form
L2205[19:58:34] <clever> Kodos: including the lasers that blast a hole in you when you place them down, lol
L2206[19:58:34] <Kodos> How's that annoying, other than being a power sink
L2207[19:58:39] <Kodos> Oh cute
L2208[19:58:40] <Kodos> lol
L2209[19:58:44] <clever> the lasers always face you when placed
L2210[19:58:53] <Mimiru> \o/ Fixed MichiBot's dev env
L2211[19:59:05] <Mimiru> gonna upload the db backup I have..
L2212[19:59:12] <clever> the buffer only has enough energy for a few ticks of lasing
L2213[19:59:25] <clever> but it can still set you on fire, and blast holes in walls
L2214[19:59:37] <clever> ive even had one laser break another laser, and on the 2nd tick, destroy the dropped item
L2215[19:59:59] <Kodos> Also, my contribution to the channel for the day: http://sqlfiddle.com/
L2216[20:00:28] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
L2217[20:01:21] ⇨ Joins: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com)
L2218[20:01:22] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L2219[20:01:59] <SF-MC_> I kinda wish that thermex cells could load-balance among themselves
L2220[20:02:05] <SF-MC_> that would be neat
L2221[20:02:14] <Mimiru> %quote
L2222[20:02:14] <MichiBot> Quote #3: <Sharidan> Life is too short for cold coffee.
L2223[20:02:21] <Mimiru> k, backup restored..
L2224[20:03:33] <Kodos> Are there any mods that have load balancing capacitors?
L2225[20:03:41] <SF-MC_> EnderIO
L2226[20:03:58] <SF-MC_> but the power density is better in thermex
L2227[20:04:03] <KittyKath> I miss Sharidan :(
L2228[20:04:15] <Kodos> %seen Sharidan
L2229[20:04:17] <MichiBot> Kodos: Sharidan was last seen 29d 7h 50m 32s ago.
L2230[20:04:29] <SF-MC_> 3 toptier EnderIO caps in 1 toptier Thermex cap
L2231[20:05:04] <SF-MC_> And then there is electricraft :P
L2232[20:05:16] <Kodos> I prefer Electrical Age
L2233[20:05:31] <Mimiru> Or, just go tweak the EIO config and bump the capacitor capacities/max io
L2234[20:05:35] <Mimiru> :P
L2235[20:05:42] <SF-MC_> sure
L2236[20:05:44] <SF-MC_> but
L2237[20:05:47] <SF-MC_> nah :P
L2238[20:06:15] <Dashkal> I wonder if I could horribly modtweak DE so I could have just it's power storage.
L2239[20:06:19] <SF-MC_> one of my primary goals in this pack is choice
L2240[20:06:30] <SF-MC_> I have at least 2 or 3 different ways of doing everything
L2241[20:06:34] <SF-MC_> probably
L2242[20:06:51] <Dashkal> That remains my favourite storage. But the rest of the mod is a bit too high impact.
L2243[20:07:08] <Wiiplay123> Does anyone here know how to make two chests have an even balance of items
L2244[20:07:21] <Wiiplay123> or how to get items to go to a specific chest maybe
L2245[20:07:42] <Wiiplay123> I'm trying to bridge AE2 and ProjectE
L2246[20:07:50] <Dashkal> For precise control over chests, I tend towards Translocators.
L2247[20:08:17] <Kodos> An OC Transposer could do the trick, but you'd need to code up a program
L2248[20:08:24] <SF-MC_> ^
L2249[20:08:32] <Dashkal> My usual usecase there is a 'ready chest'. AE Interface linked to an ender chest via two translocators set to regulate mode. On in each direction.
L2250[20:08:48] <Wiiplay123> I love the translocators thing with the crafting grid :3
L2251[20:08:53] <Dashkal> It'll always pull out what I want on hand, and anything tossed in gets sunk into the network.
L2252[20:09:50] <Wiiplay123> oooh this is an issue
L2253[20:09:54] <SF-MC_> ?
L2254[20:09:59] <Skwid> so
L2255[20:10:03] <Wiiplay123> my computer is inbetween the two chests
L2256[20:10:05] <Skwid> Mimiru, world download when
L2257[20:10:26] <Wiiplay123> I'm trying to keep a certain amount of item in the AE2 inventory, and have it export items to energy condensers to make what it needs
L2258[20:10:40] <Wiiplay123> like certus quartz can be made out of EMC, but I want it to do it automatically when it needs it
L2259[20:10:51] <Mimiru> Skwid, nevar
L2260[20:10:58] <Wiiplay123> Because I have over 2000 octuple compressed cobblestone
L2261[20:11:26] <Dashkal> Wiiplay123: Level emitters are the key
L2262[20:11:34] <Skwid> Mimiru, ;_;
L2263[20:11:51] <Dashkal> Of course the thing about condensers, is that they'll fill the chest with the thing you asked for, so you'll have a ton of overstock
L2264[20:12:04] <Wiiplay123> yeah
L2265[20:12:09] <Wiiplay123> I want to just take out of the chest what I need
L2266[20:12:11] <Dashkal> This can be worked around of course by filling the thing with cobble, but it's a pita
L2267[20:12:19] <Wiiplay123> eh
L2268[20:12:25] <Dashkal> Easy. Import bus with redstone upgrade, and a level emitter aiming at it
L2269[20:12:32] <Wiiplay123> ooooh
L2270[20:12:38] <Wiiplay123> how do I use the translocators
L2271[20:13:16] <Dashkal> Won't help you for that specific case. Well, could, but it'd be identical to the import bus bit.
L2272[20:13:27] <Dashkal> Literally you'd be using them as an import bus with a redstone upgrade.
L2273[20:13:47] <Mimiru> Someone was asking for the 3d map, http://midori.pc-logix.com:8123/?worldname=DIM10&mapname=surface&zoom=2&x=-270&y=64&z=1034 it's rendering now, theres a 90deg off set one too that will render at somepoint
L2274[20:14:16] <malcom2073> Mimiru: Yep was just looking at it, thanks :)
L2275[20:14:48] <malcom2073> That's a huge building heh
L2276[20:16:12] <Mimiru> yes, yes it is
L2277[20:16:59] * KittyKath cuddles Dashkal
L2278[20:17:15] <Dashkal> Heya! Kitty no sleep?
L2279[20:17:26] * Dashkal starts petting the kitty
L2280[20:17:40] <KittyKath> Kitty no sleep. Kitty talking to people
L2281[20:18:23] ⇦ Quits: SF-MC_ (~EiraIRC@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2282[20:18:40] <Wiiplay123> But how do I refuel the chest when it's out of EMC automatically
L2283[20:18:42] <SoraFirestorm> aaaaand I crashed Minecraft
L2284[20:19:10] <Dashkal> Wiiplay123: Same way you set up any EMC system. Stick a flower above it. Pump crap in. Whatever.
L2285[20:20:08] ⇦ Quits: tots (~noiro@host-146-20.gakeucf.kennesaw.ga.us.clients.pavlovmedia.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2286[20:24:12] <Skwid> I fucking HATE that bug where when making a new world or joining as server it shows the start menu
L2287[20:25:04] <Mimiru> I hate regex \o/
L2288[20:25:13] <SoraFirestorm> I had 99 problems
L2289[20:25:18] <SoraFirestorm> attempted to solve with regex
L2290[20:25:19] <Skwid> Mimiru, same
L2291[20:25:27] <SoraFirestorm> then had... 9001? At least.
L2292[20:26:24] <Mimiru> I had a signature for that...
L2293[20:27:06] <Mimiru> "Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ‘I know, I’ll use regular expressions.’ Now they have two problems." – Jamie Zawinski
L2294[20:28:00] <SoraFirestorm> that guy is smart and really cool
L2295[20:39:29] *** medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
L2296[20:43:27] <KittyKath> Can you do me a favour and vote Shuttle: http://strawpoll.me/7048767 ^^ <3
L2297[20:44:26] <Mimiru> k
L2298[20:52:42] *** LazyShpee is now known as LazyShpee_aw
L2299[20:52:58] ⇦ Quits: MichiBot (~lb@eos.pc-logix.com) ()
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L2301[20:53:13] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L2302[20:53:45] <Mimiru> k, new youtube regex...
L2303[20:53:48] <Mimiru> hope it works better
L2304[21:44:42] ⇦ Quits: iceman11a (icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
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L2310[22:05:25] <greaser|q> patching documentation for vice 2.4, fun fun fun... not
L2311[22:05:35] <greaser|q> yes, the build is failing because the docs are broken
L2312[22:06:13] <greaser|q> first had to fix texi2html because it was using defined() on an array which is no longer acceptable in perl, and now i've had to fix the file itself because texinfo itself was bitching
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L2314[22:12:08] <greaser|q> anyhow, vice works now
L2315[22:12:25] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2316[22:12:46] <Mimiru> just dropped 4GB of ram usage on Hekate...
L2317[22:13:12] <Mimiru> seems I had 3 extra Jenkins wars running, and stopping the service didn't kill them
L2318[22:13:49] <Saphire> O.o
L2319[22:14:13] <Mimiru> killed them, restarted jenkins, and now it's at 4.7gb used
L2320[22:14:37] <Saphire> out of..?
L2321[22:14:43] <Mimiru> 10
L2322[22:15:10] <Mimiru> dedi has 32, running 2 10gb, and 1 4GB VM
L2323[22:16:26] <Mimiru> Oh, 2 10's and a 5
L2324[22:20:54] <Skwid> boy I sure do love config files that are 1535 lines long
L2325[22:24:41] <Wiiplay123> My ME Level Emitter isn't working
L2326[22:24:47] <Wiiplay123> No matter what I do it always is off
L2327[22:24:55] <Wiiplay123> It has a pink outline when it has power
L2328[22:28:03] <Dashkal> Standard troubleshooting for AE: Does it have a channel? Is it on the same network?
L2329[22:28:07] *** Skwid is now known as Skwid|Sleep
L2330[22:28:31] <Dashkal> I don't have AE installed anymore, so can only give generic tips. If you've tried that, I'd suggest asking in their channel
L2331[22:53:54] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961E09.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L2333[23:03:48] * rashy pokes Sangar and runs off
L2334[23:04:33] <payonel> rashy: it's like 6am for him
L2335[23:04:44] <rashy> xD yeah, I know
L2336[23:10:06] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/chrome_2016-03-10_23-09-57.png
L2337[23:19:51] <payonel> if i dont eat the last 4 ritz, i'll pretend i didn't just eat an entire sleave
L2338[23:23:21] <gamax92> payonel: om nom nom
L2339[23:29:59] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@188-23-119-76.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Leaving)
L2340[23:31:11] <greaser|q> ok, i've got a brute force method working
L2341[23:31:41] <greaser|q> results in undithered don't seem that different, results in dithered are a notable improvement though
L2342[23:33:56] <asie> yaye
L2343[23:34:01] <asie> i wanted to get one working yesterday but got tired
L2344[23:34:23] <greaser|q> ...with the nano test pic the flat brute force and flat k-means approaches are *really* close
L2345[23:34:49] <greaser|q> also the brute force method takes advantage of OpenMP
L2346[23:34:57] <greaser|q> 1.4 secs vs i assume about 3
L2347[23:35:08] *** medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
L2348[23:35:30] <greaser|q> sadly, chen's face is still green in this one fucking test pic
L2349[23:36:28] <greaser|q> (undithered, that is - if you enable either or both dithering methods it looks decent)
L2350[23:38:13] <greaser|q> when positional dithering is enabled though the brute forcer really shines
L2351[23:38:57] <asie> the brutal forcer
L2352[23:39:12] <asie> i did test ordered dithering but only with computercraft
L2353[23:39:20] <asie> and it worked horribly there because of the amazing palette
L2354[23:39:42] <asie> but yeah overall my new recommendation is to use YIQ over YUV
L2355[23:39:56] <asie> it's just changing the matrix values but it's slightly better
L2356[23:40:19] <payonel> gamax92: can you save me the trouble of learning palette stuff and give me an example that breaks my new term?
L2357[23:40:26] <asie> i do somewhat like the aesthetics of graphics converted to ComputerCraft though
L2358[23:40:29] <gamax92> :|
L2359[23:40:46] <gamax92> payonel: no because I'm playing cards against humanity atm
L2360[23:40:52] <greaser|q> positional dithering: tetris mosque without brute force algo: https://i.imgur.com/SnsZGLZ.png
L2361[23:41:16] <gamax92> payonel: you can use wocchat though, just disable the hacks in customGpu
L2362[23:41:27] <asie> anyhow
L2363[23:41:27] <greaser|q> now with brute force: https://i.imgur.com/6eZWZfy.png
L2364[23:41:28] <gamax92> greaser|q: looks nice :3
L2365[23:41:38] <asie> greaser|q: okay that is cool
L2366[23:41:42] <gamax92> looks nizer
L2367[23:41:59] <asie> brb
L2368[23:42:00] <greaser|q> almost looks like mode 13h?
L2369[23:44:41] <asie> the imagemagick ordered dither code does not like me
L2370[23:45:47] <greaser|q> you can dither it beforehand, it's pretty easy to form the 4x4 matrix
L2371[23:45:51] <greaser|q> http://www.efg2.com/Lab/Library/ImageProcessing/DHALF.TXT
L2372[23:46:29] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/Nkfe
L2373[23:46:31] <asie> and this is my moscow
L2374[23:46:37] <asie> so far
L2375[23:47:08] <asie> sadly yours looks better anyway
L2376[23:47:10] <asie> well, i've lost
L2377[23:47:11] <asie> again
L2378[23:47:52] <greaser|q> what's important is that you pushed me to try harder
L2379[23:48:13] <greaser|q> and that made me push you to try harder
L2380[23:48:21] <greaser|q> and it reciprocated until we both ended up with awesome encoders
L2381[23:48:32] <greaser|q> rather than just having one of us try and end up with a not really all that awesome encoder
L2382[23:48:43] <asie> i wonder if i can do better though
L2383[23:48:57] <greaser|q> go nuts
L2384[23:49:42] <greaser|q> of course the next stage is to convert the image into a form that uses up the least CPU budget
L2385[23:49:50] <greaser|q> also prod me with your file format so i can output to it
L2386[23:50:52] <asie> none, yet
L2387[23:50:54] <asie> i need to design one
L2388[23:52:39] <greaser|q> first two bytes: width and height respectively. next 3*16 bytes: palette in RGB format. then: { 1 byte: low 8 bits of unicode char; 1 byte: fg; 1 byte: bg; }
L2389[23:52:59] <asie> added a brute force algorithm
L2390[23:53:02] <asie> and it's better
L2391[23:53:05] <greaser|q> sweet
L2392[23:53:12] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/7IVk
L2393[23:53:23] <asie> much better
L2394[23:53:30] <greaser|q> colours above the 16-colour mark are g + 8*(r + 6*b)
L2395[23:53:43] <asie> i'd argue the two are comparable now
L2396[23:53:47] <asie> just with different dither methods
L2397[23:53:54] <greaser|q> yep
L2398[23:54:07] <asie> this also means i no longer depend on JavaML
L2399[23:54:10] <asie> woo
L2400[23:54:28] <greaser|q> i still do k-means in the palette generation
L2401[23:55:11] <asie> let's see how much CC improved
L2402[23:55:31] <asie> before: http://img.asie.pl/x8P0
L2403[23:55:41] <asie> after: http://img.asie.pl/Cq5E
L2404[23:56:05] <asie> yeah, massive improvement
L2405[23:56:10] <greaser|q> i'm so glad i have flat mode working
L2406[23:56:28] <greaser|q> and yeap that is an improvement
L2407[23:56:50] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/ikkP as flat as a 16-color palette can get
L2408[23:57:30] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/es5S OC tier 3, flat
L2409[23:57:46] <asie> http://img.asie.pl/s5po OC tier 3, not flat
L2410[23:57:50] <asie> yeah, improvement alright
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