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L1[00:00:02] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2[00:00:11] ⇨ Joins: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee)
L3[00:00:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L4[00:00:31] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L5[00:02:18] <greaser|q> Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in Inside glBegin/glEnd <-- has this been fixed? it's in the OC 1.6 dev build
L6[00:02:37] <greaser|q> fun thing about running mesa with debug mode enabled by default, you get to catch this sort of stuff
L7[00:02:45] <greaser|q> well, 1.6 for 1.7.10
L8[00:05:48] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L9[00:19:25] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L10[00:31:37] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB72695B0063C837E4FF9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L11[00:31:37] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L12[00:42:35] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L13[00:42:39] <gamax92> hello g
L14[00:45:06] <g> o/ gamax92
L15[00:45:40] ⇨ Joins: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net)
L16[00:46:32] <g> https://youtu.be/B9MShtCg4fk
L17[00:47:24] <gamax92> o.o;;
L18[00:53:31] <vifino> Anybody else has the problem of downloads.openwrt.org being down?
L19[00:53:44] <vifino> %isitup http://downloads.openwrt.org
L20[00:53:50] <vifino> %isdown http://downloads.openwrt.org
L21[00:53:55] <vifino> %isup http://downloads.openwrt.org
L22[00:53:56] <MichiBot> vifino: http://downloads.openwrt.org Is Down.
L23[00:54:00] <vifino> :(
L24[01:00:13] <gamax92> vifino: mirror? http://ba.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/openwrt/
L25[01:00:29] <vifino> gamax92: snapshots
L26[01:00:43] <gamax92> oh it's empty
L27[01:19:15] <greaser|q> i'm finally working on an OS kernel now and it involves adding stuff to labour.c which will be useful for the lua kernel test i have
L28[01:29:52] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L29[01:48:12] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L30[02:23:22] <vifino> ... windows...
L31[02:23:23] <vifino> pls.
L32[02:23:43] <vifino> Safely eject NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960
L33[02:23:47] <vifino> pls.
L34[02:24:07] <vifino> Isn't this only supposed to be listing usb devices?
L35[02:24:20] <vifino> or removable storage or whatever.
L36[02:24:32] <vifino> But... not the gpu ffs
L37[02:32:01] <greaser|q> PROGRESS: open+read+close are now implemented for files
L38[02:32:34] <Izaya> Mine includes my HDDs (all 4 of them)
L39[02:33:27] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/SssTWTA.png
L40[02:34:56] <Izaya> Shiny
L41[02:35:03] <greaser|q> this thing has mount points + proper path resolution too
L42[02:35:10] <greaser|q> hey, i should try lua again
L43[02:35:31] ⇨ Joins: Kimiro (~Corrupted@s0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net)
L44[02:36:57] <greaser|q> as a bonus, labour.c will automount the first FS it can find on first file read
L45[02:37:06] <greaser|q> well, first call to open()
L46[02:40:15] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/vrMWEid.png
L47[02:40:21] <greaser|q> worked first time \:D/
L48[02:40:30] <vifino> >Starting Windows...
L49[02:40:36] <vifino> m8
L50[02:42:18] <greaser|q> fun thing, this is the same mandelbrot program i used to test the prototype
L51[02:44:30] ⇨ Joins: SixDev (uid64016@id-64016.richmond.irccloud.com)
L52[03:10:28] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L53[03:13:19] <greaser|q> http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/dynaweb_docs/0620/SGI_Developer/books/DevDriver_PG/sgi_html/ch01.html <-- this will be interesting.
L54[03:13:50] <greaser|q> i was wondering where the page table was stored, turns out... there's no page table on MIPS, you make a TLB entry when you get a TLB miss interrupt
L55[03:14:32] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L56[03:16:02] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB72695B0063C837E4FF9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L57[03:27:18] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L58[03:51:35] <Forecaster> does someone have some instructions on how to write code to an eeprom for a microcontroller?
L59[04:08:28] ⇦ Quits: ^v4 (~ping@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L60[04:18:22] ⇦ Quits: sugoi (~sugoi@174-24-194-103.tukw.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L61[04:20:13] <Forecaster> are filesystem paths absolute or relative?
L62[04:25:21] <Forecaster> argh
L63[04:25:42] <fingercomp> If path doesn't start with "/", it is relative.
L64[04:25:55] <Forecaster> aren't you supposed to do file = fs.open(path); content = file.read(size)?
L65[04:26:14] <fingercomp> file:read
L66[04:26:24] <Forecaster> oh
L67[04:26:59] <Forecaster> excellent!
L68[04:29:19] <Forecaster> hm
L69[04:29:28] <Forecaster> lua has a comment symbol right?
L70[04:29:33] <Saphire> --
L71[04:29:36] <Saphire> for one line
L72[04:29:38] <Forecaster> ah, yes
L73[04:29:42] <Saphire> --[[ ]]-- for multiline
L74[04:30:15] <Kodos> Technically, --[[ ]]
L75[04:31:10] <Forecaster> neat, I didn't know that
L76[04:31:25] <Forecaster> isn't the eeprom label displayed in the item name?
L77[04:31:40] <Forecaster> oh nevermind
L78[04:31:49] <Forecaster> it updated when I removed it from the computer
L79[04:32:16] ⇨ Joins: sugoi (~sugoi@75-165-10-16.tukw.qwest.net)
L80[04:34:12] <vifino> Ugh. I am so darn pissed off at both dokku and dokku-alt.
L81[04:34:20] <Forecaster> who what?
L82[04:34:20] <vifino> I'm probably gonna make my own.
L83[04:34:22] <vifino> ¬_¬
L84[04:34:31] <g> doki doki?
L85[04:34:35] <Forecaster> what is dokku?
L86[04:34:57] <g> A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/
L87[04:34:59] <vifino> Forecaster: https://github.com/dokku/dokku
L88[04:36:46] <vifino> dokku-alt isn't maintained anymore, had to downgrade/get an older version of docker to get it to half work, just to fail one step further.
L89[04:36:52] <vifino> dokku is the same.
L90[04:37:03] <vifino> Doesn't want to work on non-deb based distros.
L91[04:37:47] <vifino> I am so mad at this shit I could punch a baby.
L92[04:38:00] <Kodos> I just realized there's 1.6 OC in 1.8.9 now
L93[04:42:56] * Lizzy flops on vifino
L94[04:43:02] <vifino> :O
L95[04:43:05] <Lizzy> Kodos, yes, Sangar got it out last night
L96[04:43:06] * vifino pets Lizzy
L97[04:43:11] * Lizzy purrs
L98[04:44:20] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6C5C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L99[04:44:41] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVlhMGQgDkY :o
L100[04:44:43] <MichiBot> Inari: Atlas, The Next Generation | length: 2m 42s | Likes: 27078 Dislikes: 245 Views: 735272 | by BostonDynamics
L101[04:45:08] <Kodos> Neat
L102[04:48:01] <Forecaster> hm, the sides api is provided by openOS isn't it?
L103[04:48:13] <Inari> ya
L104[04:48:23] <Forecaster> gotta use the numbers then I guess
L105[04:52:50] <Forecaster> so the "custom_oses" page says to do local r = component.proxy(component.list("redstone")())
L106[04:53:12] <Saphire> As example
L107[04:53:19] <Forecaster> but component is obviously nil
L108[04:53:57] <Saphire> Is it?
L109[04:54:05] <Forecaster> yeah
L110[04:54:07] <fingercomp> component.list return an iterator
L111[04:54:34] <fingercomp> () calls this iterator and gets an address of the "redstone"
L112[04:54:44] <Saphire> ^
L113[04:54:47] <Forecaster> it says "attempt to index global 'component' (a nil value)
L114[04:55:04] <Saphire> ...
L115[04:55:08] <fingercomp> in OpenOS, local component = require("component")
L116[04:55:11] <Saphire> when you're running that as eeprom?
L117[04:55:23] <Forecaster> I'm in a regular computer currently
L118[04:55:26] <Saphire> fingercomp: tss, he says about custom OSes.. i think
L119[04:55:29] <Saphire> ah
L120[04:55:44] <Saphire> Forecaster: if you're running openos, you must require as fingercomp said
L121[04:55:48] <Forecaster> it's hard to test inside the microcontroller
L122[04:55:54] * Saphire sighs
L123[04:56:07] <Forecaster> I tried requiring it and then got a different error
L124[04:56:09] <Saphire> that's why people usually write remote code execution programs for them :D
L125[04:56:53] <Forecaster> when I do local component = require("component") I get a "bad argument" exception
L126[04:57:00] <Kodos> http://ocdoc.cil.li/block:microcontroller There's some example code for MCUs
L127[04:59:29] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L128[05:02:10] <Saphire> Forecaster: bad argument.. WHERE
L129[05:02:15] <Saphire> on the same line?
L130[05:02:22] <Saphire> *on the line you require?
L131[05:02:23] <Forecaster> in local component = require("component")
L132[05:05:24] <Forecaster> it doesn't matter though, I've commented out the proxy stuff while writing the rest of the program
L133[05:05:24] <Saphire> ...
L134[05:05:32] <Saphire> what are you doing
L135[05:06:11] <Forecaster> I'm making a level test system for a fuel reservoir
L136[05:07:08] <Forecaster> I'm using a geolyzer to test if there's an air block next to it, and if there is not it's going to output a redstone signal
L137[05:10:04] <Forecaster> allright! time to dup this into the eeprom!
L138[05:10:25] <Saphire> ..can i see the code? ^^
L139[05:10:46] <Saphire> um, why geolyzer?
L140[05:10:52] <Saphire> why not just some redstone?
L141[05:10:59] <Forecaster> wut?
L142[05:11:11] <Saphire> Is that block always solid?
L143[05:11:26] <Forecaster> it's always transparent
L144[05:11:36] <Forecaster> it'll be either air or fluid
L145[05:12:10] <Saphire> oh
L146[05:12:11] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/eCGQ2yQ
L147[05:12:36] <Saphire> Scans take some time..
L148[05:12:50] <Forecaster> that's fine
L149[05:12:58] <Forecaster> it doesn't need to be constantly updated
L150[05:13:06] <Saphire> you also can do "local component = component or require("component")"
L151[05:13:20] <Saphire> This will work on both eeprom and OpenOS
L152[05:13:28] <Forecaster> it's just to display the fluid level of my reservoir
L153[05:13:30] <Forecaster> that's neat
L154[05:13:54] <Saphire> uh
L155[05:13:58] <Saphire> what reservoir?
L156[05:14:12] <Forecaster> the one in my base of course :P
L157[05:14:25] <Saphire> nonono, i get it
L158[05:15:22] <Forecaster> dammnin
L159[05:15:27] <Forecaster> sleep is nil :I
L160[05:15:29] <Saphire> hm?
L161[05:15:34] * Saphire facepaws
L162[05:15:44] <Saphire> it's os.sleep iirc
L163[05:15:59] <fingercomp> os.sleep is added by OpenOS
L164[05:16:01] <Forecaster> of course ^^
L165[05:16:04] <Saphire> and it's.. OpenOS function ^^
L166[05:16:04] <Forecaster> great
L167[05:16:27] <Forecaster> so how does one sleep without that?
L168[05:16:42] <Saphire> they copy the sleep function? :P
L169[05:17:04] <Saphire> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/boot/02_os.lua#L56
L170[05:17:07] <fingercomp> os.sleep uses event.pull
L171[05:17:23] <Saphire> and?
L172[05:17:30] <fingercomp> it should be replaced with computer.pullSignal in eeprom
L173[05:18:18] <Forecaster> https://youtu.be/jEoXMdP8U-8?t=275
L174[05:18:26] <Forecaster> that reservoir
L175[05:20:47] <Forecaster> \o/
L176[05:20:52] <Forecaster> it runs without errors!
L177[05:20:55] <Saphire> yay
L178[05:22:13] <Forecaster> it's not outputting any redstone though
L179[05:22:41] <Forecaster> oh, woops, forgot to change it to the correct side
L180[05:24:08] <Forecaster> it's working :D
L181[05:24:22] <Forecaster> and it seems to use about .2 power units per second or so
L182[05:25:21] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:7489:1eb6:abc9:1bfc)
L183[05:26:15] <Forecaster> and it successfully detects the fuel as well :D
L184[05:26:57] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:7489:1eb6:abc9:1bfc) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L185[05:27:50] <Forecaster> this shouldn't memory overflow or anything eventually right?
L186[05:30:25] * Forecaster listens to the foreboding silence
L187[05:30:49] * Saphire facepaws
L188[05:31:09] <Saphire> no, unless you specially make something that generates a lot of things..
L189[05:31:28] <Saphire> like: a={1} while true do a={{{{a}}} end
L190[05:31:48] <Forecaster> nah, there's just one variable that gets overwritten each loop
L191[05:31:52] <Forecaster> I just want to be sure ^^
L192[05:34:48] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L193[05:42:00] ⇦ Quits: SixDev (uid64016@id-64016.richmond.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L194[06:00:08] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerAnnouncer (~Watchtowe@
L195[06:00:08] <WatchtowerAnnouncer> Time for a new episode from F.orecaster! You're welcome! (Period to prevent ping)
L196[06:00:08] <WatchtowerAnnouncer> https://youtu.be/e16W5cf5nLE - Modded Minecraft [Episode 123] - Diamond Robot
L197[06:00:08] <WatchtowerAnnouncer> Tags on this video: OpenComputers,Robots,Crafting
L198[06:01:08] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerAnnouncer (~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L199[06:07:21] ⇨ Joins: Piston (webchat@pool-98-109-80-64.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L200[06:08:10] <Piston> can anybody help me with my robot? I get bad argument #1 when I use component.invoke(robot, "forward")
L201[06:09:19] <Piston> anyone?
L202[06:09:39] ⇦ Parts: Piston (webchat@pool-98-109-80-64.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) ())
L203[06:09:44] <Forecaster> ...
L204[06:09:49] <Forecaster> okay then
L205[06:09:58] <Forecaster> I was just about to answer :I
L206[06:11:54] ⇨ Joins: Wolf480pl (wolf480pl@faris.ijestfajnie.pl)
L207[06:16:50] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-190-37.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L208[06:18:05] ⇦ Quits: OneM_Industries (~OneM_Indu@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net) (Quit: BANANA!!!!!)
L209[06:21:00] <g> Lizzy / Michiyo / Mimiru: is that WatchtowerAnnouncer bot allowed here?
L210[06:21:11] <Forecaster> yes
L211[06:21:14] <Forecaster> it's mine
L212[06:21:21] <Forecaster> I asked permission
L213[06:21:26] <g> you confirmed with them? alright
L214[06:24:09] <Saphire> Huh?
L215[06:25:25] <Forecaster> huh what?
L216[06:33:04] * Forecaster is confused about the confusion
L217[06:35:48] ⇨ Joins: AlexisMachina (uid57631@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:e11f)
L218[06:37:00] <Forecaster> someone needs to make this an oc addon for sure: http://chainsawsuit.com/comic/2016/02/24/the-case-dilemma/
L219[06:37:05] <Forecaster> (not really)
L220[06:58:20] <Inari> consciousness is weird :P
L221[07:00:00] <Inari> like feeling nauseous from your gut bacteria not doing well
L222[07:00:03] <Inari> thats so weird xD
L223[07:03:31] ⇦ Quits: wembly (~wembly@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L224[07:05:11] <Mimiru> g, to confirm, yes
L225[07:05:38] <g> gotcha
L226[07:05:43] <g> I don't mind really, was just a little suspicious
L227[07:06:38] ⇨ Joins: wembly (~wembly@
L228[07:14:13] <Lizzy> g, Forecaster is awesome, therefore, it is allowed (it's also not in here very often so i'm not that fussed)
L229[07:15:09] <g> is it weird that I've never seen Forecaster here before though? :P
L230[07:15:25] <Saphire> ^
L231[07:15:29] <Forecaster> I've been in here all the time for years :P
L232[07:15:40] <g> lurker! lurker!
L233[07:15:40] <Forecaster> since this channel was created in fact
L234[07:15:40] <Saphire> lol
L235[07:15:43] <g> one of us! one of us! one of us!
L236[07:15:54] <Forecaster> I was here when we moved from #opencomputers
L237[07:15:54] <Saphire> Forecaster: you login is a fail xD
L238[07:16:12] <Saphire> "logged in as Forecaster|AFK"
L239[07:16:27] <g> that's just the nick s/he first registered with
L240[07:16:57] <Forecaster> yeah, I don't use that anymore though but it's still there
L241[07:17:19] <g> it can be useful for strategically camping a nick
L242[07:17:28] <g> grouped nicks expire if you use them, but your main one doesn't
L243[07:17:34] <g> if you don't use them
L244[07:17:36] <g> I mean
L245[07:18:27] <Forecaster> also, minecraft episodes are published every wednesday and saturday, but only episodes tagged with OpenComputers are announced in here
L246[07:18:45] <g> Fair enough
L247[07:19:03] <g> oh yeah, today is wednesday
L248[07:19:07] <g> I thought it was thursday
L249[07:19:08] <g> dammit
L250[07:19:15] <Forecaster> there's been 4 of those so far, out of 123
L251[07:19:19] <Forecaster> :P
L252[07:20:20] <g> :P
L253[07:20:36] <g> but the important
L254[07:20:39] <g> very important question
L255[07:20:42] <g> are you good? :o
L256[07:20:44] <g> let's find out!
L257[07:21:54] <Forecaster> at least I'm not using a pre-made modpack
L258[07:22:09] <g> computer says yet
L259[07:22:10] <g> hah, yeah
L260[07:22:16] <g> I don't recognise half these items
L261[07:22:19] <g> surprised you're not using waila
L262[07:22:26] <Forecaster> I am
L263[07:22:36] <Forecaster> modlist: http://towerofawesome.org/youtube/modlist
L264[07:23:01] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L265[07:23:18] <g> huh, I don't see the ui for it
L266[07:23:46] <Forecaster> it only appears when I hold F
L267[07:24:07] <g> ah, okay
L268[07:25:50] <g> yeah, pretty good
L269[07:25:54] <g> shame I don't have time to watch the whole thing
L270[07:25:55] <g> lol
L271[07:26:23] <Forecaster> not in one sitting :P
L272[07:26:37] <g> yeah, I'm running a shop right now :P
L273[07:26:45] <Forecaster> watch 3 episodes a week and you'll catch up :3
L274[07:44:03] <Lizzy> also anyone know who ericsfinck is/was?
L275[07:44:14] <Forecaster> no
L276[07:44:23] <Lizzy> they randomly messaged me at about 1am gmt with "Hello?"
L277[07:44:23] <Forecaster> I don't recognize the name at least
L278[07:45:11] <g> sometimes people join support channels and pm random ops
L279[07:45:33] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L280[07:45:35] <Lizzy> %seen ericsfinck
L281[07:45:36] <MichiBot> Lizzy: ericsfinck was last seen 11h 52m 33s ago.
L282[07:45:39] <Lizzy> huh
L283[07:46:21] <Lizzy> Mimiru / Michiyo, feature request: telling what channel a user was last seen in (if it's not a +s channel)
L284[07:47:14] <Mimiru> The only 2 channels MichiBot is in that have any activity is here, and LanteaCraft :p
L285[07:47:35] <Mimiru> But I'll look into it
L286[07:47:37] <Lizzy> ah, okay
L287[07:50:43] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L288[07:50:53] <Forecaster> hm, strange, that name doesn't occur in my logs
L289[07:52:08] <Forecaster> oh right, it was today, so it's in the current log
L290[07:53:10] <Mimiru> https://oclogs.pc-logix.com/2016-02-23.log 19:29:50
L291[07:54:02] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit: Leaving)
L292[07:55:18] ⇨ Joins: Leutech (webchat@dslb-188-106-003-071.188.106.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
L293[07:55:54] <Leutech> hello i have a question how can i copy files to a floppy disk to transfer files from a computer to a another computer ?
L294[07:57:16] <Forecaster> the disk should be under mnt/ I believe
L295[07:57:21] <Forecaster> you just copy the files to it
L296[07:57:35] <Leutech> and ?
L297[07:57:38] <Leutech> the command ?
L298[07:57:50] <Forecaster> cp or something
L299[08:01:12] <Leutech> how can i Print a text message to a screen (there must stay on the screen only the words they i would have)
L300[08:01:17] <Forecaster> or copy
L301[08:02:44] <Forecaster> it's either
L302[08:02:58] <Forecaster> cp or copy [source] [destination]
L303[08:03:21] <Leutech> i have it but i would like an answer to my 2nd question
L304[08:06:10] <Forecaster> the simple way?
L305[08:06:24] <Forecaster> write a program that does
L306[08:06:27] <Forecaster> term.clear()
L307[08:06:32] <Forecaster> print("My text")
L308[08:07:41] <Forecaster> with however many prints you need
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L311[08:12:51] <Leutech> how its the command ti wait before the next text comes ?
L312[08:13:08] <Forecaster> os.sleep(seconds)?
L313[08:14:29] <Leutech> ok term was not found
L314[08:14:36] <Leutech> i get an error
L315[08:14:36] <Forecaster> you have to require it
L316[08:14:47] <Leutech> ITS NO FUNCTION !
L317[08:15:03] <Forecaster> term = component.require("term")
L318[08:15:15] <fingercomp> local term = require("term")
L319[08:15:22] <fingercomp> term is not a component
L320[08:15:31] <Forecaster> right, that ^
L321[08:15:33] <Forecaster> :P
L322[08:17:07] <Leutech> yeah if i start the programm he will close it don't want that he close himself i want that he doesn't turn to "/#"
L323[08:17:35] <fingercomp> add a loop to the end of your program:
L324[08:17:37] <fingercomp> while true do
L325[08:17:41] <fingercomp> os.sleep(1)
L326[08:17:43] <fingercomp> end
L327[08:19:36] <Leutech> how i can it that he draw the text in the middle of the screen ?
L328[08:19:57] <Forecaster> print("") blank lines
L329[08:21:42] <Leutech> that will not function
L330[08:21:45] ⇦ Quits: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:7489:1eb6:abc9:1bfc) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L331[08:22:17] <Leutech> i would like the text in middle of the screen
L332[08:23:00] <Forecaster> you mean centered horizontally?
L333[08:23:04] <Lizzy> ~w gpu
L334[08:23:04] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L335[08:23:26] <Forecaster> either insert spaces before the text or you're gonna have to do more complicated stuff
L336[08:23:46] <brayden> Hey guys, with the eeprom component, what's the difference between the "set" method and "setData" method? Is it just that "set" is the actual code and setData is the target boot medium? (e.g. GUID, network location, whatever)?
L337[08:23:57] <brayden> that's what i gathered from someone's use of it but the documentation isn't clear at all unfortunately
L338[08:24:09] <g> PING
L339[08:24:20] <brayden> Pong?
L340[08:24:23] <g> "e.g."
L341[08:24:25] <g> :P
L342[08:24:35] ⇨ Joins: OneM_Industries (~OneM_Indu@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
L343[08:24:36] <Lizzy> brayden, the set method does the main 4096byte code space, the set data method does the 256byte 'storage' area
L344[08:24:57] <brayden> ooo nice
L345[08:25:12] <g> eeproms have to be lua, right?
L346[08:25:15] <brayden> yes
L347[08:25:25] <g> I mean, I couldn't write a mod that added an eeprom in another language
L348[08:25:29] <g> or could I?
L349[08:25:30] <brayden> I suppose you could
L350[08:25:38] <Lizzy> g, nope, they are whatever language the processor is set to in the computer
L351[08:25:38] <brayden> you want to make an assembler boot loader?
L352[08:25:48] <g> I'd rather python, but anything aside from lua is good
L353[08:25:51] <brayden> oh well ther eyou go
L354[08:25:51] <g> lol
L355[08:26:02] <brayden> isn't the issue with python is that its standard lib is too big?
L356[08:26:10] <g> Lizzy, didn't even know processors had languages
L357[08:26:11] <brayden> loading it all into memory it'd pretty much immediately exhaust a lot of lower end computers
L358[08:26:15] <g> brayden, jython uses mostly java's stl
L359[08:26:30] <g> I can't think of a good way of doing it, to be honest
L360[08:26:36] <g> it'd have to break oc standards somewhere
L361[08:26:40] <Lizzy> i think python's issue was either memory stuff or the not-good way of sandboxing it
L362[08:26:44] <brayden> might also be more difficult to sandbox
L363[08:26:50] <g> yeah, python is a bitch to sandbox
L364[08:27:02] <brayden> had a lot of fun with an IRC bot that was 'sandboxed' a while back
L365[08:27:03] <brayden> didn't go so well
L366[08:27:09] <Lizzy> Leutech, try this: local component = require("component"); local gpu = component.gpu; local x,y = gpu.getResoloution(); term.setCursor( x / 2, y / 2 ); print( "My Text Here")
L367[08:27:09] <brayden> it allowed arbitrary python code execution lol
L368[08:27:09] <g> yep
L369[08:27:20] <g> I still haven't figured out how to write a "safe" advanced math plugin for Ultros
L370[08:27:28] <g> there is no such thing as an eval you can't break out of
L371[08:27:44] <Leutech> i would only the text centered not more
L372[08:27:58] <Leutech> and a better resolution
L373[08:28:42] <Lizzy> Leutech, then just replace the "y / 2" part in the above to 0
L374[08:28:56] <Inari> g: there is
L375[08:28:57] <Inari> your own eval
L376[08:28:58] <Inari> :P
L377[08:29:09] <g> you know I don't want to write a massive parser though
L378[08:29:10] <g> :P
L379[08:29:39] <Inari> istn there some python2llvm and llvm2lua
L380[08:29:52] <g> you could just parse it into python ast and filter it
L381[08:29:56] <g> but that's a huge amount of work
L382[08:30:08] <g> python's own parser is readily available for programs using it
L383[08:30:17] <Leutech> nice help guys i understand only spanish here !
L384[08:30:29] <Inari> g: run the code in its own python process thats restricted? :P
L385[08:30:31] <Leutech> good buy i search in the internet for a better help !
L386[08:30:38] <Lizzy> okay
L387[08:30:40] <g> Inari, you have no idea how hard it is to sandbox python, do you
L388[08:30:40] <g> :P
L389[08:30:46] ⇦ Quits: Leutech (webchat@dslb-188-106-003-071.188.106.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: Web client closed)
L390[08:30:57] <Inari> g: whats the issue wih that? :P
L391[08:31:03] <g> the only way you can do it is mitming syscalls
L392[08:31:14] <g> at that point you might as well just use C or something
L393[08:31:31] <OneMatthias> What is wrong with C?
L394[08:31:42] <g> it's C
L395[08:31:48] <OneMatthias> I like C...
L396[08:31:52] <g> I don't like C
L397[08:31:53] <g> :P
L398[08:32:09] <g> I like python, and I tolerate java
L399[08:32:14] <Inari> c++ \o/
L400[08:32:43] <g> I can't stand c/c++/c++0x/obj-c
L401[08:32:46] <g> (or lua)
L402[08:32:57] <Inari> thats a huge amount of dislikes :P
L403[08:33:04] <g> or clojure
L404[08:33:05] <g> or scala
L405[08:33:10] <Forecaster> I tollerate every language, I much prefer just thinking at the computer so it does what I want
L406[08:33:11] <g> or.. well I can do php
L407[08:33:16] <OneMatthias> What about BF?
L408[08:33:20] <Inari> hhow do you even get a job
L409[08:33:35] <g> well the reason I hate clojure is because I had to use it in a job
L410[08:33:36] <g> lol
L411[08:33:57] <brayden> g, what's your feel on C#?
L412[08:34:07] <g> brayden, I've wanted to try it but never had the motivation
L413[08:34:08] <Inari> no rust? :P
L414[08:34:17] <brayden> personally I'm a C# fanboy
L415[08:34:18] <g> rust is functional, isn't it?
L416[08:34:32] <Lizzy> Forecaster, if only it were that simple
L417[08:34:35] <brayden> but the thing I'm probably most experienced with is python lol
L418[08:34:36] <g> I put rust on the same pile as haskell usually
L419[08:34:39] <g> and erlang
L420[08:34:49] <brayden> and yeah rust is functional I think
L421[08:34:51] <g> yeah, I have the most experience with python as well
L422[08:34:53] <Inari> afaik yeah
L423[08:35:02] <Inari> so what your thought on the erlang pile
L424[08:35:02] <Forecaster> Lizzy: well, the thinking has to go trough the languages, but it sort of works
L425[08:35:06] <brayden> honestly.. haskell, rust, etc. all looks like hipster craziness to me
L426[08:35:08] <brayden> but hey I guess it works for some people
L427[08:35:13] <g> yeah, I'm with brayden there
L428[08:35:13] <g> lol
L429[08:35:25] <g> although I have seen some funny haskell videos
L430[08:35:39] <g> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqvCNb7fKsg
L431[08:35:39] <MichiBot> g: Programming - Why Haskell is Great - 10 minutes | length: 10m 4s | Likes: 3509 Dislikes: 117 Views: 111051 | by FrungyKing
L432[08:35:42] <Inari> funny how finding things hipster is pretty hipster
L433[08:35:44] <g> this is hilarious
L434[08:36:04] <Inari> also erlang is pretty old o.o
L435[08:36:14] <brayden> holy shit
L436[08:36:16] <brayden> enough cat pictures?
L437[08:36:37] <Inari> we all know psychobitch has the best vid
L438[08:36:53] <g> this is all about swedish stuff
L439[08:37:04] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRbY3TMUcgQ
L440[08:37:04] <MichiBot> Inari: Erlang The Movie II: The Sequel | length: 9m 55s | Likes: 850 Dislikes: 24 Views: 55666 | by gar1t
L441[08:37:05] <DeanIsaKitty> g: Rust? Functional? And Rust on Haskell on one pile. Wow, you literally have no idea .-.
L442[08:37:06] <Inari> just too good
L443[08:37:17] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: well it has functional parts at least
L444[08:37:28] <g> I usually hear rust referred to in a functional way
L445[08:37:36] <g> apparently the rest of it is just mundane? idk
L446[08:37:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: So does C++. Do I throw C++ and Haskell on the same pile? No because thats fucking stupid.
L447[08:37:50] <Inari> :P
L448[08:38:06] <g> so I guess DeanIsaKitty is a rust programmer?
L449[08:38:07] <g> :P
L450[08:38:13] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Rust is mainly not class-orientated.
L451[08:38:26] <Lizzy> :O
L452[08:38:28] <DeanIsaKitty> g: Yes, Rust and Haskell both. And they are as different as it gets.
L453[08:38:32] * Lizzy jumphugs DeanIsaKitty
L454[08:38:51] * DeanIsaKitty tries to catch Lizzy, fails and falls
L455[08:38:58] <g> they're both languages that, along with erlang, remind me of sword art online
L456[08:39:08] <Inari> Lol
L457[08:39:14] <Inari> thats in interesting criterium
L458[08:39:15] <g> not that many honest fans, but those that are honest fans are loud and want you to join them
L459[08:39:16] <g> :P
L460[08:39:30] <brayden> hahaha
L461[08:39:41] <Inari> g: funny thats kind of the impression i get with python :P
L462[08:39:53] <g> yeah, python certainly has its evangelists too
L463[08:40:00] <DeanIsaKitty> g: Uhm, I don't give a fuck if you like Haskell, Erlang or Rust, but at least bash them for what they really suck at.
L464[08:40:03] <g> it's got much wider adoption though
L465[08:40:26] <Inari> g: yeah its the ultimate hipster language
L466[08:40:32] <g> haha
L467[08:40:38] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: After Ruby.
L468[08:40:40] <g> I've seen it referred to as that
L469[08:40:41] <brayden> I reckon python is pretty useful
L470[08:40:45] <Inari> xD
L471[08:40:50] <brayden> in my opinion a hipster language hasn't got much use
L472[08:40:52] * Lizzy snuggles DeanIsaKitty
L473[08:40:54] <DeanIsaKitty> brayden: Useful? In what context?
L474[08:40:55] <g> most people that don't like it, don't like it because whitespace is significant
L475[08:41:09] <brayden> and just has high end presentation quality so that it looks fun
L476[08:41:19] <brayden> I mean as a general purpose language
L477[08:41:25] <brayden> I know really anything is fine for that
L478[08:41:35] <Inari> g: well thats the biggest reason i stay away from it yeah :P
L479[08:41:35] <g> python is kind of everywhere these days
L480[08:41:40] <brayden> but it seems when people are evangelising languages they freak out about bizarre shit it can do "easily"
L481[08:41:45] <g> I mean, plex, google, facebook, dropbox, etc
L482[08:41:49] <DeanIsaKitty> brayden: I've seen Python use in just about every context except low-level system programming. So yes, useful.
L483[08:41:55] <brayden> like weird hard math that you'll probably never use
L484[08:42:18] <brayden> or stupid behaviour that seems weird but can be convenient
L485[08:42:35] <brayden> like on Python I suppose some people consider that '"lol" * 8' will return 8 lols convenient
L486[08:42:40] <brayden> even though it's weird
L487[08:43:01] <DeanIsaKitty> From your standpoint.
L488[08:43:07] <Inari> well its about the only reasonable thing you can do with strin gmultiplciation
L489[08:43:12] <g> I only use that for testing memory usage, lol
L490[08:43:43] ⇨ Joins: pIscript (webchat@
L491[08:43:54] <brayden> can do that with lists too
L492[08:44:01] <pIscript> hi
L493[08:44:08] <Forecaster> hi
L494[08:44:10] <pIscript> can anyone help me with a program for robot?
L495[08:44:12] <g> I like stuff like how python does generators and comprehensions
L496[08:44:12] <pIscript> pls
L497[08:44:15] <g> but those aren't really unique to python
L498[08:44:20] <Saphire> ...
L499[08:44:22] <g> pIscript, more specific?
L500[08:44:26] <Forecaster> pIscript: be more specific
L501[08:44:34] <Saphire> pIscript: definy "help" and "program"
L502[08:44:37] <Saphire> *define
L503[08:44:48] <Inari> lol
L504[08:44:49] <pIscript> i want a robot to dig a specific area then fill it with wood
L505[08:44:50] <brayden> i'm liking the newer features in python 3 and such for type hints and coroutines
L506[08:45:03] <brayden> type hints are especially handy as the 'inspect' module can see them
L507[08:45:06] <DeanIsaKitty> Oh yeah, did yall hear about the new CTB-Locker that now attacks Webservers? Its written in PHP. So if any of you still needs a reason to kick PHP off your server, there ya go >P
L508[08:45:08] <pIscript> i want to automate the gregtech charcoal pit
L509[08:45:21] <brayden> so hypothetically you could make things like dependency injection frameworks with the type hints
L510[08:45:37] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L511[08:45:38] <brayden> DeanIsaKitty, do you have a link or something?
L512[08:45:40] <Forecaster> does it only attack php servers?
L513[08:45:43] <pIscript> yes
L514[08:45:46] <brayden> I knwo someone who is a total PHP fanboy and I love sending this crap to him
L515[08:45:52] <DeanIsaKitty> brayden: I do, but its in german: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Admins-aufgepasst-Krypto-Trojaner-befaellt-hunderte-Webserver-3116470.html
L516[08:46:01] <brayden> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31612082/why-does-mt-rand1-php-int-max-always-return-an-odd-number I sent him this and he didn't even bother trying to rationalise it lol
L517[08:46:32] <g> brayden, yeah, python 3 is looking fantastic
L518[08:46:33] <DeanIsaKitty> brayden: https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/a0724d30817600540946b41e40f4cfc2a0c30f80
L519[08:46:38] <g> shame I'm stuck on 2 for a while longer
L520[08:46:42] <brayden> noooob
L521[08:46:42] <g> first-class unicode support when!?
L522[08:47:19] <brayden> now! u''
L523[08:47:21] <g> (I'm talking about my bot project, Ultros, which relies on twisted and some other stuff that isn't ported yet)
L524[08:47:31] <brayden> oh yeah
L525[08:47:35] <brayden> I had a problem with a work project once
L526[08:47:35] <g> (twisted, being old, expects byte strings everywhere)
L527[08:47:40] <brayden> ldap modules and python 3 :'(
L528[08:47:45] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: i dont really see it being a php issue though?
L529[08:47:45] <brayden> not a fun experience
L530[08:47:46] <g> ah, :P
L531[08:47:59] <brayden> yeah used twisted for an IRC bot
L532[08:48:00] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: What?
L533[08:48:05] <brayden> not a fan
L534[08:48:11] <g> I really like twisted
L535[08:48:17] <g> but we don't use it in the prescribed manner
L536[08:48:20] <g> at least not for that
L537[08:48:24] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: its written in PHP?
L538[08:48:25] <brayden> seems it was written by some java diehard though
L539[08:48:27] <brayden> the use of factories and shit
L540[08:48:38] <g> the factory/protocol model is widely used outside of java
L541[08:48:54] <brayden> I made a C# IRC bot recently with smartirc4net (oh god what a shit name for the lib) and it was really good
L542[08:48:55] <g> java is just obnoxious about it
L543[08:48:56] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: No, but its a crypto-locker that attacks webservers. If you can't run PHP that locker will do nothing.
L544[08:49:02] <Inari> many viruses are likely written in c++ or the like, but that doesnt make C++ a bad language :P not saying PHP is a good language but eh
L545[08:49:29] <brayden> the lib is thread safe and does a lot of good stuff automatically, like join on /invite, rejoin on kick, reconnect, etc.
L546[08:49:33] <pIscript> well i cant really find any link but the thing is simple just dig a 11x11x5 area and after it finised fill it with wood ? does anyone know any program
L547[08:49:35] <brayden> chatsharp is buggy as hell and does none of that automatically
L548[08:49:40] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: well it says theres no indication of how they got it onto servers
L549[08:49:43] <g> the big thing about twisted is its asynchronous design
L550[08:49:44] <Inari> so it doesnt seem likea bug with PHP itself
L551[08:49:46] <brayden> DeanIsaKitty, yeah an old client I dealt with had these every damn week
L552[08:49:48] <brayden> wordpress is the worst
L553[08:49:49] <brayden> it's so vulnerable
L554[08:49:56] <Inari> its just a program
L555[08:50:04] <Inari> just a .php instead of a .exe or your OS equivalent
L556[08:50:05] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Most likely exploits in Wordpress.
L557[08:50:19] <brayden> the linux mint website got blasted open by some attackers, due to a wordpress exploit
L558[08:50:25] <brayden> and the attackers replaced the ISOs hosted on the site to include malware lol
L559[08:50:28] <Inari> dont let PHP access files it doesnt need, have backups
L560[08:50:40] <g> twisted's deferreds are everywhere, and they have enterprise-level support for stuff like asynchronous dbapi
L561[08:50:47] <brayden> those guys apparently were like "yeah www-data can have everything, who cares"
L562[08:50:57] <Inari> brayden: yeah, wonder how many people bother checking md5s anymore
L563[08:51:11] <brayden> not a lot according to the angry people in the comments lol
L564[08:51:13] <g> Inari, it was a www-data shell, they could have just changed the md5s
L565[08:51:28] <brayden> g, I know and I did some async HTTP in twisted but argh it's complicated with the way it defers as you have to have callbacks everywhere
L566[08:51:30] <Inari> g: well you're supposed to use md5s not only from where oyu DL it
L567[08:51:33] <brayden> g have you seen tornado?
L568[08:51:34] <Inari> but also other trusted sources
L569[08:51:36] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Yes I suppose you could of course still have PHP on your server despite not needing it running a blog software that has more security holes than swiss cheese, but I don't want to.
L570[08:51:40] <g> brayden, no you don't
L571[08:51:43] <g> also yes, I've seen tornado
L572[08:51:50] <g> I actually use cyclone, which is a port of tornado for twisted
L573[08:51:54] <brayden> nice
L574[08:51:55] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: well i wont say you ahve to :P i would like to see PHP go
L575[08:52:07] <g> twisted has this decorator, inlineCallbacks
L576[08:52:08] <brayden> I absolutely love tornado, just wish it had as many different integrations as twisted
L577[08:52:18] <g> you decorate a function and then you can do like
L578[08:52:25] <g> x = yield call_that_returns_a_deferred()
L579[08:52:32] <brayden> oh so it can work like an anonymous function I guess?
L580[08:52:36] <brayden> oh
L581[08:52:36] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Cool, then why are we even discussing this. You're making an argument that we both don't support that has *nothing* to do with my original point.
L582[08:52:37] <brayden> yeah
L583[08:52:40] <brayden> wouldn't fix the issue I had
L584[08:52:50] <brayden> well actually it might've
L585[08:52:59] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: because the original point suggested it is somehow PHPs fault that you can write a virus in it, which amkes no sense
L586[08:53:02] <brayden> I don't care anymore, if I had to maintain that bot I'd be rewriting it in C#, wasj ust easier to work with lol
L587[08:53:11] <Inari> i dont like PHP but it has enough actual faults :P no need adding more
L588[08:53:13] <g> :P
L589[08:53:21] ⇦ Quits: pIscript (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L590[08:53:24] <g> feel free to poke the source of my project if you want to see what abominations we've caused
L591[08:53:28] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: I would never make that argument. Perl is *awesome* for writing viruses, doesn't make Perl bad.
L592[08:53:30] <g> https://github.com/UltrosBot/Ultros
L593[08:53:40] <Inari> wasnt wordpress itself pretty safe btw? thats what i heard
L594[08:53:45] <Inari> just all the crappy addons screwing itup
L595[08:53:47] <g> wordpress is full of holes
L596[08:53:51] <g> this is well-known
L597[08:54:02] <Inari> yeah but i usually heard thea ddosn being blamed for that
L598[08:54:08] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: WP itself has holes too, but a lot of the problems are the plugins, yes.
L599[08:54:09] <g> grep the source for eval($POST[
L600[08:54:11] <g> lol
L601[08:54:12] <brayden> wordpress at this point is a sieve and the developers jsut plug individual holes occasionally
L602[08:54:16] <brayden> but the whole thing is stuffed
L603[08:54:33] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: your point was. ctb locker is written in php, thats a reason to remove PHP from your server...
L604[08:54:52] <brayden> wordpress silently chmods a lot of files internally to pretty dangerous modes
L605[08:54:55] <g> Inari: if you think you can't avoid it then yeah, removing php is a great way to not be able to run php
L606[08:54:59] <brayden> like modes where files are globally readable
L607[08:55:04] <brayden> just search the source code for "777" and behold
L608[08:55:09] <Inari> g: but thats like saying linux can run viruses, so lets remove linux
L609[08:55:17] <g> yeah but you can secure linux
L610[08:55:24] <g> it's known to be pretty damn secure
L611[08:55:33] <g> you may not be able to secure, eg, some random webapp though
L612[08:55:33] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: I said: "If anyone needs a reason to remove PHP..." That means that they are not quite sure if they should because they may just need it but maybe don't they have another argument for removing PHP.
L613[08:55:35] <Inari> and you can secure your web-apps, restrict php asnd keep backups
L614[08:55:56] <g> hah, I wish I had the money to keep backups
L615[08:56:13] <g> local drive backups are close to useless
L616[08:56:16] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: Reducing software to the bare needed minimum is by the way a very viable security praxis. One employed *all* the time.
L617[08:56:28] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L618[08:58:04] <brayden> I had some clients running asp.net web apps and for what it's worth, never an issue there :(
L619[08:58:10] <brayden> but wordpress is a lot easier so they all go for that
L620[08:58:19] <g> brayden: anyway yeah, the yield call there makes the deferred work like normal python code
L621[08:58:20] <brayden> wow i don't miss the "supporting crappy small businesses with dumb websites" industry
L622[08:58:22] <brayden> it's too much
L623[08:58:28] <g> it returns the result, or throws the failure
L624[08:58:35] <g> which is a lot more natural
L625[08:58:49] <brayden> lol bamboo as a CI
L626[08:58:51] <brayden> wasn't a fan of that
L627[08:58:57] <g> I like bamboo
L628[08:58:59] <g> :P
L629[08:59:02] <brayden> teamcity imo has better unittest integration
L630[08:59:14] <g> great, but teamcity is not wget-friendly
L631[08:59:43] <g> unless you've memorized the url param to skip it, it forces you to login, and you need js for that
L632[08:59:53] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: sure :p if you dont use PHP remove it
L633[09:00:43] <DeanIsaKitty> Inari: *Thank you*. Can we stop discussing this bullshit now?
L634[09:00:51] <brayden> ?guest=1 isn't it? or something like that
L635[09:01:01] <g> yeah
L636[09:01:03] <g> that's the one
L637[09:01:07] <g> but I shouldn't have to know that
L638[09:01:20] <brayden> lol
L639[09:01:31] <brayden> personally I like teamcity but setting up LDAP is a pain with it
L640[09:01:33] <brayden> and its UI could be better
L641[09:01:38] <Inari> DeanIsaKitty: i kinda stopped long ago lol
L642[09:01:45] <g> bamboo is easy to set up for the most part
L643[09:01:50] <g> and I've set it up exactly how I want it
L644[09:01:54] <brayden> PHP sucks
L645[09:01:59] <brayden> everyone happy now? lol
L646[09:02:10] <g> for example, it builds glowstone++ (and all its branches automatically), and the team can promote a build to a github release if they feel it's worthy
L647[09:02:11] <Forecaster> Watchtower is written in php :P
L648[09:02:12] <brayden> bamboo works but hey, I preferred teamcity for python and also TC has better .NET support so it works
L649[09:02:16] <brayden> also it's freeeee
L650[09:02:26] <g> bamboo is like $10
L651[09:02:41] <g> for a starter license anyway
L652[09:02:47] <g> but I have a free oss license so whatever
L653[09:02:56] <brayden> oh well
L654[09:03:06] <brayden> g, https://github.com/braydenhull/dovecot-mailbox-manager this is my latest python project
L655[09:03:18] <brayden> It's less garbage than my other projects but I'm not 100% happy with it
L656[09:03:43] <g> Neat
L657[09:03:48] <g> I've been using iredmail and it's not fun
L658[09:03:59] <Forecaster> who's ever 100% happy with their code? :P
L659[09:04:24] <brayden> well the authentication stuff is pretty bad, it requires something that looks like tornado.web.Application with a database object
L660[09:04:28] <brayden> whe nti only actually needs the database
L661[09:04:47] <brayden> there's a few other things like missing features, but at lesat the security is good and I got inspired enough to make management commands
L662[09:04:57] <brayden> when thinking "oh my gosh you can't even delete or create users!"
L663[09:05:45] <brayden> argh.. just noticed a problem with it
L664[09:06:00] <brayden> it's not a dealbreaker but could be an issue, the way it checks if the db is populated is bad
L665[09:06:07] <brayden> :(
L666[09:06:15] <brayden> g, have you seen peewee before? it's the shit
L667[09:06:17] <brayden> I love it so much
L668[09:06:21] <g> I love peewee
L669[09:06:21] <g> xD
L670[09:06:27] <g> want to write a twisted adapter for it
L671[09:06:40] <g> but lack the skills or, well, the time
L672[09:06:41] <brayden> gosh I wish django was half as good as it is
L673[09:06:49] <g> yeah, not a fan of django
L674[09:07:07] <g> which is funny, because the reason I'm here today is one of the django core devs
L675[09:07:13] <Forecaster> you wish django was worse than it is? :P
L676[09:07:42] <ven000m> sup g
L677[09:07:51] <g> oh, hey ven000m
L678[09:08:02] <g> sup?
L679[09:08:10] <ven000m> not much :>
L680[09:08:14] <g> figures. :P
L681[09:10:12] <brayden> Forecaster, with django's ORM was half as good as peewee
L682[09:10:20] <brayden> *wish
L683[09:10:23] <Forecaster> that's better :P
L684[09:10:32] <brayden> peewee rocks and is at least more consistent
L685[09:10:33] <g> django feels archaic anyways
L686[09:10:37] <brayden> did a project once that was full django and omg
L687[09:11:04] <brayden> feels like each set of features was made in a different world with different ideas
L688[09:11:09] <brayden> they all seem to do something weird and whacky
L689[09:11:20] <g> yep
L690[09:11:26] <brayden> with nobody daring to make them consistent because "oh my backwards compatibility!"
L691[09:11:26] <g> mind you, the other extremes (bottle) aren't fantastic either
L692[09:11:30] <Forecaster> it was probably made on Discworld
L693[09:11:36] <brayden> remember seeing a stat a while back showing that django's performance is apparently getting worse and worse each release too
L694[09:11:58] <g> I think they'll try to fix that at some point
L695[09:12:01] <g> probably not soon though
L696[09:12:25] <brayden> I always wanted to try turbogears actually
L697[09:12:34] <brayden> it looks fast and really powerful, with a very modern design too and good integration
L698[09:12:36] <brayden> basically django but good
L699[09:12:42] <g> Never looked into it
L700[09:12:52] <brayden> but I don't have anything large enough which warrants it and I know absolutely nobody who has used to
L701[09:12:53] <brayden> *used it
L702[09:12:54] <g> I like cyclone, but it integrates well with the rest of twisted so it's a good fit for Ultros
L703[09:12:58] <brayden> which is nuts as it's pretty old
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L705[09:13:15] <g> it's not "trendy" anymore
L706[09:13:16] <brayden> but at least remained consistent and modern it seems
L707[09:14:03] <Lizzy> .load
L708[09:14:03] <EnderBot2> CPU: 0.34 0.53 0.48 , RAM: 17.5G/31.3G (~55.8%), SWAP: 410.7M/88.2G (~0.5%)
L709[09:14:25] <g> big swap
L710[09:14:37] <Lizzy> yeah, don't know why
L711[09:14:38] <DeanIsaKitty> I have only 62GB :P
L712[09:14:51] <g> I don't think I have a swap partition..
L713[09:14:53] <g> lol
L714[09:15:01] <g> not that I need it with 32G of ram but still
L715[09:15:17] <Lizzy> when i first set athar up it was only supposed to have a max of 10-20gb of swap
L716[09:15:32] <Lizzy> but the partitioner fucked up so meh
L717[09:18:15] <brayden> lol I only have 2GB of swap on my NAS
L718[09:18:24] <brayden> no swap before but had to setup as resize2fs was running out of memory
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L720[09:31:43] <scj643> Anyone want to buy a $100 Digital Ocean GitHub promo code
L721[09:42:58] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L723[09:43:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L724[09:44:13] * Vexatos blames Techokami
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L726[09:48:01] <Techokami> I'm alive, what did I do
L727[09:48:17] <Forecaster> you're alive, that's probably it
L728[09:48:20] <Techokami> also scj643 what is this about a promo code
L729[09:48:59] <Vexatos> Techokami, which MC version
L730[09:49:05] <Vexatos> https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/issues/178
L731[09:49:08] <Techokami> 1.7.10
L732[09:49:46] <Techokami> updated it
L733[09:50:36] <Techokami> yeah I noticed something was up when, on my server, I went into my protected lab and noticed there was no chime sound
L734[09:51:10] <Techokami> I use OpenSecurity for a key card reader plus Computronics for a three-tone chime via an Iron Note Block. Not very fancy, I know
L735[09:51:59] <Techokami> but I double checked everything and found the note block to be emitting the particles properly, but not playing the sound
L736[09:53:10] <Forecaster> Vexatos: is there no eeprom reader in computronics anymore?
L737[09:53:45] <Techokami> Forecaster, NedoComputers is dead, so Computronics no longer has support for it, which means the EEPROM Reader was removed
L738[09:53:58] <Forecaster> ah
L739[09:54:04] <Vexatos> The EEPROM reader never read OpenCompuderps EEPROMs :P
L740[09:54:07] <Forecaster> so it doesn't work for oc eeproms then
L741[09:54:09] <Vexatos> you use the built-in flash program
L742[09:54:13] <Vexatos> in OpenOS
L743[09:54:18] <Vexatos> flash <filename>
L744[09:54:21] <Vexatos> it tells you what to do
L745[09:54:23] <Forecaster> oh
L746[09:54:31] <Techokami> the EEPROM Reader was only for NedoComputers EEPROMs :V
L747[09:54:32] <Forecaster> I wrote my own program to copy a file into an eeprom
L748[09:54:36] <Vexatos> >__________>
L749[09:54:39] <Vexatos> <________<
L750[09:54:44] <Vexatos> just use flash
L751[09:54:45] <Vexatos> it's safe
L752[09:54:46] <Forecaster> I didn't know there was a built-in one
L753[09:54:53] <Vexatos> why wouldn't there be
L754[09:55:01] <Vexatos> how bad of a default OS would OpenOS be
L755[09:55:02] <Forecaster> ...
L756[09:55:05] <Forecaster> I dunno
L757[09:55:07] <Vexatos> if it didn't allow flashing EEPROMs for MCUs
L758[09:55:42] <Forecaster> it's not like it was that difficult to do :P
L759[09:55:45] <Forecaster> wihtout it
L760[09:56:50] <Techokami> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/24/baidu_browser_reveals_customer_credentials/ OOPS
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L762[09:57:38] <Forecaster> I've completed my microcontroller program by the way :3
L763[09:59:21] <Techokami> I REALLY should be getting around to developing that MCU program I need for running the elevators in my new base...
L764[09:59:52] <Forecaster> what kind of elevators?
L765[09:59:56] <Techokami> Railcraft
L766[10:00:15] <Forecaster> ah, nice
L767[10:00:47] <Techokami> nothing super fancy, just need to read in bundled cable input on one end, then *hold* that input as output to another bundled cable
L768[10:01:10] <Techokami> so you press a button on a Project Blue control panel, it sends the elevator to the marked floor
L769[10:02:00] <Techokami> and the MCU does the switching
L770[10:02:08] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@nat-wifi-etu-2.univ-rouen.fr) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L771[10:03:59] <Vexatos> Techokami, does it error?
L772[10:04:03] <Vexatos> or return anything?
L773[10:04:12] <Techokami> the note block?
L774[10:04:25] <Vexatos> yes
L775[10:04:36] <Techokami> hangon, lemme get Minecraft going
L776[10:05:03] * DeanIsaKitty steals a sip of Dashkal's coffee
L777[10:05:54] <scj643> Techokami: its a student promotion code for $100 digital ocean vps
L778[10:05:56] <Forecaster> I hate when my computer goes *ding* and I can't see why it did that
L779[10:06:25] <Vexatos> Techokami, OC 1.6, right?
L780[10:06:26] <Techokami> scj643, that is who I am switching my VPS provider to... :O
L781[10:06:31] <Techokami> Vexatos, yes
L782[10:06:32] <Vexatos> k
L783[10:06:39] <Techokami> it's the same build you gave me the other day
L784[10:06:42] <Dashkal> I make plenty :) Of course if you try that when I haven't slept well...
L785[10:07:35] <DeanIsaKitty> You wouldn't hurt a tiny cute kitty, would you/ ;)
L786[10:07:45] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L787[10:07:50] <brayden> Forecaster, winsound.MessageBeep() on Python can do that and it apparently only comes from "System sounds"
L788[10:07:55] <brayden> I can imagine it being a great way to troll someone
L789[10:07:57] <brayden> that or winsound.Beep()
L790[10:08:15] <Techokami> Vexatos: [11:08:00] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play unknown soundEvent: minecraft:harp
L791[10:08:56] * Saphire boops DeanIsaKitty ^^
L792[10:09:04] <Vexatos> ye
L793[10:09:06] * DeanIsaKitty boops Saphire ^^
L794[10:09:07] <Vexatos> fixed that
L795[10:09:12] * Saphire sneezes
L796[10:09:19] <DeanIsaKitty> Ew
L797[10:09:25] * g encases Saphire in a big plastic bubble
L798[10:09:34] <Vexatos> Been fixed on 1.8 for two days now
L799[10:09:38] <Vexatos> never pulled it back
L800[10:09:41] <Techokami> aha
L801[10:09:43] <Vexatos> damn you, soni
L802[10:09:50] <Vexatos> for making me fix note blocks on 1.8 only
L803[10:09:55] <Techokami> damn his eyes
L804[10:09:57] <Techokami> damn his teeth
L805[10:10:06] <Forecaster> godammin
L806[10:10:10] <Vexatos> http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/
L807[10:10:13] <Forecaster> it might be the music I'm listening to...
L808[10:10:15] * Saphire paws at the bubble, shrugs, and rolls in it :D
L809[10:10:20] <Dashkal> No 'try'. That implies thought. Bad sleep and pre coffee is pure instinct mode,
L810[10:10:37] <Saphire> Vexatos: lol
L811[10:10:38] <Techokami> thanks Vex, I'll update my server and pack in a bit :)
L812[10:10:47] <Vexatos> Dashkal, \a
L813[10:10:56] <Saphire> o/
L814[10:11:13] <Saphire> or should that be "b/"?
L815[10:11:24] <Vexatos> \a is a good character
L816[10:11:57] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L817[10:12:36] <Dashkal> λ
L818[10:12:45] <Forecaster> aaah a mutant!
L819[10:13:26] <Vexatos> ϙ is the best charater
L820[10:13:34] <Vexatos> it's so cool it's not even used anymore
L821[10:13:44] <Vexatos> so I used it in the maths exam today
L822[10:13:45] <Vexatos> :3
L823[10:14:11] <Vexatos> Forecaster, http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/ for you as well :P
L824[10:14:33] <Daiyousei> ꙮ pls
L825[10:14:45] <Forecaster> 73 tabs now, I can't see their titles anymore >:
L826[10:14:47] <Daiyousei> when russians drink too much vodka
L827[10:15:13] <Vexatos> Forecaster, just install Computronics already
L828[10:15:20] <Vexatos> I haven't told you for three months now
L829[10:15:23] <Vexatos> you better appreciate that
L830[10:15:23] <Forecaster> but I don't have a use for it yet
L831[10:15:26] <Dashkal> This is where I'd go for snowman. But mobile
L832[10:15:27] <Vexatos> SO WHAT
L833[10:15:29] <Vexatos> D:
L834[10:15:33] <Vexatos> Just install it ;_;
L835[10:15:38] * Saphire looks at Daiyousei while drinking some limonade
L836[10:15:53] <Daiyousei> now i want some limonade
L837[10:15:54] <Daiyousei> damn D:
L838[10:15:58] <Vexatos> OOOOOOOOOOOOH new episode
L839[10:16:01] <Saphire> MUAHAHAHA
L840[10:16:06] <Vexatos> Forecaster, did you go with the robot build I suggested? D:
L841[10:16:11] * Saphire gives Daiyousei some lemons~ :D
L842[10:16:18] <Forecaster> I haven't assembled any robots yet
L843[10:16:25] <Saphire> Surprise! They combust :3
L844[10:16:30] <Daiyousei> aw D:
L845[10:16:33] * Daiyousei dies
L846[10:16:38] <Saphire> ._.
L847[10:16:38] <Vexatos> ok
L848[10:16:46] <Vexatos> ... will you go with the build I suggested?
L849[10:16:48] <Vexatos> >_>
L850[10:16:53] * Saphire dumps a bucket of cold limonade on dead Daiyousei
L851[10:16:58] <Forecaster> but to make limonade I'm pretty sure you need limons
L852[10:17:05] * Vexatos uses lemonade instead
L853[10:17:29] * g takes Daiyousei's lemons and makes them combustable
L854[10:17:30] <Forecaster> Vexatos: probably, I don't see why not
L855[10:17:37] * g burns Saphire's house down. with the lemons.
L856[10:17:39] <Vexatos> weeee~
L857[10:17:46] <Vexatos> if you are lucky, it might even be named "Vexatos"
L858[10:17:47] <Saphire> g: it's concrete
L859[10:17:48] <Vexatos> :3
L860[10:17:49] * Lizzy hides her lemons from Inari
L861[10:17:51] <Saphire> goot luck
L862[10:17:54] * g blows it down anyway
L863[10:17:54] <Saphire> Vexatoaster!
L864[10:17:57] <Vexatos> Lizzy, "lemons"
L865[10:17:58] <g> burns*
L866[10:18:19] <Lizzy> Vexatos, since Inari isn't here to say it: "Lewd!"
L867[10:18:30] <Saphire> Lewd~
L868[10:18:44] <g> lood
L869[10:18:58] <Vexatos> Lizzy, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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L872[10:21:21] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzGaO4Kdz2Y
L873[10:21:22] <MichiBot> Forecaster: EEVblog #854 - B52 Bomber Automatic Astro Compass Teardown | length: 28m 53s | Likes: 1159 Dislikes: 21 Views: 14715 | by EEVblog
L874[10:21:25] <Forecaster> neat
L875[10:21:34] <Forecaster> mechanical computers
L876[10:44:08] ⇦ Quits: Altenius (Altenius@Moving.Mountains.At.PanicBNC.us) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L878[10:45:06] <gamax92> Vexatos
L879[10:45:09] ⇦ Quits: Skye (skyem123@is.cute.skyem.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L880[10:45:09] ⇦ Quits: Sandra (Sandra@2001:19f0:6800:8161:a:1ce:c01d:babe) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L886[10:46:42] ⇨ Joins: LizzyTrickster (lizzy@lizzy.theender.net)
L887[10:46:42] zsh sets mode: +o on LizzyTrickster
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L889[10:46:46] <gamax92> Vexatos you stupid piece of shit
L890[10:46:46] <g> pseudo-netsplit there
L891[10:47:08] ⇨ Joins: Sandra (Sandra@2001:19f0:6800:8161:a:1ce:c01d:babe)
L892[10:47:43] ⇨ Joins: Evey (evey@2001:19f0:6800:8161:1:bad:ca7:babe)
L893[10:48:03] <gamax92> Dammit Vexatos
L894[10:49:37] <Vexatos> what
L895[10:49:47] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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L897[10:50:17] <Vexatos> gamax92, what have I done now >_>
L898[10:54:24] <LizzyTrickster> .-.
L899[10:54:29] *** LizzyTrickster is now known as Lizzy
L900[11:07:22] <scj643> http://store.steampowered.com/app/201790 is on a huge sale
L901[11:07:33] <scj643> 2 complete pack for $4 and I"m broke
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L903[11:12:33] <Lizzy> ~w term
L904[11:12:33] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:term
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L917[12:08:12] <Sangar> o/
L918[12:08:36] <Lizzy> \o
L919[12:08:45] <Lizzy> Sangar, will you be about at the weekend?
L920[12:09:54] <Forecaster> ohno, quick! hide the lemons!
L921[12:10:15] <Sangar> Lizzy, in the evenings at least, probably
L922[12:14:30] <Vexatos> Sangar, y u no read PRs
L923[12:14:32] <Vexatos> also hi
L924[12:14:57] <Sangar> Vexatos, because i wanted to finish 1.8 port first, and had not time to since
L925[12:15:00] <Sangar> also hi
L926[12:15:17] <Vexatos> b..but it's awesome D:
L927[12:15:21] <Vexatos> Best
L928[12:15:22] <Vexatos> Feature
L929[12:15:24] <Vexatos> in 1.6
L930[12:15:24] <Sangar> b..but it's more to port D:
L931[12:15:30] <Vexatos> I can port it for you
L932[12:15:33] <Lizzy> b..but butts :P
L933[12:15:35] <Vexatos> if you're that desperate
L934[12:15:41] <Vexatos> I already ported it once
L935[12:15:42] <Sangar> i may be, we'll see :P
L936[12:15:49] <Vexatos> (in asielib)
L937[12:15:50] <Sangar> oh, in that case, please do
L938[12:16:03] <Vexatos> Well I'd have to port the Scala code instead
L939[12:16:04] <Sangar> so i can play more dark souls
L940[12:16:07] <Lizzy> Sangar, cool, I'm probably going to be moving the forums over to a new server at the weekend
L941[12:16:11] <Vexatos> because I translated the entire thing to Scala for the PR
L942[12:16:22] <Sangar> Lizzy, okidoke
L943[12:16:42] <Lizzy> though i'll let you know when it's good to be switched cause i'm not 100% sure if what i want to do will work yet
L944[12:16:47] <Vexatos> just make your your layers in the hover boots json are correct
L945[12:16:52] <Vexatos> the rest should port itseldf
L946[12:16:54] <Sangar> Vexatos, fun times. well, you port that then, and i'll look into readding integration which is also a thing from the headlines of the notifications i got :X
L947[12:17:41] <Vexatos> the porting should consist of a single JSON file, basically
L948[12:18:00] <Vexatos> so please just do it yourself
L949[12:18:04] <Sangar> but you know what it should look like :P
L950[12:18:09] <Vexatos> because it took 30 minutes to set up the 1.7 dev env
L951[12:19:09] <Vexatos> http://git.io/v2Wbk
L952[12:19:13] <Vexatos> that's what it should look like
L953[12:19:20] <Sangar> k
L954[12:19:23] <Vexatos> but only two layers, obviously
L955[12:19:31] <Vexatos> pointing to the two png files
L956[12:19:37] <Sangar> did anyone have a chance to break 189-16 yet?
L957[12:19:39] <Vexatos> also make sure tintindex is a thing
L958[12:19:46] <Vexatos> oh wait
L959[12:19:53] <Vexatos> we don't need that on items, do we
L960[12:19:54] <Vexatos> U:
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L1055[12:44:44] nova.esper.net sets mode: +v on gamax92
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L1060[12:44:44] <EnderBot2_> Ohai there Lizzy
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L1064[12:45:04] <gamax92> Hi welcome to netsplit
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L1066[12:45:16] <g> ^v didn't say what server split
L1067[12:45:18] <g> I am disappoint
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L1069[12:45:29] <Forecaster> hi! are there sandwiches?
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L1071[12:45:34] <Forecaster> :D
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L1073[12:45:49] <gamax92> Yes, we can make any kind of sandwich you want
L1074[12:45:57] <Vexatos> gamax92, why did you ping me
L1075[12:46:08] <gamax92> Vexatos: why did you not respond
L1076[12:46:12] <Vexatos> I did
L1077[12:46:15] <Vexatos> three times
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L1081[12:46:40] <gamax92> Vexatos: I left before you respond, too slow
L1082[12:48:24] <Lizzy> oh, that was just a netsplit
L1083[12:48:39] <Inari> why wont win10 let me input unicode codes
L1084[12:48:51] <Lizzy> because it's stealing your card numbers
L1085[12:48:53] ⇨ Joins: Thog (~Thog@is.aww.moe)
L1086[12:49:04] <Forecaster> and your firstborn
L1087[12:49:28] <Vexatos> Go watch me forcing Cruor to use Sangar's TIS-3D to make a flamingo wiggle: http://www.twitch.tv/cruorz
L1088[12:49:36] <Vexatos> :D
L1089[12:50:14] <Sangar> you sadist :X
L1090[12:50:56] <Vexatos> Sangar, if you aren't porting OC right now, come watch
L1091[12:51:40] <Sangar> i'm merging stuffs right now :X
L1092[12:54:34] <gamax92> Inari: I can input unicodes
L1093[12:54:42] <Guest58486> -_-
L1094[12:54:44] <gamax92> ctrl-shift-u still works
L1095[12:54:48] <gamax92> hi Michiyo
L1096[12:55:00] <Guest58486> Hi...
L1097[12:55:10] zsh sets mode: +o on Guest58486
L1098[12:55:23] *** Guest58486 is now known as Michiyo
L1099[12:55:24] <Vexatos> Oddstr13, shift-right click CPU
L1100[12:55:28] <gamax92> vifino
L1101[12:55:35] <gamax92> you arch linux right?
L1102[12:56:20] <Oddstr13> Vexatos: still erroring on variable on the prompt
L1103[12:56:28] <Vexatos> of course
L1104[12:56:35] <Vexatos> because "5" is not valid lua
L1105[12:56:36] <Vexatos> #lua 5
L1106[12:56:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 5
L1107[12:56:45] <Vexatos> that bot appends a "return"
L1108[12:56:49] <Vexatos> just like the = in the REPL does
L1109[12:56:59] <Oddstr13> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4306267/ShareX/2016/02/2016-02-24_19-57-17.png
L1110[12:57:00] <gamax92> DEADBEEF tries return (thing) first, then (thing), and then spats an error at you
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L1113[12:58:37] <gamax92> "Changes since Lua 5.2" "Lua standalone interpreter" "can be used as calculator; no need to prefix with '='"
L1114[12:58:49] <Vexatos> yea
L1115[12:58:52] <Vexatos> OpenOS hasn't changed
L1116[12:58:53] <Vexatos> :P
L1117[12:59:23] <Inari> gamax92: for some reason ENG input doesnt accept them
L1118[12:59:31] <gamax92> Inari: ?
L1119[12:59:48] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-190-37.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1120[12:59:51] <Inari> well when i switch to englihs keyboard layout the numpad codes dont worko
L1121[12:59:56] <Inari> but in jp/german they do
L1122[13:00:19] *** mr208 is now known as mallrat208
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L1124[13:00:30] <gamax92> the fuck are you talking about and why me
L1125[13:00:36] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-333-105.w90-22.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1127[13:01:54] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: Apparently the lady wants you as tech support. Not a lot you can do :P
L1128[13:02:19] <gamax92> s/ as tech support//
L1129[13:02:19] <MichiBot> <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: Apparently the lady wants you. Not a lot you can do :P
L1130[13:02:49] * Oddstr13 hides from the stabby knife
L1131[13:03:17] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: Pretty sure you're not even close as attractive enough for that :P
L1132[13:03:42] <gamax92> nobody said anything about being attractive
L1133[13:03:49] * Lizzy provides ice
L1134[13:05:55] <Vexatos> "This serial port icon is ugly" ~ Cruor 2016
L1135[13:06:09] * Vexatos blames Sangar
L1136[13:06:35] <Vexatos> so gamax92... why did you ping me :|
L1137[13:06:42] <Sangar> it's a work of art
L1138[13:06:46] <Sangar> learn to appreciate it
L1139[13:06:48] <Sangar> :P
L1140[13:06:49] <gamax92> Vexatos: where is computronics build jars?
L1141[13:06:52] <Vexatos> See cruor?
L1142[13:06:58] <Vexatos> gamax92, http://files.vex.tty.sh/Computronics/dev/
L1143[13:07:03] <Vexatos> the dev builds
L1144[13:07:09] <Vexatos> the normal builds are in ..
L1145[13:10:07] * ping Vexatos
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L1148[13:11:35] <Michiyo> yay theres an open recall on my car for the ignition switch, which could start a fire
L1149[13:11:35] <Michiyo> woo
L1150[13:11:50] <g> you seem to have the worst luck these days
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L1177[13:12:45] <^v> Oh noes! anarchy split 3:
L1178[13:12:50] <g> thanks ^v
L1179[13:12:52] <g> lol
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L1222[13:13:32] <EnderBot2_> Ohai there Lizzy
L1223[13:13:55] <Lizzy> aww
L1224[13:14:08] <Lizzy> .default
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L1241[13:14:39] *** EnderBot2 is now known as Guest28545
L1242[13:17:12] * Sangar stabs Vexatos
L1243[13:17:17] <Sangar> "Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: lightOverlay"
L1244[13:17:33] <Sangar> you don't sideonly fields
L1245[13:17:52] <Vexatos> wut
L1246[13:17:57] <Vexatos> IICon is in net.minecraft.util
L1247[13:18:12] <Vexatos> have I sideonly'ed it? ;_;
L1248[13:18:15] <Sangar> yes
L1249[13:18:21] <Vexatos> whoops™
L1250[13:18:33] <Forecaster> :O
L1251[13:18:45] <gamax92> Vexatos: meh, maybe I'll go mess with the jar later ...
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L1254[13:20:11] <Michiyo> dot dot dot
L1255[13:20:29] * Michiyo highfives EsperNet in the face... with a baseball bat
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L1257[13:20:40] <gamax92> shut up
L1258[13:20:41] <Sangar> eh, let them update their glibc :P
L1259[13:21:11] <Michiyo> Pffft who needs glibc anyway?
L1260[13:22:12] *** PyrolusiteWasTaken is now known as Pyrolusite
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L1263[13:25:25] <Vexatos> ubuntu updated glib today
L1264[13:25:28] <Vexatos> glibc*
L1265[13:25:30] <Vexatos> I think
L1266[13:26:43] <vifino> gamax92: Yes I arch linux.
L1267[13:26:49] * vifino flops on Lizzy
L1268[13:26:55] <gamax92> vifino: sorry nvm...
L1269[13:27:05] <Dashkal> I should probably take my arch beating soon. Been over a week since an update.
L1270[13:27:37] <Dashkal> Yep, that's a reboot update.
L1271[13:34:49] <Dashkal> <3 console client in a tmux on a remote server
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L1299[13:35:59] <vifino> NOOO, LIZZY :<
L1300[13:36:51] <Dashkal> cmon esper...
L1301[13:36:58] <Dashkal> Seems to be extra 'stable' today
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L1328[13:37:14] <Guest28545> Ohai there Lizzy
L1329[13:37:20] <vifino> LIZZY! \o/
L1330[13:37:31] * vifino throws himself at Lizzy
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L1335[13:42:04] <vifino> gamax92, nooo :(
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L1363[13:43:47] zsh sets mode: +v on gamax92
L1364[13:44:40] * gamax92 pets vifino
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L1366[13:44:53] * vifino purrs
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L1368[13:48:25] <gamax92> vifino: I'm going to go try an evdev debounce patch then
L1369[13:48:57] <Vexatos> <gamax92> Vexatos: what's the difference between add/play
L1370[13:48:57] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> play plays
L1371[13:48:57] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> add adds to buffer
L1372[13:49:03] <Vexatos> play is like beep card
L1373[13:49:09] <gamax92> Vexatos: I tried both and got no sound
L1374[13:49:11] <Vexatos> process() then runs buffer
L1375[13:49:16] <gamax92> ... process
L1376[13:49:24] <Vexatos> play runs immediately
L1377[13:49:29] <gamax92> play did nothing too
L1378[13:49:30] <Cruor> gamax92: noise.play({{440, 1}})
L1379[13:49:34] <Lizzy> I need to fix Guest28545's regaining of its nick
L1380[13:49:39] <gamax92> oh it's like that now?
L1381[13:49:41] <Vexatos> make sure to read its output, it'll tell you what you did wrong
L1382[13:49:46] <Vexatos> it returns false, errormsg
L1383[13:49:49] <gamax92> I though it was [440]=1
L1384[13:49:54] <Vexatos> that's on the beep card
L1385[13:50:02] <Vexatos> the manual mentions the syntax is different
L1386[13:50:12] <gamax92> like I read that
L1387[13:50:14] <Vexatos> since the beep card justs uses whatever channel is free right now
L1388[13:50:21] <Vexatos> it has no indexed channels
L1389[13:50:29] <Vexatos> the noise card has actual channel indices
L1390[13:50:53] * Lizzy hugs vifino
L1391[13:51:18] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L1392[13:51:42] <gamax92> Vexatos: okay cool, got a beep
L1393[13:51:50] <Vexatos> yea
L1394[13:51:52] <Vexatos> setMode to set mode
L1395[13:51:55] <Vexatos> and noise.modes
L1396[13:51:59] <Vexatos> gives you all the modes
L1397[13:52:03] <Vexatos> as a bidirectional table
L1398[13:52:07] <Forecaster> you and vex has to stop talking to eachother D:<
L1399[13:52:12] <Forecaster> your names have the same color
L1400[13:52:12] <Vexatos> so you can setMode(channelindex, noise.modes.sine)
L1401[13:52:20] <Vexatos> gamax is yellow for me
L1402[13:52:22] <Forecaster> it's difficult to follow >:
L1403[13:52:28] <Vexatos> You are yellow to me
L1404[13:52:29] <Forecaster> for me you're the same
L1405[13:52:32] <gamax92> can I setmode add setmode add?
L1406[13:52:42] <Vexatos> gamax92, nope, setMode is on the entire channel
L1407[13:52:50] <Vexatos> that's one of the differences to the real sound card
L1408[13:52:56] <Vexatos> the noise card is something inbetween
L1409[13:53:00] <Vexatos> the beep and the sound card
L1410[13:53:12] <Vexatos> you have one mode per channel
L1411[13:53:23] <Vexatos> so if you want to play different wave forms, use different channesls
L1412[13:53:25] <gamax92> beep=working, noise=partially-working, sound=not working ?
L1413[13:53:26] <gamax92> :P
L1414[13:53:35] <Vexatos> noise is working very well
L1415[13:53:42] <Vexatos> sound is still massively WIP
L1416[13:53:50] <Cruor> noise works :I
L1417[13:53:59] <Vexatos> cruor can confirm, has played song of healing
L1418[13:53:59] <gamax92> but Vexatos said it was something inbetween
L1419[13:54:04] <gamax92> oooh?
L1420[13:54:07] <Vexatos> on stream
L1421[13:54:10] <Vexatos> http://www.twitch.tv/cruorz
L1422[13:54:13] <Cruor> Vexatos: wtf, y u know what song is
L1423[13:54:14] <gamax92> D:<
L1424[13:54:23] <Vexatos> Cruor: I even told you it is missing a note
L1425[13:54:30] <Cruor> Vexatos: it isnt <_<
L1426[13:54:33] <Vexatos> it is
L1427[13:54:51] <Vexatos> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDX4ZwUeOok
L1428[13:54:51] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Majora's Mask Song of Healing | length: 2m 47s | Likes: 13649 Dislikes: 177 Views: 2019298 | by Yacov B
L1429[13:55:04] <Vexatos> 9th note missing
L1430[13:55:19] * Vexatos blames cruor
L1431[13:56:15] <gamax92> such a potato
L1432[13:56:30] <potato> FUCK you gamax92
L1433[13:56:37] <potato> why the fuck are yuo associating me with fucking
L1434[13:56:40] <potato> whtever
L1435[13:56:41] <potato> it si your
L1436[13:56:44] <potato> asociating me with
L1437[13:56:46] <Cruor> potato: he has a fetish for that
L1438[13:56:48] <Cruor> :⁾
L1439[13:56:48] <Vexatos> damnit, I wish I could finally uninstall oem-audio-hda-daily-dmks :/
L1440[13:56:49] <potato> I'M TOO MAD TO TYPE
L1441[13:56:51] <gamax92> wat
L1442[13:56:56] <Vexatos> it updates way too often
L1443[13:56:57] <gamax92> wtf just happened.
L1444[13:56:58] <Vexatos> because well
L1445[13:56:59] <potato> RAAAARHGH
L1446[13:57:00] <Vexatos> it's daily
L1447[13:57:04] <Vexatos> But I need it
L1448[13:57:07] <Vexatos> for my sound card to work
L1449[13:57:09] <Vexatos> help D:
L1450[13:57:16] <gamax92> Cruor is such a tiktalik
L1451[13:57:25] <potato> that's better
L1452[13:57:28] <potato> tiktalik is a huge nerd
L1453[13:57:32] <potato> might as well associate them
L1454[13:57:54] <gamax92> Cruor can't even
L1455[13:58:07] <Dashkal> Same color same name length is the worst...
L1456[13:58:16] <Oddstr13> potato: dude, the stream is even called potatoes & derps >.<
L1457[13:58:16] <Vexatos> Dashkal, no
L1458[13:58:18] <Dashkal> Wonder if I can replace the color assignment code to try harder to avoid that.
L1459[13:58:19] <Vexatos> you know what is worse
L1460[13:58:26] <Vexatos> Sangar, Sandra and Sangu in the same channel
L1461[13:58:31] <Vexatos> that is
L1462[13:58:32] <Vexatos> the
L1463[13:58:33] <Vexatos> worst
L1464[13:58:35] <Vexatos> thing to happen
L1465[13:58:40] <Dashkal> Hah, tab complete fail every damn time.
L1466[13:58:41] <Forecaster> xD
L1467[13:58:43] <Dashkal> I take your point
L1468[13:58:44] <Oddstr13> san\t plz
L1469[13:58:50] <Vexatos> Sangar <-> Sangu even
L1470[13:58:56] <Vexatos> 4 characters ;_;
L1471[14:00:04] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1472[14:02:04] <gamax92> Vexatos: have you ported midi to it yet
L1473[14:02:07] <gamax92> or Cruor
L1474[14:02:13] <Vexatos> sangar do that
L1475[14:02:20] <Forecaster> eegh, so many pcb's required...
L1476[14:02:20] <Vexatos> you made midi package on oppm
L1477[14:02:22] <Vexatos> glhf
L1478[14:02:37] <Vexatos> Forecaster, you have spider eyes now
L1479[14:02:38] <Vexatos> no?
L1480[14:03:02] <Vexatos> I'd use them while they're not completely rotten
L1481[14:03:10] <gamax92> "This midi file is malicious and Chrome has blocked it"
L1482[14:03:15] <gamax92> yeah lol
L1483[14:03:21] <Forecaster> not nearly enough...
L1484[14:03:27] <Daiyousei> watch out, it'll blow your speakers up
L1485[14:03:29] <Forecaster> but I'm using PC boards
L1486[14:03:33] <Vexatos> Exactly+
L1487[14:03:39] <Vexatos> use the spider eyes for some PCBs
L1488[14:03:42] <Forecaster> they're expensive but much easier to craft >:
L1489[14:03:43] <Vexatos> saves you a little iron
L1490[14:03:55] <Vexatos> s/a little/a lot
L1491[14:03:56] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> saves you a lot iron
L1492[14:04:05] <Vexatos> s/lot/lot of/
L1493[14:04:05] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> saves you a lot of iron
L1494[14:04:06] <Vexatos> >_>
L1495[14:04:12] <Forecaster> xD
L1496[14:04:46] <Vexatos> seriously, you should do that
L1497[14:04:56] <Vexatos> if you don't have enough, use PC for the rest
L1498[14:05:02] <Vexatos> but they are definitely a carpload cheaper
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L1500[14:08:35] <Forecaster> 35 pcb's
L1501[14:12:00] <gamax92> :/
L1502[14:12:16] <gamax92> how do I interpret these midi timestamps
L1503[14:12:19] <greaser|q> morning
L1504[14:12:29] <gamax92> greaser|q: halp
L1505[14:12:37] <greaser|q> i am just the person who can help
L1506[14:13:11] <greaser|q> lemme just quickly look this up
L1507[14:13:20] <Vexatos> gamax92, you can use note API to convert from midi code to freq
L1508[14:13:20] <gamax92> greaser|q: I have a list that looks like this: http://hastebin.com/adiruqisiy.md
L1509[14:13:30] <gamax92> Vexatos: okay that'll help out for the n= part
L1510[14:13:32] <Vexatos> gamax92, also https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Sangar-Programs/blob/master/midi.lua
L1511[14:13:42] <Vexatos> for reading time stamps
L1512[14:13:43] <gamax92> but no idea what the v= is
L1513[14:13:53] <Vexatos> note API is http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:note
L1514[14:14:03] <Vexatos> so note.freq(code)
L1515[14:14:04] <greaser|q> ah shit i didn't release my ver
L1516[14:14:33] <greaser|q> you might as well parse the midi file directly... first things first though, you'll want to run a priority queue against all the tracks
L1517[14:14:39] <greaser|q> OR use single-track midis
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L1519[14:15:05] <asie> greaser|q: oh hi
L1520[14:15:07] <gamax92> "MFile 1 3 480"
L1521[14:15:43] <greaser|q> T.wait = T.wait - sec_delta*this.midi_divisions*this.midi_tempo <-- measured in seconds here
L1522[14:15:51] <gamax92> greaser|q: I'm guess by it firing several notes all at the same time that means it's not single track?
L1523[14:16:26] <greaser|q> the reason it's not single-track is actually because that header says it's version 1 (as opposed to version 0) and has 3 tracks
L1524[14:16:40] <greaser|q> midi_divisions is that 480 value
L1525[14:16:42] <greaser|q> this.midi_divisions = parse_ui16(d:sub(5,6))
L1526[14:16:43] <greaser|q> this.midi_tempo = 2
L1527[14:17:15] <greaser|q> for an Fx message:
L1528[14:17:27] <greaser|q> elseif typ == 0x51 then
L1529[14:17:27] <greaser|q> local tempo = parse_ui24(mdata)
L1530[14:17:27] <greaser|q> this.midi_tempo_new = (1000000/tempo)
L1531[14:18:53] <greaser|q> but basically, initially your tempo is set to 500000, so you do 1000000/500000 to get the number of ticks per division per second
L1532[14:19:03] <gamax92> ahh
L1533[14:19:10] <Vexatos> Oddstr13, go make cruor a texture analyzer, or make him make one >_>
L1534[14:19:11] <greaser|q> and also when i say Fx i mean 0xFF
L1535[14:19:20] <gamax92> it sets the tempo at the beginning to 300000
L1536[14:19:33] <greaser|q> so you have 480*10/3 ticks per second
L1537[14:19:50] <greaser|q> note how that says midi_tempo_new, basically you change the tempo once you've ended that particular given midi tick
L1538[14:19:51] <gamax92> %calc 480*10/3
L1539[14:19:52] <MichiBot> gamax92: 1,600
L1540[14:20:25] <greaser|q> but yeah that's what i've got in this mod i made for iceball
L1541[14:21:03] <gamax92> greaser|q: so all the timestamps in that hastebin, I divide by 1600?
L1542[14:21:14] <greaser|q> yeah, to get the time in seconds
L1543[14:21:24] <greaser|q> MIDI velocities are kinda weird
L1544[14:21:36] <gamax92> yeah that I didn't understand :P
L1545[14:22:03] <greaser|q> i forget which note is middle C though
L1546[14:22:20] <Vexatos> but only with a population of above 50 000 it's a velocity
L1547[14:22:25] <Vexatos> otherwise it's just a velotown
L1548[14:22:39] <greaser|q> ah right, C-0 is 0, C-4 (middle C i think) is 48
L1549[14:23:07] <Vexatos> as I said, note APi covers that :P
L1550[14:23:14] <Cruor> Vexatos: 261.62
L1551[14:23:20] <greaser|q> there's a weird thing about notes
L1552[14:23:29] <Vexatos> Cruor, :>
L1553[14:23:36] <greaser|q> so in a note-off message:
L1554[14:23:37] <greaser|q> if vel == 0 then
L1555[14:23:37] <greaser|q> -- this is actually a hack in the MIDI "spec"
L1556[14:23:37] <greaser|q> T.note_off(T.chn, note, 64)
L1557[14:23:44] <greaser|q> sorry in the note-on message
L1558[14:24:30] <greaser|q> the velocity curve is kinda weird, i'm using vel/127.0
L1559[14:24:32] <gamax92> well I have no v=0
L1560[14:24:47] <gamax92> greaser|q: no whati s velocity though.
L1561[14:24:49] <greaser|q> passport.mid afaik uses note-on v=0
L1562[14:24:51] <greaser|q> gamax92: volume
L1563[14:24:54] <greaser|q> well, roughly
L1564[14:24:56] <gamax92> ahh okay
L1565[14:25:06] <gamax92> I'm assuming it's not linear but whatever :P
L1566[14:25:31] <gamax92> Vexatos: does noise card have volume
L1567[14:25:42] <greaser|q> yeah it's usually... some weird-ass curve
L1568[14:25:52] <Vexatos> gamax92, nope
L1569[14:26:06] <gamax92> so I'm not going to worry about that anyway
L1570[14:30:12] <gamax92> greaser|q: should I just assume that if two notes are one and then you do an off, that it does the first one to be on? or whichever with the same frequency?
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L1573[14:32:31] <greaser|q> gamax92: you need to remember which notes are on the same note + channel... if there's a note on on the same note + channel you cut the old note and shove in a new one
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L1575[14:41:28] <greaser|q> turns out my midi player is still good at playing touhou midis
L1576[14:41:32] <gamax92> greaser|q: it plays 4 notes on the same channel ...
L1577[14:43:03] <Cruor> can i hide the outlines of the 3d prints? >_<
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L1581[14:44:55] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
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L1584[14:59:02] <greaser|q> gamax92: your friendly reminder that lua is *great* when dealing with stuff that needs some form of map/dict
L1585[14:59:08] <greaser|q> this got linked in a different channel: http://bjorn.tipling.com/if-programming-languages-were-weapons
L1586[14:59:21] ⇦ Quits: Tedster (~Tedster@host217-43-38-228.range217-43.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1588[15:02:18] <gamax92> greaser|q: what about maps's and dictionaries?
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L1590[15:06:02] <greaser|q> if notetab[channel][note] then kill_note(notetab[channel][note]) end
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L1595[15:10:09] zsh sets mode: +v on SuPeRMiNoR2_
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L1619[15:38:49] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L1629[15:56:59] <LuMistry> Greetings
L1630[15:57:07] <Forecaster> greeblings
L1631[15:58:06] <LuMistry> How are you Forecaster?
L1632[15:58:19] <Forecaster> Excellent, of course!
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L1634[15:58:49] <Forecaster> you? :P
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L1636[15:59:41] <LuMistry> I am doing well
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L1643[16:05:52] <greaser|q> well ok i think i've added proper faults to ocmips now
L1644[16:06:04] <greaser|q> and by proper i just mean it sets the fault code on certain errors
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L1648[16:10:17] <greaser|q> good news, the fault code works, it BSODs with a proper error.
L1649[16:10:42] <greaser|q> bad news, the RAM size check is based on a value that wasn't properly updated when the ram array gets updated
L1650[16:10:46] <greaser|q> fixing
L1651[16:11:46] <greaser|q> and after fixing that, it's all good, yay
L1652[16:11:59] <greaser|q> going to need to set up a TLB toggle
L1653[16:12:01] <Forecaster> \o\
L1654[16:15:40] <greaser|q> main reason is so if you don't want to bother with the TLB you can disable it, just not sure what the best bit for this is
L1655[16:16:03] <greaser|q> c0_status does seem to be a bit of a chicken whatever it's called
L1656[16:17:09] <greaser|q> what's the term for a register that just has a bunch of really arbitrary bits in it, i keep thinking it's a chicken bit or chicken scratch register
L1657[16:25:33] <Temia> Greaser, does it update on the fly if you add more RAM, or do you have it set to BSOD and fill the screen with garbage? :D
L1658[16:25:44] <Temia> Or, well, add/remove RAM
L1659[16:26:21] <AlissaSquared> Temia: adding all the dedotated whams?
L1660[16:26:31] <SF-MC> wams?
L1661[16:26:35] <SF-MC> I want some wams
L1662[16:27:23] <AlissaSquared> Going home now bye :D!
L1663[16:28:46] <greaser|q> Temia: at the moment it's just going to BSOD... although to be honest at the moment it just uses 2MB of RAM
L1664[16:28:54] <greaser|q> i'm going to make it fault *properly* in future though
L1665[16:29:02] <greaser|q> that is, pass it onto an OS routine
L1666[16:29:44] <greaser|q> maybe i should just have it set up so if it faults immediately after reading the fault handler it'll BSOD
L1667[16:30:14] <greaser|q> that way if someone doesn't fill in the appropriate jump vector, their loss
L1668[16:30:55] <greaser|q> to be honest i don't think it's a good idea that i'm mapping 0x1FC00000 to 0x00000000, unless of course i decide to not support setting the BEV flag to 0
L1669[16:32:53] <greaser|q> to elaborate (and yes, here i'm talking in physical addresses, not remapped ones): 0x1FC00000 is reset, if BEV is 1 then UTLB miss exception is 0x1FC00100, if BEV is 0 then UTLB miss exception is 0x00000000
L1670[16:33:10] <greaser|q> which, of course, is aliased at 0x1FC00000
L1671[16:34:04] <greaser|q> Wham - Ded me up before you tated
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L1675[16:38:10] <ThePro> hello guys i need help
L1676[16:39:08] <greaser|q> so do the beatles
L1677[16:39:10] <greaser|q> they need somebody
L1678[16:39:27] <ThePro> i get an error message "/home/startup.lua:589: attempt to index global 'fs' (a nil value)
L1679[16:39:29] <greaser|q> protip, when you need help, don't ask to ask, just ask the thing
L1680[16:39:39] <ThePro> wait a minute
L1681[16:39:41] <greaser|q> local fs = require("fs")
L1682[16:39:53] <ThePro> oh O__O
L1683[16:40:06] <ThePro> on the beginning from the program or ?
L1684[16:40:09] <ThePro> *at
L1685[16:40:26] <Forecaster> before the first time you use fs
L1686[16:40:30] <Forecaster> :P
L1687[16:40:50] <ThePro> i set this at the beginning from the program
L1688[16:42:16] <greaser|q> are you overwriting the variable fs somewhere
L1689[16:42:33] <ThePro> no
L1690[16:42:42] <greaser|q> oh right, it's called filesystem
L1691[16:42:50] <greaser|q> if you need the shorthand: local fs = require("filesystem")
L1692[16:42:56] <greaser|q> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:filesystem
L1693[16:47:54] <ThePro> now i get an another error "attempt to call field 'setTextScale' (a nil value)
L1694[16:48:52] <greaser|q> that's because it's not a function
L1695[16:49:01] <greaser|q> you're porting a CC program, right?
L1696[16:49:06] <ThePro> yes
L1697[16:49:09] <ThePro> to oc
L1698[16:49:11] <greaser|q> you need to set the explicit resolution
L1699[16:49:16] <ThePro> how
L1700[16:49:22] <greaser|q> firstly you need access to the gpu
L1701[16:49:26] <ThePro> i have
L1702[16:49:30] <greaser|q> local component = require("component")
L1703[16:49:34] <greaser|q> local gpu = component.gpu
L1704[16:49:42] <ThePro> yes i have it already
L1705[16:49:50] <greaser|q> gpu.setResolution(width, height)
L1706[16:50:00] <ThePro> what is the best resolution ?
L1707[16:50:07] <greaser|q> whichever bloody one you want
L1708[16:50:15] <greaser|q> that's within the limits of the given GPU + screen
L1709[16:50:21] <ThePro> what take you ?
L1710[16:50:48] <greaser|q> you might as well just comment the line out
L1711[16:51:01] <greaser|q> if someone wants a different resolution there's a "resolution" command that can be called in the shell
L1712[16:51:09] <ThePro> must i write width and height before the numbers ?
L1713[16:51:39] <greaser|q> also a tip, in english, there are very few cases where you'd do "what <verb> <noun>" - it's "what do you take", not "what take you"
L1714[16:51:49] <greaser|q> no, you just put the numbers in
L1715[16:51:56] <ThePro> okay i try itz
L1716[16:51:57] <greaser|q> but seriously, just comment the line out
L1717[16:52:25] <ThePro> now i have an another error 'getSize'
L1718[16:52:38] <greaser|q> replace it with getResolution
L1719[16:52:43] <ThePro> oh okay
L1720[16:53:00] <greaser|q> getSize is completely different and apparently no longer exists
L1721[16:53:12] <greaser|q> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:gpu
L1722[16:55:05] <ThePro> no an another OMG so many error's O__O :D 'setCursorPos'
L1723[16:55:18] <gamax92> term.setCursor
L1724[16:55:25] <ThePro> okay :D
L1725[16:55:49] <ThePro> that are so many commandlines with setCursorPos
L1726[16:56:01] <Turtle2> Curse, cut your horseshit
L1727[16:56:12] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> yeah....
L1728[16:56:20] <Turtle2> http://i.imgur.com/lm0pQwk.png >.>
L1729[16:56:28] <gamax92> meelock meelock meelock
L1730[16:56:34] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> yeah?
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L1733[16:56:44] <gamax92> why so man meelock
L1734[16:56:49] <gamax92> many*
L1735[16:57:06] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L1736[16:57:16] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> heh its because this isnt my only discord chanel...
L1737[16:57:46] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> i just wanted a reminder of what my ign is... plasterd every where XD
L1738[16:58:35] <Forecaster> that's... kind of obnoxious
L1739[16:58:44] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> yeah...
L1740[16:58:45] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> sorry
L1741[16:58:46] <Dashkal> Meelock... you're a closet bureaucrat aren't you? Everything in triplicate.
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L1743[17:00:54] <gamax92> it's literally the same thing three times, how do you forget what your name is when it's the same in three places
L1744[17:03:36] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1745[17:03:43] <snowden89> case sensitive channels?
L1746[17:04:08] <greaser|q> ThePro: find and replace is a tool you should use
L1747[17:07:20] <gamax92> greaser|q: https://github.com/gamax92/OCScriptDev/blob/master/ccemu/ccemu.lua
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L1749[17:07:52] <greaser|q> gamax92: nifty
L1750[17:23:04] <vifino> naefte
L1751[17:24:12] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
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L1754[17:28:12] <snowden89> #lua 340 / 4
L1755[17:28:12] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 85.0
L1756[17:28:50] <snowden89> #lua 53 * 4
L1757[17:28:50] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 212
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L1762[17:44:34] <Random> Hey
L1763[17:44:51] <Random> i have a quick question...the drone color codes, are they hexadecimal
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L1765[17:48:34] <greaser|q> dunno, is there an a-f or 10-15 in any examples
L1766[17:48:42] <gamax92> greaser|q: needs to be fixed up a little (not a clue how I'm going to do term.blit :3)
L1767[17:48:55] <greaser|q> ah righty
L1768[17:50:04] <greaser|q> i'm trying to get faults/exceptions/ISRs working correctly, at the moment the faults don't seem to be triggering so i *think* i've botched the boot address
L1769[17:53:46] <greaser|q> dammit it's not running at all
L1770[17:53:53] <Temia> Random, for the lights or something else?
L1771[17:57:02] <greaser|q> if(this.pc <= 0x100)
L1772[17:57:08] <greaser|q> ^ this is a halt condition
L1773[17:57:12] <greaser|q> can i just say fuck java?
L1774[17:57:20] <greaser|q> for having NO unsigned ints?
L1775[17:58:15] <greaser|q> it's halting before it has a chance to do anything because the PC is 0xBFC00000
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L1777[17:58:49] <gamax92> greaser|q: well there are char's, but that's the only unsigned thing :P
L1778[17:59:04] <greaser|q> ahh, this is reminding me of chars in C
L1779[17:59:16] <greaser|q> oh the fun bugs you can have with that
L1780[17:59:23] <greaser|q> hint, on ARM they're unsigned
L1781[17:59:24] <gamax92> char's are unsigned 16bit numbers in Java
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L1783[18:00:18] <gamax92> doesn't really help you I know
L1784[18:00:24] <greaser|q> right now i'm listening to polish rap and by my standards i don't know polish
L1785[18:00:39] <greaser|q> and by my standards i mean random phrases and words does not count
L1786[18:01:56] <greaser|q> IT WORKS
L1787[18:04:07] <greaser|q> aaand i had an oversight with one of the checks, need to make it use the ISR instead
L1788[18:05:33] <greaser|q> yay it now BSODs with a "double fault 0x07" message
L1789[18:05:37] <Random> greaser|q how would i copy a program from a tablet to a computer
L1790[18:06:02] <greaser|q> Random: lemme have a quick look
L1791[18:07:00] <Random> just fyi greaser|q since im in discord if your going to type my name try and put it as @Random because then it makes a noise for me ?
L1792[18:08:55] <greaser|q> @Random chuck the tablet into a disassembler, i guess?
L1793[18:09:17] <Random> my friend doesnt want to do that out of fear of losing all programs
L1794[18:09:19] <Random> :/
L1795[18:09:34] <Random> I kinda wish the tablets would charge from Thermal Expansion flux capacitors
L1796[18:09:36] <gamax92> does the tablet have a network card in it?
L1797[18:09:44] <Random> Yes
L1798[18:09:53] <gamax92> then you could always just transfer over network
L1799[18:10:06] <Random> I just dont know how to do that
L1800[18:10:12] <gamax92> neither do I :D
L1801[18:10:21] <Random> xD
L1802[18:10:23] <gamax92> ~w modem
L1803[18:10:23] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L1804[18:10:43] <greaser|q> @Random it should keep the programs just fine
L1805[18:11:10] <gamax92> greaser|q: don't hdd's have a random chance of diseapearing as well?
L1806[18:11:14] <greaser|q> dunno
L1807[18:11:23] <greaser|q> also i need to make the bootrom explicitly NOT try to boot off tmpfs
L1808[18:12:07] <greaser|q> ...or i could be not shit, and actually probe all devices
L1809[18:12:25] <Random> greaser|q do you know how to send files over network?
L1810[18:12:32] <greaser|q> yeah: very carefully
L1811[18:12:44] <Random> um
L1812[18:12:51] <greaser|q> sure there isn't a program that can let you do that?
L1813[18:13:10] <Random> not that i found
L1814[18:13:26] <AlissaSquared> scp?
L1815[18:13:34] <AlissaSquared> Unless you mean in oc
L1816[18:15:10] * gamax92 writes a program
L1817[18:16:21] <Random> I mean in OC
L1818[18:16:30] <Random> im on my tablet in game
L1819[18:16:37] <Random> and i have a program i want on my computer
L1820[18:17:24] <Random> does anyone know how?
L1821[18:17:50] <snowden89> i would assume it should work with a wireless modem
L1822[18:17:53] <snowden89> to a server right
L1823[18:19:36] <snowden89> https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/113-file-sharing-and-dns/ <
L1824[18:20:02] <snowden89> http://pastebin.com/1JMKXGEp
L1825[18:20:15] <snowden89> seem to talk about file sharing and networking
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L1827[18:37:19] <`-`> Welp, next thing to do is figure out how to compare bits to make sure that specific bits didn't change when doing an msr in user mode
L1828[18:38:10] <greaser|q> ohai
L1829[18:38:26] <`-`> Hai
L1830[18:38:37] <greaser|q> i've got better faulting now
L1831[18:38:45] <greaser|q> unfortunately, no COP0 access from software yet
L1832[18:38:47] <`-`> I saw :P
L1833[18:39:19] <`-`> Right now I'm just going to do a pass through the ARM manual and see what hasn't been implemented yet
L1834[18:39:59] <`-`> ARM is possibly the hardest CPU arch to emulate correctly... so much stuff can break (especially if you don't prioritize instruction decoding properly)
L1835[18:40:46] <greaser|q> are you seriously saying it's harder than x86
L1836[18:41:02] <greaser|q> i'd still say Z80 is harder
L1837[18:41:13] <greaser|q> (than ARM, not x86)
L1838[18:41:19] <`-`> x86 is simple if you don't care about the extensions XD
L1839[18:41:23] <`-`> Maybe
L1840[18:41:31] <greaser|q> ARM decoding is simpler at least
L1841[18:41:31] <`-`> It is multi byte though, so maybe not
L1842[18:41:44] <Daiyousei> doesnt x86 have like a million extensions
L1843[18:41:55] <`-`> greaser|q: I have 1000 lines of code here that decodes ARM instructions and THUMB instructions here...
L1844[18:42:04] <`-`> Actually, it's more like 3000
L1845[18:42:41] <greaser|q> either way we can agree that it's definitely easier writing an ARM disassembler than even an exactly-8086 disassembler
L1846[18:43:15] <`-`> Disassembler wise, ARM is probably the easiest since everything is either aligned to 2 bytes or 4 bytes
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L1853[18:59:46] <greaser|q> turns out i'm actually not bad at mips assembly: https://i.imgur.com/3Zq0u9z.png
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L1859[19:12:17] ⇨ Joins: Hobbyboy (Hobbyboy@hobbyboy.co.uk)
L1860[19:20:02] <`-`> greaser|q: That reminds me, I don't have exception dumps in any of my stuff
L1861[19:25:30] ⇨ Joins: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L1862[19:30:00] <greaser|q> i may have to fix some things but anyway: https://i.imgur.com/1AMK4Gy.png
L1863[19:30:26] <greaser|q> well that and i also have to get COP0 working
L1864[19:30:35] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1865[19:33:22] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1866[19:40:27] <gamax92> greaser|q: my brain is confused how that monitor appears to be placed diagonally
L1867[19:40:48] <greaser|q> gamax92: i'm not, because i have a fairly good grasp of 3d
L1868[19:41:01] <gamax92> do you have a batshit fov set?
L1869[19:41:05] <greaser|q> nope
L1870[19:41:10] <greaser|q> well, afaik
L1871[19:41:15] <gamax92> wtf...
L1872[19:44:55] <gamax92> oh it's jsut because the monitor is huge
L1873[20:06:22] <gamax92> [computronics]: Couldn't play computer speaker sound because your sound card ran out of memory. Either your sound card is just really low-end, or there are just too many sounds in use already by other mods. Disabling computer speakers to avoid spamming your log file now.
L1874[20:06:22] <Guest28545> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L1875[20:06:24] <MichiBot> Guest28545: Monty Python - Spam | length: 3m 20s | Likes: 29492 Dislikes: 708 Views: 7012922 | by zumpzump
L1876[20:07:51] <greaser|q> ...what
L1877[20:07:57] <greaser|q> (wrt the computronics error)
L1878[20:08:24] <gamax92> the funny thing is that it's still making sounds
L1879[20:08:29] <greaser|q> with that said, nice bot
L1880[20:08:56] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1881[20:11:26] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1882[20:12:28] <gamax92> greaser|q: you know what you must do?
L1883[20:12:38] <greaser|q> gamax92: put a banging donk on it?
L1884[20:12:43] <gamax92> port Bad Apple
L1885[20:12:48] <greaser|q> done
L1886[20:12:54] <greaser|q> well i haven't encoded that vid but i do have a player
L1887[20:13:19] <Mimiru> http://i.imgur.com/cBComRu.png
L1888[20:13:22] <greaser|q> your friendly reminder that the encoder's released now: https://github.com/ChenThread/ice
L1889[20:13:59] <greaser|q> Mimiru: sums up a lot of my experience with this right now
L1890[20:16:18] <gamax92> greaser|q: is it just spaces only
L1891[20:16:28] <greaser|q> spaces and fills
L1892[20:16:34] <greaser|q> well spaces and fullchars
L1893[20:17:38] <greaser|q> [05:14:47] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/rETKt8h.png <-- this also works fine on a lua cpu but this specific video is probably the best way to give a middle finger to CC's demoscene
L1894[20:18:23] <greaser|q> reason i said that is there's a CC demo which plays that specific video... and has something like a 50MB table and doesn't have sound
L1895[20:18:45] <greaser|q> granted the MIPS ver of the player lacks sound but that can be added later
L1896[20:26:22] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@173-164-194-206-sfba.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L1897[20:30:48] <gamax92> The Computronics Sound Muffler™
L1898[20:31:04] <gamax92> it spams random note sounds so that any other sounds gets cut off very early
L1899[20:32:42] <snowden89> that sounds like a bad way to handle it?
L1900[20:34:34] <gamax92> hmm?
L1901[20:34:47] <gamax92> I can't hear the mooing anymore
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L1903[20:37:36] ⇦ Quits: OneMatthias (~EiraIRC@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1904[20:45:25] <greaser|q> so here i am, trying to get this bloody interrupt handler working, and i'm *pretty sure* it's a problem on the in-emu-software side
L1905[20:47:28] <greaser|q> oh ffs it's supposed to get the return value from $v0 not $a0
L1906[20:51:19] <greaser|q> dammit there's a bug in my emu, in one direction the cause and status registers are switched
L1907[20:51:47] <greaser|q> rebuilding
L1908[20:51:56] <snowden89> lol
L1909[20:52:52] <snowden89> i read that
L1910[20:53:03] <snowden89> and was like why does it matter that there is a bug in your emu
L1911[20:53:05] <snowden89> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Emu-wild.jpg
L1912[20:53:09] <snowden89> ^ that emu
L1913[20:53:39] <snowden89> then that emu is in one direction the band
L1914[20:55:18] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/Xj7qTlR.png <-- success!
L1915[20:55:43] <greaser|q> it may look like i'm breaking absolutely everything... but what's actually happened is i now have a working fault handler. fuck yes.
L1916[20:56:26] <greaser|q> fun fact, it's quite likely that i do have working usermode
L1917[20:56:42] <greaser|q> untested, but assuming i did it right, i do have the permission checks in place
L1918[20:57:16] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@c-73-202-191-48.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1919[20:57:19] <greaser|q> however, there's no paging so I/O is still a free-for-all
L1920[21:08:47] <greaser|q> ok i have the most terrible idea
L1921[21:09:41] <greaser|q> i'm going to leverage the libc's malloc to handle the virtual memory allocation
L1922[21:09:54] <greaser|q> just need to see what aligned malloc stuff newlib supports
L1923[21:09:59] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1924[21:11:05] <greaser|q> oh good, it has memalign
L1925[21:13:01] <greaser|q> The alignment argument must be a power of two. This property is not
L1926[21:13:02] <greaser|q> checked by memalign, so misuse may result in random runtime errors.
L1927[21:13:03] <greaser|q> wheee
L1928[21:13:09] <greaser|q> oh and this:
L1929[21:13:10] <greaser|q> Overreliance on memalign is a sure way to fragment space.
L1930[21:13:55] <greaser|q> this reminds me i should probably get lua into the kernel address space before i get the TLB stuff in place
L1931[21:14:22] <greaser|q> although with the updated boot rom and updated labour.c it will automount the boot device
L1932[21:15:07] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1933[21:19:41] <greaser|q> fun thing here is i'm now implementing the UTLB exception in 100% assembly just so i can keep stuff reasonably simple:w
L1934[21:42:20] ⇦ Quits: LuMistry (uid146685@id-146685.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1935[21:52:32] <`-`> Welp, I just managed to deadlock minecraft
L1936[21:52:55] <`-`> I'll tell Sangar about this... it defeats the purpose of onSignal pretty much
L1937[21:53:19] <gamax92> `-`: or you could just not deadlock minecraft
L1938[21:53:46] <`-`> gamax92: Blame Java
L1939[21:53:56] <gamax92> Blame `-`
L1940[21:53:59] <gamax92> or theUnsafe
L1941[21:54:17] <`-`> The problem is that Sangar calls onSignal while the signal queue is still locked
L1942[21:54:41] <`-`> So if I try to lock the ARM so I can safely access it, it has a chance of deadlocking the server thread
L1943[21:54:50] <`-`> since apparently I can't trust the thread that onSignal is called on
L1944[22:03:28] <`-`> Anyways, I now have to rewrite some of the interrupt submission so that the interrupt gets submitted with correct priority ordering for ARM stuff
L1945[22:14:19] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961D78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1947[22:23:30] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1948[22:31:42] <greaser|q> ok, that's just about everything attempted except for interrupts
L1949[22:31:55] <greaser|q> wish me luck as i try to get the TLB to behave
L1950[22:32:24] <greaser|q> fuck i already know a bug and realised it just as i opened minecraft
L1951[22:33:32] ⇨ Joins: medsouz (~medsouz@medsouz.net)
L1952[22:33:36] <greaser|q> let's try that again, this time with c0_index properly shifted into place
L1953[22:34:36] <greaser|q> [04:35:12] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: java.lang.RuntimeException: 2xfault 0x02 @ A00017B4 <-- fun
L1954[22:34:51] <greaser|q> means i have to rebuild the bootrom
L1955[22:35:02] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1956[22:35:47] <greaser|q> a00017ac: 3c02a000 lui v0,0xa000
L1957[22:35:48] <greaser|q> a00017b0: 3c021ff0 lui v0,0x1ff0
L1958[22:35:48] <greaser|q> a00017b4: 90420284 lbu v0,644(v0)
L1959[22:36:00] <greaser|q> ^ yep, that's a sign that the TLB miss exception is working
L1960[22:44:17] <vifino> greaser|q: Honest question, do you ever sleep?
L1961[22:44:20] <greaser|q> yes
L1962[22:44:29] <greaser|q> it's just 5:45pmish right now
L1963[22:44:35] <vifino> Like, you seem to be almost as fucked up in the sleep region as I am.
L1964[22:44:41] <greaser|q> i actually sleep at a more standard time than most people on the internet
L1965[22:44:42] <vifino> I see you around the clock.
L1966[22:44:58] <vifino> oooor I just lost sense of time.
L1967[22:47:04] <Izaya> muahahaha
L1968[22:47:24] <Izaya> finally a valid excuse to avoid my friends on shype
L1969[22:48:02] <vifino> Izaya: Linux client sucks is valid enough to me.
L1970[22:48:16] <Izaya> vifino: not just that
L1971[22:48:31] <Izaya> linux skype can't talk to current skype any more
L1972[22:48:41] <vifino> Wonderful.
L1973[22:49:00] <vifino> http://letsjust.chat/ anyone?
L1974[22:50:07] <Izaya> tbh I don't like using voice most of the time
L1975[22:51:19] <vifino> letsjust.chat isn't voice
L1976[22:55:10] <snowden89> lol feelz wierd talking about a chat site
L1977[22:55:16] <snowden89> while using a chat service
L1978[22:55:49] <vifino> snowden89: You make no sense.
L1979[22:55:56] <vifino> That's like talking about sports while doing sport.
L1980[22:56:19] <Dashkal> Sounds to me more like asking if people want to play baseball, while playing a game of baseball.
L1981[22:56:27] <snowden89> ^
L1982[22:57:22] <vifino> I have no idea about sports.
L1983[22:57:51] <snowden89> has nothing to do with sports.. lol
L1984[22:58:11] <snowden89> its the concept of asking to chat through different service
L1985[22:58:16] <snowden89> while already in a chat room
L1986[22:58:34] <Dashkal> Let me be direct. You just asked people if they want to text chat, in a text chat. Now, is there something fundamentally different about that site that isn't obvious?
L1987[22:59:25] <vifino> Dashkal: No, it was a comment along the lines of "Who needs skype? There is <insert random chat thing I made>!".
L1988[22:59:51] <Dashkal> You made it?
L1989[23:00:04] <vifino> Doesn't matter
L1990[23:00:12] <Dashkal> Well, that would have made it make sense suddenly
L1991[23:00:24] <snowden89> ok if it was something you made
L1992[23:00:28] <Dashkal> Not trying to rag on you here. I'm straight up confused.
L1993[23:00:46] <vifino> Dashkal: https://github.com/vifino/letsjustchat
L1994[23:00:50] <vifino> Yes, I did.
L1995[23:01:11] <snowden89> hmm seems nice then and would be an alternative then skype
L1996[23:01:16] <Dashkal> I am now unconfused. Thank you :)
L1997[23:01:22] <snowden89> it duplicates messages abit though
L1998[23:01:37] <vifino> That's because I fucked it up with trying ssl.
L1999[23:02:02] <vifino> Lemme restart it
L2000[23:02:53] <vifino> Wait, what the fuck.
L2001[23:03:14] <vifino> How the hell do these dublicate messages happen?
L2002[23:03:32] <vifino> I... I don't even.
L2003[23:04:36] <vifino> Let's... *sigh* investigate.
L2004[23:06:10] <snowden89> 9 lines of text
L2005[23:06:13] <snowden89> for /list
L2006[23:06:15] <snowden89> :P
L2007[23:06:22] <snowden89> which appears to show users in the channel
L2008[23:07:20] <snowden89> hey can you can on?
L2009[23:07:44] <snowden89> [ERROR]
L2010[23:16:08] <Izaya> Oh right that site
L2011[23:16:13] <Izaya> that was cool
L2012[23:19:03] *** potato is now known as Tiktalik
L2013[23:20:16] <vifino> snowden89: I figured it out.
L2014[23:20:35] <vifino> The ClientIP() call does not return the port number anymore.
L2015[23:20:49] <vifino> so it's just the IP, and since this thing is behind a reverse proxy...
L2016[23:20:58] <snowden89> woo!
L2017[23:21:32] <vifino> I use the ip + client source port as the client id
L2018[23:22:39] <vifino> no idea how to fix this though.
L2019[23:22:46] <vifino> actually, nvm.
L2020[23:22:54] <vifino> unixtime ftw?
L2021[23:23:08] <vifino> ip + unixtime should be enough for an id
L2022[23:24:39] <medsouz> I'm trying to run a plan9k floppy I found in a dungeon and I'm getting this error: http://medsouz.net/screenshot/2016-02-25_00-24-10.png
L2023[23:24:42] <medsouz> any ideas?
L2024[23:24:46] <vifino> It... kinda fixed things.
L2025[23:26:57] ⇦ Quits: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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