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L1[00:00:01] ⇦ Quits: Corded (discord@2607:5300:60:51da::c0f:fee) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L3[00:00:11] zsh sets mode: +v on Corded
L4[00:12:03] <greaser|q> well that's lovely, i now get to fix a bug in my code where it thinks "keyboard" and "gpu" are the same string
L5[00:13:17] <Saphire> xD
L6[00:13:20] <greaser|q> ...that's what happens when you forget to initialise 'i' before actually reading it in a loop
L7[00:13:48] <Saphire> i was thinking of using "something"=="othersomething" instead of .equals
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L10[00:25:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L11[00:27:48] ⇦ Quits: brayden (~brayden_@2001:44b8:6106::1) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L12[00:28:48] <greaser|q> Saphire: C doesn't use "".equals
L13[00:29:06] <greaser|q> i know damn well not to go if(thing == "string")
L14[00:31:08] ⇨ Joins: brayden (~brayden_@2001:44b8:6106:0:76d0:2bff:fec5:2312)
L15[00:40:38] <ping> greaser|q, xD watching python coders learn C is fun
L16[00:40:44] <ping> they do crap like that all the time
L17[00:42:09] ⇦ Quits: VanillaBean (~VanillaBe@c-98-232-42-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L18[00:50:36] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L19[00:52:37] <greaser|q> ping: first time i learnt C, yeah, i did that
L20[00:52:50] <greaser|q> that was... about 10 or so years ago?
L21[00:52:53] <ping> I'm talking consistently
L22[00:53:09] <ping> And they would always blame C for not doing it for them
L23[00:56:30] <greaser|q> C is not the syntactic sugar language
L24[00:57:00] <greaser|q> if you want to copulate with the syntactic sugar bowl then ruby is your best bet
L25[00:57:18] <greaser|q> on the other hand, if you want shit to actually be fast, well, you're going to have to deal with C
L26[00:58:00] <greaser|q> (or C++, but then you get to be cautious of the many many things that rip your feet clean off)
L27[00:59:22] <greaser|q> ok, file handles work, next up: being able to read strings and byte arrays
L28[01:02:42] <ping> C++ masterrace
L29[01:06:41] <greaser|q> let me know when you've managed to write hot-swapping code without breaking a sweat
L30[01:07:10] <greaser|q> as much as i hate C++ though i will defend the notion that 1. C++ can be fast and 2. C++ can be small
L31[01:07:42] <greaser|q> i wrote a raytracer in C++11 once, it was... not terrible
L32[01:07:52] <greaser|q> performed pretty well even though i used virtuals
L33[01:08:20] <greaser|q> Parsing
L34[01:08:20] <greaser|q> ELF FORMAT FAIL
L35[01:08:26] <greaser|q> ^ ok, seems the filesystem calls work
L36[01:22:12] ⇦ Quits: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L37[01:31:50] <snowden89> lol C++ sounds nice
L38[01:32:02] <snowden89> but i dont really need that much more performance
L39[01:32:07] <snowden89> for me to ever use it for myself
L40[01:32:20] <snowden89> python does it fine, c# on windows
L41[01:32:29] <greaser|q> i wrote a video codec once
L42[01:32:31] <snowden89> so even though i got some books on c++
L43[01:32:35] <greaser|q> i definitely needed the speed
L44[01:32:44] <greaser|q> sure, i could have done it in C++ but i hate coding in C++
L45[01:32:51] <snowden89> my projects are limited in it to basic tutorials
L46[01:32:52] <greaser|q> anyhow, seems the whole thing gets loaded...
L47[01:34:10] <greaser|q> it even appears to jump to the entry point and not completely die
L48[01:46:55] <greaser|q> i have this running in the bios: https://i.imgur.com/cIdZkfq.png
L49[01:47:19] <vifino> [M@-örawr
L50[01:47:21] <vifino> rawr*
L51[01:47:35] <vifino> greaser|q: I wnt.
L52[01:47:36] <vifino> want.
L53[01:47:45] * vifino sighs
L54[01:47:57] * vifino hides his face in Lizzy's lap
L55[01:50:41] <Vexatos> <vifino> [M@-örawr
L56[01:51:00] <Saphire> ...
L57[01:51:46] <Saphire> i can't make a lua patter that matches "a(n)"
L58[01:51:49] <Saphire> %
L59[01:51:50] <Saphire> #lua
L60[01:51:51] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L61[01:51:52] <greaser|q> the BOOT TEST STRING is actually done on the Java side, the rest is done on the MIPS side
L62[01:52:35] <Saphire> #lua return "":gsub("a(n)", "([aA])\\([nN]\\)", "a")
L63[01:52:35] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: <eof> expected near ':'
L64[01:52:40] <greaser|q> the java side is also responsible for BSODing
L65[01:52:42] <Saphire> #lua return (""):gsub("a(n)", "([aA])\\([nN]\\)", "a")
L66[01:52:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: bad argument #3 to 'gsub' (number expected, got string)
L67[01:53:02] <Saphire> #lua return ("a(n)"):gsub("([aA])\\([nN]\\)")
L68[01:53:02] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > [string "lua"]:1: bad argument #2 to 'gsub' (string/function/table expected)
L69[01:53:07] <Saphire> derp
L70[01:53:09] <Saphire> so derp
L71[01:53:15] <Saphire> #lua return ("a(n)"):gsub("([aA])\\([nN]\\)","a")
L72[01:53:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > a(n) | 0
L73[01:53:21] <Saphire> ^ why
L74[01:54:41] <Saphire> ah
L75[01:54:59] <fingercomp> wrong escaping char?
L76[01:55:27] <Saphire> yup
L77[01:55:27] <fingercomp> not "\\(" but "%("
L78[01:56:34] <greaser|q> hmm, i wonder if i could possibly hijack the OpenOS disk so it has an init.elf on it with a very basic kernel
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L80[02:06:52] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L81[02:09:03] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@
L82[02:09:30] <Turtle> o/
L83[02:10:10] <greaser|q> sup
L84[02:10:23] <g> o/
L85[02:10:31] <greaser|q> trying to get my mandelbrot program to run using the clunky-as-fuck interface
L86[02:10:50] <Turtle> I am slowly getting creeped out by google upgrading the chrome search box
L87[02:12:17] <greaser|q> also i have no idea why that just used the computer address rather than the gpu address to set stuff
L88[02:12:34] <g> Turtle: ?
L89[02:12:46] <Turtle> http://i.imgur.com/AuEB1l0.png
L90[02:12:56] <g> oh, neat
L91[02:13:00] <Turtle> It´s a really neat feature but it has no business sense.
L92[02:13:16] <Turtle> Chrome doesn´t shove advertisements in my face like their search page info box thingymabob
L93[02:13:22] <Turtle> so it´s creepy :p
L94[02:13:30] <Turtle> (Also I need to replace my S2 with something, it´s dying D:)
L95[02:13:47] <g> I have a note 2, it's great
L96[02:13:59] <Turtle> yeah, S7 is around the corner too
L97[02:14:25] <gamax92> I have an S3
L98[02:14:28] <greaser|q> i've got a feeling strcmp may have been playing up
L99[02:14:40] <g> the notes have a stylus which is actually really useful
L100[02:14:43] <greaser|q> oh yeah if you missed it: https://i.imgur.com/cIdZkfq.png
L101[02:15:01] <Turtle> I need a phone though, not a phablet.
L102[02:15:04] <Turtle> god I hate that word.
L103[02:15:40] <g> the S7 is the same size as the notes though?
L104[02:15:44] <g> so is the S6
L105[02:15:46] <Turtle> ik :p
L106[02:16:00] <g> might as well get the extra utility
L107[02:17:17] <greaser|q> yeah ok it seems strcmp was playing up as i basically reimplemented it and it worked... aside from the fact that it's now spamming 8 down the left side
L108[02:17:17] <Turtle> hmh, lemme check current note specs
L109[02:17:35] <g> the stylus is useful for anything small, functions like an actual mouse in browsers (with hover), can be used in apps like Squid for pressure-sensitive drawing and such..
L110[02:18:06] <g> it's handy for that non-root debian thing that was linked here yesterday too
L111[02:18:56] <Turtle> How´s the cooling?
L112[02:19:42] <Turtle> also, can we please designate phone cpus as 4+4 instead of octacores, k, thanks .-.
L113[02:19:45] ⇦ Quits: Izaya (~Izaya@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L114[02:20:58] ⇨ Joins: Izaya (~Izaya@
L115[02:27:48] <greaser|q> 802d8: 0c020083 jal 8020c <main.constprop.0>
L116[02:27:49] <greaser|q> 802dc: 279c97d0 addiu gp,gp,-26672
L117[02:27:49] <greaser|q> 000802e0 <_exit>: 802e0: 27bdffe8 addiu sp,sp,-24
L118[02:28:05] <greaser|q> ^ turns out gcc's link time optimiser is quite good
L119[02:28:49] <greaser|q> it's MIPS so those first two lines would normally be flipped, but the main thing is that this picks up that the last thing to run in _start() is _exit()
L120[02:29:07] <greaser|q> and _exit() is a noreturn function
L121[02:29:10] <greaser|q> and so it just dumps _exit straight after _start and lets it carry on
L122[02:29:50] <g> <Turtle> How´s the cooling?
L123[02:29:52] <g> It's.. fine
L124[02:29:57] <g> it does get warm under heavy load
L125[02:30:02] <g> but I haven't burned my hand on it or anything
L126[02:30:26] <Turtle> ah
L127[02:32:07] <Izaya> setting up a DMZ box using pfsense rather than a debian box is much easier
L128[02:32:17] <greaser|q> seems -Os is bugged, so using -O1 instead... for some reason it completely eats the loop if i use -Os
L129[02:32:21] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Pinkishu@p5DEC6BD3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L130[02:35:51] <greaser|q> this seems to be just one of those cases where you just need to apply more volatile to things
L131[02:36:08] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@ (Quit: Leaving)
L132[02:37:21] <greaser|q> much better: https://i.imgur.com/pfFMb8Z.png
L133[02:52:41] <vifino> What is it doing, greaser|q?
L134[02:52:54] <greaser|q> in this case, that's a mandelbrot
L135[02:53:06] <vifino> ah, cool
L136[02:53:20] <vifino> So you are making progress on your mips arch?
L137[02:53:22] <greaser|q> idunno what the hell was up with it but it seemed to not update the third argument pointer so it was just printing what the BIOS last printed
L138[02:53:32] <greaser|q> of course i am, hence the screenshot ;)
L139[02:53:39] <vifino> Good, good.
L140[02:53:42] <vifino> linux when?
L141[02:53:52] <greaser|q> i'm looking up instructions on how to build netbsd
L142[02:53:56] <vifino> *nix when?
L143[02:53:59] <greaser|q> lua doesn't seem to want to... behave properly
L144[02:54:05] <vifino> netbsd is also fine.
L145[02:54:10] <greaser|q> no fucking clue why as the original prototype has no issues with lua
L146[02:54:18] <greaser|q> and it's a direct derivative of the prototype
L147[02:54:23] <vifino> lol
L148[02:54:30] <vifino> !!!bugs!!!
L149[02:54:42] <vifino> bug level compatibility not quite there yet, eh?
L150[03:10:29] <greaser|q> yeah ok this is just weird, lua does load and now with my special _start it prints a :) face to the console but nothing else
L151[03:12:35] <vifino> it's all about that smiley, doe.
L152[03:15:08] <greaser|q> ah i think i know why strcmp was completely shot
L153[03:15:33] <greaser|q> it's doing 32-bit reads to the buffer
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L156[03:37:40] <g> oh neat, enderio has an OC network conduit
L157[03:37:40] <g> lol
L158[03:43:16] <greaser|q> 1.9M Feb 23 09:26 lib/libc.so.12.193.1
L159[03:43:25] <greaser|q> ...welp, maybe netbsd 7 isn't a very good option
L160[03:46:32] <greaser|q> at least not in its current state
L161[03:47:34] <Vexatos> g, you didn't know?
L162[03:54:01] <g> well, no? :P
L163[03:58:56] <Vexatos> hey guys
L164[03:59:01] <g> hey toast
L165[03:59:05] <Vexatos> does anyone have any ideas for more Computronics achievements?
L166[03:59:27] <g> is there a creative tape?
L167[03:59:35] <Vexatos> 1.8 port made me realize that there are only two achievements in the mod without GregTech or Railcraft >_>
L168[03:59:57] <g> I seem to remember there being an infinite creative tape
L169[04:00:04] <Vexatos> nope
L170[04:00:11] <g> ah, okay
L171[04:00:23] <g> I was going to say you should add a hidden one for when someone spawns one in
L172[04:00:32] <g> along the lines of "cheater" :P
L173[04:00:51] <Izaya> ah, fun times
L174[04:01:08] <Izaya> so from my new firewall box ssh is filtered on all my hosts
L175[04:01:34] <g> you mean you firewalled yourself out?
L176[04:01:37] <Izaya> because the LAN and WAN interface are on the same /24
L177[04:01:47] <Izaya> g: no I can access it fine
L178[04:01:53] <Izaya> and yet it can see the port 80
L179[04:01:56] <Izaya> and 25565
L180[04:02:00] <Izaya> it just refuses to forward 22
L181[04:02:17] <g> iptables?
L182[04:02:42] <Izaya> pf(sense)
L183[04:05:03] * g shrugs
L184[04:05:06] <g> I use iptables with knockd, so
L185[04:05:14] <Izaya> I tried to use iptables
L186[04:05:26] <Izaya> I can't
L187[04:05:32] <g> Why not?
L188[04:05:49] <Izaya> Because I'm incapable of configuring iptables to do non-fucked-up anything beyond dropping packets
L189[04:05:54] <greaser|q> memcpy(addr_tmp, (uint8_t *volatile)0x1FF00200, 64);
L190[04:05:54] <greaser|q> memcpy(gpu_address, (uint8_t *volatile)0x1FF00200, 64);
L191[04:05:56] <greaser|q> ^ spot the bug.
L192[04:06:06] <g> it's not really that hard, there's loads of good tutorials online
L193[04:06:20] <Izaya> g: do any of them cover doing NAT with only one interface?
L194[04:06:36] <g> https://digital-domain.net/one_nic_nat.html
L195[04:08:33] <Izaya> I have a book on iptables (pdf) also
L196[04:08:38] <Izaya> doesn't mean I can manage to not fuck it up
L197[04:08:53] <g> stop assuming you'll break it and give it a fair shot
L198[04:08:56] <greaser|q> another bug after fixing that one: i was actually loading gpu_address from 0x1FF00240 which is not the address but the type that you get from a query
L199[04:08:58] <g> if you assume you can't do it, you won't be able to
L200[04:09:33] <greaser|q> as someone who hardly touches iptables it's probably like riding a unicycle
L201[04:09:54] <greaser|q> you fuck up more than you do on a bike but the fuckups are usually pretty painless
L202[04:10:14] <g> unless you manage to firewall yourself out
L203[04:10:14] <g> yep
L204[04:10:34] <Izaya> hence why this is all virtualized
L205[04:10:36] <Izaya> yet still not working
L206[04:10:38] * Izaya shrugs
L207[04:10:48] <Izaya> maybe I was doomed to be stuck with this shitbox of a router for all eternity
L208[04:11:05] <greaser|q> yeah i guess it depends on what you're doing it on
L209[04:12:58] <greaser|q> and *another* bug was i was using the wrong hardware strobe register, i was doing the "get return string data" one, not the "call a function" one
L210[04:14:38] ⇨ Joins: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl)
L211[04:16:40] <greaser|q> tomorrow i might be able to work on events
L212[04:17:28] <greaser|q> and also running more than one call per tick as i'm currently trying to avoid the rate limit exception
L213[04:20:50] <greaser|q> uh yeah, in order of how long it takes to happen: opening minecraft, building a new jar, building lua
L214[04:20:53] <greaser|q> descending order
L215[04:20:57] <greaser|q> it's pretty sad that's the case
L216[04:21:43] <greaser|q> especially considering i now build lua with link-time optimisation which slows the build down to about 8 seconds
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L219[04:29:53] <greaser|q> i suspect my loader might be shot
L220[04:31:36] ⇨ Joins: iFunner (webchat@homeuser230-81.ccl.perm.ru)
L221[04:31:42] <iFunner> hi
L222[04:32:29] ⇦ Quits: iFunner (webchat@homeuser230-81.ccl.perm.ru) (Client Quit)
L223[04:45:09] <greaser|q> found the bug: it was loading the same section 3 times
L224[04:47:30] <greaser|q> so it turns out my loader was indeed broken
L225[04:49:44] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/KteXbsP.png <-- getting much closer
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L236[04:52:46] *** nova.esper.net sets mode: +v Techokami
L237[04:53:05] <greaser|q> yeah i still don't know why there's an 'r' there but there you go: https://i.imgur.com/lCpdSpw.png
L238[04:57:08] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB75571E045151B2B3A0C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L239[04:59:40] <Lizzy> yay netsplit
L240[05:03:23] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB72671E045151B2B3A0C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L241[05:03:23] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L242[05:03:36] <Vexatos> hmmm
L243[05:03:38] <Vexatos> should I or should I not
L244[05:04:22] <Vexatos> Cruor, help
L245[05:16:43] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@nat-wifi-etu-2.univ-rouen.fr)
L246[05:42:17] <Izaya> muahahahahaha
L247[05:42:20] <Izaya> won a round of 0ad
L248[05:42:27] <Izaya> feels like I'm playing AoE again\
L249[05:55:52] <Vexatos> 0ad?
L250[05:58:53] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: FOSS AoE clone https://play0ad.com/
L251[05:59:20] <Vexatos> rip free time
L252[05:59:28] <Vexatos> WELL THEN
L253[05:59:33] <Vexatos> SEE YOU NEXT CENTURY
L254[06:00:07] <Izaya> hey guess what a particularly good feature is?
L255[06:00:08] <Vexatos> well this is creepy
L256[06:00:11] <Vexatos> I opened synaptic
L257[06:00:17] <Izaya> on modern platforms the water is blue, not purple! :D
L258[06:00:17] <Vexatos> first package on the list "0ad"
L259[06:00:38] <Izaya> alphabetical order?
L260[06:00:40] <Vexatos> >511MB
L261[06:00:43] <Vexatos> yes
L262[06:00:48] <Vexatos> certainly bigger than AoE1 though
L263[06:00:53] <Vexatos> and that runs on Wine, too
L264[06:01:25] <Izaya> I've found old games run better under WINE/PoL than on 'modern' Windows
L265[06:01:45] <Vexatos> can it multiplayer yet
L266[06:01:59] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: Yeah
L267[06:02:05] <Izaya> it has multiplayer, just no loading MP saves
L268[06:02:08] <Vexatos> brb installing on every PC in network
L269[06:02:18] <Vexatos> .-.
L270[06:02:23] <Vexatos> this is too good to be true
L271[06:02:28] <Vexatos> and I have a Maths exam tomorrow
L272[06:02:31] <Vexatos> ARE YOU KIDDING ME
L273[06:02:39] <Vexatos> I am supposed to learn ;_;
L274[06:02:40] <Izaya> Vexatos: install in preparation
L275[06:02:48] <Vexatos> ;_;
L276[06:03:05] <Vexatos> And I still have two Professor Layton games and a 14-book novel series to finish
L277[06:03:21] <Vexatos> what
L278[06:03:22] <Vexatos> the
L279[06:03:22] <Vexatos> heck
L280[06:04:26] <Vexatos> real time strategy games
L281[06:04:28] <Vexatos> soooo goooood
L282[06:04:38] <Vexatos> Izaya, we need to play that
L283[06:04:40] <Vexatos> one day
L284[06:04:41] <Vexatos> .-.
L285[06:04:43] <Vexatos> I mean
L286[06:04:46] <Vexatos> I'll lose horribly
L287[06:04:48] <Vexatos> but whatever
L288[06:04:51] <Vexatos> I don't care
L289[06:04:51] <Izaya> dunno
L290[06:04:54] <Izaya> I'm not good at it
L291[06:05:07] <Vexatos> I never managed to finish the AoE campaign
L292[06:05:15] <Izaya> I beat a few of them
L293[06:05:19] <Vexatos> the mission with the single priest was just too much .-.
L294[06:05:20] <Izaya> but that Babalon one
L295[06:05:22] <Izaya> fucking
L296[06:05:30] <Izaya> I beat the first match without cheating once
L297[06:05:41] <Vexatos> can you even cheat in AoE 1?
L298[06:06:07] <Izaya> yeah
L299[06:06:15] <Vexatos> does the game have a tutorial thinger yet
L300[06:06:30] <Izaya> dunno
L301[06:06:31] <Vexatos> the controls are like AoE
L302[06:06:32] <Vexatos> D:
L303[06:06:36] <Vexatos> I don't even need to re-learn
L304[06:06:37] <Vexatos> D:
L305[06:06:42] <Izaya> I just jumped into a game
L306[06:06:49] <Vexatos> 511MB
L307[06:06:52] <Vexatos> biggest program on my PC
L308[06:06:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: There's also a FOSS version of Anno 1503/1602: http://www.unknown-horizons.org/
L309[06:07:05] <Izaya> IIRC my copy of Xonotic is better
L310[06:07:07] <Vexatos> ffs
L311[06:07:09] <Vexatos> dean
L312[06:07:10] <Vexatos> stop
L313[06:07:11] <Vexatos> please
L314[06:07:13] <Izaya> Oh man Unknown Horizons is great
L315[06:07:23] <Izaya> it crashed a few times when I played it but besides that
L316[06:07:24] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: 0ad does have a tutorial iirc
L317[06:07:29] <Vexatos> Now just need Stardew Valley to get a Linux port and my life will be over
L318[06:07:35] <Vexatos> damn I'm a first-semester student
L319[06:07:53] <Vexatos> I have not been playing a decent game for two years
L320[06:07:56] <Vexatos> and suddenly WHAT
L321[06:08:16] <Vexatos> DeanIsaKitty, does it multithread? >_>
L322[06:08:33] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: Which one?
L323[06:08:37] <Vexatos> 0ad
L324[06:08:44] <DeanIsaKitty> 0ad? I think, its in C++ with JS scripting
L325[06:08:55] <Vexatos> Izaya, it always felt weird to me playing AoE 1 at HD resolution
L326[06:08:59] <Vexatos> everything was so tiny :D
L327[06:09:18] <Izaya> I keep my old Pentium 4 XP box running for a reason
L328[06:09:36] <Vexatos> EVEN THE MUSIC IS GOOD
L329[06:09:37] <Izaya> 1024x768, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD, 3Ghz
L330[06:09:41] <Vexatos> WHAT THE HECK
L331[06:09:53] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: Also, since you like RTS, I would suggest you take a look at Bos Wars, Freeciv (Civilizations II clone), the Gelst forks (MegaGlest & GAE) & Warzone 2100. ;P
L332[06:10:01] <Vexatos> Dea
L333[06:10:04] <Vexatos> dean
L334[06:10:05] <Vexatos> please
L335[06:10:12] <Vexatos> ; _ ;
L336[06:10:13] <DeanIsaKitty> RIP Vexatoast degree ^^
L337[06:10:21] <Vexatos> Some day
L338[06:10:27] <Vexatos> I'll be a Dr. rer. nat.
L339[06:10:29] <Izaya> I hadn't heard of this warzone one
L340[06:10:31] <Vexatos> and I'll make lots of money
L341[06:10:36] <Vexatos> and THEN I can play all those games
L342[06:10:38] <Vexatos> ;_;
L343[06:10:39] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Post apocaliptic RTS
L344[06:10:53] <DeanIsaKitty> http://wz2100.net/
L345[06:11:19] <Vexatos> Is stone still as horrible of a resource to get as in AoE?
L346[06:11:30] <Vexatos> I always ran out of stone
L347[06:11:44] <Vexatos> Also, which civilization has the catapults .-.
L348[06:12:07] <DeanIsaKitty> There is a tab where you can look at each civ's units iirc
L349[06:12:22] <Vexatos> kewl
L350[06:12:29] <Izaya> I played as some arab dudes last game
L351[06:12:36] <Izaya> had trebuches or something
L352[06:13:32] <Vexatos> "female citizens cause nearby male units to work faster" game pls
L353[06:14:01] <Vexatos> I am so excited right now
L354[06:14:05] <Vexatos> I'm shaking
L355[06:14:12] <Vexatos> this game
L356[06:14:13] <Vexatos> .-.
L357[06:14:13] <Izaya> must be the female workers
L358[06:14:17] <Vexatos> ...
L359[06:14:22] <Vexatos> I haven't even started it yet
L360[06:14:24] <Vexatos> still downloading
L361[06:16:10] <Izaya> so uh
L362[06:16:18] <Izaya> anyone got a copy of the borland c++ compiler?
L363[06:16:25] <Izaya> don't want to give them a bunch of info I don't have
L364[06:16:41] <Vexatos> wh borland
L365[06:16:43] <Vexatos> why*
L366[06:16:59] <Izaya> because the alternative is MSVC
L367[06:17:07] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: MinGW?
L368[06:17:13] <DeanIsaKitty> or just plain gcc?
L369[06:17:26] <Vexatos> oh so there are territories in 0ad O:
L370[06:17:34] <Vexatos> Like Settlers? :D
L371[06:17:43] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty: probably a more sane idea
L372[06:18:02] <Izaya> I sorta want to poke at the IDE for old versions of Turbo C++ but I think I have a DOS version anyway
L373[06:18:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: Apropos the Settlers, recently found Widelands... https://wl.widelands.org/ Haven't played it yet, so if you do please tell me if its good :P
L374[06:18:40] <Vexatos> ................................................................................................................................................
L375[06:18:44] <Vexatos> ..........................................................................................
L376[06:18:45] <Vexatos> .....................
L377[06:18:46] <Vexatos> ...
L378[06:18:50] <Izaya> .
L379[06:18:52] <Vexatos>
L380[06:19:17] <Izaya> ^H
L381[06:22:28] <Vexatos> Ĥ
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L386[07:15:58] <Lizzy> o/
L387[07:20:10] <Inari> \o
L388[07:20:22] <Inari> \o
L389[07:20:23] <Inari> fixed
L390[07:20:50] <Inari>
L391[07:22:55] <Inari> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-sinclair-zx-spectrum-vega-plus-console#/ :o
L392[07:26:58] <Lizzy> ohshit i need to renew my domain
L393[07:27:22] <Inari> Lizzy: dont be sanders
L394[07:27:37] <Inari> or who was it
L395[07:27:45] <Inari> ah
L396[07:27:48] <Inari> jeb bush it was
L397[07:27:51] <Inari> not sanders :P
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L403[07:33:39] zsh sets mode: +v on MichiBot
L404[07:35:41] <Inari> http://i.imgur.com/13B7xYO.jpg o.o
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L498[08:09:20] <Lizzy> wow
L499[08:09:37] <Lizzy> %seen Sangar
L500[08:09:37] <MichiBot> Lizzy: Sangar was last seen 5d 19h 27m 52s ago.
L501[08:10:41] <Mimiru> He's abandoned us...
L502[08:18:10] <Inari> hm
L503[08:18:20] <Inari> i forgot the name of skirts that are longer in the back than the front
L504[08:18:21] <Inari> <.<
L505[08:18:32] <Inari> thats the worst part about fashion, remembering all the terms
L506[08:18:32] <Inari> :P
L507[08:19:07] <Mimiru> The high-low skirt has a full circle hem. However, the length varies from short in front to long in back.
L508[08:19:15] <Inari> hm mullelt skirt i think was the one i used
L509[08:19:21] <Mimiru> also known as asymmetrical, waterfall, or mullet skirts,
L510[08:19:33] <Inari> :p yeah
L511[08:19:40] <Inari> skulds outfit reminded me of them xD but couldnt recall the term haha
L512[08:19:55] <Inari> http://www.cosplayisland.co.uk/files/costumes/7103/65841/CI_65841_1342661062.JPG that outfit
L513[08:20:22] <Inari> epilator has recharged, time for more pain \o/
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L521[09:48:03] <gamax92> hi.
L522[09:48:47] <Vexatos> hi.
L523[09:50:23] <sugoi> hi
L524[09:50:31] <sugoi> s/hi/hi./
L525[09:50:31] <MichiBot> <sugoi> hi.
L526[09:53:43] <Saphire> s/(.)/\1\1\1\1/g
L527[09:53:47] <Saphire> awww
L528[09:54:08] <sugoi> hmm i wonder
L529[09:54:25] <sugoi> s/h(mm)/hu$1/
L530[09:54:33] <sugoi> s/h(mm)/hu(1)/
L531[09:54:42] <sugoi> s/h(mm)/hu(0)/
L532[09:55:01] <Saphire> meh
L533[10:00:41] <Vexatos> sugoi, you broke it
L534[10:01:15] <Saphire> how o.o
L535[10:02:35] <Vexatos> <gamax92> hi.
L536[10:02:35] <Vexatos> <Vexatos> hi.
L537[10:02:35] <Vexatos> <sugoi> hi
L538[10:02:45] <sugoi> yeah yeah
L539[10:02:47] <sugoi> i get the point
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L543[10:28:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
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L552[11:20:37] <vifino> oh, fuck me
L553[11:21:40] <Inari> nty
L554[11:21:52] <Inari> &me throws {Lizzy} at vifino
L555[11:21:54] <Inari> there
L556[11:21:57] <Inari> damn
L557[11:23:05] <Lizzy> vifino, k
L558[11:23:07] <Lizzy> :P
L559[11:31:22] <vifino> Lizzy: very well. :3
L560[11:40:24] ⇦ Quits: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L562[11:42:16] zsh sets mode: +v on Cazzar
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L564[11:49:30] <Sangar> o/
L565[11:49:48] <ping> \o/
L566[11:49:53] <Lizzy> omfg it's Sangar
L567[11:50:09] <Sangar> yeah, sorry for lack of presence the last few days :X
L568[11:50:46] <Lizzy> Sangar, I may or may not be moving the forums to a different server in the near future (i.e. next 2 weeks)
L569[11:50:57] <Sangar> okeh
L570[11:51:07] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L571[11:51:17] <Sangar> lemme know where to point the domain when it's time
L572[11:51:23] <Lizzy> will do
L573[11:52:07] <Lizzy> Gonna move my web stuff to a VM on Athar (IP currently unknown) and just have the forums communicate with the MySQL daemon on Athar
L574[11:52:20] <Lizzy> also Sangar did you get my MichiBot %tell about theport redirection for mail?
L575[11:52:50] <Sangar> Lizzy, yeah, so nothing for me to do?
L576[11:52:58] <Sangar> was lost because of a reboot (because of the libc thing)
L577[11:54:03] <Lizzy> yeah, you don't needd to do anything now
L578[11:54:39] <Sangar> \o/
L579[11:54:48] <Sangar> wish that were the case for more things :X
L580[11:55:50] <Sangar> so this evening i decided to do something more difficult than to play dark souls, but to try to finish porting 1.6 to 1.8... wish me luck.
L581[11:56:12] <Lizzy> good luck
L582[11:57:51] <Vexatos> SANGAR
L583[11:57:55] <Vexatos> S A N G A R
L584[11:58:02] <vifino> changing usb id's is a pain in the buttocks.
L585[11:58:03] <Sangar> V E X A T O S
L586[11:58:10] <Vexatos> (╯°□°)╯︵ ᴚ∀פN∀S
L587[11:58:13] <vifino> Get a room.w
L588[11:58:15] <vifino> Get a room.*
L589[11:58:19] <Sangar> we have
L590[11:58:20] <Sangar> it's #oc
L591[11:58:25] <vifino> :P
L592[11:58:29] <Sangar> :P
L593[11:58:30] ⇨ Joins: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b)
L594[11:58:40] <vifino> Glad you're back, Sangar.
L595[11:58:59] <Vexatos> I want to release Computronics 1.6.1
L596[11:59:00] <vifino> Oh, did you hear that greaser|q made huge improvements in his MIPS architecture?
L597[11:59:00] <Sangar> but am i? ;)
L598[11:59:08] <Vexatos> but I need OC 1.6 for that D:
L599[11:59:14] <Sangar> Vexatos, well, then wish me luck
L600[11:59:15] <Sangar> hard
L601[11:59:15] <Vexatos> go go go
L602[11:59:23] <Vexatos> Sangar, go check PRs
L603[11:59:25] <Vexatos> i dun gud
L604[11:59:29] <Sangar> will do
L605[11:59:40] <vifino> Sangar: https://i.imgur.com/lCpdSpw.png
L606[11:59:44] <Sangar> i have like 60 unread github notification mails >_>
L607[11:59:53] <vifino> Lua 5.3 on his MIPS arch. :D
L608[11:59:58] <Vexatos> Sangar, I have 80 on a good day
L609[12:00:02] <Vexatos> a
L610[12:00:02] <Vexatos> day
L611[12:00:07] <Sangar> vifino, wat :O
L612[12:00:11] * Vexatos watches like 350 repos
L613[12:00:27] <Sangar> that's awesome
L614[12:00:47] <Sangar> Vexatos, well, but you can delete most of them really quick :P i keep them as reminders
L615[12:00:53] <vifino> Sangar: time to replace oc's original arches with mips and a lua version that can run openos :D
L616[12:00:54] <sugoi> WOOAAHHG
L617[12:00:59] <sugoi> The One has returned!
L618[12:01:20] * Sangar changes name to xXxNoScope_NEO_xXx
L620[12:01:30] <sugoi> i have to run
L621[12:01:36] <Sangar> good jogging
L622[12:01:36] <sugoi> but, have a great day/night everyone!
L623[12:01:41] <Sangar> ;)
L624[12:01:47] <Sangar> cya
L625[12:01:54] <vifino> No thank you, Vexatos. I'll continue praising our lord and saviour, pink flamingo.
L626[12:02:08] <Vexatos> vifino, fair enough
L627[12:02:12] <Vexatos> Did you see
L628[12:02:18] <Vexatos> cruor built a flamingo shrine
L629[12:02:18] <Vexatos> :D
L630[12:02:25] <vifino> I know.
L631[12:02:38] <Cruor> :I
L632[12:02:52] <Cruor> Vexatos: that was the small potato shrine .-.
L633[12:02:53] <vifino> There is a problem with it, though.
L634[12:03:00] <vifino> It's small and tainted.
L635[12:03:09] <vifino> It contains... computercraft.
L636[12:03:26] <Cruor> vifino: cba to pay 2 stacks of diamond to wiggle a flamingo ;p
L637[12:03:27] <vifino> TIS-3D or taint
L638[12:03:42] <Cruor> if TIS is persistent, then that is a nice solution :p
L639[12:03:43] <Sangar> tis3d best wiggle generator
L640[12:03:48] <Vexatos> Cruor, it is
L641[12:03:57] <Vexatos> Cruor, you are using Computronics dev builds: I added a Flamingo serial interface
L642[12:04:04] <Vexatos> documented in the TIS-3D manual
L643[12:04:06] <Cruor> ... for the love of god
L644[12:04:20] <vifino> Vexatos: woot
L645[12:04:23] <Vexatos> of flamingo*
L646[12:04:33] <Vexatos> anyways, off to mother's bday celebration
L647[12:04:34] <Vexatos> bye bye
L648[12:04:35] <vifino> so... I can attach my debugger to a flamingo? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L649[12:04:42] <vifino> See ya, Vexatos.
L650[12:04:43] <vifino> o/
L651[12:04:49] <Cruor> oh well
L652[12:04:50] <Vexatos> yea, attach your
L653[12:04:52] <Vexatos> "debugger"
L654[12:04:54] <Vexatos> all you want
L655[12:05:02] <Vexatos> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L656[12:05:04] <Vexatos> bye
L657[12:05:12] <Vexatos> Cruor, TIS-3D or bust
L658[12:05:13] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6CB72608CD4B357C92706C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L659[12:05:50] <Sangar> getEntityNameToSpawn y u privaet -.-
L660[12:06:15] <Cruor> vifino: do i even bother streaming me coding? >_<
L661[12:08:58] <vifino> Cruor: meh
L662[12:16:36] <Cruor> Sangar: randomly found a midi.lua in some weird folder named Sangar-Programs
L663[12:16:40] <Cruor> how sane is this thing? :p
L664[12:17:10] <Sangar> Cruor, barely :P
L665[12:17:31] <Cruor> looked at the midi specs and what not, and a full implementation sounds overkill af :p
L666[12:17:41] <Sangar> how well it works very much depends on the track given. iirc i did add support for computer.beep later on
L667[12:17:47] <Sangar> yeah, it's not a full one
L668[12:18:02] <Sangar> just enough to get some midis i found on the web working
L669[12:18:28] <Cruor> couldnt find any plaintext notations that seemed sane... so i looked at midi instead >_<
L670[12:21:17] <Cruor> hmm...
L671[12:22:13] <Cruor> http://abcnotation.com/examples#Notes ill take it :p
L672[12:23:59] <Elizabeth> _returns with red arms from reaching through server racks whilst she had been patching_
L673[12:25:04] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
L674[12:29:17] ⇦ Quits: fingercomp (~fingercom@host-46-50-128-141.bbcustomer.zsttk.net) (Quit: Timezones... are not fun)
L675[12:31:30] <vifino> Poor you, Elizabeth.. :(
L676[12:31:44] <Elizabeth> it's fine
L677[12:31:46] <sugoi> Sangar: leaving now for an interview, but, term update. it's 99% done, doing some edge case bugs with wide char and horizontal wrapping, but note that we boot we 30k free on T1 ram, another 20k savings
L678[12:32:13] <Elizabeth> You're not a network manager if the server racks don't get some blood from you (they didn't get any this time but they want more)
L679[12:34:53] <vifino> Elizabeth: My blood is probably all over my rack :P
L680[12:36:24] *** Gavle|Away is now known as Gavle
L681[12:36:31] <Elizabeth> right, last email done for today, gome time
L682[12:36:33] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (~MajGenRel@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L683[12:36:33] <Elizabeth> *home
L684[12:38:09] <vifino> YAY
L685[12:44:59] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@ARouen-651-1-333-105.w90-22.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L686[12:56:38] <Sangar> sugoi, coolio! also, good luck!
L687[12:58:42] <Dashkal> ooo, wb :)
L688[13:02:35] <Sangar> it compiles \o/ with all the new rack rendering commented out >_> now to see if it starts...
L689[13:08:28] <Sangar> it does! now then... how to port the new rack rendering...
L690[13:13:11] <Sangar> crash \o/
L691[13:13:56] <DeanIsaKitty> buck \o/
L692[13:14:27] * Lizzy is home
L693[13:18:11] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L694[13:34:30] <vifino> :D
L695[13:34:35] * vifino flops on Lizzy
L696[13:37:45] <gamax92> Sangar: OpenComputers Emscripten Port when?
L697[13:37:59] <AlissaSquared> Two centuries
L698[13:38:24] <gamax92> let me go get my fuzzy string comparison library to see how close AlissaSquared is to Sangar
L699[13:38:33] <Dashkal> I admit I'm just a little surprised I haven't heard of an arch using the built-in rhino JS engine.
L700[13:38:48] <AlissaSquared> gamax92: very
L701[13:39:50] <gamax92> 0.3158
L702[13:41:05] <gamax92> greaser|q makes best arch
L703[13:42:23] <gamax92> But what about a SuperH processor?
L704[13:43:09] ⇦ Quits: xarses (~xarses@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L705[13:43:25] <Sangar> Dashkal, started on it, gave up when trying to sandbox
L706[13:43:43] <Dashkal> mmm, sandboxing would be a total bitch yes. You'd need to get into security managers.
L707[13:43:45] <Dashkal> Never a good day.
L708[13:44:10] <Dashkal> I ran up against that once trying to use Jython to embed python as a scripting language in a long dead project.
L709[13:44:17] <gamax92> What if you instead, run Rhino on MIPS
L710[13:45:04] <gamax92> Make a simple OS model where anything can hijack anything because lol protections.
L711[13:45:32] <Dashkal> The JVM security manager stuff has the expressive power to work, but that is one of the most terrifying APIs I've ever dealt with.
L712[13:46:14] <Dashkal> There's another road, but it's even more terrifying. Custom classloader that does NOT delegate to parent unconditionally.
L713[13:49:58] ⇨ Joins: Trickzy (~trickzy@cpc34-shef10-2-0-cust52.17-1.cable.virginm.net)
L714[13:55:35] ⇨ Joins: xarses (~xarses@
L715[13:57:19] <Lizzy> k, so the oc forum / nginx and php-fpm can stand up fine and use hardly any resources when hammered with LOIC over a VPN (didn't want to LOIC over my main internet) and still managed to show me the page on my phone so woo
L716[14:06:25] ⇦ Quits: Trickzy (~trickzy@cpc34-shef10-2-0-cust52.17-1.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L717[14:08:22] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L718[14:09:29] <Mimiru> Holy shit a Sangar
L719[14:10:00] <Lizzy> Who wants to help me test something?
L720[14:10:46] <Mimiru> About to have to head back to work, or I would
L721[14:10:48] <vifino> I do.
L722[14:10:53] <vifino> Obviously :P
L723[14:14:19] <Lizzy> on a server or whereever, could you do wget -r oc.cil.li ? Want to test how much cpu / ram is used when multiple "clients" hit it at once (to help me decide how much ram to give my web vm when i make it on Athar)
L724[14:15:13] <Lizzy> and also make sure it's only downloading from oc.cil.li, i've just had mine go get stuff from reddit...
L725[14:15:31] <Mimiru> running it from eos, and hekate
L726[14:15:40] <Mimiru> abotu to leave though so going to have to stop it
L727[14:16:09] <Lizzy> okay
L728[14:16:32] <Mimiru> K, gotta run
L729[14:16:47] <Lizzy> okay
L730[14:19:42] ⇨ Joins: Trickzy (~trickzy@cpc34-shef10-2-0-cust52.17-1.cable.virginm.net)
L731[14:19:50] <Trickzy> You do realise LOIC does nothing..
L732[14:20:53] <Trickzy> Quite literally dosing your own Network..
L733[14:21:53] <greaser|q> morning
L734[14:22:20] <Lizzy> Trickzy, i wasn't using it to DOS anyone, i was using it to see how much resources would be used if the webserver were to get hit with a load of connections at once
L735[14:22:30] <Lizzy> the outcome was, nginx does it rather well
L736[14:23:14] <gamax92> heyo greaser|q
L737[14:23:51] <greaser|q> Sangar: and yes i managed to work my way around the HandleValue thing, i actually use the string value for the AbstractValue... do these implement hashCode+equals sanely or do they use a sane default or something
L738[14:24:01] <greaser|q> that 'r' still annoys me
L739[14:24:31] ⇦ Quits: Trickzy (~trickzy@cpc34-shef10-2-0-cust52.17-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L740[14:27:34] <Sangar> greaser|q, just the java default, why?
L741[14:27:41] <Sangar> remind me what needed working around?
L742[14:29:02] <greaser|q> Sangar: apparently, nothing actually needs working around
L743[14:29:18] <Sangar> \o/
L744[14:29:32] <greaser|q> i found the relevant api for the class i needed and all i needed was to drop that into the key field of a map (well, and the value field for that matter)
L745[14:47:54] * Lizzy has found a use for her Xbox360
L746[14:48:12] <Lizzy> it can be my irc connection whilst i play games on my laptop
L747[14:49:01] <Izaya> does it have linux installed on it?
L748[14:49:13] <Izaya> also it's MIPS, right?
L749[14:49:20] <greaser|q> char sbuf[512]; sprintf(sbuf, "read = %i, amt = %i\n", fd, amt); write(1, sbuf, strlen(buf)); <-- ok, that seems to explain the 'r', but not the lack of other letters
L750[14:49:44] <Lizzy> Izaya: no, the stock xbox stuff. If / when i can be asked i'll probably get linux on it
L751[14:49:44] <greaser|q> if you're asking about my CPU, yes it's MIPS, but no, it's basically an ELF bootloader loading a Lua kernel
L752[14:49:52] <greaser|q> wait derp
L753[14:50:38] <Izaya> greaser|q: will it run IRIX?
L754[14:50:53] <greaser|q> you'd need custom drivers for it... also does that need an MMU
L755[14:50:58] <greaser|q> i'll probably add in an MMU anyway
L756[14:52:36] <greaser|q> char sbuf[512]; sprintf(sbuf, "read = %i, amt = %i\n", fd, amt); write(1, sbuf, strlen(buf)); <-- spot the bug.
L757[14:53:08] ⇦ Quits: Keanu73 (~Keanu73@host-89-243-240-164.as13285.net) (Quit: Gotta go to bed or something. See ya!)
L758[14:56:49] <greaser|q> ...it would also help if i actually copied the binary across to the loot disk before building the mod
L759[14:58:39] <Izaya> DeanIsaKitty: Are there XMPP libs for rust?
L760[14:58:49] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: yes, but no good ones
L761[14:59:06] <Izaya> hrm :|
L762[14:59:09] <greaser|q> Sangar: if you're still here, how would i go about pulling events?
L763[14:59:20] <Dashkal> Wouldn't that require for it to be possible to write a good xml library?
L764[14:59:35] <Dashkal> Oh yes, yes I am bitter. Played in that space a couple years back.
L765[14:59:38] <greaser|q> that, and calculating RAM?
L766[15:00:02] <DeanIsaKitty> Dashkal, shut your cakehole <.<
L767[15:00:09] <Dashkal> Only if given cake
L768[15:00:25] * DeanIsaKitty gives Dashkal a piece of chocolate cake
L769[15:00:33] * Dashkal shuts his cakehole
L770[15:01:01] <Sangar> greaser|q, Machine.popSignal
L771[15:01:33] <greaser|q> ah sweet, might as well make an MMIO API for that and just ignore the helper shit that gamax put in his template
L772[15:01:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: you will have the most luck with the libstrophe bindings, but I don't know how finished they are.
L773[15:01:50] <DeanIsaKitty> You may need to directly interact with the strophe-sys crate in some cases
L774[15:01:54] <Sangar> ram is a bit messier, mainly because you have to decide hoe much ram a ram stick provides iirc
L775[15:01:55] <gamax92> greaser|q: all of the template came from Sangar
L776[15:02:01] <greaser|q> ah righty
L777[15:02:14] <greaser|q> how would i read the amount of RAM on a stick?
L778[15:02:24] ⇨ Joins: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@178-191-135-49.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L779[15:02:48] <gamax92> The generic mod stuff was from Sangar's examples, the gradle setup is from Sangar's example, and the Architecture stuff was a snippet from Sangar
L780[15:02:50] <Sangar> get driver for component, check if instanceof driver.item.Memory, call amount()
L781[15:02:59] *** Guest19351 is now known as Kilobyte
L782[15:03:00] zsh sets mode: +v on Kilobyte
L783[15:03:01] <Sangar> which returns a multiplier basically
L784[15:03:08] <Izaya> Oh fun, I'll play with the options when I get home
L785[15:03:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Toss that, the strophe binding are so incomplete they aren't even on crates.io :|
L786[15:03:26] <DeanIsaKitty> But libstrophe-sys should work.
L787[15:03:50] <Dashkal> Hrm, you've reminded me of an old problem. How to map ram sticks to a λ-calculus vm. Stack frames? Serialize the sucker and use bytes anyway?
L788[15:04:01] <Izaya> inb4 rust bindings for the lua verse libs
L789[15:05:07] <Sangar> greaser|q, basically: adjust this for your needs: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/server/machine/luac/NativeLuaArchitecture.scala#L147-L166
L790[15:05:44] <Sangar> also yay, basic rendering works \o/ just gotta fix the overlays. and trigger a block rerender when inserting mountables
L791[15:07:46] <greaser|q> i'm tempted to apply a 4x multiplier but then again i think the challenge of fitting everything into a max of 2MB (yes i know servers can let you go up to 4MB) will be fun
L792[15:07:56] <greaser|q> seeing as lua requires 512KB and is mapped in such a way that you'd need 1MB
L793[15:42:11] <greaser|q> ...i can almost get those bloody events working, *almost*
L794[15:42:16] <greaser|q> just getting more debug info
L795[15:42:36] <greaser|q> also i really need an MMIO port dedicated to making the thing sleep
L796[15:43:54] ⇨ Joins: Codemaster345 (webchat@128.92-220-186.customer.lyse.net)
L797[15:43:57] <greaser|q> Sangar: quick question, why are key input events floats and not ints?
L798[15:45:14] <Sangar> prrrrobably because lua 5.2 didn't differentiate integers and reals?
L799[15:45:53] <greaser|q> i'm going to make it work with either
L800[15:46:05] <greaser|q> chances are shitlib will actually end up with functions or macros to deal with the types
L801[15:46:15] <Sangar> great name
L802[15:46:20] <greaser|q> thanks
L803[15:46:31] <greaser|q> if anyone gets offended i'll just rename it to sjw
L804[15:46:37] <greaser|q> they're pretty much the same thing
L805[15:47:04] <greaser|q> it totally stands for "system jump wrangler"
L806[15:47:17] <greaser|q> although i'll probably just end up renaming it anyway to make it more palatable
L807[15:47:54] ⇨ Joins: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com)
L808[15:48:08] <`-`> Oh yeah, that reminds me
L809[15:48:35] <`-`> greaser|q: In my ARM arch I just marshal the values from signals and components raw in a serialized format
L810[15:49:45] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L811[15:49:51] <Sangar> gg
L812[15:50:10] <`-`> It's probably not the best thing to do, but 100% support with every component and signal is great ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L813[15:51:10] <greaser|q> i have a 32 entry table of two 32-bit values, the second is the type, the first is usually a value you can use, but if it's a string it has the length and you fetch it via a different strobe
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L815[15:55:17] <greaser|q> aha i found out a problem
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L819[15:56:10] <greaser|q> i wasn't actually fetching the string with the name in it
L820[15:56:21] *** Gavle is now known as Gavle|Away
L821[16:09:15] <greaser|q> ok, every key seems to be typed twice so taking a log
L822[16:11:39] <greaser|q> if(!strcmp(signame, "key_down"))
L823[16:12:21] <greaser|q> event log suggests it's firing for key_up as well
L824[16:16:31] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/MfvcLUO.png <-- don't ask me why this thinks that key_up and key_down are exactly the same fucking thing
L825[16:17:54] <greaser|q> i could give you a disassembly of strcmp if you want to have a go at making it work
L826[16:19:01] <`-`> Hmm
L827[16:19:23] <`-`> I was also having problems with strcmp with my ARM arch... until I took the whole thing apart
L828[16:19:53] <greaser|q> looking at poll_event's code, an if(!strcmp()) call compiles to a jal and then on return it does a beqz v0,*
L829[16:20:11] <`-`> greaser|q: Does the mips version you're emulating have wait states and those "maybe" branch instructions?
L830[16:20:18] <greaser|q> `-`: nope
L831[16:20:26] <greaser|q> wait what do you mean wait states
L832[16:20:32] <greaser|q> it's MIPS-I, all it has is the single delay slots
L833[16:20:47] <`-`> Oh, maybe wait states == single delay
L834[16:20:49] <greaser|q> and i don't emulate the load delay slot because the compiler already avoids it
L835[16:20:56] <`-`> I haven't done much mips and stuff
L836[16:21:14] <`-`> greaser|q: strcmp probably uses a hand written method that uses the delay slot
L837[16:21:17] <greaser|q> i do emulate the branch delay slot though because that's mandatory and i do it by having a prefetch pc + op value
L838[16:21:41] <greaser|q> maybe LBU is shot, i'll have to check
L839[16:21:58] <greaser|q> `-`: the compiler abuses the delay slot far more than someone hand-writing assembly would
L840[16:22:15] <`-`> I forget what the problem was exactly I was having with my ARM stuff, but I know it was failing on hand written methods because they took advantage of some features that were either unimplemented or broken
L841[16:22:34] <greaser|q> also the way i do it is: fetch op, use the previously fetched op + pc for calculations
L842[16:22:41] <`-`> strcmp, the built in division function, and the built in mod function were all giving invalid values
L843[16:23:55] <greaser|q> case 0x24: // LBU
L844[16:23:55] <greaser|q> tmp0 = 0xFF&(int)this.mem_read_8(this.regs[rs] + (int)(short)op);
L845[16:24:03] <greaser|q> ^ seems to be right, so not sure what the hell is going on
L846[16:24:38] <`-`> Try adding parenthesis around (int)this.mem_read_8
L847[16:24:54] <`-`> I usually add extra parenthesis when casting because Java likes to be a screw up
L848[16:24:55] <greaser|q> lemme check psx-spx
L849[16:25:17] <greaser|q> i suspect it's the nor op that's failing
L850[16:25:32] <greaser|q> nor rd,rs,rt nor rd,rs,rt rd = FFFFFFFFh XOR (rs OR rt)
L851[16:25:43] <greaser|q> oh right i was doing rd = rs | ~rt
L852[16:26:36] <`-`> greaser|q: I would also emulate it in another emulator and cross reference the registers and branches taken with your cpu core
L853[16:27:05] <snowden89> ok i am going to come back in 10 minutes cause lol completely lost XOR possible assembly sounding things
L854[16:27:26] * snowden89 walks away slowly with his head hanging low in shame
L855[16:27:43] <greaser|q> or you could take a little bit of time to learn how bit operations work
L856[16:28:46] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/7xAAuRg.png <-- tada! now i need an input buffer
L857[16:29:41] <`-`> Nice ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L858[16:30:15] <greaser|q> this one's always a nice test: https://i.imgur.com/bcr3oCT.png
L859[16:30:16] <`-`> I can't get Lua running on my arch unfortunately... My OS freaks out while linking the executable with the OS libs
L860[16:30:27] <snowden89> nah greaser|q I need to stop learning new things and actually make something
L861[16:30:37] <snowden89> that uses the concepts i have read about
L862[16:31:14] <Inari> greaser|q: so what was the r about?
L863[16:31:44] <snowden89> so the thing your using runs in java
L864[16:31:49] <snowden89> but emulates ARM?
L865[16:31:52] <greaser|q> MIPS
L866[16:31:58] <`-`> snowden89: Mine emulates ARM
L867[16:32:01] <snowden89> ah ok
L868[16:32:08] <snowden89> blending all your projects
L869[16:32:10] <snowden89> :P
L870[16:32:11] <Inari> `-`: how far is yours?
L871[16:32:24] <`-`> Inari: I'm in the middle of rewriting how OC handling and MMU works
L872[16:32:31] <greaser|q> Inari: it would print a ">", then not update the x position, then try to print some debug info beginning with "read =", except the code used there accidentally used strlen(buf) instead of strlen(sbuf), and the length of the "buf" string was 1
L873[16:32:35] <`-`> So pretty much I'm back to square one
L874[16:32:46] <Inari> haha
L875[16:32:47] <Inari> nice bug
L876[16:33:16] <Inari> `-`: thats tough
L877[16:33:23] <Inari> cause no matter how much you square one
L878[16:33:27] <Inari> it'll always be one
L879[16:33:30] <`-`> XD
L880[16:33:38] <greaser|q> `-`: if you want to we could totally use shitlib which i'm considering renaming for palatability reasons (in all honesty i'm considering calling it labour.c) and then we can both have working lua implementations
L881[16:33:41] <`-`> I also have to rework how signals are done
L882[16:33:46] <greaser|q> although your hardware API will be different from mine
L883[16:34:01] <`-`> greaser|q: Possibly
L884[16:34:14] <greaser|q> yeah, labour.c will work because it will only offend a certain class of shitlibs
L885[16:34:17] <Inari> im for a love2d naming scheme of things
L886[16:34:47] <`-`> Inari: I can't wait for analogselects.lua
L887[16:34:56] <Inari> `-`: ?
L888[16:35:03] <greaser|q> also the final frontier: filesystems and dynamic linking: https://i.imgur.com/geLFUvl.png
L889[16:35:17] <Sangar> OC1.6 MC1.8.9 BUILD!!!111eleven
L890[16:35:28] <`-`> analogselects
L891[16:35:37] <greaser|q> !!!!!111111!!11!111!!!!111emergencyphonenumber1!11!!111!
L892[16:35:41] <Inari> `-`: thats pretty far fetched
L893[16:35:54] <Inari> love2d is more.. direct
L894[16:36:06] <greaser|q> but yeah, i'll need to get my mod working on 1.8.9
L895[16:36:11] <`-`> Inari: eh, then make it libvagonena.so
L896[16:36:21] <Inari> what
L897[16:36:28] <`-`> Exactly
L898[16:36:35] <`-`> I'm bad at this
L899[16:36:42] <`-`> I should hire rude or something
L900[16:36:43] <Sangar> this is pretty much as untested as possible. like, new rack rendering and gui works. i need people to test functionality now :X
L901[16:36:45] <Inari> people at love2d are good at it :P
L902[16:36:51] <Inari> go ask them
L903[16:37:03] <greaser|q> hmm, actually i could just wrap dlopen, although not sure what i'd have to do to get a lua build to use it
L904[16:37:32] <greaser|q> OR i could possibly patch lua
L905[16:37:42] <greaser|q> yeah that's probably the cleaner option
L906[16:39:27] <greaser|q> yeah i think i'll need to make a posix build of lua
L907[16:43:06] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L908[16:50:25] <greaser|q> sugoi: finally, what you've always been waiting for: https://i.imgur.com/mIZxCMA.png
L909[16:52:01] <greaser|q> (i'm allocating 2MB RAM total for now, regardless of what RAM is installed - i haven't quite got the RAM sticks calculated yet)
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L914[17:12:00] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> this mod was sooooo cool back then https://web.archive.org/web/20140827195243/http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1275658-1-2-5-the-laser-mod-v-1-5
L915[17:12:17] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> sorry for link
L916[17:12:33] <Sangar> greaser|q, that your mips arch? awesome :D
L917[17:12:38] <greaser|q> yep
L918[17:15:22] ⇨ Joins: Pariah (webchat@CPE-121-208-74-253.lnqh1.woo.bigpond.net.au)
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L920[17:16:00] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/vIqyd8J.png
L921[17:16:23] <greaser|q> pretty much the only thing left API-wise is the method query
L922[17:16:31] <Sangar> nice
L923[17:16:50] <g> what does MIPS mean for the layman?
L924[17:16:55] <Sangar> well, i'm off to bed; if someone could be bothered to give the 1.8.9 build of 1.6 some thorough poking, that'd be great!
L925[17:17:19] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> sorry ill go back to general...
L926[17:17:35] <Meelock (Meelock/meelock)> sorry for wrong chat
L927[17:26:19] <greaser|q> g: it's a CPU
L928[17:26:30] <greaser|q> as in a real one that you can compile stuff for
L929[17:27:15] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/gQlGjct.png
L930[17:27:21] <g> can I compile python for it? :u
L931[17:27:24] <greaser|q> theoretically
L932[17:27:33] <greaser|q> just bring your own kernel and libc
L933[17:27:40] <g> would that even fit in the memory limits
L934[17:27:41] <g> lol
L935[17:27:47] <greaser|q> yes there's a bug in that code, i'm waiting for it to finish in the next, i guess 5 minutes?
L936[17:28:04] <greaser|q> lua compiles down to <512KB and the bootloader's roughly 2KB right now
L937[17:28:09] <greaser|q> and the bootloader loads a static ELF
L938[17:28:16] <vifino> greaser|q: go go go, make an openos compatible lua thing and convince Sangar to pull it into normal oc :D
L939[17:28:20] <vifino> muahahaha!
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L941[17:29:07] <greaser|q> vifino: that'll be fun... and as an added bonus you *will* have access to the full debug table ;)
L942[17:29:15] <vifino> >:D
L943[17:29:34] <vifino> That also means we could have luajit! :D
L944[17:29:40] <vifino> Wooohooooo
L945[17:29:51] <vifino> I mean, maybe it won't be that fast, but...
L946[17:30:59] <greaser|q> does luajit support mips?
L947[17:32:48] <greaser|q> ok i fixed the bug
L948[17:33:32] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/3zSvBIF.png
L949[17:36:41] <greaser|q> currently using about 25KB of heap space
L950[17:43:18] <vifino> greaser|q: yes.
L951[17:52:38] <vifino> ping: farkin fakot
L952[17:56:21] <greaser|q> the fun of using System.currentTimeMillis truncated to 32 bits: https://i.imgur.com/da7XwSx.png
L953[17:59:30] <vifino> gg
L954[18:00:03] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L955[18:02:38] <greaser|q> i'm changing the MMIO API to suit
L956[18:05:21] <greaser|q> oops: https://i.imgur.com/qFhIgFq.png
L957[18:05:40] <greaser|q> anyway found the bug, trying again
L958[18:09:27] * vifino picks up Lizzy and carries her to bed
L959[18:09:35] * Lizzy falls asleep on vifino
L960[18:10:07] <vifino> holy shit my butt hurts
L961[18:10:12] <malcom2073> hEH
L962[18:11:13] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/pZzItea.png <-- fixed!
L963[18:11:16] <greaser|q> (yes my clock is on UTC)
L964[18:11:22] <vifino> yaay
L965[18:11:39] <vifino> greaser|q: where is da sauce?
L966[18:11:58] <greaser|q> vifino: i'd need to clean it up a bit first, do you know how to change the name of the jar file?
L967[18:12:13] <vifino> gradle?
L968[18:12:35] <`-`> Welp, it's time to work on more ARM stuff ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L969[18:12:42] <`-`> s/:D/D:
L970[18:12:42] <MichiBot> <vifino> That also means we could have luajit! D:
L971[18:12:46] <`-`> Welp
L972[18:12:51] <`-`> My macro didn't work there
L973[18:13:19] <vifino> `-`: I demand a dev copy when you get it to a usable state, after all I wanna have fun with it :D
L974[18:13:26] <vifino> I have a couple of toolchains here
L975[18:14:02] <`-`> vifino: I have to build at least some starter code so any programs someone makes doesn't outright crash :X
L976[18:14:05] <greaser|q> $ ls
L977[18:14:05] <greaser|q> OC-Example-Architecture-MC1.7.10-1.0.0.jar
L978[18:14:07] <greaser|q> ^ that thing
L979[18:14:18] <vifino> greaser|q: gradle or what?
L980[18:14:32] <greaser|q> i'm looking at build.gradle and the name does NOT jump out at me
L981[18:14:59] <vifino> So gradle.
L982[18:15:38] <vifino> jar.basename = 'something', so it would be something-version.jar
L983[18:15:46] <vifino> or baseName
L984[18:15:48] <vifino> dunno
L985[18:16:18] <greaser|q> ah found the file
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L987[18:21:50] <greaser|q> anyhow, prepping the git repo
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L994[18:43:36] <greaser|q> aaaand it's here: https://github.com/iamgreaser/ocmips
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L998[18:45:14] ⇨ Joins: OneMatthias (~EiraIRC@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
L999[18:45:21] <OneMatthias> I am trying to figure out how to make a loop that looks for a keypress to exit.
L1000[18:45:26] <OneMatthias> Basically, I want to make a little program that will read a value from an adapter connected to the n
L1001[18:45:28] <OneMatthias> etwork and print it to the screen.
L1002[18:46:07] <greaser|q> the events are "key_down" and "key_up"
L1003[18:46:26] <greaser|q> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:event
L1004[18:46:35] <greaser|q> wait actually this: http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:signals
L1005[18:46:45] <OneMatthias> Ok.
L1006[18:47:00] <OneMatthias> Oh..oh my.
L1007[18:47:30] <greaser|q> it covers pretty much everything you need to know
L1008[18:47:40] <OneMatthias> Well, that works.
L1009[18:48:44] <OneMatthias> Basically, I want my Immersive Engineering bottler and capacitor to display their fill and charge le
L1010[18:48:52] <OneMatthias> vels, respectively.
L1011[18:49:09] <greaser|q> http://magicannon.com/ocmips-latest.jar if anyone wants to test, note only tested with OC 1.6 for 1.7.10
L1012[18:50:23] <greaser|q> it's likely i'll be writing a proper kernel and running lua on top of that, though
L1013[18:50:56] <greaser|q> oh yeah, protip, don't run the lua bios in a mips machine and vice versa
L1014[18:51:28] <OneMatthias> So, if key_down(x) == true?
L1015[18:51:31] <greaser|q> otherwise it will BSOD with "unsupported op"
L1016[18:51:48] <greaser|q> OneMatthias: that's not how that API works
L1017[18:52:03] <OneMatthias> Oh?
L1018[18:52:24] <OneMatthias> I am exceedingly rusty with OC.
L1019[18:52:48] <greaser|q> you call event.pull() and you'll get something like "key_down", "b2314-4142b-2b4b-1241221", 15, 25, "Cirno" returned
L1020[18:52:56] <OneMatthias> Oh.
L1021[18:53:24] <OneMatthias> So, how would I go about quitting the loop on the "x" key being pressed?
L1022[18:55:41] <greaser|q> local ev, addr, cch, cco, uname = event.pull("key_up"); if string.char(cco):lower() == "x" then break end
L1023[18:55:48] <greaser|q> wait i mean cch not cco there
L1024[18:55:53] <greaser|q> string.char(cch):lower()
L1025[18:56:17] <OneM_Industries> I copy and paste that into the code?
L1026[18:56:22] <greaser|q> something like that
L1027[18:56:26] <OneM_Industries> (OneMatthias here)
L1028[18:56:27] <greaser|q> that would be part of the loop
L1029[18:56:30] <OneM_Industries> Ok.
L1030[18:56:46] <greaser|q> also actually: if cco and string.char(cco):lower() == "x"
L1031[18:56:52] <snowden89> local variables all on one line?
L1032[18:57:14] <snowden89> sigh i did not know you could do that
L1033[18:57:15] <snowden89> lol
L1034[18:57:26] <greaser|q> and also event.pull(0.05, "key_up") instead
L1035[18:57:57] <snowden89> is that applying like a list[0-4] to each one item
L1036[18:58:14] <snowden89> ev = "keydown" etc
L1037[18:58:39] <OneM_Industries> if cco & string.char(cco):lower() =="x" on the second line of the code, the first being local event = require "event"?
L1038[18:58:51] <greaser|q> it'll basically unpack what it can and return nil for the later stuff if it doesn't fit
L1039[18:59:02] <snowden89> thats a nice feature
L1040[18:59:09] <snowden89> that i completely missed in lua
L1041[18:59:11] <snowden89> lol
L1042[18:59:13] <greaser|q> OneM_Industries: yeah
L1043[18:59:20] <OneM_Industries> Ok, done.
L1044[18:59:22] <greaser|q> snowden89: if you like varargs you will love how lua does them
L1045[18:59:39] <greaser|q> there are a few snags to it but you can do stuff like
L1046[18:59:50] <OneM_Industries> So, calling a function from IE's bottler.
L1047[19:00:11] <greaser|q> function abuse(target, ...) if target then print(target.." sucks"); abuse(...) end end
L1048[19:00:59] <greaser|q> ah yes if you want to use a component's thing you have to do e.g. component = require("component")
L1049[19:01:00] <`-`> Woo, I successfully abstracted the OC Coprocessor so I can test code without opening Minecraft
L1050[19:01:06] <greaser|q> `-`: \:D/
L1051[19:01:14] <greaser|q> and there was only one letter there: D
L1052[19:01:16] <snowden89> woo!
L1053[19:01:34] <`-`> I just caught a really big bug where mode register banking was including the program counter
L1054[19:02:06] <`-`> Basically it would switch modes then jump back up to the reset interrupt while in the new mode
L1055[19:07:03] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1056[19:10:19] <OneMatthias> So, something like local adapter = require("adapter")?
L1057[19:12:53] <greaser|q> component = require("component"); component.gpu.set(1,1,"wat")
L1058[19:12:58] <greaser|q> ^ it'll be more like that
L1059[19:13:04] <greaser|q> you only need to require component once
L1060[19:25:47] <greaser|q> what the hell, that was unexpected
L1061[19:26:22] <greaser|q> i modified the bootloader, and after i finally convinced it to compile it Just Worked(TM)
L1062[19:27:41] <lashtear> cirno?
L1063[19:28:22] <greaser|q> thanks for reminding me, i need to have a parody of the energy star logo in my bootloader
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L1065[19:30:18] <ericsfinck> Hello
L1066[19:30:25] <ericsfinck> is this the Open Computers irc
L1067[19:31:00] <greaser|q> yes
L1068[19:31:11] <ericsfinck> Ah i have a question about drones
L1069[19:31:25] <greaser|q> well, for my boot logo i'll probably just have a bright blue cirno using the braille section of unicode
L1070[19:31:44] <ericsfinck> i keep getting attempt to call global 'require'
L1071[19:31:48] <ericsfinck> and i cant figure it out
L1072[19:32:01] <ericsfinck> If anyone knows, it would be much appreciated :)
L1073[19:33:17] <ericsfinck> Anyone?
L1074[19:33:19] ⇨ Joins: Piston (webchat@pool-98-109-80-64.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L1075[19:34:09] <greaser|q> ericsfinck: are you running this from EEPROM space
L1076[19:34:40] <ericsfinck> You mean the irc?
L1077[19:34:46] <ericsfinck> I am in the web chat
L1078[19:34:49] <greaser|q> no, the code you're running in the drones
L1079[19:34:51] <greaser|q> i can tell
L1080[19:34:57] <ericsfinck> Yes i am
L1081[19:34:57] <Piston> XD
L1082[19:34:59] <ericsfinck> xD
L1083[19:35:04] <greaser|q> if you're running code from EEPROM you have direct access to the core "computer" and "component" libraries... but be very wary, when i say core i do mean you're quite limited
L1084[19:35:12] <Piston> ah
L1085[19:35:14] <Piston> ok
L1086[19:35:53] <greaser|q> and yay, with the new bootloader, lua 5.3.2 loads under the 512KB mark
L1087[19:38:13] <vifino> greaser|q: you write your own os?
L1088[19:38:16] <vifino> oh boy
L1089[19:38:20] <vifino> it better have aslr! :D
L1090[19:38:22] * vifino hides
L1091[19:38:29] <greaser|q> the CPU doesn't even have an MMU yet
L1092[19:38:37] <vifino> hahah
L1093[19:38:39] <greaser|q> nor does it have user/supervisor modes
L1094[19:39:03] <greaser|q> i'll be writing my own OS, here i just have some functions to bash into newlib
L1095[19:39:14] <vifino> wait what the fuck
L1096[19:39:24] <vifino> 6.32M/s downloading arch repo db's
L1097[19:39:34] <vifino> My internet... goes above 1mb/s?
L1098[19:39:39] <vifino> Holy. Shit.
L1099[19:39:52] <ericsfinck> Well. Were getting 'Attempt to index field modem'
L1100[19:40:05] <ericsfinck> Ugh im really not good with this mod xD
L1101[19:40:21] <vifino> greaser|q: Why newlib and not musl or something like that?
L1102[19:40:32] <vifino> Because easier?
L1103[19:40:41] <greaser|q> vifino: because i'm used to newlib... and besides, with LTO i can strip the living shit out of it anyway
L1104[19:40:49] <vifino> Ah, okay.
L1105[19:40:53] <greaser|q> ericsfinck: lemme find the info
L1106[19:41:01] <vifino> I'd be happy to help, greaser|q.
L1107[19:41:27] <ericsfinck> greaser|q: thank you for all the help :)
L1108[19:41:29] <greaser|q> lemme see if i can recall how to look up a component
L1109[19:41:57] <greaser|q> firstly you'll need the address
L1110[19:42:13] <ericsfinck> of the modem?
L1111[19:42:17] <greaser|q> yeah
L1112[19:42:29] <greaser|q> modem = component.list("modem")()
L1113[19:42:29] <Piston> the sending or recieving modem?
L1114[19:42:36] <Piston> ok
L1115[19:42:36] <ericsfinck> BTW im working with Piston on this
L1116[19:42:41] <greaser|q> the component address of one that's inside the damn thing
L1117[19:42:51] <Piston> XD
L1118[19:43:13] <Piston> how do we get it... it's already assembled
L1119[19:43:20] <ericsfinck> Were noobs :P
L1120[19:43:21] <greaser|q> then to call things: component.invoke(modem, "scratch_arse", 101.0, "loudly")
L1121[19:43:54] <Piston> i got the transmitting done, i just use broadcast ans event pull
L1122[19:44:26] <Piston> thats not the problem
L1123[19:45:56] <ericsfinck> greaser|q what goes in the two strings, and what is the 101.0
L1124[19:46:03] <greaser|q> those are just examples of arguments
L1125[19:46:12] <greaser|q> "scratch_arse" would be the method you call on the modem
L1126[19:46:22] <greaser|q> and the stuff after that would be the arguments you use for that method
L1127[19:46:28] <greaser|q> http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:modem
L1128[19:46:28] <ericsfinck> ah ok
L1129[19:46:54] <Piston> why use invoke instead of component.modem? does that noe work on robots?
L1130[19:47:18] <Random> Oh wow
L1131[19:47:20] <greaser|q> component.modem is only available when you're running a suitable OS, right now you're basically writing the OS
L1132[19:47:24] <greaser|q> i think
L1133[19:47:33] <greaser|q> as for receiving messages, use computer.pullSignal() not event.pull()
L1134[19:47:33] <Piston> ok that makes sense
L1135[19:47:40] <greaser|q> http://ocdoc.cil.li/api:computer
L1136[19:47:56] <Piston> computer? does that work on a robot?
L1137[19:47:59] <Random> I just figured out i can send irc messages through discord ?
L1138[19:48:01] <greaser|q> yes
L1139[19:48:55] <Piston> i use local _, _, _, message = event.pull()
L1140[19:49:10] <Piston> so i swap event pull with pullsignal?
L1141[19:50:49] ⇨ Joins: E--D (webchat@ool-457dacad.dyn.optonline.net)
L1142[19:50:52] <E--D> 8=======D
L1143[19:50:56] ⇦ Quits: E--D (webchat@ool-457dacad.dyn.optonline.net) (Client Quit)
L1144[19:52:42] <ericsfinck> greaser|q thanks for the help :) see you later gotta go
L1145[19:52:45] <greaser|q> no worries
L1146[19:53:02] <ericsfinck> Piston do your best to get it working :)
L1147[19:53:05] ⇦ Quits: ericsfinck (webchat@ool-457dacad.dyn.optonline.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1148[19:53:46] <Piston> used component.invoke(modem, "open", 123) and it said bad string #1...
L1149[19:54:03] <Piston> thats supposed to be component.modem.open(123)
L1150[19:55:35] <Piston> greaser|q: what did i do wrong?
L1151[19:55:54] <greaser|q> what's modem equal to?
L1152[19:55:56] ⇦ Quits: surferconor425|Cloud (uid77899@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:1:304b) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1153[19:56:03] <Piston> what do you mean?
L1154[19:56:15] <greaser|q> what is the variable "modem" equal to
L1155[19:56:41] <Piston> i must be confused... i meant modem to be the component name
L1156[19:57:28] <Piston> do I need the address? if so how do I get it from an assembled drone?
L1157[19:58:36] <Piston> greaser|q: so modem in your example is a variable?
L1158[19:59:00] <greaser|q> yes, and you set it like so: [01:42:34] <greaser|q> modem = component.list("modem")()
L1159[19:59:26] <Piston> ok, and hen i just use component.modem like normal?
L1160[20:00:05] <Piston> greaser|q: i just use component.modem.open normally after that?
L1161[20:00:18] <greaser|q> no, you have to use component.invoke(modem, "open", ...)
L1162[20:00:32] <greaser|q> you don't have the nice wrapper
L1163[20:01:00] <Piston> greaser|q: so I use modem = ... and then after that modem.invoke can be used?
L1164[20:01:07] <Piston> oops
L1165[20:01:21] <Piston> meant component.invoke(modem...
L1166[20:01:34] <greaser|q> yeah
L1167[20:01:39] <Piston> ok i'll try it
L1168[20:03:42] ⇦ Quits: Nachtara (~Nachie@50-83-108-134.client.mchsi.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1169[20:04:24] <Piston> gtg no
L1170[20:04:27] <Piston> see ya
L1171[20:04:35] ⇦ Parts: Piston (webchat@pool-98-109-80-64.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) ())
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L1174[20:09:57] <greaser|q> got a working C dev chain: https://i.imgur.com/nqfFr78.png
L1175[20:10:13] <greaser|q> printf + scanf work but it seems printf is doing some buffering within the libc
L1176[20:10:52] <`-`> greaser|q: You using newlib?
L1177[20:10:54] <greaser|q> yes
L1178[20:11:00] <`-`> Nice
L1179[20:11:04] <greaser|q> fflush(stdout) seems to do the trick
L1180[20:11:48] <vifino> greaser|q: I'm not an expert but 3 does not seem to be equal to 2.
L1181[20:12:05] <greaser|q> vifino: the important thing is this isn't actually a bug
L1182[20:12:20] <greaser|q> printf("The number that you entered was %i\n", num-1);
L1183[20:12:28] <vifino> fair enough
L1184[20:12:51] <greaser|q> also yay for bufferChanges=false
L1185[20:13:36] ⇨ Joins: OneM_Industries (~OneM_Indu@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
L1186[20:20:30] ⇨ Joins: OneMatthias (~EiraIRC@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net)
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L1189[20:23:00] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (qnet@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1190[20:32:35] <greaser|q> this probably took about 2 or 3 minutes to render: https://i.imgur.com/DW7TxpA.png
L1191[20:34:34] <gamax92> greaser|q: it's a mandlebrot!
L1192[20:35:04] <greaser|q> gamax92: you'll be seeing lots of these as i test various things
L1193[20:35:12] <gamax92> yay :3
L1194[20:35:22] ⇦ Parts: OneMatthias (~EiraIRC@ftth-66-132.bvunet.net) ())
L1195[20:35:50] <snowden89> oh i like mandlebrot
L1196[20:35:52] <snowden89> looks pretty
L1197[20:38:58] <greaser|q> ok, time to make this handle call restarts
L1198[20:52:11] <greaser|q> woohoo, call restarting kinda works
L1199[20:53:00] <greaser|q> by kinda i mean it appears to work
L1200[20:55:11] <greaser|q> it does boot REALLY REALLY QUICKLY now
L1201[21:11:27] <gamax92> greaser|q: but is mandlebrot faster
L1202[21:11:51] <greaser|q> gamax92: hell no, that was compute-bound
L1203[21:12:38] <gamax92> why is your mandlebrot so slow
L1204[21:13:28] <greaser|q> because it's using soft floats at 8MHz
L1205[21:13:42] <greaser|q> and doing 320*200 pixels
L1206[21:22:20] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L1207[21:39:07] <gamax92> greaser|q: https://i.imgur.com/sgqbKlk.png
L1208[21:39:35] <greaser|q> nice... is that an image?
L1209[21:39:53] <gamax92> it is just an image :P
L1210[21:40:01] <greaser|q> yeah, still nice though
L1211[21:40:12] <gamax92> :>
L1212[21:42:42] <scj643> got an icecast2 server setup now
L1213[21:42:43] <scj643> http://scj643.theender.net:8000/
L1214[21:44:13] <gamax92> greaser|q: it still takes about 3 minutes per image though, so that sucks
L1215[21:45:37] <gamax92> greaser|q: have this though https://i.imgur.com/pLN9NKL.png
L1216[21:45:39] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
L1217[21:46:16] <greaser|q> right now i'm trying to get 8088 corruption to... actually i just realised that'd limp
L1218[21:46:26] <greaser|q> screw that, trying some more modern tech
L1219[22:16:07] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549602C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1220[22:20:49] <greaser|q> hmm, as it turns out you can actually exceed the hardware speed limits if you return in a weird way
L1221[22:22:00] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961D78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1222[22:27:36] <`-`> Well, I have a hello world finally running again ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
L1223[22:27:53] <`-`> On the downside returning from an interrupt is completely broken
L1224[22:29:03] <vifino> `-`: congratz!
L1225[22:52:29] ⇦ Quits: CiPeW (Csstform@lightning.bouncer.ml) (Quit: Cya Nubs.)
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L1227[23:12:46] <ping> my mom is an idiot
L1228[23:12:51] <ping> she brought home another cat
L1229[23:13:17] <greaser|q> `-`: at least you have interrupts
L1230[23:13:18] <ping> even though we know well that the two cats we have now dont even play well together
L1231[23:14:43] <greaser|q> https://i.imgur.com/rETKt8h.png <-- this also works fine on a lua cpu but this specific video is probably the best way to give a middle finger to CC's demoscene
L1232[23:15:58] <greaser|q> video data is 1.7MB
L1233[23:16:14] <greaser|q> although it would be smaller if i actually made it 20FPS and not 25FPS
L1234[23:16:18] <vifino> greaser|q: you wrote a video player for your mips thing?
L1235[23:16:21] <vifino> awesome.
L1236[23:16:36] <greaser|q> yeah, it's a format that's been lying around on my comp for a while now
L1237[23:17:07] <greaser|q> if you want to do your own here's a slightly polished up version of the tool that was used to do the vids for BTM16: https://github.com/ChenThread/ice
L1238[23:17:25] ⇦ Quits: Kimiro (~Corrupted@S0106c8fb2655ca42.ed.shawcable.net) (Quit: The fatal flaw in every plan is the assumption you know more than your enemy.)
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L1241[23:29:19] zsh sets mode: +v on Kodos
L1242[23:31:02] <Kodos> o/
L1243[23:31:14] <Kodos> Tonight is going to be awesome
L1244[23:32:59] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L1245[23:35:01] <greaser|q> i can make today more awesome
L1246[23:35:05] <gamax92> :D
L1247[23:35:08] <greaser|q> do you have OC 1.6 for MC 1.7.10
L1248[23:35:12] <gamax92> nope
L1249[23:36:35] <greaser|q> well get it and chuck it into a minecraft instance
L1250[23:36:43] <greaser|q> then chuck this into it: http://magicannon.com/ocmips-latest.jar
L1251[23:38:07] <Kodos> What is MIPS?
L1252[23:39:52] <greaser|q> a real CPU that several C compilers support including GCC and Clang
L1253[23:40:14] <Kodos> Also
L1254[23:40:19] <Kodos> https://youtu.be/vlFgLtpcdtg
L1255[23:41:12] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~yepoleb@178-191-135-49.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Leaving)
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