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L1[00:20:41] <Kodos> Can someone check something on Atom for me
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L4[00:35:31] <Murlocking> Mimiru: Got my second program completely running with the the help of shadowkin !
L5[00:36:34] <Murlocking> Tomorrow I might revisit my third program and had the io.read() thingy we spoke about earlier to give the player information on the robot program.
L6[00:36:52] <Murlocking> and add*
L7[00:37:30] *** Kasen is now known as rakiru|offline
L8[00:50:43] <wolfmitchell> anyone want to seed a torrent with 21.9gb of wallpapers? (it's compressed down to 10.5gb)
L9[00:51:24] <Noob> Hm does inventory controller upgrade provide internal inventory as well?
L10[00:51:54] <wolfmitchell> wait crud i just noticed an issue w/ the torrent
L11[00:51:57] <wolfmitchell> i'll fix it tomorrow...
L12[00:52:24] <wolfmitchell> fuck it, sleep
L13[00:57:50] <Sandra> CC now has features designed for game development. good to hear.
L14[00:57:58] <Sandra> that's what CC is good for.
L15[00:58:02] <Sandra> ingame games.
L16[01:17:39] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4E736721C067A6B7085210.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L17[01:17:39] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L23[02:13:10] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L24[02:17:14] <Noob> what is the syntax for OC's load function? i mean, how it works lol
L25[02:17:51] <SoraFirestorm> Doesn't that one work like vanilla Lua' s load()
L26[02:17:52] <SoraFirestorm> ?
L27[02:17:57] <Vexatos> It should
L28[02:18:10] <Vexatos> ~w load
L29[02:18:10] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-load
L30[02:18:11] <Noob> then... it accepts function right? not string?
L31[02:18:16] <Vexatos> it accepts either
L32[02:18:19] <Vexatos> as you can see
L33[02:18:19] <Vexatos> >_>
L34[02:23:13] <Noob> whats does mode parameter do?
L35[02:24:54] <Noob> nvm blind me
L36[02:25:18] <Vexatos> It sais right there .-.
L37[02:25:25] <Noob> I know sorry haha
L38[02:25:27] <Vexatos> Mind that in OC bytecode Lua is disabled by default
L39[02:25:28] <Noob> just noticed
L40[02:25:40] <Vexatos> you must enable it in the configs
L41[02:25:42] <Vexatos> to use it
L42[02:25:44] <SoraFirestorm> so unless you specifically turned it on -
L43[02:25:46] <SoraFirestorm> strings only
L44[02:25:51] <Noob> by the way.. is there a way to track down error from code ill load like that?
L45[02:25:54] <Vexatos> because, well, you can break pretty much everything with it
L46[02:25:58] <SoraFirestorm> yes there is
L47[02:26:03] <Vexatos> Noob, it will actually error
L48[02:26:07] <Vexatos> if it finds something bad
L49[02:26:08] <SoraFirestorm> read to figure out how
L50[02:26:10] <Vexatos> and you can pcall load
L51[02:26:13] <Vexatos> to catch the error
L52[02:26:48] <Vexatos> I think
L53[02:26:56] <Vexatos> I'm not even sure <_>
L54[02:28:59] <Kodos> This mod is amazeball
L55[02:29:00] <Kodos> s
L56[02:29:07] <SoraFirestorm> which mod?
L57[02:29:13] <Kodos> Stacks on Stacks
L58[02:29:17] <SoraFirestorm> lol
L59[02:29:54] <Kodos> Lets you stack ingots like TFC
L60[02:29:59] <Kodos> Only, you know, without needing TFC
L61[02:30:03] <SoraFirestorm> know what it does
L62[02:35:20] <SoraFirestorm> blaze rod yay
L63[02:43:42] *** Cranium is now known as Cranium[Away]
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L67[03:22:12] <Kodos> Yay, Sphere is on Netflix
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L76[03:41:43] *** Guest33158 is now known as Nadeko
L77[03:50:41] <Noob> hmm does open OS support service-like daemons?
L78[03:50:46] <SoraFirestorm> kinda
L79[03:50:46] <Noob> aka background service apps
L80[03:50:57] <SoraFirestorm> You can have programs register an event handler
L81[03:51:07] <SoraFirestorm> Which runs whenever the event occurs
L82[03:51:31] <SoraFirestorm> and the event registration is boot permanent
L83[03:51:49] <Noob> what if i have network server but I want to be able to use computer too?
L84[03:51:59] <Noob> its sort of netboot-like server
L85[03:52:25] <SoraFirestorm> then register network handling events?
L86[03:52:36] <SoraFirestorm> I don't quite understand the question
L87[03:54:07] <Noob> the question is how to create a background application lol
L88[03:54:15] <SoraFirestorm> you don't really
L89[03:54:24] <SoraFirestorm> you register functions to be run whenever an event occurs
L90[03:54:36] <SoraFirestorm> the events you want are the modem ones
L91[03:54:56] <SoraFirestorm> True background daemons require an OS that supports multitasking
L92[03:54:58] <SoraFirestorm> OpenOS does not
L93[03:56:06] <asie> SoraFirestorm: Plan9k does
L94[03:56:14] <asie> and it's bundled with OC since fairly recently
L95[03:56:28] <SoraFirestorm> I figured as much, but didn't want to be wrong
L96[03:56:45] <SoraFirestorm> I knew Plan9k has been a bundle for a while
L97[03:56:53] <asie> yes, it's very good, if a bit overengineered
L98[03:57:00] <asie> but that's part of the fun I guess
L99[03:57:03] <SoraFirestorm> yeah
L100[03:57:09] <SoraFirestorm> wanna make my own OS eventually
L101[03:57:23] <asie> we all do
L102[03:57:26] <SoraFirestorm> :P
L103[03:57:36] <SoraFirestorm> nah, some people just wanna run their Big Reactor
L104[03:57:40] <SoraFirestorm> or having a mining robot
L105[03:57:46] <SoraFirestorm> :P
L106[03:58:45] <Sangar> o/
L107[03:58:48] <Vexatos> o\
L108[03:58:50] <Noob> i even wanted to make own bios haha, but 4K isnt any way to go ._.
L109[03:58:50] <SoraFirestorm> Hiya Sangar
L110[03:58:52] <asie> hello Sangar
L111[03:58:58] <asie> i've been pondering on GPU woes recently
L112[03:59:49] <Sangar> go on
L113[04:00:11] <asie> nothing concrete yet
L114[04:00:18] <asie> but it'd probably be OC 1.6 things
L115[04:00:26] <Vexatos> concrete is stone + rebar
L116[04:00:27] <Vexatos> IIRC
L117[04:00:47] <Vexatos> or cement + rebar
L118[04:00:52] <Noob> err.. what about GPU? :O
L119[04:00:53] <Vexatos> In Thut's mods
L120[04:01:05] * Noob impatiently waiting for framebuffer or something
L121[04:01:15] <SoraFirestorm> You got me curious too, asie :P
L122[04:01:46] <asie> generally, i've been looking into the amiga's design
L123[04:01:57] <asie> and my idea is roughly as follows
L124[04:02:12] <asie> #1: have the video memory double as gpu data memory
L125[04:02:33] <asie> #2: viewport + offset (so let's say the video memory is 32000 characters, and you can render up to 160x50)
L126[04:02:48] <asie> (but you can layout the video memory at any width. so you can have it act as a 320x100 memory, or as a 640x50 memory, or as a 160x200 memory, or etc)
L127[04:02:48] <Sangar> asie, i see. so here's what i've been thinking: the viewport thing is neat and a good short-term enhancement. might even make it into 1.5 yet. in 1.6 i'd aim to pull the actual buffer (stored text) into the gpu, and have screens provide an api to register renderers. the default gpu would be text renderers working like everything worked until now. then i / addons could add other graphics types. pondering allowing multiple renderes to mix stuff.
L128[04:02:59] <Sangar> aaand, i should hit enter more often
L129[04:03:11] <asie> #3: let's steal from the amiga some
L130[04:03:12] <Sangar> hmhm
L131[04:03:26] <asie> the copper is a good design for what i was calling the "client-side processor"
L132[04:03:31] <asie> a way to solve the issue of storing commands for the GPU
L133[04:03:36] <asie> is to store them in the video text buffer
L134[04:03:39] <asie> simple as that
L135[04:03:43] <SoraFirestorm> Sangar: something like an actually framebuffer?
L136[04:03:52] <asie> treat the video text buffer as a linear, interleaved [character, color] area
L137[04:04:16] <asie> so to have commands, you just write them into the video buffer at some position, and tell the client to execute it from that area
L138[04:04:20] <Vexatos> Soo Sangar: Something like the CPU's shift-click-to-change + setArchitecture?
L139[04:04:23] <asie> now, what would this be useful for?
L140[04:04:29] <asie> most likely the thing it was the most useful on the amiga/atari for
L141[04:04:38] <SoraFirestorm> video games?
L142[04:04:38] <asie> that is, changing video modes and palette mid-line
L143[04:04:40] <Vexatos> then being shift-click GPU and setRenderer?
L144[04:04:40] <Vexatos> >_>
L145[04:04:47] <asie> anyway
L146[04:04:50] <asie> i'd like to have text stay text
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L148[04:05:08] <asie> because graphics sending is very complicated over the network
L149[04:05:10] <Sangar> SoraFirestorm, something like that
L150[04:05:18] <Sangar> Vexatos, possibly
L151[04:05:18] <SoraFirestorm> that would be nice
L152[04:05:19] <asie> but one enhancement i would do, is the ability to set the width per-line using the GPU commands
L153[04:05:29] <asie> as well as set the line height per-line. that would go a long way for graphical software
L154[04:05:35] <Vexatos> so you can, say
L155[04:05:39] <asie> another enhancement: use one of the unicode private areas for custom characters
L156[04:05:40] <Vexatos> launch tetris.lua
L157[04:05:52] <Vexatos> it changes the renderer
L158[04:05:56] <Vexatos> you play tetris
L159[04:06:02] <Vexatos> on program exit, it resets to text buffer
L160[04:06:14] <asie> the best idea really is to base it on old 8-bit computers, as they usually had to work with low memory
L161[04:06:15] <SoraFirestorm> Somewhat like Doom on DOS?
L162[04:06:19] <scj643> Your up early
L163[04:06:20] <Noob> Hm but 160x50 doesnt sound like much lol. Maybe a bit bigger reso like 320x240/640x400 so there would be possibility to render at least something like OS gui or doom1 level game?
L164[04:06:23] <asie> i'd say a good idea might be a lo-res graphics mode
L165[04:06:23] <Sangar> asie, those commands, would they be executed each frame?
L166[04:06:28] <Sangar> or would there be state?
L167[04:06:34] <asie> Sangar: state reset every beginning
L168[04:06:38] <Sangar> k
L169[04:06:42] <asie> the commands are only three
L170[04:06:44] <asie> MOVE, WAIT, JUMP
L171[04:06:56] <SoraFirestorm> I think that having at least 1024x768 would be nice
L172[04:06:57] <asie> MOVE sets GPU registers, WAIT waits until a specific character/line, JUMP jumps to another area
L173[04:07:00] <SoraFirestorm> that way you could do GUIs
L174[04:07:02] <asie> SoraFirestorm: no
L175[04:07:09] <asie> Sangar: anyway, there's one easy way to add a graphical mode right now
L176[04:07:14] <asie> and it will take up the same amount of bandwidth
L177[04:07:18] ⇨ Joins: saman27 (~saman27@s5597fed1.adsl.online.nl)
L178[04:07:23] <asie> you know how the C64 does 8x8, 1-bit tiles, with a color per each tile?
L179[04:07:26] <asie> in its 320x200 hi-res mode
L180[04:07:29] <saman27> ewa
L181[04:07:31] <scj643> 1024x768 is over 720x480 which is DVD quality
L182[04:07:36] <Temia> >1024x768
L183[04:07:37] <SoraFirestorm> Doing a decent GUI is fine with 160x50 (if a little large for most screens)
L184[04:07:38] <Temia> Haha no.
L185[04:07:42] <asie> amiga did just fine with 640x256
L186[04:07:44] <Temia> That's way overkill.
L187[04:07:46] <SoraFirestorm> but that is in caracters
L188[04:07:51] <asie> Sangar: what you can do
L189[04:07:53] <Vexatos> inb4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdwORC-kfdY
L190[04:07:53] <MichiBot> Vexatos: Creating a Pacman 256 fan game in CraftOS 2.0 | length: 2m 17s | Likes: 54 Dislikes: 0 Views: 888 | by Dan200
L191[04:07:55] <Sangar> asie, so allow defining custom "chars" so to say
L192[04:08:03] <asie> Sangar: yes, but i have an idea for a graphics mode
L193[04:08:04] <SoraFirestorm> oh yeah
L194[04:08:05] <Sangar> double-width ones
L195[04:08:07] <Temia> 640x400 is probably the absolute peak
L196[04:08:07] <asie> the graphics mode treats the 16-bit character ID
L197[04:08:10] <asie> as a pixel list
L198[04:08:11] <SoraFirestorm> I remember seeing something about that
L199[04:08:21] <asie> so each 8x16 character becomes a 4x4 pixel set instead
L200[04:08:24] <asie> with two colors
L201[04:08:27] <Noob> Maybe with different refresh rates so like 640x400 would be like 15Hz refresh rate and 320x200 would be like 30Hz refresh rate lol
L202[04:08:36] <asie> you have a graphics mode with ZERO changes to the design
L203[04:08:44] <asie> and it does up to 640x200 out of the box with NO bandwidth increase
L204[04:08:49] <asie> ...and it's still better than CGA
L205[04:09:07] <asie> now, that'd be the short-term changes
L206[04:09:08] <scj643> Still think about network latency
L207[04:09:09] <asie> #1: add a viewport
L208[04:09:14] <asie> #2: add the 4x4-pixel-graphics-mode
L209[04:09:24] <asie> that solves the issue very cleanly and without compromising OC's GPU design
L210[04:09:26] <Sangar> hmmm,
L211[04:09:36] <asie> Sangar: after that, you add an accelerator card
L212[04:09:37] <asie> the blitter card
L213[04:09:48] <Noob> 3dfx?
L214[04:09:49] <asie> which interfaces with the GPU to allow you to do more precise copying operations with little bandwidt usage
L215[04:09:52] <asie> for instance
L216[04:09:55] <asie> in the graphics mode
L217[04:09:59] <asie> it lets you copy per-pixel instead of per-4x4
L218[04:10:06] <asie> and lets you apply AND/OR/XOR between the source and destination
L219[04:10:09] <asie> as that's what blitters generally do
L220[04:10:10] <Temia> My idea would probably just be a separate graphics layer under the text with its own rendering calls to draw pixels, copy sections (or blit VRAM objects), fill, and maybe have some prims.
L221[04:10:16] <SoraFirestorm> Hey, Vexatos, do you know what resolution dan200 has there?
L222[04:10:19] <asie> SoraFirestorm: very low
L223[04:10:27] <asie> dan essentially added a custom charset, and sprites
L224[04:10:33] <asie> Sangar: i should learn scala.
L225[04:10:39] <Vexatos> And the ability to draw images in CC
L226[04:10:44] <Vexatos> he loads the image
L227[04:10:44] <asie> i could code the new GPU for you, as i finally have a more-or-less concrete design
L228[04:10:47] <SoraFirestorm> tbh
L229[04:10:50] <Vexatos> and uses it like the MC texture atlas
L230[04:10:58] <SoraFirestorm> given that OC has huge ass screens
L231[04:10:59] <asie> Sangar: any tutorials on how to learn scala quickly enough to be able to code something that's not terrible?
L232[04:11:02] <SoraFirestorm> I think that would be okay
L233[04:11:11] <Vexatos> asie: Read OC code
L234[04:11:19] <asie> i need to write down my design
L235[04:11:20] <Vexatos> I learnt 50% of Scala by making an OC addon
L236[04:11:27] <Vexatos> (my work on Computronics)
L237[04:11:32] <Vexatos> The other 50% I learned making Selene
L238[04:11:37] <scj643> OC screens at max res don't fit 1366x768
L239[04:11:41] <Sangar> asie, i like the idea.
L240[04:11:42] <SoraFirestorm> yeah
L241[04:11:43] <Sangar> as for scala
L242[04:11:50] <SoraFirestorm> I don't particularly like that part
L243[04:11:50] <asie> Sangar: i'm going to jot this down on a piratepad
L244[04:12:04] <scj643> Loll!!!
L245[04:12:17] <Vexatos> 2mighty4pirate
L246[04:12:18] <Sangar> you might try https://www.coursera.org/course/progfun
L247[04:12:22] <SoraFirestorm> I mean, it starts shrinking at 1080p even
L248[04:12:28] <Sangar> it's by the guy that designed scala
L249[04:12:41] <Vexatos> All I needed are two links
L250[04:12:53] <asie> Sangar: i don't need a course, all i need is some syntax documentation
L251[04:12:54] <Vexatos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers and http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/Array.html
L252[04:12:54] <asie> haha
L253[04:13:00] <asie> i'm not going to write good scala, just scala good enough to send to you
L254[04:13:01] <Sangar> :P
L255[04:13:02] <Vexatos> that's how I learned Scala P:
L256[04:13:14] <Sangar> then that api ^
L257[04:13:20] <saman27> heyy i am a noob how to exit this
L258[04:13:25] <Vexatos> Array is like 50% of Scala
L259[04:13:26] <Vexatos> seriously
L260[04:13:27] <Sangar> and browsing oc or other scala code, yeah ;)
L261[04:13:36] <SoraFirestorm> Vexatos: that's honestly kinda sad
L262[04:13:38] <Vexatos> the most important anything in Scala
L263[04:13:47] <SoraFirestorm> if the array type is 50% of Scala
L264[04:13:47] <Vexatos> since it contains everything set and list etc also contain
L265[04:13:50] ⇦ Quits: saman27 (~saman27@s5597fed1.adsl.online.nl) (Remote host closed the connection)
L266[04:14:01] <SoraFirestorm> but what do I know
L267[04:14:14] <Sangar> well... except for traits / multiple inheritance, case classes, objects (singletons), pattern matching, ...
L268[04:14:14] <SoraFirestorm> I'm one of the weirdos that likes C
L269[04:14:16] <SoraFirestorm> soooo
L270[04:14:21] <Vexatos> Sangar, anything non-syntax related
L271[04:14:24] <Noob> But... how fast would the graphics refresh? It would be nice if this would refresh at least at 30Hz rate lol
L272[04:14:31] <Vexatos> i.e. all the functional functions
L273[04:14:34] <Vexatos> like map, filter etc
L274[04:14:41] <Sangar> :P
L275[04:14:51] <asie> Sangar: also
L276[04:14:55] <Sangar> i'll agree to "anything collection related" :P
L277[04:14:59] <asie> what do you think on making all 256 palette colours definable?
L278[04:15:11] <SoraFirestorm> is it really necessary?
L279[04:15:18] <asie> SoraFirestorm: for some of my graphics mode ideas, yes
L280[04:15:19] <SoraFirestorm> You get 240 of them :P
L281[04:15:26] <SoraFirestorm> I suppose
L282[04:15:29] <asie> Sangar: of course, with the current limits on palette setup
L283[04:15:32] *** SoraFirestorm is now known as SF-MC
L284[04:16:01] <Sangar> asie, mmm, idk.
L285[04:16:04] ⇨ Joins: Sora (~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org)
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L288[04:16:22] *** Sora is now known as SoraFirestorm
L289[04:17:05] <scj643> Just don't break MC doing this
L290[04:17:13] <SoraFirestorm> haha yeah
L291[04:17:44] <scj643> That would suck
L292[04:17:49] <SoraFirestorm> this has a lot of potential though
L293[04:18:26] <Vexatos> change the color palette of MC
L294[04:18:34] <Vexatos> New OpenGlasses feature
L295[04:19:10] <scj643> NP https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/VHGNBLJ2/IMG_0404.PNG
L296[04:20:08] <SoraFirestorm> Has that been updated to the most recent version of OC?
L297[04:20:15] <SoraFirestorm> Wasn't last I checked
L298[04:21:05] <SoraFirestorm> Doesn't appear so
L299[04:21:14] <scj643> Such a sad song https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/gkXFKH3S/IMG_0405.PNG
L300[04:21:40] <SoraFirestorm> I still have to watch that :(
L301[04:21:43] <SoraFirestorm> damn you Netflix
L302[04:22:06] <scj643> Go get dasuki they have it
L303[04:22:47] <Kodos> Did I miss a discussion
L304[04:22:48] <SoraFirestorm> have to keep this in mind
L305[04:22:49] <SoraFirestorm> thanks
L306[04:22:57] <SoraFirestorm> Kodos: roughly, some sort of framebuffer in OC
L307[04:22:59] <SoraFirestorm> roughly
L308[04:25:40] <scj643> This song is sad https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/gSyJeZdb/1-18+you+are+not+alone+%233.flac
L309[04:26:45] <SoraFirestorm> not going to spoil self on anything :P
L310[04:27:11] <scj643> .....
L311[04:27:46] <Izaya> SAO?
L312[04:27:54] <Izaya> Really?
L313[04:28:06] ⇨ Joins: Noob-tablet (webchat@broadband-95-84-156-76.nationalcablenetworks.ru)
L314[04:28:34] <Izaya> like sure I have a copy of SAO II, but I haven't bothered to watch it, apparently it's pretty bad
L315[04:28:40] <SoraFirestorm> What's wrong with SAO? :/
L316[04:29:17] <Turtle> A bunch of character development gets thrown out just to be able to use the damsel in distress cliché
L317[04:29:20] <Izaya> I have 200GB or so of anime (which is often increasing) to watch before I'll watch SAO
L318[04:29:50] <scj643> I got like 500 GB
L319[04:30:10] <Izaya> Watched it yet?
L320[04:30:25] <Kodos> Meh, I don't see the appeal in anime. Frankly I think it's terrible and that there are better things to watch
L321[04:30:37] <scj643> Most of it
L322[04:30:51] <Izaya> You must have less of a life than me.
L323[04:31:00] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/7w1WXsi.png
L324[04:31:12] <scj643> I do since I'm still in highschool and little cares
L325[04:31:42] <Izaya> I've ended up watching a lot of live-action stuff recently
L326[04:31:51] <Izaya> Mr Robot, Sleepy Hollow...
L327[04:32:05] <Turtle> Aaand I attempted to open my folder, and windows explorer stopped working.
L328[04:32:11] <Izaya> must have a lot
L329[04:32:24] <scj643> What happened ouran highschool host club
L330[04:32:28] <Turtle> Not really, 250ish gb, 50% of that is fullmetal alchemist iirc.
L331[04:32:38] <Turtle> (Full HD Ftw.)
L332[04:32:38] <scj643> Lol
L333[04:32:44] <Izaya> got the 1080p version of both seriesies?
L334[04:32:56] <Turtle> Just the 2011 one
L335[04:32:59] <scj643> First series wasn't in HD
L336[04:33:10] <scj643> It's in 4:3 too
L337[04:33:14] <Izaya> post wallpapers
L338[04:33:15] <Izaya> http://i.imgur.com/jFixiWs.png
L339[04:33:26] <scj643> I got a lot of those
L340[04:33:27] <Turtle> How many?
L341[04:33:32] <Turtle> I´ve got several gigabytes
L342[04:33:32] <Turtle> xD
L343[04:33:33] <Izaya> current one
L344[04:33:40] <SoraFirestorm> Turtle: Windows Explorer was working in the first place?
L345[04:33:46] <SoraFirestorm> How the hell did you do that magic?
L346[04:33:49] <Turtle> crudely
L347[04:33:54] <Izaya> the important questions
L348[04:34:00] <Izaya> were you using Explorer++\?
L349[04:34:04] <scj643> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Pd7hy27g/000.JPG
L350[04:34:10] <Turtle> no xD
L351[04:34:30] <Turtle> http://i.imgur.com/WfLkPf0.png <- I have a 1080p monitor, that´s the full size image
L352[04:34:52] <Izaya> I don't even have 1080p
L353[04:35:01] <scj643> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Zz5qWVXJ/%5BElysium%5DLucky.Star.EP08%28BD.720p.AAC.DA%29%5B15613727%5D.mkv_000049.345.JPG
L354[04:35:06] <Izaya> two 1440x900s and a 1600x900 in the middle
L355[04:35:29] <scj643> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/H0U3Uw1Q/puella_magi_madoka_magica_the_movie__nagisa_momoe_by_zing_007-d6tqvvj.png
L356[04:35:58] <scj643> What do you think
L357[04:36:13] <Izaya> is your desktop riced?
L358[04:36:51] <scj643> ....
L359[04:38:35] <SoraFirestorm> wow... was not smart
L360[04:38:36] <SoraFirestorm> can't read
L361[04:38:40] <SoraFirestorm> need to learn how
L362[04:38:58] <SoraFirestorm> being tired doesn't help
L363[04:41:22] <SoraFirestorm> so I'm really bored
L364[04:41:32] <SoraFirestorm> so I pulled Plan 9 to play with
L365[04:41:42] <scj643> Ripped this from Netflix https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/e7y4EnLK/Madoka+2.png
L366[04:41:48] <SoraFirestorm> think I already broke it...
L367[04:41:51] <Kodos> Huh, just saw the CraftOS 2.0 video
L368[04:42:01] <Izaya> paying for anime?
L369[04:42:10] <scj643> Hell no
L370[04:42:16] <scj643> Mom is
L371[04:42:44] <Izaya> oh wow
L372[04:42:49] <Izaya> what a difference
L373[04:42:53] <Izaya> and ripping from netflix
L374[04:42:59] <Izaya> sounds like taping to VHS
L375[04:43:18] <scj643> Look at this https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ed5zTE0E/%5BReinForce%5D+Sword+Art+Online+II+-+OP3+%28BDRip+1920x1080+x264+FLAC%29.mkv_20150919_191449.187.png
L376[04:43:28] <Izaya> which co-incidentally I have quite a number of cassettes for and even a recorder or two
L377[04:43:57] <scj643> I just used it to see if disabling hardware acceleration would give me screenshots
L378[04:44:49] <scj643> https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=9E358B19B851FA09!2339&authkey=!AEvQ-itlF0rYJ3I&ithint=folder%2cpng
L379[04:44:53] <scj643> All my wallpaper
L380[04:45:50] <scj643> I'm going to bed
L381[04:47:35] <SoraFirestorm> plan 9 is weird
L382[04:48:08] <dangranos> yay
L383[04:48:16] <dangranos> https://github.com/wishstudio/flinux/issues/68#event-431691277
L384[04:48:23] <Sangar> well this is... fascinating: http://youpronounce.it/
L385[04:49:40] <SoraFirestorm> dangranos: why not just use your free upgrade to Windows 10
L386[04:49:50] <SoraFirestorm> IIRC 7 and up got the upgrade for free
L387[04:50:15] <SoraFirestorm> well
L388[04:50:20] <SoraFirestorm> Sangar: indeed it is
L389[04:52:23] <asie> okay, so
L390[04:52:26] <asie> i got some talks with Sangar
L391[04:53:48] <dangranos> no
L392[04:53:54] <Sangar> i'm now hyped for oc 1.6 >_>
L393[04:54:08] <Sangar> #BlameAsie
L394[04:54:21] <SoraFirestorm> haha
L395[04:54:34] <asie> so am i
L396[04:54:37] <asie> #BlameSangar
L397[04:55:00] <SoraFirestorm> #BlameWhoeverIsNotMe ?
L398[04:55:07] <SoraFirestorm> Did I win?
L399[04:55:09] <asie> Yes
L400[04:55:39] <SoraFirestorm> :D
L401[04:57:02] * Vexatos has been blamed successfully.
L402[04:57:10] <SoraFirestorm> wait wat
L403[04:57:35] <Turtle> What did you do .-.
L404[04:57:56] <Noob-tablet> What do you blame me for? :/
L405[04:58:30] * Sangar throws some more Blame(!) around
L406[04:59:06] <SoraFirestorm> oh god
L407[04:59:11] <SoraFirestorm> what have I done?
L408[04:59:47] * Noob-tablet blames SoraFirestorm
L409[04:59:58] <SoraFirestorm> naturally
L410[05:00:27] ⇦ Quits: Noob-tablet (webchat@broadband-95-84-156-76.nationalcablenetworks.ru) (Quit: Web client closed)
L411[05:00:56] <Vexatos> Forestry 4 got released .-.
L412[05:00:57] <Vexatos> sooo
L413[05:01:10] <Vexatos> Currently waiting for mezz to fix the bugs I found :P
L414[05:01:14] <Vexatos> so I can update Computronics
L415[05:01:18] <Vexatos> and we get moar nanomachine stuffs
L416[05:07:06] <DeanIsaKitty> Do Nanomachines grow on trees? :P
L417[05:10:54] <Turtle> What´s new in forestry 4?
L418[05:12:14] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L424[05:26:59] <SoraFirestorm> laters all
L425[05:27:01] ⇦ Parts: SoraFirestorm (~user@131-191-86-130.as.clicknet.org) (ERC (IRC client for Emacs 24.5.1)))
L426[05:34:35] ⇦ Quits: Stary2001 (Stary2001@2001:bc8:395b::1) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L428[05:45:41] * Izaya ews at OneDrive
L429[05:45:48] <Izaya> I bet you use BotnetOS too
L430[05:47:37] <Izaya> also ugh
L431[05:47:39] <Noob> x86.Trojan.Windows10
L432[05:47:50] <Izaya> LET ME RIGTT CLICK YOU WEB 3.0 BULLSHIT
L433[05:47:52] <Noob> An appropriate name to it
L434[05:58:13] <dangranos> hm
L435[05:58:20] <dangranos> nah, it's multiarch
L436[05:58:32] <dangranos> Trojan.Microsoft.Windows10
L437[06:16:28] <Kodos> Vexatos, what stuff are you adding in from forestry to nanos
L438[06:18:03] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host86-142-226-13.range86-142.btcentralplus.com)
L439[06:22:05] <Vexatos> Kodos, things
L440[06:22:08] <Vexatos> (tm)
L441[06:24:30] ⇦ Quits: Noob (~opera@broadband-95-84-156-76.nationalcablenetworks.ru) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L442[06:25:54] <Turtle> oh that reminds me, Vexatos, does Computronics do anything with the buildcraft blueprints/schematics?
L443[06:26:13] <Vexatos> well, all Computronics blocks are supported
L444[06:26:16] <Vexatos> by the Builder
L445[06:26:34] <Turtle> yeah, I asked a bit earlier if there was anything that let you write custom blueprints/schematics
L446[06:26:43] <Vexatos> in Lua?
L447[06:26:46] <Turtle> got pointed at computronics, couldn´t find anything like I ment :p
L448[06:26:47] <Vexatos> that's impossible
L449[06:26:57] <Turtle> Vexatos, err, what?
L450[06:26:58] <Vexatos> and shouldn't be done anyways
L451[06:27:32] <Vexatos> You can not make a blueprint out of raw data
L452[06:27:39] <Vexatos> due to the way they are stored
L453[06:28:15] <Turtle> How are they stored then, I was under the impression it was a 3D array of blocks and metadata
L454[06:28:34] <Vexatos> hahahaha no
L455[06:28:44] <Vexatos> you know, blocks are not that easy
L456[06:28:51] <Vexatos> ever heard of NBT data... or rotation?
L457[06:29:01] <Vexatos> Remember that all BC blueprints are rotatable
L458[06:29:13] <Vexatos> meaning you can make the blueprint facing north
L459[06:29:17] <Vexatos> and re-build it facing east
L460[06:29:22] <Turtle> yeah, ik
L461[06:29:23] <Vexatos> and it will rotate all supported blocks properly
L462[06:29:33] <Vexatos> for that, each block needs a custom handler to handle the rotation
L463[06:29:45] <Vexatos> Computronics adds one for the Computronics blocks, for instance
L464[06:30:11] <Turtle> So... just use whatever side mechanism buildcraft uses internally?
L465[06:30:14] <Vexatos> And you don't know which handler to use for which block without having the link established by the Architect Block
L466[06:31:56] <Turtle> Yeah, but it´d be silly for the file format to use a different ´side´ format for each type of block
L467[06:32:33] <Vexatos> uhm what
L468[06:32:48] <Vexatos> there is no "one way" to rotate a block in Minecraft
L469[06:32:55] <Turtle> There´s 6 directions
L470[06:32:58] <Vexatos> you HAVE to add custom handlers for pretty much everything
L471[06:34:14] <Turtle> Wouldn´t it be a lot more sane to just have the handler return which of the 6 directions the block is in, then on build, tell the handler which direction?
L472[06:34:48] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Lilly_Satou
L473[06:35:11] <Vexatos> https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/blob/7.1.x/api/buildcraft/api/blueprints/Schematic.java
L474[06:35:36] <Vexatos> and https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/blob/7.1.x/api/buildcraft/api/blueprints/SchematicBlock.java
L475[06:35:47] <Vexatos> and https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/blob/7.1.x/api/buildcraft/api/blueprints/SchematicTile.java
L476[06:35:51] <Vexatos> have fun reading
L477[06:35:53] <Turtle> oh right, I forgot buildcraft source is on github
L478[06:37:41] ⇦ Parts: Lilly_Satou (~Daiyousei@2a03:b0c0:0:1010::51:3001) (WeeChat 1.2))
L479[06:43:50] ⇦ Quits: Daiyousei (Daiyousei@2001:bc8:395b::2) (Quit: Stary2001 killed me D:)
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L481[06:43:58] ⇨ Joins: Noob (~opera@broadband-95-84-156-76.nationalcablenetworks.ru)
L482[06:44:12] <Noob> Dang it I broke my debian really bad xD
L483[06:45:03] <Noob> Whenever I'm trying to install anything I'm getting something like
L484[06:45:03] <Noob> g++ : Depends: g++-4.7 (>= 4.7.2-1~) but it is not going to be installed
L485[06:45:03] <Noob> Depends: gcc-4.7 (>= 4.7.2-1~) but it is not going to be installed
L486[06:45:33] <Noob> But system gives me ridiculous "solution" to it by removing like 90% of packages
L487[06:46:41] ⇨ Joins: Inari (~Uni@p5B102651.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L488[06:53:14] <Turtle> Is the whole ´facing´ thing 1.8 or later?
L489[06:53:30] <Turtle> I thought that was the standard mojang used, which looks to be pretty complete
L490[06:56:10] <Vexatos> Look at this guy, putting "mojang" and "standard" in the same sentence
L491[06:56:41] <Turtle> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Block_states There is some sanity, although exceptions do seem to pop up a few times
L492[06:58:36] <Turtle> But, whatever.
L493[07:01:46] <Turtle> The answer why BC does it in that way is going to be legacy code, isn´t it?
L494[07:03:45] <Kodos> Are there any segment displays that can display letters, too, or just numbers
L495[07:04:01] <Turtle> Kodos, IRL?
L496[07:04:07] <Kodos> Within MC
L497[07:04:24] <Turtle> There´s segment displays in MC? You mean project red?
L498[07:04:56] <Vexatos> Pretty sure you can make the ICs segment display display virtually anything
L499[07:05:00] <Vexatos> using bundled redstone
L500[07:05:06] <Kodos> Mkay
L501[07:05:21] <Kodos> If that's true, that's quite perfect actually
L502[07:06:02] <Kodos> Now I just need to update mods so I can see if Stacks on Stacks has proper pile naming
L503[07:06:09] <Kodos> Or if I need to report it
L504[07:06:23] <Turtle> I would recommend usage of the union jack mode
L505[07:06:34] <Turtle> + https://iweb.tntech.edu/oelkeelany/2110f07/asciiCapitals.bmp
L506[07:06:56] <Kodos> Good idea, thanks
L507[07:07:01] <Turtle> actually
L508[07:07:04] <Inari> http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/8690967.jpg the only true way of display
L509[07:07:04] <Turtle> http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Segment_Display
L510[07:07:13] <Turtle> There´s a list of the characters and redstone values
L511[07:08:20] <Turtle> You still might want to make an IC to convert those values to something more compact if you´re not using a computer to give the signals
L512[07:09:08] <Kodos> Microcontroller, actually
L513[07:09:29] <Kodos> Going to basically use segment displays as a screen
L514[07:09:37] <Turtle> yeah I would recommend using ICs then
L515[07:09:39] <Kodos> The sign IO thing was being weird
L516[07:09:44] <Turtle> so you can fit more data into a single bundled cable
L517[07:10:17] <Inari> i wish tppi2 had IC
L518[07:11:19] <Turtle> Vexatos, computer controlled IC designer, go tell me why it won´t work :P
L519[07:12:00] <Vexatos> Because Vic didn't add it?
L520[07:12:13] <Turtle> heh, I was just joking :p
L521[07:12:23] <Turtle> computer controlled IC designer could be neat though, idk
L522[07:12:40] <Turtle> might not work because of how some gates have extra options, idk.
L523[07:15:09] <Kodos> Time to write a program :3
L524[07:15:23] <Kodos> What's a good way to get a quick and dirty gif made from something going on on your screen
L525[07:16:01] <Turtle> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIF#Example_GIF_file ?
L526[07:16:29] <Turtle> glhf getting it to render at a good speed though
L527[07:20:36] <Kodos> Okay, well I have the segment display lighting up, one segment at a time, clockwise in a circle along the outer edge of the display ;3
L528[07:20:40] <Kodos> That's a start
L529[07:22:12] <Kodos> Now I just have to make a table with each letter as a key, and the value as a table of which inputs need to be on
L530[07:27:54] <DeanIsaKitty> Anybody in here remembers the "DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0" Norton Bug? :D
L531[07:28:39] <Lizzy> eww norton
L532[07:28:40] <Lizzy> no
L533[07:28:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Kaspersky pulled one too: https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=564
L534[07:28:47] <Kodos> DeanIsaKitty, if anyone resets by peer, I'm kicking you =P
L535[07:29:02] <DeanIsaKitty> Not really something you can do :P
L536[07:29:09] <Kodos> What, kick you?
L537[07:29:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Can voices kick now?
L538[07:29:25] <Kodos> Not any voice
L539[07:29:27] <Kodos> But I can
L540[07:29:32] <Lizzy> !flags
L541[07:29:40] <DeanIsaKitty> !flags
L542[07:29:50] <Lizzy> DeanIsaKitty, can kick
L543[07:29:55] <Izaya> https://mason-larobina.github.io/luakit/ GUYS
L544[07:29:59] <Izaya> in other news
L545[07:30:00] <Izaya> bed
L546[07:30:18] <Kodos> Izaya, layman's terms please
L547[07:33:17] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy: Also, the more I look at your message the less sence it makes :P
L548[07:33:26] <Lizzy> ?
L549[07:34:18] <DeanIsaKitty> Is that a 'DeanIsaKitty, [Kodos] can kick', a 'Kodos: DeanIsaKitty can kick' or something completely else?
L550[07:34:32] <Izaya> so
L551[07:34:32] <Lizzy> that's a DeanIsaKitty can kick
L552[07:34:38] <Lizzy> just didn't remove the ,
L553[07:34:38] <Kodos> !flags
L554[07:34:43] <Izaya> energy drink before bed
L555[07:34:46] <Izaya> bad idea
L556[07:34:49] <DeanIsaKitty> Ah, good to know
L557[07:34:54] <Izaya> who knew
L558[07:35:07] <DeanIsaKitty> Everybody with half a brain.
L559[07:35:14] <Izaya> oi
L560[07:35:28] <Izaya> I've been drinking it for the last 6 hours or so
L561[07:35:32] <Kodos> What's the 'e' flag for?
L562[07:35:37] <Izaya> finished it half an hour ago
L563[07:35:42] <Lizzy> exempt, it hink
L564[07:35:45] <Lizzy> think*
L565[07:42:05] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/kGh8a/9b8cbe36a4.png =D
L566[07:42:47] <Lizzy> :O?
L567[07:44:22] <Kodos> Oh neat, gems work too http://puu.sh/kGhdZ/3aa55e6a0e.png
L568[07:46:36] <Kodos> Woww, it even works on regular bricks
L569[07:46:42] <Izaya> damn luakit looks awesome
L570[07:46:47] <Izaya> vim keybinds
L571[07:49:08] <Magik6k> IT(Module nampspaces) WORKS: http://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1448374111201548.png
L572[07:49:52] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L573[07:50:05] <Vexatos> Magik6k, what's that .-.
L574[07:51:38] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
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L576[07:52:55] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: If that's what you want, http://www.vimperator.org/vimperator/ http://vimium.github.io/ http://sourceforge.net/p/vimprobable/wiki/Home/
L577[07:53:09] <Magik6k> Vexatos, a thing that separates the 'package' for tree of processes
L578[07:53:27] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: also https://fanglingsu.github.io/vimb/
L579[07:53:35] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L580[07:53:41] <Magik6k> so you can debug libs or have different 2 libs of the same name loaded
L581[07:53:55] <Izaya> I know about vimperator
L582[07:54:04] <Izaya> but a lua-extensible browser!
L583[07:54:17] <Izaya> I know Lua the best out of any language
L584[07:54:25] <DeanIsaKitty> Well, other browsers call those "plugins"
L585[07:55:06] <DeanIsaKitty> Also vimprobable and vimb are self-sufficient browers, not plugins.
L586[07:55:34] <Kodos> So wait, remote terminals are being removed?
L587[07:57:09] <Vexatos> Magik6k, will it affect how Selene needs to be loaded? >_>
L588[07:57:16] <Magik6k> hmm
L589[07:57:52] <Magik6k> this actually may break if it use require withour running process
L590[07:58:01] <Kodos> Oh God, this mod does dusts, too
L591[07:58:05] <Kodos> Redstone and Gunpowder, at least
L592[07:58:06] <Magik6k> Which you IIRC do
L593[07:58:39] <Vexatos> Magik6k, https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Vexatos-Programs/blob/master/selene/wrappers/Plan9k/lib/modules/base/17_selene.lua
L594[07:59:08] <Magik6k> oh
L595[07:59:14] <Magik6k> it's in keventd
L596[08:00:58] <nxsupert> o/
L597[08:01:13] <Magik6k> Vexatos, it will probably work, only thing is that keventd has separate module namespace by default
L598[08:01:29] <Magik6k> umm
L599[08:01:31] <Vexatos> what's a module namespace even P:
L600[08:03:12] <Magik6k> Vexatos, its separate 'package' for require
L601[08:03:36] <Magik6k> Vexatos, http://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1503254111201503.png
L602[08:03:58] <Magik6k> It's the code that does the namespace magic
L603[08:05:11] <Magik6k> So basicly it requires process tree with new namespace to load libs from disk instead of using cached instances
L604[08:05:30] <Vexatos> sooo uuuh
L605[08:05:38] <Vexatos> can't I use userspace.require anymore .-.
L606[08:06:07] <Magik6k> you can till you use it form process
L607[08:06:19] <Magik6k> for kernel it's keventd
L608[08:06:34] <Magik6k> (which is separate from userspace)
L609[08:06:48] <Vexatos> I still don't really know how it works or what it does, my question just is need I change anything in Selene's loader >_>
L610[08:07:13] <Magik6k> I looked at it and I don't know ;p
L611[08:07:19] <Vexatos> ...
L612[08:07:47] <Magik6k> lemme try
L613[08:10:24] <Vexatos> also, why are you doing it? Wouldn't it just use even more RAM? >_>
L614[08:10:29] <Magik6k> Vexatos, how do I selene(i.e. give mesth to test)
L615[08:10:45] <Vexatos> mpt -S selene-plan9k
L616[08:11:00] <Magik6k> Vexatos, code to test
L617[08:11:05] <Magik6k> it turned on
L618[08:11:07] <Vexatos> return true > /etc/selene.cfg
L619[08:11:11] <Vexatos> reboot
L620[08:11:27] <Magik6k> and I have it with liveMode
L621[08:11:38] <Vexatos> and then something like "local s = "Hello World!" s$$ return s()
L622[08:11:44] <Magik6k> Vexatos, for 'normal' use it's only 1-2k of ram more
L623[08:12:28] <Magik6k> and I want to be able to run containers on powerful servers
L624[08:12:37] <Magik6k> (VPS in minecrafn)
L625[08:12:55] <Vexatos> ok, just updated Selene on mpt >_>
L626[08:14:10] <Magik6k> I guess it works: http://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1514004111201514.png
L627[08:16:50] <Vexatos> yea
L628[08:17:51] <Vexatos> another good example would be >> local s = "Hello World!" s::reverse:split:$ print(s)
L629[08:18:00] <Vexatos> err
L630[08:18:09] <Vexatos> local s = "Hello World!" s::reverse:split("%s"):$ print(s)
L631[08:18:11] <Vexatos> thart >_>
L632[08:19:08] <Magik6k> reboot
L633[08:19:13] <Magik6k> ._.
L634[08:19:50] <Magik6k> This one didn't work
L635[08:19:58] <Magik6k> http://assets.magik6k.net/screenshoots/1519534111201519.png
L636[08:20:33] <Vexatos> ehmwat
L637[08:20:48] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@80-254-76-197.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
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L639[08:26:55] <Kodos> Lol, SoS works with cooked meat ingots
L640[08:27:01] <Kodos> Helloooo new food source
L641[08:29:07] ⇨ Joins: jhagrid77 (webchat@c-68-62-82-1.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L642[08:29:17] <jhagrid77> Anyone here using Ubuntu?
L643[08:31:56] <Kodos> o/
L644[08:32:02] <Vexatos> #p
L645[08:32:03] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0.155936604 Seconds passed.
L646[08:33:16] <DeanIsaKitty> jhagrid77: Sometimes, why?
L647[08:33:41] <jhagrid77> DeanIsaKitty: Cause im trying to install MC and it wont work
L648[08:33:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Server/Client? Error messages?
L649[08:34:20] <jhagrid77> Nope
L650[08:34:31] <DeanIsaKitty> Thats one question down. One to go.
L651[08:34:48] <jhagrid77> Ive tried Java and OpenJDK (JDK wont show anyways)
L652[08:34:55] <Lizzy> jhagrid77, what do you get when you run java -version?
L653[08:34:59] <DeanIsaKitty> ^
L654[08:35:06] <Lizzy> without the question mark at the end
L655[08:35:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Also how are you installing MC?
L656[08:35:54] <jhagrid77> java version "1.8.0_60" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode)
L657[08:36:23] <jhagrid77> I got the jar from the website after trying my pirated but nither work and both are jar
L658[08:36:51] <Lizzy> how areo you trying to run the jar?
L659[08:37:07] <jhagrid77> the Java runtime
L660[08:37:08] <DeanIsaKitty> I'm gonna guess Client then. did you try `java -jar <mc>.jar`?
L661[08:37:18] <jhagrid77> no
L662[08:37:23] <nxsupert> o/
L663[08:37:43] <jhagrid77> so what do i put?
L664[08:37:59] <DeanIsaKitty> java -jar name_of_minecraft_jar.jar
L665[08:41:26] <jhagrid77> How long do I have to wait in order for the client to show?
L666[08:41:49] <Lizzy> is there any output in the console you ran that command from?
L667[08:41:50] <DeanIsaKitty> Its should pretty instantly show stuff on the console
L668[08:42:17] <jhagrid77> Bootstrap (v5) Current time is Oct 11, 2015 9:40:17 AM System.getProperty('os.name') == 'Linux' System.getProperty('os.version') == '3.19.0-25-generic' System.getProperty('os.arch') == 'amd64' System.getProperty('java.version') == '1.8.0_60' System.getProperty('java.vendor') == 'Oracle Corporation' System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '64' Looking for update Downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/launcher.
L669[08:42:37] <Lizzy> then give it a bit, it's probably downloading the launcher wrapper
L670[08:42:57] <jhagrid77> yea it idd
L671[08:43:01] <jhagrid77> did*
L672[08:43:50] <jhagrid77> but shouldn't the launcher show up or something?
L673[08:44:50] <Lizzy> is the stuff in the terminal still running?
L674[08:45:05] <jhagrid77> [09:39:20 INFO]: Loaded 1 profile(s); selected '(Default)'
L675[08:45:11] <jhagrid77> last thing shown
L676[08:55:19] <DeanIsaKitty> Make sure your drivers are somewhat up to date and that LWJGL is working on your machine. Otherwise nothing will show up.
L677[08:55:49] <jhagrid77> LWJGL?
L678[08:56:08] <jhagrid77> My drivers should be up to date as I dont see anything I need to do
L679[08:58:43] <DeanIsaKitty> LWJGL is the (ogl) graphics library minecraft uses
L680[08:59:07] <DeanIsaKitty> The laucher should download it if there is no suitable one found on the syste,
L681[09:00:58] * Lizzy ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210H CPU @ 2.90GHz (2.00 GHz) ** RAM: 8109 MB Total (4520 MB Free) ** VGA: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 ** Uptime: 20.78 Hours **
L682[09:01:22] <Lizzy> heh, vga is slightly wrong
L683[09:01:37] <DeanIsaKitty> Its the currently active one
L684[09:01:55] <DeanIsaKitty> NVidia optimus
L685[09:02:05] <Lizzy> no my 950m is currently active, hexchat is only using the intel one though
L686[09:02:25] * Lizzy has idea
L687[09:03:08] * Lizzy ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.2 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210H CPU @ 2.90GHz (2.00 GHz) ** RAM: 8109 MB Total (4487 MB Free) ** VGA: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 ** Uptime: 20.81 Hours **
L688[09:03:13] <Lizzy> meh
L689[09:03:47] ⇨ Joins: brandon3055_ (~Brandon@
L690[09:03:53] <Lizzy> well my 950m is active and even when stating hexchat and specifying it to use the 950m it doesn't change the sysinfo output
L691[09:04:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Installing 112 unneeded packages to get one running. Yaaaay
L692[09:05:03] <Lizzy> i still need to go through and review the updates on here (laptop) to make sure i untick the surveylence ones m$ released recently
L693[09:05:13] <Lizzy> cant remember their numbers though
L694[09:06:24] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L699[09:14:16] <jhagrid77> I'm thinking I should just do windows for MC lol
L700[09:14:35] <Lizzy> if it works there, that's probably your best bet
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L703[09:15:38] <jhagrid77> Yea only problem is that since my HDD broke I have to use a EHD for WIn 7 and it wont do Virtual memory, which I really need
L704[09:18:14] <Kodos> Okay, ditched a few mods in my personal pack to lighten the load a bit
L705[09:18:28] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/kGlKk/3ffef16f68.png =D
L706[09:18:37] <Kodos> Can't wait to build a proper warehouse on an actual surv world
L707[09:20:23] <jhagrid77> anyone know hot to trick Win 7 into thinking an EHD into a HDD
L708[09:21:03] <Kodos> Are you asking how to portable-install Minecraft?
L709[09:21:36] <jhagrid77> My problem is that Ubuntu isnt working for Minecraft either legit or pirated
L710[09:22:18] <jhagrid77> Win 7 wont let me use Virtual Memory cause the OS is on my EHD since my HDD died
L711[09:22:30] <jhagrid77> Ubuntu is on my USB
L712[09:22:47] <Kodos> Why are you bothering with trying to get pirated working if you've got a legit copy
L713[09:23:41] <jhagrid77> I haven't payed for it
L714[09:23:52] <jhagrid77> Just downloaded it to see if it would launch
L715[09:23:53] <Lizzy> right, time to go to grandparents
L716[09:24:58] <Kodos> ...
L717[09:25:27] <Lizzy> also today's socks are blue & gray stripped and orange and black striped
L718[09:25:35] <jhagrid77> Is there a difference between the live USB Ubuntu and the install?
L719[09:25:55] <Lizzy> other than where it's running from, shouldn't be
L720[09:26:02] <jhagrid77> Thoguht so
L721[09:30:26] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
L722[09:38:27] <Kodos> Looks like the Matter Overdrive mod dev just put out a standalone ExU drums mod :3
L723[09:38:46] ⇨ Joins: shadowkin0721 (~shadowkin@pool-71-191-187-114.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L724[09:41:43] <S3> vifino: knock knock
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L728[09:59:07] <Vexatos> Soo, Computronics 1.5.8 is out .-.
L729[09:59:33] <gamax92> what does it add
L730[09:59:36] <gamax92> what was removed
L731[09:59:38] <gamax92> what was fixed
L732[09:59:47] <gamax92> what was broken
L733[10:00:13] <gamax92> daaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum.
L734[10:02:42] <S3> ...?
L735[10:02:51] <S3> gamax92: maybe it was a version number increase?
L736[10:02:58] <Vexatos> https://twitter.com/Croxmata/status/653224070797000704 yay .-.
L737[10:03:09] <gamax92> lol
L738[10:03:34] <gamax92> periodically increase version and make random fixes for changelog and then add random bugs to fix later
L739[10:04:40] <Vexatos> Kodos, I hate you
L740[10:04:41] <Vexatos> there
L741[10:04:43] <Vexatos> tweet fixed
L742[10:04:44] <Vexatos> :/
L743[10:05:06] <S3> YAY
L744[10:05:09] <Kodos> I was only trying to help =(
L745[10:05:26] <S3> so I finally figured out how to get my game engine's player entities logged in
L746[10:05:58] <Vexatos> Kodos, that was a "thank you"
L747[10:05:59] <S3> by adding mixins to their inventory (which sounds like a hack, but player inventories in my engine are not just for items, they map all commands etc)
L748[10:06:02] <Vexatos> I didn't even think about that
L749[10:06:30] <Kodos> Woo, I can pull ExU out of my pack now
L750[10:06:42] <gamax92> Sangar
L751[10:06:50] <gamax92> please don't take screenshots at Quake Pro
L752[10:07:15] <S3> :)
L753[10:07:57] <Kodos> Vexatos, does this make Computronics the first working addon for Forestry 4?
L754[10:08:15] <Vexatos> NEII updated first
L755[10:08:19] <Vexatos> by removing all Forestry integration
L756[10:08:28] <Kodos> Not an addon then
L757[10:08:29] <Vexatos> since it's native in Forestry now
L758[10:08:29] <Vexatos> :P
L759[10:08:47] <Vexatos> Well, Gendustry has had a forestry-unstable jenkins job for months
L760[10:08:52] <Vexatos> That's about it though
L761[10:09:07] <Vexatos> I'll bee back
L762[10:09:15] <Vexatos> (pun indented)
L763[10:09:20] <shadowkin0721> So many fucking bee puns. I'm gonna go gouge my eyes out now.
L764[10:09:22] *** Vexatos is now known as Vex|Away
L765[10:09:36] <Kodos> shadowkin0721, buzz off =P
L766[10:09:41] <Vex|Away> shadowkin0721, INDENTED
L767[10:09:46] * Vex|Away goes away
L768[10:10:20] <shadowkin0721> I wonder if the term "buzzed" is in any way related to mead being honey based.
L769[10:14:25] <Kodos> Man, I'm torn
L770[10:14:28] <Kodos> IE vs Magneticraft
L771[10:17:12] <Lizzy> and back
L772[10:31:29] <Sangar> gamax92, i'm pretty sure it's only 90 or so :P
L773[10:32:52] <Kodos> How to spoiler in markdown
L774[10:40:09] *** Vex|Away is now known as Vexatos
L775[10:40:14] <Vexatos> Well that was quicker than I expected
L776[10:40:21] <Vexatos> Sangar: Update Forestry integration. Now.
L777[10:40:22] <Vexatos> :P
L778[10:40:29] <Kodos> Vexatos, PR it =P
L779[10:40:36] <Vexatos> Kodos, no
L780[10:40:59] <Kodos> Besides, I think he's busy removing remote terminals
L781[10:57:28] * gamax92 pokes vifino
L782[10:58:19] *** Daiyousei is now known as Lillly_Satou
L783[10:58:25] *** Lillly_Satou is now known as Lilly_Satou
L784[10:58:58] <gamax92> my ipv6 is broken, it works when i run ping6 from the router but not from this computer.
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L786[11:18:45] *** rakiru|offline is now known as Kasen
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L789[11:45:01] <Antheus> Hola
L790[11:45:12] <gamax92> oh noes it's estaban
L791[11:45:16] <asie> what?
L792[11:46:36] * Antheus sets asie on fire
L793[11:51:11] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4E738821C067A6B7085210.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L795[11:53:50] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
L796[12:02:38] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@arouen-651-1-404-80.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L797[12:09:16] <Turtle> http://i.imgur.com/A3ZPL5Y.png I´m still not sure if I like the reflector .-.
L798[12:10:30] ⇨ Joins: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@arouen-651-1-404-80.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L799[12:11:39] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-10-11_12-10-29.mp4
L800[12:13:09] <Turtle> Mimiru, neat, looks like the right margin crawls a bit to the left though.
L801[12:13:20] <Mimiru> Yeah... no idea how to fix it though
L802[12:13:31] <Mimiru> I just substring my way through the string
L803[12:14:22] <Turtle> I see, it´s because of the ´i´ being so narrow
L804[12:14:27] <Mimiru> I'm guessing it's because characters have different widths, and you can fit more narrow characters on a screen.
L805[12:15:25] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/kGwam/d595d397e2.png Does that look okay for a ghetto pallet for ingots
L806[12:15:45] <Mimiru> Looks pretty good Kodos..
L807[12:16:16] <Kodos> k
L808[12:16:22] <Turtle> Mimiru, aside from using a monospaced font I don´t see a lot of fixes that don´t involve doing some math on font width
L809[12:16:52] <Mimiru> I don't think I can switch the font, it's MC's built in stuff with drawString
L810[12:17:12] <Mimiru> forge does have fontRenderer.getStringWidth, I'm not sure if it would be of any help though.
L811[12:17:49] <Turtle> It probably would be
L812[12:18:42] * gamax92 goes to look at totally legal code
L813[12:18:58] <Turtle> although it´d probably be loop intensive, You could just loop the different string lengths until you find one that is longer than the screen, then use the previous string
L814[12:19:15] <Turtle> the problem is you have to do that loop every time you remove the first character :s
L815[12:19:22] <gamax92> oh nvm, I deleted all that stuff because I wasn't using it in several months
L816[12:19:33] <gamax92> Turtle: no
L817[12:19:37] <Vexatos> https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/item/ItemOpenComputers.java#L327 :P
L818[12:19:47] <asie> pings me every time
L819[12:19:50] <Turtle> gamax92, wait what?
L820[12:19:58] <gamax92> you can width the first character that you remove, and width the rest of the characters after that
L821[12:20:27] <gamax92> don't need to do the entire thing if the entire/most of it is known
L822[12:20:51] <Turtle> Assuming the first character is something wide, like W, and the new character is ´i´ you still have to loop to see how many new characters you can fit
L823[12:21:08] <Kodos> http://puu.sh/kGww5/3e218ed1ec.png =D
L824[12:21:34] <gamax92> lets say you have "OpenFM sucks" and you can fit "OpenFM", instead of starting from p and doing p, pe, pen, penF, penFM, etc etc
L825[12:21:41] <gamax92> you can start from penFM since you know that fits
L826[12:21:56] <Turtle> oh yeah, I figured as such in my mind, phrased it poorly xD
L827[12:22:42] <Turtle> I suppose it would be fast to just loop then, it´s at most probably between 3 and 4 cycles I suppose.
L828[12:22:48] <gamax92> yeah
L829[12:23:12] <gamax92> though I though there was a forge function for that ... I have nothing setup to look though because I deleted everything
L830[12:23:59] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~tangentde@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.3)
L831[12:24:24] <Turtle> vOv haven´t worked with forge in ages, recently deleted the code as it was completely irrelevant to the current way forge works.
L832[12:24:35] <Turtle> *the code as in, my code from when I worked with forge.
L833[12:24:46] <gamax92> :o you deleted forge?
L834[12:25:00] <gamax92> welp no more forge everyone, back to modloader
L835[12:25:13] <Mimiru> the code I'm using for the render loop is a total pile of shit
L836[12:25:17] <Mimiru> but it sorta works.. :/
L837[12:27:59] <Turtle> ¨but it sorta works.. :/¨ 99.9% of software.
L838[12:28:38] <Mimiru> lol
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L840[12:28:51] <gamax92> what are those quotes ...
L841[12:29:09] <Turtle> I have no idea
L842[12:29:11] <Turtle> hexchat does it.
L843[12:29:15] <gamax92> "nope"
L844[12:29:32] <Turtle> "this is copied from chome search bar"
L845[12:30:27] <Mimiru> If hexchat does that, you need to exercise your hexchat.
L846[12:30:32] <Mimiru> cause.... Yeah no
L847[12:30:48] <Turtle> aparently it´s the dots above ë
L848[12:31:06] <Turtle> ... YEP IT´S A DIRTY HACK TO DEAL WITH QUOTES.
L849[12:36:37] <DeanIsaKitty> Mimiru, Turtle: Relevant essay: http://www.stilldrinking.org/programming-sucks :D
L850[12:36:42] * gamax92 wrote a python hack to support inspircd's watch command
L851[12:36:54] * gamax92 also hasn't tested it but assumes it works
L852[12:37:23] <Lizzy> gamax92, feel free to test on PCL/DarkNet, we use inspircd
L853[12:38:17] <Turtle> heh, I have a few dozen lua scripts to deal with database lookups of a very crummily designed database .-.
L854[12:40:30] <Turtle> (Lua only because I couldn´t be arsed to write the entire thing in excel macros
L855[12:40:49] <Mimiru> Ugh.. I just can't think of a decent way to do this ¬_¬
L856[12:42:13] <Turtle> Would custom fontrenderers be an option?
L857[12:43:45] <Turtle> Aparently not.
L858[12:43:57] <gamax92> Undertale is amazing game
L859[12:49:29] *** Nadeko is now known as Nadeko|Away
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L865[13:13:32] <Mimiru> Turtle, not that I know of really.. though I don't know much of MC's rendering crap
L866[13:18:38] <Mimiru> This seems better.. http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-10-11_13-17-57.gif
L867[13:26:57] <Turtle> I was afk for a bunch, and uh, better
L868[13:27:45] <scj643> Lizzy: you awake?
L869[13:29:24] <Shuudoushi> scj643: iirc, lizzy is currently on their way home
L870[13:29:38] <scj643> Ok
L871[13:32:05] <vifino> S3: Who's there?
L872[13:32:48] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~tangentde@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.3)
L873[13:33:59] <scj643> S3 our server is going to be reset
L874[13:34:43] <scj643> We're going with my gaming communities pack and it has all the mods we need except IC
L875[13:36:47] <Mimiru> Turtle, that seems to be about the best I can get, otherwise you end up with about 1/4 char overlap on the edge
L876[13:36:58] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~tangentde@
L877[13:37:29] * vifino pokes gamax92 back
L878[13:37:37] <vifino> gamax92: Configured SLAAC?
L879[13:38:24] <gamax92> a what now?
L880[13:38:30] <Turtle> yeah, another workaround could probably be to ignore the 1 pixel wide characters with regards to the amount of characters that can fit on the display
L881[13:39:07] <vifino> gamax92: hold on.
L882[13:39:16] <gamax92> Mimiru: or go into mad GL haxs
L883[13:39:26] <Mimiru> I'm ok with it as is.. :P
L884[13:39:48] <vifino> gamax92: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/network6
L885[13:40:08] <vifino> should have most of waht you need, sorry i can't help much more
L886[13:40:27] ⇦ Quits: KomputerKid (~KK@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L890[13:52:10] <Noob> hm say my event listener receives a message and its not one i want... can i dispatch it somewhere else
L891[13:52:21] <Noob> so to speak, "down the event system"?
L892[13:57:00] ⇨ Joins: hitecnologys (~hitecnolo@
L893[14:01:28] <Skye> scj643, ICs is still broken for you?
L894[14:01:41] <scj643> Don't know
L895[14:01:59] <scj643> It is working but I'm switching packs and we can't have an alpha mod
L896[14:02:20] * Lizzy appears
L897[14:03:43] <Skye> Vic, hey!
L898[14:04:57] <Vic> m?
L899[14:05:18] <Skye> Vic, when will ICs be out of alpha?
L900[14:06:21] <Vic> Probably the time around when the sun starts to expand and all of us get fried
L901[14:07:39] ⇨ Joins: KomputerKid (~KK@
L902[14:10:36] * Skye slaps Vic
L903[14:10:36] * EnderBot2 laughs
L904[14:10:39] <Skye> seriously
L905[14:12:10] <Vic> Never. It might as well not be alpha by now... But what does it even mean? No bugs? Stable?
L906[14:12:22] <Noob> Somewhere between release of Half-Life 3 and Duke Nukem Forever 2
L907[14:12:28] <Vic> I cant tell because I have noone dedicated to find out
L908[14:12:31] <Noob> I bet 100$ it will be then
L909[14:12:51] <Turtle> I only tested ICs a little, but there doesn´t seem to be too many issues in my experience.
L910[14:13:07] <Skye> scj643, okay, so ICs being alpha is basically because Vic is too lazy to call it beta.
L911[14:13:21] <Turtle> (Besides crafting a gate with a spawned in blank chip, that causes crashes on loading the chunk it´s placed in :P)
L912[14:13:54] <Vic> (What do you expect from doing that? :P)
L913[14:14:41] <Turtle> (I have no idea.)
L914[14:15:05] <Turtle> But that might be a bug to look into, idk, have the gate explode or burn out, idk :P
L915[14:16:19] <Turtle> ((I suppose this is a valuable lesson, idiots will break stuff through ways that are not supposed to be used at all.))
L916[14:16:41] <Vic> You can explode it, nothings going to happen, sorry ^^
L917[14:16:50] <Noob> How do variadic args even work in OC? ._.
L918[14:17:36] <Turtle> Vic, nah, I ment chips with no valid data exploding or igniting when placed, instead of crashing :p
L919[14:17:54] <Turtle> Noob, use ...
L920[14:18:05] <Vic> Hah
L921[14:18:27] <Noob> And what should I do inside function with ... ?
L922[14:18:45] <Vic> People who cheat in invalid circuits deserve to have corrupted chunks!
L923[14:18:48] <Noob> select(1, ...) doesnt seem to work
L924[14:18:52] <Noob> Wait
L925[14:19:08] <Noob> excuse me, im retarded -.-
L926[14:19:09] <Turtle> you need to specify it as a function argument
L927[14:19:10] <Turtle> :p
L928[14:19:23] * Noob adds ... to event.pull
L929[14:19:31] <Turtle> ...
L930[14:19:40] <Turtle> event.pull has a limit on the amount of arguments it returns
L931[14:19:47] <Turtle> and even then, you can do {event.pull(blah)}
L932[14:20:00] <Turtle> Vic, Heh, I was dumb and tested out the recipe of the gate aaand then I had to open mcedit :p
L933[14:20:32] <Vic> Yeah, thats the right punishment for it!
L934[14:20:44] <Turtle> but yeah, ICs look pretty interesting
L935[14:20:55] <Vic> If you want it to change create an issue on gh or I will gently ignore it :P
L936[14:21:23] <Turtle> I was mostly joking about it being an issue :p
L937[14:21:38] <Skye> Turtle, make the issue anyway, graceful failiure is better than a crash
L938[14:21:58] <Turtle> gimme a minute to open up my client and get a log.
L939[14:22:03] <Vic> (Skye is paranoid in general)
L940[14:23:25] ⇨ Joins: Madxmike (~Madxmike@
L941[14:26:57] <Turtle> Obligatory: Programmable IC workbench/printer when?
L942[14:27:02] <Turtle> but uh, hang on let me spawn in a IC gate
L943[14:28:17] <Turtle> Actually, it might be a WAILA issue
L944[14:28:51] <Vic> When somebody requested me to do one...
L945[14:29:09] <Vic> Use GH or I will forget everything
L946[14:29:29] <Turtle> I know
L947[14:29:40] <Turtle> I´m getting a log to throw on the issuetracker :P
L948[14:30:24] <Turtle> There´s little point in an errorlog if there´s two or three errors thrown at the same time
L949[14:30:48] <Vic> Btw, if I make the CAD a peripheral somebody has to write a program for it
L950[14:30:51] <gamax92> Hi welcome to this graphics card, where putting text on the screen causes the program to lock up
L951[14:31:03] ⇦ Quits: shadowkin0721 (~shadowkin@pool-71-191-187-114.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L952[14:31:04] <Vic> Im way too lazy to do that myself
L953[14:31:13] ⇨ Joins: shadowkin0721 (~shadowkin@pool-71-191-187-114.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L954[14:31:32] <Vic> So if anybody is interested in some project involving graphics and all that stuff...
L955[14:31:49] <gamax92> vector 3D graphics terminal?
L956[14:32:01] <Turtle> wait, the CAD?
L957[14:32:44] <Vic> Yeah, how else?
L958[14:33:19] <Turtle> you mean the IC workbench?
L959[14:33:22] <gamax92> Vic: are you doing a vector graphics terminal?
L960[14:33:31] <Turtle> Also uh, it´s WAILA causing the error.
L961[14:33:41] <Lilly_Satou> WAILA! and the error is gone!
L962[14:33:46] <Vic> Not interested in a dedicated disk drive block, so id just use the CAD to do that
L963[14:33:59] <gamax92> ... wat?
L964[14:34:08] <Vic> No, nothing 3D
L965[14:34:10] <gamax92> You're using Graphics to store 3d?
L966[14:34:17] <gamax92> but cad
L967[14:34:20] <gamax92> why do you taunt me
L968[14:34:27] * gamax92 is confused @_@
L969[14:34:32] <Vic> Can be 2d as well
L970[14:34:34] <gamax92> yes
L971[14:34:40] <gamax92> but we need vector graphics teminals
L972[14:34:43] <Vic> Thing to create the circuits
L973[14:34:57] <Turtle> Oh, yeah that´s the IC workbench ingame iirc
L974[14:35:07] <Vic> I suppose Turtle wants a way to do that via OC
L975[14:35:14] <Noob> what is the way to write C code like while(string buffer = file.read(2048)) in lua?
L976[14:35:21] <Turtle> ´wants´ is a strong word, I jokingly mentioned it as it could be an idea
L977[14:35:32] <Noob> I mean, what is the way to do something like that in Lua
L978[14:35:37] <Vic> I heard that idea before
L979[14:35:45] <Turtle> seems relatively tricky to implement given how the IC designs are dependant on the ´regular´ gates in the design
L980[14:35:49] <Turtle> with rotation and some settings
L981[14:36:04] <Vic> Nah, not really.... at least not from the peripherals side
L982[14:36:18] <Vic> As I said, too lazy to write the program to do this
L983[14:36:43] <Turtle> I mean, if you make the IC workbench/CAD a peripheral, you don´t need to supply a lua program to make it usable
L984[14:36:58] <Vic> Al those "settings" are already stored via properties, thats not the problem
L985[14:37:10] <Vic> No, dont need to, but... id be nice to have one
L986[14:37:15] <Turtle> Just the basic interface of set spot X,Y to GATE with settings Z
L987[14:37:27] <Turtle> also, aparently the crash is waila trying to read the NBT data of a blank IC and crashing, sooo that probably goes on the waila issue tracker?
L988[14:37:53] <Vic> No, since its my plugin
L989[14:38:23] <Vic> Turtle, yeah, I can do that. Its already there in a readonly form for the circuits
L990[14:38:27] <Turtle> And this is why I asked, lol. (If you need lua code of this grade of shit, let me know :p)
L991[14:39:16] <Vic> Only if you use CC tho~ Was too lazy to do the program for OC and its half broken
L992[14:39:18] <Turtle> anyway, I´ll go make a github issue, I assume you only need the log from the moment it actually crashes? (I booted up my instance of quite a lot of mods to quickly test, I can give the whole log easily, it´s just... huge.)
L993[14:39:32] <Turtle> Vic, something something adapter :p
L994[14:39:41] ⇨ Joins: xPucTu4 (~yahoo@Fenixandar.Pleven-DaGe.Net)
L995[14:39:42] <Vic> Because OC doesnt like it if something suddenly wants to be a peripheral
L996[14:39:58] <Turtle> it does some weird class injection I believe
L997[14:40:04] <Vic> Yes, only the crash. Dont need anything else
L998[14:40:45] <Turtle> https://github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/issues <- is this the right issuetracker or is my google-fu off today?
L999[14:40:57] <Vic> Nonono...
L1000[14:41:02] * Mimiru smacks Turtle
L1001[14:41:15] <Turtle> https://github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/issues/916 <- Issue already exists, google fu is weak today.
L1002[14:41:27] <Vic> Thats the evil copy-paste enemy of mine!
L1003[14:41:51] <Mimiru> Turtle, https://github.com/Victorious3/Integrated-Circuits
L1004[14:42:46] <Turtle> Derp. I think we might have a misunderstanding here, I was talking about Project Red Integration´s ICs,
L1005[14:43:11] <Vic> Burn it with fire
L1006[14:44:12] <Vic> Same suggestion works for me tho... the one with the peripheral
L1007[14:44:42] <Vic> If you have anything else to say, join #sapphire this channel is not dedicated
L1008[14:44:52] <Turtle> heh, don´t worry, my bad :p
L1009[14:45:14] <Vexatos> <Vic> Because OC doesnt like it if something suddenly wants to be a peripheral
L1010[14:45:16] <Vexatos> uh what
L1011[14:45:25] <Vexatos> it... super easy?
L1012[14:45:28] <Turtle> Suddenly: Channel dedication
L1013[14:45:30] <Turtle> xD
L1014[14:45:37] <gamax92> Suddenly: Sudden things
L1015[14:45:41] <Vic> Vexatos, doesnt work
L1016[14:45:46] <Vexatos> what
L1017[14:45:52] <Vic> Unless that changed but I dont think so
L1018[14:45:55] <gamax92> Vic is using black magic
L1019[14:46:06] <Vexatos> worked fine for me me since 1851
L1020[14:46:18] <Vic> Nah, its just... the socket is not a peripheral until somebody placed a circuit
L1021[14:46:27] <Vic> 1851, the year of...
L1022[14:46:32] <Vexatos> yea sure
L1023[14:46:35] <Vexatos> just cause a block update
L1024[14:46:38] <Vexatos> and voilà
L1025[14:46:48] <Vexatos> OC re-calculates the network
L1026[14:46:50] <Vic> Had, didnt work. But let me try again tomorrow
L1027[14:47:10] <Vic> Kinda forgot about this since holidays and stuff
L1028[14:50:52] <Turtle> Blergh, you guys are making me want to dust off my forge knowledge and create some addon for OC .-.
L1029[14:51:42] <gamax92> dooo it dooo it
L1030[14:52:04] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1031[14:52:17] <Turtle> I was considering expanding a bit on the communication over long distances, the linked cards are kinda too cheap for my tastes.
L1032[14:52:46] <Mimiru> XDjackieXD's OpenRadio does something like that, iirc it's packet radio over lasers
L1033[14:53:18] <Vexatos> Turtle, like OpenRadio? :P
L1034[14:53:20] <Vexatos> oh yea
L1035[14:53:21] <Vexatos> that
L1036[14:53:27] <gamax92> ninja'd
L1037[14:53:39] <Vexatos> Mimiru'd
L1038[14:53:43] <Vexatos> mimirude
L1039[14:53:48] <gamax92> :O
L1040[14:53:51] <Vexatos> mimirude - sandstorm
L1041[14:53:54] <gamax92> ...
L1042[14:53:57] <gamax92> !kickban Vexatos
L1043[14:54:17] <Turtle> probably, not sure.
L1044[14:54:48] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4E738821C067A6B7085210.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L1045[14:55:01] <gamax92> yeah you leave shitface
L1046[14:55:07] <Turtle> Might see if I can piss off everyone at CoFH with some horrid powerline adapter implementation.
L1047[14:55:24] <gamax92> XD
L1048[14:56:25] <Turtle> Would have to look up how RF works, does it still do the ic² thing of packets of energy, with presumably variable size of a packet?
L1049[14:58:15] <Turtle> (I suppose the sane way would just to check for an RF network connection, but that would not be fun. xD)
L1050[15:00:41] <Turtle> Actually I might just go and see if I can get it to work in the sane way, seems like an interesting idea.
L1051[15:06:00] ⇨ Joins: Icedream (~icedream@212-83-173-97.rev.poneytelecom.eu)
L1052[15:06:50] <gamax92> Watching Joel play Undertale
L1053[15:07:00] <gamax92> Joel is not good at this.
L1054[15:07:08] <Turtle> Well that´s the fun isn´t it? :P
L1055[15:07:17] <gamax92> no it's cringe worthy bad
L1056[15:07:45] <Turtle> then why are you watching it? xD
L1057[15:08:01] <gamax92> I stopped, now watching barry+ross play it
L1058[15:09:34] <Noob> Hm
L1059[15:09:37] <Noob> load(_romcode, "=init", "t", _G)
L1060[15:09:52] <Noob> when I'm trying to call this, i get "computer halted" message
L1061[15:10:22] <Noob> what am i doing wrong? _romcode contains this:
L1062[15:10:49] <Turtle> Isn´t the env argument redundant?
L1063[15:11:01] <Noob> wlan.broadcast(123, "Hello world")
L1064[15:11:29] <Turtle> Noob, are you making an OS?
L1065[15:11:39] <Turtle> or are you just running it in OpenOS/whatever other OS?
L1066[15:11:48] <Noob> Making one lol
L1067[15:11:51] ⇨ Joins: tomte55 (webchat@h2n13-aepv-d7.ias.bredband.telia.com)
L1068[15:12:01] <Noob> And not exactly for computer
L1069[15:12:08] <Noob> But drone >.>
L1070[15:12:11] <Turtle> add ´repeat until false´ after your load function
L1071[15:12:16] <Turtle> tell me what it does.
L1072[15:12:22] ⇦ Quits: tomte55 (webchat@h2n13-aepv-d7.ias.bredband.telia.com) (Client Quit)
L1073[15:12:33] <Turtle> it -should- time out after a few seconds, instead of halting right away.
L1074[15:14:16] <Noob> computer halted error
L1075[15:14:19] <Noob> nothing happens
L1076[15:14:28] <Turtle> yes, but right away, or after a while?
L1077[15:14:47] <Noob> right away. i have second computer running dmesg
L1078[15:15:05] <Noob> drone sends code it received wirelessly - its all correct
L1079[15:15:24] <Turtle> err, so you are sending code to a drone, which executes it?
L1080[15:15:25] <Noob> but when it comes to load, it just shuts down with error computer halted
L1081[15:15:28] <Noob> yeah
L1082[15:15:30] <Turtle> and the drone has a halted error?
L1083[15:15:37] <Noob> right away lol
L1084[15:15:49] <Turtle> make sure the drone has the ´repeat until false´ bit too
L1085[15:15:59] <Turtle> that should make it spit out a too long without yielding error
L1086[15:16:12] <Noob> it does
L1087[15:16:31] <Turtle> as in, it does the repeat or it spits out the yielding error?
L1088[15:17:03] <Noob> As i said, before booting the drone is broadcasting wireless message with code it received over network
L1089[15:17:10] <Noob> and its all correct
L1090[15:17:32] <Turtle> ... You are executing the code you are loading, right?
L1091[15:17:41] <Noob> but upon trying to load code, it shuts down. analyzer says its "computer halted" error
L1092[15:17:44] <Turtle> ´load´ returns a chunk, that is, a function, you need to call it before it does stuff.
L1093[15:17:53] <Noob> ouch
L1094[15:18:31] <Turtle> try load(BLAH)()
L1095[15:18:46] <Turtle> it´ll error if you give it invalid code to load, but if the code is valid, it´ll run.
L1096[15:23:04] <Turtle> Noob: https://gist.github.com/3936c91575afe515c163
L1097[15:23:13] <Turtle> That´s the code I use in my OS to load or run a file.
L1098[15:23:30] <Turtle> note the missing checkarg function because I am a doofus.
L1099[15:24:18] <Noob> damn all the problem was in lack of () haha
L1100[15:24:23] <Turtle> :p
L1101[15:24:46] <Turtle> ideally, you want to pcall the code if you are loading it remotely, so it doesn´t crash the entire drone if you send flawed code.
L1102[15:24:54] <Turtle> (Which is what dofile does)
L1103[15:25:45] <Turtle> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html <- is useful, but quite heavy on jargon if you´re new to programming
L1104[15:26:15] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1105[15:26:41] <Noob> Well i'm not new to programming
L1106[15:26:50] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1107[15:26:55] <Turtle> then you should be able to find most stuff in the manual
L1108[15:26:58] <Noob> However I'm new to Lua :D
L1109[15:28:34] <Turtle> ugh. figuring out which blocks are part of a RF conduit network might be hard
L1110[15:30:49] <Turtle> Noob yeah, lua is a bit odd, but very easy to get the hang off
L1111[15:31:21] <Noob> Even odder than python i must say :D
L1112[15:32:09] <Turtle> You can do a delightful amount of hackery with lua though
L1113[15:35:17] ⇨ Joins: IzayaPhone (~Userlessn@pa49-195-17-18.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L1114[15:36:15] <Noob> basically im trying to bypass 4KB code limit
L1115[15:36:20] <Noob> because it's no fun >.>
L1116[15:36:34] <gamax92> a,c=0,math while 1 do b={}for i=1,4096 do a=(a+0.04*c.random()-0.02)/1.02 b[#b+1]=string.char(c.min(c.max(a*256+128,0),255))end io.stdout:write(table.concat(b))io.stdout:flush()end
L1117[15:36:45] <Turtle> gamax92, basicly.
L1118[15:37:12] <Turtle> (You can do soooo much bullshit with luamacros it´s hilarious)
L1119[15:37:31] <Turtle> Noob, yeah, you can do that with load, and as I recommended, pcall.
L1120[15:37:48] <Mimiru> Noob, get the build before latest of OpenSecurity, and the Card Writer can flash as much code as you want
L1121[15:37:54] <Mimiru> latest build fixed it :p
L1122[15:39:43] <Noob> It's not that its inconvinient or something
L1123[15:40:03] <Noob> But drone got more RAM than ROM. I mean, a lot more...
L1124[15:40:14] <IzayaPhone> yup
L1125[15:40:25] <IzayaPhone> netboot it :D
L1126[15:40:31] <Noob> Thats what I did
L1127[15:40:33] <Turtle> load various programs into ram, ´load´ them when needed
L1128[15:40:33] <Turtle> :p
L1129[15:40:51] <Noob> wireless netboot server and ROM with netboot client
L1130[15:41:41] <Turtle> I´m actually working on a program to set a microcontroller (or drone, since those are µCs) program via network
L1131[15:41:55] <Turtle> Somewhat akin to how you program an arduino board via it´s usb/serial port.
L1132[15:42:28] <Turtle> (Obviously persistantly, and without overwriting the host program)
L1133[15:43:16] <Turtle> Are RFCs a thing on the OC forums?
L1134[15:44:24] <IzayaPhone> they were going to
L1135[15:44:39] <IzayaPhone> dunno what happened there
L1136[15:46:55] <Turtle> ... I hereby annex part of the requests subform as RFC
L1137[15:47:47] <Turtle> Will probably throw up the actual post tomorrow, as A) the protocol description is on my laptop and B) I have to go in 30 minutes
L1138[15:48:39] <Noob> I flash my EEPROMs over dropbox though :D
L1139[15:49:07] <Turtle> Yeah, but I want to make a protocol for this, rather than just a program
L1140[15:49:47] <Turtle> How does ´MicroController over Network´ (Abbreviation would probably be MCoN? idk) sound?
L1141[15:52:20] <shadowkin0721> Makes me think of MCPON, which is Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy.
L1142[15:54:28] <Noob> Yays, it works
L1143[15:54:32] <Turtle> \o/
L1144[15:55:00] <Turtle> but yeah, expect the RFC thread up tomorrow, and maybe wednesday I can have working code :p
L1145[15:55:13] <Noob> RFC?
L1146[15:55:19] <Turtle> Request For Comments
L1147[15:55:20] <gamax92> Really Fat Code
L1148[15:55:40] <Turtle> TLDR: Proposal for a protocol/system/way of doing something, asking for commentary on it to improve it.
L1149[15:56:05] <Turtle> (To avoid ending up with a shitty de-facto standard)
L1150[15:56:08] <Noob> My system is simple tho
L1151[15:56:18] <Turtle> it is, but I´m doing something slightly different
L1152[15:56:44] <Turtle> every time your drone restarts, it has to have it´s code reuploaded.
L1153[15:56:55] <Turtle> What I´m working on would store the code it´s been given in a slightly cheaty way.
L1154[15:57:16] <Noob> a server loads and registers as service to handle all the procedures if needed lol. it can also serve different drones, providen config.cfg has appropriate droneid => filename.bin setups lol
L1155[15:57:26] <Turtle> yep
L1156[15:57:39] <Turtle> But, TLDR what I am doing is appending the program stored on the EEPROM with a child program
L1157[16:01:41] * CompanionCube should make an RFC site
L1158[16:02:38] <gamax92> http://goaway.cil.li/
L1159[16:02:49] <Turtle> lol
L1160[16:02:53] <shadowkin0721> bahaha
L1161[16:03:24] <Turtle> We could probably attempt to standardize stuff between CC and OC, except this is the internet and people will instantly start flinging shit.
L1162[16:03:37] <gamax92> wrapper compatiblity layers
L1163[16:04:10] <Turtle> It´s a lot easier to have compatibility layers if the protocols/whatever are the same, albeit implemented for a different machine
L1164[16:04:29] <Turtle> (Even though CC modem messages and OC network messages work nearly identical :P)
L1165[16:05:08] <gamax92> major issue is CC and OC being on different lua versions
L1166[16:05:20] <shadowkin0721> Is it possible to use OC to directly measure power draw on an RF network, even if it's less than power gain?
L1167[16:05:22] * CompanionCube would likely hack together a quick CRUD app with some DB and Rails
L1168[16:05:35] <Turtle> well yeah, but that doesn´t stop standardizing things like network protocols
L1169[16:05:48] <Turtle> or file metadata for that matter, given CC floppy disks work in OC drives
L1170[16:07:22] <Turtle> either way, I have to go, will throw up RFC for that microcontroller network thingymabob tomorrow
L1171[16:07:50] ⇦ Quits: Turtle (~SentientT@82-171-92-73.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1172[16:11:28] <gamax92> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4E6okxvx8c
L1173[16:11:29] <MichiBot> gamax92: waterfall drawing | length: 3m 1s | Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0 Views: 5 | by gamax92
L1174[16:12:59] <gamax92> look at how beautiful it is
L1175[16:15:05] *** Lilly_Satou is now known as ShoweringLilly
L1176[16:15:13] <shadowkin0721> That's crazy gamax92
L1177[16:15:21] <S3> vifino: who's there? Predictive branching.
L1178[16:16:10] * gamax92 predicts S3 will branch to @DEADBABE
L1179[16:17:17] <S3> gamax92: I made one of those once
L1180[16:17:19] <S3> in QBASIC
L1181[16:17:39] <S3> it was no different heh
L1182[16:18:49] <S3> except the fact that this one is actually making a picture
L1183[16:18:54] ⇦ Quits: KomputerKid (~KK@ (Quit: Going to work, going somewhere fun, or going to sleep)
L1184[16:19:00] ⇦ Quits: IzayaPhone (~Userlessn@pa49-195-17-18.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1185[16:19:18] <gamax92> S3: :P
L1186[16:19:26] <scj643> S3 did you get the nessage
L1187[16:19:30] <scj643> Message
L1188[16:20:15] <S3> that the server was being reset?
L1189[16:20:19] <shadowkin0721> Hey gamax92, oclights question...any chance we'll see angled (45°) monitors in the near future? I love me some carpenter's blocks and would kill to be able to blend monitors in non-flat surfaces
L1190[16:20:43] * gamax92 points to alekso56
L1191[16:21:00] ⇨ Joins: IzayaPhone (~Userlessn@pa49-195-17-18.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L1192[16:21:13] <alekso56> HEY!
L1193[16:21:24] * shadowkin0721 points at gamax92 pointing at alekso56
L1194[16:21:33] <alekso56> that's pretty easy to do.
L1195[16:21:49] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1196[16:22:07] <alekso56> i should pickup cclights again .v.
L1197[16:22:43] <shadowkin0721> I thought it might be. The only complication I can think of is how to connect monitors that are more offset to create a "flat" surface...so that they're offset by 1 on each of the x/y or z/y planes. Cables?
L1198[16:23:04] <gamax92> I don't opengl
L1199[16:23:59] <scj643> Yeah we're switching to a pack that my gaming community is going to be using
L1200[16:24:05] <scj643> We will have 2 servers
L1201[16:24:34] <gamax92> S3: but did you use any graphical library or atleast reprogram the palette?
L1202[16:24:55] <S3> no
L1203[16:25:04] <scj643> One survival and one creative server
L1204[16:25:09] <gamax92> Future71 <3
L1205[16:26:51] <gamax92> I was unable to get DirectQB to work
L1206[16:27:58] <Sangar> i'm off o/
L1207[16:28:06] <shadowkin0721> Bye Sangar \o
L1208[16:29:03] <Mimiru> Didn't even know he was here..
L1209[16:29:04] <Mimiru> :P
L1210[16:30:49] <alekso56> All we need is Mimiru :3
L1211[16:30:57] <Mimiru> \o/
L1212[16:41:26] ⇦ Quits: progwml6 (~progwml6@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1213[16:50:21] ⇨ Joins: progwml6 (~progwml6@
L1214[16:50:49] <vifino> S3: Oh boy, just what I never wanted for Christmas!
L1215[16:52:02] ⇦ Parts: LJack2k (~LJack2k@spool128-71.cable.tolna.net) ())
L1216[17:00:13] *** ShoweringLilly is now known as Daiyousei
L1217[17:05:00] <S3> dafaq
L1218[17:05:09] <S3> my poop is green
L1219[17:06:13] <S3> ok
L1220[17:06:23] <S3> somebody was just typing on my IRC
L1221[17:06:25] <S3> lol
L1222[17:06:35] <S3> no idea if I said anything here.
L1223[17:06:42] <S3> (got disconnected)
L1224[17:07:40] <gamax92> s3 wtf.
L1225[17:09:17] ⇦ Quits: IzayaPhone (~Userlessn@pa49-195-17-18.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1226[17:12:37] <gamax92> vifino: what happened to ljx btw?
L1227[17:12:56] <gamax92> ljb*
L1228[17:13:05] <vifino> gamax92: uuuuh, it works?
L1229[17:13:10] <vifino> i dunno what to add
L1230[17:13:29] <vifino> i know something is broken, but i don't care enough to fix it
L1231[17:13:40] <gamax92> what is broken, I wish to use this
L1232[17:13:56] <vifino> its not something you normally get to use...
L1233[17:14:27] <vifino> its a compiler backend which nobody uses and the format changed, so..
L1234[17:15:55] * Daiyousei points at llvm
L1235[17:19:57] * vifino pokes gamax92
L1236[17:20:02] <vifino> Daiyousei: bad.
L1237[17:20:13] <vifino> LLVM STRONK.
L1238[17:22:22] ⇨ Joins: gudenau (webchat@108-234-63-2.lightspeed.fyvlar.sbcglobal.net)
L1239[17:22:25] <gudenau> Hello!
L1240[17:22:37] <gudenau> How do the screens render in the world?
L1241[17:23:12] <Noob> What do you mean?
L1242[17:23:21] <vifino> Magic, duct tape and Sangar.
L1243[17:23:32] <gamax92> vifino: wait so, is luajit's -b actually machine code or just luajit vm code?
L1244[17:23:36] <gudenau> How do the OpenComputer screens render there contents in the world, outside of there GUI.
L1245[17:23:51] <Noob> Check github, the code is open lol
L1246[17:23:55] <vifino> gamax92: bytecode as a specially initialized binary object
L1247[17:24:08] <ds84182> Most likely a TileEntitySpecialRenderer in 1.7.10, dunno about 1.8
L1248[17:24:19] <gamax92> vifino: does it have machine code in it though?
L1249[17:24:19] <gudenau> I wanted an explenation outside of the code, oh well.
L1250[17:24:22] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L1251[17:24:29] <vifino> gamax92: you mean like jit output?
L1252[17:24:32] <gamax92> yes
L1253[17:24:35] <vifino> no.
L1254[17:24:38] <gamax92> ...
L1255[17:24:42] * gamax92 deletes
L1256[17:24:43] <vifino> not possible.
L1257[17:24:53] <vifino> gamax92: that'd break things.
L1258[17:24:57] <Daiyousei> vifino: yes
L1259[17:24:58] <Daiyousei> llvm op
L1260[17:25:23] <vifino> eval things wouldn't work, jit's run specific optimisations, etc..
L1261[17:25:50] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1262[17:25:55] <gudenau> Scala. :-(
L1263[17:26:04] <gamax92> does llvm lua do better then?
L1264[17:26:16] <vifino> there has been a discussion to be able to export the jitted stuff, but it won't work, since the way luajit handles it
L1265[17:26:38] <vifino> gamax92: performance wise? no. binary size wise? hell no.
L1266[17:26:49] <gamax92> but machine code wise
L1267[17:27:25] <vifino> yes, huge all-typed machine code vs optimised type analysed instructions.
L1268[17:27:38] <vifino> s/instructions/machine code/
L1269[17:27:38] <Kibibyte> <vifino> yes, huge all-typed machine code vs optimised type analysed machine code.
L1270[17:27:54] <vifino> all-typed = generic, a function for each type
L1271[17:28:00] <vifino> or something like that
L1272[17:28:12] <vifino> just stick to jit, gamax92-
L1273[17:28:45] <ds84182> s/-/~
L1274[17:28:45] <Kibibyte> <vifino> just stick to jit, gamax92~
L1275[17:28:57] <gamax92> tilde~
L1276[17:29:05] <vifino> ds84182~
L1277[17:29:14] <ds84182> vifino-
L1278[17:29:25] <gamax92> -;
L1279[17:29:29] <Noob> I might be wrong but I think this is the code: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/client/renderer/tileentity/ScreenRenderer.scala
L1280[17:29:33] <vifino> gamax92: Why do you want to use anything other than jit anyways?
L1281[17:29:37] <ds84182> -;-
L1282[17:29:43] <gamax92> "machine code"
L1283[17:29:48] <gudenau> Draw does not even define screen, how does this work? https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/client/renderer/tileentity/ScreenRenderer.scala
L1284[17:29:50] <vifino> yes, binary object.
L1285[17:30:12] <vifino> technically, it's machine code.
L1286[17:30:25] <Noob> It's a screen's "trait"
L1287[17:31:05] <gudenau> Huh?
L1288[17:31:17] <gudenau> Also, lets all code like this "++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++."
L1289[17:31:29] <ds84182> Ha, "Hello, World!"
L1290[17:31:31] <ds84182> Nice one.
L1291[17:31:41] <vifino> #bf ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++
L1292[17:31:41] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Hello World!
L1293[17:31:48] <Daiyousei> le copypaste
L1294[17:31:52] <vifino> woo, i didnt break it again
L1295[17:31:53] <gudenau> Yep.
L1296[17:31:55] <ds84182> Dammit, le extra ","
L1297[17:31:56] <gudenau> :-D
L1298[17:32:13] <Noob> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/block/Screen.scala#L319 look here, and then at the link above
L1299[17:32:22] * vifino pokes gamax92
L1300[17:32:34] <vifino> Mind explaining why? ._.
L1301[17:32:40] <Noob> I dont know anything about neither scala or java but I think thats where you should look at
L1302[17:33:16] <gamax92> jhkhkjhjkhjkhjhkj
L1303[17:33:26] <gudenau> Ok, someone that knows Scala: Can you tell me what the heck is going on with the rendering?
L1304[17:33:35] <DeanIsaKitty> gudenau: Snagar magic~
L1305[17:33:49] <gamax92> Sangar-Scala
L1306[17:33:59] <DeanIsaKitty> gudenau: Why do you want to know anyway?
L1307[17:34:13] <gudenau> I want to implement somthing simmaler.
L1308[17:34:21] <DeanIsaKitty> Well, good luck with that.
L1309[17:34:39] <DeanIsaKitty> I trust you know how to google Scala tutorials :P
L1310[17:34:45] <Noob> Rendering itself happens in tileentity class. There's a bunch of OpenGL commands and other hacks
L1311[17:35:03] <gudenau> Grr, well time to learn a new language.
L1312[17:35:18] <vifino> ohai DeanIsaKitty
L1313[17:35:20] <vifino> o/
L1314[17:35:25] <Noob> You might also ask vex/sangar about it because they know Scala lol
L1315[17:35:36] <DeanIsaKitty> gudenau: To be precise: I could poke you the exact line where Snagar-Magic happens, but you still wouldn't understand it.
L1316[17:35:46] <DeanIsaKitty> eyyoo vifino \o
L1317[17:35:54] <gudenau> Try me, i suppose.
L1318[17:36:00] <vifino> How are you doing, DeanIsaKitty?
L1319[17:36:13] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Quite fine, how about you?
L1320[17:36:29] <DeanIsaKitty> gudenau: cba, newbs are not my favourite kind of people :)
L1321[17:36:38] <vifino> Same, though I think I am tending to get bored... x.x
L1322[17:36:41] <gudenau> CBA?
L1323[17:36:50] <DeanIsaKitty> Can't be asked
L1324[17:36:51] <vifino> can't be arsed, lazyness.
L1325[17:37:05] <gudenau> Ok, time to learn Scala then.
L1326[17:37:12] <DeanIsaKitty> Good luck and have fun :D
L1327[17:38:00] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Well, go invent something great, I heard thats a good way to not get bored :P
L1328[17:38:11] <vifino> Pfft, inventing things.
L1329[17:38:27] <DeanIsaKitty> Pfft, vifinos.
L1330[17:38:34] <vifino> That'd require effort, which makes the lazy part of me die internally.
L1331[17:38:46] <DeanIsaKitty> Pfft, lazy people.
L1332[17:38:53] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Ow, ruuuuuuude D:
L1333[17:39:07] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: #dontcare
L1334[17:39:23] <vifino> Pfft.
L1335[17:39:27] <DeanIsaKitty> Pfft.
L1336[17:39:36] <vifino> Pfffft.
L1337[17:39:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Pfffft.
L1338[17:39:44] <vifino> x.x
L1339[17:39:50] <DeanIsaKitty> :3
L1340[17:40:04] <vifino> Alright, you win, you get a cookie. And you got me to do things(tm).
L1341[17:40:21] <vifino> poor lazy-me >_>
L1342[17:40:30] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: I'm apparently pretty good at making people do things :O
L1343[17:40:41] <vifino> I know .-.
L1344[17:41:00] <DeanIsaKitty> If that has to do with the deagle I tend to point at people? Hmm, probably not.
L1345[17:41:20] <Daiyousei> 1DEAG
L1346[17:41:23] <vifino> Nah, it's the steel boots.
L1347[17:41:30] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Probably XD
L1348[17:41:51] <vifino> ... Darn, I didn't work on getting some for myself.
L1349[17:41:58] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Halps D:
L1350[17:42:02] <DeanIsaKitty> hm?
L1351[17:42:08] <vifino> How boots.
L1352[17:42:13] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BhHkvHcUfo lol
L1353[17:42:13] <MichiBot> Inari: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is the best game ever. | length: 5m 41s | Likes: 3862 Dislikes: 166 Views: 1114241 | by LtHummus
L1354[17:42:18] <DeanIsaKitty> Do you care about animals?
L1355[17:42:24] <vifino> Not really.
L1356[17:42:28] <vifino> 'cept cats.
L1357[17:42:34] <DeanIsaKitty> Hmm
L1358[17:42:55] <vifino> Aaaaand cows, because Temia.
L1359[17:43:54] ⇦ Quits: EliteAnax17 (~quassel@2601:100:8001:506:51c1:ff2:2c2e:a45b) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1360[17:44:00] ⇨ Joins: EliteAnax17 (~quassel@2601:100:8001:506:51c1:ff2:2c2e:a45b)
L1361[17:44:54] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p5b216a58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1362[17:45:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Nix-gut (http://www.nixgut-onlineshop.de/) has good ones, but like half of them are synthetic leather. Dr. Martens are always good quality, but they are ... more fancy lets say. And if you just want plain black leather steel-toed boots, Phantom boots (Brandit).
L1363[17:45:54] <vifino> Oh, yeah, DeanIsaKitty, did you see the poor rack I forced to house two desktops? :P
L1364[17:46:02] <gudenau> Ah, so screen is global, and gets created in the render method by casting the passed TileEntity?
L1365[17:46:04] <DeanIsaKitty> Depending on the form of your feet you'll also have to watch out. Best is always to try them on at a festival or similar.
L1366[17:46:09] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Nope
L1367[17:47:44] <vifino> I summon thee, meep!
L1368[17:47:50] ⇨ Joins: meep (uid94726@id-94726.ealing.irccloud.com)
L1369[17:47:59] <vifino> Works every time.
L1370[17:48:01] <DeanIsaKitty> 666
L1371[17:49:09] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Also, about the cows: Boots are generally made from horse leather not cow leather.
L1372[17:51:43] <Temia> Moo?
L1373[17:51:49] <DeanIsaKitty> Also for the record: No, I don't give a fuck about those horses. I also have no problems eating horse meat. And yes, I know how awesome horseback riding is. I do it regularly. Fuck off vegans <.<
L1374[17:52:57] <gamax92> "your text is blushing" "what" "see?" *points to text* "oh, thats a typo"
L1375[17:57:42] <DeanIsaKitty> https://xkcd.com/276/
L1376[17:58:59] <DeanIsaKitty> Where did our XKCD bot go? <.<
L1377[17:59:13] <gamax92> we have never had an xkcd bot, you are mistakened
L1378[17:59:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Huh? >.>
L1379[17:59:24] * gamax92 holds spinny hypnoses wheel
L1380[17:59:30] <DeanIsaKitty> MichiBot: You failed me!
L1381[17:59:46] * DeanIsaKitty slaps EnderBot2
L1382[17:59:47] * EnderBot2 throws a brick at DeanIsaKitty
L1383[18:00:06] <Mimiru> %xkcd enable
L1384[18:00:08] <MichiBot> Mimiru: Enabled XKCD
L1385[18:00:13] <Mimiru> https://xkcd.com/276/
L1386[18:00:14] <MichiBot> XKCD Comic Name: Fixed Width Posted on: 6/13/2007
L1387[18:00:22] <DeanIsaKitty> :3
L1388[18:00:29] <Mimiru> Just didn't get enabled after the switch to the new storage system
L1389[18:00:34] <DeanIsaKitty> gamax92: See?
L1390[18:00:36] <Mimiru> Also
L1391[18:00:42] <Mimiru> %xkcd 276
L1392[18:00:43] <MichiBot> Mimiru: XKCD Comic Name:Fixed Width URL: https://xkcd.com/276
L1393[18:00:44] * gamax92 spins hypnosis wheel
L1394[18:00:50] <gamax92> ~there was never an xkcd bot~
L1395[18:00:53] * DeanIsaKitty spins gamax92
L1396[18:00:55] <gamax92> ~you are just mistaken~
L1397[18:00:58] <gamax92> @_@;
L1398[18:01:37] * vifino backs off and makes sure to not get hit in the possibility of gamax92 puking >_>
L1399[18:02:47] <vifino> Hooray, emulated Ti-86!
L1400[18:02:53] <vifino> woo.
L1401[18:02:57] <DeanIsaKitty> Also called BASIC
L1402[18:03:13] <vifino> .-.
L1403[18:03:52] * vifino flips DeanIsaKitty
L1404[18:03:53] <Antheus> vifino, eat more chicken
L1405[18:04:04] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingLilly
L1406[18:04:08] <vifino> Antheus: Chicken like you or chicken like animal?
L1407[18:04:12] * DeanIsaKitty makes a backwards salto and lands perfectly on all four feet.
L1408[18:04:30] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Chicken like Chicks.
L1409[18:04:32] * vifino applauds, gives DeanIsaKitty a treat and pets
L1410[18:04:42] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Best kind of Chicken.
L1411[18:04:43] * DeanIsaKitty purrs
L1412[18:05:07] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: On the other hand I wouldn't eat people. They don't really taste good.
L1413[18:05:18] <vifino> That's probably a wise choice.
L1414[18:05:25] <vifino> At least for food, that is.
L1415[18:05:28] * vifino RUNS!
L1416[18:05:29] <DeanIsaKitty> Hey, I'm a cat, I can do whatever
L1417[18:05:43] * Antheus throws cat nip infront of DeanIsaKitty
L1418[18:05:53] * DeanIsaKitty throws knives at Antheus
L1419[18:06:01] * DeanIsaKitty rolls in catnip
L1420[18:06:44] <vifino> <insert "Pet me, human!" image here>
L1421[18:07:16] <DeanIsaKitty> Ima just quote Lizzay: https://imgur.com/NbEuSJl
L1422[18:09:03] <vifino> Darn, now I'm sitting here googeling "Pet me, human!" .-.
L1423[18:09:15] <vifino> welp, better than plain boredom, i guess.
L1424[18:09:43] <vifino> ;_; and I stubbed my toe
L1425[18:09:49] <DeanIsaKitty> gj
L1426[18:09:58] <vifino> ty, i trained so hard for it.
L1427[18:10:23] <DeanIsaKitty> And I can throw myself into a moshpit with people twice my size and not get hurt. gj vifino, gj.
L1428[18:10:42] <vifino> Chairs are evil.
L1429[18:11:15] <DeanIsaKitty> Goths are too. At least they try really hard to look that way :P
L1430[18:11:24] <vifino> lol
L1431[18:13:00] <DeanIsaKitty> vifino: Found something less boring than google image search?
L1432[18:13:13] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: Nope.
L1433[18:13:21] <DeanIsaKitty> Are you even trying mate? <.<
L1434[18:13:30] <vifino> Not really :D
L1435[18:13:33] <DeanIsaKitty> xD
L1436[18:13:39] <DeanIsaKitty> classy vifno
L1437[18:13:57] <vifino> There is a reason "no" is in my name.
L1438[18:14:02] <vifino> Because "no".
L1439[18:14:14] <DeanIsaKitty> Also why "vi" is in your name?
L1440[18:14:14] ⇦ Quits: gudenau (webchat@108-234-63-2.lightspeed.fyvlar.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1441[18:15:37] <shadowkin0721> Because vifino is German, and vifi is how they pronounce WiFi.
L1442[18:15:43] <shadowkin0721> #notreally
L1443[18:15:46] *** DeanIsaKitty is now known as DeanIsisKitty
L1444[18:15:51] ⇦ Quits: Madxmike (~Madxmike@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1445[18:15:58] <DeanIsisKitty> Now lets see how long until somebody is offended
L1446[18:16:02] <vifino> DeanIsaKitty: My name is made up of a couple of things: An acronym in itself, parts of things I really like (*cough* *cough*) and something else I long forgot.
L1447[18:16:20] <DeanIsisKitty> you like fucking?
L1448[18:16:30] <vifino> ... wat?
L1449[18:16:41] <DeanIsisKitty> Thats what the f stands for, isn't it? :P
L1450[18:16:51] <vifino> ... Totally.
L1451[18:17:26] <DeanIsisKitty> shadowkin0721: I know that vifino is German and I can certainly, positively say he does not pronounce his name like "Wifi"
L1452[18:17:56] <vifino> ty DeanIsisKitty :3
L1453[18:18:18] <DeanIsisKitty> Advantage of peer pressuring people into Voice chat.
L1454[18:18:46] <Antheus> TFW you realize you have been saying vifino's name as vin fino
L1455[18:18:49] <vifino> I remember people pronouncing my name "ve fe neh" <_<
L1456[18:18:56] <DeanIsisKitty> vefeneh
L1457[18:19:07] <Antheus> or vin if in o
L1458[18:19:14] * vifino pats DeanIsisKitty
L1459[18:19:18] <vifino> You tried, A for effort.
L1460[18:19:52] <vifino> Antheus: Sooo, you add random letters to names?
L1461[18:19:57] <Antheus> yes
L1462[18:20:04] <DeanIsisKitty> vifino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd7FixvoKBw
L1463[18:20:05] <MichiBot> DeanIsisKitty: Key & Peele - Substitute Teacher | length: 3m 2s | Likes: 496349 Dislikes: 11476 Views: 85656402 | by Comedy Central
L1464[18:20:06] <Antheus> like, I say Mimiru Mirmiu
L1465[18:20:42] *** Mimiru is now known as Caitlyn
L1466[18:20:42] <Caitlyn> :P
L1467[18:20:48] <DeanIsisKitty> Catleeeeen
L1468[18:22:02] <vifino> DE NAICE?! WHERE IS DE NAICE?
L1469[18:22:16] <Antheus> I also say Sangar as Sanger due to a town being named Sanger near me
L1470[18:22:39] <DeanIsisKitty> Antheus: Thats probably closer to the truth though
L1471[18:23:34] <Antheus> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanger,_Texas
L1472[18:24:03] <DeanIsisKitty> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sangar_%28fortification%29
L1473[18:24:11] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-140-20.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1474[18:24:20] <DeanIsisKitty> vifino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_WiQFEZXM
L1475[18:24:20] <MichiBot> DeanIsisKitty: Disturbed - What Are You Waiting For (Lyric Video) | length: 4m 4s | Likes: 504 Dislikes: 26 Views: 53259 | by Warner Music Germany
L1476[18:24:25] <vifino> Deyawn esa Cat eye
L1477[18:24:44] <DeanIsisKitty> vifino: No. DeYAWN esa ceteye
L1478[18:26:14] <vifino> That's purrfect.
L1479[18:26:31] <Antheus> vifino, sounds cool
L1480[18:26:41] ⇨ Joins: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-140-20.res.bhn.net)
L1481[18:26:43] <DeanIsisKitty> vifino: Requesting purrmission to cuddle
L1482[18:26:48] <Antheus> DENYED
L1483[18:26:50] <vifino> Antheus: Yes, I sound cool, thankyoo.
L1484[18:26:51] * Antheus shoots DeanIsisKitty
L1485[18:26:55] <vifino> DeanIsisKitty: Granted.
L1486[18:27:00] * DeanIsisKitty cuddles vifino
L1487[18:27:06] * vifino cuddles DeanIsisKitty back :3
L1488[18:27:18] *** DeanIsisKitty is now known as Kathleen
L1489[18:27:46] <vifino> :O A wild Kathleen! Quick, get the hunting rifles!
L1490[18:28:03] * Kathleen aims a Berret 50-cal at vifino
L1491[18:28:15] <Antheus> Hmm
L1492[18:28:23] * vifino shifts around to Kathleen's side
L1493[18:28:23] * Antheus wonders where he ahs seen Kathleen before
L1494[18:28:36] <Kathleen> Antheus: Everywhere. I am god.
L1495[18:28:46] <vifino> FUCK
L1496[18:28:53] <vifino> Where is my cisco console cable? ;_;
L1497[18:28:54] <Antheus> If you say so...
L1498[18:29:03] <ds84182> vifino: I put it in my ass.
L1499[18:29:13] <vifino> ... WHERE IS MY BACKUP CISCO CONSOLE CABLE?!?!?!
L1500[18:29:16] <ds84182> Have fun pulling it out, I definatly will
L1501[18:29:18] <Kathleen> Well, at least until Lizzy gets up. Then she is the god in here.
L1502[18:29:18] <Antheus> Up my ass
L1503[18:29:19] <ds84182> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L1504[18:29:41] <Kathleen> So you two are connected by cisco console cable over ass Antheus and ds84182 ?
L1505[18:29:42] <vifino> ds84182: Then git yer ass ova hear, because I darn want to check on my switch and router.
L1506[18:29:47] <Antheus> Kathleen, yes
L1507[18:29:50] <ds84182> Yes
L1508[18:29:54] <vifino> wat.
L1509[18:29:58] <ds84182> We have a special connection between us.
L1510[18:30:03] <Kathleen> Can I just put 15kV on that cable please?
L1511[18:30:07] <Antheus> It goes A>M>A>M
L1512[18:30:16] <Kathleen> TMI.
L1513[18:30:23] <vifino> EW
L1514[18:30:30] <Antheus> Well, two cables are missing
L1515[18:30:32] <vifino> ffs you three >_>
L1516[18:30:39] <Kathleen> Antheus: Also, why not A>M>M>A?
L1517[18:30:53] <ds84182> Ever since I was born, I knew I wanted to identify as a Cisco router. Today I finally get my chance to connect myself using the Cisco console cable so I can finally feel like the router I am.
L1518[18:31:02] *** ds84182 is now known as Router
L1519[18:31:06] <Kathleen> ds84182: EQUALITY!
L1520[18:31:10] <vifino> My mind is melting.
L1521[18:31:14] <vifino> v_v
L1522[18:31:23] <Kathleen> vifino: Just a normal day in #oc
L1523[18:31:39] <vifino> Kathleen: That's why I'm just having a normal meltdown.
L1524[18:31:47] <Antheus> Kathleen, http://puu.sh/kGWr1/3666b7ec09.png
L1525[18:31:49] * Router broadcasts it's presence over 2.4GHz Wi-Fi
L1526[18:32:03] <Kathleen> This is madness!
L1527[18:32:03] * Antheus throws a concrete wall at Router
L1528[18:32:03] *** EnderBot2 is now known as Leonidas
L1529[18:32:03] <Leonidas> Madness....?
L1530[18:32:04] <vifino> Router: >not even 5ghz
L1531[18:32:04] <Leonidas> THIS.
L1532[18:32:05] <Leonidas> IS.
L1533[18:32:05] <Leonidas> #oc!!
L1534[18:32:06] *** Leonidas is now known as EnderBot2
L1535[18:32:07] <EnderBot2> Seriously, what did you think this was?
L1536[18:32:07] <vifino> git out skrub
L1537[18:32:18] <Kathleen> Antheus: TTMI
L1538[18:32:19] <Router> vifino: 5GHz is for hipsterz
L1539[18:32:30] <Kathleen> TIL i'm a hipster
L1540[18:32:32] <vifino> Router: Then call me a hipster, because I like fast wifi.
L1541[18:32:46] <vifino> Also less darn interference.
L1542[18:32:53] <Router> 5 GHz breaks my wifi chip in my laptop
L1543[18:32:57] * Antheus is waiting for 16GB of photos to copy from a SD card to a Flash Drive to be put on his SDCardReaderless PC
L1544[18:32:59] <Kathleen> Except for wireless microphones ._.
L1545[18:33:07] <vifino> Router: scrub laptop is scrub
L1546[18:33:09] <Router> Last person who enabled a 5GHz network around here got their house burned down... by me.
L1547[18:33:25] * vifino enables all the 5ghzes
L1548[18:33:32] * Router burns down the world.
L1549[18:33:32] * Antheus enables the 10ghzes
L1550[18:33:40] * Router burns down the world twice.
L1551[18:33:45] * Kathleen fries Antheus in motor oil
L1552[18:33:55] *** Antheus is now known as BakedPotato
L1553[18:33:58] <BakedPotato> ssssssssssssss
L1554[18:33:59] <vifino> Mmmm, tasty hu-- Welp.
L1555[18:34:14] * Kathleen slices and dices BakedPotato
L1556[18:34:24] * BakedPotato squirts Motor Oil everywhere
L1557[18:34:27] <vifino> Can haz a slice? *.*
L1558[18:34:34] <Router> >Motor Oil
L1559[18:34:35] * Kathleen hands vifino ketchup
L1560[18:34:37] <Router> Go ahead, vifino
L1561[18:34:40] <vifino> :D
L1562[18:34:44] *** CompanionCube is now known as route
L1563[18:34:45] <BakedPotato> WAIT
L1564[18:34:50] <BakedPotato> I am a texan potato
L1565[18:34:52] <BakedPotato> therefor
L1566[18:34:55] * Router routes route
L1567[18:34:59] <Kathleen> Yesterday I made Mac and Cheese with beer :D
L1568[18:35:07] <BakedPotato> you can only use Whataburger's Spicy Ketchup on me
L1569[18:35:14] <Router> ffmpeg takes forever to compile
L1570[18:35:16] * Kathleen pours Tabasco over BakedPotato
L1571[18:35:20] <vifino> Kathleen: Didn't invite me? :(
L1572[18:35:20] <Router> .-----------------------------------.-----------------------------------
L1573[18:35:21] <BakedPotato> Nonono
L1574[18:35:23] <Router> ,
L1575[18:35:28] *** route is now known as dhcpd
L1576[18:35:28] <Kathleen> vifino: next time ;*
L1577[18:35:29] <BakedPotato> Kathleen, that is from Louisiana
L1578[18:35:32] <vifino> :D
L1579[18:35:36] * dhcpd runs as Router's DHCP server
L1580[18:35:38] <Kathleen> BakedPotato: To bad
L1581[18:35:45] <Router> GET OUT OF ME :(
L1582[18:35:53] <Router> Everyone knows that <> is better
L1583[18:35:54] * Kathleen shoots BakedPotato trough a tennis bat
L1584[18:36:00] *** BakedPotato is now known as TCP
L1585[18:36:01] <Router> s/<>/%s
L1586[18:36:01] <vifino> odhcpd
L1587[18:36:01] <Kibibyte> <Router> Everyone knows that %s is better
L1588[18:36:03] * dhcpd ignores the SIGTERM signal
L1589[18:36:07] <Router> faaaak
L1590[18:36:13] <Router> SIGKILL DAMMIT
L1591[18:36:19] * dhcpd dies
L1592[18:36:24] <Router> Yay
L1593[18:36:26] * Kathleen SIGKILLs Router
L1594[18:36:28] * dhcpd waits 30 seconds to be respawned by init
L1595[18:36:29] <Router> :(
L1596[18:36:31] * TCP stabs Router
L1597[18:36:38] *** Router is now known as NotRouter
L1598[18:36:41] * vifino gives Router a SIGWINCH to the face
L1599[18:36:44] <dhcpd> I live again, bitches!
L1600[18:36:47] *** TCP is now known as Antheus
L1601[18:36:58] * Antheus disables dhcpd
L1602[18:37:02] * NotRouter SIGTHROWS vifino out the fucking window
L1603[18:37:04] <dhcpd> permission denied
L1604[18:37:04] <Kathleen> I'd like to make a UDP joke now, but you might not get it...
L1605[18:37:10] <NotRouter> LOL
L1606[18:37:16] * NotRouter dies even more
L1607[18:37:21] <dhcpd> Antheus, you ain't root so no disabling me
L1608[18:37:22] <Antheus> Kathleen, I got it back in 1999
L1609[18:37:23] <vifino> Classy joke is classy, Kathleen.
L1610[18:37:26] <Temia> (☞・∀・)☞
L1611[18:37:30] <vifino> 100 internet points to you.
L1612[18:37:32] <Kathleen> Temia! \o/
L1613[18:37:33] <Antheus> sudo !
L1614[18:37:35] <vifino> Temia! :D
L1615[18:37:36] <Temia> Moo \o/
L1616[18:37:36] <NotRouter> %flip (☞・∀・)☞
L1617[18:37:36] <MichiBot> NotRouter: (╯°□°)╯︵☞(・A・☞)
L1618[18:37:37] <dhcpd> guys
L1619[18:37:40] <Antheus> dhcpd, ^
L1620[18:37:41] <dhcpd> the token just fell off the ring
L1621[18:37:48] <Kathleen> Oh noes! :((
L1622[18:37:48] <dhcpd> Antheus, sudo: command not found
L1623[18:38:04] <NotRouter> I'll just run fuck
L1624[18:38:05] * Kathleen puts everybody on a bus
L1625[18:38:05] <NotRouter> fuck
L1626[18:38:12] * Antheus farts on the bus
L1627[18:38:21] <NotRouter> I know how to fix that!
L1628[18:38:21] <NotRouter> fuck
L1629[18:38:25] <Antheus> fuck: fuck not found
L1630[18:38:26] * Kathleen caps Antheus off the bus.
L1631[18:38:27] <vifino> I'd write "\o/" but because I messed up my screen shot shortcut, I can't write backspace >.<
L1632[18:38:29] <Inari> i'll get you a satanic, mechanic
L1633[18:38:34] <dhcpd> fuck: command not found
L1634[18:38:42] <Kathleen> dhcpd: fsck?
L1635[18:38:42] <NotRouter> fuck: not found
L1636[18:38:48] <Antheus> fuck: found
L1637[18:38:57] <Inari> vifino: noone can write backsapce
L1638[18:38:57] <Kathleen> 404 Fuck not found.
L1639[18:38:59] <dhcpd> Kathleen, fsck on a mounted filesystem? you be crazy bro
L1640[18:39:04] <Kathleen> dhcpd: Duh.
L1641[18:39:04] <NotRouter> YOU CAN"T BE FUCKING KIDDING ME
L1642[18:39:10] <Kathleen> dhcpd: also, gal :P
L1643[18:39:12] <NotRouter> /usr/bin/ld: libavutil/color_utils.o: relocation R_X86_64_32S against `.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
L1644[18:39:14] <vifino> Inari: backslash, duh
L1645[18:39:18] <Inari> :P
L1646[18:39:23] <Inari> vifino: too many muffins
L1648[18:39:37] * Kathleen pets NotRouter
L1649[18:39:39] * dhcpd decides to pout and stop working
L1650[18:39:40] <NotRouter> :(
L1651[18:39:48] <dhcpd> 169.254.x.x addresses for everyone!
L1652[18:40:01] <vifino> oh, and another interesting interpretation of dancing on a chair: rubbing yer buttocks on a chair to indicate that one is ready for mating
L1653[18:40:02] <Antheus>
L1654[18:40:08] <vifino> thank god for the internet.
L1655[18:40:19] <Kathleen> vifino: Can I throw you down a drain?
L1656[18:40:30] * Antheus waffle stomps vifino down a drain
L1657[18:40:35] <vifino> Kathleen: Naw, I'm clean right now. :3
L1658[18:40:35] <dhcpd> (50 internet points if you can name the MS term for that)
L1659[18:40:37] <NotRouter> lol
L1660[18:40:52] <NotRouter> shit, I need the internet points
L1661[18:41:03] <vifino> dhcpd: the stuff you shouldn't ever get(tm)
L1662[18:41:10] <Kathleen> vifino: If you get here by tuesday I'll make you food :P
L1663[18:41:14] <dhcpd> vifino, noep
L1664[18:41:14] <vifino> :O
L1665[18:41:33] <dhcpd> NotRouter, shouldn't be too hard
L1666[18:41:37] <dhcpd> given the IP block
L1667[18:41:38] <vifino> Kathleen: Butbut D:
L1668[18:41:45] <vifino> I have stuffs to do v_v
L1669[18:41:50] <Kathleen> Too bad :P
L1670[18:42:06] ⇦ Quits: Pyrolusite (~Pyrolusit@arouen-651-1-404-80.w109-209.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1671[18:42:12] <vifino> My stomach has an inner rebellion against my brain.
L1672[18:42:22] <NotRouter> Seems to be Microsoft Private Network Addressing
L1673[18:42:29] <Kathleen> Why, one want to make you fat?
L1674[18:42:36] <dhcpd> NotRouter, close enough
L1675[18:42:39] <dhcpd> I was going for APIPA
L1676[18:42:43] <NotRouter> Yay, points
L1677[18:42:57] * dhcpd routes the points to /dev/null
L1678[18:43:06] <NotRouter> :(
L1679[18:43:09] <NotRouter> ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)
L1680[18:43:10] <vifino> Kathleen: Nooope, just the want for good food and a nice meetup x.x
L1681[18:43:14] <Kathleen> Caitlyn: Feature request: Add a completely arbitrary "internet point" counter to MichiBot
L1682[18:43:27] <vifino> ... Well, my stomach doesn't want the meetup, only a meatup.
L1683[18:43:32] <Caitlyn> Easy enough, I'll do that when I finish this OpenFM stuff
L1684[18:43:51] <Kathleen> vifino: Whatever, its not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon. <.<
L1685[18:43:58] <NotRouter> Idea for an open source door mod for Minecraft written in Scala: OpenClosed.
L1686[18:44:08] <vifino> |0xDEADBEEF| theoretically has an internet points counter.
L1687[18:44:13] <vifino> Theoretically.
L1688[18:44:15] <NotRouter> #++
L1689[18:44:17] <NotRouter> dammit
L1690[18:44:24] <Kathleen> IDea for an open source door mod in Clojure: OpenBracket.
L1691[18:44:25] <NotRouter> vifino: It don't work
L1692[18:44:31] <vifino> I probably trashed the module or left it on the old server <_<
L1693[18:44:47] <dhcpd> idea for an IRC bot: One that stores most of it's code in a form of database that can be modified at runtime.
L1694[18:44:47] <Caitlyn> Next release of OpenFM should be out in the next few hours \o/
L1695[18:44:53] <Kathleen> \o.
L1696[18:44:57] <dhcpd> Don't add permissions to it and you have an interesting experiment.
L1697[18:44:58] <Kathleen> *\o/
L1698[18:44:59] <NotRouter> dhcpd: MySQL?
L1699[18:45:10] <NotRouter> MYSQUL
L1700[18:45:12] <dhcpd> NotRouter, ....no
L1701[18:45:15] <Kathleen> dhcpd: Just write it in Lisp xD
L1702[18:45:22] <vifino> Kathleen: I will however promise that we will have a meat up and eat together, I'mma make pancakes, if I am allowed to make them in your kitchen :D
L1703[18:45:25] <dhcpd> Kathleen, idfk lis
L1704[18:45:26] <dhcpd> *lisp
L1705[18:45:26] <NotRouter> Write it in fucking brainfuck
L1706[18:45:30] <vifino> ... I wrote meat up.
L1707[18:45:34] <vifino> FML.
L1708[18:45:44] <Kathleen> vifino: Somebodys hungry xD
L1709[18:45:44] <dhcpd> but I was thinking more of Redis
L1710[18:45:55] <NotRouter> dhcpd: Redis is too easy
L1711[18:45:58] <NotRouter> FLUSHDB
L1712[18:46:02] <NotRouter> no more code !
L1713[18:46:10] <vifino> Lisp is awesome doe, dhcpd.
L1714[18:46:11] <dhcpd> NotRouter, I can rename some commands you know
L1715[18:46:15] <dhcpd> in the redis.conbf
L1716[18:46:17] <dhcpd> *redis.conf
L1717[18:46:18] <Kathleen> vifino: Get over here basically whenever, just tell me like a few days beforehand
L1718[18:46:22] <NotRouter> oeh
L1719[18:46:23] <vifino> Learn it or die in the fire I will throw you in.
L1720[18:46:28] <vifino> Kathleen: Will do :P
L1721[18:46:52] <Kathleen> vifino: I'll try to drag Snagar out of his cave then <.<
L1722[18:47:04] <vifino> *tells an hour before arrival* "Oh, yeah, I'mma meet you... right now. :D"
L1723[18:47:05] <Kathleen> May or may not be easier in summertime >.>
L1724[18:47:09] <dhcpd> NotRouter, for example
L1725[18:47:09] <dhcpd> rename-command CONFIG b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52
L1726[18:47:18] <NotRouter> You evil motherfucker.
L1727[18:47:23] <NotRouter> Thats a brilliant idea
L1728[18:47:26] <Kathleen> vifino: Then hope that I didn't just randomly leave for Amsterdam or wherever
L1729[18:47:33] <vifino> :v
L1730[18:47:43] <vifino> That'd be bleeeeeeeergh.
L1731[18:48:02] <Kathleen> vifino: Don't worry, my parents are nice people >:P
L1732[18:48:04] <vifino> So blergh, I can't even add enough e's.
L1733[18:48:34] <vifino> Kathleen: Well, maybe, but I probably don't come for them, even if they would cook me a wonderful meal x.o
L1734[18:48:53] <Kathleen> My dad would. After all he's the one who taught me cooking xD
L1735[18:49:07] <vifino> hehe.
L1736[18:49:44] <Kathleen> On the other hand, my mum learned cooking in russia, which leads to some ... interessting recipes too. xD
L1737[18:50:01] <NotRouter> Kathleen: Molotov Soup?
L1738[18:50:08] <vifino> .-.
L1739[18:50:13] * vifino stabs NotRouter
L1740[18:50:16] <NotRouter> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L1741[18:50:23] <vifino> It's Vodka soup, get it right.
L1742[18:50:25] * vifino runs
L1743[18:50:29] <Kathleen> NotRouter: She can probably disassemble an AK47 blindfolded, so shut up :P
L1744[18:50:30] <NotRouter> Bish
L1745[18:50:34] <NotRouter> Oh shit
L1746[18:50:42] <Kathleen> And reassemble it too :P
L1747[18:50:43] <NotRouter> AK47 Blindfold Molotov Soup!
L1748[18:50:48] <vifino> @_@
L1749[18:50:58] <NotRouter> 11/10 would eat
L1750[18:51:04] <Kathleen> vifino: Never been to an russian primary school?
L1751[18:51:48] <vifino> Kathleen: Not that I know of, no. 'cept if my memories have been wiped by the russians, which would explain the fact that I can't remember my childhood or anything except bad stuff.
L1752[18:52:29] <Kathleen> vifino: Eh. You'll have fun over here xD
L1753[18:52:39] <vifino> o.O
L1754[18:52:44] <vifino> ... What do you mean?
L1755[18:52:54] <Kathleen> :3
L1756[18:53:13] <vifino> It's not what I think it could be. Hopefully.
L1757[18:53:26] <vifino> But it could be something bad instead.
L1758[18:53:30] <vifino> Or vodka.
L1759[18:53:39] <Kathleen> Definitely vodka :D
L1760[18:53:42] ⇨ Joins: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:100:7e79:6d41:13fd:bfe3:3348)
L1761[18:53:44] <vifino> Which obviously isn't bad.
L1762[18:53:53] <Kathleen> Depends on the amount
L1763[18:53:58] <vifino> That's it? Pfft, boooooooriiiiing.
L1764[18:53:59] <vifino> <.<
L1765[18:53:59] <NotRouter> 5 gallons
L1766[18:54:25] <Kathleen> NotRouter: Not quite, but its getting there
L1767[18:54:53] <vifino> NotRouter: Metric units, not yer murrican idiot units. :D
L1768[18:55:00] <NotRouter> vifino: Alright
L1769[18:55:03] <NotRouter> 5 kilometers
L1770[18:55:07] <NotRouter> Did I do it right?
L1771[18:55:10] <vifino> Yes.
L1772[18:55:22] <Kathleen> NotRouter: Your car only makes 1km per gallon? poor bastard :P
L1773[18:55:41] <vifino> Haha, talk about efficiency.
L1774[18:55:50] <NotRouter> Naw, it's more like 1 km per metric fuckton
L1775[18:55:56] <NotRouter> s/metric/imperial
L1776[18:55:56] <Kibibyte> <NotRouter> Naw, it's more like 1 km per imperial fuckton
L1777[18:56:28] <NotRouter> More properly, "Metric Fucktonne." The Fuckton is the Imperial standard for the measurement of fuckweight, while the Fucktonne, in contrast, constitutes the Metric measure of fuckmass.
L1778[18:56:39] <NotRouter> Generally used to imply superlative quantity with the Metric standard included to emphasise this point. The inclusion of the term is, however, fundamentally a misuse of that standard, as the Imperial Fuckton (2000 Imperial Fuckpounds) denotes a slightly greater measure of fuckweight within Earth's gravitational pull than does the Metric Fuckton (1000 Metric Fuckilograms).
L1779[18:56:56] <Kathleen> At least we can calculate the energy necessary to heat up the water in 1 qdm by 10 degree Celsius in our heads :P
L1780[18:57:42] <vifino> :( This day gets worse over time.
L1781[18:57:57] <vifino> My openSUSE flashlight is dieing.
L1782[18:58:02] <NotRouter> vifino: Are you sure you aren't in a comedy right now?
L1783[18:58:09] <Kathleen> vifino: The day is 1:57 long, what the fuck did you do?
L1784[18:58:12] <NotRouter> comedy = tragedy/time
L1785[18:58:18] <vifino> NotRouter: No, that's what upsets me.
L1786[18:58:32] <vifino> Kathleen: openSUSE flashlight flickering ._.
L1787[18:58:58] <vifino> .... this battery's aren't good.
L1788[18:59:00] <vifino> at all.
L1789[18:59:05] <Kathleen> We use OpenSUSE on the servers in my former school
L1790[18:59:15] <NotRouter> Should I re-root my phone?
L1791[18:59:15] <vifino> lets uh, throw them out and pretend I never saw them >_>
L1792[18:59:22] <vifino> NotRouter: Yes.
L1793[18:59:41] <NotRouter> Ok
L1794[19:00:01] <vifino> vifino - The best advisor for anything. Yes.
L1795[19:00:19] <Kathleen> vifino: Why is Canada 50% the letter 'a'?
L1796[19:00:45] <Kathleen> And why the fuck is "Queue" a 'Q' followed by 4 silent letters?
L1797[19:00:56] <vifino> Kathleen: Because they can't memorize all the letters at once, too difficult for them.
L1798[19:01:08] <vifino> So they cut short on letters, simple.
L1799[19:02:39] * vifino pokes Kathleen
L1800[19:02:45] * Kathleen pokes vifino
L1801[19:02:50] * vifino falls over
L1802[19:02:59] * Kathleen poures dry ice on vifino
L1803[19:03:19] <vifino> Stay frosty, Kathleen! :3
L1804[19:03:35] <Kathleen> You are the cool guy here :P
L1805[19:03:48] <vifino> (☞・∀・)☞
L1806[19:05:25] <vifino> ( On a side note, it's not even that dangerous, as long as it doesn't get stuck, there isn't much danger, if you only get a few seconds of contact and get rid of it. )
L1807[19:05:54] <vifino> ( Same with liquid nitrogen, though it's "a bit" more tough. )
L1808[19:06:23] <Kathleen> Standing on the sun for a millisecond won't harm you either
L1809[19:07:09] <vifino> Darn, I wish I could listen to heavy metal on speakers and not on my ear buds .-.
L1810[19:07:27] * vifino blames Kathleen for infecting him
L1811[19:07:31] <Kathleen> Get a good headset
L1812[19:07:42] <Kathleen> vifino: Proud of it :P
L1813[19:08:02] <vifino> I know, that's why I mentioned it :P
L1814[19:08:06] <Kathleen> My best friend and I have a bet who's able to infect more people :P
L1815[19:08:30] * vifino is listening to Disturbed - Fire It Up
L1816[19:08:37] <vifino> It's good, definitly.
L1817[19:09:12] <Kathleen> It's Disturbed
L1818[19:10:02] ⇦ Quits: shadowkin0721 (~shadowkin@pool-71-191-187-114.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1819[19:10:04] <S3> HELO
L1820[19:10:15] <vifino> Haha, my red redhat hat combined with my leather jacket looks weird, although not that bad.
L1821[19:10:35] <Kathleen> S3: EHLO
L1822[19:10:39] <S3> vifino: you mean your red fedora?
L1823[19:10:39] <vifino> map.opencomputers.com at your service.
L1824[19:10:41] <S3> with a redhat logop
L1825[19:10:51] <vifino> S3: shh
L1826[19:10:54] <S3> lol
L1827[19:11:00] <vifino> S3: also, nice mailserver action you got going there
L1828[19:11:01] <S3> PREDICTIVE BRANCHING!
L1829[19:11:05] * S3 runs off
L1830[19:11:28] ⇨ Joins: infina (~infina@9600-baud.net)
L1831[19:11:52] <S3> LAWL.
L1832[19:11:57] <S3> wow my caps lock
L1833[19:12:04] <vifino> S3: Bot?
L1834[19:12:15] <infina> nope.
L1835[19:12:19] <Kathleen> vifino: SYN
L1836[19:12:24] <vifino> pfft, boooring
L1837[19:12:29] <S3> beep bop boop
L1838[19:12:38] <vifino> Kathleen: Sin, get it right! :P
L1839[19:12:55] <Kathleen> Pff FIN fuck you :P
L1840[19:12:58] <S3> #js Array(16).join("wat" = 1) + "Batman!"
L1841[19:12:58] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > Invalid left-hand side in assignment
L1842[19:13:01] <S3> damn it
L1843[19:13:05] <S3> #js Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + "Batman!"
L1844[19:13:06] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > "NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNBatman!"
L1845[19:13:23] <vifino> Kathleen: Kinky. I have to say no tho, sorry.
L1846[19:13:28] * vifino runs :D
L1847[19:13:38] <infina> #js Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"
L1848[19:13:42] <Kathleen> vifino: Get over here and get your deserved slap!
L1849[19:13:42] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > "NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batman!"
L1850[19:13:49] <infina> S3: FTFY
L1851[19:13:52] <S3> lol
L1852[19:14:10] <S3> vifino: I love JavaScript's commutative addition property don't you?
L1853[19:14:24] <S3> #js {} + []
L1854[19:14:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 0
L1855[19:14:31] <S3> #js [] + {}
L1856[19:14:31] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > "[object Object]"
L1857[19:14:37] <vifino> Kathleen: Where?
L1858[19:14:40] * vifino RUNS FASTER
L1859[19:14:51] <gamax92> S3: please not that {} + [] gives an object everywhere not deadbeef
L1860[19:15:03] <vifino> Seriously though, I'm kinda busy right now, brb.
L1861[19:15:30] <Inari> vif busy fucking hisself
L1862[19:15:47] ⇨ Joins: t3hero_ (~t3hero@2601:202:100:7e79:55a7:ee21:15bf:21a6)
L1863[19:15:48] <gamax92> oh well, I lied.
L1864[19:15:52] <gamax92> chrome did it as well
L1865[19:15:54] <vifino> actually, fuck that, I'm not replacing that thermostat and -probe today.
L1866[19:15:54] <gamax92> but node doesn't
L1867[19:16:00] <vifino> Or not now, at least.
L1868[19:16:05] <Inari> a probe, kinky
L1869[19:16:18] <vifino> Inari: Would be definitly more pleasant than replacing thermo gear.
L1870[19:16:23] <vifino> Welp.
L1871[19:16:29] <Inari> lewd
L1872[19:16:36] <Kathleen> TIL S3 loves quoting this 3 year old talk: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat
L1873[19:16:45] <vifino> Yeah, wat is all over the internet.
L1874[19:17:00] <vifino> S3 just didn't get the memo that everybody and their grandmother saw it already.
L1875[19:17:55] <Kathleen> Also, if you're a brownie, you will love this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0f2TDqUp1U (If you are not one, you will love it even more)
L1876[19:17:55] <MichiBot> Kathleen: CARTOON HORSE PROGRAM!! | length: 3m 6s | Likes: 32535 Dislikes: 1192 Views: 1430527 | by Krunkidile
L1877[19:18:09] <Kathleen> While we are talking about videos everybody has seen
L1878[19:18:27] <vifino> brownie?
L1879[19:18:32] <Inari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRbY3TMUcgQ ?
L1880[19:18:33] <MichiBot> Inari: Erlang The Movie II: The Sequel | length: 9m 55s | Likes: 791 Dislikes: 19 Views: 50475 | by gar1t
L1881[19:18:48] ⇦ Quits: t3hero (~t3hero@2601:202:100:7e79:6d41:13fd:bfe3:3348) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1882[19:18:49] <vifino> Inari: Holy shit there is an erlang movie?!!?!?!
L1883[19:19:01] <vifino> WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT EARLIER?
L1884[19:19:01] <Kathleen> vifino: People that like My little pony
L1885[19:19:04] <Inari> well yeah, but this is the "ugpraded" version
L1886[19:19:04] <Inari> :P
L1887[19:19:18] <vifino> Kathleen: Wouldn't that be brony and not brownie? xD
L1888[19:19:33] <Inari> dont be racist
L1889[19:19:41] <Inari> brownie is a brown brony
L1890[19:19:42] <vifino> After all, I know PixelToast, and he calls himself brony and not brownie.
L1891[19:20:36] <Kathleen> vifino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vI_7os2V_o
L1892[19:20:36] <MichiBot> Kathleen: JavaZone 2014: Game of Codes | length: 3m 41s | Likes: 4961 Dislikes: 87 Views: 281168 | by JavaZone Norway
L1893[19:21:22] <vifino> ew java
L1894[19:21:37] <vifino> also I remember the footage used in erlang the movie
L1895[19:22:36] ⇨ Joins: shadowkin0721 (~shadowkin@pool-71-191-187-114.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L1896[19:23:06] <vifino> Erlang. On. Rails.
L1897[19:23:15] <vifino> Now I can't sleep anymore.
L1898[19:23:21] <vifino> Fuck you, Inari.
L1899[19:23:34] <Inari> get the girls, get the boys, impress your mom, impress your cat, applications XD
L1900[19:23:36] <Inari> i so love it
L1901[19:25:17] <vifino> Yes.
L1902[19:28:07] <Kathleen> vifino: http://elixir-lang.org/
L1903[19:28:42] <vifino> Kathleen: I know.
L1904[19:28:46] <vifino> Look at my github.
L1905[19:28:59] <vifino> tl;dr I know elixir, yes.
L1906[19:30:19] <Kathleen> tl;dr I don't spend any time on other peoples Github unless these people are known as "Kilobyte"
L1907[19:30:46] <vifino> That's fine :P
L1908[19:31:12] <vifino> Outlaw Techno Psychobitch is a wonderful platform.
L1909[19:34:49] <vifino> Kathleen: You're a rust programmer, correct?
L1910[19:36:16] <Kathleen> vifino: Yes
L1911[19:36:36] <S3> Rust is nice.
L1912[19:36:47] <S3> I've pondered writing parts of my operating system with it.
L1913[19:37:10] <vifino> ...
L1914[19:37:11] <vifino> Wat.
L1915[19:37:19] <Kathleen> vifino: I'm about to dive a bit into Haskell again, so if you want anything write me on Telegram or Jabber rather than IRC, I don't really get notifications for that.
L1916[19:37:42] <vifino> S3: I knew you are insane, but that just blows my mind.
L1917[19:37:46] <Kathleen> S3: Absolutely. I'm thinking about getting the ARM arch for OC going again just to write Rust on OC :P
L1918[19:37:47] <vifino> Kathleen: Will do.
L1919[19:39:17] <Inari> “The old man took me straight to the door at the end of your fstab”
L1920[19:39:57] <Inari> “He paused, and I wondered how long it takes to modify an existing OpenLDAP setup”
L1921[19:46:15] <S3> aha.
L1922[19:46:26] <S3> Kathleen: that would be interesting.
L1923[19:46:44] <S3> run rasbian on it! lol jk
L1924[19:46:48] <vifino> TIL I have 15 followers.
L1925[19:46:53] <Antheus> wat
L1926[19:46:59] <vifino> On github, I mean.
L1927[19:47:05] <Antheus> oh
L1928[19:47:26] <Kathleen> S3: Do you happen to know of any VM hypervisors written in Java?
L1929[19:48:41] <S3> I do not. But I was thinking of making a vt-l cpu for OC
L1930[19:48:45] <vifino> Why would anybody do that? ._.
L1931[19:48:54] <S3> which is just a subclass of the lua CPU that provides a cpu component API for running multiple lua vms
L1932[19:48:59] <S3> and routing components
L1933[19:51:09] <S3> Kathleen: I have much more involved projects atm though, like finishing my game engine and porting BSD to OC.
L1934[19:51:26] <S3> or at least writing a very involved BSD clone
L1935[19:52:27] <S3> Kathleen: One thing to think about, the JVM is already kind of a hypervisor if you think of it.. I mean, you could easily morph it into one.
L1936[19:53:04] <S3> Kathleen: but if you get ARM working on OC
L1937[19:53:09] <S3> updated*
L1938[19:53:20] <S3> Kathleen: then Xen hypervisor works on ARM now. just FYI
L1939[19:53:23] <Kathleen> S3: Implementing straight ARM is not to hard either. Just takes time. Which happens to be the thing I have the least atm,
L1940[19:53:40] <S3> I think it's HVM ARM too
L1941[19:54:00] <Kathleen> S3: I'd rather use KVM because I know how that works. But I have no idea how well KVM runs on Windows
L1942[19:54:03] <S3> That would be interesting, running Xen on OV :)
L1943[19:54:12] <S3> OC*
L1944[19:58:30] <S3> Kathleen: so I'm assuming Rust -> LLVM -> ARM frontend / backend toolchain is working good?
L1945[19:59:23] <Kathleen> Well
L1946[19:59:45] <Kathleen> I would not at all use Rust or the ARM in production, but for what we are doing, yes
L1947[19:59:57] <Kathleen> *the ARM backend
L1948[20:01:18] <Kathleen> And while you may get it to shove out ARM or even AVR code rust is more suited for x86 currently.
L1949[20:02:29] <S3> I don't like AVR much
L1950[20:02:38] <S3> I have an ATMega324 in my bag
L1951[20:02:54] <S3> It's not bad, I just favor chips that are not port based IO
L1952[20:02:58] <Kathleen> I have to take that back anyway. ARM works more or less perfectly with rust, AVR was the buggy one
L1953[20:03:09] <S3> yes
L1954[20:03:12] <S3> AVR is very beta
L1955[20:03:21] <S3> and it is a recontinuation of a discontinued project
L1956[20:03:24] <S3> the LLVM backend
L1957[20:03:26] ⇨ Joins: t3hero__ (~t3hero@2601:202:100:7e79:5925:1d6f:7c4a:61a2)
L1958[20:03:57] <S3> even clang should work well on ARM though
L1959[20:04:06] <S3> so I wonder, how fast do these OC ARM chips run
L1960[20:05:49] <Kathleen> I haven't decided if I'm actually gonna pick up that project anytime soon, don't ask too much now
L1961[20:05:59] <Kathleen> But probably configurable
L1962[20:06:10] ⇦ Quits: t3hero_ (~t3hero@2601:202:100:7e79:55a7:ee21:15bf:21a6) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1963[20:06:31] <S3> I still need to write some code for gamax92's ocsimon
L1964[20:06:41] <S3> so that we can get a component bus attached to the 6502 cpu
L1965[20:07:20] <Kathleen> Generally I'd like to keep the "feel" of OC, so asm should be a thing. Especially on the T1 you probably have to write asm to get it running at all
L1966[20:08:22] <S3> you still talking about the ARM cpu?
L1967[20:09:01] <gamax92> "We've learned our mistake, we're doing a pacifist run" "yeah we've gone back to the beginning and haven't killed anyone" *15 minutes later* "what should we do?" "i think we have to attack her"
L1968[20:09:26] <gamax92> u=U&^D&*Y&*T&*R6*nhdv GyU0fygyvztr%^*d5q37eGFC XFYRRfq3yrfq3iv fd67Y6*y7^z984YFG8WH*(^
L1969[20:11:54] * S3 begins spoonfeeding hex into gamax92
L1970[20:12:00] <S3> A9 FF 8D 21 D0 00
L1971[20:12:10] <S3> RUN\n
L1972[20:13:16] <gamax92> r00d
L1973[20:13:29] <S3> yay visual output!
L1974[20:13:52] <S3> gamax92: for if you were a commodore 64, you would have gotten 0xFF written to $D021, which is a register in your video memory :)
L1975[20:14:46] <gamax92> but I'm Symon, so all you did was try to write to a rom.
L1976[20:14:59] <S3> :)
L1977[20:15:13] <gamax92> #lua 0x4000
L1978[20:15:13] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 16384
L1979[20:15:15] <gamax92> yes, rom.
L1980[20:15:20] * S3 bank switches gamax92
L1981[20:15:33] <gamax92> bankswitching is in 4000 to 7FFF
L1982[20:16:05] <S3> oh simon actually has bankswitching?
L1983[20:16:26] <gamax92> #lua 0x4000*256
L1984[20:16:26] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 4194304
L1985[20:17:42] <gamax92> it does up to 4MB's but 0000 to 3FFF is ram, not bankswitchable, 4000 to 7FFF is switchable, and the number of blocks is based on how much ram is in the machine
L1986[20:17:47] <gamax92> C000 to FFFF is the rom
L1987[20:18:07] <gamax92> and 8000 to BFFF is the device area or unmapped(symon throws an exception in unmapped)
L1988[20:18:08] ⇨ Joins: IzayaPhone (~Userlessn@pa49-180-144-214.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L1989[20:18:36] <dhcpd> IzayaPhone: yo
L1990[20:18:46] <gamax92> killall -9 dhcpd
L1991[20:18:57] * dhcpd dies
L1992[20:19:18] * dhcpd is respawned 30 seconds later by init
L1993[20:19:24] <gamax92> hmmm ... I don't know a samis.
L1994[20:19:26] <gamax92> hi!
L1995[20:19:35] <dhcpd> ._.
L1996[20:19:56] <gamax92> don't give me that face.
L1997[20:20:37] <dhcpd> bitch please
L1998[20:20:40] <dhcpd> you know me
L1999[20:20:41] <Antheus> Is there any documentation on plan9kos
L2000[20:20:46] <dhcpd> .__.#
L2001[20:20:54] <gamax92> I don't know you.
L2002[20:21:09] <vifino> gamax92: CompanionCube
L2003[20:21:25] <vifino> also, holy shit wxwidgets spits out all the compile errors
L2004[20:21:30] <dhcpd> it even says it in my /whois ._/
L2005[20:21:33] <dhcpd> * ._.
L2006[20:21:38] <gamax92> it says samis
L2007[20:21:55] <dhcpd> Checked the 'logged in as' line
L2008[20:22:30] <gamax92> oh.
L2009[20:23:03] <dhcpd> awkward
L2010[20:23:52] <Antheus> ~w modem
L2011[20:23:52] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L2012[20:24:24] <dhcpd> gamax92: kill -HUP gamax92
L2013[20:24:29] <Antheus> ~w event
L2014[20:24:29] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
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L2021[21:00:37] <NotRouter> #lua 469-227
L2022[21:00:37] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 242
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L2024[21:04:42] <gamax92> http://i.imgur.com/WOrxJ9m.png
L2025[21:08:02] <vifino> Time to build a z80 based *thing*.
L2026[21:08:30] <vifino> Or just toy around with ti calcs/emulated ones.
L2027[21:10:26] <gamax92> vifino: but pizza
L2028[21:10:47] <vifino> Do I have pizza?
L2029[21:10:49] <vifino> No?
L2030[21:10:55] <vifino> Then how does it matter to me?
L2031[21:11:02] <gamax92> ._.
L2032[21:18:13] <vifino> https://github.com/EtchedPixels/FUZIX :D
L2033[21:19:27] <gamax92> Do I have any of those Platforms?
L2034[21:19:29] <gamax92> No?
L2035[21:19:34] <gamax92> Then how does it matter to me?
L2036[21:22:26] <vifino> Just shut it, gamax92.
L2037[21:27:07] ⇦ Quits: shadowkin0721 (~shadowkin@pool-71-191-187-114.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2038[21:27:21] <Antheus> To do tonight: Install Arch Linux on my old 232GB HDD
L2039[21:27:42] <Antheus> and by tonight, I mean right now
L2040[21:28:01] <Antheus> Time to unplug my SSD and 1TB HDD
L2041[21:31:53] *** Kodos|Zzz is now known as Kodos
L2042[21:33:29] <NotRouter> #lua 277+191
L2043[21:33:29] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > 468
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L2057[23:36:52] <Kodos> Seriously, fuck people
L2058[23:39:23] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:9d29:97fe:e656:3b1f) (Quit: Leaving)
L2059[23:39:29] <Caitlyn> o_O
L2060[23:51:46] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@p5794DB0E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@p5794D367.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
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