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L1[00:00:10] <clever> another issue ive run into
L2[00:00:16] <clever> i use synergy, there is no keyboard/mouse on the desktop
L3[00:00:25] <clever> grub obviously doesnt support synergy
L4[00:01:15] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L5[00:03:13] <clever> and there was also issues with windows update essentialy commiting suicide
L6[00:03:21] <clever> grub defaults to linux, and windows keeps trying to reboot itself
L7[00:03:28] <clever> and when un-attended, it doesnt come back up
L8[00:03:32] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L9[00:03:46] <Keridos> clever ah yeah the windows reboots
L10[00:04:01] <Keridos> but i think you can disable autoreboot
L11[00:04:10] <Keridos> mine does default to windows though
L12[00:04:18] <Keridos> since i like to play gw2 regularly
L13[00:05:09] <clever> on that hardware
L14[00:05:11] <clever> i should probably just change the default, since i dont use linux much
L15[00:05:14] <clever> i got linux on everything else
L16[00:05:41] <Keridos> I would love to use linux more
L17[00:06:19] <Keridos> but wine while still is good since I switched to staging but it is really not good working for some games
L18[00:06:27] <Keridos> especially gw2 lags like hell
L19[00:08:32] <Keridos> reminds me: i need to run full debug any manage to crash gw2 and diablo to get a proper crashlog
L20[00:11:49] <PotatoTrumpet> hmm
L21[00:11:54] <PotatoTrumpet> Think I'm going to play factorio
L22[00:15:45] <Katie> ¬_¬ gamax92 have you used FTP on Eos..?
L23[00:16:58] <gamax92> Katie: yeah, makes it easy to push stuff to it
L24[00:17:08] <Katie> Well.. the reason I ask..
L25[00:17:24] <Katie> I can connect with no issue over FTP..
L26[00:17:28] <Katie> but I can't upload...
L27[00:17:33] <Katie> Permission denied :/
L28[00:18:05] *** Naomi|Off is now known as Naomi
L29[00:18:10] <gamax92> err, but my script relies on ftp .-.
L30[00:18:32] <Katie> Yeah, I'm a bit confused. :/
L31[00:18:41] <Katie> If it works for you there is no reason for it not to work for me.
L32[00:19:13] <Katie> I notice the owner is listed as my uid..
L33[00:19:13] <gamax92> oh err sorry, I had switched it out to use SSH before the FTP stuff was added :s
L34[00:19:22] <Katie> Oh..
L35[00:19:24] <Katie> Hmm
L36[00:31:40] <PotatoTrumpet> Hm
L37[00:31:58] <PotatoTrumpet> So, App. I'm under a Tornado watch until 3 am
L38[00:32:09] <PotatoTrumpet> :|
L39[00:32:35] <PotatoTrumpet> And tomorrow is supposed to have very very very bad storms
L40[00:32:41] <PotatoTrumpet> Yay texas
L41[00:34:02] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L44[00:48:39] <PotatoTrumpet> so uh
L45[00:48:44] <PotatoTrumpet> is there a RFID thingy for OC
L46[00:51:06] <Kodos> Zetta Industries has NFC
L47[00:51:17] <gamax92> Katie: sorry :s
L48[00:51:28] <PotatoTrumpet> What's Zetta Industries?
L49[00:55:43] <Katie> \o/ http://michi.pc-logix.com/09-05-2015_00-55-30.png
L50[00:56:07] <Katie> got screencloud to upload via sftp
L51[00:56:33] <PotatoTrumpet> I read that as #LadyDev.NSFW
L52[00:56:43] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm, #BlameSangar?
L53[00:56:56] <Katie> Yes, #BlameSangar
L54[00:57:21] <PotatoTrumpet> Hurm
L55[00:57:24] <PotatoTrumpet> Brb
L56[00:57:25] <Katie> K, I need to get my fire theme moved over here
L57[00:57:38] <Katie> This bright ass white is killing me
L58[00:58:57] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by PotatoMango!Pooooooooo@2a01:7e00:e001:801::6667)))
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L61[00:59:23] <PotatoMango> dafuq
L62[00:59:24] ⇦ Quits: PotatoTrumpet (~PotatoTru@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L64[01:00:25] <Katie> http://michi.pc-logix.com/09-05-2015_01-00-18.png \o.
L65[01:00:29] <Katie> \o/*
L66[01:00:47] <Katie> %p
L67[01:00:48] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.65s
L68[01:00:49] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.54s
L69[01:00:50] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.39s
L70[01:01:33] <Katie> also \o/ yay my highlight script works too
L71[01:02:57] <PotatoTrumpet> %p
L72[01:02:58] <MichiBot> Ping reply from PotatoTrumpet 1.12s
L73[01:03:06] <Keridos> %p
L74[01:03:07] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Keridos 0.23s
L75[01:25:08] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C85F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L76[01:25:08] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L78[02:06:30] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L79[02:12:03] ⇨ Joins: Satorikus (webchat@
L80[02:13:32] <Satorikus> Is there working server with latest OpenComputers? Looks like i tried all from forum, and they're all down\empty
L81[02:24:55] <Kodos> .j
L82[02:24:55] <^v> Oh noes!
L83[02:25:00] <Kodos> Fail
L84[02:25:05] <Kodos> Satorikus, there's a Jenkins
L85[02:25:11] <Kodos> Link's in the topic
L86[02:25:17] <Kodos> Under 'Dev builds'
L87[02:25:36] <Izaya> Kodos, I think he's talking about Minecraft servers
L88[02:37:53] <Satorikus> Yes... I have nobody to use Jenkins with, so i'd like to try find somebody playing on servers.
L89[02:55:02] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L90[02:56:59] ⇦ Quits: Satorikus (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L91[02:57:02] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L92[03:00:17] ⇦ Quits: Yepoleb (~quassel@178-190-224-141.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (nova.esper.net (Nickname regained by services)))
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L94[03:28:00] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (~jason@c-50-173-75-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L95[03:28:15] <Sulljason> %p
L96[03:28:17] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Sulljason 1.5s
L97[04:10:59] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
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L102[04:58:48] <Keridos> i guess there are working server with OC, but most are private i guess
L103[05:04:49] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L104[05:04:51] <hitecnologys> Err, the guy left but just in case, I've already told once that I host a server with OC on it as well as some other mods which is usually up and open for anyone out there.
L105[05:25:48] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
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L107[05:27:23] *** Skye|ZZZ is now known as Skye
L108[05:47:13] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L109[05:51:22] <Sangar> o/
L110[05:51:29] <Vexatos> o/ Sangar
L111[05:51:34] <Vexatos> How's real life doing
L112[05:51:39] <Magik6k> \o
L113[05:51:41] <Sangar> fine fine
L114[05:52:00] <Vexatos> s/life/loaf
L115[05:52:00] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> How's real loaf doing
L116[05:52:10] <Sangar> s/real/meat
L117[05:52:11] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> How's meat loaf doing
L118[05:53:10] <Vexatos> D:
L119[05:53:12] <Vexatos> D;
L120[05:53:14] <Vexatos> :'(
L121[05:53:47] <Sangar> gonna enjoy the last few weeks of not working :P
L122[05:54:35] <Sangar> then gonna enjoy working ;)
L123[05:55:07] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L124[05:56:08] <Sandra> whoa, Sangar, you're signed up for a job now? cool.
L125[05:57:22] <Sangar> yeah, really happy with where i got it, too :3 got lucky after all
L126[05:58:01] <Vexatos> where?
L127[05:58:08] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
L128[05:58:53] <Sangar> let's say i get to stay in munich :P
L129[05:59:04] <Vexatos> wait munich
L130[05:59:19] <Vexatos> you don't even have a south-Bavarian dialect
L131[05:59:22] <Vexatos> what is this sorcersy
L132[05:59:25] <Vexatos> sorcery*
L133[05:59:45] <Sangar> people growing up in munich generally don't tend to have much of a dialect
L134[06:00:22] <Vexatos> Well, it's not much of a dialect
L135[06:00:30] <Vexatos> (Unlike north Bavaria q_q)
L136[06:00:36] <Vexatos> but there definitely is one
L137[06:02:29] <Sangar> once you go outside of munich, absolutely, and tons of different ones at that, too :P but in munich? not so much. probably to do with there being tons of people from all over germany/the world in munich ;) as it is with any larger city, i guess.
L138[06:03:56] <Vexatos> Mhm
L139[06:04:49] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L140[06:06:16] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L141[06:11:02] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
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L145[06:22:54] <Sulljason> Sangar: \o
L146[06:23:03] <Sangar> o/
L147[06:23:28] <Sulljason> just realised I use geolyzer for drone and robot pathing :l
L148[06:23:49] <Sulljason> geolyzer \o/
L149[06:23:52] <Sangar> yay, imc wrapper class for api mostly done... templates remain... not sure how lazy to be about those >_>
L150[06:24:05] <Sangar> that's an option indeed :)
L151[06:24:44] <Sulljason> now if I could make a 3D pathing algorithm :l
L152[06:25:17] <Kubuxu> \o Sangar. Do you have any ETA for Video RAM? It would be awesome for plot lib I want to write.
L153[06:25:59] <Sulljason> Kubuxu: but recipes can be changed so cards might not have ram or something!
L154[06:26:21] <Vexatos> hat
L155[06:26:22] <Kubuxu> Sulljason, it is something different.
L156[06:26:22] <Vexatos> what
L157[06:26:28] <Vexatos> That's not how vram works
L158[06:26:29] <Vexatos> >_>
L159[06:27:04] <Sulljason> Well theres vram in the form of system memory.
L160[06:27:24] <Vexatos> .-.
L161[06:27:28] <Vexatos> -.-
L162[06:27:39] <Sangar> Kubuxu, not really; to be honest, i probably won't be looking into that anytime soon, in particular with me starting work next month :/ but if you want to have a go at that yourself, or know someone that does, by all means; note the open-for-adotion tag :P
L163[06:28:00] <Kubuxu> Ok.
L164[06:28:24] * Sulljason has a feeling Vexatos doesn't like him very much lol
L165[06:28:38] <Vexatos> Kubuxu, Zetta Industries P:
L166[06:28:58] <Kubuxu> Vexatos, what with Zetta Industries?
L167[06:29:39] <Sulljason> Sangar: Could we get APUs to free up card slots?
L168[06:29:40] <Magik6k> Kubuxu, I looked into making vram not so long ago and it seemed to be simple to implement
L169[06:30:22] * Izaya was thinking about having integrated stuffs on motherboards yesterday
L170[06:30:27] <Sangar> Sulljason, integrated graphics? nah :P
L171[06:30:29] <Sulljason> Sangar: Like CPU with equiv GPU tier with a component bus card could work as a recipe.
L172[06:30:30] <Vexatos> Kubuxu, video RAM :P
L173[06:30:54] <Izaya> Perhaps you could have mediocre-quality, slow, peripheral stuff (ie networking) onboard.
L174[06:30:58] <Vexatos> Sulljason, that's.... why have card slots then >_>
L175[06:31:28] <Sangar> gaaah, Java, y u no tuples D:
L176[06:31:29] <Sulljason> Vexatos: You can put stuff other than GPUs in the cardz.
L177[06:31:57] <Kubuxu> Sulljason, Video RAM is to be additional video buffer. Now you can draw only on screen but you could draw to VideoRAM and just copy it to screen.
L178[06:32:21] <Sulljason> Ya make an array of pixel values...
L179[06:32:55] <Kubuxu> IT is not hard but also not THAT simple.
L180[06:33:23] <Sulljason> If I knew more about graphics I would make my own library. But I is not man for jerb
L181[06:35:06] <Sulljason> You have memory and floating point OPs. Tis all you need.
L182[06:35:07] * Izaya is considering doing the inverse: using the GPU's RAM as more system RAM
L183[06:35:15] <Sulljason> ^
L184[06:35:30] <Kubuxu> ~w gpu
L185[06:35:30] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:gpu
L186[06:35:43] <Kubuxu> You need 80% of that for it to be usable.
L187[06:36:00] <Kubuxu> reasonably usable: Sulljason
L188[06:36:36] <Sulljason> I just meant you have those two things so there isn't anything stopping you from making a CPU driven rendering library
L189[06:37:45] <Sulljason> I'm not super familiar with rendering so I wouldn't know all the things to impliment.
L190[06:38:20] <Sulljason> So I would rather not make a library then make an admittedly shitty one.
L191[06:38:53] <asie> oh, huh
L192[06:39:01] <asie> i just noticed that the Bukkit repo is not DMCA'd, only CraftBukkit.
L193[06:39:02] <asie> Ho-hum.
L194[06:39:34] <Sulljason> Ya it was a weird one it's a big part of why Sponge can use Bukkit
L195[06:39:58] <Kubuxu> Sulljason, you could store it all in lua but there is one reason. IT is slow.
L196[06:40:04] <Sulljason> After Mojang decided their best course of action was to flip off all the people that made their game playable.
L197[06:40:30] <Kubuxu> Like Vexatos made RSA cripting block as RSA key generation was taking minutes in lua.
L198[06:41:09] <Sulljason> Ya it's purely interpreted. But you are at most working with a 180x60 screen
L199[06:42:29] <asie> Sulljason: Actually, they can't
L200[06:42:32] <asie> but that's another story.
L201[06:43:00] <Sulljason> Rlly huh thought they were maybe they're making compatable functions but their own src.
L202[06:43:06] <asie> Sulljason: They are.
L203[06:43:09] <asie> But they're not exactly compatible.
L204[06:44:08] <Sulljason> Kubuxu: Why would virtual vram make it faster? (im assuming all the math would still be done in Lua.)
L205[06:44:26] <Kubuxu> You can print it with one command.
L206[06:44:33] <Kubuxu> Not x*y commands...
L207[06:46:12] <Sulljason> Sangar: Is method invokation rlly the speed limit in Lua?
L208[06:46:33] ⇨ Joins: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host86-142-226-176.range86-142.btcentralplus.com)
L209[06:46:46] <Sangar> ?
L210[06:46:53] <Magik6k> Sulljason, gpu calls are limited
L211[06:47:06] <Kubuxu> Sulljason, not but sending informations about single char change is much less efficient than whole buffer.
L212[06:47:07] <Sulljason> "
L213[06:47:09] <Sulljason> [04:44] <Kubuxu> You can print it with one command.
L214[06:47:10] <Sulljason> [04:44] <Kubuxu> Not x*y commands...
L215[06:47:10] <Magik6k> (in fact most componnts calls are)
L216[06:47:23] <Sulljason> Oh ya its a component XD
L217[06:48:39] <Sulljason> Kubuxu: Add a method to swap buffers to the GPU then?
L218[06:49:02] <Kubuxu> Gosh. It was all discussed already.
L219[06:49:11] <Kubuxu> Read through issues.
L220[06:49:20] <Magik6k> ^
L221[06:49:34] <Sulljason> Kubuxu: Whatever impliment what ever you want it's your time.
L222[06:50:48] <Kubuxu> Sulljason, Vexatos is not not liking you (god double negation in English is wrong but in Polish it is totally normal and I don't know how to change that). You are hell lot annoying. :D
L223[06:52:34] <Magik6k> Is there any way to get cpu tier?
L224[06:53:23] <Magik6k> cuz well: http://gyazo.com/e60c4ff5ff1dc558b6381f5d4799d928
L225[06:55:02] <Kubuxu> You could benchmark it...
L226[06:55:12] <Magik6k> hmm
L227[06:55:28] <Kubuxu> Magik6k, I want such program.
L228[06:59:17] ⇨ Joins: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0)
L229[07:02:39] <Kubuxu> Sangar, if I were to add option to config do I have to do something special?
L230[07:02:46] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L231[07:04:50] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
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L233[07:06:21] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@achp111.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L234[07:11:41] <Sangar> Kubuxu, only thing to watch out for is that you have to add the defaults to the application.conf, due to how typesafe config works
L235[07:12:08] <Kubuxu> Yeah. That I knew. TY.
L236[07:17:59] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no)
L237[07:19:39] <Kubuxu> Sould I make VideoRam as a custom Value or work with as you get an address and you still should use GPU. IT would be counter-intuitive as I don't think that it is possible to use existing GPU methods.
L238[07:20:32] <Vexatos> Kubuxu, why not make it a RAM stick
L239[07:20:37] <Vexatos> and make it fit into the RAM slot
L240[07:20:43] <Kubuxu> Hmmm.
L241[07:20:44] <Vexatos> wouldn't provide ram, only video ram
L242[07:20:52] <Vexatos> so you exchange memory for video power, Kubuxu
L243[07:21:06] <Vexatos> Wouldn't that be quite interesting?
L244[07:21:17] <Kubuxu> That is neat idea but you have only ?2? slots in T3 computer case.
L245[07:21:36] <Vexatos> A T3.5 stick is more than enough still
L246[07:22:00] <Kubuxu> Hmm.
L247[07:22:04] <Kubuxu> Sangar, ^^
L248[07:22:59] <Sangar> i like the idea
L249[07:23:34] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L250[07:24:15] <Kubuxu> Tiered or not?
L251[07:24:32] <Sangar> would the gpu then have methods a la "copyFromVRAM"? and use the first vram it finds? or maybe like the db, i.e. copyFromVRAM(address)?
L252[07:24:34] <Sangar> hmmm
L253[07:24:40] <Sangar> why not tiered
L254[07:24:52] <Sangar> can't hurt
L255[07:24:58] <Sangar> :P
L256[07:25:17] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L257[07:25:29] <Kubuxu> VideoRAM should allow you to allocate multiple slots in it.
L258[07:26:04] <Kubuxu> So you can preload few sprite. I could load grapth into it.
L259[07:28:15] <Sangar> yeah
L260[07:32:00] <Magik6k> sounds like I'll be able to implement some windowed mode to my OS soon
L261[07:33:08] <Magik6k> Kubuxu, maybe allow portions of vram to [multiple] screens
L262[07:33:23] <Magik6k> *binding
L263[07:33:35] <Kubuxu> IDK
L264[07:35:12] <Vexatos> Magik6k, detect vram, add windows :3
L265[07:35:20] <Vexatos> Sangar, Win95 for OC pls
L266[07:35:28] <Vexatos> :D
L267[07:37:46] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L268[07:39:04] ⇦ Quits: Temia (merlin@shellx.eskimo.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L272[07:50:28] *** Benguin[ZzZ] is now known as Benguin
L273[07:53:08] <Keridos> Sangar: btw your fix made the export driver work perfectly as intended, now it does not even export into other slots anymore :D
L274[07:53:22] <Keridos> finally an OC computer is the REGULATORRRRR
L275[07:57:53] <Sandra> Kubuxu, what's this about Video RAM?
L276[07:59:01] <Kubuxu> ?
L277[07:59:52] <Sandra> you were talking about VRAM.
L278[08:00:02] <Sandra> what crazy addon are you making.
L279[08:00:37] <Kubuxu> It is already planned.
L280[08:00:43] <Kubuxu> On OC's issue tracker
L281[08:01:06] <Sandra> in other news, I found a game I forgot existed. http://puu.sh/hGZdw/14c768e21e.png
L282[08:04:12] <Vexatos> what
L283[08:04:21] <Vexatos> is that what I think that is
L284[08:04:23] <Vexatos> o-o
L285[08:04:24] <Vexatos> what
L286[08:06:08] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L287[08:11:19] <Sulljason> Sandra: \o
L288[08:11:46] <Sandra> Vexatos, yes, it's pokemmo.
L289[08:12:03] <Sandra> pokemon firered & emerald, but massively multiplayer.
L290[08:12:05] <Sulljason> My bro is making one of those currently :l
L291[08:12:21] <Sulljason> For a while he wasn't even using OpenGL -.-
L292[08:12:51] <Sulljason> So I told him about GDX. Saw a page open on his computer about how the internet works... So I don't have high hopes. :/
L293[08:13:09] <Sandra> mmm hmm.
L294[08:13:36] <Sulljason> Sandra: So how have they avoided getting their asses sued off?
L295[08:13:53] <Sulljason> Since Nintendo seems alergic to the internet and the 21st century
L296[08:14:06] <Sandra> Sulljason, by loading assets from the original roms.
L297[08:14:21] <Sulljason> Arn't the names trademarked?
L298[08:14:31] <Sandra> yes they are.
L299[08:14:47] <dangranos> can i run function in background with shell on foreground without using duplicated shells and boot mods?
L300[08:14:51] <Sandra> what names specifically?
L301[08:15:13] <Sulljason> Think Odish lol well rlly they are all technically.
L302[08:15:16] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L303[08:15:26] <Sandra> well yeah, they are trademarked.
L304[08:15:49] <Sandra> but can they really sue for that.
L305[08:15:51] <Sulljason> Nintendo would probably win the case. Maybe they just don't know it exists. lol
L306[08:16:01] <Sulljason> Think so trademarks are similar to copyrights
L307[08:16:10] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L308[08:16:15] <Sandra> the games are owned by nintendo.
L309[08:16:26] <Sulljason> Cause if you use that you're trying to steal Pokemons cred or something
L310[08:16:36] <Vexatos> GAME FREAK masterrace
L311[08:16:40] <Sandra> but the fact that they aren't calling it "pokemon" sorta makes it not correct.
L312[08:16:41] <Vexatos> 11/10 for the name being capslocked
L313[08:17:02] <Sandra> it's PokeMMO.
L314[08:17:08] <hitecnologys> dangranos: there's rc.d.
L315[08:17:11] <Vexatos> Sulljason, maybe the main nintendo guys are playing it themselves :3
L316[08:17:12] <Sandra> clearly different thing.
L317[08:17:12] <Sulljason> Ya but they're still technically using other companies trademarks
L318[08:17:18] <dangranos> hitecnologys, huh?
L319[08:17:28] <hitecnologys> dangranos: check /etc/rc.cfg.
L320[08:17:33] <hitecnologys> dangranos: and /etc/rc.d/
L321[08:17:35] <dangranos> i want to be able to start/stop/restart daemon
L322[08:17:36] <Sulljason> and PokeMMO would probably been as similar enough as to be a copy attempt.
L323[08:17:45] <Sandra> nintendo probably are fine with letting it slide, since they don't distribute any assets.
L324[08:17:46] <Sulljason> But I'm not a lawyer so shrug
L325[08:17:48] <hitecnologys> dangranos: and I can't recall the name of the program to manage daemons.
L326[08:18:04] <dangranos> damn
L327[08:18:06] <hitecnologys> dangranos: wait a minute, my client has just crashed.
L328[08:18:22] <Sulljason> Sandra: They didn't tear celiby.net to the ground and stomp on the ruins
L329[08:18:23] <dangranos> gonna write my boot-level thingy for daemons :D
L330[08:18:27] <Sulljason> and they have assets on there.
L331[08:18:30] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@paranoidlabs.org)
L332[08:18:32] zsh sets mode: +v on DeanIsaKitty
L333[08:18:37] <Sandra> Sulljason, yes exactly.
L334[08:18:51] <Sandra> so they've got even less of a reason to tear this to the ground.
L335[08:19:11] <Sulljason> But dah Youtubes DMCAs D:
L336[08:19:21] <Sandra> DMCA's are easy.
L337[08:19:37] <Sandra> literally just do it and they have to take it down for 14 days.
L338[08:19:44] <dangranos> Q_Q
L339[08:19:53] <Sulljason> Ya and Nintendo has a fleet of lawyers :3
L340[08:20:06] <Sandra> after that, they can put it back up and/or press charges.
L341[08:20:20] <Sandra> i.e. sue.
L342[08:20:44] <Sandra> that is my understanding anyway.
L343[08:21:02] <hitecnologys> dangranos: rc <service> command [args]
L344[08:21:06] <Sulljason> I there a lawyer in deh house!?
L345[08:21:52] <Sandra> I'm not a lawyer but I actually know a very large amount about US copyright law.
L346[08:22:08] <Sandra> since I've heard about them numerous times.
L347[08:22:22] * Sulljason knows a decent amount too, but its still anecdotal and theres lots of little nitpicky stipulations.
L348[08:22:51] <Sandra> true.
L349[08:23:26] <Sandra> law is like that.
L350[08:23:33] <Sulljason> ^
L351[08:23:34] ⇨ Joins: xypista (webchat@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu)
L352[08:24:38] <Sulljason> Sangar still here?
L353[08:25:18] <Sulljason> Also is the CPU call limit per tick of per sec I fergetz.
L354[08:25:55] <Sandra> still, let's change subject from copyright law since that stuff is very annoying.
L355[08:26:19] <Sandra> just know that they've somehow avoided being sued for >3 years.
L356[08:26:32] <Sangar> Sulljason, per tick
L357[08:26:41] <Sulljason> I thought the discussion was already over lol
L358[08:26:44] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L359[08:26:47] <Sandra> yeah.
L360[08:26:50] <Sandra> it was.
L361[08:27:12] <Sandra> I always like to have the last say in discussions. :P
L362[08:27:27] <Sulljason> Sangar: Can we has a buffer swap method on the GPU that uses tables? So we can renderz at 40fps?
L363[08:28:19] * Sulljason is trying to make an Xbox One in game so 40 is enough. *Badum tiss*
L364[08:29:16] <Sangar> faster than 20fps won't be a thing, because queued screen updates are only synced once per tick :P as for backbuffer stuff, that's what Kubuxu is looking into right now, I believe
L365[08:30:35] <Sulljason> Sangar: He confused me I'm not 100% sure what he's really adding.
L366[08:30:47] <Sandra> the AI in this game is smart enough to switch pokemon. which annoys me to no end.
L367[08:31:36] <Sulljason> Sandra: Doesn't pokemon have optimal strategies that you can mathmatically prove?
L368[08:31:50] <Sandra> does it?
L369[08:32:05] <Sandra> I don't really go into that,
L370[08:32:10] <Sandra> as I simply don't care.
L371[08:33:01] <Sandra> THINGS I PLAY GAMES FOR: Music, Story, Art Style, How well gameplay fits the above 3.
L372[08:33:53] <Sandra> I don't actually care about gameplay in it's own right.
L373[08:34:06] <Sandra> unless it's minecraft.
L374[08:34:14] <Sandra> in which case I really actually do care.
L375[08:34:50] <Sandra> which is weird.
L376[08:35:15] <Izaya> Minecraft has terrible music, no story and eh art.
L377[08:35:20] <Izaya> So gameplay is important.
L378[08:35:33] <Sulljason> Sandra: well the entire point of MC is the gameplay
L379[08:35:37] <Sandra> I love minecraft's music though.
L380[08:35:37] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles Izaya
L381[08:35:44] * Izaya cuddles DeanIsaKitty
L382[08:35:47] <Sandra> Heresy I know.
L383[08:36:00] <Izaya> When I started playing MC's music was good
L384[08:36:04] <Sandra> but I actually like C418's music.
L385[08:36:16] <Izaya> but then there were only 4 tracks and I started playing ib b1.3_01
L386[08:36:21] <Izaya> in*
L387[08:36:40] <Sulljason> The musics not bad, but they def arn't classics like some 8 bit themes.
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L389[08:36:50] <Sandra> of course obviously it's not as good as Danny Baranowsky's music.
L390[08:36:58] <Sandra> nothing's better.
L391[08:37:04] <vifino> Hey Izaya.
L392[08:37:05] <Vexatos> y'know, Izaya
L393[08:37:07] <Vexatos> there was a time
L394[08:37:10] <Vexatos> a few years ago
L395[08:37:19] <Kubuxu> Sangar, it is getting bigger every minute I send with it...
L396[08:37:22] <Vexatos> when computer became able to do multiple tasks at once
L397[08:37:34] <Vexatos> run multiple processes in parallel
L398[08:37:39] <Vexatos> for instance minecraft and your favourite music player
L399[08:37:49] <Kubuxu> bigger and more problematic.
L400[08:37:50] <Vexatos> You might want to upgrade from your old Atari
L401[08:37:54] <Vexatos> P:
L402[08:38:04] <Izaya> Atari?
L403[08:38:09] <Sulljason> Vexatos: Computer could do multiple things on a single core D:
L404[08:38:10] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L405[08:38:20] <Sulljason> Just really fast context switching
L406[08:38:23] <Vexatos> Sulljason, such sorcery
L407[08:38:32] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L408[08:38:37] <Izaya> I don't have the money for an atari, I'm running a homebrew 6502 box made out of parts I found
L409[08:38:52] <Sandra> for some reason the music here seems to be on a 2 second delay.
L410[08:38:57] <Sandra> which really irks me.
L411[08:39:58] <Sandra> seriously I refuse to play a game sans sound.
L412[08:40:40] <Sandra> despite how annoyed it makes people around me.
L413[08:42:37] <Sulljason> Sandra: game sans sound?
L414[08:42:51] <Sandra> yes, game without sound.
L415[08:43:06] <Sulljason> sans?
L416[08:43:15] <Sandra> yes, sans = without.
L417[08:43:24] <Sulljason> To google translate!
L418[08:43:47] <Sulljason> French ok
L419[08:44:06] * Sulljason is an ignorant American.
L420[08:44:34] <Vexatos> >_>
L421[08:44:42] <Vexatos> It's a common term in English
L422[08:44:52] <Sulljason> It's a French word.
L423[08:44:53] <Vexatos> Ever heard of Computer text fonts "sans serif"
L424[08:44:58] <Sulljason> Ya.
L425[08:45:12] <Vexatos> >_>
L426[08:45:13] <Sulljason> Doesn't make it English
L427[08:45:21] <Sandra> I am clearly not ready for this gym yet.
L428[08:45:23] <Negi> It's a common mixed term.
L429[08:45:24] <Sulljason> Other languages use Latin characters.
L430[08:45:42] <Sandra> the trainer has 2 lvl 10s and I have a lvl 12 starter...
L431[08:46:01] <Negi> Just like a lot of people in France use a lot of english words.
L432[08:46:18] * Sulljason has never heard it used other than arbitrary font names. Tbh they could called them "Oogldy Boogly" and I'ld use the font.
L433[08:46:46] <Sandra> Sans basically means without, but it's not used in common parlance.
L434[08:46:58] <Sulljason> What's serif then?
L435[08:47:01] <DeanIsaKitty> Sulljason: English didn't appear out of thin air. It developed from two languages mostly: French and (early) German. So you find a lot of french and german words in english. Bureau ie.
L436[08:47:13] <Sandra> Serif is a roman font.
L437[08:47:24] <Sulljason> DeanIsaKitty: Ik still doesn't make sans a frickin English word.
L438[08:47:26] <Sandra> it has serifs, on the end of the icons.
L439[08:47:32] <DeanIsaKitty> Sulljason: YES, it does.
L440[08:47:42] <Sandra> sans serif doesn't.
L441[08:47:44] <Vexatos> DeanIsaKitty, and normans
L442[08:47:48] <Sulljason> Developed from not all is taken.
L443[08:47:56] <Vexatos> English had a vast norse influence
L444[08:47:56] <Sandra> Sulljason, um, yes it does.
L445[08:48:11] <Sulljason> English is more Germanic than anything.
L446[08:48:23] <Vexatos> Sans serif just means the font doesn't have serifs
L447[08:48:25] <Vexatos> obviously
L448[08:48:27] <Sandra> Sulljason, sans is an english word, it is also a french word.
L449[08:48:28] <Sandra> yep.
L450[08:48:37] <Vexatos> things like Calibri
L451[08:48:40] <Sulljason> Vexatos: Ya I figured that out.
L452[08:48:53] * Sulljason runs to the Oxford dictionary
L453[08:49:05] <DeanIsaKitty> Sulljason: Is british english english for you? If yes: "sans - prep. (literary or humorous) without.
L454[08:49:07] <DeanIsaKitty> "
L455[08:49:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. :P
L456[08:49:34] <Sulljason> Ok it is part of English
L457[08:49:46] <Sulljason> But being French still doesn't garentee it's English lol
L458[08:49:54] <DeanIsaKitty> Nobody said that :P
L459[08:49:56] <Izaya> I wonder if there's an American dictionary, considering they use mangled english
L460[08:50:06] <Sulljason> You guys kinda did maybe.
L461[08:50:17] <Sulljason> Rlly we just didn't agree on the conditions of the argument :3
L462[08:50:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Izaya: Yes, there is. There are even AE<->BE dictionaries. :|
L463[08:50:21] <Lizzy> Izaya, it's called English Simplified
L464[08:50:24] <Sulljason> so we started arguing dif things
L465[08:50:36] <Izaya> English Derpified
L466[08:50:51] <Sulljason> It's a cookie not a biscuit!
L467[08:51:18] <Lizzy> biscuits are small, cookies are large
L468[08:51:22] <Vexatos> Oxford dict has both BE and AE
L469[08:51:24] <Sandra> http://puu.sh/hH1wy/3ef0f3699b.png there's a naked black guy standing next to me...
L470[08:51:27] <Sulljason> It's weird that we'ld complete take a word from another word that we already had a word for.
L471[08:51:30] <Izaya> cookies have chocolate chips
L472[08:51:39] <Vexatos> In Germany you mostly use Pons or the Oxford dictionary
L473[08:51:54] <Sandra> Sulljason, well no.
L474[08:52:04] <Sandra> english has many many synonyms.
L475[08:52:10] <Sandra> just look at a thesaurus.
L476[08:52:17] <DeanIsaKitty> s/english/every language/g
L477[08:52:18] <MichiBot> <Sandra> every language has many many synonyms.
L478[08:52:22] <Sandra> yep.
L479[08:52:22] <Sulljason> Ik but ussualy we Englishify the words uk more take influences then whole words.
L480[08:52:32] <Sandra> well no.
L481[08:52:38] <Sulljason> ussually :l
L482[08:52:39] <Vexatos> Only one language has more words than English
L483[08:52:42] <Vexatos> And that's Chinese
L484[08:52:43] <Sandra> quite a lot of words are just taken directly.
L485[08:53:04] <Sulljason> I am saying ussually I'm not a dayum lexogripher Q.Q
L486[08:53:18] <Sulljason> Or linguist.
L487[08:53:33] <Sulljason> I was thinking more on the lines of the ought words.
L488[08:53:41] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: Depends on your definition of "words". Because german (and some other languages too) allow for building words, so they have more or less an infinite amount ;P
L489[08:53:54] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L490[08:53:58] <Vexatos> DeanIsaKitty, words that you find in a dictionary
L491[08:54:13] <Vexatos> arbitrary compound words that are gramatically valid but unused don't count
L492[08:54:22] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: You will find "Antibabypille" in a dictionary, soo.... point=
L493[08:54:24] <DeanIsaKitty> *?
L494[08:54:30] <Vexatos> >_>
L495[08:54:33] <Sandra> oh god yeah, german has too many compound words.
L496[08:54:45] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (Johannes@
L497[08:54:47] <Sandra> note: i don't know german.
L498[08:54:50] <Vexatos> Kuchengabelabschussrampenherstellungsmachinenbauingenieur.
L499[08:54:57] <Negi> German more like words can take four lines ._.
L500[08:54:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Sandra: German has no compound words, it has mostly rules on how to create some. See above ^
L501[08:55:02] <Vexatos> Yes, that is one word
L502[08:55:04] <Vexatos> and it is valid
L503[08:55:05] * Lizzy hugs DeanIsaKitty
L504[08:55:08] <Sulljason> Ya think they compound the adjectives on the nouns.
L505[08:55:09] * DeanIsaKitty cuddles Lizzy
L506[08:55:10] <Sandra> mmm hmm.
L507[08:55:28] <Sandra> sounds welsh to me.
L508[08:55:35] <Vexatos> It means "pastry fork launch pad production machine construction engineer"
L509[08:55:42] <Vexatos> P:
L510[08:56:00] <Vexatos> Or an engineer for the construction of machines that produce launch pads for pastry forks
L511[08:56:19] <Sandra> ...
L512[08:56:24] <Vexatos> Totally makes sense
L513[08:56:29] <Sulljason> So a really bored architect?
L514[08:56:29] <Vexatos> but it is grammatically valid
L515[08:56:40] <Negi> There are some words there that also exist in french woo
L516[08:56:40] <Vexatos> Sulljason, any architect, pretty much
L517[08:56:58] <Vexatos> Some German words exist in the English language, but not many
L518[08:57:16] <Vexatos> However, a crapload of English words exist in the German language
L519[08:57:21] <Negi> I think I've seen more french ones than german ones actually.
L520[08:57:23] <Vexatos> and Latin words exist a lot in both
L521[08:57:27] <Vexatos> U:
L522[08:57:30] <Vexatos> Of course >_>
L523[08:57:38] <Sulljason> Sandra: Why does your trainer have grey hair?
L524[08:57:45] <Vexatos> Negi, Sandra, Sulljason: Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3r9bOkYW9s
L525[08:57:46] <MichiBot> Vexatos: History of English (combined) | length 11m 21s | Likes: 11600 Dislikes: 154 Views: 1171512 | by ouLearn on YouTube
L526[08:57:50] <Negi> There is however a word in english that doesn't make any sense. :I
L527[08:57:51] <Vexatos> It's a good one
L528[08:58:02] <Sandra> Sulljason, why shouldn't she have grey hair?
L529[08:58:10] <Negi> Pineapple. :I
L530[08:58:15] <Sulljason> Sandra: She's probably like 10?
L531[08:58:18] <Sandra> you can customize your trainer in a lot of ways.
L532[08:58:24] <Sandra> she has dyed hair.
L533[08:58:26] <Vexatos> Negi, just watch the video :3
L534[08:58:44] <Sulljason> Do they even make grey hair dye. o.0
L535[08:58:55] <Sandra> of course they do.
L536[08:58:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Sulljason: They make every colour hair dye.
L537[08:59:01] <Sulljason> I want to look older said no woman ever.
L538[08:59:02] <Sandra> I've seen teenagers with grey hair.
L539[08:59:14] * Sulljason learned something.
L540[08:59:20] <DeanIsaKitty> Sulljason: Grey hair looks really really awesome on some people.
L541[08:59:38] * Lizzy wants blue hair
L542[08:59:47] <DeanIsaKitty> Lizzy should get blue hair :P
L543[08:59:54] <Sandra> there's a guy who just walked past me ingame with an epic grey beard.
L544[08:59:56] * Sulljason would TOTALLY look great with purple hair.
L545[08:59:58] <Sandra> :P
L546[09:00:24] <Vexatos> DeanIsaKitty, gray*
L547[09:00:24] <Vexatos> :3
L548[09:00:26] * Sandra also wants purple hair.
L549[09:00:29] * Sulljason is a pastey white Irish boy so he would actually look terrible with an unnatural hair color.
L550[09:00:39] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: gray and color or grey and colour.
L551[09:00:40] <Sulljason> Both spellings are right.
L552[09:00:46] <Vexatos> noooo
L553[09:00:51] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Rogue@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu)
L554[09:00:51] <Vexatos> ;_;
L555[09:00:54] <Lizzy> Vexatos, Gray is American, Grey is English
L556[09:00:59] <DeanIsaKitty> Vexatos: grAy in America, grEy in actual English :PO
L557[09:01:05] <Vexatos> Yep
L558[09:01:20] <Sulljason> GRAY in the countery with the world dominating currency. :3
L559[09:01:21] <Vexatos> I just like to confuse people >_>
L560[09:01:37] <Sandra> I remember the old days of this where all you could do was pick between red and leaf and choose a colour scheme.
L561[09:01:43] <Sulljason> Well not world dominating if we keep our financial habits up...
L562[09:01:43] <Negi> But aren't gray and grey two different shades ? ._.
L563[09:01:53] <Vexatos> Negi pls
L564[09:02:05] * Vexatos hides
L565[09:02:13] <Lizzy> Negi, how many shades? 50?
L566[09:02:16] <DeanIsaKitty> Sulljason: Loose billions and billions of dollars in projects you don't need? Yeah, america's quite good at that.
L567[09:02:21] <Negi> Lizzy: No D:
L568[09:02:24] * Negi runs
L569[09:02:30] <Sulljason> DeanIsaKitty: Lose*
L570[09:02:35] <Vexatos> 50 shades of pink: http://gfycat.com/LameShockingDingo
L571[09:02:44] <Sulljason> Negi: "Gray and grey are different spellings of the same word, and both are used throughout the English-speaking world. But gray is more common in American English, while grey is more common in all the other main varieties of English."
L572[09:03:26] <Sulljason> DeanIsaKitty: Yep richest countery on the planet with starving people it's fantastic...
L573[09:03:55] <DeanIsaKitty> Sulljason: Richest country? When did we start to talk about china??
L574[09:04:05] <Sulljason> They're second...
L575[09:04:09] <Sulljason> For now.
L576[09:04:20] <Izaya> give it 5 years
L577[09:04:25] <DeanIsaKitty> How many trillions do you owe then again? :P
L578[09:04:28] <Negi> They'll get third.
L579[09:04:30] <DeanIsaKitty> *them
L580[09:04:44] <Sulljason> DeanIsaKitty: Ya alot of that debt is actually to ourselves.
L581[09:04:44] <MichiBot> ALOT: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
L582[09:04:51] <Sulljason> fuck off bot..
L583[09:04:58] <DeanIsaKitty> Fuck off Sulljason :P
L584[09:04:59] <Lizzy> Sulljason, a lot *
L585[09:04:59] <Negi> Yay for MichiBot.
L586[09:05:08] <Sulljason> Ik Lizzy
L587[09:05:43] <Sulljason> DeanIsaKitty: But yes we do owe quite a bit of it to China, but China has its own wealth desperity issues as well.
L588[09:06:21] <Sulljason> I'm scared of the Chinese government not the Chinese people.
L589[09:06:21] <Negi> The whole world owes to everyone else.
L590[09:06:26] <Sulljason> ^
L591[09:06:49] <Sulljason> It's economics so it gets weird and ethemoral really fast.
L592[09:07:09] <Sulljason> Am I on a spell roll or did my spell check turn off...
L593[09:08:41] <Sulljason> Auto spell check is on I guess it's just failing at it's job.
L594[09:09:27] <Sulljason> Sangar: How is Germany's economy doing?
L595[09:10:39] <DeanIsaKitty> Not snagar but Germany's economy is doing reasonable well, compared to europe at least. But our politicans are ruining everything again. And the BND sends industry secrets to the NSA :P
L596[09:14:11] <Sulljason> Woo for the 50th time Ubuntu won't compile the graphics driver package they provide for their own kernel...
L597[09:14:46] <Vexatos> Sulljason, I had that once, turned out the update was placing a malformed symlink
L598[09:15:36] <Sulljason> Vexatos: Ik you can fix it just don't want to. :/
L599[09:15:54] <Vexatos> what+
L600[09:17:30] <Negi> ._.
L601[09:17:47] <Sulljason> reconfiguring package...
L602[09:19:06] <Sulljason> Adding module to the initial ramfs :D
L603[09:19:11] <Sulljason> Yay rebuild worked.
L604[09:19:28] <Sulljason> Why it doesn't when you install their kernels idk -.-
L605[09:19:51] <Sulljason> Brb new kernel.
L606[09:20:08] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason (~jason@c-50-173-75-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L607[09:21:00] ⇨ Joins: Sulljason (~jason@c-50-173-75-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L608[09:21:11] <Sulljason> And I'm bk :D
L609[09:24:31] ⇦ Quits: xypista (webchat@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L610[09:29:49] <Sulljason> No one waves to me when I join. :(
L611[09:32:26] <Negi> Because you just left >_<
L612[09:33:33] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L613[09:34:11] <Sulljason> When I join other times lol
L614[09:34:27] <Sulljason> We should make michibot wave at people.
L615[09:34:45] <Lizzy> no we should leave her be
L616[09:35:23] <Sulljason> :(
L617[09:35:30] <Magik6k> ~w filesystem proxy
L618[09:35:30] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/api:filesystem
L619[09:36:07] <Sulljason> Sangar: If I made a smart bot that waves at regulars when they join could I add it?
L620[09:36:25] <gamax92> why regulars ...
L621[09:36:31] <Sulljason> Hm true
L622[09:36:52] <Sulljason> Make everyone feel included. :D
L623[09:37:06] <Vexatos> Please no
L624[09:37:09] <Sulljason> But make it track join and leave times so it doesn't become spammy.
L625[09:37:09] <gamax92> no
L626[09:37:09] <EnderBot2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE
L627[09:37:10] <MichiBot> EnderBot2: Monty Python - Spam | length 3m 20s | Likes: 27505 Dislikes: 669 Views: 6591296 | by zumpzump
L628[09:37:17] <Vexatos> please don't
L629[09:37:20] <Vexatos> just don't
L630[09:37:20] <Magik6k> ~w random
L631[09:37:20] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-math.random
L632[09:37:33] <Lizzy> no waving bots
L633[09:37:36] <Vexatos> Good
L634[09:37:43] <Sulljason> It wouldn't be spammy and would be friendly...
L635[09:37:51] <Lizzy> no waving bots.
L636[09:38:01] <Sulljason> Can you give me a real reason?
L637[09:38:14] <Lizzy> because it'll be spammy and not needed
L638[09:38:34] <Sulljason> And enderbot isnt?
L639[09:38:51] <Sulljason> Michibot spams a link to a picture mocking spelling.
L640[09:39:05] <Katie> Seriously why would you want an automated greeting...? It's meaning less for a bot to welcome you...
L641[09:39:16] <Katie> s/meaning less/meaningless/
L642[09:39:17] <MichiBot> <Katie> Seriously why would you want an automated greeting...? It's meaningless for a bot to welcome you...
L643[09:39:56] <Sulljason> It greeting it in a human way would anthropramorphise it a bit. And make it cute and friendly.
L644[09:40:12] <Lizzy> No waving bots. End of discussion
L645[09:40:20] <Sulljason> But yes I agree being a dumb greater would be no bueno.
L646[09:41:02] <Sulljason> Least I follow the rules and asked. :/
L647[09:41:09] <Sulljason> followed*
L648[09:41:49] <gamax92> Waving bots just annoy people who are used to being here and confuse new people into trying to ask the bot for help.
L649[09:43:40] ⇦ Quits: Sulljason (~jason@c-50-173-75-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
L650[09:45:06] <Katie> ¬_¬
L651[09:45:46] <Magik6k> yay, I have working /dev/null, /dev/zero and /dev/random
L652[09:45:47] <Sangar> allright, i need someone to test assembling and disassembling in the latest dev build :P did a bit of a rewrite of the imc message generation (moved some of that to the api). i think i tested everything but... you know.
L653[09:46:17] <Sangar> Magik6k, nice :>
L654[09:46:28] <gamax92> Sangar: I can try decompiling OC and seeing how "well" Procyon handles it
L655[09:46:49] <Sangar> prowho?
L656[09:46:51] <Magik6k> I need to make driver for tapes so dd if=song.dfpwm of=/dev/tape0 will be possible :3
L657[09:47:04] <gamax92> Sangar: D:< You don't know of the Procyon Decompiler?
L658[09:47:17] <Negi> Magik6k: Working on a devfs ?
L659[09:47:28] <Magik6k> Negi, yep, but for my os
L660[09:47:41] <Sangar> gamax92, i saw the name mentioned here somewhen ago, but didn't know what it was, no >_>
L661[09:47:59] <gamax92> dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/tape0
L662[09:48:12] <dangranos> ugh
L663[09:48:23] <Magik6k> gamax92, I HAVE TO MAKE THAT DRIVER NAU!!
L664[09:48:29] <dangranos> whe the hell motion sensor has that blue texture on top but it doesnt detect on top?
L665[09:48:30] <gamax92> XD
L666[09:49:06] <Sangar> huh, ugh has the same letters as hug [/captain obvious remark of the day]
L667[09:49:28] <Sangar> it should detect upwards, too
L668[09:49:42] <gamax92> Sangar: but yes, Procyon is a Java Decompiler
L669[09:49:51] <dangranos> ...
L670[09:49:51] <gamax92> OC is mostly Scala
L671[09:49:57] <dangranos> why the hell it doesnt?
L672[09:50:30] <Sangar> dunno? it only checks every half second, so if you test by jumping it might simply not pick that up because it happens inbetween measurements
L673[09:50:39] <Magik6k> well, I have to go for now, later today I'll work on that driver
L674[09:52:09] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L675[09:57:12] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L676[09:57:29] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L677[10:02:56] <Kubuxu> ~w exit
L678[10:02:56] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-next
L679[10:03:53] <Vexatos> <Magik6k> I need to make driver for tapes
L680[10:03:54] <Vexatos> Hahaha
L681[10:04:01] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L682[10:04:08] <Vexatos> Make sure Computronics' built-in tape program works :P
L683[10:04:45] <gamax92> Vexatos: shush you, its essentially the exact same thing as my tapefs except not avoiding OpenOS stupidity
L684[10:05:03] <Vexatos> tapefs exists?
L685[10:05:21] <gamax92> all it does it make a filesystem with a file called data.raw
L686[10:05:33] <Vexatos> ooooh
L687[10:06:58] <Negi> We need tapefs both ways ._.
L688[10:07:11] <gamax92> Negi: what is both?
L689[10:07:44] <Negi> Access the raw data as a file, what you've done basically. And have a FS stored on a tape.
L690[10:07:47] <Negi> Oh wait
L691[10:07:50] <Negi> That's tar.
L692[10:07:51] <gamax92> so, tapefs and msdosfs
L693[10:07:57] <gamax92> or tar
L694[10:08:54] <gamax92> one of these days maybe I'll finish working on msdosfs
L695[10:10:40] <gamax92> i need to make sure both work still :P
L696[10:12:04] <Negi> Argh but WHY.
L697[10:12:15] <gamax92> Negi: why what?
L698[10:12:17] <Negi> The minimum length for searches should be three, not four T_T
L699[10:12:34] <gamax92> what?
L700[10:16:15] <Negi> On the forums.
L701[10:16:33] <gamax92> Negi make sense
L702[10:16:34] <Negi> You can't search stuff like "dns" or "tar" because the minimum length for searchs is 4 characters.
L703[10:16:46] <Negi> searches*
L704[10:16:46] <gamax92> You're not making sense
L705[10:16:51] * gamax92 slaps Negi
L706[10:16:51] * EnderBot2 high-fives gamax92
L707[10:16:52] <gamax92> SNAP OUT OF IT
L708[10:17:32] <Negi> No. :I
L709[10:17:59] <Negi> I won't make sense until that torrent has finished downloading.
L710[10:18:14] <gamax92> whatchu downloadin
L711[10:18:35] <Negi> Ubuntu.
L712[10:18:41] <Negi> I need it to compile sth.
L713[10:18:50] <gamax92> okay
L714[10:25:39] <PotatoTrumpet> Hallo
L715[10:28:15] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@achp111.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L716[10:28:36] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@achp111.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L717[10:33:00] <PotatoTrumpet> Bleh
L718[10:33:03] <PotatoTrumpet> My throat hurts
L719[10:33:05] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L720[10:33:25] * PotatoTrumpet has quit (Network Ban)
L721[10:34:11] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L722[10:35:02] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L723[10:42:07] <CompanionCube> PotatoTrumpet, fail
L724[10:44:05] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@achp111.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L725[10:47:47] <PotatoTrumpet> Hmm
L726[10:48:00] * PotatoTrumpet slaps CompanionCube and takes him to a dark corner
L727[10:48:01] * EnderBot2 chuckles
L728[10:48:08] * CompanionCube escapes
L729[11:03:41] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L730[11:15:07] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L731[11:21:27] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L732[11:21:42] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no)
L733[11:24:25] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@68-204-184-175.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L734[11:24:38] <PotatoTrumpet> %p
L735[11:25:30] <Katie> %p
L736[11:25:32] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.47s
L737[11:25:33] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.62s
L738[11:35:43] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L739[11:42:01] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L740[11:42:40] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L741[11:44:32] <Roguexy> I'm looking for a way to decrease the input lag on OC' computers. I have OC and CC installed on my server and CC computers have a slightly lower input lag than OC ones. I'm looking at callBudgets and executionDelay in the config, but I don't really get what they do in specific. Could one of them have an impact on the input lag?
L742[11:44:52] <Kodos> Vexatos, what's goin on with your console logs? Why would they be offensive?
L743[11:44:58] <Vexatos> Kodos, no clue
L744[11:45:01] <Vexatos> but I changed it >_>
L745[11:45:04] <Vexatos> blame Cloudy
L746[11:45:06] <Kodos> What was it before
L747[11:45:14] <Vexatos> Just a gimmick
L748[11:45:35] <Vexatos> Roguexy, you'd need to ask Sangar
L749[11:51:33] <Roguexy> Vexatos, Should I pm him?
L750[11:51:46] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L751[11:51:46] <Vexatos> I don't think so
L752[11:51:50] <Vexatos> he'll read it in here some time
L753[11:51:56] ⇨ Joins: Gopher (~Gopher@50.sub-70-193-130.myvzw.com)
L754[11:53:07] <gamax92> Hey Gopher
L755[11:53:43] <Gopher> hi, gamax92
L756[11:54:29] <PotatoTrumpet> Hey ________
L757[12:00:36] <nxsupert> o/
L758[12:03:48] ⇨ Joins: solenoids (~phillips1@
L759[12:05:01] ⇦ Quits: phillips1012 (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L760[12:12:44] <VERSION> .openp
L761[12:12:44] <^v> VERSION, http://openprograms.github.io https://github.com/OpenPrograms/
L762[12:12:47] <VERSION> .openprg
L763[12:13:02] <^v> VERSION,
L764[12:16:17] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L765[12:17:35] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L766[12:39:27] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L767[12:40:25] <nxsupert> o/
L768[12:40:50] <nxsupert> I really need a client that doesn't disconnect every time my computer goes to sleep.
L769[12:41:12] <LewsTherin> nxsupert, get a bouncer?
L770[12:41:21] <LewsTherin> ZNC's widely liked.
L771[12:41:29] <Lizzy> ^ I don't mind giving you an account on mine
L772[12:41:38] <nxsupert> Bouncer?
L773[12:41:51] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@paranoidlabs.org) (Quit: I just nomnomed the Interweb)
L774[12:42:16] <LewsTherin> nxsupert, it's a go-between for your computer
L775[12:42:17] <Katie> It's a client that sits between you and the server, it connects to the server, you connect to it
L776[12:42:23] <LewsTherin> Yep
L777[12:42:29] <Katie> So it stays connected, even if you disconnect.
L778[12:42:30] <nxsupert> Oh. So sort of a proxy?
L779[12:42:39] <Katie> Sorta, yes
L780[12:42:44] <LewsTherin> You can even connect multiple clients to it, and still only show up as one nick.
L781[12:42:49] <Katie> Lizzy, runs one, so do I and we're both willing to give you an account
L782[12:43:04] <LewsTherin> I run one too, but am at my connection limit, unfortunately.
L783[12:43:04] <Katie> Yeah I run 2-6 clients at any time, all as this nick
L784[12:43:14] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org)
L785[12:43:15] zsh sets mode: +v on DeanIsaKitty
L786[12:43:31] <nxsupert> Hmm. Do you mind?
L787[12:43:55] <Lizzy> .-. some fucktard NPC just rammed my car
L788[12:44:01] <LewsTherin> lol
L789[12:44:42] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L790[12:45:22] <Negi> nxsupert: If they're offering you an account, they probably don't. :v
L791[12:45:31] <Lizzy> nxsupert: where abouts you located geographically?
L792[12:45:32] <Katie> nxsupert, nxsupert_ will be here soon :P
L793[12:45:43] <nxsupert> UK.
L794[12:45:53] <Katie> Lizzy, might be better then.. heh
L795[12:46:03] <Lizzy> well, Katie's ones are US based, mine are UK
L796[12:46:24] <Lizzy> lemme tab out of GTA so i can set you up an account (if you want it, that is)
L797[12:46:31] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert_ (nxsupert@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:90d)
L798[12:46:46] <nxsupert> Where is Esper based?
L799[12:46:51] <Katie> All over..
L800[12:46:56] <nxsupert> Ok.
L801[12:46:59] <Katie> they have US and UK servers.
L802[12:47:12] <Katie> https://www.esper.net/servers.php
L803[12:47:16] <gamax92> Katie: We need to setup a server on the moon
L804[12:47:18] <nxsupert> Can I have one then Lizzy?
L805[12:47:23] <Lizzy> nxsupert, sure
L806[12:47:29] <nxsupert> Thanks :D
L807[12:47:33] <Katie> nxsupert_ is in Canada.. heh
L808[12:48:04] <Katie> I'll go ahead and nuke the user I setup
L809[12:48:08] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert_ (nxsupert@2607:5300:60:51da::dead:90d) (Client Quit)
L810[12:48:11] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-12-28.applecreek.pathcom.com)
L811[12:48:14] <Lizzy> might help if i spelt the domain right .-.
L812[12:48:57] <Negi> gamax92: Already in progress
L813[12:49:29] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L814[12:50:08] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L815[12:50:10] <Sangar> Roguexy, unless you're already on t3 everything, try that first, because speeds vary between tiers, which is by design. if you already are, that's probably due to all of the actual input handling being lua-side in oc (including the cursor blinking). you could try writing a more efficient shell/term (fewer accesses to component methods), but aside from that i'm not sure there's much that can be done
L816[12:50:19] <Lizzy> suddenly Sangar
L817[12:50:42] <Sangar> i happen
L818[12:53:37] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Quit: I just nomnomed the Interweb)
L819[12:53:54] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert_ (nxsupert@heyo.theender.net)
L820[12:54:14] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org)
L821[12:54:16] zsh sets mode: +v on DeanIsaKitty
L822[12:56:38] ⇦ Quits: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org) (Client Quit)
L823[12:57:14] ⇨ Joins: DeanIsaKitty (~Dean@chocolate.paranoidlabs.org)
L824[12:57:16] zsh sets mode: +v on DeanIsaKitty
L825[13:00:03] <nxsupert_> testing
L826[13:00:25] <Lizzy> \o/
L827[13:00:51] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) ()
L828[13:01:19] <nxsupert_> well.
L829[13:01:28] <nxsupert_> it seems to work.
L830[13:01:33] <Lizzy> indeed
L831[13:02:48] <nxsupert_> Now.
L832[13:03:00] <nxsupert_> Back to what I was doing.
L833[13:04:56] <nxsupert_> Has anyone here ever done bare metal programming?
L834[13:05:30] <SuPeRMiNoR2> So metal
L835[13:05:39] <DeanIsaKitty> nxsupert_: Depends on how you define it.
L836[13:06:10] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-12-28.applecreek.pathcom.com) (Quit: finkmac)
L837[13:06:24] <nxsupert_> Making program that runs on a computer with no operating system.
L838[13:06:42] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L839[13:06:50] <DeanIsaKitty> Do system-on-a-chip count? If yes, yes if no still yes. :P
L840[13:06:55] <clever> depends on what you define as 'computer', i have use AVR's heavily
L841[13:07:12] <nxsupert_> A raspberry pi
L842[13:07:29] <clever> i have also looked at the baremetal pi examples, and studied how the boot process works
L843[13:07:45] <SuPeRMiNoR2> DeanIsaKitty: is that even english?
L844[13:08:03] <DeanIsaKitty> SuPeRMiNoR2: I don't think so. Not like I care anyway :P
L845[13:08:38] <LewsTherin> SuPeRMiNoR2, made sense to me...
L846[13:10:10] <DeanIsaKitty> SuPeRMiNoR2: "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is valid english though.
L847[13:11:21] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Will smith will smith is too
L848[13:11:40] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Will will smith smith
L849[13:11:45] <clever> DeanIsaKitty: japanese also has similar words that can be used oddly
L850[13:11:47] <clever> The phrase "hashi no hashi no hashi", "chopsticks on the edge of the bridge", has each "hashi" with a different intonation pattern, and the pattern changes between Tokyo and Osaka accents, for instance.
L851[13:14:55] <DeanIsaKitty> clever: Chinese has "mā má mǎ mà ma" - "Mom is bothered by the horse's scolding - yes?"
L852[13:17:27] <clever> heh
L853[13:38:13] <Roguexy> Sangar, Thanks for the answer. I'm already on t3 though
L854[13:49:04] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L859[13:58:30] <Heartstrings> nxsupert_: little bit.
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L873[15:19:55] <MajGenRelativity> hello
L874[15:20:23] <MajGenRelativity> I want a network protocol that can send AND receive messages at the same time
L875[15:20:34] <MajGenRelativity> what would be the easiest way to do that?
L876[15:21:34] <Temia> ...coroutines?
L877[15:23:31] <MajGenRelativity> Ok
L878[15:23:39] <MajGenRelativity> I'll have to look into those
L879[15:23:46] <MajGenRelativity> can 2 run at the same time?
L880[15:28:11] <VERSION> .restart
L881[15:29:36] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L882[15:31:00] <VERSION> nothing
L883[15:31:06] <VERSION> just restarting ^v
L884[15:31:21] <MajGenRelativity> ok
L885[15:31:33] <VERSION> MajGenRelativity, you simply have to design it event-based
L886[15:31:36] <Temia> Well, technically, no, because lua isn't multithreaded. But you can have one coroutine waiting for a message while another transmits, easily.
L887[15:31:42] <VERSION> you dont have to use coroutines
L888[15:32:08] <VERSION> ie, create an event hook when a message is received
L889[15:32:27] <VERSION> that will run in the "background"
L890[15:32:38] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L891[15:32:48] <VERSION> .w events
L892[15:32:48] <^v> VERSION, http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L893[15:33:16] <PotatoTrumpet> .restart
L894[15:33:18] <PotatoTrumpet> .die
L895[15:33:21] <PotatoTrumpet> .explode
L896[15:33:29] <Katie> ¬_¬
L897[15:33:32] <PotatoTrumpet> .eatacake\
L898[15:33:43] <PotatoTrumpet> .w Kkk
L899[15:33:43] <^v> PotatoTrumpet, Not found. did you want "redstone in motion component"?
L900[15:33:47] <PotatoTrumpet> no
L901[15:33:53] <PotatoTrumpet> .w Waffle
L902[15:33:53] <^v> PotatoTrumpet, Not found. did you want "table api"?
L903[15:34:01] <PotatoTrumpet> ~w Cake
L904[15:34:01] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:case
L905[15:34:28] <nxsupert_> .w supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
L906[15:34:34] <^v> nxsupert_, Not found. did you want "serialization"?
L907[15:34:45] <MajGenRelativity> whut
L908[15:34:52] <nxsupert_> ha.
L909[15:34:57] <MajGenRelativity> my brain is struggling to understand event tihngies
L910[15:36:01] <VERSION> MajGenRelativity, the function you give event.listen will be called whenever the even you give it happens
L911[15:36:22] <VERSION> so you can send and stuff without having to worry about receiving
L912[15:36:29] <nxsupert_> I wonder if we could get a Tier 4 CPU that allows multithreading?
L913[15:36:32] <VERSION> because the function does that automatically
L914[15:36:40] <MajGenRelativity> so, i just stick that in a while true do loop, and it will run forever while the rest of my program does its thing?
L915[15:36:58] <VERSION> dont put it in a loop
L916[15:37:04] <MajGenRelativity> :
L917[15:37:14] <MajGenRelativity> I want to be able to receive multiple times
L918[15:37:21] <MajGenRelativity> and send at the same time
L919[15:37:24] <VERSION> it will receive multiple times
L920[15:37:33] <MajGenRelativity> ok.....
L921[15:37:56] <VERSION> the function you give event.listen will be called multiple times
L922[15:38:02] <VERSION> nxsupert_, lua doesnt support multithreading
L923[15:39:36] <nxsupert_> Not on its own. But I am pretty sure I read somewhere it was possible to write some c code to add it.
L924[15:41:20] <VERSION> no
L925[15:42:05] <VERSION> unless you want to code ~1000 lines of C to add all the mutexes
L926[15:42:34] <nxsupert_> Oh. Good point.
L927[15:42:41] <Kodos> Let's be honest, there's probably someone out there willing to
L928[15:43:44] <nxsupert_> http://cmr.github.io/lanes/
L929[15:44:43] <DeanIsaKitty> bookmarked' 0.0
L930[15:46:51] <PotatoTrumpet> ~f
L931[15:46:55] <PotatoTrumpet> hmm
L932[15:47:03] <PotatoTrumpet> is there a forum search thing yet
L933[15:47:23] <MajGenRelativity> can somebody take a look at this, and point out my stupid mistakes please?
L934[15:47:25] <MajGenRelativity> http://pastebin.com/aWt8YbEJ
L935[15:47:30] <VERSION> nxsupert_, thats not threading like you would want
L936[15:47:41] <VERSION> its basically just creating a seperate computer
L937[15:47:58] <nxsupert_> Oh.
L938[15:48:16] <PotatoTrumpet> are you calling the function MajGenRelativity
L939[15:48:37] <PotatoTrumpet> and I don't think you need the "receive"
L940[15:48:44] <PotatoTrumpet> iirc
L941[15:48:51] <VERSION> MajGenRelativity, http://pastebin.com/aDxKC2Se
L942[15:48:58] <VERSION> you probably want something like that
L943[15:49:00] <MajGenRelativity> I thought the event thingy called the function automatically
L944[15:49:24] <MajGenRelativity> that looks like it works
L945[15:49:41] <VERSION> the functions name in a string isnt a reference to the function
L946[15:52:54] <MajGenRelativity> it works!
L947[15:53:22] <MajGenRelativity> is there any way to lock the console from doing other things while the program runs?
L948[15:54:31] <MajGenRelativity> wait, hold off on working that out
L949[15:54:49] <MajGenRelativity> It's half a program, so I'm going to postpone that question until I do the other half :P
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L951[15:59:24] <PotatoTrumpet> Hi TabletCube
L952[15:59:58] <TabletCube> Hi
L953[16:00:10] <nxsupert_> o/
L954[16:00:18] <Inari> can drone atack?
L955[16:00:29] <jota> i think so
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L957[16:06:05] <Temia> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2005707?pool_id=9920 drone can attack
L958[16:06:35] <Temia> Jury's out on whether drone can self-destruct, obv.
L959[16:06:57] <MajGenRelativity> Guys, thanks for your help, I finally made a working network chat thing
L960[16:07:07] <MajGenRelativity> It will be the basis for my network protocols!
L961[16:07:13] <Temia> \o/
L962[16:07:55] <Temia> Maybe you'll usher a mature enough network protocol that mass adoption will occur!
L963[16:09:22] <nxsupert_> I have just come up with a cool idea.
L964[16:12:42] <nxsupert_> Currently i am trying to build a very basic os for a raspberry pi. I could probably integrate lua into it and have an opencomputer computer irl.
L965[16:13:24] <Altenius> What architecture is that nxsupert_?
L966[16:13:28] <jota> cool idea :o!
L967[16:13:32] <jota> arm7 i think :o
L968[16:13:36] <nxsupert_> Arm7
L969[16:13:38] <jota> or arm6
L970[16:13:57] <jota> with hardware float calculation
L971[16:14:24] <jota> will it be open source? :o
L972[16:14:36] <nxsupert_> Probably.
L973[16:15:25] <nxsupert_> https://github.com/emwebb/RPiBASIC-OS
L974[16:17:55] <jota> you have *.o in there :o
L975[16:18:01] <nxsupert_> Currently implementing Memory Managment.
L976[16:18:12] <jota> shouldn't you git ignore it?
L977[16:18:35] <nxsupert_> I have.
L978[16:18:48] <nxsupert_> idk why they are still there.
L979[16:19:29] <jota> maybe because they got added in a previous commit? O.o
L980[16:19:51] <jota> yup
L981[16:20:07] <jota> you first added the *.h , *.cpp and the *.o
L982[16:20:44] <jota> then you added the .gitignore
L983[16:22:00] <nxsupert_> I'm pretty impressed with what i have managed so far.
L984[16:22:42] <nxsupert_> However , There is one thing I am dreading trying to implement.
L985[16:22:52] <jota> i might also help :D
L986[16:22:58] <jota> (if i have time ...)
L987[16:23:18] <nxsupert_> Know anything about the USB standard?
L988[16:23:32] <jota> only the hardware implementation
L989[16:24:04] <jota> other than that i am not much of a help
L990[16:25:48] <nxsupert_> Umm. All I know about is the + , - , D+ and D-.
L991[16:26:04] *** prassel|off is now known as prasselpikachu
L992[16:26:07] <jota> *searching in the linux kernal implementation*
L993[16:26:47] <jota> https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/master/drivers/usb
L994[16:26:52] <jota> might help a bit o-o
L995[16:27:07] <nxsupert_> Thats a rather massive implementation.
L996[16:27:35] <jota> well, an os needs to have a kernel behind
L997[16:28:00] <jota> i bet you will use an existing one, or maybe you will be the next linus trovoldis :P
L998[16:28:17] <nxsupert_> Na.
L999[16:28:29] <jota> no to both? :o
L1000[16:28:56] <nxsupert_> I will probably use some existing source code.
L1001[16:29:27] <jota> i wonder if there is a bit of assembly here >.>
L1002[16:29:40] <nxsupert_> But I probably need to implement memory management and interrupts first.
L1003[16:29:59] <nxsupert_> I have already wrote a tiny bit of assembly.
L1004[16:30:05] <Katie> %p
L1005[16:30:07] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.72s
L1006[16:30:08] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.72s
L1007[16:30:09] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.57s
L1008[16:30:10] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.72s
L1009[16:30:18] <Katie> \o/
L1010[16:30:25] <nxsupert_> .globl _start
L1011[16:30:25] <nxsupert_> _start:
L1012[16:30:25] <nxsupert_> mov sp,#0x8000
L1013[16:30:27] <nxsupert_> bl os_start
L1014[16:30:45] <clever> nxsupert_: i think you should start with virtual memory, interupts, and processes
L1015[16:30:45] <jota> i enjoyed assembly, but takes time, also, you should avoid using it the most you can :o
L1016[16:31:11] <nxsupert_> I'm not going to use virtual memory. just flat memory.
L1017[16:31:26] <clever> VM is usefull to make processes much simpler
L1018[16:31:35] <clever> so they wont conflict with eachother
L1019[16:31:42] <nxsupert_> Hmm.
L1020[16:31:51] <jota> yea ... specialy because of the GLOBAL variables :x!
L1021[16:32:11] <clever> and youll need interupts and a timer interupt to implement timeslicing and context switching fairly
L1022[16:32:14] <clever> so everything gets its share of the cpu power
L1023[16:32:35] <jota> you have a kernel image in the repo :o
L1024[16:32:53] <nxsupert_> I will need to dig into the RPi specification to implement vm.
L1025[16:33:11] <clever> i believe its the same as any arm chip
L1026[16:33:13] <clever> and i think some of the baremetal examples demo it
L1027[16:33:43] <clever> https://github.com/dwelch67/raspberrypi/tree/master/mmu
L1028[16:33:51] <clever> brb
L1029[16:34:13] <nxsupert_> Currently the sleep function just falls back onto a while loop.
L1030[16:34:39] <jota> that is ... a bit power hungry :o
L1031[16:35:14] <nxsupert_> Well at the moment there is not much else I have that my OS can do.
L1032[16:35:22] <jota> (i think windows xp did something like that, cpu always at 100% .. or was it the 98? ....)
L1033[16:36:11] <clever> nxsupert_: as for memory management, i'm thinking you should parse the device-tree data, and generate a list of free pages of ram
L1034[16:36:11] <nxsupert_> The first thing I wanted my OS to do is interact with the gpio.
L1035[16:36:19] <clever> then exclude any pages holding the kernel and its globals
L1036[16:36:30] <clever> and then allocate those pages to processes as you spawn them
L1037[16:36:34] <nxsupert_> You have lost me there clever.
L1038[16:36:46] <clever> lost you on which step?
L1039[16:37:05] <nxsupert_> The first one.
L1040[16:37:08] <clever> lol
L1041[16:37:20] * jota is happy, i understod all
L1042[16:37:33] <clever> https://github.com/dwelch67/raspberrypi/tree/master/atags
L1043[16:37:43] <clever> nxsupert_: this example is using atags instead of DT, let me see where the DT example went
L1044[16:38:03] <nxsupert_> I know a bit about atags.
L1045[16:38:31] <clever> device tree is the better choice
L1046[16:38:55] <clever> https://github.com/mrvn/RaspberryPi-baremetal more baremetal examples
L1047[16:39:17] <clever> nxsupert_: also of use, https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/blob/rpi-3.18.y/init/main.c#L500
L1048[16:39:26] <clever> this is the core entry point of linux
L1049[16:40:22] <clever> https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/blob/rpi-3.18.y/init/main.c#L930
L1050[16:40:31] <clever> nxsupert_: and this is the function where it actualy runs /bin/init as pid 1
L1051[16:42:10] <jota> wouldn't it be easyer to start with the raspberry pi kernel? And build it from there?
L1052[16:42:22] <jota> or is it a blind assumption
L1053[16:42:39] <clever> yeah, i consider baremetal only usefull if you want it to boot in under a second, or if you want to learn things
L1054[16:42:54] <jota> the second one sounds more fun :o
L1055[16:42:54] <clever> if you want something usable, just take linux and build your own rootfs
L1056[16:43:25] <jota> you know much about linux, don't you?
L1057[16:43:43] <clever> yeah, i often read the source in my spare time
L1058[16:44:23] <nxsupert_> Originally what I wanted to do was make the OK led come on , then i wanted to talk to the hole GPIO , then I wanted to talk to an lcd display , then I wanted to look into memory managment.
L1059[16:44:28] <jota> i usually find it a bit hard o-.o
L1060[16:44:30] <jota> *o-o
L1061[16:44:49] <clever> https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=84734
L1062[16:44:52] <jota> make up your mind
L1063[16:45:11] <nxsupert_> I sort of understand the theory behind an mmu. But not behind memory managment.
L1064[16:45:13] <clever> here is the thread on boot times, a custom bootcode.bin can get your code running ~234ms after power on
L1065[16:45:45] <clever> but if your using bootcode.bin, your limited to 128kb of ram, no more
L1066[16:46:34] <jota> spectrum era memory!, per application or all?
L1067[16:46:39] <clever> total
L1068[16:46:53] <clever> bootcode.bin is loaded into the L2 cache on the cpu and just ran from that
L1069[16:47:08] <jota> !crap o-o
L1070[16:47:11] <clever> its job is to initialize the dram and load+run start.elf
L1071[16:47:24] <jota> i remenber reading something about it :o!
L1072[16:47:29] <clever> basicaly, the rom on the die is generic, and has no clue what kind of ram you have installed
L1073[16:47:41] <clever> so you must configure that from bootcode.bin, stored in external flash
L1074[16:47:54] <clever> which makes it easy to re-configure
L1075[16:48:44] <clever> once bootcode.bin has initialized the ram, it loads start.elf into ram, and runs that on the dual-core VC4 cpu
L1076[16:49:17] <clever> start.elf then loads kernel.img into ram, decides which 'half' of the ram is arm and which is vc4, and powers up the arm
L1077[16:50:19] <jota> dual-core? .. i think i am missing something
L1078[16:50:36] <clever> the VC4 gpu has always been dual-core, on both the pi1 and pi2
L1079[16:50:40] <jota> oh!
L1080[16:50:42] <clever> but thats not the core linux runs on
L1081[16:50:43] <jota> the gpu
L1082[16:50:44] <jota> nvm :P
L1083[16:50:46] <clever> yeah
L1084[16:50:53] <clever> thats where the firmware runs
L1085[16:50:57] <clever> but you can write your own firmware
L1086[16:51:03] <jota> i thoght that was wierd o-o
L1087[16:51:25] <clever> there are 3-4 seperate arches in the pi, depending on how you count things
L1088[16:51:30] <jota> i think i will start reading a bit more about linux too :o
L1089[16:51:34] <nxsupert_> It is kinda weird. The CPU is almost secondary to the gpu.
L1090[16:51:44] <jota> after the boot, it is primary
L1091[16:51:53] <clever> for the pi2, you have a quad core armv7
L1092[16:51:56] <clever> a dual-core vc4
L1093[16:52:11] <clever> and a 12 core QPU running at i think 400mhz?
L1094[16:52:23] <jota> QPU=?
L1095[16:52:26] <clever> and all 12 of those cores are designed to massively parallel
L1096[16:52:31] <clever> so its essentialy a 128 core engine
L1097[16:52:39] <clever> QPU is for the 3d rendering
L1098[16:52:56] <jota> i really need to study more o-o
L1099[16:53:00] <clever> let me double check the figures, i think i have the number off a bit
L1100[16:53:11] <clever> i think its a 192 core processor
L1101[16:53:24] <jota> graphical processor?
L1102[16:53:26] <clever> yeah
L1103[16:53:31] <clever> for the pixel and vertex shaders
L1104[16:53:37] <jota> now makes sence :o
L1105[16:54:10] <jota> may i ask, what age, and academical level you have? :o
L1106[16:54:11] <clever> each core is able to run a single program 4 times in paralell, each operating on its own set of registers
L1107[16:54:22] <jota> cool :O!
L1108[16:54:24] <clever> so a single shader will generate 4 pixels of output at once, on a single QPU
L1109[16:54:45] <jota> *getting lost here* ...
L1110[16:54:47] <clever> and each instruction in that shader contains both an add and a multiply operation, the pipeline is arranged to do both in parallel
L1111[16:55:09] <clever> so it can do x=5+5 and y=5*5 in the same clock cycle
L1112[16:55:13] <clever> 4 times
L1113[16:56:00] <clever> and then 4 of those units share an instruction decoder, and essentialy form a self-contained 16 core processor, with large chunks of the silicon shared
L1114[16:56:28] <clever> and if your wondering, i'm a highschool dropout :P
L1115[16:56:43] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1116[16:56:53] <nxsupert_> I study in a Sixth Form.
L1117[16:57:11] <jota> and you are teatching a finalist in univercity o-o !
L1118[16:57:42] <jota> Sixth Form means?
L1119[16:57:50] <nxsupert_> Sort of a college.
L1120[16:58:14] <nxsupert_> But highly academic.
L1121[16:58:17] <clever> jota: ive self-taught myself a wide range of subjects, i just get obsessed with something and research it to death :P
L1122[16:58:37] <jota> 'death' good way to put it :P
L1123[16:58:45] <nxsupert_> And sometimes contained within a comprehensive school.
L1124[16:59:20] <jota> i don't understand that last part
L1125[16:59:34] <nxsupert_> What part?
L1126[16:59:43] <jota> comprehensive school
L1127[17:00:08] <nxsupert_> Umm. Secondary School / Hish school.
L1128[17:00:14] <nxsupert_> high*
L1129[17:00:36] <clever> if you just want an OS to run something simple like open computers, hmmm, is every program inside OC written in lua?
L1130[17:00:37] <jota> where i am we don't have that destintion
L1131[17:00:50] <jota> yes
L1132[17:00:52] <jota> even the os is
L1133[17:01:19] <nxsupert_> Not everything.
L1134[17:01:22] <clever> so, could i just staticly compile an lua interpreter to /bin/lua, and then #!/bin/bash the OC ls program, and have it work on a real pc?
L1135[17:01:29] <jota> only the implementation with the lua VM is c/c++ and the implementation with the game is in scala
L1136[17:01:52] <jota> there is some changed implementations...
L1137[17:02:15] <clever> where in the source is the source of ls for example?
L1138[17:02:38] <jota> in /bin/ls.lua
L1139[17:02:46] <clever> no bin folder in the source
L1140[17:03:04] <nxsupert_> gtg
L1141[17:03:06] <jota> in the os implementation
L1142[17:03:08] <jota> bye :o
L1143[17:03:11] <clever> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers
L1144[17:03:14] <nxsupert_> Bye!
L1145[17:03:32] <clever> jota: which repo is that?
L1146[17:03:46] <jota> wait a bit
L1147[17:03:49] <jota> it is that one
L1148[17:04:06] <jota> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS
L1149[17:04:15] <jota> that is the openOS floppy :o
L1150[17:04:20] <clever> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/56184a210a88f57817c08fa15d8e812a7751a68f/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/OpenOS/bin
L1151[17:04:23] <clever> ah
L1152[17:04:37] <clever> first issue i can see, none start with #!
L1153[17:04:44] <jota> yea :/
L1154[17:04:53] <clever> so you would have to post-process the files
L1155[17:04:56] <jota> a simple script in notepad++ at the rescue :P
L1156[17:05:11] <clever> next, did lua always have require?
L1157[17:05:14] <clever> i havent seen that used in lua before
L1158[17:05:20] <jota> in lua 5.2 +
L1159[17:05:22] <clever> ah
L1160[17:05:29] <clever> i'm used to warcraft lua
L1161[17:05:39] <jota> world of warcraft?
L1162[17:05:42] <clever> yeah
L1163[17:06:10] <clever> so where would require("shell") search for the module?, does it get registered at the c++ layer?
L1164[17:06:20] <jota> no
L1165[17:06:23] <jota> it is in the os
L1166[17:06:26] <clever> ah, i see it, lib/shell.lua
L1167[17:06:33] <clever> a lot like nodejs
L1168[17:06:48] <clever> but in the end, they must trace back to a c++ module
L1169[17:07:01] <clever> i dont see the source for component yet
L1170[17:07:24] <jota> there is a file with the list of places to search the librarys
L1171[17:07:25] <gamax92> uhh, require wasn't added in 5.2 .-.
L1172[17:07:38] <gamax92> its atleast present in 5.1 as well
L1173[17:07:46] <jota> i think i got that mixed up, when was it added then? O.o
L1174[17:07:46] <gamax92> and 5.0
L1175[17:08:08] <jota> o_o ...
L1176[17:08:23] <jota> i need to start reading the change logs more seriously ...
L1177[17:08:47] <gamax92> don't ask why i have lua 5.0 installed :P
L1178[17:09:09] <jota> because you have :P
L1179[17:09:11] <clever> and boot open computers on a real system?
L1180[17:09:13] <clever> jota: so in theory, i could add #!/bin/lua to everything in bin/, and then put a slightly modified static lua build on the rootfs
L1181[17:09:38] <jota> i think so, btw how i answer pms? :o
L1182[17:09:50] <clever> /msg otherperson your msg goes here
L1183[17:09:59] <jota> thanks :o
L1184[17:10:22] <clever> user mode linux is another tool that can help emulate the above idea, without actualy needing real hardware
L1185[17:10:38] <clever> it lets you 'boot' the linux kernel as a normal linux app
L1186[17:11:00] <jota> o-o ... isn't that used for virtualisation? O.o
L1187[17:11:13] <clever> similar, this method doesnt use any virtual extensions
L1188[17:11:14] <LewsTherin> is there an opencomputers emulator?
L1189[17:11:26] <jota> that i know, no ;-;
L1190[17:11:30] <LewsTherin> Dang
L1191[17:12:13] <Altenius> Eh, I was working on one
L1192[17:12:30] <Altenius> It's really sloppy, I need to rewrite it (again)
L1193[17:12:34] <jota> is it in a half working state= :o
L1194[17:12:43] <Altenius> yeah
L1195[17:12:48] <gamax92> I have a very basic one as well
L1196[17:12:53] <Altenius> It runs
L1197[17:12:58] <Altenius> You can't add components yet
L1198[17:13:03] <gamax92> Altenius: lies could not get it to boot anything at all
L1199[17:13:09] <LewsTherin> I mean, specify the components, see what power would be needed, etc.
L1200[17:13:13] <Altenius> gamax92, when did you try?
L1201[17:13:13] <gamax92> oh
L1202[17:13:30] <gamax92> i dunno a while ago
L1203[17:13:45] <jota> side note, the people in this channel are cool :P
L1204[17:14:06] <Altenius> Well, I'm bored so I'll probably start rewriting it but proper this time.
L1205[17:14:32] <jota> do note you need the config file of openOs for energy needed :P
L1206[17:14:45] <LewsTherin> jota, let it be providable
L1207[17:14:58] <LewsTherin> Altenius, what is it written in?
L1208[17:15:02] <Altenius> C++
L1209[17:15:04] <LewsTherin> Ah
L1210[17:15:06] <Altenius> Using Qt
L1211[17:15:10] <LewsTherin> Can't help there.
L1212[17:15:24] <LewsTherin> If you could support actual block placements, that'd be cool too.
L1213[17:15:34] <Altenius> Just use minecraft for that :P
L1214[17:15:35] <LewsTherin> IE, 3D representation
L1215[17:15:38] <gamax92> LewsTherin: hah
L1216[17:15:43] <LewsTherin> Eh, it takes forever to boot up.
L1217[17:15:52] <jota> yea
L1218[17:16:05] <jota> and with the new forge build 1403 it does not even boot :o
L1219[17:16:09] <gamax92> why do you need block placement .-.
L1220[17:16:10] <Altenius> Well, I can't find any good GUI libraries.
L1221[17:16:12] <gamax92> jota: then downgrade forge
L1222[17:16:24] <gamax92> Altenius: SDL, Allegro, wx, etc etc
L1223[17:16:40] <LewsTherin> gamax92, if there's a way to load OC to do the work for you, then you could have a testbed without needing MC at all.
L1224[17:16:52] <LewsTherin> OC would need to probably become a library to support that tho.
L1225[17:17:10] <gamax92> LewsTherin: you can run an OC computer without needing to emulate a 3d world
L1226[17:17:27] <LewsTherin> gamax92, what do you mean?
L1227[17:17:35] <gamax92> you just emulate the computer :P
L1228[17:17:49] <LewsTherin> Right, but I mean add support for placing networking wires, etc.
L1229[17:17:55] <jota> you can use the library OC uses direcly :D
L1230[17:18:10] <LewsTherin> IE, to the point that if a bug happens in this emulator, you know it happens ingame as well.
L1231[17:18:12] <gamax92> or, you have an emulator config to network things together without emulating networking wires
L1232[17:18:49] <jota> the issue is the component network O.o ...
L1233[17:18:54] <jota> wireless messages
L1234[17:19:05] <Altenius> I don't think I'll be using SDL, I want something with menus and stuff
L1235[17:19:07] <jota> and complex robot / drone
L1236[17:19:27] <gamax92> Altenius: can you combine SDL with GTK or wx
L1237[17:19:48] <jota> SDL is fun, btw is there a warpper sdl2 to lua?
L1238[17:19:53] <gamax92> yes
L1239[17:20:03] <jota> sdl2?!
L1240[17:20:11] <jota> have a link? :)
L1241[17:20:12] <gamax92> there are lua bindings for sdl2 as well as an ffi interface for it
L1242[17:20:22] <jota> ffi interface is?
L1243[17:20:29] <gamax92> luajit stuff
L1244[17:20:41] <Altenius> GTKmm and SDL2 it is
L1245[17:21:04] <gamax92> jota: https://github.com/Tangent128/luasdl2 https://github.com/torch/sdl2-ffi
L1246[17:21:28] <gamax92> former doesn't need luajit or luaffi, the latter supports more things but needs luajit or luaffi
L1247[17:22:47] <jota> cool :o
L1248[17:23:03] <jota> i searched for this a while, not much luck o-o
L1249[17:23:06] <jota> many thanks :D
L1250[17:23:43] <jota> well, good night/day
L1251[17:24:00] ⇦ Quits: jota (~jota@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1252[17:34:51] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L1253[17:35:09] <Magik6k> ~w tape drive
L1254[17:35:09] <ocdoc> Predicted http://ocd.cil.li/block:disk_drive
L1255[17:35:15] <Magik6k> ~w tape
L1256[17:35:15] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-type
L1257[17:37:18] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L1258[17:39:03] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L1259[17:42:19] *** Vaht is now known as Tahg
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L1265[18:06:30] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L1266[18:07:41] <Altenius> gamax92, do you have a source on embedding SDL in GTK?
L1267[18:07:53] <gamax92> nope!
L1268[18:08:18] <gamax92> But it's been done before, i know that since the NES emu i have does it
L1269[18:09:42] <Altenius> I think there's one that uses an older version of GTK and SDL 1. I'll just use cairo
L1270[18:10:10] <gamax92> .-.
L1271[18:10:45] <gamax92> oh, the emu does use sdl 1
L1272[18:11:46] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13 (Johannes@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1273[18:12:32] <Magik6k> ~w table.remove
L1274[18:12:32] <ocdoc> http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-table.remove
L1275[18:13:03] <Magik6k> I wish I could use selne at kernel level ;/
L1276[18:17:30] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L1277[18:22:15] <_G> #lua function _BEST_HIDDEN_CRYPTO_FUNCTION(v) return v:gsub(".", function(c) return tostring({})..c end) end
L1278[18:22:15] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > nil
L1279[18:22:24] <_G> #lua _BEST_HIDDEN_CRYPTO_FUNCTION("Hello!")
L1280[18:22:24] <|0xDEADBEEF|> > table: 0x7f2710080e10Htable: 0x7f2710080f40etable: 0x7f2710081040ltable: 0x7f2710081140ltable: 0x7f2710081240otable: 0x7f2710081370! | 6
L1281[18:22:41] <_G> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L1282[18:25:26] ⇦ Quits: Negi (~Poireau@2a01:e35:2f6a:7060:e2ca:94ff:fe1f:76e0) (Quit: WeeChat 1.1.1)
L1283[18:29:42] <_G> ~w modem
L1284[18:29:42] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:modem
L1285[18:48:16] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Rogue@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu) ()
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L1287[18:55:46] <_G> how get eeprom out of microcontroller
L1288[18:57:00] <VERSION> dissasembler?
L1289[19:01:05] ⇦ Quits: TangentDelta (~christine@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1290[19:03:40] <Magik6k> _G shift-rightclick
L1291[19:03:46] <Magik6k> iirc
L1292[19:04:02] <Magik6k> and/or putting in crafting grid
L1293[19:05:48] <_G> I tried that
L1294[19:05:51] <_G> didn't come out
L1295[19:05:57] <_G> I ended up replacing the eeproms
L1296[19:06:06] <_G> My OC version is probably old
L1297[19:08:00] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host86-142-226-176.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1298[19:08:59] <Magik6k> ~w shell.parse
L1299[19:08:59] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:shell
L1300[19:09:23] <Magik6k> _G, that may be the issue[outdated oc]
L1301[19:25:28] <orthoplex64> is there a way to do multithreading in oc?
L1302[19:27:04] <gamax92> orthoplex64: not in the sense you are likely thinking of, but there are lua's coroutines
L1303[19:30:37] ⇦ Quits: solenoids (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1304[19:33:38] <orthoplex64> gamax92: if I wanted to simulate multithreading, would I have to loop through coroutines and constantly resume them and have every other line of the coroutines' functions be a call to yield?
L1305[19:34:07] <gamax92> _G: would you agree thats an even worse idea than using luavm
L1306[19:34:57] <VERSION> orthoplex64, doesnt have to be every other line
L1307[19:35:09] <VERSION> you just have to yield at some point
L1308[19:35:23] <VERSION> like normal, or else your computer will BSOD
L1309[19:43:28] ⇨ Joins: namenmalkav (webchat@
L1310[19:43:37] <namenmalkav> hello
L1311[19:43:49] <VERSION> namenmalkav, hi
L1312[19:44:31] <namenmalkav> hi VERSION
L1313[19:44:51] <namenmalkav> im stuck with the unicode api of OC
L1314[19:45:05] <VERSION> ?
L1315[19:45:31] <namenmalkav> i get "attempt to index field 'unicode' (a nil value) error
L1316[19:45:41] <VERSION> you need to require it first
L1317[19:45:47] <VERSION> .require unicode
L1318[19:45:48] <^v> VERSION, Not found.
L1319[19:45:49] <namenmalkav> i have it required
L1320[19:45:51] <namenmalkav> http://pastebin.com/zu2udGKT
L1321[19:45:54] * VERSION slaps ^v
L1322[19:45:55] * EnderBot2 rulls on the floor laughing
L1323[19:45:58] <namenmalkav> that is the xample im using
L1324[19:46:02] <SuPeRMiNoR2> Is that really required? XD
L1325[19:46:11] <VERSION> you dont do uni.unicode
L1326[19:46:14] <VERSION> just uni
L1327[19:46:57] <namenmalkav> right!
L1328[19:47:23] <namenmalkav> i was stuck reading and re readint and testing the code for the last 2 hs :S
L1329[19:47:50] <gamax92> namenmalkav: btw you can just do this: uni.char(0x25B6, 0x25C9, 0x25C0)
L1330[19:48:24] <namenmalkav> ook
L1331[19:48:31] <namenmalkav> that will make it clear
L1332[19:53:11] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e822.skybroadband.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1338[20:36:03] <PotatoTrumpet> Lizzy, hows EnderBot3 coming along?
L1339[20:37:09] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1340[20:37:29] <vifino> PotatoTrumpet: Lizzy be asleep in my lap.
L1341[20:38:07] <PotatoTrumpet> .-.
L1342[20:38:11] <PotatoTrumpet> .__.
L1343[20:38:18] <PotatoTrumpet> 0_0
L1344[20:38:29] * PotatoTrumpet faints
L1345[20:42:12] <PotatoTrumpet> b to the r to be right back
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L1351[21:27:53] <PotatoTrumpet> o/
L1352[21:42:13] <vifino> PotatoTrumpet: Nothing perverted >_>
L1353[21:42:15] <vifino> Pfft.
L1354[21:42:25] <vifino> Not everything is perverted.
L1355[21:43:06] <vifino> Most things, but not everything ;)
L1356[21:43:14] * vifino runs
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L1359[21:52:21] * PotatoTrumpet watches as vifino runs
L1360[21:52:52] <vifino> Actually, I'm not running, I have an angel sleeping on me, can't run away like that.
L1361[21:52:58] <vifino> Anyways, sleep \o
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L1370[22:51:04] ⇨ Joins: Dan (webchat@97-91-156-141.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com)
L1371[22:51:21] <Dan> Hello i am new to opencomputer and i would like to store some files on a server how would i do that ?
L1372[22:59:35] <Keridos> Dan: unless you own the server you must do it through OC
L1373[23:00:06] <Keridos> its actually pretty easy,just craft a floppy disk or a hard disk drive an open it up on an openos install
L1374[23:00:07] <dangranos> wai, server as in in-game OC server or MC server?
L1375[23:00:17] <Keridos> ah nvm then
L1376[23:00:21] <Keridos> get a remote terminal
L1377[23:00:41] <Keridos> right or shift rightclick the server and you should have remote access
L1378[23:01:38] <Dan> @Keridos In Minecraft ( need help with the code )
L1379[23:01:49] <Keridos> what are you trying to do?
L1380[23:02:20] <Dan> Just would like to save some files in a datacenter so i don't have to keep them on my local server in mineecraft
L1381[23:02:33] <Dan> i am building a datacenter for some reason lol
L1382[23:02:50] <Keridos> uh that might require some advanced stuff
L1383[23:02:56] <Dan> Like ?
L1384[23:03:23] <Keridos> basically you would have to implement a driver or interface or how you would call it to transfer information over the message system (like networking in RealLife)
L1385[23:03:46] <Dan> Oh k so..
L1386[23:04:09] <Keridos> then write 2 seperate programs (a server and a client) that implement coding decoding the stuff and saving it locally in case of server
L1387[23:04:49] <Keridos> it is totally doable but do not expect it to be as easy as in real life with windows/mac and even linux
L1388[23:04:59] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1389[23:06:44] <clever> Keridos: anything like scp or rcp?
L1390[23:06:54] <Keridos> not as far as i know
L1391[23:06:54] <clever> or rsync?
L1392[23:07:09] <clever> telnet?, ssh?
L1393[23:07:11] <Keridos> its much much more basic then using a shell in unix
L1394[23:07:17] <Keridos> or linux
L1395[23:07:37] <Keridos> you might find implementations for this in the forums maybe
L1396[23:07:59] <clever> ssh with remote argument would be enough to implement basic file copy
L1397[23:08:01] <Keridos> I once wrote a driver for parallel redstone driver, but that was for CC
L1398[23:08:09] <clever> cat localfile | ssh remote 'cat > remotefile'
L1399[23:08:27] <clever> i have once used that to image harddrives over the network
L1400[23:08:56] <Keridos> no ssh or anything like that
L1401[23:09:07] ⇦ Quits: Dan (webchat@97-91-156-141.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1402[23:09:13] <Keridos> networking is quite different than in IRL, mainly much simpler
L1403[23:09:29] <Keridos> but that would actually require a complete rewrite of SSH or any other tool
L1404[23:09:32] <clever> i recently wrote a vpn client for linux overnight
L1405[23:09:56] <Keridos> then you should be able to write something like this without problems
L1406[23:10:00] <Keridos> i mean, its lua
L1407[23:10:00] <clever> and it took a couple more days to add mac
L1408[23:10:22] <Keridos> but you would have to to something like that aswell, but in lua and in OC
L1409[23:10:32] <Keridos> and a server to do stuff too
L1410[23:10:35] <clever> it was pretty easy, because i didnt have to manage any of the crypto, retransmission, out of order reception, or any of that fun stuff
L1411[23:10:46] <clever> reading /dev/net/tun gives you one packet per call
L1412[23:10:57] <clever> and the instant-messaging lib has p2p crypto and custom packet functions
L1413[23:11:08] <Keridos> clever, i think you can just event.get() a packet
L1414[23:11:11] <clever> so i just wrap the network packets in IM packets, and fire them to the other client
L1415[23:11:26] <Keridos> no need for most of the stuff in OC
L1416[23:11:35] <Keridos> though i am sure there are crypto libs for it
L1417[23:11:45] <clever> would need pipe or atleast tcp support to do ssh/telnet right
L1418[23:11:52] <Keridos> and messaging ordering should not be a problem, i think
L1419[23:11:58] <Keridos> not sure if it has a max packet size
L1420[23:12:02] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1421[23:12:11] <clever> does OC have packet loss?
L1422[23:12:20] <dangranos> no
L1423[23:12:38] <dangranos> if you did networking (and/or relaying in advanced case) correctly
L1424[23:12:50] <Keridos> it is no actual network like IRL
L1425[23:12:54] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L1426[23:13:15] <Keridos> so basically its emulating a network, with no thing like signal degradation like it happens irl
L1427[23:13:31] <Keridos> at least as far as i know
L1428[23:13:34] <clever> the same as virtual interfaces to other VM's on the same host
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