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L7[00:54:27] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexatos
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L14[01:55:27] <rashdanml> Vexatos, https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/pull/133
L15[01:56:00] <Vexatos> whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
L16[01:56:01] <Vexatos> U:
L17[01:56:27] <Vexatos> Thanks rashdanml, I'll read through it
L18[01:56:34] <rashdanml> :3
L19[01:57:53] <rashy> oh jeez, it's midnight
L20[01:57:58] <Vexatos> Also, for the beep card, just FYI: Basically, you need to give it a list of frequency-duration pairs, up to 8 entries in the table, it will then play that freq for the specified duration. once one duration is over, the slot will be free again for another freq to be played there, allowing up to eight simultaneous sounds
L21[01:58:59] <Vexatos> Now to read through the entire thing, thanks a lot already, rashy :D
L22[01:59:05] <rashdanml> <3
L23[02:00:08] <Vexatos> I'll add the icons myself, fix problems if I find any and then I can release Computronics 1.5 :D Thank you so much
L24[02:00:25] <rashy> happy to help :)
L25[02:00:37] <Vexatos> "The chat box allows the computer to write/read messages to/from the Minecraft chatbox" what
L26[02:01:34] <rashy> xD probably a bit weird way of condensing it, but "write" goes with "to" and "read" goes with "from".
L27[02:01:47] <rashy> it would read as "write messages to, and read messages from"
L28[02:02:09] <Vexatos> but "the chat box allows to <things> from the Minecraft chatbox"
L29[02:02:25] <Vexatos> do you mean "from Minecraft chat"?
L30[02:02:29] <rashy> oh, yeah
L31[02:02:33] <Vexatos> Ok
L32[02:02:54] <rashy> didn't know what else to call it besides "chat box"
L33[02:03:52] <Vexatos> I'll just call it "to/from Minecraft chat"
L34[02:03:58] <rashy> sounds good
L35[02:04:12] <Vexatos> Hmmm, Cipher/Advanced cipher on the same page? I'll probably split that up.
L36[02:04:53] <Vexatos> Let's merge it and fix the things before I forget >_>
L37[02:05:03] <rashy> fair enough. I figured since the advanced cipher had a simple/short explanation, it could fit in with the regular cipher
L38[02:06:10] <Vexatos> Yea, it's quite self-explanatory
L39[02:06:21] <Vexatos> as in, if you don't know RSA, check wikipedia
L40[02:07:26] <rashy> yup
L41[02:07:55] <Vexatos> I'll probably add that the returned value is not the public/private key
L42[02:07:57] <rashy> people who use OC/Computronics are probably computer-savvy enough to have used it at some point in the past
L43[02:07:58] <Vexatos> but a key generator
L44[02:08:00] <rashy> right
L45[02:08:04] <Vexatos> as it takes rought 5 seconds to do this
L46[02:08:19] <rashy> mmhm
L47[02:08:24] <Vexatos> (That thing is so secure it's virtually impossible to crack with OC only)
L48[02:08:33] <Vexatos> s/rought/roughly
L49[02:08:33] <MichiBot> <Vexatos> as it takes roughly 5 seconds to do this
L50[02:09:00] <Vexatos> rashy, well, used for sure, but most don't know they've used it
L51[02:09:05] <Vexatos> or the programs they use, rather
L52[02:09:06] <Vexatos> :P
L53[02:10:57] <rashy> xD right
L54[02:21:47] <rashy> I've been slackin' on ocdoc, need to add in the waypoint block xD
L55[02:22:02] <Vexatos> Heh
L56[02:23:57] <Vexatos> rashy, 1 to 8 megabytes? Not really
L57[02:24:12] <rashy> I was going off the old documentation >.>
L58[02:24:17] <Vexatos> the lowest tier stores half a megabyte, the highest tier 32
L59[02:24:27] <rashy> ooh
L60[02:25:08] <Vexatos> I'll just say
L61[02:25:09] <Vexatos> storage space is roughly the number of minutes the tape can record divided by 4, in Megabytes
L62[02:25:16] <Temia> I wonder if 16KHz dfpwm is enough for basic voice communication.
L63[02:25:18] <rashy> gotcha
L64[02:26:00] <Vexatos> You were quite generous on comma placement
L65[02:26:16] <rashy> hehe >.>
L66[02:27:04] <Vexatos> wait, does OC support external links? o_o
L67[02:27:18] <rashy> it does, yeah
L68[02:27:30] <Vexatos> I can link to http://wiki.vex.tty.sh/dfpwm then \o\
L69[02:27:38] <rashy> that works :D
L70[02:28:19] <Temia> Oh, that reminds me
L71[02:28:34] <Temia> Vex, does Computronics have post-processing on its DFPWM implementation?
L72[02:28:48] <Vexatos> Temia, I never touched that stuff
L73[02:28:50] <Vexatos> and I don't dare
L74[02:28:54] <Temia> oh .-.
L75[02:29:03] <rashy> it's too scawy
L76[02:33:30] <Vexatos> rashy, why do you have a free space at the end of almost every line
L77[02:34:11] <rashy> probably a weird habit, lemme double check xD
L78[02:34:57] <rashy> yeah. weird habit. I think it's usually due to maybe wanting to type another sentence, then deciding not to, and leaving the space in >.>
L79[02:35:19] <Vexatos> I like your general style of writing :P
L80[02:35:23] <rashy> :p
L81[02:39:23] <Vexatos> rashy, I wonder... can I intra-link with OpenComputers manual pages somehow?
L82[02:39:31] <rashy> hrrm
L83[02:40:15] <rashy> not entirely sure how that'd work, but it could be possible
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L86[02:49:32] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L87[03:00:34] <rashdanml> -sneaks off to bed- goodnights :D
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L94[03:43:38] * Vexatos asks Snagar ^
L95[03:43:50] <nxsupert_> o/
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L111[05:35:52] * Vexatos pokes Sangar
L112[05:37:40] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L113[05:38:57] <dangranos> hi
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L118[06:03:22] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L119[06:06:06] <Sangar> o/
L120[06:06:16] <nxsupert_> o/
L121[06:06:53] <dangranos> \o
L122[06:07:05] * Sangar pokes Vexatos
L123[06:07:26] <Vexatos> Sangar: just check my github issue
L124[06:07:42] <Vexatos> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/issues/1143
L125[06:07:52] <Vexatos> Your regex is too greedy :P
L126[06:08:11] <dangranos> :D
L127[06:08:21] <dangranos> \o/ regexp puns
L128[06:08:38] <Sangar> :P
L129[06:09:42] <Vexatos> It's true though
L130[06:09:55] <Vexatos> also a replaceAll(";", "; ") would be nice
L131[06:10:02] <Vexatos> and a new OC version containing all that :>
L132[06:10:28] <Kubuxu> Sangar, Vexatos: Should I make vram.allocate return custom userdata object or should I make it return some kind of UUID and make all function vram.function(uuid
L133[06:10:32] * Sangar puts oc on ice for the next months
L134[06:10:38] <Kubuxu> s/function/functions
L135[06:10:39] <MichiBot> <Kubuxu> Sangar, Vexatos: Should I make vram.allocate return custom userdata object or should I make it return some kind of UUID and make all functions vram.function(uuid
L136[06:11:02] <Vexatos> userdata is much easier to use, isn't it
L137[06:11:07] <Kubuxu> Yes it is
L138[06:11:11] <Sangar> Kubuxu, userdata sounds fine, more comfortable to use. just make sure to invalidate it when removing the actual component :P
L139[06:12:03] <Vexatos> Sangar, I guess I am the only one ever having messed with the thing anyway so it took a while for me to find "waaait, this isn't being compiled properly D:"
L140[06:12:12] <Vexatos> It's called VexPattern for a reason, I guess
L141[06:12:21] <Sangar> hehe
L142[06:12:29] <Vexatos> Should be really easy to do though
L143[06:12:48] <Vexatos> one replaceAll in the returned tuple and two question marks
L144[06:12:52] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L145[06:13:04] <Kubuxu> Thanks, now I will remember. Should I make it release memory on GC or enforce manual release. Again auto GC is much easier to use but unreliable so it there would be auto-release I would make manual release also possible.
L146[06:13:33] <Kubuxu> Skip first would pls.
L147[06:15:39] <Kubuxu> Sangar, Vexatos ^
L148[06:18:17] <Sangar> Kubuxu, yeah, doing both sounds good, since it'd be the same as with file handles. i.e. have a manual release, but also call it automatically in the userdata's .dispose()
L149[06:18:39] <Sangar> (Value.dispose() i.e.)
L150[06:19:08] <Vexatos> Okay, sooo, I technically could release Computronics 1.5.0 now
L151[06:19:22] <Vexatos> but I'd still like to wait for OpenComputers 1.5.10 :/
L152[06:19:29] <Kubuxu> Yeah. As without gc releasing it, it would be possible to cause video memory leak...
L153[06:20:37] <Sangar> Kubuxu, not really? the backing data would still be byte arrays held by the component. so as soon as the component gets removed those would be freed anyway.
L154[06:20:48] <Sangar> (or char arrays or whatever)
L155[06:21:16] <Kubuxu> Sangar, I meant more like from Lua computer size.
L156[06:21:44] <Kubuxu> You could allocate memory and not be able to release it from lua during computer runtime.
L157[06:21:50] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L158[06:22:22] <Sangar> oh, you mean when losing track of the userdata object? yeah
L159[06:22:26] <Sangar> true
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L162[06:31:43] <hitecnologys> Vexatos: wait a second, are you the Computronics developer? I thought asie was.
L163[06:31:56] <asie> he is
L164[06:32:05] <hitecnologys> 0_0
L165[06:32:05] <Vexatos> Current maintainer
L166[06:32:11] <hitecnologys> Ah.
L167[06:32:39] <hitecnologys> I see. Thanks for clarification.
L168[06:32:58] <asie> https://twitter.com/DanTwoHundred/status/597326619762630656
L169[06:33:00] <asie> well
L170[06:33:02] <asie> shit
L171[06:33:16] <asie> DDoSing servers will now be 10x easier
L172[06:33:32] <Magik6k> xD
L173[06:33:48] <Vexatos> Magik6k, bet you can do it in a few minutes
L174[06:33:50] <Vexatos> GO GO GO
L175[06:34:01] <Magik6k> Vexatos, co CC around
L176[06:34:04] <Magik6k> *no
L177[06:34:53] <dangranos> that's strangely.. OC
L178[06:35:42] <Magik6k> also I have almost working tape driver in my os, dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/tape1 will soon work :D
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L181[06:38:58] <dangranos> uh
L182[06:39:18] <dangranos> and i guess you also will implement dd and devfs?
L183[06:39:45] <Magik6k> dangranos, I have both already :P
L184[06:39:53] <dangranos> :O
L185[06:39:55] <dangranos> LINK
L186[06:39:57] <dangranos> GIVE NOW
L187[06:40:00] <hitecnologys> Woah, that's nice.
L188[06:40:12] <Magik6k> dd is shitty implementation as of now
L189[06:40:23] <dangranos> I DONT CARE
L190[06:40:35] <Kubuxu> dangranos, mpt.magik6k.net package plan9k
L191[06:40:46] <Magik6k> (using shell.parse so it looks like dd --if=/oeuaoe --of=/blah)
L192[06:40:49] <hitecnologys> plan9?
L193[06:40:57] <dangranos> ew
L194[06:41:01] <hitecnologys> Nice.
L195[06:41:16] <Magik6k> dangranos, oppm install mpt; mpt -S plan9k --root=/mnt/somedrive
L196[06:41:45] <Kubuxu> dangranos, blame Magik6k that there are no direct links in MPT web IDE.
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L198[06:42:10] <hitecnologys> Magik6k: oh, are you the developer of that DNS system?
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L200[06:42:24] <Magik6k> also it seems to be bootable only via OpenLoader for now I think, so add mpt -S openloader-init --root=/mnt/somedrive
L201[06:42:32] <Magik6k> hitecnologys, yep
L202[06:42:44] <hitecnologys> Magik6k: the link in forum post is broken.
L203[06:43:07] <hitecnologys> Magik6k: and I need the sources.
L204[06:43:19] <hitecnologys> Magik6k: is that doable?
L205[06:43:24] <Magik6k> hitecnologys, I know, this system is deprecated in place of network floppy
L206[06:43:29] <Magik6k> hitecnologys, it is
L207[06:44:29] <Magik6k> hitecnologys, it was developed using old mpt, all code is there: https://magik6k.net/assets/mpt.zip
L208[06:44:51] <hitecnologys> Magik6k: roger. Thanks a lot.
L209[06:44:56] <Kubuxu> hitecnologys, network floppy is much more than old DNS.
L210[06:45:10] <Kubuxu> It allows for automatic routing and so on.
L211[06:45:12] <hitecnologys> Kubuxu: what's a network floppy?
L212[06:45:22] <hitecnologys> Kubuxu: ah.
L213[06:45:24] <hitecnologys> Kubuxu: got it.
L214[06:45:26] <Kubuxu> There is floppy in OC network.
L215[06:45:39] <Kubuxu> s/O n/O named n
L216[06:45:46] <hitecnologys> Well, yeah, but I still need to study source code.
L217[06:46:02] <hitecnologys> I'm not planning on using it.
L218[06:46:11] <Magik6k> hitecnologys, https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/tree/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/Network
L219[06:46:29] <Magik6k> and docs: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/resources/assets/opencomputers/loot/Network/data/usr/man/network
L220[06:46:32] <Magik6k> hitecnologys, ^
L221[06:46:50] <hitecnologys> Magik6k: that one I already have locally cloned for reading when bored.
L222[06:49:31] <Magik6k> .l (128^2)/1024
L223[06:49:31] <^v> Magik6k, 16
L224[06:51:30] *** SleepingFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L225[06:55:16] <Magik6k> ohwait
L226[06:56:23] <Magik6k> Vexatos, does tape.write work integers or chars?
L227[06:57:55] <Vexatos> Magik6k,
L228[06:57:55] <Vexatos> function(data:number or string); Writes the specified data to the tape if there is one inserted
L229[06:57:59] <Vexatos> P:
L230[06:58:17] <Magik6k> can string be longer than 1 char?
L231[06:58:54] <Magik6k> [that's what I understood from the wiki]
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L234[07:00:29] <dangranos> Uh
L235[07:00:39] <dangranos> Can i see all mpt packages?
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L238[07:01:06] <dangranos> (btw \o/ to pacman-like package manager!(
L239[07:01:07] <Magik6k> dangranos, http://mpt.magik6k.net/ -> repo browser
L240[07:01:20] <dangranos> uh, i dont want to login to github
L241[07:01:31] <Vexatos> Magik6k, it can
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L243[07:01:57] <Vexatos> The drive's position will then be at the end of the written string
L244[07:01:58] <Magik6k> dangranos, thats safest way I cauld create login without ssl
L245[07:02:12] <dangranos> hm, i have unfnished tape fs
L246[07:02:16] <Magik6k> but it should be accessible w/o login
L247[07:02:25] <dangranos> how?
L248[07:02:52] <dangranos> "Welcome to ..."
L249[07:02:52] <Magik6k> i.e. I should make it accessible
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L251[07:03:33] <dangranos> wai, are you making tape fs or driver?
L252[07:04:27] <Magik6k> dangranos, for now driver to moke it appear in /dev/tape1, /dev/tape2...
L253[07:04:32] <Magik6k> *make
L254[07:05:09] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L255[07:05:14] <dangranos> i have unfinished tape fs if you want..
L256[07:05:39] <dangranos> no permissions or time sadly
L257[07:05:40] <Magik6k> dangranos, I'll look into it
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L259[07:07:28] <Magik6k> dangranos, in fact it could be done as filesystem driver working on top of any block device(like /dev/tape)
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L261[07:09:32] <dangranos> hm, is your system build on openos or it uses own kernel (init.lua)?
L262[07:09:45] <Magik6k> dangranos, own kernel
L263[07:10:06] <Magik6k> it's in pipes package at /boot/kernel/pipes
L264[07:10:24] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu)
L265[07:10:42] <dangranos> OH REAKKY
L266[07:10:45] <dangranos> *RELLY
L267[07:10:49] <dangranos> >_<
L268[07:11:07] <dangranos> forgot my GH pass, looked it up in password manager
L269[07:11:19] <dangranos> one of first pass types
L270[07:11:21] <Magik6k> /boot/kernel/pipes is used by openloader
L271[07:12:53] <dangranos> "pipes"
L272[07:13:09] <dangranos> is that something like "windows"? :D
L273[07:13:38] <Magik6k> idk, it was 4 AM when I made that file
L274[07:14:40] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-222-124-103.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L275[07:16:38] <Magik6k> huh, writing to tape works \o/
L276[07:16:47] <dangranos> \o/
L277[07:17:01] <Magik6k> now I need to fix dd
L278[07:17:30] <dangranos> gah
L279[07:17:49] <dangranos> "back" doesnt works in your repo browser
L280[07:18:04] <Magik6k> .l ("if=/abs/uoeu345"):match("(%w+)=(%.+)")
L281[07:18:04] <^v> Magik6k, nil
L282[07:19:16] <Magik6k> dangranos, it doenent work in repo list
L283[07:19:36] <Magik6k> you shoyld use my repositories button above
L284[07:20:21] <Magik6k> brb
L285[07:20:40] <dangranos> .l ("if=/smthing/tape154":find("([a-zA-Z0-9]=(%.+)")
L286[07:20:41] <^v> dangranos, lua:1: ')' expected near ':'
L287[07:20:54] <dangranos> .l ("if=/smthing/tape154":find("([a-zA-Z0-9])=(%.+)")
L288[07:20:54] <^v> dangranos, lua:1: ')' expected near ':'
L289[07:21:01] <dangranos> .l ("if=/smthing/tape154"):find("([a-zA-Z0-9])=(%.+)")
L290[07:21:01] <^v> dangranos, nil
L291[07:21:05] <dangranos> .l ("if=/smthing/tape154"):find("([a-zA-Z0-9])=")
L292[07:21:05] <^v> dangranos, 2 | 3 | f
L293[07:21:11] <dangranos> .l ("if=/smthing/tape154"):find("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)=")
L294[07:21:11] <^v> dangranos, 1 | 3 | if
L295[07:21:30] ⇨ Joins: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com)
L296[07:21:33] <dangranos> .l ("if=/smthing/tape154"):find("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)=(%.+)")
L297[07:21:33] <^v> dangranos, nil
L298[07:21:38] ⇦ Quits: nxsupert (~nxsupert@host86-148-74-65.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) (Client Quit)
L299[07:23:56] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Homework
L300[07:26:52] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L301[07:27:16] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
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L303[07:53:13] *** gAway2002 is now known as g
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L306[07:53:55] ⇦ Quits: solenoids (~phillips1@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L307[07:59:48] <Kubuxu> dangranos, only repo then package.
L308[07:59:57] <Kubuxu> Unfortunately.
L309[08:00:45] *** justastranger is now known as justastranger|zzz
L310[08:10:13] ⇨ Joins: solenoids (~phillips1@
L311[08:10:23] <Magik6k> ~w io read
L312[08:10:23] <ocdoc> Predicted http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-io.read
L313[08:11:28] <CompanionCube> switching to firefox has been very good for my RAM usage
L314[08:12:24] <vifino> Switching to firefox has been very bad for my sanity.
L315[08:12:32] <CompanionCube> vifino, why? just curious#
L316[08:12:47] <vifino> CompanionCube: Sloooooooow .-.
L317[08:13:04] <vifino> My css effects broke there .-.
L318[08:16:25] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L319[08:16:29] <MajGenRelativity> hello!
L320[08:18:15] <MajGenRelativity> I was experimenting with holograms
L321[08:18:33] <MajGenRelativity> and I had difficulty getting the fill command to work
L322[08:18:48] <MajGenRelativity> could somebody send me a line of code that would create 1 column on a tier 1 hologram please?
L323[08:18:49] *** Skye|Homework is now known as Skye
L324[08:19:01] <Magik6k> ~w hologram
L325[08:19:01] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:hologram
L326[08:19:14] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L327[08:19:26] <MajGenRelativity> unfortunately, it doesn't list the fill command
L328[08:19:30] <MajGenRelativity> I got the set command down
L329[08:20:11] <dangranos> try in lua =component.hologram.fill
L330[08:20:19] <MajGenRelativity> good idea
L331[08:20:47] <dangranos> usually there is at least some usage info in there
L332[08:20:51] <MajGenRelativity> it told me the syntx
L333[08:20:54] <MajGenRelativity> like the wiki
L334[08:21:02] <MajGenRelativity> However, I couldn't get it to work
L335[08:23:17] <MajGenRelativity> I got it to work :|
L336[08:23:36] <MajGenRelativity> Apparently, a value of 100 doesn't work, and it doesn't throw an error message
L337[08:23:54] <MajGenRelativity> That is bothersome
L338[08:24:46] <MajGenRelativity> Is there some way to get it to work without having to do tonumber() for every number?
L339[08:32:45] <MajGenRelativity> ummmmmm
L340[08:32:52] <MajGenRelativity> I think I broke my projector :(
L341[08:35:50] <dangranos> heh
L342[08:36:08] <dangranos> ._.
L343[08:36:59] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L344[08:47:20] <MajGenRelativity> can somebody take a look at this and try and figure what I am doing wrong?
L345[08:47:21] <MajGenRelativity> http://pastebin.com/EDJeUNyH
L346[08:47:22] <Magik6k> ~w component filesystem
L347[08:47:22] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:filesystem
L348[08:47:47] <MajGenRelativity> it creates a 1 block wide, 20 block long, 32 block high, column
L349[08:48:11] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L350[08:51:49] <MajGenRelativity> nobody?
L351[08:53:28] <MajGenRelativity> nvm, i reworded it and got it to work
L352[09:06:10] * dangranos pokes Katie
L353[09:06:39] * CompanionCube just saw 7000ms+ ping times
L354[09:10:55] <Magik6k> what is size of 16 win tape?
L355[09:11:00] <Magik6k> .p
L356[09:11:00] <^v> Ping reply from Magik6k 0.35s
L357[09:11:12] <Magik6k> *min
L358[09:11:21] <nxsupert_> .P
L359[09:11:29] <nxsupert_> .p
L360[09:11:29] <^v> Ping reply from nxsupert_ 0.49s
L361[09:15:00] <Magik6k> jeez, tapes are slooow to write
L362[09:15:25] <Magik6k> at least my dd works: http://gyazo.com/44513bfac9c69d0313e8a29c4d890514
L363[09:16:22] <nxsupert_> We have tapes now?
L364[09:16:35] <Lizzy> Computronics does
L365[09:16:39] <Magik6k> nxsupert_, they are from computronics
L366[09:16:47] <nxsupert_> Ok.
L367[09:17:32] <Magik6k> yay I have 16 minutes of white noise
L368[09:25:59] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L373[09:43:15] *** Cruor|Away is now known as Cruor
L374[09:53:14] <Vexatos> Magik6k, noise is always nice
L375[09:53:16] <Vexatos> >_>
L376[09:53:38] <Vexatos> Snagar has some perlin noise generator, just write 16 minutes of random data onto it :P
L377[09:55:18] <Magik6k> wow, it can write at few MB/s
L378[10:00:22] <Magik6k> is there any nice dfpwm music around?
L379[10:01:02] <Vexatos> Magik6k, I have got quite a lot
L380[10:01:42] <Vexatos> but remember, for anything above HDD file size limit, you'll have to use a TCP stream i.e. the built-in tape program or your own
L381[10:02:01] <Magik6k> Vexatos, raids ftw
L382[10:02:16] <Vexatos> Sooo, you want some music?
L383[10:02:18] <gamax92> no raid can get up to the same size as maximum tape size
L384[10:02:23] <Vexatos> I have ~20 songs
L385[10:02:29] <Vexatos> 32MB? No
L386[10:02:38] <Vexatos> Max raid size is 12 IIRC
L387[10:02:52] <Magik6k> in fact I could implement named pipes and curl
L388[10:03:19] <Vexatos> Magik6k, I have a nice 2.5minute song
L389[10:03:21] <Vexatos> i.e. iron tape
L390[10:03:26] <gamax92> oh yeah, since the http requests are now just normal sockets and not messages
L391[10:03:35] <gamax92> that entire thing me and Vexatos did to use sockets? useless
L392[10:03:45] <Vexatos> gamax92, what
L393[10:03:55] <Vexatos> Magik6k, http://puu.sh/hIgur/2bd7b2f8f7.dfpwm
L394[10:03:58] <Vexatos> that's quite a nice song
L395[10:04:31] <Magik6k> wat
L396[10:04:33] <Magik6k> wai
L397[10:04:45] <Magik6k> wget throws 403 at me
L398[10:09:55] <Vexatos> well, I can download it just fine
L399[10:10:12] <Magik6k> I proxed it on my server
L400[10:10:49] <Magik6k> http://gyazo.com/004fc7951236a70d942b19f8a6550532
L401[10:13:01] <Vexatos> Well, now try to play it >_>
L402[10:13:17] <Magik6k> Vexatos, works nicely
L403[10:13:25] <Vexatos> Nice
L404[10:18:51] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L405[10:26:37] <PotatoZzz> I was rudly awaken about 5 hours ago
L406[10:26:49] <PotatoZzz> storm came through middle of the night
L407[10:26:59] <PotatoZzz> Lightning struck near my house\
L408[10:27:01] <PotatoZzz> set off our alarm
L409[10:27:07] * PotatoZzz was not happy
L410[10:27:11] *** PotatoZzz is now known as PotatoTrumpet
L411[10:41:37] ⇨ Joins: Vexaton (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD595D7239EED7F3A763.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L412[10:41:38] zsh sets mode: +v on Vexaton
L413[10:42:37] *** Vexatos is now known as Guest76883
L414[10:42:37] *** Vexaton is now known as Vexatos
L415[10:46:51] ⇦ Quits: Guest76883 (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD495D7239EED7F3A763.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L416[11:00:53] <_G> erm... if I wanted to send a message to a microcontroller can I be lazy and just use the actual microcontroller address?
L417[11:02:17] <PotatoTrumpet> I would use the postal service
L418[11:02:27] <_G> .
L419[11:02:34] <PotatoTrumpet> sure you have about a 50% chance of it arriving
L420[11:02:39] <PotatoTrumpet> but it's easy to do
L421[11:02:59] <gamax92> because the truck hit a pothole and flipped over and the driver died on inpact
L422[11:03:00] <_G> I don't know why I even asked.
L423[11:03:13] ⇦ Parts: _G (ds84182@2607:5300:60:51da::1ce:c01d) (Leaving))
L424[11:03:28] <PotatoTrumpet> lel
L425[11:05:24] <PotatoTrumpet> I still have no idea how I got unbanned from #computercraft
L426[11:06:11] <gamax92> holy crap their banlist is huge
L427[11:06:41] <clever> 89 entries!
L428[11:06:54] <clever> oh 90, irssi sorted wrong
L429[11:07:42] <Katie> Impressive...
L430[11:16:54] <PotatoTrumpet> how do you check a banlist?
L431[11:16:58] <PotatoTrumpet> oh
L432[11:17:36] <clever> /mode #computercraft +b
L433[11:17:56] <gamax92> /mode #oc +b #computercraft
L434[11:18:01] <gamax92> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
L435[11:18:22] ⇨ Joins: Johannes13 (Johannes@
L436[11:18:29] <PotatoTrumpet> lel
L437[11:18:34] <PotatoTrumpet> gamax92: you banned from there
L438[11:18:38] <gamax92> yah
L439[11:19:38] <Katie> Actually... I CAN do /mode +b $c:#computercraft and anyone that is in the cc channel is banned from here.. :P
L440[11:19:52] <asie> Katie: No.
L441[11:20:04] <PotatoTrumpet> do it
L442[11:20:06] <PotatoTrumpet> do it
L443[11:20:11] <Katie> I can also $j:#computercraft and exempt anyone banned there from the ban here :P
L444[11:20:19] <gamax92> TIL that can be done
L445[11:20:24] <gamax92> TIL that can also be done
L446[11:20:39] <Katie> extbans ftw.
L447[11:20:44] <PotatoTrumpet> As long as AmandaC is banned, I'm fine
L448[11:21:06] <vifino> lolAmandaC
L449[11:21:10] <PotatoTrumpet> oh yah
L450[11:21:13] <PotatoTrumpet> found my ban
L451[11:21:15] <Katie> AmandaC likes me.. :P
L452[11:21:21] <vifino> o.o
L453[11:21:24] <PotatoTrumpet> my BNC went to ipv6
L454[11:21:37] <PotatoTrumpet> and she didn't ban my nick
L455[11:21:40] <PotatoTrumpet> lel
L456[11:22:00] <clever> ive noticed similar things with netflix
L457[11:22:09] <PotatoTrumpet> * #computercraft: *!*@elitebnc6-2.clients.libirc.so on Thu Apr 23 09:16:20 2015 by ranger.esper.net
L458[11:22:12] <clever> i have an ipv6 tunnel so i can access v6 sites
L459[11:22:18] <clever> the netflix app uses v6 if it can, and that exits in usa
L460[11:22:25] <clever> so i get a different selection of shows
L461[11:23:04] <Magik6k> I love how my PS1 looks
L462[11:23:05] <Magik6k> os.setenv("PS1", "\x1b[33m$HOSTNAME\x1b[32m:\x1b[33m$PWD\x1b[31m#\x1b[39m ")
L463[11:25:52] <Daiyousei> AhahahahamandaC
L464[11:26:39] <Daiyousei> talk about arch linux and she goes full retard
L465[11:27:06] <Inari> can drones carry light in some sort? (maybe in combination with other mods)
L466[11:27:18] <Inari> *in some way
L467[11:30:15] <SkySom> Drones and dynamic lights? That'd be kinda cool
L468[11:33:13] <Inari> well thers already e.g hypergenetic nitor, but i dont think drones can carry that around
L469[11:33:26] <Inari> hmm can drones place blocks? xD
L470[11:35:14] <dangranos> so, trying/tried to understand radio and etc
L471[11:35:38] <dangranos> why 100 MHz wave is 3m? 3m between what?
L472[11:36:37] <vifino> erm.. what?
L473[11:36:50] <vifino> Low freq waves go far.
L474[11:37:01] <vifino> High... not so much.
L475[11:37:56] <dangranos> i am about wavelength, why it's measured in metres and between what?
L476[11:38:04] ⇨ Joins: TangentDelta (~christine@
L477[11:38:51] *** Daiyousei is now known as ShoweringFairy
L478[11:40:40] <PotatoTrumpet> Lel
L479[11:40:54] <PotatoTrumpet> "Ban Evasion"
L480[11:41:01] <Magik6k> dangranos, 3m is length of wave, i.e:
L481[11:41:23] <dangranos> uh, length of what exactly in the wave? between what and what?
L482[11:41:37] <gamax92> dangranos: you might want to learn what wavelength is :P
L483[11:41:49] <dangranos> that's what i am trying to do
L484[11:41:55] <Magik6k> grab speed of light and divide it by 100 000 000(100MHz)
L485[11:41:59] <PotatoTrumpet> AmandaC, u so funny
L486[11:43:24] <PotatoTrumpet> brb
L487[11:45:33] <vifino> Oh, I thought you were talking about distance with a fixed strength transmitter .-.
L488[11:46:47] <dangranos> so far i understood only modulation, i think
L489[11:46:48] <vifino> I'm derpy, don't listen to me .-.
L490[11:48:00] <PotatoTrumpet> Found a picture of AmandaC https://katieengler.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/meanteacher1.jpg
L491[11:50:31] <dangranos> can i throw that into #CC?
L492[11:50:36] <dangranos> as in quote
L493[11:50:38] <dangranos> with nick :D
L494[11:50:52] <PotatoTrumpet> sure
L495[11:53:53] *** ShoweringFairy is now known as Daiyousei
L496[11:54:45] <Daiyousei> PotatoTrumpet, perfect
L497[11:54:52] <PotatoTrumpet> :P
L498[11:55:34] <Daiyousei> inb4 OP doesn't deliver
L499[11:56:07] <vifino> OP didn't.
L500[11:56:09] <vifino> Dissapoint.
L501[11:56:17] <PotatoTrumpet> :(
L502[11:57:27] <PotatoTrumpet> dangranos, deliver
L503[12:04:54] <nxsupert_> o/
L504[12:13:52] ⇨ Joins: marcin212 (~marcin212@auv14.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl)
L505[12:24:08] <vifino> dangranos: ;)
L506[12:26:30] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu)
L507[12:27:43] <Daiyousei> OP actually delivered
L508[12:28:18] <Daiyousei> inb4 b&
L509[12:31:30] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-173-175-101-132.satx.res.rr.com)
L510[12:35:54] ⇨ Joins: _G (ds84182@2607:5300:60:51da::1ce:c01d)
L511[12:38:01] * _G hits PotatoTrumpet with a truck.
L512[12:38:22] * Daiyousei hits _G with a selfie of AmandaC
L513[12:38:29] <Daiyousei> ds ples
L514[12:38:50] <_G> MY EYES
L515[12:38:53] <_G> THEY BURN
L516[12:38:57] * _G sets fire to #oc
L517[12:39:02] <Daiyousei> oh shit
L518[12:40:09] ⇦ Quits: MrRatermat (~ratermat@host86-142-226-176.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L519[12:44:35] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu) (Remote host closed the connection)
L520[12:45:52] * PotatoTrumpet becomes hit by truck
L521[12:46:05] * PotatoTrumpet calls 911
L522[12:46:18] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L523[12:48:15] <Skye> _G, this place is perpetually on fire.
L524[12:48:33] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L525[12:52:12] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L526[12:55:14] *** Cruor is now known as Cruor|Away
L527[12:56:44] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu)
L528[13:14:15] *** Skye is now known as Skye|Homework
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L531[13:19:19] <Katie> ¬_¬ the AWS free tier I'm using for NS2/Nebula goes out the end of the month..
L532[13:20:53] <Lizzy> :O
L533[13:21:43] <Katie> The fun part is.. I have nowhere to host NS2, unless I spin up another DO vm...
L534[13:21:54] <Katie> I don't think I trust hostone with one of my name servers.. lol
L535[13:22:53] <Lizzy> I might just make another DO account and transfer my droplets just so i can help you out through the referal program
L536[13:23:46] <Lizzy> hmm
L537[13:24:25] <Katie> Well, if you do https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=fe6f0f3b2b83 :P
L538[13:26:28] <Lizzy> hmm, I could always make a new account for starting up a "new" heyo
L539[13:26:55] <Lizzy> would need to somehow migrate my site though so it doesn't go down
L540[13:26:59] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L541[13:27:03] <Lizzy> though i think that should be fairly easy
L542[13:28:07] <Lizzy> hmm, may include stats pages into my main site structure (i.e. at www.theender.net/stats rather than stats.theender.net)
L543[13:28:33] <Lizzy> that will also make setting up failovers easier
L544[13:28:49] <Lizzy> or even load balencing
L545[13:29:01] <Lizzy> how well do web browsers handle RR's?
L546[13:29:40] <Daiyousei> #g how well do browsers handle round robin
L547[13:29:45] <Daiyousei> rip bots
L548[13:29:46] <Katie> Browsers handle them fine.. sessions dont do well
L549[13:30:02] <Lizzy> eh, there's not much on mine that uses session stuff yet
L550[13:30:29] <Katie> but yeah if you hit irc.pc-logix.com in a browser you'll hit a random site.. lol
L551[13:30:46] <Katie> This time I got stary2001's lol
L552[13:31:00] <Lizzy> i got ImagineScape's page
L553[13:31:09] <Katie> heh yeah that's Nyx
L554[13:32:43] <Lizzy> Katie, i think i made an account using your referal link
L555[13:32:48] <Katie> \o/ thanks
L556[13:32:54] <Lizzy> yep
L557[13:34:27] <Altenius> Did that referal work?
L558[13:34:33] <Lizzy> yep
L559[13:35:08] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L560[13:35:45] <Katie> I'll know when Lizzy hit's $25
L561[13:35:49] <Katie> hits*
L562[13:35:59] <Lizzy> Katie, i got the 10$ sign up stuff
L563[13:36:10] <Katie> \o/
L564[13:36:36] <Katie> I do show a pending credit, which I'll get when you hit $25 billed
L565[13:37:55] <Lizzy> yeah, may take a bit to hit that for this month
L566[13:39:30] <Katie> It's not a biggy, at my current $5 dropplet I have 4 months prepaid, if I spin up another VM it'll be 2
L567[13:40:10] <Lizzy> heh, 2 months is plenty of time, should have moved my stuff over by then
L568[13:40:19] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Roguexy@94-21-41-55.pool.digikabel.hu) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L569[13:43:33] <Katie> I've gotta pic ka distro for Selene...
L570[13:43:39] <Katie> pick a*
L571[13:50:10] <Lizzy> is that what you're calling your new server?
L572[13:51:16] <Inari> tools robots use wear done over time, right?
L573[13:52:12] <Katie> Lizzy, yeah, greek goddess of the moon, sister of Eos
L574[13:52:28] <Lizzy> Inari, yes
L575[13:52:30] <Lizzy> Katie, cool
L576[13:52:34] <Inari> okay, thanks
L577[13:52:51] <Katie> Hmm I sorta wanna play with Docker...
L578[13:52:55] <Lizzy> hmm, should i call new heyo, "heyo" or give it a different name...
L579[13:53:01] <Katie> Yes.
L580[13:53:02] <Katie> :P
L581[13:53:06] <Inari> new hey0?
L582[13:53:13] * Lizzy slaps Inari
L583[13:53:13] * EnderBot2 laughs
L584[13:53:16] <Inari> D:
L585[13:53:18] <Lizzy> Katie, yes to which
L586[13:53:20] <Lizzy> ?
L587[13:53:38] <Katie> Exactly.
L588[13:53:43] <Lizzy> .-.
L589[13:53:49] * Lizzy slaps Katie
L590[13:53:49] * EnderBot2 laughs
L591[13:53:54] <Katie> heh
L592[13:54:20] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
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L597[13:58:10] *** cbcercas is now known as cbcercas|AFK
L598[13:59:15] ⇨ Joins: S3 (~bhodgins@cpe-74-78-106-114.maine.res.rr.com)
L599[13:59:17] <S3> Hey
L600[13:59:24] <nxsupert_> o/
L601[13:59:38] <S3> taking a second look into open computers!
L602[13:59:54] <S3> I looked at it a long time ago and said meh but now it looks pretty interesting moreso than before.
L603[14:01:32] <Lizzy> awesome
L604[14:02:52] <Inari> so for a treefarmng robot i need (ideally) an inventory upgrade, inventory controller upgrade, disk drive, processor, ram, cpu, correcT? (just making sure i dont miss anything and end up with a uselss robot :3)
L605[14:02:59] ⇦ Quits: rashdanml (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L607[14:05:40] ⇨ Joins: rashdanml (~rashdanml@S010628c68e00b41e.vc.shawcable.net)
L608[14:06:11] <S3> Now if only I could get Minecraft to work again on BSD so I can test OpenComputers a bit
L609[14:06:40] <nxsupert_> BSD? Use Linux :P
L610[14:07:21] <nxsupert_> Saying that. I am pretty much running BSD.
L611[14:08:09] <Inari> i thought java easily runs on everything xP
L612[14:08:17] <DeanIsaKitty> S3: The thing with BSD is that I'm not completely sure how good OC is supported. (Since it uses a native lib for the lua stuff)
L613[14:08:47] <S3> that part probably won't matter, however, it's true that the pc is broke for FreeBSD for Lua, but I fixed it
L614[14:08:57] <Temia> I think it's more about OpenGL support on BSD. I'm not sure how much is covered for that.
L615[14:09:00] <S3> my only issue is with Lqjgl at the moment, something broke the port..
L616[14:09:11] <S3> it was working a while ago before I updated the port, heh
L617[14:09:17] <Temia> yeah .w. orz
L618[14:09:33] <nxsupert_> LWJGL supports BSD I think.
L619[14:09:56] <S3> it does, but we all know how Minecraft tries to use native libs it supplies itself, which makes it a pita
L620[14:10:14] <S3> I'm trying to figure out how to inject lwjgl's path into MC for the new launcher..
L621[14:10:25] <S3> because I have it installed as a system lib
L622[14:10:51] ⇨ Joins: Roguexy (~Roguexy@84-236-9-239.pool.digikabel.hu)
L623[14:23:28] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
L624[14:34:37] <Inari> omg
L625[14:34:41] <Inari> 3d printerss are awesome
L626[14:35:05] <Inari> how performant are the blocks?
L627[14:37:10] <Katie> They don't tick afaik?
L628[14:38:05] <Vexatos> They do, but only do anything while something is being printed
L629[14:38:26] <Katie> I was talking more of the printed blocks, not the printers.
L630[14:41:20] <Vexatos> Aah
L631[14:41:22] <Vexatos> no
L632[14:41:27] <Vexatos> they don't tick
L633[14:43:21] *** Pwootage is now known as Pwootage|Off
L634[14:44:06] ⇦ Quits: namenmalkav (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L635[14:46:36] <S3> huh
L636[14:46:51] <S3> so addresses, they look like UUIDs, are they fully compliant?
L637[14:48:46] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E1FAD595D7239EED7F3A763.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L638[14:54:38] <hitecnologys> They seem to be.
L639[14:54:55] <hitecnologys> They seem to be UUIDv3.
L640[14:55:04] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-222-124-103.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L641[14:55:09] <hitecnologys> Err, v4.
L642[14:55:31] <hitecnologys> i.e. random sequence of bytes with some bits set to specific values to indicate version.
L643[14:56:13] * hitecnologys summons Sangar
L644[15:01:07] <S3> huh.
L645[15:01:21] <S3> if that's the case, I wonder if there is a function in OC that allows you to generate them
L646[15:05:55] <Inari> hrm damn
L647[15:06:02] <Inari> i cant abuse enderio quarries as treefarms i think
L648[15:06:24] <Inari> Katie: well render performacne
L649[15:06:40] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L650[15:06:49] <MajGenRelativity> I need some help
L651[15:06:56] <MajGenRelativity> I cannot get my remote terminal to work
L652[15:07:04] <Katie> Inari, that're fairly light.
L653[15:07:09] <Inari> okay, thanks
L654[15:07:19] <Katie> s/that/they
L655[15:07:19] <MichiBot> <Katie> Inari, they're fairly light.
L656[15:07:20] <Inari> *proceeds to replace whole world with them*
L657[15:07:32] <Katie> MajGenRelativity, it'
L658[15:07:34] <rashy> MajGenRelativity, are you shift right-clicking, terminal in hand, on a particular server on the server rack?
L659[15:07:41] <Katie> it's fairly straight forward, do what rashy said.
L660[15:07:47] <MajGenRelativity> I did it once, and it linked
L661[15:07:59] <MajGenRelativity> but, when i right click it in the air, it is just a blank screen
L662[15:08:09] <Katie> Are you within the range of the rack?
L663[15:08:13] <Katie> and is the server powered on?
L664[15:08:24] <MajGenRelativity> I'm standing next to it, and the range is 120, adn the server is on
L665[15:08:35] <Katie> Graphics card in the server?
L666[15:08:49] <MajGenRelativity> *
L667[15:08:53] <MajGenRelativity> no
L668[15:08:57] <Katie> There ya go.
L669[15:08:58] <Temia> Still seems kind of silly a graphics card is needed.
L670[15:09:04] <Temia> I can't blame you for missing that one.
L671[15:09:04] <MajGenRelativity> lol, yeah
L672[15:09:17] <hitecnologys> Temia: what's silly about that?
L673[15:09:28] <hitecnologys> Temia: how do you expect it to render stuff?
L674[15:09:34] <Temia> UART. '3'
L675[15:09:43] <Temia> Which is how I'd expect a remote terminal to work, honestly.
L676[15:09:51] <hitecnologys> Well, UART isn't supported yet.
L677[15:09:52] <Temia> Standard serial tty interface.
L678[15:10:01] <Temia> Maybe it should be `3`
L679[15:10:04] <S3> so PTYs for the win!
L680[15:14:47] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-5117.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
L681[15:14:58] *** cbcercas|AFK is now known as cbcercas
L682[15:15:13] <Magik6k> well UART is serialised data
L683[15:15:26] *** Skye|Homework is now known as Skye
L684[15:15:28] <Magik6k> and OpenOS wouldn't work with it
L685[15:16:45] <Magik6k> but my os would do ;p
L686[15:17:18] <Temia> In that case, why not just have OpenOS support starting terminals on hotplugged video cards and make the remote terminal act as a T1 card? >.>
L687[15:17:59] <Magik6k> that may work
L688[15:20:39] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L689[15:22:09] ⇦ Quits: marcin212 (~marcin212@auv14.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Leaving)
L690[15:24:52] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@CPE-121-222-124-103.lnse2.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L691[15:24:59] <Magik6k> ~w event
L692[15:24:59] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/api:event
L693[15:28:25] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L694[15:36:37] <S3> Magik6k: I'm working on going over the details of what it's going to take to make OC a target for a CC OS I was working on, and the funny thing is, not much.. especially with its bsd like newbus design I had originally planned for it.
L695[15:37:05] <S3> fun project! woo
L696[15:37:46] <S3> asurprisingly enough I think it will benefit more from OC than CC
L697[15:37:57] <S3> well, maybe unsurprisingly?
L698[15:43:03] <Magik6k> well I made pretty big OS for CC back in time
L699[15:43:08] <S3> so is it that OC has a UART and OpenOS doesn't support it or what
L700[15:43:08] <Magik6k> and well
L701[15:43:46] <S3> Magik6k: this one was designed to work otside of CC, even in a bare lua shell on *nix if you wanted hehe
L702[15:43:50] <Magik6k> S3, OC doesn't have any UART, but there are network cards
L703[15:43:58] <S3> ah I see
L704[15:44:06] <S3> I guess I will see what you mean when I start tinkering with it
L705[15:44:49] <Magik6k> S3, I have good enough vt100 implemantation in my OS
L706[15:45:47] <Magik6k> Should be pretty universal as long as you have multitasking OS
L707[15:46:06] <xPucTu4> i have a question for openos
L708[15:46:25] <Magik6k> xPucTu4, read chanel topic ;p
L709[15:47:06] <xPucTu4> when i list the components and the list is more than one screen can I scroll it up
L710[15:47:18] <xPucTu4> i think that i cant
L711[15:47:40] <Magik6k> hmm
L712[15:47:44] <xPucTu4> where should the scroll be implemented? in the shell or in the OS
L713[15:48:20] <Magik6k> scrolling is done in /lib/term.lua iirc
L714[15:48:46] <vifino> S3: Ohaiyou. Nice seeing you here again.
L715[15:49:18] <Magik6k> xPucTu4, you may enter lua shell and list components from there by hand
L716[15:51:42] <S3> hey vifino
L717[15:51:46] <S3> been a while
L718[15:51:58] <vifino> Yep.
L719[15:52:23] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
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L722[16:03:31] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e822.skybroadband.com)
L723[16:07:19] <Kubuxu> Do anyone has tar in Lua or do I have to write one?
L724[16:07:46] <Temia> I believe some implementations exist.
L725[16:08:08] <rashy> perhaps https://github.com/OpenPrograms/gamax92-Programs/blob/master/tar/tar.lua
L726[16:10:09] <Kubuxu> Magik6k, ^^
L727[16:10:21] <Magik6k> Kubuxu, I know about it
L728[16:10:23] <Kubuxu> You can do backups to tape drives.
L729[16:10:57] <hitecnologys> Kubuxu: without a robot to automatically change them, it would be painful.
L730[16:11:22] <Kubuxu> Magik6k, what is the size of 12min tape in minutes?
L731[16:11:31] <Kubuxu> s/minutes/bytes
L732[16:11:31] <MichiBot> <Kubuxu> Magik6k, what is the size of 12min tape in bytes?
L733[16:11:41] <rashy> 3MB, iirc
L734[16:13:51] ⇨ Joins: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L735[16:15:04] <MajGenRelativity> I have a few things to do, but can somebody take a look at this please?
L736[16:15:05] <MajGenRelativity> http://pastebin.com/Esjw2T2n
L737[16:15:15] <MajGenRelativity> when something comes in encrypted, the message doesn't show
L738[16:16:52] <MajGenRelativity> any ideas what i have done wrong?
L739[16:17:24] <Magik6k> O FUCK YES, I proxied shell in my os using bare netcat
L740[16:17:34] <MajGenRelativity> ?
L741[16:19:01] <Magik6k> 'nc -l 11 | sh | nc -l 10' an one computer and 'sleep 1 | nc 10 h1& nc 11 h1'
L742[16:19:20] <Magik6k> a form of hacky way talnet
L743[16:19:41] <hitecnologys> ._.
L744[16:21:27] ⇦ Quits: MajGenRelativity (webchat@c-73-186-66-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L745[16:22:44] ⇦ Quits: Roguexy (~Roguexy@84-236-9-239.pool.digikabel.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L746[16:23:57] <_G> I wish firefox didn't have shitty and inconsistent file type handling
L747[16:25:26] <_G> literally, I can download a deb file from one site and be able top open it with gdebi, but then download a deb file from another and it will only give me the option to open it in a hex editor
L748[16:25:26] <_G> does that same shit for archive files too
L749[16:25:27] <_G> .p
L750[16:25:28] <^v> Ping reply from _G 1.02s
L751[16:25:38] <_G> fucking stupid ass wifi card
L752[16:26:07] <_G> .p
L753[16:26:07] <^v> Ping reply from _G 0.43s
L754[16:26:23] <hitecnologys> .p
L755[16:26:26] <^v> Ping reply from hitecnologys 2.99s
L756[16:26:36] <hitecnologys> _G: how's that with cable connection?
L757[16:26:47] <hitecnologys> Wifi cards, they say...
L758[16:26:59] <Katie> %p
L759[16:27:00] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.6s
L760[16:27:01] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.59s
L761[16:27:02] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.44s
L762[16:27:03] <MichiBot> Ping reply from Katie 0.7s
L763[16:27:06] <Katie> \o/
L764[16:27:09] <_G> %p
L765[16:27:11] <MichiBot> Ping reply from _G 0.57s
L766[16:27:15] <_G> aww
L767[16:27:16] * hitecnologys claps
L768[16:27:36] <_G> My wifi is shit, my internet is all around consistently shit
L769[16:27:58] <hitecnologys> It's Internet!
L770[16:28:26] <_G> I actually applaud it for giving me the consistent shit speeds I pay $20/mo for
L772[16:29:10] <_G> s/TEXT/HEX
L774[16:29:48] <hitecnologys> Use lynx, it at least doesn't crash on every occasion.
L775[16:29:55] <_G> Nah
L776[16:30:02] <_G> Firefox actually doesn't crash on me
L777[16:30:08] <_G> none of my browsers crash on me
L778[16:30:11] <hitecnologys> You're viewing Internet, not browser.
L779[16:30:21] <_G> wat
L780[16:30:25] <hitecnologys> Why spend CPU time on fancy stuff?
L781[16:30:27] <hitecnologys> Text!
L782[16:30:32] <_G> .
L783[16:30:53] <_G> Remind me why I come to this place
L784[16:30:54] ⇦ Parts: _G (ds84182@2607:5300:60:51da::1ce:c01d) (Leaving))
L785[16:31:07] <hitecnologys> Excellent!
L786[16:31:29] <Temia> :|
L787[16:31:42] * rashy tickles Temia
L788[16:56:14] *** Daiyousei is now known as SleepingFairy
L789[17:03:36] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L790[17:08:20] *** Skye is now known as Skye|ZZZ
L791[17:08:38] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L792[17:14:32] <S3> Hmm. Are there any OC emulators around?
L793[17:15:14] <S3> I should probably get to work at getting MC working on FreeBSD again
L794[17:17:47] <S3> WORKING
L795[17:18:39] <S3> I think I'm getting better FPS too than I did on Linux on this box
L796[17:24:16] *** justastranger|zzz is now known as justastranger
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L799[17:30:53] <S3> oh wow, there's even an eeprom. I wonder if you can overwrite it..
L800[17:31:02] <rashdanml> you can
L801[17:31:08] <S3> yep
L802[17:31:13] <S3> i just saw in the doc
L803[17:31:20] <rashdanml> :D
L804[17:31:32] <S3> The only concern I just realized is that OC is Lua 5.2
L805[17:31:52] <S3> and CC is 5.1, which makes for some weird incompatabilities I think. Not a huge deal.
L806[17:32:13] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L807[17:32:16] <S3> this is cool stuff, guys
L808[17:32:30] <Katie> Beta CC is 5.2..
L809[17:32:32] <S3> RAID?!
L810[17:32:34] <Katie> which is.. interesting
L811[17:32:42] <S3> Katie: wat
L812[17:33:05] <Katie> Yeah...
L813[17:34:01] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L814[17:36:30] <Katie> 1.74pr20 has Lua 5.2...
L815[17:36:34] <S3> aww man
L816[17:36:39] <S3> creative computers require energy
L817[17:36:51] <S3> Now I gotta figure out how I will do that with no other mods
L818[17:37:04] <S3> analyzers are very cool.
L819[17:37:14] <Katie> Erm.... Creative Computers don't require energy... :/
L820[17:37:28] <Katie> And if you have no power mods no computers require energy
L821[17:37:29] <S3> nvm I was doing it wrong
L822[17:37:33] <S3> I forgot eeprom
L823[17:37:37] <S3> XD
L824[17:37:38] <Katie> and if you DO have power mods you can disable power in the config :P
L825[17:38:36] <S3> COOL
L826[17:39:25] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L827[17:39:41] <S3> even autocomplete works on the shell
L828[17:40:40] <S3> 192 K of ram holy crap that's a lot
L829[17:40:48] <S3> my SBC has 64K
L830[17:41:24] <Katie> Just don't try to run OpenOS on a single tier one :P
L831[17:44:03] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:c8cc:7aca:63eb:c820) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L832[17:44:12] <S3> I did
L833[17:44:29] <Katie> It can get.. messy
L834[17:49:35] <Katie> \o/ http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-05-10_17-49-26.png
L835[17:50:08] <Katie> My IRC map now shows all servers a server is directly linked to
L836[18:00:06] <gamax92> CC is moving to lua 5.2 now? R.I.P every script that used getfenv and setfenv
L837[18:00:13] * gamax92 shakes fist at CompanionCube
L838[18:02:10] <gamax92> oh hey S3
L839[18:02:15] <gamax92> see long time no
L840[18:07:17] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e822.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L841[18:16:21] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L842[18:17:18] <S3> gamax92: HEY!
L843[18:17:25] <gamax92> HI
L844[18:17:26] <S3> been forever man
L845[18:17:27] <S3> lol
L846[18:17:39] <gamax92> I saw you yesterday, not been that long
L847[18:17:43] <S3> ah
L848[18:17:44] <S3> I didnt
L849[18:17:52] <S3> I didnt even see me yesterday
L850[18:18:28] <gamax92> What if you couldn't see yourself at all unless it was in a reflection
L851[18:18:43] <gamax92> like, you'd look at your hands but see no hands, but if it was a mirror you could see them
L852[18:19:36] <S3> so
L853[18:19:43] <S3> is it possible with OC to make your own cpu arch?
L854[18:19:55] <S3> dunno how open it really is
L855[18:20:06] <gamax92> yep
L856[18:20:18] <S3> wow.
L857[18:20:23] <gamax92> have done one myself
L858[18:20:26] <gamax92> so have others
L859[18:20:27] <S3> really now
L860[18:20:31] <S3> any 6502 stuff/
L861[18:20:33] <S3> ?
L862[18:20:35] <gamax92> yeah
L863[18:20:38] <gamax92> specifically that :P
L864[18:20:48] <S3> nice. it's my most familiar arch, mostly because that is what my SBC uses
L865[18:21:00] <S3> WDC is making surface mount CMOs 6502's that clock up to like 200 Mhz now
L866[18:21:08] <S3> and 65816s
L867[18:21:13] <gamax92> The arch is rather useless though
L868[18:21:20] <S3> Why is that?
L869[18:21:33] <S3> It's a very powerful architecture for its size.
L870[18:21:38] <gamax92> because it lacks any way to interact with components unless its a terminal
L871[18:21:44] <gamax92> because I haven't made that yet
L872[18:21:51] <S3> oh, you're the developer?
L873[18:22:22] <gamax92> Of the 6502 arch, yes
L874[18:22:24] <S3> heheh
L875[18:22:32] <gamax92> of the 6502 itself? no that code is derived from Symon
L876[18:22:47] <S3> I see.
L877[18:23:07] <S3> I am curious how you intend to handle memory mapped IO with components
L878[18:23:13] <S3> especially since they are UUIDs
L879[18:23:17] <S3> for addresses
L880[18:23:28] <S3> some sort of dynamic allocating MMU?
L881[18:23:32] <S3> or VIA
L882[18:23:50] <S3> a compliant VIA would be pretty interesting
L883[18:23:52] <gamax92> I think i still have about 16KB of unmapped address space to play with.
L884[18:24:14] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e822.skybroadband.com)
L885[18:24:26] <S3> my IRC bot 6502 can handle up to 16 MB of ram
L886[18:24:34] <S3> because of the MMU
L887[18:24:37] <TabletCube> http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/may/10/conservatives-to-push-forward-on-manifesto-and-scrap-human-rights-act
L888[18:24:41] <TabletCube> oh dear
L889[18:24:47] <TabletCube> oh dear
L890[18:24:56] <TabletCube> Dear god we be fucked.
L891[18:25:01] <S3> ?
L892[18:25:21] <gamax92> S3: i have a very basic bank switcher thingy that will address up to ... some amount of memory >_>
L893[18:26:01] <TabletCube> S3: article
L894[18:27:14] <S3> TabletCube: I see. Glad I don't live in UK
L895[18:27:26] <gamax92> Glad I also don't live in the UK, jeeez
L896[18:27:42] <TabletCube> S3: This kinda thing makes me want to join the liberal democrats
L897[18:27:46] <TabletCube> to stop this shit
L898[18:28:11] <S3> gamax92: yeah I have a 24 bit MMU for my IRC bot, which allows me to allocate "pages"
L899[18:28:34] <gamax92> S3: I feel like you know what you're doing better than I do :P
L900[18:28:59] <gamax92> .l 16*256/1024
L901[18:28:59] <^v> gamax92, 4
L902[18:29:04] <gamax92> 4MB of memory max
L903[18:29:37] <S3> gamax92: I dunno about that, I've just studied this chart in the past for years: http://bytecollector.com/archive/misc/6502.pdf
L904[18:29:53] <gamax92> AAAAAH
L905[18:29:56] <gamax92> nope
L906[18:30:00] <S3> LOL
L907[18:30:16] <S3> and then many other things..
L908[18:30:32] <S3> it's actually a very simple schematic gamax92
L909[18:31:37] <gamax92> S3: but i don't need to know that to have a function 6502
L910[18:33:43] <S3> no, but it may help to understand how everything works.
L911[18:33:48] <S3> this schematic is fairly accurate
L912[18:34:19] <gamax92> well my point was how to interface it with things
L913[18:34:21] <S3> like for example
L914[18:34:28] <S3> the 6502 has two data busses technically..
L915[18:34:39] <S3> which is not obvious at all form the datasheet
L916[18:34:48] <S3> the schematic in the data sheet
L917[18:35:51] <S3> the 6502 actually does some really weird stuff, like fetchng instructions while another instruction is already processing if they are compatible, which is incredible for a 70s design
L918[18:36:47] ⇦ Quits: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e822.skybroadband.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L919[18:37:17] <gamax92> oh, dummy reads and writes?
L920[18:37:42] <S3> yeah it's weird
L921[18:37:59] <S3> but only one data bus is really worth worrying about, the main databus which is what you connect your IO to
L922[18:39:00] <S3> gamax92: want to know something very scary I found out a couple months ago by text?
L923[18:39:10] <gamax92> whats that
L924[18:39:32] <S3> The man who designed the 6502, was born in the city I was born and graduated from the university I attend
L925[18:39:35] <S3> isnt that crazy?
L926[18:39:41] <S3> I never knew it all this time.
L927[18:39:56] <gamax92> cool
L928[18:40:35] <gamax92> inb4 you also found out you one of his descendants :P
L929[18:40:43] <S3> enough about the 6502 though. I think it is great that you can make your own hardware and stuff. what about everything else? like, network cards, etc, is all the hardware just like plugins?
L930[18:40:51] <S3> no I am not a decendant lol
L931[18:41:31] <gamax92> yeah you can make components for OC
L932[18:41:57] <S3> it'd be neat to see someone make a network card that tied to a tap device on *nix
L933[18:42:01] <S3> :)
L934[18:42:11] <gamax92> for tape drives?
L935[18:42:15] <S3> no.
L936[18:42:19] <S3> tap, a layer two interface.
L937[18:42:23] <S3> you know, tun/tap?
L938[18:42:27] <gamax92> oh that
L939[18:42:29] <S3> heh
L940[18:42:39] <S3> you could route real IP to it
L941[18:42:43] <S3> and stuff
L942[18:42:46] <Heartstrings> or write the most inefficient vpn ever
L943[18:42:55] *** Techokami is now known as Techokami|Off
L944[18:42:55] <S3> true.
L945[18:42:55] <S3> Heartstrings: ^^^
L946[18:43:02] <S3> XD
L947[18:43:02] <gamax92> S3: well, the internet card can do tcp sockets, if thats kinda what you're asking
L948[18:43:06] <S3> IPSec over OC?
L949[18:43:07] <S3> :P
L950[18:43:15] <S3> neat.
L951[18:43:25] <Heartstrings> I would have said openvpn, but same principle
L952[18:43:27] <S3> tap would be a bit more controllable but less platform independant
L953[18:43:28] <gamax92> is why you can connect to irc from OC
L954[18:43:33] <S3> Heartstrings: I use tinc myself.
L955[18:43:38] <S3> it does meshing for you
L956[18:43:50] <S3> works great with tap + ipv6
L957[18:44:11] <S3> anyone make a z80 / z180 arch?
L958[18:44:18] <S3> z180 would be fantastic
L959[18:44:32] <Heartstrings> ooh, that looks interesting
L960[18:44:38] <S3> tinc?
L961[18:44:46] <Heartstrings> yes
L962[18:45:03] <S3> Heartstrings: when tied with OSPF using quagga or zebra, etc, it does meshing for you, so it becomes a really amazing vpn
L963[18:45:16] <S3> we were doing BGP etc over it XD
L964[18:45:35] <S3> uses asymetric encryption
L965[18:46:52] <Heartstrings> anyone know of a way to store an array of variable-length items compactly?
L966[18:47:25] <S3> in Lua?
L967[18:47:30] <Heartstrings> no, think C++
L968[18:48:01] <Heartstrings> mostly small objects, sometimes 0 length, with reasonably fast random access
L969[18:48:20] <Heartstrings> trying to keep memory overhead to a minimum
L970[18:48:35] <S3> it looks like nobody has made a Zilog 180 (yes 180) cpu arch for OC
L971[18:48:39] <S3> therefore, maybe I would like to do it
L972[18:48:54] <Heartstrings> the /size/ of the array is fixed, and the items are mostly small, often 0, so dynamic memory allocation carries a lot of overhead
L973[18:49:32] <S3> hm
L974[18:49:59] <S3> how big is the array?
L975[18:50:19] <Heartstrings> 16x16x16 or 16x256 or 4096 depending on how you want to look at it
L976[18:50:37] <S3> 4096? that's like 4K.. I wouldn't worry too much about that..
L977[18:50:45] <S3> unless this is embedded/
L978[18:50:52] <Heartstrings> 4k items, not 4k in size
L979[18:50:59] <S3> ah.
L980[18:51:04] <S3> how big are the items?
L981[18:51:25] <S3> i've seen unions of like.. GB in size
L982[18:51:29] <S3> that manage just fine
L983[18:51:37] <S3> in C
L984[18:52:36] <Heartstrings> The vast majority will be 0 bytes long. Sometimes you'll get an array with lots of small objects, say 1-5 bytes. 20 is conceivable. If there's a hard limit, though, it'd be more like 256.
L985[18:53:45] <S3> hmm
L986[18:53:46] <Heartstrings> It's also highly repetitious, so I'm inclined to break it into 16 chunks 256 items long and do RLE on it. Or maybe smaller pieces
L987[18:53:50] <S3> that sounds ew
L988[18:54:17] <S3> Heartstrings: Maybe the problem is not how to do it in a memory efficient way, maynbe the solution is to take another approach! :)
L989[18:54:26] <S3> if possible?
L990[18:54:39] <S3> I mean, what if you're looking at this upside down
L991[18:54:42] <S3> or sideways
L992[18:55:47] <Heartstrings> it's metadata on another, fixed-width 4096 item array
L993[18:56:40] <Heartstrings> I suspect what I need is a sparse array, but that doesn't make finding a good implementation any easier
L994[18:56:51] <S3> There are times I hate C and C++
L995[18:57:00] <S3> because there are things they just suck at.
L996[18:57:27] <Heartstrings> nah. the goal is to save every last byte I can, and that kind of savings isn't even thinkable in most other languages
L997[18:57:47] <Heartstrings> I've spent a lot of this weekend poring over assembly output just for the fun of it
L998[18:57:56] <S3> exlol
L999[18:59:06] <Heartstrings> https://code.google.com/p/sparsehash/ is a thing, so map indexes to bytes, but you still have the problem of figuring out where to put all your tiny allocations
L1000[18:59:13] ⇨ Joins: TabletCube (~TCube@95f1e822.skybroadband.com)
L1001[19:00:04] * TabletCube just took a test about which UK party's policies I agreed with the most with.
L1002[19:00:29] <TabletCube> 40% Green, 40% Liberal Democrats, 20% Labour.
L1003[19:02:52] <S3> wtf mc crashed and wont run anymore
L1004[19:03:41] <rashy> goodjob
L1005[19:04:08] <S3> CTRL ALT BACKSPACE!
L1006[19:04:12] ⇦ Quits: S3 (~bhodgins@cpe-74-78-106-114.maine.res.rr.com) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L1007[19:04:33] ⇨ Joins: S3 (~bhodgins@cpe-74-78-106-114.maine.res.rr.com)
L1008[19:05:09] <S3> fixed, no idea what its problem was?
L1009[19:07:09] <rashy> xD
L1010[19:07:42] <PotatoTrumpet> :{
L1011[19:07:46] <PotatoTrumpet> P
L1012[19:08:46] <S3> okay neat so
L1013[19:09:59] <S3> huh. Just reading the manual. Is it possible to flash the EEPROM from within OC?
L1014[19:10:14] <rashy> there's the `flash` command, yep
L1015[19:10:17] <S3> neat.
L1016[19:10:29] <rashy> provide it with any .lua file you want
L1017[19:10:36] <S3> myust be some api for it
L1018[19:11:40] <rashy> can't remember if it has a manual page (`man flash`), but the code should be fairly self-explanatory (found in /bin/flash.lua)
L1019[19:11:48] <S3> yep setData
L1020[19:12:02] <gamax92> ~w eeprom
L1021[19:12:02] <ocdoc> http://ocd.cil.li/component:eeprom
L1022[19:12:07] <S3> defined here: http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:eeprom
L1023[19:12:08] <S3> or that
L1024[19:12:14] <gamax92> S3: OC's help bot, written by me :D
L1025[19:12:17] <rashy> yeah. that's pretty much all it's really doing
L1026[19:12:20] <S3> haha, nice
L1027[19:12:40] <S3> huh, so it's more of a NAND flash then
L1028[19:12:45] <S3> because you write to it at once, not randomly
L1029[19:13:03] <S3> that's nice.
L1030[19:13:15] <S3> I wonder how much they can store..
L1031[19:13:23] <rashy> 4K
L1032[19:13:30] <S3> 4Kib
L1033[19:13:31] <S3> yeah
L1034[19:13:36] <S3> was on a seperate page
L1035[19:13:46] <S3> that's quite a lot actually
L1036[19:13:55] <S3> you can make a very basic read only FS driver in 512B
L1037[19:13:59] <gamax92> Yes rashy ... they can store 4 kelvins
L1038[19:14:01] <S3> and slightly ore
L1039[19:14:03] <S3> more*
L1040[19:14:09] <rashy> xD
L1041[19:14:11] <S3> the EEPROM in my 6502 SBC is 8K
L1042[19:14:14] <rashy> shhh >.>
L1043[19:14:22] <gamax92> 8 kelvin eeprom? sounds cold
L1044[19:14:24] <S3> lol
L1045[19:14:40] <S3> store it on this: http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1181/1198661597_e7c47e8b46_z.jpg
L1046[19:14:47] <S3> yes, that is memory
L1047[19:14:56] <rashy> xD
L1048[19:14:58] <S3> it uses mercury and sound waves :D
L1049[19:15:08] <gamax92> how reliable and how much
L1050[19:15:10] <S3> if you ever wondered what delay line memory actually looks like.. that's it.
L1051[19:15:27] <S3> reliability is questionable
L1052[19:15:45] <S3> how much is almost nonexistant
L1053[19:16:11] <rashy> lovely
L1054[19:16:29] <PotatoTrumpet> http://puu.sh/hIPzS/9508a18841.jpg
L1055[19:16:29] <PotatoTrumpet> I don't know what I'm doing
L1056[19:16:49] <S3> So I'm just dilly dallying
L1057[19:17:04] <S3> but if I make a Zilog 180 cpu arch, would anyone use it?
L1058[19:17:24] <S3> besides that it won't work with components, it technically (in theory) will run MS-DOS.
L1059[19:17:44] <S3> not that I'll try that
L1060[19:18:00] <S3> I meant the z180 can
L1061[19:18:09] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
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L1063[19:19:09] <PotatoTrumpet> Who's name should I use for my next district?
L1064[19:19:13] <S3> it's sorta kinda the precursor to x86
L1065[19:19:24] <S3> PotatoTrumpet: gamax92
L1066[19:20:04] <S3> no no no
L1067[19:20:06] <S3> dan100
L1068[19:20:13] <S3> just for kicks
L1069[19:20:18] <rashy> xD
L1070[19:20:37] <S3> is this loike a new Sim City?
L1071[19:21:17] <S3> you silly people, when I played Sim City, it looked like THIS: http://image.dosgamesarchive.com/screenshots/simcity2.gif
L1072[19:21:26] <S3> and that was sim city 2
L1073[19:21:55] <Katie> \o/ No hot linking!
L1074[19:22:15] <S3> Woops, i'll keep that in mind
L1075[19:22:24] <S3> I should probably read the topic
L1076[19:23:48] <S3> I don't see anything about hot linking there..
L1077[19:24:02] <Katie> Clicking your link, that
L1078[19:24:03] <Katie> s what I get
L1079[19:24:16] <Katie> http://michi.pc-logix.com/2015-05-10_19-24-14.png
L1080[19:24:50] <S3> LOL?
L1081[19:25:02] <S3> weird.. thats not what i get
L1082[19:25:25] <PotatoTrumpet> S3, its Cities: Skylines
L1083[19:25:28] <Katie> Drops me here http://image.dosgamesarchive.com/hotlink.jpeg
L1084[19:25:49] <S3> Katie: try this one: http://www.abandonwaredos.com/public/aban_img_screens/simcity-1.jpg
L1085[19:25:51] <Katie> \o/ I have a place named after me
L1086[19:26:05] <Katie> And yes, I remember ancient sim cities.. :P
L1087[19:26:14] <S3> :D
L1088[19:26:23] <Katie> I miss Sim Island..
L1089[19:26:27] <S3> lo
L1090[19:26:39] <Katie> Simisle*
L1091[19:26:50] <S3> Well that's sad. It looks like nobody would be interested in a Z180 cpu for OC
L1092[19:27:01] <S3> I would have thought that would fly
L1093[19:28:15] <S3> is there like a developers guide? I bet I can find it
L1094[19:28:45] <S3> woo http://ocdoc.cil.li/tutorial:modding_architecture
L1095[19:29:26] <rashy> yup
L1096[19:31:45] <Heartstrings> I think I'd be kind of interested in something I could easily target C to, but I'm also averse to installing addons to things so probably would only use it if it were builtin
L1097[19:32:00] <Heartstrings> which is another thought, is whether OC would ever support alternate arches out of the box
L1098[19:33:24] <Heartstrings> also, I'm not really a nostalgic person; I'd prefer something like ARMv6/ARMv7
L1099[19:33:49] <S3> yeah it would be nice if it did
L1100[19:33:56] <S3> ARM would be a lot of work I think
L1101[19:34:10] <S3> well, maybe not..
L1102[19:34:32] <Heartstrings> I've made some progress on an ARM emulator before. If you limit yourself to thumb mode the instructions are not extensive or complicated (although decoding is an interesting challenge). however, the overall system architecture is a much bigger deal
L1103[19:34:41] <S3> they make some very simple ARM chips
L1104[19:34:45] <Heartstrings> you quickly get bogged down figuring out the memory model, exception handling, etc.
L1105[19:35:38] <S3> I was shocked that microprocessors can't use components
L1106[19:35:48] <S3> because it would be neat to see people make little AVRs and stuff
L1107[19:36:07] <S3> problem is AVR isn't really easily negotiable with the component model
L1108[19:36:24] <Heartstrings> don't know much about AVR. what's wrong with it?
L1109[19:36:45] <S3> AVR chips typically have physical IO ports
L1110[19:36:58] <S3> on the 324 I have on my bradboard that I write C on
L1111[19:37:12] <S3> it has 4 ports all with their own pins, it's kind of annoying for large projects.
L1112[19:37:20] <S3> because to do anything useful you need like a VIA or something
L1113[19:37:41] <Heartstrings> so no memory-mapped IO?
L1114[19:37:43] <S3> other than that it is a very nice architecture
L1115[19:38:04] <S3> internally they are memory mapped, but I think that's it
L1116[19:38:19] <S3> you could use a port for an address bus and another for a data bus if you wanted
L1117[19:38:33] <S3> but they are only 8 bit
L1118[19:38:47] <S3> to access any real memory you'd be using at least 2 ports
L1119[19:38:53] <S3> with another for 8 bit data
L1120[19:39:23] <S3> Heartstrings: they basically cheat and use memory mapped IO on the inside of the chip so they can put all registers in the zero page
L1121[19:39:51] <S3> so that they do not need to perform more than one cycle just to prepare to fetch 8 bit addresses.
L1122[19:39:53] <Heartstrings> I think I remember that. no actual "registers", just low addresses
L1123[19:40:15] <S3> it's a smart design but like I said, for large IO based projects its a huge pain
L1124[19:40:37] <S3> and is why I typically favor 6502s for hobby projects.
L1125[19:40:50] <S3> because then you get 64K of IO mapped memory
L1126[19:41:33] <S3> x86 has this weird outb and inb port based system iirc, but it's a lot more caable than AVR
L1127[19:41:42] <S3> its still memory maped IO
L1128[19:42:21] <S3> couldn't tell you much beyond that how x86 works, I have dealt with it a bit and it was way too bloated for my tastes.
L1129[19:43:07] <Heartstrings> layers upon layers of "oh god what" was my experience
L1130[19:43:22] <Heartstrings> but I've never extensively looked into comparable arches so don't listen to me too much
L1131[19:44:26] <S3> I never really did until I started to actually work with them
L1132[19:44:48] <S3> I got this ATMega324A for free(well I paid for the class though) through my EE program
L1133[19:47:37] <S3> If I can get something working maybe I can port my filesystem so I can see it working for real other than just design. I designed a filesystem over a year ago for my 6502 IRC bot but never implemented it that holds a total whopping ~131K maximum
L1134[19:47:49] <S3> designed for super tiny filesystems
L1135[19:56:41] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1136[20:00:12] <S3> I just learned something odd, Heartstrings
L1137[20:00:30] <S3> I never knew this, but the DIP version of the Z80180 only had 19 address pins, not 20.
L1138[20:00:45] <S3> it was only capable of addressing 500K of ram
L1139[20:01:10] <S3> while QFP and PLCC 1M
L1140[20:05:56] <S3> gamax92: got a git repo for your 6502 arch?
L1141[20:50:34] *** Pwootage|Off is now known as Pwootage
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