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L1[00:00:16] ⇦ Quits: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-11-11.applecreek.pathcom.com) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L2[00:01:42] <^v> load (ld [, source [, mode [, env]]])
L3[00:02:37] <^v> maby you forgot to put source before env?
L4[00:04:29] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:5c80:5bc1:48b7:8e7b) (Quit: Leaving)
L5[00:08:46] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L6[00:11:52] <Tahg> well, I didn't put anything
L7[00:12:02] <Tahg> (so I had to go look up what load took)
L8[00:12:06] <Tahg> but it works now
L9[00:12:11] <Tahg> it's ugly as HELL tho
L10[00:13:05] <Tahg> basically have public = [[{<table of functions>}]]
L11[00:13:23] <Tahg> albeit, that doesn't look real horrible I guess
L12[00:16:45] <Tahg> actually no, its [[return {...}]]
L13[00:49:19] <Kodos> My brain is fried, I can no think. This has been my day trying to make something. http://i.imgur.com/OWrwFP4.gif
L14[00:58:27] <Tahg> what a coincidence, mine too
L15[01:34:40] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L16[01:42:26] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E65592249FA3AD91ADA72C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. ✔)
L17[01:43:12] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (webchat@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L18[01:44:20] <ShadowKatStudios> Hey guys o/, sorry I've been off (Not that anyone would notice), but my primary computer's power supply failed and now I have to use my not-too-shit school laptop
L19[01:45:41] <ShadowKatStudios> When's the last time you heard someone say that about a school laptop?
L20[01:45:45] <CokaCola> Hopefully you can get that power supply replaced! I imagine it'd be most annoying to have it die
L21[01:45:52] <CokaCola> Never
L22[01:46:02] <CokaCola> Actually about a minute ago ;)
L23[01:47:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Well, it was a replacement, and it was 0.01 Amps below the max draw, and anyway, after a weekend it just died
L24[01:47:42] <ShadowKatStudios> This school laptop is (embarrasingly) twice as good as my desktop
L25[01:48:12] <ShadowKatStudios> (But considering my desktop /is/ 10 years old this year...)
L26[01:49:52] <ShadowKatStudios> I guess I'm lucky my desktop's power supply didn't die, that's a fairly nonstandard part
L27[01:50:47] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L28[01:50:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Then again, it's running mostly off another power supply anyway
L29[01:51:02] <Kodos> What would I need to do to have a computer pre-loaded with a program or two each time I start a world
L30[01:51:25] <ShadowKatStudios> Add it to the ROM zip one assumes
L31[01:51:36] <ShadowKatStudios> Add it to the ROM in the zip
L32[01:51:38] <ShadowKatStudios> Blarg
L33[01:52:43] <ShadowKatStudios> Something good about these school laptop: The person that set up the security mustn't have been very intelligent, because I can access the command prompt
L34[01:53:00] <ShadowKatStudios> I can also boot linux off a USB
L35[01:54:16] <ShadowKatStudios> Hell, I booted Linux off my USB HDD today on a school desktop which had the RTC battery run dry
L36[01:54:34] <ShadowKatStudios> I replaced the battery and set the admin password xD
L37[01:55:12] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh yeah, I put a fork bomb on the shared drive using someone else's account
L38[01:55:26] <ShadowKatStudios> If anyone runs that, it'll crash them :D
L39[01:55:34] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L40[01:55:37] <ShadowKatStudios> (I also named it GTA 5
L41[01:55:39] <ShadowKatStudios> )
L42[01:57:20] <ShadowKatStudios> What does os.setenv do?
L43[01:59:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Also, v1.2.1 doesn't have a name, and I suggest Eric because I have a friend called eric and he recently moved to Silicon Valley
L44[01:59:44] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm gonna win the whole 'most lines in a row' thing
L45[02:00:39] <ShadowKatStudios> Where would I find stats for this channel?
L46[02:01:40] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Quit: Yui <3)
L47[03:21:55] <Kodos> x.x Iron Nugget doesn't have a recipe in my version of OC
L48[03:23:56] <Kodos> I'm guessing 1.6 versions aren't being updated?
L49[03:25:25] <Michiyo> The Jenkins has plenty of 1.6 builds, so I'd say yes, it's being updated.
L50[03:25:39] <Kodos> Yeah, just found the jenkins after I said th at. Now I just feel silly
L51[03:25:50] <Michiyo> :P
L52[03:41:14] ⇦ Quits: ShadowKatStudios (webchat@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L53[04:03:36] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (Mibbit@ (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
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L57[04:40:47] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
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L59[04:46:56] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
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L61[05:05:04] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny
L62[05:35:33] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
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L64[07:02:41] ⇨ Joins: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com)
L65[07:03:23] ⇨ Joins: Din (~DinFer@
L66[07:04:27] <Kenny> morning BevolJ
L67[07:04:39] <Kenny> hey DangISP
L68[07:05:40] <BevoLJ> g'morning o/
L69[07:06:05] <Kenny> Bevol, are you who i think you are :)
L70[07:07:25] <Din> Hey Kenny
L71[07:08:00] <Din> Hmm
L72[07:08:01] <Kenny> i finally got that Component Viewer working right
L73[07:08:03] <Din> I just realised :
L74[07:08:19] <Din> Gargamel will capture the smurfs before I get a gf D:
L75[07:08:40] <Kenny> lol
L76[07:16:05] <Kenny> so you go capture Vanity before he does
L77[07:16:39] <Kenny> then he can't capture the smurfs and you have a gf
L78[07:17:50] <Tahg> new plan: try to break into the sandbox instead of out of it
L79[07:18:34] ⇨ Joins: CokaCola_ (~CokaCola@CPE-121-217-105-224.lnse2.cht.bigpond.net.au)
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L81[07:20:46] *** CokaCola_ is now known as CokaCola
L82[07:20:50] <Sangar> o/
L83[07:20:57] <Tahg> hey
L84[07:21:06] <Tahg> hmm, this new plan is already going bad
L85[07:21:06] <Kenny> morning Sangar
L86[07:21:49] <Kenny> i finally posted trhe viewer: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny/tree/master
L87[07:21:57] <Tahg> loading modules seems to be in the environment of require, not of what is requiring it
L88[07:23:09] <Sangar> Kenny: nice. hopefully i'll find the time to give it a run today :)
L89[07:23:23] <Sangar> Tahg: yeah, that sounds likely, seeing how envs work in 5.2
L90[07:23:30] <Kenny> i working on fancifing it now :)
L91[07:23:33] <Tahg> actuallly no...does pcall make a new environment?
L92[07:24:11] <Sangar> pcall? nope.
L93[07:24:51] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L94[07:25:23] <Sangar> the env is set when a 'chunk' is loaded (in the lua sense). so you can pass the default env to load(), and in the loaded code it depends on where vars with the name _ENV are defined. but that's it, after that the envs are fixed.
L95[07:28:19] <Tahg> hmm, it does loadfile with _G, I guess that's the _ENV to use
L96[07:30:01] <Sangar> you'll need to ask Wobbo about things in the package module, he implemented that :P
L97[07:30:22] <Sangar> he did read throught the Lua docs and such to ensure it behaves like the standard one does, though, afaik
L98[07:32:51] <Tahg> ya
L99[07:32:57] <Tahg> was just reading it
L100[07:33:14] <Sangar> oh ok
L101[07:33:30] <Tahg> what I had in mind won't work anyway, I'll just settle with what I have I guess
L102[07:33:37] <Tahg> since it's amazingly working
L103[07:33:42] <Sangar> :)
L104[07:34:29] <Tahg> ended up having to define my classes as [[return{<functions>}]]
L105[07:34:52] <Tahg> kind of a fair bit of symbols, but works alright
L106[07:35:49] <Tahg> no way to control what its ENV unless I pass it as a string
L107[07:36:53] <Sangar> eh, well. lack of syntax highlighting is unfortunate, but as long as it works.
L108[07:37:52] <Tahg> ya, considering getting rid of at least the return bit
L109[07:38:29] <Tahg> apparently load needs that, but I don't see any reason I can't just add it automatically
L110[07:38:33] <Sangar> you might actually be able to simplyfiy that: [[all your functions]] and then local allThoseMethods = {} load(thatString, className, "t", allThoseMethods) i think
L111[07:38:50] <Sangar> wow, what a way to misspell simplify -.-
L112[07:39:26] <Sangar> well, allThoseMethods = setmetatable({}, theEnv) actually
L113[07:39:34] <Tahg> what is the className argument?
L114[07:39:51] <Tahg> I mean generically in load what's that do?
L115[07:39:55] <Sangar> what you want to name your class. or anything really. it's what lua prints in error messages as the 'source'
L116[07:40:06] <Tahg> ah
L117[07:40:25] <Sangar> e.g. if it's "blah" then error messages will say 'blah:6:error stuff happend' or so
L118[07:40:59] <Tahg> ah
L119[07:41:08] <Tahg> I forget what it does now, but I saw that once
L120[07:42:06] <Tahg> and ya, you're right I don't really need the {} in the string either
L121[07:42:18] <Tahg> that should make it a bit cleaner
L122[07:44:07] <Sangar> oh, i forgot, you'll want to make the second parameter "=" .. className for that, otherwise it'll say meh things ('[string "className"]:6: the error message')
L123[07:44:10] <Tahg> considering how far I want to go with this (which probably means another day of headbanging)
L124[07:44:25] <Sangar> hehe
L125[07:45:08] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L126[07:45:52] <Tahg> right now I have public = {foo = function() end, bar = function() end}
L127[07:46:07] <Tahg> which wasn't too pretty to start with
L128[07:46:38] <Tahg> but I wondering if I can get [[public function foo() end public function bar() end]]
L129[07:47:01] <Tahg> that kinda requires a full blown parser to figure out what end goes with what function() tho
L130[07:48:21] <Sangar> well if you pass things as strings anyway, you could go crazy and do some preprocessing :P
L131[07:48:41] <Sangar> not to self: read first
L132[07:48:44] <Sangar> *note
L133[07:49:28] <Sangar> well, if you keep to certain standards some simple pattern matching should do the trick, though
L134[07:50:02] <Sangar> which will probably be 'good enough' (tm), no?
L135[07:50:17] <Tahg> hell, if I'm gonna do an IDE reimplementation later, I'm gonna have to write a tokenizer anyway tho, so might as well?
L136[07:50:29] <Sangar> :D
L137[07:51:29] <Sangar> you might want to take a look at the 'lua in lua' implementations, you might be able to reuse the parsers of those
L138[07:51:56] <Tahg> lua in lua? lol
L139[07:52:01] <Sangar> http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaImplementations they're for 5.1, but the syntax didn't really change (goto is new, but aside from that i don't think much changed?)
L140[07:53:48] <Tahg> uhg, normal parsers always seemed so complicated
L141[07:54:36] <Tahg> and I don't really need a full thing anyway, just a list of keywords and what they should terminate with (usually "end") should suffice for me
L142[07:55:10] <Tahg> gonna go with the assumption: the code is correct, I just need to split it up
L143[07:55:24] <Tahg> might change that later if I do go for an IDE, lol
L144[07:55:34] <Sangar> :)
L145[07:56:17] <Sangar> if you make the extensions valid lua (--[[public]] function blah() end for example) you could pre-validate it by running load() on the raw input first.
L146[07:58:06] <Tahg> hmm ya
L147[08:05:10] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L148[08:07:33] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L149[08:11:58] <Tahg> meh, decided this is probably "good enough" for now
L150[08:12:19] <Tahg> will want to decide on a final format before releasing it into the wild thp
L151[08:12:22] <Tahg> tho*
L152[08:13:06] <asie> hey
L153[08:13:15] <asie> eating then coming back to work on Computronics
L154[08:13:23] <asie> implementing a Tape Player
L155[08:13:30] <asie> which will both play back, read and write to tapes
L156[08:15:12] <Sangar> tape drives :) a propos retro, i'm wondering when someone will make an arcade block that plays space invaders...
L157[08:15:33] <Tahg> lol
L158[08:15:41] <Tahg> also pong
L159[08:16:07] <asie> yeah, tape drives
L160[08:16:07] <Sangar> pong is so low-tech, someone should do that with pistons and redstone :P
L161[08:16:11] <Tahg> wel, pong in lua
L162[08:16:13] <asie> Sangar: already done many many times
L163[08:16:31] <Tahg> pistons and rs dafuq?
L164[08:16:34] <Sangar> pong with pistons? seriously?
L165[08:16:37] <asie> I think I saw one
L166[08:17:00] <Sangar> people are crazy. afk for a while.
L167[08:17:04] <asie> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQwpl7SlzvI <- no pistons
L168[08:17:08] <asie> but, i mean
L169[08:17:11] <asie> iron doorswork just as well
L170[08:17:16] <Sangar> wtf
L171[08:17:21] <Tahg> damnit google
L172[08:17:30] <Tahg> I want "pong" not "ping pong"
L173[08:17:38] <Tahg> two TOTALLY different games
L174[08:17:46] <asie> Sangar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20HQOwDCbWs
L175[08:17:47] <asie> that'sthe one
L176[08:17:49] <Tahg> well...I gues not really
L177[08:17:53] <asie> it uses actual pistons,and no mods!
L178[08:18:55] <asie> Sangar: now you probably see why many oldbies cringe
L179[08:19:16] <asie> when they hear about newbies doing logic gates with ComputerCraft just because they can't or don't know how to use RedLogic/P:Red
L180[08:20:07] <Tahg> this is worse, way worse
L181[08:20:23] <asie> worse?
L182[08:20:28] <asie> pong with pistons is badass, not worse
L183[08:20:38] <Tahg> pure redstone vs gates vs CC
L184[08:20:41] <asie> yes
L185[08:20:46] <asie> it's funny
L186[08:20:54] <Tahg> plus, you have a size consideration
L187[08:21:02] <asie> the complexity of the tool used is inversely proportional to the complexity of the usage of the tool
L188[08:21:14] <asie> pure redstone: Pong, computers, screens, automated buildings
L189[08:21:19] <Tahg> since there's nothing like a chunkloader, it's gotta bit no more than ~160 blocks away from you
L190[08:21:21] <asie> gates: pipe automation, timing
L191[08:21:28] <asie> CC: ...hello world?
L192[08:21:29] <Tahg> gotta fit*
L193[08:21:40] <asie> Yes
L194[08:21:54] <asie> RedLogic cleverly goes around that, though, as you can pack redstone and/or gate circuits into 1x1 microcircuits
L195[08:21:56] <Tahg> granted, most of these are bedrock to sky
L196[08:22:10] ⇨ Joins: Shirkit (~Shirkit@200-199-158-8.user.veloxzone.com.br)
L197[08:22:19] <Tahg> oh, I've never played with RL
L198[08:22:41] <asie> did you play with Project: Red? it's a fork of RedLogic
L199[08:22:47] <asie> well, a rewrite by now, but it used to be a fork
L200[08:22:54] <Tahg> invaribly on any video like this there's always an idiot "make minecraft in minecraft" comment
L201[08:23:09] <Tahg> I thought PR was a "fork" of RedPower
L202[08:23:12] <asie> not at all
L203[08:23:15] <asie> RedPower died in 1.4.7
L204[08:23:23] <asie> in 1.5.2, RedLogic was released, which was an all-custom mod by immibis
L205[08:23:29] <Tahg> idk, I've heard people say they stole code from that
L206[08:23:36] <asie> lies.
L207[08:23:40] <asie> then Project: Red was forked out of it, becoming RedLogic with RP2 recipes
L208[08:23:47] <asie> then ChickenBones joined P:Red and rewrote it to use the then-new FMP
L209[08:24:01] <Tahg> they also claimed Immibis "copied the style" of RP gates
L210[08:24:08] <asie> So did P:Red originally
L211[08:24:12] <asie> as it was the *exact same code*
L212[08:24:19] <asie> just with alloy smelters, worldgen and recipe changes
L213[08:24:21] <asie> before CB joined them
L214[08:24:32] <asie> i was there for PRed's first release
L215[08:24:44] <Tahg> mhm ya I remembered when they had alloy smelters, buggy blocks those were
L216[08:24:51] <asie> now, RedLogic is essentially "take RP2 logic gates, make all recipes based on vanilla, not RP resources"
L217[08:24:57] <asie> "and add in lamps too"
L218[08:25:01] <asie> it's just the logic stuff
L219[08:25:09] <asie> oh, and RL lets you make those integrated circuits
L220[08:25:16] <asie> you build a cleanroom, you build a circuit in the cleanroom
L221[08:25:17] <Tahg> well, the lamps and gates are virtually identical to RPs
L222[08:25:22] <asie> by design
L223[08:25:31] <asie> anyway,then you use a machine to compile the cleanroom circuit into a 1x1 block
L224[08:25:33] <Tahg> not saying code wise (atm)
L225[08:25:35] <Tahg> I see
L226[08:25:35] <asie> and you place the block and you're done
L227[08:25:49] <asie> so you can take any RedLogic structure
L228[08:25:54] <Kenny> Bones was working with Eloraam back then, right before RP2 died
L229[08:25:56] <Tahg> I remember CB talking about wanting to do something like that a year+ ago I think
L230[08:25:57] <asie> surround it with cleanroom walls
L231[08:26:02] <asie> and compile it
L232[08:26:11] <asie> well, RL has had it for a few months now
L233[08:26:12] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3CB97E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L234[08:26:30] <Tahg> I don't recall Elo working on anything like that tho, at least, I only heard CB mention it
L235[08:26:33] <asie> Kenny: Just as people claim P:Red is based off RP2
L236[08:26:38] <asie> people claim Immibis' Microblocks is based off RP2
L237[08:26:40] <Vexatos> Hellöa folks!
L238[08:26:48] <asie> there's a rumor going that immibis saw RP2's source code /with Elo's permission/
L239[08:26:52] <asie> and used it for Immibis' Microblocks
L240[08:26:58] <Tahg> eh
L241[08:27:01] <asie> note, also, that the immibism od appeared in 1.4.6 days
L242[08:27:05] <Tahg> doubt it
L243[08:27:05] <asie> even before RP2 was dead
L244[08:27:28] <Vexatos> Yea
L245[08:27:30] <Tahg> I don't know of her specifically giving anyone perm on her code
L246[08:27:36] <Vexatos> Nope
L247[08:27:37] <asie> Maeyanie is the one exception.
L248[08:27:39] <Tahg> especially wouldn't think to Immibis
L249[08:27:44] <Tahg> ya
L250[08:27:46] <Vexatos> And if immibis wants to see code, he will
L251[08:27:48] <asie> Maeyanie has blanket permission to do Bukkit ports of RP2
L252[08:27:51] <asie> and she still has it, IIRC
L253[08:27:52] <Vexatos> (He made a 1.7 mod without MCP)
L254[08:28:02] <asie> Vexatos: There is a half-ported 1.5.2 version of RP2 up on github
L255[08:28:12] <Tahg> eh, not touching that
L256[08:28:13] <asie> but the project got taken down by a few of Elo's pals from the modding community
L257[08:28:17] <asie> (not Elo herself!!!)
L258[08:28:32] <Tahg> not seen her in ages
L259[08:28:50] <Kenny> maybe i should give her a call
L260[08:28:53] <Tahg> tho I was never in her "inner circle" so no idea if she's still around
L261[08:28:58] <asie> Elo? Gone.
L262[08:28:58] <Vexatos> She is away noone knows whether she'll come back
L263[08:29:06] <Vexatos> And you should not care
L264[08:29:13] <asie> I genuinely miss RP2
L265[08:29:18] <Vexatos> Of course
L266[08:29:19] <asie> It had a very high fun factor with its tube system
L267[08:29:20] <Vexatos> everyone does
L268[08:29:32] <Vexatos> It had high functionality + almost no lag
L269[08:29:37] <Vexatos> But, it is dead
L270[08:29:40] <Vexatos> So, move on
L271[08:29:41] <asie> up until 1.2.5, Vexatos
L272[08:29:45] <asie> 1.4.7 was very broken as it was a kinda rushed port
L273[08:29:47] <Tahg> Vexatos, that's mean
L274[08:29:56] <asie> trust me, frames in 1.4.7 were a *mess*
L275[08:30:12] <asie> but there are many things better than RP2 now
L276[08:30:18] <asie> the microblocks were replaced by IM and FMP
L277[08:30:25] <asie> the worldgen has been replaced by P:Red
L278[08:30:38] <asie> the frames are done far better by RiM (in terms of functionality) and Truss (in terms of compatbility)
L279[08:30:39] <Tahg> besides her being "around" was NO implication I still wanted RP
L280[08:30:58] <asie> the computers are beaten by OpenComputers (with the new Architecture API you can actually port FORTH to it if you want)
L281[08:30:59] <Tahg> her and her mod are kind of different things
L282[08:31:12] <asie> the only thing I miss is the tube system.
L283[08:31:14] <Tahg> but anyway, both are likely gone forever
L284[08:31:22] <asie> (Immibis' TubeStuff has Deployers, though, in case anyone cares)
L285[08:31:31] <Kenny> So does TE
L286[08:31:34] <Tahg> mhm
L287[08:31:38] <asie> yeah, but TE adds a ton of extra stuff
L288[08:31:39] <Tahg> well
L289[08:31:50] <Tahg> I forget what a deployer is
L290[08:32:02] <Tahg> is that a block placer?
L291[08:32:12] <Kenny> TE has the Autonomous Activator (Deployer) and Terrain Smasher (Block Breaker)
L292[08:32:21] <Kenny> yeah
L293[08:32:33] <Tahg> oh, the deployer was that right clicker thing
L294[08:32:38] <Tahg> the AA is more flexible
L295[08:32:48] <Kenny> Deployer would place a block or do a right click
L296[08:32:50] <asie> the TubeStuff block breaker is fun
L297[08:32:54] <asie> it accepts any tool
L298[08:33:04] <asie> so you can use it with whatever pickaxe, axe, hoe or whatnot you want
L299[08:33:10] <Vexatos> Well
L300[08:33:21] <Vexatos> SFM and TT and TE ones can do that as well
L301[08:33:25] <Tahg> you can use the AA with any tool too
L302[08:33:29] <asie> TT?
L303[08:33:35] <Kenny> Why should I use a tool with it when the terrain smasher breaks a block without having to need a tool
L304[08:33:36] <Vexatos> Thaumic Tinkerer
L305[08:33:36] <Tahg> thaumic tinkerer?
L306[08:33:39] <asie> oh
L307[08:33:43] <asie> sorry, I don't care about magic mods
L308[08:33:57] <Tahg> Kenny, case you want some tool *other* than a picakxe?
L309[08:34:00] <Vexatos> And Steve's factory manager
L310[08:34:06] <Vexatos> Is also able to do this
L311[08:34:10] <asie> also, it's a lot more balanced
L312[08:34:13] <asie> as I think it uses up tool durability
L313[08:34:16] <asie> as an option
L314[08:34:21] <Tahg> I don't really know
L315[08:34:25] <Vexatos> Just like TT one does
L316[08:34:27] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L317[08:34:27] <Tahg> I should get back to coding
L318[08:35:06] <Tahg> debating whether to write a parser now, or write one later and have to change a ton of class files around
L319[08:35:15] <asie> okay, i'm off
L320[08:35:22] <asie> after i'm back it's time to work on the Tape Reader
L321[08:35:25] <Vexatos> Tahg, parser
L322[08:35:26] <asie> (i hate working with inventories ;_;)
L323[08:35:37] <Vexatos> Ooh, kenny, I saw you used OpenPrograms <3
L324[08:36:01] <Kenny> The Component Viewer is up
L325[08:36:27] <Tahg> heh Vex
L326[08:36:34] <Kenny> i'm working on fancifing it and doing some documentation
L327[08:36:39] <Tahg> gotta figure out how to make iterators then
L328[08:36:49] <Tahg> is it return function, table, start?
L329[08:37:15] <Vexatos> iterators, what do you mean? :<
L330[08:37:23] <Kenny> or you can call the function itself, i believe
L331[08:37:26] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L332[08:37:57] <Sangar> back. Tahg: yes. also, did you see http://www.lua.org/pil/7.1.html ?
L333[08:38:40] <Sangar> and 7.2
L334[08:38:47] <Vexatos> Ah, that'S what you meant
L335[08:42:46] <Kenny> i think i'm going to get myself in a deep pile of it with this next attempt with the component viewer hehe
L336[08:43:29] <Kenny> i can't use the Extended ASCII and it's going to take a lot of unicode statements
L337[08:43:40] <Tahg> hmm, wasn't looking at that one in particular, but found an iterators tutorial
L338[08:44:16] <Tahg> define a list of constants?
L339[08:49:10] <Shirkit> does someone know what happens if there's two different peripheral handlers for the same tile entity?
L340[08:52:27] <Tahg> my guess is either shows up multiple times, or arbitrarily shows up as one
L341[08:54:46] <Shirkit> the issue is that I created a new BC pipe, but it adds a lot of functionality to it, so I must register my own peripheral instead of using a default one
L342[08:55:20] <Shirkit> and since the tileentity that holds the instance to the pipe is actually BC controlled (tTileGenericPipe), I would need to register the peripheral for that TE
L343[08:55:50] <Shirkit> if someone tries to implement a generic peripheral for it things may explode
L344[08:57:22] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L345[08:58:14] <Sangar> Shirkit: block drivers are automatically merged.
L346[08:58:49] <Shirkit> they'd would combine both peripherals wrappers?
L347[08:58:50] <Sangar> e.g. if something is an energy provider and an IInventory at the same time the component callbacks from both those drivers will be available.
L348[08:59:01] <Shirkit> cool, really cool
L349[09:00:12] <Shirkit> I was writing the CC integration through the use of IPeripheralHandler so I don't need to put CC code on my classes, I guess it's the best solution
L350[09:03:41] <Sangar> whether cc's IPeripheralHandlers are merged automatically i can't say (openperipherals does this manually, as far as i'm aware, so i'm guessing no)
L351[09:04:34] <Shirkit> oh
L352[09:06:00] <Sangar> you could just use openperipherals api, if you're ok with that dependency, thoigh
L353[09:06:02] <Sangar> *though
L354[09:06:13] <asie> i use OpenPeripheral and OpenComputers APIs in my mod
L355[09:06:36] <MrHohenheim> hi
L356[09:06:43] ⇨ Joins: Din (~DinFer@
L357[09:06:44] <Kenny> hey MrHohenheim
L358[09:06:52] <Kenny> wb DangISP
L359[09:06:58] <MrHohenheim> Sangar, you told me you fixed the tci hammer problem and i not found the new version
L360[09:07:00] <MrHohenheim> hey Kenny
L361[09:07:06] <MrHohenheim> tic hammer
L362[09:07:21] <MrHohenheim> or you do the dev build?
L363[09:07:29] <Sangar> yeah, it's only in the dev builds
L364[09:07:36] <Sangar> i'm planning to push a new release any day now
L365[09:07:45] <MrHohenheim> oke just ask you no rush
L366[09:07:47] <MrHohenheim> :)
L367[09:07:54] ⇦ Quits: CokaCola (~CokaCola@CPE-121-217-105-224.lnse2.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L368[09:08:11] ⇨ Joins: CokaCola (~CokaCola@CPE-121-217-111-242.lnse2.cht.bigpond.net.au)
L369[09:08:19] <MrHohenheim> stupid question incoming
L370[09:08:32] <MrHohenheim> if i use enderio transdimensional transreceiver
L371[09:08:42] <MrHohenheim> robot can put the items to this device?
L372[09:08:52] <EnderBot> ok, talking through my bot because the buffer playback on my main account makes Mibbit / chrome freeze my college pc up :/
L373[09:08:55] <MrHohenheim> or just chest or similar inventorys?
L374[09:09:19] <Sangar> depends how it's implemented
L375[09:09:25] <Kenny> hey Josh :)
L376[09:09:28] <EnderBot> hello
L377[09:09:33] <MrHohenheim> i test later is server up
L378[09:09:34] <Sangar> if it behaves like an inventory code wise (implements IInventory) it should work
L379[09:09:39] <MrHohenheim> nice
L380[09:09:55] <MrHohenheim> btw i see forum still dead :/
L381[09:10:28] <Sangar> oh right, domains. SpiritedDusty, Ir7_o what's the status? should I just point oc.cil.li to the new one?
L382[09:10:56] <EnderBot> hmm, what characters are allowed in irc nicks? so far '&' and '+' dont work :/
L383[09:10:57] <MrHohenheim> my friend have a good idea just idk how we can do, we have gravestone mod and deathcounter
L384[09:11:19] *** EnderBot is now known as EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder
L385[09:11:19] <MrHohenheim> if someone die robot place a gravestone or sign and wrote he name and die reason
L386[09:11:22] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> meh
L387[09:11:22] <Tahg> uh, _, letters, numbers, {}, [] I think
L388[09:11:25] <MrHohenheim> robot can watch the chat?
L389[09:11:31] <Michiyo> pretty sure the only symbols are _ | [] {}
L390[09:11:41] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> hmm ok
L391[09:11:44] <Tahg> be warned IRC is swedish tho
L392[09:11:44] <Michiyo> ^
L393[09:11:48] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> this'll do for now
L394[09:11:48] <Tahg> or some such thing
L395[09:12:05] <Tahg> so {} is just a different case from [] and they compare as the same char in nicks
L396[09:12:16] <Sangar> MrHohenheim: they can't, but someone could make an upgrade that can :P
L397[09:12:25] <MrHohenheim> hmm
L398[09:12:49] <MrHohenheim> funny idea :) robot scan the chat and make a sign for react if someone dies
L399[09:13:07] <MrHohenheim> or hmm need api or something robot can answer to chat react like irc bot
L400[09:13:27] <Shirkit> I'll try to go with straight CC if possible
L401[09:13:40] <Shirkit> then I'll take a look at the other super cool CC addons
L402[09:13:54] <Tahg> so...someone said I should write a parser, still not totally convinced
L403[09:14:05] <MrHohenheim> Sangar, the reason why i ask you becuse you the programmer not me :P
L404[09:14:09] <Tahg> is there a quick way to get a single char from a string?
L405[09:14:39] <Kenny> string.find
L406[09:15:35] <Sangar> MrHohenheim: yeah, well, but i think listening to chat can be incredibly powerful (basically infinite range free wlan) so it won't make it into the core, and i have enough other things to do ;) so maybe you'll find some other programmer that will give it a try :P
L407[09:15:45] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> hmm, can you do something like sockets in OC with the internet card?
L408[09:16:02] <Kenny> Josh, yeah
L409[09:16:03] <Michiyo> Can you not do it with raw TCP?
L410[09:16:19] <MrHohenheim> i just ask you this possible or not :Ö
L411[09:16:20] <MrHohenheim> :)
L412[09:16:21] * EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder has an idea for something to do at somepoint
L413[09:16:35] <Michiyo> I mean.. I can chat via telnet ATM.. just gotta remember to reply to server ping checks..
L414[09:16:37] <MrHohenheim> so ingame program need or external plugin
L415[09:16:46] <Sangar> MrHohenheim: it can be made possible ;)
L416[09:16:53] <MrHohenheim> oh neat
L417[09:17:03] <Sangar> but not in plain lua, so yeah
L418[09:17:08] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> Michiyo: just set up a while loop to reply
L419[09:17:14] <Michiyo> Exactly..
L420[09:17:20] <Sangar> EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder: yes, there's even a simple irc client as an example :P
L421[09:17:20] <MrHohenheim> hmm you missunderstand me i just asking i not want to you do
L422[09:17:23] <Tahg> string.find?
L423[09:17:34] <Michiyo> That's what I'm asking... with a Internet card, could you not connect ot a server in TCP?
L424[09:17:42] <Tahg> um...not sure that's *quite* what I want
L425[09:17:45] ⇨ Joins: BigRenegade (~bigrenega@108-233-229-21.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net)
L426[09:17:46] zsh sets mode: +o on BigRenegade
L427[09:18:03] <BigRenegade> JOsh, does this answer your question about sockets :)
L428[09:18:03] <Tahg> Michiyo, I don't think it supports stateful connections
L429[09:18:07] <MrHohenheim> so everything is possible just need to know how :D
L430[09:18:19] <Sangar> MrHohenheim: pretty much, yes :D
L431[09:18:26] <MrHohenheim> oke thx :)
L432[09:18:32] <Tahg> (but I could be wrong, does it Sangar?)
L433[09:18:33] <Michiyo> Ahh, so you can do it.. lol
L434[09:18:37] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> Tahg: if you know exactly where the char is in the string, you can do string.sub( x, x ) where x is the char position
L435[09:18:47] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> BigRenegade: cool
L436[09:18:55] <Tahg> well, I want to get the first char, and then the second, third etc, so yes
L437[09:18:56] <Sangar> internet cards do support tcp sockets, yes, but they'll be reset when the computer gets unloaded because there's no way of restoring their state.
L438[09:19:01] <Tahg> I know where I am in th string
L439[09:19:04] <Sangar> s/reset/closed/
L440[09:19:07] <BigRenegade> This Kenny from ingame, Josh
L441[09:19:13] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> cool
L442[09:19:16] <Michiyo> still.. neat I know what I'M doing when I get a chance...
L443[09:19:20] <Tahg> well, that's fair?
L444[09:19:36] <Tahg> the remote connection would probably timeout anyway
L445[09:19:42] <Michiyo> Chunk loader + OC computer ftw..
L446[09:19:50] <Kenny> LOL
L447[09:20:12] <Michiyo> AFK
L448[09:20:16] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> the current version of EnderBot actually replies via raw socket sends, though the new version i'm working on will work on top of an irc library
L449[09:20:18] <Michiyo> Also, YAY! I got my core mod loaded :D
L450[09:20:32] <Kenny> cool!
L451[09:20:46] * Kenny tosses Michiyo in the air hehe
L452[09:21:06] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> then again my bot is in python so it may not work exactly the same in lua but meh
L453[09:21:14] <MrHohenheim> um kenny you know how works oauth2?:)
L454[09:21:43] <Kenny> MrHohenheim, i'm sorry i don't have any idea :(
L455[09:22:11] <Kenny> let me work with it a bit and i can probably figure it out
L456[09:22:15] <MrHohenheim> i learning at http://www.codecademy.com/
L457[09:22:40] <MrHohenheim> and ouath2 98% and i stucked the last 2 lesson :D
L458[09:22:59] <MrHohenheim> i suggesting lua lang here
L459[09:23:17] <Kenny> hopefully they will add it :)
L460[09:23:37] <MrHohenheim> yeah and good for me to study
L461[09:24:08] <Kenny> i learned by stripping and raping edit.lua :)
L462[09:24:29] <Michiyo> Yeah, seems the manafest.mf needs a blank line on the end.. :D
L463[09:24:53] <Sangar> Kenny: you manage to make that sound dirtier each time you bring it up :P
L464[09:25:07] <BigRenegade> time to get back to polishing up the Component Viewer
L465[09:25:11] ⇦ Quits: BigRenegade (~bigrenega@108-233-229-21.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: BigRenegade)
L466[09:25:19] <MrHohenheim> :)
L467[09:25:26] <Kenny> lol
L468[09:25:37] <Kenny> well, i did hehe
L469[09:25:43] <Shirkit> what else besides Map, Integer, String, Boolean, Float and Double I can return on a method call from CC?
L470[09:26:07] <Tahg> well, this isn't the cc room...but
L471[09:26:24] <Tahg> actually, that might be it
L472[09:26:33] <Sangar> byte and char probably
L473[09:26:50] <Sangar> possibly arrays of the above
L474[09:26:51] <Tahg> if not, easy to make a string from them
L475[09:27:15] <Shirkit> I wanted to create a triple tuple
L476[09:27:16] <Shirkit> =
L477[09:27:17] <Shirkit> =\
L478[09:27:25] <Tahg> oh
L479[09:27:39] <Tahg> wait in what way?
L480[09:27:50] <Tahg> you want something like a,b,c = function?
L481[09:28:29] <Tahg> you've covered all the types Lua has, with the exception of nil I think
L482[09:28:34] <Shirkit> no, I have 3 informations that I wanted to return: the item name, the item id, and an integer
L483[09:28:54] <Shirkit> I guess I can return two tables, with item ids as entries that least to the name and the other integers
L484[09:29:01] <Tahg> so just new Object[]{name, id, int} I think
L485[09:29:08] <Shirkit> that leads*
L486[09:29:36] <Tahg> that'd be 3 different variables on the lua side, but you can do whatever with it from there
L487[09:29:38] <Shirkit> oh that may work if I create an array of those
L488[09:30:07] <Sangar> the main object array you return is the tuple returned from the function, yes, it's the same in oc
L489[09:30:09] <Tahg> I'm not sure how you make a numerical table tho
L490[09:30:47] <Tahg> like if you wanted {tuple, tuple2, tuple3} in lua
L491[09:31:10] <Tahg> don't remember what Java Object represents thta
L492[09:31:18] <Sangar> there is no such thing as {tuple, tuple}
L493[09:31:32] <Shirkit> yep didn't worked
L494[09:31:50] <Shirkit> I tried returning new Object[] { new Object[] {info1, info2, info3} }
L495[09:32:03] <Tahg> Sangar, well, effectively a table of tables
L496[09:32:12] <Tahg> orso...maybe not
L497[09:32:16] <Sangar> well, yes, that does exist :P
L498[09:32:32] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> what do you think is easier to learn, Scala or Java?
L499[09:32:32] <Tahg> I'm not quite sure exactly what I was thinking
L500[09:32:47] <Sangar> but to be clear, if you have function f() return 1,2,3 end function g() return 4, 5, 6 end print(f(), g()) it will print 1, 4
L501[09:32:58] <Sangar> er, 1, 4, 5, 6
L502[09:33:12] <Sangar> so you can't "concatenate" tuples like that
L503[09:34:10] <Tahg> mhm
L504[09:34:13] <Sangar> if you don't mind that there is some code floating around that you won't understand until much later, scala is really easy.
L505[09:34:39] <Shirkit> too bad it didn't work that way
L506[09:34:41] <Sangar> you'd have to pack the tuples into tables, concatenate those and unpack them again
L507[09:35:10] <Shirkit> it doesn't accept an Object[] as a valid thing to return
L508[09:35:18] *** Din is now known as |Din|{Studying}\
L509[09:35:24] <Shirkit> inside the already existing Object[]
L510[09:35:31] <Sangar> make it a map with numeric keys, perhaps?
L511[09:35:43] <Shirkit> yeah, two tables would do the trick
L512[09:36:01] <Shirkit> pretty lame though
L513[09:36:03] <Shirkit> let me try harder
L514[09:36:49] <MrHohenheim> i found this book what you think this good for newbies? http://www.pluralsight.com/training/Courses/Description/beginning-lua
L515[09:40:00] <Sangar> well it covers metatables, which is more than a couple of other 'books for beginners' if seen, so that's a good sign i think. the only book i did (partially) read on lua was PiL, though, and i found that it covered everything i needed. ymmv.
L516[09:41:11] <MrHohenheim> :) ok thx
L517[09:41:17] <MrHohenheim> not easy to find good books
L518[09:41:28] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> i never really read any books on lua, just started by tinkering around with CC (MC 1.2.5 at the time) and have just picked it up
L519[09:41:29] <MrHohenheim> still no hungarian translated books or very very expensive
L520[09:42:41] <Shirkit> I guess I can't just return an array?
L521[09:42:42] <Shirkit> only a map?
L522[09:44:59] <Sangar> you return one object array, which is the tuple of results. what you can have in that i don't know for cc, for oc it can be primitive types (null,byte-long,float,double,string) arrays and maps
L523[09:45:27] <Shirkit> can't return arrays, only maps
L524[09:45:28] <Shirkit> weird
L525[09:45:35] <Shirkit> besides the main array
L526[09:46:59] <Shirkit> well, thanks a lot for the help sangar and the other guys =]
L527[09:47:20] <Shirkit> at least I got this sorted out in the basics ^^
L528[10:01:13] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@cpe-46-164-10-14.dynamic.amis.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L529[10:01:18] <Tahg> hmm
L530[10:01:27] <Tahg> I think I might need to wrap the gpu component
L531[10:03:09] <Tahg> want to provide masking to an area
L532[10:08:18] <Kenny> ok, updated Component Viewer. added in a few things lioke a title bar and a help line at the bottom
L533[10:08:37] <Kenny> https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs/tree/master
L534[10:10:33] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@cpe-46-164-10-14.dynamic.amis.net)
L535[10:14:17] <asie> MrHohenheim: I am already adding chat boxes to OpenComputers
L536[10:14:28] <asie> they will be balanced by only working at a limited distance
L537[10:14:36] <MrHohenheim> wow good
L538[10:14:41] <asie> see MiscPeripherals chat boxes
L539[10:14:49] <asie> same for MiscP iron note blocks,they are also making it in
L540[10:15:01] <MrHohenheim> can you explain what you mean the limits 64 block or more need open sky etc
L541[10:15:07] <asie> MrHohenheim: distance
L542[10:15:13] <asie> distance from player, configurable in config
L543[10:15:16] <asie> anyway, AFK
L544[10:15:19] <MrHohenheim> oke
L545[10:15:21] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L546[10:15:46] <MrHohenheim> nice so we need update miscP later
L547[10:16:06] <MrHohenheim> damit update and update and how can i play if something always updated :D
L548[10:29:34] <Kenny> and i'm taking a little break. been coding all morning. got the Viewer looking what i think is decent. have some more i want to do later to make the code more concise
L549[10:29:46] <Kenny> also do some documentation in the code
L550[10:30:09] <Kenny> but for now a break to go run some cops off the road and see if i can beat my record
L551[10:34:26] <MrHohenheim> :)
L552[10:44:24] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> what current ways are there for OC to send data to other computers in the world and what are their limitations?
L553[10:48:29] <Vexatos> Wow, kenny, that code looks pretty decent
L554[10:49:28] <Vexatos> Well, EnderSomethingJoshBot, limitation==0, push stuff to a github repo and pull from it from another Computer-->infinite range
L555[10:50:43] <EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder> i mean in-game stuff, i.e. without using the internet card
L556[10:52:04] *** EnderBotAndJoshTheEnder is now known as EnderBot
L557[10:52:12] <EnderBot> time to go home :)
L558[10:52:18] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L559[11:13:24] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
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L561[11:15:51] ⇨ Joins: KFAFSP (webchat@p4FF1D873.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L562[11:16:09] <KFAFSP> Hello! It's me again.
L563[11:16:51] <KFAFSP> Can anyone tell me if it is possible to pass a Lua-Table as the result of a @Callback component method from Java?
L564[11:17:56] ⇨ Joins: Sorroko (~Sorroko@
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L570[11:50:34] <Sangar> KFAFSP: yes, return a map
L571[11:54:37] <Kenny> 71 mins 153 cops hehe
L572[12:01:33] <Sangar> JoshTheEnder: what current ways are there for OC to send data to other computers <- redstone signals, given a redstone card, if that counts, network cards for computers connected some way (including in different subnetworks connected by the router block), limitation to those being that the connecting chunks have to be loaded. wireless network cards, with the limitation that their range is limited and the further you send a message the more ener
L573[12:03:25] ⇦ Quits: Shirkit (~Shirkit@200-199-158-8.user.veloxzone.com.br) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
L574[12:10:31] <JoshTheEnder> the more ener? guessing the message got cut off?
L575[12:11:41] <Sangar> you can set the signal strength in the wireless card. if you send it with 10 strengths it'll only go 10 blocks far (with no obstructions), default max range is 400. increasing the signal strength increases the energy cost per sent message.
L576[12:11:56] <JoshTheEnder> ok
L577[12:12:01] <Sangar> 10 strengths. wow me.
L578[12:12:16] <JoshTheEnder> thanks for the info :)
L579[12:12:21] <Sangar> sure :)
L580[12:13:50] <Kenny> newest CopmViewer: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs/tree/master
L581[12:18:07] ⇨ Joins: |Din|{Studying}\ (~DinFer@
L582[12:23:55] <KFAFSP> Sangar: Thanks. I had already figured it out by looking at the code for the network api... But thanks anyways! BTW: As you might notice, I have managed to set up FML now. I really like the Environments abstraction layer of OC!
L583[12:26:08] <Sangar> happy to hear it :)
L584[12:27:43] <Kenny> i think you'll like that when you finally get a chance to check it out :)
L585[12:39:15] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
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L588[12:57:57] ⇨ Joins: Kodos (~Kodos@108-226-6-195.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net)
L589[13:00:08] * Kodos flails his arms wildy
L590[13:00:12] <Kodos> wildly*
L591[13:00:28] <Kodos> It's too early for me to be awake
L592[13:00:30] <Kodos> It's not even dark out yet
L593[13:00:36] <JoshTheEnder> Kodos, lol
L594[13:04:09] <Sangar> Kenny: nice! do you have plans to display the docstring of the components' methods? also, maybe don't show the type and address entries in the list? they're on every component, after all.
L595[13:04:18] ⇦ Quits: |Din| (~DinFer@ (Quit: Leaving)
L596[13:05:21] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~Kevin@c-71-238-153-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L597[13:06:24] <Kodos> So, I'll say the same thing I did yesterday when I woke up, and I'll only say it once today like I did yesterday
L598[13:06:31] <Sangar> but other than that (and the fact that i actually need a t3 screen because there's not enough screen space otherwise ^^) really nice!
L599[13:06:38] <Kodos> Any word on forum progress?
L600[13:08:32] <^v> le dustbin made a temp one
L601[13:08:55] <Kodos> I just would like somewhere I could go to see what others have made, and get an idea of wtf I'm doing
L602[13:09:00] <Sangar> SpiritedDusty, are you there? should I just point oc.cil.li to the new forums?
L603[13:09:47] <^v> Sangar, that might mess up cookies
L604[13:09:56] <^v> better to make a different subdomain
L605[13:10:32] <Sangar> well if it will become the permanent one we'll have to do that eventually anyway
L606[13:10:47] <^v> yeah :/
L607[13:12:45] <Sangar> oh asie, question: i tried to get im working, added the marker field and two methods to the cable te. it does *something*, but the covers don't render (nor are they clickable/breakable). any ideas?
L608[13:13:04] <asie> Sangar: You can place microblocks on the cables but they don't render.
L609[13:13:09] <Sangar> yes
L610[13:13:10] <asie> That would usually mean a rendering bug, report to immibis
L611[13:13:20] <asie> I will try to get him in touch with you
L612[13:13:31] <asie> Mekanism 5.7.0 suffers from an even weirder bug
L613[13:13:35] <Sangar> is there a chance it might behave differently in non-dev mode? i was too lazy to test that, yet.
L614[13:13:41] <asie> Tiny.
L615[13:15:47] <Sangar> if i understand it correctly i should be able to test that just by adding a config value if i don't care for correct connectivity of the cables, right?
L616[13:19:02] <Kenny> Kodos: you can find programs here: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/
L617[13:20:07] <Kodos> I totally forgot I updated to the latest dev build last night, and have the hologram viewer now :3
L618[13:20:16] <Kodos> Thanks Kenny =)
L619[13:20:21] <Kenny> Sangar: i think he wanted you to add a subdomain OpenComputers somewhere
L620[13:21:44] <Kenny> <@SpiritedDusty> hey Sangar, can you add a subdomain named opencomputers.cil.li? since Ir_7_o is using oc.cil.li I can't make it use that domain
L621[13:21:46] <Sangar> asie: same in non-dev. well, i have to rewrite the cable rendering anyway (still uses a te renderer cuz i was lazy), maybe that'll fix it, too
L622[13:22:07] <Kenny> he asked right before you went to bed
L623[13:22:20] <Sangar> Kenny, yeah, I would just like to know if this is a temporary thing or not. because if it's not i'd like it to use oc.cil.il.
L624[13:22:27] <Sangar> also, which ip to point it to :P
L625[13:23:39] <Kenny> i think he wnated you to make the subdomain and he was going to point that one of his at it
L626[13:24:44] <Sangar> soooo what he linked was super-temporary and it should actually run on my server or what now?
L627[13:25:23] <Kenny> not sure. he didn'[t go into it any further after you went to bed
L628[13:27:22] <Kenny> oh, you want to smack me in the head now aND GET IT OVER WITH HEHE
L629[13:27:27] <Kenny> oops
L630[13:27:47] <Kenny> i found out why i wasn't see Big Reactors yesterday......
L631[13:28:10] <Kenny> and like Kodos said, it was something really dumb
L632[13:28:24] <Kenny> i didn't have CC in the mods folder
L633[13:28:41] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-173-78-213-151.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L634[13:28:48] <Sangar> ah. so bigreactors stripped out it's cc interfaces because of that probably :P
L635[13:29:04] <Kenny> nope, remember we have to have CC installed?
L636[13:29:12] <Kenny> i didn't have CC installed
L637[13:29:53] <Kenny> without CC i can't access BR
L638[13:29:54] <Sangar> yeah well, that's what i mean. if bigreactor marks the interfaces as 'optional' they get removed if cc isn't there. in which case opencomponents won't know it should try to wrap them as cc peripherals :P
L639[13:30:47] <Kenny> ok. now i understand and that's what it is. but BigReactors is open source so i/m going to see if i can sedt gradle up and work on it
L640[13:31:16] <Kenny> i've alrady forked it so i can make changes and the do pull requests
L641[13:32:05] <asie> Sangar: also, yes
L642[13:32:09] <Sangar> hmm, well it's not using fml's @Optional annotation, so i'm not sure what's going on.
L643[13:32:10] <asie> tileEntityClass: +[TE class]
L644[13:32:13] <asie> and blockClass: +[TE class] too
L645[13:32:15] <Kenny> just have to figure out how to use gradle
L646[13:34:48] <Sangar> asie: well, happens in non-dev, too. also, doesn't seem like its te renderer, either.
L647[13:35:20] <asie> how do you know it's not the renderer?
L648[13:35:28] <Sangar> i disabled it
L649[13:35:33] <asie> it could be immibis's renderer not thinking of a special case
L650[13:36:14] <Sangar> well, it is pretty special, admittedly. it's a sub-block of a block that has a custom block renderer (that just forwards to normal rendering for the subblocks that don't need special handling)
L651[13:36:34] <asie> yeah, as i said, immibis is hacking into things to add microblock support
L652[13:36:40] <asie> this is one of the parts when the hacking goes wrong
L653[13:36:52] <asie> it works on everything i've tested it with except Mekanism and OC
L654[13:38:01] <Sangar> heh. lucky me. is there a tutorial or mini-readme somewhere what would have to be done when adding support manually? i.e. not via the transformer. that might give some clues as to from where i would have to call his rendering hooks.
L655[13:39:14] <asie> there is no documentation, because the non-transformer support requires Immibis' Core
L656[13:39:18] <asie> and immibis knew nobody would depend on that
L657[13:39:23] <asie> (now, if only the FMP devs had this attitude...)
L658[13:39:49] <Sangar> ah, i see.
L659[13:40:44] <Sangar> heh. yeah well. since fmp requires you to pretty much rewrite the blocks anyway, plus some transformer logic, it's not that hard to keep it a soft dependency, luckily. at least in my case.
L660[13:41:14] <asie> it appears all Blocks get most functions added from BlockMultipartBase
L661[13:42:34] <asie> it appears I found the magic code he uses to add Immibis' Microblocks support to FMP blocks
L662[13:42:36] <asie> it's... big
L663[13:43:36] <asie> okay, first thing first
L664[13:43:43] <asie> Immibis' Microblocks overrides getRendetType() to its own
L665[13:44:06] <asie> which uses your old render type
L666[13:44:10] <asie> and then appends microblocks on top
L667[13:44:17] <asie> I /think/, at least
L668[13:44:39] <Sangar> would make sense
L669[13:44:48] <asie> okay! I found all the overwritten code
L670[13:44:53] <asie> it's convienently in a class called BlockMultipartBase
L671[13:45:50] <asie> now, immibis's code is rather complicated, so i'm not 100% sure if this is the method
L672[13:45:52] <asie> but it should be it
L673[13:45:52] <asie> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7034748/
L674[13:46:28] <Sangar> oh, in the api. for some reason i ignored that.
L675[13:46:34] <asie> me too
L676[13:46:36] <asie> took me a while to find it
L677[13:47:54] <Sangar> i'll slap the transformer magic into the actual block of the te, let's see what happens then.
L678[13:48:09] <asie> it might do something special
L679[13:48:56] <Sangar> i'm afraid it'll make *all* blocks coverable :P
L680[13:49:12] <Sangar> we'll see
L681[13:49:35] <asie> yes, a notable bug is that immibis did not expect metadata
L682[13:49:41] <asie> but the complexity related to adding metadata support is a bit... big
L683[13:50:00] <Sangar> well damn, looks like it actually works
L684[13:50:53] <Sangar> i was just too stupid to realize the block would need the marker, too. would have been nice if it checked at runtime it the te's block had it, but hey.
L685[13:53:41] <Sangar> now to make the logic respect sides being covered
L686[13:53:52] ⇨ Joins: Wolf480pl (~Wolf480pl@contex.me)
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L688[13:55:18] <KFAFSP> I don't want to interrupt the developement process, but I have to ask: is @Callback(doc = ...) already accessible via the game? Have I missed an update? Because if it's not, I'll be sure to add doc functions to my components.
L689[13:55:44] <Sangar> it is available
L690[13:55:55] <KFAFSP> Oh!
L691[13:56:04] <Sangar> either via component.doc(address, method) or by tostringing the method (tostring(component.screen.isOn) for example)
L692[13:56:35] <KFAFSP> Wow. That is handy. Does that imply that the proxy has a metatable handler for __tostring(...)?
L693[13:58:05] <Sangar> the methods actually are tables with a __call and __tostring entry in their metatable, yes
L694[13:59:22] <KFAFSP> ...So I'll have to watch out for that. I implemented an OOP Library for CC back then. But now with environments gone I have to works some metatable black-magic (including string.dump() and loadstring()).
L695[13:59:55] <KFAFSP> Overwriting setmetatable and getmetatable I mean.
L696[14:00:12] * Kodos stares blankly at the chat, slightly drooling.
L697[14:00:18] <KFAFSP> Well. I'll leave you for now. But thanks for the helpful information!
L698[14:00:22] <KFAFSP> Kodos: What?
L699[14:00:28] <Kodos> Nothing, all that is just over my head
L700[14:00:41] <Sangar> just so you're warned: load(string.dump()) won't work by default
L701[14:00:49] <KFAFSP> I know.
L702[14:00:55] <KFAFSP> ByteCode is disabled by default.
L703[14:00:58] <Sangar> ok, just wanted to make sure :)
L704[14:01:04] <KFAFSP> Thanks! :D
L705[14:01:55] <KFAFSP> Kodos : it's just words. The programming is usually a lot more intuitive. But you know programmers: fancy names make their world (see IPv6...)
L706[14:02:17] <Sangar> aaand we have immibis microblocks support
L707[14:03:06] <KFAFSP> Wohoo!
L708[14:04:10] ⇨ Joins: ShadowKatStudios (webchat@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L709[14:04:24] <ShadowKatStudios> Morning o/ *rubs eyes*
L710[14:04:35] <Sangar> evening! :D
L711[14:04:48] <Vexatos> Night!
L712[14:04:50] <Kenny> morning, where have you been, it's almost evening :P
L713[14:04:53] <Vexatos> (Sangar, it is night)
L714[14:05:06] <Sangar> Vexatos: screw you :P
L715[14:05:14] <Vexatos> Well
L716[14:05:16] <Vexatos> 5 past 9
L717[14:05:22] <Vexatos> Definitely night
L718[14:05:22] <Kenny> Vexatos: it is still at point considered evening :P
L719[14:05:28] <KFAFSP> Too bad the IRC doesn't show the timezone offsets...
L720[14:05:30] <Vexatos> Time to go to bed
L721[14:05:32] <Vexatos> :D
L722[14:05:41] <Sangar> night starts at 10 for me :P
L723[14:05:42] <Kenny> good night, Vexatos
L724[14:05:50] <Sangar> gute nacht ;)
L725[14:06:07] * ShadowKatStudios wonders about writing a bot that tells timezones when a person logs in
L727[14:06:30] <Kenny> damn it
L728[14:06:47] <Kenny> i have to figure a way to stop doing that hehe
L729[14:06:49] <Vexatos> That capslock
L730[14:06:50] <Sangar> simple curiosity: how do you not notice caps until you're done typing? :X
L731[14:06:56] <Vexatos> THAT CAPSLOCK
L732[14:07:02] <Kenny> becaue i look at the kb when typing
L733[14:07:16] <Vexatos> ^ Like a pro
L734[14:07:18] <Sangar> ah
L735[14:07:33] <Sangar> me and my assumptions
L736[14:07:36] *** Michiyo is now known as Michiyo[Off]
L737[14:07:37] <ShadowKatStudios> Issue with using a school laptop: They can check my internet history, so I can't go piratiing
L738[14:07:44] <Kenny> left hand was messed up years ago and i have to watch the kb, but it doesn't help a bit lol
L739[14:07:50] <Sangar> say it's for 'research'
L740[14:08:31] <Kenny> whenever i go to hit the a or shift keys i catch the caps lock key with my finger hehe
L741[14:08:35] <ShadowKatStudios> Could work, but it depends on what it is
L742[14:08:37] <KFAFSP> Pirate some documentary first. You dont have to watch it :D
L743[14:09:03] * Kenny looks up and whitsles.....
L744[14:09:19] * Kenny is one BIG pirate hehe
L745[14:09:28] <KFAFSP> A technical question: How can I get the ClassLoader for the Forge (cpw.*) package from the mod?
L746[14:09:46] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm doing an english assignment about austrralian poetry, I could download The Man from Snowwy River
L747[14:09:59] <ShadowKatStudios> I hate the poem, but it'd look good in my hsitory
L748[14:10:20] <ShadowKatStudios> (Or I could use a private window in firefox, cause I'm not slow)
L749[14:11:05] <ShadowKatStudios> They tried to block downloading Firefox at school
L750[14:12:31] <Sangar> KFAFSP: pick a class from the package and ask it for its class loader?
L751[14:12:32] <ShadowKatStudios> Name suggestion for v1.2.1: Eric, cause I have a friend that moved to silicon valley named eric
L752[14:12:48] <KFAFSP> Yeah!
L753[14:13:07] <KFAFSP> Sangar: The most obvoius idea... Damn! I am not made for java at all.
L754[14:13:18] <Sangar> a) patches don't get names b) Elaine is the much more obvious pick
L755[14:13:32] <Sangar> heh
L756[14:13:50] <ShadowKatStudios> Why do v1.2 and v2 have names then? Releases rather than patches?
L757[14:14:20] <ShadowKatStudios> (Cause v1.2.1 is on the realeases page, making it a release?)
L758[14:14:22] <Sangar> well, admittedly the 1.7 port is somewhat borderline.
L759[14:15:11] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L760[14:15:14] <Kenny> a spin on SKS's name: Erika
L761[14:15:37] <Sangar> the versioning in general is somewhat dumb in hindsight. since they're feature identical. but i didn't expect that when i started. since everyone was like 'omg the changes are monstrous you can't dev 1.6 and 1.7 in parallel!!!!!111'
L762[14:15:57] <KFAFSP> !!!!eleven111!
L763[14:16:23] <Sangar> is there an Erika in monkey island?
L764[14:16:38] <Kenny> no clue. never played it hehe
L765[14:16:52] <Kenny> it just sounded good :)
L766[14:16:59] <Sangar> shame on you!
L767[14:17:30] <Sangar> monkey island was (is, actually) brilliant. anyway, the protagonists gf is named Elaine, so she wins :P
L768[14:17:42] <Kenny> Sangar, we've been through this. I don't really play minecraft, i just mess with mods hehe
L769[14:18:00] <Sangar> just stating facts :P
L770[14:18:07] * ShadowKatStudios might be the only dev that, should he decide to name releases of anything, would name them after his friends
L771[14:18:22] <Sangar> i don't have enough friends for that
L772[14:18:54] <Kenny> i play NFS, Fallout, and Saints Row mainly hehe
L773[14:19:10] <ShadowKatStudios> A: Aurellia, E: Emma H: Harry, J: Jasper K: Kali, S: Seth etc.
L774[14:19:23] <Kenny> but since OC i've dome more in MC than i have for a long time
L775[14:19:54] <Sangar> those are some pretty unusual names, at least where i live (cool names, tho!)
L776[14:20:19] * ShadowKatStudios misses his priate copy of Beta v1.3_01, I did a lot back then
L777[14:20:56] <Kenny> i could cover the whol;e alphabet with the girls i know or have known hehe
L778[14:20:56] <ShadowKatStudios> Hmm, these laptops might not be that good, Minecraft crashes the video driver
L779[14:21:06] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L780[14:21:31] <ShadowKatStudios> (Considering it's the Windows 8 video driver on Windows 7 though...)
L781[14:21:35] <Sangar> minecraft needs a software renderer :P i remember half life had one.
L782[14:21:45] *** Michiyo[Off] is now known as Michiyo
L783[14:21:56] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L784[14:21:57] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L785[14:22:04] <Kenny> Wobbo!
L786[14:22:15] <Wobbo> Hi Kenny
L787[14:22:27] <Kodos> Everytime someone shouts Wobbo!, I can't hear anything but Dabo! in my head
L788[14:23:27] <Sangar> *awkward silence*
L789[14:23:32] <Wobbo> And people shouting Wobbo happens about once per day :P
L790[14:23:33] <KFAFSP> Dabo... I remember that from somewhere. Anyways: The class loader thing isn't working / not doing what I expect it to be.
L791[14:23:38] <Kenny> Wobbo, got the Component Viewer done. it's on OpenPrograms
L792[14:23:57] <Wobbo> KFAKSP: COLua class loader?
L793[14:24:09] <KFAFSP> Nope. Java ClassLoader.
L794[14:24:26] <KFAFSP> I want to know which mods are in the minecraft instance classpath.
L795[14:24:27] <Wobbo> Ah, not my problem then :P
L796[14:24:43] * Wobbo hasn't touched Java in over half a year :P
L797[14:24:45] <ShadowKatStudios> Fighting monsters using a wood sword on a laptop with no proper mouse is hard
L798[14:25:06] <KFAFSP> I thought I'd just get all folders and files inside the classpath and check their packages via Class.fromName()
L799[14:25:11] <Kenny> have your cat catch you a mouse to use hehe
L800[14:25:29] <Wobbo> Kenny: is the Component viewer like an interactive viewer of the connect components or can you also send messages using it?
L801[14:25:30] <KFAFSP> But it's intelligent enough as to provide me only acces to my own .jar file.
L802[14:25:36] <ShadowKatStudios> There's a mouse on my desk, except that's accross the room, and it's cold
L803[14:25:42] <Kenny> just a viewer
L804[14:25:57] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3CB97E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L805[14:26:03] <KFAFSP> Kenny: Is it on openPrograms?
L806[14:26:08] <Kenny> yep
L807[14:26:12] <Wobbo> So it is like a gui for component?
L808[14:26:16] <KFAFSP> Ill look at it then.
L809[14:26:42] <Kenny> it gives you the list of components, and then you can look at what functions you can use
L810[14:27:03] <Wobbo> Ah,
L811[14:27:05] <Kenny> what functions it has available
L812[14:27:24] <KFAFSP> I hope it uses frame chars to display its window : D
L813[14:27:31] <Wobbo> That sounds useful when you are trying to work with components
L814[14:27:47] <Wobbo> Also, Sangar, about besh, localise your variables :P
L815[14:27:52] <Kenny> regretfully i haven't got it working for tier 1 monitors yet as the component list can sometimes be long
L816[14:28:20] <Wobbo> Kenny, allow scrolling with the arrow keys should fix that right?
L817[14:28:31] <Sangar> did i miss some?
L818[14:28:36] <Kenny> it does have scrolling with arrow keys
L819[14:29:10] * Wobbo might have forgot to localise his functions from debugging before commiting
L820[14:29:19] <Kenny> but i made it intuitive to monitor size and it wants to be some what stupid right now hehe
L821[14:30:41] <Kenny> i have to do some more work on the code to adjust for scrolling the list up if the list is larger than the screen size
L822[14:30:56] <Kenny> will get to that a little later
L823[14:31:39] <Kenny> i kind of fancied it too hehe
L824[14:32:53] <ShadowKatStudios> I think I broke the terrain generator, all the oceans are frozen
L825[14:33:00] <Wobbo> XD
L826[14:33:49] <Wobbo> Sangar: without kidding, I tested using docile, so I just dumped everything into _ENV, but I forgot to change that before committing yesterday.
L827[14:33:58] <Wobbo> At least I removed the prints this time!
L828[14:34:03] <ShadowKatStudios> Should I be worried if I see a bunch of Dimensional Doors rifts if they're moving?
L829[14:34:37] <Sangar> haha, at least that :D
L830[14:35:55] <KFAFSP> Sangar: Just because I read it on the GitHub page, why do you hate hungarian notation? I dont want to accuse you of anything, just being curious.
L831[14:36:38] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Does the 1.6.4 version have all of the latest features?
L832[14:36:50] <Wobbo> A friend of mine once said: At least we didn't forgot the semicolon during a discussion of our code during a course on OOP. After which one of the teachers responded: No, that would have been s syntax error :P
L833[14:36:53] <Symmetryc> Sangar: Or is it discontinued?
L834[14:37:04] <Sangar> hate is a little too strong, but i dislike it because it looks ugly and usually doesn't really add to understandability, at least not by much. i think it's much more sensible to name variables appropriately.
L835[14:37:30] <Sangar> 1.6 and 1.7 are feature identical where possible. if anything 1.7 has less features (e.g. no fmp on 1.7)
L836[14:37:41] <KFAFSP> I just think it is very useful in lua, since you have dynamic typing. So you at least know what is expected to go in the variable.
L837[14:37:54] <Sangar> i'll continue to dev 1.6 as the 'main' branch for quite a while longer
L838[14:38:38] <Sangar> well, yes, but if the variable has an intuitive name you'll know that, too, and if your scope gets so big that you lose track of your variables its time to refactor anyway
L839[14:40:13] <Wobbo> Sangar: Also, what does the machine block do?
L840[14:40:31] <KFAFSP> ... and that is the point at which I decided that an OOP lib was necessary.
L841[14:40:45] * ShadowKatStudios writes code by giving himself a set of registers
L842[14:40:52] <Sangar> machine block?
L843[14:41:01] <ShadowKatStudios> I think 6502 assembly has rubbed off on me
L844[14:41:10] <Wobbo> KFAFSP: shameless plug: https://github.com/Wobbo/COLua
L845[14:41:29] <Wobbo> I read something about a machine.scala in the commits, assumed it was a new block type or something :P
L846[14:41:50] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L847[14:42:34] <ShadowKatStudios> Oh cool, classes
L848[14:42:45] <ShadowKatStudios> I played with classes while using Python
L849[14:43:04] <ShadowKatStudios> I'll have to have a play with this
L850[14:43:08] <^v> do not want python
L851[14:43:24] <Wobbo> SKS: sure do, and report problems/issues back to me
L852[14:43:54] <ShadowKatStudios> It should make writing a timesharing system easier
L853[14:44:00] <Sangar> Wobbo: ah that, it's part of the java api. moving a few more things to the public api, to allow mods to create custom computers, e.g.
L854[14:44:17] * ShadowKatStudios wonders if BASIC would've been better if they had classes at dartmouth
L855[14:44:18] <Wobbo> Ah, on that bike
L856[14:44:52] <ShadowKatStudios> No pun intended
L857[14:46:14] <KFAFSP> Does COLua also have properties (encapsulation), RTTI and CallerTrace (protected/public/private (access) modifers)?
L858[14:46:24] <KFAFSP> Because mine does (did, in 5.1)
L859[14:46:53] <Wobbo> KFAFSP: no, it doesn't. But you can create your dolls within a do end block to use local functions
L860[14:47:10] <Wobbo> but private variables, no, I haven't found a way to do that in Lua 5.2 yte
L861[14:47:13] <Wobbo> *yet
L862[14:47:56] <KFAFSP> That is my problem aswell.
L863[14:48:28] <Wobbo> Then again, if you want OOP in Lua, you will probably respect the privacy of variables as well.
L864[14:48:31] <KFAFSP> Since I cant "inject" the caller trace into the object's function calls. I cant modify the function environment on __index() to match mine.
L865[14:48:40] ⇨ Joins: WaveCup (~WaveCup@s2.openpathway.org)
L866[14:48:52] <KFAFSP> The only workaround i found is load(string.dump(f),t)
L867[14:49:00] <Wobbo> KFASP: you could do something with proxies, but I wonder if it is really worth the hassle.
L868[14:50:34] <Wobbo> Sangar: is it also possible to simply get a UNIX teimstamp btw?
L869[14:50:38] <Wobbo> *timestamp
L870[14:50:54] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L871[14:51:16] <Sangar> realtime? not in the sandbox, no. os.time() will give you an ingame time timestamp, though.
L872[14:51:17] * ShadowKatStudios is working on a filesystem with timestamps and user permissions
L873[14:51:34] <Wobbo> in game timestamps our fine as well
L874[14:52:05] <ShadowKatStudios> I'm also gonna map variables to files
L875[14:52:08] <KFAFSP> My WorldSensor implements getWorldTime()
L876[14:52:14] <ShadowKatStudios> Wait, not variables
L877[14:52:16] <KFAFSP> But its only debug stuff
L878[14:52:19] <ShadowKatStudios> Interfaces blargh
L879[14:52:30] <ShadowKatStudios> Do we have any form of multitaking yet?
L880[14:53:08] <KFAFSP> CORoutines.
L881[14:53:15] <KFAFSP> You need to yield on sub-op.
L882[14:53:22] <Wobbo> ShadowKatStudios: there is a class loader in COLua to puts interfaces in files. I will upload the example.
L883[14:53:31] <KFAFSP> Uhh.
L884[14:53:33] <KFAFSP> Cool
L885[14:53:39] <ShadowKatStudios> This is what I do! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_computer
L886[14:53:52] <KFAFSP> :D
L887[14:54:15] <Symmetryc> Hmm, how would one terminate a program?
L888[14:54:18] <KFAFSP> Y U NO WORK : new (DriverItem child)(new ItemStack(...))
L889[14:54:28] <KFAFSP> coroutine.status = "dead"
L890[14:54:34] <KFAFSP> nope :D
L891[14:54:41] <KFAFSP> its read only...
L892[14:54:56] <KFAFSP> Yeah! The shell needs a terminate button poll!
L893[14:55:06] * ShadowKatStudios wonders about interpreted languages
L894[14:55:23] <Wobbo> The example for the class loader is online.
L895[14:56:40] <ShadowKatStudios> My current version of 'multitasking' is using return then going to the task that was executed the longest time ago
L896[14:58:10] <ShadowKatStudios> How hard would it be to put a P4 socket into a PCI card and put it into a backplane?
L897[14:58:31] <KFAFSP> I go to say, I do not like the constructor syntax. But its a valuable effort. the first oop i saw for 5.2 lua, and it has a lot of potential.
L898[14:58:51] <KFAFSP> I mainly did the OOP to implement VCL for CC. And it worked. But it was slow...
L899[14:58:54] <Wobbo> KFAFSP: what don't you like about it?
L900[14:59:09] <KFAFSP> Wobbo {_var = init}
L901[14:59:44] <KFAFSP> Oh.
L902[14:59:45] <Sangar> Symmetryc: Hmm, how would one terminate a program? <- as in started from the shell? ctrl+alt+c will interrupt event pulls (that includes os.sleep). if there's an infinite loop or the program doesn't want to be killed it won't have any effect, however.
L903[14:59:45] <KFAFSP> Wait.
L904[14:59:52] <Wobbo> You can also do local Foo = class{"Foo", extends= COLua.Object} function Foo:_static() end function Foo:instance() end
L905[15:00:02] <ShadowKatStudios> Okay, it's 7 AM, I should probably get up
L906[15:00:21] <KFAFSP> Woboo *facepalm*. Just too stupid. Doing too many things at once.
L907[15:00:23] <KFAFSP> I like it.
L908[15:00:37] <KFAFSP> There is literally nothing I wouldn't like right now.
L909[15:00:45] <Wobbo> :P
L910[15:01:05] *** ShadowKatStudios is now known as SKS|AFK|TLA
L911[15:01:20] <KFAFSP> I think I'll re-do my VCL in COLua. It is extensible enough to do it, i think. Its a shame all fields are going to be public, but hey.
L912[15:01:26] <KFAFSP> Forms are cool.
L913[15:01:48] <Wobbo> KFAFSP: you can also set all metamethods :P
L914[15:02:07] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L915[15:02:44] <Wobbo> But if you are going to build a project in it, give me a call when it is on github, I would like to follow it :)
L916[15:03:36] <KFAFSP> Wobbo : http://pastebin.com/E48waDXq
L917[15:03:49] <KFAFSP> For an example on how pre compiled VCL looked in my old project.
L918[15:04:07] <KFAFSP> Notice I let lua load everything and dont add new lang constructs. It was a speed issue.
L919[15:04:55] <KFAFSP> TTreeView was one of my greatest achievements. It works really fast even on ComputerCraft.
L920[15:05:04] <KFAFSP> It can be used to display FileTrees.
L921[15:05:21] <KFAFSP> In 3mins I could give you a screenshot if you are interested.
L922[15:06:00] <Wobbo> It won't hurt to have a look :P
L923[15:06:12] <KFAFSP> As you can probably see it is heavily influenced by Delphi VCL.
L924[15:07:05] <Wobbo> I don't know delphi and I have never developed on windows, so I probably won't notice :P
L925[15:07:06] <Sangar> i wonder when the first code minimizer will appear to work around out of memory issues :3
L926[15:07:39] <Wobbo> Sangar: evolutionary altoI guess sooner rather than later :P
L927[15:08:04] <Wobbo> evolutionary algorithms might help there, although I don't know how they work yet :P
L928[15:08:18] <KFAFSP> Sangar I already made an LZMA packer for CC to transfer between computers on rednet faster. It can't be that hard to compress whitespaces so lua still reads em! Just much refractoring
L929[15:08:20] <Sangar> hehe
L930[15:08:22] <Wobbo> I learned just today that there are programs that generate code that way :P
L931[15:09:44] <Sangar> self-mutating code is something i consider the blackest magic of all. totally amazing, but i couldn't do it.
L932[15:10:26] <Wobbo> One of my teachers had a whole course on it while he was studying, but he studied in Utrecht, so we don't have courses like that :(
L933[15:10:29] <KFAFSP> Wobbo I'll have to set up CC Emu real quick
L934[15:10:40] <Wobbo> At least not in the bachelor.
L935[15:11:38] <KFAFSP> Wobbo, Sangar : I had a course on that (very short, more inspirational) on self mutation here in Dresden. I might pay them a visit again when I have the time to do the whole program.
L936[15:12:11] <Wobbo> I might just ask the teacher if he has some documentation on it :P
L937[15:14:17] <Wobbo> Groning does offer courses in automated reasoning, but nothing about genetic algorithms :/
L938[15:16:25] <Wobbo> Damn, looking at the master I just want to take three years for my master :/
L939[15:18:05] <Anonymous> btw Kenny I turned off join/parts with the relay. Want to come back?
L940[15:19:33] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L941[15:24:51] *** Biohazard is now known as ^
L942[15:26:32] <KFAFSP> Wobbo Still there? :D It took me some time to get CCEmu running now that it's not available anymore.
L943[15:26:34] <KFAFSP> http://www.friebelnet.info/public/screenshot.jpg
L944[15:26:55] <Wobbo> KFAFSP: nice tree
L945[15:26:57] <KFAFSP> You gotta trust me on this one: Its the only webspace I had available.
L946[15:27:06] <KFAFSP> That is all via TTreeView
L947[15:27:18] <KFAFSP> Its foldable and OnClick gives you file information
L948[15:27:28] <Wobbo> I already found out what your name is, you were the guy who couldn't find table.unpack :P
L949[15:27:28] <KFAFSP> Scrolling works via mouse and scroll wheel.
L950[15:27:35] <KFAFSP> Yeah...
L951[15:27:37] <KFAFSP> :D
L952[15:27:55] <KFAFSP> But now that you look at this, I hope I have improved your opinion on my skills.
L953[15:28:09] <Kodos> How did you get the windows and such?
L954[15:28:13] <Kodos> Oh derp
L955[15:28:13] <Kodos> nvm
L956[15:28:18] <Kodos> I scrolled up =)
L957[15:28:39] <Wobbo> But that looks nice.
L958[15:28:49] <KFAFSP> Let me paste you the program code real quick. It is really short : That is the goal. Wait a sec...
L959[15:29:19] <Wobbo> KFAFSP: what you also might be interested in is curses, it is a library that is made for creating GUI's for terminals
L960[15:30:12] <KFAFSP> Wobbo: Link plz ;). Now that you say it: my first idea was frame chars (border chars). But they arent available in CC
L961[15:30:22] <Wobbo> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ncurses
L962[15:30:40] <Wobbo> Or if you want to make me really happy: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xcurses/curses.h.html :P
L963[15:30:50] <KFAFSP> http://pastebin.com/rSP3hjHL
L964[15:30:53] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L965[15:30:57] <KFAFSP> This is the explorer test code.
L966[15:31:14] <KFAFSP> Its very short: that is the intention behind wrapping in VCL.
L967[15:31:19] <Wobbo> indeed, pretty short.
L968[15:32:08] <KFAFSP> Well, curses looks kinda what i wanted to achieve in the first place...
L969[15:32:36] <KFAFSP> My first useful implementation of forms was a view for the smeltery indicating the molten metal levels.
L970[15:32:38] <Wobbo> Vexatos! we might need a POSIx repo on OpenPrograms! :P
L971[15:33:52] <KFAFSP> Now that you mention it, the cclua loader (api name) replaces the CC bios completeley. It is kinda an POSIx :D
L972[15:34:54] <KFAFSP> What I also did (but I don't know where I dropped the files) was a peripheral viewer. That is what got me onto this because Kenny did one now.
L973[15:35:05] <Wobbo> XD
L974[15:35:13] <KFAFSP> It even displayed little ASCII art icons next to the peripherals.
L975[15:35:31] <KFAFSP> It uses the TListView in good 'ol Windows Explorer style :P
L976[15:36:50] <KFAFSP> The biggest part of ccapi is crypto though. I don't know why, but I implemented sha, md5, blowfish, twofish and rc4 in lua
L977[15:37:02] <KFAFSP> It is painfully slow on CC, as you might expect.
L978[15:37:11] <Wobbo> :P
L979[15:37:31] <KFAFSP> But runtime en/decryption of programs is cool.
L980[15:38:03] <KFAFSP> SFC btw is a selfmade ShannonFano Compressor (actually Huffman, bad naming) that can build archives.
L981[15:38:23] <KFAFSP> I programmed a PC counterpart so i could upload stuff to other servers in quick time and then extract.
L982[15:38:34] <Wobbo> archives as in tar archives?
L983[15:38:49] <Wobbo> or zip?
L984[15:39:29] <KFAFSP> More like ZIP
L985[15:39:37] <KFAFSP> Because Its main feature is compression
L986[15:39:42] <KFAFSP> The file architecture comes last.
L987[15:40:01] <Wobbo> But it does preserve it?
L988[15:40:47] <KFAFSP> It does!
L989[15:41:21] <KFAFSP> Oh yhea.... and that.
L990[15:41:21] <KFAFSP> http://www.friebelnet.info/public/Screenshot2.png
L991[15:41:27] <KFAFSP> Can you guess what it is?
L992[15:41:50] <Wobbo> ps
L993[15:41:52] <KFAFSP> The names are not real BTW.
L994[15:42:57] <KFAFSP> Oh!
L995[15:43:01] <KFAFSP> And even more interesting:
L996[15:43:09] <KFAFSP> To do the screen stuff, I use a pixel buffer.
L997[15:43:15] <KFAFSP> That gets "fast copied".
L998[15:43:23] <KFAFSP> So that CC display it quicker.
L999[15:43:40] <KFAFSP> Now that OC has GraphicsCard Copy I dont need that quite so heavily.
L1000[15:43:54] <KFAFSP> But that pixel buffer was able to output .bmp screenshots and also load them.
L1001[15:44:05] <KFAFSP> It converted to 4bit depth, though
L1002[15:44:12] <KFAFSP> Via color-finding (range)
L1003[15:44:31] <KFAFSP> This is a loaded and saved-again image: http://www.friebelnet.info/public/nod.bmp
L1004[15:44:52] <KFAFSP> Well, not very original (C&C...) but still an example of its capabilities
L1005[15:45:16] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1006[15:45:28] <Wobbo> It doesn't look bad.
L1007[15:45:34] <Wobbo> Anyway, I have to go now
L1008[15:45:47] <Wobbo> Bye
L1009[15:45:49] <KFAFSP> Bye Wobbo! Nice showing you my stuff :D
L1010[15:45:56] <KFAFSP> I hope you liked it.
L1011[15:45:59] <Wobbo> Put it on Github :P
L1012[15:46:04] <KFAFSP> Prolly.
L1013[15:46:14] <asie> hey
L1014[15:46:21] ⇦ Quits: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Wobbo)
L1015[15:46:28] <KFAFSP> hey?
L1016[15:46:39] <KFAFSP> I feel so cheap.
L1017[15:46:54] <KFAFSP> To test a OC driver i registered it for new ItemStack(Block.dirt)
L1018[15:47:01] <KFAFSP> Dirt expansion cards! Yay!
L1019[15:47:13] <asie> dirt to diamonds via dirt expansion cards
L1020[15:49:34] <SKS|AFK|TLA> KFAFSP: It's a database!
L1021[15:50:41] <KFAFSP> What?
L1022[15:51:17] <SKS|AFK|TLA> The thing wehad to guess at a few lines up
L1023[15:51:42] <KFAFSP> Yes it is. SQL
L1024[15:52:24] <SKS|AFK|TLA> I'm going to impliment a database system once I get my virtual file system working
L1025[15:52:35] <asie> or wait for me to add the sqlite peripheral
L1026[15:53:33] <SKS|AFK|TLA> Does that use an external database? Iwas gonna impliment one in lua as a learning exercise and bundle it with SUNIX (Pronounced 'soon-ix')
L1027[15:53:39] <KFAFSP> I was working on a virtual file system too.
L1028[15:53:55] <KFAFSP> To transfer files between server and client, so clients can upload their progs.
L1029[15:54:24] <KFAFSP> BTW: That screenshot is very old. Its from the ComputerCraft era. So no, I wont wait. I already waited and stopped waiting :D
L1030[15:55:16] * SKS|AFK|TLA wants printers :D
L1031[15:55:47] <SKS|AFK|TLA> Also keyboards that don't neeed screens :D
L1032[15:55:56] <KFAFSP> Yay!
L1033[15:56:08] <SKS|AFK|TLA> But I think screenless keyboards is a bit far off.
L1034[15:56:11] <KFAFSP> The MMI (Minecraft Managamen Instrumentation [get it?]) is working!
L1035[15:57:27] <SKS|AFK|TLA> Anyway, I should probably go, I have 10 minutes till I have to go, and I need to pack my laptop
L1036[15:57:36] <KFAFSP> I think that will do for today. I'll go aswell
L1037[15:57:37] <SKS|AFK|TLA> Seeyas thisafternoon o/
L1038[15:57:46] <KFAFSP> o/ See you tomorrow :D
L1039[15:57:49] ⇦ Quits: SKS|AFK|TLA (webchat@c211-31-42-102.rochd5.qld.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: I can't access IRC at school D:)
L1040[15:57:54] ⇦ Quits: KFAFSP (webchat@p4FF1D873.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L1054[18:28:06] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L1055[18:29:59] <Tahg> how do I safely store a list of results to return it later?
L1056[18:30:32] <Tahg> do I want ret = {function()} and then return table.unpack(ret) later?
L1057[18:33:24] <Sangar> results = table.pack(f()) ... stuff ... f(table.unpack(results, 1, results.n))
L1058[18:33:28] <Sangar> that's nil safe
L1059[18:34:57] <Sangar> i.e. it also works if f returns true, nil, "blah", nil, nil. it will pass all five as arguments into the call of f again (i.e. if f is varargs and you table.pack(...) that resulting table will have n = 5 again)
L1060[18:35:55] <Tahg> ooh, ok
L1061[18:36:42] <Tahg> so table.pack uses explicit numerical indices, and includes the n
L1062[18:36:51] <Sangar> yep
L1063[18:38:00] <Tahg> ya, basically wrapping a function with some pre and post code
L1064[18:38:43] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, can you add the subdomain?
L1065[18:38:48] <Tahg> moved (mostly) from my object code to my gui code
L1066[18:39:19] <Tahg> as you might imagine, there's still the occasional issue like not getting all the results of a function
L1067[18:39:44] <Sangar> hey dusty. right, so what is it going to be now? will the server continue to run on your server and should we just make it the main one? or is this a temporary thing?
L1068[18:40:18] <SpiritedDusty> I think this is going to be the main one
L1069[18:40:32] <Sangar> Tahg: yeah, i have that in a few placed for the api calls, too, so i can vouch for the above to work :)
L1070[18:40:44] <Sangar> well then we can just make it oc.cil.li?
L1071[18:41:11] <SpiritedDusty> yeah, and are we gonna host it on your server or mine?
L1072[18:41:33] <Sangar> if you don't mind i'd say we keep it on your's since you've already set it up?
L1073[18:42:23] <SpiritedDusty> alright we can't use oc.cil.li because Ir_7_o is already using that domain and its registered on the server. (the servers share 1 ip)
L1074[18:42:43] <Sangar> wait it's the same server?
L1075[18:42:43] <SpiritedDusty> so I was kinda thinking of hosting it on yours so we have less trouble switching domains and people won't get confused
L1076[18:42:53] <Sangar> oh i see
L1077[18:42:58] <^v> wots the proboot about o_o
L1078[18:43:12] <SpiritedDusty> oh I had to reset the theme, I was messing with things and things got a bit messed up
L1079[18:43:15] <SpiritedDusty> I'll fix the logo later
L1080[18:43:44] <Sangar> well then... let me try to figure out to add domains on my server for www again
L1081[18:43:58] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, the server just sees what domain is connecting and it just serves different pages from there. I can host from my house but that doesn't seem like a good idea :P
L1082[18:45:50] <^v> http://puu.sh/7jiZA.png
L1083[18:46:00] <SpiritedDusty> ...
L1084[18:46:11] <Sangar> so i just slap a fresh phpbb3 in there?
L1085[18:46:13] <SpiritedDusty> we'll probably have to reset the forums anyway
L1086[18:46:24] <^v> :P
L1087[18:46:27] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, yeah and could I have FTP access? if possible? without touching your stuff?
L1088[18:46:49] <Tahg> I only see 9 options there
L1089[18:47:03] <Sangar> maybe, i'll have to figure out how the ftp server worked again, too :P
L1090[18:47:11] <^v> Tahg, the theme is unecicarily big
L1091[18:47:16] <^v> thats why
L1092[18:47:22] <^v> my screen isnt big enough
L1093[18:47:33] <Tahg> I see
L1094[18:47:44] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, actually can we set this up later? I have to go now :/
L1095[18:47:57] <Tahg> assume the point was all the answers were "yes" tho?
L1096[18:47:59] <Sangar> yeah, i'll do what i can now
L1097[18:48:04] <SpiritedDusty> k thanks
L1098[18:48:08] <^v> yeah
L1099[18:48:08] <Sangar> i'll probably be in bed later, though :P
L1100[18:48:32] <SpiritedDusty> oh. if you get the FTP server and things setup can you message me the details?
L1101[18:48:37] *** ^v is now known as Amanda92
L1102[18:48:39] <Sangar> will do
L1103[18:48:46] <SpiritedDusty> thanks
L1104[18:48:59] *** Amanda92 is now known as ^v
L1105[18:49:15] <Tahg> O.o
L1106[18:51:25] <Kenny> Dusty: Component Viewer for OC: https://github.com/OpenPrograms/Kenny-Programs/tree/master
L1107[18:54:12] <Tahg> who is that?
L1108[18:55:16] <Kenny> you mean Dusty?
L1109[18:56:39] <Tahg> ya, since there wasn't anyone here with that name
L1110[18:56:45] <Tahg> well, nick anyway
L1111[18:56:55] <Kenny> teah there is: SpiritedDusty hehe
L1112[18:57:00] <Kenny> yeah*
L1113[18:57:11] <Tahg> oh whaddyaknow =P
L1114[18:57:20] <Kenny> it's that seemed like the name for a horse so i call him Dusty hehe
L1115[18:57:56] <Tahg> ya, considering he was *just* talking, I feel like an idiot now
L1116[18:58:32] <Kenny> Tahg, you're used to using full names. me i make up nicj\k names hehe
L1117[18:58:37] <Kenny> nick*
L1118[18:58:55] <Kenny> back space key is too dang small
L1119[18:59:28] <Tahg> well, I'm just like letter, letter, <tab>
L1120[18:59:56] <Kenny> yep, i know :)
L1121[19:00:14] <Kenny> and usually it's the first part of a nick someone uses so it's familiar
L1122[19:00:44] <Kenny> me, i sometimes come up with nick names that are even related lol
L1123[19:00:52] <Kenny> are not*
L1124[19:13:54] <Kenny> you klnow everyone has been complaining they want a printer for OC computers....
L1125[19:14:22] <Kenny> well, i just found out you can use a CC printer if you interface it through the adapetr block
L1126[19:15:41] <Tahg> hah
L1127[19:16:38] <Kenny> so we do have printers for OC, just have to use CC printers for now
L1128[19:19:49] <LordFokas> LOL
L1129[19:20:06] <LordFokas> we offer everything the competition has, and some additional bells and whistles.
L1130[19:20:17] <LordFokas> sounds like a great plan :p
L1131[19:20:53] <Kenny> yep
L1132[19:21:00] <LordFokas> but that's actually how MS Excel effortlessly defeated Lotus-123 in the early 90s
L1133[19:22:03] <Kenny> give me a little time. i'll start doingh promo work here soon hehe
L1134[19:22:08] <LordFokas> LOL
L1135[19:25:24] <Kenny> one finger typing is fun lol
L1136[19:26:06] <Kenny> afk till i finish dinner :)
L1137[19:27:05] ⇦ Quits: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-24-55-33-198.austin.res.rr.com) ()
L1138[19:31:54] <Sangar> anyone still got the link to the theme dusty used?
L1139[19:33:27] <Kenny> not right at hand. need to go back thru log
L1140[19:33:53] <^v> http://thezoker.github.io/proBoot3/
L1141[19:33:56] <^v> iirc
L1142[19:34:55] <Tahg> so much code in my gui...
L1143[19:34:56] <^v> then the modified logo http://i.imgur.com/9Ve4959.png
L1144[19:35:12] <Sangar> thanks
L1145[19:35:15] <Tahg> ported ~200/~700 lines so far
L1146[19:50:20] <Tahg> hmm, in porting I noticed I actually coded some functions wrong, that I never used
L1147[19:50:27] <Tahg> but now they're more or less right
L1148[19:57:03] <LordFokas> what are you porting?
L1149[19:58:12] *** wolfmitchell is now known as JohnEgbert
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L1152[20:26:05] <LordFokas> aaahhh, the smell of progress... this is officially done: http://puu.sh/7jpb5.jpg ... now to get on to more important stuff :)
L1153[20:28:17] <Sangar> cool. hm, maybe i should change the server rack gui to do something like that for the 'which side is which server connected to' config. well, not anytime soon. :P
L1154[20:29:49] <LordFokas> trust me... it's not easy... but it sure as hell is rewarding!
L1155[20:30:07] <Kenny> Sangar, i'm checking to see if we can print using the CC printer so those wanting a printer can quit complaining hehe
L1156[20:30:49] <Kenny> an OC computer will recognize it, just don't know if we can access it
L1157[20:30:58] <Sangar> i'm just not sure i want to go through the effort of implementing that just for one single gui :D
L1158[20:31:14] <Sangar> ah, printers. never used them >_>
L1159[20:32:36] <Kenny> i haven't either. going to have to find a video on them lol
L1160[20:35:52] <Sangar> so i have a forum running, will take some time for the domain change to propagate. the theme is broken, though... i'll let dusty fix that :P
L1161[20:38:31] <Kenny> next thing to do with the Viewer is to see if i can get it where we can test the functions it shows.....
L1162[20:38:44] <Kenny> that is going to be some fun
L1163[20:39:10] <LordFokas> Sangar, the ammount of effort will depend on how well abstracted your GUIs already are... the better they are, the less effort it takes...
L1164[20:39:56] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-173-78-213-151.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L1165[20:40:01] <Sangar> abstraction in the gui == 0. since it's really just a couple of buttons there was no need.
L1166[20:40:33] <Sangar> or in other words, there is nothing *to* abstract :P
L1167[20:40:46] <Symmetryc> !mod
L1168[20:40:47] <zsh> MC Forum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2201440-opencomputers-v121-v201/
L1169[20:40:47] <zsh> OC Forum: http://oc.cil.li
L1170[20:40:47] <zsh> Latest version: 1.2.1 for MC1.6.4, 2.0.1 for MC1.7.2
L1171[20:40:55] <Symmetryc> !zsh
L1172[20:42:15] <zsh> smacks Symmetryc in the back of the head. why for you bother me?
L1173[20:45:25] <Symmetryc> zsh: D:
L1174[20:45:30] <Symmetryc> It's alive :O
L1175[20:45:42] <Symmetryc> !hello
L1176[20:45:44] <Symmetryc> !how
L1177[20:45:46] <Symmetryc> !are
L1178[20:45:48] <Symmetryc> !you?
L1179[20:46:57] <Kodos> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=234872085 Woo
L1180[20:47:00] <zsh> getting aggravated. i was resting
L1181[20:47:01] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L1182[20:48:38] <Kenny> ok. i can print with a CC printer, just have to figure out how to retrieve the printed page
L1183[20:50:11] <Kenny> that will be for tomorrow. need to go rest. body is hurting again. :(
L1184[20:50:22] <Kenny> l8r
L1185[20:50:28] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|Sleeping
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