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L1[00:13:59] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
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L6[00:50:58] <Kodos> If I've got a power source, a capacitor, and a power converter, in what order do I need to have them attached to the computer
L7[01:17:19] <mallrat208> I don't actually think you need the capacitor
L8[01:17:25] <mallrat208> Though it might not be a bad idea
L9[01:17:33] <mallrat208> if your power source is likely to flicker
L10[01:24:33] <Kodos> Solars, so yeah lol
L11[01:41:37] <Kodos> Is there any way to make a file read only?
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L13[02:02:00] ⇨ Joins: Sphearion (webchat@24-107-80-70.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com)
L14[02:02:19] <Sphearion> any news on the forums? I would love to see some others programs for OC and robots
L15[02:32:37] *** Michiyo is now known as Michiyo[Off]
L16[02:52:27] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
L17[03:01:43] <Kodos> Hmm, how does the command block interfacing work with opencomponents
L18[03:12:43] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L19[03:16:27] <mallrat208> Kodos: It looks to let you get the command, set it, and execute it
L20[03:17:03] <Kodos> So basically the same as what you get from OpenPeripherals
L21[03:17:05] <mallrat208> You'd need open components iirc and an adapter block
L22[03:21:27] <Kodos> Okay, now to figure out how to set up the method detection program I use in CC into OC
L23[03:27:19] *** Michiyo[Off] is now known as Michiyo
L24[03:27:58] <Kodos> There's no equivalent to getMethods for OC, is there?
L25[03:34:09] <Michiyo> var=component.name for k,v in pairs(var) do print (k) end ?
L26[03:35:04] <Michiyo> Kodos, ^
L27[03:35:12] <Kodos> Ah, thanks!
L28[03:35:25] <Michiyo> no prob
L29[03:35:53] <Michiyo> Can also for k, v in component.list() do print(v) end to get a list of all components the computer can see
L30[03:36:28] <Kodos> Now, to use those two lines of code to make a program that will let you select from a list of available components, and get a list of all its methods
L31[03:36:42] <Kodos> Which btw, that sort of program should come with the mod imo
L32[03:40:12] <Kodos> Oh hey, this means I could tie my biolock block into my OC computer
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L34[03:57:30] *** Lathanael|Away is now known as Lathanael
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L36[04:43:24] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L37[04:44:19] <asie|tab> hello
L38[04:44:29] <asie|tab> today I finally start work on the Computronics mod
L39[04:52:20] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
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L41[05:04:40] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L42[05:05:34] <asie|tab> Sangar: Is there a way, in the current OC API, to create your own environment?
L43[05:05:38] <asie|tab> I want to create my own Lua/computer environment
L44[05:05:39] <asie|tab> (without overdependency on Scala, that is)
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L48[05:19:13] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L49[05:20:15] <asie|tab> Sangar: also, seeing you added FMP support, is there a chance you'll add IM support? Some good docs I wrote are here: http://boards.4chan.org/vg/res/61656113#p61731182
L50[05:39:25] <asie|tab> Sangar: it appears what would have to be done for the ability to create custom computer machines is to make Machine.Owner a Java-implementable interface
L51[05:39:49] <asie|tab> and perhaps a Machine interface of sorts for the useful functions?
L52[05:41:17] <Sangar> morning. hmm, i'm not sure, what makes Context insufficient? or rather, how would you use the class(es) that would implement those interfaces?
L53[05:41:39] <asie|tab> Sangar: Let's say I want to create my own kind of turtle
L54[05:41:41] <asie|tab> from scratch
L55[05:41:45] <Sangar> as for immibis' microblocks, if it's that easy i might have a look into that, sure.
L56[05:42:00] <asie|tab> with my own ROM but using OC's existing Lua interfaces and handling
L57[05:42:27] <asie|tab> that would require the turtle in question to be a Machine.Owner and to have a Machine instance in it, from what I see
L58[05:42:37] <Sangar> so basically you'd want to get a new instance of machine and wrap it?
L59[05:42:47] <asie|tab> exactly
L60[05:42:53] <Sangar> i see
L61[05:42:55] <asie|tab> i want a new computer instance that i can wrap around Java cose
L62[05:42:56] <asie|tab> code*
L63[05:43:31] <asie|tab> it might be a bit messy to do, I am aware, but I really want to put a certain idea I have to reality
L64[05:43:36] <asie|tab> and ComputerCraft is too limited for my uses
L65[05:44:34] <Sangar> i guess a new api (li.cil.oc.api.Machine) would be the most sensible for that, which would provide a factory method
L66[05:44:55] <asie|tab> yes
L67[05:44:58] <Sangar> plus the machine owner interface as java, yes.
L68[05:45:12] <asie|tab> AFK for about 45 minutes
L69[05:45:31] <Sangar> see you then.
L70[05:47:11] <Sangar> i'll need to think of a proper concept for how architectures can be selected/switched (for now that's just LuaC/LuaJ, but it could be anything, really, python, assembler, ...) so that the api won't need changing unnecessarily often. but once i figure that out i see no reason not to add such an api.
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L73[06:29:36] <asie|tab> Sangar: the problem is, I want to start testing now
L74[06:29:37] <asie|tab> as I want to begin work on the mod today
L75[06:30:41] <Sangar> well, if you don't mind it being unmaintained and the api definitively changing later on i can throw up a custom branch i guess
L76[06:31:00] <asie|tab> Sangar: my proposal would be to do this approach for 1.2.x
L77[06:31:03] <asie|tab> and change it for 2.0.0
L78[06:32:03] <asie|tab> see, the goal is to have it run soon and people experiment with it
L79[06:32:10] <asie|tab> I am more than okay with the API changing later
L80[06:32:16] <asie|tab> but the user-side functionality won't change, so...
L81[06:32:22] <asie|tab> just throw up a warning in the .java files
L82[06:32:41] <Sangar> well, it's only an addition to the api, so i guess that would be ok
L83[06:32:49] <asie|tab> yeah
L84[06:35:08] <Sangar> still, some thoughts on architecture support. i think the most extensible way would be to allow registering architectures via that api, instead of providing some enum or such. then the question is just: will the machine factory method take the architecture as an id string, or as the class type of the registered archiecture? leaning towards the second.
L85[06:35:18] <asie|tab> Class type.
L86[06:35:21] <asie|tab> Far safer.
L87[06:35:34] <Sangar> my thoughts, too
L88[06:35:42] <Sangar> all right, i'll see what i can put together.
L89[06:44:21] <Tahg> hmm
L90[06:44:35] <Tahg> this class library alternative is getting slightly tricky
L91[06:45:17] <asie|tab> where?
L92[06:45:31] <Tahg> where? the one I'm writing
L93[06:45:36] <asie|tab> oh
L94[06:46:26] <Tahg> was getting stuck on super.foo type calls, but I just realized that's the easy part
L95[06:47:03] <Tahg> since the current object doesn't change if you're doing a super call
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L97[06:50:56] <Tahg> the tricky part ofc is the syntatic sugar of calling a method of another object, and not being a compiler, I don't get much
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L99[06:52:54] <Tahg> wb
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L101[07:03:19] *** Kenny|Sleeping is now known as Kenny
L102[07:04:21] <Kenny> morning/afternoon to all
L103[07:07:07] <Tahg> meh, a "return if not nil" would be useful in so many places
L104[07:29:44] *** Michiyo is now known as Michiyo[Off]
L105[07:36:42] <Tahg> ugh, I have public, protected, private
L106[07:37:17] <Tahg> and which types should be checked when seems easy enough but having trouble for some reason
L107[07:39:08] <Kenny> what you working on Tahg
L108[07:42:06] *** Michiyo[Off] is now known as Michiyo
L109[07:42:56] <Kenny> wb Michiyo
L110[07:47:58] <Tahg> my class library
L111[07:48:17] <Tahg> mostly the protected is troubling me
L112[07:48:46] <Tahg> I have 3 types of calls: foo(), obj.foo(), and super.foo()
L113[07:49:40] <Tahg> now, obj.foo() I'm pretty sure should only look for public methods
L114[07:50:08] <Tahg> and foo() should look for at least private (on its own class) and public methods
L115[07:50:29] <Tahg> and this is where it gets tricky
L116[07:52:18] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
L117[07:53:06] <Tahg> I'm pretty sure foo() and super.foo() should search for protected methods
L118[07:54:31] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L119[07:56:25] <Kenny> well, i would think that at least super.foo() should search for protected, it being at the top of the chain
L120[07:56:57] <Kenny> and foo() should search for protected on it's level and below
L121[07:57:54] <Kenny> don't know if that's any help
L122[08:01:04] <Kenny> Sangar, did you intentionally set it so the the cable now shows in the components list?
L123[08:03:06] <Sangar> any cable or just cables next to an adapter block?
L124[08:03:08] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
L125[08:03:27] <Kenny> well, it was a cable running to an adapter block
L126[08:03:37] <Kenny> but let me check
L127[08:03:56] <Tahg> I hope not every block of cable?
L128[08:03:59] <Kenny> just connected to an adapter block
L129[08:04:23] <Kenny> nah, it just showed one connection
L130[08:04:31] <Sangar> mm, i see it, that shouldn't happen, let me check what driver causes that
L131[08:04:44] <Kenny> and when i broke the link to the adapter block it disappeared from the list
L132[08:05:01] <Kenny> i'm running 202
L133[08:05:30] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L134[08:06:12] <Sangar> ah damn, it's because i pulled the power logic up to allow computer cases and racks to accept power directly... but even if it's unused that means cables etc are now also matches for the respective drivers -.-
L135[08:06:57] <Sangar> thanks for letting me know, i'll see how i can suppress that later
L136[08:07:18] <Kenny> ok. it just surprised me for a second cause they bever showed before
L137[08:07:24] <Kenny> never*
L138[08:07:43] <Kenny> i think i know why they do now...
L139[08:07:59] <Kenny> i can do a pairs on them and they show power functions
L140[08:08:20] <Kenny> getEneregyStored(), etc
L141[08:09:14] <Sangar> yeah, what i wrote above ^^
L142[08:10:13] <Kenny> ahhh. i see what you mean
L143[08:10:20] <Kenny> still not fulkly awake hehe
L144[08:10:27] <Kenny> fully*
L145[08:10:28] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L146[08:13:22] <asie> hello!
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L153[08:32:22] <Vexatos> o/
L154[08:35:16] <Kenny> \o
L155[08:36:54] *** SuPeRMiNoR2|Away is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2
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L160[09:15:28] *** JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther is now known as JoshTheEnder
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L164[09:46:01] *** LordFokas|off is now known as LordFokas
L165[09:48:08] <Kenny> Sangar: i got the component viewer working :)
L166[09:48:21] <Sangar> great!
L167[09:48:22] <Kenny> one small drawback hehe
L168[09:48:37] <Kenny> there are too many filesystems lol
L169[09:48:47] <Sangar> heh
L170[09:49:26] <Kenny> i have to do one more search level to make sure it searchs for that specific one hehe
L171[09:49:44] <Din> hey kenny
L172[09:49:53] <Kenny> hey DangISP hehe
L173[09:49:59] <Din> hehe
L174[09:50:15] <Din> Sang@r , add love to oc :D
L175[09:50:19] <Din> love2d.org
L176[09:50:28] <Din> I want to play my game in minecraft
L177[09:50:31] * Kenny ducks and runs hehe
L178[09:50:43] <Din> Shouldn't have said that?
L179[09:50:48] * Din runs ();
L180[09:51:12] <Kenny> if you only knew how long his to do list is hehe
L181[09:51:43] <Din> hehe
L182[09:51:49] *** Lathanael|afk is now known as Lathanael
L183[09:51:58] <Din> And I'm just sitting here "coding"
L184[09:52:24] <Kenny> i ion the final phase of makikng this component viewer :)
L185[09:52:29] <Kenny> makikng*
L186[09:52:33] <Kenny> damn
L187[09:52:38] <Kenny> making*
L188[09:53:00] <Kenny> and i got a kb with bigger keys even
L189[09:53:14] <Kenny> and still can't type for squat
L190[09:53:34] <Din> I'm making a program for easy listening of my favorite band
L191[09:53:40] <Din> It downloads the whole album too
L192[09:53:44] <Din> Best part: Legal
L193[09:54:03] <Biohazard> inb4 fbi party van
L194[09:54:11] <Kenny> i could back and write my mp3 player for mirc again
L195[09:54:11] <Din> http://imgur.com/RQajPD6
L196[09:54:41] <Kenny> guess what
L197[09:54:59] <Kenny> i couldn't read a thing on that album cover hehe
L198[09:55:11] <Din> APSURDISTAN
L199[09:55:15] <Din> DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV
L200[09:55:20] <Din> <something latin>
L201[09:55:25] <Kenny> ABSURD?
L202[09:55:32] <Din> yah
L203[09:55:34] <Biohazard> Absurdistan xD
L204[09:55:37] <Vexatos> Lingua latina dicesne?
L205[09:55:48] <Kenny> no comprende
L206[09:56:03] ⇨ Joins: Bio|ingame (webchat@
L207[09:56:14] <Din> REDUCTION AD ABSURDUM
L208[09:56:20] <Din> REDUCTIO*
L209[09:56:33] <Kenny> reduse the absurd
L210[09:56:36] <Kenny> reduce*
L211[10:02:13] <asie> I ported Iron Note Blocks to OpenComputers
L212[10:02:14] <asie> if anyone cares
L213[10:02:23] <Sangar> i'm trying to straighten out the architecture/machine interfacing right now, actually, so soon nothing will stop you from adding love yourself :P
L214[10:02:35] <Din> Any lua experts here?
L215[10:02:37] <Din> (many)
L216[10:02:54] <asie> Sangar: what love?
L217[10:02:58] <Kenny> asie: cool
L218[10:02:59] <asie> did you see through my evil, cunning plan?
L219[10:03:32] <Din> I want my code ( love.graphics.print("Downloaded " .. math.floor(albumFile.progress) .. "%", 10, 10) ) to be refreshed every 2 seconds until albumfile.progress = 100
L220[10:03:35] <Sangar> löve
L221[10:03:58] <Din> asie love2d.org
L222[10:04:08] <asie> oh, that
L223[10:04:11] <asie> heh
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L230[10:52:38] <Kenny> Sangar: check this out: http://pastebin.com/0aZtjhcy I will attempt to make it look prettier later on
L231[10:53:27] <Kenny> fixed the issue with multiple filesystems so each shows differently
L232[10:54:07] <Sangar> i'll have a look later, have to finish refactoring or i'll lose track :)
L233[10:54:19] <Kenny> no prob
L234[10:54:51] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
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L240[11:25:40] <Tahg> hmm, slight oddity on nuggets and ingots
L241[11:26:12] <Tahg> you might get a combination of both, even if a single ingot suffices
L242[11:26:35] <Tahg> or wait, no nm me =P
L243[11:27:37] <Tahg> slag + dirt + water bucket is a bit odd tho, I'd consider clayball a raw ingredient
L244[11:32:41] <Vexatos> ?
L245[11:43:19] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L246[11:43:22] <Kenny> slag + dirt + water will give you a clay ball
L247[11:44:00] <Kenny> it breaks it all the way down to any ingredients that can be used
L248[11:44:15] <asie> Sangar: Do you just store the HDD data in NBT?
L249[11:44:23] <asie> asking because I'm curious
L250[11:44:39] <pong> asie, then no external editing :/
L251[11:44:58] <asie> pong: Use the Internet Card to put up an FTP or Telnet server
L252[11:45:04] <asie> that works even better
L253[11:45:04] <Sangar> depends on the fs type, the hdds and floppies use a savedir backed fs, so no actual files are stored in the nbt
L254[11:45:11] <asie> Sangar: right
L255[11:45:17] <asie> I was asking because I am considering using NBT for cassette tapes
L256[11:45:28] <asie> but I am wondering of the implications of storing 1MB of data in NBT
L257[11:45:31] <Sangar> main reason is that the multi-mb ones would break the network with shared nbt info
L258[11:45:36] <asie> yeah, that.
L259[11:45:48] <asie> so i'll probably use the savedir method
L260[11:46:16] <Sangar> yep
L261[11:47:18] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Client Quit)
L262[11:48:11] <Kenny> how goes the refactoring?
L263[11:48:20] <Sangar> looking good, it compiles again :P
L264[11:49:03] <Kenny> i have tried using the string.char() merthod to write extended ASCII to the screen but, alas, it doesn't work either :(
L265[11:49:19] <pong> unicode.char
L266[11:49:36] <Kenny> ok. i'll try that
L267[11:49:43] <pong> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/wiki/API-Unicode
L268[11:50:50] <Kenny> doesn't work either
L269[11:53:09] <Sangar> using the unicode values? you can't use 219, e.g., you'd have to use 2588 instead
L270[11:53:19] <Sangar> the wiki page linked has a table
L271[11:53:34] <Kenny> and if you read the wiki page linked in the extended ASCII does not print like it did with the old DOS
L272[11:53:53] <Kenny> it prints various Europesan symbols
L273[11:54:31] <Tahg> what chars are you trying to print?
L274[11:54:51] <Kenny> thre box drawing chars
L275[11:55:20] <Kenny> 179, 191, 192, 196, 217, and 218
L276[11:55:59] <Kenny> those are the codes for a single line box. haven't looked up the ones for the double line yet
L277[11:56:35] <Sangar> the table on the wiki page is somewhat... unintuitive, admittedly
L278[11:56:37] <Tahg> you don't want those
L279[11:56:44] <Tahg> you want the 4 digit numbers above
L280[11:56:56] <Kenny> using a 0 in front of them?
L281[11:56:56] <Sangar> the unicode values are hexadecimal, the ascii/codepage ones decimal
L282[11:56:57] <Tahg> those are the extended range, not unicode range
L283[11:57:09] <Sangar> so for 179 you'd do unicode.char(0x2502)
L284[11:57:10] <Tahg> OH, is that why it's not working for me?
L285[11:57:35] <Tahg> yay
L286[11:57:55] <Kenny> time to pull out the calculator
L287[11:58:15] <Sangar> just copy-paste the 4 digits and slap a 0x in front of them ;)
L288[11:58:38] <Kenny> cool :)
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L291[12:02:40] <Kenny> bad argument to char when using 0x250C like unicode.char(0x250C)
L292[12:03:10] <pong> strange o_o
L293[12:03:15] <Sangar> works for me o.O
L294[12:03:29] <pong> how are you printing it?
L295[12:03:39] <Kenny> this is how i have it: print(unicode.char(0x250C)..string.rep(string.char(0x2500), w -2)..unicode.char(0x2510))
L296[12:03:47] ⇦ Quits: Din (~DinFer@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L297[12:03:56] <Kenny> see a mistake already
L298[12:03:57] <Sangar> string.char in there
L299[12:04:05] <pong> :p
L300[12:04:22] <Tahg> that'd prolly do it
L301[12:04:31] ⇨ Joins: Din (~DinFer@
L302[12:04:37] <Tahg> meanwhile, I'm having all sorts of trouble with my code
L303[12:04:56] <Tahg> I'm tossing print statements in, and they aren't printing
L304[12:05:24] <Tahg> despite, in all probability, the method they're being called in running
L305[12:05:27] <Kenny> it works
L306[12:05:51] <Tahg> Sangar, do you have any idea if printing somehow doesn't work inside an __index metamethod?
L307[12:06:06] <pong> should work
L308[12:06:12] <Tahg> hrm
L309[12:06:37] <Tahg> something odd is going on, can post code but might be a little hard to follow
L310[12:06:42] <Sangar> hmm, not 100% sure if __index can yield. there are very few metamethods that can't, __gc being one of them
L311[12:06:42] <Kenny> Tahg: this p;rints the upeer left, a line and upper right, single line: print(unicode.char(0x250C)..string.rep(unicode.char(0x2500), w -2)..unicode.char(0x2510))
L312[12:07:03] <Tahg> ya, I assumed so
L313[12:07:08] <Sangar> and printing will usually result in a yield, so
L314[12:07:15] <Kenny> not sure if that helps with your print issue or not
L315[12:07:38] <Tahg> I wasn't having a print issue
L316[12:07:57] <Tahg> oh well, I was, cause I was trying decimal, but I got that figured out
L317[12:08:19] <Tahg> and oh, this is a different issue entirely
L318[12:09:07] <Kenny> ok. but that works cause now i have my box around the menu :)
L319[12:09:22] <Kenny> i have that Component Viewer working now
L320[12:10:05] <Kenny> now, if we could just change graphics pages on the computers hehe
L321[12:10:14] <Tahg> http://pastebin.com/8SW2Tcw7
L322[12:10:42] <Tahg> something about that isn't working
L323[12:11:10] <Tahg> http://pastebin.com/mWbjsbKV
L324[12:11:23] <Tahg> that works perfectly except for the super. call
L325[12:11:40] <Tahg> because _ENV isn't changing apparently
L326[12:17:55] <Kenny> is it possible it is due to there bein\g upper case letters at the top and down below you have a.a() and b.a() and should be A.a() and B.a()?
L327[12:18:32] <Kenny> i am in now way that good with lua so i may ask stupid questions
L328[12:19:07] <Kenny> now=no
L329[12:19:10] <Sangar> hmm, yielding across __index should work, so that shouldn't be it
L330[12:19:31] <Kenny> like i said, dumb questions hehe
L331[12:19:55] <Kenny> you 2 are so far above my level i can't see you hehe
L332[12:21:10] <Sangar> heh. just wanted to make sure I didn't get anything mixed up. for reference, lua 5.2's improved yields are based on this http://lua-users.org/wiki/ResumableVmPatch
L333[12:21:19] *** Din is now known as Din|Zzzz
L334[12:21:33] <pong> all i see is problems with lua 5.1 metamethod boundry errors
L335[12:21:40] *** Din|Zzzz is now known as Din|
L336[12:26:20] <asie> woo-whee, i have theoretically working StorageManager code
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L338[12:36:34] <Tahg> uhg
L339[12:37:51] <Tahg> Sangar, oh hey, I just got done reading the (rather long) thread related to that page
L340[12:38:19] <Tahg> text based mailing list archives are "fun"
L341[12:39:04] <Tahg> Kenny, A and B are classes, a, b are instances
L342[12:39:28] <Tahg> (and I'm *pretty* sure Lua is case sensitive)
L343[12:40:01] <Tahg> but, somehow it finds the right method inside the class, so I can only assume __index is being called
L344[12:41:09] *** Din| is now known as |Din|{Zzz}
L345[12:41:56] <Tahg> I would expect if it *can't* yeild there, then it'd error
L346[12:42:08] <Tahg> but I have no idea what's really going on
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L348[12:47:18] <Tahg> ok, I'm gonna try some simpler tests with _ENV
L349[12:50:17] <Tahg> ok, definitely can change the _ENV
L350[12:55:54] <Vexatos> That's what it is made for
L351[12:56:55] <Kodos> I just woke up, so if anything was mentioned about them I apologize, but has there been any word on the forums coming back up?
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L353[12:57:53] <pong> Kodos, havent heared from Ir7_o
L354[13:04:00] <Tahg> oh *fuck*
L355[13:04:13] <Tahg> <- super idiot right here
L356[13:04:23] <Tahg> I'm taking guesses tho
L357[13:04:51] <Tahg> (hint, a syntax error was fine in my class code)
L358[13:07:38] <Tahg> at any rate, any ideas on what *doesn't* happen with a line like reqiure "system.lua"?
L359[13:08:21] <Kodos> Is it possible to take user input and apply it in this way; component.(data) where data was the user input?
L360[13:08:43] <Kodos> So I could have the option of selecting a component from a list of available ones
L361[13:08:55] <pong> component[variable]
L362[13:09:05] <pong> for example
L363[13:09:18] <Tahg> mh
L364[13:09:20] <Tahg> mhm*
L365[13:09:26] <pong> local var="gpu" component[var].foo
L366[13:09:42] <Kodos> Wouldn't that be component.[var].foo
L367[13:09:47] <Tahg> ok, a reboot fixed my issues (less than ideal)
L368[13:09:50] <Tahg> no
L369[13:09:52] <pong> Kodos, nope
L370[13:09:55] <Kodos> Okay, thanks =)
L371[13:10:04] <Tahg> foo.bar is syntatic sugar for foo[bar]
L372[13:10:12] <Kodos> Making a program that lets the user see a list of available components, and being able to pick one to see its available functions
L373[13:10:13] <pong> foo["bar"]*
L374[13:10:18] <Tahg> yes, that
L375[13:10:39] <Tahg> anyway, gotta work out this C stack overflow
L376[13:10:45] <Tahg> how does it even detect such things?
L377[13:10:55] <Kodos> My program, or yours?
L378[13:10:59] <Tahg> mine
L379[13:11:02] <Kodos> No idea
L380[13:11:05] <pong> you are probably self indexing/newindexing inside of a metacall
L381[13:11:11] <Kodos> I don't even understand my program, but I know it'll work
L382[13:11:17] <Tahg> possibly
L383[13:11:18] <pong> be sure to use rawset/rawget
L384[13:11:39] <Tahg> well, it helpfully gives me an exact line number
L385[13:12:09] <asie> okay, i have code which should generally create Storages
L386[13:12:25] <Tahg> huh
L387[13:12:32] <asie> for cassette tapes
L388[13:12:39] <asie> now I need to figure out the best time and place to call writeFile
L389[13:12:39] <Tahg> the line unhelpfully is print(obj, field)
L390[13:12:49] <asie> it will likely be done on either tile entity unload or item removal from tile entity
L391[13:12:54] <pong> o-o
L392[13:12:54] <asie> but only if the item has been modified
L393[13:13:04] <pong> Tahg, use debug.traceback
L394[13:13:22] <Tahg> I'm not sure that works either
L395[13:13:30] <pong> e,err=xpcall(main,debug.traceback)
L396[13:13:41] <pong> it should have some useful info
L397[13:14:04] <Tahg> at any rate, the issue is all calls go through the metamethod
L398[13:15:00] <Tahg> there's a backdoor to _G, but it's a good ways through __index
L399[13:15:22] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L400[13:16:19] <pong> wait, are you setfenving a metatable?
L401[13:16:38] <Tahg> I'm using _ENV = obj heavily, yes
L402[13:16:42] <pong> you should localize anything you call then >_>
L403[13:17:33] ⇦ Quits: |Din|{Zzz} (~DinFer@ (Ping timeout: 191 seconds)
L404[13:17:36] <Tahg> it's normally safe, I just can't call functions in _G in a small piece of critical code
L405[13:17:48] <Tahg> (which I forgot while trying to debog)
L406[13:17:52] <Tahg> debug* even
L407[13:17:59] <pong> but debug.traceback should still show what is causing the stack overflow
L408[13:18:13] <Tahg> how do I use that on a program?
L409[13:20:21] <pong> print(xpcall(function() run_program() end,debug.traceback))
L410[13:22:24] <Sangar> or just print(xpcall(run_program, debug.traceback)) ;)
L411[13:22:43] <Sangar> had to :P
L412[13:23:21] <pong> well usually run_program has args :P
L413[13:23:38] <Tahg> Sangar, my computer shut off what would cause that?
L414[13:23:52] <Kodos> A lack of power, perhaps?
L415[13:23:53] <pong> Tahg, running out of power
L416[13:23:59] <pong> or you fucking _G really hard
L417[13:24:01] <Sangar> xpcall(run_program, debug.traceback, arg1, arg2) doesn't work?
L418[13:24:10] <Tahg> maybe I'm fucking _G really hard?
L419[13:24:19] <pong> Sangar, in lua 5.1 it diddnt iirc
L420[13:24:22] <pong> ima check manual
L421[13:24:23] <Kodos> Hope you took her out to dinner first
L422[13:24:27] <Tahg> lol
L423[13:25:01] <Tahg> I'll try xpcall
L424[13:25:32] <Tahg> what is run_program exactly tho?
L425[13:25:49] <Tahg> can I just use test2 where that's a file on my computer?
L426[13:26:09] <pong> ah
L427[13:26:15] <pong> 5.2 has args for xpcall
L428[13:26:19] <pong> 5.1 diddnt
L429[13:26:42] <pong> Tahg, shell.run?
L430[13:26:43] <Tahg> at anyrate, I have more serious issues
L431[13:26:51] <pong> gah i need to play with OC more
L432[13:27:12] <Tahg> if the computer shuts off, I won't be able to see what it printed
L433[13:27:33] <Sangar> Tahg: what does the analyzer say after it shuts down?
L434[13:27:56] <Tahg> OH
L435[13:28:02] <Tahg> too long without yeilding
L436[13:28:08] <Kodos> That's what you guys need! A printer and scanner :3
L437[13:28:09] <Tahg> I missed that line
L438[13:28:33] <Tahg> I must have an infinite loop somewhere
L439[13:28:46] <Sangar> sounds like it.
L440[13:29:01] <Sangar> Kodos: make one. 3d-printer/scanner, ideally :P
L441[13:29:16] <Kodos> Haha you're funny. I barely know how to make a clock program
L442[13:29:55] <pong> welp
L443[13:30:05] <pong> back to making random 8 bit components with PR
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L447[13:33:41] <Tahg> anyway, lemme see if I can fix this
L448[13:34:00] <Tahg> Sangar, is there any particular reason screens clear themselves on a computer shutdown?
L449[13:34:47] <Tahg> makes it slightly harder to figure out just what is happening
L450[13:35:36] <Kodos> Shut your computer off, and watch your screen, then come back and tell us what happens to your screen when you shut your PC off
L451[13:35:51] <Kodos> Also, that's why there's the analyzer
L452[13:36:37] <Tahg> meh, but the screen isn't an active device
L453[13:36:59] <Kodos> Then by what sorcery is Steve able to see what's going on, and input data?
L454[13:37:01] <Tahg> as Sangar says, "it's more like a chalkboard"
L455[13:37:21] <Tahg> active == if you stop drawing to it, it goes away
L456[13:37:54] <Sangar> well, the main reason is that most people got confused by the screens staying on :P
L457[13:37:59] <pong> ^
L458[13:38:14] <pong> imo the maximum devices is stupid
L459[13:38:15] <Tahg> I see
L460[13:38:36] <Tahg> ya, CC external monitors can be kinda confusing that way
L461[13:39:45] <Kodos> maximum devices?
L462[13:39:47] * Tahg needs a noncaching require
L463[13:40:14] <Sangar> Tahg: you can clear the cache by setting package.loaded["packagename"] = nil
L464[13:40:28] <Tahg> ah, I'll try that in my test program
L465[13:41:55] <Sangar> as for the component limit, i really think it's necessary, i mean sure, bigger screens might be motivation enough to get better computers, but the potential of having a single basic computer control *everything* just doesn't sound right to me.
L466[13:42:17] <Sangar> if anything the default values may be bumped up a little, if people continue to complain :P
L467[13:42:49] <Kenny> Sangar, i'm not sure what happened but using 202 i can NO longer access big reactors
L468[13:43:13] <Sangar> anything in the log?
L469[13:43:21] <Kenny> which log
L470[13:43:35] <Kodos> All the logs!
L471[13:43:40] <Kenny> it doesn't show in the comnponents list
L472[13:44:17] <Sangar> the forge log, i.e. any warnings, errors, stack traces
L473[13:44:20] <Sangar> wait
L474[13:44:30] <Sangar> 'the ccomponents list', like none at all?
L475[13:45:02] <Sangar> oh, skipped the 'in', sorry
L476[13:45:36] ⇦ Quits: |Din|{Zzz} (~DinFer@ (Quit: Leaving)
L477[13:46:35] <Sangar> i've triggered a build for opencomponents, might be its because of the api update
L478[13:47:03] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L479[13:47:18] <Kenny> it doesn't show at all
L480[13:47:48] <Kenny> the components list will populate, just doesn't show big reactors
L481[13:48:09] <Sangar> could you please try with opencomponents #28?
L482[13:48:11] <Kenny> i see no errors in the logs
L483[13:48:14] <Kenny> ok
L484[13:48:49] <Kodos> Someone remind me to thank Mich for this awesome code snippet
L485[13:49:15] <Sangar> asie: i've pushed the machine api, some parts might be a little rough around the edges, but you should be able to get a machine with api.Machine.create(yourOwnerEntity)
L486[13:49:25] ⇨ Joins: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L487[13:49:25] zsh sets mode: +v on Wobbo
L488[13:49:30] <Kenny> when i switched to 202 you hadn't done 28 for OpenComponents yet
L489[13:49:35] <Kenny> Wobbo!
L490[13:49:41] <Sangar> at least i switched internally to using that too, and that works :P
L491[13:49:43] <Sangar> Kenny: yeah
L492[13:49:50] <Wobbo> Hi guys
L493[13:50:22] <Sangar> wasn't expecting a rebuild to be necessary. it might not even help :P
L494[13:50:30] <Sangar> hiya Wobbo!
L495[13:50:42] <Kenny> it didn't. going to back up in builds to see where it occured at
L496[13:50:51] <Sangar> all right
L497[13:50:58] <Wobbo> Sangar: I was lazy, I made artimethic expansion Lua expansion in an empty environment. It works :P
L498[13:51:07] <Sangar> :D
L499[13:51:23] <Wobbo> At least, from my Lua prompt :P
L500[13:51:35] <Wobbo> Haven't tested it in OC yet.
L501[13:51:39] <Sangar> $(4 + (function() return 2 end)) ?
L502[13:51:40] <Kenny> well, let me try 203 first
L503[13:51:47] <Tahg> hmk, so it appears that after switching _ENV something goes screwy
L504[13:52:17] <Tahg> lemme try a local print = print
L505[13:52:20] <Wobbo> Sangar: so that should work yes.
L506[13:52:29] <Wobbo> But the environment is empty :P
L507[13:53:03] <Tahg> what about the environment being empty?
L508[13:53:04] <Wobbo> Might make it persist and stuff some math functions in there later on, but for now…
L509[13:53:10] <Wobbo> Hierarchical clustering.
L510[13:53:19] <Sangar> infinite loops! but yeah, i think it's the most practical way of doing it.
L511[13:53:57] <Wobbo> Also, if statements :P
L512[13:55:35] <Tahg> ARGH
L513[13:55:42] <Tahg> this environment stuff is annoying
L514[13:56:05] <Wobbo> Tahg: did you use regex?
L515[13:56:13] <Tahg> regex...what?
L516[13:56:19] <Wobbo> regular expressions
L517[13:56:25] <Tahg> ya, I know what regex is
L518[13:56:40] <Wobbo> If you don't use regular expressions, your problem is not the _ENV, it tis the lack of regex
L519[13:56:41] <Tahg> and no, I didn't use anyway, but why would I?
L520[13:56:52] <Wobbo> :P
L521[13:56:57] <Tahg> mhm I don't think so =P
L522[13:57:21] <Tahg> something seems to be reverting _ENV when the function returns
L523[13:57:28] <Wobbo> http://xkcd.com/1171/
L524[13:57:34] <asie> Hmm.
L525[13:57:47] <asie> I checked the source code, and Minecraft seems to cache all accessed TileEntities in a !@#$ing ArrayList.
L526[13:58:06] <asie> I am tempted to make a coremod tweak that replaces it with something saner
L527[13:58:45] <Sangar> breaking anything that relies on it? i don't know :P
L528[14:00:07] <Wobbo> What is wrong with array lists?
L529[14:00:22] <asie> Wobbo: Imagine you run a server.
L530[14:00:29] <asie> Or use microblocks and cables.
L531[14:00:31] <asie> Ta-da, your ArrayList now has a few thousand TEs
L532[14:00:38] <asie> They are looked up EVERY SINGLE TIME world.getBlockTileEntity() is called
L533[14:00:41] <asie> which is way more often than you think
L534[14:00:52] <Wobbo> Ah, that is wrong with array lists
L535[14:02:23] <Sangar> don't they at least store those per chunk? i expected only the list of updating TEs was global.
L536[14:02:35] <Wobbo> Would a three dimensional arrylist be better than? :P
L537[14:03:09] <Sangar> TreeSet!
L538[14:04:27] <Sangar> or you know, you could just implement an r-tree because you don't know that exists, and then not bother to switch to that because it works, after all >_> (guess what's backing the wireless network in oc)
L539[14:05:00] * Wobbo still actually needs a heap
L540[14:05:18] <Wobbo> Damn, he didn't send my previous thing
L541[14:05:24] <Kodos> Oh hey, while you're all here. Is there a way to make a file read only (So it can't be edited later by another user)
L542[14:05:51] <Wobbo> I said that a little more types of datastructers would be useful in Lua :P
L543[14:06:43] <Sangar> Kodos: probably not what you want to hear, but no.
L544[14:07:02] <Kodos> Okies, thanks
L545[14:07:13] <Sangar> you can however lock the computer for other players entirely
L546[14:07:33] <Kodos> Yes, I've done th at already as well
L547[14:07:57] <Sangar> ah, ok
L548[14:08:09] <Kodos> Right now, I'm working out how to turn a server into a file repo that computers can remotely get from
L549[14:08:26] <Wobbo> Kodos: you have ftp? :)
L550[14:08:33] <Kodos> I'm trying to figure out how it would work
L551[14:08:38] <Kodos> But yes, that's what I'd want
L552[14:08:40] * Wobbo is interested :)
L553[14:09:28] <Wobbo> I want to make a package manager that can use in-game repo's, so when you get that to work, send me a message :)
L554[14:11:18] <Kodos> Well the main issue I'm having right now is the mightypirates Filesystem wiki page doesn't exist
L555[14:11:35] <Kodos> And I'd have to figure out how to have the server calculate the signal strength
L556[14:11:36] <Wobbo> API Filesystem
L557[14:12:53] <Sangar> you mean for the actual file system component? yeah, i didn't expect anyone to use that *directly* any time soon, so i prioritized :P
L558[14:12:58] <pong> Kodos, the component filesystem doesnt exist but the API dpes :P
L559[14:13:07] <Kodos> Okay =)
L560[14:13:17] <Kodos> Sangar, get on it son!
L561[14:13:57] <Sangar> https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master/src/main/java/li/cil/oc/server/component/FileSystem.scala there, close enough :P
L562[14:13:59] <Kodos> I'm going to have a pastebin of a batch pastebin get so anytime we start a new world, I can just grab the files
L563[14:14:27] <Wobbo> Kodos: you might want to use github instead
L564[14:14:37] <Vexatos> Kodos NOO, Use the github program :D
L565[14:14:42] <Wobbo> Vexatos was working on a git like program
L566[14:14:44] <Kodos> I have a github, but would haven't a clue how to use it with OC
L567[14:14:54] <Wobbo> wget file filename
L568[14:14:58] <Kodos> Oh that one
L569[14:15:00] <Kodos> That's git?
L570[14:15:00] <Vexatos> Well, I have the basics going for github program
L571[14:15:08] <Vexatos> you can basically get a file from a github link already
L572[14:15:12] <Vexatos> Nothing else yet
L573[14:15:19] <Wobbo> No, but it works while Vexatos is procrastinating :P
L574[14:15:24] <Vexatos> it is just a modified version of the "pastebin" program
L575[14:15:49] <Kodos> Right now I'm working on a game idea I had
L576[14:15:55] <Vexatos> Wobbo, Sh*t up, I am waiting for an OC Emulator and a better PC :D
L577[14:15:58] <Kodos> I was going to convert it to CC, but I may do it in OC instead
L578[14:16:02] <Wobbo> I know :P
L579[14:16:17] <Kodos> Anyone familiar with LSL?
L580[14:16:21] <Vexatos> Nope
L581[14:16:26] <Wobbo> Kodos: If I were you, I would chose OC. You could even include dance parts! :P
L582[14:16:38] <Wobbo> Not yet, tel me about it
L583[14:16:38] <Kodos> Wobbo, I'm already planning on dropping CC entirely once I convert to 1.7
L584[14:16:51] <Kodos> Linden Scripting Language, it's the language used in scripting and coding for Second Life
L585[14:17:05] <asie> I'm working on something creepy
L586[14:17:14] <Sangar> 'for Second Life' and that's a good thing? :P
L587[14:17:21] <Tahg> lol
L588[14:17:23] <asie> I'm trying out an idea I had for optimizing Minecraft TE accesses
L589[14:17:31] <Vexatos> Oh no
L590[14:17:35] <Kodos> Sangar, don't laugh. My income from Second Life made enough money to keep me off the street in 2005
L591[14:17:40] <Vexatos> AsieTweaks
L592[14:17:41] <Vexatos> D:
L593[14:17:59] <Sangar> ^.- wow. nothing to laugh at then.
L594[14:18:11] <Kodos> I know a few people who pay their rent from income on there, too
L595[14:18:16] <Kodos> It can get lucrative
L596[14:18:38] <Kodos> Hell, the guy who invented Bloodlines is a millionare
L597[14:18:49] <Tahg> uhg, back to working on _ENV I guess
L598[14:18:56] <Tahg> stupid thing is complicated
L599[14:19:07] <Kodos> Anyway, I digress
L600[14:19:08] <Sangar> hum. wikipedias color scheme really sucks hard when it comes to comments in code samples.
L601[14:19:21] <Kodos> The reason I brought it up is because I want to make this into a game in OC https://github.com/Kodos-Atoz/SL-Shit/blob/master/Gamblosphere/scripts/gamblosphere
L602[14:19:25] * Wobbo found heaps implemented in pure Lua.
L603[14:19:30] <Sangar> orange on light gray, who came up with that?
L604[14:20:35] <Wobbo> To the A-stars!
L605[14:20:40] <Wobbo> When I have time…
L606[14:20:47] <Kodos> A-stars?
L607[14:20:49] <Tahg> anyone know if _ENV is effectively local per file? (which seems stupid)
L608[14:21:01] <Wobbo> A* the best search algorithm I know of
L609[14:22:44] <Wobbo> Although, with OC's limited memory, it might be better to use IDA*, since it uses less memory
L610[14:22:49] <Vexatos> Esspecially if you add .*@.* to some server blacklist
L611[14:23:08] <Wobbo> Tahg: it is local if you redeclare it in that file
L612[14:23:17] <Tahg> erm, I'm not
L613[14:23:30] <Kodos> I'm excited for CC 1.6, I want to look at the code of the new stuff and see how much could be implemented into OC :3
L614[14:25:07] <Tahg> does it "revert" if the stack is unwound?
L615[14:26:09] <Kenny> Sangar, i believe my world got corruptedd that.
L616[14:26:35] <Kenny> i'm going to have to rebuild world and stuee for sure
L617[14:26:45] <Kenny> stuff*
L618[14:26:52] <Sangar> Tahg: well it's lexical, i.e. it only applies to the scope _ENV is visible on. so yes, when you leave the scope where it was defined it's not there anymore.
L619[14:27:27] <Tahg> blarg
L620[14:27:28] <Sangar> Kenny: by upgrading to 203?
L621[14:27:51] <Tahg> is changing it the same as defining it?
L622[14:28:03] <Tahg> cause I don't have a local _ENV anywhere
L623[14:28:09] <Sangar> except if you return something that was declared in that scope that has the _ENV as its upvalue
L624[14:28:14] <Kenny> nope, nothing toth OC
L625[14:28:22] <pong> i made another multiplexer http://i.imgur.com/aT6kIyb.png
L626[14:28:29] <Kenny> this damn kb is acting up
L627[14:28:41] <Wobbo> pong: so much redstone
L628[14:28:48] <pong> Wobbo, not really
L629[14:28:55] <Kodos> pong what the shit is that
L630[14:29:04] <pong> Kodos, an 8 bit multiplexer
L631[14:29:12] <pong> 256 bit ouput bus
L632[14:29:28] <Kodos> o.o So you have 256 separate redstone channels?
L633[14:29:43] <pong> its a multiplexer ofc
L634[14:30:30] <pong> 2^input_base output bits
L635[14:30:40] <Sangar> Tahg: if you do _ENV = blah it'll essentially set _ENV._ENV = blah, and i quite frankly don't know how that will be handled :X
L636[14:30:57] <Sangar> or at least that's what i'm pretty sure will happen...
L637[14:31:00] <Tahg> lovely
L638[14:31:16] <pong> yep
L639[14:31:17] <Tahg> I like 5.1 better...
L640[14:31:31] <pong> i like 5.1 because luajit
L641[14:31:46] <Tahg> none of this stupid _ENV
L642[14:31:59] <Wobbo> Tahg: certain aspects of 5.1's environment were better, but I understand why they made the change
L643[14:32:00] <Tahg> I could set the environment of a function, and that's what it would be
L644[14:33:05] <Tahg> hmm...maybe instead of returning a function, I can return a table with a __call metatable
L645[14:34:12] <Tahg> I've tested this with a simple file
L646[14:34:42] <Tahg> print(_ENV) _ENV = foo print(_ENV) prints _ENV and foo
L647[14:35:18] <Wobbo> maybe you should localise your _ENV
L648[14:35:28] <Tahg> but for some reason _ENV = foo func() doesn't make the environemnt foo inside of func
L649[14:37:06] <Wobbo> That is because the environment a function is defined in is the environment the function will have.
L650[14:37:11] <Wobbo> For the rest of its live
L651[14:38:18] <Tahg> uhg
L652[14:38:36] <Tahg> stupid 5.2
L653[14:39:26] <Wobbo> You can't change the environment that a function has
L654[14:39:42] <pong> only with debug.setfenv :<
L655[14:40:15] <Wobbo> Sangar: pull request
L656[14:41:36] <Sangar> so much green. i'll just believe you that this works :P
L657[14:41:44] <Wobbo> XD
L658[14:41:49] <Sangar> thanks :D
L659[14:42:01] <Wobbo> it works from my Lua prompt, so the function works
L660[14:42:16] <Wobbo> How it integrates with the rest is not my problem :P
L661[14:42:19] <Tahg> I think I actually need debug.setupvalue
L662[14:42:47] <Wobbo> Also, if you want command expansion, all you need to do is actually implement the function expandCmd, then that will work as well
L663[14:43:06] <Wobbo> And I think I am done with that tokeniser now
L664[14:43:09] <Sangar> Tahg: guess what you won't get because it'd screw the sandbox hard :-/
L665[14:43:16] <Tahg> ya...
L666[14:43:54] <Tahg> I *can* still do what I want I think, but the garbage collecter aint gonna like it
L667[14:43:54] <Wobbo> I'm done with being awake for today as well
L668[14:44:02] <Sangar> Wobbo: nice. so basically someone will have to have another go at io.popen, right?
L669[14:44:16] <Tahg> hmm
L670[14:44:22] <Wobbo> And then return the output of that command
L671[14:44:37] <Tahg> is there a way to copy the contents of a function, but in the context of a new environment?
L672[14:44:52] <Wobbo> If you allow for bytecode
L673[14:45:09] <Tahg> I assume that's sandboxed away tho too :(
L674[14:45:15] <Tahg> stupid sandboxes =P
L675[14:45:16] <Sangar> right. well some time. after the next release which has been delayed time and again >_>
L676[14:45:23] <Wobbo> Don't know how exactly
L677[14:45:30] <Wobbo> XD
L678[14:45:33] <Wobbo> Well, bye
L679[14:45:46] <Sangar> Tahg: if you only need it locally you can enable bytecode loading in the config.
L680[14:45:53] <Sangar> gnight Wobbo :)
L681[14:45:58] ⇦ Parts: Wobbo (~Wobbo@5ED58A7C.cm-7-6c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) ())
L682[14:46:09] <Tahg> what exactly is the danger of that again?
L683[14:46:32] <Sangar> arbitrary code execution with all the rights of the user that started minecraft
L684[14:46:40] <asie> reading through the sweet new machine API right now
L685[14:46:52] <Tahg> cause what I really want is not exactly "loading"
L686[14:47:07] <Tahg> I more want "copying" an existing function compiled in the code
L687[14:47:23] <Tahg> which I guess is dumping and then loading it back again?
L688[14:47:25] <Sangar> asie: if you notice anything that seems off let me know :)
L689[14:47:35] <Sangar> well, copying in lua is pretty much load(string.dump(f))
L690[14:47:43] <asie> I only took a quick look, Sangar, but it seems to be exactly what I wanted
L691[14:47:44] <asie> Big thank you!
L692[14:47:44] <Sangar> but that goes via bytecode
L693[14:47:53] <asie> Now I can finally make persocoms!
L694[14:47:57] <Tahg> ya, and is disabled by default you say
L695[14:48:04] <Sangar> great, you're welcome! helped clean up quite a bit, and make me notice some inconsistencies.
L696[14:48:40] <Tahg> damn, all this to avoid excessive use of self <.<
L697[14:48:46] <Sangar> Tahg: yes. since it would basically allow loading code that would 'call' arbitrary memory addresses on C level.
L698[14:49:02] <asie> anyway, for Computronics, I won't have time tomorrow sadly but today I finished up what seems to be working Storage code for Items
L699[14:49:10] <asie> so I can store gzipped data of arbitrary size in the world save directory
L700[14:49:19] <asie> exactly what I need for cassette tapes - next up will be writing a tape peripheral
L701[14:49:22] <Sangar> nice
L702[14:49:49] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3CB97E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Greetings from Pastry Fork, Inc. âś”)
L703[14:49:59] <asie> and adding in that streaming DFPWM-encoded audio support I always wanted
L704[14:50:01] <Tahg> what would happen if I called a parameter "_ENV"?
L705[14:50:07] <asie> and after that, it's cameras and persocoms galore
L706[14:51:20] <Tahg> is loadstring still available in 5.2 and OC?
L707[14:51:51] <Tahg> cause I could store all my functions as strings then, and create them as needed
L708[14:51:52] <Sangar> Tahg: I'd assume it'd be used as the method's body's environment. the upvalue thing in functions is really just the 'base' fallback , afaik. what actually happens is that it looks for the first (most local) _ENV variable it finds and uses that as env
L709[14:52:14] <Tahg> I see
L710[14:52:32] <Sangar> load() will load text
L711[14:52:46] <Tahg> so, I could still make functions foo(_ENV, arg2, arg3), and not need self.whatever
L712[14:52:59] <Tahg> not quite as clean, but may wokr
L713[14:53:22] <Sangar> i suppose it would, yes.
L714[14:53:45] <Tahg> I'm trying to simulate eg, the implicit this. in java
L715[14:53:51] ⇨ Joins: ping (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:914e:8697:193d:b973)
L716[14:53:53] <Tahg> (and failing obv)
L717[14:54:00] ⇦ Quits: pong (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:c34:b7:1ed2:e41d) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L718[14:54:01] <Sangar> i noticed (both :P)
L719[14:55:10] <Tahg> passing _ENV in is easy, I just do func(_ENV, ...), instead of func(...)
L720[14:55:33] <Tahg> so, won't have to pass it when I call, just when I declare it
L721[14:56:19] <Tahg> I've already done so many things that I'm suprised get caught
L722[14:56:37] <Tahg> still not sure how you catch a C stack overflow
L723[14:56:42] <Sangar> hmm, actually, if you do function a.blah(_ENV, ...) ... end and then call a:blah(...) won't self automatically == self?
L724[14:56:58] <Sangar> errr _ENV
L725[14:57:12] <Tahg> and not need any of this complicated stuff? lol
L726[14:57:30] <LordFokas> Tahg, you can't. it's native, the OS will catch it for you.
L727[14:57:34] <Sangar> since in a.blah (dot notation) you need to declare self manually, afaik
L728[14:57:38] <Tahg> actually tho, part of the trick is a.blah doesn't actually exist
L729[14:57:46] <Tahg> it's actually a.class.public.blah
L730[14:58:16] <Tahg> (or possibly private/protected or a superclass
L731[14:58:20] <Sangar> hum, but still, as long as you declare the method in a way where the self isn't implicit and you just name it _ENV, won't that be enough?
L732[14:58:30] <Tahg> yep
L733[14:58:33] <Tahg> should work
L734[14:59:07] <Tahg> will just be another quirk (have a few of those)
L735[14:59:35] <Sangar> actually, lua has a built-in check for c stack "overflow" i believe, so that's how it's caught (and then converted into a lua error)
L736[14:59:42] <Tahg> like, my class syntax is class "name" "supername" { body }
L737[14:59:45] <Sangar> via a simple counter i believe
L738[14:59:50] <Tahg> ah
L739[15:00:42] <Tahg> I *wanted* to format it class "name" [extends "name"] {body}
L740[15:00:51] <Tahg> but couldn't figure out how to make that work
L741[15:01:43] <Tahg> cause you can't implicitly pass a function return to a function, only a string or table literal
L742[15:02:29] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|Offline
L743[15:02:29] <Tahg> nonetheless "supername" is optional due to some typechecking
L744[15:03:22] <Sangar> mm, looking at the sources again i think it's just the generic lua stack size that's limit, and therefore the c stack overflow is implicitly prevented.
L745[15:03:24] ⇦ Quits: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl) (Quit: I'll probably come back in either 20 minutes or 8 hours.)
L746[15:04:24] <Sangar> anyway. what about tables with a __call meta? too hacky?
L747[15:07:26] *** Kenny|Offline is now known as Kenny
L748[15:08:51] <Tahg> I considered that, but I'm not sure it'd change the underlying issue?
L749[15:09:14] <Sangar> for the self thing? nah, i was thinking more about the class definition syntax.
L750[15:09:38] <Tahg> hmm, not sure how that'd work?
L751[15:09:54] <Tahg> I can see that being used for creating instances
L752[15:10:05] <Sangar> class could return a table where meta.__index would accept results of extends and collect those, and then finalize the class with meta._call?
L753[15:11:01] <Sangar> where each __index would actually return the same thing class returned again, so you could do class "a" [extends "b"] [extends "c"] { body }
L754[15:11:18] <Sangar> if you want that :P
L755[15:11:29] <Tahg> I don't think it works that way?
L756[15:12:34] <Tahg> I can do eg, print "Hi" or print {}, but not print foo()
L757[15:12:37] <Kodos> Where can I find a complete-ish list of what I can do with the router?
L758[15:13:14] <Tahg> function results sadly aren't a valid form to avoid the ()
L759[15:13:36] <Sangar> well that's because of the syntax though, not because it's a function? oh wait. i took that too literally i think
L760[15:13:45] <Sangar> you meant [] for optional, right?
L761[15:13:50] <Tahg> ya
L762[15:13:52] <Sangar> ah
L763[15:13:55] <Sangar> i was too lua
L764[15:14:00] <Sangar> and thought you meant indexing
L765[15:14:06] <Tahg> lol, ya tend to mix stuff
L766[15:14:33] <Sangar> well yeah, then i suppose that won't work
L767[15:15:16] <Sangar> Kodos: 'can do' as in from the cc side? look at cc's modem api :P
L768[15:15:33] <Kodos> You mean OC?
L769[15:15:42] <Tahg> can you actually "do" anything with routers?
L770[15:15:52] <Kodos> I hope you can, I'm relying on them for my FTP idea
L771[15:16:10] <Sangar> from the oc side the router isn't even 'visible'. so it's pretty much passive. so i thought with 'do' you meant use it from the cc side for interop.
L772[15:16:19] <Kodos> No no no
L773[15:16:25] <Kodos> I'm working entirely with OC here.
L774[15:16:36] <Kodos> I'm wanting a computer and a server on a rack to communicate
L775[15:16:42] <Sangar> ah, ok. well then routers don't do anything. they just forward broadcasted messages.
L776[15:16:48] <Kodos> x.x
L777[15:16:53] <Kodos> This idea isn't going to work, is it
L778[15:17:23] <Sangar> i am planning to rework them so that at the end the original senders address is used, instead of that of the last router
L779[15:17:27] <Tahg> I take it routers don't have "up" and "down" stream, nor do they have any sort of way to enumerate devices
L780[15:17:29] <Sangar> making them completely transparent
L781[15:17:56] <Kodos> I just want to be able to dump a ton of files into a server, and access/acquire them from a computer
L782[15:17:59] <Tahg> Sangar, call it a switch and I'll be happy =P
L783[15:18:00] <Sangar> but for now, to get messages past them you have to broadcast them
L784[15:18:10] <Tahg> or a hub? hmm
L785[15:18:12] <Tahg> I'm not sure
L786[15:18:17] <Tahg> but pretty sure they aren't routers
L787[15:18:48] <Sangar> that name was sorta because they act as gateway between oc and cc, but yeah, inside oc they're not really routers :P
L788[15:19:17] <Tahg> I thought that was the adapter block for OC <-> CC
L789[15:19:50] <Sangar> it was at the very very beginning, yes
L790[15:20:09] <Kodos> Just so I'm clear, Routers don't do anything for OC when just OC is involved?
L791[15:20:15] <Tahg> btw, how well do robots and computers work with Cal's MFFS?
L792[15:20:18] <Tahg> or do you know?
L793[15:20:19] <Sangar> which was derpy and made less sense than it being in the router block
L794[15:20:41] <Sangar> Kodos: they do, they allow different subnets to exchange network messages
L795[15:20:45] <Kenny> OC computers can control the MFFS system
L796[15:20:55] <Tahg> I mean moving on MFFS "Frames"
L797[15:20:59] <Kenny> not sure on the robots
L798[15:21:06] <Sangar> subnets as in: they don't share network visible components (such as screens or redstone i/o block)
L799[15:21:06] <Tahg> the Force Manipulator block
L800[15:21:32] <Kenny> well, OC has persistence and they work fine on a RiM platform while moving
L801[15:22:03] <Tahg> ok, CC computers (including turtles) apparently have thread leak issues due to how Cal does things
L802[15:22:09] <Kenny> i use one to control a mining platform i built. it's nearly fully automated
L803[15:22:11] <Sangar> Tahg: i don't know, admittedly. care to test if something doesn't behave as it should?
L804[15:22:42] <Tahg> well, will your entities do bad shit if they are moved w/o invalidate/validate being called?
L805[15:23:25] <Kodos> Okay, so I'll need a router to have a computer access a server
L806[15:23:29] <Kodos> server's filesystem?
L807[15:23:33] <Kenny> Sangar. There has to have been something that corrpted my world. I have went clear back to build 172 and OpenComponents 27 and still cannot access BigReactors
L808[15:23:56] <Kenny> i KNOW BR was working with build 185 and OC 27
L809[15:24:27] <Kodos> Kenny, I've got money it's something silly and petty and something you overlooked. It's ALWAYS that with me
L810[15:24:34] <Sangar> Tahg: uh, pretty much, the component network will get messed up by that.
L811[15:25:45] <Sangar> Kodos: you'll probably want one. note that server racks also act the same was as router blocks (i.e. if the server is connect to no side in the rack config it can still send and receive broadcast messages to adjacent networks)
L812[15:25:48] <Tahg> was afraid of that
L813[15:25:59] <Sangar> Kenny: did you update / change any other mods?
L814[15:26:04] *** Biohazard is now known as `
L815[15:26:16] <Kenny> Just the one we were trying to get working yesterday
L816[15:26:30] <Kenny> and i have removed it totally from the pack
L817[15:26:54] <Sangar> huh, no idea. i imagine you already tried breaking and replacing the adapter, right?
L818[15:27:13] <Kenny> the adapter, all of the cable, the BR interface
L819[15:27:24] <Sangar> Tahg: do you know if there's any events or the like to react to that movement?
L820[15:28:10] <Tahg> doubt it, he says he tries to do it "sneakily"
L821[15:28:43] <Tahg> only thing I can think of is store copy of the x,y,z and check it each tick, which is stupidly silly
L822[15:29:35] <Kenny> Tahg, how does the Force Manipulator 'move' something?
L823[15:29:38] <Sangar> yeah, guess what the wireless cards do to handle robot movement without crossdependencies >_>
L824[15:29:59] <Tahg> uh, lemme get you what he said
L825[15:30:12] <Tahg> Feb 28 09:46:25 <Calclavia> The way of doing it is "faking a world save" and fooling the TE to think the world saved
L826[15:30:12] <Tahg> Feb 28 09:46:41 <Calclavia> then moving everything sneakily, using reflection and modifying the chunk directly
L827[15:30:26] ⇨ Joins: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl)
L828[15:30:28] <Tahg> tell me that is the best way to do it, right?
L829[15:30:46] <Kenny> i don't even understand what he means
L830[15:30:55] <Tahg> (that probably pinged him too, oh well)
L831[15:31:14] <Sangar> sounds like what rim does, and that should work the - a full save / load cycle would involve a invalidate/validate, tho
L832[15:31:18] <Tahg> he's basically saying he gives the TE NO indication it moved
L833[15:31:35] <Tahg> no, world *saves* don't
L834[15:31:44] <Tahg> only chunk unloads
L835[15:32:00] <Sangar> mm, so he only calls te.writeToNBT / readFromNBT nothing else?
L836[15:32:21] <Tahg> I'm...not sure
L837[15:32:22] <Sangar> to the github!
L838[15:32:28] <Tahg> is that public?
L839[15:32:35] <Sangar> https://github.com/calclavia/Modular-Force-Field-System/tree/master/src/main/java/mffs
L840[15:34:42] <Tahg> well, found where he collects blocks
L841[15:35:06] <Sangar> at least there's a blacklist, for the worstcase
L842[15:36:05] <Sangar> and there are events
L843[15:36:13] <Kenny> looks like he does use NBT, correct?
L844[15:37:55] <Tahg> looks it
L845[15:38:42] <Tahg> BlockPostMoveDelayedEvent seems to handle actually moving the block
L846[15:38:51] <Tahg> or well, cleaning up from it
L847[15:39:48] <Sangar> looks like the 'events' are purely internal, though
L848[15:40:15] <Tahg> ya
L849[15:40:27] <Tahg> and I'm not sure where he fixes up the internal x,y,z of the TE
L850[15:40:34] <Tahg> do you see that anywhere?
L851[15:40:56] <Sangar> maybe, checking now
L852[15:42:43] <Sangar> hum. is the lib/core not open source? or am i just blind?
L853[15:42:49] <Tahg> doesn't look it
L854[15:43:01] <Sangar> anyway, i'm guessing it's the MovementUtility.setBlockSneaky(this.newPosition.world, this.newPosition, this.blockID, this.blockMetadata, newTile);
L855[15:43:15] <Sangar> line 81 in the postmove
L856[15:43:29] <Sangar> and then there's MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new EventPostForceManipulate... !
L857[15:43:44] <Tahg> I'm *guessing* all that does is reflectively set the block without calling the block.add, block.remove, or update neighbors stuff
L858[15:44:04] <Tahg> hmm, could that event be useful?
L859[15:44:51] <Sangar> maybe
L860[15:45:01] <Sangar> before i get into that... time for some breakpoints
L861[15:45:37] <Tahg> unfortunately, the event doesn't have both worlds
L862[15:45:56] <Tahg> oh, there's probably a PreForceManipulate?
L863[15:46:17] <Sangar> yep
L864[15:46:30] <Sangar> oh damn. idconflicts in mah dev env :P
L865[15:47:23] <Tahg> well, I don't see any Pre event getting posted to the forge bus
L866[15:47:40] <Tahg> oh, there it is
L867[15:47:50] <Tahg> it's called before the block is moved, and post is called after
L868[15:48:44] <Sangar> hmm, actually validate should get called methinks. setBlockSneaky calls World.setBlockTileEntity from what I can tell (jd-gui). but breakpoints are better.
L869[15:49:33] <Kodos> Someone give me something a noob at Lua could do
L870[15:49:41] <Kodos> I want to make something that actually works and is doable
L871[15:49:50] <Sangar> all right. i never used on of these. how do i make that manipulator do something? :X
L872[15:49:53] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-173-78-213-151.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L873[15:49:59] <LordFokas> Kodos: do a database server :p
L874[15:50:08] <Kodos> SQL?
L875[15:50:18] <LordFokas> not necessarily
L876[15:50:29] ⇦ Parts: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-173-78-213-151.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) ())
L877[15:50:36] ⇨ Joins: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-173-78-213-151.tampfl.fios.verizon.net)
L878[15:50:36] <LordFokas> but a rough / primitive implementation of SQL would be cool
L879[15:51:58] <LordFokas> I will probably do one of those
L880[15:52:02] <LordFokas> later
L881[15:52:38] <LordFokas> either in oc/lua or in java as a mod block
L882[15:53:03] <LordFokas> I'm still not sure, all I know is that it'll work with the abstract bus :)
L883[15:53:22] <LordFokas> and it will help me manage my base(s)
L884[15:53:38] <Tahg> why is it that things like "C stack overflow" only cause an error
L885[15:53:48] <Tahg> but too long without yeilding causes a computer reboot <.<
L886[15:54:15] <Kodos> Because Reasons
L887[15:56:57] <LordFokas> because they're on different layers, and thus are handled by different code, and the guy who put that all together didn't bother to standardize the behavior.
L888[15:59:52] <Kodos> Hmm, I wonder if it would be possible to do SQLite on OC
L889[16:01:31] <asie|tab> with a native library, yes...
L890[16:01:46] <asie|tab> Kodos: actually, it might make it to Computronics now that you mention it!
L891[16:01:59] <asie|tab> a Database peripheral, powered by an HDD rack
L892[16:02:39] <Kodos> You should add a tablet, too. So I could make an ebooks database of Poe, and read them while I'm mining
L893[16:02:59] <asie|tab> Kodos: I planned that, but its a very low priority
L894[16:03:05] <asie|tab> i am adding printers though
L895[16:03:07] <Kodos> Low priority?
L896[16:03:10] <Kodos> What are you smoking
L897[16:03:14] <asie|tab> Persocoms.
L898[16:03:30] <asie|tab> And audio cassette tapes
L899[16:03:35] <asie|tab> are the current two major priorities
L900[16:03:37] <Kodos> Who wouldn't want to read The Tell-Tale heart while sitting at layer 15 waiting on lava floes
L901[16:03:45] <asie|tab> after that, printers, scanners and SQLite
L902[16:03:46] <asie|tab> then tablets
L903[16:04:08] <Kodos> This mod kicks the shit out of CC. Just sayin
L904[16:04:26] <asie|tab> With Computronics it will kick the shit out of CC even harder
L905[16:04:41] <asie|tab> Computronics is both a CC and OC mod, but a lot of the functionality will be OC-specific
L906[16:04:49] <Kenny> Kodos, check with me a little later. have a component viewer for OC
L907[16:04:54] <asie|tab> databases and persocoms are the two definite OC-only ones
L908[16:05:01] <Kenny> damn kb
L909[16:05:23] <Kenny> heading out at the moment, back in about 30 min
L910[16:05:28] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
L911[16:05:32] <Tahg> what's a persocom?
L912[16:05:38] <Kodos> Personal COmmunicator I would assume
L913[16:07:03] <asie|tab> It's a bit more involved.
L914[16:07:24] * Tahg wants a config option for clearing screens when computers die
L915[16:08:39] <LordFokas> asie|tab, are you computronics' dev?
L916[16:08:44] <asie|tab> yes
L917[16:08:47] <LordFokas> cool
L918[16:08:48] <asie|tab> why?
L919[16:08:57] <LordFokas> just wondering :p
L920[16:09:02] <asie|tab> you never even saw the mod and you already say it is cool, hah
L921[16:09:19] <LordFokas> no, it's cool that you're the dev :p
L922[16:09:22] <asie|tab> anyway, https://github.com/asiekierka/computronics and https://github.com/asiekierka/asieliv
L923[16:09:23] <asie|tab> err
L924[16:09:38] <asie|tab> https://github.com/asiekierka/asielib
L925[16:09:39] <Kenny|AFK> asie: do you just like fucking with mod devs?
L926[16:09:43] <asie|tab> pushed these to github today, finally
L927[16:09:47] <asie|tab> Kenny|AFK: what do you mean?
L928[16:10:02] <Kenny|AFK> he happens to be the dev of Stargate Tech 2
L929[16:10:11] <asie|tab> i didnt even know
L930[16:10:18] <LordFokas> every day this channel is more and more a cool place to hang out
L931[16:10:37] <LordFokas> I'm glad I forced Sangar into IRC to discuss computer stuff
L932[16:10:45] <Sangar> hah :D
L933[16:11:01] <Sangar> makes two of us
L934[16:11:24] <Tahg> ok...so my system hangs if I try to call a method that should be in _G
L935[16:11:26] <Tahg> and idk why
L936[16:11:42] <Sangar> maybe the look-up in _G recurses?
L937[16:14:13] <Tahg> it's not even getting to where it falls back to _G
L938[16:14:38] <Tahg> oh...think I know why
L939[16:16:19] <Tahg> I expected "Object" not to have a super class, but I created it the same way as any other object
L940[16:16:49] <Tahg> which makes it the superclass of itself <.<
L941[16:17:23] <Sangar> heh
L942[16:17:50] <LordFokas> wait, does OC have OOP?
L943[16:18:02] <Tahg> no
L944[16:18:09] <Tahg> but I'm trying
L945[16:18:14] <LordFokas> hah!
L946[16:18:16] <LordFokas> :D
L947[16:18:25] <Tahg> it's actually been done a lot
L948[16:18:32] <Tahg> but I'm making my own version
L949[16:18:40] <Tahg> and having...issues
L950[16:18:59] * Kodos will be glad when the OC forums are back up
L951[16:19:11] <Tahg> 5.2 does not lead to great breaking sandboxing
L952[16:19:30] <LordFokas> I'd like CC to have some kind of OOP component-based OS
L953[16:19:47] <LordFokas> idk if I can explain myself properly
L954[16:20:02] <asie|tab> LordFokas: for CC grab PearOS
L955[16:20:05] <asie|tab> for OC, wait
L956[16:20:13] <ping> eww pearos
L957[16:20:17] <Tahg> wait?
L958[16:20:22] <LordFokas> not a fan of CC, even though I use it :p
L959[16:20:33] <asie|tab> Tahg: someone will eventually make one
L960[16:20:45] <LordFokas> need to account for the "market share"
L961[16:20:49] <Tahg> well...I'm making OOP
L962[16:20:57] <LordFokas> I can drop it when OC topples CC :p
L963[16:21:01] <Tahg> but I don't understand the rest
L964[16:21:09] <asie|tab> LordFokas: just run both
L965[16:21:12] <asie|tab> and move slowly
L966[16:21:19] <asie|tab> anyway, night
L967[16:21:24] <Tahg> cya
L968[16:21:31] <Sangar> gnight
L969[16:21:54] <asie|tab> again, thanks Sangar
L970[16:21:55] <asie|tab> bye
L971[16:22:08] <LordFokas> the idea would be having classes that could perform some tasks, like handling events and stuff, and then register objects of those classes with the OS and they'd do the dirty work in the background
L972[16:22:25] <LordFokas> without directly using coroutines and stuff
L973[16:22:26] <Sangar> my pleasure, cya :)
L974[16:22:38] <LordFokas> bye asie o/
L975[16:22:39] <Tahg> ya, threading is not my area of expertise
L976[16:22:46] <Tahg> especially in Lua
L977[16:22:59] <Tahg> where was Wobbo's OS again?
L978[16:23:13] <Tahg> oh, at his own git
L979[16:23:14] <LordFokas> It's almost the same with other languages... create / join / kill
L980[16:23:15] *** SuPeRMiNoR2 is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2|Away
L981[16:23:21] <LordFokas> something along those lines
L982[16:24:48] ⇦ Quits: asie|tab (~asietab@apn-31-2-89-235.dynamic.gprs.plus.pl) (Quit: Yui <3)
L983[16:25:30] <Tahg> idk, I guess part of the reason I'm making my own class library is cause I understand it better
L984[16:27:24] <Tahg> think after much headaches I've sorted most of my issues
L985[16:33:44] *** AngieBLD|Off is now known as AngieBLD
L986[16:33:58] *** JoshTheEnder is now known as JoshTheEnder|BackInTheEther
L987[16:38:11] <Kodos> Does anyone have the link to that git with odd and end programs
L988[16:43:02] <Tahg> yes
L989[16:43:13] <Tahg> https://github.com/OpenPrograms
L990[16:43:36] <Tahg> still having an issue with super.foo() <.<
L991[16:44:01] <Calclavia> Sangar: saw your conversation on MFFS block blocking. Simply implement the Forge events to handle it for your block.
L992[16:44:20] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L993[16:44:21] <Sangar> allright, so. Tahg: mffs properly calls invalidate and validate, so there should be no problem with oc blocks at all. took me a bit to understand how the manipulator works, but it was time well invested :D
L994[16:44:31] <Sangar> oh hey Cla
L995[16:44:34] <Sangar> *Cal
L996[16:44:36] <Sangar> gnah
L997[16:44:37] <Tahg> hmm
L998[16:44:45] <Sangar> yeah i just tested it, no need for me to do anything
L999[16:44:48] <Sangar> it just works (tm)
L1000[16:44:50] <Tahg> ya, idk what CCs issue is then
L1001[16:44:58] <Tahg> but somehow it has an issue
L1002[16:45:22] <Tahg> you got any ideas Cal? (knowing there probably won't be an updates on CCs side unfortunately)
L1003[16:45:41] <Tahg> somehow what you do makes it leak threads
L1004[16:46:34] <Kodos> Sangar What's this holo text stuff you've got on the openprograms git
L1005[16:46:53] <LordFokas> wow. LEAK THREADS? just... wow. O.o
L1006[16:47:05] <Sangar> Kodos: it's for the hologram block
L1007[16:47:23] <Kodos> Which I don't see
L1008[16:47:34] <Sangar> it's in the dev builds
L1009[16:47:45] <Sangar> http://i.imgur.com/aK8YjZR.png that thing
L1010[16:48:19] <Kodos> x.x
L1011[16:48:20] <Kodos> Do want
L1012[16:48:56] <Kodos> I'd make a hologram version of my base, and then have it track players
L1013[16:49:01] <Kodos> Like 3-D Radar =D
L1014[16:49:14] <LordFokas> Look what you've done! now I want an hologram showing a 3D representation of my base!
L1015[16:49:22] <Sangar> :D
L1016[16:49:22] * Kodos has tons of neat ideas, but no fucking clue how to implement them
L1017[16:50:00] <LordFokas> I have neat ideas, and lots of clues on how to implement most of them, but very little time to do so.
L1018[16:50:10] <Kodos> You show me how, and I'll do the work
L1019[16:50:22] <Kodos> I literally sit at my PC all day except dinnertime and bathroom breaks
L1020[16:50:22] <LordFokas> my days should be like 120h long
L1021[16:50:48] <Sangar> so yeah, no idea what issue cc might be having. just moved a robot with the manipulator that was running a print loop, it continued find and the old one was properly cleaned up.
L1022[16:51:05] <Sangar> *fine
L1023[16:51:14] <LordFokas> and of course, I always give priority to StargateTech 2, so nothing else ever gets done
L1024[16:51:33] <LordFokas> I have a second mod on wait since ModJam #2
L1025[16:51:49] <Kodos> Isn't SGT2 one gate per dimension?
L1026[16:51:53] <LordFokas> and I'll be really pissed if someone does it before I get the chance to
L1027[16:51:57] <Sangar> man, forcefields are crazy. why haven't i done anything with those before? o.O
L1028[16:52:22] <Kodos> I need to find someone to help me finish K-Matter
L1029[16:52:42] <LordFokas> no, you can have as many gates as you want... but you can only dial to gates in a different dimension
L1030[16:57:00] <Sangar> but yeah, i can confirm that cc leaks threads
L1031[16:57:08] <Sangar> when moved with the manip
L1032[17:05:10] <Kodos> I love the statues mod. This is hilarious http://puu.sh/7hXNv.png
L1033[17:07:33] <Sangar> cute :P
L1034[17:07:37] <Kodos> How do I get rid of a repo on my git
L1035[17:07:45] <Kodos> I can't see a delete button unless I'm blind
L1036[17:07:53] <Sangar> github?
L1037[17:08:06] <Kodos> yes
L1038[17:08:15] <Sangar> in the settings of the repo
L1039[17:08:22] <Sangar> there's a big red box called 'Danger Zone'
L1040[17:08:35] <Sangar> with a 'Delete this repository' button
L1041[17:08:58] <Kodos> Ah, thank you
L1042[17:09:07] <Sangar> np
L1043[17:19:15] <ping> http://puu.sh/7hYDh.png
L1044[17:19:22] <ping> i love cheat engine
L1045[17:31:11] <Kodos> There, cleaned my git up except for my mod and my SL stuff
L1046[17:31:18] <Kodos> Now, time to sync and then work
L1047[17:32:50] *** SuPeRMiNoR2|Away is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2
L1048[17:34:10] *** AngieBLD is now known as AngieBLD|Off
L1049[17:38:13] <LordFokas> I did this: http://puu.sh/7hZRo.jpg ... I'm proud of myself now :p
L1050[17:40:00] <mallrat208> woah
L1051[17:40:28] <mallrat208> Looks nice actually.. Not sure of Grey on Red, but it looks nice
L1052[17:41:19] <Sangar> woah, an actual gui!
L1053[17:42:27] <LordFokas> that string is suffering from a bug... it should be way darker
L1054[17:42:41] <Sangar> as opposed to normal mc guis :P those tab thingies seem to be a thing now. i'm impressed by the motivation that must have taken :D
L1055[17:43:39] <mallrat208> I've appreciated tabs since I first saw them in Forestry and TE
L1056[17:43:45] <Sangar> i generally found what little gui oc has to be a pain, because it's so unpredictable how mc changes the opengl state -.-
L1057[17:44:07] <LordFokas> Sangar: you have no idea... it has been a lot of work
L1058[17:44:25] <LordFokas> I have a massive gui abstraction class
L1059[17:44:33] <Sangar> and then on linux things looked weird again and need even more custom glColor3f(1, 1, 1)s
L1060[17:44:35] <Kodos> I'd like to see you be able to use a screwdriver or wrench to open the side of a computer case block, and have specific slots for the parts
L1061[17:44:54] <LordFokas> ranking around 400 lines, which is a lot for my patterns
L1062[17:45:22] <Kodos> I think it'd be too much work for what it amounts to, but it'd be cool
L1063[17:45:31] <Sangar> wow. gui libs are one of those things every modder writes at some point it seems.
L1064[17:45:32] <LordFokas> but it abstracts every single feature in my GUI code... adding components or tabs to the interface is an easy task
L1065[17:45:54] <Kenny|AFK> the prodigal has return with a new kb and mouse. hopefully these will work better
L1066[17:45:57] *** Kenny|AFK is now known as Kenny
L1067[17:46:08] <Sangar> Kodos: yeah, the idea has come up before, and the work was exactly the deadly argument :P
L1068[17:46:59] <LordFokas> just so you know how deep that goes, the GUI class that corresponds to the image you've seen is 40 lines long, including imports.
L1069[17:47:08] <Sangar> i'm wondering how hard it would be to get an actual gui lib in there :P like cegui or so
L1070[17:47:30] <Sangar> nice
L1071[17:49:42] <LordFokas> I have handlers for everything (click, mouse hovering & leaving) and gauges...
L1072[17:49:59] <LordFokas> most of the code in the GUI subclasses is updating the gauges with code from the TE
L1073[17:50:19] <LordFokas> with VALUES from the TE
L1074[17:50:23] <LordFokas> ._.
L1075[17:50:25] <LordFokas> damn typos
L1076[17:50:46] <Sangar> that sounds quite convenient
L1077[17:51:44] <Sangar> i'm happy my guis are relatively simple :P
L1078[17:51:58] <LordFokas> this is the most complex one I have
L1079[17:52:07] <Sangar> good showcase then
L1080[17:52:08] <Kodos> I'm happy OpenComputers isn't boring as shit to use
L1081[17:52:21] <Sangar> heh
L1082[17:52:26] <Kodos> Plus robots look better than turtles, imo
L1083[17:52:57] <LordFokas> but as soon as I have two classes that do more or less the same, I get a third one to be a superclass and shove every important thing in there... abstraction ftw
L1084[17:53:31] *** SuPeRMiNoR2 is now known as SuPeRMiNoR2|Away
L1085[17:53:52] <Sangar> that's why i love scala so much - because it basically has multiple inheritence. makes abstraction so much easier!
L1086[17:53:52] <LordFokas> I got lazy to the point of using reflection to put all the texture name constants into a list that the game later loads for me
L1087[17:54:39] <LordFokas> you can do that (to a point) in Java using Reflection
L1088[17:55:00] <Sangar> but not quite as comfortably :)
L1089[17:55:20] <Sangar> is that player head in the gui based on the player's skin btw? that would be a nice touch :D
L1090[17:55:21] <LordFokas> yeah, you need to use implementation proxies and stuff
L1091[17:55:43] <LordFokas> yes, it gets the current player's skin... because it's that player's inventory :)
L1092[17:56:27] <LordFokas> http://puu.sh/7i1ax.png
L1093[17:56:33] <Kodos> What is normally used to grab a player's skin for texture purposes
L1094[17:57:09] <Sangar> sweet!
L1095[17:57:27] <LordFokas> I use the player object... there's a method for that
L1096[17:58:00] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
L1097[17:59:03] *** Lathanael|Away is now known as Lathanael
L1098[18:00:02] <LordFokas> I'm currently in the middle of a massive rewrite... so there's a lot of thrash and so going back and forth in my code... most abstraction layers are pretty robust, but the GUI code is actually very sensitive...
L1099[18:00:23] <LordFokas> there's a lot of pain ahead before I get to release this and get actual features done
L1100[18:05:02] <LordFokas> remember the image I showed earlier? I fixed the colors!
L1101[18:05:03] <LordFokas> http://puu.sh/7i1HB.jpg
L1102[18:05:54] <Sangar> it's blue!
L1103[18:06:00] <LordFokas> it was MC's string and itemstack rendering code not leaving OpenGL like they found it... which isn't nice when you're rendering stuff in a loop
L1104[18:06:06] <LordFokas> the other tab is red
L1105[18:06:19] <Kodos> Can we not use wildcards in os inputs?
L1106[18:06:23] <LordFokas> http://puu.sh/7i1Nv.jpg
L1107[18:06:27] <Sangar> surprise surprise at mc messing up the ogl state :P
L1108[18:06:41] <Sangar> slick :)
L1109[18:06:43] <LordFokas> yeah... nothing new there :p
L1110[18:07:07] <Sangar> Kodos: as in ls bin/* ? no, at least not yet. besh might be able to do that at some point.
L1111[18:07:25] <Sangar> does it animate?
L1112[18:07:30] <Kodos> Was just trying to remove the massive amount of lua files in my home folder
L1113[18:07:33] <Kodos> *.lua didn't work
L1114[18:07:39] <LordFokas> what? the tabs opening and closing? they do.
L1115[18:07:48] <Sangar> yup. nice.
L1116[18:07:57] <LordFokas> they move 15% of their own size every tick
L1117[18:08:28] <LordFokas> when you open a tab, all others attempt to close. when you click an open tab, it will close.
L1118[18:08:32] <Sangar> Kodos: yeah, that's not supported by the basic shell, and not by besh, yet, either. either Wobbo or me will probably hack that into besh at some point, though.
L1119[18:11:00] ⇦ Quits: ping (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:914e:8697:193d:b973) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1120[18:14:52] *** Michiyo is now known as Michiyo[Off]
L1121[18:15:08] <Kodos> Quick question
L1122[18:15:20] <Kodos> In the 'man' for wget, you list a zip file as an example. Can OC actually do anything with zip files?
L1123[18:19:09] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:5c80:5bc1:48b7:8e7b)
L1124[18:20:02] <SpiritedDusty> Sangar, I threw together something http://spiriteddusty.xpm.io/phpbb3/ :P
L1125[18:20:28] <^v> eww phpbb
L1126[18:20:34] <SpiritedDusty> xD
L1127[18:21:05] <^v> its better than ip.board but whatever
L1128[18:21:09] <^v> php is eww
L1129[18:21:23] <LordFokas> speaking of man, allow me to quote my software engineering teacher: "I'm here to evaluate you, not to walk you through your tools. If you don't know how to use it do 'man tool'. If you don't know how to use man, do 'man man'."
L1130[18:21:27] <Sangar> Kodos: perhaps, there's a pure lua implementation of something that can read gzip at least
L1131[18:22:02] <Sangar> looks prettier than i remember phpbb
L1132[18:22:28] <SpiritedDusty> I had to change the theme lol the original theme looks like total shit
L1133[18:22:35] <Sangar> ah :D
L1134[18:23:07] <^v> make the background darker
L1135[18:23:08] <LordFokas> ^v: php is cool as a scripting language... it is powerful but slow... it's ok to use it on most stuff, unless what you're doing needs even the smallest bit of security...
L1136[18:23:20] <Lathanael> "man man" thats funny :D
L1137[18:23:28] <^v> or use http://i.imgur.com/RSSRCwb.png
L1138[18:23:35] <^v> which is the original
L1139[18:23:45] <^v> LordFokas, php sucks as a high level language aswell
L1140[18:23:54] <^v> slowness just adds to the shittyness
L1141[18:24:17] <LordFokas> I use it as an HTML generator for my new wiki...
L1142[18:24:33] <LordFokas> it runs once, caches output in .html files, which are served to the clients
L1143[18:24:46] <Sangar> i think i linked this here before, but it's good enough to be linked again: http://me.veekun.com/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/
L1144[18:24:54] <Tahg> hmm, OC can interact with OP peripherals right?
L1145[18:25:02] <Lathanael> as far as forum software is concerned most php boards are crap
L1146[18:25:03] <LordFokas> I only need to run it when the data changes, and it doesn't need any security, so it's fine for me.
L1147[18:25:04] <Tahg> (I should probably just test this but meh)
L1148[18:25:31] ⇦ Quits: BevoLJ (~BevoLJ@cpe-70-113-52-59.austin.res.rr.com) ()
L1149[18:25:33] <Kodos> Try it =D
L1150[18:25:33] <^v> i prefer lua for everything
L1151[18:25:34] <LordFokas> I have experience with Invision Power Board... it's not horrible...
L1152[18:25:36] <^v> EVERYTHING.
L1153[18:26:00] <LordFokas> meh
L1154[18:26:26] <LordFokas> programming languages are tools... no matter how much you love hammers, not all problems are nails.
L1155[18:26:32] <SpiritedDusty> ipboard isn't horrible, its just CC's ipboard being stupid
L1156[18:26:43] <^v> the version of IP.Board CC uses is retarded
L1157[18:26:47] <Sangar> err, if opencomponents is available the adapter can talk to cc peripherals, things from openperipherals might not actually work because i think they use a custom implementation that eventually boils down to using cc's hostedperipheral system (which is similar to oc's driver system), and that i can't tap into
L1158[18:27:03] <Kenny> I believe we just had a Youtube celebrity in the channel
L1159[18:27:19] <Lathanael> smf is the only forum software i would use honestly
L1160[18:27:28] <SpiritedDusty> hey ^v, can you crop the logo so theres none of that whitespace?
L1161[18:27:33] <LordFokas> I just realized it... I knew I've seen that name elsewhere!
L1162[18:27:44] <Kenny> yeah, BevolJ
L1163[18:27:44] <^v> yeah one sec
L1164[18:28:10] <Sangar> and no-one noticed until he left. good job, us!
L1165[18:28:14] <Kenny> i may be an old man but i ain't lost it completely yet hehe
L1166[18:28:21] <LordFokas> I know he plays MC on yourube, although I only watch dw20
L1167[18:28:32] <LordFokas> youtube/
L1168[18:28:34] <Kenny> he also does Mod Spotlights
L1169[18:28:47] <Kenny> and Tutorials
L1170[18:28:51] <Sangar> i think i first stumbled upon his videos when i was looking up rotarycraft
L1171[18:28:58] <LordFokas> speaking of which, I'm 3 Server Play episodes late.
L1172[18:29:06] <Kenny> i was just looking through his CC tutorials a week or so ago
L1173[18:29:06] <^v> http://i.imgur.com/C8Y1hmr.png
L1174[18:29:15] <SpiritedDusty> thanks
L1175[18:30:14] <Kenny> Dusty, does this mean i have to set up my forum info again?
L1176[18:30:24] <Tahg> meh, if it doesn't work, this may make me move back to CC
L1177[18:30:24] <SpiritedDusty> what forum info?
L1178[18:30:31] <Kenny> registering
L1179[18:30:41] <Tahg> don't really want to ask her to implement a different system
L1180[18:31:05] <SpiritedDusty> oh yeah probably unless we can somehow convert ipboard data to phpbb
L1181[18:31:15] <Kenny> Tahg, yes they can
L1182[18:31:19] <LordFokas> I doubt that
L1183[18:31:35] <LordFokas> the database structures are very different
L1184[18:31:54] <Tahg> Kenny, that's cool
L1185[18:31:59] <SpiritedDusty> and probably the method of storing passwords are different too
L1186[18:32:01] <LordFokas> it'd be like moving your windows user data to your freshly-installed linux
L1187[18:32:18] <Tahg> you got that viewer handy I can double check with tho?
L1188[18:32:25] <^v> LordFokas, there are tools for that :p
L1189[18:32:26] <LordFokas> the wayw values are stored and used are very different
L1190[18:32:36] *** Michiyo[Off] is now known as Michiyo
L1191[18:32:52] <Kenny> well, i'm going back ingame and make certain they do work with OP
L1192[18:33:10] <Tahg> heh
L1193[18:33:37] <Sangar> well, it doesn't look 'easy', but i found this http://www.osmanerdi.com/2013/03/ipb-3xx-to-phpbb3-converter-how-to.html
L1194[18:33:43] <LordFokas> when this semester ends, I'll pick one of you up and make you teach me how to use OC properly. probably Kenny :p
L1195[18:33:54] <^v> hmm, i should make a PHP -> Lua compiler
L1196[18:34:12] <^v> combined with JIT it will be OP :3
L1197[18:34:39] <Tahg> lol
L1198[18:35:20] <Tahg> if OP doesn't happen to work with OC, anyone want to make a PR for it =D
L1199[18:36:06] <SpiritedDusty> hey Sangar, can you add a subdomain named opencomputers.cil.li? since Ir_7_o is using oc.cil.li I can't make it use that domain
L1200[18:37:20] <^v> or openc
L1201[18:37:25] <Sangar> i can do that. tomorrow. i'm falling asleep in my chair :P
L1202[18:37:34] <SpiritedDusty> oh ok :P
L1203[18:37:39] <Sangar> good night everyone ^^
L1204[18:37:43] <SpiritedDusty> good night
L1205[18:37:44] <^v> night
L1206[18:40:02] <SpiritedDusty> ^v, http://spiriteddusty.xpm.io/ default theme looks like shit
L1207[18:40:22] <LordFokas> o/
L1208[18:40:24] * ^v pokes Sangar dont fall asleep in a chair :<
L1209[18:40:44] <^v> SpiritedDusty, looks okay
L1210[18:40:55] <SpiritedDusty> it does? it looks terrible to me
L1211[18:41:21] <^v> its terrible compared to other forums ive seen
L1212[18:41:35] <^v> but ive seen much worse
L1213[18:42:57] <^v> whatever it is now looks much better
L1214[18:44:17] <LordFokas> ^
L1215[18:44:31] <^v> gah the logo
L1216[18:44:33] <^v> leme fix
L1217[18:46:26] <SpiritedDusty> huh?
L1218[18:46:36] <SpiritedDusty> theres something wrong with the logo?
L1219[18:47:37] <Tahg> ^v, are you refering to the fact the text isn't centered?
L1220[18:47:55] <^v> the contrasting looks weird
L1221[18:48:16] <Tahg> of what to what?
L1222[18:48:29] <Tahg> the subtext to the background text?
L1223[18:49:38] <Tahg> but ya, if you have the source layers, (IMO) the subtext would look better centered, instead of almost sortof maybe
L1224[18:52:50] * Tahg goes back to making super.foo() work
L1225[18:53:00] <Tahg> it's a really annoying issue <.<
L1226[18:53:34] <^v> http://i.imgur.com/9Ve4959.png
L1227[18:54:02] <SpiritedDusty> thanks
L1228[18:54:05] <Tahg> much more readable, but I still find the offcenter offputing
L1229[18:54:46] <^v> Tahg, fine ill fix that too
L1230[18:54:50] <Kenny> Tahg, testing with the OP Addons OC can access the ticket machine and pim but no other add-ons
L1231[18:55:25] <Tahg> darn :(
L1232[18:55:27] <SpiritedDusty> yay new logo looks better
L1233[18:55:38] <^v> SpiritedDusty, utard
L1234[18:55:42] <^v> fix the resolution
L1235[18:55:47] <Kenny> testing with Open Blocks now
L1236[18:55:49] <SpiritedDusty> whats wrong with it?
L1237[18:55:57] <SpiritedDusty> is it supposed to be small?
L1238[18:56:07] <SpiritedDusty> wait what resolution?
L1239[18:56:08] <^v> its supposed to be bigger than the previous
L1240[18:56:19] <^v> because of the outline blur
L1241[18:56:39] <SpiritedDusty> oh there
L1242[18:56:51] <^v> :D
L1243[18:57:50] *** Lathanael is now known as Lathanael|Away
L1244[18:59:56] <Kenny> Tahg, it would appear that it can work with most of the OPen Blocks items
L1245[19:05:03] <Kenny> And Sanga-r is going to love finding out OC had nothing wrong with it....
L1246[19:05:32] <Tahg> oh cool, what was the issue before?
L1247[19:05:45] <Kenny> when i lost access to Big Reactors, it wasn't because of OC. somehow my CC got deleted from the mods folder
L1248[19:06:14] <Tahg> hmm
L1249[19:06:26] <Tahg> the adapter actually needs CC I guess?
L1250[19:06:34] <Tahg> or just OP
L1251[19:07:02] <Kenny> needs CC
L1252[19:07:30] <Kenny> OP isn't necessary to my knowledge, just CC
L1253[19:07:44] <Tahg> ah
L1254[19:08:15] <Kenny> it wasn't tell i added OP that it told me CC was messing
L1255[19:08:31] <Kenny> missing*
L1256[19:09:03] <Tahg> ahah
L1257[19:09:26] <Kenny> and i believe Kodos said earlier it would be something stupid that was the issue
L1258[19:09:36] <Tahg> (I'm beginning to think your issues have nothing to do with your kb =P)
L1259[19:09:52] <Kenny> i can't type for shit lol
L1260[19:10:08] <Kodos> :3
L1261[19:10:21] <Kenny> i think faster than i can type and that leads to screw ups all the time
L1262[19:10:23] <Kodos> 90% of computer problems I've seen seem to be overcomplicated by the user
L1263[19:10:37] <Kodos> But I do a lot of over the phone tech support
L1264[19:10:40] <Kenny> thing is Kodos, I DID NOT delete CC
L1265[19:10:44] <Tahg> is your component viewer releaseable yet?
L1266[19:10:51] <^v> SpiritedDusty, fix avatar size limits
L1267[19:10:57] <^v> 6Kib is nothing
L1268[19:11:03] <Kenny> going back in game and give it a final test but it should be
L1269[19:11:39] <Kenny> i got side-tracked from it earlier when some things weren't showing up that should have been there
L1270[19:11:47] <Tahg> ah, ya
L1271[19:12:20] <Tahg> I'm *guessing* it's not necessarily that the adapter needs CC
L1272[19:12:39] <Tahg> but that the other mods have CC suppport which they will only load when CC is present
L1273[19:13:41] <Kodos> IN due time, all mods will succumb to the dark side that is OC :3
L1274[19:14:25] <Tahg> I'm *trying* to get Direwolf to succumb
L1275[19:15:53] <Kodos> Hmm
L1276[19:15:55] <^v> direderp is a bad coder :|
L1277[19:16:24] <Kodos> Hmm, servers aren't accepting power while the side selected is 'none'
L1278[19:16:33] <Tahg> huh?
L1279[19:16:53] <Tahg> that's weird they should need a side for power, but what do I know
L1280[19:17:05] <^v> in his turtle remote control code he actually loadstring(message)() where message is any rednet broadcast
L1281[19:17:38] <Tahg> well, he doesn't need to code real defensively
L1282[19:17:52] <^v> using rednet at all will break it
L1283[19:17:55] <Tahg> but I don't think he does that anymore/on fc
L1284[19:18:38] <Tahg> pretty sure he has msgs of the type keyword args on his portal program
L1285[19:18:57] <Tahg> Kodos, works for me, I think you're doing it wrong
L1286[19:19:04] <Kodos> Probably
L1287[19:19:28] <Tahg> I have a cell -> converter -> rack, with a server in the top set to None
L1288[19:19:33] <Tahg> and it turns on fine
L1289[19:19:42] <Tahg> converter is in the back, fwiw
L1290[19:21:28] <Kodos> Trying it now, but it didn't work a second ago
L1291[19:21:33] <Kodos> How often does the server refill its power
L1292[19:21:54] <Tahg> hmm, good question lemme try a new one
L1293[19:22:34] <^v> suggestion: satelite dishes
L1294[19:22:57] <Tahg> Kodos, indeed moving it to my inv and back cleared its energy
L1295[19:23:04] <Tahg> works on any side but none
L1296[19:23:06] <^v> they have a higher efficiency than normal wireless cards but can only go in one direction
L1297[19:23:24] <Kodos> Only if they require a satellite at Y150+
L1298[19:23:31] <Tahg> satelite dishes are kind two way
L1299[19:23:41] <Tahg> that's more "radio tower" like
L1300[19:23:44] <^v> yeah, you will be able to send/receive
L1301[19:24:18] <Tahg> tbh radio towers would be kinda cool, if you can get id/distance from them
L1302[19:24:22] <Kodos> Time to fish out some APIs, I think I'm getting somewhere with this idea
L1303[19:24:32] <Tahg> and then a robot could use them for GPS
L1304[19:25:09] <SpiritedDusty> ^v, how big should I set the avatar limit to?
L1305[19:25:17] <SpiritedDusty> 250x250?
L1306[19:25:39] <^v> SpiritedDusty, 256x256 should be about 1.5Mib
L1307[19:25:59] <SpiritedDusty> k I changed it
L1308[19:26:00] <^v> but thats pretty big
L1309[19:26:09] <Tahg> uh, dafuq?
L1310[19:26:14] <Tahg> where do you get that math from?
L1311[19:26:31] <Tahg> a 32bit raw bitmap of 256x256 is only 256k
L1312[19:26:50] <^v> oh im stupid
L1313[19:26:50] <Tahg> surely a png/jpg would be much smaller
L1314[19:27:01] <^v> one sec
L1315[19:27:44] <^v> 100Kib
L1316[19:28:09] <Tahg> sounds more reasonable =P
L1317[19:28:32] <Tahg> png has a really wide range, just looked at mc screenshots
L1318[19:28:47] <SpiritedDusty> ^v, can you remember what categories we had on the old OC forums?
L1319[19:29:07] <Tahg> at 1920x1005 they ranged from 60kb to 1.7mb
L1320[19:29:12] <Kodos> First thing you should set up is a place to let people post programs
L1321[19:29:19] <Kodos> So people can start doing that again
L1322[19:29:32] <^v> hmm, maby i have a cache of it somewhere
L1323[19:35:33] <^v> The avatar’s filesize must be between 0 and 6 KiB.
L1324[19:35:37] <^v> SpiritedDusty, uderp
L1325[19:35:38] ⇨ Joins: Coreymills25 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net)
L1326[19:35:45] <SpiritedDusty> uhh....
L1327[19:35:51] <Coreymills25> heyy all
L1328[19:35:52] <^v> inb4 random question
L1329[19:36:03] <SpiritedDusty> what should the max size be?
L1330[19:36:06] <^v> inb4 headdesk
L1331[19:36:29] <^v> SpiritedDusty, 100kb
L1332[19:37:11] <SpiritedDusty> k updated
L1333[19:37:25] <SpiritedDusty> can you try replying to my test thread?
L1334[19:37:57] <SpiritedDusty> phpbb looks so messy… I miss ipboard lol
L1335[19:40:50] <^v> SpiritedDusty, you need to approve moi posts
L1336[19:40:56] <SpiritedDusty> o_O
L1337[19:41:29] <SpiritedDusty> lol...
L1338[19:41:48] <SpiritedDusty> phpbb feels so messy
L1339[19:43:12] <^v> looks good to me
L1340[19:44:07] <SpiritedDusty> it doesn't look as good as the ipboard forums we had
L1341[19:45:48] <^v> o-o no center bbcode?
L1342[19:50:44] <SpiritedDusty> hey ^v, refresh the page. hows the new theme look?
L1343[19:51:37] <Kodos> So many syntax errors. WTB LuaIDE, OC version
L1344[19:51:56] <Tahg> eventually =p maybe
L1345[19:52:07] <Tahg> although LuaIDE kinda has some issues
L1346[19:52:23] <Tahg> fixed a kinda nasty indenting one in my local copy
L1347[19:53:11] <^v> other than the missing icons
L1348[19:53:16] <^v> it looks nice
L1349[19:53:40] <SpiritedDusty> :P
L1350[19:54:17] <Kenny> Tahg, you have a pm :)
L1351[19:54:17] <^v> and the logo should replace the OpenComputers text
L1352[19:55:27] <SpiritedDusty> ^v what do you mean?
L1353[19:55:42] <SpiritedDusty> on the top left it seems way to small for the logo
L1354[19:56:01] <^v> proper css would make it expand :|
L1355[19:56:29] <SpiritedDusty> but theres already a big logo in the center
L1356[19:57:02] <^v> its weird though
L1357[19:57:31] <^v> imo would look better
L1358[19:59:24] <SpiritedDusty> well the top bar is fixed to the top so putting a logo there would be taking up screen space
L1359[19:59:58] <^v> ah
L1360[20:01:13] <LordFokas> The man is going to bed. Bye o/
L1361[20:01:27] <LordFokas> (proof that I'm "the man": http://puu.sh/7g9wi)
L1362[20:01:45] <LordFokas> (mustache included)
L1363[20:02:25] <SpiritedDusty> gnight
L1364[20:03:42] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|off
L1365[20:14:17] ⇦ Parts: Coreymills25 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net) ())
L1366[20:14:24] ⇦ Quits: ^v (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:5c80:5bc1:48b7:8e7b) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1367[20:14:44] ⇨ Joins: ^v (~Kevin@2601:4:4500:887:5c80:5bc1:48b7:8e7b)
L1368[20:22:47] <Symmetryc> Is anyone here?
L1369[20:22:49] <Symmetryc> :(
L1370[20:22:55] <SpiritedDusty> yes
L1371[20:23:35] <Tahg> nope
L1372[20:23:36] <Symmetryc> Dusty, have you taken APCS
L1373[20:23:43] <Symmetryc> Or Tahg
L1374[20:23:43] <SpiritedDusty> whats that?
L1375[20:23:50] <Symmetryc> Are you still in school?
L1376[20:23:58] <Tahg> AP CS?
L1377[20:24:05] <SpiritedDusty> AP comptuer science?
L1378[20:24:06] <Tahg> no unfortunately :(
L1379[20:24:10] <Symmetryc> SpiritedDusty: Yeah
L1380[20:24:13] <SpiritedDusty> no
L1381[20:24:18] <Symmetryc> Crap
L1382[20:24:29] <SpiritedDusty> heh I like saying science as sky-ence
L1383[20:24:32] <Tahg> had to go with Honors level cause of stupid typing class set me back a semester
L1384[20:24:39] <SpiritedDusty> lol typing class...
L1385[20:24:50] <Symmetryc> I hate how half the stuff is just formatting and documenting
L1386[20:24:54] <Tahg> ya, couldn't type fast enough to pass the 9th grade mac class
L1387[20:24:57] <Symmetryc> And not coding
L1388[20:24:59] <SpiritedDusty> must get that syntax right
L1389[20:25:00] <SpiritedDusty> :P
L1390[20:25:14] <SpiritedDusty> Tahg, what was the minimum wpm?
L1391[20:25:24] <Tahg> the windows class was some Excel doc I think
L1392[20:25:34] <Tahg> uh, not sure exactly, 60 maybe?
L1393[20:26:06] <Symmetryc> I can only type like 80 max
L1394[20:26:18] <Symmetryc> If I already know what I want to say
L1395[20:26:25] <Symmetryc> Otherwise it's like 20 xD
L1396[20:26:30] <SpiritedDusty> I hit 160 once, but that is like a once in 100 chance
L1397[20:26:52] <Symmetryc> Holy crap
L1398[20:27:02] <Symmetryc> Did you like type random stuff and it just fit in or somethign lol
L1399[20:27:04] <Symmetryc> *something
L1400[20:27:16] <SpiritedDusty> the sentence was "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."
L1401[20:27:19] <SpiritedDusty> lol
L1402[20:27:33] <Symmetryc> :P
L1403[20:28:16] <Tahg> looks like neither of those courses are offered now
L1404[20:28:21] <Tahg> so I can't check the reqs
L1405[20:28:36] <SpiritedDusty> Tahg, so is the mac class like full of apple fans and windows class full of windows fans? :P
L1406[20:28:54] <Tahg> eh, idk
L1407[20:29:05] <Tahg> they were required courses for all HS CS students
L1408[20:29:27] <Tahg> unless you could test out of one or both, at anyrate that put me a semester "behind"
L1409[20:29:47] <Symmetryc> Tahg: AP CS is kind of boring tbh
L1410[20:29:49] <Tahg> this was summer of 1997 anyway I had to take that
L1411[20:29:54] <Tahg> a lot has changed
L1412[20:29:56] <Symmetryc> They just act like Java is the supreme OO language
L1413[20:29:58] <Tahg> they do Java now
L1414[20:30:16] <Symmetryc> Ah, when you had it it was C++, correct?
L1415[20:30:17] <Tahg> it was all C/C++ in the advanced courses < 2000
L1416[20:30:37] <Symmetryc> Would be cool to use C++ rather than Java imo
L1417[20:33:42] <SpiritedDusty> Symmetryc, what gets thought in APCS?
L1418[20:33:49] <SpiritedDusty> just java stuffs?
L1419[20:39:13] <Symmetryc> Yes only Java
L1420[20:39:20] <Symmetryc> SpiritedDusty: It's really dumb
L1421[20:39:32] <Tahg> everyone is java these days
L1422[20:39:36] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L1423[20:39:42] <SpiritedDusty> I thought they'd teach C or something
L1424[20:39:55] <Symmetryc> I don't mind Java that much, but they ask the most obscure questions that nobody cares about
L1425[20:40:02] <Tahg> I think freshman level at my Uni was C
L1426[20:40:13] <Tahg> oh? what kinds of questions
L1427[20:40:15] <SpiritedDusty> like what? "what is the tab spacing supposed to be?"
L1428[20:40:22] <Symmetryc> Like about all the specifics of printf or
L1429[20:40:23] <Tahg> who gives a fuck
L1430[20:40:41] <SpiritedDusty> "how many characters are in printf?"
L1431[20:40:47] <Symmetryc> about the specific times you can do implicit double <-> int conversion
L1432[20:40:55] <Tahg> hmm
L1433[20:41:25] <SpiritedDusty> are all school's APCS test the same?
L1434[20:41:37] <SpiritedDusty> or is it dependent on the school and teacher?
L1435[20:41:58] <Symmetryc> It's an official exam given by the AP Coordinator people
L1436[20:41:59] <Tahg> well, there's a standard for an AP accredited school in the US I think
L1437[20:42:21] <SpiritedDusty> oh ;_; that means I'll have to answer those questions…. :(
L1438[20:42:25] <Symmetryc> Yeah, it's called an AP exams
L1439[20:42:27] <Symmetryc> *exam
L1440[20:42:35] <Tahg> we didn't take any special course tho, just based on our coursework, I think?
L1441[20:42:36] <Symmetryc> It's for every AP course and it's standard
L1442[20:42:54] <Tahg> it was some 13-14 years ago, I can't remember
L1443[20:42:56] <Symmetryc> SpiritedDusty: What grade're you in (if you don't mind to disclose)?
L1444[20:43:02] <SpiritedDusty> 8th :P
L1445[20:43:31] <SpiritedDusty> *the silence after disclosing a grade*
L1446[20:43:36] <Symmetryc> Ah, I'm in 9th
L1447[20:43:52] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L1448[20:43:59] <Symmetryc> :P
L1449[20:44:16] <SpiritedDusty> APCS is starting to sound boring now...
L1450[20:44:20] <Tahg> so, so long ago for me
L1451[20:44:33] <SpiritedDusty> are you in your thousands?
L1452[20:44:37] <Symmetryc> Do any of you guys know what IB is?
L1453[20:44:41] <SpiritedDusty> yeah
L1454[20:44:49] <Symmetryc> ^ Cool, are you going to go into it?
L1455[20:44:50] <Tahg> um, maybe
L1456[20:44:58] <Tahg> what is it?
L1457[20:45:07] <Symmetryc> It's like a high school program
L1458[20:45:09] <SpiritedDusty> derrrr…. what is it again? lol I heard teachers talk about it but I forgot what it was
L1459[20:45:31] <Symmetryc> It's basically AP
L1460[20:45:34] <Symmetryc> Just way harder
L1461[20:45:36] <Symmetryc> http://www.ibo.org/
L1462[20:45:37] <Tahg> International Baccalaureate?
L1463[20:45:39] <Symmetryc> Yeah
L1464[20:45:53] <SpiritedDusty> well any program that has big words is probably really hard :P
L1465[20:46:22] <SpiritedDusty> sounds too hard...
L1466[20:46:39] <Symmetryc> You have to take 6 IB courses each year of high school
L1467[20:46:50] <SpiritedDusty> so it replaces you're normal classes?
L1468[20:46:53] <Symmetryc> And an IB course is like an AP course just harder :P
L1469[20:46:54] <Symmetryc> Yeah
L1470[20:47:12] <SpiritedDusty> sounds like more pain ;_;
L1471[20:47:23] <Tahg> wow
L1472[20:47:39] <Tahg> so, levels would basically be normal, honors, AP, IB?
L1473[20:47:45] <Tahg> from lowest to highest?
L1474[20:47:59] <SpiritedDusty> that makes normal people sound like idiots
L1475[20:48:01] <Symmetryc> Yeah
L1476[20:48:36] <SpiritedDusty> I love how my science honors is like no different from regular science
L1477[20:48:44] <SpiritedDusty> except a little bit more homework
L1478[20:48:51] <Symmetryc> SpiritedDusty: What math class do you take?
L1479[20:48:54] <Symmetryc> Algebra II?
L1480[20:48:57] <SpiritedDusty> geometry
L1481[20:49:08] <Symmetryc> Ah
L1482[20:49:15] <SpiritedDusty> I take Algebra II next year I think
L1483[20:50:00] <Symmetryc> I took it in 8th
L1484[20:50:18] <Symmetryc> But IB makes everyone conform to the same schedule, so I have take it again this year
L1485[20:50:27] <SpiritedDusty> oh
L1486[20:50:38] <Symmetryc> And I have to retake Spanish 2
L1487[20:50:40] <Symmetryc> :/
L1488[20:51:03] <SpiritedDusty> do you have to take a language class in high school?
L1489[20:51:20] <Tahg> I had to
L1490[20:51:21] <Symmetryc> yeah
L1491[20:51:26] <Symmetryc> For all 4 years
L1492[20:51:28] <Tahg> took two years of Latin
L1493[20:51:48] <SpiritedDusty> all 4 years? D:
L1494[20:51:56] <Symmetryc> And two years of middle school :P
L1495[20:51:59] <Symmetryc> So 6 in total
L1496[20:52:10] <SpiritedDusty> huh? I don't have to take a language class in middle school
L1497[20:52:22] <Symmetryc> Upside is I'll be fluent in Spanish (hopefully lol)
L1498[20:52:57] <Symmetryc> But Spanish is really close to English anyways so yeah
L1499[20:53:05] <SpiritedDusty> oh yeah my high school has a sign language class :D
L1500[20:53:12] <Symmetryc> xD
L1501[20:53:58] <SpiritedDusty> heh I like how my friend cheated on a test and he didn't get an A
L1502[21:00:24] * Kenny feels special....
L1503[21:00:58] * Kenny went to school so long ago foreign languages weren't required
L1504[21:01:23] <Kenny> they thought hillbilly was a foreign language
L1505[21:02:27] <Symmetryc> Kenny: How did you live before water was invented :3
L1506[21:02:44] <Kenny> i invented it
L1507[21:02:56] <Symmetryc> Kenny: :O
L1508[21:03:02] <Symmetryc> Kenny: What about air
L1509[21:03:35] <Kenny> i'm cosmic by nature, don't require air
L1510[21:04:24] <Symmetryc> Kenny: :O
L1511[21:04:56] <Symmetryc> Kenny when you were born was C++ invented (serious now)
L1512[21:05:05] <Kenny> no
L1513[21:05:19] <Symmetryc> What about when you were in college?
L1514[21:05:33] <Kenny> they had turbo c
L1515[21:05:54] <Symmetryc> So there wasn't even C++, dang.
L1516[21:06:01] <Kenny> OOP was jujst a concept when i graduated from college
L1517[21:06:06] <Kenny> just*
L1518[21:06:09] <Symmetryc> So then what did you learn?
L1519[21:06:17] <Symmetryc> Functional programming?
L1520[21:06:19] <Tahg> how long ago was that if you don't mind me asking?
L1521[21:06:31] <Symmetryc> C++ was made in the 80s
L1522[21:06:42] <Symmetryc> So it was probably in the late 70s?
L1523[21:06:50] <Tahg> because granted I *used* Turbo C in highschool, I think
L1524[21:07:04] <Tahg> or hmm, maybe it was C++ idk, so long ago...
L1525[21:07:07] <Kenny> BASIC, Fortran, Assembly, Pascal, Cobol, and C
L1526[21:07:29] <Symmetryc> Kenny: No Lisp... D:
L1527[21:07:38] <Kenny> nope
L1528[21:07:51] <Symmetryc> Wait wat
L1529[21:07:59] <Kenny> also learned PAL but that was for programming FoxPro
L1530[21:08:33] <Tahg> I've only learned asm, C/C++
L1531[21:08:43] <Kenny> i graduated from college just as 386 systems were hitting the market
L1532[21:08:47] <Tahg> (plus now Java/Lua)
L1533[21:09:04] <Kenny> that was back before Windows
L1534[21:09:08] <Tahg> sounds like um, you're slightly younger than my dad
L1535[21:09:20] <Kenny> i'll be 57 next month
L1536[21:09:29] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Lisp was created like a decade before C though
L1537[21:09:39] <Kenny> and i ws born in 1957
L1538[21:09:46] <Kenny> was*
L1539[21:09:48] <Tahg> ya, 5 years younger
L1540[21:10:09] <Kenny> So, Sym. I dind't take it, I was double majoring
L1541[21:10:30] <Kenny> i majored in Comp Sci and Bus
L1542[21:10:36] <Kenny> Bus Admin
L1543[21:10:38] <Tahg> nice combo
L1544[21:10:58] <Tahg> Business I assume, and not buses =P
L1545[21:11:14] <Kenny> ended up with 4 bachelor's degrees and 2 associates
L1546[21:11:21] <Kenny> yea Business :P
L1547[21:11:22] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Oh, I thought you meant that it wasn't around
L1548[21:11:31] <Symmetryc> Kenny: Have you used it though?
L1549[21:11:34] <Kenny> nope, i just didn't take it
L1550[21:11:38] <Kenny> nope
L1551[21:11:49] <Symmetryc> Kenny: ._.
L1552[21:12:01] <Kenny> got away from programming 4 years after i graduated due to health issues
L1553[21:12:23] <Kenny> so i moved over to building and repairing them
L1554[21:12:26] <Symmetryc> You got those issues 'cause you didn't use Lisp
L1555[21:12:35] <Symmetryc> :P
L1556[21:12:47] <Kenny> the extent of my programming since then has been a little shit of my own done in basic, till now
L1557[21:13:19] <Kenny> Asswipe, i will probably loose my legs before i die because of those health issues
L1558[21:13:25] <Symmetryc> Did you like Fortran more or C
L1559[21:14:03] <Kenny> Sym, you just pushed my button with that comment about my health, don't push any more
L1560[21:14:35] ⇨ Joins: finkmac (~finkmac@68-68-11-11.applecreek.pathcom.com)
L1561[21:15:14] <Symmetryc> Kenny: I was jk...
L1562[21:15:24] <Symmetryc> I understand though
L1563[21:16:10] <Kenny> i detest that i can't get out and walk around town like i used to, or stand and work just like others
L1564[21:16:49] <Kenny> but on the other side of the coin, i can't just sit around. i have to move around every so often
L1565[21:17:27] <Kenny> i keep my feet elevated so the blood will flow back into my system because the valves in the veins of my legs are shot and don't work right
L1566[21:18:05] <Kenny> and i stand a very good chance of loosing, if not one, both within the next 5 years
L1567[21:20:24] <Kenny> i joke with no one about their health. I'm the oldest living member of my immediate family. parents, grandparents passed before they should have
L1568[21:21:10] <Kenny> so i look for that same respect from others when it comes to health. I don't joke about it cause health is a serious issue
L1569[21:22:10] <Kenny> going afk for a bit to chill
L1570[21:22:13] *** Kenny is now known as Kenny|AFK
L1571[21:22:16] <Symmetryc> I understand, and it won't happen again; I just wanted you to know that I wasn't being serious
L1572[21:22:24] <Symmetryc> I have to go as well...
L1573[21:22:29] ⇦ Quits: Symmetryc (webchat@pool-173-78-213-151.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Bye)
L1574[22:19:50] ⇨ Joins: Coreymills25 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net)
L1575[22:25:33] ⇦ Parts: Coreymills25 (webchat@crbknf0209w-142162008241.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nl.bellaliant.net) ())
L1576[22:37:51] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549736A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1577[22:41:23] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549712EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1578[23:06:06] <Tahg> *sigh* the environment of table constants seems to be set at compile time
L1579[23:06:16] <Tahg> and not when it's actually assigned to something
L1580[23:10:36] *** ` is now known as Biohazard
L1581[23:12:35] ⇨ Joins: asie (~textual@078088168214.elblag.vectranet.pl)
L1582[23:30:22] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E65592249FA3AD91ADA72C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1583[23:57:07] <Tahg> fucking Lua
L1584[23:57:39] <Tahg> tried putting a function in a string and load()'ing it elsewhere to set it's _ENV
L1585[23:57:55] <Tahg> but nope it still has the freaking _ENV it's defined in
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