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L9[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20180416 mappings to Forge Maven.
L10[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20180416-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20180416" in build.gradle).
L11[02:00:18] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L55[11:15:06] <ScottehBoeh> Hey guys :)
L56[11:15:30] <axel> helloo
L57[11:15:44] <ScottehBoeh> I was wondering if I could get some feedback for my mods website? https://www.mcdecimation.net/ Also, what information do you think the mod website should contain? Should I put installation instructions?
L58[11:44:50] <ben_mkiv> uhm, looking at TileEntity vanilla stuff makes me wonder if i have to make my own events for tick updates?!
L59[11:45:03] <ben_mkiv> or is there anything in vanilla which receives ticks by default?
L60[11:45:17] <axel> you can make your tile entity implement ITickable
L61[11:46:14] <ben_mkiv> thanks axel. do i have to register it to the event registry or does that happen magicly behind the curtains? :>
L62[11:46:26] <axel> its called automagically
L63[11:46:37] <ben_mkiv> thanks much :)
L64[11:46:43] <axel> as long as the tile entity itself is registered, that is
L65[11:50:39] <ben_mkiv> doesnt it unload on chunkunload? or doesnt internal server unload chunks like a forge server would?
L66[11:50:47] <ben_mkiv> because it keeps ticking when i move away
L67[11:51:54] <axel> it shouldnt, no
L68[11:52:08] <axel> im assuming you didnt move far away enough for the cunks to actually unload
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L72[12:13:20] <axel> this is embarrassing, but i cannot get my mod to load at all from intellij
L73[12:13:41] <axel> it can run from the gradle task directly fine, but the log is messy and it takes longer to compile
L74[12:13:48] <axel> code: https://gist.github.com/adudewithapc/898838b3143d6b16219b5fc49ccac433
L75[12:14:17] <axel> and yes, im using the genIntellijRuns task to get create the run configurations
L76[12:14:34] <gigaherz> after you create the runs
L77[12:14:46] <gigaherz> you have to edit the run configurations, and fix the "Use class path of module ..." dropdown
L78[12:14:52] <gigaherz> to point tothe one called <project name>_main
L79[12:15:15] <gigaherz> if it fails due to "cannot find gradlestart" or similar
L80[12:16:06] <axel> i did, though it Gradlestart looks red https://imgur.com/a/cEIkd
L81[12:16:30] <axel> i can still launch the game fine, its just that my mod isnt recognized
L82[12:16:55] <axel> the only mods that show up in the mods tab is forge and its dependencies
L83[12:17:57] <gigaherz> that means the classpath isn't correct
L84[12:18:08] <gigaherz> I don't know how to fix it
L85[12:20:02] <axel> thats really annoying
L86[12:20:15] <axel> its worked in the past for me
L87[12:20:26] <gigaherz> I have never had any such issue myself
L88[12:21:35] <gigaherz> when I load a project into idea, I just use the open option from idea, let it import using the default choices, then open the gradle panel, run the setupDecompWorkspace task, press the blue refresh icon in the gradle panel, run the genIntellijRuns task, and fix the "use classpath of module" bit
L89[12:22:05] <axel> i do the same but in a different order, but i guess i could try remaking the project
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L91[12:28:14] <axel> doing it in that order seems to have done it, but i have no clue why it would fix it
L92[12:28:22] <axel> guess i cant complain about the results
L93[12:30:53] <gigaherz> *shrug*
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L98[13:15:10] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L99[13:20:50] <ben_mkiv> can blocks have custom nbt data or does that allways require an TE?
L100[13:20:59] <ben_mkiv> blocks placed in the world^
L101[13:21:10] <axel> it always requires a te
L102[13:21:19] <ben_mkiv> thanks again :)
L103[13:21:29] <axel> np
L104[13:22:53] <ben_mkiv> its for some multiblock factory, now i wonder how other mods solve it. im about to store some reference to the factory controller in the structure blocks to notify the controller on blockBreaks
L105[13:23:48] <gigaherz> ben_mkiv: basically, have each block know its place
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L107[13:24:06] <gigaherz> chances are you will need the "slave" blocks to have a minimal TE
L108[13:24:14] <gigaherz> that just knows how to reach the master TE
L109[13:24:20] <gigaherz> and leave the bulk of the work to the master TE
L110[13:24:27] <ben_mkiv> that was my plan
L111[13:27:21] <gigaherz> ben_mkiv: before you make the mistake, DO NOT store a reference to the master block TE in the slaves
L112[13:27:34] <gigaherz> store the BlockPos, and use world.GetTileEntity when needed
L113[13:28:03] <ben_mkiv> thought about that, but anyways the reference would be set on chunkload
L114[13:28:15] <ben_mkiv> as i scan the factory area when the master te is loaded
L115[13:29:07] <ben_mkiv> so it shouldnt get invalid, unless i dont remove it when the master te gets removed/unloaded
L116[13:29:53] <gigaherz> your machine could be "between chunks"
L117[13:30:07] <gigaherz> so some of the slave blocks could be in a loaded chunk, but the master could be in an unloaded one
L118[13:30:14] <gigaherz> also
L119[13:30:27] <gigaherz> the master's TE could be removed by someone using setBlockState
L120[13:30:31] <ben_mkiv> rare case, but storing the position is probably better practice anyways xD
L121[13:30:35] <gigaherz> or setTileEntity
L122[13:30:49] <ben_mkiv> so that overwrites without calling any destroy events
L123[13:30:54] <ben_mkiv> ?
L124[13:30:57] <gigaherz> and finally, the slave could be placed into the world by mistake or purposefully
L125[13:31:03] <gigaherz> without having the master around
L126[13:31:21] <ben_mkiv> yea, i'll store the position. you're right about the worst cases xD
L127[13:31:21] <gigaherz> all in all, it's just best not to keep the reference :P
L128[13:32:16] <ben_mkiv> i've searched 30mins ago for some good reference for animated textures on blocks
L129[13:32:22] <ben_mkiv> and ended up on your survivalist github :D
L130[13:33:42] <gigaherz> lol
L131[13:33:48] <gigaherz> wait, do I have animated textures?
L132[13:34:19] <ben_mkiv> no, but you had the reference for different textures for blockstate stuff
L133[13:35:14] <ben_mkiv> couldnt i misuse the blockstate to store the position? :P
L134[13:36:26] <gigaherz> yes
L135[13:36:32] <gigaherz> but since you only have 4 bits metadata
L136[13:36:57] <gigaherz> that only lets you specify up to 16 slave blocks in one structure
L137[13:37:14] <gigaherz> if you need more than 16 slave blocks, you will need to store the value in a tileentity regardless
L138[13:37:23] <gigaherz> so you end up at the same place :P
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L141[14:05:41] <ben_mkiv> now i wonder where to watch for the block to get removed to catch every break method
L142[14:06:07] <ben_mkiv> there a invalidate() method in TileEntity(), wonder if i can override this?!
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L187[21:35:32] <millerti> Anyone keep logs of this channel?
L188[21:38:06] <gigaherz> I keep logs, why?
L189[21:38:52] <millerti> Oh, I just wanted a screenshot of when I first came on this channel and was stupid enough to type Lex's full username, and he booted me.
L190[21:39:29] <millerti> I found logs online, but I don't know the date.
L191[21:40:16] <gigaherz> Session Time: Tue Sep 12 00:00:00 2017
L192[21:40:33] <gigaherz> the message was at 7:05am my time
L193[21:43:07] <millerti> Cool, thanks. :)
L194[21:46:26] <millerti> We're reminiscing about that in EigenCraft. Also, this one guy keeps telling this same lame joke, so I told him his punishment was to come to this channel and type Lex's full name. :)
L195[21:47:59] <gigaherz> you do understand that the reason lex hates to be pinged in vain, is that he's generally really busy and he hates being interrupted without a proper reason, right? so even joking about baiting people to do that, is really not a nice idea.
L196[21:52:44] <gigaherz> anyhow, back to bed -- had to eat a big and take the pills (got a dental implant done, so I'm having to take antibiotics and such for a week)
L197[21:52:47] * gigaherz poofs
L198[22:02:31] <millerti> Ok, fair point. But that's why I wanted the screenshot to show him what happens.
L199[22:02:40] <millerti> Or happened....
L200[22:03:27] <millerti> I'll never get fully get over my embarrassment over that.
L201[22:05:20] <kashike> millerti: https://korobi.io/network/esper/channel/minecraftforge/logs/
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