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L1[00:11:46] ⇨ Joins: Upth (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
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L15[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20171118 mappings to Forge Maven.
L16[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20171118-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20171118" in build.gradle).
L17[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L32[05:13:01] <barteks2x> billy, report it to optifine
L33[05:13:17] <barteks2x> oops, I didn't see the time when it was asked...
L34[05:13:42] <Ordinastie> I don't think Optifine removes the event
L35[05:13:48] <Ordinastie> I use it and have no issues with it
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L38[05:34:53] <barteks2x> maybe some old version does (or rather doesn't re-add it's usage)
L39[05:35:25] <ghz|afk> your client doesn't show join/quit?
L40[05:35:41] <ghz|afk> https://i.imgur.com/f6DXEn4.png
L41[05:35:47] <ghz|afk> I almost had to scroll up to find the message :P
L42[05:36:12] <barteks2x> It was old messages forwarded by bnc
L43[05:36:19] <Ordinastie> same
L44[05:36:27] <barteks2x> which doesn't show join/leave
L45[05:36:32] <ghz|afk> I see
L46[05:37:15] <barteks2x> one would think that the last shown message is
L47[05:37:18] <barteks2x> relatively recent
L48[05:38:27] <ghz|afk> hmm hows does one enable features in intellij, if I didn't choose them when I installed?
L49[05:38:39] <ghz|afk> like, my intellij doesn't have the web stuff
L50[05:38:40] <ghz|afk> how*
L51[05:39:14] <barteks2x> I guess it comes down to installing the relevant plugins
L52[05:40:48] <barteks2x> for example android support is a plugin. Kotlin support is a plugin
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L64[07:34:37] <Raycoms> Hi, I got a problem with player spawning in 1.12, does anyone have an idea what could cause this
L65[07:34:38] <Raycoms> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/372264384690388992/381436589601062914/image.png
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L71[07:39:08] <barteks2x> !gm func_180495_p
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L73[07:41:03] <barteks2x> Raycoms, my guess is that the mod attempts to access blocks before something in sponge is set up fully
L74[07:42:04] <Raycoms> Okay thanks, I'll take a look at it
L75[07:42:32] <barteks2x> To actually knwo what is the issue you may need to look at sponge source
L76[07:43:14] <barteks2x> it will take me some time to do that because everything is swapped out because of forgegradle
L77[07:50:05] <barteks2x> well the only other option is null BlockPos... maybe
L78[07:50:58] <barteks2x> which is probably the case given this is what Sponge's getBlockState looks like https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeCommon/blob/74afb10c5986a57de48ab085be9ca068f869371e/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/common/mixin/core/world/MixinWorld.java#L1225-L1230 (at least in spongecommon)
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L82[09:20:46] <Jvie> I have a custom state mapper for my block, which is correctly returning variant "pipe_straight_axis=x", and the following blockstate file
L83[09:20:52] <Jvie> https://pastebin.com/AMFd6Azv
L84[09:21:10] <Jvie> However on startup there's a missing variant exception
L85[09:22:03] <Jvie> Any idea what could be wrong here?
L86[09:22:43] <ghz|afk> why is your x wrapped with []?
L87[09:22:54] <ghz|afk> well, x,y,z
L88[09:23:18] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/survivalist/blockstates/sawmill.json
L89[09:23:28] <ghz|afk> those extra [] aren't needed in that context
L90[09:23:55] <Jvie> Despite extensive looking I still have no idea when they are necessary.
L91[09:23:57] <ghz|afk> only on variant strings that aren't property names
L92[09:24:04] <ghz|afk> well
L93[09:24:11] <ghz|afk> you have two options in forge blockstates
L94[09:24:17] <ghz|afk> either you have properties and values separated
L95[09:24:20] <ghz|afk> or you have full variant strings
L96[09:24:27] <ghz|afk> a full variant string looks like:
L97[09:24:30] <ghz|afk> "variants": {
L98[09:24:40] <ghz|afk> "pipe_straight_axis=x": [{
L99[09:24:44] <ghz|afk> }]
L100[09:24:45] <ghz|afk> }
L101[09:25:02] <ghz|afk> while separating the properties and values looks like:
L102[09:25:05] <ghz|afk> "variants": {
L103[09:25:11] <ghz|afk> "pipe_straight_axis": {
L104[09:25:15] <ghz|afk> "x": { ... }
L105[09:25:16] <ghz|afk> }
L106[09:25:17] <ghz|afk> }
L107[09:25:35] <Jvie> ah that's how it works
L108[09:25:44] <ghz|afk> the [] on the outer value iswhat helps the loader distinguish
L109[09:25:51] <Jvie> thank you, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a clear explanation anywhere.
L110[09:26:07] <Jvie> Its working now perfectly.
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L117[11:09:18] <malte0811> Has anyone in here ever seen lots of NPE's in the (non-fml) latest.log when logging into a server? Possibly lag-related?
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L119[11:43:55] <barteks2x> I've seen lots of NPEs but it's only when there is some other crash earlier
L120[11:44:31] <malte0811> Would that be in fml-latest or non-fml latest? And server or client?
L121[11:45:32] <barteks2x> that would be in the same side that has the NPEs and no clue which log, because the new launcher and new forge versions have so messed up logging that I just look in all of them including fml-junk-earlystartup.log
L122[11:46:15] <barteks2x> usually the answer is "launcher log window"
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L129[13:13:03] <ghz|afk> so Mob B won
L130[13:13:04] <ghz|afk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlBMwpgBNlk
L131[13:13:13] <ghz|afk> anyone making a mod for mobs A,C, and D yet?
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L133[13:21:14] <barteks2x> O.o I just discovered that logging in forge has never worked as I expected
L134[13:21:31] <barteks2x> there is no file that contains all of it
L135[13:22:27] <ghz|afk> there was
L136[13:22:30] <ghz|afk> before the new launcher?
L137[13:24:50] <barteks2x> I stiull use the old one because linux
L138[13:25:11] <barteks2x> And even fml-latest-client doesn't contain all of it ()for example preparing spawn area lines are missing)
L139[13:25:47] <barteks2x> I tested with versions down to 1.10 from before the "fixed logging" commit
L140[13:26:24] <barteks2x> I got a bit used to what I'm getting in my dev environment in console output
L141[13:26:35] <barteks2x> (which has my customized log4j2.xml)
L142[13:27:31] <barteks2x> And I'm not so confused about logging that I think I need someone to explain me all of that..
L143[13:30:27] <barteks2x> I still don't know what file should I ask users to give me
L144[13:31:07] <barteks2x> and somehow last time I tried the server fml-latest-server was almost completely useless
L145[13:31:54] <ghz|afk> I was thinking "latest.log" rather than "fml-client-latest"
L146[13:32:08] <ghz|afk> but nah
L147[13:32:13] <ghz|afk> I can't remember anymore
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L167[15:25:39] <ghz|afk> oh hey
L168[15:25:47] <ghz|afk> apparently 1.14 will finall implement coral XD
L169[15:26:00] <ghz|afk> along with stuff to fill the oceans
L170[15:26:56] <ghz|afk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jUb5z8syu8&feature=youtu.be&a=
L171[15:27:06] <ghz|afk> (watching this, couldn't be bothered to watch the minecon stream)
L172[15:29:07] <ghz|afk> https://youtu.be/7jUb5z8syu8?t=282
L173[15:29:08] <ghz|afk> NICE
L174[15:29:10] <LexMobile> Whelp lets see if anything is new/interesting. Got the 3 hour stream.. oh look 40 mins of loading screen!
L175[15:29:16] <ghz|afk> water will be able to reside another block's space
L176[15:29:18] <ghz|afk> at the same time
L177[15:29:37] <ghz|afk> meaning underwater slabs, plants, etc
L178[15:29:44] <ghz|afk> and also water runnign through fences and such
L179[15:30:26] <LexMobile> I was wondering if they were ever gunna do that. Wonder if they did it in a sane way behind the scenes.
L180[15:30:45] <LexMobile> Only issue is that a fundementally breaking change... I wonder how its gunna play out for exisitng worlds.
L181[15:30:47] <ghz|afk> my guess is that like the light level
L182[15:30:52] <ghz|afk> there will be a water level, on each block position
L183[15:31:40] <LexMobile> possibly, the problem with that is holeing it all into one fluid.
L184[15:32:47] <barteks2x> well there could be separate fluid data thing, like light level and mods could also use it for their fluids
L185[15:33:00] <barteks2x> where fluid data = type+level
L186[15:33:31] <barteks2x> you can't have 2 different fluids in one block so that would work
L187[15:34:04] <LexMobile> well in theory you can. A fluid and a liquid at complementing heights.
L188[15:34:08] <LexMobile> But we'll see
L189[15:34:25] <barteks2x> I hope it just won'tbe fluid-filled version of each block added
L190[15:34:29] <LexMobile> But the thing I see, is 1.14, which means a year from now.
L191[15:35:36] <barteks2x> and that's going to make all the mob trap designs impossible
L192[15:36:05] <LexMobile> They will probably have a hack to make old maps work.
L193[15:36:26] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: nah, since they show running water going through a fence
L194[15:36:33] <ghz|afk> it can't be just "normal" and "water"
L195[15:36:42] <ghz|afk> it has to at least represent the different water levels
L196[15:37:06] <ghz|afk> although since they are getting rid of metadata, it could presumably require the blocks to have a water level blockstate property
L197[15:37:12] <LexMobile> it *could* just be a rendeirng hack, with some physics hacks... but meh
L198[15:37:18] <ghz|afk> but I doubt that
L199[15:37:26] <Ordinastie> they'll probably go for the least intuitive and modder-friendly way possible ><
L200[15:37:28] <ghz|afk> anyhow we'll see when the 1.14 snapshots start
L201[15:37:29] <ghz|afk> :P
L202[15:37:37] <williewillus> did they ever mention it was 1.14? :P
L203[15:37:41] <ghz|afk> yes
L204[15:37:43] <williewillus> or was it just "future version"
L205[15:37:45] <ghz|afk> Update Aquatic
L206[15:37:48] <ghz|afk> coming in 2018
L207[15:37:59] <williewillus> yes but did it say "PC 1.14" because for all we know it goes to bedrock first
L208[15:38:08] <williewillus> and PC just picks it up whenever
L209[15:38:09] <barteks2x> I guess some of the code to make it possible may be there in 1.13
L210[15:38:14] <ghz|afk> the video says they spoke about simultaneous release
L211[15:38:28] <ghz|afk> but dunno
L212[15:38:29] <LexMobile> Is Bedrock version matched with Java?
L213[15:38:32] <ghz|afk> not quite
L214[15:38:40] <ghz|afk> attack delays were never added to it
L215[15:38:49] <williewillus> are shields/offhand in bedrock?
L216[15:38:53] <LexMobile> I mean version numbers
L217[15:38:59] <williewillus> no they're on 1.2
L218[15:39:13] <ghz|afk> oh
L219[15:39:15] <ghz|afk> yeah nope
L220[15:39:17] <LexMobile> Oh oh god...
L221[15:39:22] <LexMobile> Watching the livestream
L222[15:39:43] <barteks2x> where?
L223[15:39:46] <LexMobile> 'All the cool crisp ways you can modify the game now' .. 'with the bedrock market place'
L224[15:39:53] <LexMobile> https://youtu.be/A_Z3AokMwWI?t=2945
L225[15:41:44] <ghz|afk> [22:38] (williewillus): yes but did it say "PC 1.14" because for all we know it goes to bedrock first
L226[15:41:45] <ghz|afk> [22:38] (williewillus): and PC just picks it up whenever
L227[15:41:53] <ghz|afk> the stuff they show has pc water
L228[15:42:00] <ghz|afk> so I think it's being prototyped on java
L229[15:42:14] <LexMobile> Well they dont have 'pc' anymore.
L230[15:42:32] <LexMobile> They have Bedrock and Java. Or more, they have 'Minecraft' and 'Java Edition'
L231[15:42:43] <ghz|afk> sure
L232[15:43:31] <ghz|afk> also -- attack cooldown indicator shows up here: https://youtu.be/7jUb5z8syu8
L233[15:43:46] <ghz|afk> so at least the trident is being done on the java edition :P
L234[15:44:03] <barteks2x> just see how long it takes to generate terrain
L235[15:44:16] <ghz|afk> https://youtu.be/7jUb5z8syu8?t=82
L236[15:44:30] <ghz|afk> oops the previous link didn't have a timestamp
L237[15:45:07] <LexMobile> But, The one thing im getting from this is 1.14 will actually be a good thing for me personally
L238[15:45:16] <LexMobile> Cuz I always wanted a good underwater modpack
L239[15:45:25] <LexMobile> And having water revamped is gunna help
L240[15:45:29] <barteks2x> I really have no idea how it's possible for the "bedrock" edition to generate terrain so quickly. C(++) is magic.
L241[15:45:52] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: remember that native arrays don't bounds-check on every access
L242[15:46:03] <ghz|afk> it's just a pointer
L243[15:46:20] <barteks2x> I've seen the assembly output and if java can prove that it won't go out oif bounds - it will add that too
L244[15:46:22] <barteks2x> *remove
L245[15:46:38] <barteks2x> *assembly output of my worldgen code
L246[15:46:39] <ghz|afk> ah nice then :P
L247[15:46:55] <ghz|afk> also, is bedrock single-threaded like the java one?
L248[15:47:03] <barteks2x> Probably
L249[15:47:03] <LexMobile> No
L250[15:47:07] <barteks2x> it's not?
L251[15:47:20] <LexMobile> If it is I have to fly to mojang and stab everyone associated with it
L252[15:48:03] <ghz|afk> okay the executable used > 35% cpu for a few seconds
L253[15:48:08] <ghz|afk> during initial worldgen
L254[15:48:18] <LexMobile> The C version works a lot faster because it was writen by competant people who knew where they were going in the first place. The java version is great, but it wass written back a hack on a hack on a hack.
L255[15:48:23] <barteks2x> which could just eb rendering=one thread and worldgen=opther thread
L256[15:48:52] <ghz|afk> but flying fullspeed in one direction never goes > 11%
L257[15:48:53] <LexMobile> How many cores do you have?>
L258[15:49:02] <ghz|afk> I have 4 cores 8 threads
L259[15:49:13] <LexMobile> So 12.5% per thread
L260[15:49:20] <ghz|afk> CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K, 4.01 GHz, 0 KB (20% Load)
L261[15:49:31] <ghz|afk> for completeness (ignore cache value, this irc thing doesn't support reading cache)
L262[15:50:50] <ghz|afk> creative flight in the win10 edition feels SO weird
L263[15:50:58] <ghz|afk> it practically doesn't have inertia
L264[15:51:07] <ghz|afk> I'm used to tapping a direction to move a bit
L265[15:51:15] <ghz|afk> and in this I have to hold longer
L266[15:51:44] <ghz|afk> oh wait I had render distance set to 8 chunks
L267[15:51:48] <ghz|afk> let's see at 60 chunks ... :P
L268[15:52:11] <barteks2x> I really want to do an experiment once and rewrite my worldgen code outside of MC, once in java and once in C or C++ and compare performance
L269[15:52:32] <ghz|afk> cpu usage doesn't go over 30%
L270[15:52:34] <ghz|afk> sustained
L271[15:52:40] <ghz|afk> while generating large amounts of chunks
L272[15:52:55] <LexMobile> Honestly if the world gen code was re-written in the java version
L273[15:52:58] <ghz|afk> so it's using around 3 threads' worth of cpu
L274[15:52:59] <LexMobile> it could be A LOT better.
L275[15:53:02] <LexMobile> Performance wise
L276[15:53:21] <barteks2x> they could get a nice performance boost in the noise generation just by reducing octabes to 8
L277[15:53:23] <ghz|afk> 80% cpu usage during initial nether generation
L278[15:53:35] <LexMobile> But Forge can't do that because we have to be vanilla compatible.
L279[15:53:44] <LexMobile> So we can just do some hacks to push the bulk of it off thread.
L280[15:54:02] <ghz|afk> geh, I'll never get used to bedrock still using the old lava texture
L281[15:54:06] <barteks2x> but the noise generator is so broken that it's far from trivial to do it while preserving terrain properties
L282[15:55:04] <barteks2x> and really, since I'm rewriting worldgen anyway, could you give some hints as to what could be made faster?
L283[15:55:15] <barteks2x> right now I'm getting it 4x slower
L284[15:55:44] <LexMobile> Not gunna get into it, but one word, pallets.
L285[15:56:42] <barteks2x> that doesn't give me much of an idea about what you are talking about
L286[15:57:32] <LexMobile> I know :P
L287[15:58:27] <ghz|afk> geh, you have to double-tab spacebar to stop flying, doesn't actually stop flying when you touch the ground
L288[15:58:29] <LexMobile> Also, you know what would be a cool idea because of this whole Minecon earth thing...
L289[15:58:44] <barteks2x> I really wish I could get some people who know something about optimizations and performance in java involved in my mod
L290[15:58:59] <LexMobile> A gravety mod, and a true one chunk challange.
L291[15:59:02] <barteks2x> so far I can barely find people who even know java
L292[15:59:11] <LexMobile> one 32x32x32 cube.
L293[15:59:20] <LexMobile> Where when you jump off the edge you land on the side...
L294[15:59:29] <LexMobile> Someone make me that mod...
L295[15:59:34] <barteks2x> would be perfect with cubic chunks :D
L296[15:59:59] <ghz|afk> >_< just the thought of the mess that would be, makes me think it would be easier to write a new game for it :P
L297[16:00:11] <barteks2x> there used to be a mod that allows it
L298[16:00:12] <LexMobile> i know :P
L299[16:00:14] <barteks2x> gravitycraft
L300[16:00:25] <Ordinastie> ghz|afk, there already is a game
L301[16:00:34] <Ordinastie> it's called Stellar Overload
L302[16:00:36] <ghz|afk> there is?
L303[16:01:01] <ghz|afk> weird XD
L304[16:01:12] <ghz|afk> yo ucan literally walk off an edge and land on a side?
L305[16:01:25] <Ordinastie> yes, quite confusing
L306[16:01:29] <LexMobile> "We wanted to make this one as [s]cheap[/s]inclusive as possible!"
L307[16:01:41] ⇨ Joins: Coneydub (Coneydub@c-24-21-20-197.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L308[16:02:30] <Coneydub> We have a Project Ozone 2: kappa mode server with a plugin that lets players create islands using /isspawn <player>.
L309[16:02:30] <Coneydub> Some players arent able to mine or place blocks in chunks. Its not affecting very many players, its usually only one chunk, but this last player has 3 that they cant interact with.
L310[16:02:47] <ghz|afk> I keep wanting to make a mod that adds "static entities" that are baked into the chunk mesh, and use its api to make a mod that replaces block trees with entity trees
L311[16:03:19] <Coneydub> We've basically have all the good plugins: Essentials, PEX, WorldEdit, CoreProtect, GPP, WorldBorder, WorldGuard
L312[16:03:26] <barteks2x> haven't you just reinvented multiblocks with til;e entities ghz|afk ?
L313[16:03:52] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: no, the entities wouldn't be taking up block spaces, and could be arbitrarily large
L314[16:03:52] <LexMobile> Then it's probably one of your 'protect' plugins.
L315[16:03:53] <Ordinastie> can be done with MalisisCore already :p
L316[16:04:20] <Ordinastie> it's still a block but arbitrarily large
L317[16:04:37] <barteks2x> "arbitrarily: large but try making it bigger than 16x16x16 and you beging to get issues
L318[16:04:49] <Coneydub> We have AS2, SF2.5, Infinity Skyblock and SF3 in addition to the PO2
L319[16:04:55] <Coneydub> we've never seen this issue
L320[16:05:18] <Ordinastie> hum, I've never really tested it but I don't think I have limitations for the size
L321[16:05:27] <barteks2x> but MC might
L322[16:05:42] <barteks2x> I dont think entities bigger than a chunk will work that well
L323[16:05:46] <Ordinastie> but it's not really using MC's systems
L324[16:05:56] <barteks2x> it still has to be entity or something
L325[16:05:57] <Ordinastie> it's not entities, it's a block
L326[16:06:03] <barteks2x> even worse for that
L327[16:06:33] <barteks2x> at some point you will probably get issues with frustum culling
L328[16:06:46] <Ordinastie> ah, yes, that's an issue
L329[16:07:00] <Ordinastie> if a chunk is not rendered, the block isn't either
L330[16:07:06] <barteks2x> if you make it even bigger - with the chunk it's in not being loaded but the chunks it intersects being visible already
L331[16:07:53] <barteks2x> and how would collisions work is yet another thing that probably would break
L332[16:08:40] <Ordinastie> no, collisions are handled
L333[16:13:28] <barteks2x> I really have to find a way to debug MC chunk re-render scheduling code
L334[16:14:12] <barteks2x> I can get unrendered chunks that you can walk into several times in 10 minutes of playing but can't even reliably reproduce it
L335[16:14:32] <barteks2x> and never in vanilla
L336[16:15:16] <barteks2x> any ideas for how it could be done?
L337[16:15:23] <LexMobile> wow this stream is hard to watch
L338[16:16:03] <ghz|afk> yeah caught a bit of the beginning, when they were doing the mob votes
L339[16:16:07] <ghz|afk> couldn't stand the presenters
L340[16:16:19] <ghz|afk> so I closed it and decided I'd get the highlights afterward
L341[16:17:28] <barteks2x> I can't even easily add debug logging to it without getting something close to 0fps and making intellij run out of memory
L342[16:18:20] <LexMobile> Ya Lydia has always been awkward as a host, but The other guy who said his name like 40 times, but i forget it. Is just... awkward...
L343[16:29:06] <LexMobile> https://youtu.be/A_Z3AokMwWI?t=5708 "Destined to be banished... until its made into a mod.. like tomarrow" It wasn't even tomarrow it was done yesterday. Because yes the joke you make earlier about how much time and effort it takes to make mobs was... wrong...
L344[16:30:52] <ghz|afk> o_O https://twitter.com/ohaiiChun/status/931972933148467201
L345[16:31:28] <Coneydub> Is there a discord server like this?
L346[16:31:34] <Coneydub> not just this channel, but espernet
L347[16:31:39] <Coneydub> like for MC shit
L348[16:31:51] <LexMobile> not any associated with Forge.
L349[16:31:54] <ghz|afk> maybe, but I don't care about Discord so I never looked
L350[16:32:12] <LexMobile> Im not a fan of the 'lets split everything with the fad service of the week!'
L351[16:32:24] <Coneydub> not associated with forge, fine, but any rumors about a discord for all things minecraft?
L352[16:33:12] <Coneydub> no shit I typed in modded minecraft discord
L353[16:33:27] <ghz|afk> this would be the time to paste a link to lmgtfy :P
L354[16:33:39] <pig> <3 ghz|afk
L355[16:33:47] <ghz|afk> XD
L356[16:33:50] <Coneydub> first thing that popped was the discord link for a modded minecraft group
L357[16:34:00] <Coneydub> https://discord.gg/moddedmc
L358[16:34:49] <williewillus> yeah the modded mc discord is the main one
L359[16:36:33] <Coneydub> apparently its the official one for FTB
L360[16:39:18] <kashike> the closest thing to a "real" one for minecraft is https://discord.gg/minecraft
L361[16:39:48] <Coneydub> Wow the partnership thing to get a vanity url is rather...extensive
L362[16:48:26] <Coneydub> Oh I should mention, if its not already forgotten about, only the one player can't break blocks in the affected chunks. Other people can interact with no problems
L363[16:48:44] <ghz|afk> Coneydub: this is mostly a mod development channel
L364[16:49:06] <ghz|afk> we can provide the occasional answer to non-development questions, but it'sn ot the primary use for the channel
L365[16:49:17] <ghz|afk> what I mean is, we don't necessarily have much experience with actually USING mods
L366[16:49:19] <ghz|afk> specially other people's
L367[16:49:58] <ghz|afk> from what you described, all we can really say is "sounds like it might be a protection mod acting up"
L368[16:50:07] <ghz|afk> or maybe a compatibility issue
L369[16:50:20] <ghz|afk> but we can't really point to any one mod and say "that one"
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L373[16:52:19] <LexMobile> Im not sure what I expected, but this video is turning into "Hey kids buy all our services and content from our custom store!"
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L377[17:28:15] <kashike> what video Lex?
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L379[17:28:31] <LexMobile> Minecon Earth
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