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L12[08:52:53] <Ordinastie> does someone use Sponge in their dev env ?
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L18[09:28:49] <AllenY> hi
L19[09:29:04] <AllenY> can I get basic bug support here?
L20[09:29:25] <killjoy> sure, but keep in mind it's mostly developers here.
L21[09:30:00] <AllenY> I installed forge for 1.12.2, but then realised I didn't need it, and installed 1.12.1, and now neither works
L22[09:30:26] <killjoy> use 1.12.2, they are binary compatible
L23[09:31:22] <AllenY> 1.12.2 doesn't work either now, I tried deleting from the versions folder, anything else to try?
L24[09:31:35] <killjoy> delete the libraries folder and reinstall
L25[09:31:40] <AllenY> thanks
L26[09:31:54] <killjoy> don't forget to relaunch the launcher after install if you haven't
L27[09:32:28] <AllenY> oh yeah
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L29[09:37:29] <AllenY> still crashing, I'll submit a report
L30[09:37:58] <killjoy> what's your crash report?
L31[09:38:16] <killjoy> github isn't for tech support
L32[09:41:13] <AllenY> oh on the forum
L33[09:41:58] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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L45[11:08:23] <killjoy> fry, what are you doing on the mojang team?
L46[11:08:31] <killjoy> are we losing another one?
L47[11:15:04] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L48[11:16:11] <Javaschreiber> killjoy: If this were true, he could at least fix some of the stuff forge has to work around.
L49[11:19:46] <killjoy> https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/916229857255845888
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L54[12:03:47] <Zidane> Javaschreiber, maybe but doubtful. They are very much "Vanilla first" and, mostly, "only if Vanilla needs it**"
L55[12:05:49] <killjoy> asie, what are you doing with the ponies :p
L56[12:08:20] <killjoy> heh, someone forked it then commited their private key
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L66[13:11:26] <ajb> i cant get my translation file to work :(
L67[13:11:39] <killjoy> named en_us.lang?
L68[13:11:44] <ajb> en_US.lang
L69[13:11:46] <ghz|afk> check the casing
L70[13:12:03] <ghz|afk> it's en_US for v2 resourcepacks, and en_us for v3 resourcepacks
L71[13:12:09] <killjoy> 1.11(?) made resources all lower case
L72[13:12:10] <ajb> ah that will be it then
L73[13:12:19] <ghz|afk> so if you started over from a 1.11+ examplemod
L74[13:12:28] <ghz|afk> it includes a v3 pack.mcmeta
L75[13:12:37] <ghz|afk> which means the old filename isn't accepted
L76[13:12:55] <ajb> works now, thanks
L77[13:13:27] <ajb> question: does java check if stuff is private at runtime?
L78[13:14:25] <ghz|afk> yes
L79[13:14:42] <ghz|afk> that's why forge (and many mods) include access transformers
L80[13:14:44] <ajb> how does this work then? https://github.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/blob/BOP-1.12.x-7.0.x/src/main/java/biomesoplenty/common/world/WorldTypeBOP.java#L26
L81[13:14:57] <ghz|afk> check for an access transformer file
L82[13:15:05] <ajb> that function is private in my version
L83[13:15:13] <ajb> what does an access transformer look like?
L84[13:15:17] <ghz|afk> this
L85[13:15:17] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/blob/BOP-1.12.x-7.0.x/src/main/resources/META-INF/biomesoplenty_at.cfg
L86[13:15:50] <PaleoCrafter> tbf, unless you need to override something, ATs should be last resort, imo :P
L87[13:16:06] <ajb> hmm so with this i can make chunkProvider public and then change it?
L88[13:16:29] <ghz|afk> technically, yes
L89[13:16:29] <ajb> public net.minecraft.world.WorldType func_151358_j()Lnet/minecraft/world/WorldType; #setNotificationData is it i guess, but has a different name now
L90[13:16:55] <ghz|afk> wether that is a good idea, however...
L91[13:17:06] <ajb> well there doesn't seem to be any other way to replace it
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L93[13:19:04] <ajb> if i want my mod to depend on BoP, and extend classes from within it, how do i set that up?
L94[13:19:36] <ajb> i don't think i need to modify their code
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L98[13:42:57] <ajb> its amazing how much java code you can write and it still doesn't do anything :)
L99[13:45:08] <kashike> indeed
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L108[14:12:43] <ajb> hmm http://i.imgur.com/jTwyW9Y.png
L109[14:12:52] <ajb> i wonder how i get rid of that bedrock
L110[14:14:15] <barteks2x> how did you get that terrain in the first place?
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L112[14:15:12] <ajb> create a new WorldType, extend ChunkGeneratorOverworld
L113[14:15:39] <ajb> make setBlocksInChunk return without doing anything if abs(x) or abs(z) > 5
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L117[14:22:25] <ajb> this probably isn't a good approach... things still get populated in the outer chunks
L118[14:22:30] <ajb> like villages
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L121[14:23:18] <ajb> http://i.imgur.com/SpXXAKj.png
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L123[14:29:58] <barteks2x> You need to override a few more methods
L124[14:30:04] ⇦ Parts: vehk (vehk@coleridge.vehk.de) (WeeChat 1.8))
L125[14:30:08] <barteks2x> and actually override the method that returns chunk
L126[14:30:13] <ajb> overriding generateChunk seems to work better
L127[14:30:29] <barteks2x> there should also be populate method
L128[14:33:08] <ajb> question: why does the underground water spill out, but the sea doesn't? http://i.imgur.com/z4XeCx3.png
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L130[14:34:29] <Ordinastie> just a gues, but ocean must be set directly in the underlying array, whereas underground pools must use setBlockState
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L132[14:46:15] <ajb> is BlockPos.getX()>>4 the correct way to get the chunk of a block?
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L134[14:48:11] <killjoy> sounds fine to me
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L148[16:28:44] <ajb> hmmmmm http://i.imgur.com/OheCU2Q.png
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L152[16:45:53] <ajb> how can i remove some blocks from a chunk?
L153[16:51:41] <LexMobile> !gm isChild
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L161[17:34:22] <ajb> getting somewhere http://i.imgur.com/ns3E4vv.png
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L163[17:39:18] <busti> ghz|afk: Do you know where to place the json file we talked about yesterday? I would like to avoid redistributing forge.
L164[17:39:42] <ghz|afk> I have no idea what you are talking about ;P
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L167[17:40:33] <ajb> the customer launcher configuration?
L168[17:40:50] <ghz|afk> ah the vanilla launcher thing
L169[17:40:54] <busti> Or was it killjoy who made that suggestion? Sorry I do not have the backlogs anymore
L170[17:40:55] <ghz|afk> someone else said that, not me ;P
L171[17:40:56] <busti> yes
L172[17:41:07] <ajb> (23:57:41) killjoy: just give them a launcher json, which you can distribute using the installer
L173[17:41:29] <ajb> i dunno the answer though, sorry
L174[17:41:36] <ben_mkiv> 42
L175[17:42:08] <busti> That is always an answer
L176[17:44:32] <Ordinastie> but what is the question
L177[17:45:24] <busti> Is it allowed to distribute a version of the forge installer jar that has a modified install_profile.json ?
L178[17:51:10] <busti> Remember I just want to have an audience of ~20 people install Computercraft in the easiest manner possible.
L179[17:51:41] <busti> And yes, there is a maven repo for cc
L180[17:57:28] <ghz|afk> if you want the easiest way possible, a Curseforge modpack that can be installed through the Twitch app would be easiest for the players
L181[17:57:47] <ghz|afk> since the app downloads and installs everything for you
L182[17:58:40] <ghz|afk> another option would be to pass a MultiMC instance around, pre-configured
L183[17:59:35] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/MultiMC/MultiMC5/wiki/Export-Instance
L184[17:59:44] <ghz|afk> https://github.com/MultiMC/MultiMC5/wiki/Import-Instance
L185[18:00:07] <ghz|afk> in most circumstances, I would suggest going through the vanilla launcher
L186[18:00:27] <ghz|afk> but for like... distributing a pack within a classroom... or something similar to that
L187[18:00:52] <ghz|afk> without having to require everyone to get a twitch/curse account, and install the Twitch client
L188[18:00:58] <ghz|afk> MultiMC seems like the best choice
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L191[18:06:42] <busti> I guess I will go with multi mc. Problem is, I am dealing with CS Students and those like to investigate everything before executing it on their pc, so twitchapp is a no.
L192[18:07:31] <busti> Ideally I would like to distribute it the same way the forge installer distributes mercurius.
L193[18:08:03] <busti> But I do not know if it is a smart idea to rehost a modified launcher like that...
L194[18:08:26] <ajb> its not that hard to drop a jar file into a directory...
L195[18:08:59] <busti> Trust me it is.
L196[18:10:20] <busti> It's not that they can't do it, it is just that they lost any interest before they did it.
L197[18:12:24] <ghz|afk> that moment when a survey asks "what other youtube channels do you watch?"
L198[18:12:54] <ghz|afk> andyou end up writing a js function to get the titles of the channels from your youtube subscription list
L199[18:12:55] <ghz|afk> (function() { var tmp = []; for (var a of document.querySelectorAll("#channel-title > span")) { tmp.push(a.innerText); } return tmp; })().join(", ")
L200[18:13:07] <ghz|afk> cos it's easier than typing them by hand ;P
L201[18:13:14] <busti> That sounds terrible
L202[18:13:29] <ghz|afk> I am subscribed to 78 channels on youtube
L203[18:13:35] <ajb> you might like this https://github.com/ali1234/ytsubs
L204[18:13:37] <ghz|afk> and I watch some 5-10 more sporadically,
L205[18:13:58] <ajb> it brings back rss feed for subscription
L206[18:14:04] <ghz|afk> I already finished filling in the survey
L207[18:14:16] <ghz|afk> and I don't need an RSS feed ;P
L208[18:14:28] ⇦ Quits: bilde2910 (bilde2910@231.51-174-185.customer.lyse.net) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L209[18:14:50] <busti> Youtube should stop changing their api so often
L210[18:15:09] <busti> Every couple years out client breaks
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L212[18:22:50] <ghz|afk> so I just thought of an interesting "rustic" redstone automation mod idea
L213[18:23:17] <ghz|afk> one of the biggest reasons I hate building redstone circuits
L214[18:23:40] <ghz|afk> is that in many cases, complex mechanisms require very complicated timing circuits
L215[18:23:46] <ghz|afk> that would be much easier represented by a state machine
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L217[18:24:11] <ghz|afk> you can build a state machine by using a piston feed tape with cauldrons or solid/transparent
L218[18:24:21] <ghz|afk> but that can get rather large
L219[18:24:27] <ghz|afk> so what I was thinking is:
L220[18:25:03] <ghz|afk> imagine a stackable "axle", where each wheel has up to 16 redstone torches placed around it
L221[18:25:32] <ghz|afk> and every time the axle is activated from one of the ends, it rotates to the next position
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L223[18:26:00] <ghz|afk> meaning you can change the activation of multiple redstone lines at once
L224[18:26:06] <ghz|afk> without using "high-tech" blocks
L225[18:26:17] <ghz|afk> and in a reasonably compact way
L226[18:27:16] <ajb> what does that have to do with state machines?
L227[18:27:27] <busti> So a bit like old telephone relais?
L228[18:35:21] <ghz|afk> ajb: it would serve as the mechanism to encode the states
L229[18:35:52] <ghz|afk> busti: well I was picturing the entire thing rotating at once, but sortof, yes
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L234[18:53:11] <ghz|afk> dafuq
L235[18:53:16] <ghz|afk> apparently I was still paying for wow
L236[18:53:24] <ghz|afk> I was certain I cancelled over 6 months ago
L237[18:53:39] <ghz|afk> I just noticed now because my CC expired and I hadn't activated the replacement yet
L238[18:53:40] <Ordinastie> don't you receive a mail every month ?
L239[18:53:44] <ghz|afk> nope
L240[18:53:51] <ghz|afk> I have never received emails
L241[18:54:01] <ghz|afk> they just charge me on my debit card
L242[18:54:10] <ghz|afk> either way
L243[18:54:19] <ghz|afk> my account expired since they couldn't charge me
L244[18:54:24] <ghz|afk> so /shrug
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L246[18:54:41] <ghz|afk> it annoys me a bit because I was feeling nostalgic the other day
L247[18:54:48] <ghz|afk> and I didn't install wow to fly around for a while
L248[18:54:55] <ghz|afk> just because I thought the account wasn't active
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L250[18:59:30] <ghz|afk> dafuq
L251[18:59:30] <ghz|afk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdNkNDMMq1s
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L276[22:50:14] *** Andrio is now known as THIEF
L277[22:58:37] <killjoy> I think for some reason, my monitor was going at 20fps
L278[22:58:51] <killjoy> cursor was all glitchy
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L280[23:03:17] <killjoy> That ever happen to anyone after resuming from standby?
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L288[23:19:42] <Dimmerworld> Why is it forwarding me to #RegisterYourNameMoron even though it is registered
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L291[23:23:04] <killjoy> Dimmerworld, your name may be registered, but you're not signed in?
L292[23:23:21] <Dimmerworld> I have it so it auto logins when I join esper
L293[23:23:33] <killjoy> sometimes it joins too soon
L294[23:24:04] <mezz> yeah you wouldn't be here if you weren't signed in. your client is probably just joining too soon
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L297[23:30:33] <Dimmerworld> So what does fry working for mojang mean?
L298[23:30:44] <killjoy> What's his official title?
L299[23:30:56] <Dimmerworld> I don't know, it was on jeb's twitter
L300[23:31:17] <killjoy> He's on on https://www.mojang.com/about/ yet
L301[23:32:23] <Dimmerworld> The tweet was only 17 hours ago https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/916229857255845888
L302[23:32:50] <killjoy> Finally got curious on what the other text was.
L303[23:33:07] <killjoy> Translated. https://gyazo.com/57f5c933ddce65325a09ef880f3fd080
L304[23:34:01] <killjoy> inb4 mezz gets stolen as well
L305[23:34:52] * mezz has a job already
L306[23:34:54] <mezz> heh
L307[23:39:10] <kashike> a job where? :D
L308[23:39:22] <mezz> california
L309[23:39:35] <kashike> fun
L310[23:40:10] <mezz> mhm
L311[23:40:53] <killjoy> plenty of jobs there. I should move
L312[23:41:27] <killjoy> RTP is great and all, but everyone wants a bachelor's program internship
L313[23:41:40] <kashike> RTP?
L314[23:41:46] <killjoy> research triangle park, NC
L315[23:41:53] <killjoy> lots of tech startups
L316[23:42:02] <killjoy> it's where google fiber is
L317[23:42:23] <mezz> california is good for jobs but expensive as hell
L318[23:42:32] <killjoy> Can I telecommute?
L319[23:42:39] <mezz> probably
L320[23:42:47] <killjoy> I'll just move to Nevada
L321[23:42:56] <mezz> getting an interview is more work that way, but it seems like a good way to do it
L322[23:42:56] <killjoy> No, mistake. Too much desert
L323[23:43:09] <mezz> I want to move somewhere cheaper and have a nice office I can use to work in and telecommute
L324[23:43:19] <killjoy> try rtp :P
L325[23:43:23] <killjoy> we can be roomies
L326[23:43:29] <mezz> 2k+ a month rents are not great
L327[23:43:33] ⇦ Quits: Dimmerworld (~quassel@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L328[23:43:52] <killjoy> Last I checked, rent here is like $800/mo for a good place
L329[23:44:17] <killjoy> and that's if you move to the surrounding areas
L330[23:44:35] <mezz> damn
L331[23:44:50] <killjoy> Gets less expensive the more south you go
L332[23:45:41] <killjoy> Might as well just post my source. https://www.forrent.com/find/NC/metro-Raleigh+Durham
L333[23:45:54] <mezz> how's the pay though?
L334[23:46:01] <killjoy> basically don't move to Cary
L335[23:46:16] <killjoy> idk, I get payed $8.50/hr at fast food
L336[23:46:25] <mezz> lol wtf are you doing
L337[23:46:32] <mezz> internship :P
L338[23:46:39] <killjoy> looking
L339[23:46:52] <mezz> get payed $15 for grunt computer work at least
L340[23:47:26] <killjoy> I live way out of the way for anything like that
L341[23:47:46] <killjoy> Though I'm still going for my associates
L342[23:48:42] <mezz> ah
L343[23:50:47] <killjoy> data storage & virtualization if you were wondering
L344[23:51:03] <mezz> sounds like a good field to be in
L345[23:52:25] <mezz> our data center guys are all out east
L346[23:52:38] <killjoy> yeah, we've got netapp
L347[23:52:44] <killjoy> and a redhat
L348[23:52:55] <killjoy> and SAS
L349[23:53:07] <mezz> yeah
L350[23:53:08] <killjoy> and a Siemens office
L351[23:54:29] <mezz> we have uh... the rest :D
L352[23:57:41] <killjoy> We have lenovo...
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