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L18[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170804 mappings to Forge Maven.
L19[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170804-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170804" in build.gradle).
L20[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L22[02:03:57] <kenzierocks> how do I get an EnumFacing corresponding to an entities look?
L23[02:04:14] <kenzierocks> kinda like the opposite of what blocks do (I suppose I could try to do that and reverse it)
L24[02:11:38] <kenzierocks> wait, i'm dumb, I can just check rotationPitch for > 45 deg / < -45 deg and then delegate to getHorizontalFacing
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L26[02:27:58] <ghz|afk> \o/ http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.12.1.html
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L30[03:09:26] <gigaherz> c,rap
L31[03:09:31] <gigaherz> [10:07:43] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading built-in advancement survivalist:recipes/basic_hatchet
L32[03:09:31] <gigaherz> com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Unknown recipe 'survivalist:hatchet'
L33[03:09:49] <gigaherz> I was hoping advancements would also have load conditions, like recipes do
L34[03:10:05] <gigaherz> (not criteria, but conditions on when to actually load those advancements)
L35[03:34:28] <LexMobile> The advancements system hasnt been re-written by forge. So its not very modder friendly.
L36[03:34:52] <LexMobile> Problem with it is that it doesn't really lend itself to being re-written because its very tightly bound to the specific data structure
L37[03:35:09] <LexMobile> and it is serialized over the wire with that structure... which makes it even more annoying
L38[03:39:36] <gigaherz> which sucks, means I'll have to either give up on doing progressive unlocks, remove the configuration options to disable mod features, or switch to a custom recipe type that deserializes into standard recipes but uses a custom condition system as a way to choose if you can craft that recipe or not (rather than if the recipe loads at all)
L39[03:40:13] <gigaherz> not blaming you btw, I understand this perfectly, it just delays the release of my mod even further >_<
L40[03:45:26] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
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L42[04:01:22] <LexMobile> remove the config option
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L44[04:01:51] <Ordinastie> wow, I expected you to say to make a PR
L45[04:16:53] <LexMobile> That requires work and thought, which isnt gunna happen
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L94[10:43:49] <malte0811> I am working on large (up to 64x64 blocks, quite a few quads) TESR's right now, using VBO's for performance (IE wires). Is there a way to detect when lighting changes/a chunk update happens in one of the chunks the TESR renders in?
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L114[13:40:52] * gigaherz facepalms hard
L115[13:41:20] <gigaherz> someone spent the last 6 days in my mod support channel no one uses
L116[13:41:25] <gigaherz> waiting for me to not be |afk ;P
L117[13:41:38] <gigaherz> okay it's partially my fault for not changing the nickname but
L118[13:41:45] <gigaherz> it was a feature request
L119[13:41:56] <gigaherz> they could have posted it on github or even the curseforge comments
L120[13:41:57] <gigaherz> XD
L121[13:41:59] <howtonotwin> lol
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L124[13:46:08] <gigaherz> heck, even said it in the channel
L125[13:46:12] <gigaherz> if I'm there idling
L126[13:46:14] <gigaherz> even if I'm afk
L127[13:46:26] <gigaherz> it's specifically so that I can catch up on things that happen while i'm gone
L128[13:46:50] <gigaherz> I practically leave the pc running 24/7 just to keep IRC connected and be able to do
L129[13:46:54] <gigaherz> Uptime: 3 days 17 hours 42 minutes 11 seconds
L130[13:46:57] <gigaherz> Record Uptime: 3 weeks 5 days 8 hours 43 minutes 6 seconds set on Wed Jan 11 17:39:37 2017
L131[13:47:03] <gigaherz> :P
L132[13:47:10] <gigaherz> but yeah, /facepalm
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L135[14:07:54] <Uristqwerty> In updating a mod to 1.9, I've just discovered that FluidContainerData is deprecated. Is there a way to enumerate fluid containers and get a sample item of each for a given fluid?
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L137[14:10:17] <gigaherz> I don't know how it looked like in 1.9, but
L138[14:10:21] <gigaherz> IFluidhandler has getTankProperties
L139[14:10:40] <gigaherz> which in turn has getContents which returns a FluidStack
L140[14:10:58] <gigaherz> do NOT modify that FluidStack directly, though, that's just for enumeration
L141[14:11:18] <gigaherz> note that fluids are NOT items
L142[14:11:37] <gigaherz> if you want to get a filled bucket or similar, you would have to go through forge's universal bucket or some other mod's bucket item
L143[14:11:48] <Uristqwerty> My use case is "you can use any of these items in this crafting recipe", so modification shouldn't be an issue.
L144[14:11:58] <gigaherz> right
L145[14:12:19] <gigaherz> then you should be able to check the Fluid from that FluidStack
L146[14:12:29] <gigaherz> and see if it matches your allowed fluids
L147[14:12:45] <gigaherz> and the amount to see if it has enough in it
L148[14:12:54] <gigaherz> so in short
L149[14:13:13] <gigaherz> ItemStack#getCapability(fluids capability object, null)
L150[14:13:20] <gigaherz> if that isn't null, it's an IFluidHandler
L151[14:13:35] <gigaherz> from which you can call getTankProperties -> getContents
L152[14:14:20] <Uristqwerty> Looping over every single item variant in the game to see what ones are containers, and which of them can hold the fluid in question? Because my problem is not as simple as "can the user-selected ItemStack store a fluid".
L153[14:14:30] <gigaherz> nono
L154[14:14:36] <gigaherz> that's not what I meant
L155[14:14:44] <gigaherz> if that's what you thought then I didn't understand your needs correctly
L156[14:14:47] <gigaherz> what EXACTLY are you doing?
L157[14:15:50] <gigaherz> is it a matter of a recipe that accepts "anything that contains molten gold" or similar?
L158[14:15:56] <gigaherz> or something more dynamic than that?
L159[14:17:35] <Uristqwerty> Updating an old recipe viewer mod, which has always had a few edge cases of going backwards through a mapping clearly not designed for it.
L160[14:18:22] <gigaherz> right
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L162[14:18:45] <Uristqwerty> In this case, one type of IC² recipe can specify liquid inputs as strings. I *think* they might have used the deprecated registry back then, so hopefully I don't need to seek a replacement in this case.
L163[14:18:51] <gigaherz> so what data does that recipe contain that would mean "a fluid container goes here"?
L164[14:19:06] <gigaherz> ah just a string for a fluid name?
L165[14:19:10] <Uristqwerty> "liquid$water" for example.
L166[14:19:57] <gigaherz> does IC2 not integrate those recipes with JEI?
L167[14:20:02] <gigaherz> I mean, if it does, you can check how they handle it ;P
L168[14:20:40] <Uristqwerty> I guess that works.
L169[14:23:34] <Uristqwerty> Actually, I think I can just use their function directly. Maybe it became public and/or static at some point in the past?
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L172[14:48:16] <Xilef11> !gf field_150928_b
L173[14:48:47] <Xilef11> !gf field_74784_a
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L189[16:59:48] <jjw123> when I try and access a TileEntityChest from the client (I need it on a key press) it appears empty - is this normal?
L190[17:00:02] <gigaherz> yes
L191[17:00:11] <gigaherz> the contents are only synchronized on demand
L192[17:00:14] <gigaherz> when a gui is open
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L194[17:06:44] <gigaherz> hmmm is the files site having some issue?
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L196[17:07:12] <gigaherz> it seems to be taking a LOOOONG time to "Download http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/gradle/ForgeGradle/2.3-SNAPSHOT/ForgeGradle-2.3-20170803.220053-7.jar&quot;
L197[17:07:29] <gigaherz> clicked the url... it froze firefox :/
L198[17:07:46] <gigaherz> ah it finished
L199[17:07:49] <gigaherz> and firefox closed
L200[17:07:56] <gigaherz> maybe it was my own pc derping
L201[17:08:04] <jjw123> ah i see. thanks. is there any way to hack around it quickly? all i need is to be able to get a list of items in the chests under the player (as in the player is stood on top). it only needs to be single player (so the mod is installed 'server' side)
L202[17:08:35] <gigaherz> well
L203[17:08:42] <gigaherz> the proper way would be when you detect the keypress
L204[17:08:45] <gigaherz> you send a packet to the server
L205[17:08:54] <gigaherz> which encodes the chest contents and sends them back
L206[17:10:21] <jjw123> this is true. Then i can just do all the rest of what i do on 'key press' in the client packet receiver
L207[17:10:22] <jjw123> thanks
L208[17:10:31] <jjw123> I just wasnt thinking
L209[17:10:33] <gigaherz> np yw
L210[17:11:52] <gigaherz> there we go...
L211[17:12:02] <gigaherz> I don't think there's anything in my mod that would be affected by 1.12.1
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L213[17:12:05] <gigaherz> but let's see..
L214[17:12:12] <gigaherz> mods*
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L269[21:28:18] * howtonotwin has created amazingly bad shitcode
L270[21:28:49] <howtonotwin> The types involved are so long and complicated that IntelliJ's Ctrl+Shift+P can't actually fit them on screen
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