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L14[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170803 mappings to Forge Maven.
L15[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170803-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170803" in build.gradle).
L16[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L24[02:45:10] <kenzierocks> if I want to render arbitrary lines into the world (like WorldEditCUI), what event do I hook in to?
L25[02:45:25] <Ordinastie> RenderWorldLast
L26[02:45:41] <kenzierocks> ok, thanks
L27[02:47:00] <kenzierocks> are proxies automatically subscribed to events?
L28[02:47:08] <Ordinastie> nope
L29[02:47:12] <kenzierocks> ok
L30[02:53:48] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
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L35[03:15:47] <halvors> Hmm, i have a problem with a json file not working, it's quite big, but all lines is pretty much the same, just to make connected texture work.
L36[03:15:48] <halvors> https://github.com/halvors/Quantum/blob/1.10.2-connected-texture/src/main/resources/assets/quantum/blockstates/electromagnet.json
L37[03:16:29] <halvors> The block has a type property, normal and glass.
L38[03:16:39] ⇦ Quits: rebecca (~rebecca@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L39[03:16:50] <halvors> When the block is placed in world the block isn't rendered (only missing texture placeholder).
L40[03:17:46] <halvors> From that json file i'm getting this error: https://pastebin.com/w1Xk7JWa
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L47[03:40:47] <Ordinastie> !gm func_147447_a
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L51[04:26:29] <ghz|afk> oww he left
L52[04:26:33] <ghz|afk> oh well either way
L53[04:26:35] <ghz|afk> halvors: you can NOT mix and match forge-style variants with full variant strings, it's looking for "connected_down=true,connected_east=true,connected_north=false,connected_south=true,connected_up=true,connected_west=true,type=normal" but yours don't have "type=" in them.
L54[04:26:43] <ghz|afk> in case he returns, someone else can tell him ;P
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L58[04:46:55] <Hawaii_Beach> how do you register a ItemBlock in 1.12?
L59[04:49:18] <ghz|afk> in your item regsitry eveny
L60[04:49:25] <ghz|afk> in your item registry event*
L61[04:49:38] <ghz|afk> new ItemBlock(theBlock).setRegistryName(theBlock.getRegistryName())
L62[04:49:43] <ghz|afk> I have a helper method in my blocks
L63[04:49:45] <ghz|afk> so I just do
L64[04:49:53] <ghz|afk> theBlock.createItemBlock() which does exactly the same
L65[04:50:09] <Hawaii_Beach> oh the register is the same
L66[04:50:20] <Hawaii_Beach> yea that's neat
L67[04:50:27] <ghz|afk> RegistryEvent.Register<Item> works the same way, yes
L68[04:50:48] <ghz|afk> so does RegistryEvent.Register<SoundEvent> <Enchantment> <PotionEffect> ...
L69[04:51:16] <ghz|afk> and ItemBlocks are just items
L70[04:51:19] <ghz|afk> plain old items
L71[04:51:27] <Hawaii_Beach> oh soundevents aswell
L72[04:51:32] <ghz|afk> ... that happen to be internally linked to a block
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L75[04:56:54] <Hawaii_Beach> json files must be lower_case right?
L76[04:57:03] <ghz|afk> resources in general
L77[04:57:25] <Hawaii_Beach> should i use .toLowerCase
L78[04:58:08] <Hawaii_Beach> when setting registryName
L79[04:58:40] <ghz|afk> registry names should be lowercase too
L80[04:58:45] <ghz|afk> everything should be lowercase
L81[04:58:49] <ghz|afk> even your modid
L82[04:59:00] <Hawaii_Beach> ok
L83[04:59:07] <ghz|afk> this has been true for a LONG time, and started to be enforced in 1.11
L84[04:59:41] <Hawaii_Beach> yea i remember
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L86[04:59:59] <Hawaii_Beach> never upgraded to 1.11, just chilling at 1.10.2
L87[05:00:13] <Hawaii_Beach> too many files to modify -_-
L88[05:00:19] <ghz|afk> in 1.10.2, it was hood practice to make things lowercase
L89[05:00:22] <ghz|afk> good*
L90[05:00:36] <ghz|afk> it wasn't enforced, but it was already considered bad practice to use uppercase in resources and mod ids
L91[05:01:16] <ghz|afk> I mean, even in older versions
L92[05:01:27] <ghz|afk> the fact that minecraft's own registry names ar elike
L93[05:01:30] <ghz|afk> "iron_sword"
L94[05:01:42] <Hawaii_Beach> yea..
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L96[05:03:36] <Hawaii_Beach> did the json files also change for blocks n' items?
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L98[05:04:06] MineBot sets mode: +v on iPixeli
L99[05:04:39] <ghz|afk> change how?
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L102[05:04:48] <ghz|afk> I use the same exact json files on 1.10 1.11 and 1.12
L103[05:05:23] <ghz|afk> for blockstates and models, that is
L104[05:05:50] <Hawaii_Beach> oh ok
L105[05:07:24] <Hawaii_Beach> guess my game is crashing because the json files aren't lower case
L106[05:07:33] <Hawaii_Beach> (the content inside them)
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L114[05:50:48] <masa> does this imply smelting recipes? https://twitter.com/MiaLem_n/status/892989846330933248
L115[05:51:28] <ghz|afk> I believe so!
L116[05:51:46] <ghz|afk> at least if they want to reward them from advancements and such
L117[05:51:51] <ghz|afk> they need a registry name
L118[05:52:37] <ghz|afk> yep the replies do imply furnace recipes ;P
L119[05:52:49] <ghz|afk> "furnace recipes but yeah that is the plan I have no time frame though for when this will get in."
L120[05:57:05] <masa> hm, so apparently FOrge commented out a piece of code in 1.9 that broke one of the features in Painted Biomes, and only now in 1.12 somebody reported it :D
L121[05:57:32] <ghz|afk> heh
L122[05:57:52] <masa> I wonder if nobody actually used the feature and noticed that it's brokne, or if they didn't know if they were doing something wrong, or if they just don't care enought to report it
L123[05:58:59] <masa> there is actually some weird crash in ender utilities that I see every now and then in OpenEye, but nobody has ever reported it, so I have no idea when and in what GUI it happens
L124[05:59:30] <masa> but somehow something is accessing a slot way beyond the size of the array
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L132[06:34:13] <ScottehBoeh> is there a reason why getGameProfile().getId() is giving me a different uuid than Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSession().getProfile().getId()?
L133[06:34:23] <ScottehBoeh> the first being server-side, the second being Client
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L135[06:43:13] <ScottehBoeh> getGameProfile() and getuniqueID() both return ids that don't exist..
L136[06:43:27] ⇨ Joins: Uristqwerty (~chatzilla@modemcable128.165-177-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L137[06:49:17] <Uristqwerty> I'm updating an old mod, and just reached a point of confusion. There used to be a "curse" task, but it seems to have been moved or removed in a later forgegradle version. Any idea what happened to it? There hhasn't been any information in any of the documentation I have looked at so far.
L138[06:55:45] <Uristqwerty> Nevermind, this probably wasn't the right IRC to ask in.
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L140[06:59:01] <ghz|afk> Uristqwerty: I believe that's part of cursegradle, not forgegradle
L141[07:01:44] <Uristqwerty> Thanks. I didn't realize it's a separate thing now.
L142[07:05:04] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L143[07:05:51] <darkevilmac> It's always been seperate afaik..
L144[07:06:40] <darkevilmac> If you just want to update a mod you should be fine commenting out the curse plugin stuff.
L145[07:07:25] <Uristqwerty> It was definitely part of 1.2-SNAPSHOT, though that's *old*.
L146[07:08:55] <ghz|afk> hmmm
L147[07:08:59] <ghz|afk> anyone messed with advancements yet?
L148[07:12:09] <ghz|afk> looking at ItemPredicate, it does appear that advancement predicates don't know how to handle wildcards
L149[07:12:38] <ghz|afk> but data is nullable...
L150[07:13:57] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L151[07:13:58] <Uristqwerty> Aren't Mojang looking to remove item data, folding it into either states or tags for variants and tools respectively?
L152[07:14:54] <ghz|afk> eventually, yes
L153[07:15:06] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L154[07:15:11] <ghz|afk> they have suggested that 1.13 doesn't have block IDs and metadata anymore
L155[07:15:22] <ghz|afk> and instead they assign IBlockStates a unique id
L156[07:15:32] <ghz|afk> but they haven't talked about ITEM states yet
L157[07:15:46] <ghz|afk> I hope they do implement an "IItemState" equivalent of blockstates
L158[07:15:51] <ghz|afk> but dunno
L159[07:15:55] <Uristqwerty> I thought I read something about /give ... minecraft:sword {damage:42}
L160[07:16:13] <ghz|afk> maybe
L161[07:16:22] <ghz|afk> maybe it's just for commands and the meta is still there internally
L162[07:16:25] <ghz|afk> we'll see when 1.13 lands
L163[07:16:35] <ghz|afk> but yeah
L164[07:16:42] <ghz|afk> skipping "data" from the achievement json works \o/
L165[07:17:04] <ghz|afk> advancement*
L166[07:17:09] <Uristqwerty> Ah, I saw it listed on https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.13#Planned_changes
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L170[07:30:53] <ghz|afk> right now I love the recipe system
L171[07:30:53] <ghz|afk> http://i.imgur.com/2GNWoVO.png
L172[07:31:07] <ghz|afk> at first I was annoyed because I needed two of each recipe
L173[07:31:11] <ghz|afk> then I realized I don't.
L174[07:34:41] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L175[07:43:58] <Xilef11> nice
L176[07:45:29] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
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L183[07:56:25] <ghz|afk> 1.12.1 is out!
L184[07:56:26] <ghz|afk> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/893092577058140160
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L189[08:14:16] <Hawaii_Beach> damnit
L190[08:22:04] <ghz|afk> so I was thinking of the possibility of adding "spoil timers" to foodstuffs
L191[08:22:15] <ghz|afk> I know other mods do it
L192[08:22:20] <ghz|afk> but I was thinking about it regardless
L193[08:22:23] <ghz|afk> anyhow
L194[08:22:34] <ghz|afk> at first I was thinking that i'd need an actual counter in the item
L195[08:22:51] <ghz|afk> but then I realized that's wrong
L196[08:23:23] <ghz|afk> all I would need is a "best before" number, and the actual timer would be computed based on getTotalWorldTime
L197[08:23:50] <ghz|afk> the only issue would be how to implement a "fridge"
L198[08:24:35] <ghz|afk> the best-before date would have to change when inserting/removing items from it, I suppose
L199[08:24:53] <ghz|afk> yeah seems doable
L200[08:25:02] <ghz|afk> but also outside of the scope of my mod.
L201[08:25:59] <ghz|afk> what I really need is to implement a sawmill machine XD
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L206[08:32:32] <masa> Does anuone know what the "openSet" and "closedSet" are in the Pathfinding debug renderer, and how I can get them on the server?
L207[08:38:01] <masa> oh, are those based on the PathNodeType.getPriority() value maybe
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L231[10:42:54] <halvors> Hmm, i have a problem with a json file not working, it's quite big, but all lines is pretty much the same, just to make connected texture work.
L232[10:42:54] <halvors> https://github.com/halvors/Quantum/blob/1.10.2-connected-texture/src/main/resources/assets/quantum/blockstates/electromagnet.json
L233[10:43:10] <halvors> I get this error: https://pastebin.com/w1Xk7JWa
L234[10:44:14] <halvors> Here is my block file: https://github.com/halvors/Quantum/blob/1.10.2-connected-texture/src/main/java/org/halvors/quantum/common/block/reactor/fusion/BlockElectromagnet.java
L235[10:44:34] <halvors> I have tested the json file without the "type" property, then everything works just fine.
L236[10:45:53] <ghz|afk> ah hey you are back
L237[10:45:57] <ghz|afk> I wanted to answer before
L238[10:45:59] <ghz|afk> that can't work
L239[10:46:19] <ghz|afk> you can mix variant strings with multiplevalues and = and such
L240[10:46:23] <ghz|afk> with forge-style properties
L241[10:46:31] <Ordinastie> wtf ? https://puu.sh/x0Clw.png
L242[10:46:33] <Ordinastie> the version
L243[10:46:37] <ghz|afk> if you use "a=1,b=2,c=3" style variant strings
L244[10:46:44] <ghz|afk> those have to be the FULL string
L245[10:46:50] <ghz|afk> including ALL properties
L246[10:46:50] <Ordinastie> where the fuck does that come from ?
L247[10:47:05] <ghz|afk> Ordinastie: gradle?
L248[10:47:08] <halvors> ghz|afk: Ok, so in other words, i cannot have the custom type property?
L249[10:47:09] <Ordinastie> https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisDoors/blob/1.11/src/main/resources/mcmod.info#L6
L250[10:47:11] <ghz|afk> the processResources section?
L251[10:47:20] <Ordinastie> it's told to replace with the version
L252[10:47:20] <ghz|afk> halvors: you can
L253[10:47:22] <ghz|afk> but not separately
L254[10:47:31] <ghz|afk> either you split up ALL the property-value pairs
L255[10:47:37] <ghz|afk> or you use full strings
L256[10:48:10] <ghz|afk> note
L257[10:48:22] <ghz|afk> you CAN have variants generated based on split-up values
L258[10:48:28] <ghz|afk> mixed in with full-string properties
L259[10:48:29] <ghz|afk> like
L260[10:48:33] <ghz|afk> "variants": {
L261[10:48:49] <halvors> But i cannot split them up as the model is dependent on that some states being false.
L262[10:48:58] <ghz|afk> "advanced=false,type=1": [{ stuff }],
L263[10:49:04] <ghz|afk> "advanced": {
L264[10:49:10] <ghz|afk> "true": { ... }
L265[10:49:11] <ghz|afk> }
L266[10:49:18] <ghz|afk> "type": { "2": ... }
L267[10:49:18] <ghz|afk> }
L268[10:49:46] <ghz|afk> what doesn't work
L269[10:49:54] <ghz|afk> is "advanced=false" without the "type" part
L270[10:50:04] <ghz|afk> using full variant string is all or nothing
L271[10:50:24] <ghz|afk> given your situation
L272[10:50:30] <ghz|afk> multipart syle jsons may be more fit for your case
L273[10:50:42] <halvors> Yeah i get that, wo the best solution would be to have 2 json files.
L274[10:51:10] <halvors> And register a custom model definition for both "type" properties that in actual is metadata.
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L276[10:51:46] <ghz|afk> no
L277[10:51:51] <ghz|afk> well you could do it with a state mapper
L278[10:52:10] <halvors> Why a state mapper?
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L280[10:52:40] <ghz|afk> a statemapper would let you customize which file and which variant string it gets
L281[10:52:41] <ghz|afk> so like
L282[10:53:00] <ghz|afk> you can choose between "standard.json" and "glass.json"
L283[10:53:12] <ghz|afk> while at the same time removing "type" from the variant strings mc looks for
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L285[10:54:02] <halvors> Do i need a statemapper for that?=
L286[10:54:27] <halvors> Can't i only register a model definition for each metadata value?
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L289[10:55:44] <ghz|afk> that only affects items
L290[10:55:45] <ghz|afk> not blocks
L291[10:55:59] <ghz|afk> if that blockstate is for an ITEM, then yes you can
L292[10:56:14] <ghz|afk> but I doubt that's the case since you have side connectivity
L293[10:56:28] <ghz|afk> the calls to ModelLoader.setCustom*
L294[10:56:33] <ghz|afk> are only meaningful for items
L295[10:56:42] <ghz|afk> for blocks, you need a statemapper
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L297[10:57:15] <halvors> Ah ok, do you have any example on how to do that?
L298[10:58:58] <ghz|afk> (new StateMap.Builder()).withName(TYPE).ignore(TYPE)
L299[10:59:00] <ghz|afk> should do the trick
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L301[10:59:09] <ghz|afk> although you may need a suffix
L302[10:59:14] <ghz|afk> notsure
L303[10:59:18] <ghz|afk> eh
L304[10:59:22] <ghz|afk> (new StateMap.Builder()).withName(TYPE).ignore(TYPE).build()
L305[10:59:37] <ghz|afk> and you'd use it with ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper
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L308[11:01:19] <ghz|afk> hmm the ignore() part may not be needed
L309[11:01:21] <howtonotwin> note you can create your own IStateMapper if the builder isn't flexible enough
L310[11:01:33] <ghz|afk> that too
L311[11:01:41] <ghz|afk> but in this case, it should fit the use perfectly
L312[11:01:46] <ghz|afk> since vanilla uses it for like, logs
L313[11:01:51] <howtonotwin> And the ignore isn't needed
L314[11:01:58] <ghz|afk> so that it has oak_log.json and such
L315[11:02:04] <ghz|afk> instead of log.json with each variant in it
L316[11:02:12] <ghz|afk> and it doens't call ignore so yeah
L317[11:02:13] <ghz|afk> not needed ;P
L318[11:02:35] <ghz|afk> ah I see
L319[11:02:43] <ghz|afk> you will need suffix, probably
L320[11:02:55] <ghz|afk> (new StateMap.Builder()).withName(TYPE).withSuffix("_electromagnet").build()
L321[11:03:00] <ghz|afk> will cause mc to look for
L322[11:03:05] <ghz|afk> normal_electromagnet.json
L323[11:03:10] <ghz|afk> glass_electromagnet.json
L324[11:03:19] <howtonotwin> Oh god the parens
L325[11:03:28] <ghz|afk> around the constructor?
L326[11:03:49] <howtonotwin> The ugliest kind of paren :L
L327[11:03:54] <howtonotwin> *?
L328[11:03:57] <ghz|afk> I prefer them there to make it easy for the reader to understand what the "new" applies to
L329[11:04:32] <howtonotwin> I'm fairly sure they're also needed to satiate javac
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L331[11:04:46] <howtonotwin> They're just fugly
L332[11:05:19] <howtonotwin> That might just be my inner Scala, though
L333[11:05:38] <killjoy> I've been debugging a mod for the past hour
L334[11:05:56] <killjoy> Turns out, the guy downloaded the sources jar
L335[11:07:19] <halvors> ghz|afk: Where is the custom mapper for oak registered in vanilla?
L336[11:07:21] <halvors> What class?
L337[11:07:39] <howtonotwin> Probably somewhere in ModelBakery
L338[11:08:06] <ghz|afk> blockmodelshapes
L339[11:08:50] <howtonotwin> This is what I get for being on mobile
L340[11:08:56] <howtonotwin> ;P
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L342[11:13:54] <ghz|afk> sorry was on the phone
L343[11:14:04] <ghz|afk> BlockModelShapes#registerAllBlocks
L344[11:14:14] <ghz|afk> has a whole bunch of registerBlockWithStateMapper
L345[11:14:18] <ghz|afk> butyou don't want to call that
L346[11:14:19] <ghz|afk> you should call
L347[11:14:26] <ghz|afk> ModelLoader.setCustomStatemapper
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L350[11:18:00] <halvors> ghz|afk: Thanks for all help :)
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L352[11:19:52] <halvors> ghz|afk: Can i inlude a blockstates file in another?
L353[11:20:27] <halvors> ghz|afk: Like have "normal_electromagnet.json" include alle the "connected" properties from a file called "electromagnet.json"?
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L355[11:23:14] <ghz|afk> nope
L356[11:23:22] <ghz|afk> program one, then make a copy and tweak it
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L358[11:35:05] <halvors> Ok, so i cannot use "parent" or something? That's just models?
L359[11:35:31] <ghz|afk> yup
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L362[11:39:40] <halvors> Thanks :)
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L372[11:45:26] <halvors> How do i cullface with json? Isn't that the equalant to shouldSideBeRendered() when facing another block?=
L373[11:47:14] <ghz|afk> https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Model
L374[11:47:16] <ghz|afk> that's vanilla stuff
L375[11:47:36] <ghz|afk> shouldSideBeRendered chooses if the faces for that side should render or not
L376[11:47:53] <ghz|afk> and cullface in the model json chooses which faces are "east" or "north" or whatever
L377[11:48:08] <ghz|afk> the combination of the two is what gets certain faces to draw or not
L378[11:48:35] <ghz|afk> and if you mean you want to change the faces that draw using blockstates json
L379[11:48:39] <ghz|afk> I don't think that's an option
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L382[11:52:01] <ghz|afk> hmmm how do I tell mc that my block's light level changed? ;P
L383[11:55:54] <malte0811> https://github.com/BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering/blob/master/src/main/java/blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/blocks/metal/TileEntityElectricLantern.java#L54-L56 should work
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L387[12:01:13] <halvors> ghz|afk: Ok, thanks. Sticking with the code version then :)
L388[12:04:33] <malte0811> Is Ctrl+N being derpy for anyone else with the new IntelliJ version? It opens and closes directly afterwards, but not all the time
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L400[13:07:10] <Xilef11> !gm getLastAttacker
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L408[13:56:44] <howtonotwin> Huh, the itemstack ctors have func_ixxx_ srgnames but the statemapperbase ctor doesn't, according to mcpbot. Any reason why?
L409[13:57:02] <bspkrs> no params
L410[13:57:15] <howtonotwin> Oh ok
L411[13:57:21] <bspkrs> only ctors with params get srg names
L412[13:57:36] <howtonotwin> Any plans to allow javadoc on ctors and classes, btw?
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L414[13:58:13] <bspkrs> not that I know of
L415[13:59:14] <bspkrs> the reason that ctors with params get different SRG names in the bot is because of data model constraints. it was a data problem solved with a data solution
L416[13:59:35] <bspkrs> those "methods" don't get exported with the other methods
L417[13:59:49] <howtonotwin> oic
L418[14:01:35] <bspkrs> ctors should have been their own table, but alas, they weren't
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L431[15:04:14] <killjoy> lex, while you're working on fg, can you figure out what's causing a resource leak in the reobf tasks?
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L433[15:08:27] <killjoy> I don't know if it's in fg or ss
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L439[15:29:25] <halvors> What block render type is used for glass that light passes thru?
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L441[15:29:58] <howtonotwin> TRANSLUCENT, CUTOUT, or CUTOUT_MIPPED
L442[15:30:12] <howtonotwin> CUTOUT means that a pixel is either fully transparent or fully solid
L443[15:30:18] <howtonotwin> TRANSLUCENT does color blending
L444[15:30:46] <halvors> CUTOUT_MIPPED then :)
L445[15:30:47] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L446[15:30:48] <howtonotwin> So glass is CUTOUT, but stained glass is TRANSLUCENT
L447[15:31:06] <halvors> What is mipped?
L448[15:31:17] <howtonotwin> Mipmapping
L449[15:31:34] <halvors> Um, what is that used for?
L450[15:31:43] <howtonotwin> I assume glass doesn't use it because it would destroy the detail of the texture and look fugly
L451[15:31:53] <halvors> Sorry if dumb question, that is?
L452[15:32:13] <halvors> I've heard it and read about it before, but cannot remember :(
L453[15:32:15] <howtonotwin> Mipmapping means that you use a scaled down image of the original when rendering from far away
L454[15:32:43] <howtonotwin> So you don't do the work of rendering a full 16x16 when you can only see 4 pixels of it
L455[15:32:54] <howtonotwin> Instead you just use the scaled 2x2 you have
L456[15:33:02] <halvors> Right. So in this case CUTOUT means wither solid or transparent with mipmapping enabled?
L457[15:33:09] <quadraxis> well it's more so the texture is downscaled 'fairly'
L458[15:33:31] <howtonotwin> CUTOUT means no mipmapping
L459[15:33:42] <howtonotwin> CUTOUT_MIPPED means yes mipmapping
L460[15:33:56] <howtonotwin> Try both and see which one looks better
L461[15:34:45] <quadraxis> I think glass panes use CUTOUT_MIPPED
L462[15:40:13] <halvors> What is canRenderInLayer() used for? getBlockLayer() doesn't it alread cover it?
L463[15:40:32] <howtonotwin> canRenderInLayer's default impl uses getBlockLayer
L464[15:40:55] <howtonotwin> A block can render in multiple layers if it overrides canRenderInLayer
L465[15:41:29] <howtonotwin> But if you just want one layer you override getBlockLayer
L466[15:41:40] <halvors> Um, how does that make sense?
L467[15:41:50] <halvors> Render the same block in different layers?
L468[15:42:42] <howtonotwin> You render a part that's completely solid, and then a part that's translucent, for example
L469[15:44:29] <halvors> Of the same block?
L470[15:44:33] <howtonotwin> yes
L471[15:44:49] <halvors> Case is that i have an block that is solid and glass.
L472[15:44:56] <halvors> Metadata 0 = Solid version.
L473[15:45:04] <halvors> Metadata 1 = Glass version
L474[15:45:15] <halvors> Properties i mean :)
L475[15:46:10] <halvors> When returning CUTOUT in getBlockLayer() it works, but then i'm also rendering the solid block in CUTOUT?
L476[15:46:26] <halvors> Should i override canRenderInLayer() and return based on layer and state?
L477[15:46:30] <howtonotwin> Well, you could do it by having the solid version actually render on the solid layer, and the glass version on the cutout layer, but that would be complicated
L478[15:46:47] <howtonotwin> Actually no, it wouldn't
L479[15:46:50] <howtonotwin> Go ahead
L480[15:47:09] <howtonotwin> You may want to return CUTOUT from getBlockLayer though
L481[15:47:28] <howtonotwin> Just to be safe
L482[15:47:35] <halvors> But what do i return in getBlockLayer() than? It doesn't take a IBlockState to get the property from?
L483[15:47:58] <howtonotwin> [16:47] <howtonotwin> You may want to return CUTOUT from getBlockLayer though
L484[15:47:58] <howtonotwin> [16:47] <howtonotwin> Just to be safe
L485[15:48:35] <halvors> But then do i really need canRenderInLayer?
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L487[15:49:11] <howtonotwin> No, you don't, because solid things render fine on the cutout layer
L488[15:49:32] <halvors> Ok, so no chance that could break in an update?
L489[15:49:38] <halvors> Works well in 1.12 as well?
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L491[15:49:43] <howtonotwin> the thing is that a rpack maker can replace your solid texture with a transparent one
L492[15:50:03] <howtonotwin> And then because it's on the CUTOUT layer, always, it's transparent when it shouldn't be
L493[15:50:17] <halvors> Ah, so i then actually wants to render in SOLID for the solid block to prevent that?
L494[15:50:31] <howtonotwin> Yes
L495[15:50:40] <howtonotwin> But it's not that important
L496[15:50:48] <halvors> But again, i can only return on BLockRenderLayer in getBlockLayer=
L497[15:50:49] <halvors> ?
L498[15:51:19] <howtonotwin> Just be safe and return CUTOUT from it, in case some other code decides to use it instead of canRenderInLayer
L499[15:51:56] <howtonotwin> Not sure WHY they'd do that, but you do it so their stupid doesn't make your render break.
L500[15:52:42] <halvors> Seems like it does, i cant really see how a block could render in both when getBlockLayer only returns on value?
L501[15:52:52] <howtonotwin> getBlockLayer doesn't get used
L502[15:53:09] <howtonotwin> It's just used as the default implementation of canRenderInLayer
L503[15:53:14] <howtonotwin> THAT is the method that matters
L504[15:53:49] <halvors> Hmm.
L505[15:53:54] <howtonotwin> getBlockLayer is just convenience (and ItemRenderer uses it for depth masking, for some reason)
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L507[15:55:05] <halvors> Ok so correct is canRenderInLayer() then, but that means it "asks" that function and tries to render in all layers?
L508[15:55:17] <howtonotwin> wat
L509[15:55:19] <halvors> Or checks all layers to see if the block can render there?
L510[15:55:24] <howtonotwin> The second thing
L511[15:56:34] <halvors> Block does by default return BlockRenderLayer.SOLID in getBlockLayer().
L512[15:56:54] <howtonotwin> ...?
L513[15:56:54] <halvors> So there is no way to get this to work without overriding it, seems like canRenderInLayer is irelevant?
L514[15:57:09] <howtonotwin> That is the EXACT opposite of what I just said
L515[15:57:19] <howtonotwin> canRenderInLayer is the ONLY relevant one
L516[15:57:39] <Ordinastie> not quite
L517[15:57:42] <howtonotwin> getBlockLayer is just used to give the default impl of canRenderInLayer
L518[15:57:59] <Ordinastie> it's also called when rendering the item
L519[15:58:05] <howtonotwin> (And the ItemRenderer thing)
L520[15:58:05] <Ordinastie> not exactly sure why
L521[15:58:08] <halvors> I can see that in code, but cannot get it to work when returning true for CUTOUT in canRenderInLayer()
L522[15:58:35] <Ordinastie> what doesn't work ?
L523[15:58:56] <howtonotwin> Ordinastie, I think it's because they don't have access to IBlockState in there
L524[15:59:12] <Ordinastie> I mean, I'm not gonna read the whole convo
L525[15:59:15] <Ordinastie> so what's the issue ?
L526[16:00:08] <halvors> Making the block render in CUTOUT layer without directly returning CUTOUT in getBlockRender().
L527[16:00:25] <halvors> Which means canRenderInLayer() pretty much is useless.
L528[16:01:15] <howtonotwin> Yes, what happens if you override canRenderInLayer without overriding getBlockLayer
L529[16:01:52] <Ordinastie> the defaut impl of canRenderInLyaer use getBlockRender()
L530[16:02:24] <Ordinastie> so you can override getBlockRender unless you need state dependant return value
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L532[16:03:20] <Ordinastie> you said you can't get it to work, so I ask again, what doesn't work ?
L533[16:09:00] <halvors> Ok, but again when is the canRenderInLayer() actually used?
L534[16:09:25] <howtonotwin> RenderChunk::rebuildChunk
L535[16:09:34] <Ordinastie> use your IDE
L536[16:12:47] <halvors> What shortcut to see usages? In IntelliJ?
L537[16:12:54] <howtonotwin> Alt+F7
L538[16:13:06] <howtonotwin> Or Ctrl+B to go to usages
L539[16:13:34] <halvors> Found it, dumb question :)
L540[16:22:37] <jjw123> anyone know why ScreenShotHelper.saveScreenshot with a smaller width/height has the y position down the screen??
L541[16:23:15] <halvors> howtonotwin: Thanks, think i got it to render correctly based on IBlockState :)
L542[16:23:39] <howtonotwin> np
L543[16:31:21] <jjw123> I think the GlStateManager.glReadPixels must be returning the wrong values
L544[16:31:25] <jjw123> but no idea why
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L547[16:37:49] <jamierocks> mezz: my problem is that I can't run `genPatches` -> https://gist.github.com/jamierocks/6ca58e18b2ad0fbf77473e8197bda270
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L549[16:39:22] <howtonotwin> That FG version doesn't look right
L550[16:39:30] <howtonotwin> I think we're on 2.5 now
L551[16:40:07] <jamierocks> lol no
L552[16:40:08] <jamierocks> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/FG_2.3/build.gradle#L21
L553[16:40:12] <jamierocks> 2.3 is latest
L554[16:40:17] * howtonotwin is fail
L555[16:40:23] <howtonotwin> Wonder where I saw that...
L556[16:42:20] <killjoy> see https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/pull/431
L557[17:00:23] <killjoy> good, it's merged now :)
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L560[17:23:11] <quadraxis> how goes 1.12.1?
L561[17:23:49] <ghz|afk> check lex's twitter
L562[17:24:01] <ghz|afk> and cp.w's
L563[17:30:25] <halvors> I'm returning false in isFullCube() and isOpaqueCube(), but still light does not pass thru my glass block?
L564[17:30:36] <halvors> Is there something else i need to override?
L565[17:30:58] <howtonotwin> Those aren't used for lighting
L566[17:31:04] <howtonotwin> It's setLightOpacity
L567[17:31:05] <ghz|afk> check the actual glass block
L568[17:31:32] <ghz|afk> and not just the class, but also the construction
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L570[17:34:52] <howtonotwin> ghz|afk, that won't help him.
L571[17:35:00] <ghz|afk> hm?
L572[17:35:02] <halvors> ghz|afk: I cannot see any other glass blocks actually doing this: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/blob/master/src/main/java/slimeknights/tconstruct/shared/block/BlockClearGlass.java
L573[17:35:20] <howtonotwin> Glass gets its opacity from the fact that they override isOpaqueCube to false
L574[17:35:42] <howtonotwin> The block ctor checks whether the default state isOpaqueCube
L575[17:35:55] <howtonotwin> But his block has two states, one solid, one glass
L576[17:36:33] <howtonotwin> So the default state *is* opaque, and so they way he has to do it isn't how glass does it
L577[17:37:03] <howtonotwin> You have to override getLightOpacity and return the correct value
L578[17:37:17] <howtonotwin> Return 255 for opaque and 0 for transparent
L579[17:37:36] <ghz|afk> oh I see
L580[17:37:53] <ghz|afk> I didn't realize he has multiple states
L581[17:38:22] <howtonotwin> halvors: ^^ all of that ^^
L582[17:38:52] <quadraxis> also it uses the default default state, before you can set it yourself
L583[17:39:17] <LexMobile> !gm func_72912_H
L584[17:39:27] <howtonotwin> If I could yell at Mojang for one thing it'd be the idiocy that is Block::<init>
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L586[17:41:44] <halvors> howtonotwin: Oh, thanks :) So just setting getLightOpacity would do the trick?
L587[17:41:55] <howtonotwin> Overriding, yes
L588[17:43:58] <halvors> Or rather, just returning 0 for transparent and super.getLightOpacity for everything else as that's default behavior :)
L589[17:44:19] <howtonotwin> nuuu!
L590[17:44:27] <howtonotwin> Default behavior is insane!
L591[17:44:48] <howtonotwin> And is subject to exploding if the order of the BlockStateContainer decides to flip
L592[17:46:24] <halvors> Ok, i wont then :)
L593[17:46:36] <quadraxis> the default behaviour only works if your block is always opaque, or always transparent
L594[17:48:05] <howtonotwin> Is it safe to dump several dozen commands into MCPBot as long as it's DCC?
L595[17:48:18] <kashike> how many?
L596[17:48:30] <kashike> (line count?)
L597[17:48:43] <howtonotwin> Anywhere between 50-100
L598[17:49:01] <kashike> that much is fine though dcc
L599[17:49:05] <darkevilmac> but why tho
L600[17:49:09] <howtonotwin> Javadoc
L601[17:49:13] <darkevilmac> ah
L602[17:49:17] <howtonotwin> Lots and lots of javadoc
L603[17:49:25] <howtonotwin> It's my crusade
L604[17:49:33] <darkevilmac> lol
L605[17:54:43] <halvors> ghz|afk: howtonotwin: Thanks for help, got it to work as i wanted with both blockstates :)
L606[17:54:51] <howtonotwin> Yay!
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L609[18:14:28] <halvors> Also, btw connected texture is pain, especially if you have textures that cannot be rotated in json :O
L610[18:15:02] <ghz|afk> connected textures is pretty much a hack
L611[18:15:17] <halvors> Had to manually write 65 json models by hand in order to make it work.
L612[18:15:19] <ghz|afk> the way mc's rendering pipeline works, is not fit for it
L613[18:15:48] <halvors> Was simpler before json :)
L614[18:15:56] <ghz|afk> yes because oyu did it in code ;p
L615[18:16:00] <halvors> Yeah.
L616[18:16:24] <ghz|afk> the way I think would be the proper way to do it, if you were writing a new engine, and not a minecraft mod
L617[18:17:01] <ghz|afk> would be to have a clear separation between "props" (thigns with a custom model)
L618[18:17:10] <ghz|afk> and "surfaces" (thinks which can connect together)
L619[18:17:27] <ghz|afk> and then you'd be able to create connectivity planes
L620[18:17:34] <LexMobile> !gf field_152355_az
L621[18:17:52] <ghz|afk> and easily compute which of the the 47 variants you need for each block
L622[18:18:01] <ghz|afk> each face*
L623[18:18:15] <halvors> Yeah :)
L624[18:19:47] <halvors> Is it 47 variants? That tells me i can short down on my json models.
L625[18:19:54] <ghz|afk> (the planes would be defined by an axis, an offset, and a direction... like, "x,1,east" "y,254,up" "z,35,north")
L626[18:19:58] <ghz|afk> I believe 47 is the number yes
L627[18:20:12] <ghz|afk> both my excel sheet and Chisel's code agreed
L628[18:20:14] <halvors> Hmm, maybe i need to look for duplicate files then.
L629[18:20:29] <halvors> Chisel does it in code?
L630[18:20:55] <darkevilmac> Chisels has a library for connected textures you could use if you wanted.
L631[18:21:08] <darkevilmac> It's a bit heavy from my understanding but I could be wrong.
L632[18:21:29] <ghz|afk> I believe chisel implements connected textures by providing a custom model loader
L633[18:21:42] <ghz|afk> which uses data passed through an IUnlistedProperty
L634[18:21:59] <ghz|afk> but I haven't read the code myself
L635[18:22:03] <ghz|afk> so I don't know the exact details
L636[18:22:10] <halvors> Ah ok.
L637[18:22:20] <halvors> Do you know the library's name?
L638[18:22:43] <ghz|afk> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ctm
L639[18:23:40] <quadraxis> https://github.com/Chisel-Team/ConnectedTexturesMod
L640[18:25:55] * howtonotwin can't believe his attempt to automate MCPBot command generation isn't already exploding
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L642[18:51:57] <LexMobile> !gm func_176197_a
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L644[18:56:36] <LexMobile> !gm field_147482_g
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L646[19:03:04] <LexMobile> !gm func_175650_b
L647[19:04:02] <LexMobile> !gf field_72996_f
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L653[19:13:57] <joazlazer> As far as running code in IMessageHandler.onMessage(...), what is safe to run on the network thread and what is unsafe?
L654[19:16:16] <LexMobile> -4978063643070495701 for 1.12 is a nice seed if anyone like island chalanges
L655[19:16:27] <howtonotwin> All world access, at the very least, is unsafe
L656[19:16:56] <LexMobile> reading is usually fine, writing is bad tho
L657[19:17:02] * howtonotwin is convinced no island can be more cozy than his own island test world
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L666[19:26:37] <joazlazer> Is there no way to dynamically attach capabilities?
L667[19:26:52] <howtonotwin> The AttachCapabilityEvents?
L668[19:27:02] <joazlazer> anywhere else than during that?
L669[19:27:52] <howtonotwin> No, I don't believe so
L670[19:28:38] <joazlazer> time to make a core mod /s
L671[19:29:51] <howtonotwin> But the thing is, you can attach any ICapabilityProvider you want. You can have it access some static map in getCap and hasCap.
L672[19:31:19] <LexMobile> eww dont do that
L673[19:31:21] <LexMobile> thats bad
L674[19:31:28] <howtonotwin> Oh ok
L675[19:31:48] <LexMobile> Get/Has are meant to be FAST so anything beyond simple ifs is bad
L676[19:32:13] *** joazlazer was kicked by LexMobile (joazlazer))
L677[19:32:23] <LexMobile> Even with /s That isnt a good joke.
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L680[19:37:27] <howtonotwin> Hey lex, while you're here: would a PR that exposes a hook for the game loop speed be a good idea?
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L682[19:42:28] <joazlazer> I would actually like that as a hook, but I feel like that might cause problems with other mods and would mean that there is another thing for mod devs to test for compatibility with.
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L684[19:43:36] <howtonotwin> It could probably be handled like entity attributes, so mods don't set it, just modify it.
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L687[19:45:42] <joazlazer> Also wouldn't that result in client-server discontinuities since clients would try to move at a normal tickrate?
L688[19:46:00] <joazlazer> For example EntityPlayer motion might get rubber-banded
L689[19:46:05] <howtonotwin> The client loop needs to be slowed too
L690[19:46:27] <joazlazer> Would that be handled by mods or by Forge itself?
L691[19:46:47] <howtonotwin> Actually, .. I was typing a thing about that
L692[19:47:28] <joazlazer> It sounds like a cool idea and I could definitely see uses for it, so I say go for it
L693[19:48:48] <howtonotwin> The mod that I use for this also supports the idea of each client having its own tickrate, and the server having another tickrate. I can't vouch for two clients with different tickrates, but if the server has a different tickrate from the client, breakage is surprisingly minimal. Mostly just rendering weirdness (esp. pistons).
L694[19:49:12] <howtonotwin> Dunno if that's a good idea or if it should just be one tickrate for all
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L696[19:50:09] <howtonotwin> Issue is that lots of mods probably hardcode 20 tps or 50 mspt and will be sad because of this
L697[19:52:28] <joazlazer> I mean it's their fault hardcoding that when tickrate fluctuation is already a phenomenon caused by lag
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L699[19:53:45] <howtonotwin> Aperiodic, short-living fluctuations is a whole world apart from a long-term drift away from the normal tickrate
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L701[19:54:44] <joazlazer> I've played on enough modded servers to know that 10 tps can be a constant thing
L702[19:58:18] <capitalthree> just a hunch but if the client and server have a different tickrate, breakage might *seem* minimal but they're probably having to do a lot more syncing work
L703[19:58:31] <capitalthree> since they'd be constantly finding themselves desynced over minor things and sending entire chunks right?
L704[19:58:46] <howtonotwin> I've never checked :P
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L717[20:21:55] <joazlazer> So is it okay to reference sided elements (such as Gui objects or Minecraft.getMinecraft()) inside of a SimpleImpl message handler if the handling will be run on the correct side?
L718[20:22:18] <joazlazer> Or would instantiating a message on the alternate side crash the game?
L719[20:22:42] <joazlazer> (the handler is an inner class)
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L722[20:34:36] <howtonotwin> capitalthree, eeeh, on a new world I can't see any difference in amount of data synced
L723[20:34:44] ⇨ Joins: bilde2910 (bilde2910@178.51-174-170.customer.lyse.net)
L724[20:35:04] <howtonotwin> Tried both running client at 200 and server at 20, and client at 20 and server at 200
L725[20:35:06] <capitalthree> howtonotwin: yeah I wouldn't expect it. you'd want to try something with a lot of redstone stuff controlling pistons
L726[20:35:44] * howtonotwin wonder's if Bluestone works on 1.12
L727[20:35:51] <howtonotwin> (The map)
L728[20:35:54] <capitalthree> again, though, I'm guessing so it might not desync anyways, it's a hypothesis :P
L729[20:36:17] <capitalthree> but the client has to *notice* it's desynced which means you have to try to mine a block that's no longer there or something like that
L730[20:36:40] <capitalthree> (and getting desynced and *not* syncing would also be non-ideal)
L731[20:37:01] <capitalthree> maybe you should put a piston based door on a high period clock and mess around with that
L732[20:37:14] <howtonotwin> ok
L733[20:37:16] <capitalthree> see if you get rubberbanded sometimes when the client thinks it's open, or if it ends up syncing
L734[20:37:28] <howtonotwin> Oh it already rubberbands
L735[20:37:37] <capitalthree> wellll ok
L736[20:37:41] <howtonotwin> If you fly too fast the game complains about moving at 10 blocks/tick
L737[20:37:43] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L738[20:37:44] <capitalthree> then maybe it's not causing a lot of extra syncing :P
L739[20:37:57] <capitalthree> oh I meant moved wrongly rubberbanding, not moved too quickly rubberbanding
L740[20:38:13] <howtonotwin> oic
L741[20:38:15] <capitalthree> speaking of which, unascribed just got a move-too-quickly removing coremod working last night
L742[20:38:19] <capitalthree> on 1.11.2
L743[20:38:30] <capitalthree> because we desperately wanted it for our minecraft server (the tinker's construct slimesling cannot handle it)
L744[20:38:42] <howtonotwin> Neither can my slipperiness PR
L745[20:38:44] <howtonotwin> :P
L746[20:38:53] <capitalthree> you would probably want to remove moved-too-quickly if you're decoupling tickrates like this
L747[20:39:10] <capitalthree> slipperiness PR?
L748[20:39:20] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L749[20:39:33] <howtonotwin> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/4116
L750[20:39:51] <howtonotwin> The test mod is liable to do crazy things because MC doesn't like fast things
L751[20:39:57] <capitalthree> what I'm getting at is, if you have a redstone circuit controlling a door, one of two things happens: 1) the server re-syncs the chunk to the client constantly, or 2) the client is often wrong about whether the door is open
L752[20:39:59] <howtonotwin> See https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-119811
L753[20:40:01] <capitalthree> I don't know how you get around that
L754[20:40:27] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L755[20:40:52] <howtonotwin> I can't redstone so...
L756[20:40:53] * howtonotwin looks up a piston door schematic
L757[20:41:25] <capitalthree> howtonotwin: ah ok that looks like a nice PR
L758[20:41:48] <capitalthree> howtonotwin: you can make a simple high period clock with two hoppers pointed into each other
L759[20:42:15] <capitalthree> when a hopper is full (comparator), it triggers a piston to push a redstone block next to the other hopper
L760[20:42:18] <capitalthree> which causes the flow to reverse
L761[20:42:46] <howtonotwin> I'm not completely clueless :P
L762[20:42:47] <capitalthree> but yeah looking up a schematic should work
L763[20:42:59] <capitalthree> oh ok sorry xD well you don't have to make one of those fancy piston doors that pistons other pistons!
L764[20:43:11] <capitalthree> hell, you could probably just use an iron door and test this
L765[20:43:36] <capitalthree> so the hopper clock is still the most complicated part
L766[20:43:38] <howtonotwin> door+pressure plate? That I can do ;P
L767[20:43:45] <capitalthree> no not pressure plate
L768[20:43:51] <capitalthree> door + high period clock
L769[20:44:01] <howtonotwin> Oh ok
L770[20:44:13] <capitalthree> the point here is something that will make the client and server desync if the tickrate doesn't match
L771[20:44:20] ⇨ Joins: CoderPuppy (~cpup@
L772[20:46:12] <capitalthree> howtonotwin: I just thought of another thing you should test... ride a minecart... just in general :P
L773[20:46:43] <capitalthree> also when you have the server tickrate way higher, jump off a tree and see if you get kicked for flying xD
L774[20:47:17] <howtonotwin> You're really having fun with this aren't you ?
L775[20:47:43] <capitalthree> well I'm just interested because the idea's insane, but if you can somehow get over all these pitfalls, it would be pretty great too :P
L776[20:47:59] <capitalthree> so I have to try to steer you into them so you notice them >:)
L777[20:48:15] <howtonotwin> lol
L778[20:48:48] <capitalthree> what mod are you using for this?
L779[20:48:57] <howtonotwin> Tickrate Changer
L780[20:48:58] <capitalthree> maybe I can play with it sometime instead of pestering you :P
L781[20:49:07] <capitalthree> neat, that sounds fun
L782[20:49:13] <howtonotwin> Save me from the banhammer
L783[20:49:14] <capitalthree> it sounds like a mod that doesn't mind the fact that it breaks other mods
L784[20:49:17] ⇦ Quits: Hex (~Hex@four.out.of.five.doctors.recommend.hex.lc) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L785[20:49:19] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L786[20:49:21] <howtonotwin> It's made for testing
L787[20:49:25] <capitalthree> banhammer?
L788[20:49:45] <howtonotwin> How do you think it works, if it doesn't use a Forge hook?
L789[20:50:02] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L790[20:50:07] <capitalthree> I don't know but it's GPL'd so we don't have to wonder :P
L791[20:50:41] <capitalthree> definite asm
L792[20:50:46] <capitalthree> https://github.com/Guichaguri/TickrateChanger/blob/1.12/src/main/java/me/guichaguri/tickratechanger/TickrateTransformer.java
L793[20:51:11] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
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L795[20:51:32] <howtonotwin> See? Banhammer
L796[20:51:33] ⇨ Joins: Hex (~Hex@four.out.of.five.doctors.recommend.hex.lc)
L797[20:52:44] <capitalthree> lol so is vazkii banned here? because everybody loves quark
L798[20:53:01] <capitalthree> I think what gets people pissy is when you use asm for no damn reason for something that is *not* a core engine tweak
L799[20:55:24] <capitalthree> speaking of vazkii's asm hacks... one of these days I need to figure out how to make quark's iron rod use a fakeplayer when breaking blocks (so it doesn't destroy contents from immersive engineering storage crates)
L800[20:56:26] <capitalthree> but it does that all inside an asm patch to piston doPush that, if I understand correctly, just adds stuff to a list of blocks to remove that is already used in the method
L801[20:56:58] <capitalthree> which would make this really hard x_x it was really easy to do the reverse, and edit the quark dispenser behavior to use a fakeplayer to place blocks, so it woudn't destroy storage crate contents when *placing* the blocks
L802[20:57:08] <howtonotwin> I just want to know how Botania's Force Relay works
L803[20:57:14] <capitalthree> what's it do?
L804[20:57:21] <howtonotwin> Less because it's amazing, and more for it's failure modes
L805[20:57:34] <howtonotwin> You attach a Force Relay to a block pos in the world with a wand
L806[20:57:55] <howtonotwin> Then, whenever the relay is pushed by a piston, the block at the attached pos also gets pushed
L807[20:58:14] <howtonotwin> And when a Warp mana burst goes into the relay, it teleports to the other end
L808[20:58:20] <capitalthree> that sounds pretty fun
L809[20:58:28] <howtonotwin> Also very broken :P
L810[20:58:38] <howtonotwin> According to Vazkii, it's a miracle they work at all
L811[20:59:04] <capitalthree> so is the force relay itself an item or a block or what?
L812[20:59:07] <howtonotwin> block
L813[20:59:16] <howtonotwin> Weird purple thing
L814[20:59:29] <capitalthree> ok so we can look in https://github.com/Vazkii/Botania/tree/master/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/common/block
L815[20:59:43] <capitalthree> BlockPistonRelay you think?
L816[20:59:47] <capitalthree> https://github.com/Vazkii/Botania/blob/master/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/common/block/BlockPistonRelay.java
L817[20:59:53] <howtonotwin> yep
L818[21:00:04] <howtonotwin> Oh look
L819[21:00:12] <howtonotwin> super(Material.GOURD, ...);
L820[21:00:20] <howtonotwin> That's probably a hack
L821[21:01:33] <capitalthree> if I'm reading this right, it also lets you pull arbitrary blocks through with a sticky piston?
L822[21:01:41] <howtonotwin> That's honestly tamer than I thought it'd be, actually
L823[21:01:43] <howtonotwin> yes
L824[21:01:50] <capitalthree> yeah same here, there are no insane asm hacks
L825[21:02:05] <capitalthree> I don't even see a hijacking of the Piston class' code, like I do in lingering loot hardcore mode
L826[21:02:13] <howtonotwin> That GOURD thing is probably something, though
L827[21:02:15] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e350328.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L828[21:02:27] <capitalthree> (to simualte pistons, I just AT'd PistonBlock.doPush, so I could call it and then manually delete the phantom extended piston arm)
L829[21:02:47] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-158-174-9-50.NA.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L830[21:03:00] <capitalthree> so does this combine with quark's pistons move tile entities? can you pull chests full of loot through these things?
L831[21:03:07] <capitalthree> botania is a naughty item teleportation smuggler
L832[21:03:22] <howtonotwin> Oh god please (don't) try
L833[21:03:47] <howtonotwin> Oh wait, pull *through*?
L834[21:03:50] <howtonotwin> I don't think so
L835[21:03:54] <capitalthree> ahh
L836[21:03:55] <howtonotwin> Just pull
L837[21:04:06] <capitalthree> but pull where? just into the mapped position?
L838[21:04:12] <howtonotwin> Actually wait
L839[21:04:21] <howtonotwin> IIRC you can only PUSH
L840[21:04:29] <howtonotwin> And if you pull, the target pos won't move
L841[21:04:32] <capitalthree> then why does it check for sticky pistons?
L842[21:04:35] <howtonotwin> But the relay will
L843[21:04:47] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e3503fe.dyn.telefonica.de)
L844[21:04:51] <howtonotwin> So you can attach the relay to a single stone block in the air
L845[21:05:05] <howtonotwin> You can push the relay with a piston
L846[21:05:18] <howtonotwin> And then the relay ignores sticky pistons completely
L847[21:05:29] <howtonotwin> So the relay can be pushed back into place
L848[21:05:38] <howtonotwin> And then the normal piston can push it
L849[21:05:47] <howtonotwin> And so you can move that stone block infinitely far
L850[21:05:50] <capitalthree> oh ok
L851[21:05:57] <capitalthree> so it's more like wireless communication?
L852[21:06:07] <howtonotwin> I guess
L853[21:06:13] <howtonotwin> You can build quarries out of it, though
L854[21:06:22] <capitalthree> wiat infinitely far?
L855[21:06:25] <capitalthree> quarries?
L856[21:06:28] <capitalthree> eeeeenteresting
L857[21:06:34] <capitalthree> I will have to get off my lazy butt and learn botania
L858[21:07:03] <howtonotwin> Attach a block to the force relay; use pistons to control that block (the quarry cursor); blast mana through it to break the blocks on the other end
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L861[21:08:09] <howtonotwin> Not particularly fast, but it's a mod about flowers and nature anyway, and you're using it to strip-mine :P
L862[21:10:30] <capitalthree> xD
L863[21:10:46] ⇨ Joins: bamajoe411 (~bamajoe41@cpe-174-111-254-181.triad.res.rr.com)
L864[21:10:54] <bamajoe411> hi peeps
L865[21:11:12] <howtonotwin> o7
L866[21:11:37] <bamajoe411> this is where i get help for the forge mod loader yes?
L867[21:11:43] <howtonotwin> yes
L868[21:11:55] <raoulvdberge> !gf field_190931_a
L869[21:11:58] <bamajoe411> ok my game keeps crashing :(
L870[21:12:01] <bamajoe411> The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
L871[21:12:02] <bamajoe411> Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from mercurius_updater (mercurius_updater)
L872[21:12:04] <raoulvdberge> !gm func_150895_a
L873[21:12:22] <raoulvdberge> !gm func_191196_a
L874[21:12:31] <raoulvdberge> !gf field_78027_g
L875[21:12:37] <howtonotwin> raoulvdberge, take that to #mcpbot please
L876[21:12:48] <capitalthree> bamajoe411: please pastebin the whole log
L877[21:12:53] <capitalthree> we can't tell anything without the stacktrace
L878[21:12:57] <raoulvdberge> no need to, only needed 4 queries
L879[21:12:59] <bamajoe411> k
L880[21:13:10] <bspkrs> also, who cares?
L881[21:13:54] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@adsl-75-5-69-162.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L882[21:14:23] <bamajoe411> https://pastebin.com/sAy2QNLY
L883[21:16:16] <bamajoe411> idk why its crashing all of a sudden :/ ive been playing for a long while with the same mods and havnt changed a thing but it jut started crashing out of nowhere
L884[21:16:19] <capitalthree> I just wish when people queried the bot in channel, it would give a 1 line response in channel
L885[21:16:35] <capitalthree> the real exception is NoSuchMethodError
L886[21:17:04] <howtonotwin> That's the old ReflectionHelper. Are all your mods the latest version?
L887[21:17:04] <capitalthree> but I have no idea what is going on there
L888[21:17:34] <bamajoe411> ill check
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L891[21:22:49] <bamajoe411> i updated all my mods
L892[21:22:58] <bspkrs> lol: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.BlamingTransformer
L893[21:22:59] <bamajoe411> still crash :(
L894[21:25:06] <howtonotwin> Try removing mercurius_updater
L895[21:25:18] <howtonotwin> Also: wat https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MercuriusUpdater/blob/d8aadfb54c7f8379079f6e34c278362cda40060b/1.12/src/main/java/MercuriusUpdaterMod.java#L121
L896[21:25:42] <howtonotwin> I'm fairly sure that's the problem, but I have no idea how they even compiled it
L897[21:25:59] <bamajoe411> how do i remove it?
L898[21:26:44] <howtonotwin> Just delete the jar
L899[21:27:13] <bamajoe411> from where
L900[21:27:46] <howtonotwin> It ought to be in the mods folder, but Forge treats Mercurius a bit specially
L901[21:28:20] <bamajoe411> its not there
L902[21:29:03] ⇦ Quits: osum4est (~osumf@2601:681:4a03:2704:ec4e:b256:de9a:9ccc) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L903[21:29:45] <howtonotwin> Alright, let me do a bit of digging...
L904[21:30:02] ⇨ Joins: osum4est (~osumf@2601:681:4a03:2704:ec4e:b256:de9a:9ccc)
L905[21:30:20] <bamajoe411> should i just reinstall it and untick adding Mercurius
L906[21:30:55] <howtonotwin> That should work, but I have no idea why mercurius is broken in the first place.
L907[21:31:20] <howtonotwin> This IRC isn't really for tech support, so you should create a thread on the forums for further help
L908[21:33:17] <quadraxis> this one's different: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MercuriusUpdater/blob/master/1.12.1/src/main/java/MercuriusUpdaterMod.java#L121
L909[21:33:21] <bamajoe411> ok removing mercurius worked
L910[21:33:22] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~Brandon@pa49-199-124-145.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L911[21:33:53] <howtonotwin> Odd...
L912[21:34:16] <howtonotwin> quadraxis, that's the new 1.12.1 version Lex just committed
L913[21:36:04] <quadraxis> ah i know
L914[21:36:14] <howtonotwin> I wonder if 1.12 Mercurius actually compiles on my machine...
L915[21:36:46] <quadraxis> the 1.12 version uses basically the oldest possible 1.12 forge build
L916[21:36:58] <howtonotwin> That would do it
L917[21:37:54] <quadraxis> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MercuriusUpdater/blob/master/1.12/build.gradle#L13
L918[21:38:01] <quadraxis> build 2321
L919[21:38:27] <howtonotwin> The fabled ">100 builds behind"! :O
L920[21:39:47] <LexMobile> We dont really update mercurius because there isnt need to
L921[21:40:15] <LexMobile> if there are actual issues, report them and we can fix but meh
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L924[21:47:37] <quadraxis> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MercuriusUpdater/blob/master/1.12/src/main/java/MercuriusUpdaterMod.java#L121
L925[21:48:09] <quadraxis> that version of ReflectionHelper.findMethod doesn't exist for most 1.12 builds
L926[21:48:21] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L927[22:03:34] <joazlazer> I'm really confused
L928[22:03:54] <joazlazer> Classes in java automatically posses a default constructor with no args, right?
L929[22:04:07] <howtonotwin> Yes
L930[22:04:08] <joazlazer> Why am I getting this crash https://gist.github.com/joazlazer/84075e5ddacb36e8384abcb7633b32b9
L931[22:04:29] <joazlazer> "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: joazlazer.mods.amc.common.network.message.MessageAwakeningControl$MessageAwakeningControlHandler.<init>()" ???
L932[22:04:48] <howtonotwin> It's an inner class
L933[22:04:57] <howtonotwin> It has a ctor param
L934[22:05:03] <howtonotwin> The outer instance
L935[22:05:15] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
L936[22:05:40] <joazlazer> Manually adding a default constructor still results in the same crash
L937[22:05:43] <howtonotwin> The actual sig is MessageAwakeningControl$MessageAwakeningControlHandler.<init>(LMessageAwakeningControl;)V
L938[22:05:51] <howtonotwin> It's an inner class
L939[22:06:04] <howtonotwin> Every ctor MUST have a outer instance param
L940[22:06:18] <howtonotwin> You don't have to write it, but it MUST be there
L941[22:06:31] <joazlazer> Oh it has to be static <facepalm>
L942[22:06:58] <howtonotwin> lol
L943[22:11:10] <LexMobile> 20:03 <joazlazer> Classes in java automatically posses a default constructor with no args, right?
L944[22:11:13] <LexMobile> No.. they dont
L945[22:11:18] <LexMobile> If you specify another constructor.
L946[22:11:31] <LexMobile> And ReflectionHelper changed yes, but things *should* still be compatible...
L947[22:12:54] <joazlazer> Right I meant as long as it's not overridden... and I figured out why the reflection was crashing... my inner class wasn't declared static so it couldn't be instantiated without an object of the outer class
L948[22:13:38] ⇦ Quits: Fendirain (~Fendirain@2605:e000:121d:1d0:3c3c:b0f2:b39f:f6a0) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L962[23:11:04] <joazlazer> Is there a way to change the log4j level so I can use the DEBUG level?
L963[23:13:39] <joazlazer> Javadocs say to edit "config/logging.properties" but the file is never created
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L966[23:29:19] <joazlazer> So I found this https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29578_01/webhelp/cas_webcrawler/src/cwcg_config_log4j_file.html which gives me an idea but none of these configurations work: https://gist.github.com/joazlazer/444c740940e55ac2a6f48ae38f49af05
L967[23:29:24] <joazlazer> Has anyone gotten it to work?
L968[23:35:05] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p2E5B10AD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
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