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L4[00:02:46] <OldManYoda> Updating a Mod and had a question about an API change for 1.12, How do we get access to the EntityPlayer now that the method signature for addInformation is: addInformation(ItemStack itemStack, World world, List<String> list, ITooltipFlag tooltipFlag) ?
L5[00:03:18] <OldManYoda> Sorry, Item.addInformation to provide some more context.
L6[00:04:02] <tterrag> It's clientside so just Minecraft.thePlayer
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L8[00:05:21] <OldManYoda> Glorious, Thanks!
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L10[00:16:03] <OldManYoda> Last question, promise. Whats the replacement for the GuiButton.drawButton() method? Just a hint is fine.
L11[00:17:00] <killjoy> OldManYoda, the method changed, but the name will be the same.
L12[00:17:10] <killjoy> wait for the next mappings snapshot
L13[00:18:03] <killjoy> Right now, it is func_191745_a
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L15[00:23:35] <OldManYoda> O god, they obfuscate the code? I'm sorry, my apologies.
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L17[00:55:36] <killjoy> Someone mind helping with some nbt?
L18[00:55:49] <killjoy> I need to spawn an entity with no ai and infinite health
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L29[01:30:44] <quadraxis> ok comprehensive 1.12 modding guide published :p https://github.com/bs2609/BlockFaceShapes
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L31[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170613 mappings to Forge Maven.
L32[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170613-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170613" in build.gradle).
L33[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L38[03:03:35] <killjoy> Uh oh.. bad formatting in decompiled code
L39[03:04:31] <killjoy> http://imgur.com/3gVPA41
L40[03:05:04] <Corosus> thats gonna make some eyes twitch
L41[03:05:08] <Corosus> i know mine will
L42[03:05:15] <killjoy> It's only the default methods
L43[03:05:26] <killjoy> haven't seen a static interface method yet
L44[03:08:15] <killjoy> Hm.. Why can't travis find MethodsReturnNonnullByDefault?
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L49[04:04:18] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L50[04:10:48] <gigaherz|work> lol
L51[04:10:49] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/874553641461567488
L52[04:11:33] <diesieben07> the fuckin star trek memes
L53[04:11:54] <killjoy> ds9 has the best reactions
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L55[04:23:42] <TechnicianLP_> the question is why did it break? are they redoing resources?
L56[04:24:39] <killjoy> His build probably messed up and didn't include any assets
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L60[04:52:20] <gigaherz|work> TechnicianLP_: could have been a simple typo in the texture loading code
L61[04:52:28] <gigaherz|work> no need to think "omg they are rewriting resources!"
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L64[04:55:46] <Wojbie> Ok first time in this channel rules say nothing about asking questions soo a fast one: Is there any reliable way to get sound file lenght from SoundEvent? So you know how many tick it would play?
L65[04:56:00] <gigaherz|work> this channel is specifically FOR asking questions
L66[04:56:01] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L67[04:56:15] <gigaherz|work> no idea though -- haven't touched sound yet
L68[04:56:45] <gigaherz|work> there may not be any RELIABLE way though
L69[04:56:49] <diesieben07> no there is no way to do that
L70[04:56:52] <gigaherz|work> since sound playback follows realtime
L71[04:56:57] <gigaherz|work> and ticks may be slower than expected
L72[04:57:02] <Wojbie> At this time i will take any freaking way
L73[04:57:04] <diesieben07> If you want to detect when a sound ends, look at the minecart sound
L74[04:57:15] <diesieben07> what are you trying to achieve?
L75[04:57:49] <Wojbie> Soo i am making basic sound player thing and wanted to limit it to only sounds under 5 seconds long.
L76[04:57:54] <gigaherz|work> lunchtime!
L77[04:57:56] * gigaherz|work poofs
L78[04:58:26] <Wojbie> Soo problem is i want to know sound lenght before i even decide to play it.
L79[05:00:36] <diesieben07> hm yeah, probably not going to work
L80[05:00:44] <diesieben07> you'd have to just cut it off after 5 seconds
L81[05:04:20] <Wojbie> That was other thing i was looking into - sadly i don't seem to be able to figure out how stopSound. More accuratly ISound thing.
L82[05:04:37] <Wojbie> As i said i am bad at this.
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L84[05:11:11] <Wojbie> Wait i think i got something. Thanks for help.
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L101[06:27:17] <ScottehBoeh> Where can I get the ModelManager
L102[06:27:22] <ScottehBoeh> Minecraft.getMinecraft().?
L103[06:27:34] <gigaherz|work> what do you need that for?
L104[06:27:40] <ScottehBoeh> rendering an item on screen
L105[06:28:01] <gigaherz|work> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGui ?
L106[06:28:16] <ScottehBoeh> ah thanks
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L109[06:45:40] <ScottehBoeh> Anyone know a good 1.11 example of tess (or something similar) being used to create a simple rectangle?
L110[06:46:49] <gigaherz|work> for gui use?
L111[06:46:57] <gigaherz|work> because GuiScreen has a method for it
L112[06:47:18] <ScottehBoeh> Ah thanks
L113[06:47:36] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/InventorySpam/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/inventoryspam/ScrollingOverlay.java#L155
L114[06:48:39] <ScottehBoeh> is left, top, right, and bottom related to x,y,width,height?
L115[06:49:26] <gigaherz|work> wat?
L116[06:49:31] <ScottehBoeh> Nevermind, I've got it
L117[06:49:36] <ScottehBoeh> I was wondering how they drew rectangles
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L167[10:17:05] <ScottehBoeh> Diesieben you already told me this before but I've forgotten. It's about telling if a player is between two set coordinates?
L168[10:17:09] <ScottehBoeh> (within a specific zone/area)
L169[10:18:42] <ScottehBoeh> Can anyone help?
L170[10:18:58] <malte0811> AxisAlignedBoundingBox.intersectsWith(player.getBoundingBox) or something like that?
L171[10:19:40] <ScottehBoeh> I believe so
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L182[11:02:49] <ScottehBoeh> Seems like the players bounding box returns null
L183[11:05:11] <Ordinastie> !gm func_175690_a
L184[11:05:32] <Ordinastie> !gm func_175625_s
L185[11:07:21] <ScottehBoeh> Alright I've got both the players bounding box and the bounding box I had created :)
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L193[12:00:17] <ScottehBoeh> Can I have a bounding box in which the first x/y/z are bigger than the second pair?
L194[12:00:24] <ScottehBoeh> eg, first X is 100, second X is 50
L195[12:00:48] <ScottehBoeh> Would that still create a bound box between those two coordinates? Or does it only size positively
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L197[12:03:44] <tterrag> ScottehBoeh: I believe that would work
L198[12:03:48] <tterrag> in fact, vanilla might flip them for you
L199[12:04:02] <ScottehBoeh> Phew
L200[12:04:55] <tterrag> ScottehBoeh: yes, look at AxisAlignedBB constructor
L201[12:05:13] <ScottehBoeh> Ah awesome. Glad thats sussed
L202[12:05:26] <ScottehBoeh> Know why getting the players bound box would return null?
L203[12:15:48] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L204[12:18:38] <Necro> ScottehBoeh use Entity#getEntityBoundingBox() to get the bounding box of the player
L205[12:19:35] <Necro> Also do you want to check for players within an AABB in general or just check if a specific player is inside?
L206[12:19:56] <ScottehBoeh> I've got the player I want to check for
L207[12:20:00] <ScottehBoeh> if they're inside a bound box
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L209[12:20:59] <Necro> ok if you were to check for players in general you could have used World#getEntitiesWithinAABB instead. that's why I'm asking
L210[12:21:18] <ScottehBoeh> Does that return a list?
L211[12:21:23] <Necro> yes
L212[12:23:41] <Necro> but if you target specific players you can use player.getEntityBoundingBox().intersectsWith(AxisAlignedBB) directly. it's faster that way.
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L230[13:30:10] <ScottehBoeh> eyy it works! thanks Necro http://i.imgur.com/iYzAxK8.png
L231[13:30:39] <ScottehBoeh> to my mod I have added radioactive areas :D
L232[13:31:07] <Necro> neat. always happy to be able to help.
L233[13:35:41] <McJty> Necro, see what you have done. You helped pollute the world with radiation!
L234[13:36:33] <Necro> oh. you are right! what have I done!?
L235[13:37:19] <tterrag> ScottehBoeh: btw the correct term is "Irradiated" as an adjective :P
L236[13:37:27] <ScottehBoeh> Ah thanks :D
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L241[13:47:03] <ScottehBoeh> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxX0RgY2cZY
L242[13:47:05] <ScottehBoeh> Thats it working :)
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L248[14:11:29] <PaleoCrafter> ScottehBoeh, might I suggest changing dose droplet textures a bit?
L249[14:15:14] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@ (Quit: seeya m8 thx 4 playin)
L250[14:15:16] <ScottehBoeh> Droplet?
L251[14:15:21] <ScottehBoeh> as in the thirst bar? :o
L252[14:19:14] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L253[14:19:19] <PaleoCrafter> and whatever it is above it
L254[14:19:41] <PaleoCrafter> it looks a bit weird with that fairly long straight line on top
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L259[14:39:08] <illy> boop o7
L260[14:39:41] <PaleoCrafter> beep-ba-boop
L261[14:40:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170613 mappings to Forge Maven.
L262[14:40:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170613-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170613" in build.gradle).
L263[14:40:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~15:40 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L264[14:40:20] <PaleoCrafter> need something tested on Mac, illy? :P
L265[14:43:23] <illy> later tonight maybe depends on when I get off work :P
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L305[17:22:51] <shadowfacts> Erm...
L306[17:23:09] <shadowfacts> I'm repeatedly getting a JVM crash in a 1.12 dev-env
L307[17:23:17] <kashike> what's the crash?
L308[17:23:58] <shadowfacts> It's coming from the java-objc-bridge through the narrator
L309[17:24:14] <shadowfacts> https://gist.github.com/shadowfacts/5f71513c228f67611c58231e32fb7e46
L310[17:25:40] <tterrag> yay native code ?
L311[17:25:46] <kashike> ^ :D
L312[17:25:56] <PaleoCrafter> only happens in-dev?
L313[17:26:22] <shadowfacts> testing normal Forge env now
L314[17:28:49] <shadowfacts> yup, same thing in a normal Forge env
L315[17:29:34] <shadowfacts> in this case it's coming directly from Hwyla since it uses the narrator, but I bet it'd happen without Hwyla whenever the narrator is first used by vanilla
L316[17:31:33] <TehNut> yay go me
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L323[17:41:45] <Coxswainn> Hello
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L325[17:42:02] <Coxswainn> I have a problem
L326[17:42:36] <Coxswainn> I was hoping that somebody here would be an experienced modder since this is a forge irc
L327[17:43:03] <PaleoCrafter> just ask :P
L328[17:44:26] <killjoy> !gm 194079
L329[17:44:31] <Coxswainn> Alright here is my problem
L330[17:44:40] <Coxswainn> I made a modpack for minecraft 1.9.8 using forge of course
L331[17:44:58] <Coxswainn> Performance wise and everything it worksw just fine but ive had a issue that I could not find a solution to online
L332[17:45:09] <PaleoCrafter> sure you don't mean 1.8.9? :P
L333[17:45:14] <Coxswainn> my bad yeah
L334[17:45:30] <Coxswainn> So anyways, the problem is pretty strange
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L336[17:45:59] <Coxswainn> I installed the modpack on my cousin's computer and she had the same problem, although I didn't have it until after weeks of playing
L337[17:46:05] <PaleoCrafter> the important question is: y 1.8.9?
L338[17:46:13] <Coxswainn> For compatiability of the mods I wanted
L339[17:46:15] <Coxswainn> like thaumcraft 5
L340[17:46:23] <PaleoCrafter> you still didn't explain the problem, btw :P
L341[17:46:28] <Coxswainn> Im getting there
L342[17:46:48] <Coxswainn> Im just trying to make sure its properly described
L343[17:46:56] <Coxswainn> So anyways its essencially a blackscreen
L344[17:47:05] <Coxswainn> But you can still play
L345[17:47:20] <Coxswainn> The screen is just completely blacked out while playing the affected player
L346[17:47:50] <Coxswainn> Strangely enough pressing f1 lets you see
L347[17:48:11] <Coxswainn> But having any sort of gui up including chests and crafting tables, or pressing escape causes the same black screen
L348[17:48:49] <Coxswainn> I suspect it could be caused by the just enough items mod since its gui based but I still don't know what causes it
L349[17:49:09] <Coxswainn> It just happens out of nowhere, and only on one player at a time
L350[17:49:16] <Coxswainn> it doesnt go away either
L351[17:49:49] <PaleoCrafter> do a binary search on your mods (remove half of them, if the issue still occurs, repeat with the same half, otherwise the other one)
L352[17:50:28] <Coxswainn> I dont really want to do that because Im hosting a lan world with my brother, but sounds like a start
L353[17:50:42] <Coxswainn> I'll try deleting JEI first and get back to you then
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L358[18:14:54] <Coxswainn> neither of my gui mods were responsible
L359[18:15:02] <Coxswainn> Is there something else I can do, maybe java related?
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L361[18:19:40] <Coxswainn> It randomly went away after a while, but if there is anyone here who has experienced the same thing let me know because I would like to be able to prevent it in the future
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L363[18:24:54] <PaleoCrafter> why wouldn't they just try a binary search ._.
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L369[19:13:35] <williewillus> what's a good name for parameters that are the id and meta of an item packed together?
L370[19:13:44] <williewillus> packedItemId/itemMeta/packedItemMeta/?
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L372[19:17:04] <PaleoCrafter> packed as in short + nibble in an int, williewillus?
L373[19:17:15] <williewillus> id << 24 | meta
L374[19:17:21] <PaleoCrafter> eh... yeah, short + short, lol
L375[19:17:46] <PaleoCrafter> hm...
L376[19:26:52] <williewillus> i wish there was a way to update your local mapping set "live" as you worked, it would get easier to decipher logic once names start becoming clear
L377[19:27:00] <williewillus> (if there's a way to do that tell me pls)
L378[19:27:21] <williewillus> instead of waiting for the next daily snapshot
L379[19:27:25] <PaleoCrafter> uhm... setup a forge env just for mapping and actually rename stuff? :P
L380[19:28:00] <williewillus> lol
L381[19:28:20] <PaleoCrafter> could even write yourself a really fancy diff script that then automatically submits all your mapped stuff xD
L382[19:39:52] <killjoy> doesn't intellij support batch refactor?
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L390[20:50:53] <mickelus> public ItemStack getTargetItemStack() {
L391[20:50:53] <mickelus> ItemStack stack = getStackInSlot(0);
L392[20:50:53] <mickelus> if (stack != null) {
L393[20:50:53] <mickelus> return null;
L394[20:50:53] <mickelus> }
L395[20:50:56] <mickelus> if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemModular) {
L396[20:50:58] <mickelus> return stack;
L397[20:51:01] <mickelus> }
L398[20:51:03] <mickelus> stack = ItemUpgradeRegistry.instance.getPlaceholder(stack);
L399[20:51:06] <mickelus> return stack;
L400[20:51:08] <mickelus> ow, I'm sorry!
L401[20:51:34] <mickelus> good thing I didn
L402[20:51:46] <mickelus> t have anything more embarrasing in my clipboard
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L405[21:05:04] <Grist> Hey, is this the channel for questions about modding using forge, or is it specific to just discussion of forge itself?
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L407[21:08:47] <killjoy> yes
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L417[22:01:13] <Grist> Hey everyone, I'm working on an addon for Immersive Engineering and when I go to run the game in eclipse, it hangs on IE's post init phase. It just started doing this today, and it still occurs if I disable every single thing in my mod. Any suggestions/experience with this type of issue?
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L427[23:02:31] <killjoy> Oh no, adfocus is down :(
L428[23:09:06] <killjoy> Oops. https://pastebin.com/hZKVR9DV
L429[23:09:14] <killjoy> only mod is jei
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