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L1[00:01:52] <zzarr> hello!
L2[00:02:00] <killjoy> hi
L3[00:02:14] <zzarr> my server crashes on start and I don't understand why
L4[00:02:23] <zzarr> https://pastebin.com/JWUwqTKP here's the log
L5[00:03:19] <killjoy> bad transformer
L6[00:03:45] <zzarr> what?
L7[00:04:14] <zzarr> what does that mean?
L8[00:04:39] <killjoy> EnderCore is breaking EntityPlayer
L9[00:04:48] <killjoy> At least I'm assuming that's the mod that's doing it
L10[00:05:02] <zzarr> okey
L11[00:07:28] <zzarr> I just realized... many of the mods are duplicated :(
L12[00:07:34] <zzarr> fixing...
L13[00:07:39] <killjoy> IMO, EnderCore is doing transforming wrong.
L14[00:07:53] <killjoy> It's adding everything manually instead of using the visit methods
L15[00:10:07] <zzarr> I'm new to this, so I don't know what you mean, but I think that "ModName-version" would collide with "ModName-higher-version"
L16[00:10:55] <zzarr> it's possible to start in single player mode and EnderCore have not caused any problems earlier
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L19[00:19:32] <tterrag> It's jot a bad transformer you can clearly see it's running twice
L20[00:19:38] <tterrag> So of course it breaks
L21[00:19:48] <tterrag> zzarr: remove the second copy of EC
L22[00:21:12] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L23[00:21:13] <zzarr> tterrag, yes, I had alot of copies, I realized I mad a mistake while updating the server, but now all duplicates are removed
L24[00:21:27] <tterrag> And...no issues?
L25[00:26:19] <zzarr> not so far
L26[00:30:10] <tterrag> killjoy: feel free to improve it but that's how I know to write asm
L27[00:32:12] <killjoy> tterrag, when just injecting stuff, your way is fine, but when adding members, use the visitors
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L39[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20170614 mappings to Forge Maven.
L40[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20170614-1.12.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20170614" in build.gradle).
L41[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L46[02:26:34] <killjoy> oh good :)
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L63[03:12:43] <killjoy> So what's going to happen to LayerEntityOnShoulder?
L64[03:13:09] <gigaherz|work> what should happen?
L65[03:13:21] <gigaherz|work> what's worng with it?
L66[03:13:28] <killjoy> It's hardcoded for just parrots
L67[03:13:36] <gigaherz|work> oh
L68[03:13:44] <gigaherz|work> someone will have to make a good decent PR, I guess
L69[03:14:28] <gigaherz|work> this is the kind of thing that forge won't just change without modder interest (and that usually means someone makes a PR for the feature and others upvote it ;P)
L70[03:15:00] <killjoy> I don't personally need a use for it, but I can see others may want to use it.
L71[03:15:09] <killjoy> or they can add their own layer
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L73[03:16:34] <killjoy> !sm 192839 getClassFromName
L74[03:16:50] <gigaherz|work> #mcpbot ;P
L75[03:16:54] <killjoy> I know.
L76[03:17:09] <killjoy> I'm not doing any more right now
L77[03:18:01] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L78[03:19:25] <killjoy> possible example of usage: shoulder angels
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L81[03:32:03] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/874902979782037504
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L83[03:32:08] <gigaherz|work> "data packs" ...
L84[03:32:12] <gigaherz|work> Iwodner.
L85[03:32:15] <gigaherz|work> I wonder. *
L86[03:32:23] <killjoy> So that's how he lost all his textures
L87[03:32:32] <gigaherz|work> yep
L88[03:32:42] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/874904072670892032
L89[03:32:51] <gigaherz|work> "Data packs are like resource packs but for server side stuff, like loot tables or structures or functions etc."
L90[03:32:57] <gigaherz|work> \o/ server-side resource manager
L91[03:33:09] <gigaherz|work> I guess ;P
L92[03:33:17] <killjoy> I'm assuming they can be transmitted to the client?
L93[03:33:31] <quadraxis> that was how they were going to handle custom recipes right?
L94[03:34:31] <killjoy> Well.. their api was originally aiming to support redpower
L95[03:34:52] <killjoy> or a version of it
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L104[04:18:39] <gigaherz|work> hmmm so not just server-side resources
L105[04:18:45] <gigaherz|work> but also world-specific resources
L106[04:18:56] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/874918719188807680
L107[04:19:00] <gigaherz|work> this will be interesting
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L113[04:41:48] <TechnicianLP_> i told ya they are redoing resources ...
L114[04:43:24] <gigaherz|work> well they aren't "redoing" resources
L115[04:43:32] <gigaherz|work> just adding more places where resources can be added
L116[04:43:40] <gigaherz|work> and this will only be for data stuff like loot tables and recipes
L117[04:43:43] <gigaherz|work> not for textures and models
L118[04:44:33] <fry> QUICK, PANIC
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L122[05:10:03] <TechnicianLP_> !latest
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L133[06:04:35] <TechnicianLP_> why does tesr now have two partialtick parameters?
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L135[06:05:43] <TechnicianLP_> ok the alpha-param in FastTesr has a stupid name
L136[06:07:20] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, Lex just took a guess
L137[06:07:58] <PaleoCrafter> alpha probably isn't technically correct either :P
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L149[06:59:24] <TechnicianLP_> its as the fourth param to a glcolor call ... so alpha-value
L150[07:01:07] <PaleoCrafter> that's its *usage*, but not necessarily its *meaning* :P
L151[07:01:26] <PaleoCrafter> look at where those color calls are. it's pretty weird
L152[07:05:27] <TechnicianLP_> oh wow xD - before popmatrix or inside a destrostage<0 clause
L153[07:06:00] <TechnicianLP_> the only one actually using it is he enderchest renderer
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L155[07:07:10] <gigaherz|work> are you talking about that one param that always gets given 1.0?
L156[07:07:38] <gigaherz|work> I assumed it may have been something they started writing but removed or never finished
L157[07:07:52] <TechnicianLP_> FOrgeHooksCLient passes a 0.0F
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L159[07:14:05] <BerciTheBeast> hello
L160[07:14:22] <BerciTheBeast> does anyone know where biome data of a specific block is stored?
L161[07:15:18] <BerciTheBeast> for example if someone wanted to change the biome
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L165[07:23:33] <gigaherz|work> BerciTheBeast: it's stored in the chunk data check Chunk class, the methods with biome in the name
L166[07:23:49] <BerciTheBeast> thank you :)
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L195[09:49:21] <gigaherz> GAH it took WAY too many tries to get mirc 7.49 to do SASL correctly
L196[09:50:17] <gigaherz> going to restart mirc once more to make sure it really works
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L202[10:19:58] <gigaherz> welp submitted a bug report to mirc's forums
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L212[11:02:05] <TechnicianLP_> why am i getting a forge_at.cfg not found when trying to start the client i a forge-workspace?
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L225[11:47:41] <PaleoCrafter> ugh... why would you map it as CATEGORY_RANKINGS ._:
L226[11:50:27] <tterrag> !gf CATEGORY_RANKINGS
L227[11:50:55] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: tbh I don't like rankings or weights
L228[11:50:58] <tterrag> it's for ordering
L229[11:51:01] <tterrag> not really 'weights'
L230[11:51:58] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, I personally prefer "CATEGORY_ORDER" as well, but the majority wanted weights :P
L231[11:52:25] <tterrag> !fsf field_193627_d CATEGORY_ORDER
L232[11:52:27] <tterrag> :P
L233[11:52:33] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L234[11:52:33] <tterrag> it's not a public field anyways
L235[11:52:53] <tterrag> I really need issue closing perms...
L236[11:53:14] <PaleoCrafter> closed it for ya :P
L237[11:56:18] <PaleoCrafter> thanks for the great discussion btw, tterrag :P
L238[11:56:24] <tterrag> np
L239[12:12:14] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L240[12:14:09] <TechnicianLP_> why do forge workspaces never work on first try?
L241[12:15:56] <McJty> Just skip the first try. Go straight for the second try
L242[12:16:25] <gigaherz> [18:50] (tterrag): it's for ordering
L243[12:16:25] <gigaherz> [18:50] (tterrag): not really 'weights'
L244[12:16:34] <gigaherz> isn't that the meaning of weight in this situation?
L245[12:17:03] <tterrag> no?
L246[12:17:09] <tterrag> they aren't really the same thing
L247[12:17:46] <gigaherz> well I proposed incides also, but if there can be duplicates, index doesn't fit
L248[12:18:43] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L249[12:19:32] <gigaherz> but the way I see it, those are "sorting numbers" yes, but that stuff are usually called "sorting weights" or "sorting priorities", but priority doesn't really fit in this situation
L250[12:20:29] <gigaherz> and yeah, weight is used often when talking about sorting algorithms
L251[12:20:30] <gigaherz> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_sort
L252[12:25:27] <quadraxis> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/a8659a1613e437da942ab3ad6d66eb7abe16154a
L253[12:25:45] <quadraxis> looks like first wave of recipe stuff is in?
L254[12:48:57] <Ordinastie> anyone one has an idea what the new float parameter does in renderTileEntityAt ?
L255[12:49:16] <Ordinastie> AFAIK, it's always 1.0F
L256[12:49:24] ⇨ Joins: mindforger (~mind@dslb-178-006-002-057.178.006.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
L257[12:49:55] <TechnicianLP_> theres one forge method that passes 0
L258[12:50:17] <TechnicianLP_> its mostly used in useless glcolor calls as alpha value
L259[12:52:51] <PaleoCrafter> it's basically useless, Ordinastie :P
L260[12:53:04] <PaleoCrafter> because unknown
L261[12:55:35] <mindforger> anyone in here, that can help me with a server launching issue? agricraft is throwing "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: DEFAULT_PLANT_ICON" but only when i try to launch the server, on the client everything is OK
L262[12:56:06] <TechnicianLP_> !gf DEFAULT_PLANT_ICON
L263[12:56:15] <mindforger> and i could not find anything related
L264[12:56:22] <TechnicianLP_> mc version?
L265[12:56:27] <mindforger> 1.10.2 sorry :P
L266[12:56:33] <TechnicianLP_> !gf DEFAULT_PLANT_ICON 1.10.2
L267[12:56:52] <mindforger> agri is 2.0.0 0.10.0-a18
L268[12:57:24] <TechnicianLP_> is there a "caused by" in the stacktrace?
L269[12:57:32] <mindforger> yeah
L270[12:57:41] <mindforger> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: DEFAULT_PLANT_ICON
L271[12:57:41] <mindforger> at com.infinityraider.agricraft.items.ItemClipping.<clinit>(ItemClipping.java:39) ~[ItemClipping.class:?]
L272[12:57:54] <mindforger> but i did not find anything related yet, did you havee more luck ?
L273[12:58:15] <TechnicianLP_> just give us the full thing (in a pastebin/similiar)
L274[12:58:16] <Ordinastie> wait, what ? Objects.firstNonNull doesn't exist anymore ? Ă´O
L275[12:58:19] <mindforger> wait .... clinit? probably a bug with serverside ?
L276[12:58:23] <kashike> Ordinastie: MoreObjects.
L277[12:58:24] <TechnicianLP_> (or better: report to them)
L278[12:58:41] <Ordinastie> oh
L279[12:58:57] <mindforger> oh jesus there IS a crashlog ... i am stupid
L280[12:59:49] <mindforger> https://pastebin.com/h53CzjkF
L281[13:00:31] <TechnicianLP_> already fixed on github ...
L282[13:00:38] <kashike> https://github.com/AgriCraft/AgriCraft/commit/855a64dbd6a2d4dac54a050aa70ca4e9e06cf4e0#diff-87dfe376a6c27455e1614be2734bce57R37
L283[13:01:04] <mindforger> okay but not pushed yet on curse it seems
L284[13:01:14] <mindforger> and no issue related to that also
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L286[13:03:19] <mindforger> thank you kindly and respect to your google fu
L287[13:03:44] <TechnicianLP_> fu?
L288[13:03:51] <mindforger> like kung fu
L289[13:05:05] <TechnicianLP_> nah i just looked p the class on github - a nosuchfield in <clinit> most of the time is a directly initialized static field with a Sideonly annotation
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L291[13:05:28] <mindforger> still you are better in searching than me and i respect that :)
L292[13:06:45] <tterrag> TechnicianLP_: you're probably right
L293[13:07:35] <tterrag> I like how he blames forge when (A) it's worked that way forever, and (B) he's the one who didn't test the code :P
L294[13:08:22] <TechnicianLP_> its a bit counterintuitive at first that that evaluates to two instructions ...
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L296[13:09:52] <TechnicianLP_> ok now intellij is telling me all libraries in the forgeworkspace are invalid -.-
L297[13:10:47] <malte0811> Try re-running setupDecompWorkspace and re-importing, usually fixes it for me
L298[13:11:08] <malte0811> Or is this about Forge Dev?
L299[13:11:14] ⇦ Quits: gegy1000 (~gegy1000@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L300[13:11:29] <TechnicianLP_> forge-workspace (not mdk)
L301[13:11:31] <malte0811> As in contributing to Forge itself?
L302[13:11:37] <malte0811> Ok
L303[13:12:10] <malte0811> Did you refresh the gradle project before the libs became invalid?
L304[13:12:32] <TechnicianLP_> that shoulf not break it ...
L305[13:12:41] <malte0811> It commonly does for me
L306[13:12:44] <mindforger> awkward question, anyone know how i can dongrad a modversion with twitch app ?
L307[13:13:20] <mindforger> okay nevermind ... there is a big fat "VERSIONS" tab ...
L308[13:15:35] <kashike> https://docs.gradle.org/4.0/release-notes.html \o/
L309[13:17:05] <tterrag> >still uses 2.x
L310[13:17:42] <TechnicianLP_> Intellij - stop it ... (using a nonexistent jre for maven-importing and enabling null-asserts)
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L324[13:41:30] <mindforger> hey there again i have another issue
L325[13:41:44] <mindforger> the console is unresponsive as fuck, i can barely type in anything
L326[13:41:59] <mindforger> it seems to be not a load issue
L327[13:42:19] ⇨ Joins: Marenthyu (~Marenthyu@marenthyu.de)
L328[13:43:22] <mindforger> anyone else experienced this situation?
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L331[13:45:25] <killjoy> I took a closer look at the layerentityonshoulder class
L332[13:45:35] <killjoy> It would be easier to fix up if we had access to the entity
L333[13:45:49] <killjoy> What was jeb thinking, only storing the nbt
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L340[14:04:43] <malte0811> Should getTotalWorldTime be the same in all dimensions? So if I want to know the time in the nether, can I check the one in the overworld?
L341[14:05:27] <tterrag> malte0811: no
L342[14:05:39] <tterrag> total world time is the time the world has existed. dimensions can be created at any point
L343[14:06:45] <malte0811> Right... Thanks
L344[14:13:52] ⇦ Quits: quadraxis (~quadraxis@cpc77293-basf12-2-0-cust699.12-3.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L346[14:59:54] ⇦ Parts: malte0811 (~malte0811@p4fed0081.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L347[15:05:34] <killjoy> I've genericified LayerEntityOnShoulder, but the class is butchered
L348[15:06:19] <kashike> hehe
L349[15:06:24] <kashike> <killjoy> What was jeb thinking, only storing the nbt
L350[15:06:27] <kashike> I don't think it was jeb
L351[15:06:30] <kashike> it was maria iirc
L352[15:07:00] <killjoy> Anyway, I deleted all the fields and ended up recreating the entity
L353[15:07:32] <kashike> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/874902979782037504
L354[15:08:38] <PaleoCrafter> old news :P
L355[15:08:47] <kashike> I missed it!
L356[15:08:48] <killjoy> Yeah, heard that last night (4am)
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L358[15:10:50] <killjoy> I wonder if I can put a bat on my shoulder now
L359[15:11:00] <killjoy> I'll need to try that later.
L360[15:12:09] <killjoy> genForgePatches sure it taking a while
L361[15:12:28] <killjoy> Though I did get an IOException at the start related to git
L362[15:12:36] <killjoy> java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "git" (in directory "\usr\bin"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
L363[15:14:08] <gigaherz> kashike: I linked that earlier (where earlier = 13 hours ago or so)
L364[15:14:20] <gigaherz> from work
L365[15:14:56] <kashike> boo :P
L366[15:15:11] <gigaherz> it's interesting
L367[15:15:17] <PaleoCrafter> man, you need to step up your game, kashike :P
L368[15:15:18] <gigaherz> specially the reply to Xisuma
L369[15:15:49] <kashike> "There are no plans for 1.12.1 at this time. I'm working on 1.13."
L370[15:15:52] <kashike> is also neat
L371[15:16:04] <gigaherz> yeah
L372[15:16:16] <gigaherz> I wonder if that means 1.13 will be "soon"
L373[15:16:36] <kashike> probably not right away
L374[15:16:46] <kashike> lots of world changes coming
L375[15:17:16] <killjoy> observe and weep from disgust from my patch https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/98b182e554733de82e8ab147bcc5d475
L376[15:17:47] <gigaherz> killjoy: LOL
L377[15:18:00] <kashike> you should just make a new class imo
L378[15:18:17] <killjoy> Might as well, yeah?
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L380[15:18:31] <gigaherz> that much removal sounds to me like you should ... what kashike already said
L381[15:18:34] <kashike> would be a lot cleaner and easier to maintain
L382[15:18:49] <kashike> just replace new OriginalClass with new BetterShoulderThing
L383[15:18:51] <killjoy> It's what I do with my mod
L384[15:18:57] <gigaherz> LayerEntityOnShoulderForge extends LayerEntityOnShoulder
L385[15:19:11] <gigaherz> in case people use instanceof ;P
L386[15:19:11] <killjoy> What's the point in that?
L387[15:19:30] <gigaherz> dunno maybe not worth it
L388[15:19:40] <kashike> i wouldn't
L389[15:19:43] <gigaherz> yeah I guess not worth it
L390[15:19:45] <gigaherz> nevermind
L391[15:19:46] <kashike> the fields/etc would be unused
L392[15:19:50] <gigaherz> just a whole new layer class
L393[15:19:56] <gigaherz> and patch the .addLayer call
L394[15:20:18] <kashike> yup
L395[15:20:20] <gigaherz> LayerAnyEntityOnShoulder
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L398[15:27:37] <TechnicianLP_> !gm 193830
L399[15:29:36] <killjoy> Note to self: Don't try to render yourself on your own shoulder
L400[15:29:56] <TechnicianLP_> crashes?
L401[15:30:14] <killjoy> jvm crash
L402[15:30:15] <killjoy> *** java.lang.instrument ASSERTION FAILED ***: "!errorOutstanding" with message transform method call failed at JPLISAgent.c line: 844
L403[15:30:32] <TechnicianLP_> wut?
L404[15:30:55] <killjoy> But now that I think about it, it should've created a stackoverflowerror
L405[15:31:07] <illy> ive managed to crash the jvm with gradle a few times :P
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L407[15:32:13] <kashike> render a giant on your shoulder
L408[15:32:15] <kashike> :p
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L412[15:43:55] <raoulvdberge> Ordinastie: in case noone said it yet, the float parameter is called alphaColor
L413[15:44:06] <raoulvdberge> and it's used in TESRChest, to render the block breaking texture
L414[15:44:23] <raoulvdberge> (took me some figuring out too :P)
L415[15:44:30] <PaleoCrafter> it isn't really used at all :P
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L417[15:44:58] <PaleoCrafter> it's wrapped in a destroyStage < 0 check in TESRChest, so it only applies to the *item* render of chests
L418[15:44:59] <TechnicianLP_> umm ... i just created a world - during the load now forge tells me its using the backup level.dat
L419[15:45:24] <raoulvdberge> oh
L420[15:45:28] <TechnicianLP_> ENderChest is the only one that uses it in normal code
L421[15:45:34] <raoulvdberge> btw - what are those new methods in the data serializers used for?
L422[15:45:46] <raoulvdberge> they just return their own value..
L423[15:46:19] <TechnicianLP_> https://hastebin.com/ehenoforuq.log
L424[15:49:03] <PaleoCrafter> raoulvdberge, maybe copy?
L425[15:49:19] <raoulvdberge> yeah i did see it was copying NBT value for the NBT serializer
L426[15:49:24] <raoulvdberge> can we still name fields/methods?
L427[15:49:27] <PaleoCrafter> sure
L428[15:49:32] <PaleoCrafter> same for ItemStacks
L429[15:49:34] <raoulvdberge> otherwise i woudldn't mind naming a few
L430[15:50:00] <PaleoCrafter> so yeah, copy seems reasonable. it can just return the original for immutable types
L431[15:50:38] <PaleoCrafter> that's probably also func_192735_d's purpose
L432[15:52:22] <raoulvdberge> !sm func_192717_a copy
L433[15:53:01] <raoulvdberge> !sp p_192717_1_ value
L434[15:53:22] <raoulvdberge> !sm func_192735_d copy
L435[15:53:23] <kashike> copyValue is a better name for that
L436[15:53:28] <kashike> it doesn't copy the serializer
L437[15:53:39] <PaleoCrafter> I guess, yah
L438[15:53:43] <raoulvdberge> !sm func_192717_a copyValue
L439[15:53:52] <raoulvdberge> done.
L440[15:54:06] <kashike> not exactly :P
L441[15:54:11] <kashike> you need to !undo and then !sm it
L442[15:54:20] <raoulvdberge> !undo
L443[15:54:31] <raoulvdberge> !undo func_192717_a
L444[15:54:43] <raoulvdberge> !sm func_192717_a copyValue
L445[15:54:51] <kashike> :-)
L446[15:54:59] <raoulvdberge> I'm getting to know this bot :)
L447[15:55:13] <TechnicianLP_> can anyone undo?
L448[15:55:18] <kashike> their own, yes
L449[15:55:29] <kashike> so long as it isn't committed
L450[15:55:44] <PaleoCrafter> oh...
L451[15:55:48] <PaleoCrafter> !undo field_193637_b
L452[15:55:56] <PaleoCrafter> huh
L453[15:56:06] <kashike> <kashike> their own, yes
L454[15:56:10] <kashike> you didn't name that :P
L455[15:56:15] <PaleoCrafter> I did initially :P
L456[15:56:29] <kashike> not the second time! killjoy beat you
L457[15:56:31] <kashike> :P
L458[15:56:36] <TechnicianLP_> i guess someone !fsf'ed it
L459[15:56:40] <PaleoCrafter> shouldn't it be using constant case though?
L460[15:56:44] <kashike> no
L461[15:56:45] <PaleoCrafter> can't remember the exact policy
L462[15:56:46] <kashike> it isn't final
L463[15:56:48] <PaleoCrafter> oh, right
L464[15:57:00] <raoulvdberge> !sp p_192841_10_ colorAlpha
L465[15:57:01] <kashike> there are some cases where we set UPPER names for non-final
L466[15:57:05] <kashike> but this field is modified
L467[15:57:09] <kashike> (re-set)
L468[15:57:17] <PaleoCrafter> oh q.q
L469[15:57:22] <PaleoCrafter> it's all inconsistent now
L470[15:57:22] <TechnicianLP_> !gp 192841_10
L471[15:57:23] <raoulvdberge> what does it mean with "The MCP name has already been specified for this member"
L472[15:57:30] <kashike> raoulvdberge: already named
L473[15:57:38] <raoulvdberge> why can't i see the changed name?
L474[15:57:44] <kashike> you can
L475[15:57:47] <kashike> !!gp p_192841_10_
L476[15:57:47] <PaleoCrafter> func_193626_b is *not* getDisplayString ._.
L477[15:57:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.12: net/minecraft/client/renderer/tileentity/TileEntitySpecialRenderer.renderTileEntityAt.alpha UNLOCKED ===
L478[15:57:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : p_192841_10_ => alpha
L479[15:57:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> Method : bww.a => TileEntitySpecialRenderer.func_192841_a => TileEntitySpecialRenderer.renderTileEntityAt
L480[15:57:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (Lavd;DDDFIF)V => (Lnet/minecraft/tileentity/TileEntityBanner;DDDFIF)V
L481[15:57:50] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : None
L482[15:57:51] <TechnicianLP_> alpha or colorAlpha?
L483[15:57:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2017-06-14 07:06:32.590670-04:00 (technicianlp)
L484[15:58:04] <raoulvdberge> !gp p_192841_10_
L485[15:58:04] <PaleoCrafter> I'd honestly name it "unknown"
L486[15:58:11] <PaleoCrafter> because we do *not* no its purpose :P
L487[15:58:14] <raoulvdberge> oh no it's named "alpha"
L488[15:58:15] <PaleoCrafter> *know lol
L489[15:58:20] <kashike> it's used as alpha
L490[15:58:22] <kashike> nothing else
L491[15:58:29] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, but in weird places :P
L492[15:58:30] <kashike> it's just always 1.0F as far as I an see
L493[15:58:36] <raoulvdberge> alpha is fine
L494[15:58:43] <TechnicianLP_> some forge class passes 0
L495[15:58:47] <TechnicianLP_> ok
L496[15:59:26] <PaleoCrafter> but yeah, I'd like to request changing at least func_193626_b again, kashike :P
L497[15:59:34] <raoulvdberge> !gm func_193626_b
L498[15:59:55] <kashike> to?
L499[16:00:12] <PaleoCrafter> getDisplayNameSupplier, even if it's long, it's exact :P
L500[16:00:24] <PaleoCrafter> I'd be okay with getNameSupplier, just wanted to keep it consistent with the existing methods
L501[16:00:34] <raoulvdberge> !gm func_192717_a
L502[16:00:39] <kashike> I've forwarded your request
L503[16:00:43] <kashike> to pokechu
L504[16:00:51] <raoulvdberge> !gm func_192735_d
L505[16:01:18] <kashike> (#mcpbot is where a lot of the people who name things hang out) :P
L506[16:01:45] <TechnicianLP_> ForgeHooksClient.renderTileItem uses (null,0,0,0,0,-1,0.0F)
L507[16:02:06] <raoulvdberge> adding MCP mappings is actually quite enjoyable
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L509[16:03:29] <raoulvdberge> !um
L510[16:03:38] <TechnicianLP_> !um
L511[16:03:43] <PaleoCrafter> TechnicianLP_, yeah, but I think Lex just didn't bother looking up Vanilla values :P
L512[16:03:48] <raoulvdberge> needs a class param :P
L513[16:05:22] <TechnicianLP_> genPatches is aking its sweet time ...
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L519[16:45:38] <shadowfacts> Does Forge load mod advancements yet?
L520[16:47:30] <shadowfacts> also, does anyone have an example of how to use an ore dict ingredient in a JSON recipe?
L521[16:47:51] <LexMobile> https://gist.github.com/LexManos/2a11d4f7aa9d680d861dae4faf9dcfa6
L522[16:50:25] <shadowfacts> ah, thanks
L523[16:50:42] <PaleoCrafter> forge:ore_dict is the type
L524[16:53:47] <shadowfacts> custom IRecipes should now be registered with GameRegistry.register, right?
L525[16:54:57] <LexMobile> Yes, or better, use the jsons
L526[16:55:26] <LexMobile> I will be re-writing the registry system to be less complex, .. potentially...
L527[16:55:36] <LexMobile> but shouldnt have modder side facing changes
L528[16:56:03] <PaleoCrafter> oh, Lex, are you receptive for questions regarding substitutions? :P
L529[16:56:36] <LexMobile> I dunno
L530[16:56:37] <LexMobile> https://gist.github.com/LexManos/08a3f52a19603ede0b0738a40f2f0fa5
L531[16:56:47] <LexMobile> Thats what I THINK the current overview is.. correct me if im wrong
L532[16:58:37] <PaleoCrafter> from my limited understanding of the registry system, that appears to be complete
L533[16:59:23] <PaleoCrafter> although... maybe something about the persistency stuff?
L534[16:59:52] <LexMobile> See the part about dummies and loading from disc/network
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L536[17:00:26] <PaleoCrafter> ah, okay
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L538[17:01:31] <PaleoCrafter> well, my question regarding substitutions would be: is there anything but addSubstitutionAlias that I need to take care of? and if not, where's the appropriate place to call it? the registry event?
L539[17:02:00] <LexMobile> I think its just that...
L540[17:02:15] <LexMobile> and any time after the original thing is registered should be fine i thiunk
L541[17:02:18] <LexMobile> so yes registry ewvent
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L543[17:03:03] <PaleoCrafter> welp, let's try this again
L544[17:03:23] <shadowfacts> 2 of my custom IRecipes copy data between input and output capabilities, and that's not possible with the JSON system
L545[17:03:43] <shadowfacts> but if there's a way to return one of the input items to the inventory with JSON, I could replace one of the custom implementations with a JSON recipe
L546[17:04:13] <LexMobile> how is that not possible with the json system
L547[17:04:23] <LexMobile> its literally JUST RETURN A FUCKING IRECIPE FROM THE FACTORY
L548[17:04:42] <LexMobile> it doesnt have to have anything to do with the json itself. its just there.
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L550[17:14:35] <shadowfacts> Should _factories.json go in assets/recipes?
L551[17:14:44] <PaleoCrafter> welp... my substitution appears to be applied (i.e. registry returns only the new one) but the game now attempts to map the states of the *old* entry ...
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L554[17:26:24] <LexMobile> it'll map the states of both
L555[17:26:40] <LexMobile> if you're referring to what i think you're referring to
L556[17:28:57] <PaleoCrafter> well, that'll result in a NPE for the old object, though
L557[17:29:14] <PaleoCrafter> since it uses getNameForObject which apparently returns null
L558[17:29:20] <PaleoCrafter> it = DefaultStateMapper
L559[17:29:36] <LexMobile> Which is why we filter that out in our iterator
L560[17:30:27] <PaleoCrafter> you mean in ModelLoader.loadBlocks? you check whether the registryName is null there.
L561[17:30:39] <PaleoCrafter> I should maybe add that I'm trying to substitute a Vanilla block here xD
L562[17:31:36] <PaleoCrafter> anyways, since it uses getRegistryName and the substitution changes the registry delegate of the original, it'll get the registry name of the substitute there, which is obviously non-null
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L564[17:33:57] <LexMobile> Honeslty i have no fucking clue if subs actually even work
L565[17:34:13] <LexMobile> and im not even sure why it was registered as a sub instead of a straight replacement... but meh
L566[17:37:04] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, I honestly don't quite get why substitutions have to be so complicated
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L568[17:39:06] <Xilef11> Anyone else gets "invalid game version" from the cursegradle plugin after updating to 1.12?
L569[17:40:13] <PaleoCrafter> haven't tried pushing a build yet, but I don't see a reason for it failing, it only uses Curse's APIs
L570[17:40:23] <PaleoCrafter> Maybe you provide the version in the wrong format?
L571[17:41:04] <Xilef11> I don't provide a version, it used to get it automatically
L572[17:42:49] <PaleoCrafter> try manually adding addGameVersion '1.12' to your project closure?
L573[17:45:28] <Xilef11> tried already, doesn't help.
L574[17:46:46] <Xilef11> I guess I can upload manually this time -_-
L575[17:48:16] <PaleoCrafter> hm... well, JEI also uses CurseGradle. mezz, if you're around, did you have any issues like these?
L576[17:48:48] <Xilef11> error is "Error Code 1009: Invalid game version ID: 6588 belongs to an invalid dependency" btw
L577[17:50:11] <PaleoCrafter> oh... hm... 6588 definitely is the wrong one. if the list on curseforge is to be trusted, the correct ID is 6580
L578[17:52:52] <PaleoCrafter> well... this is interesting https://minecraft.curseforge.com/api/game/versions?token=your_api_key_here
L579[17:52:57] <Xilef11> wonder where it's pulling that ID from? looks like there _was_ an update to ForgeGradle, so that might be it?
L580[17:52:59] <PaleoCrafter> it lists 1.12 twice for some reason
L581[17:53:31] <modmuss50> one is for bukkit iirc
L582[17:54:58] <PaleoCrafter> 1.12 is the only one listed twice, though
L583[17:55:12] <kashike> listed where?
L584[17:55:21] <PaleoCrafter> oh... nvm it's a different gameVersionTypeID
L585[17:55:47] <PaleoCrafter> that API endpoint, kashike ^^
L586[17:56:13] <shadowfacts> So, I'm trying to use an oredict ingredient in a JSON recipe and it causes an exception to be thrown in ShapedOreRecipe
L587[17:56:44] <shadowfacts> this is presumably because OreIngredient calls OreDictionary.getOres in its constructor, before pre-init (when I'm registering my ores)
L588[17:56:59] <shadowfacts> so is there some other place I should be registering ore dict names?
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L592[18:02:29] <LexMobile> depends on the error
L593[18:02:40] <LexMobile> getOres will return fine without the ores being registered
L594[18:03:01] <shadowfacts> I removed that specific ore ingredient and it's still throwing the exception
L595[18:03:12] <shadowfacts> https://gist.github.com/shadowfacts/1e102cc30e0c03f83e439119d004c6da
L596[18:05:13] <LexMobile> ya no cant do shit to help you as that line is a empty line for me
L597[18:05:18] <LexMobile> also make sure you updated forge
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L604[18:25:06] <illy> took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out I needed to bump the FG version to get 1.12 working...
L605[18:29:25] <illy> huh the new crafting books can be used as a compas
L606[18:29:35] <illy> s/books/book/
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L613[18:38:26] <TechnicianLP2> just like jei was until it got fixed
L614[18:38:50] <PaleoCrafter> You have to have crafted/obtained a compass with vanilla first, so meh
L615[18:39:41] <illy> No i mean the book has a compass that points to north by defualt
L616[18:39:49] <illy> as tab
L617[18:40:39] <PaleoCrafter> Oh, right, forgot about the search
L618[18:41:44] <kashike> might be intentional in vanilla, it was pointed out on Twitter a few times
L619[18:42:43] <PaleoCrafter> It's not like a compass in vanilla is that useful anyways
L620[18:43:11] <kashike> sure it is
L621[18:43:27] <kashike> it points to spawn
L622[18:43:33] <kashike> by default
L623[18:44:55] <PaleoCrafter> Meh
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L635[19:24:43] <Raycoms> Hi there
L636[19:26:54] <williewillus> for lex's recipe enhancements: are the condition names global? or are they mod-namespaced
L637[19:27:18] <williewillus> oh wait nvm
L638[19:27:22] <williewillus> i can't read
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L641[19:34:51] <KnightMiner_> What version do we have for 1.12 mappings, or do I keep using the 1.11 ones?
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L643[19:37:01] <williewillus> KnightMiner_: use !latest
L644[19:37:12] <KnightMiner_> !latest
L645[19:37:50] <KnightMiner_> Thanks
L646[19:38:25] *** KnightMiner_ is now known as KnightMiner
L647[19:52:20] <Raycoms> !latest
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L651[20:04:24] <williewillus> !gm func_194125_a
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L655[20:14:56] <KnightMiner> Anyone know what causes this error: com.cloudbees.diff.PatchException: Cannot find hunk target
L656[20:15:11] <kashike> you didn't update your FG version to 2.3 is my guess
L657[20:15:12] <LexMobile> delete your cache and update fg
L658[20:15:13] <kashike> :p
L659[20:15:35] <KnightMiner> That would do it...
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L663[20:26:15] <williewillus> is there anything special I have to do to get my recipes into the book?
L664[20:26:18] <williewillus> mine aren't showing up....
L665[20:26:23] <williewillus> just have some jsons
L666[20:26:46] <KnightMiner> I recall Quarks were in the book on Vazkii's twitter, maybe check what was done there
L667[20:27:36] <Raycoms> I really can't put ItemStacks in hashmaps because they might return different even if the stacksize is the same?
L668[20:27:49] <williewillus> Raycoms: stacks don't even override equals
L669[20:27:58] <kashike> williewillus: they should go there automatically according to ghz|afk
L670[20:28:06] <williewillus> err idk what's up then
L671[20:28:15] <williewillus> they belong to a creative tab and have their recipes json loaded
L672[20:30:06] <KnightMiner> Is the new recipe stuff at all applicable to smelting or brewing, or is it just crafting recipes?
L673[20:30:15] <Raycoms> Is there a useful forge method with something like a itemStack just reasonable with equals and hashCode?
L674[20:30:30] <williewillus> KnightMiner: not yet, but I expect it to happen soon
L675[20:30:36] <KnightMiner> Raycoms: typically people make their own
L676[20:30:40] <williewillus> Raycoms: there's a bunch of static methods in ItemStack that deal with comparing them in various ways
L677[20:30:50] <williewillus> and you can make your own pretty easily as well
L678[20:31:20] <williewillus> if you need to check if two can stack there's ItemHandlerHelper.canItemStacksStack
L679[20:32:00] <williewillus> also, what's the idiomatic json way to encode the wildcard value? do we just put 32767 for now?
L680[20:34:38] <LexMobile> just dont specify data i think...
L681[20:35:28] <kashike> "data" must be specified if the Item returns true for func_77614_k
L682[20:38:25] <williewillus> yeah if you have subtypes and don't specify data it errors
L683[20:38:35] <williewillus> vanilla's solution is to just enumerate all possible choices -.-
L684[20:38:47] <williewillus> like for beds they just stick all 5 plank types in
L685[20:39:09] <williewillus> just putting 32767 seems to work but seems a bit cheaty :P oh well
L686[20:39:13] <LexMobile> yes thats because of their itterator thing int eh guidebook
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L688[20:39:52] <LexMobile> may be worth defining -1 as wildcard, And it adds all the results of getSubItems?
L689[20:39:55] <LexMobile> maybe...
L690[20:40:28] <tterrag> why not just use the oredict wildcard?
L691[20:40:28] <williewillus> getsubitems is sideonly client i thought
L692[20:40:36] <kashike> yes
L693[20:40:59] <williewillus> tterrag: 32767 does work in the json, it's just meh to put the magic number instead of "wildcard" or "*" or something
L694[20:41:04] <williewillus> not a huge problem
L695[20:41:16] <tterrag> Yeah but that's a simple patch :p
L696[20:41:26] <williewillus> also another question: is the "group" tag unique to your mod or is it global?
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L698[20:42:28] <kashike> minecraft uses it like: "group": "bed", "group": "stained_glass_pane"
L699[20:42:29] <kashike> etc
L700[20:43:15] <kashike> used in net.minecraft.client.util.RecipeBookClient static block
L701[20:43:40] <williewillus> okay looks like it's not wrapped in a resourcelocation
L702[20:43:44] <williewillus> so has to be universally unique
L703[20:43:55] <kashike> doesn't mean you can't use yourmod:thing
L704[20:44:00] <williewillus> yeah that's the plan
L705[20:44:00] <kashike> it's just a string
L706[20:50:08] <tterrag> so how does the new recipe commit work?
L707[20:50:10] *** Clank[Away] is now known as Clank
L708[20:50:14] <tterrag> is it only for json stuff or does it allow code recipes?
L709[20:51:20] <tterrag> ah it is just GameRegisty.register, of course
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L711[20:54:12] <tterrag> gonna give it a test drive
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L713[20:58:08] <tterrag> lex: any plans to get rid of the RL in the recipe constructor?
L714[20:58:12] <tterrag> doesn't fit with other IFREs
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L716[21:01:26] <tterrag> uhhh ? java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No registry name set for object net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe@422decda (net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe)
L717[21:01:35] <tterrag> is the one passed into the ctor not used for the registry name?
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L721[21:10:55] <KnightMiner> Do recipes have any way to make the output dynamic in Forge? Like, if I have 16 colors of a block, can I say preserve metadata on output?
L722[21:11:23] <williewillus> yes, you need to use code
L723[21:11:26] <williewillus> custom IRecipe
L724[21:11:54] <williewillus> though if the case is simple enough I'd just make the 16 different recipes
L725[21:12:04] <KnightMiner> I basically mean with the JSON system as I have no looping anymore
L726[21:23:45] <tterrag> how do recipe groups work?
L727[21:23:51] <tterrag> my recipes are in the game but aren't showing in the book
L728[21:24:14] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/QBrRIAt.png
L729[21:27:25] <williewillus> same here, I have jsons and a creative tab set but I don't see any recipe in the book
L730[21:27:36] <williewillus> ghz|afk: any insight if you're around?
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L733[21:39:26] <tterrag> yeah I'm at a loss
L734[21:39:37] <tterrag> it doesn't have anything to do with the group (I tried "" which is what vanilla defaults to)
L735[21:46:09] <kashike> williewillus: https://github.com/gigaherz/ToolBelt/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/toolbelt/ToolBelt.java#L99-L133
L736[21:46:15] <kashike> is what gigaherz did
L737[21:46:20] <kashike> not json by the looks of it
L738[21:47:57] <tterrag> yeah but the poitn is we're using the forge stuff
L739[21:50:26] <tterrag> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Pattern references symbol ' ' but it's not defined in the key
L740[21:50:33] <tterrag> vanilla no longer replaces unknown chars with null :(
L741[21:50:40] ⇨ Joins: Necro (~Necro@p200300700D145CC12CFACE1A3CE2D604.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L742[21:50:42] <tterrag> should this be patched? will make it super annoying to do code recipes
L743[21:56:03] ⇦ Quits: Necro (~Necro@p200300700D145CC12CFACE1A3CE2D604.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
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L745[21:58:34] <kashike> tterrag: you on latest forge?
L746[21:58:51] <kashike> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/5e70ee45be77df11a37b5df35bedbe07e1b0075f
L747[21:59:02] <kashike> oh, hm
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L750[22:01:51] <tterrag> it removes ' ' I think that might be the issue?
L751[22:03:18] <tterrag> documented the problem here https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/3979#issuecomment-308615407
L752[22:03:24] <kashike> no it removes that from the keys set
L753[22:03:29] <kashike> which doesn't touch itemMap
L754[22:04:16] <tterrag> yeah but that throw is forge added code
L755[22:04:23] <kashike> yes
L756[22:04:25] <tterrag> it didn't used to do that
L757[22:04:32] <tterrag> so my comment is still accurate
L758[22:04:44] <tterrag> if (ing == null) should just replace with EMPTY
L759[22:04:45] <tterrag> not throw
L760[22:05:01] <kashike> well
L761[22:05:10] <kashike> I disagree. Should throw if not ' '
L762[22:05:21] <kashike> someone might have forgotten to map something
L763[22:05:56] <tterrag> why? it's *always* replaced unmapped keys with null/empty
L764[22:05:57] <tterrag> why change it now
L765[22:06:04] <tterrag> ' ' should not be special csed
L766[22:08:32] <kashike> tterrag: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/crafting/CraftingHelper.java#L447
L767[22:09:05] <tterrag> that's still new code
L768[22:09:10] <tterrag> I'm saying it was not special cased *before*
L769[22:09:31] <kashike> I can read
L770[22:09:40] <kashike> I'm pointing out that ingMap contains a space
L771[22:09:43] <kashike> so that shouldn't throw
L772[22:11:43] <tterrag> I'm using code recipes
L773[22:11:46] <tterrag> I don't believe they go through that bit
L774[22:11:54] <tterrag> that's a json factory
L775[22:12:33] <kashike> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapedOreRecipe.java#L211
L776[22:13:57] <tterrag> ?
L777[22:14:36] <kashike> oh I see
L778[22:14:44] <kashike> someone PR'd a fix already
L779[22:14:46] <kashike> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3990
L780[22:16:18] <LexMobile> tterrag: Vanilla, Fuck off with your argument. It will error.
L781[22:16:48] <tterrag> what??
L782[22:16:59] <tterrag> you clearly wrote code to provide for a space character being the empty stack
L783[22:17:01] <tterrag> why should it error???
L784[22:17:47] <LexMobile> because thats not what errors
L785[22:17:53] <kashike> the space entry was missed, #3990 adds it
L786[22:17:57] <LexMobile> it errors when you refernce Y but only define X
L787[22:17:59] <kashike> for parseShaped
L788[22:18:25] <tterrag> I don't reference anything undefined
L789[22:18:28] <tterrag> this recipe worked fine in 1.11
L790[22:18:38] <LexMobile> you recipe is wrong then
L791[22:18:41] <tterrag> I posted the recipe code in the issue
L792[22:18:58] <kashike> no, space is undefined for parseShaped. it was missed.
L793[22:19:00] <kashike> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3990/files
L794[22:19:03] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960113.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L795[22:19:11] <kashike> unlike all the other methods in there
L796[22:19:31] <williewillus> kashike: so are my recipes supposed to show in the book on 2325?
L797[22:19:35] <williewillus> because they still don't :V
L798[22:19:59] <kashike> I would assume so
L799[22:23:04] <williewillus> >.> should I open a bug?
L800[22:23:12] <williewillus> not sure if anyone else is getting this problem
L801[22:23:19] <williewillus> (json recipes not showing in book)
L802[22:26:19] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54960C28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L803[22:26:38] <LexMobile> fixed
L804[22:28:16] <tterrag> thanks
L805[22:32:29] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:8126:98e0:9d17:9416:873a)
L806[22:34:28] <williewillus> ooh i have a suspicion about the book thing
L807[22:35:24] <KnightMiner> Is the book thing related to the advancements?
L808[22:35:49] <KnightMiner> I recall recipes are by default hidden, so is it possible you need to define how to unlock them
L809[22:38:52] <tterrag> shouldn't that be automatic based on ingredients?
L810[22:39:06] <LexMobile> No, there are specific triggers
L811[22:39:16] <LexMobile> or, aparently, if people craft it manually
L812[22:40:25] <tterrag> and how are they defined?
L813[22:41:00] <KnightMiner> This is the only example I've found: https://github.com/Vexatos/Flamingo/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/flamingo/advancements/recipes/flamingo.json
L814[22:41:08] ⇨ Joins: Prospector (~Prospecto@
L815[22:41:09] <KnightMiner> No idea if it was working, but probably
L816[22:41:10] <tterrag> also is that recipe fix going to be in a build?
L817[22:41:20] <williewillus> no there's two ways you can get a recipe in the book: unlock using advancements by having ingredients, or just executing the recipe in a crafting table
L818[22:41:25] <williewillus> also I found the issue
L819[22:41:29] <williewillus> I think
L820[22:43:42] <williewillus> https://i.gyazo.com/d3d1da31a464c157a7cb1ea5710b100c.png
L821[22:44:21] <tterrag> I had that thought too
L822[22:44:27] <tterrag> but I set a breakpoint and it was long after init
L823[22:44:43] <tterrag> either way that stuff really should not be in clinit
L824[22:45:30] <williewillus> are you using code or json?
L825[22:46:23] <tterrag> code
L826[22:47:49] <williewillus> yeah the RecipeBookClient clinit runs in the Minecraft constructor between preinit and mod init, while recipes are registered the line right before mod init
L827[22:47:59] <williewillus> *json recipes
L828[22:48:04] <williewillus> so the book doesn't pick up json recipes
L829[22:48:13] <williewillus> probalby should move that to a method that nukes and rebuilds it on the fly
L830[22:48:15] <tterrag> well I register my code recipe in init
L831[22:48:19] <tterrag> and it still doesn't pick it up
L832[22:48:38] ⇨ Joins: Necro (~Necro@p200300700D145CC1C05B32FA49246120.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L833[22:48:41] <williewillus> yeah because the RecipeBookClient clinit already ran, either way bug :P
L834[22:48:52] <williewillus> needs to be reloaded after mod recipes loda
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L838[22:58:33] <LexMobile> i'll add it to my list of shit to reload
L839[22:58:40] <LexMobile> after i finish re-writing the fml registry shit
L840[22:58:42] <LexMobile> tomarrow..
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L843[23:00:26] <williewillus> cool, thanks
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L846[23:07:22] <Prospector> Is there any way to add biomes on a per-world basis, without a custom world provider?
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L848[23:07:49] <Prospector> Or does it *need* to be done on game init
L849[23:07:57] <killjoy> like dimensions?
L850[23:08:06] <williewillus> yeah what do you mean "add biomes"
L851[23:08:22] <Prospector> I want to add them to the normal biome manager
L852[23:08:25] <williewillus> if you mean giving it an id, making it known to the game, etc. that must be done in preinit
L853[23:08:43] <williewillus> what's normal biome manager :P
L854[23:08:48] <Prospector> BiomeManager
L855[23:09:02] <Prospector> where you add overworld biomes at
L856[23:09:41] <Prospector> what I'm trying to do is have biomes that can be disabled on a per-world basis
L857[23:09:46] <Prospector> and I *really* don't want to do a custom world type
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L859[23:10:47] <williewillus> doesn't seem to be anything that relies on it being "frozen"
L860[23:11:07] <williewillus> BiomeManager.getBiomes is freshly called every time a GenLayerBiome is constructed
L861[23:11:30] <Prospector> hmm alright I've tried adding biomes on server starting and also a world tick event, neither worked
L862[23:11:40] <williewillus> lol wut world tick event
L863[23:11:45] <Prospector> it was an experiment lol
L864[23:12:02] <Prospector> I wanted to see if I could change biomes while the world is running
L865[23:12:06] <Prospector> didn't expect that one to work
L866[23:12:14] <williewillus> also that's too late, this seems to happen when the world's BiomeProvider is created
L867[23:12:17] <williewillus> so get it in before that
L868[23:12:32] <Prospector> I would've expected the server starting event to be early enough
L869[23:12:38] <KnightMiner> Another random thing to throw alongside the item exists condition: can we get an for oredict exists condition?
L870[23:12:56] <KnightMiner> Basically a recipe will only be added if the oredict has items
L871[23:13:06] <KnightMiner> *oredict entry
L872[23:13:38] <williewillus> Prospector: breakpoint in GenLayerBiome and see if your entries are there
L873[23:13:49] ⇨ Joins: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-220-92.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L874[23:14:40] <Prospector> oh I think I have made an error
L875[23:14:54] <Prospector> I breakpointed my own biome adding code and it never even fired
L876[23:16:05] <tterrag> !sm func_192396_c getColorName
L877[23:16:14] <tterrag> wait for real
L878[23:16:16] <tterrag> !gm func_192396_c
L879[23:16:24] <tterrag> huh
L880[23:16:32] <tterrag> 2 days ago
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L883[23:21:40] <tterrag> williewillus: I wonder, would everything explode if I did recipes in pre?
L884[23:22:00] <williewillus> no idea :P
L885[23:22:10] <KnightMiner> I feel like something might break, but who knows
L886[23:22:13] <williewillus> the registries are all set up by then so I don't see why it would
L887[23:22:18] <tterrag> *puts loadRecipes() in preinit()*
L888[23:22:28] <williewillus> lol
L889[23:22:33] <tterrag> oh of course
L890[23:22:34] <KnightMiner> Only issue I can see is if you depend on something like an item from another mod
L891[23:22:38] <tterrag> ObjectHolder hasn't run yet
L892[23:22:41] <tterrag> so that's a nogo :(
L893[23:22:45] <killjoy> tmw you lay something on your spacebar and your cursor goes flying
L894[23:23:04] <Prospector> okay so even with my mistake, the server starting even fires JUST AFTER the world finished generating
L895[23:24:25] <tterrag> ok that's a bug
L896[23:24:55] <tterrag> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapedOreRecipe.java#L169
L897[23:25:03] <tterrag> vanilla does group ?: ""
L898[23:25:12] <tterrag> null should be valid
L899[23:25:22] <tterrag> especially since I can't do "" with the ore recipes since they take RLs
L900[23:25:46] <williewillus> Prospector: server startING or server startED?
L901[23:25:53] <williewillus> you want earlier than started
L902[23:26:06] <williewillus> probably even ServerAboutToStart
L903[23:26:29] <williewillus> tterrag: yea seems like the deserializer just sticks null in there
L904[23:26:54] <Prospector> I'm trying server about to start now
L905[23:26:56] <Prospector> was using starting
L906[23:28:46] <tterrag> $ labels add 3993 bug
L907[23:28:47] <Actuarius> Label bug doesn't exist
L908[23:28:54] <tterrag> -_-
L909[23:28:56] <tterrag> $ labels add 3993 Bug
L910[23:28:58] <Actuarius> Added labels [Bug] for issue 3993; new labels: [Bug].
L911[23:29:06] <killjoy> rofl
L912[23:29:21] <Prospector> \o/ ServerAboutToStart works great :)
L913[23:29:24] <tterrag> $ labels add 3992 Bug
L914[23:29:27] <Actuarius> Added labels [Bug] for issue 3992; new labels: [Bug].
L915[23:29:31] <Prospector> thanks willus
L916[23:29:51] <tterrag> $ labels add 3989 Bug
L917[23:29:53] <Actuarius> Added labels [Bug] for issue 3989; new labels: [Bug].
L918[23:30:23] <tterrag> $ labels add 3986 Cleanup
L919[23:30:28] <Actuarius> Added labels [Cleanup] for issue 3986; new labels: [Cleanup].
L920[23:31:12] <tterrag> $ labels add 3984 Feature "Needs PR"
L921[23:31:12] <Actuarius> Added labels [Feature, Needs PR] for issue 3984; new labels: [Feature, Needs PR].
L922[23:31:49] <tterrag> $ close 3981
L923[23:31:53] <Actuarius> Issue 3981 closed.
L924[23:32:09] <tterrag> lol fry https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/3981
L925[23:32:11] <tterrag> no I didn't
L926[23:32:28] <tterrag> oh there it goes
L927[23:32:32] <tterrag> silly github
L928[23:33:37] <Matthew> It doesn't show the closed activity for me either. though that may be because I blocked actuarius on github
L929[23:33:39] <tterrag> $ labels add 3977 Feature "Needs PR"
L930[23:33:42] <Actuarius> Added labels [Feature, Needs PR] for issue 3977; new labels: [Feature, Needs PR].
L931[23:33:50] <tterrag> Matthew: maybe, I think I did too
L932[23:33:55] <tterrag> /shrug
L933[23:34:14] <Matthew> Getting a github notification for each label add was annoying lol
L934[23:34:42] <Matthew> Can't believe it's 2017 and github still doesn't allow issue-only access
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L936[23:35:37] <tterrag> ok I think ore recipes are entirely broken...
L937[23:35:45] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/uUlpwd9.png
L938[23:35:58] <tterrag> clicking it puts the recipe in properly...but has the wrong output ??? http://i.imgur.com/95hDn9N.png
L939[23:36:30] <KnightMiner> That is, interesting...
L940[23:36:43] <KnightMiner> Does it work when inserting without the book?
L941[23:36:45] <tterrag> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
L942[23:36:45] <tterrag> at net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe.checkMatch(ShapedOreRecipe.java:136) ~[ShapedOreRecipe.class:?]
L943[23:36:49] <tterrag> KnightMiner: nope
L944[23:36:56] <tterrag> and has the same behavior of using an output that is a "partial" match
L945[23:37:13] <tterrag> something is screwed in the ore recipes conversion to ingredients
L946[23:37:17] <KnightMiner> So is it basically matching on the top line then?
L947[23:37:26] <KnightMiner> Nothing to do with the stone slab recipe on the side
L948[23:38:56] <tterrag> yeah the exception is breaking the match check
L949[23:39:02] <tterrag> so it never says "hey this is no longer the output"
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L951[23:40:04] <KnightMiner> Just call it a feature, its not like the recipe is imbalanced :P
L952[23:42:31] <tterrag> ok so
L953[23:42:37] <tterrag> hm
L954[23:43:02] <tterrag> I don't get this loop https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapedOreRecipe.java#L192-L194
L955[23:43:06] <tterrag> why would it loop to max-width ?
L956[23:43:27] <tterrag> the exception is coming from a 1x1 recipe
L957[23:43:34] <tterrag> which tbh should just be shapeless but this is still a bug
L958[23:45:00] <KnightMiner> I also question whether the mirrored code below would work
L959[23:45:24] <KnightMiner> It check either one side or the other, meaning "ABA" would pass for "ABC"
L960[23:46:00] <tterrag> this code is ages old
L961[23:46:05] <tterrag> all that changed in 1.12 was to adapt to Ingredient
L962[23:46:11] <tterrag> but it's still broken and idk why
L963[23:47:05] <tterrag> ohhhh
L964[23:47:10] <tterrag> before it didn't care if target ended up null
L965[23:47:24] <tterrag> so the fix is literally just add target==null ||
L966[23:48:23] <tterrag> or actually... target != null &&
L967[23:48:30] <KnightMiner> Oh, now I get what the loop is doing, its checking match based on start coordinates
L968[23:49:52] <KnightMiner> So I assume your issue is an NPE https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.12.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapedOreRecipe.java#L130
L969[23:50:51] <tterrag> $ labels add 3995 Bug 1.12
L970[23:50:53] <Actuarius> Added labels [Bug, 1.12] for issue 3995; new labels: [1.12, Bug].
L971[23:51:04] <tterrag> yes :P https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3995/files
L972[23:51:22] <KnightMiner> > tterrag1098 committed on GitHub
L973[23:51:35] <tterrag> I'm not setting up a workspace for that ll
L974[23:51:36] <tterrag> lol*
L975[23:51:42] <tterrag> I trust myself to write a null check with no IDE :P
L976[23:51:52] <tterrag> travis will check for me anyways
L977[23:52:09] <tterrag> now, to figure out why the recipe displays as "air"
L978[23:53:07] <KnightMiner> Question though, if the target is null, shouldn't it check that the stack is empty?
L979[23:53:12] <tterrag> oh, cuz the output *is* air
L980[23:53:14] <tterrag> lul
L981[23:53:31] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L982[23:53:40] <tterrag> because of the object holder thing :(
L983[23:53:48] <tterrag> ok well RIP that endeavor. will have to wait for forge patch
L984[23:53:59] <KnightMiner> Or is target only null when its out of inputs, and some empty object otherwise?
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L990[23:54:48] <tterrag> KnightMiner: target is null when the start location is outside of the recipe bounds
L991[23:55:06] <tterrag> I don't really understand that recipe code well enough to go figuring out exactly what logic is wrong
L992[23:55:11] <tterrag> this replicates the 1.11 behavior
L993[23:55:20] <KnightMiner> Wouldn't it make more sense to move the lower block inside the top one then?
L994[23:55:38] <tterrag> lower block?
L995[23:55:51] <KnightMiner> Move https://github.com/tterrag1098/MinecraftForge/blob/ced864d0d3125791d565a9ec8796f2b655d88f0c/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapedOreRecipe.java#L130-L133
L996[23:55:58] <KnightMiner> Here https://github.com/tterrag1098/MinecraftForge/blob/ced864d0d3125791d565a9ec8796f2b655d88f0c/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/oredict/ShapedOreRecipe.java#L127
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L998[23:56:03] MineBot sets mode: +o on Abrar|gone
L999[23:56:18] <tterrag> hm
L1000[23:56:19] <KnightMiner> Target is only used inside that block, and I assume input.get never returns null anyways
L1001[23:56:21] <tterrag> yeah actually
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L1009[23:58:41] <KnightMiner> I'm surprised the IDE did not give a NPE warning there, pretty sure Eclipse would have :P
L1010[23:59:20] <KnightMiner> Then again, who listens to warnings...
L1011[23:59:37] <tterrag> WTF is happening right now
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