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L1[00:03:29] <SatanicSanta> mezz: I'm kind of confused by those 3 2x2 chunk image representations. If I am passed the x and z coordinates (corner of new in one of the images), if I determine where to start generating by doing chunkX + rand.nextInt(16), wouldn't that not have this issue? Because it can only begin generating in the loaded chunks?
L2[00:03:52] <SatanicSanta> this one imgur.com/j4QSTDW
L3[00:04:00] <SatanicSanta> http://imgur.com/j4QSTDW thanks firefox
L4[00:05:26] <killjoy> a chunk is 16x16
L5[00:05:34] <killjoy> target your structures in the middle of it
L6[00:05:39] <killjoy> 8,8
L7[00:06:02] <SatanicSanta> That isn't helpful because it doesn't explain why
L8[00:06:07] <killjoy> (center it there)
L9[00:06:18] <SatanicSanta> or why what I said would not work
L10[00:07:58] <SatanicSanta> also... You could have a non-centered structure that doesn't have this issue... So simply "centering it" doesn't make sense
L11[00:08:21] <SatanicSanta> and would look very strange in the world if it generates moderately frequently
L12[00:10:11] <TehNut> If you bleed into an ungenerated chunk, you cause that chunk to generate
L13[00:10:24] <SatanicSanta> I understand that
L14[00:10:51] <TehNut> Adding 8 causes you to offset your "generation grid" to be centered on 4 already generated chunks
L15[00:10:57] <killjoy> if your structure is already larger than 16 blocks, it's going to generate anyway
L16[00:11:10] <killjoy> probably
L17[00:11:44] <SatanicSanta> TehNut: but if you are not subtracting the (chunkX * 16; chunkZ * 16) values ever—only adding to them— how could you bleed into an ungenerated chunk?
L18[00:12:03] <SatanicSanta> (assuming structure is less than 16x16)
L19[00:12:08] <TehNut> So let's say you're generating a vein of ore
L20[00:12:25] <TehNut> The pos you get is the start pos of that ore vein, then it spreads out a bit from there
L21[00:12:36] <TehNut> What happens if you end up at the red dot in your picture
L22[00:12:58] <SatanicSanta> that is a structure that is generated randomly though
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L24[00:13:10] <SatanicSanta> I'm thinking static structures, like a hut
L25[00:18:58] <SatanicSanta> Oh, I guess its rotation would cause it
L26[00:20:24] <SatanicSanta> Aight. I still think "offset by 8" is a strange solution but I understand it now. I think a solution based on the size of the structure, for static structures anyway, would be better.
L27[00:20:40] <SatanicSanta> random shit like ores and trees make sense to offset tho
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L74[03:44:58] <raoulvdberge> is it possible to do a "transform": "forge:default-block" but still apply manual translation changes?
L75[03:45:08] <raoulvdberge> because that overrides my translation for the block form now
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L77[03:56:30] <raoulvdberge> e.g. this is not possible AFAIK? http://pastebin.com/Bftrke62
L78[03:56:39] <raoulvdberge> the second transform just overrides forge:default-block
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L80[04:39:04] <Ten_Tacles> How can I check if an item is a fuel?
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L82[04:42:04] <Ten_Tacles> Nevermind, I am stupid
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L103[07:35:57] <tterrag> raoulvdberge, unfortunately I don't think transforms are extensible
L104[07:36:27] <raoulvdberge> that's too bad. oh well, i changed the translation in my obj file manually.
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L106[07:39:28] <tterrag> you can check with fry, there might be a way
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L118[10:00:33] <diesieben07> please kill me... http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/53160-1112-keybinds-not-registering-properly/
L119[10:03:09] <Ashindigo_> what the hell are the sleep messages for
L120[10:03:19] <diesieben07> "for effect"
L123[10:04:29] <Ashindigo_> pretty damn sure diesie is a competent person!
L124[10:05:35] * diesieben07 blushes
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L127[10:25:02] <Ordinastie> yeah, xisuma started a new modded series, and this time MalisisDoors is in it \o/ :D
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L129[10:27:19] <IoP> cool effect
L130[10:27:22] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: heh, it's next in my watch queue ;P
L131[10:27:42] <IoP> But he really should print one letter and then sleep smaller amount
L132[10:27:49] <Ashindigo_> I haven't watched modded playthroghs in forever
L133[10:28:16] <gigaherz> Ashindigo_: watch Hypno and xBCrafted's SkyFactory 3 or the FTB Beyond one that's in progress ;P
L134[10:28:22] <gigaherz> those two are really fun to watch
L135[10:29:45] <Ashindigo_> Alrighty
L136[10:34:03] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, and of course, that's mandatory "I know basic java" ><
L137[10:34:59] <Ordinastie> but thanks, that was entertaining :p
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L139[10:35:59] <diesieben07> lol
L140[10:36:08] <diesieben07> we'll, he has a day timeout now.
L141[10:36:19] <Ordinastie> you banned him?
L142[10:36:30] <diesieben07> for a day, yes
L143[10:36:40] <diesieben07> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/topic/53160-1112-keybinds-not-registering-properly/#comment-257247
L144[10:36:42] <diesieben07> that's not ok.
L145[10:37:11] <Ordinastie> oh, it's still going on, yeah, more fun for me :p
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L147[10:38:12] <Ashindigo_> Despite that though
L148[10:38:13] <Ordinastie> damn, you cut off the fun :(
L149[10:38:27] <Ashindigo_> I.might steal the word frostwave for my mod
L150[10:38:37] <diesieben07> "fun"
L151[10:38:53] <Ordinastie> well, I'm not interacting with him ^^
L152[10:39:43] <gigaherz> it's fun in the same sense that it's fun when you see on TV someone in like, parliament start yelling and throwing things
L153[10:40:37] <beams> 2veryicey is a god!
L154[10:42:09] <beams> Also, when were the Forge forums redesigned?
L155[10:42:11] <beams> I've been out for a while.
L156[10:42:22] <diesieben07> like 2 months ago or so
L157[10:42:30] <beams> They look good.
L158[10:42:34] <diesieben07> new software, too
L159[10:42:36] <beams> And definitely better.
L160[10:42:38] <beams> Nice.
L161[10:46:25] <beams> I love the memory usage bar when loading in a development environment.
L162[10:46:42] <diesieben07> it's not just dev env afaik
L163[10:46:47] <Ashindigo_> it isnt
L164[10:46:57] <Ashindigo_> its on the main game to
L165[10:47:30] <beams> Oh, that's even better. I haven't played outside of a dev env since I returned.
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L250[13:30:48] <jjw123> anyone able to help me with gradle and IntelliJ? I followed CPW's tutorial for IntelliJ 2016.1 and I have an unable to resolve forgeBin-1.11.2- on the right hand side http://i.imgur.com/l58V5uv.png
L251[13:31:55] <jjw123> gonna try updating IntelliJ to 2017.1 and following that tutorial
L252[13:34:24] <gigaherz> are you setting up mdk or forge
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L254[13:38:09] <jjw123> mdk
L255[13:38:35] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/#terminal-free-intellij-idea-configuration
L256[13:38:39] <gigaherz> this is how I set things up in IDEA
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L258[13:42:53] <jjw123> it seems to be working better on 1027
L259[13:42:55] <jjw123> 2017*
L260[13:43:01] <jjw123> will report back when it finishes
L261[13:43:34] <gigaherz> I use 2016.3.5
L262[13:43:42] <gigaherz> and those steps have worked just fine in the past
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L266[14:03:41] <beams> Yeah, I followed CPW's tutorial and, in 2016.3, it still works.
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L268[14:04:31] <beams> I didn't notice that the documention even had that page. That's good to have, though.
L269[14:04:41] <beams> Easier than searching for the video.
L270[14:06:07] <gigaherz> yep, I wrote those docs before I learned of the tutorial video
L271[14:06:17] <gigaherz> (but after the video was posted ;P)
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L278[14:12:46] <jjw123> I guess I had something wrong on my system
L279[14:12:56] <jjw123> 2017.1 seems to be working though
L280[14:13:11] <jjw123> now to figure out the new Registry system from a few versions ago heh
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L290[14:58:13] <LexDesktop> anyone ehre on mac?
L291[15:01:01] <shadowfacts> yes
L292[15:01:10] <LexDesktop> feel like being a gunnie pig?
L293[15:01:14] <shadowfacts> sure
L294[15:01:55] <LexDesktop> https://www.dropbox.com/s/wiarm9hmg48c9nb/forge-1.11.2-
L295[15:02:42] <LexDesktop> First off, as a OSX user, do you know what to do with that file?
L296[15:03:10] <LexDesktop> and/or do you know how to make a .app directory a single file? Google isn't telling me anything.
L297[15:03:10] <diesieben07> as a (very new, and kinda forced) osx user, i would expect a dmg
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L299[15:03:40] <shadowfacts> yes, extract it an run the .app
L300[15:04:18] <LexDesktop> Is there a standard method of distributing things that bypasses the extract and just goes to run?
L301[15:05:59] <LexDesktop> And the fundemental question, what happens when you run the app i just gave you
L302[15:06:03] <LexDesktop> {does it work}
L303[15:06:10] <shadowfacts> nope, http://imgur.com/tMzM62l
L304[15:06:35] <LexDesktop> interesting I wonder why...
L305[15:06:50] <LexDesktop> can you try going into the .app dir and +Xing the file?
L306[15:06:53] <shadowfacts> I don't think you can avoid an extra step before run
L307[15:07:25] <LexDesktop> if its just extract+run then im fine and will just chalk it up to osx not having a .exe type file.
L308[15:08:10] <LexDesktop> Itd be nice if I could just give you a zip with the .app extension and it knows its a folder/runnable but meh i didnt write osx
L309[15:08:33] <shadowfacts> chmod +x on the binary file lets it try to launch,
L310[15:08:43] <shadowfacts> but default macOS security settings don't let unsigned binaries run
L311[15:08:51] <diesieben07> there is a way to make a dmg automatically launch an app inside it afaik
L312[15:08:54] <diesieben07> because i have had that happen
L313[15:09:23] <LexDesktop> how hard is it to bypass that? And/or does it require a centrally authenticated signature, or does self-sign work?
L314[15:09:38] <shadowfacts> self-signing: I don't know
L315[15:09:58] <shadowfacts> it can be bypassed by clicking an "Open Anyway" button in the right System Preferences pane
L316[15:10:18] <shadowfacts> or (in pre macOS 10.12) allowing apps from anywhere to be executed
L317[15:10:25] <shadowfacts> (but that global setting was removed in 10.12)
L318[15:10:37] <kashike> "If your app isn’t signed with a Developer ID certificate issued by Apple, it won’t launch on a Mac that has Gatekeeper enabled."
L319[15:10:39] <kashike> that?
L320[15:10:42] <shadowfacts> yes
L321[15:10:43] <LexDesktop> well the way i would expect it to happen is the wya windows does it.
L322[15:10:53] <LexDesktop> "This app is unsigned, do you wish to run anyways" popup?
L323[15:10:58] <shadowfacts> and in 10.12, Gatekeeper can't be entirely disabled
L324[15:10:59] <LexDesktop> Is it intuitive like that?
L325[15:11:27] <shadowfacts> http://imgur.com/DSFCXtF
L326[15:11:28] <shadowfacts> kind of
L327[15:11:35] <kashike> sounds like it won't launch at all
L328[15:11:59] <shadowfacts> it can be launched, you just need to go into System Preferences and override it
L329[15:12:05] <shadowfacts> and that requires admin privliges
L330[15:12:05] <LexDesktop> humm
L331[15:12:14] <kashike> https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Procedures/Procedures.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005929-CH4-SW2
L332[15:12:17] <LexDesktop> wonder what it would take to get/sign the osx wrapper...
L333[15:12:57] <kashike> $100/year for a cert apparently
L334[15:13:02] <shadowfacts> also, after overriding it, trying to launch the app fails
L335[15:13:11] <shadowfacts> yeah, the macOS dev program is $100/year
L336[15:13:17] <LexDesktop> wow thats retarded
L337[15:13:18] <shadowfacts> I still don't know about self-signing it, though
L338[15:13:27] <LexDesktop> i can afford it, and itd just a tax writeoff, but its stupid
L339[15:13:50] <LexDesktop> so, back to what we're talking about.
L340[15:13:55] <shadowfacts> but the app still fails to launch w/ no error message
L341[15:13:56] <LexDesktop> It doesn't function?
L342[15:14:00] <shadowfacts> yep
L343[15:14:10] <LexDesktop> can you run it from the command line and see if anyhting pops up there?
L344[15:14:13] <shadowfacts> it briefly pops up in the dock, so I can tell it's trying to launch, but it almost immediately exits
L345[15:14:49] <shadowfacts> LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Users/shadowfacts/Desktop/forge-1.11.2-
L346[15:15:05] <shadowfacts> ^ if I run "open forge-1.11.2-" from the command line
L347[15:15:32] <LexDesktop> you chmoded the .app?
L348[15:15:40] <LexDesktop> did you chmod the binary inside it?
L349[15:16:18] <shadowfacts> I ran chmod +x on the binary inside Contents/MacOs
L350[15:16:41] <LexDesktop> interesting cuz google tells me its that that file isnt executable.
L351[15:16:48] <shadowfacts> same
L352[15:18:31] <LexDesktop> "but it's pretty clear what the problem is. You're trying to open a GUI application while the GUI belongs to a different user." interesting
L353[15:21:26] <LexDesktop> Interesting, mind poking it and seeing if you can figure something out?
L354[15:22:27] <shadowfacts> am currently poking
L355[15:23:04] <shadowfacts> I can't launch it by running the binary directly, either
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L357[15:24:44] <shadowfacts> "Error -10810 is a Launch Services result code indicating an unknown error"
L358[15:25:01] <shadowfacts> unknown error could be caused by the binary not launching
L359[15:33:13] <beams> Do I still need to register both a Block and an ItemBlock for every block separately?
L360[15:33:16] <beams> In 1.11.
L361[15:33:47] <beams> I was doing so, but it gave me a console message saying I had registered it twice, so I assumed not, but I though I'd check.
L362[15:36:57] <gigaherz> yes you have to
L363[15:37:21] <gigaherz> if it complains about duplicates, it means you have either two blocks or two items with the same name
L364[15:39:13] <beams> Alright, thanks. Will check on that.
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L367[15:42:25] <beams> Hmm. When I comment out the call to GameRegistry.register() for the ItemBlock, it doesn't complain about duplicates. Only when that line is present.
L368[15:42:40] <gigaherz> can you show your registration code?
L369[15:42:56] <gigaherz> how are you allocating the itemblock?
L370[15:43:04] <gigaherz> remember that you need to call setRegistryName on it
L371[15:43:09] <beams> I do.
L372[15:43:14] <beams> Give me a second.
L373[15:43:24] <gigaherz> new ItemBlock(theBlock).setRegistryName(theBlock.getRegistryName()) ?
L374[15:44:09] <beams> Oh. Forgot about something. Nevermind. That was stupid of me.
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L380[16:04:55] <jjw123> is there any example mods for 1.11? using IForgeRegistry
L381[16:05:08] <gigaherz> you mean creating new registries?
L382[16:05:13] <jjw123> yeah
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L384[16:05:35] <gigaherz> hmm I have a WIP one that makes use of it, but it's not fully using the best practices
L385[16:06:29] <jjw123> I'm reading through the readthedocs site
L386[16:06:56] <gigaherz> okay so
L387[16:07:01] <gigaherz> the basis for a regsitry
L388[16:07:09] <gigaherz> is that you have a base object for the things that you want to register
L389[16:07:20] <gigaherz> this base object would implement IForgeRegistryEntry.Impl<BaseObject>
L390[16:07:26] <gigaherz> similarly to how Block and Item do it
L391[16:07:35] <gigaherz> or Enchantment
L392[16:08:34] <gigaherz> this is an example of a registrable object
L393[16:08:38] <gigaherz> but as I said, it's not best practices
L394[16:08:39] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Everpipe/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/everpipe/pipe/connectors/ConnectorHandler.java#L10
L395[16:09:35] <jjw123> thank you
L396[16:09:43] <jjw123> i'll have a look :)
L397[16:09:45] <gigaherz> the issue with using a static field like that
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L399[16:09:51] <gigaherz> is that I have to force reference the class
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L417[17:01:50] <Shambling> does anyone know why refined storage uninstalls itself every time I upgrade it on cursE?
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L441[19:03:07] <Intektor> I am currently trying to setup a an SSL Socket, now I am working with keytool and I have to get the public and private key seperated, (server gets public and private, client only public)
L442[19:03:38] <Intektor> I found this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1666052/java-https-client-certificate-authentication/1666165#1666165 But how do I know that acually only the public key is exported?
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