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L26[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161209 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L28[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L74[04:54:15] <Koward> Is snake_case now the recommended casing for all registry names ? Does that include map structure names ?
L75[04:59:49] <Subaraki> anyone used slick2d before ... ?
L76[05:00:34] <Subaraki> fonts crash my darned java binary for some tupid reason
L77[05:02:06] <AshIndigo> The actual jvm?
L78[05:04:32] <Subaraki> yes
L79[05:04:39] <Subaraki> java binary has stopped working
L80[05:04:51] <Subaraki> so i have no crashlog
L81[05:05:01] <Subaraki> commenting out the font stuff makes it work again
L82[05:05:14] <AshIndigo> Isn't there the jvm crash log?
L83[05:05:24] <Subaraki> and all the font stuff is is new truetypefont(javafont) and g.setfont
L84[05:05:25] <AshIndigo> The "hs_????"
L85[05:05:28] <Subaraki> where would i find it ?
L86[05:05:42] <Subaraki> someone told me as well, but i can't find one, and he went offline before he could help me more
L87[05:05:56] <AshIndigo> For Minecraft ive seen it in the instance folder
L88[05:06:08] <AshIndigo> Where mods, configs, saves and that stuff is
L89[05:08:26] <Subaraki> then it might be custom set
L90[05:08:40] <Subaraki> because my workspace doesnt show anything at all :/
L91[05:08:45] <IoP> Subaraki: actually check if reliability monitor has a log
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L93[05:14:49] <Subaraki> and now IoP ?
L94[05:15:16] <IoP> is there anything for java processes?
L95[05:15:34] <Subaraki> Fault Module Name: StackHash_6c95 ?
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L97[05:17:12] <Subaraki> http://pastebin.com/565vtEKP
L98[05:17:18] <Subaraki> doesnt look helpfull ;=:/
L99[05:17:23] <Subaraki> :/ *
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L198[09:45:18] <arehman> hey i am porting some plugin to 1.10 so i came across this function .func_152612_a() can someone tell me where to find function similar to this
L199[09:45:44] <TechnicianLP> !gm 152612
L200[09:46:27] <TechnicianLP> !mh 152612
L201[09:47:53] <arehman> sorry i didnt understand
L202[09:48:42] <AshIndigo> !gm func_152612_a
L203[09:48:48] <AshIndigo> Tada
L204[09:49:42] <AshIndigo> .!gm func_152612_a 1.10.2 will get the 1.10.2 version
L205[09:49:44] <gigaherz> arehman: we have a bot for looking up name translations
L206[09:49:53] <AshIndigo> (Its useful)
L207[09:50:14] <gigaherz> it can tell you the "pretty name" assigned to the srg-style name
L208[09:50:17] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L209[09:51:57] <TechnicianLP> 1.10.2 should have th method
L210[09:54:59] <arehman> !gm func_152612_a 1.10.2
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L212[09:59:45] <arehman> thank-you all for the help
L213[10:00:12] <arehman> this is really useful
L214[10:00:21] <AshIndigo> Your welcome
L215[10:00:52] <arehman> !gf posX 1.7.10
L216[10:00:58] <arehman> !gf posX 1.7.10
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L218[10:08:49] <Koward> Is the name of an entity used to save it to the world ? If yes, how to remap it ?
L219[10:09:17] <TechnicianLP> there should me a missingmappings event
L220[10:10:36] <Koward> FMLMissingMappingsEvent is for items and blocks.
L221[10:12:06] <TechnicianLP> oh ok - i know that when registering tilentites you have the option to give an alis that will load but not save the tile under that name
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L228[10:37:13] <TechnicianLP> does anyone have an idea why Gui.drawRect isnt working?
L229[10:37:48] <TechnicianLP> forget it
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L234[10:47:45] <Tazz> well good morning people XD
L235[10:49:14] *** Clank[Away] is now known as Clank
L236[10:50:18] <Tazz> hai Clank lol
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L238[10:52:56] <Ordinastie> for the cli git users, when you clone a repo, can you have a say in where the working dir goes ?
L239[10:53:50] <Ordinastie> and subsequent question, is it possible to have multiple working dirs for different branches ?
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L242[10:59:02] <barteks2x> should I generally use block.isAir to check for air, or compare to Blocks.AIR?
L243[10:59:57] <TechnicianLP> i would go with the one modders can influence
L244[11:00:13] <barteks2x> I forgot that in this case isAir may crash anyway, because it's early part of worldgen
L245[11:00:50] <barteks2x> (if mod ries to access neighbor blocks to determine the result it will try to generate the chunk it's currently generating)
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L247[11:04:29] <Tazz> Ordinastie: yeah
L248[11:04:33] <Tazz> definitely
L249[11:04:44] <Ordinastie> apparently, not in eclipse, not with Egit anyway :x
L250[11:04:53] <Tazz> well for CLI yeah
L251[11:04:55] <Tazz> its simple
L252[11:05:13] <Tazz> git clone <git remote URL> <git local URI>
L253[11:05:53] <Tazz> I do believe there are flags for it as well but thats the simplest approache imo
L254[11:06:14] <Ordinastie> yes, that put's the local repo where you want, but I'm talking about the working directory
L255[11:06:39] <Tazz> working directory?
L256[11:06:52] <barteks2x> is there some existing thing I could use as configuration class with ResourceLocation as key?
L257[11:06:58] <Ordinastie> where the files are checked out
L258[11:07:01] <Tazz> I guess youll have to elaborate on that XD
L259[11:07:08] <Tazz> checked out?
L260[11:07:13] <Tazz> like your .git file/
L261[11:07:17] <Tazz> or.....
L262[11:07:18] <Tazz> XD
L263[11:07:24] <Ordinastie> no the actual files
L264[11:07:41] <Tazz> for like your code?
L265[11:07:51] <Tazz> or whatever your storing
L266[11:07:53] <Tazz> ??
L267[11:07:54] <Ordinastie> yes
L268[11:07:55] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/sJHnw.png
L269[11:09:18] <Tazz> um what are you trying to do? XD
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L271[11:10:17] <Ordinastie> well, besides the fact I already deleted all the other local repos for MalisisCore, that's what I have : http://puu.sh/sJHue.png
L272[11:10:45] <Ordinastie> (and I don't like it)
L273[11:10:48] <Tazz> lol
L274[11:10:49] <Tazz> I see
L275[11:11:10] <Ordinastie> I was thinking, 1 repo, multiple working dirs in which different branches are checked out
L276[11:11:53] <Tazz> maybe you could like in your .gitignore add an option to ignore all directories that arent relevant to that branhc?
L277[11:12:30] <Tazz> like */ and then remove the case for relevancy i.e: !/1.7/
L278[11:12:50] <Tazz> Im not that great when it comes to branching and keeping it organised rofl
L279[11:14:00] <Ordinastie> I think there might be a way, but that would likely require to restructure all my folders
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L281[11:14:16] <Tazz> probably tbh
L282[11:14:37] <Tazz> I myself have little experience with branching and maintainability XD
L283[11:14:47] <Ordinastie> currently I have Projects/{version}/{project} and it might be doable if it's Projects/{project}/{version}
L284[11:14:59] <Tazz> yeah
L285[11:15:23] <Tazz> you could make the root the project folder and then figure out how to link the branch to the specific folder
L286[11:15:26] <Tazz> XD
L287[11:15:37] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L288[11:15:44] <Ordinastie> well, I need to have the projects behave in eclipse too
L289[11:15:45] <Tazz> maybe your .gitattributes file can help I believe that there are some things in there that can really do lots for git and I havent explored it fully XD
L290[11:15:54] <Tazz> yeah that is simple though XD
L291[11:16:10] <Tazz> Eclipse is very good at making things work even if you didnt think it would as long as you can configure these things :P
L292[11:16:14] <Tazz> and afaik you can D
L293[11:16:34] <Ordinastie> I have troubles with Egit though
L294[11:16:49] <Ordinastie> apparently, git worktree is what I would need
L295[11:18:39] ⇦ Quits: arehman (~arehman@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L296[11:19:37] <Ordinastie> damn : http://puu.sh/sJI5M.png
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L305[11:43:00] <Xilef11> Is there a good way to check if mobs can spawn at a certain blockpos?
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L307[11:58:05] <lashtear> Xilef11, net.minecraft.block Block.canCreatureSpawn ?
L308[11:59:05] <lashtear> also net.minecraft.world SpawnerAnimals.canCreatureTypeSpawnAtLocation depending on what you are doing
L309[12:00:25] <barteks2x> which method returns block name in format "minecraft:blockname"?
L310[12:00:51] <barteks2x> (and is it possible to specify blockstate that way?)
L311[12:01:27] <barteks2x> I need some way to convert blockstate into String, and convert it back into block state
L312[12:01:50] <Ordinastie> Block.blockFromName() iirc
L313[12:01:54] <Ordinastie> and no you can't
L314[12:02:02] <barteks2x> really? Impossible?
L315[12:02:08] <Ordinastie> you might be able to use the meta though
L316[12:02:20] <barteks2x> it's for configuration option...
L317[12:02:30] <barteks2x> I want to be able to configure ocean block
L318[12:02:36] <Ordinastie> well, it's not entirely impossible, it's used for vanilla models, you can try to dig that if you want
L319[12:02:55] <barteks2x> I guess I would need to specify each state property or something like that?
L320[12:03:24] <barteks2x> I'm wondering how they do that for superflat world confiig
L321[12:05:17] <barteks2x> anyway, for now until mojang gives soe reasonable way to do it - I will support only default states
L322[12:05:35] <barteks2x> maybe if enough people complain after release I will add support for metadata
L323[12:06:07] <barteks2x> and the to string version is getRegistryName?
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L325[12:14:37] <Xilef11> easy way to change color of vanilla particles?
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L328[12:25:58] <gigaherz> barteks2x: 1.11 accepts blockstate properties in place of meta
L329[12:26:01] <gigaherz> for chat commands
L330[12:26:06] <gigaherz> so there must be a deserializer somewhere
L331[12:30:24] <barteks2x> I will try to fidn that
L332[12:31:42] <barteks2x> CommandBase.func_190794_a, the name is probably there in new mappings
L333[12:32:38] <gigaherz> !gm func_190794_a
L334[12:32:45] <gigaherz> yes.
L335[12:32:50] <gigaherz> net/minecraft/command/CommandBase.convertArgToBlockState
L336[12:32:55] <barteks2x> I need to update. Both mappings and forge
L337[12:33:19] <gigaherz> yes.
L338[12:33:44] <barteks2x> I'm still on forge 2160 and mappings 1.10 stable
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L341[12:49:21] <Oblivion> https://gyazo.com/00a90fad6927db4991c8ddf8acd4adcb, I've tried setting GRADLE_OPTS to -Xmx4G so far.
L342[12:50:53] <Akkarin> Create a gradle.properties and add "org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2G" to its contents
L343[12:51:05] <Akkarin> Since Gradle 3.1 uses the forkbomb ... errr ... daemon by default
L344[12:52:02] <gigaherz> to make it global
L345[12:52:07] <gigaherz> put it in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
L346[12:52:07] <gigaherz> or
L347[12:52:15] <gigaherz> %USERPROFILE%\.gradle\gradle.properties
L348[12:52:31] <Akkarin> Well that's the same
L349[12:52:38] <Akkarin> unless somebody isn't aware of *NIX sanity
L350[12:52:59] <gigaherz> well ~/.gradle/ won't work on the windows run dialog
L351[12:53:06] <Akkarin> [19:52:39] <Akkarin> unless somebody isn't aware of *NIX sanity
L352[12:53:16] <gigaherz> the sanity isn't at question here
L353[12:53:17] <Akkarin> works in any ol' bash too obviously :P
L354[12:53:26] <gigaherz> fact is, a lot of people use (and prefer) windows
L355[12:53:42] <Akkarin> Uhh yes it is? Since being aware of NIX's ~ implies knowing where Windows version of the same concept is
L356[12:53:49] <gigaherz> no it does not
L357[12:54:06] <Akkarin> Unless you are incapable of adding 1 and 1
L358[12:54:08] <gigaherz> knowing ~ does not imply you know windows has an environment variable called USERPROFILE
L359[12:54:08] <Arctangent> Hrm, how would I go about making it so that undead mobs don't burn during the day if they're on a certain block?
L360[12:54:18] <gigaherz> or that env vars are expanded using %NAME%
L361[12:54:26] <Akkarin> which given code quality in the MC community isn't the worst thought but oh well
L362[12:54:54] <gigaherz> people may still be able to find it by clicking on their name in the explorer dropdown
L363[12:55:10] <gigaherz> but, that does not imply they know typing %USERPROFILE% in the run dialog, opens that folder
L364[12:55:23] <Akkarin> knowing ~ implies knowing that your user directory on Windows is going to be literally the same.
L365[12:55:37] <gigaherz> we'll have to agree to disagree ;P
L366[12:55:57] <gigaherz> (from experience. I learned about %USERPROFILE% years after i learned about ~)
L367[12:56:09] <gigaherz> anyhow
L368[12:56:12] <gigaherz> Arctangent: no idea
L369[12:56:24] <gigaherz> don't feel ignored, i just don't know ;P
L370[12:56:24] <Akkarin> I never said that you'd need to know that one? Especially when Windows' directory environment variables are retarded
L371[12:56:36] <Arctangent> There is the shouldBurnInDay method, but I'm just not really sure how to override it without causing potential issue.
L372[12:56:41] <Arctangent> s
L373[12:56:45] <Akkarin> inconvenient naming, idiotic spec to begin with since they aren't actually variable beyond the user dir point ...
L374[12:57:05] <gigaherz> ?
L375[12:57:43] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L376[12:58:54] <Arctangent> I guess one thing I could do is make it so that that the block spawns some sort of "miasma" above it when it gets ticked, so that that xz point just isn't exposed to the sky.
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L379[13:02:07] <Arctangent> Though hrnnn, I'd also like to make it so that mobs can always spawn on there, too, regardless of light level.
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L381[13:07:31] <Ordinastie> damn, I really don't understand this : http://puu.sh/sJNQ9.png :x
L382[13:07:51] <HassanS6000> Is there anyway to get an Entity to stop pushing others? Like somehow get rid of its bounding-box or something like that?
L383[13:08:18] <HassanS6000> From the server side
L384[13:08:19] <gigaherz> uhm not without also allowing it to fall through the floor, I think
L385[13:08:30] <gigaherz> unless you can make its bounding box have 0 height or something
L386[13:08:39] <HassanS6000> Is that possible?
L387[13:08:48] <gigaherz> dunno
L388[13:09:08] <gigaherz> the player's height changes, so maybe it's possible with any entitiy
L389[13:09:09] <gigaherz> no idea
L390[13:09:20] <McJty> You can have a bounding box of a very small height
L391[13:09:21] <McJty> That should work
L392[13:09:23] <diesieben07> Ordinastie, I do, you are using eclipse :P
L393[13:09:25] <McJty> But perfectly 0 I don't know
L394[13:09:33] <McJty> That might give calculation errors
L395[13:09:37] <HassanS6000> McJty: How would I go about accomplishing that?
L396[13:09:51] <McJty> There is a method in Block that you can override for the bounding box
L397[13:09:51] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, you know that joke gets old really fast
L398[13:10:07] <McJty> HassanS6000, addCollisionBoxToList
L399[13:10:07] <HassanS6000> I was talking about entities
L400[13:10:11] <McJty> Ah right
L401[13:10:14] <diesieben07> I still like it :P
L402[13:10:36] <McJty> HassanS6000, well getCollisionBoundingBox then
L403[13:10:39] <McJty> That's in Entity
L404[13:10:39] <diesieben07> And the fact that you don't shows how bitter you are about your ide :P :P
L405[13:10:42] * diesieben07 hides
L406[13:11:09] <Oblivion> https://gyazo.com/c01a01a2b12d235b819bedc25746a738, gradle is failing on decompileMC for me again.
L407[13:11:31] <HassanS6000> McJty: thanks I'll try it
L408[13:14:38] <HassanS6000> Oblivion: What's your build.gradle
L409[13:14:47] <HassanS6000> Or rather can you show your build.gradle lol
L410[13:15:01] <diesieben07> more like... actually show the full stack trace
L411[13:15:06] <diesieben07> that is just the boring part
L412[13:16:52] <Oblivion> diesieben07: http://pastebin.com/e0E7GELA
L413[13:17:32] <diesieben07> hrm
L414[13:17:33] <diesieben07> strange
L415[13:17:48] <Oblivion> HassanS6000: http://pastebin.com/jYNFVz3a
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L419[13:22:37] <HassanS6000> Oblivion: MC1.10.2 ForgeGradle:2.1? Isn't it 2.2?
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L421[13:23:47] <Ordinastie> it is
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L423[13:35:44] <Ordinastie> why is it, that every time I need to deal with git for a little more than commit and pull, it ends up being a massive headache and makes a dent to my sanity :x
L424[13:36:08] <diesieben07> will you kill me if i mention you should use intellij?
L425[13:36:12] * diesieben07 giggles
L426[13:36:51] <gigaherz> the joke does get old ;P
L427[13:36:52] <Ordinastie> so that headaches and sanity gets involved even when using only the IDE ?
L428[13:37:17] <gigaherz> IMO, integrated version control in IDEs is more trouble than it's worth
L429[13:37:30] <gigaherz> I very much prefer using TortoiseGit on an explorer window
L430[13:37:58] <gigaherz> the one thing I do like on IDEA, is the "annotate" option, which shows a blame sidebar ;P
L431[13:38:05] <gigaherz> but I don't have an use for that in modding, only at work
L432[13:38:24] <TechnicianLP> blame everybody!
L433[13:38:26] <Ordinastie> the problem is that a new feature from git is not yet supposed in egit
L434[13:38:36] <gigaherz> which feature?
L435[13:38:37] <Ordinastie> *supported
L436[13:38:40] <Ordinastie> worktress
L437[13:38:43] <Ordinastie> *worktrees
L438[13:38:45] <gigaherz> ah, yeah
L439[13:38:50] <gigaherz> tortoisegit doesn't support that either
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L441[13:39:03] <Ordinastie> so that wouldn't help
L442[13:40:49] <Ordinastie> but that means I dumped all my MalisisCore dupped local repos for nothing :x
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L446[13:43:37] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, tortoise a diff tool right ?
L447[13:43:46] <Ordinastie> wait, nvm, not worktree, I forgot
L448[13:44:00] <gigaherz> TortoiseUdiff is quite nice, but yeah no worktrees yet
L449[13:44:05] <gigaherz> they use libgit2
L450[13:44:14] <gigaherz> which hasn't got worktrees support yet
L451[13:44:34] <gigaherz> https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/pull/3436
L452[13:44:37] <Ordinastie> because not sure if I want that : http://puu.sh/sJPXO.png
L453[13:44:39] <gigaherz> libgit2 has an open PR
L454[13:44:45] <gigaherz> https://gitlab.com/tortoisegit/tortoisegit/merge_requests/62
L455[13:44:50] <gigaherz> and tgit has an open PR waiting for that PR
L456[13:45:01] <gigaherz> ewh
L457[13:46:27] <gigaherz> SourceTree appears to support worktree-linked trees
L458[13:46:56] <gigaherz> I don't like sourcetree, but anything is better than git gui
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L461[14:01:57] <Ordinastie> so, apparently, the default order of imports has changed in the new version of eclipse
L462[14:02:22] <Ordinastie> should I change the order in the options, or should I let them go through commits ?
L463[14:04:26] <AshIndigo_> (There should be a coin flip bot)
L464[14:05:54] <TechnicianLP> is there a method somewhere to draw a texture with u,v,maxu,maxv,width,height ? cant seem to finde one supporting the scaling
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L466[14:08:27] <diesieben07> TechnicianLP, https://git.io/v1wgj
L467[14:09:07] <TechnicianLP> guess that would work :) thx
L468[14:09:46] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo__ (~AshIndigo@
L469[14:10:13] <Ordinastie> omfg, thanks mojang for crushing my hopes again -_-
L470[14:11:24] <Ordinastie> so I found that method : World.updateObservingBlocksAt, and I'm happy because I'm think "nice, they added a way to have custom observer get notified of blockChange, that's cool"
L471[14:11:43] <Ordinastie> but then I look a the code : if (iblockstate.getBlock() == Blocks.OBSERVER)
L472[14:12:48] <Ordinastie> (I don't even know what that block is :x)
L473[14:13:03] <AshIndigo__> Have you tried botania?
L474[14:13:27] <AshIndigo__> Its like the ender overseer
L475[14:13:30] <Ordinastie> obviously not, I'm a modder
L476[14:13:33] <Ordinastie> modders don't play
L477[14:13:50] <Arctangent> The observer is a block that sends a redstone pulse whenever a block it's looking at changes.
L478[14:14:23] <Ordinastie> ah right
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L480[14:15:29] <Arctangent> I think it's useful for autofarms?
L481[14:16:13] <TechnicianLP> can be used for a lot of stuff - if one is into heavy redstone
L482[14:27:13] <HassanS6000> So I'm trying an entity to stop pushing me (a player
L483[14:27:20] <HassanS6000> from the server side
L484[14:27:30] <HassanS6000> I tried setting bounding box height to 0, but that didn't work
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L486[14:29:12] <McJty> Ordinastie, I do :-)
L487[14:29:40] <Ordinastie> you're a fraud!
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L491[14:32:40] <TechnicianLP> Hassan: did you look at which code is responsible for doing the pushing?
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L494[14:32:54] <Ordinastie> !mh notifyBlockOfStateChange
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L496[14:36:27] <Shambling> good evening everybody
L497[14:40:17] <AshIndigo__> Hi
L498[14:49:50] <HassanS6000> How to show bounding boxes again
L499[14:50:03] <Ordinastie> is it even worth bothering checking for null item before creating an itemStack anymore ?
L500[14:50:07] <TechnicianLP> f3+q
L501[14:50:12] <Ordinastie> +B
L502[14:50:22] <TechnicianLP> q = help ;)
L503[14:50:28] <HassanS6000> Thanks TechnicianLP
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L506[14:53:19] <HassanS6000> !gf ridingEntity 1.10.2
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L524[15:19:22] <Ordinastie> fuck, ItemStack.copy doesn't check for EMPTY :/
L525[15:19:52] <gigaherz> well it returns something that equates empty, though
L526[15:20:14] <Ordinastie> yeah, but maybe I don't want to multiply empty objects for nothing
L527[15:20:56] <gigaherz> yeah but, "if (stack.isEmpty) return EMPTY" would be unsafe
L528[15:21:05] <gigaherz> since people may do .setCount right after or such
L529[15:21:18] <Ordinastie> yes, that's an issue with my slots
L530[15:21:27] <Ordinastie> not sure if I should for EMPTY if stackSize = 0
L531[15:21:30] <Ordinastie> *foce
L532[15:21:31] <Ordinastie> *force
L533[15:21:36] * Ordinastie can do it
L534[15:21:39] <gigaherz> all my inventory code does
L535[15:21:49] <gigaherz> "if stack.getCount() <= 0" instead of .isEmpty
L536[15:22:01] <gigaherz> so far as I'm conerned, anything that doesn't have a count, is empty
L537[15:22:37] <gigaherz> mostly because calling isempty actively checks all the values instead of just reusing the isEmpty field value
L538[15:22:40] <Ordinastie> that shows mojang always half-ass everything
L539[15:23:25] <Ordinastie> what happens when someone will do setCount() on a received itemStack ?
L540[15:23:40] <Ordinastie> if passed itemStack is EMPTY
L541[15:23:44] <Ordinastie> you're fucked
L542[15:23:50] <gigaherz> sortof
L543[15:23:52] <gigaherz> because .getCount
L544[15:23:55] <gigaherz> ALWAYS RETURNS 0
L545[15:23:57] <gigaherz> if isEmpty
L546[15:24:11] <gigaherz> public int getCount() { return this.isEmpty ? 0 : this.stackSize; }
L547[15:24:19] <Ordinastie> the proper way of doing it would have been to have a custom implementation for EMPTY
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L549[15:24:36] <Ordinastie> ah
L550[15:24:42] <gigaherz> proper would be to make ItemStack immutable
L551[15:24:54] <gigaherz> and give it .withCount/.withMeta/.withNBT
L552[15:25:03] <gigaherz> which create new stacks
L553[15:25:27] <gigaherz> and eventually if java gets valuetypes, Itemstack could become a valuetype
L554[15:25:59] <diesieben07> lol if we have a minecraft still by thn
L555[15:26:25] <Ordinastie> so, what do I do with my copy() ?
L556[15:27:29] <gigaherz> no idea
L557[15:27:36] <gigaherz> yo ucan manually check for EMPTY or whatever
L558[15:27:37] <gigaherz> if you want
L559[15:29:20] <Ordinastie> it's the decompiler that names variables from their type, right ?
L560[15:29:42] <gigaherz> hm?¿
L561[15:29:43] <gigaherz> -¿
L562[15:29:58] <Ordinastie> I'm thinking about that : NonNullList<ItemStack> nonnulllist
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L570[16:10:18] <LexDesktop> yes
L571[16:10:30] ⇨ Joins: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net)
L572[16:10:30] <LexDesktop> its better then 'var#'
L573[16:11:16] <Ordinastie> sure, but I was wondering if some customization was possible
L574[16:11:45] <Ordinastie> like default variable names for some classes
L575[16:12:27] <LexDesktop> no
L576[16:12:32] <LexDesktop> well technically yes
L577[16:12:33] <LexDesktop> but no
L578[16:20:51] <barteks2x> wait, can I use GameRegistry.register to register my custom things that use the forge registry?
L579[16:21:12] <barteks2x> it compiles, but will it work?
L580[16:21:49] <shadowfacts> what happened to enforcing lowercase mod ids in 1.11?
L581[16:21:52] <gigaherz> yes barteks2x
L582[16:22:05] <gigaherz> it can register anything that implements IForgeRegistryEntry<T>
L583[16:22:18] <gigaherz> so long as you have initialized a registry for them
L584[16:22:38] <LexDesktop> shadow: they are
L585[16:23:33] <shadowfacts> Really?
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L587[16:23:40] <LexDesktop> should be yes
L588[16:23:51] <shadowfacts> I've got a mod with an uppercase ID that I ported to 1.11, a week and a half ago and I didn't have to change the mod id
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L591[16:24:07] <LexDesktop> try the RB
L592[16:24:10] <LexDesktop> it should be in that
L593[16:24:12] <shadowfacts> ah
L594[16:24:22] <LexDesktop> I held off doing it beause cpw wanted to deal with the registry stuff
L595[16:24:23] <shadowfacts> In that case, I should probably go update all my mods
L596[16:24:32] * LexDesktop THINKS he pushed it before doing a RB
L597[16:24:48] <LexDesktop> yes, yes you should
L598[16:24:52] <gigaherz> you should make the modid lowercase even if it isn't enforced
L599[16:24:53] <gigaherz> XD
L600[16:25:09] <LexDesktop> theres been a warning about it for months
L601[16:25:45] <shadowfacts> most of them are lowercase, ever since that change was announced
L602[16:25:55] <shadowfacts> but there are still a couple that I held off changing for fear of breaking worlds
L603[16:26:05] <shadowfacts> now I may break worlds anyways
L604[16:26:06] <shadowfacts> Oh well
L605[16:26:32] <shadowfacts> Is the FMLMissingMappings event fired for items/blocks that belong to nonexistent mods?
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L607[16:26:41] <LexDesktop> yes
L608[16:26:49] <LexDesktop> the point of the rb
L609[16:27:01] <LexDesktop> is to have modders try it out and come back to me with what they need for world porting
L610[16:27:07] <LexDesktop> because as it sits that SHOULD be enough
L611[16:27:16] <shadowfacts> awesome
L612[16:27:38] * LexDesktop plans on doing another RB next week {or updating the current one} with things modders need
L613[16:27:43] <LexDesktop> IF modders get back to me
L614[16:28:06] <gigaherz> I haven't found anything on any of my mods, that I couldn't fix with just FMLMissingMappingEvent
L615[16:28:14] <gigaherz> and registerTileEntityWithAlternatives
L616[16:28:30] <gigaherz> w.r.t. changing my names to snake_case
L617[16:29:00] <barteks2x> RegistryEvent needs @SubscribeEvent, right?
L618[16:29:07] <gigaherz> yes
L619[16:29:28] <gigaherz> and if you plan on using @Mod.EventBusSubscriber, it also needs to be static
L620[16:29:38] <gigaherz> but that applies to any event
L621[16:30:39] <LexDesktop> ya as thats just a shortcut for registereing it on the bus at init time
L622[16:31:03] <shadowfacts> Erm...
L623[16:31:13] <shadowfacts> I can launch 1.11 fine with an uppercase modid
L624[16:31:25] <shadowfacts> with the latest Forge build
L625[16:31:38] <barteks2x> I haven't really used registry events before, if I wouldn't use @Mod.EventBusSubscriber, I would need to register my class to event bus... before registry events?
L626[16:31:55] <gigaherz> yup
L627[16:31:57] <gigaherz> in your constructor
L628[16:32:10] <gigaherz> public YourMod() { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); }
L629[16:32:18] <gigaherz> or
L630[16:32:26] <gigaherz> public YourMod() { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(YourMod.class); }
L631[16:32:35] <gigaherz> the former works for instance events
L632[16:32:38] <gigaherz> the latter for class events
L633[16:32:45] <gigaherz> (statics)
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L635[16:33:21] <shadowfacts> I'll go ahead and change all the modids anyway, but I thought you should know that they aren't actually being enforced, Lex
L636[16:33:44] <Ordinastie> it's tied to the pack version iirc
L637[16:33:48] <barteks2x> are vanilla biomes initialized during registry events? (not necessarily registered, just initilized, is it safe to reference Biome.SOME_BIOME)
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L640[16:34:47] <gigaherz> I don't think so
L641[16:35:03] <gigaherz> vanilla stuff tends to be done somewhere around init
L642[16:35:09] <barteks2x> urgh... that complicates things... a lot
L643[16:35:23] <gigaherz> sec
L644[16:35:47] *** mezz__ is now known as mezz
L645[16:35:47] <gigaherz> Bootstrap.register() is called in the Minecraft class constructor
L646[16:36:27] <LexDesktop> humm seems i never pushed that, must of been on my local branch
L647[16:36:36] <LexDesktop> either way pushed the exploding code
L648[16:37:11] <gigaherz> barteks2x: it happens to run before
L649[16:37:28] <gigaherz> so you shoudl be able to reference them
L650[16:37:31] <gigaherz> but not sure if it's a good idea
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L652[16:37:35] <gigaherz> even if it works
L653[16:37:55] <shadowfacts> ayy, time for things to go boom
L654[16:38:04] <barteks2x> I need to somehow be able to specify which cubic chunks bioe is for which vanilla biome
L655[16:38:12] <barteks2x> *biome
L656[16:38:13] <gigaherz> can't you use registry names?
L657[16:38:28] <barteks2x> I could but then I don't have type checking for free
L658[16:38:31] <gigaherz> new CubicBiome(cubicbiomename, vanillaBiomeName, ...)
L659[16:38:41] <gigaherz> ah
L660[16:39:20] <gigaherz> what about mod cubic biomes?
L661[16:39:34] <gigaherz> is registering cubic biomes for modded vanilla-style biomes
L662[16:40:00] <barteks2x> these would need to be registered by some mod, if they aren't - I would use default things for unregistered biome
L663[16:40:34] <barteks2x> I already can't check if the biome given is registered in constructor becaus ethey may not be registred at that time
L664[16:41:28] <barteks2x> so I will need to check if all biomes are registered in init/postInit
L665[16:41:56] <shadowfacts> Huh, I lowercased the mod id and the world loaded fine
L666[16:42:19] <gigaherz> doens't forge lowercase the regsitry names?
L667[16:42:24] <shadowfacts> TIL
L668[16:42:26] <gigaherz> loading worls should work just fine
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L670[16:43:34] <barteks2x> I will just set a breakpoint and see when biomes are initialized... if biomes are really initialized by vanilla before my registration event - I will just reference them in that event
L671[16:44:50] <barteks2x> what... idea compiler freaked out and can't see my classes
L672[16:45:04] <barteks2x> or javac
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L674[16:45:25] MineBot sets mode: +v on mezz
L675[16:46:15] <barteks2x> http://i.imgur.com/p1M3151.png the package is there, but it says it's not there
L676[16:46:52] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, see, IDEA ^
L677[16:47:16] <barteks2x> I don't want to imagine how many problems I would have with eclipse then
L678[16:47:34] <Ordinastie> none
L679[16:47:36] * diesieben07 dances
L680[16:48:05] <Ordinastie> you will notice every day there is at least someone complaining that something doesn't work in IDEA
L681[16:48:58] <barteks2x> nobody complains about netbeans too...
L682[16:49:36] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: you'll notice it's almost always barteks2x
L683[16:49:40] <gigaherz> that complains about IDEA
L684[16:49:44] <gigaherz> the rest of us are happy about it
L685[16:49:44] <gigaherz> XD
L686[16:49:49] <Ordinastie> not true
L687[16:49:55] <barteks2x> I have problems with everything
L688[16:51:11] <barteks2x> I actually had the least amount of problems with netbeans when I still used it, but it was slow and required special gradle run task
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L691[16:54:55] <Matthew> humm did something break with forgedev recently? It worked before, I pulled latest git changes, and now this: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: @Nonnull method net/minecraft/util/registry/RegistryNamespacedDefaultedByKey.getObject must not return null
L692[16:55:43] <diesieben07> you have to disable the nonnull checks in intellij
L693[16:55:47] <barteks2x> full rebuild fixed the issue, somehow
L694[16:55:49] <diesieben07> there are violations to the annotations in places :/
L695[16:56:14] <Matthew> ohh intellij is doing hard crashes now? interesting...
L696[16:56:27] <diesieben07> it always did
L697[16:56:33] <diesieben07> by default it generates checks for @Nonnull
L698[16:56:41] <barteks2x> but... how?
L699[16:56:49] <diesieben07> it compiles the code :D
L700[16:56:53] <diesieben07> it can do whatever it wantss to it
L701[16:57:04] <diesieben07> although that should not happen with the MDK
L702[16:57:08] <Matthew> interesting
L703[16:57:08] <diesieben07> since forge is a jar file there
L704[16:57:34] <Ordinastie> well, he said forgedev
L705[16:57:43] <diesieben07> ah yeah
L706[16:58:07] <Matthew> hmm all of the nonnull intellij inspections are set to warning level, not error
L707[16:58:15] <Matthew> is it somewhere else in the settings?
L708[16:58:17] <diesieben07> thats just in soruce code
L709[16:58:18] <diesieben07> yes
L710[16:58:19] <diesieben07> once sec
L711[16:58:56] <diesieben07> Settings > Built, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Add runtime assertions for not-null...
L712[16:58:59] <diesieben07> *Build
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L714[17:01:27] <Matthew> cool that worked. had to manually wipe out the build dir, it wasn't smart enough to rebuild the classes
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L718[17:05:34] <diesieben07> someone should probably make a PR to fix this... i might do that
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L720[17:10:42] <barteks2x> so cubic chunks biome registration looks like this currently: CubicBiome.forBiome(Biomes.PLAINS).defaults().register();
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L727[17:33:50] <barteks2x> is there some way to check if something is registered already?
L728[17:34:23] <tterrag> can't you get the registry for an obejct and do a reverse lookup?
L729[17:35:09] <barteks2x> the name "reverse lookup" doesn't tell me much here...
L730[17:35:35] <barteks2x> I have the registry, there is containsKey but not containsValue or something like that
L731[17:36:13] <Ordinastie> but if it's already registered, it's registry name is set, and it's a key in the registry
L732[17:36:48] <barteks2x> if registry name is not set, is it null or what?
L733[17:37:09] <Ordinastie> look at the implementations ?
L734[17:37:38] <diesieben07> IForgeRegistry HAS containsValue
L735[17:38:23] <barteks2x> RegistryNamespaced doesn't
L736[17:38:40] <barteks2x> which is Biome.REGISTRY type
L737[17:39:40] <Ordinastie> cast it
L738[17:40:05] <diesieben07> no, don't.
L739[17:40:12] <diesieben07> ForgeRegistries.BIOMES
L740[17:41:45] <barteks2x> I would have never found it, why Biome.REGISTRY is there then?
L741[17:41:57] <diesieben07> because that is a vanilla field.
L742[17:46:25] <barteks2x> can I assume that biome has a registry name even before it's registered and use it's registry name as my cubic biome registry name?
L743[17:47:06] <diesieben07> Nope.
L744[17:48:00] <barteks2x> this assumption is mostly for vanilla biomes, for mod biomes I can just require that it is this way to register cubic chunks biome for that type
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L746[17:48:45] <barteks2x> it would make checking if a given biome has cubic chunks biome registered much easier
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L748[17:50:49] <diesieben07> the chance of it being true for mod biomes is much higher
L749[17:50:58] <diesieben07> but for vanilla biomes you cannot call getRegistryName before it's registered.
L750[17:51:18] <barteks2x> vanilla biomes are registered at the time my registry event is fired
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L752[17:51:33] <barteks2x> so for vanilla biome this problem doesn't exist
L753[17:51:44] <diesieben07> then what the heck is your problem?
L754[17:52:01] <barteks2x> nevermind, I didn't think enough before asking
L755[17:56:19] <primetoxinz> any easy way to test if a structure is in a chunk?
L756[17:56:32] <primetoxinz> like a nether fortress
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L758[17:58:22] <gigaherz> the dimension has a structure list, iirc
L759[17:58:24] <gigaherz> dunno hwo to get to it
L760[17:58:35] <barteks2x> it may be possible to test if it would generate at that position if you generated new world with that seed, but I don't think there really is a way to check if it actually is there
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L762[17:59:18] <primetoxinz> MapNetherBridge specifically has a isInsideStructure, but that's just a BlockPos... was hoping to not have to loop through the entire chunk to find it
L763[18:01:06] <barteks2x> there is also canSpawnStructureAtCoords but that's protected and only for structure start
L764[18:02:32] <primetoxinz> oh, there is Long2ObjectMap in MapGenStructure
L765[18:02:45] <primetoxinz> saves the chunks there
L766[18:03:01] <primetoxinz> also protected...
L767[18:03:12] <diesieben07> reflection to the rescue
L768[18:03:20] <barteks2x> if you are ok with accessing private/protected data, you can do it the same way as isInsideStructure does it but for chunk coords
L769[18:03:31] <primetoxinz> already have an AT :P might as well use it
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L771[18:03:47] <diesieben07> eww at :(
L772[18:03:51] <barteks2x> you would just need to check if a the bounding box intersects chunk bounding box
L773[18:04:07] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, damn it, didn't have time to write "AT bitching incoming"
L774[18:04:14] <primetoxinz> the reflection would have to call every time a mob tries to spawn though, wouldn't that be slower ?
L775[18:04:25] <diesieben07> reflection access is actually pretty fast
L776[18:04:37] <barteks2x> if you use Methodhandle it's just as fast as normal field access/method call
L777[18:04:39] <diesieben07> if you don't do stupid shit like call getDeclaredField *every time*
L778[18:04:40] <diesieben07> also that
L779[18:04:45] <primetoxinz> true
L780[18:04:45] <barteks2x> but I think method handle is only java7
L781[18:04:51] <diesieben07> but only do that if you can actually verify that you have a performance problem with reflection
L782[18:05:25] <primetoxinz> would totally get rid of the AT if it weren't for private classes...
L783[18:05:51] <diesieben07> that... you don't need an AT for that...
L784[18:05:58] <hipsterpig> what's wrong with ATs?
L785[18:06:02] <Ordinastie> nothing
L786[18:06:03] <diesieben07> the only reason you *really* need an AT is if you need to override something when it's private
L787[18:06:05] <diesieben07> ATs are coremods.
L788[18:06:15] <diesieben07> that's wrong with them
L789[18:06:21] <hipsterpig> you don't need to be a coremod to use ATs
L790[18:06:25] <diesieben07> well, no
L791[18:06:28] <diesieben07> but they are still modifying classes
L792[18:06:46] <diesieben07> which sucks, in my opinion
L793[18:06:51] <diesieben07> especially if there are alternatives
L794[18:06:56] <diesieben07> it's just a way too large hammer
L795[18:07:00] <Ordinastie> and it's so much more wrong that modifying the class after it's loaded
L796[18:07:04] <hipsterpig> ah wells, they all run at runtime anyways and sadly people are used to long startup time for moddeed
L797[18:07:10] <barteks2x> so is forge. I use ATs only because I'm doing worse hacks anyway and I want my code to be readable
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L799[18:07:16] <hipsterpig> ^
L800[18:07:19] <hipsterpig> same here barteks2x
L801[18:07:25] <hipsterpig> especially with all the rendering hackery I do
L802[18:07:35] <hipsterpig> I don't wanna reflect or store a reference to every field/method I use
L803[18:07:38] * diesieben07 waves hands in frustration
L804[18:07:41] <hipsterpig> that's private in RenderGlobal
L805[18:07:51] <primetoxinz> diesieben07, how would you extend a private class with reflection? lol
L806[18:08:03] <diesieben07> thats what i said above :P
L807[18:08:14] <diesieben07> that is kidna the only use-case i see for ATs
L808[18:08:22] <primetoxinz> that is the reason I still have one
L809[18:08:31] <hipsterpig> what, private classes?
L810[18:08:34] <primetoxinz> yeah
L811[18:08:44] <tterrag> barteks2x: NOOO
L812[18:08:48] <hipsterpig> meh it makes my life easier >_> I have all of render global public
L813[18:09:11] <hipsterpig> also when FML supported modloader every class was ATed to be public anwyays
L814[18:09:16] <hipsterpig> no one complained about that back then
L815[18:09:18] <diesieben07> haha lol
L816[18:09:22] <diesieben07> that was so broken
L817[18:09:33] <diesieben07> that was only in for a few builds iirc
L818[18:09:37] <diesieben07> because it broke a lot of stuff
L819[18:09:42] <hipsterpig> no that was for several MC versions
L820[18:09:47] <diesieben07> really? :O
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L822[18:09:51] <hipsterpig> for whatever FML that had modloader support
L823[18:10:04] <tterrag> does java's Matcher really not have a method for "did you just find a match" ?
L824[18:10:08] <tterrag> I don't have access to the result of find()
L825[18:10:09] <barteks2x> I remember that time, my first private modpack
L826[18:10:48] <barteks2x> or it was earlier? Not sure
L827[18:11:02] <hipsterpig> it was back then too that thaumcraft was going off the assumption that everything was public because it was
L828[18:11:07] <hipsterpig> I had a conversation with azanor about it
L829[18:11:12] <hipsterpig> I still distinctively remember it
L830[18:11:38] <Ordinastie> tterrag, named groups ?
L831[18:11:46] <tterrag> Ordinastie: no, I mean a whole match
L832[18:12:01] <tterrag> a recursive call has done .find() I need to do .hasMatch() (which doesn't exist)
L833[18:12:40] <Ordinastie> java's regex is weird to sue
L834[18:12:41] <Ordinastie> *use
L835[18:15:01] <gigaherz> cant you just check if .groupCount() is > 0 ?
L836[18:15:04] <Ordinastie> now, everytime I need to regex something I name the groups, way easier
L837[18:15:37] <Ordinastie> then it's just if(find()) stuff = matcher.group("name");
L838[18:16:02] <gigaherz> ah no, it returns the number of capturing groups
L839[18:16:09] <gigaherz> not including group 0 which is the find result
L840[18:16:54] <barteks2x> If I have that custom registry, and create world with that, and then load that world with something from that registry removed, will forge warn me the same way as with missing blocks?
L841[18:17:56] <gigaherz> there was some issue about it, but I have no idea what the status is
L842[18:18:51] <barteks2x> well, when I try to register my cubic chunks biomes using registry names I take from normal biomes, forge smaps me with "Dangerous alternative prefix" warnings
L843[18:19:20] <barteks2x> if I register them with different registry name, then they will change when the mod that adds them adds cubic chunks support...
L844[18:20:37] <barteks2x> I know that normally registering something as "minecraft:whatever" is a bad idea but here it does make sense...
L845[18:21:42] <Ordinastie> why not use your modid ?
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L847[18:22:09] <barteks2x> i could replace minecraft but I can't replace it for other mode because then the registry name would change after mod adds support for cubic chunks
L848[18:22:12] <tterrag> gigaherz: sadface https://github.com/tterrag1098/Advent2016/blob/master/src/com/tterrag/advent2016/Day09.java#L51
L849[18:22:30] <tterrag> only other solutions were A) make the return an int/bool tuple, or B) refactor to be iterative
L850[18:22:37] <tterrag> it already got the right answer....so I didn't feel like rewriting
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L852[18:22:46] <barteks2x> what... I did it without regex
L853[18:22:59] <tterrag> sure, you could also do that :)
L854[18:23:18] <tterrag> if matcher only had the method I want, the solution would be very pretty
L855[18:23:25] <tterrag> as it stands, it's rather nice looking, but the trycatch is an eyesore
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L858[18:24:48] <barteks2x> but your way it also actually shorter
L859[18:25:08] <tterrag> yeah
L860[18:25:14] <tterrag> would be 2 lines less so if Matcher made any dang sense
L861[18:25:15] <tterrag> :P
L862[18:26:10] <tterrag> really though, Matcher lends itself alright to recursive use, but there's the everpresent issue of it being a unidirectional read. I need to be able to "rewind" the matcher
L863[18:26:15] <Ordinastie> that doesn't look right
L864[18:26:20] <tterrag> Ordinastie: it is though :D
L865[18:27:11] <barteks2x> anyway, I'm not sure what to do with that: use the minecraft/other mods' modid in resource location and have forge complain, or replace it with cubicchunks and have the registry change after mod adds support for cubicchunks?
L866[18:27:33] <LexDesktop> ?
L867[18:27:53] <barteks2x> I have a custom cubic chunks biome registry that will be exposed to other mods
L868[18:27:57] <Ordinastie> tterrag, I'm not questioning your result as I don't do it, but the code doesn't look good
L869[18:28:02] <LexDesktop> yes, and?
L870[18:28:07] <barteks2x> but I also need to do somethign with unregistered biomes
L871[18:28:11] <tterrag> Ordinastie: what's bad about it :P
L872[18:28:21] <barteks2x> so I want to automatically register them with default settings in postInit
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L874[18:28:41] <barteks2x> but when I do that using the vanilla biome registry name, forge complains
L875[18:28:48] <LexDesktop> why are they different then the vanilal biomes?
L876[18:28:48] <barteks2x> about "Dangerous alternative prefix"
L877[18:29:02] <barteks2x> they are kidn fo wrappers around vanilla biomes
L878[18:29:17] <Ordinastie> tterrag, I'd ask for the assignement if I wasn't going to bed
L879[18:29:22] <barteks2x> They provide additional cubic chunks behavior for biomes
L880[18:29:25] <tterrag> Ordinastie: adventofcode.com
L881[18:29:41] <barteks2x> like special algorithm for biome top block replacement, or biome decorators
L882[18:31:41] <barteks2x> so ideally I would like to register them to my custom forge registry using the vanilla/modded biome registry name
L883[18:32:16] <barteks2x> But I also don't like the idea of spamming the log with hundreds of big warnings
L884[18:34:01] <Ordinastie> tterrag, yeah, I sure it could be way prettier
L885[18:34:07] <tterrag> Ordinastie: probably
L886[18:34:12] <tterrag> give it a shot maybe :D
L887[18:34:24] <tterrag> private leaderboard code 69681-68ca3fdc
L888[18:34:39] <Ordinastie> going to bed though
L889[18:34:58] <Ordinastie> leaderboard is on speed, right ? not prettyness
L890[18:35:15] <tterrag> yes, but only as a tiebreaker
L891[18:35:26] <tterrag> first person to get their most recent star breaks ties
L892[18:35:33] <tterrag> only 2 people on there right now have all the stars :P
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L895[18:37:43] <barteks2x> I generally don't like speed-based things when timezones are involved :(
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L905[18:50:28] <barteks2x> I still don't know what would be a good way to handle my problem
L906[18:52:51] <Ordinastie> tterrag, I guess guava is forbidden ?
L907[18:54:12] <Ordinastie> also, do you have inputs to test ?
L908[18:54:56] <tterrag> Ordinastie: you can use whatever you want, the point is fun & learning
L909[18:55:01] <tterrag> inputs are on the site
L910[18:55:11] <Ordinastie> just the examples provided ?
L911[18:55:15] <tterrag> no
L912[18:55:29] <tterrag> there's a link
L913[18:55:32] <tterrag> to a text file
L914[18:56:12] <Ordinastie> need to be auth to see it ?
L915[18:56:24] <tterrag> don't think so
L916[18:56:37] <tterrag> oh, yes
L917[18:56:55] <barteks2x> there really is no way to bypass that big forge warning when setting registry name it doesn't like...
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L919[18:57:48] <LexDesktop> you shouldnt need to as you shouldnt be registereing shit for other mods.
L920[18:58:12] <LexDesktop> but meh, no idea what you're doing, why not just make the registry optional and where its used wrap instead?
L921[18:58:40] <barteks2x> I could but then I would have a binch of unregistered cubic chunks biomes in worldgen code
L922[18:59:23] <LexDesktop> and?
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L924[19:00:51] <Ordinastie> tterrag, mind sending it ?
L925[19:00:55] <barteks2x> I will probably go that way but I don't really like that approach as I have to dynamically create CubicBiome objects that aren't registered anywhere. At this point I can as well use a Map<ResourceLocation, CubicBiome> instead
L926[19:01:00] <tterrag> Ordinastie: input is different for everyone
L927[19:01:04] <Ordinastie> oh
L928[19:01:04] <tterrag> just auth with github...
L929[19:01:20] <LexDesktop> well you're already a coremod
L930[19:01:21] <Ordinastie> well, send me yours then
L931[19:01:26] <LexDesktop> why make it a registry at all?
L932[19:01:45] <Ordinastie> (and your working solution :p)
L933[19:01:46] <tterrag> Ordinastie: why not just log in
L934[19:01:50] <Ordinastie> meh
L935[19:01:53] <barteks2x> so that mods that eventally want to be cubic chunks compatible can register their biomes in RegistryEvent
L936[19:02:12] <LexDesktop> Possible, or they could use some other api
L937[19:02:40] <LexDesktop> and I dont think any mods will go out of their way to be compat, but meh.
L938[19:03:04] <barteks2x> I could make my own compat mods for other mods, but that would be another hack
L939[19:03:21] <barteks2x> there definitely will be mods that specifically target cubic chunks for worldgen
L940[19:03:26] <LexDesktop> its alkready a million hacks
L941[19:05:00] <barteks2x> I will probably go with dynamically generating CubicBiomes for unregistered biomes in worldgen code, as this is so far the only place that needs them
L942[19:05:56] <barteks2x> And I don't think my mod has more hacks than forge itself. In both cases hacks are needed to get things working.
L943[19:06:27] <LexDesktop> if you come anywhere near the number of hacks forge has in it
L944[19:06:33] <LexDesktop> you're doing somehting majorly wrong
L945[19:06:44] <LexDesktop> but Forge's core design is to do the hackls
L946[19:06:48] <LexDesktop> so modders dont have to
L947[19:07:09] <LexDesktop> So your 'but your is more hacky then mine!' argument is void
L948[19:07:39] <barteks2x> well, getting any kind of patches into forge that would make my hack unnecessary have essentially zero chance of being accepted
L949[19:08:49] <barteks2x> most of them would be breaking changes, and all of them would be needed only for that one mod
L950[19:09:02] <LexDesktop> yup
L951[19:09:18] <LexDesktop> which again is why modders will probably never use your mod/be compatible with it.
L952[19:09:30] <LexDesktop> so your registry/whatever isnt gunna be used
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L954[19:10:03] <barteks2x> at this point I accept it's my job of making stuff compatible, but if I don't provide any way to be compatible, there is no way something will be compatible. If I do provide a way, then there is at least a chance
L955[19:10:05] <LexDesktop> your best bet is to make a thin/simple API that modders can implement in like 2 lines of code. Any more then that and it's not gunna work.
L956[19:10:46] <barteks2x> at least I can say "here is API you can implement/use to be compatible"
L957[19:12:20] <Ordinastie> tterrag, thats my version : https://gist.github.com/Ordinastie/3c2b4b0a1676103cb3d1383779e7c709#file-day9-java-L20-L39
L958[19:12:25] <Ordinastie> going to bed now :p
L959[19:12:28] <barteks2x> I even made it possible to keep vanilla worldgen untouched in special world type, with that really the only thing mods would need to change is hardcoded height limits, and maybe a few hacky things they do
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L961[19:20:19] <tterrag> Ordinastie: that's only part 1
L962[19:20:25] <tterrag> you can't do part 2 like that
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L968[19:49:11] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/zUb2B68D my current issue with this is getting this to generate like flowers on the surface (currently sticks everthing underground .-.)
L969[19:49:19] <Eragonn1490> anyone see anything i could change?
L970[19:50:59] <barteks2x> you would need to check if you are trying to spawn it on the surface?
L971[19:51:22] <barteks2x> this: (!worldIn.provider.getHasNoSky() || blockpos.getY() < worldIn.getHeight() - 1)) doesn't make sense to me
L972[19:52:25] <barteks2x> it checks if the world has sky, or if it doesn't - if the blocks is below max world height
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L974[19:56:05] <gigaherz> maybe to prevent mushrooms spawning on top of the nether roof?
L975[19:56:25] <Eragonn1490> most of that is copied from worldGenBush
L976[19:56:45] <Eragonn1490> only thing i took away was can.sustainBlock because im sending in a specifc state instead of the block
L977[20:00:50] <barteks2x> well, the canSustainBlock is what made it not generate below surface
L978[20:01:07] <barteks2x> so you removed the single check that made it do what you want
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L995[20:52:41] <barteks2x> argh, biome registry instead of biome array makes writing my worldgen code much harder...
L996[20:53:05] <gigaherz> why so?
L997[20:53:19] <barteks2x> Well, not harder by itself, it's har dot make it fast with it
L998[20:53:22] <gigaherz> also, you can build an array right before you start generating
L999[20:53:43] <barteks2x> I need to be able to quickly get ID from a biome to map it to biome block replacer
L1000[20:54:00] <barteks2x> it has to be done quickly for every single generated block
L1001[20:54:24] <tterrag> so cach eit
L1002[20:54:34] <tterrag> registry is frozen during generation
L1003[20:54:47] <barteks2x> where would I cache it...?
L1004[20:55:25] <tterrag> yourself? statically?
L1005[20:55:56] <tterrag> there is still an id internally, cache in an array by that for quick access
L1006[20:56:23] <barteks2x> Each cubic biome has list of biome block replacer providers, which can create biome block replaced with given config. The problem is getting from biome to the (already created) list of biome block replacers
L1007[20:56:55] <gigaherz> do you ahve the biome by id, or by class?
L1008[20:57:06] <barteks2x> by class
L1009[20:57:14] <barteks2x> because IDs are mostly gone now
L1010[20:57:30] <gigaherz> so your real issue is Biome->Replacer
L1011[20:57:34] <gigaherz> not getting IDs
L1012[20:57:43] <barteks2x> well, yes
L1013[20:57:53] <tterrag> why not cache in an identity map?
L1014[20:57:58] <tterrag> lookup by Biome, get replacer
L1015[20:58:14] <tterrag> fast as it gets for non-array accesses
L1016[20:58:21] <barteks2x> aside of noise generation, this is the most performance critical part of worldgen
L1017[20:58:26] <gigaherz> you can keep the last known one
L1018[20:58:32] <gigaherz> chances are two adjacent blocks will share a biome
L1019[20:59:00] <tterrag> how is that helpful?
L1020[20:59:29] <barteks2x> actually, i could add yet another array alongside biome array I get from generator and do the mapping for each x/z coord instead of for each block position
L1021[20:59:39] <tterrag> well, duh
L1022[20:59:43] <tterrag> biomes don't change vertically :P
L1023[20:59:49] <barteks2x> yet
L1024[21:00:21] <barteks2x> this is planned, but making it not slow will be hard
L1025[21:00:33] <gigaherz> wait, couldn't you keep the replacer providers in the biome somehow?
L1026[21:00:53] <gigaherz> or are those vanilla biomes?
L1027[21:00:57] <barteks2x> I do, but replacer provider is supposed to ponly initially create the replacer
L1028[21:01:12] <gigaherz> it really sounds to me like the replacers should be directly accessiblethrough a field in the biome
L1029[21:01:25] <barteks2x> it would be ideal, but they can be configirable
L1030[21:01:37] <barteks2x> and configiration can be different for each world
L1031[21:01:53] <tterrag> can you make it clear where *exactly* your critical performance issue is
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L1033[21:03:24] <barteks2x> well, maybe it's not as bad as I think it is. There are 2 parts: one that generates noise values and second that palces blocks. Biome block replacers decide what blocks go where
L1034[21:03:46] <barteks2x> based on given position, density gradient and density values (generated from noise generator)
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L1036[21:05:34] <barteks2x> And in that part, doing almost anything non-trivial increases world generation time
L1037[21:05:48] <tterrag> so you need an easy biome->replacer lookup?
L1038[21:05:54] <tterrag> why is that not just biome.getReplacer() ?
L1039[21:06:03] <barteks2x> because they can be per-world
L1040[21:06:22] <barteks2x> so I would need per-world biomes first
L1041[21:06:51] <tterrag> so...biome.getReplacer(world) ?
L1042[21:07:06] <barteks2x> and how would that get the replacer?
L1043[21:07:45] <tterrag> however it wants?
L1044[21:08:11] <barteks2x> I don't think storing world related state in biomes is a good idea
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L1046[21:08:46] <tterrag> then HOW is it supposed to be per-world
L1047[21:09:26] <barteks2x> It's actually per-world-generator, ideally world generator by itself should be able to do the mapping from biome to replaces, after it initially creates them from providers
L1048[21:09:33] <barteks2x> I think I made it too complicated...
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L1051[21:11:09] <tterrag> just the fact that you can't explain your own system tells me that
L1052[21:11:29] <barteks2x> Ok, so I will try to explain it from the beginning
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L1054[21:13:42] <barteks2x> First I have Cubic Biomes, which are registered for each normal biome, and contain BiomeBlockReplacerProvider list and BiomeDecorator list. A single BiomeBlockReplacer can replace block based on position and density+density gradient. They start with air block, then there is replacer for terrain shape (stone), for top block (dirt/grass) and for ocean block. Each of them may have some configirable per-world values, so
L1055[21:13:43] <barteks2x> biomes only have providers for them that create new replacers for given config and world
L1056[21:15:18] <barteks2x> And what I want is to get from vanilla biome I get from world generator to cubic biome and the replacer for that world, that I would store somewhere
L1057[21:15:25] <barteks2x> *biome generator
L1058[21:15:48] <AshIndigo_> !gm func_176206_d 1.10.2
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L1060[21:16:21] <AshIndigo_> !gm func_71410_x
L1061[21:16:30] <barteks2x> I'm almost sure I wouldn't understand this explanation if I didn't write myself... but I'm not good at explaining stuff in simple way
L1062[21:17:13] <tterrag> barteks2x: right, so
L1063[21:17:32] <tterrag> while generating a world, instead of doing biome->cubic biome->replacer provider->replacer
L1064[21:17:40] <tterrag> could you not just cache the result of that into a biome->replacer map ?
L1065[21:18:53] <barteks2x> that's what I want to make: the biome-> replacer map. I initially wanted to make it a simple lookup array based on biome ID,,. but since biome ID is no longer a field in biome, it probably isn't going to be that fast
L1066[21:19:49] <barteks2x> so what I need to do now, is add another array into my biome source class. I currently map from vanilla biomes to cubic biomes (I already have map for that)
L1067[21:20:03] <barteks2x> no idea how fast/slow would that be
L1068[21:22:05] <barteks2x> what I wanted to do was a bit different, I wanted to just use that lookup array each time I wanted to find out what block would be at given position
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L1070[21:32:58] <tterrag> barteks2x: as I said first off, you can still get an int id from a biome
L1071[21:33:08] <tterrag> however, an identity map is going to be just about as fast
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L1073[21:34:51] <barteks2x> At this point, just my worldgen code could be a mod on it's own
L1074[21:36:06] <barteks2x> I really need to find a way to somplify it all...
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L1082[22:01:56] <barteks2x> it works :D so after 2 days if changing stuff I'm exactly where I started, but with biome registry
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L1093[22:44:39] <killjoy> There are some creative skinners out there. http://imgur.com/a/oHCsH
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L1095[22:44:47] <killjoy> ^it's a pig
L1096[22:45:08] <killjoy> also a pony
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L1100[23:18:17] <Umbraco> are there any tutorials or such around on how to add an item capability to an item stack?
L1101[23:20:05] <killjoy> Shouldn't those go on the item?
L1102[23:22:03] <Umbraco> well yes, I am doing stuff in my item class
L1103[23:22:12] <Umbraco> kind of got it to work
L1104[23:22:43] <Umbraco> but for some reason, data is lost when syncing between server and client
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L1106[23:25:36] <killjoy1> I love windows 10
L1107[23:25:48] <killjoy1> when my network card stops working, it automatically resets it.
L1108[23:26:36] <mezz|finals> there's something a little bit sad about the state of the world when that's a feature, but it does sound useful
L1109[23:27:30] <killjoy1> I would prefer it to not break at all, but I'll take what I can get
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