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L1[00:01:44] <barteks2x> I don't see any other explanation of what I see in debugger
L2[00:01:44] <tterrag> accidentally?
L3[00:01:45] <tterrag> no
L4[00:02:59] <barteks2x> wait... it is possible
L5[00:03:18] <barteks2x> My duplicate check was wrong
L6[00:03:55] <barteks2x> but now I have no idea hiow to actually detect it
L7[00:04:00] <barteks2x> in code before it happens
L8[00:04:14] <barteks2x> to see where it comes from
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L13[00:25:31] <barteks2x> I figured it out... it had all properties of race condition, but in one thread
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L16[00:51:56] <barteks2x> ... internal server stopped for no reason
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L39[01:59:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160921 mappings to Forge Maven.
L40[01:59:52] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160921-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160921" in build.gradle).
L41[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L88[06:07:07] <Koward> I have one variant per wood type, using BlockPlanks.EnumType. I want to add one variant for my new custom wood type. Should I just add one stack to getSubBlocks and do other appropriate changes or will that break (maybe a metadata shift ?) if Mojang adds new Wood types ?
L89[06:08:56] <Koward> (reverse situation with my woods set to the first metadata values would lead to breaking when I add new wood types, which is not better, you get the idea)
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L145[10:37:23] <PaleoCrafter> PitchBright, around?
L146[10:37:52] <PitchBright> o/
L147[10:39:01] <PaleoCrafter> 1) congrats for winning the competition 2) do you have a favicon-ready version of the anvil handy, perhaps? :P
L148[10:39:41] <PitchBright> Thanks. I can whip one up for ya.
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L151[10:40:45] <Tazz> yay we have proper register allocation :D
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L153[10:41:09] <Tazz> well kinda proper XD
L154[10:41:19] <Tazz> its still the crummy lsra that I had before XD
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L157[10:50:31] <barteks2x> Would it be ok if the whole world would become unreadable if minecraft is stopped while writing chunks to disk?
L158[10:52:08] <barteks2x> (i'm not sure what happens in vanilla in such case)
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L162[11:11:05] <gr8pefish> So in 1.10 the method slotClick (for containers) now takes a parameter ClickEvent, which is an enum consisting of PICKUP,
L163[11:11:05] <gr8pefish> QUICK_MOVE,
L164[11:11:05] <gr8pefish> SWAP,
L165[11:11:05] <gr8pefish> CLONE,
L166[11:11:05] <gr8pefish> THROW,
L167[11:11:07] <gr8pefish> QUICK_CRAFT,
L168[11:11:09] <gr8pefish> PICKUP_ALL; 1) Does anyone know what all of these are? 2) Is there any way to check for just a simple right click?
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L172[11:19:33] <quadraxis> hmm I'd guess it's to allow for remapping buttons
L173[11:19:33] <barteks2x> my game stopped for no reason again (server stopped and then client crashed)
L174[11:19:47] <quadraxis> what would a plain right click noramlly do
L175[11:19:57] <barteks2x> there is no error, no warning in logs from serverside
L176[11:20:10] <barteks2x> it just tells me it's stopping
L177[11:20:54] <barteks2x> the first message that indicates something is wrong: [18:18:07] [Server thread/TRACE] [mcp]: Sending event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod mcp
L178[11:20:56] <gigaherz> barteks2x: Vanilla mc tries VERY hard for the world to not corrupt
L179[11:21:00] <gigaherz> so that even if it does
L180[11:21:13] <gigaherz> it will only affect individual blocks, or at most a single chunk
L181[11:21:20] <gigaherz> whole-region-file corruption is extremely rare
L182[11:21:34] <ThePsionic> Hmm
L183[11:21:35] <barteks2x> I can enable transactions in mapdb, but then getChunk will block when I'm writing chunks to disk for >200milliseconds
L184[11:21:44] <ThePsionic> Are there any tutorials out there on central lib mods
L185[11:21:57] <barteks2x> if I disable transactions, stopping minecraft while writing chunks causes guarenteed corruption
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L189[11:22:29] <gr8pefish> quadraxis, a plain right click would allow me to check the slot, check if it is my special item, and then perform a special action, but only on right click. However, I don't know if this is possible in this method anymore. Before it used to pass in the mouseButton, so I could just check if it equaled 1 to be a right click.
L190[11:22:47] <barteks2x> I think using MapDB was a really bad idea...
L191[11:23:57] <quadraxis> I mean, what would happen if you right clicked a container slot on something vanilla?
L192[11:24:36] <quadraxis> that would be the corresponding enum
L193[11:24:39] <barteks2x> Is it possible that minecraft showed client stacktrace that caused shutdown AFTER the server has stopped?
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L195[11:25:48] <gr8pefish> Nothign special, it just acts as a left clik (for all intents ans purposes). If you are dragging a stack it will place 1 of the item instead of evenly distributing, and other special mechanism with existing actions, but as far as plain right click on an empty slot, nothing special.
L196[11:26:20] <gr8pefish> Err, jk, it picks up 1/2 of the stack instead of the whole one.
L197[11:26:45] <quadraxis> might be clone?
L198[11:28:10] <barteks2x> I'm getting ConcurrentModificationException in ClassInheritanceMultiMap constructor :(
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L201[11:30:29] <ScottehBoeh> G'day
L202[11:30:46] <barteks2x> and it looks like it really is concurrent (client/server thread), but I don't understand why it works in vanilla
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L204[11:43:57] <gigaherz> barteks2x: it's weird that the databse system doesn't use a journal for preventing corruption during file I/O, even without transactions
L205[11:44:30] <barteks2x> enabling transactiosn enables somethign they call Write Ahead Log
L206[11:45:15] <barteks2x> if it detects that there was unclean shutdown - it will simply refuse to open the DB unless I enable readonly mode
L207[11:46:13] <barteks2x> So I guess I have to write my own 3d region format in the near future
L208[11:47:25] <barteks2x> at least that;s what their wiki says, I found a bit of confilicting information about that
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L210[12:02:57] <gr8pefish> quaraxis, the new dragType parameter is also used to check the mouse click (besides the obvious drag item handling); it was a bit hidden in the GuiContainer code but once I found that out it was easy to simply change the variable name to get it working again. The ClickEvent enum was superfluous in this case.
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L216[12:26:46] <barteks2x> Literally every assertion I write sometime fails... "top opaque block is transparent" this time...
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L220[12:31:16] <Nirahiel> Hello
L221[12:32:54] <ThePsionic> Hi
L222[12:33:27] <Nirahiel> Assuming latest minecraft and forge, is there a way for me to know if any item or fluid is removed from the game (cactus, lava, 5 minutes drop, void pipe etc ) or used as fuel for furnace or other generators ?
L223[12:34:20] <diesieben07> Short answer: No.
L224[12:34:34] <ThePsionic> I'm fairly sure there are *some* specific destroy events (lava and cactus iirc), but I don't think there are any for *any* item removed in *any* way
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L226[12:34:35] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexManos
L227[12:35:24] <Nirahiel> By any item I mean, even mod items. I don't care about items bring removed because of recipe reasons. I just want to now when players try go delete items or fluids or burn them as fuel. If that's not possible, I guess even a modification of forge wouldn't let me do it right ?
L228[12:35:36] <Nirahiel> To know**
L229[12:35:53] <Nirahiel> Try to delete** fkin typing on phone
L230[12:37:22] <Nirahiel> Reason why I need this : pollution. I feel like it's unfair that you can burn stacks and stacks of crap in a lava lake or throw them on cactus or consume a ton of fuel without any negative effect on the environment.
L231[12:37:27] <diesieben07> well, you would need a lot of patches
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L233[12:37:39] <diesieben07> and even then you couldn't catch things like a mod fluid that destroys any items in it
L234[12:38:05] <LexManos> entity hurt/death event
L235[12:38:14] <diesieben07> does that fire for item entities?
L236[12:38:51] <Nirahiel> Does that work for say ... the trash can from I think extra utilities ?
L237[12:39:15] <diesieben07> probably not
L238[12:39:25] <diesieben07> it's impossible to track ALL of those types of things
L239[12:39:27] <Nirahiel> What if I could make a simple api to handle destroyed items and nicely ask mod authors to use it ?
L240[12:39:39] <diesieben07> you could, not sure if all would follow :P
L241[12:39:49] <ThePsionic> not sure if *any* would follow tbh
L242[12:39:59] <gigaherz> Nirahiel: expect no one to follow ;P
L243[12:40:10] <gigaherz> you'd have to make great efforts to convince people
L244[12:40:13] <Nirahiel> And or make some patches for mods I know remove items like buildcraft void pipes etc...
L245[12:40:17] <gigaherz> it may not be achievable unless you know the right people
L246[12:41:38] <Nirahiel> Yeah I guess that's not doable. Too bad, I had a great idea for a mod... oh well :)
L247[12:42:04] <Nirahiel> Thanks anyway
L248[12:42:40] <gigaherz> I even gave up trying to support PlayerDestroyItemEvent
L249[12:42:45] <gigaherz> for "all cases"
L250[12:42:55] <gigaherz> my Survivalist mod just does the best it can with the info it has
L251[12:44:42] <quadraxis> add a world event listener?
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L253[12:45:36] <gigaherz> do you realize how often ItemStack instances get created and destroyed?
L254[12:45:59] <gigaherz> only a tiny fraction of those are really an item having been destroyed through use
L255[12:53:19] <Nirahiel> So yeah an api would be the best but oh well ...
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L259[12:57:38] <barteks2x> That's fast. With generation pipeline terrain generator could barely keep up with flying speed, now it keeps up with falling down at max speed
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L262[13:05:31] <Zidane> Questions for modders
L263[13:05:37] <Zidane> (I'm not really one...)
L264[13:05:42] <IoP> 42
L265[13:06:04] <Zidane> When grabbing the blockstate of a TE using TE#getPos()
L266[13:06:14] <Zidane> Is it safe to assume the blockstate is always what you expect?
L267[13:06:18] <Zidane> Or should you always check it?
L268[13:06:21] <Zidane> gigaherz, Ordinastie ^
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L272[13:25:14] <shartte> maybe i made some other mistakes, zidane, but i guses you should always check it
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L278[13:50:48] <ScottehBoeh> Hey LexManos, are you heading to LA?
L279[13:54:19] <LexManos> Dont ping me, but yes, i'll be in town for Minecon
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L281[13:56:23] <tterrag|phone> I leave tomorrow
L282[13:56:30] <tterrag|phone> 7 hours of traveling woo..
L283[13:56:56] <gigaherz> havefun everyone
L284[13:56:57] <gigaherz> ;P
L285[13:57:05] <LexManos> Ya I leave tomarrow as well, only like 3 hours
L286[13:57:11] <LexManos> better then pax east
L287[13:57:16] <tterrag|phone> you're in oregon right?
L288[13:57:23] <LexManos> ya
L289[13:57:25] <tterrag|phone> hah yeah sadly I've never been able to make it to any PAX, not even east
L290[13:57:26] <gigaherz> I'll remain in Spain, patiently waiting for news about 1.11 features
L291[13:57:28] <tterrag|phone> though I live in MD
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L293[13:57:40] <tterrag|phone> me -> boston is about the same as you -> LA I think :P
L294[13:57:43] <LexManos> one thing i am pissed about
L295[13:57:44] <tterrag|phone> give or take
L296[13:57:51] <LexManos> our panel is the same time as the 1.11 panel
L297[13:57:53] <Corosus> ^
L298[13:57:55] <Corosus> sucks
L299[13:57:56] <tterrag|phone> yep
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L301[13:58:01] <tterrag|phone> I'll skip the 1.11 panel tbh
L302[13:58:01] <LexManos> also, if anyone has any questions they want asked at the panel let me know.
L303[13:58:06] <tterrag|phone> everything they say will be posted somewhere
L304[13:58:14] <tterrag|phone> not worth seeing it live
L305[13:58:16] <Corosus> oh right i keep forgetting to think of a few more questions
L306[13:58:19] <tterrag|phone> will just be full of the youngest attendees >.>
L307[13:58:24] <LexManos> it should be streamed ill just watch it after the fact
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L309[13:59:03] <tankcr> trying to find what I need to fix from the error report, it seems a little vague, any ideas? http://pastebin.com/SJtNT9RF
L310[14:00:00] <tterrag|phone> at tankcmod.evadamant.ModBlocks.initModels(ModBlocks.java:22)
L311[14:00:02] <tterrag|phone> what is there
L312[14:00:02] <LexManos> umm
L313[14:00:13] <LexManos> how is it vague? it tells you ther eis a null pointer and the exact line its on...
L314[14:00:13] <tterrag|phone> also, models should be far away from your blocks class
L315[14:00:30] <tankcr> ok
L316[14:02:27] <gigaherz> there's quite a large number of people who insist on having everything related to a block inside the Block class -- even models and rendering stuff
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L318[14:03:12] <McJty> Well models are usually json
L319[14:03:14] <gigaherz> I understand the principle of encapsulation, but this is one of those situations where there should be a clear split between Block/Item and Model
L320[14:03:20] <McJty> But I do the init of the model stuff in the block class yet
L321[14:03:31] <McJty> s/yet/yes
L322[14:03:41] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L323[14:04:06] <tankcr> ha, McJty, I was actually going through your tutorial, but obviously missed something
L324[14:04:08] <tterrag|phone> McJty: a block knowing anything about its model is bad design
L325[14:04:12] <tterrag|phone> bad separation of concerns
L326[14:04:18] <tterrag|phone> mainly because models are client only
L327[14:04:24] <tterrag|phone> but also because...there's no good reason a block should care about its model
L328[14:05:07] <gigaherz> the only acceptable complaint about it is "but then the function to register models gets messy with all the block models in one single place!"
L329[14:05:16] <gigaherz> but imo, if you have that many models, you may want to split up the mod in smaller modules ;P
L330[14:05:22] <gigaherz> into*
L331[14:05:49] <tterrag|phone> gigaherz: yes, yes we do ;_; https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.9/dev/src/main/resources/assets/chisel/blockstates/default.json
L332[14:06:41] <barteks2x> O.O I didn't know it's possible to browse through the vanilla ingame profiler
L333[14:06:58] <gigaherz> tterrag|phone: that looks enough like a pattern that you could have a List<Block> and iterate them ;P
L334[14:07:20] <tterrag|phone> gigaherz: the point is that it's a resource though
L335[14:07:24] <tterrag|phone> for RPs
L336[14:07:24] <gigaherz> yeah
L337[14:07:34] <gigaherz> still annoying, though
L338[14:07:56] <gigaherz> but... chisel.
L339[14:08:05] <gigaherz> it's expected to have a silly amount of variants
L340[14:08:28] <tterrag|phone> gigaherz: code side of that looks like this https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.9/dev/src/main/java/team/chisel/Features.java
L341[14:08:33] <tterrag|phone> large page warning :P
L342[14:08:35] <McJty> tterrag|phone, well there are some methods in block anyway that are rendering related. Like getRenderPass and such
L343[14:08:47] <tterrag|phone> sure
L344[14:08:51] <tterrag|phone> but those are not model related
L345[14:09:00] <McJty> Also I prefer to keep things together regardless of client/server. That's a rather arbitrary split. I prefer to split on block/functionality
L346[14:09:06] <tterrag|phone> and I would argue that those methods aren't the best separation of concerns either, but it is vanilla after all
L347[14:09:52] <McJty> Anyway, the only model thing that I have in my blocks is the initModel() call which in most cases is empty because it is implemented in the superclass and 95% the same
L348[14:10:30] *** tterrag|phone is now known as tterrag
L349[14:10:33] <gigaherz> tterrag|phone: I feel like each factory would be best in its own file ;P
L350[14:10:44] <McJty> tterrag, also usually getActualState() and such are also meant for the model
L351[14:10:45] <tterrag> gigaherz: a file for each block?
L352[14:10:47] <McJty> And those are also in Block
L353[14:10:54] <McJty> So you can't really do the separation cleanly anyway right now
L354[14:11:01] <gigaherz> tterrag: one per "feature"
L355[14:11:11] <tterrag> McJty: actual state isn't for the model. extended state is (and I hate the current impl of extended state so you are still in line with my opinions :D)
L356[14:11:25] <tterrag> gigaherz: technically there is ;)
L357[14:11:35] <McJty> Well I do use getActualState() to get properties to my blockstate/models
L358[14:11:46] <McJty> In some cases that is
L359[14:11:47] <tterrag> sure, but that's not the only purpose
L360[14:11:58] <tterrag> and that's not really the block "knowing" anything about the model
L361[14:12:05] <tterrag> it's just the block exposing its state with world context
L362[14:12:09] <tterrag> for any use. models is just one use
L363[14:12:15] <McJty> Just like my initModel() isn't really the block knowing anything about the model
L364[14:12:45] <McJty> I basically just do: ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(this), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(getRegistryName(), "inventory"));
L365[14:12:49] <McJty> In 95% of my blocks
L366[14:12:53] <gigaherz> I suppose it would be possible to have a
L367[14:13:00] <McJty> Only a few need something special
L368[14:13:07] <gigaherz> ClientProxy#applyForModel(resloc) or similar
L369[14:13:13] <gigaherz> and call that from each block that needs a model
L370[14:13:29] <gigaherz> store them in a list
L371[14:13:50] <gigaherz> and then process them from ClientProxy#preInit()
L372[14:14:38] <gigaherz> it removes the references to ModelLoader and ModelResourceLocation from the Block class
L373[14:17:09] <tterrag> gigaherz: also one file per feature would make it so I couldn't abuse the hell out of enums :(
L374[14:17:26] <gigaherz> yeah ;P
L375[14:17:38] <gigaherz> qwell I was thinking more like
L376[14:18:22] <gigaherz> FEATURE1 { whatever() { Feature1Impl.wahtever() } }
L377[14:18:34] <tterrag> ew
L378[14:18:41] <tterrag> hardcoded static methods? bleh
L379[14:19:14] <tterrag> anyways....I should be packing
L380[14:19:17] <gigaherz> yeah I realized afterward, this is mostly Block factories, so if you have one file per
L381[14:19:20] <tterrag> I blame you for distracting me
L382[14:19:35] <gigaherz> you may as well have subclasses with the constructors doing the factoring
L383[14:20:45] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L384[14:21:01] <ScottehBoeh> Ah, Sorry about the ping, le-x
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L387[14:32:39] <LexManos> tterrag, so you know that sky thing you were talking about
L388[14:32:50] <LexManos> it SHOULDNT be being done every frame...
L389[14:33:01] <LexManos> as it caches the value... mind looking into why yours is so weird...
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L395[14:37:50] <tterrag> just chisel+forge in that instance
L396[14:38:00] <tterrag> and I doubt it's chisel, we don't go anywhere near taht code
L397[14:38:07] <tterrag> looking now
L398[14:38:17] <LexManos> it is weird but the first line of that statement is checking the cache value
L399[14:38:43] <LexManos> if its set then it just immediatly returns... so no idea why it would derp, then again i havent done extensive debugging.
L400[14:39:31] <tterrag> yeah, I see the caching
L401[14:39:37] <tterrag> let me debug real quick [should be packing]
L402[14:39:56] <LexManos> Should be finishing my laundry...
L403[14:40:02] <tterrag> yet here we are...
L404[14:40:08] <LexManos> I blame you.
L405[14:40:20] <LexManos> And these funny dog videos...
L406[14:40:22] <tterrag> well then I blame you
L407[14:40:27] <tterrag> and gigaherz of course
L408[14:40:33] <sham1> Sthap
L409[14:41:13] ⇦ Quits: Keridos|away (~Keridos@ironhide.stw-bonn.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L410[14:42:20] <Tazz> https://gist.github.com/s0cks/e347675afe07a51c54a0811d2f47174b had to hardcode the parallelmove instruction operation but otherwise everything is coming together fine :D
L411[14:42:44] <tterrag> LOL LexManos
L412[14:42:46] <tterrag> skyZ = center.getY();
L413[14:42:48] ⇨ Joins: Keridos|away (~Keridos@ironhide.stw-bonn.de)
L414[14:42:49] <tterrag> HMMM
L415[14:42:56] <LexManos> THAT might do it...
L416[14:42:56] ⇦ Quits: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L417[14:43:06] <sham1> Either the method is wrong or the name of the variable sucks
L418[14:43:11] <Tazz> XD
L419[14:43:22] <LexManos> pr it for me ;l
L420[14:43:28] <tterrag> ugh
L421[14:43:29] <tterrag> ok
L422[14:43:33] <tterrag> I'll pack while setupForge runs...
L423[14:45:15] <LexManos> You got time ;)
L424[14:45:27] <LexManos> Also you could just edit it in github its one line.
L425[14:45:57] <Tazz> rofl that always goes over perfectly everytime
L426[14:46:05] <tterrag> yeah that's true
L427[14:46:06] <Tazz> "Ill just edit it ingithub itll be fine.."
L428[14:46:10] <tterrag> it's not a patch so
L429[14:46:18] <kashike> github editing has gotten better since it first came out
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L431[14:46:21] <tterrag> Tazz: usually I'd agree
L432[14:46:21] <kashike> it isn't horrid anymore
L433[14:46:24] <tterrag> but it's literally changing Y to Z
L434[14:46:30] <Tazz> tterrag, fair enough
L435[14:47:15] <Tazz> gah I would very much like to eliminate all these damn range graphs >.>
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L437[14:48:02] <Tazz> alsoholy damn
L438[14:48:12] <Tazz> Eschelle hogged memory compared to thiscode XD
L439[14:48:22] <LexManos> ?
L440[14:48:38] <Tazz> Eschelle asimple func would compile and run at like 4mb of usage, this barely scratches like 700kb XD
L441[14:48:49] <tterrag> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3267
L442[14:48:59] <tterrag> forge could really use PR CI
L443[14:49:05] <tterrag> to make sure a PR doesn't break the build
L444[14:49:19] <tterrag> not sure if a free travis could handle the forge build
L445[14:49:30] <LexManos> it couldnt
L446[14:49:34] <LexManos> and its on the plan of things to do
L447[14:49:41] <LexManos> once Flamegoat gets time ;)
L448[14:49:41] <tterrag> either way, PR made
L449[14:50:29] <LexManos> pulled
L450[14:51:25] <sham1> TIL I can play Doom 1 on my graphical calculator
L451[14:51:27] <sham1> Just what
L452[14:51:46] <Tazz> XDDD
L453[14:51:57] <kashike> seems that bug has been there since the initial 1.8 update (53659fca065a600470734d81a168fbdde6ec631a) in november 2014
L454[14:52:02] <tterrag> yep
L455[14:52:12] <tterrag> should improve memory churn by 10-20% by my profiling estimates
L456[14:52:13] <gigaherz> sham1: it's funny
L457[14:52:14] <tterrag> lol
L458[14:52:23] <gigaherz> you are surprised by your calculator playing doom
L459[14:52:37] <LexManos> meh, stupid stupid typos that nobody has ever looked at before.
L460[14:52:39] <gigaherz> and yet we have phones that could easily emulate that calculator running doom
L461[14:52:47] <Tazz> XD
L462[14:52:50] <LexManos> oh well more reason for people to update to 1.10.2
L463[14:53:03] <tterrag> lex: well you are just lucky I decided to profile chisel's memory usage :P
L464[14:53:37] <gigaherz> go pack already ;P
L465[14:53:40] <sham1> ^
L466[14:53:47] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-24-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L467[14:53:50] <tterrag> shh
L468[14:53:58] <sham1> neverh
L469[14:53:59] <Tazz> XD
L470[14:55:01] ⇨ Joins: auenf (David@DC-24-199.bpb.bigpond.com)
L471[14:55:11] <tterrag> it's probably important to note that my PC is in my room---where I am packing
L472[14:55:16] <tterrag> so I have been going back and forth this whole time :P
L473[14:56:36] <sham1> Get yourself a brain-to-computer interface and IRC that way
L474[14:56:47] <sham1> ;P
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L476[15:00:17] <Flamegoat> I've got Minecon preps for other people, TwitchCon preps for me, and a long list of shit to do beforehand. :]
L477[15:00:39] <Flamegoat> After TwitchCon, I have nothing else schedule personally until end of January. Winter is coming, and it's going to be filled with... work.
L478[15:01:06] <LexManos> hehe
L479[15:01:36] <sham1> Winter is coming and Winterfell has flat roofs
L480[15:01:39] <LexManos> Hes not joking guys, just on the Forge list he has oh god amounts of work. But hes getting it done when he can.
L481[15:01:47] <sham1> Something does not add up
L482[15:01:50] <LexManos> No major hurry on anything, unless the server explodes.
L483[15:02:14] <Drullkus> \o Flamegoat :D
L484[15:02:19] <Flamegoat> I'd feel bad for being slow, but given what I've accomplished as one person. I'm okay with this.
L485[15:02:22] <Flamegoat> o/
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L491[15:16:11] <LexManos> Hes doing a great job, esp for one person.
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L493[15:23:36] <LexManos> PaleoCrafter, you there?
L494[15:23:39] <PaleoCrafter> sure
L495[15:23:53] <LexManos> you up for doing a IPB skin?
L496[15:25:06] <Flamegoat> *spoilers* :D
L497[15:25:16] <PaleoCrafter> well, I'll have to familiarise myself with their API, but in principal, yes :D
L498[15:25:34] <PaleoCrafter> already working on porting the docs to my design :3
L499[15:25:34] <LexManos> Eah, not really secrets
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L501[15:26:02] <Flamegoat> If you can do up the look - I'm down for adapting. Lot of experience with it. 4.1+
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L505[15:41:01] <ThePsionic> Hey look I have an actual question instead of the constant lurking I do
L506[15:41:16] <ThePsionic> How would one go about using a lib mod such as Mantle
L507[15:43:44] <barteks2x> I have animals that you can see only from certain angles. A lot of them: http://imgur.com/HY32UiI http://imgur.com/EaxqVuV
L508[15:43:55] <MercuriusXeno> add it as a dependency in your mod, include it with your jar, reference it in your module
L509[15:44:01] <MercuriusXeno> use it for things
L510[15:44:52] <MercuriusXeno> usually when I was using a secondary lib I had the source and I worked on the lib side by side, but it was my lib.
L511[15:44:57] <MercuriusXeno> DUnno what you do when you don't need to do work
L512[15:45:11] <MercuriusXeno> Sure someone can walk you through it, probably there are tutorials
L513[15:45:27] <ThePsionic> MercuriusXeno: What do you mean by "reference it in your module"? Add it to build.gradle?
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L515[15:46:12] <MercuriusXeno> Well I use intellij and stuff is referred to in modules. There's a place you go to add references to external libraries. I'm really weak on gradle stuff
L516[15:46:18] <MercuriusXeno> you'll want to ask someone with a brain for that
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L520[15:48:55] <MercuriusXeno> this thing http://imgur.com/a/OK7tn
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L522[15:50:06] <MercuriusXeno> and then you add a jar or [if its yours] existing module to that list, then you add it as a dep. I am oversimplifying my explanation
L523[15:51:19] <MercuriusXeno> for having it auto-download or more elaborate snazzery, idk. I've never done that. Just assume for the purposes of a given distribution you only ever need the version you built against, and then include it with your mod, if it's a freely distributable lib
L524[15:51:24] <MercuriusXeno> if mantle is, idk
L525[15:51:45] <PaleoCrafter> Mathilde
L526[15:51:52] <PaleoCrafter> Whoops
L527[15:52:06] <PaleoCrafter> Mantle is on some maven, iirc
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L530[15:56:32] <LexManos> All deps should be normal maven deps and gradle does everything for you
L531[15:56:37] <quadraxis> So I wanted to make a compass like item, but I can't seem to have it spin
L532[15:56:42] <LexManos> if not yell at whoever wrote the dep you're trying to use.
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L539[16:20:57] <Digitalsabre> To be sure: Do the most recent versions of Minecraft modded with Forge need standalone Java? I think I'm overthinking because of an article I read, and I want to be sure.
L540[16:22:07] <LexManos> no we dont care what java you're running
L541[16:24:10] <Digitalsabre> As long as it's Java, the one the article is telling me is built into the Minecraft installation is fine?
L542[16:26:28] <LexManos> yes
L543[16:26:42] <Digitalsabre> That's pretty neat.
L544[16:26:44] <LexManos> whatever can run minecraft can run forge
L545[16:26:59] <LexManos> and the new laucnher doesnt ahve anything built in, it just downloads a slim version of the jvm
L546[16:28:14] <Digitalsabre> Thank you for clarifying. :)
L547[16:28:46] <gigaherz> there's many mods that require java8
L548[16:28:53] <gigaherz> but the launcher's embedded java is j8
L549[16:28:55] <gigaherz> so it works out
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L553[16:44:48] <barteks2x> "Exception in thread "Client Shutdown Thread" " I seriously need some logging in shutdown hooks...
L554[16:45:16] <ThePsionic> "Fatal error while shutting down. Shutting down..."
L555[16:45:27] <barteks2x> it was error while savign the world
L556[16:45:34] <ThePsionic> Oh
L557[16:45:59] <barteks2x> that would explain why most of my save files become corrupted after mc restart
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L559[16:46:37] <barteks2x> but really, how to add some logging there? Logger doesn't work, System.out/err doesn't work
L560[16:47:41] <barteks2x> Or am I supposed to manually write to files?
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L565[17:01:07] <barteks2x> are red mushrooms supposed to be generated on desert?
L566[17:03:35] <howtonotwin> probably not
L567[17:05:23] <Otho> What is the correct way to create an api for a mod? that other mods can use if your mod is present but don't crash if your mod is not present
L568[17:06:17] <barteks2x> well... it looks like for some reason I tried to use populator before calculating light values and it saw that it's dark so it can generate mushrooms
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L572[17:08:03] <barteks2x> I would also like to know how to create api for mod... I'm planning to do that eventually but still have no idea how
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L615[20:34:48] <tterrag> why :(
L616[20:34:49] <tterrag> https://gfycat.com/WiltedBelatedHyrax
L617[20:35:27] <Ordinastie> depth sorting is fucked up :s
L618[20:35:32] <Tazz> uh
L619[20:35:33] <Tazz> XD
L620[20:35:51] <tterrag> Ordinastie: couldn't have guessed that >_>
L621[20:35:53] <Tazz> tterrag, 18 files changed, 631 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)
L622[20:35:55] <Tazz> rofl
L623[20:36:00] <tterrag> wat
L624[20:36:01] <Tazz> I love large commits \o/
L625[20:36:13] <Ordinastie> tterrag, what layer are hte blocks ?
L626[20:36:13] <tterrag> large commits are bad
L627[20:36:17] <tterrag> Ordinastie: mixed
L628[20:36:18] <Tazz> XD
L629[20:36:22] <Tazz> large commits are great! :D
L630[20:36:33] <tterrag> Ordinastie: first layer (lava texture) is on SOLID
L631[20:36:40] <tterrag> second layer, stone, is TRANSLUCENT
L632[20:36:43] <tterrag> because, well, it is
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L634[20:36:57] <Ordinastie> shouldn't it be CUTOUT ?
L635[20:36:59] <howtonotwin> Why not CUTOUT?
L636[20:37:04] <tterrag> CUTOUT for translucency?
L637[20:37:09] <tterrag> no...
L638[20:37:17] <howtonotwin> Where is it translucent?
L639[20:37:23] <Ordinastie> stone texture it's not transluscent though
L640[20:37:40] <Ordinastie> but I guess it could have transluscent texture in its place
L641[20:37:54] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/swsXicO.png
L642[20:37:56] <tterrag> yes, it is
L643[20:38:06] <tterrag> gfycat compression makes it nonobvious
L644[20:38:11] <tterrag> but it is
L645[20:38:19] <howtonotwin> oh
L646[20:38:26] <Ordinastie> s/nonobvious/not visible at all/ ><
L647[20:38:41] <howtonotwin> <tterrag> gfycat compression makes it nonobvious
L648[20:38:50] <tterrag> look closely
L649[20:38:54] <tterrag> it is visible
L650[20:38:56] <howtonotwin> >.< me = dumb
L651[20:39:04] <tterrag> some of the pixels of the stone chagne with the lava animation
L652[20:39:39] <tterrag> the weird part is that the lava texture rendering gets messed up when those bits should be on SOLID
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L654[20:41:07] <tterrag> ok, evidently they are not being rendered on the right layer
L655[20:41:09] <tterrag> which is weird
L656[20:41:13] <tterrag> still shouldn't look like that though
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L658[20:41:49] <Ordinastie> from the gif, the fuck up doesn't even make sense to me
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L660[20:42:18] <Ordinastie> usually, when that kind of thing happens, you tend to clearly see what quad is wrongly drawn over the other
L661[20:42:46] <Ordinastie> although, aren't you drawing multiple ones per side for CTM ?
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L664[20:47:59] <tterrag> Ordinastie: yes
L665[20:48:24] <Otho> Is there a way to get a list of potionEffects from vanilla + modded ones?
L666[20:48:33] <tterrag> ForgeRegistries.POTION ?
L667[20:48:42] <tterrag> POTIONS*
L668[20:49:20] <Otho> thank you
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L670[20:50:33] <tterrag> Ordinastie: fixing the lava texture's layer has resolved the ugly f5 issue (I think because the lava texture obscures it)
L671[20:50:39] <tterrag> but this small error remains http://i.imgur.com/hixrFTj.png
L672[20:50:45] <tterrag> the one towards the end of the gif
L673[20:51:03] <tterrag> seems to just be MCs depth sorting being hardcoded for fullsize quads -_-
L674[20:51:10] <tterrag> why would I expect any different
L675[20:52:22] <Ordinastie> really? that seem odds
L676[20:53:48] <tterrag> can't think of another explanation
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L678[20:53:55] <tterrag> it doesn't happen with two differnt stained glasses next to each other
L679[20:54:01] <tterrag> and MC has no test case for non-full translucent quads
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L686[21:03:40] <quadraxis> nether portal blocks?
L687[21:07:49] <barteks2x> Something is making my chunks empty... without ever calling setBlockState
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L689[21:09:20] <barteks2x> or there is some really obvious but in my OpacityIndex that I somehow didnt detect before
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L693[21:23:56] <tterrag> quadraxis: the non full parts are always hidden
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L695[21:29:22] <quadraxis> could you /setblock a portal block?
L696[21:29:34] <tterrag> sure
L697[21:29:39] <tterrag> but that's not a testcase for mojang
L698[21:29:42] <tterrag> because that can never happen
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L717[22:46:12] <killjoy> Does anyone have any code to keep a gui element in the exact same spot on the screen when the window is resized?
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L722[23:06:44] <Tazz> yay locals are working :D
L723[23:06:48] <Tazz> killjoy, yeah
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L725[23:07:00] <Tazz> tterag helped me with it afaik XD
L726[23:07:14] <Tazz> https://github.com/s0cks/Herbarium/blob/master/src/main/java/herbarium/client/gui/GuiJournal.java
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L731[23:21:59] <killjoy> Here's what I have right now. https://git.io/vi7on
L732[23:22:17] <killjoy> It works fine if the window is resized normally, but it breaks when the scale changes
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