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L1[00:06:14] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
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L7[00:17:53] <vastatio> tterrag: Where does vanilla do it?
L8[00:18:56] <tterrag> vastatio: the chat?
L9[00:19:24] <tterrag> there is a ClickEvent for hyperlinks
L10[00:22:40] <vastatio> Where specifically can i find it?
L11[00:23:00] <vastatio> What package are chat-related things in
L12[00:24:20] <kashike> net.minecraft.util.text
L13[00:24:28] <kashike> not that hard to see if you actually look
L14[00:27:28] <tterrag> I said ClickEvent, which is the exact name of the class. your IDE can do the rest
L15[00:28:52] <sweetpi> didnt you ask how to open links yesterday?
L16[00:30:30] <vastatio> I did, but I probably closed my computer before getting any answer
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L19[00:36:22] <vastatio> tterrag: I found an enum value, Action.OPEN_URL. I don't know where this is made use of.
L20[00:38:03] <tterrag> ... http://i.imgur.com/vSfqRFO.png
L21[00:38:16] ⇦ Quits: blood_ (unknown@ool-4574115b.dyn.optonline.net) ()
L22[00:41:13] <sweetpi> fancy pictures and everything
L23[00:43:50] <vastatio> What is GuiYesNoCallback used for, and what is the set of numbers inside the arguments? (31102009)
L24[00:45:28] <vastatio> !gm GuiConfirmOpenLink
L25[00:45:34] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L26[00:45:56] <vastatio> even in MCP params it doesn't give me a name
L27[00:46:04] <vastatio> for the numbers
L28[00:47:38] <sweetpi> right click > open declaration
L29[00:48:11] <Corosus> also right click > references > workspace
L30[00:48:26] <Corosus> (for finding what uses it)
L31[00:48:33] <Corosus> (which is like every gui)
L32[00:50:22] <vastatio> !gm chatLinksPrompt
L33[00:56:12] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23CCE8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L34[00:56:33] <vastatio> ah, got it.
L35[00:56:35] <vastatio> Thanks
L36[00:58:37] <sweetpi> now that you got it. please dont disable the security warning
L37[01:06:04] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:8301:ead3:c18c:53e8:a85e:8d9c) ()
L38[01:08:45] <vastatio> what does that do?
L39[01:12:03] <sweetpi> ever play a game and click on a button thinking its going to open another in-game window and it knocks you out of full screen and opens a browser?
L40[01:12:20] <Corosus> this kills the steve-o
L41[01:15:22] <vastatio> right now my code is opening the URL before pressing any of the buttons on the GuiYesNo
L42[01:15:44] <vastatio> and the only button that seems to be working is Copy to Clipboard
L43[01:16:22] <vastatio> http://pastebin.com/8FGLxBiF
L44[01:16:50] <vastatio> thats the code ^, maybe I have the wrong arguments inside confirmOpenLink ctor?
L45[01:20:58] <sweetpi> thats not how GuiConfirmOpenLink works, you need a handler for it
L46[01:22:06] <vastatio> sweetpi: a handler?
L47[01:22:43] <sweetpi> confirmClicked
L48[01:25:44] <vastatio> I've changed it so that it doesn't open a link anymore, the buttons are not responsive, and the 'open link' button throws an error
L49[01:26:02] <sweetpi> did you add the handler?
L50[01:26:28] <vastatio> well, I've made it so it has the ID that calls the method
L51[01:26:36] <vastatio> those numbers
L52[01:26:36] <vastatio> http://pastebin.com/HKSCZdVv
L53[01:26:39] <vastatio> thats the error
L54[01:27:07] <vastatio> code: http://pastebin.com/K4aYdZg7
L55[01:27:46] <sweetpi> you need to override confirmClicked and handle opening the link there
L56[01:31:15] <sweetpi> or implement it, dont know where your calling this from
L57[01:33:35] <vastatio> Works!
L58[01:33:48] <vastatio> Cancel doesn't close the GUI though, do I have to do something for that?
L59[01:37:39] <sweetpi> set the screen to something else in your callback
L60[01:41:31] ⇦ Quits: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L61[01:42:03] <vastatio> sweetpi: is there a boolean value i can get that lets me check if they pressed the cancel button? cause the way im thinking is to check for the button press, then change the displayGuiScreen to something else
L62[01:44:01] <sweetpi> your callback gets a bool
L63[01:44:22] <sweetpi> if its true, they want to open the link
L64[01:44:44] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L65[01:45:25] <sweetpi> did you read the GuiScreen class?
L66[01:48:16] <vastatio> ah, if the confirmClicked bool is false
L67[01:48:24] <vastatio> that means they don't want to open the link right
L68[01:49:21] <sweetpi> it means they clicked cancel, copying is handled elsewhere
L69[01:51:46] ⇦ Quits: Gil (uid147942@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:5:2:41e6) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L70[01:55:20] <sweetpi> i take that back, copying will of course still call confirmClicked(false,n)
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L73[01:59:03] <vastatio> ya, got it working
L74[01:59:14] <vastatio> thanks sweetpi
L75[01:59:37] <sweetpi> np
L76[02:00:00] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160818 mappings to Forge Maven.
L77[02:00:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160818-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160818" in build.gradle).
L78[02:00:15] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L91[03:03:13] <LexDesktop> oh hey fry|back18aug should be back today I need to yell at him ;)
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L93[03:10:37] <tterrag> I think we all do >.>
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L98[03:38:55] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
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L102[04:11:46] <Curle> Anyone active here?
L103[04:11:58] <Ordinastie_> just ask
L104[04:12:20] <Curle> I did :L
L105[04:12:26] <Ordinastie_> just ask your question
L106[04:12:35] <Ordinastie_> if there is someone that can and want to answer it, they will eventually
L107[04:12:38] <Curle> Oh, I don't have a question, just asking if anyone's here
L108[04:12:38] <Curle> :L
L109[04:13:29] <tterrag> nope, all ghosts
L110[04:13:48] <Ordinastie_> man, I rarely have nightmares, but this one...
L111[04:14:18] <Curle> Thanks a bunch, Ordie.
L112[04:14:38] <Ordinastie_> I dreamt I woke up and saw lots a mud on the floor left by someone that was here while I was sleeping
L113[04:15:07] <Curle> wut
L114[04:15:08] <Ordinastie_> then I realised it was a burglar, and that he stole my computer, it was terrifying
L115[04:15:26] <Curle> wut x100
L116[04:15:38] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L117[04:16:22] <Ordinastie_> in my dream, I broke like someone who is told his child has died ><
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L119[04:18:06] <Curle> his favourite* child
L120[04:18:07] <Curle> :L
L121[04:18:49] <Ordinastie_> because parents are like "my child is dead ? which one ? oh, it's ok, it was a shitty one"
L122[04:20:01] *** fry|back18aug is now known as fry|like20ish
L123[04:20:39] <Ordinastie_> but anyway, somehow, my brain thought it would be a good idea to make me think it was all a dream by making me wake up INSIDE my dream again and all over again :x
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L125[04:21:21] <Curle> But then it ALL was a dream LD
L126[04:21:28] <Curle> Damnit
L127[04:22:01] <Ordinastie_> but until I actaully woke up, I thought I lost everything
L128[04:22:16] <Curle> I just loaded up a testing environment with Eclipse, and the game thinks that world generation is optional -.-
L129[04:23:44] <Curle> OOh, since when did the world menu show a screenshot of the last location?
L130[04:28:37] <sham1> inception
L131[04:35:05] <Curle> o/ sham
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L139[05:06:05] <tterrag> https://twitter.com/tterrag1098/status/766212584156569600 if you know C# dev stuff, I could use some help :P
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L141[05:08:58] <Curle> Hey guys, what does markDirty() actually do?
L142[05:09:07] <Curle> I never understood what it does.
L143[05:10:46] <tterrag> it tells the world that the chunk is dirty, and needs to be saved
L144[05:10:54] <tterrag> if markDirty is never called within a chunk, it will not be re-saved
L145[05:11:04] <Ordinastie_> that's not really true
L146[05:11:28] <tterrag> think of all the chunks on the fringe of the view distance that are constantly popping in and out, and the amount of disk thrashing there would be if each one was saved to disk every time it unloaded
L147[05:11:38] <tterrag> Ordinastie_: no? how so
L148[05:11:43] <MalkContent> can the client even synch to a change of a te that isnt marked dirty?
L149[05:11:59] <Ordinastie_> most of the time, it's still saved to disk even when no markDirty is called
L150[05:12:09] <tterrag> MalkContent: dirty state and client sync are entirely unrelated
L151[05:12:24] <MalkContent> without extra packets*
L152[05:12:25] <tterrag> other than the fact that markDirty HAPPENS to call a specific method that sends a description packet
L153[05:12:33] <MalkContent> fair enough
L154[05:12:44] <MalkContent> yea that
L155[05:12:47] <tterrag> Ordinastie_: sounds like a bug
L156[05:12:55] <tterrag> and not worth relying on
L157[05:12:59] <MalkContent> i mean it gets saved at server, send to client, no?
L158[05:13:20] <tterrag> a chunk is only sent to the client as a whole on chunk load, iirc
L159[05:13:30] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, well, for example, put a breakpoint in writeNBT for your TE
L160[05:13:43] <Ordinastie_> press escape, it will reach it
L161[05:13:50] <Ordinastie_> even if you don't do anything
L162[05:14:14] <tterrag> yes, that's autosave happening. what markDirty is for is the constant loading/unloading of chunks that happens while maneuvering through the world
L163[05:14:20] <tterrag> either way, it's beside the point
L164[05:14:38] <tterrag> if you don't call markDirty when your TE changes data that needs to be persisted, you are open to bugs
L165[05:14:44] <tterrag> period
L166[05:15:25] <tterrag> bed time for me, now
L167[05:15:28] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
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L177[05:32:52] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexManos
L178[05:33:51] <Ordinastie_> I need something to watch while coding
L179[05:34:21] <Ordinastie_> feel like I expended most of the Rimworld playlists :/
L180[05:46:58] <Ordinastie_> ghz|afk, didn't you fix the UVs for the latch in the last zip ?
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L185[06:21:36] <alekso56> how do i check if a clientside command has a /
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L191[06:33:38] <MalkContent> i don't think you have to
L192[06:34:16] <MalkContent> alekso56 ^
L193[06:35:18] <alekso56> MalkContent: i do.
L194[06:35:36] <alekso56> else it will execute commands without the slash too.
L195[06:36:21] ⇨ Joins: secknv (~androirc@bl18-84-203.dsl.telepac.pt)
L196[06:36:56] <MalkContent> lemme check something before i say something stupid
L197[06:37:01] <secknv> erm hello where do I go when I dont understand the point of certain methods in the mc source
L198[06:37:23] <Curle> the mcpbot
L199[06:37:41] <secknv> how do I use that
L200[06:37:57] <Curle> !gm <METHOD> <VERSION else latest>
L201[06:38:19] <Curle> the bot just gave me a lecture :D
L202[06:38:31] <secknv> do I need the full path to the method or does it know
L203[06:38:41] <secknv> like package.class.method
L204[06:38:44] <Curle> if it's like m_1232f
L205[06:38:47] <Curle> it knows
L206[06:38:58] <Curle> otherwise class.method
L207[06:39:15] <secknv> !gm MathHelper.positiveModulo
L208[06:39:35] <Curle> Is that even a Forge class?
L209[06:39:52] <secknv> no like I said it s mc source
L210[06:39:58] <Curle> -.-
L211[06:40:04] <Curle> It's Notch code?
L212[06:40:07] <Curle> riigh
L213[06:41:21] <secknv> like I just dont get the point of having a method return "(numerator%denominator + denominator)%denominator"
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L215[06:41:43] <RANKSHANK> it
L216[06:41:52] <secknv> Am I stupid or is that the same as just "num%denom"
L217[06:41:56] <RANKSHANK> 'd make sense if it was named :P
L218[06:42:28] <Curle> It is named.
L219[06:42:37] <Curle> Guess it returns the Modulo
L220[06:42:38] <Curle> :L
L221[06:42:49] <RANKSHANK> Ah well ignore my retarded self then :D
L222[06:42:52] <Curle> :D
L223[06:43:20] <Curle> I swear to god, my cat is staring down my Eclipse window
L224[06:43:27] <Curle> HE'S LEARNDING!
L225[06:43:32] <Curle> :D
L226[06:44:05] <MalkContent> alekso56: did you register it with client and server commandhandler?
L227[06:44:19] <alekso56> MalkContent: clientside only.
L228[06:44:49] <alekso56> at this point im just adding keylisteners to make it work somewhat :v
L229[06:45:45] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L230[06:45:48] <Curle> Pretty sure all commands have to go through serverside too
L231[06:45:55] <alekso56> They do not.
L232[06:46:07] <Curle> Forgive me and my retro knowledge :L
L233[06:46:14] <alekso56> Unless you cancel the clientside command that is.
L234[06:46:15] <MalkContent> what alekso said
L235[06:46:21] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L236[06:46:35] <MalkContent> i dunno, i'm just searching for how vanilla commands don't get parsed without the slash
L237[06:46:38] *** Curle is now known as Curle|A
L238[06:46:47] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L239[06:46:58] <alekso56> it's an easy fix, if you change forge. .-.
L240[06:47:06] <MalkContent> instead i find "if there's a slash, imma substring that away for you, but don't worry if there isn't"
L241[06:47:26] <MalkContent> o pray that doesn't get read :P
L242[06:50:11] <MalkContent> this is so weird
L243[06:51:06] <MalkContent> i found the place where it prints the chat message if what you write isn't a command
L244[06:51:40] <MalkContent> still don't see how that slash gets handled
L245[06:51:54] <sham1> o/
L246[06:51:58] <alekso56> found something relevant http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,37217.msg196209.htm
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L248[06:53:30] <sham1> Been looking at darcs as an alternative DVC
L249[06:53:54] <sham1> anyone have any experience with it
L250[06:54:34] <MalkContent> fair enough
L251[06:54:54] <alekso56> MalkContent: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.10.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/ClientCommandHandler.java#L62
L252[06:55:46] ⇦ Quits: secknv (~androirc@bl18-84-203.dsl.telepac.pt) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L253[06:56:16] <MalkContent> i know
L254[06:56:27] <MalkContent> that's what confuses me so
L255[06:58:05] <alekso56> what i can do, is override the send method in GuiScreen. .-.
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L257[06:59:54] <MalkContent> vanilla just doesn't seem to use the forge command handler
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L259[07:00:22] <MalkContent> not sure, but I'm not invested in this anymore, because this is stupid :D
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L261[07:00:33] <MalkContent> i agree client command should be changed
L262[07:00:51] <MalkContent> the if "/" needs an else return 0
L263[07:01:18] <MalkContent> screw people wanting to run client commands without slash ^^
L264[07:02:13] <masa> butbut what about !myawesomecommand
L265[07:02:42] <alekso56> for backwards compats sake, add event.getPrefix() or something.
L266[07:02:51] <MalkContent> .!.. yournonstandardizedcommand ^^
L267[07:03:14] <alekso56> or like, event.hadSlash()
L268[07:03:19] <alekso56> :v
L269[07:03:30] <MalkContent> what backwards compat
L270[07:03:44] <alekso56> for shitty mods, obviously.
L271[07:05:15] <MalkContent> i can hear the distant laughter of lex subconcious not caring before he realizes that those people will complain to him ^^
L272[07:06:08] <MalkContent> idk. maybe there could be a registry
L273[07:06:15] <alekso56> for what?
L274[07:06:18] <MalkContent> commands that require certain prefixes
L275[07:06:30] <alekso56> that'd be a paint to maintain.
L276[07:06:33] <alekso56> *pain
L277[07:06:42] <MalkContent> why.
L278[07:06:56] <alekso56> oh, well, i want ø as a prefix, what now?
L279[07:06:59] <MalkContent> just register your command with a prefix
L280[07:07:18] <alekso56> that doesn't really belong in forge.
L281[07:07:31] <MalkContent> then you register ø as a prefix :P
L282[07:08:25] <MalkContent> idk. i can see almost reasonable explanations why someone would want a command with a special prefix
L283[07:08:29] <MalkContent> or none
L284[07:09:10] <MalkContent> would be stupid if there had to be custom chatmessage parsing if there's the command system
L285[07:10:29] <MalkContent> i.e. a stupid example: mod that makes typing hello into chat makes nearby golems hand you roses
L286[07:10:32] <MalkContent> poppies*
L287[07:12:34] <alekso56> i don't see a valid reason for that, since that'd require the server to also have the mod :v
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L289[07:12:59] <MalkContent> naturally
L290[07:13:23] <MalkContent> anyways, I'm out of my depth here anyways and am gonna shut up now instead of flapping about how things should be done ^^
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L293[07:25:00] <Ordinastie_> ghz|afk, hehe : http://puu.sh/qFGmU.mp4
L294[07:25:59] <sham1> that's super cool
L295[07:27:03] <Ordinastie_> he made the model
L296[07:27:16] <Ordinastie_> and texture
L297[07:30:24] <Ordinastie_> just need a bit of optimisation : before : http://puu.sh/qFGAv.png , after : http://puu.sh/qFGBS.png :D
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L301[07:36:43] <TechnicianLP> what mod is that from?
L302[07:37:41] <Ordinastie_> will be in the next update of MalisisDoors
L303[07:38:03] <heldplayer> 3 block wide doors? Yes pls
L304[07:38:27] <Ordinastie_> hehe
L305[07:38:41] <Ordinastie_> that's an often demande one :p
L306[07:42:10] <sham1> Piston doors are a nice way to make 3x3 doors
L307[07:42:14] <sham1> Or
L308[07:42:17] <sham1> Is that 3x2
L309[07:42:34] <Ordinastie_> that's 3x2
L310[07:42:42] <sham1> ah, nice
L311[07:42:57] <Ordinastie_> but make me a model of any size, it's quite easy to add :p
L312[07:43:23] <sham1> that would require me to know modelling
L313[07:50:52] ⇨ Joins: gigaherz (gigaherz@161.red-88-8-167.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
L314[07:51:00] <MalkContent> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=blender+tutorial
L315[07:51:18] <MalkContent> or "how to get adequte enough for minecraft modeling in 30 minutes" ^^
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L317[07:51:45] <MalkContent> well i guess mapping the textures is gonna take an other 0.5-1 h
L318[07:51:54] <Ordinastie_> yeah, right, go learn and make me doors!
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L320[07:52:35] <Ordinastie_> the thing is, it's not really that hard to learn, but that need pratice
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L322[07:52:55] <Ordinastie_> especially with blender I fell, because of all the weird shortcuts
L323[07:53:28] <MalkContent> when in doubt, hit space and type out command
L324[07:53:38] <Ordinastie_> but that means you do know the command
L325[07:53:55] <MalkContent> that's what you need the 30min tutorial for :D
L326[07:54:14] <MalkContent> you don't need any high level modeling skills for blockworld
L327[07:54:24] <RANKSHANK_mob1> Blender and its shortcuts are nutty :P
L328[07:54:37] <Ordinastie_> its UI is not that great
L329[07:54:48] <Ordinastie_> it's getting better apparently, but still
L330[07:54:59] <RANKSHANK_mob1> Definitely true
L331[07:55:19] <Ordinastie_> but a program that powerful and free, can't really complain either :p
L332[07:55:41] <RANKSHANK_mob1> ^
L333[07:56:19] ⇨ Joins: raoulvdberge (uid95673@id-95673.richmond.irccloud.com)
L334[07:59:11] <RANKSHANK_mob1> I really can't think of an efficient way to fit that many tools and such into a pretty/streamlined GUI
L335[08:00:14] <Ordinastie_> there are pretty confusing design choices too
L336[08:00:21] <Ordinastie_> like by default, select is right click
L337[08:00:23] <Ordinastie_> like wtf
L338[08:02:04] <RANKSHANK_mob1> Every time I pick it back up the first 20 minutes is inopportune left clicks man
L339[08:02:23] <Ordinastie_> I just changed it in the options
L340[08:02:26] <Ordinastie_> you can swap it
L341[08:02:39] <RANKSHANK_mob1> "Clicks" fuck I have to reselect everything again
L342[08:02:51] <Ordinastie_> Ctrl+Z :p
L343[08:03:37] <RANKSHANK_mob1> Wait you can do that?
L344[08:03:45] <Ordinastie_> I think so
L345[08:03:53] <Ordinastie_> select/deselect is part of the history
L346[08:03:53] <RANKSHANK_mob1> I swear I looked :P
L347[08:04:05] <RANKSHANK_mob1> :*
L348[08:04:12] <RANKSHANK_mob1> Just for you
L349[08:04:44] <Ordinastie_> yep, does work for me
L350[08:05:03] <Ordinastie_> (btw, I need a name for that door)
L351[08:05:12] *** Curle|A is now known as Curle
L352[08:05:23] <Curle> So, Ordie, if we make models, you'll add doors for us?
L353[08:05:29] <Curle> That's super cool.
L354[08:05:42] <Ordinastie_> I wonder, why people put an E after Ordi? ><
L355[08:05:53] <Curle> I just do it because it was a typo the first time
L356[08:05:53] <Curle> :L
L357[08:06:20] <Ordinastie_> but yes, if you make a model and I feel it's good enough, I can add it to the mod :p
L358[08:06:27] <Curle> Sweet.
L359[08:07:36] <Ordinastie_> do you have ideas ?
L360[08:07:43] <Curle> Many.
L361[08:08:21] <Ordinastie_> and you're good with blender ?
L362[08:08:30] <Curle> Pretty good.
L363[08:08:31] <gigaherz> Ordinastie_: because it's "Ordi-nastie, so it's easy to contract it so it begins and ends the same "Ordi[inast]ie
L364[08:08:39] ⇦ Quits: PitchBright (~PitchBrig@CPE00fc8d8a3ce3-CM00fc8d8a3ce0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: brb)
L365[08:08:47] <gigaherz> so Ordie ;P
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L367[08:08:51] <Curle> dear lord, ghz = gigaherz?
L368[08:08:56] <Curle> This changes everything.
L369[08:09:09] <gigaherz> wat? XD
L370[08:09:27] <Curle> Contraction of your name
L371[08:09:29] <Curle> ghz
L372[08:09:33] <gigaherz> ofc
L373[08:09:34] <Curle> I didn't realize it was you.
L374[08:09:35] <Curle> :L
L375[08:09:38] <gigaherz> lol
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L377[08:09:50] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, you've seen the door ?
L378[08:09:54] <gigaherz> nope
L379[08:09:55] <gigaherz> link?
L380[08:10:01] <Ordinastie_> backlog
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L382[08:10:09] <Curle> http://puu.sh/qFGmU.mp4
L383[08:10:16] <Curle> For convenience
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L385[08:10:30] <gigaherz> nice :)
L386[08:10:31] <Ordinastie_> also : <Ordinastie_> just need a bit of optimisation : before : http://puu.sh/qFGAv.png , after : http://puu.sh/qFGBS.png :D
L387[08:10:54] <gigaherz> heh
L388[08:10:56] <Ordinastie_> nice thing is blender have a shortcut to merge tris into quads
L389[08:11:07] <gigaherz> yep rhino has one too, but it fails epicly most of the time
L390[08:11:12] <Ordinastie_> but some polys add more than 4 vertexes
L391[08:11:18] <Curle> Ordie, so both of those doors are 1.5 blocks wide?
L392[08:11:22] <gigaherz> yup
L393[08:11:35] <Curle> Can you place the door in a one block gap?
L394[08:11:42] <Curle> For consistency, i wanna know. :L
L395[08:11:47] <Ordinastie_> Curle, not whole double door is one block
L396[08:12:00] <Ordinastie_> and I won't answer you next time you butcher my name :p
L397[08:12:09] <Curle> Alright
L398[08:12:22] <Ordinastie_> Ordie doesn't ping me either
L399[08:12:25] <Curle> I feel Story Mode puns coming on.
L400[08:12:44] <Curle> Ordie of the Stone?
L401[08:12:45] <Curle> :D
L402[08:12:54] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L403[08:13:09] <Curle> I'm so sorry.
L404[08:13:41] <Ordinastie_> shut up and go make models
L405[08:13:43] <Curle> :D
L406[08:14:05] <gigaherz> meh
L407[08:14:08] <gigaherz> stupid sore throat
L408[08:14:12] <gigaherz> it doesn't quite huirt
L409[08:14:23] ⇦ Quits: RANKSHANK_mob1 (~RANKSHANK@pa49-180-145-252.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: ciao)
L410[08:14:23] <gigaherz> but it's itchy and it prevents me from concentrating
L411[08:14:36] <Curle> I just cut my (quite large) lawn with a faulty strimmer
L412[08:14:42] <Curle> the vibrations literally hurt
L413[08:14:48] <Curle> and I can't keep my arms up
L414[08:15:06] <Curle> so I might take a while
L415[08:15:07] <Curle> :L
L416[08:15:57] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, also the UVs for the sides and top/bottom are quite messed up
L417[08:16:33] <Curle> The sides look fine in the video
L418[08:16:40] <Curle> insides included
L419[08:17:00] <gigaherz> nah they weren't quite right
L420[08:17:25] <Ordinastie_> they look fine, but http://puu.sh/qFII8.png
L421[08:17:28] <gigaherz> I can't disable texture filtering on rhino so I couldn't see (and fix) the edge textures to have matching pixels
L422[08:18:11] <Ordinastie_> it's ok, I plan to increase the resolution, move the glass under and use the free space for the right door
L423[08:18:18] <Ordinastie_> so they can have diff details
L424[08:18:28] <gigaherz> ah
L425[08:19:56] <Ordinastie_> but I just realised that : http://puu.sh/qFIOC.png
L426[08:20:06] <Curle> Okay, as far as I can tell, one minecraft block pixel is 0.03125 Blender units
L427[08:20:14] <Ordinastie_> I didn't even see that before, that'll help for UV unwrapping :p
L428[08:20:23] <Ordinastie_> Curle, no
L429[08:20:26] <Curle> :L
L430[08:20:28] <Ordinastie_> 1 block is 1 unit
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L432[08:20:35] <Curle> Right.
L433[08:20:54] <Ordinastie_> look at the screenshot, you'll see I changed the subdivision to 16
L434[08:20:56] <Curle> Took it that one square on the grid was one block. Makes more sense.
L435[08:21:01] <Ordinastie_> so they represent 1 px
L436[08:21:24] <Curle> Yeah. Makes sense.
L437[08:21:26] <Curle> Thanks.
L438[08:21:56] <Ordinastie_> also what you want for the axis position is like that : http://puu.sh/qFIOC.png
L439[08:21:58] <Ordinastie_> failed
L440[08:22:05] <Ordinastie_> http://puu.sh/qFIV1.png
L441[08:22:07] <Curle> gg
L442[08:22:21] <Ordinastie_> I tend to paste before upload is done
L443[08:22:32] <Curle> Fair enough
L444[08:22:33] <Ordinastie_> have the X axis match the one in MC
L445[08:22:51] <Ordinastie_> so it's like you're looking north here
L446[08:23:16] <Ordinastie_> and the block space matches the bottom right square
L447[08:23:56] <Ordinastie_> and if you want, here are the export options I use : http://puu.sh/qFIZm.png
L448[08:24:09] <Curle> Thanks a bunch, man.
L449[08:25:06] <Ordinastie_> if you're willing to make models for my mod, that's the least I can do :p
L450[08:25:55] <Curle> :D
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L452[08:27:12] <Ordinastie_> now I need to find a sound maker :p
L453[08:27:42] <Curle> HEh.
L454[08:27:50] <Curle> I usually use Reason 5
L455[08:27:56] <Curle> But that's just me.
L456[08:28:13] <Curle> You might wanna stay away from that, it's around $500 or something
L457[08:28:46] <Curle> If you find one, I'm sure we'd all love you :D
L458[08:29:31] <Ordinastie_> I stole my pneumatic door sound from duke nukem 3d
L459[08:29:37] <Curle> u wut
L460[08:29:52] <Ordinastie_> but that sound it literraly use everywhere
L461[08:30:39] <Ordinastie_> it's kinda like the SC1 terran academy sound, it's reused so often
L462[08:31:59] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/4aMyaN8.png
L463[08:32:06] <Curle> I forgot how to close menus
L464[08:32:07] <Curle> :L
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L466[08:32:09] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexLap2
L467[08:32:37] <Ordinastie_> you mean panes ?
L468[08:32:40] <Curle> Whatever.
L469[08:32:41] <Curle> :L
L470[08:32:57] <Ordinastie_> the bottom right corner, grab it and go left
L471[08:33:11] <Ordinastie_> then chose left/right for which one you wnat to keep
L472[08:34:29] ⇦ Quits: LexLap (~LexManos@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L473[08:38:08] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L474[08:41:23] <Curle> I may have just made a sliding square puzzle with my Blender window
L475[08:41:25] <Curle> :D
L476[08:41:47] ⇦ Quits: Fye (~Fye@dynamic-adsl-84-221-196-188.clienti.tiscali.it) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L477[08:41:52] <Ordinastie_> have you tried turning it off and on again ?
L478[08:43:48] <Curle> :D
L479[08:43:57] <Curle> I solved it, don't worry.
L480[08:43:58] <Curle> :L
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L503[09:55:07] <Naiten> theodolite, yay http://i.imgur.com/yebKUX2.png
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L506[09:59:27] <Naiten> should learn how to unwrap and texture in blender now :�
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L509[10:02:42] <Zaggy1024> Lex, do you still want that RenderGlobal field for cloud rendering, despite being able to call setCloudRenderer in WorldProvider?
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L511[10:07:41] <Wuppy> sup Curle
L512[10:08:35] <Curle> ERMAHGERD
L513[10:08:39] <Curle> WUPPY!
L514[10:08:39] <Curle> :D
L515[10:08:42] <Wuppy> lol
L516[10:08:50] <Wuppy> how're you
L517[10:09:01] <Curle> Fantastic!
L518[10:09:03] <Curle> You?
L519[10:09:13] <Wuppy> great
L520[10:09:23] <Wuppy> although I'm suddenly working a lot even though it's vacation :P
L521[10:09:34] <Curle> What've you been up to since, what, May?
L522[10:09:47] <Wuppy> some game development and some VR stuff
L523[10:09:51] <Wuppy> and VR games :P
L524[10:10:01] <Curle> :L
L525[10:10:10] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L526[10:10:13] <Wuppy> VR games are amazing
L527[10:10:28] <Curle> Amen.
L528[10:10:32] <sham1> no
L529[10:10:56] <sham1> no they are not
L530[10:11:16] <Wuppy> sham1, why not?
L531[10:11:24] <Wuppy> Curle, this is the best project I've worked on since may http://vangogh.igad.nl/
L532[10:11:45] <sham1> because they cause headaches
L533[10:11:57] <sham1> have bad fov
L534[10:12:11] <sham1> and are disorienting
L535[10:12:16] <Curle> To you.
L536[10:12:21] <Wuppy> if you have any of those issues, you either have a bad game or a bad device
L537[10:12:34] <Curle> Well, in my experience, the Vive is much more stable than a Rift.
L538[10:12:44] <Wuppy> or you're one of the few in the world who can't handle it, but there's very few of those
L539[10:13:11] <Wuppy> IMO it's Rift > Gear VR > Vive
L540[10:13:19] <Curle> No way mato.
L541[10:13:20] <Curle> :L
L542[10:13:24] <Wuppy> funnily enough, the Gear VR even though it's mobile, is a better quality than the rift
L543[10:13:27] <sham1> Also, call me old-fashioned, but I like my games on my monitor instead of having the game strapped onto my face
L544[10:13:36] <Wuppy> errr, turn around those arrows
L545[10:13:45] <Wuppy> Vive is best, Gear VR second, Oculus rift worst
L546[10:13:50] <Curle> VIVE > Rift > Gear
L547[10:14:03] <Curle> I literally cannot stand up while in a Gear
L548[10:14:06] <Wuppy> surprisingly, the Gear has a much better screen quality than the Rift
L549[10:14:18] <Wuppy> it's not designed to stand up with AFAIK
L550[10:14:24] <Curle> :L
L551[10:14:35] <Curle> I have a standing desk.
L552[10:14:43] <Curle> And the demo was on a standing desk.
L553[10:14:45] <Wuppy> right, then the Vive is the only real option
L554[10:14:53] <Curle> :L
L555[10:14:59] <sham1> Also, last time the industry tried VR, we got the VirtualBoy
L556[10:15:18] <Wuppy> sham1, there's always bad examples
L557[10:15:34] <sham1> So I am sceptical
L558[10:15:38] <Wuppy> the van gogh game I worked on is a great example of VR
L559[10:15:41] <Curle> Are you the only useful programmer on the team, wuppy?
L560[10:15:43] <Curle> :L
L561[10:15:54] <Wuppy> Curle, the other programmer made a shader but it was too heavy
L562[10:16:39] <Curle> Yeah, noticed. But shading isn't useful. :L
L563[10:16:51] <Ordinastie_> hum, it's annoying I can't fit the whole texture in the square :/
L564[10:16:54] <sham1> yes it is
L565[10:17:31] <Curle> Sham, please.
L566[10:17:40] <Curle> Otherwise I'll start calling you ShamWOW!
L567[10:17:41] <Curle> :D
L568[10:18:34] <sham1> Probably better than being called SysWOW64
L569[10:18:41] <Wuppy> also Curle saturday and sunday, I'll be spending my day here http://castleoflove.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/love_lrwm_072.jpg :D
L570[10:18:45] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:8301:ead3:c18c:53e8:a85e:8d9c)
L571[10:18:59] <Curle> Oh my giddy gear god.
L572[10:19:10] <Curle> Both of you.
L573[10:19:34] <Wuppy> plus, all drinks there are free :D
L574[10:19:43] <sham1> Go home Netherlands, you are drunk
L575[10:19:44] ⇨ Joins: howtonotwin (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net)
L576[10:19:55] <Curle> Also, what's with the page title, Wup?
L577[10:19:56] <Curle> :L
L578[10:20:07] <Wuppy> sham1, I wont be drunk until saturday :P
L579[10:20:10] <Wuppy> Curle, what do you mean?
L580[10:20:24] <Curle> The page title of the Becoming Vincent thing
L581[10:20:30] <Curle> Agency - Start Bootstap Theme
L582[10:20:32] <Curle> :D
L583[10:20:38] <Wuppy> ah yeah, that's not fixed yet
L584[10:20:42] <Wuppy> I'm not in charge of the website
L585[10:20:48] <Curle> Noticed. :L
L586[10:20:51] ⇨ Joins: SanAndreasP (~SanAndrea@p54B611ED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L587[10:22:48] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
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L589[10:24:54] <Wuppy> ugh I hate salaries in the Netherlands :|
L590[10:25:04] <Wuppy> minimum hourly wage is fucking 5.50 for people of my age
L591[10:25:21] <Curle> I wish there was a way to preview what models look like in-game while modelling in Blender
L592[10:25:22] <Curle> :L
L593[10:25:28] <Wuppy> which means you'd have to work at least 4 hours every day just to support a student room
L594[10:25:34] <williewillus> what a strange issue https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/3206
L595[10:25:46] <Wuppy> and that's the cheapest possible room in my town, even
L596[10:25:58] <williewillus> !gm MinecraftServer.stopServer
L597[10:26:01] <Wuppy> that's 4 hours a day, 7 days a week
L598[10:26:02] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L599[10:26:04] <Wuppy> how would one even
L600[10:27:01] <Naiten> Curle, can't you put model in 'texture' mode and put some lighting around?
L601[10:27:20] <Curle> Doesn't help me particularly.
L602[10:27:21] <Curle> :L
L603[10:27:29] <Naiten> :�
L604[10:27:31] <Curle> I need a blockgrid reference, AKA the game
L605[10:27:32] <Curle> :L
L606[10:27:33] ⇦ Quits: howtonotwin (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L607[10:28:43] <Curle> こんいちわ
L608[10:28:46] <Naiten> Curle, write a script which will load some world-save nbt and create OBJ model based on that data and UV-mapped sample model of cude
L609[10:28:52] <Curle> Erm, HexChat?
L610[10:29:42] <Curle> Naiten, that's a creative idea, but I have no idea.
L611[10:29:45] <Curle> :L
L612[10:30:27] <Naiten> Curle, welp, .obj is just a text which can be easily generated with scripts
L613[10:30:40] <Curle> That much I know.
L614[10:30:43] <Naiten> though mapping it would require some creativeness
L615[10:30:56] <Curle> But loading and rendering the NBT of a world
L616[10:30:58] <Curle> Beyond me. :L
L617[10:32:09] <Naiten> Don't load the whole world, make chuck coordinate selector :�
L618[10:32:43] <Curle> Then wouldn't that need a bunch of math to figure out the coordinates that are useful to you?
L619[10:32:47] <Curle> :L
L620[10:33:27] <Curle> Plus, the only way I can think of doing that is via Python.
L621[10:33:44] <Curle> No way, Jos.
L622[10:33:49] <Curle> Can't accent a letter?
L623[10:33:50] <Curle> damn.
L624[10:33:57] <Curle> No way Jose.
L625[10:34:20] <gigaherz> ééééé
L626[10:34:32] <Curle> Showoff.
L627[10:35:20] <Ordinastie_> doesn't look as good as I'd like too, but : http://puu.sh/qFPAj.jpg
L628[10:35:39] ⇦ Quits: Javaschreiber (~Thunderbi@p200300D2F3D4C600185F1960B50F0500.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Javaschreiber)
L629[10:35:51] <LatvianModder> āčēģīķļņšūž. deal with it
L630[10:36:31] <Curle> Nice texturing job, Ordi.
L631[10:36:31] <Naiten> Curle, like, iterating the double cycle from given coords - size to given coords + size for chunks is math?
L632[10:36:34] <LatvianModder> Ordinastie_: that looks cool.. but that inventory item model lol
L633[10:36:54] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L634[10:37:08] <Curle> Naiten: I was thinking more x / 16, z / 16, but whatever proverbially floats your proverbial boat.
L635[10:37:08] <Ordinastie_> yeah, the inventory model is gonna be a pain if I want a generic system :/
L636[10:37:15] <williewillus> just shrink it :P
L637[10:37:28] <LatvianModder> you can do it from json
L638[10:37:31] <gigaherz> williewillus: he isn't using the standard blockstates/model jsons
L639[10:37:38] <Ordinastie_> LatvianModder, lol, like I'm using JSON...
L640[10:37:39] <williewillus> its still trivial to shrink a model :P
L641[10:37:41] <LatvianModder> what, why
L642[10:37:46] <williewillus> he has his own system
L643[10:37:48] <gigaherz> because he doens't like the system
L644[10:37:48] <williewillus> which is fine
L645[10:37:49] <LatvianModder> WHY
L646[10:37:52] <williewillus> i dont really care as long as its fast
L647[10:37:59] <LatvianModder> i guess so
L648[10:38:07] <LatvianModder> as long as it doesnt break other mods*
L649[10:38:13] <Ordinastie_> shrinking is not the issue, the issue is I want to have the same code for possible other doors
L650[10:38:23] <Curle> Shotgun.
L651[10:38:23] <Curle> :D
L652[10:38:26] ⇦ Quits: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L653[10:38:43] <Naiten> Curle, are you good at Blender?
L654[10:38:48] <Curle> Reasonably.
L655[10:38:50] <Ordinastie_> too late, he's taken
L656[10:38:56] <Ordinastie_> go away
L657[10:38:59] <Curle> :D
L658[10:39:05] <LatvianModder> yo curle.. are you good at Blender?
L659[10:39:09] <LatvianModder> :P
L660[10:39:16] <Curle> Yup, I like to think so.
L661[10:39:26] ⇦ Parts: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr) (Leaving))
L662[10:39:26] <Curle> Although i tend to forget the most trivial things.
L663[10:39:35] <Curle> Such as closing panes...
L664[10:39:45] <Curle> I made a sliding box puzzle with Blender earlier :D
L665[10:39:50] ⇨ Joins: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr)
L666[10:39:58] <Curle> Blender itself, not in it.
L667[10:40:20] <LatvianModder> I use Wings3D.. anyone else uses decades old modeler?
L668[10:40:26] <Ordinastie_> how the model is going ?
L669[10:40:30] <Naiten> Curle, check out mah model then pls :� http://i.imgur.com/yebKUX2.png
L670[10:40:40] <Curle> Well, I can't actually start yet, because my backup server is updating.
L671[10:41:02] <Curle> And I have to go to Tae Kwon-Do soon, so you'll all (hopefully not, Christ almighty) have to wait. :L
L672[10:41:10] <Curle> I saw, Nait.
L673[10:41:18] <Curle> Neat, Nait. :D
L674[10:42:04] <Naiten> C:
L675[10:42:05] <gigaherz> why shorten nicknames, Curle? it's just pressing tab at the end ;p
L676[10:42:13] <Curle> Gig, please.
L677[10:42:32] <Curle> You're making this harder than it needs to be. (lenny?)
L678[10:42:36] <gigaherz> xcept for lex, you don't press tab for lex.
L679[10:42:42] <Naiten> gigaherz, welp, I actually use that nick too in several places
L680[10:43:16] <gigaherz> sorry got a sore throat, everything feels harder than it needs to be.
L681[10:43:34] <LatvianModder> Nice model Naiten. Is it that tool you use on ships to read Lat/Alt or smth?
L682[10:44:11] <gigaherz> sextant ;P
L683[10:44:41] <gigaherz> I mean that's the name of the tool
L684[10:44:43] <LatvianModder> I didnt know how to write it lol. I knew the name :P
L685[10:44:43] <gigaherz> dunno if it's meant to be one
L686[10:44:54] <Naiten> LatvianModder, almost. It's called 'theodolite' and is used on earth to measure horizontal and vertical angles to make plans and maps
L687[10:45:31] <LatvianModder> That looks like P-Body from Portal2 lol http://www.tradesurvey.co.uk/images/products/prexiso-to2/prexiso-t-o-2-at-a-glance.jpg
L688[10:45:38] <Curle> Some nautical guide I have then
L689[10:45:38] <Curle> :L
L690[10:45:45] <gigaherz> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Exploration_theodolite_img_1660.jpg
L691[10:45:46] <gigaherz> fancy.
L692[10:45:52] <Naiten> they use sextants and astrolabes to measure coordinates
L693[10:46:08] <Curle> Yeah, my guide called it an astrolabe
L694[10:46:34] <Curle> that's like the Golden Compass :D
L695[10:47:17] <Zidane> Could someone explain the "padding" element when building a BakedQuad?
L696[10:47:39] <gigaherz> Zidane: it's to fill up the last int
L697[10:47:43] <gigaherz> so that it's a multiple of 4 bytes
L698[10:47:57] ⇨ Joins: Lirianer (webchat@r167-60-185-30.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy)
L699[10:47:59] <Zidane> Do I need to put any data into it?
L700[10:48:05] <gigaherz> no leave it 0
L701[10:48:27] <Curle> An astrolabe looks a bit like an alethiometer :D
L702[10:48:27] <gigaherz> mc has two primary vertex formats
L703[10:48:29] <gigaherz> ITEM, and BLOCK
L704[10:48:39] <gigaherz> they have the same total length
L705[10:48:56] <gigaherz> so when you create BakeQuads
L706[10:49:01] <gigaherz> you fill them in using ITEM semantics
L707[10:49:20] <gigaherz> where the last 4 elements are "nx,ny,nz,padding"
L708[10:49:26] <gigaherz> and if you use it for blocks
L709[10:49:43] <gigaherz> mc will then later replace them with "uv1.x,uv1.y" for the lightmap coords
L710[10:49:50] <Zidane> Gotcha
L711[10:49:56] <gigaherz> since each lightmap coord is 16bit rather than 8
L712[10:50:05] <Naiten> LatvianModder, the reference i actually used https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:����������_1840.jpg
L713[10:50:20] <Curle> Might wanna check that link.
L714[10:50:27] <LatvianModder> borken
L715[10:50:29] <williewillus> lol
L716[10:50:43] <Naiten> capitalist web -__-
L717[10:50:43] <Curle> we've got a porky link here boys
L718[10:51:10] <Curle> "we don't take kindly to people that don't take kindly round here round here."
L719[10:51:38] <Naiten> welp, what do i do about it now -_-
L720[10:52:33] ⇨ Joins: howtonotwin (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net)
L721[10:53:46] <Naiten> uh, even wikipedia already supports cyrillic http://i.imgur.com/lFqghz8.jpg
L722[10:54:39] ⇦ Quits: mikrysoft (~mikrysoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl) (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L723[10:55:46] ⇨ Joins: mikrysoft (~mikrysoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl)
L724[10:55:58] <Curle> LatvianModder: I screwed up Wings. :L http://i.imgur.com/xPvGfyi.png
L725[10:56:12] <LatvianModder> haha
L726[10:56:14] <Curle> I did nothing to that.
L727[10:56:26] <Curle> I just spawned in a dodecahedron and something went awry.
L728[10:56:30] <LatvianModder> I still dont understand how to perfectly align textures
L729[10:56:36] <LatvianModder> UVs that is
L730[10:57:04] <LatvianModder> because it always tries to compact it, but doesnt think about math. like. its Impossible to draw the 0.3rd pixel >:)
L731[10:57:19] <LatvianModder> It was supposed to be a ( but ok
L732[10:57:21] ⇦ Quits: mikrysoft (~mikrysoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl) (Client Quit)
L733[10:58:17] <Curle> you look like a mad man with that emote
L734[10:58:37] <LatvianModder> this is the best I can do with W3D lol https://youtu.be/yPM0zh8aKwA
L735[11:00:30] <Naiten> LatvianModder, if you speak about modelling for MC, build your model in 16:1 scale out of even-number-of-meters-sized elements and scale it back to 1:1
L736[11:01:01] <LatvianModder> no, models are fine. Its the UV that bothers me. it always generates them sideways
L737[11:01:08] <LatvianModder> and not aligned to grid
L738[11:01:16] <Naiten> *if you are stuck to vanilla 16tx/m resolution
L739[11:01:35] <Curle> What's the max that Forge supports natively?
L740[11:01:36] <Wuppy> woop, just 30 minutes and I'll have a lasagna
L741[11:01:53] <Curle> Wup, why not Zoidberg?
L742[11:02:29] <LatvianModder> texture size?
L743[11:02:35] <Naiten> LatvianModder, are you working in Blender? UV editor allows to do that, Shift-S > Selection to pixels
L744[11:02:44] <Wuppy> Curle, because I've never had lobster
L745[11:02:45] <Naiten> oh
L746[11:02:47] <Wuppy> and it's expensive
L747[11:02:48] <Wuppy> :P
L748[11:02:51] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/zwqhGIm.png
L749[11:02:54] <LatvianModder> I only have W3D. Blender is way too confusing for me
L750[11:03:18] <Curle> ^
L751[11:03:27] <LatvianModder> he never actually says those words in show. #FactsRuinEverything!
L752[11:03:29] <Curle> It took me an hour to close a god damned "pane"
L753[11:03:34] <Curle> He does, actually.
L754[11:03:39] ⇦ Quits: MaDmaxwell (~MaDmaxwel@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L755[11:03:39] <Curle> About five times.
L756[11:03:52] <Curle> Source: I've binged on Futurama.
L757[11:03:54] <Curle> Twice.
L758[11:04:08] ⇦ Quits: justJanne (~justJanne@kuschku.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L759[11:04:39] <Naiten> Welp, it's matter of taste :� I never actually knew how to model in Blender since installing it some years ago, but last week I spent like day or two on googling things and learned how to model such things like theodolite
L760[11:04:49] <Naiten> and it's fast and handy :�
L761[11:05:08] <LatvianModder> I dunno, often crashed for me
L762[11:05:19] <Ordinastie_> slight detail I overlooked when using renderWorldLast to render animated parts
L763[11:05:20] <LatvianModder> But that was back in 2012
L764[11:05:25] <LatvianModder> Did it ever get that UI change?
L765[11:05:36] <Ordinastie_> it doesn't fare well with other translucent elements
L766[11:05:53] <Curle> Holy smokes, that grid is disorienting.
L767[11:06:12] <LatvianModder> I guess not https://www.blenderguru.com/articles/new-blender-ui-proposal/
L768[11:06:17] <Naiten> LatvianModder, the style of UI is almost same, but it got loads of improvements in usability
L769[11:07:58] <Curle> ShareX will be the death of me.
L770[11:08:09] <Curle> Just uploaded a GIF, it's 1 byte over the limit.
L771[11:08:12] <Curle> ONE BYTE.
L772[11:09:04] <heldplayer> Here's one byte for you https://ss.heldplayer.blue/cFH6gnVv
L773[11:09:12] <Naiten> >>
L774[11:09:12] <Naiten> 3. Recall instead of Recognition � Heavy use of keyboard shortcuts make users think.<< What? Shortcuts are making your work several times faster, and you don't even need to 'recall' which key to press after you use it a while
L775[11:09:21] <Curle> Did you just make that?
L776[11:09:32] <Zidane> williewillus, can you link me where the break model is generated or displayed?
L777[11:09:32] <heldplayer> I literally screenshotted what you said :P
L778[11:09:38] <Curle> wow.
L779[11:09:40] <Curle> WOW.
L780[11:09:54] <LatvianModder> Use mp4
L781[11:10:06] <Curle> Hm?
L782[11:10:20] <LatvianModder> not gif
L783[11:10:23] <LatvianModder> with ShareX
L784[11:10:58] ⇨ Joins: BordListian (~BordListi@213-47-142-14.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L785[11:12:24] <Curle> so much hasle to upload
L786[11:14:15] <LatvianModder> looks lovely
L787[11:14:16] <LatvianModder> https://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/835/4251/original.jpg
L788[11:14:28] <williewillus> Zidane: ForgeHooksClient.getDamageModel. it just copies the quads and changes the texture to the cracking texture
L789[11:15:31] <Naiten> LatvianModder, ^ the layout one will never need in life
L790[11:15:38] <BordListian> blender is an ok program
L791[11:15:48] <Curle> Latvian, I had something like that happen to me :L
L792[11:16:43] ⇨ Joins: Nentify (uid14943@id-14943.highgate.irccloud.com)
L793[11:18:19] <Curle> http://www.anter-gerang.org/p/2016-08-18_17-10-28.mp4
L794[11:18:23] <Curle> Someone make sense of that please.
L795[11:18:24] <Curle> :L
L796[11:19:47] <Curle> I can't remember which way is up anymore.
L797[11:21:12] <LatvianModder> Where Y points up
L798[11:21:21] <LatvianModder> Also whats up with that framerate? is it just me?
L799[11:23:22] <heldplayer> I have no clue what I'm looking at
L800[11:23:26] ⇨ Joins: justJanne (~justJanne@
L801[11:24:59] <Curle> The Wings3D baseplate
L802[11:25:13] <Curle> I have no sense of orientation when I move it.
L803[11:25:19] <Curle> Should be on /r/woahdude
L804[11:25:20] <Curle> :L
L805[11:25:21] <howtonotwin> That looks like orthographic projection. No wonder you're confused :P
L806[11:25:41] <Curle> What's that supposed to mean?
L807[11:25:44] <Curle> :D
L808[11:26:10] <howtonotwin> You can look at a scene in orthographic or perspective views, in most modeling programs
L809[11:26:15] <gigaherz> Curle: the green line should be upward
L810[11:26:44] ⇨ Joins: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@
L811[11:26:56] <Curle> I love the Tesselator though
L812[11:26:57] <Curle> http://www.anter-gerang.org/p/erl_2016-08-18_17-26-08.png
L813[11:27:17] <blood|wrk> Ordinastie_: http://pastebin.com/raw/JgzXcTdW when putting a door in offhand slot and using it
L814[11:27:27] <blood|wrk> 1.10.2
L815[11:27:59] <Naiten> LatvianModder, this is the basic layout you'll need for modelling (until you get to textures), and toggling these panels is as easy as pressing a key on the keyboard
L816[11:28:09] <Naiten> http://i.imgur.com/0XLG8Z2.png
L817[11:28:31] <Curle> What, four separate windows?
L818[11:28:39] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@85-23-77-207.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L819[11:28:39] <Curle> What's powering your computer, NASA?
L820[11:29:02] <Naiten> Curle, no, i shot every state and stitched them in GIMP
L821[11:29:05] <Ordinastie_> blood|wrk, are you sure it's in the hand ?
L822[11:29:08] <Curle> :L
L823[11:29:24] <blood|wrk> let me ask her
L824[11:29:38] <Ordinastie_> !gm func_180446_a
L825[11:29:58] <blood|wrk> yes it was in offhand
L826[11:29:58] <Curle> What's this I see?
L827[11:29:58] <Curle> http://www.anter-gerang.org/public_html/p/ApplicationFrameHost_2016-08-18_17-29-48.png
L828[11:30:03] <blood|wrk> she right-clicked and it crashed client
L829[11:30:07] <Curle> erm
L830[11:30:12] <Curle> Sharex being shit
L831[11:30:20] <Curle> http://www.anter-gerang.org/p/ApplicationFrameHost_2016-08-18_17-29-48.png
L832[11:30:27] <Ordinastie_> it's not in off hand, it's in world
L833[11:30:59] <Curle> Naiten, what's with?
L834[11:31:31] <Naiten> Curle, what?
L835[11:31:46] <Curle> Refer to my last link
L836[11:31:54] <Curle> (:O)
L837[11:31:55] <blood|wrk> Ordinastie_: http://i.imgur.com/dk2oV9i.jpg
L838[11:32:01] <blood|wrk> clearly in offhand :P
L839[11:32:14] <Curle> that dock tho
L840[11:32:20] <Ordinastie_> but that doesn't matter, it's the TE in the world that is rendered
L841[11:32:30] <blood|wrk> sure im just telling you how it crashes
L842[11:32:42] <Ordinastie_> I can't replicate though
L843[11:32:44] <blood|wrk> place a door in offhand, highlight an empty slot
L844[11:32:46] <blood|wrk> right-click
L845[11:33:03] <Naiten> Curle, coremod data = mod core data in my project. I'll have the core with all math and stuff and some child mods to add content
L846[11:33:28] <Curle> Oh, a core mod, not a coremod.
L847[11:33:42] <Curle> Why don't we have a separate term for that?
L848[11:33:53] <blood|wrk> having her test in singleplayer now
L849[11:34:01] <blood|wrk> this crash was on dedicated
L850[11:34:06] <LatvianModder> Curle: setup forwarder in your cpanel
L851[11:34:09] <Naiten> Curle, ?\_(?)_/?
L852[11:34:23] <LatvianModder> My screenshots are also uploaded correctly but url is wrong
L853[11:36:55] <Ordinastie_> blood|wrk, according to the code, the only way that can happen is if the block in world is not the same as the one rendered by the TESR...
L854[11:37:46] <blood|wrk> odd
L855[11:38:03] <Ordinastie_> consider I have a test exactly for that
L856[11:38:11] <Ordinastie_> what type of door was it ?
L857[11:39:03] <Curle> Alright, just redirected public_html to / :D
L858[11:39:05] <blood|wrk> let me find out
L859[11:39:15] <Curle> Didn't help. :L
L860[11:40:44] <LatvianModder> mine redirects http://latmod.com/ss.latmod.com/pc/IMG http://ss.latmod.com/pc/IMG
L861[11:41:04] <blood|wrk> Ordinastie_: in Sponge we capture all blocks set then set them after events are processed. Perhaps there is soemthing breaking your mod
L862[11:41:12] <Curle> that's some 404 error page
L863[11:41:19] <Ordinastie_> it happens reliably ?
L864[11:41:30] <LatvianModder> Curle: well yeah, IMG isnt a real image lol
L865[11:41:37] <Curle> I noticed.
L866[11:41:38] <blood|wrk> yes everytime on dedicated
L867[11:41:43] <blood|wrk> works fine in single
L868[11:41:52] <Curle> "Image not found. Also, 404 because fuck you."
L869[11:42:02] <LatvianModder> lol
L870[11:42:45] <Curle> Sadly I only have www A'd to the 000webhost page
L871[11:42:45] <Curle> :L
L872[11:43:15] <Ordinastie_> blood|wrk, no issue for me even on dedicated :s
L873[11:43:15] <Curle> I was gonna use Heliohost but then Johnny went down
L874[11:43:23] <Curle> then I was gonna use my own server
L875[11:43:27] <blood|wrk> Ordinastie_: can you try adding sponge?
L876[11:43:28] <Curle> then NGINX happened
L877[11:43:30] <blood|wrk> see if it breaks it
L878[11:43:35] <LatvianModder> cant you create a subdomain, like img?
L879[11:43:45] <blood|wrk> btw it was Factory door
L880[11:43:51] <Ordinastie_> can I easily add sponge to dev ?
L881[11:44:04] <blood|wrk> try our dev jar sec
L882[11:44:06] <Curle> Yeah, but I can't redirect anything to anywhere
L883[11:44:21] <Curle> RIP me
L884[11:44:24] <blood|wrk> http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/org/spongepowered/spongeforge/1.10.2-2052-5.0.0-BETA-1675/spongeforge-1.10.2-2052-5.0.0-BETA-1675-dev.jar
L885[11:44:28] <Ordinastie_> also #malisis it will be quieter :p
L886[11:44:28] <blood|wrk> see if that works
L887[11:44:31] <blood|wrk> k
L888[11:44:53] <Curle> And now, it'll go silent because they left
L889[11:44:53] <Curle> :L
L890[11:50:30] <Curle> Called it.
L891[11:56:50] <Curle> welp, i gotta go out.
L892[11:56:55] <Curle> ttygl
L893[11:59:28] ⇦ Quits: raoulvdberge (uid95673@id-95673.richmond.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L896[12:13:35] ⇨ Joins: Dhs92 (~Dhs92@96-39-166-192.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com)
L897[12:13:56] <Dhs92> How come I keep getting this error when running forge? https://i.sli.mg/ed2EIM.png
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L899[12:16:59] <sham1> show run.sh
L900[12:17:31] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-71-39-155.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net)
L901[12:17:46] <sham1> Although you should be running inside your IDE to get the CLASSPATH set correctly
L902[12:17:57] <Dhs92> It's for a server
L903[12:18:03] <primetoxinz> do you have the libraries folder?
L904[12:18:07] <Dhs92> literally just 'java -jar -Xms1G -Xmx3G forge.jar'
L905[12:18:08] <Dhs92> Yes
L906[12:18:11] <sham1> directory
L907[12:18:13] <primetoxinz> did you run the installer?
L908[12:18:14] <Dhs92> I used the installer
L909[12:18:18] <sham1> not folder
L910[12:18:20] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L911[12:18:33] <sham1> It's POSIX-land
L912[12:18:35] <primetoxinz> folder directory, whatever
L913[12:18:41] <sham1> Not whatever
L914[12:19:00] <Dhs92> https://i.sli.mg/FU3lIR.png
L915[12:19:14] <primetoxinz> there you go, it's a folder, it's windows
L916[12:19:25] <Dhs92> No it's not
L917[12:19:26] <Dhs92> lol
L918[12:19:28] <sham1> but there are file permissions
L919[12:19:31] <Dhs92> It's on Ubuntu with WinSCP
L920[12:19:36] <primetoxinz> *shrug*
L921[12:20:31] <BordListian> lmao
L922[12:20:35] <primetoxinz> anyways
L923[12:20:52] <sham1> We're all programmers here. We have to be pedants, otherwise shit breaks
L924[12:21:03] <primetoxinz> if you think so
L925[12:21:15] <BordListian> not always
L926[12:21:18] <Dhs92> Does the installer set any paths when it runs, or does it just extract the files?
L927[12:21:19] <sham1> yes always
L928[12:21:27] <BordListian> not always yes always
L929[12:21:44] <sham1> yes always not always yes always...
L930[12:21:53] <primetoxinz> .-.
L931[12:21:56] <BordListian> so you agree to what i'm saying?
L932[12:22:10] <sham1> probably
L933[12:22:18] <primetoxinz> I think it just extracts Dhs92
L934[12:22:18] <BordListian> 'twas a ruse
L935[12:22:40] <sham1> assuming you provide situations when not being pedantic as a programmer is a good thing
L936[12:23:02] <BordListian> variable naming
L937[12:23:13] <primetoxinz> when it doesn't matter because it's irrevelant to the issue at hand
L938[12:23:43] <sham1> well, how is one supposed to run forge.jar
L939[12:24:17] <sham1> what additional parametres does it need
L940[12:24:25] <primetoxinz> none
L941[12:24:42] <Dhs92> https://i.sli.mg/qZ0n11.png
L942[12:24:45] <Dhs92> hm
L943[12:24:49] <Dhs92> Doesn't seem right lol
L944[12:25:03] <primetoxinz> there's why you are missing libs
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L946[12:25:16] <BordListian> how are you doing that lmao
L947[12:25:26] <Dhs92> Doing what?
L948[12:25:41] <sham1> missing libraries
L949[12:25:42] <BordListian> getting 403s on forge libs
L950[12:25:44] <Dhs92> Literally just 'java -jar installer.jar --installServer'
L951[12:25:45] <Dhs92> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L952[12:26:03] <sham1> this gun B gud
L953[12:26:14] <Dhs92> https://i.sli.mg/REfjVv.png
L954[12:26:26] <BordListian> have you verified that your network stack has not fallen over
L955[12:26:28] <primetoxinz> happening to me too
L956[12:26:37] <primetoxinz> I just tried
L957[12:26:40] <BordListian> lel
L958[12:26:54] <Dhs92> It's a 403 on Mojang's domain, are they blocking it for some reason? >_>
L959[12:27:24] <BordListian> https://help.mojang.com/
L960[12:27:24] <BordListian> maybe
L961[12:27:33] ⇦ Quits: RowenWolfe (~marc.lara@HULLPQ2034W-LP140-01-1178057197.dsl.bell.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L962[12:27:55] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L963[12:27:59] <sham1> wait, the apache logging comes from mojang's domain?
L964[12:28:04] <sham1> that does not seem right
L965[12:28:21] <Dhs92> library.minecraft.net
L966[12:28:25] <Dhs92> Is theirs, no?
L967[12:28:26] ⇦ Quits: LatvianModder (uid50299@id-50299.charlton.irccloud.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L968[12:28:44] <Dhs92> libraries*
L969[12:28:45] <sham1> apache is not mojang now is it
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L971[12:28:48] MineBot sets mode: +v on LatvianModder
L972[12:29:02] <Dhs92> But a 403 is a permissions issue
L973[12:29:08] <BordListian> yea
L974[12:29:34] <sham1> seems that it is trying to download the libraries from the wrong place
L975[12:29:50] <BordListian> ...why would it do that
L976[12:30:14] <sham1> because stupid
L977[12:30:18] <Dhs92> "The server installed successfully" yeah, right
L978[12:30:19] <sham1> Don't your question me
L979[12:30:32] <BordListian> question everything
L980[12:30:46] <Dhs92> Could try asking Lex
L981[12:30:53] <sham1> you're no decarte
L982[12:31:02] <sham1> you don't simply question everything
L983[12:31:18] <BordListian> i can question everything
L984[12:31:25] <BordListian> even the reason why i would question everything
L985[12:32:46] <Dhs92> Soo, the hell is going on here?
L986[12:33:20] <sham1> banter
L987[12:33:20] <primetoxinz> broken shit \o/
L988[12:34:03] <Dhs92> how2fix
L989[12:34:06] <Dhs92> Just wait it out?
L990[12:34:26] <primetoxinz> might be able to upload a lib DIRECTORy for you
L991[12:34:40] <Dhs92> hmk
L992[12:34:58] <Dhs92> oh
L993[12:35:02] <Dhs92> btw primetoxinz
L994[12:35:03] <Dhs92> http://superuser.com/questions/169457/directory-vs-folder
L995[12:35:09] <BordListian> haha what is a license
L996[12:35:41] ⇦ Quits: zml (~zml@minions.aoeu.xyz) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L997[12:36:06] <primetoxinz> I understand that there is a difference, but it wasn't important at the time
L998[12:36:10] <Dhs92> :p
L999[12:36:29] <BordListian> what a stupid difference
L1000[12:36:39] <primetoxinz> agreed
L1001[12:36:51] <sham1> Damn it windows
L1002[12:36:57] <BordListian> especially when a folder should instead be called a virtual container
L1003[12:37:14] <primetoxinz> but folder makes more sense to laymen
L1004[12:37:20] <sham1> But muh desktop metaphor
L1005[12:37:33] <BordListian> mind that i said folder, not directory
L1006[12:37:44] <sham1> indeed
L1007[12:38:04] <sham1> folders are also a thing that were used in offices in the era of dead trees
L1008[12:38:16] <Dhs92> ayyye
L1009[12:38:19] <Dhs92> No more 403's
L1010[12:38:28] <BordListian> well then
L1011[12:38:39] <primetoxinz> trees are still unnecessarily dying though
L1012[12:38:40] <BordListian> resolving problems without doing anything
L1013[12:38:43] <sham1> stupid shit fixes iself
L1014[12:39:22] <Dhs92> damn eula.txt
L1015[12:39:26] <BordListian> trees dying is a necessary step to humans developing nitrogen breathing
L1016[12:40:17] <sham1> that wouldn't work
L1017[12:40:33] <sham1> the chemical reaction
L1018[12:40:48] <BordListian> it wouldn't work right now
L1019[12:40:50] <BordListian> but soon it will
L1020[12:41:21] <Dhs92> Oh, and does anyone know why NEI throws a "DefClassNotFound: bxl" ?
L1021[12:41:34] <BordListian> >NEI
L1022[12:41:35] <sham1> because it cannot find a class called bxl
L1023[12:41:42] <BordListian> is this 1.10
L1024[12:41:45] <Dhs92> Yes
L1025[12:41:56] <sham1> why not use Just-Enough-Items
L1026[12:42:08] <BordListian> but JEI sucks
L1027[12:42:09] <Dhs92> http://chickenbones.net/Pages/links.html
L1028[12:42:18] <sham1> No it doesn't
L1029[12:42:29] <sham1> Way better than NEI
L1030[12:42:37] <BordListian> your opinion is subjective tho
L1031[12:43:04] <sham1> The less coremodding your mod needs, the better
L1032[12:43:24] <sham1> And my opinion is backed up by many
L1033[12:43:58] <sham1> (And if I was Gandhi, also nuclear weapons)
L1034[12:44:14] <BordListian> lel
L1035[12:46:05] <sham1> But please entertain me
L1036[12:46:12] <primetoxinz> JEI is so much nicer
L1037[12:46:16] <sham1> why is JEI in your opinion sucky
L1038[12:46:44] <primetoxinz> inb4 it doesn't have creative/day/etc buttons
L1039[12:46:50] <BordListian> why are you feeding into this
L1040[12:46:54] <BordListian> i wasn't even serious in the first place
L1041[12:47:29] <primetoxinz> unseriousness does not convey over text
L1042[12:47:31] <sham1> One cannot tell non-serious comments apart from serious ones on the Internet
L1043[12:47:35] <BordListian> that's the best part
L1044[12:47:49] <BordListian> so the easiest solution is to just assume that everybody is an idiot
L1045[12:48:06] <primetoxinz> can do that in the real worl dtoo
L1046[12:48:14] <sham1> but I don't want to do that though
L1047[12:48:16] <Dhs92> Damn Paul and his code
L1048[12:48:24] <BordListian> who's paul
L1049[12:48:55] <Dhs92> paulscode
L1050[12:48:55] <Dhs92> rip
L1051[12:48:56] <Dhs92> meh
L1052[12:50:20] <sham1> It appears that you have some trouble setting up a server
L1053[12:50:32] <sham1> Need some assistance? -Clippy
L1054[12:50:43] <primetoxinz> isn't it cortana now?
L1055[12:50:55] <sham1> wait, is it?
L1056[12:51:24] <primetoxinz> I don't think there is a pop up like clippy
L1057[12:51:31] <BordListian> it's pretty amazing that all windows versions will ship with bonzi buddy in the future
L1058[12:51:41] <primetoxinz> bonzi buddy is the best
L1059[12:53:39] <sham1> cortana would be good if it was not used for espionage
L1060[12:54:00] <primetoxinz> lel
L1061[12:54:21] <primetoxinz> and google isn't?
L1062[12:54:40] <sham1> never said it isn't
L1063[12:54:57] <sham1> but at least I can turn that off by modifying the source code of android
L1064[12:55:29] <primetoxinz> true
L1065[12:55:36] <sham1> which I cannot do with Windows 10
L1066[12:55:57] <Dhs92> Thanks Bungee, server isn't in online mode but k
L1067[12:56:00] <sham1> Also, if I disable cortana (not that it works in my region), the next update will turn it up again
L1068[12:56:23] <primetoxinz> and you can't not update :D
L1069[12:56:31] <sham1> Indeed
L1070[12:57:05] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L1071[12:57:30] <sham1> Lucky that all of my computers contain some kind of linux
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L1073[12:57:49] <primetoxinz> lucky?
L1074[12:57:58] <sham1> My main computer being dualboot between win10 and gentoo
L1075[12:58:01] <sham1> Yes, lucky
L1076[12:58:09] <sham1> That I was even allowed to do that
L1077[12:58:11] <BordListian> >dualboot between win10 and something else
L1078[12:58:14] <BordListian> ?????
L1079[12:58:23] <primetoxinz> gentoo?
L1080[12:58:38] <BordListian> win10 was a mistake
L1081[12:58:38] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1082[12:58:41] <BordListian> it's nothing but trash
L1083[12:58:48] <primetoxinz> yeah, but games work on it :(
L1084[12:58:57] <sham1> Yes, gentoo
L1085[12:59:01] <BordListian> games that would also work on win7
L1086[12:59:09] <sham1> DX12
L1087[12:59:11] <primetoxinz> ^
L1088[12:59:23] <BordListian> how many DX12 only games can you think of
L1089[12:59:28] <BordListian> that's right
L1090[12:59:37] <LatvianModder> whats everyones probem with Win10. I havent had problems with it for 1.5 years now
L1091[12:59:41] <sham1> many in developement
L1092[12:59:51] <williewillus> it's okay
L1093[12:59:54] <williewillus> i just like arch more :D
L1094[12:59:58] <primetoxinz> woo arch
L1095[13:00:00] <Ordinastie_> no problem with W10, it's just BordListian saying bullshit again
L1096[13:00:05] ⇦ Quits: justJanne (~justJanne@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1097[13:00:07] <williewillus> i only go into windows for steam games only on windows
L1098[13:00:14] <sham1> arch vs gentoo death battle
L1099[13:00:17] <BordListian> actually i'm pretty serious this time
L1100[13:00:19] <sham1> FIGHT
L1101[13:00:23] <williewillus> gentoo is fine if you want to wait forever
L1102[13:00:26] <primetoxinz> aint got time for compiling everything
L1103[13:00:31] <LatvianModder> I dont even know whats either of those things
L1104[13:00:31] ⇨ Joins: justJanne (~justJanne@
L1105[13:00:35] <sham1> Not that bad nowadays
L1106[13:00:36] <Ordinastie_> I don't say you're not serious
L1107[13:00:46] <BordListian> Lat why
L1108[13:00:46] <williewillus> arch is binary-default but you have the option to go batshit gentoo
L1109[13:00:50] <williewillus> by doing abs full rebuild
L1110[13:01:03] <sham1> No use flags, no slots...
L1111[13:01:24] <sham1> ABS is a lamer port system than Portage
L1112[13:01:35] <LatvianModder> Because I dont go on google and search random letter combinations. Otherwise, I dont know how I can find things out without someone telling me :P
L1113[13:01:39] <williewillus> abs is not a ports system :P
L1114[13:01:43] <williewillus> its just a way to recompile
L1115[13:02:08] <williewillus> also use flags look like things that package maintainers shoulud be doing not users :D
L1116[13:02:09] <LatvianModder> automatic breaking system
L1117[13:02:27] <sham1> I get all the customisation by the use of them
L1118[13:02:35] <sham1> I dun need all the bloat in the world
L1119[13:02:44] <williewillus> neither do you with arch lol
L1120[13:02:49] <williewillus> optional deps are a thing in pacman
L1121[13:02:53] ⇦ Quits: justJanne (~justJanne@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1122[13:02:55] <williewillus> and I don't need that power
L1123[13:02:56] <sham1> I would have gone full nerd mode and used FreeBSD, but no Steam support
L1124[13:02:59] <sham1> At all
L1125[13:03:18] ⇨ Joins: justJanne (~justJanne@
L1126[13:03:18] <primetoxinz> I don't even install steam on linux, I don't see a point in having two installs of it
L1127[13:03:23] <williewillus> me neither
L1128[13:03:40] <williewillus> the only games I play on linux are mc and osu (since it somehow crashes on w10 but not through wine-mono)
L1129[13:03:54] <sham1> I use Steam to chat
L1130[13:04:02] <williewillus> mc also runs 3x worse on window than linux
L1131[13:04:07] <sham1> Because my friends do as well
L1132[13:04:18] <primetoxinz> steam for chat? meh
L1133[13:04:28] <sham1> They refuse to IRC
L1134[13:04:44] <primetoxinz> no discord or ts or mumble?
L1135[13:05:00] <sham1> Well, there's discord that we use
L1136[13:05:07] <sham1> But kind of hard to do that while in class
L1137[13:05:13] <primetoxinz> wish they would release that linux client soon :(
L1138[13:05:17] <sham1> Samw
L1139[13:05:25] <primetoxinz> I want PTT
L1140[13:05:36] <sham1> Even a simple Ubuntu port
L1141[13:05:45] <sham1> As everyone else can get it to work
L1142[13:06:17] <primetoxinz> they have android already, can't be too much harder
L1143[13:06:30] <sham1> except that the android one is probably java
L1144[13:06:42] <primetoxinz> I'd even take that honestly
L1145[13:07:09] <sham1> one does not simply use Android java outside of an android
L1146[13:07:31] <primetoxinz> yeah
L1147[13:08:30] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1148[13:08:55] <sham1> anyway, freebsd has no steam support and that makes me sad
L1149[13:09:18] <primetoxinz> make it
L1150[13:09:25] <primetoxinz> lol
L1151[13:09:35] <primetoxinz> because that's how it works
L1152[13:10:55] <sham1> Well, there is the whole linux emulation layer on FreeBSD
L1153[13:11:09] <sham1> But I don't think it is powerful enough for Steam
L1154[13:12:57] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1155[13:14:25] <williewillus> well is it actually emulation?
L1156[13:14:28] <williewillus> or is it a translation layer?
L1157[13:15:20] <sham1> https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/linuxemu.html
L1158[13:15:35] <sham1> You can basically run Linux binaries
L1159[13:15:41] <williewillus> no x86_64 boo
L1160[13:15:54] <williewillus> is this 2005
L1161[13:16:42] <sham1> Well I imagine supporting i386+ is easier than supporting amd64
L1162[13:16:50] <howtonotwin> If linux can be ported to linux you can port linux to bsd just fine :P
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L1165[13:18:58] <thor12022> Wine "works" in BSD, Steam "works" in Wine
L1166[13:19:26] <sham1> Well, it works
L1167[13:19:56] <sham1> But native would be better
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L1174[13:29:33] <Naiten> whoa, translucent blocks http://i.imgur.com/56BYQCS.png
L1175[13:30:43] <TechnicianLP> how did you get them translucent?
L1176[13:30:45] <heldplayer> Is that a sextant?
L1177[13:31:03] <Naiten> heldplayer, theodolite !
L1178[13:31:28] <Naiten> TechnicianLP, overrode RenderLayer in Block
L1179[13:31:45] <heldplayer> oh I see
L1180[13:32:12] ⇨ Joins: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@
L1181[13:32:20] <Naiten> TechnicianLP, public BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer(){return BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT;}
L1182[13:33:22] <Naiten> also, edit your texture to have alpha-channel and non-one opacity
L1183[13:34:35] <Naiten> heldplayer, thing is, i want to add colour coding to this and trace the shapes of my railway pieces
L1184[13:35:09] <Naiten> so that user will see where should he clear out the space and where does he need to place a solid block underneath the track
L1185[13:35:18] <heldplayer> I'll have to disappoint you as I haven't modded in quite a while, so I can't help :P
L1186[13:35:29] <heldplayer> I'm only here as a channel filler! :P
L1187[13:35:41] <TechnicianLP> did you do the model by hand? it looks awesome!
L1188[13:35:53] <Naiten> well, not asking for help, as all this is known to me, just telling mah plans
L1189[13:36:36] <heldplayer> Oooh alright :)
L1190[13:37:10] <Naiten> TechnicianLP, Blender + reference photo + some hours of modelling + some days spent last week on googling the hotkeys :)
L1191[13:37:55] <Naiten> i've already posted a link to whole theodolite view previously, have you seen it?
L1192[13:38:02] <TechnicianLP> so thats a obj model?
L1193[13:38:22] <Naiten> TechnicianLP, yes, i prefer obj to other formats
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L1195[13:42:35] ⇨ Joins: JoltEffect (~leetorwee@host86-175-44-51.range86-175.btcentralplus.com)
L1196[13:45:29] <JoltEffect> evening guys, i'm after a little more help if I may, I have 2 variables I would like to store in NBT for some reason one of them is being stored correctly, but the second will not store. Both are setup the same in terms of it's setter/getters in the container. I fear I am not undertanding NBT completly.
L1197[13:45:30] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Ik ga weg)
L1198[13:45:58] <JoltEffect> my TE - http://pastebin.com/d0jDMMT9
L1199[13:46:09] ⇦ Quits: founderio (~Thunderbi@p200300C4E3C0940003CB117556C80972.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: founderio)
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L1203[13:50:39] <Naiten> JoltEffect, so what does the log tell you?
L1204[13:51:32] <Naiten> oh wait
L1205[13:51:49] <Naiten> no, wrong guess
L1206[13:53:54] <JoltEffect> nothing in my log
L1207[13:54:12] ⇨ Joins: ArcanePhoenix (~beboo@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe70:7b5b)
L1208[13:54:21] <JoltEffect> [19:31:17] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [TeslaModularSolars] TeslaModularSolars --------------readFromNBT Capacity = 50000
L1209[13:54:21] <JoltEffect> [19:31:17] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [TeslaModularSolars] TeslaModularSolars --------------readFromNBT StoredPower = 4850
L1210[13:54:26] <Ordinastie_> how do you know only one is stored ?
L1211[13:54:29] <JoltEffect> [19:31:17] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [TeslaModularSolars] TeslaModularSolars --------------writeToNBT Capacity = 4920
L1212[13:54:29] <JoltEffect> [19:31:17] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [TeslaModularSolars] TeslaModularSolars --------------writeToNBT StoredPower = 4920
L1213[13:54:53] <JoltEffect> yet the capacity value is always 50k
L1214[13:55:13] <gigaherz> JoltEffect: are you SURE you are printing the right thing? ;P
L1215[13:55:26] <JoltEffect> i use an item on the blovk which increase it's capacity
L1216[13:55:30] * gigaherz looks at the paste, and looks back
L1217[13:55:31] <JoltEffect> block*
L1218[13:55:42] <gigaherz> are you really certain you print the right numbers? ;P
L1219[13:55:43] <howtonotwin> you call getStoredPower twice
L1220[13:55:54] <Naiten> JoltEffect, double check the writeToNBT
L1221[13:56:13] <JoltEffect> fooks sake
L1222[13:56:16] <JoltEffect> lol
L1223[13:56:18] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@85-23-77-207.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1224[13:56:26] <howtonotwin> you can also check the NBT while ingame by running /blockdata x y z {}
L1225[13:57:04] <gigaherz> or you can use breakpoints and look at the value inspector
L1226[13:57:23] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1227[13:57:36] <Ordinastie_> people need to learn to use a debugger :(
L1228[13:57:54] <JoltEffect> nope still 50k even after a change
L1229[13:58:01] <primetoxinz> what's a bug?
L1230[13:58:04] <JoltEffect> im im usign the debugger
L1231[13:59:06] <Naiten> JoltEffect, are you ins IDEA? have you saved things and run Reload Saved Classes command?
L1232[13:59:16] <gigaherz> primetoxinz: it's when the computer disagrees with what you typed, and insists you typed something else
L1233[13:59:27] <primetoxinz> lel
L1234[14:00:02] <primetoxinz> I thought that was a feature
L1235[14:00:30] <JoltEffect> check that log
L1236[14:00:31] <JoltEffect> http://pastebin.com/PZmk1ZD1
L1237[14:00:36] <JoltEffect> notice the change to 60k
L1238[14:01:16] <Ordinastie_> notice the name of the thread at the start of th line ?
L1239[14:01:26] <JoltEffect> the 60k is when i click with item, works just fine, bit notice the nbt save it's 50k again
L1240[14:02:10] <Naiten> JoltEffect, you're clicking on the client side and server is not affected
L1241[14:02:42] <JoltEffect> arrr ok, so i have to sync to server
L1242[14:03:18] <JoltEffect> why is it syncing the storedpower but not the capacity?
L1243[14:03:21] <Ordinastie_> process the right click on the server
L1244[14:03:23] <howtonotwin> Why do you override getUpdateTag/Packet? Vanilla does the same thing by default. You only change it if you need/want to do something different?
L1245[14:03:39] <JoltEffect> placeholder
L1246[14:03:48] <JoltEffect> incase i want to do something different
L1247[14:03:54] <JoltEffect> but thats not the issue
L1248[14:05:19] <Naiten> JoltEffect, show us the increment code (in the item onItemUse or block onBlockActivated, whichever do you use for that)
L1249[14:06:26] <Naiten> *code which sets capacity to 60k
L1250[14:07:04] <JoltEffect> sure
L1251[14:07:26] <JoltEffect> http://pastebin.com/d0r1C9Kh
L1252[14:07:44] <Ordinastie_> if (worldIn.isRemote) { <=
L1253[14:07:57] * Naiten looks at if (worldIn.isRemote)
L1254[14:08:05] <Ordinastie_> you're doing it on the client only
L1255[14:09:32] <JoltEffect> mmmm ok
L1256[14:09:37] <Naiten> you can remove the condition or set it to !worldIn.isRemote which i'd recommend
L1257[14:09:40] <JoltEffect> i think i undertsand
L1258[14:11:02] <JoltEffect> removed the worldremote and still 50k
L1259[14:11:05] <JoltEffect> grr
L1260[14:11:25] <JoltEffect> arr hold on with that
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L1262[14:12:41] <JoltEffect> working now, just needed to remove the block and replace
L1263[14:14:00] <Naiten> JoltEffect, just for you to know, if you want to sync blocks, you can use world.notifyBlockUpdate() with proper flag
L1264[14:14:56] <JoltEffect> thank you so much guys, appreciate thelp again. Ive been pratting with various NBT methods for around 3 hours with this, learned a ton tho, so nothing wasted
L1265[14:15:55] <JoltEffect> Thanks Nait, ill go check that method out now
L1266[14:16:01] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L1267[14:16:10] <Ivorius> Holy shit it works
L1268[14:16:15] <Ivorius> Yay 1.9 update
L1269[14:19:11] <gigaherz> lol 1.9
L1270[14:19:26] <gigaherz> at least you didn't say "yay 1.8!"
L1271[14:19:27] <gigaherz> ;P
L1272[14:19:42] <primetoxinz> yay 1.7.10 update
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L1274[14:20:53] <Ivorius> Is 1.9 really that big gigaherz?
L1275[14:21:07] <Ivorius> I think almost everyone is 1.7 even still :P
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L1277[14:21:41] <primetoxinz> only because people keep saying that
L1278[14:21:48] <gigaherz> Ivorius: 1.10.2 is gaining traction
L1279[14:22:07] <gigaherz> 1.9 was replaced by 1.9.4/1.10/1.10.2 way too fast
L1280[14:22:38] <gigaherz> I mean: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19WV2YQvS2PkiHnQTlYP7cE2eHOPl06Rx4tCvfud_Hpw/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0
L1281[14:22:44] <Ivorius> Well, I'm on 1.9.4
L1282[14:22:48] <Ivorius> Not 1.9
L1283[14:22:53] <gigaherz> I got more downloads on 1.9.4+
L1284[14:22:57] <gigaherz> than all the previous versions combined
L1285[14:23:16] <primetoxinz> um, is that the wrong spread sheet?
L1286[14:23:25] <gigaherz> oops
L1287[14:23:25] <gigaherz> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/packing-tape/files
L1288[14:23:28] <Ivorius> :D
L1289[14:23:32] <primetoxinz> lel
L1290[14:23:34] <gigaherz> I use a mac at work
L1291[14:23:39] <gigaherz> I keep pressing winkey-c
L1292[14:23:43] <gigaherz> when I get back home
L1293[14:23:48] <gigaherz> and ctrl-c when I get back to work
L1294[14:23:50] <gigaherz> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/enderthing/files
L1295[14:24:09] <Ivorius> Usually I notice barely any difference when updating
L1296[14:24:16] <gigaherz> it doesn't help that I have the same exact kb in both places
L1297[14:24:24] <gigaherz> Cherry G80-3000 :3
L1298[14:24:32] <Ivorius> I feel like people who use my mods want specifically my mods and don't care about the mc version
L1299[14:24:37] <raoulvdberge> 1.9.4 is dead to me as most 1.9.4 mods work on 1.10, so there is no excuse to not update
L1300[14:24:59] <Ivorius> I'll update to 1.10 soon after
L1301[14:25:05] <Ivorius> Especially if it's small
L1302[14:25:17] <primetoxinz> if it works on 1.9.4 it probably works for 1.10
L1303[14:25:18] <howtonotwin> "Update to 1.10" as if there is anything to update :P
L1304[14:25:27] <gigaherz> well
L1305[14:25:29] <Ivorius> The capabilities, loot tables and renames were a bit annoying in 1.9 but not quite 1.8 level
L1306[14:25:29] <gigaherz> the build.gradle file
L1307[14:25:30] <gigaherz> ;P
L1308[14:25:46] <gigaherz> Ivorius: 99% of the code works as-is in 1.9.4, 1.10 and 1.10.2
L1309[14:25:48] <Naiten> Ivorius, even me ports his mod from 1.7.10 to 1.10.2
L1310[14:25:58] <gigaherz> same jar, even
L1311[14:26:08] <Ivorius> Naiten: That's a huge jump
L1312[14:26:13] <Ivorius> I'd give up halfway through
L1313[14:26:28] <gigaherz> if I were to update a 1.7.10 mod right now
L1314[14:26:31] <gigaherz> I'd probably start over
L1315[14:26:36] <gigaherz> and just copypaste bits&pieces
L1316[14:26:39] <Ivorius> Depending on the mod
L1317[14:26:39] <Ivorius> Yeah
L1318[14:26:39] <TechnicianLP> mavan versionranges are epic
L1319[14:26:41] <Naiten> Ivorius, i already have tracks renderer, so the most hard part is done
L1320[14:26:51] <Naiten> gigaherz, ^ what i basically did
L1321[14:27:57] <Ivorius> I wish I had time to update Psychedelicraft
L1322[14:28:23] <Ivorius> But the whole shader overhaul thing scares me too much
L1323[14:28:53] <primetoxinz> bet it makes it easier in the long run
L1324[14:29:01] <Ivorius> Not really
L1325[14:29:23] <Ivorius> I had everything set up perfectly
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L1328[14:29:38] <Ivorius> Though I guess Mojang handling shader wrapping would have been useful to have from the start
L1329[14:29:42] <Ivorius> Rather than doing it myself lol
L1330[14:32:18] <gigaherz> btw the spreadsheet link? my flatmate asked me if there exists any wiiu emulator that works well, and I replied with that spreadsheet ;P
L1331[14:32:53] <primetoxinz> emulate wiiu in google spreadsheets :D
L1332[14:34:16] <Ivorius> Emulate Google in Wii U
L1333[14:34:54] <TTFTCUTS> damn, looking like there's no way I can interefere with whether a food item can be eaten or not via event...
L1334[14:35:18] <TTFTCUTS> specifically in that I want to make stuff edible when your hunger meter is full under certain circumstances
L1335[14:35:52] <primetoxinz> can't change isAlwaysEdible?
L1336[14:36:02] <TTFTCUTS> not my food item
L1337[14:36:12] <TTFTCUTS> I mean *all* foods, and under per-player circumstances
L1338[14:38:53] <TTFTCUTS> hmm
L1339[14:43:16] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> <tterrag> https://twitter.com/tterrag1098/status/766212584156569600 if you know C# dev stuff, I could use some help :P
L1340[14:43:20] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L1341[14:48:40] <tterrag> nvm :P
L1342[14:53:27] <sham1> your problem is C#
L1343[14:55:01] <sham1> and for the serious people: /s
L1344[14:56:23] <howtonotwin> is that </sarcasm> or is it </serious>?
L1345[14:56:45] <primetoxinz> why not both?
L1346[14:56:47] <sham1> </sarcasm>
L1347[14:57:23] <sham1> while I have my personal probels
L1348[14:57:30] <sham1> with C#
L1349[14:57:30] <gigaherz> no /s means "scan subdirectories"
L1350[14:57:31] <gigaherz> ;P
L1351[14:57:43] <sham1> damn it giga
L1352[14:59:15] <sham1> no time for retarded command line flag syntax
L1353[14:59:48] <sham1> I'm serious with this one
L1354[15:00:10] <sham1> why '/' instead of '-'
L1355[15:00:22] <Curle> html
L1356[15:00:29] <howtonotwin> dir/s is just as valid as dir /s :D
L1357[15:00:31] <Curle> s stuff /s
L1358[15:00:55] <Curle> also / is an escape character
L1359[15:00:56] <howtonotwin> no windows commandline uses /s instead of -s like most other shells
L1360[15:01:00] <Curle> escape sarcasm
L1361[15:01:06] <howtonotwin> and \ is normally escape
L1362[15:01:13] <Curle> wait, really?
L1363[15:01:19] <sham1> yes
L1364[15:01:21] <Curle> damn
L1365[15:01:21] <gigaherz> no \ is folder sep
L1366[15:01:26] <gigaherz> there's no escape char in cmd
L1367[15:01:32] <Curle> -.-
L1368[15:01:35] <howtonotwin> WINDERPS!
L1369[15:01:36] <sham1> thus we have stuff like \n and \\
L1370[15:01:38] <gigaherz> dir /s c:\windows
L1371[15:02:05] <sham1> windows
L1372[15:02:09] <Curle> megaherz, shush.
L1373[15:02:10] <gigaherz> DOS.
L1374[15:02:12] <gigaherz> not windows
L1375[15:02:14] <sham1> it drives developers to drink
L1376[15:02:15] <gigaherz> this is DOS syntax
L1377[15:02:17] <gigaherz> just carried over.
L1378[15:02:27] <Curle> wait, so is the command line just a DOS emulator?! :O
L1379[15:02:35] <sham1> windos
L1380[15:02:38] <gigaherz> no
L1381[15:02:44] <gigaherz> unless you consider bash a "sh emulator"
L1382[15:02:44] <Curle> :L
L1383[15:02:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L1384[15:02:58] <Curle> bash is completely different from sh
L1385[15:02:59] <Curle> :L
L1386[15:03:09] <gigaherz> cmd.exe is a modern variant of the DOs command.com
L1387[15:03:12] <gigaherz> DOS*
L1388[15:03:16] <howtonotwin> "modern"
L1389[15:03:18] <sham1> but that's what bash is. it's backwards comatible to sh
L1390[15:03:19] <gigaherz> it has a whole lot of extensions and such
L1391[15:03:21] <Curle> "variant"
L1392[15:03:24] <gigaherz> but it follows the original syntax
L1393[15:03:34] <gigaherz> same as bash vs sh
L1394[15:03:52] <gigaherz> in win9x
L1395[15:03:57] <gigaherz> command.com was an actual dos program
L1396[15:04:02] <gigaherz> cmd.exe was created for NT
L1397[15:04:26] <sham1> and the command syntax carries over
L1398[15:04:30] <Curle> Isn't DOS open source?
L1399[15:04:38] <gigaherz> not that i know of
L1400[15:04:39] <sham1> freeds afaik is
L1401[15:04:40] <gigaherz> there was a leak
L1402[15:04:45] <gigaherz> but no actual opensourcing
L1403[15:04:50] <gigaherz> there's freedos, yes
L1404[15:04:57] <gigaherz> which reimplements most of the tools and such
L1405[15:04:59] <Curle> i remember in 2012 Microsoft said they were going to make it os
L1406[15:05:28] <sham1> might as well
L1407[15:05:38] <Curle> apparently my browser can't figure out what google.co.uk is
L1408[15:05:39] <Curle> -.-
L1409[15:05:47] <JoltEffect> i think OS/2 had cmd.exe first :)
L1410[15:06:07] <gigaherz> could be, NT was meant to be a replacement for OS/2
L1411[15:06:16] <gigaherz> before ms said "fuck it" and did their own OS separately
L1412[15:06:16] <Curle> Gonna paste this here
L1413[15:06:19] <Curle> Microsoft just released the source code of one of its most important computer operating systems. The catch is that the software is over 30 years old.
L1414[15:06:19] <Curle> Yesterday, with permission from Microsoft, Silicon Valley’s Computer History Museum published the source code for MS-DOS,
L1415[15:06:37] <gigaherz> ah, interesting
L1416[15:06:58] <Curle> dated 03.26.14
L1417[15:07:13] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1418[15:07:54] <Curle> http://www.wired.com/2014/03/msdos-source-code/ for the interested
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L1422[15:12:25] <IoP> !gm func_71377_b
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L1426[15:32:23] <shadekiller666> how would one implement a "chair" block that a player (or other EntityLivingBase) could sit on?
L1427[15:32:39] <shadekiller666> would it really just be an entity that doesn't move?
L1428[15:32:50] <tterrag> probably the easiest way
L1429[15:32:57] <tterrag> or just have a fake entity that sits inside the block
L1430[15:33:00] <SkySom> I believe some just spawn a small rideable entity in the block
L1431[15:33:06] <tterrag> well not fake, but invisible
L1432[15:33:16] <shadekiller666> ok
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L1435[15:33:47] <shadekiller666> so spawn this entity in onBlockPlaced, and kill it in breakBlock?
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L1437[15:34:11] <BordListian> or spawn it when you click on the block
L1438[15:34:17] <BordListian> like Quark does
L1439[15:35:04] <shadekiller666> and kill it as soon as it doesn't have a rider?
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L1441[15:36:21] ⇨ Joins: xJon (~xJon@bzq-84-108-181-67.cablep.bezeqint.net)
L1442[15:36:31] <xJon> Hello! I have a question about Forge 1.7.10
L1443[15:36:42] <xJon> There's no BlockCoord blass?
L1444[15:37:08] <primetoxinz> only 1.8+, called BlockPos
L1445[15:37:40] <tterrag> here, have a free one :P https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderCore/blob/master/src/main/java/com/enderio/core/common/util/BlockCoord.java
L1446[15:38:22] <xJon> So why do I find this BlockCoord thing in EnderCore code?
L1447[15:38:24] <xJon> oh
L1448[15:38:28] <xJon> tterrag <3
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L1450[15:41:05] <xJon> I guess I didn't see the import in the class because they are all in the same package?
L1451[15:41:07] <xJon> right?
L1452[15:42:36] <tterrag> that would make sense
L1453[15:47:40] <xJon> tterrag: You wrote this and the spawn firework code?
L1454[15:47:45] <tterrag> yes
L1455[15:47:58] <tterrag> well more or less
L1456[15:48:41] ⇦ Quits: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L1457[15:48:44] <xJon> I'll credit you then
L1458[15:50:06] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L1466[16:08:39] <kilokreeper> Last try
L1467[16:08:45] <kilokreeper> before I rewrite from scratch
L1468[16:09:19] <kilokreeper> This.
L1469[16:09:19] <kilokreeper> Is
L1470[16:09:22] <kilokreeper> Stupid.
L1471[16:09:41] <kilokreeper> I have done everything right.
L1472[16:09:55] <kilokreeper> There is NOTHING wrong with my project.
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L1478[16:15:48] <SatanicSanta> Is it possible to not suppress model loading errors?
L1479[16:17:31] <kilokreeper> I hate model loading errors
L1480[16:17:34] <kilokreeper> I've been dealin-
L1481[16:17:38] <kilokreeper> WITH THEM ALL DAY
L1482[16:17:43] <kilokreeper> UGHHH
L1483[16:18:10] <SatanicSanta> As do I, but it's moderately difficult to fix model loading errors when you dont even know what they are
L1484[16:18:30] <primetoxinz> then fix the ones that show, so you can see the ones the don't
L1485[16:18:32] <kilokreeper> Screw this new "model" system. One update, they added models for literally no reason to annoy us.
L1486[16:18:40] <kilokreeper> And they're unfixable.
L1487[16:18:51] <SatanicSanta> primetoxinz: That's not a good solution.
L1488[16:19:09] <primetoxinz> how is fixing the errors to see the other errors not a solution!?!?
L1489[16:19:12] <kilokreeper> SatanicSanta: Programming is trial and error..
L1490[16:19:26] <tterrag> kilokreeper: except for the hundreds of mods who have been using it fine
L1491[16:19:33] <tterrag> but I'm sure it's just broken
L1492[16:19:37] <primetoxinz> I quite like it
L1493[16:19:49] <kilokreeper> primetoxinz: What's even the reason for it?
L1494[16:19:55] <primetoxinz> for what?
L1495[16:20:00] <kilokreeper> Models.
L1496[16:20:01] <SatanicSanta> primetoxinz: Because Forge has no concept of the logical order in which your mod works, so it may show errors for only the things that require *other* things
L1497[16:20:07] <kilokreeper> It's literally an extra step.
L1498[16:20:18] <tterrag> for resource packs?
L1499[16:20:21] <primetoxinz> no? you can do many things you couldn't before
L1500[16:20:32] <kilokreeper> Example.
L1501[16:20:33] ⇨ Joins: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net)
L1502[16:20:38] <SatanicSanta> and I can't debug the latter "things" because all of their errors get suppressed
L1503[16:20:44] <primetoxinz> 3d items that arent special renders?
L1504[16:21:08] <kilokreeper> Wow, fancy. To be honest, that's just a new way to create lag for underpowered computers.
L1505[16:21:27] <tterrag> you seem to be under the impression that mojang adds stuff for modders, or even cares about modders at all
L1506[16:21:27] <SatanicSanta> not really
L1507[16:21:29] <primetoxinz> um, it's baked, there should be no more lag unless they have no ram
L1508[16:21:30] <tterrag> which is not true
L1509[16:21:37] <tterrag> models were added for resourcepacks, full stop
L1510[16:21:51] <primetoxinz> which was for the "modding api"
L1511[16:22:00] <primetoxinz> not that that is happening
L1512[16:22:22] <SatanicSanta> "Banned topics: Release ETAs, Official API"
L1513[16:22:28] <SatanicSanta> so
L1514[16:22:35] <kilokreeper> primetoxinz: You are breaking the rules.
L1515[16:22:49] <primetoxinz> uh huh
L1516[16:23:10] <kilokreeper> Anwyays, all it does is cause errors.
L1517[16:23:18] <primetoxinz> that's your problem
L1518[16:23:24] <primetoxinz> I've had no issues with it
L1519[16:23:24] <kilokreeper> In my opinion, it wasn't worth the trouble.
L1520[16:23:58] <kilokreeper> primetoxinz: Good for you. There are a couple hundred people who develop mods.
L1521[16:24:11] <primetoxinz> who also don't have issues with it
L1522[16:24:17] <kilokreeper> I'm sure.
L1523[16:24:30] <Ordinastie_> to be fair, the system is quite shit and almost every body has issues with it
L1524[16:24:30] <tterrag> am I talking to a wall?
L1525[16:24:32] <SatanicSanta> I'm just going to assume that there is no way to stop the suppressing of model errors, and assume that they are not all logged to some file, and quietly walk into the corner while you two argue about this
L1526[16:24:32] <kilokreeper> Anyone who has had a model loading issue here, raise your IRC hand.
L1527[16:24:39] <Ordinastie_> but you can make it work
L1528[16:24:41] <tterrag> mojang DID NOT ADD MODELS FOR MODDERS
L1529[16:24:57] <tterrag> complaining about how their system is unfriendly to modders is pointless
L1530[16:25:11] <SatanicSanta> unless you are providing improvements to the forge stuff ^
L1531[16:25:15] <SatanicSanta> which isnt happening here
L1532[16:25:16] <kilokreeper> Let's not have this devolve into the youtube comments section.
L1533[16:25:25] <SatanicSanta> ?
L1534[16:25:33] <tterrag> SatanicSanta: forge still builds on the vanilla system
L1535[16:25:37] <SatanicSanta> yeah
L1536[16:25:42] <tterrag> and what forge provides currently is leagues ahead of vanilla
L1537[16:25:47] <SatanicSanta> yeah
L1538[16:25:53] <tterrag> but it still has to go through the vanilla system, at the core
L1539[16:26:14] <Ordinastie_> one could argue it didn't have to
L1540[16:26:18] <tterrag> and yes, probably every modder has had issues adapting to the new model systems
L1541[16:26:24] <kilokreeper> If there is a way to fix these model loading errors, honorable primetoxinz, I'd love to hear it.
L1542[16:26:30] <tterrag> because it's new
L1543[16:26:33] <SatanicSanta> We have issues adapting to every new system
L1544[16:26:35] <tterrag> every new feature has teething issues
L1545[16:26:36] <SatanicSanta> Thats how new systems work
L1546[16:26:38] <SatanicSanta> and how learning works
L1547[16:26:49] <primetoxinz> I mean, you haven't actually said what the issue is kilokreeper
L1548[16:26:53] <tterrag> kilokreeper: you have yet to post the actual issue
L1549[16:26:55] <SatanicSanta> lmao
L1550[16:27:26] <kilokreeper> Exception loading model with loader vanillaloader.instance, skipping
L1551[16:27:28] <LatvianModder> Thats odd.. It pinged me with 'modder' i think
L1552[16:27:44] <primetoxinz> how descriptive
L1553[16:27:45] <tterrag> that's not an issue, that's a single line froma log
L1554[16:27:56] <LatvianModder> TT, can you say 'modder' again?
L1555[16:28:00] <kilokreeper> modder
L1556[16:28:11] <kilokreeper> Everything is pink and black and it is called item.null.name,
L1557[16:28:14] <LatvianModder> Yeah that pings me but it shouldnt. Odd
L1558[16:28:23] <kilokreeper> Wait let me try something
L1559[16:28:26] <kilokreeper> der
L1560[16:28:30] <primetoxinz> kilo, upload the log?
L1561[16:28:33] <kilokreeper> k
L1562[16:28:53] <primetoxinz> and item null means you didn't give it an unloc name
L1563[16:29:12] <kilokreeper> I did.
L1564[16:29:51] <kilokreeper> My constructor has a unlocalized name argument, and I pass it to setunlocalizedname
L1565[16:29:52] <kilokreeper> http://hastebin.com/geduqowofa.hs
L1566[16:30:37] <primetoxinz> ok. fastfoodmod:models/item/cheeseburger.json doesn't exist
L1567[16:30:45] <kilokreeper> ... It does.
L1568[16:30:54] <primetoxinz> not in that directory
L1569[16:31:10] <primetoxinz> resources/assets/fastfoodmod/models/...
L1570[16:31:21] ⇦ Quits: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1571[16:31:26] <kilokreeper> I have my mod folder/src/main/resources/assets/modid/models/item/cheeseburger.json
L1572[16:31:43] <SatanicSanta> 'modid'?
L1573[16:31:46] <kilokreeper> Yeah
L1574[16:31:51] <primetoxinz> fastfoodmod, not modid
L1575[16:31:54] <kilokreeper> I know
L1576[16:31:59] <kilokreeper> It's faster than typing the name
L1577[16:32:08] <Ordinastie_> did you add the resources folder on the classpath ?
L1578[16:32:08] <kilokreeper> It's correct in the workspace
L1579[16:32:22] <kilokreeper> Yup.
L1580[16:33:10] <primetoxinz> if the file exists it's gotta be your workspace
L1581[16:33:53] <kilokreeper> Actually, I'll go ahead and update my git repo and you can read the code, to prove that everything is done right.
L1582[16:34:39] <primetoxinz> that would help
L1583[16:34:47] <kilokreeper> https://github.com/superkilomario/fastfoodmod
L1584[16:35:23] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L1585[16:35:33] <primetoxinz> no build.gradle?
L1586[16:35:37] <primetoxinz> I was gonna build it myself
L1587[16:35:51] <kilokreeper> I used a seperate folder for my mod so I could make multiple
L1588[16:35:53] <kilokreeper> I linked the forge
L1589[16:36:17] <IoP> acceptedMinecraftVersions="[1.10] is that valid?
L1590[16:36:24] <primetoxinz> guarantee there is an issue with that then
L1591[16:36:44] <kilokreeper> It should be
L1592[16:36:46] <SatanicSanta> IoP: yes
L1593[16:36:48] <kilokreeper> It's for 1.10
L1594[16:36:53] <SatanicSanta> https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1212/core/MAVEN/maven_version.htm#MAVEN402
L1595[16:37:05] <SatanicSanta> but it probably wont work on 1.10.2
L1596[16:37:12] <SatanicSanta> because it wants exactly 1.10
L1597[16:37:14] <kilokreeper> Oh.
L1598[16:37:20] <kilokreeper> So should I change it to 1.10.2?
L1599[16:37:25] <SatanicSanta> yeah
L1600[16:37:27] <SatanicSanta> or some other range
L1601[16:37:33] <Ordinastie_> kilokreeper, your setup is borked
L1602[16:37:38] <kilokreeper> Really?
L1603[16:37:40] <kilokreeper> That sucks.
L1604[16:37:51] <kilokreeper> What'd I do?
L1605[16:38:04] <Ordinastie_> first, you set it up correctly
L1606[16:38:13] <Ordinastie_> you're not supposed to add forgeSrc manuall
L1607[16:38:14] <Ordinastie_> y
L1608[16:38:35] <Ordinastie_> then : <Ordinastie_> did you add the resources folder on the classpath ?
L1609[16:38:36] <kilokreeper> I added guava manually because it was missing it
L1610[16:38:47] <Ordinastie_> because you didn't setup
L1611[16:39:01] <kilokreeper> that's strange. I thought I did.
L1612[16:39:19] <Ordinastie_> you didn't added resources to the classpath, you added assets
L1613[16:39:23] <kilokreeper> Oh..
L1614[16:40:00] <kashike> kilokreeper, SatanicSanta: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.10.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/FMLModContainer.java#L246-L250
L1615[16:40:01] <Ordinastie_> so, you extract the MDK in a folder, set the proper version and mapping in build.gradle
L1616[16:40:03] <kashike> FYI
L1617[16:40:33] <kilokreeper> Thanks, kashike.
L1618[16:40:37] <Ordinastie_> do gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and then gradlew eclipse, and then you add your code
L1619[16:40:51] <kilokreeper> Well I wanted to be able to work on multiple projects at once...
L1620[16:40:53] <SatanicSanta> kashike: ?
L1621[16:41:05] <SatanicSanta> OH
L1622[16:41:05] <kilokreeper> Guess that can't happen.
L1623[16:41:09] <SatanicSanta> nice
L1624[16:41:18] <Ordinastie_> yes it can
L1625[16:41:44] <primetoxinz> btw kilokreeper it's textures/items not textures/item
L1626[16:41:56] <kilokreeper> Wait, it's textures/item.
L1627[16:42:00] <kilokreeper> That's what I heard
L1628[16:42:01] <SatanicSanta> That is probably my biggest gripe with the introduction of models
L1629[16:42:03] <SatanicSanta> models/block
L1630[16:42:05] <primetoxinz> no, items
L1631[16:42:06] <SatanicSanta> textures/blocks
L1632[16:42:08] <SatanicSanta> models/item
L1633[16:42:10] <kilokreeper> okay
L1634[16:42:12] <SatanicSanta> textures/items
L1635[16:42:14] <Ordinastie_> you can have a separate empty Forge project and have your mod projects depends on it
L1636[16:42:23] <SatanicSanta> so terrible :P
L1637[16:42:27] <kilokreeper> That's what I did..
L1638[16:42:38] <kilokreeper> But I'm a noob so I screwed it up probably..
L1639[16:42:47] ⇨ Joins: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net)
L1640[16:42:50] <Ordinastie_> you don't add jars
L1641[16:42:57] <Ordinastie_> to the classpaht of your project
L1642[16:43:10] <Ordinastie_> you add the forge project where you did setupDecompWorkspace
L1643[16:43:56] <tterrag> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/
L1644[16:44:17] <kilokreeper> So I remove the forgeSrc.jar and the guava.jar?
L1645[16:44:50] <Ordinastie_> you need to have a proper MDK setup in your project anyway because you'll need it to build still
L1646[16:46:50] <kilokreeper> So, instead of the usual stacktrace wordwall, the error is readable, but gives no detail.
L1647[16:47:25] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1648[16:47:33] <kilokreeper> Well, I'll go ahead and take all the code and wipe my mod folder.
L1649[16:47:57] <kilokreeper> I'll also have to screw with git... :(
L1650[16:48:17] ⇦ Quits: Ivorius (~Ivorius@2604:a880:800:10::55b:8001) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1652[16:49:29] <primetoxinz> just a proof of concept kilokreeper, but once the workspace is fixed and little bit of code changed it works fine https://imgur.com/a/MT2Pv
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L1655[16:51:14] <kilokreeper> aw...
L1656[16:51:23] <kilokreeper> well that's good.
L1657[16:51:25] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1658[16:51:51] <kilokreeper> adfoc.us is how you get a virus
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L1661[17:02:25] <Curle> God damnit.
L1662[17:02:43] <Curle> I just opened one of my servers and I'm getting ConcurrentModificationException :(
L1663[17:03:49] <kilokreeper> It's an error. Expect to spend a week googling.
L1664[17:03:56] <Curle> I need Java 7.
L1665[17:03:57] <Curle> :L
L1666[17:04:12] <Ordinastie_> you should use Java 8 anyway
L1667[17:04:17] <Curle> I have it already.
L1668[17:04:32] ⇨ Joins: candybar (~foo@adsl-074-181-053-011.sip.sav.bellsouth.net)
L1669[17:04:34] <Ordinastie_> then why do you say you need java 7?
L1670[17:04:44] <kilokreeper> Maybe he's using deprecated methods?
L1671[17:05:04] <Curle> No, because I'm loading a TPPI server for my friend.
L1672[17:05:06] <Curle> :L
L1673[17:05:13] <kilokreeper> TPPI?
L1674[17:05:15] <primetoxinz> post the error
L1675[17:05:24] <kilokreeper> Excuse me being a noob
L1676[17:05:30] <primetoxinz> it's a modpack
L1677[17:05:30] <Curle> Can't. Separate computer.
L1678[17:05:34] <kilokreeper> Okay.
L1679[17:05:41] <primetoxinz> what do you mean can't?
L1680[17:06:04] <Curle> [ForgeModLoader] Unable to launch: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException is what I get :L
L1681[17:06:10] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1682[17:06:12] <primetoxinz> yes, there should be more
L1683[17:06:24] <Curle> Well, I can't, because I can't paste text from another computer.
L1684[17:06:35] <primetoxinz> you have access to the internet on that computer?
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L1686[17:06:47] <Curle> Yeah. But It's a server environment.
L1687[17:06:49] <tterrag> Curle: get java8fixer mod
L1688[17:06:49] <Curle> :L
L1689[17:06:54] <tterrag> pretty sure we shipped that in later versions
L1690[17:07:07] <kilokreeper> I mean, most people couldn't post a hastebin at gunpoint.
L1691[17:07:10] <IoP> Curle: use pastebinit or even curl/nc will work for log uploads
L1692[17:07:32] <Curle> Right. Didn't know there was a pastebin tool for command line :L
L1693[17:07:44] <primetoxinz> termbin.com works too
L1694[17:07:49] <kilokreeper> I have computer class at my school, and the people in the classroom are idiots..
L1695[17:08:10] <kilokreeper> We spent 15 minutes learning how to log in to the computer, and they still didn't get it.
L1696[17:08:17] <Curle> My giddy god.
L1697[17:08:17] <IoP> o_O
L1698[17:08:21] <kilokreeper> Yup.
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L1700[17:08:31] <tterrag> Curle: really should mention first that you are using 1.6.4 no?
L1701[17:08:45] <kilokreeper> Like half of the people got it, actually.
L1702[17:08:53] <Curle> Really should've.
L1703[17:09:01] <kilokreeper> Everyone should've gotten it.
L1704[17:09:12] <Curle> pastebin.com/Mgc2AbFn
L1705[17:09:22] <Curle> It's not complete, but it's hard to copy from a command line :L
L1706[17:09:40] <kilokreeper> Wait, how did you get that? I thought you didn't have access to the computer.
L1707[17:09:55] <IoP> :P
L1708[17:09:58] <Curle> Well, it's right next to me, but it's a separate computer.
L1709[17:09:59] <Curle> :L
L1710[17:10:05] <kilokreeper> Oh. Okay.
L1711[17:10:11] <Curle> :L
L1712[17:10:29] <Ordinastie_> 1.6.4 ? you're fucking serious? :x
L1713[17:10:32] <Curle> Yup.
L1714[17:10:36] <Curle> For a friend. Did say.
L1715[17:10:48] <kilokreeper> Your friend probably has no clue what he's doing.
L1716[17:10:53] <Curle> -.-
L1717[17:10:56] <IoP> Ordinastie_: well it's stable. Devs do not produce new bugs anymore :P
L1718[17:10:57] <tterrag> http://files.minecraftforge.net/LegacyJavaFixer/legacyjavafixer-1.0.jar
L1719[17:10:59] <Ordinastie_> just punch him and tell him to update
L1720[17:11:00] <kilokreeper> Most people generally don't.
L1721[17:11:01] <tterrag> use that ^^
L1722[17:11:26] <Ordinastie_> kilokreeper, you proved it tonight :]
L1723[17:11:42] <primetoxinz> lmao
L1724[17:11:43] <kilokreeper> roasted
L1725[17:11:56] <kilokreeper> I'm going to go get some aloe vera
L1726[17:12:07] <tterrag> I feel like I'm talking to bricks today
L1727[17:12:11] <tterrag> Curle: USE THIS http://files.minecraftforge.net/LegacyJavaFixer/legacyjavafixer-1.0.jar
L1728[17:12:21] <Curle> ;-;
L1729[17:12:21] <primetoxinz> what did you say????
L1730[17:12:22] <IoP> "how?"
L1731[17:12:29] <Curle> I noticed.
L1732[17:12:31] <tterrag> it's a mod
L1733[17:12:33] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, wrong fix
L1734[17:12:33] <Curle> I've downloaded it.
L1735[17:12:34] <tterrag> put it in mods
L1736[17:12:35] <tterrag> then it works
L1737[17:12:38] <Curle> I've put it in the folder.
L1738[17:12:43] <Ordinastie_> the right fix is : UPDATE
L1739[17:12:50] <Curle> Ordie, shush. :L
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L1741[17:12:59] <Curle> We specifically wanted to play an older pack
L1742[17:13:00] <Curle> :L
L1743[17:13:48] <Ordinastie_> I like how it's changed from "a friend wanted" to "we wanted"
L1744[17:13:59] <kilokreeper> Crap.
L1745[17:13:59] <Curle> Oh, shush you.
L1746[17:14:00] <Curle> :L
L1747[17:14:56] <kilokreeper> Got to go get a drink
L1748[17:15:00] <kilokreeper> Don't start a flamewar
L1749[17:15:14] <Curle> <3
L1750[17:15:26] <IoP> vim is better than emacs!
L1751[17:15:36] <Ordinastie_> don't think there's anything left to burn
L1752[17:16:00] <Curle> Yeah.
L1753[17:16:03] <Curle> I'm charred.
L1754[17:16:22] <Curle> Even my cat burned me.
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L1756[17:17:46] <kilokreeper> vim vs emacs isn't a thing
L1757[17:17:49] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1758[17:18:01] <kilokreeper> use your preference
L1759[17:18:12] <kilokreeper> no need to convert people
L1760[17:18:20] <kilokreeper> just like IntelliJ vs eclipse
L1761[17:18:33] <kilokreeper> *cough*eclipseisbetterthough*cough*
L1762[17:19:50] <kilokreeper> Anyways, I'm going to take a break for now
L1763[17:19:57] ⇦ Quits: kilokreeper (kilokreepe@184-91-99-69.res.bhn.net) (Quit: See you later)
L1764[17:20:13] <tterrag> this channel just seems to lose its mind any time a MC version <1.10 is mentioned
L1765[17:20:22] <tterrag> because apparently it's a mortal sin to use an old version of a video game
L1766[17:21:48] <Curle> Old and proven stable*
L1767[17:21:49] <Curle> :L
L1768[17:23:33] *** Curle is now known as CurleZZ
L1769[17:26:13] <SatanicSanta> IoP: Vim is so much better than emacs that I've never had to actually use emacs.
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L1771[17:26:43] * howtonotwin grabs popcorn
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L1773[17:26:52] * SatanicSanta opens emacs
L1774[17:26:55] * SatanicSanta dies
L1775[17:26:57] * SatanicSanta closes emacs
L1776[17:27:03] <SatanicSanta> That was a mistake
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L1778[17:35:32] <IoP> SatanicSanta: did you find text editor inside emacs?
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L1787[18:16:21] <JoltEffect> hey guys, just a general query, is their any literacture available on how the client / server interchanges, i made the mistake this evening of doing something client side and spending a good few hours trying to work out why some data was not saved in my NBT. this is because i didnt/dont understand the client/server interaction too well i think. Are their sites available which may
L1788[18:16:21] <JoltEffect> describe the fundementals, think i need to know from teh start?
L1789[18:16:56] <JoltEffect> things* not think*
L1790[18:17:05] <Ordinastie_> just one thing : never trust the client, always do stuff on the server
L1791[18:17:14] <Ordinastie_> I guess that makes 2 things
L1792[18:18:29] <JoltEffect> ok, wasnt sure if some default "Need to know before starting" document existed.
L1793[18:18:46] <Ordinastie_> there may be something in the docs
L1794[18:20:27] <JoltEffect> no worries pal, i'll do some google research for fundemtnals, maybe someone has something available
L1795[18:20:41] <JoltEffect> just thought i would ask
L1796[18:21:01] <Ordinastie_> I meant those docs : http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
L1797[18:22:04] <Ordinastie_> not much there besides the SimplImpl
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L1803[18:42:42] <electrolitic> How many states can a block have?
L1804[18:43:32] <Ordinastie_> as many as you want, but only 16 can be stored as metadata
L1805[18:43:59] <Ordinastie_> the others will have to be determined on the fly with getActualState
L1806[18:44:27] <electrolitic> The 16 in metadata are always the same 16?
L1807[18:46:28] <electrolitic> I'm a bit confused as to the importance of metadata if there are these "actual states."
L1808[18:46:28] <Ordinastie_> what do you mean ?
L1809[18:48:34] <Ordinastie_> well, there are some data that needs to be saved, and can not be automatically determined from the world
L1810[18:48:46] <Ordinastie_> like the direction for example
L1811[18:49:04] <electrolitic> Ah, so only metadata gets saved.
L1812[18:49:09] <Ordinastie_> yes
L1813[18:49:12] <shadekiller666> i'm making a bench block, and i want to have 2 different models for it (both obj models), but otherwise have them be exactly the same, and each model has its own item associated, whats the best way to do that
L1814[18:49:55] <Ordinastie_> shadekiller666, with different states
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L1816[18:55:45] <shadekiller666> yes, i understand how it works on the block's end, the part i'm having trouble with is the 2 items for the same block, using 2 different models
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L1818[18:58:33] <electrolitic> Sorry if this sounds dumb (I'm not great at this stuff), but could you have 2 ItemBlocks made from the same block and just give each of those different models?
L1819[18:59:07] <electrolitic> Nvm actually, ignore tha.t
L1820[18:59:38] <shadekiller666> thats pretty much what i want :P
L1821[19:00:10] <shadekiller666> i'd rather avoid registering two instances of the same class
L1822[19:00:17] <electrolitic> Oh
L1823[19:00:33] <shadekiller666> so, 1 block registration, and 2 different items
L1824[19:02:42] <shadekiller666> come to think of it, we have so many block ids now that it shouldn't make a difference
L1825[19:05:41] <electrolitic> There aren't a lot of 1.10 mods out there :/
L1826[19:06:37] <tterrag> sure there are
L1827[19:06:56] <tterrag> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods?filter-game-version=1738749986%3A572&filter-sort=popularity
L1828[19:07:03] <SirSpence> Where is the code for changing a grass blocks color based on the biome?
L1829[19:07:51] ⇨ Joins: Vigo (~Vigo@c-73-46-5-36.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
L1830[19:08:09] <tterrag> somewhere in the biome code
L1831[19:08:12] <shadekiller666> when mousing over wool in the inventory, the tooltip displays the block id/metadata, but for my bench, i am putting two ItemStacks into the list in getSubBlocks, but in-game both items seem to have the same block id, and are just added to the creative tab twice
L1832[19:08:37] <tterrag> shadekiller666: code?
L1833[19:09:03] <shadekiller666> one sec
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L1837[19:10:52] <shadekiller666> tterrag, https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/d9ff6dff1ad593496a2e67c01f3e6247
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L1839[19:11:13] <Vigo> anyone know of a tutorial of doing slabs in 1.10/1.9?
L1840[19:11:21] <shadekiller666> both of the items are also using the same model atm...
L1841[19:11:52] <tterrag> shadekiller666: do you setCustomMRL for your different damage values?
L1842[19:12:21] <shadekiller666> tterrag, TransitBlocks class, lines 56 &57
L1843[19:12:34] <shadekiller666> its in that gist
L1844[19:13:04] <tterrag> you set them to the exact same MRL ...
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L1846[19:13:39] <shadekiller666> that points to a forge blockstate json
L1847[19:13:50] <shadekiller666> which is also in the gist
L1848[19:14:16] <tterrag> and?
L1849[19:14:20] <shadekiller666> do i need 2 different blockstate jsons?
L1850[19:14:32] <tterrag> I don'
L1851[19:14:43] <tterrag> I don't know, but I do know that using an identical MRL is *probably* going to give you an identical model
L1852[19:16:03] <shadekiller666> both items also place the same iblockstate as well
L1853[19:16:42] <tterrag> I don't see a custom itemblock, so yes
L1854[19:16:44] <tterrag> that would happen
L1855[19:16:46] <shadekiller666> they're supposed to place 2 different sets of states, one with WOODEN=false, the other with it true
L1856[19:16:56] <shadekiller666> ok
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L1878[20:32:03] <Manusoftar> hey guys i need to render a beacon ray without using the beacon, i've seen that on almost every waypoint mod out there but idk how do they do it, does any of you know how to do it??
L1879[20:32:42] <TehNut> Look at how the Beacon does it?
L1880[20:38:09] <Manusoftar> !gm beacon
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L1882[20:40:06] <Manusoftar> well i gues it's worth the attempt...
L1883[20:40:43] <primetoxinz> you can look in TileEntityBeaconRenderer
L1884[20:40:56] <Manusoftar> thanks that makes it easier!
L1885[20:41:04] <Manusoftar> !gm TileEntityBeaconRenderer
L1886[20:41:12] <Manusoftar> !gm TileEntityBeaconRenderer 1.8.9
L1887[20:48:49] <Manusoftar> im sorry to ask this but i cannot find this myself, is there any other place but github * MinecraftForge where to look for the vanilla code at??
L1888[20:49:09] <primetoxinz> your dev environment
L1889[20:50:37] <Manusoftar> ok nevermind, i guess i will have to launch my eclipse to be able to browse through the vanilla code... i was hoping that i could find a repo or something like that to avoid having to open my ide cause it is a litle slow for launching...
L1890[20:53:29] <tterrag> a repo of vanilla code would be illegal
L1891[20:53:46] <tterrag> this is exactly why forge ships patches, not code
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L1895[21:04:39] <Noc7is> Is there an event called when the integrated game server is shut down?
L1896[21:04:58] <Noc7is> Tried FMLServerStoppingEvent, but that didn't appear to be the right thing.
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L1898[21:05:38] <Noc7is> The only other event I could thinkg of is WorldUnloadEvent
L1899[21:05:53] <primetoxinz> what do you need to do?
L1900[21:06:25] <Noc7is> I've got an arraylist of data that needs to be cleared when the integrated server shuts down
L1901[21:07:04] <Noc7is> Otherwise said arraylist of data carries on into the next integrated server, and causes problems
L1902[21:07:12] <primetoxinz> why not clear it on load?
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L1904[21:07:30] <primetoxinz> before adding to it
L1905[21:07:32] <Noc7is> Because I assummed clearing it on load would clear the data loaded from the NBT its saved in
L1906[21:08:29] <Noc7is> Assuming WorldEvent.Load is called after loading NBTs, Can anyone confirm if it is or isnt?
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L1908[21:08:38] <primetoxinz> FMLServerStartEvent
L1909[21:08:59] <howtonotwin> FMLServerStoppedEvent (past tense) fires after the server stops, I believe. There's a bug where it might fire twice, but if you're unconditionally deleting some data it should be fine.
L1910[21:09:06] <Noc7is> That'll work for the integrated server and not just the standalone server?
L1911[21:09:16] <howtonotwin> Yes
L1912[21:09:23] <primetoxinz> or even can use AboutToStart
L1913[21:09:28] <howtonotwin> The bug (only for dedicated servers) is here https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/3206
L1914[21:09:38] <Noc7is> Alright, I'll give it a shot.
L1915[21:10:24] <tterrag> Noc7is: try ClientDisconnectedFromServerEvent ?
L1916[21:10:36] <tterrag> https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/blob/1.10/src/main/java/crazypants/enderio/machine/invpanel/client/ClientDatabaseManager.java#L33-L37
L1917[21:11:21] <primetoxinz> need longer event names
L1918[21:11:25] <primetoxinz> that one is too short
L1919[21:12:14] <primetoxinz> but that would assume his data is clientside only,
L1920[21:12:56] <Noc7is> My data is server side
L1921[21:13:32] <primetoxinz> curious, what are the specifics of this data?
L1922[21:13:41] <Naiten> what's the difference in Block.isFullBlock() and Block.isFullCube() ?
L1923[21:14:43] <howtonotwin> The relationships between transparency, fullness, cubeness, and lighting is beyond mortal comprehension
L1924[21:14:50] <Noc7is> I have something set up that tracks "hives" in the world. The "hives" are created by a certain entity. The "hive cache" needs to be cleared when the integrated server shuts down to prevent the hives from continuing to exist in the next integrated server"
L1925[21:15:06] <Noc7is> Otherwise it makes it appear as if there are "hives" in the world, when there are none.
L1926[21:15:52] <primetoxinz> huh
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L1928[21:24:03] <Noc7is> ClientDisconnectedFromServerEvent appears to have worked, and appears to be called exactly when I want the cache to be cleared. Though I still have yet to test it on a standalone server.
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L1931[21:24:36] <Noc7is> Which brings me to my next problem. Does java.util.List not exist server side? I have a crash: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.world.World.getLoadedEntityList()Ljava/util/List
L1932[21:25:03] <howtonotwin> getLoadedEntityList doesn't exists by the looks of it
L1933[21:25:22] <Noc7is> Oh, you know what, I didnt even see that annotation. My bad
L1934[21:25:58] <Noc7is> What's the server side alternative?
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L1937[21:31:09] <tterrag> Noc7is: it won't work on a dedicated server
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L1939[21:31:39] <Noc7is> The event? Good, thats perfect.
L1940[21:31:47] <howtonotwin> I'm not quite sure, but try getEntities?
L1941[21:31:47] <tterrag> what?
L1942[21:32:05] <tterrag> no, it's not perfect. if it works only on singleplayer then you are probably reaching across sides
L1943[21:32:25] <tterrag> since you said your data is serverside, I'm almost positive that is the case
L1944[21:32:26] <tterrag> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/sides/
L1945[21:32:38] <Noc7is> Oh, no it works connecting to a dedicated one, I just tried it
L1946[21:32:55] <Noc7is> Just not called on the server.
L1947[21:33:01] <Noc7is> Which isnt necessary
L1948[21:33:05] <tterrag> my point is that ClientDisconnectedFromServerEvent is fired on the client thread
L1949[21:33:16] <tterrag> if you use that to clear serverside data, that is reaching across sides
L1950[21:33:24] <tterrag> which is extremely bad practice
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L1953[21:36:51] <Noc7is> I think we're both confused. I only need it called on the integrated server.
L1954[21:36:57] <Noc7is> That's what it does, right?
L1955[21:37:41] <tterrag> no. ClientDisconnectedFromServerEvent is fired clientside
L1956[21:37:50] <tterrag> it says "this client just left a server"
L1957[21:38:14] <tterrag> it should not be used to clear serverside data as a player leaving a server has nothing to do with the server shutting down
L1958[21:39:03] <Noc7is> Okay, that makes sense.
L1959[21:39:20] <Noc7is> What event am I supposed to use then? I don't see one that actually does what I need
L1960[21:39:44] <howtonotwin> FMLServerStopped event would be just fine, no?
L1961[21:39:55] <Noc7is> It doesnt get called on the integrated server, I tried it.
L1962[21:41:45] <tterrag> it absolutely does
L1963[21:41:52] <tterrag> note however that it is an FML state event, NOT a game event
L1964[21:41:57] <tterrag> so it must be in your @Mod class and use @EventHandler
L1965[21:42:46] <Noc7is> It *must* be in the mod class? I thought it only had to have the EventHandler annotation.
L1966[21:42:58] <tterrag> yes
L1967[21:43:30] <Noc7is> Even If I register the class containing it with both event handlers?
L1968[21:43:46] <tterrag> Forge event handlers are wholly unrelated to state events
L1969[21:43:52] <Noc7is> Alright
L1970[21:43:55] <tterrag> also, there is only one event bus
L1971[21:44:01] <Noc7is> In 1.7, there are two
L1972[21:44:08] <Noc7is> Said mod is still on 1.7
L1973[21:44:15] <tterrag> 1.7...then yes, two
L1974[21:44:37] <Noc7is> I know, I know, it needs to be updated. I'm getting to it
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L1976[21:46:26] <tterrag> you said it, not me
L1977[21:46:55] <Noc7is> I know, I'm just used to people telling me to update, thats all
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L1979[21:48:04] <Lach_01298> Does anyone know how to get an itemstack from the ore dictionary?
L1980[21:50:06] <Noc7is> Uh... new ItemStack(item, amount)?
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L1982[21:50:48] <TehNut> OreDictionary.getOres(String)
L1983[21:51:02] <TehNut> Provides a list of all stacks registered as that entry
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L1986[21:52:32] <Lach_01298> so how does it decide when it is the output of a recipe which one to choose?
L1987[21:52:56] <TehNut> Recipes don't take oredict as output
L1988[21:53:19] <Lach_01298> how can you make them do that?
L1989[21:53:45] <TehNut> By choosing one of the stacks in that list and hardcoding the recipe output to it
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L1991[21:56:17] <Lach_01298> as example when you put enderio copper dust in the alloy smelter and industralcraft is installed. it creates ic2 copper. how does it choose which type?
L1992[21:57:05] <Lach_01298> i.e how can a make a priority system
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L1994[21:57:30] <tterrag> https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/blob/master/resources/assets/enderio/config/OreDictionaryPreferences_Core.xml
L1995[21:57:42] <tterrag> for a less sophsticated mod, it's probably fine to just do getOres(...)[0]
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L1997[21:59:14] <TehNut> Yeah, EnderIO has a custom system in place for that. It's not provided to you with just MC+Forge
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L1999[21:59:27] <Lach_01298> ok
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L2001[22:02:38] <KnightMiner> Should I generally include hasCapability checks in getCapability, or can I assume the user already called the former method?
L2002[22:03:23] <howtonotwin> Assume ahead
L2003[22:03:39] <howtonotwin> Though normally you delegate to super if you can't find it
L2004[22:04:02] <KnightMiner> Yeah, I know that part
L2005[22:04:10] <howtonotwin> like if(inCap == CAP_I_HAVE) return (T)thingy; else super.getCap(inCap)
L2006[22:04:29] <KnightMiner> Basically, my hasCapability method returns false if a certain object is null, so should I do the null check in getCapability?
L2007[22:04:55] <KnightMiner> (well, returns super.hascapability)
L2008[22:05:09] <howtonotwin> Well in that case you probably should.
L2009[22:16:53] <Naiten> does anybody know how to render transparent TESR?
L2010[22:18:03] <Tazz> isnt transparent rendering inherent?
L2011[22:18:09] <Tazz> or at least using gl blend
L2012[22:19:27] <Naiten> Tazz, well, i used BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT and alpha-edited texture with IBM and worked fine. Same model+texture + TESR renders opaque
L2013[22:19:49] <tterrag> you probably didn't enable blending
L2014[22:19:52] <Tazz> ^^
L2015[22:20:00] <tterrag> also, use TESR layer 1
L2016[22:20:19] <Naiten> tterrag, i made GlStateManager.enableBlend();
L2017[22:20:20] <Naiten> GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA);
L2018[22:20:37] <Naiten> erm, idk what that does ._.
L2019[22:21:09] <howtonotwin> Google is magic: https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/html/glBlendFunc.xhtml
L2020[22:21:47] <tterrag> using constant alpha ?
L2021[22:21:49] <tterrag> where did you get that from
L2022[22:21:54] <tterrag> 1. use TESR layer 1 (alpha layer)
L2023[22:22:00] <Naiten> tterrag, google
L2024[22:22:03] <tterrag> 2. blend func should not be necessary
L2025[22:24:13] <Naiten> tterrag, what do you mean by 'layer 1'? BlockRenderLayer is an enum already, and 1 stands for CUTOUT_MIPPED
L2026[22:24:21] <Naiten> or what?
L2027[22:24:24] <tterrag> blcok render layers are not related to TESRs
L2028[22:24:28] <tterrag> in any way
L2029[22:24:45] <Naiten> idk what 'tesr layer' is and google doesn't help .-.
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L2031[22:26:23] <Naiten> like, really http://i.imgur.com/37KJVOA.png
L2032[22:26:43] <howtonotwin> impressive P
L2033[22:26:54] <howtonotwin> curse my keyboard
L2034[22:27:11] <tterrag> TileENtity.shoudlREnderInPass
L2035[22:27:22] <tterrag> ignore my typing
L2036[22:28:03] <howtonotwin> shall we curse our keyboards as one?
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L2039[22:30:54] <Naiten> tterrag, many thanks!
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L2053[23:00:34] <Naiten> Yay, almost done with this feature! http://i.imgur.com/0RjwoHx.png http://i.imgur.com/dIVpIKS.png
L2054[23:01:42] * Naiten just did yet another fancy thing
L2055[23:02:22] <Tazz> nice model :P
L2056[23:03:05] <howtonotwin> I think if you override shouldSideBeRendered you can remove the inner faces (like glass)
L2057[23:08:16] <Naiten> howtonotwin, well i can do that, but i don't want to
L2058[23:09:01] <Naiten> like, should do basic features first, and only then switch to bells and whistles
L2059[23:09:16] <Naiten> time is limited :/
L2060[23:09:31] <howtonotwin> that seems a little inaccurate, considering the theme of the mod you're making :P
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L2062[23:11:31] <Naiten> howtonotwin, inaccurate style of work or inaccurate block rendering :?
L2063[23:11:41] <howtonotwin> Trains
L2064[23:11:45] <howtonotwin> choo-choo!
L2065[23:11:50] <Zorn_Taov> what would cause minecraft to not be able to see the LWJGL OpenAL library?
L2066[23:12:11] <Naiten> howtonotwin, also, the eye level was taken in account http://i.imgur.com/aNdEJM3.png
L2067[23:12:51] <howtonotwin> If I ever tried to use that thing I'd probably poke my eye out and chop off a finger
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L2069[23:13:53] <howtonotwin> And by theme of the mod I meant the whistles on trains :P Anyway I am going to go poof
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L2072[23:15:09] <Naiten> Zorn_Taov, sorry, can't help with your problem ?\_(?)_/?
L2073[23:16:23] <Zorn_Taov> http://pastebin.com/kmDguudk line 499 is where the sound system starts up, but then errors out for some reason
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L2075[23:16:56] <Zorn_Taov> this is for a custom minecraft pack launcher I'm coding, and it's only breaking for my 1.8.9 pack
L2076[23:19:09] <mrkirby153> Zorn_Taov, Obvious question: Is OpenAL/OpenGL in your classpath?
L2077[23:20:16] <Zorn_Taov> they're in the native folder, both OpenAL32 and 64 .dll's
L2078[23:21:08] <mrkirby153> Try adding it to your classpath
L2079[23:22:45] <Zorn_Taov> they're in my library path, though
L2080[23:23:03] <Zorn_Taov> -Djava.library.path=/"C:\Users\ZornBeast\AppData\Roaming\HykkotaLauncher\DEBUG\Instances\Minox18\natives\/"
L2081[23:23:13] <mrkirby153> Try the classpath
L2082[23:23:16] <Naiten> which part of code is responsible for player view tracing in 3-rd person? like, it traces until the block is found and camera is moved closer to player
L2083[23:23:18] <Zorn_Taov> oddly enough the 1.7.10 pack plays music fine
L2084[23:23:24] <mrkirby153> The worst that can happen is it doesn't work
L2085[23:24:30] <mrkirby153> And, if I may ask, why are you making your own launcher?
L2086[23:26:12] <Zorn_Taov> because curse packs werent a thing at the time, and myself and my friend that hosts the servers got fed up with walking ALL of our players through updating the packs
L2087[23:26:47] <mrkirby153> When was this?
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L2090[23:29:02] <mrkirby153> Zorn_Taov, Did it work with your natives folder in the classpath?
L2091[23:29:05] <Zorn_Taov> again, before curse voice's minecraft plugin was a thing. and when we first made the launcher we hardcoded the line that actually LAUNCHED minecraft (save for user paths) and made it download zip fils with the library and asset folder already set up. NOW we're trying to make it download libraries and assets the correct way
L2092[23:29:18] <Zorn_Taov> havent tried, been typing to you :P
L2093[23:29:21] <Zorn_Taov> sec
L2094[23:29:45] <mrkirby153> Ever heard of the Technic launcher? It does all the hard work for you
L2095[23:30:24] <Zorn_Taov> we couldn't figure it out -3-;;
L2096[23:30:55] <mrkirby153> I've been using it for the past two years or so, and it's worked out phenomenally
L2097[23:31:12] <mrkirby153> I would highly reccomend it instead of building your own homebrew one
L2098[23:32:37] <Zorn_Taov> we're still working on the whole "update the mod files in the pack" still -3-;
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L2100[23:33:53] <Zorn_Taov> yeah, adding the natives folder to the classpath makes java print out the usage blob
L2101[23:34:08] <mrkirby153> Does it work? That's the real question :P
L2102[23:34:15] <Zorn_Taov> I just said no
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L2105[23:35:20] <mrkirby153> Sorry, didn't get that from your message. I dunno then
L2106[23:35:37] <mrkirby153> Might want to transition to something more conventional like Curse
L2107[23:37:08] <mrkirby153> It might be a non-issue, but I know I woudn't put my MC account credentials into a server-specific launcher
L2108[23:37:32] <Zorn_Taov> this is just for close friends, it's not going public
L2109[23:37:59] <Zorn_Taov> that and I want something on my resume to show that I know how to code and work with other coders
L2110[23:37:59] <mrkirby153> I thought so, but still, a point worth mentioning
L2111[23:38:59] <Zidane> Can someone explain, in simple terms, what remapQuad in BakedQuadRetextured is meant to do?
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