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L1[00:01:35] <ecx> that's not too bad
L2[00:06:04] <capitalthree> lol what?
L3[00:06:21] <capitalthree> save-all flush is an important part of taking server backups
L4[00:06:25] <capitalthree> to make it sync correctly
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L11[00:31:40] <linuxuser9000> Well, I successfully repartitioned my computer. No more cramped HD space problems
L12[00:31:53] <linuxuser9000> So I can get back to writing my first mod :D
L13[00:33:31] <capitalthree> :D
L14[00:33:37] <capitalthree> linuxuser9000: what's your first mod?
L15[00:34:39] <linuxuser9000> I want to make a chat-based trading system, like a mini economy mod. there'll be currency (probably), and players will be able to post items from their inventory to the 'market'. player will be able to browse listings on the 'market', and purchase items with 'currency'. so there will be a persistence layer to remember what's on the market and who has how much currency etc
L16[00:34:56] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
L17[00:35:02] <linuxuser9000> I just installed forge today though, I haven't even got the config working yet. still working on setting up eclipse etc.
L18[00:35:36] <capitalthree> oh lawdy
L19[00:35:46] <capitalthree> howdy fry!
L20[00:36:20] <capitalthree> fry: can you take a look at this and tell me if I'm just confused? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/issues/679
L21[00:37:45] <TehNut> why are they making issues on FML
L22[00:38:48] <capitalthree> they is me
L23[00:38:49] <tterrag> ahhuhhh how exactly do you do custom tool materials in 1.9.4?
L24[00:38:57] <capitalthree> is that the wrong place for that report?
L25[00:39:05] <tterrag> considering FML is defunct, yes
L26[00:39:06] <TehNut> Well you reported it to a dead repo
L27[00:39:09] <TehNut> so yes
L28[00:39:11] <capitalthree> crap
L29[00:39:16] <capitalthree> tterrag: I can copy it
L30[00:39:20] <tterrag> manually
L31[00:39:24] <capitalthree> yeah
L32[00:39:27] <capitalthree> what's the right place?
L33[00:39:36] <tterrag> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge
L34[00:39:49] <tterrag> the one updated today vs last year :P
L35[00:39:54] <TehNut> tterrag: it should be the same? what are you seeing different?
L36[00:40:04] <tterrag> Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 at net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe.<init>(ItemAxe.java:19)
L37[00:40:09] <TehNut> oh that
L38[00:40:12] <tterrag> because
L39[00:40:12] <tterrag> this.damageVsEntity = ATTACK_DAMAGES[material.ordinal()];
L40[00:40:22] <tterrag> oh there's another constructor
L41[00:40:24] <tterrag> does forge add that?
L42[00:40:27] <TehNut> Yes
L43[00:40:32] <tterrag> neat, ok easy enough
L44[00:40:33] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L45[00:40:44] <TehNut> That's an issue with ItemAxe, not with tool materials
L46[00:40:49] <capitalthree> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2985
L47[00:40:52] <capitalthree> there :D
L48[00:41:07] <TehNut> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2646
L49[00:41:29] <tterrag> super(type.getToolMaterial(), type.getToolMaterial().getDamageVsEntity(), type.getToolMaterial().getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial());
L50[00:41:31] <tterrag> somethin like that :P
L51[00:41:43] <tterrag> well it's an issue with ItemAxe caused by custom tool materials
L52[00:41:43] <capitalthree> can anyone try to reproduce my report though?
L53[00:42:06] <TehNut> Now reproduce your issue on 1.9.4 :P
L54[00:42:12] <tterrag> or well...wait what do I pass as the material?
L55[00:42:23] <tterrag> eh...nvm
L56[00:42:26] <tterrag> 2AM coding
L57[00:42:50] <capitalthree> TehNut: I did
L58[00:43:05] <capitalthree> or do you mean tterrag
L59[00:43:05] <TehNut> You never mention that in the issue
L60[00:43:10] <TehNut> You said 1.8.9
L61[00:43:21] <capitalthree> oh yeah
L62[00:43:29] <capitalthree> I tested both 1.8 and 1.9 with gradle runServer
L63[00:43:37] <capitalthree> and only 1.8 with a standard standalone server
L64[00:45:17] <TehNut> okay yup that's definitely reproducable
L65[00:45:18] ⇨ Joins: Abastro (~Abastro@
L66[00:46:09] <TehNut> it killed my IDEA because of the console
L67[00:47:16] <capitalthree> sorry D:
L68[00:47:48] <capitalthree> but yeah. I put out a BTFU release that crashed triggering that bug
L69[00:47:50] <capitalthree> and fell bad
L70[00:48:09] <capitalthree> but my logic was like "well the CommandSaveAll class does it so it must be right"
L71[00:48:13] <capitalthree> s/fell/felt/
L72[00:48:14] <TehNut> that doesn't stand for what I think it does, does it?
L73[00:48:24] <TehNut> i bet it does...
L74[00:48:26] <capitalthree> back the server up?
L75[00:48:35] <TehNut> That would be BTSU
L76[00:48:40] * capitalthree shrugs
L77[00:48:42] <capitalthree> close enough :D
L78[00:48:49] <capitalthree> it's my server backups mod
L79[00:48:49] <TehNut> BTFU = Back The Fuck Up
L80[00:48:55] <capitalthree> oh man you said the fuck word
L81[00:49:01] <TehNut> yeah i said the fuck word
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L83[00:49:04] <capitalthree> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/btfu
L84[00:49:20] <capitalthree> it's my mod for making lazy people take frequent backups
L85[00:50:39] <TehNut> ooo rsync
L86[00:50:45] <capitalthree> yeah
L87[00:50:57] <capitalthree> basically I got tired of doing manual backups and was looking around at the various backup mods
L88[00:51:11] <capitalthree> and they all either don't do incremental backups at all, or do it in their own weird half-baked way
L89[00:51:27] <capitalthree> so I just decided "I'll make a mod that does what I'm already doing manually"
L90[00:52:06] <capitalthree> it takes backups every 5 minutes, non-configurable :D
L91[00:52:18] <capitalthree> the philosophy is if you think you want backups less often, you're wrong.
L92[00:53:03] <TehNut> So by default it keeps 128 backups. Backups are taken every 5 minutes
L93[00:53:13] <TehNut> So I only have 640 minutes to notice something is wrong by default?
L94[00:53:26] <capitalthree> no because backup pruning is logarithmic
L95[00:53:36] <capitalthree> it never deletes your oldest backup, and it keeps a complete history of your world
L96[00:53:46] <capitalthree> but it keeps sparser backups the farther back you go
L97[00:53:55] <TehNut> neat
L98[00:54:10] <capitalthree> thanks ^_^
L99[00:55:02] <capitalthree> one of my ideas is to run https://github.com/Fenixin/Minecraft-Region-Fixer on each new backup using the previous one, in order to keep backups guaranteed free of bad chunks
L100[00:56:11] <capitalthree> TehNut: if you like my idea, please post on my lonely forum thread ;)
L101[00:56:13] <capitalthree> http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2691128-btfu-zero-effort-high-efficiency-continuous-server
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L103[00:56:31] <capitalthree> I don't know how to make my mods get attention
L104[00:56:36] <TehNut> I wouldn't bother with MCF tbh
L105[00:56:41] <capitalthree> oh xD really?
L106[00:56:52] <capitalthree> got a better suggestion?
L107[00:56:55] <TehNut> Reddit
L108[00:57:12] <TehNut> Go on /r/feedthebeast and promote it
L109[00:57:33] <capitalthree> ahh ok
L110[00:58:01] <capitalthree> do I just submit a link and put in my curseforge page?
L111[00:58:21] <TehNut> Yeah, then make a comment with a small description
L112[00:59:11] <TehNut> Also remember that lots of modpack devs browse the "recently released" section of Curse looking for new mods
L113[00:59:21] <TehNut> Just that is really good for you
L114[00:59:21] <capitalthree> ahh ok cool
L115[00:59:33] <capitalthree> thanks for the tips :)
L116[00:59:51] <TehNut> I didn't advertise this at all http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/simpleharvest
L117[01:00:14] <capitalthree> nice.
L118[01:00:29] <capitalthree> ok! I will promote my other mods on this reddit too then but later
L119[01:00:36] <capitalthree> don't wanna dump 3 things all at once
L120[01:00:39] <TehNut> Yeah don't spam :P
L121[01:00:49] * tterrag coughs
L122[01:00:53] <tterrag> hey nice mod nut
L123[01:00:59] <tterrag> wherever did you get that idea
L124[01:01:03] <capitalthree> I've got my backup mod, my despawn timer config mod, and my tinker's construct 1.7.10 balance fork :P
L125[01:01:03] <TehNut> hey i didn't even look at EnderCore for that
L126[01:01:13] <TehNut> and you updated too slow
L127[01:01:15] <TehNut> i wanted it NAO
L128[01:01:21] <tterrag> you didn't have to deal with the hell that was magical crops -_-
L129[01:01:26] <TehNut> hehe
L130[01:01:38] <tterrag> i.e. "we are too good for getDrops()"
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L136[01:27:07] <tterrag> alright, well customthings runs. tricky thing is going to be figuring out blocks which already have properties, like fences
L137[01:27:20] <tterrag> well fences are ok, but like walls have the "variant" property
L138[01:27:25] <tterrag> which means nothing to me
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L144[01:59:58] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160613 mappings to Forge Maven.
L145[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160613-1.9.4.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160613" in build.gradle).
L146[02:00:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L153[02:35:24] <Abastro> Is there good model/example for modular models?
L154[02:36:58] <LordSaad> i have an arraylist in a tile entity that wont update in it's TESR until i reload the world/chunk. what do
L155[02:37:23] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi)
L156[02:38:06] <Abastro> World#markBlockAsUpdate?
L157[02:38:27] <LordSaad> will try that
L158[02:38:32] <LordSaad> oh wait but its not a block
L159[02:38:38] <LordSaad> nvm it technically is
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L162[02:40:39] <LordSaad> no that didnt do it
L163[02:40:54] <LordSaad> markBlockasUpdate isnt a 1.9.4 method, but its derivatives didnt help either
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L165[02:41:59] <LordSaad> im looping through the list in the TESR but it wont update the loop. i checked and the list is definitely updating properly
L166[02:42:07] <gigaherz|work> notifyBlockUpdate(pos, state, state, 3)
L167[02:42:24] <gigaherz|work> is what replaces markBlockForUpdate(pos)
L168[02:43:09] <LordSaad> what should i put in the 2 states
L169[02:43:15] <gigaherz|work> whatever the current state is
L170[02:43:20] <LordSaad> twice?
L171[02:43:25] <gigaherz|work> yup
L172[02:43:29] <LordSaad> weird but ok
L173[02:43:31] <gigaherz|work> it's "old,new" but if you are just updating the TE
L174[02:43:33] <gigaherz|work> it doesn't matter
L175[02:43:39] <gigaherz|work> I mean, it hasn't changed*
L176[02:44:08] <LordSaad> hmmm
L177[02:44:10] <LordSaad> that didnt work
L178[02:44:31] <gigaherz|work> do you have getUpdatePacket+onDataPacket?
L179[02:44:51] <gigaherz|work> also getUpdateTag+onDataTag
L180[02:44:58] <LordSaad> wasnt that depracated in 1.9.4?
L181[02:44:58] <gigaherz|work> the latter is for the initial chunk load
L182[02:45:01] <gigaherz|work> no
L183[02:45:17] <Abastro> Ah yes notifyBlockUpdate
L184[02:45:19] <gigaherz|work> getUpdateTag+onDataTag are used on initial chunk transfer
L185[02:45:35] <gigaherz|work> getUpdatePacket+onDataPacket are used for notifyBlockUpdate
L186[02:45:54] <LordSaad> ill add them and see if that helps
L187[02:46:18] <LordSaad> what should i return in ach
L188[02:46:19] <LordSaad> each*
L189[02:46:40] <LordSaad> im just giving it the super method right now
L190[02:46:48] <gigaherz|work> super is empty
L191[02:46:52] <gigaherz|work> so it won't do anything useful
L192[02:46:53] <gigaherz|work> XD
L193[02:46:58] <Abastro> You should impl it
L194[02:47:01] <LordSaad> i just noticed
L195[02:47:10] <gigaherz|work> if you want to transfer the whole state
L196[02:47:18] <gigaherz|work> you can just use readFromNBT/writeToNBT
L197[02:47:21] <Abastro> Common way was to use readFromNBT
L198[02:47:29] <LordSaad> i already do that
L199[02:47:33] <gigaherz|work> and SPacketUpdateTileEntity
L200[02:47:38] <LordSaad> and wat now
L201[02:47:39] <gigaherz|work> on the packet one
L202[02:47:51] <LordSaad> aaand you lost me
L203[02:48:00] <LordSaad> i currently have read and write methods
L204[02:48:07] <gigaherz|work> on getUpdatePacket
L205[02:48:14] <gigaherz|work> you need to return an SPacketUpdateTileEntity
L206[02:48:24] <gigaherz|work> which contains an NBTTagCompound inside
L207[02:48:38] <gigaherz|work> which you can fill using writeToNBT
L208[02:48:38] <LordSaad> oh i should mention my tile entity implements ITickable
L209[02:48:45] <gigaherz|work> that is completely unrelated
L210[02:48:49] <LordSaad> mk
L211[02:49:05] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/essentializer/TileEssentializer.java#L122,L138
L212[02:49:46] <LordSaad> you know me well
L213[02:50:42] <LordSaad> k gonna test it
L214[02:52:04] <Abastro> Are there any good examples for modular models? Or do modeling programs support it?
L215[02:52:20] <LordSaad> IT WORKED
L216[02:52:30] <LordSaad> thanks gigaherz|work you beautiful thing
L217[02:54:45] ⇨ Joins: trilexcom (~AndChat33@69-196-165-6.dsl.teksavvy.com)
L218[02:55:04] <trilexcom> Hi everyone
L219[02:55:33] <sham1> Morning
L220[02:56:56] <trilexcom> I have a question I want to contribute to forge code wise what would be the best way I know the git hub just wanted to make sure
L221[02:57:19] <tterrag> could you be more specific?
L222[02:58:27] <trilexcom> Anyway I can help I know lex is very busy so I wanna see how I can help
L223[02:59:07] <trilexcom> I am a good c and php and mysql plus java script coder
L224[03:01:20] <sham1> JUst do something to help
L225[03:01:26] <tterrag> none of those languages are relevant to forge though
L226[03:01:28] <sham1> Make a PR or something
L227[03:01:31] <sham1> Also, that
L228[03:01:51] <tterrag> javascript is to java as carrot is to car
L229[03:02:55] <trilexcom> What do you mean by PR?
L230[03:07:05] ⇨ Joins: Subaraki (~Artix@mf763-h01-176-150-102-154.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr)
L231[03:07:23] <sham1> It means Pull Request
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L237[03:16:51] <trilexcom> I could do that I know my coding is probably carot to forge but I think I can be useful
L238[03:20:32] <LordSaad> gigaherz|work it stopped working for some reason :D
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L253[04:03:33] <LordSaad> so gigaherz's solution didnt work. the TESR wont update the arraylist in it's tile entity
L254[04:03:47] <LordSaad> even fter adding the packet methods
L255[04:04:09] <gigaherz_> that means there's something else wrong
L256[04:04:10] <gigaherz_> ;P
L257[04:04:14] *** gigaherz_ is now known as gigaherz|work
L258[04:04:15] <LordSaad> i noticed
L259[04:04:18] <LordSaad> any guesses?
L260[04:04:31] <LordSaad> would you like to explore the code of the two classeS?
L261[04:04:34] <gigaherz|work> do you call notifyBlockUpdate whenever you need to send new data?
L262[04:04:56] <LordSaad> let me do that now
L263[04:05:13] <gigaherz|work> you should do it only if you need to send data, otherwise it would be wasteful
L264[04:05:25] <LordSaad> well that fucking worked...
L265[04:05:38] <LordSaad> you are a miracle worker
L266[04:06:03] <gigaherz|work> no, I just know what I'm doing XD
L267[04:06:17] <LordSaad> so a miracle worker
L268[04:06:25] <LordSaad> getit? cuzforgedocumentation
L269[04:07:02] * gigaherz|work read a lot of tutorials and other mods' code
L270[04:07:12] * gigaherz|work also made lots of mistakes and learned from them
L271[04:07:19] <LordSaad> so am i
L272[04:09:16] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L273[04:10:09] <sham1> Lets see if that fixed the allignment in Irssi
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L276[04:14:58] <Tazz> god I love webgl XD
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L278[04:18:18] * Cazzar adds aspell to sham1's irc client :P
L279[04:20:27] <sham1> No
L280[04:21:23] <sham1> aspell does work for Irssi
L281[04:21:26] <sham1> Maybe I should install it
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L283[04:31:07] <Tazz> XD
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L285[04:31:24] * Tazz casts a spel on sham1's irc client
L286[04:31:33] <Tazz> that should work :D
L287[04:32:19] <sham1> :C
L288[04:34:05] <Wuppy> o/
L289[04:34:13] <Tazz> Spel: "Semantic Program Enhancement Logic"
L290[04:34:19] <Wuppy> are we annoying sham1 today? :P
L291[04:34:26] <Tazz> Wuppy, o/
L292[04:34:40] <sham1> IS there a day when that is not the case :P
L293[04:34:51] <Wuppy> hahaha
L294[04:35:21] <Tazz> Wuppy, I did a thing
L295[04:35:36] <Wuppy> oh no, what thing did you do this time :P
L296[04:35:53] <Tazz> well Im doing a thing but theres an example online
L297[04:35:53] <Tazz> XD
L298[04:36:00] <Tazz> http://s0cks.github.io/Affuo/
L299[04:36:27] <Tazz> its a parallax graph thats going to show useful data about a repository on github
L300[04:36:29] <sham1> Wat
L301[04:36:36] <sham1> ah
L302[04:36:45] <Tazz> including an interactive optimizer
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L304[04:36:54] <Tazz> it will go through showing what branches can be removed
L305[04:37:13] <Tazz> you can play with it
L306[04:37:18] <Tazz> shift + drag to rotate
L307[04:37:21] <Tazz> drag to pan
L308[04:37:24] <Tazz> wheel to scroll
L309[04:37:43] <sham1> does it work with a phone
L310[04:37:53] <Tazz> it will when I add touch support
L311[04:38:05] <Tazz> but theres a native app coming hopefully if I can convince a buddy of mine to do it XD
L312[04:41:00] <Tazz> youll be able to import a repository and it will allow you to browse the repository and if you click on a member function it will basically show a control flow graph in this parallax style to allow you to look at its execution
L313[04:41:13] <tterrag> but atm the import does nothing?
L314[04:41:24] <tterrag> also, if you drag over the bar at the top it selects everything
L315[04:41:24] <Tazz> it does not
L316[04:41:27] <tterrag> which is rather annoying
L317[04:41:41] <Tazz> Im converting it to a heroku app atm
L318[04:41:43] <tterrag> also shift only works once
L319[04:41:51] <Tazz> because github doesnt allow servers XD
L320[04:41:52] <tterrag> hold shift -> drag once -> drag again -> no longer rotates
L321[04:42:03] <tterrag> also it doesn't fit my monitor width
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L323[04:42:15] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/wqFqpLF.png
L324[04:42:18] <Tazz> tterrag, Ive only been working on it for like 1 day and I know nothing about web development XD
L325[04:42:20] <tterrag> there's your bug reports from me :P
L326[04:42:24] <tterrag> now good night :D
L327[04:42:28] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L328[04:42:29] <Tazz> Im literally pulling this out of my ass XD
L329[04:42:51] <Tazz> it might be the sidebar that you are converned with haah
L330[04:45:09] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> https://github.com/s0cks/Affuo/blob/gh-pages/app/TrackBall.js#L145
L331[04:45:17] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> you clear the state on mouse up
L332[04:45:21] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> ignoring that it might be ROTATE
L333[04:45:23] <Wuppy> Tazz, I also did a thing
L334[04:45:50] <Tazz> tterrag|ZZZzzz, yeah I need to fix the trackball a bit it seems to stop zooming at a certain point haha
L335[04:45:55] <Wuppy> chilling with vincent van gogh: http://i.imgur.com/vnjdgRd.jpg
L336[04:46:08] <Tazz> Wuppy, whats that :P
L337[04:46:10] <Tazz> :O(
L338[04:46:17] <Wuppy> you don't know vincent van gogh?
L339[04:46:17] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> it's a spherical camera
L340[04:46:32] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> it can only zoom to approaching r=0
L341[04:47:05] <Tazz> so I may need to move the graph then haha
L342[04:47:06] <Tazz> XD
L343[04:47:11] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> what?
L344[04:47:13] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> why ?
L345[04:47:35] <Tazz> nm I might be confused Ill fix it haha
L346[04:47:36] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> the graph should be centered on the origin of your camera
L347[04:48:18] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> I find JS really hard to read :P
L348[04:48:23] <Tazz> plus I need a dispersal method Xd
L349[04:48:29] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> anyways, I said I was going to sleep, so night
L350[04:48:35] <Tazz> to make the graph look professionally done rather than clustered like that
L351[04:48:53] <Tazz> night tterrag|ZZZzzz
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L382[06:24:15] <Keridos> hm apparently 1.8.9 is not as much played as 1.7.10 is
L383[06:24:28] <Keridos> the 1.8 version of my mod gets downloaded way less than the 1.7.10 version
L384[06:24:49] <gigaherz|work> yeah
L385[06:24:54] <gigaherz|work> lots of people still play 1.7.10
L386[06:25:01] <gigaherz|work> because 1.8+ are "not as complete"
L387[06:25:10] <Keridos> the lack of tech mods in 1.8 is my reason why i dont play it
L388[06:25:15] <gigaherz|work> 1.8 modding took too long.
L389[06:25:33] <gigaherz|work> it got the XP effect
L390[06:25:36] <Keridos> i enjoy the tech mods more than the magic mods, magic mods wise 1.8 is pretty solid as far as i'Ve seen
L391[06:25:40] <Keridos> XP effect?
L392[06:25:48] <Keridos> yeah i took way to long to port my mod
L393[06:25:55] <gigaherz|work> Microsoft kept Windows XP for too many years
L394[06:26:00] <gigaherz|work> while they were working on Vista
L395[06:26:02] <Keridos> and still have to port the other one, glad I am not alone on that one
L396[06:26:03] <Keridos> ah
L397[06:26:04] <gigaherz|work> so by the time Vista was released
L398[06:26:10] <gigaherz|work> people were so used to XP, they rejected Vista
L399[06:26:17] <gigaherz|work> even though Vista wasn't really any worse than XP was at launch
L400[06:26:21] <gigaherz|work> they had just gotten used to it.
L401[06:27:44] <Keridos> well the jump from 1.8 to 1.9 is not too bad
L402[06:28:00] <Keridos> still got one bug left to fix and reimplement one feature
L403[06:28:26] <Keridos> they changed colormultiplier in 1.9.x to something entirely different -.-
L404[06:28:36] <gigaherz|work> yup
L405[06:28:41] <gigaherz|work> IItemColor and IBlockColor
L406[06:28:52] <Keridos> i guess its more flexible?
L407[06:28:55] <gigaherz|work> you register them on your clientproxy, during init NOT PREINIT
L408[06:29:05] <gigaherz|work> each IItemColor/IBlockColor can be assigned to more than one block/item
L409[06:29:13] <gigaherz|work> which makes reusing more efficient
L410[06:30:16] ⇨ Joins: LordSaad (~LordSaad@
L411[06:30:21] <Keridos> ah
L412[06:30:31] <Keridos> i had it in a meta (abstract) class before
L413[06:30:46] <LordSaad> is there a way to save an "object" in an NBTCompound? Like my own custom object, not just strings and ints
L414[06:30:54] <Keridos> so I can just implement that interface there, reuse my old colorMultiplier and just register it?
L415[06:31:30] <gigaherz|work> LordSaad: manually, or you can use this: https://github.com/gigaherz/NBTSerializer
L416[06:31:56] <gigaherz|work> it's not very deeply tested so feel free to make issues/PRs if you find bugs ;P
L417[06:32:02] <gigaherz|work> I never actually used it ;P
L418[06:32:04] <Keridos> gigaherz|work: in what registry to i register them?
L419[06:32:31] <LordSaad> ...
L420[06:32:37] <LordSaad> ill just do it manually
L421[06:33:15] <LordSaad> its just stupid how nbts currently are
L422[06:33:23] <LordSaad> they should save objects in general
L423[06:33:26] <LordSaad> lists at least
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L428[06:37:20] <LordSaad> gigaherz|work, do you have an itemstack serializer real quick?
L429[06:37:29] <gigaherz|work> Keridos: https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing/client/ClientProxy.java#L59
L430[06:37:39] <gigaherz|work> LordSaad: nope, use ItemStack.writeToNBT
L431[06:37:55] <LordSaad> oh thats a thing? cool
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L433[06:37:59] <gigaherz|work> or whatever it is that the inventories use ;P
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L436[06:38:51] <LordSaad> what is it saving in the compound?
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L439[06:39:05] <LordSaad> nvm, looking at code
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L441[06:40:15] <LordSaad> http://i.imgur.com/JAqONxM.png it sets the new itemstack tag with a key of "tag"?! Am I sane in thinking I want to copy that code but add my own keys so i can add multiple itemstacks?
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L444[06:44:14] <Subaraki> Wuppy, are you here ?
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L451[06:53:50] <Keridos> ok now some small question: in 1.8.9 my blocks in item form rendered fine
L452[06:54:02] <Keridos> now in 1.8.9 they render way to high, at least my full blocks
L453[06:54:07] <Keridos> eh way to big
L454[06:54:15] <Keridos> the dropped items are bigger than the full block
L455[06:54:19] <Keridos> what is happening there?
L456[06:54:28] <Keridos> i mean on 1.9.4 of course
L457[06:57:34] <Wuppy> Subaraki, I am now :)
L458[06:57:38] <Wuppy> what's up?
L459[06:58:05] <Subaraki> hey ^^
L460[06:58:09] ⇦ Quits: Johannes13_ (Johannes13@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L461[06:58:13] <Subaraki> remember when I tested your game ? :o
L462[06:58:17] <Subaraki> well, Iv'e got one now P:
L463[06:58:19] <Wuppy> uhh, which one?
L464[06:58:21] <Subaraki> its like pre alpha
L465[06:58:24] <Subaraki> only second build
L466[06:58:33] <Subaraki> the tower thingy that you canceled
L467[06:58:37] <Subaraki> you had to shoot towers
L468[06:58:43] <Subaraki> with tiny cutsie dudes on it
L469[06:58:46] <Wuppy> oh yeah, I still want to finish that game :V
L470[06:58:50] <Subaraki> xD
L471[06:59:11] <Wuppy> but you've got one what now?
L472[06:59:14] <Subaraki> http://www.mediafire.com/download/wzxog565vmg2f57/Labyrinth_Build_2-13062016.zip
L473[06:59:26] <Subaraki> second build of something i'm making
L474[06:59:35] <Subaraki> collect the three objects and find the portal :)
L475[06:59:53] <Subaraki> F if you need a bit of help
L476[06:59:58] <Wuppy> wot? http://i.imgur.com/O4FfKEl.png
L477[07:00:11] <Subaraki> zqsd to move
L478[07:00:16] <Subaraki> left right to rotate camera
L479[07:00:17] <Subaraki> sorry x)
L480[07:02:28] <Wuppy> I seem to be able to walk through walls a little bit
L481[07:02:41] <Wuppy> and I couldn't find the portal, just all the items
L482[07:03:18] <Wuppy> also, I just finished another game \o/
L483[07:03:45] <Wuppy> you can now sit in the kitchen with the Van Gogh family and watch them fight :P
L484[07:03:50] <Subaraki> xD
L485[07:04:03] <Subaraki> yeah, it does look like you clip trough walls
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L487[07:04:28] <Subaraki> the point is you find the portal though :s you find it to tedious to run around a lot ?
L488[07:04:57] <Wuppy> yeah, I wouldn't call it particularly fun, sorry :(
L489[07:05:04] ⇦ Quits: LordSaad (~LordSaad@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L490[07:05:06] <Subaraki> okay thanks on the feedback ^^
L491[07:05:12] <Subaraki> it should have more action then
L492[07:05:18] <Subaraki> can i test the van gogh game ?:o
L493[07:05:22] <Wuppy> then again, I don't like puzzle games 9/10 times
L494[07:05:32] <Wuppy> Subaraki, don't think so
L495[07:05:41] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L496[07:05:43] <Wuppy> do you have an oculus
L497[07:06:24] <Subaraki> :(
L498[07:06:27] <Subaraki> no...
L499[07:06:53] <Wuppy> I have an oculus and a gear vr :)
L500[07:07:02] <Wuppy> well, I don't own them, but I can use them all the time
L501[07:07:04] * Subaraki sobs
L502[07:07:08] <Subaraki> i want one :(
L503[07:07:32] <Subaraki> this isnt supposed to be a puzzle game btw
L504[07:07:34] <Subaraki> x)
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L519[08:02:37] <barteks2x> It looks like to properly fix pistons I need to register custom world provider, but is there any way to replace the overworld world provider?
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L521[08:02:43] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L522[08:04:40] <barteks2x> or will DimensionType.register just let me overwrite id=0?
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L524[08:11:09] <Subaraki> sounds like a bad idea barteks2x
L525[08:11:45] <barteks2x> the whole mod (cubic chunks) is a bad idea for compatibility, but I want to avoid bad hacks when possible
L526[08:12:22] <gigaherz|work> I hope it doesn't let you -- not because I'm wishing you extra work, just it would be a really bad design choice.
L527[08:13:36] <barteks2x> for pistons, with the way I'm doing the fix, I don't really need to replace world provider. But it would still be a good idea for world.getHeight() to return actual world height
L528[08:14:27] <barteks2x> Because there is hardcoded comparison to 0, I'm redirecting calls to BlockPos.getY
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L530[08:17:53] <barteks2x> At least, does EnumHelper.addEnum replace existing enums, or throws an excaption when attempting to do it?
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L532[08:32:54] <barteks2x> Does redstone dust really break when placed on piston when the piston block is activated, or did I break something?
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L534[08:35:21] <gigaherz|work> yep
L535[08:35:25] <gigaherz|work> it allows placing
L536[08:35:37] <gigaherz|work> but they didn't allow it to remain on a piston when it updates
L537[08:35:42] <gigaherz|work> as soon as a block update happens
L538[08:35:45] <gigaherz|work> it will pop off
L539[08:36:07] <barteks2x> did that change in some recent update? I don't remember anything like that
L540[08:36:12] <gigaherz|work> 1.9.4
L541[08:36:27] <gigaherz|work> or 1.9.2 or whatever
L542[08:38:08] <Cazzar> I was wondering why my DHCPD wasn't giving my PC the right IP
L543[08:38:15] <Cazzar> Turns out I set the static lease wrong
L544[08:38:22] <gigaherz|work> heh
L545[08:38:30] <gigaherz|work> I just use manual ip settings for my computers
L546[08:38:45] <Cazzar> Not when you LAN :P
L547[08:38:56] <gigaherz|work> ?
L548[08:38:59] <Cazzar> Y'know
L549[08:39:09] <Cazzar> actually, no /16
L550[08:39:11] <barteks2x> that's strange. Some redstone updates refuse to work at extreme heights
L551[08:39:18] <gigaherz|work> I thoguht 10.* was a /8
L552[08:39:28] <gigaherz|work> but I suppose you can have subnets of 10
L553[08:39:53] <gigaherz|work> my desktop is always
L554[08:39:56] <gigaherz|work> my flatmate has .5
L555[08:40:07] <gigaherz|work> my laptop on ethernet is .7
L556[08:40:07] <barteks2x> and entity/tile enetity rendering becomes broken, but that's normal
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L569[09:00:14] <Keridos> yay, finished porting my mod to 1.9.4
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L572[09:04:51] <barteks2x> Apparently loading scheduled block ticks never worked for me because instead of World.scheduleBlockUpdate I used World.addBlockEvent. Must have been a mistake when porting from M3L mappings
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L611[11:16:08] <Rushmead> Anyone got a 1.9.4 Capabillity Item Handler example for storing items in a TE?
L612[11:17:27] <Temportalist> gigaherz: ^?
L613[11:19:20] <Rushmead> It seems like it kinda works, except it doesnt save the items at all
L614[11:22:57] <gigaherz> Rushmead: you have to read/write yourself, same as before
L615[11:23:06] <Rushmead> oh ok
L616[11:23:13] <gigaherz> ItemStackHandler inventory = new ItemStackHandler(27);
L617[11:23:13] <gigaherz> ...
L618[11:23:33] <gigaherz> nbt.setTag("inventory", inventory.serializeNBT())
L619[11:23:49] <gigaherz> inventory.deserializeNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("inventory"))
L620[11:23:58] <Rushmead> I'd done that
L621[11:24:00] <gigaherz> (approximately -- wrote it directly, it's not a copypaste ;P)
L622[11:24:19] <Rushmead> i thought you ment i had to save each item individually myself
L623[11:24:32] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/blocks/TileGenerator.java
L624[11:24:34] <gigaherz> no
L625[11:37:50] <Thog> Hey, anyone knows how to fix a brightness issue with baked models? http://imgur.com/a/MLFtK
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L627[11:41:41] <Rushmead> gigaherz do i need a detectAndSendChanges in my container?
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L629[11:43:59] <gigaherz> Rushmead: if you just have normal slots, no
L630[11:44:04] <gigaherz> the stock one should work
L631[11:44:17] <Rushmead> i have one slot, for burning stuff
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L634[11:45:52] <TechnicianLP> thog i think you are culling on the wrong side or something similiar ...
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L636[11:57:24] <Rushmead> Gigaherz, would you mind taking a look? https://github.com/Rushmead/LotsOfGenerators/blob/master/src/main/java/me/rushmead/log/tiles/TileCoalGenerator.java
L637[11:58:53] <gigaherz> uh
L638[11:59:18] <gigaherz> you don't have any capability at all?
L639[11:59:36] <Rushmead> oh sorry, https://github.com/Rushmead/LotsOfGenerators/blob/master/src/main/java/me/rushmead/log/tiles/TileGenerator.java
L640[12:01:06] <gigaherz> why are you loading each slot separately?
L641[12:02:08] <Rushmead> i looked at your TileGenerator Example
L642[12:02:46] <gigaherz> my generator wasn't a good example XD
L643[12:02:56] <gigaherz> it used to be IInventory
L644[12:03:06] <gigaherz> I didn't want to lose compatibility so I kept the old loading method
L645[12:03:11] <Rushmead> Ooh ok
L646[12:03:31] <LatvianModder> http://xkcd.com/1542/ xD
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L650[12:07:46] <Rushmead> Anything else?
L651[12:08:02] <gigaherz> lol at E3
L652[12:08:15] <gigaherz> they announced that all the MCPE versions of Minecraft will be able to use Xbox Live to play together
L653[12:08:56] <gigaherz> (through Realms)
L654[12:09:27] <LatvianModder> werent they before?
L655[12:10:49] <gigaherz> well given that they are announcing it right now
L656[12:10:55] <gigaherz> I assume each platform's realms were separate
L657[12:11:00] <gigaherz> Minecraft Xbox
L658[12:11:03] <gigaherz> Minecraft Windows 10
L659[12:11:05] <gigaherz> Minecraft iOS
L660[12:11:08] <gigaherz> Minecraft Android
L661[12:11:14] <gigaherz> they will be able to play together on Realms
L662[12:11:35] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@184-99-236-165.hlrn.qwest.net)
L663[12:12:11] <MattDahEpic> oh great, fake pocket edition mods
L664[12:12:39] <Ordinastie_> good, we will be able to make mods in JSON!
L665[12:12:51] <Ordinastie_> well addons as they call them ><
L666[12:13:01] <MattDahEpic> cross platform multiplayer for all the versions execpt java
L667[12:13:25] <MattDahEpic> probably requires realms sub
L668[12:13:28] <Temportalist> because that makes sense...
L669[12:13:41] <MattDahEpic> and also probably requires xbox live sub
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L671[12:19:07] <MattDahEpic> inb4 java ver discontinued
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L676[12:26:06] <Rushmead> Huh, this whole thing just confuses me
L677[12:33:07] <ProbablePrime> o/ rushmead
L678[12:35:07] <gigaherz> [19:19] (MattDahEpic): inb4 java ver discontinued
L679[12:35:10] <gigaherz> they won't discontinue
L680[12:35:17] <gigaherz> they'll just simply have a smaller and smaller team
L681[12:35:21] <gigaherz> until no more updates
L682[12:35:47] <MattDahEpic> i'd say release the mod api then drop it, the community will do the rest
L683[12:35:59] <gigaherz> forge is doing the rest regardless
L684[12:36:01] <gigaherz> why would they bother?
L685[12:36:17] <gigaherz> let them make a proper "api" on the mcpe-based versions
L686[12:36:17] <gigaherz> ;P
L687[12:37:47] <McJty> If they 'drop' the java version they don't need to release a mod api really. We can do that ourselves just fine
L688[12:38:00] <McJty> Such an api would be really only useful for a product that they keep on maintaining
L689[12:39:20] <gigaherz> yeh
L690[12:41:15] <Rushmead> o/ ProbablePrime
L691[12:41:33] <ProbablePrime> :D
L692[12:42:44] <Rushmead> anyway, no one seems to have made a really simple Capability ItemHandler TE...
L693[12:44:39] <gigaherz> because no one NEEDS a very simple TE with IItemHandler
L694[12:44:40] <gigaherz> but really
L695[12:44:46] <gigaherz> it's just
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L697[12:44:53] <gigaherz> the ItemStackHandler
L698[12:44:55] <gigaherz> hadCapability
L699[12:44:57] <gigaherz> getCapability
L700[12:45:21] <Rushmead> Yeah, but i cant get it to work. I've run debug messages, used the debugging feature in idea..
L701[12:45:28] <gigaherz> writeToNBT --> nbt.setTag("inventory", inventory.serializeNBT())
L702[12:45:28] <gigaherz> readFromNBT --> inventory.deserializeNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("inventory"))
L703[12:45:56] <gigaherz> and then on your Container, new SlotItemHandler
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L705[12:46:21] <Rushmead> I've done all that..
L706[12:46:27] <gigaherz> then it should work
L707[12:46:30] <gigaherz> what issue do you have
L708[12:46:32] <gigaherz> WHAT doesn't work?
L709[12:46:48] <Rushmead> Open Inventory -> Put Coal in -> Close Inventory -> Gone.
L710[12:46:53] <Rushmead> No Errors.
L711[12:47:10] <gigaherz> do you have "powered" state?
L712[12:47:14] <gigaherz> as different block states?
L713[12:47:16] <Rushmead> yeah
L714[12:47:23] <gigaherz> then you need to override shouldRefresh
L715[12:47:29] <gigaherz> otherwise it will destroy the TE
L716[12:47:31] <gigaherz> and create a whole new one
L717[12:48:00] <gigaherz> make it ignore differences in the powered property
L718[12:48:05] <gigaherz> and/or any other property that doesn't matter
L719[12:48:21] <gigaherz> if your blockstates don't represent different blocks (if you don't use blockstates for "tiers")
L720[12:48:41] <gigaherz> then you probably want to simply return oldState.getBlock() != newState.getBlock()
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L726[13:02:09] <Thog> TechnicianLP, nope my problem appear when the block at the opposite side is solid
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L738[13:28:57] <Tazz> gotta love copying garbage collectors
L739[13:29:00] <Tazz> they fuck with your head XD
L740[13:29:06] <Tazz> is this free or not
L741[13:29:07] <Tazz> haha
L742[13:29:19] <Tazz> idk wait till the next allocation and see what the value is then :D
L743[13:29:35] <Tazz> then when they have multiple heaps >.>
L744[13:29:38] <Tazz> even worse XD
L745[13:30:20] <diesieben07> lol are you the guy making his own language?
L746[13:30:27] <Tazz> diesieben07, yeah
L747[13:30:30] <diesieben07> yeah
L748[13:30:33] <Tazz> Im actually rewriting it in C now
L749[13:30:35] <diesieben07> makign a GC is a world of pain
L750[13:30:39] <Tazz> decided I can do that haha
L751[13:30:41] <diesieben07> not that i have ever doen it.. but yeah
L752[13:30:48] <Tazz> diesieben07, wanna see mine? Xd
L753[13:30:51] <Tazz> its pretty nice :)
L754[13:30:55] <diesieben07> please no :D
L755[13:31:07] <Tazz> https://gist.github.com/s0cks/59dcbf326808cd5ca8b1465dc01dc90b
L756[13:31:12] <Tazz> lots of pointer math :D
L757[13:31:37] <Tazz> but I squeezed a generational copying garbage collector in 1 single .c file :D
L758[13:31:42] <Tazz> with tri-colour marking :)
L759[13:32:52] <diesieben07> so the old gen is also copying?
L760[13:33:42] <Tazz> both generations use freed resources
L761[13:33:51] <diesieben07> hm?
L762[13:34:07] <Tazz> like say I have a value point* p = gc_alloc(gc, sizeof(point));
L763[13:34:15] <Tazz> and call gc_minor(gc);
L764[13:34:22] <Tazz> then p will still exist technically
L765[13:34:30] <Tazz> till I call gc_alloc(gc, sizeof(point)) to get another one
L766[13:34:38] <Tazz> then p gets over written with the new value
L767[13:34:42] <Tazz> if its in the minor heap
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L769[13:35:06] <Tazz> if its not in the minor heap which happens if you add ref to the value then call gc_minor
L770[13:35:07] <diesieben07> so it's not strictly a fully copying collector
L771[13:35:12] <diesieben07> it's a bit smarter
L772[13:35:29] <Tazz> then it wont get freed till gc_major calls
L773[13:35:36] <Tazz> which will then free the major heap of any non-references
L774[13:35:53] <Tazz> however the major heap gets used when backpatching the minor heap of references
L775[13:36:10] <diesieben07> uh
L776[13:36:11] <diesieben07> you are talking way over my head now
L777[13:36:15] <diesieben07> i don't know all these terms
L778[13:36:32] <Tazz> https://gist.github.com/s0cks/59dcbf326808cd5ca8b1465dc01dc90b#file-ns_gc-c-L192
L779[13:36:34] <Tazz> this function
L780[13:36:45] <Tazz> it copies the minor heap over to the major heap
L781[13:36:50] <Tazz> at least the non-dead values
L782[13:37:07] <Tazz> backpatching would be like a temporary slot for the values to reside as this is taking place
L783[13:37:39] <synthetica> Hey, I'm trying to implement an analyzer that adds new tooltips to metals. All my code is there and it should work, but instead, I get this crash: http://pastebin.com/5QeY6P1t My code is at: https://github.com/synthetixa/GeologyMod I've been at this for 1.5 days now. Does anyone know anything?
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L785[13:38:51] <diesieben07> synthetica, where it this TileEntitySimplePowerMachine coming from? it has update() marked final.
L786[13:39:37] <synthetica> Sorry, it's in the PowerAdvantage API. That's at https://github.com/cyanobacterium/PowerAdvantageAPI/releases
L787[13:39:42] <Tazz> idk what .java is from so I cant help you :(
L788[13:39:58] <Tazz> rofl
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L791[13:41:02] <diesieben07> synthetica, yep: https://git.io/voC55
L792[13:41:09] <diesieben07> not sure why your IDE let's you override it.
L793[13:41:33] <synthetica> Except I didn't write that and the addons work fine.
L794[13:41:49] <diesieben07> you didn't write... what?
L795[13:42:32] <synthetica> The API is not mine. If there's a problem there, it's up to Cyanobacterium, but https://github.com/cyanobacterium/ElectricAdvantage runs just fine.
L796[13:42:46] <diesieben07> You are extending the API's classes
L797[13:42:52] <diesieben07> the API class has a final method update()
L798[13:42:56] <diesieben07> you are trying to override that method.
L799[13:43:15] <synthetica> Okay, that means IDEA was being bad...
L800[13:43:25] <diesieben07> it shouldn't let you do that.
L801[13:44:03] <synthetica> Well, if I get ride of that function in my Tile Entity class, I get an error.
L802[13:44:31] <synthetica> Error says that the class must either be declared abstract or implement update.
L803[13:44:40] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L804[13:44:55] <Tazz> ._.
L805[13:45:25] <synthetica> I could declare it abstract...
L806[13:45:38] <diesieben07> no you couldn't.
L807[13:45:44] <diesieben07> there is something wrong with your workspace setup
L808[13:45:52] <Tazz> ^^
L809[13:46:06] <synthetica> Yes, I didn't think that abstract-ilizing would, just saying I *could*.
L810[13:46:18] <synthetica> That's strange, though.\
L811[13:46:26] <diesieben07> how are you referencing the library?
L812[13:48:19] <synthetica> I've dropped the mod's jar in the libs folder and compile-time linked to it in build.gradle. I was told in the BaseMetals Discord that just using the mod jar would work. So, I'm just following what I was told.
L813[13:48:31] <diesieben07> yes, that's fine
L814[13:48:38] <synthetica> Okay.
L815[13:48:41] <diesieben07> can you see the mod's classes in IntelliJ?
L816[13:48:45] <synthetica> Yes.
L817[13:48:59] <diesieben07> is the update method final there?
L818[13:49:37] <diesieben07> actually i know the problem i think
L819[13:49:42] <diesieben07> you just used the normal mod jar, right?
L820[13:50:31] <synthetica> Yes.
L821[13:50:45] <diesieben07> see, that is obfuscated
L822[13:50:53] <diesieben07> FML will deobfuscate it at runtime, so it will work
L823[13:51:02] <diesieben07> but IntelliJ of course still sees it as obfuscated
L824[13:51:11] <synthetica> Oh. I think I see.
L825[13:51:22] <diesieben07> you have to use the deobfCompile configuration in your build.gradle
L826[13:51:30] <diesieben07> don't put it in libs/ either, since those are linked automatically already
L827[13:51:36] <Tazz> mmm theres something about hard core gangsta rap that puts me in the mood to code
L828[13:51:39] <diesieben07> deobfCompile instead of compile
L829[13:52:22] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L830[13:52:30] <synthetica> Tried it. I'm only allowed to use Maven dependencies with deobfCompile, apparently.
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L832[13:53:50] <diesieben07> huh that is stupid
L833[13:53:54] <Tazz> yeah :(
L834[13:53:57] <Tazz> I tried it earlier XD
L835[13:54:06] <synthetica> Yeah. If it's a jarfile, it says deobfuscate it yourself...
L836[13:55:12] <diesieben07> https://github.com/Parker8283/BON2/releases
L837[13:55:16] <diesieben07> ^ that can deobfuscate
L838[13:55:49] ⇦ Quits: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L839[13:55:57] <synthetica> Okay.
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L841[13:56:23] <synthetica> Thanks.
L842[13:56:57] <synthetica> Only goes up to 1.8. I'm on 1.9.4.
L843[13:57:09] <synthetica> Should that matter?
L844[13:57:16] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L845[13:57:37] <diesieben07> it *should* work fine and show you all forge versions you have
L846[13:58:01] <diesieben07> but i haven't used it in a while
L847[13:58:07] ⇦ Quits: Lord_Ralex (~Ralex@i.am.a.devilincarnate.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L848[13:58:11] <synthetica> Hmmm... it matters where I run it?
L849[13:58:18] <diesieben07> what do you mean?
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L851[13:58:47] <synthetica> I'm wondering what you mean by Forge version that I have. Where would I have them?
L852[13:59:07] <diesieben07> oh that you have used in a MDK before, meaning they are in your gradle cache
L853[13:59:14] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L854[13:59:34] <synthetica> Oh. Hmm. Well, I've definitely used 1.9.4 before, and I don't think I've actually used 1.8.
L855[14:00:00] <diesieben07> and it doesn't list it?
L856[14:00:05] <synthetica> No.
L857[14:00:18] <diesieben07> hrm, it needs to be updated then...
L858[14:00:31] <diesieben07> yell at the author to provide you with a maven repo
L859[14:00:36] <diesieben07> or a deobf jar
L860[14:00:38] <synthetica> It lists the correct MCP snapshot, but not Forge version.
L861[14:00:54] <diesieben07> oh that's what it lists? yeah use that then
L862[14:00:57] <diesieben07> that's all that really matters
L863[14:01:04] <synthetica> Oh, okay.
L864[14:01:06] ⇦ Quits: GrygrFlzr (~GrygrFlzr@2001:41d0:a:6287::6) (Remote host closed the connection)
L865[14:02:53] <synthetica> So I can link the deobf jars with compile in build.gradle?
L866[14:04:10] <diesieben07> just put them in libs/
L867[14:04:16] <diesieben07> everything in there should be linked automatically
L868[14:04:28] <synthetica> Oh, okay.
L869[14:08:46] <synthetica> It launches!
L870[14:08:59] <synthetica> Let's how well my actual code works.
L871[14:10:04] <synthetica> Splendid... the block isn't there at all. I think I can fix this, though.
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L873[14:11:14] <synthetica> Hmm... how can I make a couple lines of code run depending on if a mod is loaded? Not a class or method, but a couple lines.
L874[14:11:44] ⇨ Joins: PieGuy128 (~PieGuy128@
L875[14:11:51] <diesieben07> Loader.isModLoaded
L876[14:12:24] <synthetica> I am doing that currently.
L877[14:12:44] ⇨ Joins: Aroma1997 (~Aroma1997@2604:a880:800:10::168:d001)
L878[14:12:46] <diesieben07> what is your issue then?
L879[14:12:48] <synthetica> It's not running that code at all.
L880[14:13:15] <synthetica> Nevermind, it doesn't run either way.
L881[14:13:15] <diesieben07> what are you passing to isModLoaded?
L882[14:15:06] <synthetica> The mod id, but that doesn't appear to be the problem.
L883[14:15:43] <synthetica> When I set the registry name, is there something else that has to happen to get the block ingame.
L884[14:16:07] <diesieben07> well you have to register it
L885[14:16:46] <synthetica> Yes, but GameRegistry.registerBlock isn't going to work much longer, is it?
L886[14:17:01] <diesieben07> just GameRegistry.register
L887[14:17:09] <synthetica> Really? Thanks.
L888[14:17:18] <diesieben07> for anything that's a IForgeRegistryEntry, which are things like Blocks, Items, Potions, etc.
L889[14:17:40] <synthetica> Oh, that's cool.
L890[14:18:02] <diesieben07> yeah the overhauled registry system is really nice
L891[14:18:10] <synthetica> What's the object that's the parameter. Should it be the registryName?
L892[14:18:21] <diesieben07> just GameRegistry.register(thing)
L893[14:18:26] <diesieben07> where thing is Block, Item, whatever
L894[14:18:35] <synthetica> Oh, I see. Thanks.
L895[14:18:41] <diesieben07> or alternatively GameRegistry.register(thing, <registry name>)
L896[14:18:48] <diesieben07> which first sets the registry name and then calls register(thing)
L897[14:19:18] <synthetica> Okay, thanks. Trying this again!
L898[14:19:36] <Ordinastie_> I find it backwards though
L899[14:19:43] <diesieben07> oh, note however that registering a Block no longer automagically registers an ItemBlock for you.
L900[14:19:58] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> it's just annoying that there's no register(thing, String)
L901[14:20:10] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L902[14:20:29] <diesieben07> so if you want your Block to be able to appear in inventories, as an item entity in the world, you need to do GameRegistry.register(new ItemBlock(myBlock), myBlock.getRegistryName()); as well
L903[14:20:31] <synthetica> How is the ItemBlock registered separately? Same method?
L904[14:20:47] <synthetica> Oh, okay, thanks.
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L909[14:26:05] <synthetica> It runs, thank yyou very much!
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L914[14:37:45] <sokratis12GR> guys I have a problem with my block not having "block texture" as an item form
L915[14:38:29] <diesieben07> show where you register the models, post the log and the paths to your jsons
L916[14:38:49] ⇨ Joins: Dru11kus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:9680:6504:70da:6032:f4b6:b029)
L917[14:38:55] <sokratis12GR> https://paste.ee/p/Hk55P it says that my item json is not loading
L918[14:39:01] <sokratis12GR> can't find it*
L919[14:39:40] <diesieben07> "minecraft:models/item/.json" - looks like a messed up model registration to me
L920[14:39:43] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@2601:646:9680:6504:70da:6032:f4b6:b029) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L921[14:39:58] <diesieben07> so, show that
L922[14:40:20] <sokratis12GR> https://paste.ee/p/Xhk3L
L923[14:40:40] <diesieben07> first of all that has to be in your client proxy, or you will crash server.
L924[14:40:59] <diesieben07> then, don't use the unlocalized name to set the registry name, please...
L925[14:41:16] <sokratis12GR> https://paste.ee/p/aU8GC
L926[14:41:19] <diesieben07> and why are you using registerBlock still, that is deprecated.
L927[14:41:36] <diesieben07> that doesn't change that the method is in a class that is loaded on the server.
L928[14:41:47] <sokratis12GR> uh
L929[14:41:59] <diesieben07> where do you call ModBlocks.registerRenders
L930[14:42:04] <diesieben07> ehhh
L931[14:42:07] <sokratis12GR> ClientProxy
L932[14:42:09] <diesieben07> ClientProxy.registerRenderers
L933[14:42:14] <diesieben07> where do you call that
L934[14:43:01] <sokratis12GR> Here https://paste.ee/p/WVeEV
L935[14:43:11] ⇨ Joins: jimmyh (~jimmyh@2a02:c7d:afa8:ed00:bddc:373f:9915:c9e1)
L936[14:43:11] <diesieben07> oh also, show your jsosn
L937[14:43:27] <sokratis12GR> all 3 ?
L938[14:43:30] <diesieben07> oh god so much copypasta
L939[14:43:32] <diesieben07> yes
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L943[14:44:54] <Ordinastie_> diesieben07, but he gets offended when someone tells him he needs to learn programming :/
L944[14:45:11] <diesieben07> he?
L945[14:45:27] <Ordinastie_> copypasta-man
L946[14:45:31] <sokratis12GR> copy-paste isn't bad
L947[14:45:36] <diesieben07> yes it is.
L948[14:45:40] <sokratis12GR> why ?
L949[14:45:42] <diesieben07> well, the invention of copy paste is not bad
L950[14:45:46] <diesieben07> but copy-pasted code is bad
L951[14:45:53] <diesieben07> because it's hell to maintain and read
L952[14:46:02] <Ordinastie_> it's error prone
L953[14:46:11] <diesieben07> code is not just written for the computer to read
L954[14:46:16] <diesieben07> it is mainly to be read by YOU
L955[14:46:25] <diesieben07> and for YOU copy-pasta code is hell
L956[14:46:30] <diesieben07> (YOU = hooman)
L957[14:46:50] <sokratis12GR> anyway
L958[14:47:02] <Ordinastie_> it's hell for anybody with a minimum common sense
L959[14:47:34] <sokratis12GR> https://paste.ee/p/pKMBw
L960[14:48:04] ⇦ Quits: abab9579 (~abab9579@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L961[14:48:24] <diesieben07> where is it getting this thing from then: Could not load vanilla model parent 'minecraft:item/' for
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L963[14:49:11] <diesieben07> also in your ModBlocks class, why is the inventory model location hardcoded to "armorplus:CompressedObsidian#inventory"?
L964[14:49:44] <sokratis12GR> slap me
L965[14:50:12] <Ordinastie_> if only we could
L966[14:50:30] <tterrag> <diesieben07> first of all that has to be in your client proxy, or you will crash server.]
L967[14:50:31] <tterrag> not really
L968[14:50:36] <tterrag> it's inside a methdo body, should be fine
L969[14:50:41] <tterrag> as long as it's not *executed* on the server
L970[14:50:43] <diesieben07> should be fine != good practice
L971[14:50:48] <tterrag> maybe not
L972[14:50:51] <tterrag> but it is technically safe :P
L973[14:50:53] <diesieben07> someone reflects on your class it explodesa
L974[14:50:55] <diesieben07> -a
L975[14:51:06] <tterrag> not on a static method's body
L976[14:51:16] <tterrag> if it had a reference in the header then yes
L977[14:51:37] <diesieben07> still horrible
L978[14:51:48] <diesieben07> well, there is an easy fix: @SideOnly on the method
L979[14:51:57] <diesieben07> but might as well just put it in the ClientProxy
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L993[15:26:13] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Is there a way to 'emulate' the player placing a block in 1.9?
L994[15:26:25] ⇦ Parts: Aroma1997 (~Aroma1997@2604:a880:800:10::168:d001) ())
L995[15:27:07] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Because I want the player to be able to shift+right click an item to place a block, but that block uses onBlockPlaced to change it's default state
L996[15:29:44] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> world.setBlock doesn't seem to exist anymore either
L997[15:31:28] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L998[15:31:59] <sham1> It should exist
L999[15:32:03] <sham1> OR maybe it is setBlockState
L1000[15:32:06] <sham1> Cannot remember
L1001[15:32:09] <sham1> !gm setBlockState
L1002[15:32:18] <sham1> Yeah, that's the one
L1003[15:32:33] <sham1> You use world.setBlockState to set the block
L1004[15:34:52] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Ok thanks
L1005[15:35:32] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> What happens if my initial BlockState depends on the position of the player though?
L1006[15:36:00] <sham1> Then it depends on the position of the player
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L1008[15:37:23] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yeah but there is no place where I can pass the player in params
L1009[15:37:39] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I'd like it to call onBlockPlaced
L1010[15:37:48] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi)
L1011[15:38:04] <sham1> The hell are you doing
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L1014[15:39:46] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I want the player to place blocks using an item, but the BlockState of that block depends on the position of the player. Can I just setState(pos, theblock.onBlockPlaced(alltheparams))?
L1015[15:40:06] <killjoy> position or orientation?
L1016[15:40:54] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Orientation
L1017[15:41:04] <killjoy> so like logs or dispensers?
L1018[15:41:24] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yeah, except logs and dispenser are blocks and I'm using an Item
L1019[15:41:29] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1020[15:41:32] <killjoy> repeater?
L1021[15:42:00] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yes. I'll look into that
L1022[15:44:38] <killjoy> Oh look, Microsoft bought LinkedIn
L1023[15:44:46] <sham1> Yah
L1024[15:45:04] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Btw you guys saw microsoft at e3 today?
L1025[15:45:19] <sham1> I don't follow advertisements
L1026[15:45:28] <sham1> Which is what E3 pretty much is
L1027[15:45:52] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> They're bringing multiplatform multiplayer to minecraft
L1028[15:46:05] <sham1> There already is multiplatform multiplayer
L1029[15:46:40] <sham1> My instance running on Linux can connect to any given server and play with players using Windows or Mac OS X for instance
L1030[15:46:43] ⇦ Quits: Fye (~Fye@dynamic-adsl-78-13-67-133.clienti.tiscali.it) (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.1 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L1031[15:46:52] <killjoy> java is one platform
L1032[15:46:54] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yeah I'm talking ipad with xbox
L1033[15:47:02] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> With pc
L1034[15:47:09] <killjoy> multiplatform java doesn't count
L1035[15:47:21] <killjoy> all they really have to do is adopt the network code
L1036[15:47:36] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> They're bringing addons to consoles as well
L1037[15:47:49] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Which is basically paid mods
L1038[15:47:57] <killjoy> They need to hurry and get non-code addons
L1039[15:48:22] <sham1> PAID MODS!?
L1040[15:48:31] <killjoy> they already have model and textures. Just need registration
L1041[15:48:35] * sham1 has flashbacks to Steam trying to do it
L1042[15:49:02] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yeah I'm telling you it was the stupidest ideas
L1043[15:49:17] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> God they are going to sell texture packs it's horrible
L1044[15:49:28] <sham1> They already do that
L1045[15:49:34] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> They are? o.o
L1046[15:49:48] <sham1> For consoles AFAIK
L1047[15:50:08] <killjoy> some of those texture packs are really good. You don't expect them to make a living off ads, do you?
L1048[15:50:36] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yep consoles pay for texture packs
L1049[15:50:42] <killjoy> and skins
L1050[15:50:44] <sham1> THEY'RE MICROSOFT
L1051[15:50:48] *** mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L1052[15:50:49] <sham1> THEY DON'T NEED ANYMORE MONEY
L1053[15:50:54] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> ^
L1054[15:51:04] <killjoy> no, they just bought linkedin, so they're a little low on funds
L1055[15:51:21] <sham1> Also, why would they buy LinkedIN
L1056[15:51:40] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1057[15:51:42] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> You guys know how I can get the BlockPos of where the block would be placed if I right clicked here https://i.gyazo.com/af2e90866fe5de3ae284caee1f26d06f.png ?
L1058[15:52:24] <sham1> By doing some oh so complicated math to the position of the block you click
L1059[15:52:45] <sham1> You get the face that you hit with your item
L1060[15:53:00] <sham1> Then you get the original blockpos of the block you hit
L1061[15:53:09] <sham1> Then you offset the blockpos by the face
L1062[15:53:18] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-239-171.dsl.scarlet.be)
L1063[15:53:59] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> My question was actually -> is there a function somewhere that already does this?
L1064[15:54:07] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> If not I can code it :P
L1065[15:54:10] <diesieben07> BlockPos#offset(EnumFacing)
L1066[15:54:31] <sham1> Use that noggin in your head
L1067[15:54:35] <sham1> Will ya?
L1068[15:54:53] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Not if there's a standard way of doing it sham1
L1069[15:54:53] <sham1> Read the code and all that
L1070[15:54:56] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Thanks
L1071[15:55:22] <sham1> Ferdz_TheWeeb, using the standard way is being smart about it
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L1073[15:56:15] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I can't use the standard way if I don't know the function and where it is
L1074[15:56:35] <diesieben07> <diesieben07> BlockPos#offset(EnumFacing)
L1075[15:57:20] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Thanks
L1076[15:57:34] <diesieben07> the name was there because it was a quote...
L1077[15:57:36] <diesieben07> i already said it before.
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L1079[15:58:19] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> To which I quoted my "Thanks" that was addressed to you
L1080[15:58:22] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> So much confusion
L1081[15:58:30] <diesieben07> oh
L1082[15:58:33] <diesieben07> well you asked again...
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L1091[16:20:22] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Is there no way I can determine if PlayerInteractEvent was a right click? Found this thread http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=37416.0 but was there an update on the situation?
L1092[16:21:04] <diesieben07> uhm, you pretty muhc never want to subscribe to just PlayerInteractEvent
L1093[16:21:07] <diesieben07> choose a sub-event
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L1095[16:24:15] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> You're right, didn't notice there was RightClickBlock now
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L1098[16:28:32] <OrionOnline> For some goddamn reason my item translations are not being applied: http://i.imgur.com/QI3Ew7L.png
L1099[16:29:40] <diesieben07> idk, show the jsons?
L1100[16:29:48] <OrionOnline> One sec
L1101[16:29:51] ⇨ Joins: abab9579 (~Abastro@
L1102[16:30:05] <OrionOnline> Found a bug in the modelloader that might cause it
L1103[16:30:50] <OrionOnline> Found it, they are not being deserialized
L1104[16:30:53] <OrionOnline> Need to fix that
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L1112[16:52:53] <OrionOnline> Can somebody tell me where i am going wrong in my thought process here: https://github.com/SmithsGaming/SmithsCore/blob/Development-1.9/src/com/smithsmodding/smithscore/util/client/ModelHelper.java#L366-L375
L1113[16:53:09] <OrionOnline> I am trying to deserialize ItemTransformations from the model file
L1114[16:53:30] <OrionOnline> Rekursivly from the parent included.
L1115[16:54:12] <OrionOnline> But it is throwing me a JSON exception saying that it found a string instead of a BEGON_OBJECT when trying to deserialize minecraft:models/item/handheld.json
L1116[16:57:33] <diesieben07> have you verified it's actually loading the JSON correctly?
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L1120[17:01:27] <OrionOnline> Everything else is parsed properly by my custom Loader
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L1122[17:01:48] <diesieben07> that... doesn't answer my question
L1123[17:02:05] <diesieben07> does getReaderForResource actually give out the right JSON if you debug in that method
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L1125[17:03:45] <Keridos> my mod has a weird bug
L1126[17:04:00] <Keridos> i have literally the same code for my tile entities in 1.8.9 and 1.9.4
L1127[17:04:13] * diesieben07 attacks Keridos' computer with bug spray
L1128[17:04:21] <Keridos> but in 1.8.9 the TE misbehaves when I reload the save game
L1129[17:05:12] <OrionOnline> Hmm
L1130[17:05:31] <OrionOnline> What do you mean diesieben07 it returns a InputStreamReader
L1131[17:06:03] <diesieben07> if you read it into a string (CharStreams.toString) does taht contain the right json?
L1132[17:07:14] <OrionOnline> Let me try
L1133[17:08:39] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, yes it loads the correct file
L1134[17:09:42] <diesieben07> that is a normal item model?
L1135[17:09:47] *** linuxdaemon is now known as DatBoi
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L1137[17:10:08] <OrionOnline> Yes and weird
L1138[17:10:16] <linuxuser9000> ay guys, the other day i was talking about using methods other than nbt to provide the persistence layer; theoretically, i could use mysql, mongodb or a json file, right?
L1139[17:10:26] <OrionOnline> When i continue debugging the GSON throws the exception in a really weird playe
L1140[17:10:28] *** LatvianModder is now known as AyyLMAO
L1141[17:10:29] <OrionOnline> place*
L1142[17:10:33] <OrionOnline> Let me try something
L1143[17:10:45] <diesieben07> well you cannot parse an item model json into a ImmutableMap<ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType, TRSRTransformation>
L1144[17:11:10] *** linuxdaemon is now known as GoodKek
L1145[17:11:25] <diesieben07> linuxuser9000, this is the full java stack available to you, you can store your data however the heck you want to ;)
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L1148[17:13:03] <OrionOnline> Why not i registered a custom type adapter to that GSON. It should only return the relevant part of that model...
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L1151[17:15:59] <diesieben07> hrmmm
L1152[17:16:06] <diesieben07> where is the error occuring exaclty?
L1153[17:16:55] <linuxuser9000> okaaay im trying intellij for the first time :)
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L1156[17:17:28] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, i fixed it
L1157[17:17:46] <diesieben07> what was it?
L1158[17:17:49] <OrionOnline> I registered my custom deserializer but also the generic one
L1159[17:18:05] <diesieben07> fun
L1160[17:18:17] <OrionOnline> For some reason it preferred the generic deserializer for a ImmutableMap above my custom one for that specific map type
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L1162[17:18:44] <OrionOnline> Which when it tried to cast some stuff into ItemTransforms it failed.
L1163[17:20:05] <OrionOnline> One bug solved -> next one appears -> from the start again.....
L1164[17:20:33] <Keridos> apparently calling super.writetoNBT at the beginning of your writetonbt makes buggy things when you extend tilentity
L1165[17:21:19] <diesieben07> uhhh
L1166[17:21:24] <diesieben07> NOT doing it does bad things
L1167[17:21:35] <OrionOnline> Very bad things !
L1168[17:22:52] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:4c46:8d00:d573:76e:ac41:f220)
L1169[17:28:45] <Keridos> diesieben07: apparently it caused my nbt to not be properly loaded
L1170[17:28:52] <Keridos> should I rather execute it at the end?
L1171[17:28:55] <diesieben07> that's... BS
L1172[17:29:00] <diesieben07> it shouldn't matter
L1173[17:29:15] <diesieben07> if you don't call it, your TE will just not be recreated when the world is loaded again
L1174[17:29:19] <diesieben07> it will simply disappear
L1175[17:29:55] <Keridos> hm
L1176[17:29:58] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, Thanks for helping me track it down. Sometimes i just need somebody to talk to, to figure it out.
L1177[17:30:00] <Keridos> still a bit weird
L1178[17:30:15] <diesieben07> glad to be a rubber ducky
L1179[17:30:20] <Keridos> I have literally no idea why this bug happens in 1.8.9 but not in 1.9.4
L1180[17:30:25] <Keridos> i checked about 4 times
L1181[17:30:30] <Keridos> the code is all the same
L1182[17:30:38] <diesieben07> show the code :D
L1183[17:30:53] <diesieben07> and please describe the bug exactly.
L1184[17:30:59] <diesieben07> what is "not properly loaded"?
L1185[17:31:47] <Keridos> diesieben07: i have lights that place invisble blocks, those blocks are TE's since i need to store data in them
L1186[17:32:06] <diesieben07> that... sounds awful but continue
L1187[17:32:19] <Keridos> they have a list of blocks that light them, basically a list for each light that lights them
L1188[17:32:44] <diesieben07> why not store that in the light block instead of the fake block?
L1189[17:33:04] <diesieben07> and how far away are these light blocks placed?
L1190[17:33:06] <Keridos> those blocks are removed fine when I turn off the light
L1191[17:33:20] <Keridos> this bug occurs at even close distances < 5 blocks
L1192[17:33:20] <diesieben07> i am just saying you could most likely optimize this quite a bit
L1193[17:33:30] <OrionOnline> For the ones interest: Step 1 for the update to 1.9.4: http://i.imgur.com/axGUe8c.png Armor rendering complete!
L1194[17:33:40] <diesieben07> that wasn't my question
L1195[17:33:50] <Keridos> diesieben07: i am fairly sure it needs to be this way, I need to dynamically relight stuff if things are placed
L1196[17:34:11] <diesieben07> whut
L1197[17:34:15] <Keridos> well its a floodlight
L1198[17:34:18] <Keridos> it places blocks
L1199[17:34:32] <Keridos> now when you place something in the path of the light, the light needs to disappear behind it
L1200[17:34:38] <diesieben07> yes. how far away does it place them
L1201[17:34:50] <Keridos> up to 64 blocks, but that is not even the problem i am facing
L1202[17:34:57] <diesieben07> i know
L1203[17:34:59] <Keridos> never had any issues with chunk desyncs
L1204[17:35:02] <linuxuser9000> diesieben07: I'm trying to set up intellij community edition for my first time, and am running into an error trying to start my mod. can you take a look and see if you can figure out why im getting an error on line 20?
L1205[17:35:03] <linuxuser9000> http://pastebin.com/9WYA1dtW
L1206[17:35:07] <diesieben07> 64 ... that's difficult to optimize for
L1207[17:35:11] <diesieben07> well lets work ony oru problem first
L1208[17:35:13] <Keridos> and its not the many light blocks desync
L1209[17:35:30] <Keridos> now i had some issues with a subblock of my light not being placed properly
L1210[17:35:48] <diesieben07> linuxuser9000, how exactly did you set up the workspace?
L1211[17:36:01] <linuxuser9000> i imported the 'build.gradle' file
L1212[17:36:02] <Keridos> i have a blockstate for the lights that basically tells them to do nothing when nearby blocks change so I can safely remove and place them without triggering a flood of block updates
L1213[17:36:09] <diesieben07> that should have worked fine then, hrm
L1214[17:36:19] <linuxuser9000> maybe i need to restart intellij
L1215[17:36:49] <Keridos> usually I reload all the lights at world load https://github.com/Keridos/FloodLights/blob/master/src/main/java/de/keridos/floodlights/tileentity/TileEntityPhantomLight.java
L1216[17:37:10] *** Dru11kus is now known as Drullkus
L1217[17:37:25] <Keridos> the problem is that apparently some of the blocks are not removed properly if a light is one but then the world gets unloaded/rejoined etc.
L1218[17:37:25] *** Drullkus is now known as DruIIkus
L1219[17:37:28] <barteks2x> It's so easy to confuse vanilla bug as cubicchunks bug... for example this: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-63179 initially I thought I broke something, now I got a bug report with it
L1220[17:37:43] <Keridos> so i turn on light, relog, turn if off and not all of the blocks disappear
L1221[17:37:43] <diesieben07> oh god the light blocks are even ticking?
L1222[17:37:57] <Keridos> just when it fails to remove them for whatever reason
L1223[17:38:03] <Keridos> update is almost never true
L1224[17:38:16] <diesieben07> doesn't matter the game still has to tick them
L1225[17:38:19] <Keridos> i can probably remove that
L1226[17:38:38] <Keridos> but anyway, the problem i have is that it only removes a part of them
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L1228[17:38:54] <Keridos> which is totally weird, it doesnt make ANY sense
L1229[17:39:01] <Keridos> and it works fine in 1.9.4
L1230[17:39:10] <Keridos> with pretty much literally the same code
L1231[17:39:47] <diesieben07> where do you remove the sources?
L1232[17:40:15] <Keridos> https://github.com/Keridos/FloodLights/blob/master/src/main/java/de/keridos/floodlights/tileentity/TileEntityUVLight.java
L1233[17:40:18] <Keridos> this for example
L1234[17:40:36] <Keridos> ignore the weird loop in the UVSource function
L1235[17:40:58] <diesieben07> like which method / line are we talkign thati is not executed correctly?
L1236[17:41:05] <Keridos> that is just for telling my lights to not trigger block updates and refresh all their sources when a neighbor is changed
L1237[17:41:29] <Keridos> line 60
L1238[17:41:36] <Keridos> eh 61
L1239[17:41:48] <diesieben07> both of those are closing braces.
L1240[17:42:01] <Keridos> eh the first file
L1241[17:42:03] <Keridos> not the second
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L1243[17:42:24] <diesieben07> removeSource is called form updateAllSources
L1244[17:42:28] <diesieben07> where is that called from?
L1245[17:42:29] <Keridos> apparently it is that one
L1246[17:42:38] *** DruIIkus is now known as Drullkus
L1247[17:42:42] <Keridos> updateallsources is just for neighborblockchanged
L1248[17:43:23] <Keridos> so when you place a block near it, it basically tells all the sources that light it to refresh the lights so they can properly light and stop at the right spot
L1249[17:43:47] <diesieben07> first of all, wtf is this: https://git.io/voWuS
L1250[17:44:30] <Keridos> hm can I just call sources.remove(pos) there or will it fail when sources.isEmpty()?
L1251[17:44:50] <diesieben07> of course you can
L1252[17:45:12] <diesieben07> javadocs are magical...
L1253[17:46:17] <Keridos> this class is still from my first days of java
L1254[17:47:17] <diesieben07> well, to your problem... this is a "look at it with a debugger" kind of problem
L1255[17:48:15] <Keridos> that is the funny thing, i did that and still have no clue
L1256[17:48:26] <Keridos> like remove source is called on all the blocks (tested with 8 range)
L1257[17:48:42] <Keridos> since there was only one source, it should have removed them all
L1258[17:48:50] <Keridos> but apparently some of them are not properly removed
L1259[17:49:09] <diesieben07> well, you did not look close enough then
L1260[17:49:17] <diesieben07> since the debugger should have told you WHY not ;)
L1261[17:52:43] <Keridos> hm, apparently my nbt is not properly saved loaded,
L1262[17:53:33] ⇨ Joins: Digitalsabre (~Digitalsa@174-28-115-96.albq.qwest.net)
L1263[17:53:38] <diesieben07> well you are not calling super in either write nor read
L1264[17:53:39] <diesieben07> that is bad.
L1265[17:54:15] <Keridos> i do in my IDE
L1266[17:55:53] <diesieben07> ok so you used this "not properly" again.
L1267[17:55:57] <diesieben07> Please be exact.
L1268[17:57:12] <Keridos> what the fuck, i just checked, it adds the source to the arraylist
L1269[17:57:21] <Keridos> but for some reason a second later the list is empty?
L1270[17:57:41] <diesieben07> client/server?
L1271[17:57:49] <diesieben07> actually, do you change the Blcokstate?
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L1273[17:59:56] <Keridos> No jsut the tileentity
L1274[18:00:07] <Keridos> should all be serverside
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L1276[18:00:23] <Keridos> I think i have a !world.isRemote in all my code executing this
L1277[18:00:35] <diesieben07> do you have different blcokstates for this block at all?
L1278[18:01:40] <Keridos> yes
L1279[18:01:55] <Keridos> just the one that causes them to update when a neighbor changes
L1280[18:02:13] <Keridos> the actual machines that place the lights have a bunch more
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L1282[18:02:22] <diesieben07> you need shouldRefresh in the TE then
L1283[18:02:40] <diesieben07> otehrwise it get's recreated whenever the blockstate changes
L1284[18:02:57] <Keridos> its in there
L1285[18:03:09] <Keridos> l36
L1286[18:03:16] <diesieben07> hmm yeha then idk
L1287[18:03:17] <Keridos> or around that, changed a bit of code here
L1288[18:03:57] <Keridos> i think for some reason the arraylist never gets saved apparently since it believes it is empty
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L1293[18:15:35] <barteks2x> Idea says that WorldEntitySpawner.findChunksForSpawning "Method 'findChunksForSpawning' is too complex to analyze by data flow algorithm". I've never seen that before...
L1294[18:15:43] *** Kolatra|away is now known as Kolatra
L1295[18:16:31] <Keridos> ok now i am getting nearer, the bugged lights do not have a source set for some reason
L1296[18:16:48] <Keridos> now just need to figure out why the hell in 1.8.9 it fails to do that
L1297[18:17:15] <Keridos> I saw that I should just create the arraylist in the constructor
L1298[18:17:22] <Keridos> not initialize at declaration
L1299[18:17:37] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (~Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1300[18:18:40] <diesieben07> that... should do the same thing
L1301[18:19:39] <ProbablePrime> What would be a way to detect someone leaving the End, the usual dimension change events don't get fired for leaving the end :(
L1302[18:20:22] ⇦ Quits: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp118-210-42-252.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1303[18:20:48] <diesieben07> EntityTravelToDimensionEvent should fire
L1304[18:21:38] <Keridos> diesieben07: you got any clue why on some coordinates the TE bugs? i checked it, sources.add is called 8 times for 8 lights, as expected, but 3 of them have an empty arraylist at world save
L1305[18:22:11] ⇦ Quits: p455w0rd (~p455w0rd@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1306[18:22:19] <Keridos> might that be a bug in the forge version i am using?
L1307[18:22:30] <ProbablePrime> one second diesie, ill give you a code point
L1308[18:22:45] ⇦ Quits: brandon3055 (~brandon30@ppp118-210-42-252.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1309[18:22:49] <diesieben07> shouldn't be...
L1310[18:23:04] ⇨ Joins: p455w0rd (~p455w0rd@
L1311[18:23:05] <diesieben07> put a breakpoint in the constructor maybe, check if there are any errorneous TEs being created
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L1313[18:23:57] <Keridos> you mean in the block class?
L1314[18:24:04] <ProbablePrime> diesieben07, there's a conditional in the travelToDimensionRoutine of EntityPlayerMP that doesnt call this.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension for end leaving
L1315[18:24:15] <ProbablePrime> and transferPlayerToDimension creates the event
L1316[18:24:29] <ProbablePrime> FMLCommonHandler.instance().firePlayerChangedDimensionEvent at the bottom of it
L1317[18:24:36] <ProbablePrime> 1.8 sorry
L1318[18:24:39] <synthetica> Hmm. Failed to create block entity...
L1319[18:25:12] <diesieben07> EntityTravelToDimensionEvent is the first thing that happens in EntityPlayerMP#travelToDimension
L1320[18:25:16] <diesieben07> so it definitely fires.
L1321[18:25:58] <ProbablePrime> uhm
L1322[18:26:03] <ProbablePrime> thats a different event.
L1323[18:26:06] * ProbablePrime hides in a corner
L1324[18:26:08] <ProbablePrime> Thanks!
L1325[18:26:36] ⇦ Quits: synthetica (~synthetic@cpe-76-188-199-137.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1328[18:28:09] <Keridos> diesieben07: is it normal the constructor is called twice?
L1329[18:28:19] <diesieben07> client / server?
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L1332[18:28:32] <diesieben07> you can use FMLCommmonHandler#getEffectiveSide to check
L1333[18:29:06] <Keridos> ah
L1334[18:29:10] <Keridos> yeah
L1335[18:29:31] <Keridos> one the clients TE's are not synced, but they shouldnt even be needed to be synced
L1336[18:29:38] <Keridos> since all changes are made on the server
L1337[18:30:48] ⇦ Quits: blood|wrk (~owned@STATIC228.iona.edu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1338[18:31:11] <synthetica> Here's something new: it no longer crashes. It just does nothing. Crash: http://pastebin.com/wRbT2B0K Code: https://github.com/synthetixa/GeologyMod Anything?
L1339[18:31:51] <diesieben07> "it no longer crashes". *posts crash*
L1340[18:32:00] <synthetica> I meant report.
L1341[18:32:01] <synthetica> :P
L1342[18:32:09] <synthetica> It's not a crash, just the report.
L1343[18:32:14] <diesieben07> your TE needs a no-arg constructor
L1344[18:32:20] <diesieben07> why do you have an argument there?
L1345[18:32:56] <synthetica> Does that matter? In AnalyzerBlock, I added the parameter, too.
L1346[18:33:08] <diesieben07> well, MC needs to recreate it when it loads from NBT
L1347[18:33:17] <diesieben07> it will invoke a no-arg constructor for that
L1348[18:33:19] <synthetica> Okay... will remove.
L1349[18:33:24] <diesieben07> well, you can have both
L1350[18:33:34] <diesieben07> just understnad that when loading from disk the no-arg one will be used
L1351[18:33:49] <diesieben07> so don't do anything crucial in the with-arg version
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L1353[18:33:56] <synthetica> I can remove it easily.
L1354[18:34:12] <synthetica> I don't actually need that parameter. Was just convenience.
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L1357[18:35:13] <synthetica> Again, thanks for all your generous help.
L1358[18:35:45] <diesieben07> np, that's what I'm here for ;)
L1359[18:35:52] <linuxuser9000> well im off to work in a few minutes, but tonight ill try to get my examplemod working again. i kind of can't believe it's actually taking me thing long to get a metaphorical 'hello world' program working
L1360[18:35:58] <Keridos> this is really confusing
L1361[18:36:10] <Keridos> i feel like the whole TE is doing weird things
L1362[18:36:15] <synthetica> Alright, no more weird stuff in the console. It just doesn't give the tooltip or any output at all.
L1363[18:36:23] <synthetica> My code, Keridos?
L1364[18:36:32] <Keridos> synthetica: no mine
L1365[18:36:37] <synthetica> Oh, okay.
L1366[18:36:41] <diesieben07> which tooltip?
L1367[18:37:07] <Keridos> i have an arraylist, add something to it and then later my debugger tells me it is empty when I writetonbt
L1368[18:38:27] <synthetica> The point of the analyzer is to add another tooltip (defined in the event handler) to specific ingots if they are put in the analyzer with power. The first set of tooltips is always there, but the ones that should come from the analyzer don't show up.
L1369[18:39:20] <synthetica> If that makes any sense.
L1370[18:39:29] <diesieben07> oh god wtf is this: https://git.io/voWrI
L1371[18:39:42] <diesieben07> why are these static? https://git.io/voWrL
L1372[18:41:19] <synthetica> They had to be static to be used somwhere ( I forgot where ). The itemstacks are for checking which ingot was in the analyzer. stack1 is the analyzed one. stack is the ones that are proibably redundant now and I should fix.
L1373[18:41:53] <diesieben07> you know what static means, right?
L1374[18:42:17] <synthetica> It's a bit fuzzy. I know I've learned it, but I can never remember that one.
L1375[18:42:29] <linuxuser9000> synthetica: Is that how a mod is supposed to be laid out? 'modname'/src/main/java/net/'synthetixa'/'geo'/folders
L1376[18:42:44] <diesieben07> static means that there is only ever one value for that field, globally
L1377[18:42:51] <diesieben07> it is not stored in the object instance
L1378[18:42:55] <synthetica> Oh, that could break things...
L1379[18:42:57] <diesieben07> yes
L1380[18:43:13] <diesieben07> also why are you using things you don't understand...
L1381[18:43:25] <diesieben07> "i don't know what this static thing really means, i better put it here"
L1382[18:44:11] <synthetica> I guess that's laughable... :P It was put there because somewhere it's being used made the IDE spit out that it must be static.
L1383[18:44:20] <diesieben07> ...
L1384[18:44:31] <diesieben07> code by IDE quickfix.
L1385[18:44:32] <diesieben07> classic
L1386[18:44:39] <synthetica> I didn't.
L1387[18:44:44] <synthetica> Just fixing errors.
L1388[18:45:04] <diesieben07> yes... you fixed them by blindly applying the IDE quickfix
L1389[18:45:08] <diesieben07> that said "make this static"
L1390[18:45:08] <synthetica> But apparently that error never happened and I'm just delusional.
L1391[18:45:49] <synthetica> Yes, that's true. Look, I'm losing this pseudo-argument, so I'll just stop fighting now.
L1392[18:46:05] <diesieben07> :D
L1393[18:46:11] <diesieben07> the bot is always right.
L1394[18:46:35] <diesieben07> gah, i wish we had java 9 already
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L1396[18:46:38] <diesieben07> i need the process api
L1397[18:46:41] <synthetica> I'm sorry for coming in here and ruining all of your peoples' chat... removed the static part. Testing.
L1398[18:50:06] <synthetica> Alright, I've removed the two statics you suggested. It won't compile.
L1399[18:50:25] <synthetica> Because I'm calling them from a static context in a bunch of places/.
L1400[18:50:45] <synthetica> The problem with that is that the place I'm calling them isn't static.
L1401[18:50:55] <synthetica> At least, as far as I can tell.
L1402[18:51:19] <diesieben07> yeah well
L1403[18:51:29] <diesieben07> you need to think, in those places WHICH analyzer do you want?
L1404[18:51:34] <diesieben07> then get THAT analyzer
L1405[18:51:39] ⇦ Quits: linuxuser9000 (~gordon@adsl-76-254-21-241.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1406[18:52:18] <synthetica> Okay.
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L1409[18:55:08] <williewillus> !gc bwf 1.7.10
L1410[18:55:38] <williewillus> uhhh wat
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L1412[18:57:25] <diesieben07> 1.7.10, run
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L1414[19:01:11] <barteks2x> For last half hour I'm trying to implement mob spawning for cubic chunks. So far I don't yet fully understand the vanilla code.
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L1417[19:03:35] <barteks2x> I hope this code looks like this because of obfuscator, bot because it has been written like this
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L1419[19:04:43] <williewillus> probably
L1420[19:04:47] <williewillus> probably both
L1421[19:07:01] <barteks2x> I found line that doesn't make sense to me
L1422[19:07:07] <barteks2x> let me fine the line number
L1423[19:07:12] <williewillus> what class?
L1424[19:07:14] <barteks2x> it's added by forge
L1425[19:07:22] <barteks2x> WorldEntitySpawner
L1426[19:07:38] <williewillus> what line?
L1427[19:07:55] ⇦ Quits: Matthew__ (~matthew@matthewprenger.com) (Quit: Goodbye)
L1428[19:08:02] <barteks2x> 157 for me
L1429[19:08:17] <barteks2x> argument l3 isn't y position...
L1430[19:08:31] <barteks2x> (it's the line with special spawn)
L1431[19:08:35] <williewillus> bug
L1432[19:08:42] <williewillus> lex just changed that recently so comment on his commit
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L1434[19:09:08] <barteks2x> comment on collir ot create issue?
L1435[19:09:10] <barteks2x> *commit
L1436[19:09:30] <kenzierocks> hello all
L1437[19:09:42] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> hey
L1438[19:09:46] <williewillus> actually huh maybe he didn't change it recently
L1439[19:09:49] <williewillus> i'd say make an issue
L1440[19:10:19] <kenzierocks> i've got a question about the forge blockstate json loader not displaying my block properly
L1441[19:10:39] <kenzierocks> relevant code: https://github.com/TechShroom/PerelTrains/tree/develop ; relevant screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/kI4NLBY.png
L1442[19:11:31] <kenzierocks> i'm not sure why the signal is displaying perfectly fine in the world but very strangely in-inventory
L1443[19:11:37] <williewillus> the item model messing up doesn't have to do with the forge format
L1444[19:11:38] <williewillus> in this case
L1445[19:11:51] <williewillus> (it shouldn't at least)
L1446[19:12:02] <kenzierocks> mm, ok.
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L1461[19:49:33] <williewillus> !gc bwf 1.7.2
L1462[19:49:39] <williewillus> !gc bwf 1.8.9
L1463[19:49:49] <williewillus> !gc bwf 1.9.4
L1464[19:49:52] <diesieben07> willie is doing horrible things
L1465[19:50:11] <williewillus> https://github.com/sinkillerj/ProjectE/issues/1266#issuecomment-225748709
L1466[19:50:19] <williewillus> bwf doesn't even exist except in 1.9.4
L1467[19:50:35] <sinkillerj> -.-
L1468[19:50:39] <kenzierocks> kek
L1469[19:51:29] * williewillus mumbles about killing 1.7.10 and java 7
L1470[19:51:52] <diesieben07> it looks to me more like he has a non-1.7 optifine
L1471[19:53:50] <sinkillerj> *makes note to remember willies trick next time we get a wank like this*
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L1473[19:55:56] <williewillus> trick?
L1474[19:56:04] <williewillus> idk I was just investigating as always :P
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L1481[20:19:10] <williewillus> do we have a discord server? i forgot
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L1486[20:21:27] <harmony> no idea
L1487[20:21:28] <harmony> :P
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L1496[21:08:22] <synthetica> Hi. I've got the same rather large problem because I'm stupid and don't completely understand static. My code (https://github.com/synthetixa/GeologyMod) is giving errors about fields being used in a static context needing to be static. I was told earlier that these fields should not be static and I'm doing something wrong. I just don't understand what's actually wrong because the event that the errors say is a static conte
L1497[21:08:22] <synthetica> xt is not static, unless I'm missing something big...
L1498[21:08:34] <synthetica> I'm just really confused.
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L1503[21:20:05] <harmony> synthetica, what field in what class?
L1504[21:20:10] <TehNut> ^
L1505[21:20:38] <harmony> and in what context
L1506[21:20:50] <TehNut> In an extremely basic explanation, static = global, non-static = instanced
L1507[21:21:11] <harmony> wait, shouldn't it be "which"
L1508[21:21:43] <synthetica> In AnalyzerTileEntity, I have isAnalyzed and stack. I get them in TooltipWorldSavedData. They are then used in onTooltipCall in GeoEventHandler.
L1509[21:22:35] <TehNut> Well, if one AnalyzerTyleEntity has isAnalyzed true, should EVERY SINGLE one of them have it true?
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L1512[21:23:50] <synthetica> No. And I have them not set static. However, it won't compile because onTooltipCall wants them static.
L1513[21:24:05] <TehNut> Well are you getting the instance of your TE from the world?
L1514[21:24:16] <synthetica> Oh.
L1515[21:24:34] <Tazz> is it strange to have a web panel for an irc bot?
L1516[21:24:41] <TehNut> nah
L1517[21:24:46] <harmony> lel
L1518[21:25:16] <synthetica> Hmm. I am not.
L1519[21:25:22] <harmony> do that then
L1520[21:25:25] <Tazz> would it be overkill for one written in C from scratch with no external libs?
L1521[21:25:25] <TehNut> ^
L1522[21:25:30] <TehNut> nah
L1523[21:25:33] <harmony> and set isAnalyzed to non static
L1524[21:25:36] <synthetica> Okay.
L1525[21:25:49] <Lord_Ralex> Tazz, all depends on what you are doing with it in the end. Do you feel like you need one? go for it
L1526[21:26:06] <Tazz> not really but i think it would be neat
L1527[21:26:12] <Lord_Ralex> then do it
L1528[21:26:38] <harmony> static means you have 1 instance you can acces from anywhere and the value will be the same no matter where you access it from
L1529[21:27:01] <Tazz> Lord_Ralex, haha
L1530[21:27:07] <Tazz> im def going to
L1531[21:27:25] <synthetica> Yeah, I think I understand static now.
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L1533[21:27:31] <Tazz> right after i finish the scheme interpreter
L1534[21:27:35] <harmony> nice
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L1536[21:28:55] <Tazz> hey killjoy
L1537[21:29:09] <killjoy> hi
L1538[21:29:22] <TehNut> Tazz did you ever get that MD parser finished for your mod?
L1539[21:29:23] <Tazz> whatchya upto
L1540[21:29:42] <Tazz> TehNut, no but i can whip one up tonight if you need it
L1541[21:29:50] <TehNut> Nono, just curious
L1542[21:29:59] <Tazz> i used a lib
L1543[21:30:16] <Tazz> temporarily
L1544[21:30:16] ⇦ Quits: Abastro (~Abastro@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1545[21:30:18] <TehNut> Ah right
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L1548[21:31:31] <kenzierocks> can't get my item to render as a block at all
L1549[21:31:38] <kenzierocks> don't understand whats wrong
L1550[21:31:53] <TehNut> code
L1551[21:31:57] <kenzierocks> yea
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L1553[21:32:06] <kenzierocks> relevant code: https://github.com/TechShroom/PerelTrains/tree/develop ; relevant screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/kI4NLBY.png
L1554[21:33:17] <synthetica> Okay, no idea what to do. I can see the problems, I think.
L1555[21:34:23] <TehNut> Oh, it's rendering "correctly". You're only giving the item rail_signal.json for a parent model
L1556[21:34:26] <TehNut> Which doesn't have the lights
L1557[21:34:42] <TehNut> Since the lights are in rail_signal_lights.json
L1558[21:34:59] <kenzierocks> well yes...except the body also doesn't render
L1559[21:35:05] <kenzierocks> which i find very confusing
L1560[21:35:11] <TehNut> Is the body in rail_signal?
L1561[21:35:16] <kenzierocks> yea
L1562[21:35:19] <TehNut> oh it is
L1563[21:35:20] <kenzierocks> see the elements list
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L1565[21:37:04] <kenzierocks> TehNut: how would I put the lights model in the item?
L1566[21:37:21] <TehNut> Not too sure. I don't do a lot of fancy models
L1567[21:37:42] <kenzierocks> merp.
L1568[21:40:21] <harmony> is it true that foreach loops are slower than classic fori loops?
L1569[21:40:41] <kenzierocks> maybe?
L1570[21:40:54] <kenzierocks> not enough for it to matter that much i would think
L1571[21:41:18] <kenzierocks> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/256859/is-there-a-performance-difference-between-a-for-loop-and-a-for-each-loop
L1572[21:41:47] <harmony> I think I heard something on an android developers video about not using it
L1573[21:42:47] <TehNut> tldr: "Note that there is no performance penalty for using the for-each loop, even for arrays.
L1574[21:42:56] <kenzierocks> it really depends
L1575[21:43:04] <kenzierocks> know that the for-each loop does create an Iterator
L1576[21:43:04] <abab9579> I think it can be slow by creating iterator. Though if there are few number of lists, it is feasible and foreach loop should be faster
L1577[21:43:15] <kenzierocks> the foreach loop is easily faster over a large LinkedList
L1578[21:44:05] <harmony> maybe I misinterpreted something
L1579[21:45:31] <abab9579> It might be the case where one has large amount of short arrays.
L1580[21:45:43] <harmony> "With an ArrayList, a hand-written counted loop is about 3x faster"
L1581[21:45:49] <harmony> only for arraylist it seems
L1582[21:46:18] <harmony> from https://developer.android.com/training/articles/perf-tips.html#Loops
L1583[21:46:18] <kenzierocks> for anything where list.get(i); is O(1) i would think
L1584[21:46:29] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (~Naiten@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1585[21:46:30] <kenzierocks> ArrayList is like that, LinkedList is not
L1586[21:46:43] <tterrag> because arraylist is exactly what it says
L1587[21:46:46] <tterrag> a list backed by an array
L1588[21:46:48] <harmony> and prob only if you get the length only once
L1589[21:48:49] <harmony> what's the JIT?
L1590[21:49:50] <abab9579> Dynamic Translation?
L1591[21:50:00] <kenzierocks> JIT is just in time
L1592[21:50:01] <tterrag> "Just in time" compiler
L1593[21:50:15] <tterrag> runtime optimization
L1594[21:50:20] <harmony> ahh
L1595[21:50:24] <kenzierocks> java uses it to compile Java bytecode to assembly in the java virutal machine, and perform optimzations while the code runs
L1596[21:50:42] <kenzierocks> JIT is really powerful, see: pypy
L1597[21:50:44] <tterrag> >compile java bytecode to assembly
L1598[21:50:45] <tterrag> uh what
L1599[21:50:56] <capitalthree> java bytecode *is* assembly!
L1600[21:50:57] <kenzierocks> 95% sure it does do that?
L1601[21:51:01] <capitalthree> it's assembly for a pretend cpu
L1602[21:51:02] <kenzierocks> capitalthree: uh, no.
L1603[21:51:04] <kenzierocks> well
L1604[21:51:05] <kenzierocks> i guess
L1605[21:51:08] <kenzierocks> also not pretend
L1606[21:51:08] <capitalthree> :D
L1607[21:51:15] <kenzierocks> there is a cpu that runs java bytecode
L1608[21:51:18] <tterrag> I'd like a link about that. because I've never heard of that
L1609[21:51:24] <kenzierocks> about what
L1610[21:51:32] <kenzierocks> the CPU or it actual compiling down to assembly
L1611[21:51:36] <capitalthree> I guess all cpus are pretend cpus these days
L1612[21:51:37] <tterrag> the latter
L1613[21:52:16] <kenzierocks> http://mechanical-sympathy.blogspot.com/2013/06/printing-generated-assembly-code-from.html
L1614[21:52:26] <kenzierocks> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1503479/how-to-see-jit-compiled-code-in-jvm
L1615[21:54:08] <kenzierocks> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_virtual_machine#Bytecode_interpreter_and_just-in-time_compiler
L1616[21:54:59] <harmony> this is above my level :P
L1617[21:55:11] <tterrag> hm ok
L1618[21:55:15] <tterrag> sounds like that's the main thing it does
L1619[21:55:24] <tterrag> I never really looked deeply into how the JIT worked
L1620[21:55:31] <tterrag> just that it did :P
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L1623[22:00:14] <harmony> lol
L1624[22:00:46] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (~PBlock96@ (Quit: Given the choice between you, I'll take the sea-sick crocodile.)
L1625[22:03:26] <harmony> tfw you hate gradle
L1626[22:03:34] <kenzierocks> ;(
L1627[22:03:36] <kenzierocks> gradle is nice
L1628[22:04:49] <harmony> java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find installation home path. Please make sure bin/idea.properties is present in the installation directory.
L1629[22:05:01] <kenzierocks> lolwut
L1630[22:05:05] <tterrag> doesn't really sound like a gradle problem
L1631[22:05:05] <harmony> > BUILD SUCCESSFUL
L1632[22:05:17] <tterrag> sounds like a java installation problem
L1633[22:05:18] <harmony> it's probably not
L1634[22:05:27] <harmony> more like kotline installation problem
L1635[22:05:31] <harmony> *kotlin
L1636[22:06:29] <tterrag> tfw you hate kotlin
L1637[22:06:32] <kenzierocks> can I apply a blockstates .json to an item?
L1638[22:06:39] <tterrag> kenzierocks, yes
L1639[22:06:42] <kenzierocks> how
L1640[22:06:44] <tterrag> dunno
L1641[22:06:47] <kenzierocks> .-.
L1642[22:06:50] <harmony> :P
L1643[22:06:51] <kenzierocks> you're not helping.
L1644[22:06:51] <tterrag> I just know you can
L1645[22:06:56] <tterrag> look through some repos
L1646[22:07:00] <kenzierocks> i have
L1647[22:07:11] <kenzierocks> perhaps not enough
L1648[22:07:36] <harmony> tfw you have to reinstall windows
L1649[22:08:11] <TehNut> kenzierocks: Direct your ModelLoader.setCMRL to the state you want instead of inventory
L1650[22:08:20] <TehNut> s/state/variant
L1651[22:08:26] <kenzierocks> ..i can do that where
L1652[22:08:38] <TehNut> ...where you call ModelLoader.setCMRL...
L1653[22:08:47] <kenzierocks> oh
L1654[22:08:49] <kenzierocks> there there
L1655[22:08:52] <kenzierocks> ah.
L1656[22:09:08] <harmony> dank memes
L1657[22:09:29] <harmony> it works but it says Kotlin is not configured and gives me an error during a succesful gradle build
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L1659[22:16:50] <diesieben07> Uhh i am sorry but it is "dank maymays" ok? :D
L1660[22:17:11] <harmony> wat?
L1661[22:17:58] <diesieben07> http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nice-maymay-man
L1662[22:20:31] <harmony> ok?
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L1665[22:21:59] <abab9579> How to combine json models with obj/b3d models?
L1666[22:22:17] <harmony> I don't think that works
L1667[22:22:32] <tterrag> there is a MultiModel
L1668[22:22:34] <tterrag> it's done in code though
L1669[22:23:01] <abab9579> Hm.. i wanted to add some additional information using json..
L1670[22:23:19] <tterrag> why not just do it all in obj
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L1672[22:23:58] <abab9579> Basically i want to make it modular
L1673[22:24:13] <kenzierocks> TehNut: that didn't work
L1674[22:24:15] <kenzierocks> inventoryVariant for Block{pereltrains:rail_signal} is attached=north,facing=east,light=none
L1675[22:24:26] <tterrag> you can have parts in obj models
L1676[22:24:31] <kenzierocks> pushed code to https://github.com/TechShroom/PerelTrains/tree/develop if you want to see
L1677[22:24:35] <tterrag> but you'll have to ask fry|sleep about the specifics of hiding parts
L1678[22:24:37] <tterrag> but I know it's possible
L1679[22:24:37] <abab9579> So child models needs to be connected
L1680[22:25:05] <abab9579> Oh. But is translation and rotation available?
L1681[22:25:13] <abab9579> Also
L1682[22:25:29] <abab9579> Parts should be able to be replaced
L1683[22:25:44] <abab9579> Actually that is the major problem.
L1684[22:25:52] <TehNut> I have never tried with multiple properties. I'm not sure if that works
L1685[22:29:08] <abab9579> Why does not specify the builder? Then it does not change anything
L1686[22:29:37] <abab9579> Specify -> Specialize, Customize
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L1690[22:47:42] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L1691[22:51:25] <harmony> nice mod idea kenzierocks
L1692[22:51:32] <kenzierocks> thanks
L1693[22:51:39] <harmony> thoght about something factorio themed too
L1694[22:52:15] <kenzierocks> still can't get the item model to correspond properly.....hmmm
L1695[22:52:25] <harmony> you seem to be on the same level as me regarding commit messages :P
L1696[22:52:42] <kenzierocks> well that's just because i don't have any real code to push yet
L1697[22:52:53] <kenzierocks> i'm only pushing for others to quickly look
L1698[22:53:10] <kenzierocks> after all this is over i'll squash them and call it "initial code" or something
L1699[22:53:35] <harmony> :D
L1700[22:53:48] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L1701[22:53:52] <kenzierocks> ah
L1702[22:53:53] <kenzierocks> AHA
L1703[22:53:57] <kenzierocks> i think i understand now.
L1704[22:54:41] <harmony> nice xD
L1705[22:54:51] <harmony> I still don't know what I'm doing
L1706[22:54:53] <kenzierocks> let's see if i finally got the item to render
L1707[22:55:03] <harmony> rather I don't know what I want to do
L1708[22:55:14] <harmony> going all over the place with programming
L1709[22:55:19] <harmony> making a website
L1710[22:55:33] <harmony> began 2 minecraft mods
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L1712[22:55:41] <harmony> tried some c# monogame
L1713[22:55:58] <harmony> and now another libgdx project I'm probably never gonna finish
L1714[22:56:21] <kenzierocks> got it CLOSER
L1715[22:56:29] <harmony> to rendering?
L1716[22:56:30] <kenzierocks> lights render....but they don't call in to get their tint ;_;
L1717[22:56:39] <harmony> rip
L1718[22:56:41] <kenzierocks> TehNut: do you know if item models can use tint index?
L1719[22:57:03] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1721[22:57:19] <TehNut> Like IItemColor?
L1722[22:57:30] <kenzierocks> ah right
L1723[22:57:34] <kenzierocks> i need to register both
L1724[22:57:46] <TehNut> Register IItemColor in init btw
L1725[23:00:15] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael (~Lathanael@p54961938.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1726[23:01:00] <kenzierocks> TehNut: the body still isnt rendering and that worries me
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L1729[23:08:19] <kenzierocks> new puzzle: why isn't the body, which is in the same model, rendering
L1730[23:08:24] <kenzierocks> while the top/bottom are
L1731[23:12:48] <kenzierocks> TehNut: <3 thanks for the help
L1732[23:12:49] <kenzierocks> https://i.imgur.com/W7fyXfX.png
L1733[23:13:06] <TehNut> got it all working?
L1734[23:13:10] <kenzierocks> yep
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