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L1[00:12:36] ⇨ Joins: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L2[00:15:49] <killjoy> angles are hard.
L3[00:15:55] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
L4[00:16:02] <killjoy> first, java's math tan does rads
L5[00:16:10] <killjoy> then lwjgl does it in degrees
L6[00:16:17] <killjoy> so I have to remember to convert them
L7[00:18:11] <abab9579> Thats basics of geometry
L8[00:18:16] <killjoy> yeah.
L9[00:18:22] <killjoy> but documentation.
L10[00:18:56] <killjoy> It dawned on me that java was probably dealing in rads. And I knew for a fact that lwjgl uses degrees
L11[00:19:15] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE788A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L12[00:19:52] <tterrag> because GL uses degrees :P
L13[00:20:21] <killjoy> I'm doing a thing. http://pastebin.com/7D22Ldir
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L36[01:08:38] <Abastro> They might think that rad/deg is too basic to mention.
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L38[01:10:57] <Abastro> killjoy, if i was too late but double angle = Math.tan(player.motionY / dist); is nonsense.
L39[01:11:18] <Abastro> Should be atan or atan2
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L47[01:20:34] <Wuppy> wow that Microsoft E3 presentation was sick
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L53[01:39:02] <LordSaad> is there a general onBlockBreak in the Block class? theres only onBlockDestroyedbyPlayer and byExplosion. I just need an event for general block destruction
L54[01:42:49] <LordSaad> also is there a block break method in the block class that runs BEFORE it deletes the tile entity?
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L61[01:59:58] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160614 mappings to Forge Maven.
L62[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160614-1.9.4.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160614" in build.gradle).
L63[02:00:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L74[02:22:17] <luacs1998> holy fak https://github.com/DethRaid/nova-renderer
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L76[02:30:07] <Cypher121> lel
L77[02:30:32] <Cypher121> lost it at "I like C++ better than Java"
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L81[02:38:45] <sham1> Wy would you lose yourself there
L82[02:39:05] <gigaherz|work> I like C++ more than Java too, and C# more than both
L83[02:39:18] <sham1> Well you are a microsoft fanboyism
L84[02:39:30] <gigaherz|work> no I'm not a concept
L85[02:39:45] <sham1> Sure you are
L86[02:39:54] <sham1> Not only that, you are abstract
L87[02:40:19] <gigaherz|work> NooooOOOOOoo
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L89[02:41:10] <gigaherz|work> also, I don't have the ability to be a fanboy -- I don't feel things strongly enough for that
L90[02:41:23] <gigaherz|work> I do have preferences, just not mindless obsession
L91[02:41:58] <sham1> Good
L92[02:43:36] <Cypher121> sham1: "I like it more" just doesn't sound like a good excuse to rewrite renderer in a language different from the game itself
L93[02:43:53] <sham1> C++ is faster
L94[02:43:58] <sham1> That is a better reason
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L96[02:44:56] <sham1> But I don't get the line "Java treats you like a child"
L97[02:44:58] <sham1> Where
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L99[02:45:59] <sham1> Because you cannot manually use pointers?
L100[02:46:04] <gigaherz|work> C++ is *slightly* faster
L101[02:46:39] <gigaherz|work> high-level langauges do suck at certain tasks and code patterns
L102[02:46:43] <gigaherz|work> but then again so does C++
L103[02:46:51] <Cypher121> I guess no direct memory and access restrictions are considered childish now
L104[02:47:12] <gigaherz|work> some people consider anything with garbage collection for "noobs and losers"
L105[02:47:23] <gigaherz|work> I know a certain dude
L106[02:47:28] <gigaherz|work> who thinks OOP is for losers
L107[02:47:45] <Cypher121> yeah, they're right. *real* programmers don't leave memory leaks
L108[02:47:45] <gigaherz|work> real coders use low-level languages with manual resource management
L109[02:47:53] <sham1> That guy who thinks that garbage collector is for noobs and losers has obviously not usen Haskell
L110[02:47:55] <gigaherz|work> and anyone who can't take the effort of doing things right shoudl be banned from programming
L111[02:48:08] <gigaherz|work> sham1: that would break his mind
L112[02:48:11] <sham1> Ya
L113[02:48:18] <gigaherz|work> I'm not sure he's able to comprehend a functional programming language
L114[02:48:26] <gigaherz|work> in his mind
L115[02:48:30] <Cypher121> yeah, if OOP is "for losers", functional programming is pretty likely beyond him
L116[02:48:37] <gigaherz|work> the further away a langauge is from how the CPU runs the code
L117[02:48:40] <gigaherz|work> the worse the langauge is
L118[02:48:52] <gigaherz|work> real programmers use languages that allow inline assembler
L119[02:49:27] <gigaherz|work> he also dislikes any device that doesn't let him copy an executable and run it as-is
L120[02:49:48] <gigaherz|work> he hates any Windows version newer than XP
L121[02:49:54] <gigaherz|work> I consider him a computer amish
L122[02:50:00] <Cypher121> hard to be him, I guess
L123[02:50:05] <gigaherz|work> his brain is stuck on 1999/2000
L124[02:50:10] *** AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L125[02:50:24] <sham1> He should write his own OS
L126[02:50:36] <Cypher121> yet another one?
L127[02:50:38] <sham1> Then he could execute as much arbitrary code as he wants
L128[02:52:40] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Ik ga weg)
L129[02:53:09] <sham1> All he would have to worry about is the hardware itself
L130[02:54:32] <gigaherz|work> he did
L131[02:54:35] <gigaherz|work> or well
L132[02:54:36] <gigaherz|work> he started one
L133[02:54:58] <gigaherz|work> he's also sometimes trying to help people fix things in ReactOS
L134[02:56:30] <gigaherz|work> (he rarely codes stuff himself -- he codes in freebasic)
L135[02:56:45] <Cypher121> many people seem to be really insecure about languages they don't know, coming up with any bullshit reason to say that it's worthless and shouldn't be used
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L137[02:58:35] <Cypher121> not saying that's the case with him, but it's just something I'm seeing more and more every day
L138[02:58:54] <sham1> I only do that kind of thing with JavaScript
L139[02:59:53] <Cypher121> I try to catch myself when I start doing that
L140[02:59:53] <sham1> Because I feel that no one should be forced to torture themselves with it
L141[03:00:10] <sham1> Although I can see the appeal
L142[03:00:35] <Cypher121> as for javascript, it's everywhere and it's kinda late to change that, regardless of what you think of the language
L143[03:00:53] <sham1> I await for the arrival of WebASM
L144[03:01:06] <sham1> So I can start writing dynamic websites in whatever language I feel like
L145[03:01:19] <Cypher121> yeah, but all the code already written isn't really going anywhere
L146[03:01:20] <sham1> Without using a language-to-javascript translator
L147[03:02:04] <Cypher121> same with C: like it or not, that language was established so long ago, replacing it would be more destructive than both world wars combined
L148[03:02:28] <sham1> I like C though
L149[03:02:34] <sham1> I don't personally use it, but I like it
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L162[04:00:00] <OrionOnline> Good Morning
L163[04:01:00] <OrionOnline> I have a question regarding middle clicking at blocks. How can i make sure that when a player middle click on one of my block to get an ItemStack, that ItemStack has a specific set of NBT Data?
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L166[04:15:29] <barteks2x> "Exception in thread "Client Shutdown Thread" " --> and now I have nothing in log because all loggers are disabled when JVM shutdown hook is running...
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L168[04:17:05] <sham1> Now to use the debugger
L169[04:18:58] <OrionOnline> sham1, do you know where middleclicks (from for example the CreativeMode) are being handled?
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L171[04:19:22] <sham1> Not really no
L172[04:19:50] <OrionOnline> DAmn
L173[04:20:02] <sham1> ?
L174[04:20:05] <sham1> Meh
L175[04:20:17] <sham1> My terminal has even less of an emoji support than my firefox
L176[04:23:35] <OrionOnline> :P
L177[04:23:44] <LatvianModder> oh what the... its so weird to see an emoji in irc...
L178[04:24:24] * gigaherz|work slaps sham1
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L180[04:25:18] <raoulvdberge> Is there a method like Slot#putStack, but where I am able to return a remainder stack?
L181[04:25:28] <sham1> No, don't slap me
L182[04:25:51] <kashike> ?
L183[04:26:07] <gigaherz|work> raoulvdberge: Slot is for gui
L184[04:26:10] <sham1> ? indeed
L185[04:26:11] <gigaherz|work> there's no "remainder"
L186[04:26:18] <gigaherz|work> you either take a stack, or assign a stack
L187[04:26:36] <gigaherz|work> it doesn't consider whatever was there before
L188[04:26:38] <sham1> Well, Slot is for the container
L189[04:26:42] <sham1> Which is used by the GUI
L190[04:26:53] <gigaherz|work> hence: Slot is for gui purposes.
L191[04:27:06] <raoulvdberge> The server uses slots too, right?
L192[04:27:16] <OrionOnline> Yeah but only for the Container
L193[04:27:25] <raoulvdberge> yes
L194[04:27:53] <OrionOnline> The handling of the ItemStacks is done by the Inventory / IItemHandler
L195[04:28:00] <gigaherz|work> partially by the Container
L196[04:28:04] <gigaherz|work> for shift-click purposes
L197[04:28:05] <OrionOnline> true
L198[04:28:13] <gigaherz|work> there's the mergeStacks helper in there
L199[04:28:22] <OrionOnline> But you could argue that Shift-Click is more or less a Client Side only process
L200[04:28:27] <gigaherz|work> yeah
L201[04:28:38] <gigaherz|work> raoulvdberge: why don't you explain why you think you need it
L202[04:28:42] <raoulvdberge> Actually
L203[04:28:43] <gigaherz|work> and we'll be able to tell you why you don't ;P
L204[04:29:03] <raoulvdberge> So containers / slots handle the result of IItemHandler?
L205[04:29:06] <raoulvdberge> Since that can return a remainder
L206[04:29:06] <OrionOnline> ^ Correct approach
L207[04:29:12] <gigaherz|work> no
L208[04:29:18] <OrionOnline> no
L209[04:29:18] <gigaherz|work> they use IItemHandlerModifiable
L210[04:29:24] <gigaherz|work> they use getStackInSlot/setStackInSlot
L211[04:29:27] <gigaherz|work> put*
L212[04:29:57] <gigaherz|work> or whatever the names were
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L214[04:31:44] <OrionOnline> And that returns the remaining ItemStack
L215[04:32:51] <raoulvdberge> No, it doesn't
L216[04:32:52] <raoulvdberge> void setStackInSlot(int slot, ItemStack stack);
L217[04:32:53] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L218[04:33:37] <OrionOnline> right, question is, is that one called or insertItem from the IItemHandler itself
L219[04:33:57] <raoulvdberge> ((IItemHandlerModifiable) this.getItemHandler()).setStackInSlot(index, stack);
L220[04:34:02] <OrionOnline> Hmm
L221[04:34:06] <raoulvdberge> in SlotItemHandler#putStack
L222[04:34:12] <OrionOnline> Then i think you are out of luck....
L223[04:34:21] <raoulvdberge> yup
L224[04:35:11] <OrionOnline> You will propably have to create your own slot
L225[04:35:26] <OrionOnline> and call insertItem instead of the setStackInslot ont
L226[04:36:12] <raoulvdberge> that won't solve my remainder issue though
L227[04:36:18] <raoulvdberge> since putStack returns void
L228[04:36:58] <OrionOnline> why would you even want the remainder?
L229[04:44:11] <sham1> Woot, I am able to parse URLs
L230[04:44:27] <sham1> Very primitive parsing, but it works
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L232[04:48:34] <barteks2x> Why I always have problems noone else has. 3GB allocated to java, hexchat+terminal+minecraft+idea running, almost 6.5GB ram used
L233[04:48:49] <sham1> Probably IDEA
L234[04:49:08] <barteks2x> idea claims to have 750MB allocated
L235[04:49:18] <barteks2x> *725
L236[04:49:49] <barteks2x> I had to close chrome because I was runnig out of memory again
L237[04:51:32] <sham1> That's the problem
L238[04:51:41] <sham1> Chrome does use a lot of RAM
L239[04:51:48] <sham1> Especially with a lot of extentions
L240[04:53:39] <sham1> And chrome can be a bitch to close down because of the "One process per tab" thing
L241[04:53:43] <sham1> At least on Windows
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L250[05:18:56] <Orion> Is there a way to override the behaviour of ForgeHooks.onPickBlock for a specific Block?
L251[05:30:35] <Orion> Found it
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L255[05:43:40] <masa> raoulvdberge: why do you need it exactly? I do have that in my mod though... :p
L256[05:43:57] <masa> just to help with some of the Container clicking stuff
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L264[06:10:29] <Keridos> diesieben07: thanks for the help yesterday, after cleaning up my lights the bug suddenly stopped occuring
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L269[06:42:37] <Orion> Anybody having an example of an IItemHandler on a Custom TE out? I am looking to convert my IInventory TE's to IItemHandler
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L272[06:46:10] <LatvianModder> Orion: smth like this https://github.com/LatvianModder/FTBLib/blob/1.9/src/main/java/com/feed_the_beast/ftbl/api/tile/TileInvLM.java
L273[06:46:55] <LatvianModder> it has a lot of my methods from TileLM but ignore those
L274[06:47:48] <LatvianModder> if you want to have a gui for it, its pretty much the same as regular chest, except use SlotItemHandler instead of Slot
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L279[07:36:52] <Keridos> i have a weird issue here on 1.9.4, my mod depends on JEI, but for some reason when outside of my dev environment I get a classdefnotfound error when trying to call something that needs a class from JEI although it is in the instance
L280[07:37:11] <Keridos> https://github.com/Keridos/FloodLights/issues/62 what causes this?
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L283[07:52:39] <tterrag> Keridos: looks like you are loading that class when jei is not present
L284[07:57:00] <Keridos> its present
L285[07:57:17] <Keridos> this only happens when JEI is installed
L286[07:57:22] <Keridos> that is the weird thing
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L292[08:15:27] <Keridos> this still is weird, changed my build.gradle exaclt as mezz mentioned on his github
L293[08:15:32] <Keridos> still it fails
L294[08:15:38] <Keridos> seems to be some issue with ATs
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L297[08:21:24] <Keridos> tterrag: shouldnt all mod jars be loaded into the classpath?
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L299[08:23:35] <tterrag> yes?
L300[08:23:50] <gigaherz|work> everything in mods/ is
L301[08:23:54] <Keridos> weird is that I have JEI and my mod in the mods/ folder
L302[08:24:10] <gigaherz|work> even no-@Mod jars
L303[08:24:17] <Keridos> it works fine in my dev env, but in an obfuscated environment it seems to not work
L304[08:24:34] <Keridos> http://paste.ee/p/2u1nl
L305[08:24:57] <Keridos> you can see that JEI is actually being loaded and the class that is not found is present in its jar
L306[08:25:00] <Keridos> i checked that
L307[08:45:47] <Cazzar> Probably different classloaders
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L317[09:39:16] <Keridos> Cazzar: any idea how i can fix that?
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L352[11:11:46] <Wuppy> ermergerd I am so hype for tomorrow
L353[11:11:54] <Wuppy> cd project red is coming by for 2 guest lectures :O
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L369[11:41:30] <Rushmead> My block doenst render in world, but renders in inventory.. any help? https://github.com/Rushmead/LotsOfGenerators
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L372[11:42:53] <kenzierocks> Rushmead: https://github.com/Rushmead/LotsOfGenerators/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/lotsofgenerators/blockstates/coalGenerator.json#L8
L373[11:43:13] <kenzierocks> all of the models should be "lotsofgenerators:blocks/..."
L374[11:43:19] <kenzierocks> or block/
L375[11:43:23] <kenzierocks> whatever the folder is
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L380[12:16:52] <masa> hm, why does Mirror#mirror() do EAST <-> WET in LEFT_RIGHT, but Template.transformedBlockPos() does z = -z in the LEFT_RIGHT case
L381[12:17:59] <masa> also I guess the LEFT_RIGHT is actual mojang naming because the enum has the string name for it as mirror_left_right
L382[12:18:27] <masa> but left_right is so arbitrary name imo, because it would depend on the mirror axis, which doesn't exist in their code
L383[12:18:45] <kenzierocks> all enum constants are mojang names
L384[12:18:45] <masa> so it should rather be something like mirror_z
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L386[12:18:59] <masa> okay
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L405[13:01:30] <infinitefoxes_> Minecraft's mob spawning system seems quite inefficient
L406[13:01:40] <infinitefoxes_> I managed to get http://i.imgur.com/DcvTrn6.png down to http://i.imgur.com/4LVYuYS.png with just some reflection magic
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L411[13:06:01] <LexDesktop> A lot of things in MC are inefficient.
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L413[13:09:02] <infinitefoxes_> would it not be worthwhile to make a PR to Forge with the fix?
L414[13:09:13] <infinitefoxes_> for modpacks the difference is much more drastic
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L417[13:11:24] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Is there a way using BlockStates to have a model have a random offset on the x/y axis without coding anything? A bit like flowers
L418[13:12:50] <infinitefoxes_> Ferdz_TheWeeb: there's Block#getOffsetType which is what BlockFlowers uses
L419[13:12:56] <infinitefoxes_> pretty sure there isn't a way to do it entirely with JSON models
L420[13:13:25] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Then do you know what are the "from" and "to" in model files used for?
L421[13:13:59] <fry> size
L422[13:14:20] ⇨ Joins: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@
L423[13:14:26] <fry> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Model#Block_models
L424[13:14:50] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yeah that's what I'm looking at
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L430[13:35:07] <heldplayer> infinitefoxes_: You forget to mention that the first is over a span of 8 minutes, the second is over 2 minutes
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L432[13:35:38] <heldplayer> Though I don't doubt you could improve it, at least give something we can use to compare properly :p
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L434[13:35:41] <blood|wrk> infinitefoxes_: this is WHY you use a custom mob spawner
L435[13:35:50] <blood|wrk> especially if running forge
L436[13:36:02] <blood|wrk> no point in tweaking MC's
L437[13:36:18] <blood|wrk> JustAnotherSpawner, CMS
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L440[13:39:00] <Delenas> o/ I have a block update issue. A message is being received on the client to update the blockstate, but the block isn't actually updating its renderer. How would I schedule that update?
L441[13:39:37] <diesieben07> why are you sending a custom packet to udpate a blockstate!?
L442[13:39:59] <Delenas> Well. It's to update a tile, which updates getActualState.
L443[13:40:09] <Delenas> Not the ACTUAL blockstate meta.
L444[13:40:12] <diesieben07> so you are not updating the blockstate, you are updating the TE
L445[13:40:26] <Delenas> Right.
L446[13:40:35] <diesieben07> i think the method is notifyBlockUpdate now
L447[13:40:46] <diesieben07> it used to be markBlcokForUpdate, call that on the client
L448[13:41:44] <Delenas> notifyBlockOfStateChange?
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L450[13:42:57] <diesieben07> notifyBlockUpdate
L451[13:43:15] <Delenas> ..how would I get the old and new states, then?
L452[13:43:22] <Delenas> It's overwritten.
L453[13:44:31] <diesieben07> vanilla just passes the same state for btoh
L454[13:45:02] <Delenas> Ah, well. That did it. Thank you.
L455[13:45:22] <gigaherz> \o/ got my Xperia Z5 Compact
L456[13:45:48] <diesieben07> nice
L457[13:46:48] <diesieben07> still rocking the z1 compact but the sony phones are really nice
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L459[13:50:41] <Delenas> Also, @fry- the new blockstate version. Will we be able to specify compound keys? Like.. variants { "bool1=true,bool2=true": { STUFF } } to map what happens when both of those conditions are met?
L460[13:51:38] <fry> hopefully
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L462[13:53:07] <Delenas> Awesome. Vanilla's version is too.. wordy?
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L468[14:02:51] <Wuppy> haha, E3 the theme park: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNta_LHxu3c
L469[14:04:23] <Wuppy> I so very much cannot wait for planet coaster
L470[14:08:23] <tterrag> what you don't want to pay $75 for alpha access? :P
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L474[14:15:20] <infinitefoxes_> blood: I think you're mis-reading the time scale on those graphs
L475[14:15:36] <infinitefoxes_> they're both a 1 minute period with me turning my mob spawner on/off
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L477[14:16:59] <infinitefoxes_> oh, my bad wrong ping
L478[14:17:01] <infinitefoxes_> heldplayer: ^
L479[14:17:39] <heldplayer> Oh yes indeed, I'm a big derp
L480[14:18:03] <heldplayer> Sorry, misread the "30s" as meaning that it was 0 minutes and 30 seconds :p
L481[14:18:20] <infinitefoxes_> yeah the graph is a bit weird, no worries
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L484[14:19:32] <synthetica> I'm probably just stupid. I might be way over-thinking my code here. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get an instance of a specific tile entity. Does anyone know anything?
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L486[14:20:38] <Ordinastie_> world.getTileEntity?
L487[14:20:54] <synthetica> That... would do it. Thanks.
L488[14:21:01] <synthetica> Will test it now.
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L496[14:39:53] <linuxuser9000> so i was thinking about the trading mod I want to make, specifically about whether or not I could implement a trading system without currency.
L497[14:40:29] <linuxuser9000> was also thinking it might be feasible to use an in-game item as currency. for example, logs
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L499[14:42:14] <sham1> You could make your own currency item
L500[14:42:23] <synthetica> Logs are too cheap.
L501[14:43:03] <synthetica> Make an item without a crafting recipe so it can't be made by players. Then, have the players sell their items to get your currency.
L502[14:43:05] <PaleoCrafter> and if you wanted a real economy you wouldn't want people to be able to grow their money in their backyards :P
L503[14:43:14] <synthetica> ^
L504[14:43:44] <Ordinastie_> trading does not necessarily means money
L505[14:43:52] <Ordinastie_> why do you want to have a currency
L506[14:44:03] <Ordinastie_> why not simple let the users chose what they want to trade
L507[14:44:48] <synthetica> That works too.
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L510[14:48:12] <linuxuser9000> Ordinastie_: that's why I was trying to consider a currency-less economy
L511[14:48:29] <linuxuser9000> in said currency-less economy, players would still want something everyone values. like logs!
L512[14:48:38] <linuxuser9000> so for example someone might sell a diamond for 50 logs
L513[14:48:45] <sham1> Logs literally grow everywhere
L514[14:48:51] <PaleoCrafter> making it a de facto currency :P
L515[14:48:54] <linuxuser9000> omg... i just remembered from back when i used to play EVE: there's BUY ORDERS
L516[14:49:14] <Ordinastie_> PaleoCrafter, what would be the currency ?
L517[14:49:16] <linuxuser9000> not only can you post stuff to the market in EVE online for prices, you can also put up buy-orders
L518[14:49:18] <PaleoCrafter> logs
L519[14:49:18] <Ordinastie_> the logs ?
L520[14:49:20] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L521[14:49:23] <PaleoCrafter> you don't get it for the sake of building/burning/whatever but for the sake of buying something
L522[14:49:24] <Ordinastie_> what not the diamond ?
L523[14:49:24] <linuxuser9000> i think logs are a great currency
L524[14:49:52] <linuxuser9000> yes, they grow everywhere. yes, players can go and chop trees down. that will get old though, and it still takes time - real effort
L525[14:50:14] <linuxuser9000> yes, a player could go chop 100 logs and trade them for someone's hard-earned diamond. but what if it took that player less effort to get the diamond than to chop 100 logs?
L526[14:50:29] <linuxuser9000> the player selling the diamond would simply price the diamond appropriately
L527[14:50:44] <Ordinastie_> why are you even talking about the contents of the trades, they're not up to you
L528[14:51:13] <linuxuser9000> if we're just talking a bartering system then that's different from what i want to make
L529[14:51:22] <Ordinastie_> whether it's a diamond for logs, or redstone for quartz blocks, just let the players simply put what they want to trade in
L530[14:51:29] <linuxuser9000> i want to make a market mod with lists of what's on the market, for what price
L531[14:51:56] <Ordinastie_> why does the price as to be a specific item ?
L532[14:52:08] <linuxuser9000> Ordinastie_: you're thinking more of a 1 on 1 trading mod, not a market mod. im thinking of a market mod where there's a made-up 'market' which can be browsed through chat commands
L533[14:52:08] <PaleoCrafter> if you *want* a currency, introduce a custom item or make it completely virtual :P
L534[14:52:46] <Ordinastie_> linuxuser9000, that doesn't require a limitation on the type of item to trade
L535[14:52:47] <linuxuser9000> the problem with completely virtual currency is that idk how to both give out the first few 'dollars', and also how to stop inflation from happening
L536[14:52:55] <Rushmead> My block is still invisible... not sure why! https://github.com/Rushmead/LotsOfGenerators
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L538[14:53:09] <PaleoCrafter> also, if you introduced a custom item, why do a cumbersome chat UI? :P
L539[14:53:23] <linuxuser9000> I'm not introducing a custom item
L540[14:53:48] <linuxuser9000> Ordinastie_: so you're suggesting that a player puts up a diamond and says "I'll only take 2 iron blocks for this"?
L541[14:54:01] <linuxuser9000> that's a really inflexible system if you ask me. if im interpreting you correctly
L542[14:54:03] <Ordinastie_> why not ?
L543[14:54:17] <Ordinastie_> how is that inflexible ?
L544[14:54:44] <linuxuser9000> that's more of a one on one trading system, like the kind in World of Warcraft or something where two inventories open @ the same time and people place stuff in to each. that's bartering, but i could be wrong as i never took an economics class
L545[14:54:57] <PaleoCrafter> it is
L546[14:55:11] <PaleoCrafter> for a market, you really wouldn't want that kind of trade, I'd say
L547[14:55:21] <Ordinastie_> I don't see why not
L548[14:55:40] <linuxuser9000> That's why I was toying of the idea of using Logs as currency. Logs have value in themselves, and can be obtained in a controlled way already (chopping trees)
L549[14:56:46] <PaleoCrafter> if you wanted 2 iron ingots for a diamond, Ordinastie_, you'd probably ask someone directly for it and wouldn't put it up on some list
L550[14:56:55] <linuxuser9000> for a split second I toyed with the idea of giving each new player 100 magical virtual currency units, and then that's it - no other way to generate more currency, so the currency hopefully would flow around the 'market'. but then i realized a player could just use friends' accounts to log in and become artifically rich
L551[14:57:03] <sham1> In a post-scarcity world, literally nothing has value
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L553[14:57:22] <linuxuser9000> sham1: what?
L554[14:57:35] <linuxuser9000> sham1: I'm thinking in terms of vanilla minecraft, not heavily modded minecraft
L555[14:57:36] <Ordinastie_> PaleoCrafter, yes, but you as a modder, just provide the means, you shouldn't really care about how it's used
L556[14:57:57] <sham1> linuxuser9000: vanilla is post-scarcity because you have infinite resources in the world
L557[14:58:00] <PaleoCrafter> but it's a different kind of mod :P
L558[14:58:14] <linuxuser9000> sham1: infinite resources DOESN'T mean that a player CURRENTLY HAS infinite resources
L559[14:58:30] <linuxuser9000> it takes time and effort to go and gather those resources even if there's an infinite amount
L560[14:58:39] <Ordinastie_> considering tree farm can be automated...
L561[14:58:39] <sham1> They can just say I.O.U. this amount of stuff
L562[14:58:43] <PaleoCrafter> a currency is much more helpful for what they want to achieve: it acts as intermediate means to "convert" from one product to another
L563[14:58:49] <sham1> ^
L564[14:58:54] <linuxuser9000> Ordinastie_: automating a tree farm on vanilla isn't feasible iirc
L565[14:58:58] <sham1> That's the entire idea behind money
L566[14:59:03] <PaleoCrafter> yah xD
L567[14:59:42] <PaleoCrafter> but logs really are the worst choice for currency, imo xD
L568[14:59:46] <linuxuser9000> Why?
L569[15:00:02] <linuxuser9000> AFAIK there's no auto-log farm
L570[15:00:14] <linuxuser9000> and if there is it takes mods or insane grinder setups and won't work 24/7
L571[15:00:42] <PaleoCrafter> 1) It's still way too easy to multiply 2) It has a practical use, something you don't really want from a currency
L572[15:00:44] <sham1> How do you ensure that there is not
L573[15:00:54] <linuxuser9000> I liked the idea that it has practical use
L574[15:01:11] <linuxuser9000> It gives the 'currency' (logs) actual value
L575[15:01:15] <linuxuser9000> like gold coins
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L577[15:01:37] <sham1> Gold coins are valuable because they are shiny and scarce
L578[15:01:37] <linuxuser9000> sham1: on vanilla, it's either impossible or nearly impossible to make an automated tree farm
L579[15:01:42] <sham1> Semi-automated
L580[15:02:01] <sham1> And chopping down a tree is not the most time consuming task in vanilla
L581[15:02:05] <sham1> Especially when in a farm
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L583[15:02:47] <Ordinastie_> and then a mod like treecapitator is added and your currency becomes shit
L584[15:02:50] <linuxuser9000> Well, I assume it wouldn't be 1 log for 1 diamond... but ok, you guys have given me enough info to consider implementing currency instead. the problem with currency is that it also has its slew of problems, like inflation, and the amount that's circulating a market
L585[15:03:18] <sham1> Inflation and economics in general is something your players have to deal with
L586[15:03:21] <linuxuser9000> Though i suppose any currency can suffer inflation
L587[15:03:48] <Ordinastie_> and you need a balanced way to create money too
L588[15:04:01] <PaleoCrafter> inflation is properly way easier too "generate" when you have logs as currency :P
L589[15:04:05] <PaleoCrafter> *probably
L590[15:04:26] <linuxuser9000> Earlier I considered giving each new account '100 magic monopoly dollars', but then reconsidered when I realized people could just use all their freinds' accounts to get more money
L591[15:04:56] <sham1> Effort vs reward
L592[15:05:03] <sham1> I don't think many would do that to be honest
L593[15:05:20] <linuxuser9000> well back when i played on a certain server, i had like 7 accounts i'd log into each day for rewards
L594[15:05:26] <linuxuser9000> so i know some people would
L595[15:05:33] <Digitalsabre> So, I read about a mod that puts specific flowers on the surface above ores, but I can't remember what it's called. Can anyone help me ID the mod?
L596[15:06:29] <linuxuser9000> synthetica: is your geo mod still crashing?
L597[15:07:04] <synthetica> I fixed the crash. Still kind of stuck. Thanks for asking.
L598[15:07:20] <linuxuser9000> I just cloned your repo - how do i run the mod?
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L600[15:07:34] <linuxuser9000> do I just start an intellij project in the GeologoyMod folder and import the build.gradel?
L601[15:08:15] <synthetica> You should be able to open Intellij and import the build.gradle. Then, setupDecompWorkspace and genIntellijRuns.
L602[15:08:36] <linuxuser9000> oh so i need to copy over the gradlew file to do that
L603[15:08:44] <synthetica> Then you can run the mod, but the code on the repo doesn't work.
L604[15:09:06] <synthetica> Yes, you need the gradlew. I didn't add it because I have Gradle already installed.
L605[15:10:06] <sham1> You should add it
L606[15:10:14] <linuxuser9000> oh so i can just apt-get install gradle
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L608[15:10:18] <synthetica> Yeah, I guess so.
L609[15:10:28] <sham1> Well, yeah
L610[15:10:50] <synthetica> Depends on your Ubuntu version, linuxuser9000. Sometimes, the Gradle version is outdated, but yeah, try it.
L611[15:10:57] <sham1> Also, you using Ubuntu?
L612[15:11:00] <sham1> Hmm
L613[15:11:05] <sham1> I don't know how to feel about this
L614[15:11:10] <linuxuser9000> mint. synthetica , do i imoprt existing project?
L615[15:11:18] <sham1> But yeah, sometimes packages in Ubuntu are kind of old
L616[15:11:30] <sham1> And because Mint uses Ubuntu's packages
L617[15:11:31] <sham1> Well
L618[15:11:46] <synthetica> You can probably just click open and find the build.gradle.
L619[15:11:58] <synthetica> I think that works.
L620[15:12:16] <linuxuser9000> when i try that i get an error 'gradle location is not specified'
L621[15:12:26] <synthetica> Try importing.
L622[15:17:31] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L623[15:19:51] <synthetica> If you want to run the latest working version, you can go to http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/geology-mod
L624[15:19:55] <LatvianModder> BlayTheNinth: How to I set my IRCBridge bot's NickServ name?
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L637[15:39:12] <linuxuser9000> hurray i finally got example mod working
L638[15:39:15] <linuxuser9000> bbl
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L646[15:59:53] <TechnicianLP> is it okay to read a capability from nbt when it is requested? (or shoul i keep an instance from it per tileentity? which i dont like somehow)
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L649[16:00:35] <diesieben07> you keep an instance of it per TE, that's how capabilities are designed
L650[16:00:40] <tterrag> there's no reason to store anything in NBT in a TE
L651[16:00:43] <tterrag> ever
L652[16:00:50] <tterrag> except for read/write methods
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L655[16:01:55] <Keridos> mezz, you there?
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L657[16:03:12] <Keridos> hm, diesieben07 your tips were partially right, i cleaned up the class and suddenly the bug from yesterday vanished
L658[16:03:30] <diesieben07> that TE NBT thing right?
L659[16:03:34] <Keridos> yes
L660[16:03:38] <diesieben07> cool
L661[16:03:43] <Keridos> thanks for that
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L663[16:04:08] <diesieben07> lol i didn't do that much useful, but np
L664[16:04:48] <Keridos> now back to my weird bug here, got JEI and load a class from it (interface) when JEI is present, my mod starts fine without JEI, but as soon as JEI is added it fails with this: https://paste.ee/p/EQtbd
L665[16:05:12] <Keridos> i doublechecked, the class is definitely there in the JEI jar
L666[16:05:25] <Keridos> i followed the steps mezz has on his wiki for jei
L667[16:06:54] <diesieben07> can you link your repo again?
L668[16:07:09] <Keridos> https://github.com/Keridos/FloodLights
L669[16:07:33] <Keridos> note its not yet uploaded, the build gradle in my local repo is differed to be like the jei github described
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L671[16:09:02] <Keridos> it works fine in my dev env, but in an obfuscated environment it fails to load the IItemBlacklist class from jei, though its present in the jar
L672[16:09:10] <TechnicianLP> theres cofh for 1.8?
L673[16:09:12] <tterrag> same path?
L674[16:09:16] <tterrag> no
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L676[16:09:19] <Keridos> yes tterrag
L677[16:09:33] <diesieben07> ah i see why, you might want to do after:JEI
L678[16:09:40] <diesieben07> because you are accessing clases in construction
L679[16:09:45] <Keridos> diesieben07: tried that, doesnt work either
L680[16:09:56] <tterrag> stop classloading JEI during constrution
L681[16:09:58] <tterrag> period
L682[16:10:04] <Keridos> wait, maybe need to modify my mcmod stuff
L683[16:10:05] <diesieben07> yeah that too maybe
L684[16:10:06] <tterrag> that's naughty :(
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L686[16:10:43] <Keridos> diesieben07: tterrag i access it in init
L687[16:10:58] <Keridos> where am i accessing them in construction?
L688[16:11:09] <diesieben07> https://github.com/Keridos/FloodLights/blob/master/src/main/java/de/keridos/floodlights/FloodLights.java#L39
L689[16:11:20] <Keridos> that does that?
L690[16:11:21] <diesieben07> that's in clinit even
L691[16:11:24] <diesieben07> not even construction
L692[16:11:25] <Keridos> ok thanks gonna try it
L693[16:13:24] <mezz> you should not implement IItemBlacklist
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L696[16:14:17] <Keridos> mezz how would I properly blacklist items them from inside my mod in java?
L697[16:14:53] <mezz> the only thing you implement is IModPlugin with the @JEIPlugin annotation
L698[16:15:02] <mezz> see the many example mods that use it
L699[16:15:35] <mezz> see VanillaPlugin.java in JEI
L700[16:15:59] <mezz> you get the blacklist in your register function, from registry.getJeiHelpers.getItemBlacklist()
L701[16:16:45] * diesieben07 mumbles something about API design
L702[16:16:54] <mezz> you do not need @Optional because JEI is the only thing that calls your plugin
L703[16:16:59] <diesieben07> if the interface is not supposed to be implemted, make it so it cannot be implemented :D
L704[16:17:10] <mezz> no diesieben07
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L706[16:17:35] <mezz> how would that make sense or be enforced?
L707[16:18:10] <diesieben07> well, you said you are not supposed to implement it, so there is the "make sense" part
L708[16:18:27] <mezz> you only implement one interface in JEI, which you can see from the example mods
L709[16:18:46] <mezz> interfaces are used to keep implementation private
L710[16:18:52] <diesieben07> i know.
L711[16:19:05] <mezz> then I don't understand what you're getting at
L712[16:19:22] <tterrag> in this case idk about that. what is the reason for separating IItemBlacklist? if you don't expect custom implementations
L713[16:19:33] <diesieben07> what i am getting at is if something is not supposed to be done, why is it possible
L714[16:19:39] <mezz> because it's java?
L715[16:19:53] <mezz> implementing the interface doesn't make sense, how would it be used?
L716[16:19:58] <mezz> there is nowhere to plug it in
L717[16:20:14] <diesieben07> well then the Keridos did a derp.
L718[16:20:27] <Keridos> i am sure i derped there
L719[16:21:10] <Keridos> mezz: the annotation does everything so I do not need to call anything from anywhere in my mod, right?
L720[16:21:18] <mezz> yes
L721[16:21:29] <mezz> I create the instance of your plugin by finding the annotated class
L722[16:21:35] <mezz> so if JEI is missing, it will not be called
L723[16:21:37] <Keridos> ok then thanks you 3 for your help
L724[16:21:42] <mezz> that way you don't have to worry about option or anything
L725[16:21:45] <mezz> no problem
L726[16:21:49] <tterrag> I still don't see what the point of it being an interface at all is
L727[16:21:58] <mezz> tterrag, so implementation is hidden
L728[16:22:02] <tterrag> what?
L729[16:22:13] <tterrag> "hidden" meaning what?
L730[16:22:17] <mezz> you get an interface
L731[16:22:21] <mezz> how it works it not your concern
L732[16:22:34] <diesieben07> could do the same with a class which is all abstract
L733[16:22:43] <tterrag> how does that solve anything diesieben07
L734[16:22:44] <diesieben07> then you could make it non-extendable except by you
L735[16:22:50] <mezz> I guess
L736[16:22:51] <tterrag> what? how?
L737[16:22:57] <diesieben07> package private constructor
L738[16:23:00] <tterrag> I suppose
L739[16:23:15] <tterrag> that still seems unnecessary. what is the point of "hiding implementation"? it's not like the code is secret
L740[16:23:27] <mezz> putting code in your API is bad design
L741[16:23:39] <diesieben07> it means that nobody can access the code
L742[16:23:42] <tterrag> can you actually tell me why other than "it is" ?
L743[16:23:45] <diesieben07> if that were the case, the code would be part of the API
L744[16:23:49] <diesieben07> meaning you could never change it
L745[16:23:55] <mezz> I can change the code however I want without changing the API
L746[16:23:58] <tterrag> idk about that
L747[16:24:19] <tterrag> plenty of the java standard API is full implementations and they change inner workings all the time
L748[16:24:26] <tterrag> as long as the method behaves the same externally
L749[16:24:40] <mezz> java stuff is extendable
L750[16:24:43] <Keridos> i found it pretty funny that it took my mods users almost a week to tell me that my mod crashes with JEI installed on 1.8.9 and 1.9.4
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L755[16:36:00] <LexDesktop> infinitefoxes_, as you've provided exactly zero details i cant say if its worth anything or not.
L756[16:36:06] <LexDesktop> and a custom mob spawner isnt the answer
L757[16:36:22] <LexDesktop> the answer is to not do stupid shit
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L759[16:38:13] <masa> hmm, the player update and position code is rather confusing...
L760[16:39:05] <masa> not sure what would be the best place to teleport a player
L761[16:39:47] <masa> doing it from onENtityCollidedWithBlock of from a PlayerTickHandler doesn't work on a server or gives moved wrongly errors or other crap
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L763[16:41:45] <masa> and even vanilla has horrible riding entity sync issues in 1.9.x so it seems that those parts of the code are a real mess anyway
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L771[17:03:40] <Keridos> meh windows file case insensivity does shit when programming MC mods
L772[17:03:52] <Keridos> java is case sensetive in reading jars
L773[17:04:04] <Keridos> just noticed that most of my item textures did not load when in a jar
L774[17:04:18] <Keridos> i really need to get my linux up running and put windows in a damn vm
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L777[17:05:25] <diesieben07> ... or make everything lowercase
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L787[17:23:54] <Keridos> yeah
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L789[17:24:33] <Keridos> still had the item.getRegistryName() in my register method in the client proxy, just added toLowerCase() to it
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L791[17:28:18] <diesieben07> just make it lowercase in the first place...?
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L794[17:31:48] <Keridos> i do not feel like changing all my registry names in a small version bump is a good idea ;-)
L795[17:31:57] <diesieben07> :D
L796[17:32:07] <diesieben07> name your files properly then :P
L797[17:32:17] <diesieben07> because ResourceLocation does not have a toLowerCase anyways ;)
L798[17:33:01] <Keridos> oh you know, renaming files to a different capitalization on windows with git is horrible
L799[17:33:05] <Keridos> it bugs everywhere
L800[17:33:33] <Keridos> like it literally is too stupid, even if you successfully rename it on the remote repository
L801[17:33:47] <Keridos> i still had do delete my entire local repo and reclone it
L802[17:34:01] <Keridos> else windows would everytime f'ck it up
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L804[17:34:23] <Keridos> it just works out of the box on ext4 under linux
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L809[17:40:53] <mikebald> you can set git to ignore case; I do that normally
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L815[17:49:02] <lKinx> where are the default sound files located?
L816[17:51:33] <diesieben07> you mean in the actual game?
L817[17:51:55] <diesieben07> or in dev?
L818[17:51:59] <lKinx> I'm mainly looking for sounds.json. I can't seem to find it in dev
L819[17:52:36] <Keridos> wtf, my onBlockActivated is activated twice on the server
L820[17:52:39] <Keridos> that is weird
L821[17:53:01] <lKinx> keridos, you probably already did this, but did you do a sided check?
L822[17:53:01] <Keridos> is it called once per hand?
L823[17:53:10] <barteks2x> It's the first time I have merge with no conflicts, both branches compile but there is a compile error after the merge
L824[17:53:11] <lKinx> perhaps
L825[17:53:13] <Keridos> lKinx: yes, its both at server
L826[17:53:33] <barteks2x> what is a good way to handle something like this?
L827[17:53:46] <lKinx> depends on the error
L828[17:54:05] <barteks2x> after the merge the code is overriding method that no longer exists
L829[17:54:21] <lKinx> hmm
L830[17:54:29] <lKinx> have you tried using a newer forge?
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L832[17:54:43] <barteks2x> this is *because* I updated forge in oneof the branches
L833[17:54:55] <lKinx> perhaps that update isn't stable yet
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L835[17:55:37] <barteks2x> It's just my code doing bad things that normally shouldn't be done. I'm asking how to handle it using git. Rebase the merge commit? Add another commit that fixes itt?
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L837[17:56:01] <Keridos> diesieben07: does onBLockActivated get called for each hand in 1.9.4?
L838[17:56:03] <lKinx> oh I see
L839[17:56:11] <diesieben07> uh idk
L840[17:56:25] <Keridos> like my block here gets that method called twice per click
L841[17:58:03] <diesieben07> lKinx, assets are not named their actual name
L842[17:58:15] <diesieben07> check out what DefaultResourcePack does
L843[17:58:26] <lKinx> Keridos: my onBlockActivated only fires once
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L845[17:58:51] <Keridos> lKinx: apparently when you return false it does fire twice
L846[17:59:06] <Keridos> i had a return false on the client
L847[17:59:43] <lKinx> interesting
L848[18:01:12] <Keridos> that seems to work in 1.8.9 but in 1.9.4 it does weird things
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L861[18:32:38] <Prospector> Is there any way at all to have multiple texture layers on blocks like you can on items?
L862[18:36:03] <Prospector> Er..with jsons
L863[18:36:48] <Prospector> As in not with a TESR or something like that
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L867[18:41:37] <tterrag> can't you just have two overlapping boxes?
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L872[18:45:50] <barteks2x> Why everyone wants to make Minecraft worldgen multithreaded... even cuchaz wanted to do that for cubic chunks.
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L874[18:50:20] <diesieben07> because there are basically no single-core CPUs out there anymore
L875[18:50:33] <diesieben07> and you can only fully take advantage of a multi-core CPU if you have multiple threads
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L877[18:51:21] <Ordinastie_> and you can only fully fuck up your sofwares if you have multiple threads :p
L878[18:51:26] <kenzierocks> ^
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L880[18:51:38] <diesieben07> lol
L881[18:51:40] <kenzierocks> multithreading doesn't always make something faster as well
L882[18:51:48] <kenzierocks> it can...but not always
L883[18:52:00] <diesieben07> of course
L884[18:52:01] <kenzierocks> worldgen could happen, but then modders + multithreading
L885[18:52:16] <diesieben07> but worldgen is a divide and conquer type problem
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L891[19:06:02] <barteks2x> in minecraft it's ... dofferent
L892[19:06:27] <barteks2x> even just making lighting + multithreading work would be near impossible
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L894[19:06:59] <kashike> craftbukkit forks had async lightning in 1.7.10
L895[19:07:02] <kashike> or something
L896[19:07:24] <barteks2x> hell no, I don't want to touch it. I have enough problems with lighting
L897[19:07:33] <kashike> lol
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L899[19:09:06] <barteks2x> and considering that a major bottleneck for worldgen is lighting and getChunkFromChunk/BlockCoords (the second would need to be synchronized, and the first depends on the second) - I don't see how multithreaded worldgen could be much faster
L900[19:09:25] <kashike> https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper-1.7/blob/master/Spigot-Server-Patches/0046-Configurable-async-light-updates.patch
L901[19:09:27] <barteks2x> (at least in cubic chunks it's the case, but in vanilla it seems similar)
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L903[19:12:08] <flappy> barteks2x: it's not like you have to design for multithreading for your thing to work like a properly multithreaded one or something
L904[19:13:04] <barteks2x> If I don't make it multithreaded, there is a chance of getting other mods to be more-or-less compatible. With multithreading - nope.
L905[19:14:06] <Prospector> tterrag, if there's two overlapping boxes won't they have z-fighting issues?
L906[19:14:30] <barteks2x> And I know that things would break if I did that - I already have a piee of debug code that accesses chun list from ChunkProvider to display it on screen from separate thread. And it throws CME every few seconds
L907[19:14:36] <tterrag> not if they are exactly the same size Prospector
L908[19:16:04] <barteks2x> I've seen a project that does that for Spigot (fully multithreaded worldgen) but lighting didn't really work with that
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L912[19:19:11] <flappy> barteks2x: said project'd probably explode with forge mods
L913[19:19:44] <barteks2x> there, I found it: https://github.com/softpak/HOSE/blob/master/src.patch
L914[19:20:28] <kashike> oh dear, not that again
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L916[19:21:17] <barteks2x> (I'm not going to touch anythign related to it, I'm just suprised that it's anythig even close to working0
L917[19:25:42] <killjoy> Can someone check my math? Whenever the dist is very small, it seems to spin me several times. https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/d2df3894a8442722d568200740d109ad
L918[19:25:44] <kashike> barteks2x: https://github.com/Poweruser/Migot/tree/master/Spigot-Server-Patches
L919[19:25:46] <kashike> more
L920[19:26:51] <kenzierocks> killjoy: atan2 plz
L921[19:26:58] <kenzierocks> instead of tan
L922[19:27:41] <kenzierocks> wait
L923[19:27:46] <kenzierocks> what
L924[19:27:55] <kenzierocks> nvm
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L927[19:28:26] <kenzierocks> wait killjoy why are you using tan
L928[19:28:29] <kenzierocks> not arctan
L929[19:28:40] <kenzierocks> to compute an angle
L930[19:28:43] <killjoy> it's what I learned my junior year of high school.
L931[19:28:51] <kenzierocks> tan(theta) -> ratio
L932[19:28:55] <kenzierocks> not tan(ration) -> theta
L933[19:28:58] <killjoy> tangent opposite / adjacent
L934[19:29:02] <kenzierocks> right
L935[19:29:06] <kenzierocks> tan = O/A
L936[19:29:12] <kenzierocks> not tan(O/A) = theta
L937[19:29:56] <barteks2x> as I said, I'm not going to touch multithreading in a mod that already changes so many things. Even if it's possible. It will make updating the mod even harder.
L938[19:29:56] <killjoy> wel..
L939[19:30:21] <kashike> barteks2x: I know, just thought you might find it interesting
L940[19:30:33] <kenzierocks> killjoy: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Math.html#tan-double-
L941[19:30:43] <kenzierocks> is "player.motionY / dist" an angle
L942[19:30:54] <barteks2x> it is, I may use some ideas from these patches if it will be needed
L943[19:30:55] <killjoy> That makes everything a lot smoother, too
L944[19:31:13] <killjoy> dist is motionX and motionZ
L945[19:31:18] <killjoy> a vector really
L946[19:31:25] <killjoy> combined
L947[19:31:39] <killjoy> basically my horizontal movement on a 2d plane
L948[19:31:40] <kenzierocks> magnitude of the vector
L949[19:31:50] <killjoy> yes
L950[19:32:01] <kenzierocks> "player.motionY / dist" is still not an angle in that case
L951[19:32:01] <kenzierocks> :P
L952[19:32:08] <killjoy> yes, I know
L953[19:32:09] <kenzierocks> use atan2
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L956[19:32:36] <killjoy> It's really hard to draw out a 3d plane
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L960[19:33:14] <Horfius> Because 3d planes don't exist? (A plane in 3d space can, however, but a plane is a flat 2d object)
L961[19:33:32] <killjoy> I'm aware
L962[19:33:36] <Horfius> :P
L963[19:35:29] <killjoy> This is what I'm trying to do. https://www.dropbox.com/s/76i4hyzo7uvqzsm/2016-06-14%2020-34-15.mp4?dl=0
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L965[19:37:00] <Horfius> The weird wing rotation thing?
L966[19:37:05] <killjoy> no.
L967[19:37:12] <kashike> neat looking world
L968[19:37:21] <killjoy> I'm rotating towards the direction I'm going
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L978[20:00:00] <killjoy> Is there a way to tell if I'm travelling backwards from the renderer?
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L991[20:23:14] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> How can I set the bounding box size of a block in 1.9? getBoundingBox and such are now deprecated
L992[20:24:01] <kenzierocks> just internal deprecation, you can use it still
L993[20:24:53] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I'd rather update to the new way of doing things, is there no alternative?
L994[20:25:08] <williewillus> that's the way you do it
L995[20:25:13] <williewillus> those are mojang's internal annotations
L996[20:26:05] <kenzierocks> i mean, you could /try/ doing it per-block-state, but i feel like that would break
L997[20:26:44] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> But how does Mojang do it then? Do they go through blockstates?
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L1001[20:29:53] <williewillus> you don't know what they mean when they put deprec on it
L1002[20:29:56] <williewillus> it's for their internal usage
L1003[20:29:59] <williewillus> for now just use it
L1004[20:30:12] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Alright, thanks :)
L1005[20:33:03] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Well, actually Block#setBlockBounds doesn't exist anymore, is there a way I can set the block bounds without actually creating a block class for each block?
L1006[20:33:53] <kenzierocks> don't think so
L1007[20:34:23] <tterrag> make one in your own block
L1008[20:34:52] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Eh, I'm just going to code the equivalent of setBlockBounds
L1009[20:35:00] <tterrag> that's what I just said
L1010[20:35:58] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Yeah sorry, message didn't appear until I sent mine :P
L1011[20:36:08] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> potatonet
L1012[20:36:33] <williewillus> don't do it the old way just have a private static final AxisAlignedBB AABB = whatever
L1013[20:36:36] <williewillus> and return that
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L1015[20:36:50] <williewillus> idk how notch even thought the old way was a good idea :P
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L1017[20:38:52] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> That's what I did, http://pastebin.com/P4GFMTke that way I don't have to create a new class for every block
L1018[20:39:32] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Because using the old way, the bounding box could dynamically change according to the state I guess
L1019[20:39:38] <williewillus> it still can
L1020[20:39:46] <williewillus> the old way is just super thread-unsafe
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L1022[20:40:15] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> I'm all about simplicity of codeà
L1023[20:40:27] <williewillus> correctness first
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L1027[20:48:19] <killjoy> are client entities not sent motions?
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L1032[20:54:42] <killjoy> Yup, motions seems to be server only.
L1033[20:54:59] <killjoy> I've made due using pos - prevPos
L1034[20:58:53] <killjoy> what do the Entity#chasingPos fields do?
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L1040[21:01:08] <KnightMiner> Assuming it is related to one of the things mentioned in 1.8, entities can use it to determine where they are targeting
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L1047[21:02:38] <killjoy> Anyway, I had to change my code a bit so it works for other players' renderers.
L1048[21:02:45] <killjoy> aparently motionX isn't updated on the client.
L1049[21:02:46] <killjoy> https://git.io/vo4EJ
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L1086[23:02:40] <rebecca> Has anyone been playing with moving frame type mods with the new (=> 1.9.4) version? (like Remain in Motion or Funky Locomotion) ??
L1087[23:03:18] <barteks2x> Is it a feature or a bug that the amount of spawned entities in a chunk depends on max block height in chunk?
L1088[23:04:27] <barteks2x> if it's a fewture - then I essentially need a different idea for how it should work
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L1093[23:07:02] <barteks2x> ir actually, I probably misinterpreted the code
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L1095[23:07:28] <Delenas> So, I've been fighting with the Minecraft sleep code for hours now trying to preserve tile data. Whenever someone sleeps, the tile info is wiped and I cannot figure out why. x.x
L1096[23:07:37] <Delenas> Someone mind sanity checking me here? https://github.com/ZornTaov/BedcraftAndBeyond/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/zornco/bedcraftbeyond/common/blocks/BlockBedBase.java
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L1100[23:09:08] <Delenas> I'm thinking it has something to do with the getUpdateTag changes, but.. I don't know the system well enough.
L1101[23:10:08] <barteks2x> mob spawning code is weird. No matter what way I do it, it will be wrong. if I keep it as is, then it will depend even more on render distance. If I "fix" it - it will be different than vanilla
L1102[23:12:22] <Delenas> This is the last bug I need to fix before a release. It's driving me nuts. x.x
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L1104[23:13:57] <rebecca> Delenas: short drive?
L1105[23:14:13] <rebecca> ;)
L1106[23:15:37] <Delenas> ?
L1107[23:17:17] <Delenas> AT this point I'm wondering why Mojang is keeping this asinine sleep code. Why not include a hashmap of UUID -> BlockPos and check that to see if a player is sleeping, and where? Why shove that in a bed? Bluh.
L1108[23:18:42] <Delenas> The only thing a bed should care about is if there's a player in it. That check can loop through a "sleeping" map, not through /every friggin player/ to check if /anyone/ is sleeping and their position is the same.
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L1110[23:26:02] <rebecca> Delenas: sorry, just joking about being nuts. that does sound like a frustrating problem
L1111[23:27:06] <Delenas> It's just.. they're doing this kind of thing in a way that's so absurdly inefficient. Then people wonder why the game is horribly optimized.
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